skrapa-doodlzz · 8 months
(I MEAN @/fluffyr0cky BTW)
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badfuture2009 · 5 months
Good news! The rough draft for the first chapter of my Sonic AU is done! (By rough draft I mean that I’ll need to look over it and fix any inconsistencies and adjust the pacing. (perhaps, I may need to do nothing at all.))
I went crazy since I made that last post and wrote like 12 paragraphs lol
I should have it posted to AO3 by Sunday? (But don’t quote me on that!)
Fair warning though, it does mainly have depictions of blood, gore and death. Although it’s nothing too intense? (Yeah, kinda heavy for a first fic but I think I did a good job regardless!) But, I guess that’s just what I think.
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bagea · 1 year
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chocolatepizzaaz · 8 months
[ The Picture. ]
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Ike would love this drawing -
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torterragarden · 6 days
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I had to use another spark to get my wife first Lancelot makes me spark for him and now Vira does it to me too why are my faves SO MEAN TO ME
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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yeah very very much same~🎃
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winterstorm032802 · 6 months
I... can't know. Want to know. Don't want to know. Not yet. But so badly... aaaaaaaggghh!!
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hato-grumbot · 2 months
"Hi Grumbot.."
"You're still not repaired?"
"AaaaaaagggHH for Olympus sake!"
"How broken are you?!"
"The one thing I had of her aside from... that damn oracle!"
"Honestly... You're just as broken as me."
"It's not that I'm bothered by sis leaving it's just..."
"I'm so sorry."
"Gods, I'm so sorry."
"Grumbot, just respond, okay? Let's not play anymore."
"Come on. One more try."
"Mumbo's not the only smart one around, right?"
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acoraxia · 11 months
Hello! Good Morning/Evening/Night... This isn't a question. instead it is going to be my thoughts about how you draw / how you design SWK...
Can we please take a moment to appreciate HOW GOOD HE LOOKS?!?!?
You make him look more fine than he already is!!
I love how you do his character!
You're just so creative and talented!! your writing skills and your art style is just so- AAAAAAAGGGHH😭😭😭💕💕💕💕
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I apologize if I bother with something or i said something wrong...
Keep up with the GREAT work please!!
holy heck man thank you sm for the kind words what the heck 😭😭😭
Moments like this im glad to be an artist and writer for the silly monkey guy
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calicomuffins · 1 year
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POV a new season for a game I like came out today but Im also dealing with so many emotions and stress going on right now and im just mentally drained aaaaaaaggghh
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eulchu · 2 years
I’m sitting in my office at work having to pretend I’m normal and not screaming and loosing my mind internally because someone might walk by but aaaaaaaggghh this is the best day everrrr they’re so cuuuuute George said ‘cute date’ back aaaaaaggghh 😭💖
- Blob anon
me w my thesis open in one tab twitter open in the other refreshing the CUTE DATE trend 😭😭
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boohoohideyhole · 5 months
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omo-time · 3 years
So a lot of people kinda agree that Xiao has chronic pain. And as someone with chronic pain myself allow me to introduce you to flare ups! Basically instead of the moderate ache he always feels severe burning just lashes his entire body and awake or not, doesn’t realize he’s peeing himself until it’s already over. Bonus Venti/Zhongli/Traveler finds him like that and they have to be the one to break the news to him that he wet himself.
I feel like both Venti and the Traveler would do their best to help, even if they don’t know how, and try to get him cleaned up and into dry clothes. But Zhongli (who in canon carries pain medicine for Xiao) would be very paternal in just helping him, picking him up without concern of his clothes getting wet, knowing how to assist in cleaning up and getting him to bed so the poor yaksha can have at least a little bit of much needed rest
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aliensnipe · 7 years
Hiii! :D
Re: this music meme here
Right on!
I can feel it in the way your blood and heart beat
Well, I did get into town about an hour ago
There’s a bell inside a valley
Days that we speak, I believe that you were right
Go back to those gold sounds
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furters-a · 4 years
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now how ELSE am i supposed to interpret this
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Happy Draco-O-Ween || Part 19 of 31 ||
"Please, you must tell me more about these airplanes you saw, I'm completely fascinated by them!" Vlad tepes called out to Dracula from his seat. A gentle snipping sound could be heard within the room, filling the silence with its slashing sounds. A hand came to the base of Vlads skull, forcing his head downward. Another snip.
Count Dracula walked toward the mirror in his living room, carrying a cup of blood as he watched his former lover having his 500 year old locks being cut off by a professional stylist. While he admired it at the time, it was much better that he adhered to the modern age of fashion & haircuts. His face were warm with admiration as he gazed at the man before him, enjoying the way he looked with his new transformation. The cut were showing of the angular jaw that Draculas fingers had once traced in the dark privacy of a bedroom. "Later, I'm sure we don't want to bore our employee with something as trivial as modern technology." He gave a half laugh, coming across as sincere.
But the hair dresser, a slim thing in torn acid wash jeans, a band tee, ginger bowl cut, and a nose ring, merely flashed a weak smile at his clients, focusing more on the task at hand. Truth was, he wasn't really ever listening to any of his clients, they were just meaningless conversations to pass the time to make customers feel more comfortable rather than sit in an awkward silence for 20 minutes to an hour. That's not to say that he wouldn't listen at all. Sometimes he would hone in on someone's conversation due to there being juicy gossip or a scandalous affair. Most of his clients were rich folks, they always had something to spread, be it money, words, or legs. This client though nothing really major, just a rich man helping a friend back on their feet. He wanted a haircut that was distinguished but young. A simple short back & sides, with a little more on the top to play with. Both vampires saw their revolting rotting corpses within the mirror, saw how old their bodies really were. That didn't matter to them right now, they could see each other just how they were when they were alive.
The hairdresser couldn't see that though, he just saw two middle aged men who seemed to have a few feelings lingering between them. He wondered if they knew that or whether it was some weird older generation thing where they still saw it as shameful thing to feel. "Head up please." He commanded, beginning to add the final touches of product to give the longer areas more of a waves texture.
Vlad looked up into the mirror, still the same rotting corpse but with a shiny new hairstyle and a humans fingers wobbling it about in shape. Humans clearly made more effort with their appearance these days. "What do you think?" His eyes met Dracula's within the mirror.
Count Dracula walked across to the other, perching himself on the edge of a table so that he came face to face with him. Longer fingers stretched out to hold the man's chin, all eyes on him. "I see someone as beautiful as the day I met him." His eyes turned gooey as he leaned toward him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Oh, they are lovers, thats cute thought the hairdresser. It was nice to see an older generation of gay couples, being free to be who they are. Though he half wished the man would really give criticism on the cut but he supposed kind words to a lover meant he'd done a good job.
"Let me just check the back for you." He whispered down to Vlad, rising to his feet once more to join the hair dresser at the back of the seat. "Here, hold this." He instructed for the slim man to take his now empty cup. The red haired man held the cup against his stomach, letting his client observe his work. Draculas fingers lightly tugged at the small few strands that rest on Vlads neck. He gave a little nod in recognition, then reached for the scissors that rest on hairdressers table. He snipped off the tiniest of strands, and stood straight, meeting the hairdressers gaze in the mirror. "There. My apologies, I'm ever the perfectionist." He shared a wide smile, slapping him on the shoulder, and tightened his grip so the other couldn't move. He looked a little panicked at that. "That'll be all, thank you." Scissors swung open, hanging by a single finger until another held them straight out, and blade met throat. Dracula didn't let the human fall, instead, he made him stand up & watch himself bleed to death, his blood, his life pouring seemlessely into the cup Dracula made him hold, even as it overflowed onto the floor.
(Note: if you're going to a killer, always have wood floorboards with a varnish on the top. Much easier to clean up.)
Vlad sat there, elbow resting on the arm of the chair, fingers pressed into his cheeks and a look that was completely unphased by the horrific sight before him. Dracula took the cup from the dead man's hand and finally let him sink to the floor. Vlad turned in his seat to look at the dead body "It's a shame you killed him. I quite enjoyed the silence of the man. Humans love the sound of their voices these days, that sometimes I wish I had the gift of being Deaf." He twisted in his seat to look down at the victim, letting out an unsympathetic sigh "He really did do a good job on the hair do."
Dracula wasn't even bothered by Vlads nonchalent address of the ever growing cold corpse of their hairdresser. Instead, he rest against the wall next to the mirror, one hand bloody from murder, the other holding out the now overfull cup of here "Here, drink this." He ordered as he stared out ahead of him, lost in thought. "Did you bring me back to life? After my torture and death? Was it you who created me?" It was a question he hadn't dared to ask himself in a very long time. He looked almost distraught with it.
Vlad took a long swig of his freshly drawn drink, smacked his lips as if he were trying to decipher what kind of wine he'd been handed before replying in a most assured voice. "No. I did not create you. The vampire that made me, I begged for you to join me too."
"What?" Draculas voice wavered in shock at the news, he'd begged for this to happen?
Vlads hands raised with palms up, a sign of mercy for his silence so he could explain "We were losing the war, my most trusted advisor and the love of my life had been kidnapped by the Turkish. I didn't know what my next step would be. You don't know this but I used to plot and vent my anger in a cavern in the deepest woods of Wallachia. One day, that day, the cavern spoke back. It told me to lose but that I would win everything a thousand times over, that I could ruin those who set out to ruin us and come out with even a scratch. I was desperate to get you back to me. I didn't know what I was signing up for exactly but I asked whatever was in that cavern to find you, to make you the same as myself. I couldn't be without you. You deserved that justice too." Another long swig.
"It was your decision? You decided to break my heart into shatters when I hear they have decapitated Vlad III & placed his head on a spike? You decided I should come back and let me go home to my Mother only to kill her with a need I did not understand, to go and find my wife with my child, fighting everyday this vile hunger until I just couldn't bare it & I slaughter her?! I was going to be a father and you stole that from me!" Dracula snarled at the other, funny how ones image of someone can change so swiftly.
"It wasn't your child." Vlad snapped back, tone deathly serious.
Dracula shivered as though someone had walked over his non existent grave.
"She always fell for stable boys it seemed. I'm sorry to tell you this after so long but clearly she always found something appealing about a roll in the hay. Don't bark at me." Vlad raised his finger like a man commanding a disobedient dog. "You're a smart man, Omor. Think about it. Think how long you and I were gone at war, barely a few weeks home & you could feel the small curvature of life within her as she announced she was with child?"
Dracula looked almost defeated. So many years he'd spent quietly tormenting himself for killing both wife and unborn child just to satiate his unyielding hunger. Now, he knows that his wife was never his to begin with, not even his own flesh and blood. "Why did you say nothing?"
Vlad held out the cup of blood, Dracula looked like he needed it "For selfish reasons entirely. We were winning the war at that point, you were on form with all your plans of action, I couldn't risk my advisor losing that, I couldn't risk upsetting you."
"Would you have told me? Even if we had won the war?"
Vlad looked intensely at his lover, pausing a moment before replying "A little while after the celebrations. But I would have hoped she would be honest with you, I'm not a messenger."
"You're a warlord." Dracula huffed his laugh, quoting something he'd said centuries ago.
"Could you have still loved her despite her affair? Despite the child not being yours?" Vlad took a sip from the glass, seeing that Dracula didn't partake himself.
"Of course. I would be butchered the man who slept with her but I loved her entirely. I would've loved that child as my own. People didn't need to know." Dracula looked less like the terrifying creature the world had come to know but more solemn and vulnerable with the news, so heartbroken.
Vlad hated seeing someone to strong, crumble. He threw himself out of his seat, placing their shared cup of blood onto a table, and cradled the man he adored in his arms. "I'm sorry you had to hear the news but remember, this was centuries ago. We have a future to work at together now. It's you and I." He cradled the vampires face in his hands for a moment longer before sharing a deep kiss, trying to repair the small shatters of Count Draculas heart.
Do remember, the corpse of a dead hairdresser lies on the floor during their embrace. These are not loving creatures.
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