got excited from chatting with some of the LM discord server so i decided to draw a Hylian Prince (Koridai) with my Hylian Prince (Zelden) Koridai teasing Prince Zelden about the usual things,
Koridai (left) belongs to Frulle of @linked-maze
Prince Zelden (right) belongs to Zaiah (me) of @zelda-a-new-age
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i realized very quickly that Prince Zelden's redesign took some inspiration from two of the Linked Maze characters. He already had a lot of his features before i put him in the twink machine. (hair, circlet, etc) but it's quite funny to notice the similarities!
later in the story i'll draw him with his other character inspiration from LM!!
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gl1tchxr · 11 months
is howleen an acceptable name for a fakemon?
sneak peak of said fakemon
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itsbebebe · 1 year
Btw it is lowkey absurd (albeit understandable) that bbh Aypierre and maximus of all ppl explored less of their area of the maze they discovered than tubbo roier and charlie
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sherrylephotography · 2 years
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photo taken 5/20/22
posted 1/23
A-maze-ing Laughter is a 2009 bronze sculpture by Yue Minjun,
Morton Park Vancouver BC Canada
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A-maze-ing laughter puts a smile on my face .
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zelcii · 27 days
the way ben died in the movies was criminal, and if u say otherwise, i will hang u.
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girl-drink-drunk · 8 months
as if worried i didn't already like the show, the librarians gave me a christmas special episode with bruce campbell as santa claus, matt frewer coming back to try and kill him and all of it directed by jonathan frakes. love is real.
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thesumofallmyfears · 11 months
I think the Strictly peeps need to be made aware that it would appear Craig has lost his 10 paddle... Please for the love of all that is sequinned, if it's not a 10, tell us why, please, PLEASE, seriously, why? What could be done to make it a 10, feedback needed, CRAIG, CRAIG!!!
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candydos · 1 year
Beta's Gonna Hate/The A-maize-ing Maze
(if that doesn't work, try https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tyx1q2A5VqfmznHx-TE4CJHe6gQKYQyT/view?usp=sharing)
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planet4546b · 1 year
presage is so good. auuuuugh
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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World Art Day
World Art Day is celebrated every year on April 15. All around the world, people have their definitions for what they consider to be art. Different cultures have different tastes and styles. This holiday is used as an opportunity to promote the development of art. It encourages people to take the time to notice the beautiful things around them. With our busy schedules, people don’t always have the time to go to art galleries. A yearly reminder about beauty helps people relax and just enjoy experiencing the world. It shares knowledge, sparks curiosity, and leads to very interesting conversations.
History of World Art Day
World Art Day was declared on April 15 at the General Assembly of the International Association of Art. The first celebration was in 2012. The date was chosen to honor the birthday of the famous Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci represents tolerance, world peace, freedom of expression, and multiculturalism. The first world art day was supported by all the International Association of Art (I.A.A.) national committees. There were 150 artists from countries all over the world to ensure inclusion. There were conferences and special museum hours. Outdoor art exhibitions were held to display paintings, prints, sculptures, videos, and more.
Art comes in different forms and categories. Art can be architecture, music, painting, sculpting, dance, or literature. Cinema is also considered art. It is a way for people to express themselves through creativity. True art is simply an expression of emotion. It represents the artist’s view of the world and how they feel about it. Art communicates how similar we can be and also how different. People get their meanings of art when they experience it. Their perceptions are usually based on their personal experiences in life.
World Art Day is a great reminder to help people notice the beauty around them. It reminds people to express themselves fully. We are all full of emotions and should be allowed to show them without fear. The goal is to facilitate the sustainable development of art. With enough support, artists can continue to portray beauty.
World Art Day timeline
1948 The I.A.A. is Born
The International Association of Art is founded in Beirut.
1954 The I.A.A. Becomes Independent
The International Association of Art becomes an independent organization and a UNESCO partner.
2012 World Art Day is Founded
The first World Art Day takes place in Guadalajara on April 15.
2013 World Art Day is Held in South Africa
World Art Day is celebrated by Mbombela municipal art museum in South Africa
World Art Day FAQs
Can anyone create art?
Anything that was created from the imagination as an expression of emotion is considered art. Art can be made by anyone.
Is cooking an art?
Cooking can be considered an art form. A cake, for example, can be considered a beautiful work of art.
Which cities are known for art?
Cities like Rome, Paris, Vienna, and Jerusalem are well-known for their arts and culture. Florence, Mexico City, Venice, London, Barcelona, and Lagos are also known for art.
World Art Day Activities
Create some art
Visit an art museum
Watch a great movie
You can get in touch with your creative side. You can write, draw, paint or take photographs.
There are many art museums and galleries that you can visit. They carry many beautiful art pieces that you can buy or just enjoy looking at.
Movies are considered to be a form of art. Enjoy a classic movie that tells a great story.
5 Fascinating Facts About Art
Art comes from the imagination
Art is a career field
Art can be a performance
Art helps the mind
Art is emotional
Humans use their creative skills and imagination to create something that others can see
Art has professional applications like fashion design, jewelry design, architecture, and wood crafts.
Performance arts include music, dance, and theater.
Art improves hand-eye coordination, strengthens focus, and teaches problem-solving.
Art can help people express complex feelings and emotions.
Why We Love World Art Day
Art is universal
Art is good for the health
Art opens the mind
Art can be understood by people all over the world. It has no language or border barriers.
Art is known to help increase motivation, build self-esteem, and improve holistic health.
Art helps people to see the world from a different point of view. It helps them get a new perspective.
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chippedshake · 10 months
What "Good that" means to the Gladers
For Newt, the meaning of "good that" has drastically changed in relation to the first book for one main reason: Alby. Newt and Alby were the two characters who were the most comfortable using it, and that used it more often, so it probably has something to do with their history. The comfort those words brought him died with Alby, and it's now dripping with bitterness. He only uses it twice throughout the whole book. For Newt, it's a cruel reminder.
For Minho, it's come to symbolize how close the Gladers are. He uses it with Aris much like Chuck did with Thomas, using it to try and other him with their expressions and vocabulary. He uses it in situations where they need to feel cohesion amongst the remaining Gladers, like when they find Aris, discover the tattoos, go through the FlatTrans, or enter the Scorch. For Minho, it means unity.
For Thomas, it's a way to recover from discomfort. Not so much a comfort in the way it was for Newt in the first book, but as a verbal crutch. When he's uncomfortable, he uses it to recollect himself, like when he's told they might be used for breeding, or when someone's just tried to cut his nose off, or when he's just come back to the Gladers after having been taken by WICKED. For Thomas, it's a safe space.
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metaphysicae · 8 months
tumblr would LOVE adrian monk
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bvd11975 · 11 months
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Nes being left to wonder if the dad jokes her not-dad guardian (Joshua) makes are done with self-awareness or not. Like, do all dad-types know their dad jokes aren't original and every dad is making the same joke? Or what.
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cornkernelcorp · 6 months
You could even say it's pretty a-MAZE-ing! 🥁
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A pun in MY inbox? Oh, what a wonderful opening to share my stupidest lil kitty-
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Carnival Popcorn Cookie!
A sweet corn snack, buttered to just the right amount to entertain you whilst she makes jokes, throws knives, and juggles kernels! The design on the left is the most current version of her, but the render I made on the right was actually layered to be animated like crk gachas! Never finished, but it holds a lot of value to me as it was the start of a veeery lasting love for the franchise.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could please do newt (platonic/familial) with a younger sibling who makes/mends close and personality wise is similar to Luz from TOH? Thank you! :D
yesyesyesyesyesywsyes omg please keep the maze runner requests coming I'm very very fixated atm kdk how to function, PLEASE SPAM ME W TMR REQS RJNENE ; anyways thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy!! ; post writing robin here, I tried with the personality like Luz but I struggled for some reason so I'm so sorry about that LMAO
NEWT ; clothing maker/mender
summary ; you make and mend clothing around the Glade, and Newt is somehow always there to help
warnings ; language, Newt is still a runner so pre-injury era
genre ; platonic fluff
word count ; 1.1k
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The day you came up in the box, you were frightened and felt like you didn't fit in with the other kids of the Glade. You were socially awkward and didn't know how to talk to people, although being a people pleaser.
Talking was just hard for you, but luckily, Newt understood. He tucked you under his wing and tried to help you fit in with the others, but to no avail. Nothing was sticking out to you, it wasn't like jobs were supposed to be enjoyable but you truly couldn't fit in anywhere. The fifteen year old boy with dirty blonde hair was there for you, though, reassuring you that actually becoming a Glader, even after remembering your name, took time.
Becoming a Runner was off the table at day one, you had zero stamina and could barely run for shit, let alone your life, you and Newt, and Alby, Minho, and the other Runners quickly agreed upon that. Being a Builder was quickly eliminated as well, because you didn't want to deal with obnoxious assholes like Gally, Hank, and Alec all day long. Plus, you knew nothing about "structural integrity" or whatever the hell they were talking about anyways, wood to hammer to nail was all you saw.
You quickly gained a friendship with Winston after a month or two in the Glade, but no way in Hell were you joining the Slicers either. You'd gain an emotional attachment to the animals much too quickly to then watch them die, the emotional despair would be a bit much at the moment. Bagger was also off the charts, leaving Med-Jack and Track-Hoe on the table for you.
Newt wasn't going to let you become a Slopper, considering you weren't bad at helping people nor farming, you just had to find your thing that you'd be comfortable doing. So, you settled on Track-Hoe as they needed more help in the gardens and you wouldn't mind getting your hands dirty, with dirt, that is. No blood.
You found, or maybe relearned, your nick for sewing one morning as you needed to repair your shirt, and ran straight to Newt with your new talent. After seeing it himself, Newt quickly bounced to Alby's side to ask if you could make mending and making clothes your job. You hadn't had any luck finding a job out of the many in the Glade, clearly, so this might've been your luck turning.
The next coming days were slow. Thankfully, Alby approved your idea of a new job, considering you and Newt wouldn't stop pestering him about it, and it'd be a great convenience to have you around for something as necessary as clothing. The builders graciously built you a little hut next to the Homestead to give you your own little place to go and work, instead of working around the Glade and potentially dirty-ing the clothes you fixed and made.
The hut consisted of a table, a loom, a hanging rack for finished projects, and a little chest system organized by all the threads, needles, etcetera. Alas, Newt was the one to help you with your new job on days when he wasn't running out in the maze. Minho switched him out with Ben or George on those days as per his request, as to help you learn how to talk to and understand the Gladers, whom you didn't understand too well yet.
But, by the time the next Greenie, Henry, arrived, you were right on track. You modeled and measured and patched and sewed your days away, finding peace in the seemingly boring activity. And by this time, Newt had become your brother figure and your best friend, considering how much he understood and supported you and helped you get some great opportunities around the Glade. And now, you were the Keeper of the Seamers, the only worker, but still the Keeper.
After a long day of running in the maze with Minho, Newt jogs to your expansion of the Homestead, desiring your help.
"Hey, Shank" He warmly smiles, closing the door made of sticks behind him. "How's your day been?"
You shrug in response. "Slow. Need me to fix anything for you?"
He awkwardly smiles and nods, looking down at his knees. His cargo pants are ripped, and the skin beneath painted a light red in comparison to his pale complexion, rug burns covering his kneecaps.
"Tripped and fell out in the maze" He explains, "Just don't want them falling apart because it kinda trailed 'round to the back" He says, tracing the little rips around his knees.
You nod. "I mean, the best solution would be keeping them like that or turning them into shorts for hot days. But I know the maze is cold and stuff, so, your call. I don't wanna ruin your running pants but I can always scrounge up new ones, and the next Greenie will be up in two days so it wouldn't be that long of a wait-"
"I'll just keep them ripped" He lightly smiles, cutting your rant off.
He knew damn well to not let you spiral over something so little, so he developed the radar to sniff out when you were about to rant about small things for an hour out of panic. He pats your shoulder before sitting down next to you, looking over at the rack of finished clothing you'd patched up and finished making.
"Oh, were you able to finish that shirt you were making for yourself?" He asks, running a hand through his hair.
Lord, he needed a haircut, although the best method of that was knives, which made it all choppy and blunt. Hopefully, WCKD would send up some cutting shears or something soon. All of your hair needed a cut desperately.
You nod, setting your needle and thread down to go grab it. You pull it off the rack and hold it to your chest. A simple, thin, off white, long sleeved shirt rests against your torso as you cheesily smile at him.
"Looks good"
"Thanks" You put the shirt back on the rack, deciding to put it back in the Homestead near your hammock later.
Newt was usually very supportive and went out of his way to show appreciation and reassurance for you, though making it casual to actually feel real for you. Once he found out that he needed to speak with you like that after reassuring that you'd live without rain, he learned the lesson.
Before you can speak again, Ben runs in, looking for your help.
"Y/n, I ripped up the sleeve of my shirt, can you fix it?" He asks, holding the grey-blue shirt up for you to see
"Yeah, sure, leave it on that table" You reply, pointing at the table in front of you.
"Thanks, you're the best!" He says, setting the shirt on the table before leaving.
Newt looks up at you and smiles, "You're getting used to talking to people, I see"
You nod, catching his infectious smile.
"Welcome to the Glade, Y/n/n"
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oneforthemunny · 11 months
a-maze-ing |cowboy!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: cowboy!eddie takes you to a haunted corn maze.
apart of my spooky stories series!
contains: mainly fluff but alludes to smut at the end. reader being scared but that's about it. nothing graphic or scary, mainly just sweet (and smutty) the way we love our cowboy. you can read all the cowboy!eddie works and lore here.
You hissed, hair whipping in the cold, Indiana air towards him. Eddie snickered, an amused grin pulling at his lips, eyes shining even in the dark of the night. He was hatless tonight, joked that you would knock it off jumping on him and he’d lose it. You rolled your eyes, but you knew he was probably right. 
You rubbed a hand over the fat of your hip where he’d pinched. Fucker knew you were tickilish and nervous- he knew you’d jump. It’s exactly why he did it. 
“Oh, c’mon,” Eddie hummed, hand sliding over yours, pulling you into his chest, swaying with you. “‘M just teasin’.” 
“Well, stop.” You huff, eyes cutting at the people around you. All ages, young and old, loaded up to come walk through the infamous haunted corn maze. You blamed the new Children of the Corn for the newfound obsession that everyone had- well, everyone but you. 
“Are you really that scared?” Eddie frowned, belt buckle digging into your back when he held you tighter to him. “It’s not gonna be that bad.” 
“I don’t like being scared.” You mumbled, your own hands clinging to the forearms that circled you. 
“C’mon, they’re not gonna scare you that bad.” Eddie muttered, lips pressing to the top of your head in a coaxing kiss. “Can’t touch you either, so won’t be that bad. Promise.” 
“Yeah,” You mutter, taking a shuffling step towards the booth to pay. “How do you know they won’t grab me and scare me?” 
“They won’t.” Eddie said surely, hands rubbing over your jacket covered arms. 
“How do you know?” You frowned up at him. “It’s dark in there.” 
“I’ll kick their ass if they touch you,” Eddie shrugged easily, so cool and casual it made your tummy flip with heavy. “How’s that?” 
You bit back a smile, pulling out of his grasp lightly. “Fine.” You sigh, watching the couple before you, excited and jittery, disappear into the maze. “But you have to go first.” 
“Was planning to anyway.” Eddie smirked, fishing his wallet out of his jeans. “Gotta make sure there’s no snakes.” 
“What?” You snapped, louder than you meant to, pulling the attention of the couple behind you. “Snakes? They-They’re gone, right? They, like, hibernate or migrate, right? You’re joking? You’re joking.” You rambled frantically. Suddenly the jump scare actors with fake chainsaws weren’t so scary. 
Eddie snorted lightly, pulling out cash for the tickets. “‘M kiddin’.” He looked at you softly, sliding the bills over to the worker. “But, if there’s a few stragglers, I wore my snake stompin’ boots.” He winked at you, boot bumping your own sneakers. 
“Alright, you’re good to go in. You both enjoy.” The lady smiled, nodding towards the maze. 
Eddie shoved his wallet back in his jeans, his hand grabbing your own clammy one, holding it tightly. “You ready?” He grinned, the thrum of the Halloween creepy soundtracks getting louder and louder. 
“No.” You mutter, nails already digging into his forearm. 
Eddie chuckled, wiggling his arm out of your grip, wrapping around you to pull you into his chest. “I got you.” He muttered, rounding the first dark corner of the corn stalks. 
You barely made it past the first scare, a deranged looking scarecrow jumping out at you with a bloody face before you screeched, launching your face in Eddie’s neck. He laughed, holding you close, far too calm to be experiencing the same thing you were. No jumps or squeals when the “farmer” came at you with the bladeless chainsaw. He didn’t even jump at the end when the final scarecrow, a seemingly normal one on a post, jumped down to chase you around the corner. 
You had screamed, yanking Eddie around the corner with you while he laughed- laughed. A full belly, amused laugh. The same one he gave you when you saw his barn cat, Phoenix, carrying his caught prey of a mouse in his mouth, bringing it proudly to the two of you. Eddie had nearly fallen over, sides in aching stitches when you’d screeched, running from the cat and to the house. It was the same now, pure amusement at your misery. 
“You’re mean.” You huffed, arms crossed at the exit. You had sprinted towards it when you saw the end, not chancing another scarecrow or clown or whatever chasing after you. 
Eddie laughed still, swiping at his eyes. “Oh, baby, that was good, c’mon.” He shook his head, stepping beside you. “C’mon, it was not that scary.” 
“Did we go through the same thing?” You huffed. “That was horrible.” 
“I had a great time.” Eddie smirked, his arm finding its way back to your waist. You shrugged it off, walking ahead. 
“Oh, c’mon, don’t be like that.” Eddie cooed, you could still hear the smile in his tone. “Baby, it was not that bad.” 
“You’re annoying.” You huff, crossing your arms over your chest. “You laughed at me the whole time.” 
“Can you blame me?” Eddie shrugged. His hand caught your waist, fingers catching through the loop of your jeans to pull you back. “You were screamin’ and hollerin’-” 
You shoved him off you, his hand grabbing back at your waist to keep you in place, pulled into his side. “Hey,” Eddie’s tone dropped, making you shudder in his arms. You’d blame it on the chill of the night. “I’m just teasin’ you, alright? Don’t get fussy with me.” 
“Well, stop.” You pout, Eddie’s hand tightening around your hip, flustered at your little jut in your lip. “It’s not funny to me. I only did this for you, and you’re making fun of me.” 
“I would never.” Eddie said firmly. “You’re just cute, ‘s all.” Your cheeks heat under the cold of the air. Eddie ducks down, pressing a kiss to the icy skin. “You know you are. Cute when you’re scared.” 
“Great.” You mutter, rolling your eyes, but your tone is lighter now. Still clinging to Eddie sweetly. “You only think I’m cute when I’m about to go into cardiac arrest.” 
“No,” Eddie grinned, curls bobbing when he shook his head. His free hand dug in his utility jacket for the truck keys. “Think you’re cute always.” He schmoozed, sweet and silly, it made your head spin. 
Eddie reached for your door, pulling it open for you. “I just like hearin’ you scream.” He rasped, lips nearly to yours when you passed. You flushed, knees buckling when you climbed in. Eddie gave you a half grin, reaching for the Spirits in his pocket. “Think I wanna hear you scream some more. That alright with you, sweet girl?” 
Your head bobbed, eyes glazing with excitement, glowing in the dim light from the Jack-O-Lantern’s that surrounded the field parking. Eddie grinned, tapping out a cigarette. “Good. Wanna see if I can get you real scared. Hear you scream real loud. Maybe they’ll hear it back here, ya think?” Eddie had your legs up in either one of his calloused hands back at his house, pounding you on the porch with such a punishing pace because he knew it would have you clawing at his arms, screaming out for him.
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