erxsxre-archived · 2 years
why do you hurt?
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you swallow pain & fold around it
you have always hurt. you hold it carefully, and twisted in such a way that other people don't have to see it. you don't choke on it. you don't drown. you just have it, the way some people have freckles, this is a thing that lives in your bones. you fold instead of fighting because you know how to make yourself small, tuck away the places where they have clawed at, swallow the bruises so you seem clean. nobody needs to see it. you will live through this on your own. you know what you need, and relief isn't it. this doesn't mean you cannot reach out - it means it is not in your nature to do so. you should. hiding does not mean you won't be seen.
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comp-lady · 3 months
I'm on my second read of Empire and listen...my first read thru I noticed somewhere Papa and Sister Imperator talking about the new album and he said he hoped she didn't look too hard into the lyrics...
My second readthru I decided to look too hard into the lyrics and AYO ITS SO FITTING???
Like Hunter's moon??? Yes please? Darkness at the heart of my love??? Even Twenties??? I'm just quietly losing my goddamn mind over here I need to write a dissertation immediately ^^
Anyway great job, it's changed my brain chemistry!
AAHHHHH I want to take this ask and frame it! I am so delighted!
Copia really was getting his feelings out in musical form and hoping that she wouldn't notice.
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kafkaoftherubble · 4 months
这知己真的... 偶尔真想一手一把糖果、一手一巴掌送你!!!
I'm glad that our 知己 finally made a personal blog so Future Lyns can reblog art from them and show off in this garden.
Oh, it sure sounded really gratifying, alright. "I made this just for you!" said bruh. Even the blog name was a reference to the first nickname Previous Lyn gave them.
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Oh yes! Very placated! And the first thing you reblogged is my HikaNatsu art which you deadass strongarmed me into making, by the way. That's so swE——
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Why is your profile picture FUCKING SHINJI?! I told you I HATE THAT PIECE OF SHIT! LIKE BRUH I HATE HIM, his voice is not cute, he is not cute, he's pathetic, he's shit! He's—*unintelligible*
Oh, but then I went to see the actual website form of the blog, which will be what we see whenever we ghost-read their shit, and LO AND BEHOLD:
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Like bruh, do you know how much I wish I can strangle BOTH OF YOU with that phone cord? Why, of all the pictures, you pick this one?! Because I can get a full-frontal assault of his stupid face?!
Also, since when does he have a watch?! That lowkey made me think of Hikaru and his watch and I don't appreciate it! I DON'T! AAHHHHH! I WANNA WATCH EVA I MEAN I JUST WANNA GET EVA OVER WITH ALREADY, RELEASE ME GODDAMN IT!
secretly bookmarked this blog and pinned it on both my desktop browser on Atom and on Zelda's browser
After the shit that happened on Monday (check the diary entry titled "5th of June, 2024"), I can't say this didn't bring a smile to my face. Nah, it brought way more. Way, way more. Thanks, Your Princeliness.
I've only compared you to Yoshiki so far, but woooooooow. Don't even pretend to be confused if I start comparing you to Shinji 'cause your ass fucking begged for it.
The proof is in this blog! Least Lyn-placating blog you've ever made. It's as if my colonoscopy's anesthesia is a Red Bull popsicle administered from the bottom.
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sin-lord · 2 years
Why is it so fucking hard to get a house?? Why is it so fucj I go hard to get a lender to approve us??
“Oh your husband has student debt you can’t be approved.”
Fuck all these fucking goddamn house flippers, fuck all the people who made it so we can’t get a goddamn loan because they took their loan and fucked off somewhere with it and made it harder for everyone else
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Tiny and blurry
I took most of the pictures from this interview with Mötley Crüe's first photographer, Don Adkins. It's kinda long but a very interesting read!!
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bongism · 6 years
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my sleepy gf masterpost... i love you bee i love you i love you
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oddthesungod · 3 years
I can't help but imagine aos Jim followin Prime Jim around like a duckling, since he sees him as another dad figure like Pike, and at least thanks to him he can learn about the prime version of his dad. Meanwhile, Prime Jim sees AOS Jim as the kid he couldn't take care of and was taken too soon, so he tries to help and support him as best as he can. Plus, two Jims making two Spocks smile with their clumsiness.
OH ANON!!!! That is just so goddamn cute aahhhhh 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
TOS Jim telling AOS Jim stories about his dad, about the happy family life he had!!!! 😭😭😭
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madllamamomma · 3 years
The Visitor~ Part 6
Muriel x Rhemi (OC) fanfic
[WARNING: Some topics can be triggering to some readers including, mention of violence, blood/gore, mental health issues, abuse, etc.]
Part 6~
In the palace, Sir Martin sits quietly in the green chair next to the fire. His daughter should be here any moment. The cracking of the burning wood alway relaxed him, eventually making his eyes heavy… Soon he drifts to sleep.
As he opens his eyes, he finds himself sitting on an old rickety chair that looks like it's about to break at any moment. With an annoyed scoff, his eyes look around, he is in a terribly drabby house, full of holes in the straw roof where the sunlight shines through and mice hide in the walls. He always hated this place--Despised is more like it. He absolutely hated when his dreams would drift him back here to this often empty house. But then, she walks into the room, her hands full with the heavy laundry basket… His hatred drifted away.
She was a beautiful young woman, no older than eighteen, her hair s burgundy brown and curly, pulled back into a handkerchief and her gorgeous teal blue eyes and wearing commoner’s clothes with a dingy apron around her waist. Just like always, she acted like it was just another ordinary day and as cheery as ever.
“Well! Good morning, my little rabbit.” She says with a smile as she sits and folds the laundry.
“..... Morning.” Martin gently replies, unable to keep his eyes off of her.
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?”
He swallows hard and shakes his head. He knows this is just a dream. “Why… Why does this keep happening?”
For a moment she stops folding, and looks up at him with such gleaming and loving eyes, tilting her head and looking at Martin with such concern.
“Why here?.... Why this moment?” He frustratedly mutters. “And not any other moment. Just…. This. One?”
The young woman sighs and lightly shrugs, shaking her head. “... You tell me, little rabbit.”
Martin tries to stand up from his chair, but like always, he is stuck in one place. Angry, he tries and tries but something is keeping him here in this one spot.
“You know that doesn’t help any.” She says sadly. “It never has…”
A deep sigh expels from his lungs again as he finally accepts his situation and his eyes peer back to the young woman, pain in his cold teal eyes. “..... Why didn’t you just stay home that day?” He asks with gritted teeth and folded hands. “I... I told you not to go.”
Tears start to well in her eyes as she looks at him silently, slowly standing to her feet. The house just evaporates, replaying it with a foggy gray atmosphere. “Why didn’t you come with me?” She whispers as her feet lift off the ground.
An eerie high pitch ringing overwhelming his ears as she keeps staring at him as she stops levitating about three feet from the ground. A terrifying crack emanates from her neck as it snaps quickly to the right.
Martin shutters stifling his tears, shutting his eyes tightly and turning his head away from the horror. But suddenly feels himself waking up from the warm licks from Beatrix’s tongue.
Fluttering his eyes open, he finds Beatrix in his lap, looking at him slightly concerned. “Little Piegon’s here, Master.” Her scratchy voice mutters in his head.
Martin rubs his tired eyes, and smoothing back his plum and gray hair. “Thank you, Bea.”
Waiting patiently, Martin stares into the fire, in deep thought, wondering why his dreams keep taking him to that dreadful day. If it wasn’t that dream, it was always about Florence and Rhemielia. The night that she and their child were whisked away. All the while he was trapped underneath a pile of fiery debris, and his skin burning his right arm.
---------- Later that day-----
As Rhemi steadily makes her way back to the shop, taking three times as long. Her lack of oxygen is taking its toll on her. “This….. fucking thing!….” She huffs to herself, gasping for air in between her thoughts as she takes a seat on a nearby barrel. “...*huff*  Fuck….*huff*.... This…*huff*...*huff*..... Corset!”
After getting adequate rest, she stands to her feet and clasps the small part of her waist feeling the corset digging into the tops of her hip bones.
“... Fuck this dress. Fuck that Oliver guy. Fuck this day...” She grumbles to herself under her breath, attempting to ignore all the wide eyed stares from the citizens she passes, hoping that no one would recognize her. “Fuckthisfuckthisfuckthisfuckthisfuckthisfuckthis….” She grumbles to herself, face beat red. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.”
Finally, the shop was within her sight as the sun was setting over the city. It took so long to get here! Rhemi thinks to herself, realizing that the lamplighters are hard at work lighting the dark streets. She left the palace around three o’clock, it's probably almost five or so now. If anything came out of this, it’s respect for the poor aristocrats in Charlès who actually wore this stuff on the regular bases! Why would anyone want to wear this stuff everyday? Did Mum really wear this crap? This is awful!
Opening the door to the shop never felt so good. God, I can’t wait to get inside! I am so happy to be home. She rejoiced in her head. Finally home! Three different voices muffled on the other side of the door. Rhemi knew right away who they all belonged to. Then, a horrible thought comes to mind as she turns the key in the lock after taking down the protection spell. ….Oh no….. Oh god!.... What the hell are they gonna say about this abomination??
Then again…. she was so tired at this point, she didn’t really care. The pain of the corset outweighed the pain of her friend's judgement. With as much air as she could fill in her restricted lungs, she bravely opens the door, all three pairs of eyes immediately falling on her.
Asra excitedly starts to greet his friend with a brilliant smile. “Hey! There she is! Welcome…” But then stops as he sees her, his eyes wide, his smile crumples into a shocked snicker.
The lively chattering that filled the room suddenly ceases, the only thing that can be heard is the creaking of the rusty hinges of the shop door as it shuts behind her.
Awkwardly, Rhemi just stands in the doorway as Asra, Faust, Muriel, and Julian just stare at her. None of them could help but stifle their laughs at the overly fluffy dress that she’s wearing.
Julian opens and closes his mouth attempting to formulate a sentence.“That's… errr….. It’s… Ummm-aahhhhh..” He stammers as he rubs his face, searching for a compliment. But of course, Asra stands next to him, covering his smile with his clasped hands and eyes wide, his thoughts very apparent.
Looking silently between them all, realizing that they were trying to be as kind about it as possible. “.... It’s fucking atrocious, isn’t it?” Rhemi finally verbally admits with a half straight face.
“It’s a goddamn travesty is what it is.” Asra spits out as soon as she completes her sentence. All four of them stand there silently all waiting how’d be the first to crack.
Suddenly, all of them sputter into hard laughter at the same time, breaking the terrible silence.
“My god!.... What the hell is this thing anyways??” Julian adds overdramatically gesturing to the hips. “Rhemi-dear, are you wearing ….crinoline??”
“... Crino-What??” Muriel mumbles as he squints his eyes.
“It’s a type of tortuous device placed under dresses that a deranged idiot designed to make your hips look inhumanly large.” She replies nonchalantly as attempts to reach back for the buttons, trying to contort herself to do so. But, try as she might, the poor apprentice couldn’t reach without completely tearing the sleeves. However, as stubborn as she is, she continues to try to reach in hope to get out of this over-tightened corset. All at the same time, Muriel, Asra, and Julian try to figure out the reason why she’s wearing the damn overly extravagant monstrosity.
“....There are… So… many bows….” Muriel mutters as tugs at one to study it, seemingly not liking the texture and his face hilariously cringing hard.
“Oh… I know!….. It’s bad, huh, Muri?”
“Reallllllly bad.”
“Did you lose a bet, Rem?” Asra teases, still laughing his ass off.
“Nooooooo,” A whine emanates from her mouth and her bottom lip pops out. Despite her cute pout, the corner of the lips still twist up into a grin making her slightly look like a duck. Slightly frustrated, but also entertained by her stupid situation, she sighs deeply and slouches as much as she could (given her restrictive outfit).
About having enough of trying, she huffs feeling rather defeated, but still smiles at her friends. “If you three are gonna keep dishing out colorful insults, you might as well help me out of it... I can’t freakin’ breathe!”
“... Yo-... You can’t get out by yourself, Rem??” Muriel snorts, forcefully hiding a very amused smile, trying to politely withhold a bellowing laugh at her situation. “Sorry… It’s not funny.” He mumbles as he presses his lips together even tighter.
“Do you really think I would have come home with this... thing if I could take it off myself?? It took… like…. Five people to get me in this abomination!”
“Are you.... Errr…. Decent underneath all of it?” Julian warily asks, his eye quickly glancing towards Muriel while he wasn’t looking.
“Don’t worry Ilya, you’ve seen more at the beach. I have a shift or… or slip…? -Whatever it’s called under the corset.” Say says lifting up the dreaded skirt showing the many layers of cloth on her body. “Pft! This bitch has so many layers, it puts our wedding cake to shame.”
“Oh god.” Muriel chuckles, his laughter making his broad shoulder shake, not doing a very good job to keep it in.
“Ohhh! Shut your face!” Rhemi playfully smacks her finacè’s stomach. “Now, please! Get me out of this damn thing! I feel like my boobs are suffocating me! Do you guys want me to die from titty asphyxiation?!”
“I’d argue that it wouldn't be a bad demise!” The doctor chuckles with his dubious smile of his.
“Shuddup Ilya!” Rhemi playfully elbows her friend, slightly knocking the wind out of him.
But he continues to laugh and laugh,as he holds his stomach nearly hyperventilating. “..We-.... We’ll write on your tombstone, ...‘Here lies Rhemi… Escaped death once from the plague to die from a common corset.’..”
Asra chortles, nearly crying now as Faust happily hisses, “Rhemi a tent!”
Out of the sea of laughter, Rhemi finds herself feeling more light headed, unable to contain her giggles either. “Hey! Less talkie, more unbutton-ie! I am literally dying over here! I am not joking when I said that I nearly passed out a few times over here. I left around three!”
The mountain man’s face suddenly becomes more serious as she says that, his laughter completely silenced “Wait…. Really?? Are… you ok?”
“I mean… I made it here, didn’t I?” She says with a shrug and a half grin.
A warm grumble rumbles from his lips as he mutters, “That’s not…”
“—Alright, alright, alright! Turn around, ya big baby.” Asra teases her, finally feeling pity for her. “Let’s get you out of this thing… Then we’ll have a bonfire. Haha!”
It took some time, but after some troubleshooting and a bit of magic, the three managed to peel the dress, the extra layers, and the crinoline off, leaving only her tight overbust, and a shift underneath. With surgical hands, Julian and Asra loosened the loops.
Finally, the corset was loosened, Rhemi took in a large breath of fresh air as if she had just made love. “Ahhhhhhhh~ Sooooo much better.”
“Better wait a few minutes before loosening it again.” Julian adds with a serious doctor face. “Don’t want you actually passing out.”
“Tha-that's a thing that can happen??” A very wary Muriels asks.
“Why, yes! If you let it out too quickly, you can pass out… Your blood pressure can drop and leave a person unconscious. Happened a few times to the actors at the theater.”
“That's….. Worrisome.” Muriel says as his eyes fall on his fiancée again, and pointing to the corset. “You never told me these things were hazardous.”
Unable to contain herself, Rhemi takes her lover’s large hand and holds it with both of hers with an empathetic expression. He’s so cute. “Aww! I never wear them this tight, honey! I like the way my corsets look and feel on my body. But this one is garbage!”
“Actually it’s not that bad.” Julian says peeling away the cloth and exposing the boning structure underneath. “.....It’s made out of whale bone! It’s expensive and very strong. It’s just not your size.”
“Oh! Speaking of expensive, that reminds me.” Julian takes out Rhemi’s coin purse and hands it back to her, only a few coins used. “I believe this belongs to you.”
It takes a few moments before she realizes that the doctor never used her money last night, she instantly pouts. “Ilya!! You’re drinks were supposed to be on me you dork!”
“Rhemi-dear, what happened at tea the other day was not your fault!”
You mean ‘what my father said’. She thinks to herself. “But— My father— it wasn’t right what he—”
“—You can’t control what that basta—.. dahhhhhhh errrrrr... I mean…. What he says.”
“... Nice save.” Asra whispers to his lover.
“I never got the chance to tell you how sorry I am. I… I kinda regret inviting him. Tea was just so awkward. It should have been just us, like Nadia planned it.”
Julian wraps his long arms around Rhemi’s shoulders for a friendly hug. “Please don’t apologize. I’ve honestly heard worse.”
“I’m still sorry it happened.”
“Hey, don't worry about it. It’s not worth it.” He then moves his arm and takes a seat in the velvet couch never to Asra, causing them to lazily lean on his shoulder. Slowly, Faust slithers over to Julian and he tries his best not to get chills. “So…. Ahhhh… Ya gonna tell us why you are wearing this….. Errr…. getup?”
“... My father apparently brought his own tailor on board with him… Names Oliver… real piece of freakin’ work!... My father wanted him to give the dress as a present to me. It’s apparently the latest fashion from Charlès… All the noble women wear something like it.”
“..... Sooooo… I assume that he didn’t take it too well that you two aren’t moving to Charlès.” Asra asks, handing her own clothes to her so she could get comfortable.
“Wait, he wanted you both to move??” Julian cluelessly interjects with his left eye wide.
An intense pressure suddenly overtakes Rhemi’s stomach as if gravity doubled on her intestines. How the hell is she supposed to explain what happened today? Not only did her father still want her to leave Vesuvia, but he wants her alone to move and marry someone of nobility in Charlès!
“....Actually, he was very understanding.” She flat out lies before she could stop herself.
Rhemi, what are you doing?? She screams internally. Why are you lying again?!
“... He was of course disappointed, but he was very respectful about it!” She continues as if her mouth had a mind of its own, her body posture scarily calm and believable. “... But it’s best not to mention it to him… He’s still very disappointed. Might spark a nerve with him. Ya know?”
Asra and Julian exchange a surprised look as they hear this. Julian rubs the back of his hand and sighs, “He doesn’t seem to be the understanding type--”
“—Well, he might surprise you.” Rhemi defensively interrupts. “He might be very posh and rigid on the outside…. But I know, deep down he just cares about me.”
Muriel stares down at her with his knowing emerald eyes completely unconvinced as she walks past him to head upstairs to get changed. She dared not look at him for too long. He had a way of making her break. But how could she explain this to him? To…. well, anyone?? Her father didn’t even acknowledge that she was getting married.
No. She just…. Has to fix this before anyone knows. She had to.
After Rhemi got dressed, the four of them all had a nice dinner that Muriel and Asra whipped up. It was chicken souvlaki wrapped in a pita and other greens.
After that, the two couples went their separate ways for the night. Asra and Julian stayed at the shop, while Rhemi and Muriel went back home to the hut.
She feared that he might bring up what she said before dinner, about her father accepting thor decision not to leave. He always knows when she’s bullshitting. That's the problem when you get to know someone so well. It's a sixth sense, knowing something is wrong.
But to her surprise, he stayed quiet. She reads a book on the bed as he whittles next to Inanna by the fire. Eventually, her eye starts to become heavy and she shuts her books and gets into her nightgown. Muriel follows her lead. Soon, all three get comfortable in the bed, taking their normal positions. Rhemi on the left side of the bed, Muriel at the right, and Inanna at the foot. The apprentice always laid on his bare chest snuggling up and getting warm.
“I love you, Muriel.” She whispers.
Muriel yawns, “... I love you too, Rhemi…” Thinking he's drifting off to sleep, she starts to close her eyes as well and feel herself falling asleep. “.... Was he really okay with us not moving?” He finally whispers.
Rhemi's heart drops, but she just stays there silent and still, pretending to be asleep.
The hermit lets out a frustrated sigh, before placing a feather light kiss on her forehead. “.... Please just don’t forget I want you to talk to me.”
….. I know…. She thinks to herself. I want to tell you. But… I’m scared that might make things worse. I’m sorry, Muri. I don’t want to lie to you… But I have to fix this by myself before you know the truth.
Finally, all of them start to drift to sleep, Muriel finds himself in the realm of dreams, his father waiting for him yet again, waiting to show him what he was capable of in the realm of dreams.
All the while Rhemi stays put, in a dreamless state, but finds herself waking up almost every hour from a twinging pain in her temples. She could swear she was hearing distant voices.
———The next morning———
A very groggy Rhemi finally wakes up from the sun peering into the window. Sitting up, in the bed, she realized that Muriel and Inanna were already up and started the day. Glancing over to the table, some fresh flowers and herbs were waiting for her and a note that read, "Get some rest." She couldn’t help but smile despite feeling so terrible. The headaches are getting worse and worse lately. Even when she wakes up, it's like a hammer is knocking on the side of her temples. Luckily, it would dissipate as the day went on, but it was such a nuisance to start off the day like this. At least she didn’t have any dreams last night…
Slowly, she gets up and walks over to the washing washing bowl, trying to get more energized for the day. This was one of her installations when she moved into the hut. It was a little table (taller than most for her sweet Muriel) with a washing bowl, a pitcher and a mirror from the shop. It must have been her mother’s. It was the one thing that didn’t necessarily match the other decor from the shop. Pouring a liberal amount of freshwater, she starts washing her face. The cool water felt nice on her temples. As she glances back up to the mirror to make herself look more alive, she notices someone behind her.
Summoning her magic quickly into her hands, she conjures a defensive spell as she whips around silently. But as soon as she turns around, no one is there. The door is locked, and she can still hear Muriel cutting wood. “.... Must have been my imagination.”
Turning back to the mirror yet again to look at her reflection. But instead of her own face, she sees her eyes bloodshot red and short hair, her expression bleak and sad.
“.... Headache again?” A voice mumbles to her sadistically from the reflection.
“AHHHHH!!!” Shocked, Rhemi yelps a terrified scream, punching the mirror out of instinct. The vision and the pieces of glass shatter into pieces. Immediately, she regretted her reaction. She tucks her hand into her chest in pain, her knuckles bloody, and the mirror is broken. Looking at the shards on the ground, all she can see is her own reflection in the small fragments. What… what the fuck was that?
“RHEMI?!” Muriel cries out from behind the hut.
“.... Shit….” Quickly Rhemi jumps up and carefully takes the mirror off the wall and places it on the floor to make it look like it just fell down. The last thing she wanted was to think that she was losing her mind. Besides, people see things all the time, it doesn’t mean you're crazy… right??
“RHEMI !” Muriel shouts as he bursts in the hut, his large ax still in hand. As soon as he sees the blood, his eyes get even wider and swirling with fear. “Y-... You’re bleeding!”
“Ahhh!” She shouts, waving her hand to keep him away. “Don’t let Nana in here! T-There's glass everywhere!”
Examining the damage, Muriel shakes his head bewildered. “Rem... What happened?”
“... Ohhmygosh!! HaHa! So dumb!... Completely my fault! I was trying to straighten the stupid mirror and I apparently…. It fell off the nail! I… I didn’t catch it in time and it broke, and I screamed.”
He starts to slightly relax, but still looks pretty anxious. “.... You okay?”
“Yeah! I just cut myself a little on the glass is all! Just a little scratch, nothing I can’t fix~!”
Taking a single step inside he sets the ax down outside and reaches his hand for her. “.... Let me at least help—”
“It’s fine, Love!” She says as she conjures her magic to clean the pieces up and place them back into the mirror. “See? No problem!”
Begrudgingly he huffs, and starts to step out of the doorway before pausing. “.... Get dressed. I’ll make breakfast. You just …. sit…. alright?.... Don’t go near anything breakable…. Or sharp.” He grumpily instructs.
She snickers and nods her head. “Okay.”
As soon as the door shuts, her smile falls and she stares at her knuckle so she could heal it. Luckily, it wasn’t very deep, however it was a little long. She sits down at the table, taking a little piece of herb and summoning her magic, she starts mending her skin together. After it was all healed up a very small scar was left. It should dissipate after a while. But she just stares at it for a moment.
“Get it together, Rhemi.” She mumbles to herself as she stands to her feet to get dressed.
There's too much going on today for this bullshit. She had a plan for her father to get on board with her getting married.
After a delicious breakfast, and a few sweet kisses, Muriel and Rhemi part for the day. Making her way to the shop, she concocks the perfect plan.
As expected, the shop was open and ready for business, usually Asra at the counter with a book or a potion, but today the white haired gender bastard was nowhere in sight, and the shop appeared empty.
“Hello??” She calls out. “Asra?? Faust?? You home?”
“Oh! Morning, Rhemi.” He greets from the back next to the stairs.
Realizing his location she strolls to where he was sitting on the ground and she takes off her bag. “.... Good morning. What the heck are you doing back there, ya weirdo?”
“Refusing to accept defeat.” He chuckles, wiping a little bit of sweat on his forehead. In front of him was a large chest oozing with magic and locked up tight. It read, ‘Fragile: Please handle with care’ in a familiar handwriting. In his right hand was the bundle of rusty old keys.
Curious, Rhemi tilts her head and folds her arms. “What is this?”
“Found this…” He grunts as he attempts to force another key into the lock. “... Chest… under the stairs the other day…. And…. I think it belonged to Athena…. *grunt* but no matter what I doooo…” With a heavy sigh, he gives up on that key, pulls it out of the lock and nearly collapses on his elbows. “... The damn thing won’t open. I have tried opening it with magic, I have tried every key in the shop--twice now--Hell! I even tried using a crowbar! But... nothing.”
“Huh….” She mutters. Rhemi kneels down next to her friend and the chest. Both of them stared at it for a moment. “... Well… Obviously it’s got a powerful spell on it. Athena didn’t want anyone in it.”
“Yeah… Even in death, that woman had out magic us.” The two of them giggle together on the floor. Asra draps his arms over his knees and he smiles, his mind wondering into nostalgically territory. “... I miss her.” He mumbles under his breath.
“.... I do too.” The apprentice says with a heavy heart, resting her head on his shoulder. “I…. I wish she could be here… See how much we both grew up…”
"Me too..."
The two stay there for a moment, taking it all in. The sound of the bedroom door closing at the top of the stairs brings them back to reality and Julian’s long legs descend the stairs.
“Oh! Morning, Rhemi-dear!” He says with a chipper tone.
She rolls her eyes at that name, but at this point, she just learned to accept it. “Well good morning to you too…. Someone slept in late…It’s nearly ten o’clock.” She teases.
“HA. Well…. Something kept me up all night..” The doctor glances at Asra with pink staining his cheeks and a cute smirk.
Asra smiles wide, proudly he glances back over to his friend, cheekily placing his finger to his chest. “Tee-hee…. I’m ‘something’.”
Jokingly disgusted, she pushes Asra making him nearly fall over. “EWWW! Grosssssss! You two are terrible!” She laughs.
“Oh… like you and Muriel aren’t disgusting too??”
“I am not responding to that!” She loudly announces as she walks up the stairs, her face turning slightly pink herself. “I’m making some tea, don’t leave just yet Ilya!”
“Ohhhh, well ahhh.. alrighty then! If I… ahh….. If I must.” Julian happily replies as he helps Asra back to his feet. Promptly the white-haired magician presses his lips on his collar bone.
While the teapot starts to heat up, Rhemi realizes that she really didn’t have time to go to the palace or have someone deliver a message for her father. Staring at the spigot and it gives her an idea and is a good reason to flex her magical muscles. Grabbing a large bowl, she fills it with water and closes her eyes. Using all her concentration, she reaches out, searching for her father’s magic. Finally, she feels that strange metallic aura and she opens she can see her reflection being replaced with her father’s.
“Père!” She calls out.
Confused, Martin looks away towards what she could only assume was the door. “..... Miela?” He mutters.
“Good morning, Père~” She sweetly giggles. Something about surprising another magician always made her a little giddy.
Her father turns his head once again, his eyes scanning the room. “I… I hear you Pigeon, but…. Where are you??”
“Down here!” She instructs. “In the water!”
Turning desperately left and right, he shakes his head. “The… water?” Finally he locates her and he stares in astonishment. “Ahhhhh…?”
Beatrix’s hissing and Bartholomew’s voice could be heard in the background. “.... Monsieur, vous allez bien?”
“Oh… yes. Um…. Why don’t you be a good lad and step outside, Bartholmew.”
“....Ahhh…. Oui, Monsieur.” His butler replies soundly utterly confused. "I will leave you alone with your...ah.... tea... then."
Calmly, Martin looks into his tea cup. “... Rhemielia, my child. What are you doing in my tea?”
“Kinda neat isn’t it? Asra taught me this one a while back.”
With a straight face, he slowly blinks, seemingly unimpressed. “.... Hmmmm…. Very… Charming, I suppose… I won’t recommend it in Charlès though. This is how you’d get a bad reputation for being a witch.”
“Oh….” The excitement and glee once again stomped out. But… I kinda am a witch. Awkwardly, she clears her throat, brushing off his words. “Well, ah….anyways, I contacted you this way to ask you something.”
“I have to do something today next to the palace. Are you busy this afternoon around three o’clock?”
“Hmm… No… I don’t believe I am.” He says while pondering hard and tapping the tea cup.
“Well, how about you meet me there. I think you’d really enjoy it.”
A genuine soft smile takes over the Archimagister’s lips and he takes a seat on a chair. “... I always enjoy being with you, my little pigeon.”
Rhemi grins happily when he says that. He had a habit of making her feel bad sometimes, but he also could make her feel glad that he’s in her life again. Her heart flutters with excitement. She quickly gives him the address, before she could make a little small talk, the tea kettle starts to whistle and the two say their goodbyes for now.
The day went on like it did every Monday. The shop was pretty busy in the late morning and the afternoon. Mostly it was regulars getting their positions, and other things they needed before the rest of the week went on. But for Rhemi the day just dragged on. Today was the last fitting of her wedding dress. Surely, he wouldn’t be so set on her going to Charlès if he saw her in it. The dress was beautiful a-line with a button-up bodice in the back, with illusion sleeves covered in beautiful lace and organza material.
After what felt like an eternity, the time came for her fitting. Before she leaves, she pops her head into the reading room where Asra was looking at his cards by himself. It’s odd, it felt like she could hear the King of Pentacles whispering to him.
As she went for the door, she ran her fingers over the chest feeling Athena’s magic somehow felt so comforting to her. She always had a strong aura. A strange clunk comes from behind her. She glances back to inspect what had made the noise, but the chiming of the clock deters her. Whatever it is, it can wait.
As she reaches the tailor’s shop, she notices her father making his way down the street. His nose was buried into the piece of paper with the address on. Again, no Beatrix. It’s old how empty his shoulders looked without her.
“Père!” Rhemi calls out, waving to him.
Ungluing his eyes from his paper as she calls his name, he grins and waves back.
“How are you today?” His daughter asks sweetly.
“Very good thank you.” He replies looking at his pocket watch. As soon as he picks up his head, he reads the sign, Seamless: Pierre’s Clothing. “Oh…. You do realize I have a tailor already, correct?”
She can't help but chuckle at his unamusement as she opens the door. “I know that. This one is mine... Well, actually it's Nadia's, I'm just borrowing him.”
Martin’s eyes narrow as he enters the shop. The windows are full of outlandish and extravagant dresses and suits, but in the Vesuvian style. The old magician just sneers in revolt. “Ohhh?... Pardon me, my sweet, but I am confused...”
“I’m about to try my wedding dress on.” Martin’s body stiffens like a board and he flutters his eyes in disbelief. Rhemi could feel her cheeks heating up and feeling pressure on her chest. “And….. I uh… I wanted you to be here for my final fitting… Get you more involved… I want you to be apart of my life and--”
“—Sorry." He interrupts placing both of his hands on his cane, sticking his nose up in revolt. "Please don't tell me you were serious when you said you are going to marry that seven foot tall brute—?”
“—Muriel, Père…” Rhemi quickly interjects in disbelief. She could feel her left eyelid twitch from the stress. She just couldn’t believe him. This shit again?? Right here?? RIGHT NOW? Calmly, she folds her hands together trying to keep her patients. “.... My fiance's name is Muriel. It means 'bright' in Rune…. And yes. I am marrying him. He’s kind and genuine and trustworthy and gentle and makes me feel safe and…. And I love him.... He's my soul mate.”
Martin’s icy glare somehow gets colder and she shakes his head and scoffs. “... Hmmmm… love... What good has it ever done...”
“... What do you mean by that?... You said you fell in love with Mum.”
His nostrils flare in frustration. “.... Rhemielia. My child. All I’m trying to say is that you barely know this man. How long have you met him? A year or so ago?”
“Well…. yes… but how long did you know Mum before you married her?”
As soon as he opens his mouth wider about to argue back, Pierre walks in with a cheerful smile. “Ah! Rhemi! So good to see you!! Are you ready to see your lovely gown?”
Martin pats Rhemi’s head and she cringes to herself yet again. “We’ll speak of this later—no need to make a scene, do we now?” He says leaning into her ear and whispering. “In the meantime, go ahead. Go on and play dress up like you used to when you were a child.”
Her eyelid twitches even more as she strains to keep a fake smile on her lips. “I not playing dress—”
“Rhemi!!!!” Suddenly Agrippa and Portia burst through the door with happy smiles, excited for the final fitting. As soon as they both notice Sir Martin, their smiles dwindle slightly, but they still keep their cheery demeanor for the occasion.
For once, Rhemi was happy to change the subject, pretending that her father didn’t say what he did. “Ippa! Pasha!”
“I am sooooo excited!!!”
“Me too! Pierre is ready and— Wait… Where’s Julian?”
“Oh! I’m sorry, Rem. He had an emergency at the clinic…” Portia says finally letting her smile fall.
“That kid from the orphanage….. What's his naaaammmme—?”
Agrippa snaps their fingers agreeing with their partner. “Yeah! He broke his arm today.”
“Holy crap!! Not Zack! Is he okay??”
“Oh yeah! He’s getting loads of attention and is making jokes as we speak! Those kids are resilient, he’ll be just fine!”
“As long as he stops climbing tall shit that is.”
“….Well that stinks that Julian can’t be here, but he can help that!... I’m happy you both could make it though!”
Suddenly, Sir Martin clears his throat to interrupt their conversation looking at his pocket watch and tapping it. “Excuse me ladies and….. Sir???”
Agrippa blankly stares at him with a small growing smile. “.... Which one do you think it is?”
Martin stares back trying not look so confused as he really was. But instead of answering, he just clears his throat once more, tucking his pocket watch back into his vest and looking the other way. “... Not all of us have all day to dawdle.”
Taking the hint, the four of them follow Pierre to the back and make their way to the back. Excited, Portia and Rhemi head to the back changing room. Pierre gives them the gown in order for the maid of honor to know how to help with the dress the day of the wedding (bustles and all).
It fits like a glove. Ecstatic and hopelessly excited, Rhemi nearly skips out of the back to show off her beloved dress.
Portia and Agrippa both hold back their tears as she twirls around happily. “Oh, little bean!!” Agrippa mutters sniffling hard.
Rhemi spins around, clapping her face and her eyes start to water up as well and she smiles stupidly. “Ohhhhhh, you two stop!!! You both said you wouldn’t cry!”
“I know, I know! But you are just so….. So—” Portia says, whipping a tear away.
“—Tch. Please…. don’t lie to her.” Martin grumbles his left hand pitching the bridge of his nose.
Portia and Agrippa stare at the Archmagister in utter shock. “Umm... Excuse me?” Portia asks with her brow furrowed. “What exactly do you mean?”
“Well, that dress is all wrong, of course.” He huffs irritatedly, uncrossing his legs and standing to his feet.
Rhemi’s heart starts to sink into her chest. “What’s…. what’s wrong with it?” She asks, looking down and lifting up some of the skirt with her hands, unable to see the defects.
“That dress makes you look like a dirty commoner, Pigeon…. It looks more like a used napkin than a gown, don't you think? And what a dreadful color.”
“But… But I…. I am a commoner. A-and… I don’t like whi-…..” The words die in her throat as her attention diverts to the back of the room.
Somehow a person who came out of nowhere is standing directly behind her father in the back—But it isn’t a customer…. Her sick crimson eyes staring at her with a desperate looking expression. Why is she here?? Am… Am I going insane? As soon as Rhemi closes her eyes again, she vanishes, but it still frightens her.
“...Wh-white..” She finally finishes muttering, still staring in the back where the figure once stood.
It was…. Herself. The ghost of her former self that keeps popping up in her dreams. The same person in her reflection the other day. Her sick bloodshot eyes, yellow tainted skin and the stench of cremated ashes. Clearly, no one else can see her, or smell the terrible scent of death.
Quickly, she’s snapped back to reality as soon as her fathers speaks again and she looks back down at her gown. “....Please…” He scoffs, pitching the bridge of his nose. “...It looks like a rag—and for gods’ sake—Why is it blush?? Virgins are supposed to wear white—“
“——Okaaaaaay! Rhemi let's get you out of your beautiful dress so the poor tailor can finish the hem, okay?” Portia quickly and skillfully interrupts, smacking her hands together with a large fake grin. She nearly pushes Rhemi to the back room to change out of it.
Portia grumbles under head breath, helping her get back into the changing room. “What the fuck is that guy’s—” Words fail her as soon as she notices her friend’s tears in her eyes and the sorrow filled look in her face. “Oh… no, Rem!” Hastily, she hands her a tissue before her makeup runs.
“It just…. So much is happening….. And…. He- ...He thinks it ….lo- looks bad….” Rhemi sniffles, trying to keep the tears from falling, her nose and lips starting to crinkle back. “Is-is it really that bad??”
Portia is quick to embrace her upset friend and hug her tightly. “No, no, no…. He’s wrong, Rem. You look gorgeous! He doesn’t know the hell he’s talking about! I mean, the guy wears an ugly ass cape for god sakes! If anything he’s a walking fashion nightmare! All he’s missing is the stupid puffy pants and a fourteen foot stick up is ass!” Slowly, she pulls away and wipes the tears from her friend's eyes comfortingly. “Please don’t cry, Rhemi. You really do look amazing. Agrippa, Pierre, Nadia, and I would have told you if it didn’t!... Please, don’t let this jerk make you think otherwise.”
“I don’t think he was trying to be a jerk… he was just telling me how he felt… I mean… I asked him what he thought after all…. and….. h-his opinion is v-valid.”
Portia flutters her eyes and shakes her head baffled. Rhemi is usually a pretty good judge of character, yet anytime anyone says anything bad about the Archmagister, she denies it, or makes excuses. “Rhemi….. Why do you keep defending this guy?! All he’s done is been rude and disregards everyone’s feelings.”
Rhemi stifles and quickly wipes her nose with a handkerchief, refusing to look Portia in the eye. “.... H-... He’s my father.”
“Yeah! One that you just mee—” Portia suddenly stops herself, pressing her lips tightly together and slightly shakes her head. Perhaps now isn’t the time. Rhemi isn’t seeing this man for what he is. Thoughtfully she starts to speak again. “...Look… all I’m saying is that no matter who this person is to you, no one should make you cry and make you feel like shit in your wedding dress.”
Rhemi fiddles with her fingers, not very convinced. “B… But what if he’s right?”
The Devorak sister takes a large breath, pushing down the urge to go back and knock the wind out of that plum haired asshole. But as calmly as she could she takes both of her friend’s hands and asks, “Rem. Sweetie. Do you love this dress?”
Sheepishly her friend replies, “... Y-... yes….”
“Does it make you feel all happy and warm inside when you put it on?”
“Uh- huh….”
“Do you feel amazing when you’re in it??”
“Y-... yeah…I do....”
“Then forget what he said! It makes you feel amazing… You cried your beautiful eyes out when you first got into it because you said you felt so amazing. You loved it! You still love it! This is your dress. Please don’t let that man take that away from you.”
Silence takes over the room as Rhemi ponders her friend’s words for a moment and she sniffles. The most concerning thing was seeing her sick past self staring at her from across the room. She’s never seen her outside of the dream realm till now… Perhaps it was her that Rhemi heard the other day in the palace and who she saw in the mirror this morning. Who else could it be??
Portia sighs and loops her arm through Rhemi’s. “Come on. Let’s get ya out so Pierre can finish up, ok?” Rhemi follows her, but doesn’t pick up her eyes, still totally lost in thoughts. In a last attempt, Portia leans her head on her shoulder. “... You really look amazing, Rem.”
Silently Rhemi nods with a fake half grin, finally picking up her gaze to meet her friend. “Thanks, Portia… I’m really glad you are here.” She says placing her head on top of her’s.
“...Haha.. You’re lucky my brother wasn’t here—”
“—Oh gods yeah! He probably would have decked him in the face.”
“Hell! You’re lucky I didn’t!”
“Thank you, Pasha.” Rhemi mutters as stops in her tracks so she could embrace her friend.
“What are maids of honor for?” Portia whispers back, kindly embracing her back.
“Please don’t tell Muri about this….”
“.... I… I promise.”
Eventually, the two get the dress off without disturbing any of the pins on the bottom. The apprentice makes sure her eyes aren’t red in the dressing room before she walks out to meet her father again. The tension in the room was so tangible, so intoxicating.
Portia and Agrippa watched from the tailor door as Rhemi and her father walked towards the palace.
The silence was absolutely dreadful on the way to the palace. Luckily, it was within a short distance and this night would be over with. Rhemi never felt so conflicted before. Everything was so overwhelming lately. All she wanted was for her father to be happy for her. But everything she did seemed to blow up in her face.
As they reach the palace, her father finally realizes that she wasn’t walking towards the shop. “Well…. This is you.” She announces, rather happy to be done with him for the day.
“Oh…” He says a bit bewildered. “.... But I thought I was walking you home.”
“No no no. The palace is right around the corner from Pierre’s. It doesn’t make any sense going all the way across town.”
“Please. I don’t mind.”
“No, Père. It’s fine. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay??” Turning away from him never felt better. She hated to admit it, but he was just exhausting to be around. And after today, she had just enough of it all. “Good night.” She says just turning her so he could hear her.
With a knowing sigh, he places his cane hard into the cobblestone with a clank. “...Is it what I said about the dress.. Isn’t it?” She stops in her tracks but doesn’t look behind her… Maybe he’s going to apologize? “... Rhemielia, dear. Believe me when I say that you are making a huge mistake.” Her fists clenched so hard it almost hurts, her hopes crushed once again. Nope. Of course he wasn’t going to apologize. “... I am telling you that there are better men in Charlès that would put you into the finest of wedding gow—”
“—Have a nice night, Père…” Rhemi mutters trying to hold back the tears. “I’ll... I’ll see you later.”
As Rhemi makes her way down the street and disappears into the crowd. Martin can’t help but remember that night when he lost her. All he could do was just sit there and watch as she was swept away by that dreadful witch. Just like his other dream with the young woman whose neck was snapped. He felt so powerless of movement in these moments.
As he stood there, for one of the first times in years, Martin felt a pull on his chest. A feeling like he might have done something wrong tonight. He hadn’t felt like this since… Well… Since Rhemi’s birthday nearly fifteen years ago now.
He never meant to hurt her. She just… needed to learn a lesson…
“She’ll be fine.” He mutters to himself, shaking off this feeling of regret. “... One day she’ll thank me.”
On the way home, Rhemi made sure she got rid of all her tears before she came back home with Muriel for the night. It's a good thing people usually leave you alone when you're crying. If Muriel notices, she’ll just say that they were good tears from the fitting. All happy tears. Nothing bad happened. It’s all good!… But he knows they’re not.
————Rowdy Raven————
“—THAT BASTARD SAID WHAT ABOUT HER DRESS??” Julian shouts standing up from the table in dismay.
The tavern is busy like it usually is. Agrippa, Portia, Julian, and Asra decided to have a drink after today. It was only Monday, but it felt like everyday was an eternity since Sir Martin came into port. Portia had just finished telling her brother and his partner about what had happened at the tailors, and of course they were enraged.
Asra just yanks him back down to his chair. “Shhhh!! Ilya! Would you please calm down! Believe me, I’m just as pissed as you are!”
“If I only had my cricket bat….” Agrippa says, fantasizing while staring at the wall, sipping on their ale. “Fucking asshole…” They say as Portia holds their hand with a sweet reassuring smile.
“Did he really make her cry??” Asra asks soberly.
Portia nods sadly. “It was absolutely heartbreaking. I’ve never seen her look so frustrated and hurt before! But don’t tell Muriel! I promised her I wouldn’t.”
“Why did you tell us then?”
“She only said, Muriel.” She shrugs. “...It’ll just make the poor guy more stressed out anyways. He’s under a lot of pressure as well. This is his wedding too.”
Asra's stomach tied in knots at the thought of his best friend crying. “What the hell is this guy’s problem???”
“You should have heard what he said before she tried on the dress.” Agrippa mumbles before taking a large swing of their ale again.
“What did he say??” Julian and Asra ask at the same time, leaning closer into the table.
“It was something along the lines that he ‘couldn’t believe that she was serious about marrying that ‘seven foot tall brute’... I heard them talking before we opened the door.”
Asra's nose crinkles in and his top half of his lip curls into a snarl. “And what did she say??”
“Oh! She was quick to defend him, and she almost looked angry. But at the same time…. afraid? I dunno—but it's like her father doesn’t realize that Rhemi is her own person now…. She’s not that child that was taken from him years ago.”
“.... Do you think he still sees her as a little kid?”
Portia shrugs, staring at a stain on the wooden table. “.... Maybe?... I feel like he sees her more of something that was his property… Not really another person with feelings.”
Julian slams his fists on the table, “THAT’S. IT!” making everything rattle and clank, nearly spilling a few drinks. He snaches his goblet, jumping to a stand and chugging down the last of his Salty bitters, then throws his glass down to the ground, smashing it into a hundred pieces. “—IMMA KILL ‘EM!”
“Ilya! Sit your drunk ass down and shut up!! You’re not killing anyone!” Portia scolds. “WE four, collectively…. however might just—”
“Pasha!” Asra laughs, tugging his drunken partner back down to his chair again. “That’s a bit extreme don’t you think?? How about we just talk to Rhemi about it.”
“That man is completely toxic.” Julian mumbles, taking Asra’s drink from his hands. “... *Hiccup*....Have you…. Have you noticed that Rhemi isn’t as bright as she normally is?” Julian mutters, sipping the last bit of Asra’s salty bitters since he threw down his own cup.
“.... I have…. and something about all of this bothers me.” Asra says leaning into the table with his arms folded. “....I feel like her father is killing her spirit…. I wonder if he’s always been like this….. And if that's true… it makes me wonder…” he pauses for a movement then shakes his head. “N… Nevermind.”
“What?” Agrippa, Portia, and Julian ask in unison.
“.... *Sigh*.... I might be going too far if I say this.”
“Well now you have to tell us.” Agrippa says with a straight face about to knock back the last bit of ale.
“.... I don’t know…… Sometimes I wonder if she and her mother were really….. ‘Kidnapped’.”
The table suddenly became so eerily quiet, as if they all were thinking the same thing.
✨To be continued…
Sorry for the long wait my trash pandas. But I really needed this break from writing. And I'm really glad I took it. I am so happy with myself right now. I know its still not by best work, but I at least don't hate it. This chapter was supposed a bit longer, but I decided not to shoot myself in the foot this time and just split it.
Thank you for the babies who have been support and encouraging to me when I was at a really low point. I was really sad that last chapter didn't do as well as I was hoped. But I realized that a lot of people are still reading and I need to be humble and be grateful for what I have. Anyways--chapter 7, The King of Pentacles~ should be up soonish. That may be another shorter chapter, but it gonna be a big angsty one. *wink wink*. As always, thanks for reading my hot garbage! <3
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rillils · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Oh hi it’s just me, still forever crying dying screaming crying some more over THESE GODDAMN SCHMUCKS, I mean—— 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Could they be just a LITTLE less in love with each other, hmm? 🥺🥺🥺 (No, no they couldn’t)
Sending you a billion snuggles and all the Good Avocado Thoughts, honey! 🥑🥑💕💕💕
KAY BABY!!! 😍😍😍😍 Aahhhhh it's always so nice to see these dumdumbs~ Sweet precious avocados of my heart, I love them so 💖💖💖🥑🥑🥑
I'm sending you all the biggest, squishiest, 10-hour long hugs, sweetheart!! I love you so much and I always wish you all the best, in everything ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘
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touchmycoat · 3 years
BOOK REC! sci-fi time-bendy paradoxical multi-step shuffle. MC’s an absolute delight—well-mannered with a very gay panache for stone cold vengeance. No bullshit competence porn. He’s prodigious, but the novel does such a good job of portraying his condition as something that both helps him and has very real consequences for him. The ML’s hot. It’s a bending-the-straight guy story, which is always a thrill for me. There was a moment at the beginning where you think he might actually be a dick but nah, the charm goes to 11 very quickly. The ways they fall for each other beat-by-beat feel so authentic to both their characters, and holy CRAP talk about a goddamn epic confession scene.
Plot-wise, oh my god! oh my god!!!!!! timey whimey? time’s a flat circle mama? nonsense?? explained WELL???? My instinct is to convolute, so this author being able to set up incredibly puzzling and thrilling scenarios one on top of another and then being able to resolve ALL of them with a single clean incision?? fucking genius. I trusted every single story to hold its own, and they did. They even managed to all be thematically linked. And guess what!!!! They’re funny!! Humor and intelligence is always present. Tension is maintained without exhausting itself. Aahhhhh!!!!!!
okay and also their names are just terrific, chef’s kiss. Ji Yushi, rain + time. Song Qinglan, clear day and the titular thin mist. I’m truly so ready to write about all the symbolism. Gay Chinese Time Travelers!!! Boyfriends who are each other’s biggest fans!!!!
(like Eternal Love etc., it does the thing where you’re told early on about certain romantic overtures from their pasts, and then you learn later on it’s been the other person all along. Sometimes that can feel contrived for me, but because this is literally a novel about paradoxes, things folding back in on themselves to be both and neither cause and effect, it worked brilliantly. Muah. God.)
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thequibblah · 3 years
OMG I JUST REALIZED WHY LILY'S FAV BOOK IS ALWAYS PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!! SHE'S LIZZIE AND JAMES IS DARCY!!!!! he's pride and she's prejudice! she hates him at first but he's in love! and then he asks her out after owls (the proposal in p&p) and she hardcore rejects him! and they spend some time apart but then she notices all the good things about him and it's a role reversal where she's pining but thinks he doesn't like her anymore! AAHHHHH!!! my world view is completely changed forever
well AKJHSJA my lily's favourite book is p&p just because it's most people's favourite austen and of course she's the kind of person who'd empathise most with lizzy
BUT (and i dont know if you care for me to go on and on about this lol) in my General Theory of Austenian Application to Jily, they're not quite lizzy and darcy, most obviously because james is absolutely not stiff and impolite. he is rich and comes across spoiled, but not out and out dismissive of lily the way darcy (seems to be) about lizzy. and he's certainly pride and she's certainly prejudice but she's also pride and he's also prejudice (which is true of the characters in austen as well) and it's all very muddled
AND also i love to have them ruminate on how they're not lizzy and darcy (which they do in iwnma — i think their back and forth is certainly most like catherine and henry of all the austen couples). while the circumstances socially are most like p&p, as many of u know i like to make the case that they're also a little bit persuasion — my james definitely sees himself as a wentworth (ah, the rich are so blind to their richness) because it's a second chance romance, and wentworth is generally so dashing, but most of all because anne truly does NOTTTTTT realise wentworth still loves her for the longest goddamn time even though he's like well it's obvious isn't it. and wentworth kind of goes off and proves himself — i.e. comes back an accomplished seaman — after his rejection. i think it's partly the darcy model of demonstrated selflessness (wrt helping lydia/the bennets) and the wentworth model of oh i had a feeling he was this guy all along, and now everyone else can see it too (as i am fond of saying, sk8er boi by avril lavigne)
but i'll stop there before i ramble too long
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h4ikyuuti3s · 4 years
body electric
pairing: Tetsurou Kuroo and female reader
genre: smut
plot: you get yourself ready to go to sleep, but Kuroo has other plans
word count: 900
a/n: this is my first piece of smut, im nervous so please b kind haha. ive only read over it once so i apologise if its kinda trashy, i was in a rush
Kuroo grabs you from behind as you stand at the counter in your nightgown. You’re making tea for you and Kuroo, getting ready to go to sleep, but apparently he has other plans. Kuroo undoes the belt to your gown, and drops it to the floor, leaving you in nothing but your panties. “You’re beautiful, I could watch you all night.” He grabs your hips and spins you around, giving you the best view of him in his boxers, hanging off of his hips. You start to feel a fire in your stomach, you grab his hand and bring it to your sex. “Angel, you’re so fucking wet, and all for me?” Kuroo smirks, as he further explores what belongs to him. You’ve been thinking about this all day, the ache staying between your thighs the entire day. “Hold the counter, if you let go I’ll live to make you regret it” he hisses, before he drops to his knees and rips your panties from you.
“Kuroo!!!” you moan, upset that he ripped your favourite pair of panties, “Those were expensive” you gasped. He lifts your leg to his shoulder and traps you there, bringing his hand to your sex and rubbing his thumb on your clit in gentle circles. By now, any sense of dismay you had from him was gone.
“You’re dripping for me Angel, I can’t wait any longer to taste you” he groana. He presses his mouth against your pussy, licking you gently while rubbing your clit with his thumb.
“Ahhhhhh...Kuroo that feels so fucking good...right there yes,” you want more than anything to put your hands in his hair and hold him to your sex, but as he said you can’t. He slips two fingers into you.
“Ahhh fuck, you’re so tight Angel, and so wet” Kuroo groans, he fucks you with his fingers, sucking on your clit, sending waves of pleasure through your entire body. He takes out his fingers from your tight little pussy and looks up at you. “Y/N, I want you to look at me while I eat your sweet fucking cunt”, you look into his eyes to see him devour your pussy. He plunges his tongue deep into your sex and you can’t help but moan and arch your back, still keeping eye contact.
“Kuroo..aahhhhh...Kuroo!!!” you moan, giving up on trying to keep it down. You can’t help but bring your hands to hair, you were almost there. You pull his hair, only to receive a lashing from his tongue in return. He licks every corner of your walls. “Oh god...Kuroo”
“Yes?” he looks up at you.
“Kuroo...I’m almost there, I’m gonna cum” you scream, only for him to stop. He gets to his feet and looks you in the eye.
“I told you not to take your hands off the wall Angel, you don’t cum until I say so” he smiles, almost maniacally. You look down at your feet as if you’re embarrassed, catching the sight of his shaft on the way down. He’s hard. You bend to get onto your knees as you go to grab his zipper only to be stopped in the act. “Not tonight Angel, I’m going to fuck you senseless now.” he whispers in your ear as he drops his pants. “Get on the counter, I want you spread on your ass” he says, pulling a condom from his wallet, keeping his eyes on you as he puts it on. He settles between your legs, teasing your pussy with the head of his dick “Angel, I’m flattered at how wet you are for me, you’re gorgeous” he says while rubbing himself against your slit, again and again and again. He sinks into you.
“Fuck Kuroo, that feels so good” you moan as your eyes roll back, feeling your insides stretch. He thrusts into you, over and over again, each time bringing you closer and closer to climax.
“That’s it Angel, take this fucking cock. Ohh my…” he groans, as he feels you tighten around his dick “...you like it when I talk to you this way, don’t you?” he laughs, feeling you squeeze his cock at his words, “Your cunt feels like a goddamn dream. You are so greedy the way you squeeze me” he moans into your mouth, as he plunges his tongue down your throat. Each thrust taking you higher and higher into a state of pleasure, you’re about to snap.
“Kuroo, I can’t do this anymore, please let me cum.” you plead as he looks into your eyes, your mouth falling open, totally lost in the moment. He fucks you with everything he has, continuing to bury his shaft deep in your cunt.
“Not yet Angel, I want to cum with you. Not yet.” he orders, you can feel him start to thicken inside of you, he’s close. You feel him, the roll of his hips, you feel him as he thrusts his long shaft into you. He brings his thumb to your cleft and rubs circles into your puffy clit, making you see stars. “You feel too good to be true, you’re so tight, I am going to wreck you.” he buries himself deep in you again, and again, feeling his balls slap against you.
“Kurooo yes, fuck me right THERE...FUCK...Kuroo I can’t hold on any more, I’m gonna cum” you moan sinfully.
“Cum for me Angel, Now. Cum all over me... that’s it” He says, as he works you into a mindless state of satisfaction until you’re trembling, moaning your pleasure into his mouth as he brings his mouth to yours. “That’s it Angel.” he moans, as you both ride out your orgasms.
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carnavoyeur · 4 years
aahhhHH writing thoughts, kinda’
I have all these goddamn OCs and idk how I even have time to give them all any attention!! I’m so glad the abominations are shared with Kal and Tina because my yeehaw verse will NOT stop expanding without my permission despite all my knowledge of cowboys coming from like, RDR2 and the handful of westerns that I’ve seen. This is like, the most world building I’ve done and it’s basically fdljsdfjk Nothing, but hey, Little Ivywood is getting populated and Lovelace’s gang is expanding, so whomst knows, maybe I’ll actually be able to write something about them one day!! Or just, continue to not and just write the abominations. Or also just, write absolutely nothing at all lmao
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duskkodesh · 5 years
Spidey Vs. Morbius
Oh boy! This is gonna be a RIDE and include some appearances I’m not fond of so fair warning there. We’re going chronologically after the cut!
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ASM 101-102 For a heck of lot of fighting in these issues it is 1. Warranted, Morb started this fight, and 2. he holds his own in this one. Spidey takes as much damage during these scenes as he dishes out so we’re not gonna talk too long on these ones.
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AAhhhhh Marvel Team up number three. The issue where Spidey (supposedly due to a fever) admits to actually trying to kill Morb. The Human Torch has to snap him out of literally murdering a guy. Spidey, WTF are you doing? Later that same issue we get this:
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You know it’s bad when a normal citizen is like ‘Holy shit. Spidey done lost his goddamn mind.” The next issue (Marvel team up 4) shows that Spidey is legit suffering nightmares from this fight so, that’s not helping.
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Giant Size Super Heroes #1 they have a real tosser of a fight that ends when Morb falls for a ploy that Spidey set up, making him believe they’d destroyed some precious lab equipment. Spidey actually using his brain in this one.
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Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-man 7-8 feature Morb being possesed by a being known as the Empath who essentially drives him around like a car. Not the best fights in this one because Morb is reluctant and Spidey actually does something nice in this one and lets Morbius run off after their fight. He’s... gonna regret that later. 
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Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-man #38 in which Morb actually draws blood. Good fight sequences here and this fight is honestly called for. Morb is the provocateur and this leads to a lightning strike that causes Morbius’ remission. Heyyyy intermission music is a go! Peter and Morb don’t have much to do with each other for a while after this.  Mostly because Morb is human and dealing with his trial and sentencing... then later Dr. Strange. 80′s were a weird time for our boy. 
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 SPEAKING OF WEIRD TIMES. UGH. I hate Spider-man 13-14 mostly due to the fact I’m not crazy about Mcfarlane’s artwork. It was passable in the 90′s. In retrospect holy jeepers is it bad! Morb and Spidey mostly have an ethical debate with a few punches here. After which Morb flees because it’s pointed out he acted like a dumbass. Acting that stupid is way out of Morb’s character but running from his problems isn’t so we’ll let that pass. 
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So, finally in his solo series Morb and Spidey have a top notch fight in Morbius the Living Vampire #3 During which quite frankly Peter is an assss. Seriously. 
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Peter. Peter Parker. Really Peter? REALLY? Sticking to things really begs no comparison to bloodlust but... okay. Anyways they’re both captured by one of the best throwaway villains Marvel made: Dr. Paine. (Give these issues a read. They’re good stuff) Morb of course freaks, busts them out and gives chase to the villain but...
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Peter stops him and lets the villain get away! Yipes! Morb finds out midfight he can do a mindcontrol maneuver and uses it to get a sample of Peter’s blood then... lets him go. A move he will regret later. Geeze it’s a theme with you guys!
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So Spidey saves ANOTHER villain from Morb in MLV #21-23 (Abbreviated for my sanity) Of course after a roving fight and Spidey seeing the error of his idiocy he teams up. This is three loooong issues without much good art but there’s actually some good cooperation here though. If you like seeing them get along these issues are not to be skipped. 
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X-man 24... is.. probably my least favorite Morb issue. God, I can’t even say that. There’s worse out there. He’s just so OOC here that any beating he’s given is warranted, okay? I woulda beat his ass too.  To be continued in a second post!!!
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werecoyote-diaries · 5 years
anyone with a septum piercing : *exists*
me : PLEASE MARRY ME ! omg you’re so beautiful and amazing and hot like GODDAMN fuck me sideways AAHHHHH too much hotness
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isisparker · 5 years
In light of the “Game of Thrones” of it all...
I’ve seen a lot of people comment that some of the best “plot twists” are the ones that are either 1. planned and foreshadowed properly and/or 2. are stated at the beginning and thus creators BUILD up on the twist.
[bonus if the creators of said media also doesn’t treat their audiences like proper idiots for figuring out their game plan and instead celebrate alongside them for catching on!]
The new Ducktales reboot does both of those points quite well (and the bonus too).
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And the way they do it can be summed up in three simple words/phrases:
“Whoa... Wait, what?... AHHHH!!!”
Ducktales 2017 does this method of storytelling and they execute it SO. WELL. [season 1 had so many Whoa... Wait, what?... Ahhh!!! moments but a lot of us didn’t recognize it for what it was until season 2′s premiere, as explained in-universe by Louie Duck, and then further expanded by Scrooge McDuck as a way to compliment why noticing things like that is a good thing, and of course Frank Angones, one of the producers/writers, essentially confirms those Whoa, Wait What? Ahhh!!! theories on his blog].
“Whoa” is served at the beginning of the arc; either a twist or a necessary [and impressive] plot point is revealed. Season 1 of Ducktales 2017 did that in the premiere episode by revealing the existence of Huey/Dewey/Louie’s mother, Della, in Ducktales ‘verse (a thing mainstream media didn’t necessarily know about, nor was it truly explored about in Ducktales canon except a mention or two in comics). Another Whoa moment happened in season 1 with the reveal that Darkwing Duck exists in this Ducktales universe (a thing that fans wanted in the original but it couldn’t be done).
“Wait, what?” is when the Whoa reveal is further explained or built upon, giving the people information as to what the Whoa reveal means to canon/universe. One of the significant Wait, What? moment in the Della storyline happened mid-season 1 when it was revealed Why/When/How Della disappeared from their lives. It was a perfect example of Wait, What? because not only did they reveal details as to When/How she disappeared, but how the Why affected the family of those she left behind. It explained why in the pilot Donald and Scrooge were estranged and somewhat hostile towards each other. It explained little details like how small Scooge’s piles of gold was compared to the original. It also had the consequential response of the triplets becoming hostile towards Scrooge once the truth came out (essentially the What? part to endcap the Wait reveal that was the Spear of Selene secret). As for the Darkwing Duck arc, the season 1 Wait, What? moment was them revealing that Darkwing Duck was a fictional in-verse TV show that Launchpad McQuack grew up watching and loving as a kid [there’s a LOT of meta happening in this show].
The “Aaaahh!!!” moment is the payoff, the results, the consequences due to the build up that was started by Whoa and laid by the groundwork that is Wait, What. Season 1′s biggest Aaahh!! moment did come at the season finale when they revealed that Della is alive and stuck on the goddamn MOON of all places! 
I also mentioned Darkwing Duck alongside the Della example because this arc was also a masterclass in storytelling for that particular Aaaahh!!! moment was handled in ONE ENITRE EPISODE in season 2 called “The Duck Knight Returns.” At a fan signing event, Launchpad (and us viewers) finally meet the actor, Jim Starling, that plays Darkwing Duck. We discover (alongside them) that a movie reboot is being made on the Darkwing Duck franchise. Things happen and the climactic reveal at the end wasn’t just the fact that this episode served as an origin story to DT2017′s reboot of Darkwing Duck/Drake Mallard... but also an origin story/intro to one of DW’s biggest foes: Negaduck.
[cue AAHHHHH!!!!]
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I honestly don’t think people hate plot twists or “surprise!” moments.... They just hate how some of them are executed, what it means for the characters, and what essentially you’re telling (and or how you’re treating) the fans.
Because when a plot twist is done right, when it’s executed in a way that isn’t a disservice to the characters/story and that doesn’t talk down or treat their fans like morons, you end up having people that will love and celebrate the story as much as the creators that worked their asses off to give us said story/media/art.
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