happyheidi · 1 year
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ig: eunhee_home
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oneshortlove · 11 months
I love them too
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This is my favorite one^
Oh thats perfect! I love that so much. Fits the vibes<3
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discountscoobyart · 2 years
I'm going to need u to elaborate so so so much what was their first meeting. First impressions. Do they have 'oh' moments. Are the rest of the gang there. Do they have classes together. Bestie pls
ajskla yes, hold on!!
first meeting from eddie's pov is the first day of school freshmen year, because steve is there and he looks so good in the tailored school uniform and the dark red and eddie is like "i'm gonna like it here" and steve maybe gives him a small smile because he's friendly like that
first meeting from steve's pov, the first time he truly notices eddie, is when he sees him on stage for the first time during practice when his teachers drags him to participate in the drama club-
and that's kind of how their impressions go, but eddie constantly fights with himself for liking steve because steve is a jock, and kind of an ass from time to time, hanging out with all the rich kids that hate people on scholarships and stuff
steve sees eddie as one of the freaks for quite some time but he learns to appreciate that later on
they both have their own oh. moment but since steve notices eddie later it probably is a mirror image of seeing him on stage for the first time- maybe during the final performance when he sees eddie acting his heart out
maybe eddie has his little oh. moment when he sees steve actually trying, supporting him with his writing and acting
the rest of the gang is there!!! jonathan and argyle are probably part of the scholarship gang, maybe responsible for the tech at the drama club?? something like that-- robin, nancy, and the other girls don't go to this school but their sister school and steve and robin met before (maybe during the summer when they both worked at the same spot)
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mushramoo · 8 months
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7.2 ft tall 600 pound sister moment <3
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pinkyjulien · 11 months
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🎃 Halloween - 2021 ━━ Frankenstein and his Monster
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shigure · 10 months
i love amvs for VNs cuz you really do not have a lot to work with so it's never gonna be anything other than pngs of some anime girls with different hats on. and you can really feel the passion that goes into them
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rustchild · 6 months
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goalsyoudontake · 4 months
The only thing I have to say about Leon is that he should Matthew Tkachuk himself
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🔪 <- curse of cut up OC be upon ye
Ok, this might get long and involves extensive world building and lore that has absolutely nothing to do with resident evil. Anyway enjoy.
Awake Surgery - Red & Alexi
CW: Impromptu surgery, slightly unhealthy relationship dynamic, fantasy bullshit.
If she didn't find them to be so annoying, Red would have to admit, her mother's disciples were at the very least entertaining.
The inquisitor before her trembled, wide eyed behind his helmet, as he stared into the face of his own death and muttered a prayer in Eden.
"Our mother, the divine eye, blessed be thy watchful gaze,"
Red would have rolled her eyes if she'd had any. Instead, she flipped her knife once in her hand before rushing forward and shoving it deep into the inquisitors throat, cutting off his prayer with a gurgle.
His fear as he died was palpable, but not nearly enough to appease her. In a guttural whisper, she said, simply, "She can't hear you." before ripping the knife from his throat, the blood spraying over the porcelain of her hands. Vaguely, she could feel the warmth of it seeping into the ball joints of her fingers, gumming up the mechanisms. That would be a bother to clean later, but it always was and still always worth it. She shook them out as the body crumpled wetly, joining the rest of the crusade party on the now blood soaked floor of the research center.
Blood lust abating, Red turned, trying to remember why she'd come here. This was the lab of that scientist she'd... Hired seemed to strong a word for their arrangement, but blackmailed seemed too honest. Regardless, as the haze of death lifted, she pulled the pieces back together. He'd called for her, as she'd said he could do when needed. This was the first time he'd done so, though, given his apparent disdain for her. If he'd been desperate enough to have called her, he must have been well and truly fucked. Red looked around the lab, trying to find him. Or his body. Though, she was fairly certain she hadn't accidentally killed him in the frenzy. She probably would have remembered that.
"Are they dead?" Alexi's voice was small and shaken, and sounded entirely wrong, even besides his clumsy pronunciation of Pidgeon.
Red whipped around in the direction of the voice, seeing Alexi's face pear at her from behind an overturned desk. His eyes were wide and hollow, face pale and with a sheen of sweat, as though simply looking at her required more effort than he had to give.
Red rarely paid attention to mortals, but given her particular divinity, she was acutely aware of what a mortal looked like when it was dying.
Red did not hide the urgency of her movements. He started in his shaking as she appeared next to him, gasping like a broken hose, then stifling a scream as she shoved her hands into his wound.
"Shut up. You're dying."
Red heard him swallow, but ignored it, instead focusing on the wound. It was small, and not terribly deep on the right side of his abdomen. It looked more like a nick than an actual cut, but was obviously causing extensive damage. Visually, Red couldn't tell what was causing him to die so quickly. It couldn't be infected, it was a fresh wound, but still. Something was wrong. Red pressed her essence into it, trying to find the source of the damage, probably some poison, or curse, or-- Red's magic did not return to her. Instead, the wound and surrounding area registered as a dead limb, pins and needles numb, a black hole of arcane energy.
Alexi swallowed again, some sort of nervous habit. "You can save me though, can't you?"
She couldn't, actually. It was Boneyard magic, something stronger than her, stronger than even her mother. She could pour all the magic she wanted into the wound, it would never heal. The Boneyard would simply swallow it all up and still be hungry for more. And even then, as much as she poured into it, it would still swallow up his soul eventually. He was as good as dead. She should just leave him to die. Or put him out of his misery. Her hand twitched at her knife, though the thought of his death at her hands was not a pleasant one. That surprised her.
"Can't you?" He sounded somehow more pitiful, more desperate the second time asking, like he knew she couldn't and was begging her to lie. So she did.
"Yes." This wasn't the first time she had lied to someone dying of The Boneyard's poison, though she did hope it would be the last. Though, the last time she had lied, she'd actually had an idea to at the least slow the progression of it. Not that she had gotten the chance to try it before they'd succumbed. And that had been a diluted form of the poison. This was the real deal. It probably wouldn't work in this case. She should just kill him so he didn't suffer. And yet, Red found she deeply did not want to see him die.
Without further comment, Red pulled her knife and plunged it into Alexi's abdomen.
Alexi arched his back and screamed, eyes wide as Red began to pull the knife through his abdomen, cutting away the already dead skin, clearing away as much as she could. Alexi shouted something desperately in Eden, something about "How could you?" and "You said you would help." Red supposed this could be seen as a betrayal of sorts, though she hardly had time to explain the proccess. She could explain once he wasn't actively dying. Any second she wasted gave more of his flesh to The Boneyard. And she figured he would prefer to be alive in the end.
Alexi tried to shove her hands away from the knife, tried to pull it out of himself when she didn't respond to his pleas. He hardly had any strength to stop her, the attempts more pitiful than anything. Red grunted in annoyance, shifting to use her feet to keep his arms still as she kept cutting.
Where she cut revealed the true damage hiding, and the extent it had spread. The flesh looked bloated, the color slightly off the more she looked at it, like skin left too long in mud. Instead of blood or bodily fluids, the places she cut through leaked swamp brine and silt, The Boneyard starting the proccess of drowning him from the inside.
Red didn't know if Alexi saw the wound or had simply given up trying to stop her, but he was no longer wiggling underneath her as she continued clearing the wound out. She was not a surgeon, she was a murderer, and her cuts were not clean or exact, but they were the best she could do, cutting away the bloated skin, then clearing out the mud and water that filled the abscess, until what was left was a strange hollow in his flesh much larger than what she had started with.
With that part done, Red glanced to Alexi. He had gone limp, eyes closed, but still breathing shallowly. He probably wasn't fine, but breathing meant alive, as far as she was concerned. And once she gave The Boneyard something else to chew on, she could use her own magic to heal whatever damage she'd done. She just had to get through the next part.
Red hesitated, pulling her knife away from Alexi's skin, running her ceramic fingers along it's edge. She wasn't going to like this next part. She hadn't done this in a very long time.
Red forced the ceramic of her body to soften out, to become malleable and warm. She could feel as the ball joints became bone, the elastic became ligaments, feel the blood thrum under the skin. The knife's edge, which moments ago had been comforting against her fingers, now bit them, sharp and tangy, with the slight sent of cooper in the air. She could smell it.
She took a breath, a real one, and not her normal mimicry, before she placed the edge of the blade against her palm and drew it across. It stung, blood beginning to well almost immediately, and she hurriedly shoved it over the hollow of Alexi's wound. She squeezed her hand, willing more of it to pour out and into his body.
Where her blood hit his wound it darkened, solidifying into a void the same tone of her hair, a reflection of the night sky complete with a spattering of stars. It was her divine essence, a piece of her that would continue to output her magic for as long as it existed. It also tied him to her from now until it was removed, in which case he would begin to die, just as quickly as he had been before.
Once the wound was filled, she pulled her hand back, willing the wound to knit itself closed, then wiped the remaining blood on her shorts. She almost changed back, longing for the comfort of her cold porcelain over the vulnerability of flesh, but looking at Alexi's face stopped her. His eyes were closed, and she didn't think he was entirely aware, but his face was tight, twitching from pain.
With fingers that were still warm and soft for once, she took his hand, which was always warm. With porcelain fingers, Red could only ever feel pressure and the idea of a temperature, like touching a sun warmed window. But she could not feel the texture of things. Now, the ridges of human fingers found the ridges of his, catching on them in a way she might once have found grating, but now found... Interesting. His skin was slightly damp, and almost sticky. She interlocked their fingers, feeling the pressure of his fingers against hers, felt the way it changed the blood pressure of her hand.
With lips she had not used in centuries, and a tongue just as old and clumsy, Red whispered in Eden, "You'll be okay," as she gently fed her magic through their interlocked fingers, easing his pain and starting to heal the damage that had been done. He would be okay. And to Red's surprise, she was glad for it.
If you read all the way through this and are like. "Wow, this seems so cool and interesting and I'd love to know more about this world building!" You are in luck because I have. A Whole Ass Comic. Alexi isn't in it (Well technically he'll make a very brief cameo in later chapters, where he's a grad student and gets trauma about it <3) but Red is, and I'm going to be making some follow ups that Alexi will appear in lmao. anyway, shameless self promo over, back to Resident Evil.
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asteria7fics · 4 months
To whoever puts Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus on their Kyle playlists: I see you. You have an incredible sense of humor and I adore you.
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quinnfebrey · 2 years
life update: i’m gonna watch warrior nun
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every single lyric in bury me at makeout creek that reminds me of skug (the character) woo
(fairly long post under the cut)
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some of these do. should not remind me of skug at all but they do and you have to deal with it now
feel free to add on to this. with. any mitski shit at all because these songs make me feel intense emotions about a fictional skeleton
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imhereforscm · 2 years
Hi. Do you take requests? If you do can you write something about Tauxolouve. I didn't see many fics about him. You don't need to write if you don't want to. 🙂
"Morning sweet nothings"
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: I hope this fic makes you as happy as your ask made me!^^
(Tumblr better keep my paragraphs)
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The delicious scent of baked goods traveled around the atmosphere upon your entrance in the bakery.
Pies of all kinds and croissants with either sweet or salty fillings were placed in the forefront of the showcase, displaying their delicious aroma and looks.
You ordered your coffee at the counter and yawned as the employee walked away and you heard Tauxolouve's chuckle.
"Still sleepy?" He spoke in a low voice, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nodded and took his hand in yours as you led him to a table beside the glass, so you could look outside at the world only just now beginning to stir and wake up.
The rays of the sun crawled across the pavement and the few cars driving by rolled down their windows, for the morning air to keep the drivers awake.
Tauxolouve's thumb caressed your hand in a circling motion, making you smile bashfully down at your lap. "You're beautiful."
You let out a breathy laugh, the apples of your cheeks pushing at your lower eyelids as your smile broadened. "Stop..."
"Why?" He brought your hand to his attractively shaped lips and kissed it sweetly. "Truth is a nice thing."
You peered at him through your eyelashes and bit on your lip, trying to sustain the toothy smile begging to spread across your lips.
Tauxolouve leaned onto the table and brought his face closer. "Don't hide it, little lady."
"Hide what?" You asked playfully, trying to purse your lips together, but the uncontrollable smile tugging at the corners of your mouth still managed to show itself.
"Your lovely smile."
You looked down at your connected hands and laced your fingers with his own, looking up at him a bit shyly.
Tauxolouve gave your hand a squeeze and with his free hand, he brought a finger underneath your jaw. "What if I tickle you until you give in and smile?"
"You won't dare." Your eyes widened, stealing glances around the rather empty bakery. "Lou..."
His lips curled slyly and his shoulders jerked as he chuckled. "Oh, you know I will."
"Lou." You threatened—not literally, of course—trying to push his hand away. "No."
"Here comes..." He trailed off as he started to give you quick flicks with his fingertip, causing you to giggle and pull away so he couldn't reach your ticklish spot any longer.
By the time Tauxolouve quit tickling you, a bright and wide grin was plastered on your face, complimenting your facial features.
Tauxolouve stayed silent as he admired your happy face, awestruck such beauty had a place in his arms. "(Name)..."
You hummed in response, signaling for him to continue.
"I love you." He whispered, words only for you and for you alone.
Your cheeks warmed up a little and you gave his hand a squeeze. "I love you too."
The waiter placed your orders on your table and you breathed in the delicious aroma of pie and coffee.
You reached for your fork, but Tauxolouve stopped you by taking it first. "May I?"
"You really don't have to."
"I won't force you, but I could, you know..." He poked the tip of your nose and chuckled at your cute expression. "Treat you like my princess." He cut a piece of pie with the fork and held it up, looking into your eyes temptingly. "What do you say?"
You covered your cheeks with your hand, laughing and whining both at the same time.
"Hurry up or I'll eat it myself."
"No! Mine!" You instantly stood up straight and took him up on his offer to feed you.
He laughed and watched on endearingly as he brought the forkful to your mouth. "How is it?"
You nodded, still chewing and you gave him a thumbs up.
"Now," His eyes narrowed and you knew he had more in store. "why don't you feed me too?" Tauxolouve handed you the fork and leaned in expectantly.
You looked between him and the fork hesitantly as your cheeks began to heat up again.
"Come on." He ushered. "Just one tiny bite." He said and winked, making you shy away even more.
"Fine." You smiled gently as you stabbed a piece of his own pie with the fork and slowly brought it to his mouth.
Tauxolouve nodded, his eyebrows rising a little. "You're right, it's pretty good." He took a sip of his coffee and smiled at you. "Want to come here again some time?"
"Sure." You smiled back, feeling your chest fill up with love.
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daz4i · 1 year
ring 4 - patrol is such a good song. least subtle lyrics ever. criticism of the police force as a whole and of the individuals using it to get a sense of power over those weaker than them. it sounds like a crash bandicoot song. it is even the best number. perfect song fr
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mellotronmkll · 20 days
Filled with so much overwhelming love for Things in my heart sometimes
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roselinbooks-archive · 5 months
New Constellations Snippet
One of the funnest parts of New Constellations is getting to expand the world and lore of Like Falling Stars. (Admittedly, LFS was really not worldbuilding-focused.) Anyway here's a thing Nicolas can do that we didn't get to see before:
Nicolas placed his hands close to his chest. He let out a slow exhale and a ball of snow formed between them. Working quickly, his hands shaped it into a small snowshoe hare. Its nose twitched to life when he held it out to Ann. "If you absolutely need my power, then release this little one. It will reach me in seconds. I will be at your side just as quickly."
Ann stroked the powder-soft fur of the hare's head. "Thank you, Your Majesty."
"…'Nicolas' is fine."
Ann smiled. "Thank you, Nicolas."
"If you two are done, we're wasting moonlight!" Julius crossed his arms.
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