poltergeist-coffee · 2 months
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oh my god
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adorkablenerd · 1 year
5 for the music asks :D
Oo this is a really good one!!
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
I've been listening to the songs from the new One Piece movie sm and Tot Musica is the first one that comes to mind for this! It's so good, and is even better when u fucking blast that shit 🥰 all the songs from the movie are good af tho lol
Thank you for asking 😊
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wolfsetfree-if · 1 year
AAAAAAAH the chapter was so gooooood!!!! i loved the variations depending on what kind of wolf you play as (like an omega only fitting in the trunk or a gamma constantly checking their surroundings) it was super cool to read!!! great job and thank you for sharing this story with us, i hope you’re having an amazing day :)
I'm so glad you're liking the role variations!❤ They're a big part of the game so they will always be pretty relevant. Thank you for the well wishes, kind anon!
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omegaqueencas · 4 years
Take a Cue - Billiards Vingettes
1- John started teaching Dean to play pool as soon as he was tall enough to reach the felt, and Sam had early memories of sitting on the edge of the table in grimy bars, watching his father guide Dean’s hands on the cue, just like he guided them on a gun doing target practice. 
Once, Sam got his fingers crushed against the edge of the felt by the ball because he’d forgotten John’s admonition to be careful. Dean didn’t want to play for a while after that, until Dad snapped, ���He’s gonna get hurt worse than that some day, do you want to be able to take care of him or not? Pool’s a good way to make money, in a pinch.” 
After that they played again, and Dean had a hard-eyed intensity that Sam was slowly becoming familiar with as his brother grew older. 
2- Sam’s earliest role in hustling pool was as the teary-eyed distraction. If Dad’s mark was making trouble about handing over the money, it was Sam’s job to come over sniffling and wide-eyed, asking if they were angry with his Daddy. Dean would stand protectively behind him, ready to drag him out of harm’s way in case it didn’t work. It always worked. 
3- Later, it was Dean who taught Sam to play. Night after night, whenever there was a diner or a bar with a pool table, they’d take down the cues and rack the balls. At first Sam just practiced hitting any ball into any pocket, and then, as he gradually improved, they played every variation of billiards on the books, and a few that he was pretty sure Dean made up. 
“You scratched the cue ball! You have to pick truth or dare.” 
“That’s not a real rule, Dean.” 
“How do you know? And don’t chalk the cue between every turn, it makes you look like an amateur.” 
Sam raised his eyebrows. “Isn’t looking like an amateur the point?” 
“Yeah but only when you want to. Pool is a dying art and w e have to be defenders of her honor. Come on, truth or dare Sammy?” 
“Don’t call me Sammy. Fine, truth.” 
“Were you jerking off last week, after you walked in on me and Carla Benetti?” 
“Ugh, you’re such a freak, Dean!” 
Dean waggled his eyebrows. “Answer the question, you can’t welch on truth or dare.” 
“Time to go, boys,” their dad called, and they had to put the cues away. 
Twenty miles down the highway, both curled to sleep in the back seat with streetlights flickering in magic-lantern shadows on the inside of the car, Sam leaned his head against Dean’s shoulder and whispered, “Yes.” 
“Huh?” Dean said, already thick with sleep. Dean could fall asleep anywhere, at any time. 
“I said yes,” Sam repeat, low enough to not be overheard by John beneath the roar of the engine and the rush of the road. “I was jerking off. After I walked in on you.” 
“Oh.” Dean breathed out, a little shakily, and his hand found Sam’s skinny knee, squeezing. 
The dark made Sam brave. He reached down and closed his own fingers around Dean’s, holding them in place. They fell asleep like that. 
4-John watched his boys circling the pool table. Sometime in the last six months, Sam had started to grow and didn’t look like he was stopping, and it was throwing off his game. It would take practice to get accustomed to his new reach and strength, and although it would eventually be an asset, it was clearly aggravating Sam now, as Dean beat him up and down, game after game. 
John was at the bar, waiting for a contact who was supposed to meet him. Despite spending most of their lives in a car or assorted motel rooms together, he didn’t often get a chance to just watch his boys together. Not without haranguing them to finish their drills, or do the dishes, or stop their damn fool arguing. Tonight he had nothing better to do, until his contact showed. 
Dean was teasing his brother, ragging on him, the kind of patter he never got to use on marks, not when he needed to keep them calm. Sam was not staying calm, going red-faced and pout-lipped, bangs in his eyes. It was affecting his playing. Steady breaths, John could have told him; just like aiming a gun - shoot on the exhale. But Sam was getting to that age where you couldn’t tell him anything, lanky and stubborn. 
As Sam leaned over to take a shot, Dean passed close behind him and ruffled his hair. Sam missed the shot badly, and straightened up, scowling. “Dean!” John heard, over the noise of the bar. Dean grinned, unrepentant. 
Beside John, someone cleared his throat, and John turned to shake hands with the tall, grizzled ex-hunter he’d been waiting for. At some point during the conversation, he lost track of the boys and when he glanced over, they were both gone, pool game abandoned with balls scattered across the table. 
Just as John’s heart jumped with adrenaline, wondering if something or someone could have snatched them right here under his nose, he spotted both of them coming back from the bathrooms. Sam was still red-faced, and Dean still looked smug. They didn’t finish the game. 
5- There was a stretch of time where they were too old to be shepherded into a bar innocently by their father, and too young to convincingly pass off fake IDs. They kept their skills up at billiards tables in all-ages restaurants and permissive dives all across the country, places that would turn a blind eye to a pair of teenagers playing pool as long as they didn’t drink. It was easy to hustle in places like that. Everyone underestimated a kid. 
Sometimes people looked at Dean’s mouth or Sam’s beanpole legs and thought they could hustle something else. Dean always sent them away firmly as long as Sam was in earshot. Occasionally, if money was really tight, he’d slip out after putting Sam to bed, come back near closing time, and make a little more on the side. 
6- Watching Sam’s ass as he bent over a pool table was Dean’s favorite kind of public masochism. His bubble butt was the one place he’d never lost his baby-boy softness, although Dean knew from touching it a thousand times that the plump roundness was all muscle when Sam flexed. 
Sam’s Levi’s strained over the generous curve and Dean knew he wasn’t the only one watching. It made him hot with jealousy and pride to have other people’s eyes hungry on Sam as they played. His arms flexed in his t-shirt as he lined up his next shot. It was a view good enough to sweeten the sting of the money marks lost.
Sam didn’t love the buzz of hustling like Dean did. During his teen years, Sam got more and more bitchy about how weird it was to count hustling pool as domestic budgeting, and he started the same tune right back up after Dean came to get him at Stanford. But he loved the game; had always loved mathematics and precision of it, the way Dean loved the art and music of the clacking balls. 
It never took much to cajole him into a game or two. Sometimes Sam even won, and always the competition, the posturing, the subtle exhibitionism left them both wound up and desperate to get off. 
Someday he was going to fuck Sam over a pool table. The opportunity just hadn’t presented itself yet. They sucked each other off in the car instead, taking the edge off enough to make it back to the motel. 
7- Sam could beat Dean sometimes, and Dean occasionally lost to an unlucky mistake with a stranger, but the first time Sam saw Dean get his ass whupped at pool by a girl was at the Roadhouse. Dean was excellent, professional caliber, but Jo had grown up in a bar with a pool table, spent every day of her life there. And Dean had underestimated her the first time. It was stupid of him, Sam reflected, when Dean himself had so often taken advantage of his blond good looks to lower a mark’s expectations. 
Jo won the second game on skill alone, Dean playing hard and focused against her. He won the third, though. She looked a little breathless, a little bright-eyed and turned on afterward. Sam could sympathize. Win or lose, playing Dean at pool was always a semi-sexual experience. That was part of what made him such a good hustler. The game was as much about domination of this cocky, beautiful, attention-seeking young man as it was about the billiards. It drew people in helplessly, like Jo. Like Sam. 
8- There was something unknowable about the Winchester brothers from the moment they first set foot in the Roadhouse - a mystery that went beyond Ellen’s strong reaction. Dean was mouthy and charming, Sam withdrawn and polite, but both of them were in some undefinable way, untouchable. Like everyone else in the world was slightly unreal, and only the Winchester brothers really existed for one another. It was at the pool table that she finally figured them out. 
Waking up in the middle of the night and padding down the hall to the bathroom Jo heard noises from the bar downstairs. Sometimes her mom would take weird meetings with hunters at odd hours, and Jo was always curious, so she crept to the top of the stairs where she could watch without being seen in the shadows. 
It was Sam and Dean, playing pool. The hard clacking sounds she’d heard weren’t beer glasses but balls. She understood insomnia. There were nights when she couldn’t sleep that she’d spent hours at that table, trying to lose herself and her grief in the patterns of the balls on the felt. 
They circled the table like a pair of graceful animals, not speaking at all, and watched each other with intense eyes. That was what caught her attention, held her in place wrapt instead of going back to her warm bed. She’d played Dean earlier that evening, beat his chauvinist ass twice, and she’d seen how he watched her as he played - first casually, then measuringly, and finally triumphantly. But he had never looked at her like he’d seen her, like she was real in his world, like he was looking at Sam now. 
He watched his brother like Sam was a work of art, a piece a theatre. Appreciative, ecstatic. And Sam was looking back, almost predatory. She’d written him off as the soft, hurt college boy to Dean’s brash edges, but there was nothing soft about the way he was looking at his brother. Dean leaned over the table, deliberately slow, and Sam’s eyes were hungry. 
The unnamed suspicion growing in Jo’s gut clicked into focus when Dean put a hand on Sam’s back, dragging it down to the curve of his ass. Sam didn’t flinch, as if they did this all the time, just took his shot and sank the ball. Then he stood and grinned at Dean, wolfish. 
When Sam pushed Dean back against the edge of the table, pressed up between his spread thighs, Jo slipped away. She didn’t actually want to see them kiss or fuck or whatever they were about to do. God knew hunting made you crazy and destroyed innocence fast. Jo wanted to keep a tiny piece of her sanity for herself, in blissful, plausible denial about the mystery of the Winchester brothers.
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blakebbgirl22 · 2 years
Hospital Birth:
This is my first time writing so please be gentle with critiques.
This is a first time momma who’s baby is estimated to be 11 lbs 9 oz. Her constructions have just started and being her first baby she rushes to the hospital.
Emma is only 3 cm dilated upon arriving at the hospital but because she’s 10 days past her due date the hospital admits her.
Natie: Hi Emma, I’m Natie and I’ll be your nurse until tomorrow morning. Let’s get you up and walking shall we?
Emma walks rounds around the labor and deliver floor before retiring to her room. As the next few hours the contractions become more intense. Coming about every 15 minutes lasting for two minutes each.
Natie: It sounds like someone is making progress in here! Let’s check you and see how far you’ve come in the bast three hours. …your 5 centimeters, half way there.
Emma: Only 5?
Emma is disappointed and feels like she’s already in a good amount of pain.
Natie: This is your first baby, labor can last from 12-36 hours for new moms and you’re only 8 hours in. Let’s get you on the bouncing ball to roll your hips. That should help you progress.
Over the the next 4 hours Emma peaks at 7 cm. She stays here for over an hour and a half. With no progress being made head nurse Matilda makes the decision to break Emma’s water.
Matilda: Okay Emma, we’re going to break your water and see if that helps get things going. Put your feet together and let your knees fall apart. (Breaks water)
Emma: I want an epidural! Please I can’t do this anymore, I’m exhausted.
Matilda: I’ll send for one but know that that means you won’t be able to get out of bed after that.
Emma: I don’t care, I just want to fall asleep, she cries.
Emma receives an epidural and waits for it to take affect. By this time she’s dilated to 8 cm and begins to transition into the most intense part of labor.
Emma: When is this epidural going to kick in?! Ah ah ah! Please help me!
Matilda: Let’s do some breathing. Breathe with me. He he hooo he he hoo. And again, he he hooo, he he hoo. If it hasn’t started to take affect there’s a chance you’re one of the few it doesn’t work for.
Emma: What?! No! I can’t do this without it! Gooooood I need to push! Oooowwwww! What is that feeling?!
Matilda: Don’t push we need to check you first. Are you feeling a low pressure?
Emma: I don’t know I just feel like I need to push!
Matilda: You’re about 9 and a half centimeters, keep breathing and I’ll call Dr.Rod.
Dr.Rod: Hi I’m doctor rod and I’ll be delivering you today. Let’s go ahead and get these legs up and see if you can push through the slight lip that’s left.
Matilda puts spreads Emma’s legs in wide stirrups.
Dr.Rod: Matilda is going to count and your going to push for as long as she counts and take big breaths in between. And push.
Emma bears down for 4 counts before letting out a scream. Dr. Rod inserts two fingers and feels for any remaining cervix.
Dr. Rod: Your cervix is almost completely thinned, jeep in your screams and push.
Emma pushes for 8 seconds
Dr. Rod: Chin to your chest, keep going.
Emma pushes for another 4 seconds.
Dr. Rod: Good girl, breath an take a break.
Emma let’s out a small groan and she lets her air out and rests. Panting until her breathing steadies two minutes later.
Dr. Rod: Here comes another contraction, go ahead and push. Push harder. Harder. (He reached in and check her cervix)
Dr. Rod: Keep going! Good girl, you’re fully dilated.
Emma pushes like this for an hour, pushing for nearly 15 seconds every breath.
Emma: can you see the head?
Dr. Rod: Not yet, pull your legs back and push again. (Inserts two fingers and pushes down) Push my fingers out! Harder. Go! Good girl.
The baby descends into the birth canal
Emma: There’s so much pressure!! Aahhh, oooooowwwww!!!
Dr.Rod: Yep that’s your baby, I can feel the top of his head. I’m going to start stretching you so you don’t tear.
Emma: Ow no please stooop!! Aaahhhh!!
Dr. Rod: Push! Harder! Harder! And again right back into it. Don’t stop. Push!
Emma: Ow it burns!! Ow ow ow!!!!It’s burning!!
Dr. Rod: Push again, go!I can see the head.
The head peaks out and slips back in for 30 minutes.
Dr. Rod: He’s right here, pull your legs back and push Now! Harder! (Pulls the bottom of her two lips apart) Push right here! Harder!
The head reaches a full crown
Dr. Rod: Stop pushing and pant. Pant! Now rest here and let him stretch you.
Emma: I can’t do this (she cries)!
Dr. Rod: You have to. You can do it, deep breath in and bear down.
The head begins sliding out.
Dr. Rod: Stop pushing and pant the rest of the head out.
Emma begins to push harder
Dr. Rod: Stop! Now pant it out slowly.
Emma: I have to push!!!! It burns!!!
Dr. Rod: Pant!
The head slides out
Dr. Rod: Push for the shoulders! Go! Push harder! Harder!
Emma screams as the shoulders pop out and the baby slides out to its belly.
Dr. Rod: Last push for the hips.
Emma: Just pull it out!!!
Dr. Rod: No. Now push!!
Emma pushes and delivers a healthy 12 lbs 9 oz baby boy.
Let me know what you all want to read next.
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
Kinktober - Day 11
11/31 Pairing: sex worker x Tony’s robot (& Tony hinted) Prompt: fucking machine Warnings: 18+, not that well written
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You were a highly paid sex worker in NYC and recently invited to Stark Industries to test a product related to sex. You didn't know what it would be but, of course, you said yes, it was a big company, paying a lot for the testing. Why not have fun AND get paid. That's literally why you did your job. You were surprised about meeting Tony and the flirting ensuing in the 30 minutes he needed to talk you through what he'd needed to know after the test. "So, since I pay you. Technically means I'm also your client, right?" he grinned. "Mr. Stark. You're flirt, really but that would need a little bit of conversation before anything happens in my paygrade." you kindly pushed him back with words. "I have time." he laid down the clipboard of papers. You explained what was okay to say and do. How much things cost, safe word use and all of that went on for another hour. "What am I even gonna test?" you asked by the end. "You'll see." he winked and you were oddly turned on by not knowing what was about to face you.
You were let into a room, Tony talking to you over speakers, you were being filmed. All the things you knew and were okay with. "So, we invented this robot for women, especially the ones making their money online with sex. It's a little bit like...a facehugger for your lower body," he explained and the robot was uncovered by a shift of other robots. "Hm. Turn it on and don't panic." he audibly grinned. You pushed the red little button, it started moving, analyzing you, suddenly crawling onto you before setting itself into your crotch area. You knew this wasn't coming off even if you wanted to and felt that there were things clearly made to drive a woman crazy. You felt something at your clit that could probably vibrate or massage. Something was sticking out between your thighs, clearly made to push into you and there was something else that was uneven close to your second entrance. Being dominated by a machine was new but made your center wet as a waterfall. "Like it already?" you heard. "This is genius, Mr. Stark," you smirked up into the camera. "You said dirty talk is okay?" he chuckled. "If it's working how it should." you winked and he told you to click a button now located at your vulva. "You might want to sit down for this, darling." you did as you were told and felt the robot fully click around you, now completely set on you, almost like a metal pantie. Something adjusted. "It scans you to be exact and give maximum pleasure," he explained instantly. "Wow." you were fascinated. "And can be made bigger wherever you want." he continued. "Well, let's give it a try then." you grinned. "Click the button again," he told you and you did. The dent at your clit started vibrating. "Only starts anything when it deems you ready enough," he explained. With a hum the vibrations between your legs made you flood even more. "Gonna have modes for normal, edging, and so on. And modifications for online sex workers that work live with a chat." you tried listening but you leaned back at the sensation between your legs. "Enjoy," he said before an object inserted itself into you, staying there for a while, probably analyzing for your sensitive spot. Then it started working in a rhythm and you automatically spread your legs with a moan. "Fuck, this is good." you panted. "And one more," he said with your second entrance starting to be massaged, something pushing you in a way that made you produce more juices, sending them where they were needed. "Oh my god, Mr. Stark." you moaned out. "Yes, darling?" he asked. "Fuck. FUCK." the second object entered you. "Take it like a good girl," he said serious and turned you on even more. The machines worked in perfect rhythms and the vibrations varied just enough to not make you cum instantly. "So gooooood. Mmmmmh." you moaned out. "Could be a torture device, huh?" he chuckled. "God, yes. You could make me say a lot right now." you chuckled and moaned again. "Well, tell me in every detail how good that feels." "Can't. So. Good." you were almost hyperventilating and the rhythms got slow again. "You're edging me, you little shit." you laughed. "Of course, why did you think we chose you to test?" "Dunno." a sigh left you again. "Don't need any man with this device, huh?" he asked. "Still love me some good slaps on my ass and cum on my face." you winked massaging your boobs. "That can be arranged." he chuckled. "If you pay me anything can be arranged," you answered before the robot got faster again. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Mmmmh." you yelled out and then it got slower again. "Tell me what you'd like me to do to you then." he grinned. "First of all, you'd let me see that much talked about dick of yours." both of you chuckled. "And let me taste it." you smiled. "That sounds almost too good." he silently adjusted his pants where he was. "And then I'd bend over and you'd give me a good time and some nice red cheeks. How's that sound?" you bit your lips. "Pretty good." he was taken aback at your absolute confidence. "Please make me cum, Mr. Stark." you gave innocent eyes into the camera and made a fitting voice. "Only if I hear my name leave those lips," he said suavely. "Yes, Mr. Stark," you said in the same voice and the device worked you up again. "Oh my god, Mister. Fuck. Yes. So good." you moaned and squirmed. "Hmmm." you definitely heard him get off and that sent your brain into heaven. "Feels so amazing, Tony. So deep. So perfect. Yes. Yes. Please. Sir. Please. So. Close. Fuck. Mmmmh." you yelled louder and louder. "Good girl." you heard a deep voice. "Yes. Yeees. Harder. Faster. Deeper. Fuck. AAAAAAAH." you never came so intensely and loud in your entire career. "Fuck, that was an amazing show, look at you dripping down your thighs." he chuckled. "I want to have one. God," you said exhausted in the damp chair. "If you spend another hour with me upstairs I might send you one." he flirted while the thing unlocked and left you. Looking down on you, you witnessed pink and red wetness. "Deal," you smirked grabbing your panties again.
Kinktober Masterlist
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darkicedragon · 3 years
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Dendro’s so gooooood, aaaaaaah! QAQ
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So so good. QAQ
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floof-reppu · 4 years
AAAAAAAH YESSSS THEYRE BOTH SO GOOOOOOD!! And one of my own ocs also has a time manipulation quirk similar to yours, so that’s super cool! And don’t worry about doing all those canon x oc ships, I’ve been toying around with the concept myself for my two main bnha ocs, I just have... no clue who they’d fit with because I’m terrible at making decisions 😅
why is everyone so valid 😭
we're gonna decide together for the good of all OCs
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So if you didn’t watch it yet, please don’t read. But I just need to get some things off my chest.
- So, Eurus it is. Then who the hell is Sherrinford?? JUST A SECOND - sherlock saying “they always stop looking after three” and what if sherrinford is a forth sibling?? or are they the same person?
- Who the hell is HH Holmes??
- I loooooove Mrs Hudson omg outsmarting them all, that car & driving skills & being all badass and that crying thing and then whoops here sherlock is, and the scene with the tea and the gun 2and also “I’m not a civillian” okay
- aaaaaaah
- what is all this “sherlock’s blog” thing about?? what did we miss?
- Sherlock and John on a case yes thank you
- What the hell happened to the Holmes brothers?? Asexual / whatever is gone? Sherlock still texting Irene (the heck? what was the point of that text, honestly?) and freaking Mycroft taking that number????
- but still - chance of having irene in the next episode
- That ENDING???
- “there is an eastwind coming” mycroft the hell was that a code
- John being so freaking down that he hallucinates his dead wife speaking to him
- whaaaaat
- that hug between sherlock and john aaaaaah- johnlock or not, but just sherlock cares so freaking much about john and john is so down but finally allows himself to forgive sherlock and to cry for mary
- sherlock walking a ‘fuck off’ amazing (where are the lines between the letters tho)
- okay mary is actually dead, good (not bc of hear but woud have just been not good to kill her off and then bring her back) but that still makes that scene in the six thatchers incredibly stupidly unbelievably not possible so what the hell i want an explanation moftiss when mary shot sherlock you told us all the things that were not possible and now you’re doing it? i can’t believe that, there must be more
- aaaaaaaah
- also the sister working for moriarty? i don’t know what to think i literally don’t know
- sherlock telling the woman in red about suicide? amazing
- “isn’t that right mary” was that sherlock telling john that he knows about him seeing her or was that sherlock seeing her, too??
- that hug
- john confessing everything to mary not caring that sherlock is there
- the first part of the episode i was in a constant state of whaaaaaaaaaaat
- and then the rest of the episode this is so gooooood
- i was so sure sherlock wouldn’t be able to get culverton locked up in one episode but it’s kind of relieving?
- “the man we both love”
- sherlock almost dying for john and trusting him to save him
- i’m an emotional wreck right now
- aaaaaaaaah
- we’re definitely going to see some of their childhood next week
- amanda was lovely
- throwing the gun into the river yes thank you
- that huuuug (still johnlock or not - omg there is so much in that little scene)
- for a few seconds i was actually wondering if eurus would take of more disguises and reveal andrew scott
- she acutally shot are we getting another impossible scene of someone throwing them in front of john from like 5 meters away
- what the hell was this episode
- again, Mrs Hudson is badass
- i’m busy i need to drink a cup of tea
- john asking sherlock about why he should trust him and sherlock refusing to accept and then “you pretended to be dead for two years!” “apart from that!”
- sherlock completely ticking out reciting shakespeare yes thank you
- john beating sherlock up like this whyyyyyy
- they’re all acting so absolutely amazingly well
- culverton smith was such a good villain so dark and creepy and aaah i like
- i feel like we’re going to have more of molly next episode so yay
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