phantomtrax · 9 months
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
Gahh. Failing life here and just now realizing that when I signed up for buddie and bi!Buck... I never stopped to consider my choices.
This feels like I got drunk, fell down some stairs, woke up on the pavement...
Noticed some pretty queer looking candy on the pavement, promptly ate it with much rejoicing, felt a bit odd, stumbled home.
Then woke up on my living room floor...
And suddenly thought.
"Oh I know what would be fun - If I ordered a wild leopard to be delivered to my home address!! Yes.
Cool animals, leopards!
Let's see what the internet says.
Oooh there IS one available.
Hahaha not anymore suckers, it's in MY shopping bag!!!
Fill in the address. Cool cool cool. Confirm order. Yep yep yep.
Okay, where's my bag of chips... Aha! Oh. I'm sleepehhhh.
And then I snap out of sleep, to my ceiling crashing in.
Something big lands on my kitchen floor.
It's a ...leopard.
Oh. It's REAL?
Oh. It's massive.
IT WILL KILL ME!!! AaaaaarrrrGH!!!
And as I'm scrambling up, trying to figure out a way to some safety...
I get the brief flashing thought that while this is certainly a very special, one-of-a-kind thing to experience...
I am definitely not equipped to deal with a freaking leopard in my freaking kitchen.
An eyeblink later.
I realise I am standing on my kitchen counter, shaking.
The leopard is staring at me, it's big wide eyes the color of my death. Rumbling like a thunderstorm.
I swallow. I try to find bravery in the knowledge that I am now at least armed...
With a cucumber?
There is no plan b. There is no---
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peony-flowerking7 · 3 months
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I’m a top tier professional I’m doing my very best my people I MUST FINISH THIS AAAAAARRRRGH
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Forget the fox
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whentheynameyoujoy · 9 days
When you have thoughts about Discourse and would like to speak your mind about Discourse but know full well you're mostly just enraged and want to release that rage which is a self-defeating strategy because then you'd be involved in the Discourse and it would just make you rage even more, so you stay away from the Discourse and the places where It is being had but the fucking thing keep seeping through the cracks anyway, aaaaaarrrrgh
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leam1983 · 2 years
Be me, realizing your father's birthday comes up in three weeks and that you still haven't booked a reservation at one of his usual Portuguese haunts: AAAAAARRRRGH!
Mom: "Oh, no worries; I thought we'd split the pot on something fancier than usual, so I already booked everything. Just Venmo me half of the bill afterwards."
Me: "So... No B-Day stress for once?"
Mom: "Nope!"
Me: Relief.exe engaged, soul shall exit body in 3, 2, 1...
We really need to talk more. There's just a single wall separating this duplex, and my own maternal unit goes Tyrion Lannister on my ass.
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sgurrdearg · 5 years
Lol why is nobody in this office!!!!! Please answer the phooOOoOooOOne I need to know if I’m having a pipe dream or not and I need to know costs and I need to have a day where I’m not physically shaking from excitement and anxiety answer the PhooooOoOooOooOoooOoOooOone
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Apparently I missed out on an auction for Fashion Fever Kurt this weekend. Final price: about $9
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louhearted · 7 years
my hair will not cooperate today and i hate it... it’s TOO SOFT IT JUST FLOPS AROUND
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0525s · 4 years
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excuseme-howdareyou · 3 years
Today on Minecraft-Fuck-Around-And-Find-Out, I found the Deep Dark. Completely by accident. Didn't even know I could access it because I'm in survival mode and on peaceful. But I did and let me tell you the tale of my little dude's adventure.
So today I decide "I'm gonna fuck around and dig a hole straight down."
Bad idea, I know, but it's a Fuck It day.
I pick a spot and dig down. I land in my own mine. Fine, take the mine cart back to the surface.
I ride out of my village and south a ways into Uncharted Territory©
I dig straight down. I fall into a mf underground lake. There is NO air in this underground cavern. Water water and glow squids as far as the eye can see. I can't fly, I'm stuck and no way to travel back to the surface. So I start digging to the side, desperately trying not to drown and praying I find an air pocket.
I hit something alright. One last block and water starts rushing forward, taking me with it. It is pitch black y'all. This may be a cartoon character but damn is it scary just knowing your little dude is trapped in an underground river and all you can see are occasional flashes of lichen.
And then... I'm swept into a dark cavern and wash up on a rocky shore line a deleted screen from Descent.
I'm in the Dark Deep.
Okay okay, I'm in a new biome, one of which little information is known and I have pretty much only some random blocks, a map, coal, 1 iron pickaxe, 1 diamond pickaxe, and only 10 torches. No wood to make anymore torches.
Fuck it's dark in here. Pretty where you can see the columns by the lava pits but terrifying everywhere else. And you run out of torches real quick.
Then I realize I have no way back home.
Okay, let's explore. I've got no torches but I have flint. Guys, I wandered the deep dark forever just lighting fires as I went just so I could see. Mine some ores while I'm at it.
Eventually I stumble upon a waterfall near a lava pit. Fuck yeah! I manipulate the water to fall in the lava and create obsidian. Bing bang boom, I've got a nether portal. Sayonara Deep Dark, I am outta here!
That first portal landed smack dab into an ocean of lava.
I hop on back to Deep Dark on fire and rush into the waterfall. Ugh, back here again. I dismantle my portal and go off in search of another area to build it.
This second portal proves a big better. I'm deep underground still but at least I can see. I check my map and realize I'm not too far from home base. I move a little bit, then build another portal, praying it doesn't take me back to Deep Dark and Scary.
One hop thru and I land in a tiny lava ridden cave.
But you know what. It's not deepslate so I know I'm at least in the Overworld. So fuck it, I'm digging straight up. Fuck whatever falls on top of me. Maybe I'll die and respawn back home. At this point, I don't give a flying fuck.
And wouldn't you know it?
I dig straight up into my own mine. Damn if I've never been that happy to see a minecart in my life.
Wonder what my next adventure will be...
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ley-med · 4 years
Why is it so fucking hard to understand to wear a goddamn mask when on public transport?! It's literally the law (and basic human empathy). And I'm not even getting into the wear a mask properly argument (btw a mask that only cowers the chin is no mask at all).
Aaaaaarrrrgh help me I want to scream in their faces but they aren't wearing a mask so I'm not going near them
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soap-lady · 5 years
Fortuna Tu ch 9 is delayed because I’m frustrated!
That boy kept me up for hours not letting me sleep and now he decides to go silent?!
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weirdolydiaprower · 5 years
Massive omo-related gush (no pun intended) below
I played YD////K//J 2015 earlier today and before I started the episode I heard Co///oki///e take a massive piss. (You can’t hear that it’s him until halfway through, then you hear him sighing in relief. Here’s part of it: https://youtu.be/I6cbOwxxvjk?t=36)
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