#A REVIEW!!! of one of my favorite cartoons! it's a christmas miracle!
clarktooncrossing · 10 months
Giraffe's Eye View: Christmas Specials Special | Klaus
Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost is nipping at your nose. Mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again. All the dogs in the neighborhood somehow learned to bark Jingle Bells in sync. Yet retail workers are still more annoyed with Mariah Carey. Snow is getting shoveled, tossed, and formed into sentient beings leading parades without permits. It makes for an excellent distraction as the Krampus abducts children for bad behavior. Fruitcake is exchanged only to find its permanent home in the garbage. Terrorists have hijacked the Holiday office party right before your boss can give you a Jelly of the Month Club membership as your bonus. And of course, the Turducken has returned to wreak its fiery vengeance upon an unsuspecting world! If all this doesn’t put you in the Christmas spirit, perhaps these following Holiday specials will!
Greetings people of today and robots of tomorrow! It is I, Santa Clark, your geeky giraffe friend with a deep love of Christmas! My obsession for the yuletide is rivaled only by Maleficent’s hatred for it, which is saying a lot considering she once teamed up with Mad Madam Mim to kidnap the literal Spirit of Christmas. Yes, that really happened. I know this due to my annual pilgrimage to the Island of Misfit Specials, home to obscure or nerdy festive media ranging from movies, TV episodes, and comics. It’s no easy journey. Constantly I find myself confronted by sinister snowmen, genocidal gingerbread men, and worst of all, crappy commercials. Getting stabbed in the foot by a candy-cane wielding cookie is one thing, but I swear I’ve seen that ad for Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium more times than I’ve seen Miracle on 34th Street! Sometimes at night I catch myself reciting that jingle. Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium: Where Christmas meets Convenience! Huh, maybe Maleficent had a point.
Nah, my deep-rooted appreciation for this time of year can weather even the most moronic marketing! It helps that most of the merry media I’ve seen have put me in the perfect Holiday mood! Examples include the time a Ninja Turtle found himself trapped in a truck full of stollen toys, a drunk department store Santa stumbling onto a wish-granting magic bag, Big Bird nearly becoming a popsicle, Gwenpool waking up in a world where Galactus took the place of jolly ol’ Saint Nicholas, a terrifying tree stump trying to slaughter some saps over a stupid ship war, and the year when Death gave the Little Match Girl the greatest gift of all. Needless to say, I thought I had seen it all. That is, until I took my friends on a trip to the Island, tasking them to find me new, strange, seasonal specials to review! Some of them were fair, finding me festive favorites as comforting as coco in front of the fireplace. Others were fiendish, wanting to feed off my misery like Gremlins after midnight. Regardless of how naughty or nice my companions were, I’ve compiled all of their suggestions into a makeshift advent calendar! So stay tuned everyday until Christmas to see how badly my buddies can shred what little sanity I have left.
On the seventh day of Christmas, my buddies gave to me...
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Netflix has never made my Nice List. Even back in their Blockbuster killing days I thought they were overrated. After all, what’s so cool about an overpriced service that didn’t have Jurassic Park? Now that they’ve spawned steep competition, heightened their prices, and constantly cancel any popular series they produce, it seems the rest of the world is finally singing the same song. Welcome to the Netflix Sucks Club, everyone! However, in defense of the house Stranger Things built, they are running circles around Disney in regards to cartoons. Along with streaming sensational shows like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, and The Dragon Prince, they’re also home to some equally amazing animated movies. Movies such as Nimona, The Mitchells vs the Machines, and of course Klaus. Their origin story for Santa came out at just the right time and has quickly become a seasonal staple for many peeps around the world. Including in Barcelona, home to the artistic android AN-D (Void-Android). So how did this flick become so instantly beloved?
For starters, it’s unspeakably gorgeous! Good lord, I’d be insane not to praise the phenomenal talent poured into every frame. The expressive characters, their energetic motion, all of the breath-taking backdrops enhanced by enriched lighting,  this is easily one of the prettiest pictures of the past few years. Words fail in describing how amazing the art is. It’s right up there alongside Spider-Verse or Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. Makes sense considering all three utilize a style combining the hand-drawn animation of yesterday with the technological trickery of today. Everything is so beautifully blended that I genuinely have a hard time telling where one method ends and the other begins. Which was the point. Director / Character Animator Segio Pablos theorized the reason 2D animation had yet to make a comeback was due to how it had failed to evolve. Features like Treasure Planet or The Princess and the Frog paired their riveting plots with visuals trying too hard to recapture the magic of the old days. So when Pablos formed his own studio, the cleverly named Sergio Pablos Animation, he was determined to make something special. In his own words, “It was important to me that the film did not feel like it could come out of any other studio, and that it had its own personality without losing the broad appeal that’s expected from a high-end holiday film.”
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That’s a quote from Ramin Zahed’s Klaus: The Art of the Movie, a book I highly recommend reading. Not only are you treated to page upon page of fantastic behind-the-scenes concepts, but you also get to hear how Batman Begins served as inspiration. Honestly it matches up once you dive into the plot.
People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy. Or laziness, in the case of Jesper Johanson (Jason Schwartzman). He’s a millennial mailman so spoiled he nearly rivals the Kardashians. Key difference being Jesper’s genuinely entertaining. Furthermore, this brat has a father who actually cares about him, threatening to cut off his trust fund unless he delivers six thousand letters by year’s end. Should be easy given this takes place long before email was invented, right?
Wrong! Like any good parent, the Postmaster General knows his son will be forever doomed to fail if he doesn’t exercise some tough love. It doesn’t get much tougher than sending him to the small, northern island of Smeerensburg. Here the bitter chill of winter is rivaled only by the searing hatred between the town’s two prominent families; the Ellingboes and the Krums. Neither clan remembers how their feud started. Really, when did details like that matter? It’s tradition! What’s important is the disdain that divides them! A mindset later adapted for Twitter! It’s an ideology that’s sadly enforced onto their offspring, too. Snow will fall in Southtown, USA before they allow the spawn of their sworn enemies to mingle! Shun out those who are different from you, even if the only separating factor is their hair color! Wow, it’s so realistic it’s painful. They’re not even allowed to attend school together, much to the frustration of the local teacher Alva (Rashida Jones). Arriving eight years ago hoping to guide youths towards a bright, better tomorrow, now she’s selling fish so she can escape this dump. Getting away from this petty rivalry is all that matters. Both sides are firmly set in their ways, not letters needed to express any ire. Looks like our desperate protagonist needs a miracle!
Enter our titular Klaus, a bearded behemoth voiced by the legendary J.K. Simmons. Contrasting other cinematic Kringles, our initial impression of this legendary figure is that of a gruff, grumpy loner longing to be left alone. He’s a man living far out in the woods building birdhouses in memoriam of his long lost wife. Yup, Mrs. Claus is dead! Merry Christmas! Before the two had hoped to fill their house with happy children, the gentle giant filling his barn to the brim with hand-crafted toys in anticipation. With those dreams dashed, he has no purpose other than waiting to die. That is until Jesper accidentally drops off a depressed drawing swindled from a sad boy. Seeing someone in need, the weary woodsman wrangles the wormy weakling into helping him deliver one of his many toys; a wind-up frog. It’s while watching the kid playing in the window that we get our first glimpse of the good man inside. For the first half of the runtime, Simmons scarcely says a word. You’d be forgiven for forgetting he was in this at all! Yet like any great animated feature worth its salt, the visuals express everything. A spark can be seen in Santa’s eyes when he witnesses the happiness brought onto another. In that moment he’s given a reason to live again. 
Lucky for Jesper, said reason is his ticket out of here. Turns out the kid had caught Santa staring through the window. Presuming his letter’s what led to a shiny new toy, word is quickly spread amongst his peers, all quickly forming a line around the post office. Seizing the opportunity, the courier convinces Klaus to donate more of his toys for tots, under the condition they do so in secret under nightfall. As more gifts are given out, legends of the mysterious merry man grow. Most of it predicated on lies and deception. It’s an aspect of the story that really bugs me, sad to say. Personally I prefer how Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town handled this detail, organically explaining how a humble toymaker became the mythical figure we know and love today. Sure, most of it is based in magic, but we’re talking about a guy who traverses the world all in one night on a sled led by reindeer. As I hope my earlier rant in the Flash made clear, logic need not apply here. Layering Batman in a grounded reality makes a strange sort of sense, not so much Papa Noel. For example, the reason Klaus swaps out his horse for reindeer in the first place is because Jesper doesn’t want to lighten the load of presents. More presents equals more letters! Worst of these fabrications is the Naughty List. One little snot found a clump of coal in his stocking, threatening to make like the Power Rangers and mutilate the mailman lest he get answers. Putting aside that it was in fact Jesper who pulled the dirty deed, he terrifies the tubby tike by stating Santa knows when he’s been sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. Only the ornery ones end up on the Naughty List.
Upon learning of the list, an unexpected domino effect triggers throughout the community. First the kids start behaving better, performing good deeds such as shoveling snow, painting over graffiti, cleaning clarinets, helping out with the laundry, picking berries, nursing a stubborn senior who broke his foot, even going to school at Jesper’s suggestion. An astonished Alva learns to love teaching again, going so far as to spend her savings to spruce up the schoolhouse. Now some may argue this is only happening because these brats want a reward. Fair enough, it’s not an unfair assumption to make. Provided you ignore the adults mirroring that attitude. Despite nobody giving them anything, they’re still acting neighborly towards each other. Why? Because kindness is infectious! It’s a mindset the cynics of the world will undoubtedly scoff at. Let’m keep their dour worldview. Humans are far more hospitable than given credit for. Klaus himself puts it best: a true selfless act always sparks another. Jesper himself scoffs at first, until he meets a sweet little Sami girl named Márgu (Neda Margrethe Labba). Look up ‘cute’ in the dictionary and there’ll be a picture of her. Those protesting otherwise may also expect clumps of coal in their socks! Good gosh, she deserves all the hugs! Although she’ll settle for a sled. Throughout the picture we see her ask Jesper for help in writing a letter to Klaus so she can receive one. Eventually he concedes, asking Alva to translate before helping Klaus build the sled himself. It’s when he delivers it and sees Márgu eagerly ride it that we see that same spark twinkle in the mailman’s eyes too. Perhaps his colossal colleague was onto something after all.
Do the clan elders care? Nope. Realizing their resentful lifestyle is fleeting, both agree to a ceasefire to cancel Christmas. Now that’s the true reason for the season: uniting under a common hatred! Joy to the world!
By then, Jesper’s forgotten about his selfish status quo, contempt with settling down in Smeerensburg. He’s ready to help his friend deliver more presents to the pipsqueaks, now aided additionally by Alva and Márgu’s Sami tribe. Imagine his surprise when dear daddy arrives to escort him back home. All six-thousand letters have been delivered, partially thanks to the malicious machinations of the elders. One would assume they’d burn the barn down due to its location being public knowledge, but then we wouldn’t be subjected to the liar revealed trope. Now in fairness to this classic cliche, How to Train Your Dragon demonstrated that it can work well to strengthen the story. Stoic is a stubborn man set in his ways, it makes sense that he’d ignore anything Hiccup has to say. Jesper's pals suddenly acting pissy doesn't. What, because everything he said was a lie? Okay, but he still changed all your lives for the better, so what does it matter? In her review, Cellspex proposes that Jesper’s friends should’ve allowed him to leave, a true selfless act that in turn would’ve prompted him to stay. That would’ve tied back to the thesis of the narrative while also feeling less forced. Otherwise it’s so obnoxious going through the motions. Inevitably Jasper returns to save the day, they partake in a chase scene minus Klaus flying on rooftops in a big, black tank, and all is forgiven. In the end the elders are forced to reconcile as two of their own fall in love, Jesper lives a happy life with Alva and their kids, and Klaus eventually dies. Merry Christmas! Or does he? As a man Santa is flesh and blood. He can be ignored, he can be destroyed, but as a symbol? He can be incorruptible! Everlasting, even. Jesper can’t comprehend what happened to him after that. He stopped trying to make sense of it a long time ago. What he does know is that once a year he gets to see his friends again. So long as love, generosity, and devotion still exist, so too does Klaus.
Overall, Klaus is a flawed masterpiece that’s earned its seasonal staple status. Artistically it shines like a diamond! Storywise is where the smudges are shown. Pablos accomplished his agenda in elevating the animated artform, but failed to do so narratively. Ironically it's the opposite problem he proclaimed most cartoon pictures once had. This feels like what happens when The Emperor’s New Groove, Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town, Cars, and Batman Begins are all mixed in a blender. It’s a familiar flavor, though not a terrible one. If nothing else, it's a fun, festive film with vibrant visuals, a charismatic cast, and at least one sensational song. I sincerely hope more movies are made like this in the future, even if they end up on Netflix. The future of animation looks bright! Wait, that’s not the future. Some random Christmas carnival is on fire! Quick, throw cards at it!
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ducktracy · 4 years
185. porky’s hero agency (1937)
release date: december 4th, 1937
series: looney tunes
director: bob clampett
starring: mel blanc (porky, emperor jones), tedd pierce (gorgon, assistant), sara berner (porky’s mom)
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the final porky cartoon for 1937, and what a busy year it’s been for him! hard to believe he had an entirely different voice, look, and demeanor just 8 months prior. even then, his character still had much to explore, as we see here—in this cartoon, he’s cast as a child again. curiously, bob clampett is often credited as the one who refined his personality into the one we know today (he did give him his iconic suit and tie), but, like everything else, it was more of a collaborative exploration by all of the directors.
the title card is one of the more interesting title cards in the warner bros. repertoire—it’s a photo of a porky statuette! bob clampett would make several statues during his time at WB and distribute them to his top animators. while the statue in the credits is painted over, you can view an unpainted model here!
here, porky dreams of the wonders of ancient greece, prancing around as the mythological messenger parkykarkus. however, a gorgon has her sights set on turning him into stone, and it requires some quick thinking from porky to weasel his way out of this mess.
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bobe cannon animates the expositional sequence, with porky propped up in bed, sucked into a giant book full of greek myths. his mother (offscreen) tells him it’s time to go to sleep, but porky objects, protesting that he was just at the exciting part. cannon’s animation is easy to spot with his trademark buck teeth, yet the gestures he gives porky--finger points, turning the page, etc.--give him a nice dose of youthful energy as he recaps the story, telling tales of gorgons and “great great great” greek heroes.
nevertheless, a disembodied hand turns out the light, dismissing porky’s protests. he heaves a resigned sigh, lamenting how he wishes he could be a great greek hero. 
the cartoon doesn’t make any attempts to keep the dream sequence a surprise--instead, the face of the book’s cover takes up the entire screen, the pillars emblazoned on the front melting to life as we fade into ancient greece. and, as to be expected, our favorite porcine hero proudly stands in front of the building, proudly advertising “HERO FOR HIRE AGENCY -- PORKYKARKUS PROP.”
porkykarkus is a play on parkykarkus (”park your carcass”), a character on eddie cantor’s radio show “the chase & sanborn hour”. truck into porky’s services as he narrates over the specials:
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“has anybody any eh-deh-deah-deah-dragons you want seh-seh-sleh-slay-slaye--rubbed out? or maybe ya have some, uh, fair meh-mai-meh-maide--honeys ya want rescued! it’s a peh-pleasure. is your daughter safe? phone eh-peh-porkykarkus at olympia 2222!”
porky’s narration, as always, is fun to listen to, and the physical advertisement has its own charm and appeal, with discounts and deals on certain rescues. not only that, but it’s a damn smart way to save money, having just the narration over the still frame. smart thinking!
conveniently, porky gets a phone call, sparking the tried and true “gear up for a big sprint but merely tinker on over to your destination” gag. as porky answers the phone, filling us in by repeating the hidden dialogue from the other line, we find out it’s the emperor--he wants one hero to go.
chuck jones’ layouts stick out quite strongly throughout this cartoon, especially in the human designs. porky’s statue of mercury is no exception--the bulbous nose and rounded body construction are all surefire trademarks of his work. porky grabs the messenger’s hat and winged shoes from the statue, never once taking a beat to stop as he hobbles along, dressing as he prepares to head out. woodblock sounds simulate the sound of his hooves clopping, but also add an extra jaunty jive to the merry score of “have you got any castles?” in the background, the cartoon’s motif. it would also be a merry melody courtesy of frank tashlin not even a year later.
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with that, porky takes off, soaring in the skies like a pro with his winged shoes. if the scene wasn’t appealing enough with the overhead layouts, the animation of porky steadying himself is wonderfully smooth and fun--the cherry on top. he circles the palace where the emperor is located, swooping down to his destination. complete with airplane sound effects, of course.
“howdy, empy!” another bulbous-nosed jones character silences porky from behind his armchair. emperor jones (boy, who could that name reference, i wonder?) speaks in a ridiculously hilarious dialect, completed with a thick accent: “shh! i’m making a fireside chat with my sheeps!” his voice then slips into a rooseveltian draw as he coos “my friends, grecians and customers, this is emperor jones speaking...”
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pan to the audience, which consists of a sea of smiling statues. this entire speech sequence is wonderful--not only is his terrible grammar terribly amusing, (”statistics show... what last season at this time was population in greece from 6,000 with 500 with 54 people, with 17 statues.”) but little touches such as one of the audience statues roasting marshmallows and later a hotdog over the fireplace, the emperor making his audience clap by pulling on ropes tied to their arms, and so forth make the entire charade highly amusing with lots of details to look out for. porky standing idly in the background, awkwardly fidgeting as he tries not to intrude is a great little piece of character animation as well.
the emperor gives the skinny, all while chowing down on a hotdog: a gorgon has been turning more and more people into statues, and they need a hero to steal her life-restoring needle in order to turn all of the statues back into humans again. the hero he has in mind is, of course, porky, who bashfully accepts the offer. when the emperor asks those in favor to raise their right hand, he pulls on a lever that causes all of the statues to raise their hands in unison, including a hand on a nearby clock. with a handshake, empy concludes “it’s a deal!”
one of the most impressive pieces of animation in the cartoon (i actually dedicated an entire drawing to it!) is when the emperor sends porky on his way, who waves goodbye as he flies through the air with his winged shoes. just as he tips his hat, he knocks into a pillar, which sends him tumbling upside down, but still airborne. the wings on his shoes form hands as they shake their fists in the glory of the good landing, with porky flashing a cheeky grin to the audience before spiraling lower in the air, regaining his balance, and barreling onward towards a smoldering volcano. the animation is full of life and character--though porky is consistently jolly in the B&W clampett cartoons, the grin towards the camera as he prides himself in his save is a great little touch of personality. slowly but surely, bits of character are now becoming more defined.
a gag that took me just now to recognize it--porky swoops into the heart of the volcano, where we spot the source of the black fumes pouring out the top: the gorgon statue factory. a merry score of “you’ve got something there” serves as some easy listening as we’re treated to a sign gag:
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outside of the factory is a human picket fence, comprised of familiar faces: statues of bobe cannon, norm mccabe, john carey, bob clampett himself and chuck jones surround the area. directly outside of the factory is the frozen statue of a salesman with his foot in the door--the joke is not only amusing, but the pose is quite strong and readable, too. though nowhere near the dynamism of frank tashlin’s poses in the mid ‘40s, clampett’s poses in this cartoon are quite defined and exaggerated for the time period. this is especially sharp in the scenes with the emperor.
porky knocks on the door held ajar by the ceramic statue’s foot, holding out an envelope. “telegram for the guh-geh-gee-geh-gee-gor-geh--” a hand snags the envelope out of porky’s grip, causing him to mutter “aww, nuh-neh-nee-nuh-neh-neh-nut--shucks,” a phrase he echoed in clampett’s previous entry, rover’s rival.
we transition to the inside of the factory, where we see the gorgon herself, positioned in front of a camera, awaiting to take “pictures” of her models. tedd pierce voices the gorgon, whose vocal stylings are a parody of tizzie lish, bill comstock’s character on al pearce and his gang. interestingly, the cartoon before this, the woods are full of cuckoos, featured a caricature of lish as well, also voiced by pierce. 
clampett and pierce’s comedic timing is sharp--not nearly as sharp as tashlin’s timing in the woods are full of cuckoos, but abundantly amusing nonetheless. the gorgon asks for a boy--”a sorta young-ish one”--and in comes a decrepit old man who can hardly hold himself up. the gorgon waits for the man to assume his position on the podium where his picture will be taken, singing a pitchy rendition of “am i in love?“, another homage to the characteristics displayed by lish’s character on the radio.
the gorgon snaps her photo, which turns the shaky old man into a stone statue at once, cheekily labeled “ANTIQUE --  $60,000 (P.S.: 000,000)” before he’s yanked off of the podium with a cane. 
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“now let’s try a group picture.” you know it’s a ‘30s cartoon if the three stooges come waddling in--they made their caricatured, cartoon debut in the 1934 film the miller’s daughter, notorious for being chuck jones’ first animation credit. as expected, they all beat the tar out of each other while on the podium, rendered immobile only through the power of medusa’s camera. they turn into the three wise monkeys, labeled “3 MONKEYS OF JAPAN -- MADE IN GREECE”. 
norm mccabe’s animation is easy to spot in the next scene with porky, characterized by his signature double eyebrows. porky knocks on a door, parroting a favorite catchphrase from the al pearce show that frequented many a clampett cartoon: “i hope she’s eh-eh-at home, i hope, i hope, i hope, i hope, i hope...”
porky shakes the hand of the assistant, unfortunately a blackface caricature (save for the voice, who is just tedd pierce speaking in a deep, suave voice) as he greets “welcome, stranger. won’t you come in?” before porky has time to answer, he’s yanked through the iron bars of the door and placed neatly in line for the photoshoot, where he peeks through the door to see the action inside.
a pile of men form a pyramid, where the camera turns them into a literal statue of a pyramid, with some slight imperfections. “aw, shucks!” laments the gorgon. “you moved!” she approaches them with her life restoring needle, allowing the men to form into the proper position, maintaining good balance. she gets her “genuine egyptian statue”, quipping “ought to make a handy paperweight!”
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the assistant informs porky that he’s next. porky backs up anxiously, echoing a short-lived catchphrase of his from the joe dougherty era: “nuh-neh-no! eh-nn-nee-no! a-a thousand times no!” the decision to make his thoughts visible (his head is slapped onto that of a piggy bank’s) is playful, and also reflects just how big of an influence comics had on bob clampett’s work: comic artists such as milt gross and george lichty have been cited by clampett as inspirations. the george lichty influence is definitely noticeable in rod scribner’s animation under bob clampett, as we’ll discover in the coming years.
in the midst of his panic, porky backs into a statue of "dick a. powello” (dick powell and apollo), causing it to break. but, rather than fuss over the mess, porky uses the opportunity to hatch an idea instead.
in comes strolling porky, concealed by powello’s upper body and a blankett hiding his hooves. the triumphant score of “he was her man” and the gorgon’s smitten woos makes the scene hilarious as is, but the blanket falling off and revealing porky’s pudgy little hooves is the icing on the comedic cake.
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porky perches himself on a conveniently placed couch, where the gorgon approaches him. “pardon me, is this seat taken?” she doesn’t wait a wink before snuggling right up to him, a heart symbolizing her affections popping in the air. though clampett would play with typography at times and maintain an overarchingly jovial mood to his cartoons, it’s an odd thing to see him play with comic-like visuals in this manner, such as porky physically envisioning himself as a piggy bank or the heart from the gorgon. i wish he had done it more in this nature!
with the gorgon too close for comfort, porky uses this as an opportunity to grab the gorgon’s life-restoring needle, dangling from her neck and lying against her body. it wouldn’t be a clampett cartoon without sexual innuendos--porky reaches aimlessly around for the needle, prompting the gorgon to let out a shriek, cooing “why, mr. a POWELLo!” 
she smothers the ceramic head in kisses, giving him a nice lipstick finish to boot as she pretends the statue has given her a ring. her ecstasy is hilarious and WONDERFULLY conveyed through strong, rubbery poses worth freeze-framing. picturing porky’s befuddlement is another humor within itself. 
finally, porky’s disguise is revealed when the gorgon literally crushes the statue in an embrace, stone crumbling around him as he desperately slips out of her grip. as the gorgon makes threats to call the cops, reciting the WB favorite catchphrase of “calling all cars! calling all cars!”, porky makes with the needle and jabs it in various statues, warning them “uh-geh-uh-get goin’! i-i-eh-it’s the guh-geh-geh-eh-geh-gorgon!”
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as the gorgon chases porky with her camera, he continues to revive a barrage of statues: the antique, the famed discus thrower (who throws himself out of the scene rather than the discus), the man from the end of the trail statue, who exits riding his horse like a merry go round (a nod to friz freleng’s sweet sioux), a woman who marches off with popeye’s forearms--note the bobe cannon statue in the back here--and a mermaid who unzips her fin and makes a run for it. the highlight of the entire montage is when porky approaches two temples (the two of them together labeled “shirley temple”) and injects the needle into them, prompting the temples to use their pillars as legs and run for the hills.
the chase reaches its climax as the gorgon pursues porky with a movie camera, turning the crank ferociously as she runs. her plan works--porky slows down, freezing in mid-air as the gorgon cries “hold it!” thus, the gorgon pins porky to the ground, who tries his hardest to fight back, but ultimately flailing around as she commands him to open his eyes.  
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we melt into the present, where we find porky’s mother in place of the gorgon, telling him softly to wake up. he does so, after she pries one of his eyes opens. relieved that it was all a dream, he embraces his mother, prompting a happy end and an iris out.
this cartoon has a soft spot in my heart--it was one of the first LT cartoons i saw on this whole venture. i thought i was the smartest person alive, understanding the three stooges, popeye, and shirley temple references. who knew just how much i had (and still have!) to learn! though even without my sentimental biases, this still stands as a very good cartoon.
as i mentioned previously, the poses in this are full of elasticity and energy, especially in the emperor and the gorgon. porky does a very nice job as well--little pieces of animation such as him fidgeting awkwardly while the emperor rambles on, swinging from side to side as he’s offered the job to be a hero, etc. etc. are full of charm and character. while his personality isn’t the most electric in comparison to characters like bugs and daffy, it’s the little things like these that really make porky stand out. with him, a little subtlety goes a long way, and that’s why he’s one of my favorites. he’s so reserved in comparison to such a wild cast of characters that his timidness actually shines through and sets him apart! (though, on the other hand, he can still have quite the personality, as we’ll discover!)
personally, the only gripes i have with this cartoon is the blackface caricatured assistant (which, in comparison to some cartoons we’ve seen and still have yet to see, is relatively mild, but uncomfortable nonetheless). the jokes, while corny at times, still hit, the animation is full of life and vigor, and the short as a whole has a lot of charm, whimsy, and personality. it has my seal of approval! go check it out!
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marunalu · 4 years
Disney Movies List
Ok first of all I want to make clear that english is not my first language. I therefore apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please don't be too strict with me =D
I recently bought Disney+ and I plan now to watch and review every movie, Disney has ever produced or participated in it. And I tell you, this will be a hell of a trip, because my list now contains no fewer than 701 movies. That means if I watch at least one movie every day, it will take me about 2 years to see all of them. And since I will most likely not watch a movie every day, I will definitely need at least twice as long....
For the films on my list, which I marked with a cross at the end, it means that I have seen them already. However, since I last saw most of these movies in my childhood or teenage years (so at least 15 years ago), it will be interesting for me to rewatch them after such a long time. I have probably already forgotten most of the plots.
I also plan to watch them in chronological order and rank them. The movies that I don't find on Disney+ I will watch somewhere else.
Here is the list: (The films follow the chronological order in which they were published. However, it is quite possible that I accidentally swapped a few. But I think most of it is accurate).
Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons (X)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (X)
Pinocchio (X)
Fantasia (X)
The Reluctant Dragon ( )
Dumbo (X)
Bambi (X)
Saludos Amigos ( )
Victory Through Air Power ( )
The Three Caballores ( )
Make Mine Music ( )
Song of the South ( )
Fun and Fancy Free (X)
Melody Time ( )
Seal Island ( )
So Dear to my Heart ( )
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (X)
Cinderella (X)
Treasure Island ( )
In Beaver Valley ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Nature's Half Acre ( )
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men ( )
The Olympic Elk ( )
Water Birds ( )
Peter Pan (X)
The Sword and the Rose ( )
The Living Desert (X)
Bear Country ( )
The Alaskan Eskimo ( )
Prowlers of the Everglades ( )
Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue ( )
The Vanishing Prairie ( )
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ( )
Siam ( )
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier ( )
Lady and the Tramp (X)
The African Lion ( )
The Littlest Outlaw ( )
Men Against The Arctic ( )
The Great Locomotive Chase ( )
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates ( )
Secrets of Life ( )
Westward Ho the Wagons! ( )
Johnny Tremain ( )
Perri ( )
Old Yeller ( )
Navajo Adventure ( )
The Light in the Forest ( )
Tonka ( )
Grand Canyon ( )
Sleeping Beauty (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
Darby O'Gill and the Little People ( )
Zorro the Avenger ( )
Third Man on the Mountain ( )
Mysteries of the Deep ( )
Toby Tyler: Or, ten Weeks with a Circus ( )
Kidnapped ( )
Pollyanna ( )
The Sign of Zorro ( )
Jungle Cat ( )
Ten Who Dared ( )
Swiss Family Robinson ( )
Island of the Sea ( )
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (X)
The Absent-Minded Professsor ( )
Parent Trap ( )
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North ( )
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog ( )
Babes in Toyland ( )
Wonders of the Water Worlds ( )
Moon Pilot ( )
Bon Voyage! ( )
Big Red ( )
Almost Angels ( )
The Legend of Lobo ( )
In Search of the Castaways ( )
The Prince and the Pauper ( )
Son of Flubber ( )
Miracle of the White Stallions ( )
Savage Sam ( )
Summer Magic ( )
The Incredible Journey ( )
The Sword in the Stone (X)
A Tiger Walks ( )
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones ( )
The Three Lives of Thomasina ( )
The Moon-Spinners ( )
Mary Poppins ( )
Emil and the Detectives ( )
Those Calloways ( )
The Monkey's Uncle ( )
That Darn Cat! ( )
The Ugly Dachshund ( )
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. ( )
The Fighting Prince of Donegal ( )
Follow Me, Boys! ( )
Monkeys, Go Home! ( )
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin ( )
The Gnome-Mobile ( )
The Jungle Book (X)
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar ( )
The Happiest Millionaire ( )
Blackbeard's Ghost ( )
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band ( )
Never a Dull Moment ( )
The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit ( )
Guns in the Heather ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Smith! ( )
Rascal ( )
The Computer Whore Tennis Shoes ( )
My Dog, the Thief ( )
Ride a Northbound Horse ( )
King of the Grizzlies ( )
The Boatniks ( )
The Wild Country ( )
Smoke ( )
The Aristocats (X)
The Barefoot Executive ( )
Scandalous John ( )
The Million-Dollar-Duck ( )
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (X)
The Biscuit Eater ( )
Now You See Him, Now You Don't ( )
Napoleon and Samantha ( )
Run, Cougar, run ( )
Snowball Express ( )
Chandar, the Black Leopard of Ceylon ( )
The World's Greatest Athlete ( )
Charley and the Angel ( )
One Little Indian ( )
Robin Hood (X)
Mustang! ( )
Superdad ( )
Herbie Rides Again ( )
The Bears and I ( )
The Castaway Cowboy ( )
The Island at the Top of the World ( )
The Strongest Man in the World ( )
Escape to Witch Mountain ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang ( )
One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing ( )
The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures ( )
Ride a Wild Pony ( )
The Boy Who Talked to Badgers ( )
No Deposit, No Return ( )
Treasure of Matecumbe ( )
Gus ( )
The Shaggy D.A. ( )
Freaky Friyday ( )
The Littlest Horse Thieves ( )
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (X)
A Tale of Two Critters ( )
The Rescuers (X)
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Candleshoe ( )
Return form Witch Mountain ( )
The Cat from Outer Space ( )
Hot Lead and Cold Feet ( )
Child of Glass ( )
The North Avenue Irregulars ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again ( )
Unidentified Flying Oddball ( )
The Black Hole ( )
The Muppet Movie ( )
The London Connection ( )
Midnight Madness ( )
The Watcher in the Woods ( )
Herbie Goes Bananas ( )
The Last Flight of Noah's Ark ( )
Popeye ( )
The Devil and Max Devlin ( )
Amy ( )
Dragonslayer ( )
The Fox and the Hound (X)
Condorman ( )
The Great Muppet Caper ( )
Night Crossing ( )
Tron ( )
Tex ( )
Trenchcoat ( )
Something Wicked This Way Comes ( )
Tiger Town ( )
Never Cry Wolf ( )
Love Leads the Way (X)
Where the Toys Come From ( )
Return to Oz ( )
The Black Cauldron (X)
The Journey of Natty Gann ( )
One Magic Christmas ( )
Teen Academy ( )
The Great Mouse Detective (X)
Flight of the Navigator ( )
Disneys Fluppy Dogs ( )
The Parent Trap ( )
The Christmas Star ( )
Benji the Hunted ( )
Return of the Shaggy Dog ( )
Mr. Boogedy ( )
Return to Snowy River ( )
Oliver & Company (X)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( )
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (X)
Cheetah ( )
The Little Mermaid (X)
Bride of Boogedy ( )
DuckTales: The Movie – Treasure of the Lost Lamp ( )
The Rescuers Down Under (X)
White Fang (X)
Shipwrecked ( )
Wild Hearts Can't be Broken ( )
The Rocketeer ( )
Beauty and the Beast (X)
Newsies ( )
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid ( )
The Mighty Ducks ( )
Aladdin (X)
The Muppet Christmas Carol ( )
Day-O ( )
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (X)
A Far Off Place ( )
The Adventures of Huck Finn ( )
Hocus Pocus ( )
Cool Runnings ( )
The Nightmare Before Christmas ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Iron Will ( )
Blank Check ( )
D2: The Mighty Ducks ( )
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf ( )
The Lion King (X)
Angels in the Outfield ( )
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale ( )
The Santa Clause (X)
The Jungle Book (X)
The Return of Jafar (X)
Heavyweights ( )
Man of the House ( )
Tall Tale ( )
A Goofy Movie ( )
Pocahontas (X)
Operation Dumbo Drop ( )
A Kid in King Arthur's Court ( )
The Big Green ( )
Frank and Ollie ( )
Toy Story (X)
Tom and Huck ( )
Gargoyles – The Movie ( )
Muppet Treasure Island ( )
Homeward Bound: Lost in San Francisco (X)
James and the Giant Peach ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (X)
First Kid ( )
D3 The Mighty Ducks ( )
101 Dalmatians (X)
Aladdin and the King of Thieves (X)
Wish Upon a Star ( )
Susie Q ( )
The Darn Cat ( )
Jungle 2 Jungle (X)
George of the Jungle (X)
Air Bud (X)
RocketMan ( )
Flubber (X)
Mr. Magoo ( )
Tower of Terror ( )
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas ( )
Under Wraps ( )
Northern Lights ( )
Angels in the Endzone ( )
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Faceoff ( )
Pooh's Great Adventure: The Search for Christoper Robin ( )
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella ( )
Oliver Twist ( )
Meet the Deedles ( )
Mulan (X)
The Parent Trap (X)
Air Bud: Golden Receiver ( )
I'll Be Home for Christmas ( )
A Bug's Life (X)
Mighty Joe Young ( )
You Lucky Dog ( )
Halloweentown ( )
Brink! ( )
Whoopi – A Knight in Camelot (X)
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit ( )
Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World ( )
The Lion King 2: Simbas Pride (X)
Belle's Magical World ( )
Armageddon ( )
Don't Look Under the Bed (X)
Genius ( )
The Thirteenth Year ( )
Johnny Tsunami ( )
Can of Worms ( )
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century ( )
Horse Sense ( )
Smart House ( )
My Favorite Martian ( )
Doug – The 1. Movie ( )
Endurance ( )
Tarzan (X)
Inspector Gadget ( )
The Straight Story ( )
Toy Story 2 (X)
H.E. – Double Hockey Sticks ( )
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas ( )
Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving ( )    
Annie ( )
Fantasia 2000 ( )
The Ultimative Christmas Present ( )
Phantom of the Megaplex ( )
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire ( )
The Other Me ( )
Quints ( )
Ready to Run ( )
Stepsister from Planet Weird ( )
Miracle in Lane 2 ( )
Rip Girls ( )
Alley Cats Strike ( )
The Color of Friendship ( )
Up, Up and Away ( )
Angels in the Infield ( )
Air Bud 3 ( )
Mail to the Chief ( )
Geppetto ( )
The Tigger Movie ( )
Dinosaur (X)
Disney's The Kid ( )
Remember the Titans ( )
102 Dalmatians (X)
The Emperor's New Groove (X)
An Extremly Goofy Movie ( )
Whispers: An Elephant Tale ( )
The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea (X)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command ( )
Life-Size ( )
The Miracle Worker ( )
Bounce ( )
Jett Jackson: The Movie ( )
The Other Side of Heaven ( )
`Twas the Night ( )
Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge ( )
The Poof Point ( )
Jumping Ship ( )
Jennie ( )
Hounded ( )
Luck of the Irish ( )
Zenon: The Zequel ( )
Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse ( )
Motocrossed ( )
Recess: School's Out ( )
Lady and the Tramp 2 – Scamp's Adventure (X)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (X)
The Princess Diaries ( )
Max Keebles Big Move ( )
Monsters, Inc (X)
Princess of Thieves ( )
Air Bud 4 ( )
The Scream Team ( )
A Ring of Endless Light ( )
Gotta Kick It Up! ( )
Get a Clue ( )
Tru>> confessions ( )
Cadet Kelly ( )
Double Teamed ( )
Snow Dogs (X)
Return to Neverland (X)
The Rookie ( )
Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True (X)
Lilo & Stitch (X)
The Country Bears ( )
Tuck Everlasting ( )
The Santa Clause 2 ( )
Treasure Planet (X)
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 ( )
Tarzan & Jane ( )
Mickey's House of Villains ( )
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time ( )
Air Bud 5 ( )
Full Court Miracle ( )
The Cheetah Girls ( )
Eddies Million Dollar Cook-Off ( )
The Even Stevens Movie ( )
Right on Track ( )
You Wish! ( )
101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure ( )
The Jungle Book 2 (X)
Inspector Gadget 2 ( )
Piglet's Big Movie ( )
Ghosts of the Abyss ( )
Holes ( )
Atlantis: Milo's Return (X)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie ( )
Finding Nemo (X)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (X)
Freaky Friday ( )
Brother Bear (X)
George of the Jungle 2 ( )
The Haunted Mansion (X)
The Young Black Stallion ( )
Stitch! The Movie ( )
Recess ( )
Recess: All Growed Down ( )
Going to the Mat ( )
Pixel Perfect ( )
Zenon Z3 ( )
Halloweentown High ( )
Tiger Cruise ( )
Stuck in the Suburbs ( )
Teacher's Pet ( )
Miracle ( )
March of the Penguins ( )
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen ( )
Ghost in the Shell 2 – Innocence ( )
Home on the Range (X)
Sacred Planet ( )
Springtime with Roo ( )
Around the World in 80 Days (X)
America's Heart and Soul ( )
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement ( )
Mulan 2 (X)
The Incredibles (X)
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (X)
The Lion King 1½ (X)
National Treasure ( )
Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers (X)
Aliens of the Deep ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Kronk's New Groove ( )
Once Upon a Mattress ( )
Kim Possible Movie – So the Drama ( )
Go Figure ( )
Life is Ruff ( )
The Proud Family Movie ( )
Twitches ( )
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (X)
Pooh's Heffalump Movie ( )
The Pacifier ( )
Ice Princess ( )
Herbie: Fully Loaded ( )
Sky High ( )
Valiant ( )
The Greatest Game Ever Played ( )
Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie ( )
Now You See It ( )
Buffalo Dreams ( )
Chicken Little ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (X)
Tarzan 2 (X)
The Muppet's Wizard of Oz ( )
Air Buddies ( )
Read It and Weep ( )
Wendy Wu – Homecoming Warrior ( )
Cow Belles ( )
The Cheetah Girls 2 ( )
Return to Halloweentown ( )
High School Musical ( )
Brother Bear 2 ( )
Glory Road ( )
Roving Mars ( )
Bambi 2 (X)
Eight Below (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
The Wild ( )
Cars ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (X)
Leroy & Stitch ( )
Invincible ( )
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ( )
Bridge to Terabithia ( )
Johnny Kapahala – Back on Board ( )
Jump In! ( )
Meet the Robinsons ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ( )
Ratatouille ( )
Underdog ( )
The Pixar Story ( )
The Game Plan ( )
Le Premier Cri ( )
Enchanted ( )
The Fox and the Hound 2 (X)
The Secret of the Magic Gourd ( )
Pooh's Super Sleuth Christmas Movie ( )
Twitches Too ( )
High School Musical 2 ( )
Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time (X)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets ( )
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert ( )
Snow Buddies ( )
The Cheetah Girls 3: One World ( )
The Little Mermaid – Ariel's Beginning (X)
Tinkerbell (X)
Camp Rock ( )
Minutemen ( )
College Road Trip ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian ( )
Dasavathaaram ( )
WALL-E ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahu ( )
Morning Light ( )
High School Musical 3: Senior Year ( )
Bolt (X)
Bedtime Stories ( )
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience ( )
Iron Man ( )
Race to Witch Mountain ( )
Hannah Montana: The Movie ( )
Earth ( )
The Incredible Hulk ( )
Trail of the Panda ( )
Up ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book ( )
G-Force ( )
Walt & El Grupo ( )
The Book of Masters ( )
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie ( )
Santa Buddies Here Comes Santa Paws ( )
Disney's A Christmas Carol ( )
Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure (X)
Old Dogs ( )
Princess Protection Program ( )
The Princess and the Frog ( )
Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too ( )
Hatching Pete ( )
Dadnapped ( )
Space Buddies ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Waking Sleeping Beauty ( )
Oceans ( )
Santa Paws ( )
Avalon High ( )
Den Brother ( )
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam ( )
Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue (X)
StarStruck ( )
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ( )
Toy Story 3 ( )
You Again ( )
The Sorcerer's Apprentice ( )
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos ( )
Secretariat ( )
Do Dooni Chaar ( )
Tangled ( )
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story ( )
Tron: Legacy ( )
Iron Man 2 ( )
Geek Charming ( )
Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas! ( )
Phineas & Ferb – The Movie ( )
Spooky Buddies ( )
Anaganaga O Dheerudu ( )
The Suite Life Movie ( )
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure ( )
Lemonade Mouth ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 ( )
Thor ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan ( )
Mars Needs Moms ( )
Zokkomon ( )
African Cats ( )
Prom ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ( )
Cars 2 ( )
Winnie the Pooh ( )
Pixie Hollow Games (X)
The Muppets ( )
Girl vs. Monster ( )
Santa Paws 2 ( )
Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess ( )
Radio Rebel ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 ( )
Treasure Buddies ( )
FRenemies ( )
John Carter ( )
Chimpanzee ( )
Arjun: The Warrior Prince ( )
Brave ( )
The Odd Life of Timothy Green ( )
Frankenweenie ( )
Let It Shine ( )
Secret of the Wings (X)
The Advengers ( )
Wreck-It Ralph ( )
Teen Beach Movie ( )
Super Buddies
Oz the Great and Powerful ( )
Wings of Life ( )
Monsters University ( )
The Lone Ranger ( )
Planes ( )
Frozen ( )
Saving Mr. Banks ( )
Iron Man 3 ( )
Thor: The Dark World ( )
How to Build a Better Boy ( )
Zapped ( )
Cloud 9 ( )
The Pirate Fairy (X)
Muppets Most Wanted ( )
Bears ( )
Million Dollar Arm ( )
Maleficent ( )
Planes: Fire & Rescue ( )
Khoobsurat ( )
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ()
Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy ( )
Big Hero 6 (X)
Into the Woods ( )
McFarland USA ( )
Cinderella ( )
Monkey Kingdom ( )
Tomorrowland ( )
Inside Out ( )
ABCD 2 ( )
Ant-Man ( )
The Good Dinosaur ( )
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (X)
Teen Beach 2 ( )
Tinkerbell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (X)
Bad Hair Day ( )
Descendants ( )
Avengers: Age of Ultron ( )
The Finest Hours ( )
Zootopia (X)
The Jungle Book ( )
Tini: The Movie ( )
Alice Through the Looking Glass ( )
Finding Dory ( )
BFG ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Queen of Katwe ( )
Moana (X)
Captain America: Civil War ( )
Doctor Strange ( )
Rogue One. A Star Wars Story (X)
Growing Up Wild ( )
Dangal ( )
 L'Empereur – March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step ( )
Beauty and the Beast ( )
Born in China ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales ( )
Cars 3 ( )
Ghost of the Mountains ( )
Jagga Jasoos ( )
Coco ( )
Lillys Bewitched Christmas ( )
Descendants 2 ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( )
Spider Man: Homecoming ( )
Thor: Ragnarok ( )
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (X)
Expedition China ( )
A Wrinkle in Time ( )
The Incredibles 2 ( )
Christoper Robin ( )
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms ( )
Ralph Breaks the Internet ( )
Mary Poppins Returns ( )
Zombies ( )
Black Panther ( )
Avengers: Infinity War ( )
Solo: A Star Wars Story ( )
Ant-Man and the Wasp ( )
Dumbo ( )
Penguins ( )
Aladdin ( )
Toy Stor 4 ( )
The Lion King ( )
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil ( )
Lady and the Tramp ( )
Noelle ( )
Frozen 2 ( )
Descendants 3 ( )
Captain Marvel ( )
Avengers: End Game ( )
Spider-Man: Far From Home ( )
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ( )
One Day at Disney ( )
Togo ( )
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made ( )
Onward ( )
Stargirl ( )
Dolphin Reef ( )
Elephant ( )
Artemis Fowl ( )
Hamilton ( )
Mulan ( )
The One and Only Ivan ( )
The Beatles: Get Back ( )
Soul ( )
Secret Society of Second-Born Royals ( )
Magic Camp ( )
Howard ( )
Urgh! Wish me luck, that I survive this....
14 notes · View notes
everydisneymovie · 5 years
Post #2
Let’s get this out of the way: Every theatrically released Disney movie. A [X] near a movie means I have already seen it, but I will still be re-watching it for this project.
A [(number)] near a movie means it has been watched and reviewed so far.
Some movies were added to fit the rules, such as the High school musical movies and the March of the Penguins Movie.
Let’s do this:
Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons [11] Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [30]
Pinocchio [21] Fantasia [25] The Reluctant Dragon [16] Dumbo [27] Bambi [32] Saludos Amigos [19] Victory Through Air Power [20] The Three Caballeros [17] Make Mine Music [17] Song of the South [12] Fun and Fancy Free [14] Melody Time [14] So Dear to My Heart [21] The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad [22]
Cinderella [16] Treasure Island Alice in Wonderland [X] The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men Peter Pan [X] The Sword and the Rose The Living Desert Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue The Vanishing Prairie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier Lady and the Tramp [X] The African Lion The Littlest Outlaw The Great Locomotive Chase Davy Crockett and the River Pirates Secrets of Life Westward Ho the Wagons! Johnny Tremain Perri Old Yeller [X] The Light in the Forest White Wilderness Tonka Sleeping Beauty [X] The Shaggy Dog  Darby O'Gill and the Little People Zorro the Avenger Third Man on the Mountain
Toby Tyler [X] Kidnapped Pollyanna [X] The Sign of Zorro Jungle Cat Ten Who Dared Swiss Family Robinson [X] One Hundred and One Dalmatians [X] The Absent-Minded Professor The Parent Trap [X] Nikki, Wild Dog of the North Greyfriars Bobby Babes in Toyland Moon Pilot Bon Voyage! Big Red [X] Almost Angels The Legend of Lobo In Search of the Castaways Son of Flubber Miracle of the White Stallions Savage Sam Summer Magic The Incredible Journey The Sword in the Stone [X] A Tiger Walks The Misadventures of Merlin Jones The Three Lives of Thomasina The Moon-Spinners Mary Poppins Emil and the Detectives Those Calloways The Monkey's Uncle That Darn Cat! The Ugly Dachshund Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. The Fighting Prince of Donegal Follow Me, Boys! Monkeys, Go Home! The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin The Gnome-Mobile The Jungle Book [X] Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar The Happiest Millionaire Blackbeard's Ghost The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band Never a Dull Moment The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit The Love Bug Smith! Rascal The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
King of the Grizzlies The Boatniks The Wild Country The Aristocats [X] The Barefoot Executive Scandalous John The Million Dollar Duck Bedknobs and Broomsticks The Biscuit Eater Now You See Him, Now You Don't Napoleon and Samantha Run, Cougar, Run Snowball Express The World's Greatest Athlete Charley and the Angel One Little Indian Robin Hood [X] Superdad Herbie Rides Again The Bears and I The Castaway Cowboy The Island at the Top of the World The Strongest Man in the World Escape to Witch Mountain The Apple Dumpling Gang One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures Ride a Wild Pony No Deposit, No Return Treasure of Matecumbe Gus The Shaggy D.A. Freaky Friday The Littlest Horse Thieves The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh A Tale of Two Critters The Rescuers [X] Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo Pete's Dragon Candleshoe Return from Witch Mountain The Cat from Outer Space Hot Lead and Cold Feet The North Avenue Irregulars The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again Unidentified Flying Oddball The Black Hole The London Connection
Midnight Madness The Watcher in the Woods Herbie Goes Bananas The Last Flight of Noah's Ark Popeye The Devil and Max Devlin Amy Dragonslayer The Fox and the Hound Condorman Night Crossing Tron Tex Trenchcoat Something Wicked This Way Comes Never Cry Wolf Return to Oz The Black Cauldron [X] The Journey of Natty Gann One Magic Christmas The Great Mouse Detective [X] Flight of the Navigator Benji the Hunted Return to Snowy River Oliver & Company [X] Honey, I Shrunk the Kids [X] Cheetah The Little Mermaid [X]
DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp The Rescuers Down Under White Fang Shipwrecked Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken The Rocketeer [X] Beauty and the Beast [X] Newsies [X] Honey, I Blew Up the Kid The Mighty Ducks Aladdin [X] The Muppet Christmas Carol [X] Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey A Far Off Place The Adventures of Huck Finn Hocus Pocus Cool Runnings [X] The Three Musketeers Iron Will Blank Check [X] D2: The Mighty Ducks White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf The Lion King [X] Angels in the Outfield Squanto: A Warrior's Tale The Santa Clause [X] The Jungle Book Heavyweights [X] Man of the House Tall Tale A Goofy Movie Pocahontas Operation Dumbo Drop A Kid in King Arthur's Court The Big Green Frank and Ollie Toy Story [X] Tom and Huck Muppet Treasure Island [X] Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco James and the Giant Peach [X] The Hunchback of Notre Dame [X] First Kid D3: The Mighty Ducks 101 Dalmatians [X] That Darn Cat Jungle 2 Jungle Hercules [X] George of the Jungle [X] Air Bud [X] RocketMan Flubber [X] Mr. Magoo Meet the Deedles Mulan [X] The Parent Trap [X] Air Bud: Golden Receiver I'll Be Home for Christmas A Bug's Life [X] Mighty Joe Young My Favorite Martian Doug's 1st Movie [X] Endurance  Tarzan [X] Inspector Gadget [X] The Straight Story Toy Story 2 [X]
Fantasia 2000 The Tigger Movie [X] Dinosaur [X] Disney's The Kid Remember the Titans 102 Dalmatians The Emperor's New Groove [X] Recess: School's Out [X] Atlantis: The Lost Empire [X] The Princess Diaries Max Keeble's Big Move Monsters, Inc. [X] Snow Dogs Return to Never Land The Rookie Lilo & Stitch [X] The Country Bears Tuck Everlasting The Santa Clause 2 [X] Treasure Planet [X] The Jungle Book 2  Piglet's Big Movie [X] Ghosts of the Abyss Holes [X] The Lizzie McGuire Movie Finding Nemo [X] Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl [X] Freaky Friday [X] Brother Bear The Haunted Mansion [X] The Young Black Stallion Teacher's Pet [X] Miracle Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Home on the Range [X] Sacred Planet Around the World in 80 Days America's Heart and Soul The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement The Incredibles [X] National Treasure [X] Aliens of the Deep Pooh's Heffalump Movie [X] The Pacifier [X] Ice Princess Herbie: Fully Loaded [X] Sky High [X] Valiant [X] The Greatest Game Ever Played Chicken Little The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [X] Glory Road Roving Mars Eight Below [X] The Shaggy Dog The Wild [X] Cars [X] Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest [X] Invincible The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D [X] The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause [X] Bridge to Terabithia Meet the Robinsons  [X] Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End [X] Ratatouille [X] Underdog [X] The Pixar Story The Game Plan Le Premier Cri Enchanted [X] National Treasure: Book of Secrets [X] Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert College Road Trip The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Dasavathaaram WALL-E [X] Beverly Hills Chihuahua Morning Light (High School Musical) [X] (High School Musical 2) [X] High School Musical 3: Senior Year Bolt [X] Bedtime Stories [X] Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience Race to Witch Mountain Hannah Montana: The Movie Earth Trail of the Panda Up [X] Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book G-Force [X] Walt & El Grupo The Book of Masters Disney's A Christmas Carol Old Dogs The Princess and the Frog [X]
Alice in Wonderland [X] Waking Sleeping Beauty Oceans Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Toy Story 3 [X] The Sorcerer's Apprentice The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos Secretariat Do Dooni Chaar Tangled [X] The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story Tron: Legacy Anaganaga O Dheerudu Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan Mars Needs Moms Zokkomon African Cats Prom Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides [X] Cars 2 Winnie the Pooh The Muppets [X] John Carter Chimpanzee Arjun: The Warrior Prince Brave [X] The Odd Life of Timothy Green Frankenweenie Wreck-It Ralph [X] Oz the Great and Powerful Wings of Life Monsters University [X] The Lone Ranger [X] Planes Frozen [X] Saving Mr. Banks [X] Muppets Most Wanted [X] Bears Million Dollar Arm Maleficent Planes: Fire & Rescue Khoobsurat Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Big Hero 6 [X] Into the Woods [X] McFarland, USA Cinderella Monkey Kingdom Tomorrowland Inside Out [X] (ABCD) ABCD 2 The Good Dinosaur The Finest Hours Zootopia [X] The Jungle Book Tini: The Movie Alice Through the Looking Glass Finding Dory The BFG Pete's Dragon Queen of Katwe Moana [X] Growing Up Wild Dangal (March of the Penguins?) [X] L'Empereur - March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step Beauty and the Beast [X] Born in China Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Cars 3 Ghost of the Mountains Jagga Jasoos Coco [X] Expedition China A Wrinkle in Time Incredibles 2 [X] Christopher Robin The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Ralph Breaks the Internet Mary Poppins Returns Dumbo Penguins Aladdin Toy Story 4 [X] The Lion King Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Lady and the Tramp Noelle Frozen II One Day at Disney Togo
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made
There are about 431 movies on this list and I have seen about 124 of them, for a total of 28.7% of all Disney movies.
This should be a nightmare.
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