#The DL-6 Incident
sailor-tri · 11 months
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I bet this how miles felt when Phoenix essentially saved his life when he got framed for murder. Something something sun and moon
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alynnl · 1 year
Sometimes, Things Happen (Ace Attorney Analysis)
I have more thoughts in my mind about Miles Edgeworth and the way he’s written in the Ace Attorney Trilogy and the Investigations duology so far.
There is one detail I appreciate about the way his backstory is framed.
Often in stories (movies, video games, TV, any media under the sun with characters and a narrative) we see a character’s tragic past as “something that had to happen.”  That “they wouldn’t be who they are today if it wasn’t for their hardships,” their suffering built character and/or made them stronger, and that everything happens for a reason.
If we take a look at Edgeworth and the way he (and the narrative) treats his past, we are shown a different angle.  The DL-6 Incident and its fallout are depicted as a negative event, one that ruined the lives of many.  It was a devastating case for almost everyone involved (and even Manfred von Karma was worse for it, diving even further into corruption and going way past the point of no return.)
In later games, even after the DL-6 case is solved and officially put to rest, Edgeworth still refers to it as the time his life was shattered forever.  It’s only through a lot of soul searching and reconnecting with old friends (along with new ones) that Edgeworth begins a new path in his life.  I start to delve into speculation and head canon territory with my next statement, but one could argue that Miles wouldn’t be questioning his own morality and purpose in life if DL-6 didn’t occur and Gregory was still alive to give him guidance.
Ace Attorney’s writing is consistent so far in that it doesn’t consider its more tragic events as blessings in disguise, meant to give characters challenges to overcome and be their best selves. Instead these scenes show that “sometimes bad things happen to good people, and acceptance still doesn’t bring back the people who are gone.”  It is a sad truth, but one that can probably resonate with players to some degree.
This game series might have some gimmicks, running jokes and pun-filled names, but when it gets into serious matters, it sure doesn’t mess around.
I truly respect that as a storyteller and reader.
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akarinehe · 25 days
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What would you do in this situation, father?
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karakuliiii · 9 months
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Really late but it's a redraw of my 2022 art for 'almost christmas means it wasn't cristmas" day
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pinkhibiscustea · 9 months
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I am so sorry edgeworth
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forecast0ctopus · 9 months
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kukuu031 · 9 months
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failed at posting DL-6 stuff on christmas 2 years in a row. IM SO PROUD OF THIS ONE !!!! also Why is edgeworth so hard to draw
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alyna-cherry · 1 month
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Sinking feeling.
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demynom · 1 year
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Demon Prosecutor
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doydoune · 9 months
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happy december 28th!! nothing bad happened !! this is a normal day!! here are a dad and his child enjoying a moment together in a safe setting and definitely not in an elevator !!
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alynnl · 1 year
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Ace Attorney: Investigations 2 and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney spoilers under the cut.  I found a contradiction!
Let me get this straight.
Raymond Shields was Gregory Edgeworth’s understudy.
At first he was being vague when meeting Miles Edgeworth the first time in a while in Investigations 2.  He speaks in cryptic language and implies that he’s going to “report to ‘that person’ about Miles’s betrayal, following the Von Karma ways.”  Presuming “That Person” is referring to Gregory then we assume at first, that Ray has no idea Gregory is dead.
We dive further into the case, we meet Ray again.
He clearly states that he inherited Gregory’s practice, the Edgeworth Law Offices.  Him and Miles talk about his late father when he mentions this.  Ray actually knows that his mentor is dead after all and has been carrying on his work with the Edgeworth name on the line.
If Raymond Shields knows Gregory Edgeworth is dead...
Does he not know about the DL-6 Incident at all?
Is he not aware that after he was orphaned, Miles was legally adopted by Manfred von Karma and didn’t really have a choice but to become his student?
Adding to that, this was done on purpose to erase any traces of Gregory’s legacy
Where was Raymond at the time Miles was orphaned, and why didn’t he take him in and raise him as a defense attorney to follow closer in Gregory’s footsteps?
Did Raymond not hear about the events of Turnabout Goodbyes, where Manfred von Karma framed Miles for two murders and came very close to getting away with it?
And then there’s the events of Farewell, My Turnabout where Miles says, under oath that his only aim is to find the truth.  (And you can’t tell me that the trial of a celebrity like Matt Engarde didn’t make national, or even worldwide news.)
I suppose my Watsonian (in-universe) question is this: Has Raymond Shields been living under a rock for the past year and then some?
You would have to be, to miss all that!
And my Doylist (meta, out of universe writing) question is this: Why are the writers of later AA games almost allergic to making direct connections to the previous ones?
I don’t speak for every AA player, but I would love to see incidents and events referred to by name and not just “a case I worked on previously.”  Capcom.  You have the power to do this.  You own all the games.  Step up your continuity!
... All this being said, I’m willing to be patient and see if these contradictions are answered for in the narrative of AA: I2.  Despite my long sessions in the game (I think my latest one was an hour and a half today) - I’m still only on the second case, The Imprisoned Turnabout.  This game will be a long runner, a bit like reading a brick of a novel.  But I’ve come too far not to piece together all the lore to see if it fits.
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cremeriie · 9 months
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squawk! don't forget!
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inkwhite · 9 months
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“1228 1228”
Don’t forget—
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magurosnacks · 9 months
december 24th... what a seemingly inconspicuous day. i wonder what it could mean
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your-local-granny · 9 months
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"Our job is to find truth, no matter how painful it may be."
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doctorsiren · 6 months
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I have an idea (concept sketch that I will make a more refined version of in the morning since it is midnight)
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