badfuture2009 · 5 months
Ok so, I’ve been writing a Sonic AU in my spare time and I genuinely can’t stop thinking about it.
I’m having so much fun writing it!!!!
I think I’m gonna post chapter 1 to AO3 soon!
It’s an AU based on the song Comet Face by King Krule and let me tell ya’
Sonic is absolutely going to be miserable throughout most of it.
I Can’t wait to let the world see my machinations...
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bluesilverr · 21 days
Tinys :3
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I am actually rlly proud of this one below here :3
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Also I may have forgot to put these 2 with the other one-
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krislgfox · 5 months
Remember this post?
Well, I guess the meaning of this post is now more clear :]
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(The height comparison yay :D)
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muriers · 5 months
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@mcyt-femslash - Week 4: Snow/Cultivation
So I know the "cultivation" part of this prompt meant like, plant cultivation, but I'm taking any excuse to draw wuxia au gempearl
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discosss · 17 days
"Sometimes, in the darkest of dreams, where everything seems to be helpless.
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There shines a light that makes the night be just a little brighter."
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foxtrot-broadcasts · 9 months
TBOI 4Koma #1
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“Oh, I bet that I would find you in every lifetime. The only heart that's crazier than mine…”
“I want you close to me every night. Like the earth wants to spin and the fire wants to burn, I want you here through the highs and the hurt…” (“All I want” by Tori Kelly)
My disease ME/CFS doomed me to live a life, which mostly takes place in darkness. Lately, there have been some brighter days, when I was allowed to watch something on TV for a while. As a big fan of Julia Quinn’s books and the adaptation of them in the Netflix series Bridgerton, I took the opportunity to enjoy the new season of the show in small doses.
The growing love of Penelope Featherington (she’s absolutely gorgeous! 🫠) and Colin Bridgerton reminded me so much of my imagination of Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules. Penelope is pining for her friend Colin just like Jules is yearning for Severus from the very beginning of their friendship, when they entered Hogwarts at the age of eleven.
The way, Penelope can’t take her eyes off Colin, laying all her love and devotion into her gaze, reminds me so much of Jules’ desperate love for her bestie Severus before they became a couple. Yep….I’m an almost 40 years old woman, who’s fantasising about these things like a lovestruck teenager. 😅
As soon as I was able to witness this beautiful scene of “Polin’s” first time making love, I just had to commission my friend @opalchalice to create this scenario for Sevy and Jules…because why not? Sometimes, this hopeless romantic mess of a woman - at least, that’s what I found out about myself, when I fell head over heels for an amazing person, this year - needs to pamper herself with her favourite treat: Another artwork from one of my beloved artists of Snapedom.
Lia, my dear, it was wonderful to find another Bridgerton fan in you and I feel blessed with the joy, your artwork summoned in my little, black heart. Thank you for always being open towards my ideas and that I’m allowed to see your artistic talent growing with every new piece of your work. Feel hugged, my friend!
🖤Severus & Jules🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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jack-kellys · 3 months
For the bad things happen bingo: Jack + bridal carry?
oh well hey there stranger. it was very much my instinct to have jack be carried but im actually so strong and didn't (quite) cave. also i made this a treat for u
available bingo squares here, ao3 series here! there r also some details in my ao3 tags/notes that make a few things about jack more objective.
Jack doesn’t like his new job, but he’s used to being good at things–adapting to things, maybe–that he doesn’t quite enjoy. 
Selling papers hadn’t been his life’s goal or anything, but he needed people to look out for him and a roof so he got damn good at it all. Same goes for these ridiculous cartoons for Pulitzer: Jack keeps his head down, his trap shut, and his pencil busy. By now he’s learned that making a bunch of very similar drafts is the way to go, so the old men upstairs can mull and hum and mutter about which reads the best when they all read the damn same. 
What is great about this newer gig is Katherine. Without it he’s not sure he’d see nearly as much of her as he’d like, and there’s so many doors to nothing and cramped little hiding places for them to giggle and tease and kiss in when they take a break from work. And since Jack isn’t technically granted any breaks, all Katherine needs to do is talk down to his boss with a cold glare and the whole matter is solved. And more importantly, they can go back to locking lips. The best days are when Davey comes by before the evening edition comes out after school, and the three of them share a cigarette. Katherine’s started to look at Davey the way Jack knows he has been for a while now, and he’s not sure what it means, but it makes butterflies reawaken in his stomach again. 
What’s not great about the gig is observing Katherine’s work life. 
Since the strike, she’s not needing to type up just one article anymore- by now it’s three, and when the Sun’s offices close for the day she ventures over to the World because she has a key and uses the typewriters there. Her father never stops her. And Jack sees her, because, you know, his rules for himself could also be stricter, but he’s used to that schedule. Up at dawn and asleep after he collapses has been his life, never hers. Jack watches her try to adjust- she’s always shooting him an upbeat smile, usually excited to be writing–and writing and writing and writing–when it’s something that interests her, but Jack doesn’t think he’ll get used to seeing circles under her amber eyes anytime soon. 
It’s November now, late in it, the time of year where there’s already a dent in supplies at the lodge that makes Jack sweat since it’s harder to steal in the winter. Jack’s at his drawing desk early this morning, wanting to have some time between when he gets out and the evening edition to try and hit up a few shops for medicines they’re running low on. Blink’s got a nasty cough right now, and the boy’s trying to puff out his chest about it, but Jack knows the truth. 
He heads up the stairs for a quick smoke break after a few hours, and catches Katherine coming in the front door from the cold in a hurry.
“Hey,” he says, greeting her just inside the main door. “You’re here early, what’s the deal at the-”
Jack observes her, and Katherine must read his mind. She sighs, shaking her head. 
“Jack, I’m okay. Rough morning,” she excuses. There’s no way a rough morning can excuse the redness surrounding her nose, the bags underneath her eyes so obvious they nearly look purple, which pops against how pale her skin looks. “And it’s cold out, too, so-”
“You catch Blink’s cold?” he asks. A middle ground, since whatever is going on with her looks worse than a cough. 
“Maybe,” Katherine agrees, which means she’s got to be feeling worse than a cold. “I’ll take it easier today if it makes you feel better.”
“It’ll make you feel better.”
Jack glances down, feeling her fingers against his own. Katherine threads her hand into his, before lifting up, dawn-pink lips pressing a small, cold kiss to his dark knuckles. 
“Go draw, Mr. Kelly,” she says to him, taking her hand away. “I’ll see you at three.”
Three is too long, and Jack can feel the time ticking by in the back of his mind, each hour making his palms itch worse. It’s not easy for him to get up and away–and especially into other parts of the huge building–without Katherine, so if she doesn’t make sure to come down and visit him he can’t really go up and see her. 
He practically rockets into motion the moment the clock strikes three, shuffling his drafts into his portfolio and shoving it into his desk, tugging his coat on, hiking his bag over his shoulder, then stands-
-up too fast. He wobbles, gripping the back of his chair and blinking his sudden spinning vision straight. Jack takes a breath, and finally exits the room, glaring at his boots. He hates whenever Mush’s hypothesis is proven a little right- Jack’s got something weird with his blood, wrong with the iron in his body. It gets him jumpy in the winter, gets him worried about everyone and the cold. 
Glancing around the hall, he sneaks up the stairs to where Katherine prefers to work- Bryan Denton’s office, who’s been out on assignments after shifting from the Sun for two months now and taught Kath a lot of what she knows. Jack knocks, before pushing open the door. 
“Oh, Kathy,” he sighs, smiling slightly. Her head’s tucked on the typewriter’s keys as if it were a pillow, arms rested under her chin as her chest rises and falls evenly. Jack’s sort of glad she fell asleep- doing all this work for hours on end in her condition hadn’t been Katherine’s best idea. 
Jack crosses over to her, drawing a hand through her hair. He pauses.
The ends of her wavy fringe his sweaty, he notices. Jack swipes his hand over her forehead.
Hot- burning hot. And her hands are cold when one of his own closes around them.
“Kath. Katherine,” Jack says, and says again. He shakes her shoulder gently. “Katherine, come on. Wake up, sweetheart.”
Slowly, her eyes flutter open with a small moan. Katherine’s eyebrows scrunch, confused- probably wondering why the first thing she’s seeing is an ‘f’ key. 
“Did I…? Jack?” she mumbles, lifting her head. Her face turns to his, and she pouts, blinking sluggishly. “Oh, I didn’t go down to you, did I. I’m sorry.” 
“That’s alright,” he reassures, two hands on her shoulders now. “Day’s over, yeah? Lemme get you- I’m gonna take you to the lodge for now. So you can rest some more.” 
She shakes her head, expression pinched.
“Not necessary,” she insists, carefully standing up. “Everyone falls asleep at their desk, right? Right. One time- one…”
She sways suddenly, but catches herself just as Jack’s muscles go taut. 
“One time.. thing,” she manages. She takes a step, and her dull eyes flutter, and Jack’s taut muscles send him surging forward as she falls sideways, only six inches or so from the side of her head slamming into the wall. Jack catches her, thank god, her form crashing heavily into his outreached arms. He hefts her up shakily, her temple finding his shoulder to rest on while his arms curl around her back and under her knees. 
“Kath?” he tries. “Katherine. Katherine.” 
She doesn’t wake, expression lax save for the strained twitch of her brow. 
“Fuck,” he hisses, because he’s alone, with his unconscious partner, in an office that isn’t his and in a building that doesn’t like letting him inside. And Kath’s not waking up. Jack’s heart starts to pound louder, it feels like- sounds like.
Stairs. Stairs. He needs the stairs. 
Jack rushes to them, doing his best not to jostle Kath as he starts downward. He needs to mind his footsteps- Katherine is practically his height, and her dress could easily cause both of them to go sprawling. 
He makes it down, trying not to breathe too hard, and shoves with his back out the front door.
“Jack? -Kath?”
Jack’s head swings to the right, and Davey’s there. 
“What happened?” the boy rushes out, striding over to Jack. “I was waiting for you two, they wouldn’t let me- is she alright? What-”
Jack lets Davey touch her forehead, watches him recoil and his eyebrows shoot up, before he traces her cheek gently.
“She’s sick. Came in and worked a whole day anyway,” Jack mutters. The November breeze makes Katherine shiver suddenly, but she still doesn’t wake, only looks more pained. Jack bites his lip.
“Hold her for a moment?” he asks Davey.
“What?” Davey splutters, eyes going huge. “Jack I can’t- I dunno if-”
Jack sets her in the taller boy’s arms anyway, and quickly sheds his coat. “Knew you were strong enough, Dee.”
“Whatever,” Davey mutters, narrowing his eyes at Jack, who sets his coat over Katherine. “Jack, you need that.”
“I ain’t sick,” he says, and carefully takes her back into his grasp.
“You’ll get sick. Or, you’ll-”
Jack starts walking. He’s fine. His nose is already chilled to the bone, but he’ll manage. He hears Davey quickly keep up, and they walk in strained silence for a while.
“You know, it’s my textbook on anatomy I had Mush borrow,” Davey murmurs. “And I read a good amount of it.”
“Good for you,” Jack mutters, though his body tenses up more than it already is as another gust of wind blows through. 
“It ain’t good for you to be out and cold like this,” Davey continues, and Jack keeps his gaze pointedly forward. “You’re already losing color and it’s only been ten minutes-”
“Dave,” Jack interjects, gazing down at Katherine. His coat’s helped, maybe, but she still shivers and burns and shakes in his arms and he wishes he could somehow grip her even closer. “I’m worried about her, alright? Lemme- just lemme hold her.”
Davey goes quiet for a moment. Before too long, Jack feels the boy’s arm come around his waist, rubbing his back, warming him.
“Okay,” Davey says softly. “Okay, Jack.”
They make it to the lodge, and the front door of it is all Jack can focus on. He lets Davey open it, and he heads in with her, going up the stairs, away from the colder first floor. He sets her in Racer’s lower bunk, since that’s always a safe bet. Pulls the covers up. 
Now what. 
There’re other things he should do, he knows that, but his brain can’t seem to connect the dots, the red string of his thought process being held limply with no direction. 
The hand on his back returns, and his name’s being said.
“-ck, you should get some rest too,” Davey’s saying. “You listening?”
“Always,” is Jack’s smart reply. “Yeah, I- well, I gotta run down to Mush first if he’s around, let ‘im know what’s going on.”
“Well, I can do that,” Davey brushes off. Then, he takes Jack’s hands, finding his wrists and cupping his palms around them. “You need to warm up, and rest, Jack, you just carried Katherine for a mile.”
“Yeah but I-” Jack shakes his head slightly. His shoulders hike as he fights a sudden shiver, slipping out of Davey’s hands as the red string finally lands around a thought. “I gotta grab some extra blankets, too.” 
He stands up, gripping the bottom of the top bunk to steady himself, blinking a few times. Fine. He’s fine. He’s going- he was going to get… something. 
The red string suddenly slips away, and his head aches, his chest clenches, and he’s really, really cold. His vision flits between darkness and wood bunks as his eyelids flutter. Stronger arms than he thought he knew slip under his own right as he feels he’s about to sink, though, and his face lands against a warm chest. He yawns, lightheaded, brain feeling separate from the rest of his body.
“Breathe,” Davey’s saying, urgently. “Jack. Jackie, can you hear me? Just breathe, in slowly, out slowly.” 
Jack’s trying to focus, but he’s not totally sure why he can’t, and his knees want to buckle. Davey’s strong, holding him up like this. Jack doesn’t feel like he’s holding anything. 
He feels his eyes close, which makes the breathing easier but the focusing harder. Davey’s holding him close, safe. He’s tracing the side of Jack’s head soothingly with a finger in the space between his braids, and Jack lets himself yawn again, though this time his brain feels less like it’s suffocating than it did a minute ago. 
“You gonna let me find Mush?” Davey says softly, but Jack can picture the ‘I was right’ smirk that’s probably residing on the boy’s pink lips. Jack simply nods into his chest. He lets Davey sit him on the bunk, still leaned into the other until he feels Davey shift him- trying to lay him down. Jack thinks he falls asleep before the boy even can- he remembers Davey’s chest as his resting spot, not the pillow beside Katherine. 
He wakes groggily a couple hours later, his suspenders and dress shirt missing. His shoes are off, too, and there’s wavy, auburn hair tickling his nose and someone’s back he’s tucked into. Just barely, he raises his head, opening his eyes just enough. 
Katherine’s awake, thank god, attire loosened. Jack’s arm is rested over her hip, but she’s petting someone’s hair, looking down at someone the way she looks at Jack. His head raises higher.
Davey’s fast asleep sitting half on the floor, face pillowed by his arm on the bunk mattress and hair being delicately combed through by Katherine’s fingers. Suddenly she pauses, and glances behind her. Jack meets her gaze, and she looks exhausted, but she gives him a tired smile. Jack tries to return it despite the fog going through his brain. 
“Go back to sleep, Jackie,” she whispers, so gently it nearly convinces his eyes to shut then and there. “You’re off duty, alright?” 
“How long’s he been asleep?” he asks her anyway. He leans over her a little, arm slipping away from her waist to find Davey’s cheek to caress. 
“Maybe an hour,” she provides. “Adorable, hm?”
Jack hums his agreement, but feels his head bob downward, despite his desire to ask Katherine how she feels. Jack wraps himself closer around her middle, nuzzling his face between her shoulder blades. The hand that isn’t resting against Davey’s cheek finds Jack’s hand over her stomach, their fingers threading together. All three connected, like one snaking string. He smiles to himself. 
“Sleep, Jack,” Kath says again over her shoulder. He listens. 
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nights-flying-fox · 5 months
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Sandro posting bc @leo-kinnie updated the catified designs and I had brainrottt
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badfuture2009 · 4 months
Comet Face AU - Chapter 6 is live!
And the second chapter of Free your mind is out as well!
Yeah! Finally out! I was gonna post these two yesterday but i just... forgot? i guess? I don't know.
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weevilpaw · 1 year
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hello internet i offer you some bedmen from twt
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wwads1800 · 2 months
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weird family
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leo-kinnie · 2 months
did i ever tell u guys that carefree!Sand's Leo is more like og!Sandro or did my brain create that memory from no where
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gun-roswell · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: CT-9902 | Tech, CT-9901 | Hunter, CT-9903 | Wrecker, CT-9904 | Crosshair Additional Tags: ndtech2024, Neurodivergent CT-9902 | Tech, Cadet AU, Team Dynamics, Verbal Insults vs Fisticuffs, Neurodivergent Tech Week 2024, CT-9902 | Tech-centric, Fan Event Prompts Series: Part 1 of Neurodivergent Tech Week, Part 11 of Clone Cadet AU Summary:
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Tech gets into a fight, even he had been trying to use his words to defend himself.
 Fan Event: neurodivergent-tech-week.tumblr.com DAY 1: The Cadet Batch
Part of Neurodivergent Tech Week / Star Wars Clone Cadet AU series
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atonalginger · 6 days
Snippet Sunday
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It's still Sunday in my head so it's Sunday...that's how it works, right?
Thank you for the tags, @therealgchu and @eridanidreams
this is from the party fic with Doc Melody flexing her powers...for reasons 😅
“You?” “Oh yes,” Jamie reached out and took Rosa’s hand. Before Rosa could pull away she snapped her fingers again and time slowed around them. Rosa gasped and looked around as everyone seemed to be frozen in time. Jamie ignored her panic and continued talking, “I know you had no idea whose toes you were stepping on when you started and why should you? To the casual observer I’m just some backwater hick who clawed my way out of the savanna and into the Core. Got in good with the most influential family in the Freestar and coasted off Jacob’s favor? Someone who deserved to be knocked back down a few pegs, back where I belonged. Sound about right?” “How did you…” “You thought you were in control, didn’t you?” Jamie stepped closer, sensing the shift back to natural time, “in truth, we hold all the cards. I could ruin you in a heartbeat.”
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errordient · 2 months
Decided to do a small series of headcanons for the combo club kiddos since it’s disability pride month!! Starting off with Flip!
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Flip has bpd (borderline personality disorder) along with ADHD. He’s bisexual (but in denial), was born intersex but identifies as a man, also transmasc, uses He/They pronouns, needs a cane for long distances due to chronic fatigue (ME/CFS) but doesn’t use it because he’s afraid of what people will think which ends up causing him to collapse often and get scolded by Gaster. But eventually he accepts he needs it and even decides to decorate it with ‘metal’ stickers.
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Flag meanings: Highest to lowest
Transmasc - people who identify with a masculine gender identity or expression, regardless of their assigned sex at birth
ITM/XTM - Transitioning from intersex to male; a transmasculine born intersex or assigned intersex at birth (AXAB/AIAB)
Bisexual - being sexually or romantically attracted to both men and women, or to more than one sex or gender
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Flip by @/askcomboclub
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