#AA characters stop guilt tripping others challenge
alynnl · 1 year
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Ace Attorney: Investigations 2 and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney spoilers under the cut.  I found a contradiction!
Let me get this straight.
Raymond Shields was Gregory Edgeworth’s understudy.
At first he was being vague when meeting Miles Edgeworth the first time in a while in Investigations 2.  He speaks in cryptic language and implies that he’s going to “report to ‘that person’ about Miles’s betrayal, following the Von Karma ways.”  Presuming “That Person” is referring to Gregory then we assume at first, that Ray has no idea Gregory is dead.
We dive further into the case, we meet Ray again.
He clearly states that he inherited Gregory’s practice, the Edgeworth Law Offices.  Him and Miles talk about his late father when he mentions this.  Ray actually knows that his mentor is dead after all and has been carrying on his work with the Edgeworth name on the line.
If Raymond Shields knows Gregory Edgeworth is dead...
Does he not know about the DL-6 Incident at all?
Is he not aware that after he was orphaned, Miles was legally adopted by Manfred von Karma and didn’t really have a choice but to become his student?
Adding to that, this was done on purpose to erase any traces of Gregory’s legacy
Where was Raymond at the time Miles was orphaned, and why didn’t he take him in and raise him as a defense attorney to follow closer in Gregory’s footsteps?
Did Raymond not hear about the events of Turnabout Goodbyes, where Manfred von Karma framed Miles for two murders and came very close to getting away with it?
And then there’s the events of Farewell, My Turnabout where Miles says, under oath that his only aim is to find the truth.  (And you can’t tell me that the trial of a celebrity like Matt Engarde didn’t make national, or even worldwide news.)
I suppose my Watsonian (in-universe) question is this: Has Raymond Shields been living under a rock for the past year and then some?
You would have to be, to miss all that!
And my Doylist (meta, out of universe writing) question is this: Why are the writers of later AA games almost allergic to making direct connections to the previous ones?
I don’t speak for every AA player, but I would love to see incidents and events referred to by name and not just “a case I worked on previously.”  Capcom.  You have the power to do this.  You own all the games.  Step up your continuity!
... All this being said, I’m willing to be patient and see if these contradictions are answered for in the narrative of AA: I2.  Despite my long sessions in the game (I think my latest one was an hour and a half today) - I’m still only on the second case, The Imprisoned Turnabout.  This game will be a long runner, a bit like reading a brick of a novel.  But I’ve come too far not to piece together all the lore to see if it fits.
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devilsknotrp · 5 years
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Congratulations, T! You have been accepted for the role of Lisa Ramirez (FC: Alice Braga). Where can we even start?! This application, from the get go, was just a marvelous experience. You’ve written Lisa so tenderly and articulated that she is, at her core, a good person. We especially loved the inclusion of her war past and how that has stayed with her. That attention to detail stands out and I was touched you reached out to discuss it further. Moreover, your acknowledgement of the current state of affairs and how Lisa fits into them just shows that you’re ready to throw her into the deep end. She has a central role to play in Devil’s Knot, and we know you’re going to bring the best out in her. Thank you for a mature and thoughtful application. Please have a look at this page prior to sending in your account.
Name: T. Age: 23. Pronouns: She/Her. Timezone: CST. Activity estimation: 7/10. I work a full-time job and sometimes I’m on call, but I’m always on for a few hours a day and sometimes I can even have my laptop at work. Triggers: [Redacted]
Full name: Lisa Marie Ramirez. Age (DD/MM/YYY): 43 (21/02/1953). Gender: Female. Pronouns: She/Her. Sexuality: Bisexual. Occupation: Community Engagement and Liaison Officer. Connection to Victim: Before Brian went missing, there wasn’t really a connection there. Of course, any time someone new moves into Devil’s Knot, word goes ‘round. With Brian’s disappearance, her role as liaison officer has became something a bit overwhelming and quite frankly, a major shock factor. She’s responsible for ensuring that every resource and service is utilized in the greatest manner, and to keep the press under control. If anything, she’s a lifeline for Brian, which puts a lot of unwanted weight on her. As for Linda, Lisa has met her a few times to help with the organization of searches and because of her friendship with Vernon. Alibi: Lisa was at the community centre setting up for an AA sobriety meeting with a few members of the group. Of course, she was there late considering she’s responsible for hosting the meeting and cleaning up afterwards. Expansion in writing sample and in the headcanon section. Faceclaim: Alice Braga.
No meeting was ever the same, no addict ever fully recovered from the sickness that haunted them. Except, those who didn’t understand the disease failed to label it as such, but who was she to make such a powerful statement? She believed fully in the program’s goal and believed that if every member supported the other, that any addiction could be slain. Her hope was enough to keep her going, no matter how many times an individual fell off the wagon or damn near dared to. Someone had to believe in them outside of their sponsors and if the community couldn’t find the empathy to do that, then she most certainly could.
“Alright, the third batch of coffee is almost done and I’ve already got the chairs set up for about the same number of people as we had last meeting. I added a few more in case we had some newcomers.” She was hellbent on gathering as many people as she possibly could, but there were still those who suffered with their sickness in the dark. The overzealous organizer looked around the meeting space where plenty of familiar faces mingled amongst one another. It was a pride-striking moment to see such an amazing group of people, but then again, who was to say they were amazing at all outside of the meeting circle? After all, she’d trusted Max Acosta and he’d been pinned with a violent murder, though parts of her still doubted his guilt.
When the caged clock above the exit struck eight, everyone gathered in the circle, leaving only a few empty seats to Lisa’s minor disappointment. One day they’d fill them all and need a few extra, but today wasn’t that day. She sat up straight as she introduced herself the same as always. First came the Serenity Prayer, then the stories of the various meeting members strong enough to share.
“My name is Lisa and I’m an alcoholic,” she paused, allowing enough time for those in the group to politely greet her as they always did. “I’ve been sober for about sixteen years now. Everyday is still a challenge, but if it were easy, anyone could do it. I used to hate the idea of stopping drinking. It seemed like if I stopped, all of my past pain would come back. Whenever I finally met my year mark, then my second year, I finally felt powerful to be able to function without a bottle. It’s possible to have a good time without drinking. I know that being here isn’t easy for some of us, but nothing comes easy. It doesn’t matter what the people outside of this meeting space think – it only matters what we do with ourselves. Everyone in this room is brave and I commend you all on your shares, and I commend those of you don’t share as well. Thank you.” Everyone needed recognition, even the quiet ones that were too reserved or nervous to speak up.
Interested in the next share, Lisa perked up in her straight-backed metal chair, dark hues scanning her fellow peers for the next brave person to step up. Nervously, a familiar face raised his hand, her attention directed solely toward him. She admired those brave enough to step into the arena known as the recovery process. Round after round could be fought, but the slightest hint of weakness could result in a loss. It was a dangerous game they’d all been thrown into, but day by day, they were desperately trying to win.
After a near hour and a half had passed, Lisa found herself standing with a smile. “That’s all the time we have tonight. Thank you to those who shared. As always, if you want to stay and chat a bit before heading out, go ahead. If anyone wants another cup of coffee, just let me know before I clean up. Have a safe trip home and I look forward to seeing you all next time.”
mock blog
Lisa joined the war effort as a combat nurse in 1971 at the age of eighteen. She lied on the application saying she was twenty, but no one dared to question it. After all, it was a desperate time for American troops and all hands on deck were needed. She was thrown into combat with a short amount of training, but the truth of the matter is simple; she’d been sent in for damage control and nothing more. She spent two years in combat before the Paris Peace Accords was signed and by March of 1973, she’d been brought by to the states left to recover with the things she’d taken part in.
She suffered from PTSD, which led to her drowning out her pain in booze. For seven years she tried to get sober, but always fell off the wagon for some reason or another. Quite frankly, she was a functioning alcoholic. By 1980, Lisa needed a change in scenery and programs, which is what brought her to Devil’s Knot. Now, it’s 1996 and she’s been sober for a stretch of sixteen years.
She has her doubts about Max Acosta being capable of such violence. She thinks that the police department should’ve dug deeper, but then again, what does she know?
Since 1984, she’s been building herself up in the community and has tried to keep herself as busy as possible. With twelve years gone, she’s more comfortable in her own skin than she’s been her entire life.
The night of Brian’s disappearance, Lisa was held up at the community centre with an AA sobriety meeting. Her night started off with getting coffee ready for the group. I mean, do you know how important coffee is at meetings? Has to be strong and bottomless. She leads the sobriety meetings, ‘cause who better than someone with sixteen years under their belt? She opened, guided discussions, and shut the group down routinely as she did every other night. Afterwords, she took point in returning the chairs to their orderly form, cleaned up the coffee maker, and made sure to take out the trash like any good guest of a borrowed space would do. If she had to guess what time she finally got home that night, she’d say nearly eleven, perhaps a little later. Besides, it wasn’t like she was watching her every move at the time.
Meeting runtime: 8:00PM to 9:30PM
With Brian’s disappearance, Lisa’s been working double, even triple time to keep things as calm as possible. Between her late nights at the mayor’s office and her early mornings at the station, Lisa is worn thin at times. The hungry journalists and their thirst for a connection to the tragic incident in 1984 has been somewhat of a trigger for her. She still has a hard time believing Max is the one responsible, but what she thinks doesn’t really matter. So, she spends a lot of time keeping the story straight and dodging as many questions as she can. It’s an elevated role for her, but someone has to do it and she’s always willing to step up when needed.Whenever she and Danielle go out for beers, Lisa always chooses ginger ale as her drink of choice. After all, recovery is a forever long process and she’s not too keen on throwing away sixteen years of sobriety for a good night of fun and lord knows Danielle would never let her do such a thing.Being with someone 14 years younger than her is a total shock factor at times. She often questions when it’s going to end and quite honestly, she has low expectations of it actually lasting longterm, regardless of what she wants. It doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be incredibly happy if it were to workout. She wants to settle down in the safest route possible, even if it means making a few changes.Anyone who knows Lisa knows that Sweet Child O’ Mine is her jam. It’s her all time favorite song and if it plays, you can almost guarantee she’s somewhere mouthing every word and playing the best damn air guitar known to (wo)mankind.
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