#ABOUT . you’re a hero jennifer jareau
j-reau · 3 years
I was yelling at @memoryfaded about fandom’s interpretation of JJ (yes again) and i got in my feelings about JJ + her feelings, and more importantly JJ in love. 
We all know I hate that fandom only sees JJ as the “mom friend” because she’s a mother and because she mothers the fuck out of Reid. But the reality is that’s only ONE of her canon team dynamics. JJ sees what people need and she becomes it. She sees that Reid needs someone to guide him emotionally and care for him and mother him so she does that. She sees that Hotch needs a good soldier who stays tight lipped and follows orders so she does that. She sees that Penelope needs a friend so she does that. And Morgan needs a brother, a soldier in arms so she gives him that. And Emily needs an equal so she is her equal. It’s not calculated. I don’t think it’s fake or on purpose. I think it’s her instinct. I think it’s years of growing up in a small town, as an athlete, learning what people needed her to be. And years of growing up around grieving parents and wanting to be the daughter they needed after her sister’s death, and coming up in a career in the early 00′s in a male dominated field where she had to learn to be the kind of woman men wanted her to be (see season 1 JJ: bossy, mothering ‘hot’ flirty, tough but warm.)
JJ is a chameleon. Her feelings are real, her vulnerability is real, when she gets down to it. How much she loves her team is real, it’s true, it’s who she is. How much she loves her family is HUGE to her. I’m not negating any of that, but I am negating the idea that JJ is the warm loving mom friend simply because that’s the role she plays with Reid. 
In reality, JJ has a very very subtle, slow, satisfying progression from being the type of woman she needs to be in her field, to becoming a profilers, to learning to swallow things, to being what I think is probably a slightly more realistic version of her in later seasons; a good soldier who holds the line and does the work and helps her team, and is damaged and tough as a motherfucker. 
"But JJ, you said this was a post about JJ in love.” Yes I did. I am easily distracted. 
But think about JJ in relation to her relationship with Will. JJ who refused to tell her team for years that she and Will were secretly in a relationship. And when confronted about it, the reason she finally gives him is that she was afraid that if she told people it’d be real and when it’s real people get hurt. JJ spent YEARS being afraid her feelings were real? honey get a therapist. Your feelings are real. People will get hurt. You will get hurt. 
And then, in season 7? 8? After she and Will have been together for five years with a kid and still aren’t married she says to him -- and I quote -- “ask me again.” AGAIN. That suggests that Will has proposed to her before and she turned him down. Despite having a kid with him, despite them living together, despite spending what 5-7 years with this guy? Gee, wonder why she would have done that. Because JJ has a LOT of trouble confronting her own genuine feelings and opening up to them and telling other people and letting them in for real. And frankly, I think that’s part of why considering her the mom friend is a little bit off base because it takes her THAT MUCH to open up to her husband. Which leads me to believe that all that vulnerability she appears to share, with victims, with her friends, etc is SUPER measured. It’s on her terms, it’s when she needs to say it and she only lets it out because it’s what they need from her. If given the choice, Jennifer Jareau would keep everything back to protect her own heart. It makes her incredibly hard to get to open up. Not because she doesn’t love but because she does and she’s awful at admitting it. 
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
history has it eyes on you [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x fem reader
requested by anon: Love your JJ fics ❤️❤️ I was hoping could you do another one where the reader is somewhat new to the BAU and is either dating or has a thing with JJ. But the reader is known for doing these heroic and kinda reckless acts that ends up saving the victims. And while everyone in the bureau thinks that she's an absolute badass and incredible at her job JJ can't help but love and hate it. She loves it as she's amazing at her job and always ends up saving them but she hates how she always seems to be in the line of fire and in danger. After one too many close calls JJ kinda loses it on the reader.
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*not my gif*
You were nineteen when you joined the academy. However, once you got the job you were longing for you were still a bright young prospect at twenty two. The youngest on the team, even younger than boy genius. 
You always had dreams of dying like a martyr. The bravest thing you thought that anyone could do was sacrifice themself for the ones they love the most. Sure, that’s not the healthiest thing in the entire world, but it was everything to you. 
“Have you guys heard that we’re getting a new member?” Garcia asked as her, Prentiss, and JJ walked into the bureau with their coffees in hand.
Prentiss nodded, “Heard they were a part of the Navy Seals for awhile. They were known as the youngest on that squad and they’re even younger than Reid,” 
“Really?” JJ asked, slightly shocked that someone is younger than Reid. 
Hotch walked out of his office as the rest of the team gathered by their desks, you walked right behind him, his taller figuring covering you from the view of the rest of the team.
Hotch cleared his throat before looking at all of them, “I’d like to formally introduce you guys to the newest member of the team, Agent Y/N Y/L/N,” 
You emerged from behind Hotch and you gave all of them an awkward wave. Until your eyes fell onto a pair of familiar blue ones. Her face was calm and collected, but you could tell by her eyes that she was internally freaking out.
You tried to fight off a smile that was forming on your face at the sight of your old flame back in the days of Afghanistan. But by the look on her face, you knew no one else really knew of her Afghanistan days.
Afghanistan wasn’t all bad. Sure you were put there to try and take down Bin Laden, but the city that was surrounded by war was absolutely beautiful. All of the architecture and the culture, even the people. 
This was one of the days where you completely forgot that you were in the middle of a war. JJ was standing on the balcony in the city of Kabul, the capitol of Afghanistan. The sun was setting behind her as you handed her a glass of wine.
It’s illegal to drink there, but as long as no one saw you called it a win. You stood behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist. You hooked your chin onto her shoulder as you kissed her rosy cheeks. 
“This is nice,” she mumbled and you hummed in response.
“I agree. You make this whole mission so much more bearable,” you whispered.
Penelope ran over to you and gave you a big hug, “Hi! I’m Penelope Garcia, the best tech out there!” 
You laughed softly, hugging her back, “Hi!” 
Once you pulled away, you were introduced one by one to each of the team members. Until you eventually were stopped at the beautiful blonde you’ve known worlds ago. 
You extended your hand out to her, meeting her bright blue eyes. You raised your eyebrows up at her, “Y/N Y/L/N,” you formally introduced.
She hesitated before grabbing your hand, the familiar spark electrocuting your body and you could tell that she felt it too, “Jennifer Jareau,”
“I like your eyes, they’re very blue, did you know that?” you told her, recalling your first ever conversation.
JJ just gave a tight lipped smile before nodding, “Yeah, well, I kind of had them my whole life so I think I know that they’re blue,” 
You were suited up in your gear as your commander walked you over to the representative from the state department. You climbed high in the rankings with all of your hard work and selflessness, you became a lieutenant commander. 
“Lieutenant commander Y/L/N, this is our state department liaison Jennifer Jareau. She will be helping assist us in communication with some of the hostages,” your commander introduced the two of you and you nodded.
You stuck out your hand and smiled at her softly, “Y/N Y/L/N,” 
She grabbed your hand, smiling back, “Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ for short,” 
“Well JJ, I like your eyes. They’re very blue, did you know that?” you asked, awkwardly. You mentally face palmed yourself, realizing that you were getting nervous around the beautiful blonde.
JJ laughed at your awkwardness before nodding, “Yeah, well, I kind of had them my whole life so I think I know that they’re blue,” 
“Right,” you drew out, mentally face palming yourself harder than before. 
You let out a soft chuckle before finally dropping her hand. You knew in a room full of profilers that they would notice if a friendly handshake lasted too long, no matter how hard you didn’t want to lose her touch. 
That was the only interaction the two of you had the entire case. Most of the time you were partnered up with Prentiss. She had more experience than JJ as a profiler since JJ was a liaison first. 
For your first case, you impressed them all with how selfless you were. You would push yourself in front of the rest of the team when confronting an unsub. You would always be the one talking them down as their gun was pointed right at you. 
“Jimmy Barnes, put the gun down,” you ordered, as he held the girl by gun point, “I said, put it down!” 
He shook his head, “No! She needs to die! I need to finish what I started!” he yelled.
Jimmy Barnes, your first ever unsub was ironically going after girls who matched your description. He became so obsessed with a video game that he altered it with reality. The villain in the game looking surprisingly like you.
“Then kill me instead, you’ll win the game if you let her go and kill me,” you offered.
You could feel JJ’s eyes on you and the rest of the team gave you a quick glance before going to look back at Jimmy. For a split second you weren’t sure, what he was gonna do until he eventually threw the hostage towards Rossi, before grabbing you in the process.
He thought he had a good grip on you, but you were a Navy Seal, you know how to get out of a hold or two. Before he could pull the trigger, you elbowed his groin and threw him onto the floor. 
Jimmy landed on his stomach with a hard thump, you straddled his back before  putting him in handcuffs, “Jimmy Barnes, you are under arrest for the murders of Nicole Watkins, Macy Martin, and Leah Butler,” you told him, listing all of his rights. 
Once you got back on the jet, your eyes drifted over to JJ who was staring out of the window. You just kept staring, trying to profile her from afar. You noticed that there was no ring on her finger yet, so that was a plus. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t dating anyone.
Morgan snapped you out of your trance, “That was a brave thing you did out there. He could’ve easily just shot you dead before you could even make a move,” 
“Yeah, but it saved the girl didn’t it?” you fired back and from the corner of your eye you could see JJ let out a sigh, shaking her head. 
“It did, you’re gonna be a great part of this team!” Morgan patted your shoulder before taking a seat next to Reid. 
You took this as an opportunity to get some shut eye on the flight back to Quantico. And your slumber seemed to drift back to you and JJ. 
The two of you were tangled in the sheets of the hard mattress. The hot air of Afghanistan causing your already sweating bodies to become more sticky. JJ was playing with your hair as her head rested on your chest. 
“This is very unprofessional,” she whispered.
You chuckled softly before nodding, “Well no one has to know what we do,” you whispered back, “But if anyone were to walk into my tent they’d see your clothes all over the floor,” 
She lifted her head slightly before seeing your clothes scattered all over it. She let out a content sight before putting her head back down.
“If I'm being honest, I don’t think I’d care,” she said, kissing your jawline. 
You exaggerated a gasp, “Did the Jennifer Jareau just say she wouldn’t care if someone caught us breaking the rules?!” 
“I wouldn’t care because I’m in love with you,” 
Your ears perked up at those five words, “I’m in love with you too,” you whispered, leaning down to attach your lips together.
The more you went on cases with the team, the more reckless (well you’d like to call it heroic) you’ve become. You would run into a hostage situation with an aggressive unsub without a bulletproof vest or weapon. 
You thought that you would get a talking to from Hotch about being so reckless, but he never did. The others rarely thought anything of it and just thought you were an absolute badass. Well, everyone but JJ, you could tell your need to constantly be the hero was getting under her skin a little. 
You just didn’t think she’d care anymore. She barely interacted with you and when you did they were short professional conversations. Even when you went out with the team, she wouldn’t interact with you.
“So, what’s going on with JJ?” Morgan asked you as you and the team were flying out to Tacoma, Washington. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Nothing,” 
He hummed, “Well you’re staring at JJ like you’re in a romcom and just lost the love of your life. So what’s going on? You know you can talk to me,” 
Morgan had become like an older brother figure to you. He was the closest person to you on the team and you knew he could trust him with anything.
“Well, JJ and I knew each other awhile ago. We had a thing and it was really good, but you know, nothing lasts forever,” you confined in him and he nodded.
“That’s why she’s avoiding you like the plague?” he asked.
You shrugged, “I don’t know. It was a long time ago and she broke things off with me. So, I don’t understand why she’s avoiding me. If anything it should be the other way around,” 
“I would just try to talk to her. Obviously, something’s still bugging her if she’s avoiding you this much. Just talk to her,” he suggested and you nodded. 
You wanted to talk to JJ the entire case, but the unsub shortened his kill time and struck back to back. So, you were working twice as hard and twice as fast to stop them. 
And when you did find them let’s just say, you had to act quick. The unsub set his own house on fire with him and the hostage family inside of it. Hotch had called the fire department, but they wouldn’t get there for another ten minutes.
There was no way that the family would survive that. The smoke inhalation. The fire spreading quickly. Before any of the team could even react, you were off and running in to a burning building. 
“Y/N!” you heard JJ shout, but it was too late you were already in the building. 
The unsub was standing there with a sinister smirk on your face and just as he was about to attack you, you sent a bullet through his shoulder. He fell onto the floor in pain. 
The family of three were coughing up a storm. You could feel the smoke already start to fill your lungs. You gestured for the family to start running out of the house. 
“My daughter is stuck under there! You need to get her out of here!” the father yelled and you nodded.
“I’ll save her, you guys need to leave now!” you screamed. 
“I’m not leaving-” the mom begins to protest, but you cut her off.
“I promise I’ll get her out of here, but if you don’t leave she’s not going to have anyone there to take care of her!” you exclaimed. Without another word they run out of the building. You looked at the little girl who was stuck behind a piece of broken ceiling. 
You smiled at the girl who just seemed numb and you grabbed her arm, “Hi kiddo,” you finally got out between coughs, “My name’s Y/N and I’m here to save you okay? You’re safe now. No one can hurt you. Do you mind if I touch you and help you out?” 
She nodded without another word. You started coughing uncontrollably before you finally held her in your arms. 
JJ was pacing back and forth from outside. Her thoughts spinning as she just watched you run into a burning building. Two figures started rushing out of the building. JJ and Morgan ran towards the couple, leading them towards the ambulance.
“Where’s the agent who went in to help you?” JJ asked, frantically. 
“She’s still in there. She’s helping our daughter, she was stuck. She promised that she’d save her,” the mother told JJ.
Right as she finished her sentence, there was huge crash. Everyone’s head turned back to the house to see the roof caved in and the building was falling apart. 
“Y/N,” JJ whispered before raising her voice, screaming out your name uncontrollably, “Y/N!”
Her mind flashed back to Afghanistan, when the good thing the two of you had going turned sour. 
It was dark out and you, JJ, and some of trying to search an abandoned compound that you assumed the Talibans were using to help create bombs. You sensed a slight tension against your shin. 
It felt like what would happen if you rubbed your shin against a bush. But there was no shrubbery around the group, only grass and dirt. At the same time there was a pinning noise and that was the only thing you could hear. 
You had walked into a tripwire, looking down you saw the primed grenade, “Grenade! Take cover!” you yelled to the rest of your team.
You don’t know why you did what you did. Maybe it was because you felt responsible for what was about to happen. You pushed JJ towards the rest of the group as one of your fellow soldiers pulled her behind the concrete building.
You threw off your backpack and jammed it into the grenade, before lying next to it in fetal position to block the explosion from expanding towards them. You were just counting down, waiting for the consequences. 
5, 4, 3, 2,1, you counted and your whole body relaxed as the thought that maybe the bomb was a dud crossed your mind. But just as you relaxed it blew up in front of you. 
“Y/N!” JJ screamed. 
The orange sparks and the smoke cleared, but you knew you were still alive. You were so disoriented, so disoriented to the point where you didn’t even notice that you were blasted so much further away from where you originally laid. 
JJ and the patrol medic ran over to you. She put her hands on my face and noticed how disoriented you were. JJ noticed the blood pouring down your nose and ears. 
“Y/N, I need you to stay with me,” JJ told you, drawing figures on your bloody cheeks, “The doctor’s checking you out, I need you to stay awake, okay? Please, for me,” her voice cracked. 
No matter how hard you tried, your eyes just seemed to shut and you couldn’t open them again.
“No!” JJ screamed as she continued to watch the house burn down in flames. 
Tears were flowing down her cheeks. The trauma of Afghanistan and the thought of losing you flooded her mind. She always wondered why her relationships with people after you never worked. 
She made excuses for herself. The idea that her job as a profiler took up too much of her time. Or the guys or girls she dated were just bad seeds. But that wasn’t the idea. It was the idea that she was still so in love with you, maybe even waiting for the day she’ll get you back. 
JJ looked around the rest of your team. Reid was trying his best to fight off tears, but you could hear him sniffling. He always thought of you as one of his best friends. You related to him more than anyone because of how young you were. 
Morgan and Prentiss stood up tall and were staying strong. But JJ could tell from a mile away that it was getting harder every second that was going by. Prentiss thought of you as a little prodigy, you reminded her of a young Prentiss, and all she wanted to do was protect you even though she knew you didn’t need it. 
Then there was Hotch who stood there emotionless, but he was just trying to actually stay strong for the team. Hotch knew that you were the reckless type, it didn’t take a profiler to notice that. 
The last thing he said to you before he introduced you to the team was, “I see that you want to fight, you’ve got this hunger. I was just like you when I was younger, head full of fantasies of dying like a martyr. Just remember, dying is easy, living is harder.” 
But then they saw a figure emerge from the smoke. The little girl you were carrying was unconscious in your arms. You were coughing up a storm as you crashed onto the lawn. 
The team and paramedics ran towards you. JJ cupped your cheeks as your eyes fluttered open and closed. The smoke that was filling your lungs, making it hard to breathe. The paramedics through an oxygen mask on your face as they tried to help you breathe.
You pulled it off really quick, “Y/N! Put the oxygen mask back on!” JJ scolded you.
You were coughing up a storm as you finally got out what you said between your coughs, “I’m still in love with you,” you told her.
She was about to respond when you started seizing on the ground. Hotch pushed the team out of the way so the paramedics could do their job.
JJ’s mine still drifted back to Afghanistan as she watched them drag you to the hospital. It reminded her of when they brought you back to the med camp after the explosion. The fear settling into her bones that she might not ever see you again.
When you were finally more stable to understand what was going on around you, you were in the med tent of the camp. JJ was sitting next to you with her hands intertwined with yours.
You moved slightly and her head shot up to look at you, “How bad is it?” 
“Your eardrums are perforated, but there’s suspected to be no lasting damage.Your backpack and body armor absorbed most of the damage. You know the doctors say you’re lucky, but I just say you’re stupid,” she told you and you looked at her with furrow brows. 
“That was a little harsh,” you muttered.
She rolled her eyes, “What you did was stupid! It was stupid and reckless! I almost lost you today because of how stupid you were being!” 
“It was heroic!” you screamed. It didn't matter to you that your head was still pounding and your ears were ringing from the explosion, but you were being attacked after you just woke up.
“You don’t see the point! I almost lost you! There are people who care about you! I care about you and if I lost you today I don’t know what I would’ve done!” she screamed, “So I need you to promise me that this isn’t going to happen again. That you’ll start being more careful and thinking more without doing,” 
You sat there in silence unsure of what to say, “I can’t promise that,” you whispered after so many minutes. 
She bit her lip, removing her hand from yours. JJ stood up and started packing up the things that she had in the tent, “Then I can’t do this. If you’re not going to even respect a simple decision as to being less reckless for your own safety, then I can’t do this. I don’t think that what I’m asking is too hard, but I guess it is,” 
“JJ,” you whispered, but it was too late she was already gone.
She didn't come to visit you after that. As you sat there in your own silence, you realized that you made a mistake. You wanted to talk to her, but every time you asked someone to grab her she would always be busy or she’d just never come. 
Once you were finally well enough to be discharged from med tent and back to your own, it was too late. There was a little note left on the hard mattress the two of you once shared.
“Y/N, I’ve decided to leave. Another state department liaison is coming to replace me. I just can’t stay and watch you throw your life on the line anymore. Maybe in another world, but just not this one- JJ,” the note read and you let out a groan of frustration before falling onto the mattress.
You woke up from your seizure to see JJ sitting the corner of the room. She was curled up in the faux leather seat as she was sleeping peacefully. Your mouth felt dry as you reached over to grab the water that sat on the bedside table. 
All your stirring around caused JJ to wake up, her head shooting over to you to make sure you were okay. You looked at her softly and smiled, “How’s the little girl?”
“Safe and recovering,” she answered shortly.
“Where’s everyone else?” you asked.
“They’re in the waiting room. I tried to get them to go home, but they insisted on staying,” she mentioned and you smiled softly.
You could tell she was holding back from what she was going to say, so you let out a sigh, “Whatever you’re holding back, just get it out,” 
“That was stupid of you,” she said sternly, reminding you of your very last conversation before you met her again, “You almost died again! And I had to be there to witness it again!”
“I saved a family’s life today,” you told her, your voice dry, but just as stern. 
“But at what cost? Risking your own?!” she exclaimed and you pinched the bridge of your nose, putting your head down, “It was stupid!”
“Can you stop saying that?! It was brave and heroic! Why can’t you just be accepting about it like everyone else?!” you yelled back.
“There it is again! With your heroic bullshit!” she threw her hands up in frustration, walking closer to your bed, “What’s the big deal about it?” 
“I need to be remembered! I need to have my name in books and you know sacrificing yourself and saving as many people as possible gets you there! My family’s legacy is shot, I need to make a legacy of mine and if this is the way to do it then so be it! I need to be a hero, so I can be loved since my parents never did!” you finally exploded, telling her all the reasons why you are the way you are.
“You don’t need to sacrifice yourself to be loved!” she argued.
You scoffed, “Well, apparently I do since the only time you’ve seemed to want to talk to me since I’ve joined the team is when I’m recovering from almost dying. I don’t understand why you’re so angry at me right now, you broke up with me. You left me to recover from the bomb on my own! So tell me, why do you even care?!” 
“Because I’m still in love with you!” she finally screamed and your eyes softened.
“You don’t need to sacrifice yourself to be a hero or loved because in my eyes you’re already a hero. I care because the thought of living the rest of my life without you kills me. Living my life without you the last few years was the time I felt numb. Then you came back and I wanted to give us a shot again, but I was scared,” she whispered.
“Scared about what?” you asked.
“You were still as reckless as ever. You are still so obsessed with getting your name in the history books that you don’t care who you hurt in the process. I was scared that if I got too attached that one day you’d just die,” she told you, “At least with breaking up with you, I knew you were still alive and I didn’t lose you forever,”
There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again, “You don’t understand that you risking your life out like that hurts the people who love and care about. You don’t need to have millions of people know your name, all you need are the ones who matter most to you and you don’t understand that. I love how protective and heroic you are, but I hate it more. The hate overcomes the love,” 
You reached your hand out for her to come closer. You intertwined your fingers together before placing a kiss to the top of her hand. She had tears threatening to pour down her face.
You brushed a strand of her blonde hair from behind her ear before you cupped her cheeks softly, “I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I didn’t know how badly my acts affected you. I wish that we talked about this when I was still stationed, maybe I could’ve knocked some sense into myself and we’d still be together,”
“But I’d really like a second chance JJ,” you whispered shyly, the fear of rejection overtaking your promise, “I’ll make that promise I should’ve made ages ago. Be less reckless, be a hero in smaller less dramatic ways. But I also understand if you don’t, I know I’m fucked in the head,” 
JJ leaned her forehead on top of yours before kissing you softly, “One more chance,” she whispered, “No more bombs, or gunmen, or fires,”
You kissed her once more, “I just hope I can be the hero that you deserve, the right kind of hero,” 
“There’s no doubt in my mind that you won’t be,” 
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andreafmn · 3 years
Running In Circles - Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3,196
Characters: Female Reader Rossi Character, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ”Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, George Foyet, Multiple Unsubs and Victims
Story Description: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Criminal Minds, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and CBS Network. The only thing I own is Arden Rossi, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others' story line.
Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Description: (Y/N) remebers her first day in the job and recounts all the cases and events that led to the downfall of George Foyet. 
A/N: I decided to say fuck the anxiety of posting and put up my Aaron fanfiction. It’s been gathering dust in my documents folder and I love writing too much to keep it to myself. I’m not sure how many chapters this will have but there’s already 8 chapters all finished up. Soon I’ll be posting ff of all the fanfictions I enjoy also! If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
Chapter 1
“Good morning, BAU!” I said as I walked through the doors of the elevator and entered the bullpen. I could still remember how it felt the first time I got here.
I walked out of the elevator and made my way to the first office on the left. I was to meet
SSA Aaron Hotchner for an interview to join the BAU. My hands were shaking, and my body was getting warmer by the second. But I remembered my father’s encouraging words. “You’re gonna do great, mia bella.”
Not only was I extremely young, but I also had a lot to live up to. Being the daughter of SSA David Stephen Rossi was no easy task. He was an amazing agent, mentor, and father. He always pushed me to be the best at everything I did. When I started high school, I decided to get a head start on my college studies and applied to dual enrollment. When I graduated I did so with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science. Then, I worked my way to a Master’s in Psychology and Social Work, and a Doctorate in Criminal Justice. At the same time, my father trained me as a profiler. All my life I knew I wanted to be in the FBI, just like him. I was always impressed at all he did and wanted to be just like my hero. The day I told him I had been recruited by the FBI and was set to work in the BAU he said it had been the greatest day of his life.
Now my shaking hand raised to softly knock on the door before me.
“Come in,” someone said from inside. The door softly creaked as I opened and was met by a tall man with dark hair and a shorter blonde woman. “Agent Rossi, welcome.”
“Thank you, it’s an honor to be here.” I smiled and shook Aaron Hotchner’s and Erin Strauss’ hands.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Agent Rossi,” Erin smiled. “Have to say, you have a very impressive curriculum and your disinvolvement in our past interviews and tests have been outstanding.”
I smiled and turned the bracelet on my wrist for comfort.
“I must concur with Chief Strauss,” said Hotch. “I believe you will be a great addition to the BAU team.”
After sharing a few pleasantries and being handed my badge and gun, I was following Hotch to the briefing room to meet the rest of the team. Formally, at least. I had heard everything about them when I spoke with my father. He left no detail out.
“Morning, everyone,” Hotchner started. “I called you all in early today so you could meet the newest addition to the team. This is Agent (y/n) Rossi.”
To the sound of my name most of the mouths in the room dropped.
“Rossi, as in David Rossi?” The slender, messy haired agent said. I could only assume that was Spencer Reid. As my father had described him, a curly mess dressed in vests.
I nodded.
“Rossi, you didn’t tell us you had such a beautiful daughter.” That would be Derek Morgan. The hottie Casanova with a silver tongue.
“I hadn’t?” My father questioned and smirked, knowing full well the answer.
“Well, he’s talked a lot about all of you,” I smiled.
“All good things I hope,” Emily smiled.
“Great things,” I returned the smile. “I could probably make out who is who by the things he’s told me.”
“Go ahead,” Aaron challenged.
“Alright,” I cleared my throat and started going around the table. “Curly hair, vests, analyzing everything I’ve done and said since I walked in… you’re Spencer Reid.”
He smiled brightly.
“Tall, dark, handsome, and a silver tongue. Plus, you checked me out as soon as the doors of the elevator opened… Derek Morgan.”
He smirked.
“Calm, cool, and collected. Quiet but present, inspecting my presence here… you’re Emily Prentiss.”
“She’s good,” Emily muttered to Morgan beside her. I continued.
“And last but not least, bright colors, fun accessories,” I said looking at Garcia. “Even though you’re smiling, you’re not sure about me yet because you don’t like change and are probably going to dig up everything you can on me as soon as you can… Penelope Garcia.”
She stiffened and Derek chuckled.
“Don’t worry, I get it. I do not like change that much either. And here,” I reached my hand into my bag to pull out a rather thick folder. “I’ll save you the work. Background check, complete internet history, social medias, and all the whatnots you would need to build a very extensive profile.”
“Oh, thank you,” she reached out her hand and grabbed the folder, smiling at the floor.
“And well, I already know Agent Hotchner and my father, so they don’t need much of an introduction.”
“No, but you do,” my father said joining my side. “Tell them a bit about yourself.”
“Well, I have a bachelor, two masters, and a doctorate degree: I’m 23, I’m Rossi’s daughter…” In the middle of my thought process dad cut in.
“She’s beautiful, she’s intelligent, and she’s the one I call when I’m stuck on a case.” I smiled.
“She also passed every test with flying colors,” Aaron added. “And her profiling skills are exceptional.”
“Thank you,” I blushed. “I think it runs in my blood.”
“Well, welcome to the team,” Aaron continued. “Let’s get to work.”
That was almost three years ago. A couple of days after, I met JJ who had visited with her newborn son Henry.
In very little time I had grown attached to this family. I was most of the time partnered with Spence and we developed an amazing bond. It did help that I loved playing chess and we could have highly erudite talks. Also, I very much enjoyed his over sharing of facts. But really, I was close to them all. On my spare time I was found watching movies with Derek and Penny, perusing book shops with Reid, having girl nights with JJ, Penny, and Emily, or sipping on top grade scotch while finishing paperwork with Hotch.
Spending time with Hotch was my favorite pastime of all.
I realized I had developed feelings for him the day he was captured by Foyet and left at the hospital. Receiving the call from Emily that she had found blood at his apartment literally knocked the air out of my lungs. Reid could tell that my reaction would not have been the same where it had been any of the other members. For some time, he had deduced my attraction to our unit chief. Once we had captured Patrick Meyers and Reid had been sent off to a hospital, we sped off to St. Sebastian Hospital. I could feel my heartbeat going faster and faster as I felt time slipping by. More than once I had asked Morgan to go faster and with sorry eyes, he told me he was going as fast as he could.
Seeing Hotch on a hospital bed, greatly hurt, broke me. I knew everyone on the team, just like Reid, had figured it out. I was the first one in when the doctor announced he was waking up. His eyes fluttered open as JJ, the last one to enter, made it in.
“Where am I?” He groggily asked.
“In the hospital,” dad answered.
My eyes could not leave his face, even as all I wanted was to imagine him in a different state. Derek told him how he made it to the hospital and Emily asked Hotch what had happened. Closing his eyes, Hotch explained step by step how everything had gone down. Upon more investigation, we quickly figured what Foyet had taken and, a page from his planner that held his ex-wife’s and son’s current address and a picture of them, respectively.
Once we had that information, the team knew exactly what to do. Emily and I volunteered to stay behind and update the team if anything changed. As soon as he went to sleep, we let out a locked breath. But the relief was short lived as his pulse started to get exceedingly fast.
“What happened?” The doctor asked.
“I don’t know,” I croakily muttered out. Emily put a hand on my back as I softly touched his arm.
“Agent Hotchner. Can you hear me?” The doctor called out. “Agent Hotchner?”
He finally opened his eyes and responded. “I’m okay.”  
The doctor asked us out of the room as she checked on him and Emily helped stabilize my walk as we made it out. I saw the doctor and a nurse check him as I picked the skin of the thumb of my right hand. Emily noticed and grabbed it, knowing well of my nervous ticks. The other being closing my fist hard enough to dig my nails in it.
“He’ll be okay,” she smiled. “You know he’s a fighter.”
I softly smiled at her, not knowing if she said it for me or for her to believe it too.
Once we knew Haley and Jack were safe the three of us let out a relieved sigh. Hotch squeezed the hand I had been holding as he slept, needing the reassurance of a trusted presence next to him. He asked Emily about the scene at his apartment, but she could not give him definite answers. In a moment of silence, she excused herself to go buy coffee and I took this chance to ask him what had been going through my head.
“Do you wanna talk about what happened?” I asked worry evident in my eyes.
Sighing, he responded. “I don’t know. After he stabbed me the first time, it all goes blank.”
He looked straight into my eyes and I could tell he knew more than he let on, but now was not the time to push him. He had been drained: physically, emotionally, and mentally. In that moment, Haley walked in and I let go of his hand to leave them to talk. From outside of the room, I could hear the heartbreaking moment and knowing he was in pain shattered my heart. That day had absolutely devastated us as a team, but it only made us more determined to find Foyet and end him.
But life and work went on. The whole month he was off, I spent most of my free time helping in his recovery and his healing, using the little training I had in wound treatment. The other part of my time I spent with Reid, who was also in recovery. A far less pressing injury, but an injury, nonetheless. And he was my best friend, so I could not completely abandon him.  
We were all worried about him coming back to the team with Foyet still out there, but dad reassured us he would only be more motivated. Yet the first case back, he was different. He was usually professional and understanding, now it seemed that no matter how well we worked, we would make a mistake. And when we finally tracked down the unsub and he made his way inside the house, no vest, and no gun, I knew there was something different in him. I tried to follow him inside, but dad stopped me.
“We have to trust him,” he told me. Even with those words we were all unsure of the outcome. My head was working 1,000 miles a minute coming up with different ways this could all end up in, and when I heard the gunshots, my mind only went to the darkest end. Quickly we stormed in the house and saw Hotch putting handcuffs on Darrin, and a very dead Jarvis on a recliner.  
My father spent most of his time with me reassuring me that Hotch was still the same man he had been a month before. And I spent most of my time with Hotch reassuring him that he was not alone.
At the end of most cases Emily, dad, and I sat with Hotch in his office to drink a cup of scotch and unwind after a stressful day. I stayed nights overtime often and was there on the night that Strauss had landed a surprise visit to his office. The next day he became hyper focused on Derek’s work, which later he revealed to me the reason why. The bureau was questioning his leadership and he meant to step down as unit chief at the end of that week. This ended with Derek becoming active unit chief whilst Hotch was being investigated.
The days that followed were quite strange. We were used to taking orders from Hotch and now taking orders from Morgan was completely different. But business went on as usual. We worked on cases just as hard and solved them just as efficiently. With one case always hanging on us like a dark cloud. George Foyet. With every case we finished we knew he was still out there, which meant that Hotch was still hurting and hunting.  
But the dreaded day had caught up to us. With the last case we had been on in Hampton we knew Foyet had found Hotch. He was taunting Hotch, dangling his life in front of him. Once he had sent us that calling card, we pressed harder on our investigation, pulling at whatever string we could find.
Thankfully, JJ pulled our medication string harder when she found out about the ability to substitute prescriptions with over-the-counter meds. We worked tirelessly and strongly to shorten the investigation part of this case. We needed to catch him, fast.
“Wait a minute, guys. Foyet likes things that have meaning to him,” I said looking at the map presented in front of us. I could see that Reid knew where I was going.
“The eye of providence, the addresses in blood he wrote on the bus that led back to him,” Spence added, and I nodded.
“Maybe he’s doing the same with his name,” I said as Reid wrote down George Foyet on the board.
“Like an anagram or something,” Emily chimed. Quickly, Reid got to work on the theory crossing out and circling letters. Adding ‘The Reaper’ onto the board and utilizing it, once Hotch had pointed out Foyet gave himself that name. He kept up this process until the name Peter Rhea came to existence.
Garcia tracked down the name and quickly found an address in Arlington. We had found him, but it was just too easy.
We were waiting outside of the apartment building for too long, waiting for something, anything. Once Morgan had given his orders, the plan was set in motion. Still, something in the back of my mind kept telling me it was too easy. We stormed the empty apartment and searched for anything that would help us find his actual location. His computer was quickly deleting files, but Garcia was better. Haley’s protection unit was in trouble.
As soon as it clicked, we were on our way to the stash house. Inside the house Marshal Sam Kassmeyer was hurt, losing blood quickly. With the little he was able to tell us we knew that Haley and Jack were in danger. Sam had not told Foyet anything, but George was smart, unfortunately. He had disguised himself as a Marshal and lied to Haley to get her where he needed her. Only him had communication with her. Everyone was on edge wanting nothing more than to find this man.
In the office we heard Hotch’s conversation with Foyet. He was working hard to buy some time for us to find him but knowing George he already had a plan set in motion. He had eyes on the pair, he was with them. I could only imagine what Hotch was going through.
“Alright, Foyet has to be in control,” Derek said, breaking me out of my thoughts. “He had Haley come to him.”
“Yeah, but where would he take her?” Spencer asked. We all started thinking and speculating. There was something in the call that told Hotch where to go. That was the key.
“Reid, what did he say, exactly?” I emphasized on the last word.
“Haley’s hair looks good dark. She’s lost some weight. It must be because of all the stress you caused her. Where’s the little man? Oh, there he is now. Do you think he likes Captain America because of you? That’s your wife on the other line. Hold, please. Hi. Open the gate and I’ll drive in.” Spencer recited in a monotone voice.
“Open the gate?” My father questioned.
“It would be someplace with the biggest emotional impact for Hotch,” I said looking down to organize my thoughts.
“And Haley has access to the gate,” Derek added, and it clicked.
“Their house,” I said. “Where they lived together.”
“Of course,” Emily said. “Foyet planned this all the way to the end. It’s everything to him.”
“He wants to take over Hotch’s house, to be in control, to prove his dominance,” I finished. We knew where he was going, and I was sure Hotch knew too and was already on his way.
On the way, Hotch got a call from Foyet’s phone. It was Hayley. I heard the emotion grabbing him by the throat. We could hear the whole conversation and my heart broke when he asked Hayley the magic words.
“Tell Jack that I need him working on the case,” Hotch breathed out. One drunken night he had told me about how he had found Jack inside a storage bench in his office after he had knocked on it. The smiling kid had told his father that he was working the case with Hotch. Hotch knew what was going to happen and so did I. This was the best chance Jack had at survival.
When Hotch told Jack to hug his mom and he said I love you, I let out a loud sob and Emily grabbed my hand tightly for support. But I was not the one that need the care. Hotch did. Haley’s words would forever be engraved in my head, and in the heads of our friends.
Three gunshots rang through the line right before it cut. Then I could not hold back the tears. I knew. I just knew.
Hotch was the first one on the scene and all I thought of was that he did not have a vest or any backup, so god knows what could have happened. For the second time in a matter of months all I could ask for was that Morgan drove faster.
At the house, Morgan was the first one in and the scene that unfolded in front of us was heartbreaking. Hotch was hitting Foyet over and over, and Derek had to hold him back. He was dead. I surveyed the scene and instinctively went to Hotch’s office, Hotch following close behind. Jack had to be there. I let Hotch walk past me and watched as relief overtook him when he lifted the lid.
“I work the case, daddy,” Jack said. Unbeknownst to everything that had happened. “Just like you said.”
“You did a great job buddy,” Hotch lifted his son out of the bench.
“What happened to you, daddy?”
“I’m okay. I want you to go outside with Ms. Jareau. Ok?” The child walked to JJ and she took him out in her arms.
And Hotch let go. He silently cried and I helped him make his way to where Haley laid. I stood by the door and turned away a police officer. Morgan stood up and squeezed my shoulder as he left the room behind the officer. I stayed outside of the doorframe, listening to the sobs of a strong man.
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
Agree to No Promises
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A/N: I absolutely loved writing this, thank you for requesting!
Warnings: mistakes, angst, fluff, mentions of kidnapping (nothing gory), and language. fem!reader.
Word Count: 4.5k
i have a spence request!! you know that one scene where he says “this is calm, and it’s doctor”. i want a whole fic of that kind of aggressive spence in which he defends the readers honour to the rest of the BAU people, maybe she makes a call that’s risky for her own safety and the others are calling her out on it and spence gets defensive and morgan is like “calm down kid” or it can be whoever and THEN HE SAYS THAT LINE I WOULD DIE ❤️❤️
actually, some enemies to lovers with spencer would be great if they work at the bau together and for years they don’t get along and bicker and the reader knows she’s in love with spencer but doesn’t have a chance and he finds out while they’re arguing
You wanted to punch Spencer in the face. You wanted to shut him up, and you felt in that moment - punching him would be the perfect way to do so. But no. Your brain was not listening to what you wanted, and instead what your heart wanted, but you could not afford that right now.
When you think of Spencer Reid, you think tall, skinny, uncoordinated, annoying, rude and cocky. You can’t stand the way he looks at you, or the way his hair falls over his eyes, and even the fact that a grown-ass man never wears matching socks. You also don’t like the fact that he always seems to be right, even when you wish he wasn’t. 
According to Spencer, you were no walk in the park either. He hates that you’re so dramatic, and that you’re so hell-bent on proving yourself right. He hates that you never listen to anything he tells you, and how you act like nothing can ever get to you no matter what it is.
When Spencer thinks of you, he thinks she’s self-righteous, and that you have this stupid hero complex that you need to get over.
“Reid.” You greeted with just as much hostility.
Even on the plane, you both seemed to successfully make eachother mad. The team always noticed the rigidness between you two, and had even asked about the elephant in the room multiple times, but the only thing you two had seemed to come up with to explain your behavior - which you both had ironically subconsciously agreed on, was that, “It’s not my fault he/she is impossible.”
On countless random occasions, the team had tried to help fix whatever bad blood was spilled between you, but you two never caved in and instead insisted on the fact that, “nothing could be done,” to fix the unyielding tension if the other wasn’t going to change.
After they went over the ins and outs and asked the necessary questions of the case like usual, Hotch began to put the team into pairs to send them on their individual assignments.
“Prentiss, Morgan, I need you to go to the morgue and see if there’s anything significant other than the ligature marks.”
They nodded.
“JJ, Rossi, I need you to go visit the victim’s families and see if there’s anything you can find that ties these murders together. Like we said, probably not, but it doesn’t hurt to look.”
“Of course.” JJ answers.
“Y/N, and Reid I need you two to go to the most recent scene and tell us what you find there. I’ll meet you there after I check in with the locals.”
Both you and Spencer looked absolutely offended, and you both collectively tried to come up with any reason in the books so that you would not be paired together.
“But surely-” you tried to reason.
“No.” Hotch interrupted.
“But I should -” Reid began to bargain.
Hotch interrupted once again with a cold stare, and an even colder if not snarky, “No.”
Yours and Spencer’s eyes met for a brief moment before you both decided to give up defeatedly, and roll your eyes at one another.
The team had noticed the interaction between the two of you once more and they couldn’t decide if they wanted to laugh at your childish actions, or if they wanted  to shake their heads in annoyance and say something about your behavior.
They chose the latter and ignored the both of you.
Once you had landed, and before the team all went their separate ways, Hotch told both you and Spencer to behave.
“No promises.” you replied opening the driver door to the black SUV that awaited the both of you to ride in.
Hotch gave you a  harsh glare.
“I’m joking Hotch.” you smile. “It’s a joke.”
Nodding, he walks away and gets into a car of his own with the local police department. Spencer gets in the passenger seat and immediately if not frantically, puts on his seatbelt.
You chose to ignore his actions, turned on the ignition, and drove out of the parking lot.
“Uhm, are you sure you should be driving?” Spencer asks eyebrows furrowed.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean since -”
“You misogynistic prick!” you practically shout, now pissed.
“You’re wrist.” Spencer nods towards your hand. “You were complaining earlier about how it was cramped and all.”
“What do you care?”
“Well, ya’know. I wouldn’t want it going out, and I don’t know, kill the both of us because you weren’t careful.”
“You’re a jerk Spencer Reid.” you shake your head not taking your eyes off the road. “You ever shut up?”
“I could ask the same Y/N L/N.”
Your relationship with Spencer has been this way since the day you arrived.
“Everyone, meet agent L/N.” Hotch introduces you. “Y/N, meet Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, and Spencer Reid.”
You waved at everyone and said a quick “hello,” before sitting in the empty seat right across from Spencer Reid.
Unbeknownst to you, Spencer had done a little back up check on you before you had even arrived. Your record was crystal clear, you had done nothing wrong, your parents were alive and well, and it seemed as though you had been through nothing traumatic and this shocked Spencer.
No one’s record was this clear, which meant you were hiding something. Because of this, he could not trust you.
Instead of asking you himself, he decided to just ignore you and act rude until he got the answers he wanted. Perhaps this was you’d feel the need to tell the truth - whatever that was.
“I’m sorry, did I do something to offend you?” You had asked once.
You had barely been at the Bureau a day and already you had seemingly made an enemy, which sucked because from what you’ve heard Spencer was the sweetest one there, and by the looks of it, definitely the cutest.
“No, you did nothing.”
You don’t remember what he was talking about, but Spencer was ranting and that was one of your favorite things about him - just the way he could talk on and on and on about anything. 
His voice itself made you want to swoon, but everytime he spoke to you, he always seemed disinterested, and you hated that
You got on Spencer’s last nerve. How did you seem so perfect? You were beautiful inside and out, and he didn’t understand it. There were days where he literally just wanted to talk to you to hear your voice, and he wanted to just ramble on and on and on to you about everything, but everytime he stopped himself. 
He reminded himself that you were suspicious, and besides - with your beauty, who knew how many men you’ve been with. 
He didn’t feel like getting his heart broken anytime soon.
You gave him a couple of weeks - a month and a half - to warm up to you, and still nothing. 
His attitude had got nothing but worse towards you, which was confusing because when you saw him interact with anyone else, he was an absolute sweetheart.
“Why do you treat me this way?”
He ignored you.
“Fine.” You had grown impatient. “Don’t say I never tried Spencer.”
And you walked away.
You were no longer going to take the way he gave you the cold shoulder and the way he talked to you, so from that day forward you had done to him the same way he had done to you.
You gave him the cold shoulder, and acted annoyed whenever he spoke to you.
This had become routine for the both of you. So much of a routine, that you both had forgotten why you hated each other in the first place.
After awhile, all Spencer knew was that he couldn’t get your condescending voice out of his head, and even when he told himself that you weren’t, you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
Everyday was a struggle to get eachother out of your heads. It seemed as though no one but that small voice in your heads knew you were secretly pining for each other, and that “hatred,” was covering up something much, much bigger, but there’s doubt you’ll be uncovering anything any time soon.
There were nights where you laid in bed just thinking about him, and times you cried yourself to sleep because at some point you realized you were in love with him, but you knew he would never ever feel the same, and that’s what hurt you the most.
“Excellent work guys.” Hotch compliments. “We’ll pick this up in the morning.”
The team had come together, and gathered a significant amount of information about the unsub, but it was late, and everyone needed a good night’s sleep for fresh minds the next day.
Unfortunately, roommates were the team members you were paired with earlier that day, so you were stuck sharing a room with Reid.
You huffed and through your bag on the bed. The last person you wanted to share a room with was Spencer Reid. At least you didn’t have to share a bed.
Putting a fake smile on your face, you turned to him and asked, “So are you taking a shower first or am I?”
“I’ll take mine in the morning.” he answered shortly, seemingly unbothered.
“Okay, fine. Whatever.” you replied, kind of hurt.
A hot shower should do it for you. You brought your bag into the shower, and got ready to relax under the steaming water. You rubbed your hands across your face because honestly - you were stressed. Arguing with Spencer on a daily basis was just…tiring. Sometimes you wished you knew why he hated you so much, but you knew the man wouldn’t ever tell you.
You opened your eyes, and you looked around the shower for your shampoo, but on the wall right above it was a spider.
“Shit!! Oh my God!!” You jumped out of the shower as quickly as you could, wrapped a towel around your body, and just about flew out of the bathroom.
Spencer looked up hurriedly and jumped out of his seat, in fear that you were hurt. 
“What the hell? Are you okay?”
“No!” you huffed. “There’s a spider in the shower!” 
His face was now a serious Hotch-like face. “Are you serious right now?”
Spencer walked into the bathroom and checked for the spider. He was now just as confused as ever.
“This is just a wolf spider,” he sighed, bringing it into the room in a cup with a napkin covering it. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“What the fuck Spencer, what are you DOING?” 
He looked at you, and then the towel around you and his nostrils flared. You were practically naked - as the only thing between the two of you was a flimsy hotel towel. He had to get out of there, so instead of answering you, he left the room and went to go free the arachnid.
Once he was outside, and had freed the spider, he took a few breaths. He was  frustrated. Absolutely frustrated, and he wasn’t sure what to do. All he saw now was that towel wrapped around your wet body and he hated the way his stomach clenched everytime he thought about that stupid towel and how easily it could have fallen and how he would have been able to -
No. He must not think this way about you. Not only was it incredibly inappropriate considering you were his coworker, but he had to keep up his, “I can’t stand her,” persona.
When he got back to the room, you were, he assumed, finished showering, and you were sitting on your bed in a pair of shorts and a tight fitted tank top leaving little to nothing of your figure to the imagination.
Of course, he was now incredibly irritated because you were real, and this wasn’t just one of his many dreams starring you where you two were using your mouths for a little something other than argue.
You had watched Spencer go into the bathroom, and you audibly let out a breath. He had said nothing to you, yet the way he looked at you made your heart and lower stomach go into a fucking frenzy. 
When he got out, he was dressed in just a regular t-shirt and basketball shorts.  You practically swooned. You had never seen him in anything other than his usual work attire, and you regrettably loved this look on him.
You shouldn’t have been thinking this way about him.
He hated you. How could anything ever happen if he was furious with you for every little thing you did?
“You know what I don’t understand?” Spencer asked climbing into his bed and turning the light off on his side.
You did the same so now you both were laying in the darkness.
“How do you face serial killers almost every single day, and you’re afraid of spiders?”
“Same way you’re afraid of elevator crashes I suppose.”
“But death by spiders are extremely rare - that spider was harmless.”
“I’m not afraid of getting killed by a spider, they’re just hideous.”
He laughed and said, “Yeah, well I’m sure they find you hideous as well.”
You both went to sleep with giddy smiles on your faces.
The next day went by pretty smoothly, and ever since the night in the hotel, Spencer had seemed a little less hostile towards you. You couldn’t help but wonder why. What changed?
Anyway, just like the day before, you were paired with Spencer, mostly indoors working on the board. Collectively you two had noticed some pretty interesting details, and you both realized you worked well together.
Soon after you gave a profile to the locals, Hotch told you and Spencer to follow a lead to a suspect’s home. You had knocked on the door, and nothing. You checked the front yard, backyard, and nothing.
It wasn’t until you checked inside a kids’ clubhouse, that you had found a secret trap door hidden underneath.
“Reid, call the team.”
He did, and once he was sure they were on their way, he helped you move the playhouse over so that you could open the door.
Once he opened it, all you two heard were sobs and the unsub yelling. You went down even after Spencer told you not to, and you saw the girl tied to a chair with a gun pointed to her head.
When the unsub saw you, a guy named Fred you believe, he changed directions, and held the gun out in front of him straight at your head.
“Fred? Hey. I’m Y/N L/N and I’ve come to help.”
“H-h-h-help? H-h-h-how can can y-you he-he-help?”
On your way over to this house, Garcia called and told you and Spencer that Fred had autism and, because of this he was like a child, he didn’t know what he was doing.
“Well Freddie,” you paused and looked him in his eyes, “May I call you Freddie?”
He nods quickly.
“Well the FBI is out there,” you heard the sirens a moment earlier, “and they’re upset that you took this girl. They might hurt you.”
“But I-I-I-I like h-h-her.”
You heard someone try to come down, and you yelled, “No!” which made all noises stop. “Do not come down here!”
Fred was scared, and confused, and he didn’t know what to do. All you could see was that the girl continued to cry, and he held his gin tighter.
You put up your hands dropping your gun, and this made him trust you a little bit more.
“Do you like me, Freddie?”
He nods enthusiastically.
“So, how about you let this girl go, and take me instead?”
“L-let her go?”
“Yes, Freddie, let her go and you can have me.” You were trying not to shake. “Can I untie her?”
“Yes.” he says and follows your movements with his gun. You walk slowly over to the girl, and untie her quickly. “When you go up there, tell them not to shoot. Tell them that the man is more unstable than we thought, okay?” She nods tears streaming down her face, and runs towards the latter.
Spencer was freaking out. He was pacing, and his heart was racing, and everytime he sat down his legs wouldn’t stop moving, and he didn’t know what to do with himself. He had cried, almost pulled out his hair, crumpled up papers in frustration and had yelled at almost every single one of his team members.
How could he have let this happen to you? He should have gone instead of you. He should have gone with you, he should have stopped you or something.
And on top of this, he always been an absolute prick to you, when deep down he felt the opposite and all he wanted to do was kiss you and tell you how he felt but now you were gone and he didn’t know if he was getting you back, and all he did know was that his heart hurt and all he wanted to do was just see you.
Just see you.
You had woken up tied to a chair in a child’s bedroom. 
You tried to untie or loosen the ropes, but it was no use - they were way too tight.
Fred came into the room with a tray of food for you, and he looked at you almost sadly.
“Freddie, you know they’re looking for you, right?
“I-I-I know.”
“So what’s going to happen when they do find you? You’ll kill me?”
He gasped and covered his mouth. “I could never hurt you!”
“But you hurt those other girls, Freddie.”
“Th-th-those g-girls hurt me. You’re r-re-really n-nice to me. I wouldn’t hurt you.”
You tried to smile, but all that came out was tears. You were scared to death and you had no idea what made you make the decisions you made.
“Oh, no Y/N p-please do-don’t cry.”
“Freddie these ropes really hurt, can you take them off?”
“But you’ll leave m-me.”
“Freddie, I won’t leave you, I promise okay?
They had a location. They knew where you were. Spencer couldn’t have been happier. 
Soon enough the team had found the house, and quietly came into the house. Morgan saw you first, relieved you were okay, and you silently told him that Fred was upstairs. He nodded and let the officers up there to make the arrest. You ran outside tears running down your face, and as soon as Spencer sees you, he runs up to you hugging you tightly. You wrap your arms around his neck and sob into his shoulder.
“Y/N are you okay? Are you hurt?” He says checking you as he pushes you away from him checking for any scratch or scar or anything.
“No, I’m - I’m alright.”
“Good.” he says, getting serious now. “Then explain to me why you would do something so incredibly stupid? We were all worried about you.”
“You were worried about me?”
He shakes his head and tries not to show how angry he was with you for leaving him. Instead of answering, he walks away.
He walks away because if he stayed, he would have kissed you, and he can’t - 
He just can’t.
If he shows you that he cares, you just might hurt him and sometimes it’s easier to just shut you out, than get used to you being around and then leave him. He doesn’t want you to know how much you could hurt him if he let you in.
So he pushes you away.
After everyone greeted you, and asked if you were okay, and the doctors checked you out, you were all on the plane home. 
You kind of just distanced yourself from everyone because all the team seemed to do was patronize you.
“That was a huge risk Y/N, did you even think about what you were doing?” Emily asked.
“Honestly, what if it didn’t work L/N? What about the girl?” Morgan said, shaking his head.
“You could have gotten severely injured Y/N, we’re just trying to look out for you.” JJ tried to reassure you.
Everytime you tried to explain yourself, you were bombarded with another stupid question, which caused silent tears to fall down you face. Spencer saw this, and he decided he had had enough with everyone.
“You guys act like you had never made a decision like this in your entire career. At the end of the day, everyone made it out alright, and I’m sure Y/N has learned her lesson, but you guys humiliating her doesn’t help at all. Think about what she’s just been through. Just for a second can you think about how she’s feeling right now?” He sighed. “This is the first time Y/N has dones something like this and you all are giving her the third degree. So just stop.”
“Hey, calm down Reid, It’s not that we -”
“This is calm Morgan, and it’s doctor.”
With that being said Spencer moved to the back of the plane, and sat across from you. You both said nothing, but you silently thanked him.
Once you were back at the BAU, Hotch told him he wanted you to take some time off, and you understood. The team left avoiding both you and Spencer, mostly because of what he said on the plane, and they weren’t sure what to do now.
“Reid, can I talk to you?” He was packing up to go home, you two were the only ones left on this floor.
“Why did you do that - on the plane I mean. Why would you stick up for me?”
He shrugged, basically ignoring you. Just right where you thought you were getting through to him, he closes himself back up again, and goes back to being mean to you.
“Fine. Whatever. Just please don’t do that again. I don’t need your help.”
You were walking away, when he decided to argue back.
“Oh you don’t? So you'd  just would have wanted them to keep patronizing you? Honestly, I don’t see what your problem is Y/N, goodnight.”
And he was walking towards the door. You ran out in front of him blocking him from leaving.
“My problem?” You scoff. “Oh I’ll tell you what my problem is. I don’t need your saving. I don’t need you to come in like a knight on his steed and prove that you’re smarter than me every single time. Because yes, you’re smarter, and yes, you’re a doctor, and yes, I know you dislike me for some reason, but don’t go switching up your attitude if something happens to me. Just leave me alone.
Obviously you don’t know what it feels like to be me, otherwise you would know that the worst pain there is, is being in love with someone who just hates you. So, just stop. Please, just stop.”
And once you said what you needed to, you walked off gathering your things so that you could go home too. You felt like crying, but you couldn’t. Not here. You couldn’t believe you just said what you did.
Despite what he wanted, he stood frozen in place. He was conflicted. He didn’t know what to do. His mind was telling him to do one thing, while his heart told him to do another.
He took quick strides over to your desk, and turned your body gently so that you were facing him, and you were basically trapped between him and your desk behind you.
“I couldn’t save you.” He began. “I was with you, and then I wasn’t and I couldn’t help you. You were doing that stupid heroic shit you tend to do, and I wasn’t there to help you. You were hurting, and it hurt me that I wasn’t there to heal you. And believe me, it keeps me awake at night when I think about the way I treat you, and I’m sorry, I am. I’m sorry if you felt like I hated you, because believe me, I don’t.
There is nothing to hate about you other than the fact that you’re just so goddamn perfect and I know I could never have you, and even if I did, I would give all of me to you, and that scares me. It scares me that I would be so willing to hand my heart over to you, and it scares me that you have all this power over me. It hurts that you have the power to torture me, so yes, I push you away, and I’m sorry I care about you, but I just, I just-”
And this was that moment.
That moment where your head told you to punch him, because God knows you wanted to, but your heart told you to just swallow all of that angst and just give yourself to him. 
To tell him with your lips that you felt the same, and just leave all the arguing behind.
But something was -
You didn’t hate him. And he just confessed that he didn’t hate you, and now his face was under your fingertips, and your lips were on his. Tears were falling, you weren’t sure if they were yours or his, but he was kissing you back and his arms wrapped around your waist, and you felt like you were on fire. Your hands were now tangled in his hair, and his hands caressed your sides. He had brought you closer to him, and through this kiss you both felt all the so-called, “hatred,” and, “dislike,” evaporate into thin air.
He pulled away from you, and you wiped away his tears.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, you didn’t deserve what I did to you. None of it. If I could take it all back, I would. I’ll make it up to you, I promise I will.”
“You’re such a boy Spencer Reid.” You say.
“What?” He’s confused.
“Mother’s tell their little girls that when boys are mean to them, that they must like them, and that’s why they’re acting that way.”
“Well that’s not very healthy. That tells those little girls that when a man hits them, or is crude towards them, that that’s perfectly normal and that they should just take it because the man loves them.”
“Well true,” Spencer was still holding you, and you went on “but the point was that you must have really liked me since you were so mean to me.”
“I mean, sure. But I don’t see why a mother would -”
“Hey, agree to disagree, okay?”
A month or so passed, and the team noticed a huge shift. You and Spencer were no longer arguing constantly, well, of course there were disagreements and such, but you two didn’t act like you hated each other.
“Promise me you’ll stop trying to be the hero.” Spencer told you once.
“No promises.”
Because if you weren’t the hero, you wouldn’t have saved the girl, wouldn’t have gotten Fred help, wouldn’t have the arrogant prince turned good, and you wouldn’t have agreed to disagree.
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sunlight-moonrise · 4 years
The Price (Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Reader is a technical analyst for the BAU. She did not expect to be smitten by the resident genius. 
A/N: This is my first time writing a fic as well as my first time writing smut. I’d like to thank @spencer-reid-in-a-pool​ for beta reading my work (you’re a gem and I’ll fight for you). Also a quick thank you to @imagining-in-the-margins​ and those in the discord for being so welcoming and helping me with this. The fic is inspired by @erin-bo-berin​ Sweet Cheeks. 
Category: Fluff and Smut
Content Warnings: Oral (female receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, rough sex
Word Count: 6.0K
There are a lot of things I enjoy about this job. The salary is decent. My coworkers are pretty cool. I get to interact with a sexy genius from time to time- you know, the usual that comes with being employed by the government.
I started as a technical analyst for the BAU a few months prior, working alongside the one and only Penelope Garcia with assisting the rest of the team behind some computer screens. Coding and hacking is second nature to me so the job is not too difficult. It was either this or facing some years in jail because I couldn’t cover my tracks fast enough. Looking at mangled and mutilated bodies on a weekly basis is better than prison.
I get along rather well with the team. I pretty much call everyone by a term of endearment, much to Garcia’s delight. It was one of the things we had in common and helped us get along with one another much faster. I sometimes can get carried away with the innuendos, but Garcia welcomes everything I say with open arms.
I typically save my more sensual remarks for the doctor. I remember the good old days when he used to be so tongue-tied by my actions. Now my words barely surprises him.
A voice broke my concentration. “What got you thinking so hard, angel?” I turn towards the person, a smile already adorning my face. Lo and behold, Dr. Spencer Reid has graced me with his delectable presence.
“Would you believe me if I said that I was thinking of you Doc?” He had a small smile on his face. I could pretty much categorize all the smiles he uses because of how often I stare at him. I mean, it is a tragedy to not stare at such beauty. This particular smile means that he is content and comfortable.
“May I ask exactly what it was that you were thinking about?” he asked. 
“I cannot share the sordid details of my mind with you just yet darling. You’ll just have to use that beautiful mind of yours and conjure up something imaginative.”
He let out a small laugh and helped me carry the files I was juggling. My eyes immediately went to his hands. The things I’ll let those hands do to me. I bet only one is needed to perfectly wrap around my -- No bitch, focus. We got a case to present in five minutes. Right, right. Work now, daydream later.
We entered the conference room, where the rest of the team was already sitting at the round table, waiting for us. I gave out the files with Spencer’s help while Penelope started up the monitor.
“You guys are staying local but time is of the essence” she informed us. The TV lit up with four pictures of young boys. “We have a kidnapping case at Stafford County.”
“Were they kidnapped at the same time or place?” asked JJ as she skimmed over the report I handed out earlier.
“No” I said as I pointed to the two younger boys on the screen. “Jacob Rivers and David Hall were taken from their respective homes 48 hours ago” I then pointed to the two slightly older boys “Benjamin Harris was taken 12 hours ago at a park and Scott Turner was taken from the mall less than 6 hours ago.”
“Do these boys have anything in common?” Morgan asked out loud.
“Other than physical appearance and age group, these boys don’t have any similarities. They didn’t even go to the same school. As a matter of fact, David Hall was home-schooled.” replied Garcia.
“Garcia and I couldn’t find any common ground in the families’ educational, economic, or social backgrounds either” I added. “Once you guys take off, we’ll do a further dive into their personal histories.”
“The UnSub is already escalating, kidnapping from a private home and kidnapping from a crowded area within hours of each event is fairly drastic” Rossi stated.
“Maybe the Unsub is on a time frame? They could be feeling pressured and desperate” Emily questioned, trying to come up with some kind of initial profile.
Hotch already started standing up. “We’ll know more after analyzing the crime scenes and talking to local PD. Let’s head out.” The rest of the team followed, gathering their files and making an exit towards the door while Garcia headed for our office. Spencer lagged behind a bit and I already knew why. We have a little tradition of bidding farewell to one another before he takes off for a case.
I stood next to him, bumping my shoulder against his upper arm. “Don’t miss me too much while you are out there.”
“The more you remind me I have to leave, the more I want to stay here.” he grinned.
I snorted at his words, knowing that he was full of shit. There is nothing more that Reid loves than being out in the field. “Go be a hero and come back to me in one piece pretty boy.”
“Yes Ma’am.” he replied as he went to follow the team towards the elevator.
I swear that boy is immune to my teasing now. I miss seeing his face become flush, but I also enjoy the playful repartee we have now. I remember the first interaction I had with Spencer quite vividly. It truly was a comical moment.
 “Everyone this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). She will be working alongside Garcia.” Hotch stated as he introduced me to the team. I have already met him and Penelope prior to being presented to everyone else.
“Derek Morgan, pleasure to meet you.” Whoa. If tall, dark, and handsome was a person, Morgan would be fit for the role. He offered his hand, which I immediately took.
“The pleasure is all mine” I replied with a wide smile.
I directed my attention to a much older gentleman. “David Rossi” said the Italian man who reminded me of a mob boss.
“Charmed to meet you.” I shook his hand, surprised by the strength behind it. Those older bones are still working for him.
Next came the petite blonde, whose figure I was both envious and enamored with. “Jennifer Jareau, but everyone here calls me JJ for short.”
“In that case, please call me (Y/N/N).” I shook her hand, and became even more envious with how soft her skin was. She has got to tell me her secrets.
I focused on the brunette with shoulder-length hair. “Emily Prentiss”. My God, I think being attractive is a requirement for this team. She offered her hand to shake and her grip was firm. Note to self, forget about Rossi; don’t get on Emily’s bad side.
“Nice to meet you.”
I turned to the final individual and was blown away by his beauty. Yup, my previous thought has been confirmed. Only good-looking people are allowed pass these doors. His bone structure looked like it was sculpted by Roman artists. His body was lean and slender, reminding me of a runner’s physique. My eyes stared up to the softest hazel eyes I have ever seen.
“Dr. Spencer Reid.” he introduced. I offered my hand immediately, wanting to feel his skin against mine.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), but you already knew that,” I said softly, my hand still out. He just stared at it as if it was an anomaly.
“Uh-the amount of pathogens passed through a handshake is astounding. A high five transmit half the number. But even then, a kiss is much more safe.” he quickly stated as he nodded his head. I almost didn’t catch any of it. Partially because of the rapid speech, partially because I was staring at his lips.
“Hmm, that’s news to me. However, if a kiss is what you want…” I lowered my hand and took a step closer to him. My eyes slowly moved from his eyes to his mouth and then back up. He took a slight step back.
“N-N-No, that’s not—I-I mean that —uhh...” His face was flushed and his tongue shot out to run against his lips. His eyes quickly darted across the room, seeking some help. I felt a sense of pride knowing I made this man flustered.
“I’m just teasing Doc.” If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was frightened by me. Maybe he was, but the blush on his face and the way he kept staring gave me further information on him.
“Don’t mind Reid,” Morgan said, coming to the young man’s rescue. “He has a thing with germs.” He finished, a smirk plastered on his face. Well, I hope he soon develops a thing for something else. Or rather someone else.  
I was just about to make another sly comment when Hotch interrupted. “Back to the case at hand.” He gave us all a pointed look. Right, I am at my first day at work. I’ll focus on hot doctors with hotter smiles and the hottest face at my own time.
“Yes sir,” Garcia stated, as she started pushing buttons on a remote. The TV turned on and pictures of three different women showed up on the screen. They all looked to be strangled to death. “You guys are needed in Toledo, Ohio.” Garcia goes on to describe the case while the team starts the early stages of conducting a profile.
“Wheels up in 30.” Hotch says and the everyone disperses. Garcia walked up to me and handed me some documents from the case file.
“C’mon cupcake, we gotta do some preliminary work to get the case going much faster.” I followed her to what she called the “bat cave”. I scanned the small room and immediately fell in love. Computers and monitors littered almost every inch of the place. I saw a lot of colorful knickknacks displayed on one side of the desk, knowing already who they belonged to. The area was endearing and had a cozy feel to it.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding. This place is a dream come true.” I am sure she can hear the awe in my voice.
“I know, right. Wait until you actually use it girlie, the framework on these things is out of this world.” I sat myself on a chair nearby and rolled in front of a screen.
“Alrighty. You can do some background checks on these girls while I gather more information from the police reports. Let me know if there are any commonalities among any of them. We’ll relay that info with the team.”
“Gotcha babe, I’ll have the information ready ASAP.” I responded, already typing away on the computer. I’m already starting to like it here.
*Later that day*
Garcia and I haven’t found much in common between the victims of the crimes, much to our dismay. I was left in the office to continue searching for important information on the girls while she went to fax some data to the precinct when the phone started to ring.
I quickly answered and put it on speaker. “(Y/L/N) at your humble service. How may I serve you?”
“Oh-uh is Garcia around” replied a high-pitched voice, which I immediately recognized as Reid. I don’t know whether or not I should be insulted that he wanted Penelope or pleased that I probably still have him flustered.
“She’s a bit pre-occupied at the moment. But rest assured I can find whatever you need Doc. Especially if you ask nicely.”
“Uh-I need you to pull up information on the mothers. We think they were all in the same sorority, however not necessarily at the same time. We need a list of all the members of the sorority from the time the mothers joined with a 3-year pre- and post-graduation.”
“No problemo sweetness. Anything else I can do for you? I have a lot of other services that can be helpful.” I stated, a teasing tone in my voice as I already set up my search.
“No-no, that’s all. Um thanks.” I can already picture the blush coating his cheeks as he stammered his response.
“Alright love, call me back if you need anything. Or if you change your mind.” I hung up the phone and started organizing the list in front of me.
 And from then on, I have enjoyed pretty much all the moments I had with the BAU. It took some time, but Spencer now has accepted and even returned my little flirtations.  We often get compared to Garcia and Morgan. But with a lot more sexual tension, at least on my end. I have to remind myself from time to time to calm down before I combust in the middle of a conference room or the bullpen. C'est la vie.
I made my way to the cavern of all things amazing and settled in front of my computers. Pen looked at me with a knowing expression on her face. “You’re gloomy.”
I pouted as I put my earpiece on. “I am not gloomy, I am horny,” I rebuked.
“How long has it been since you got some?”
“I’m not sure but it feels like I have not gotten any since the Stone Age,” I groaned out.
“I don’t know why you don’t just tell him how you feel,” she pointed her pink glittery pen in my direction, “I bet he would fuck you right here if you let him.”
And there goes my thought process, as always, overtaken by Spencer Reid. “Babe, please. This is not helping my situation.”
“Just telling you how it is.”
We have been sitting in front of these screens for hours. The team has made some progress but they’re missing an important piece to fit the puzzle. Garcia has been looking into the background of the neighbors when I heard a small stomach grumble coming from her direction. I let out a laugh as she huffed out “I am going to grab a snack from the breakroom, you want anything boo?”
“If it ain’t alcohol or chocolate, I don’t want it.”
“Noted,” she said as she left the room. I really hope she finds a couple of cupcakes or something.
I continued trying to get information on these missing kids when my headpiece played the Doctor Who theme song, informing me that Einstein was calling in. “Goddess of knowledge and wisdom at your disposal.”
“I didn’t know I had Athena at my fingertips.” How is it possible that nine words have short-circuited my brain just now? Is it the voice or the way he basically called me a Greek Deity? Probably both.
Of course I slyly responded, “Oh my Hephaestus, you have all of me at your fingertips.” I heard a chuckle and I immediately knew it belonged to Morgan. A slight blush crept onto my cheeks when I heard a random voice asking why Spencer called his girlfriend in the middle of a case.
“I should have mentioned that you were on speakerphone.”
“Naughty boy, you know I charge extra for groups.” Now this was followed by some choked out noises and a bunch of giggles. I could only assume the whole precinct was amused by my antics at this point. 
“Can you ever forgive me?”
“I can, for a price.”
“A price?”
“Yes, a price that I would inform you of in private. Now the reason for your call…” I drew out. Thank goodness Garcia wasn’t here. I don’t need her looking at me as if I am a phone sex operator.
“I need you to check foster children between the ages of four and eight within a 25-mile radius. We are looking for a homosexual couple that were looking to adopt but were rejected. The names should be on multiple applications among different sites. Let me know what you find.”
“I’ll have that information at the palm of your hands soon” Meanwhile, I am over here wishing that I was at the palm of his hands.
“Thank you, my Goddess” I can’t help but smile when he says things like this. Since when were the roles reversed in our friendship?
“Anything for a gorgeous worshipper. TTYL.”
Garcia chose that moment to walk back in while I had this silly grin on my face. She stared at me and I already knew what she was going to say.
“If you don’t have a piece of chocolate or a cocktail on you, I am not talking.”
All she did was laugh at me.
The team was able to find all four boys safely. The UnSubs were a male couple who wanted to adopt but kept facing discrimination against the agencies. It is a shame that they felt they had to resort to kidnapping in order to have a family.
Now Garcia and I are scanning the notes the team faxed to us earlier today. They informed us that they would be back here in half an hour or so.
“Shoot, I didn’t think it would take this long to scan these damn files.” Garcia murmured.  I looked over at her and saw a small stack of documents that still needed to be put into the system.
I walked over and grabbed the pile from her. “Go, I’ll take care of it from here doll.”
“Are you sure? I feel bad. You did your portion of the work already.”
“Don’t you have to be at the rehearsal in 20 minutes? How is the theater going to operate without their main lead?” I placed the documents on my side of the desk and moved to gather Garcia’s belongings.  I picked up her purse and jacket before handing it to her, quickly pushing her towards the door. “I got this, think of it as an IOU.”
“Yes, yes, yes, I owe you big. Thank you sugar, see you tomorrow.” Garcia hurriedly exited the door and headed towards the elevator. 
I looked towards the papers, a low groan leaving my mouth. The faster I go through this, the better.
I was just finished implementing all the documents into the computer when I heard a knock at the door. I turned around and saw Spencer’s head peeking through. “Evening handsome, to what do I owe this visit?”
“Garcia passed by me a while ago and informed me you were in here finishing some extra work. I wanted to check on you; see if you needed my help.”
“Thanks Doc, but you’re a few minutes too late. I already finished scanning the files. Besides, you’re not the best with technology, much less these computers.”
“Maybe not. But I am a fast learner and I pay close attention to detail.” Either my ears were playing a trick on me or Spencer’s voice lowered an octave or two.
I remembered what Penelope said earlier today and decided to just go for it. “I could collect on that price from earlier.” I leaned against the desk and stared into his eyes. C’mon Doc, pick up the hint. Rather, pick me up instead.
“Well I was thinking that I can get you dinner.” he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.
That’s great, but not what I had in mind. “I was hoping for something else” I looked into his eyes, then slowly trailed my eyes downwards. Kiss me. Kiss me. Touch me. Lick me. Fuck me. Kiss me.
Unfortunately, Spencer is not a mind reader. He lowered his head and looked slightly dejected. “Oh well umm—would you prefer to go to a theater?” Oh Doc, you sexy, naïve, intelligent, innocent man. I guess if you want something you have to do it yourself.
I sat on the edge of my desk. “Come here Spencer.”
His head perked up, slightly intrigued since I rarely call him by his name. He walked to where I was sitting but there was still space between us.
“Closer, I don’t bite.” Unless you want me to.
He moved closer to me and I was able to rest my hands on his shoulders. Thankfully the height of the table let us be more at level with one another.
I made sure to look into his eyes as I said “I am going to kiss you. If that isn’t something you want, tell me now.”
He was speechless. His mouth was moving but no sounds came out. If the circumstances were different I would have appreciated seeing his rattled expression once more. I waited a few seconds, but he still has yet to say anything.
“Spen-mmh” before I knew it, his mouth was upon mine. He gently cradled my face as his lips moved against my own. My eyes closed as I felt nothing but bliss. As cliché as it sounds, I was in paradise because of this kiss alone.
His tongue peeked and swiped against my lower lip, trying to have a taste of me. I was more than happy to grant him entrance, a moan leaving my body as his tongue touched mine.
All parts of me were trying to feel him. I had one hand in his hair while the other grabbed onto the back of his shirt. My chest was pressed against his while my legs lazily wrapped around his midsection. His scent was intoxicating to me. It was a coffee-like smell as if he just walked out of a café. He tasted so sweet, all I wanted to do was keep his mouth on mine. But my body needed air so I slowly pulled away.
He tried to catch his breath as his forehead rested against mine. “So you don’t want dinner?”
“Doc the only thing I am hungry for right now is you. We’ll get food afterward, alright?” Spencer nodded his head while licking his lips. My eyes hungrily followed the action and I just had to get another taste. I pulled him towards me, his hands once again holding onto my face. He was much more dominant with this kiss, and I was more than willing to give him the control. His hands then trailed down to my hips and pulled me closer to his pelvis. I jerked against him and was rewarded with a groan.
He squeezed me tighter as his lips broke away from mine once more. He placed a peck on my lips, then my cheek before trailing down my neck. I felt my body heat up as I released a small moan. Fucking hell, he is going to be the death of me and we barely did anything.
Spencer started to lightly nibble on my neck when I pulled him back by his hair. “It is summer and I am not wearing a turtleneck in 80° weather. If you’re gonna give me some hickeys, they better be on my chest.” He murmured something that I couldn’t quite comprehend before undoing the buttons of my blouse.
Hell, I am not the only one who is gonna be undressed so I started unbuttoning his dress shirt as well. It was a race to see who would get the other’s shirt off first. Of course I lost because my hands wouldn’t stop shaking. But when his warm lips kissed their way towards the middle of my cleavage, I felt like a fucking champion.
I tried my best to shimmy out of the sleeves of my blouse while Spencer attempted to take my bra off, his lips still leaving a love mark against my chest. Once we got rid of the shirt and the bra, his mouth immediately enveloped one of my nipples.
“Fuck” I yelped loudly, “a little warning next time Doc.”
“Sorry” he muttered as he continued to suck on my breast while palming the other between his dexterous fingers. That had to be the most insincere apology I have ever heard from him. An idea came across my head. I slowly removed his shirt, watching it pool on the floor. I then raked the nails of one hand across his chest while the other pulled against his hair. Hard. He retaliated by lightly biting my nipple. Fuck, the plan backfired. Abort mission, abort the damn mission.
Spencer let out a small chuckle as he pulled away from my breast, an audible pop leaving his mouth. My hands went to his face and I moved him up to look at me. His eyes were dilated and his mouth was swollen. His face was flush and he was taking deeper breaths than usual. He looked so beautiful like this.
He had a dorky smile on his face and I realized that I said the words out loud. I felt my face heat up fast and he swiftly commented “I’d never thought I’d see you be so thrown off because of me.”
He rested his hands against either side of the desk and just looked at me. “Shut up and kiss me.” I hissed, already missing the warmth of his skin against mine.
“Where do you want me to kiss you?” he asked. I was about to reply when he interrupted “Do you want me to kiss you on your lips? Or maybe you want me back on those beautiful breasts of yours?”
Have mercy on me, I never believed Spencer Reid could make me so wet just with his words. Sure, I thought of it, but I didn’t believe it would happen to me.
“Maybe you want me to go lower. Should I place my lips on that pussy of yours?” Oh my fuck, I never want this moment to end. I nodded my head so quickly, I could have sworn I given myself whiplash.
“I want to hear you say it,” he breathed out.
“Yes, yes, please. I want you to eat my pussy. Please.” I begged. Dignity be damned.
“That’s my good girl” How is it possible that he went from the dorky adorable doctor to this assertive, stimulating specimen in a matter of minutes? I didn’t think he had a sensual bone in his body. But I am glad to be proven wrong.
Spencer lowered himself to his knees while I clumsily attempted to rid myself of my skirt and panties. I lifted my lower body up as he pulled the clothing off of me. Penelope would have a field day if she knew that I was sitting butt naked on the desk with Spencer Reid between my legs. Hell, I am having a field day knowing this.
Spencer, being the teasing bastard that he has been for the past few minutes, started kissing my legs first. “That’s not where I said I wanted you to kiss me” I huffed out.
“Hush” was all he said as he continued the slow trail up, making sure to alternate between each leg. I was already breathing as if I have ran a marathon, my patience was waning at this point. Finally, he made his way to where I needed him most. He put his hands on my thighs and pushed them further apart.
My hands landed on top of his head, playing with the curls. “You’re comfortable down there Doc?” I snickered, loving the sight of his head between my legs. All he did was nip my inner thigh harshly. I shrieked at the action. I’m starting to think this man has a tiny biting fetish.
I wasn’t ready for when his tongue parted my folds. I squeaked as he teasingly lapped the arousal that had formed the second he walked into the room. I tried rolling my hips but his hands made me stay put on the desk. I never knew he could hold me down like this. I couldn’t even be mad because the pleasure he was giving me was incredible.
Spencer continued to tease me, his tongue never going where I needed it most. He made sure to explore as much as possible as leisurely as possible. “Spencer, please” I cried out. He let out a small hum, the vibration causing a shiver to rack my body.  
His tongue finally entered me, much to my delight. No amount of imagination could have ever prepared me for the things this appendage can do to me. He continued this soft, flat movement that was driving me crazy. My hands tightened in his hair, hoping he would go a bit faster.
“You taste so good princess, I don’t want this to end.”
“That’s my Queen to you” I jested. He didn’t like that since he responded with a resounding smack against my outer thigh. Ouch, note to self, Spencer doesn’t like being teased during sexy times. Hmm. On second thought, continue to tease Spencer during sexy times.
I felt his finger probe my entrance, moving up and down before pushing inside of me. I let out a distressing whine as he started slowly moving his finger in and out of me, curling as he did so. His mouth was on my clit, sucking and kissing it as if he has done so all his life.
My body started heating up and trembling. I tried, and failed, to roll my hips against the movement. “Spe-Spencer” I wailed. He didn’t relent.
Spencer entered a second finger into me as his tongue gave small, flickering motions against my bundle of nerves. I had to move one hand to my mouth to prevent any loud noises from being heard outside the room. Shit, did we even lock the door?
That thought immediately left my mind as my core started to tighten. Spencer must have known that I was getting close to my orgasm because he moved his fingers more diligently within me. I felt his fingers curl as they pulled out, I felt his tongue lick thoroughly against my pearl, I felt my ecstasy rising within me. It took one more deep press of his fingers and a harsh suck for me to come all over his face. I bit down on my fingers as I moaned out loud.
“That was so much better then what I imagined” I panted out, the words barely coming out comprehensible. I had a giant smile decorating my face.
He pulled his face up, a smug grin gracing his face. “Is this what you were thinking about earlier this morning?” he taunted. I couldn’t even give him a smartass remark because I was too busy trying to come back to reality. He pulled his fingers out and held them in front of my face.
“Open” he ordered. I complied and he pushed his fingers inside of my mouth. “You look so pretty when you follow instructions well. See how good you taste.”
I pulled my head back, taking his fingers out of my mouth. “I bet I taste a lot better on that tongue of yours.”
He tangled his hand in my hair and pulled me to a kiss. I immediately opened and welcomed his tongue against mine. I was right, I do taste better on him. I let out a deep moan and pulled away far enough to gently bite down on his lower lip.
He looks at me, that devilish tongue of his running against his lower lip before entering my mouth once again. With his lips still on mine, he picked me up and move to sit on my desk chair. It was nothing short of a miracle that we managed not to fall on the floor.
I placed my hand on top of his erection through his slacks and he drew a quick intake of breath. I started palming him as I grinded myself against him. I pulled back as I whispered, “I need you, Spencer”.
“Y’know this is the most I have heard you call me by my name in any given moment we have been together.” He unzipped his slacks and pushed down his pants and boxers as much as he could with me on top of him.
I looked down, finally being able to see his cock. Is it possible to get aroused further through sight alone? Because I think I creamed myself again. God, I wish I could show him my oral skills, but we’ll save that for another time.
“Would you rather I call you by something else?” I asked, attempting to move my lower body so that it can align with his cock. I say attempt because Spencer currently had his hands on my thighs again.
“No, I like the way my name sounds as you moan it out. Don’t hide your pleasure from me this time.” He maneuvered my legs to rest upon the armrest on either side of the chair, leaving my pussy wide open for him.
I gave him an incredulous look. “Are you forgetting that we are at work?”
He started rubbing the tip of his cock against my lower lips. “I didn’t forget. I just don’t fucking care.” And with that, he slowly penetrated me.
We both groaned at the intrusion. He gradually started entering me as I adjusted to his size. Inch by inch, he gave me all of him until he was buried to the hilt.  I took a moment to savor the feel of Spencer inside of me before I started grinding against him. He took that as a hint to begin thrusting.
He started slow, taking his time and having us enjoy the feeling of one another. “Your cunt is so fucking tight” he hissed into my ear and I gave out a loud whine.
“That’s because you have such a big cock, Doc” I managed to moan out. He smacked my ass before grabbing each cheek tightly in his hands. “I want you to call me by my name” he grits out.
“Spencer, baby please give it to me. I’ve been waiting for this Spencer, I’ve been waiting for you.” He started kissing my neck once more and my eyes started to closed. I wanted to focus on the pleasure he was giving me.
He tightly grabbed me, moving my hips along with his thrusts. I was close to being pushed over the edge once more. The only sounds occupying the room were our moans and skin smacking against skin as we chased our pleasure.
“Open your mouth” I heard him say. I opened my eyes to see his thumb positioned over my lips. I let out a small whimper as I sucked his digit earnestly. I made sure to coat his finger with a lot of saliva, knowing exactly what he was going to do with it when it was out of my mouth.
He pulled his thumb out and immediately placed it on my clit. I gave out an embarrassingly loud sob as he started moving his finger against me in soft circular motions. I placed my lips on his neck, trying to muffle the noise coming out of my throat.
Spencer quickly grabbed my hair and pulled my head away as he started to slow down. “How many times do I have to tell you that I want to hear your pleasure?” In that moment, Spencer controlled my mind, body, and soul.
“I’m sorry Spencer. I’ll be your good girl, please don’t stop.” He returned back to the previous pace and thrust into me even harder. We both started chasing our orgasms, not being able to hold back any longer. He was pounding into me relentlessly and I was loving it. I am sure that I am going to be sore after this.
“Come for me (Y/N), I want to feel this tight cunt squeeze around my cock.” Say less, I am already ahead of you. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head and I felt my pussy pulsate around him. With one last motion against his thumb, I cried out his name multiple times as I climaxed.  
Spencer whispered my name as he continued pushing into me, chasing his own orgasm. He thrust a couple more times before quickly pulling out, spilling himself over my stomach. I panted as I laid my head against the crook of his neck. His fingers thrummed a slow rhythm upon my lower back.
“So about that dinner... do you want to get Indian food?”
“Yeah, I can go for some samosas right now.”
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slowly-writing · 3 years
Only You
Jennifer Jareau x Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Requested by anon: Could I get a JJ imagine where R is super flirty with everyone especially JJ but then JJ gets jealous when she flirts with others.
“Yes, beautiful?” You return JJ’s call across the bullpen and she rolls her eyes, but you can see the blush she's trying to hide by looking away.
“Emily needs those files on her desk by the end of the day,” she tells you, gesturing to the stack of papers shoved as far away from you as your desk allows.
“I don’t waaaaaannaaaaa,” you whine and she rolls her eyes again, “you do it for me.”
“Nice try, cutie. Do your own work,” JJ shoots back and you groan, throwing your head back and slumping in your chair.
“Damn Jareau, what’d you do to her?” Morgan asks as he and Reid walk back into the bullpen from their coffee run.
“Nothing! I’m just the messenger here. Emily needs the paperwork from the last case and y/n is mad I won’t do it for her,” JJ defends and you look up at Morgan.
“You wanna help?” You put on your best puppy dog face but he shakes his head, backing away.
“No way, that’s all in you. I’ve got my own paperwork to deal with.”
“I can help. I finished mine before we left,” Reid says and you grin as he pulls his chair towards your desk.
“You’re the best, Spencer,” you place a kiss on his cheek. He blushes but smiles as the two of you tuck into the papers, missing the way JJ’s brow furrows just slightly.
You’re all sitting around the conference room table eating lunch a few hours later. To say the team needed a break from paperwork would be an understatement, so you had all left your desks to hang out over the lunch hour.
“Is that a new shirt, y/l/n?” Prentiss asks and you glance down at it before smirking at her.
“It is, know what it’s made of? Girlfriend material. Looks pretty good on me doesn’t it?” You ask with a wink.
“It’d look better on my bedroom floor,” Emily flirts back and the team bursts out laughing. All except a certain blonde who’s staring very intently at her food. Nobody seems to notice but you. The conversation continues but you can’t look away from JJ who is stabbing at her salad just a bit too aggressively in her seat next to you.
“Hey, are you okay?” You whisper and she sends you a tense smile.
“I’m good,” her voice is stiff, and it doesn’t take a profiler to know she’s upset but this isn’t the time or place to have that conversation, so you file it away for later as Emily’s phone rings. She steps out of the room and you all glance after her.
“Any guesses on where this one is?” Garcia wonders aloud, knowing you’re all about to have a case.
“Hopefully the west coast. I need a break from the cold,” Morgan says as Emily enters the room again.
“Well your wish has just been granted, we’re going to California. Wheels up in 20, we’ll have the briefing on the plane,” she says and everyone moves to gather their things, JJ is out the door before you’re even on your feet.
“What can I do you for?” Garcia answers the phone, peppy as ever despite the unfortunate circumstances.
“Hey, it’s y/l/n. We need help narrowing down our suspect pool,” you begin as you place the phone on speaker and set it in the middle of the table.
“Ah yes, my second favorite profiler. What parameters do you have,” Garcia teases and you place a hand over your heart even though she can’t see you.
“You wound me, my love. I thought what we had was special,” you can see Morgan smirking and you roll your eyes.
“It is darling, but nobody can beat my chocolate thunder.”
“Whatever. JJ’s my favorite anyway. She’d never insult me like this,” you wink at the blonde and she laughs, a smile finally back on her face. “Anyway, we need to look into men who’ve lost their job recently.”
“Try people in the construction industry,” JJ adds in and soon enough you’re back to business.
“What are you all up to?” Morgan asks as he enters the small room the local officers have you in.
“Reid was teaching me about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?” You ask and he laughs.
“Only if you’re paying, hot stuff,” you scrunch up your face in fake thought at his words.
“You drive a hard bargain, but I might be able to make that work,” you tell him with a smirk, even pulling a chuckle out of Reid who still hasn’t looked up from the files in front of him. But you notice JJ is once again frowning, and you’re starting to think you know what’s going on. Before you can question it Prentiss is walking in.
“Alright, I want JJ and y/l/n on the first site. Morgan, Ried, and I will check out the other. We’ll meet back here, hopefully with our unsub in custody,” Prentiss instructs and you all grab your vests before heading to two SUVs.
“I’m glad we got paired up,” you say in a rare show of sincerity as you step into the vehicle and leave the parking lot.
“Really?” JJ asks and you grin at the blush on her cheeks, but as quick as your serious mood came, it’s gone.
“Yeah. I mean, I'm no photographer, but I can picture you and I together,” you tell her and she rolls her eyes as you pull up to the run down house.
“Never serious for long, are you y/n?” She asks and you shake your head.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You ask before focusing on the task at hand. “You take the front I’ll take the back.”
At her nod you split up, a few local officers following each of you. You wait for JJ’s signal through your earpiece before going in the back door. You’re making your way through the house when you see the unsub. He’s standing directly between you and JJ, a knife in hand. There’s no way for you to take a shot without risking JJ’s safety.
You weigh your options, deciding that your best bet is a surprise attack. You take a running start, sweeping out the unsub’s legs before grabbing his arms as he falls face first. In his shock he drops the knife and you’re able to secure a set of handcuffs around his wrists fairly easily.
“Jesus, y/l/n, where’d that come from?” JJ asks and you smile sheepishly as you roll out your shoulders.
“What? I wanted to play hero,” you justify as you hand off the unsub to the cops.
“You really are something else, huh?” She says and you grin for real.
“The things you do for love.” Her smile falls quickly at your words.
“No one loves me.”
“I’m- I’m right in front of you? How dare you?!” You sputter out and she shakes her head
“I mean really loves me, y/n. We flirt and it’s fun, but you flirt with everyone. It doesn’t mean anything,” she argues and your jaw drops.
“It does when it’s with you!” You all but yell.
“I...I’m in love with you JJ. And I couldn’t help the flirty comments I sent your way, so I thought if I said them to everyone, then you wouldn’t figure it out. But it’s always been you, only you,” you promise, taking her hand in yours and pulling her closer. She smiles at you before pulling you into a bruising kiss. It is everything you expected and more, and it is so worth the wait.
“Is this the Hogwarts Express? Because it feels like you and I are headed somewhere magical,” you say as you pull away and she glares playfully.
“Those aren’t done now?”
Tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @im-salt-but-not-salty @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
CM tag list: @reidingandwriting @zizzlekwum 
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heavenunderthemoon · 3 years
hi umm i love your work! could you do a jj x daughter reader where readers is like 16/17 and she's so scared that her mom might not come home one day :( thank you! & take ur time :)))
“I’ll Always Need you” (JJ x daughter!reader) 
warnings- angsty? mentions of death and gun violence 
kind of short, hope you enjoy!!!
The analog clock on the eastern wall of the Jareau household ticked agonizingly slow, mocking you as time went on. It was teasing you, the seconds, minutes, and hours passing by without hesitation, when you felt as though your own world had stopped long ago.
The rest of the household was silent, Henry being put to bed long ago, Will only going to sleep a couple of hours ago.
"She's okay-"
"Okay?! You call being shot in the shoulder okay?" Your voice was a high screech and Will moved to shut Henry's door, ushering you to the living room as he shook his head. Your mother had been deployed on a rather long case, one of the longest yet. For almost two weeks it had just been him, you, and Henry. His exhaustion was evident on his face illuminated only by the lamp on the end table. It was a gift from Penelope, something she had found at a flea market. The base of the lamp was flower petals, roses, because she knew they were your others favorite. JJ loved it, claiming the spot on the couch beside it as her 'reading spot'. How often had you curled up next to her, placing your head in her lap as she read to you softly? Even as you grew older, sixteen years of life molding you into a young woman- one that should've been too old to sit on their mother's lap- she did so without resistance because what if the day came that you no longer wanted her to hold you?
If she had ever voiced that thought to you, you would've thought it absurd. Would a day ever come that you didn't need her? That you didn't need your mother? Impossible, you thought instantly, because you needed your mother, you always would. You needed someone to wake you up in the morning, shaking your shoulder gently as their lips came down to touch gently upon your forehead. You needed someone who had a strange ability to know where everything you inevitably lost is (she had an unbelievable knack for knowing where you left things). You needed someone to tell you about their day, tell you things that made them think of you, tell you that they missed you, tell you that they loved you more- even if you thought it impossible. You needed someone who cooked spaghetti with a hilariously poor Italian accent, just because they knew it made you laugh. You needed someone to scream at the refs during soccer games and eventually get thrown out, just because they were on your side that badly.
And when your mother was away, you had Will, and he would gladly do all of those things, but you didn't want him to. You wanted your mother to, and what if one day, she wasn't here to do them? What if, one day, she were to go away on a case, and never come back?
That thought was intensified by the news of your mother's injury, and it consumed your body in a mass panic.
"She's fine, I promise. She's not even gonna be home until real late tonight- heck, might even be early morning- just go to bed-" He was trying, really, he was. The pleading look on his face, the hand on your arm, the understanding smile- because he understood. Truly, he did. He understood what it was like to worry about JJ. Jennifer Jareau, a woman who would always choose to be a hero, something that both attracted him to her and terrified him simultaneously. But, the sixteen year old before him shouldn't have to worry like he did.
You scoffed. Later, you would feel badly about how dismissive you were being but, then again, you had been this way all week. Crabby, moody, and agitated, all because your mother wasn't here with you. How childish, you thought, but truthfully, you didn't care.
"I'm not going to bed, I'm waiting for her." And when you said that, your face screwed into one of determination, persistence, and straight up stubbornness, Will saw just how much you took after your mother. He saw it often enough. He saw her in you whenever you ate breakfast. You had a nasty habit of inhaling your food as soon as it was set in front of you- he could swear that if he entered the Jareau women into a competitive food eating contest the two of you would win. He saw her in you when you played soccer, that look of competitiveness, that god awful smirk and that smug look you got when you won. He saw it when you plated with Henry at the park, the protectiveness, the tight hold on his hand, that look in your eyes that made him think you might never let go. And to see it now made him know that he wasn't going to win this fight.
With a sigh, he had lowered his head in defeat, squeezing your shoulder and wishing you a goodnight.
And now the seconds were tantalizingly slow as you sat in your mother's reading spot, the cushions just a little bit colder without her there.
The sound of the key turning in the lock jarred you from your thought filled stupor, your sock clad feet on the ground in seconds.
JJ was hobbling through the doorway, her bags hanging on one shoulder causing her entire body to droop to one side. If it had been any other circumstance you might've teased her for it, maybe you would have made a reference to Hunchback of Notre Dame, or Igor, or anything else that would have made her laugh, but your eyes were glued onto the bandages wrapped around her free arm.
Her blue orbs traced the source of the light. It wasn't abnormal for it to be on when she came home. You had an unspoken tradition to leave her lamp light on when she was gone, a way to keep her with you she she wasn't there, but you standing before it was new, especially at 4:30 A.M. on a school night.
She would've yelled. She was just about to, actually. She was about to hiss some motherly threat, some kind of 'go to bed' order that, when demanded correctly, had you listening instantly. But she didn't. She didn't do that because the look on your face, pale and ashen, had morphed into one of relief whenever you saw her.
She dropped her bags onto the floor, opening her arms and allowing you to run into them. She let out a small grunt when your body collided with hers, and you lessened your hold slightly, afraid you might've hurt her. That is, until she squeezed you harder, her hand coming to cup your head. Your nose buried into her shoulder, and you felt childish all over again.
"You waited up for me?" She didn't sound mad. She wasn't. She was worried. Worried for you.
Guilt washed over you in waves and you just burrowed yourself farther into her. "You're hurt." Was all you said, and she nodded.
The only light int he house was that rose petal ridden lamp. "I'm okay."
Oh, how long she could've held you in her arms. She thought back to those days. The nights of just you and her, the endless sleepovers, the never-ending tea parties, the countless games of hide-and-seek. How had you grown up on her?
The whispered reassurance made you frown, pulling away. You fell back onto the couch, arms hooking around your knees, and she fell back with you, tossing an arm around you.
"What if you weren't? What if you had died?" It was barely a whisper, weak and broken. You rested you rhino onto your nee, staring into your mother's eyes so long as she let you. The fears wouldn't subside, wouldn't stop crashing over you with a stupendous amount of strength, burying you in them, controlling your thoughts, feelings, actions.
Now, JJ was frowning. "I didn't."
"But what if you did? You go on these cases every week, and you get shot at." You winced when you said shot, eyes landing on the bandaged arm. JJ folded it into herself, pursing her lips. She wished you weren't in pain, she wished you weren't so scared because this fear wasn't something for you it was something for her. Your fears were about her, and it was about something she couldn't control. And it would have been so much better if she was able to control it, if it were a monster or a bad guy, because she hunted those for a living. But this wasn't a tangible thing. This was a feeling, and she couldn't fight feelings.  "You promised you would stay safe." Your voice cracked, lip trembling.
And what was JJ to say? She had. She had promised you, just like she did on every case before that. She promised she would try, but didn't she? Hadn't she tried? That counted for something. Looking at your face now, the tear tracks fresh as they ran down your cheeks, she supposed it didn't count for anything. That it wasn't enough. That nothing would ever be enough.
"You're gonna die one day." You spoke again, and this time it wasn't a tone of sadness, or fear. It was a statement. "You're gonna die one day, and then what am I gonna do without you?"
It sounded selfish, and whiny, and petulant, but none of that mattered. All that mattered was her. All that mattered was the nights you had spent in her bed, waiting out a terrible storm, counting the lightning strikes until you fell asleep, her hand in yours. All that mattered was your pleas for her to not let go when you learned to ride a bike, that fear of falling consuming you until you had heard whooping and hollering and turned to find her yards away, that proud smile on her face that you could swear was the brightest thing in the world. All that mattered was career days, dressing up like her, your collared shirts ironed and crisp, and when the teachers asked if you wanted to be a media liaison you didn't bat an eye as you responded that you didn't care what you were, as long as you were like your mom. All that mattered was a strong woman, the strongest you thought you would ever find, and her vulnerability, because unlike what you thought when you were younger, she wasn't immortal.
JJ's breath hitched, bringing her hand out to wipe a freshly fallen tear. Her hand was warm, and you leant into the touch. "I'm not dying for a long, long time. And, by then, you'll be all grown up, and you won't need me anymore."
"I'll always need you." You responded immediately.
JJ shook her head, a sniffle escaping her own nose. She shook her head, giving a watery smile. "You'll always want me. But you won't need me." She corrected softly, palm coming to rest against your cheek.
You thought about that for a moment, still not entirely sure if it was true, but becoming far too tired to argue. You were going to regret staying up this late in a couple of hours. But, for now you focused on your mother. Her smile, her touch, her warmth, and you sighed.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
You smiled tiredly. "I love you most."
The blonde chuckled, leaning her head against your knee. "Not possible."
Kinda short, but I tried lmao. To all who sent requests, I will get to them, just give me a second! I start classes again tomorrow so I might be a bit preoccupied:) 
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okimargarvez · 4 years
Original title: Task force.
Prompt: during the Doyle case, FBI Director calls five teams to catch him.
Warning: A.U., what if for S6, character’s death, crossover.
Genre: action, family, angst, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Phil Brooks, Kevin Lynch, Sam Cooper, Mick Rawson, Gina La Salle, Beth Griffith, Jonathan Simms, Jack Garrett, Clara Seger, Russ Montgomery, Matthew Simmons, Mae Jarvis, Mary Meadows, Owen Quinn, Jack Flicker, O.C.
Pairings: Garvez (Penelope x Kevin, Luke x O. C.), Hotchniss, Katt (slight), demily (slight), Mick x Gina, O.C. x O.C.).
Note: oneshot 74 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💏 😘😈🔦🎲 🕶️🎈⚰️.
Song: La differenza tra me e te, Tiziano Ferro
Task force - Masterlist
See the notes for more informations.
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I have two three uncertainties, a pint and some friends... you have many questions, some very bad I say...
*Lightning bolts
This time he decided not to decline the offer. There is the whole team of hot, as Mae nicknamed them, plus Phil and Alfred, practically forced by his colleague. Luke hasn't regretted his decision. He is having fun and is relaxed. He almost managed not to think about Penelope and the sensations he felt with her body against his. Too bad he knows it will never happen again. Like lightning it never hits twice in the same place. Theoretically.
-So, Brooks, how are you in the bunch of eggheads?- after asking the question, Derek takes a sip of his beer.
The other imitates him before answering. -Like a fish in a zoo.- Luke is the first to laugh at the joke, followed closely by the others. -It hurts me enormously to have to agree with this one.- he looks badly at his friend, who sends him a kiss. Screams of ecstasy in the background.
-But tell me, how is my Reid?- everyone looks at him strangely, but Morgan is used to talking about the pretty boy in this way and doesn’t understand their reaction.
-Well, I'm the one who doesn't understand how he gets to know all those things, and to read a three-hundred-page book in three minutes.- Phil comments, serious.
Mick and Matt, however, burst out laughing again. -I think you meant two and a half minutes.- the first corrects him. Another downpour of male laughter and clinking glasses.
-Guys, I'm sorry but I have to run away.- the man with Asian features is already about to get up, but Derek prevents him from taking him by the arm.
-And come on, Simmons, you can't always run to your lady, how many children are you going to have?- Matt is in the game, but he thinks A lot, only in his head, maybe even four or five.
It may have been the beer or perhaps the relaxed atmosphere, but Luke at some point finds the courage to ask the BAU SSA a question, which is the best source of information on Garcia he has available. There is indeed one thing that he needs to know. -Hey, Morgan, you're Garcia's best friend, right?- Derek realizes that a joke would send him into crisis or make him change his mind, so he just nods. -Maybe something bad happened to her? I mean... During her whole life, not recently...- he blushes like a beginner, poking the elbow of his best friend.
-Someone finally discovered the fair sex?- Phil makes fun of him. Luke however remains focused on the other man. That doesn’t seem to have much desire to joke anymore. It is a strange question, what he asked him. He was expecting more a "you know if she's single" request, certainly not such a... Deep thing. Garcia has a crush, but this boy doesn't just reciprocate her. He is a few steps higher.
-Something bad?- he repeats, pretending he needs to think. -Let me think... When she was eighteen, a drunk driver killed her parents and she feels guilty. Three years ago, a guy, a deputy with the killer hero syndrome, asked for a date and then shot her right in front of her house. Yes, I would say she has some trauma.- Luke's shocked expression immediately calms him down. He is really worried, almost as worried as he is. No, maybe even more. But it's not just this. He also appears... Pissed off.
-What happened to that asshole?- the Latin replies promptly.
-He is dead.- he only answers. Luke nods, but both Derek and Phil read his mind. He seems relieved, but in reality, he is angry, because he would have liked to kill him with his hands. And maybe he's meditating how to steal a body from the cemetery.
TAGS: @martinab26​​​​  @thinitta​​​​  @shyladystudentfan​​​​  @pegasus-scifichick​​​​ @paperwalk​​​​  @inlovewithgarvaz​​​​ @the-ellen-stuff​​​​ @astressedwriter​​​​  @symphonyashley​​​​  @kofforever​​​​ @myhollyhanna23​​​​ @tootsienoodles​​​​  @centiaaa​​​​  @penelopesluke​​​​ @dumbdraws​​​​ @onefail-at-atime​​​​ @reidskitty13​​​​ @adorarapril​​​​ @princesstreaclefanfic​​​​ @glocknade111-blog​​​​ @magiunific​​​​ @fallen-novak​​​​ @dreatine​​​​ @hopelessdayydreamer​​​​ @canadianfangirl​​​​ @vickyd-2012​​​​ @baileysb1tch @futureperfectmedia-blog​​​​ @makingmemories2019   @maguloser​​​​​ @letsplayeternity​​​​​ @tonysslut​​​​​ @strangerthings14​​​​​ @yranidro​​​​​ @majo0803​​​​​ @dragona56​​​​​ @painterofhorizons @oh-chuck-help-me​​​​​ @avengvr @dittokld @rockyroadthepastryarchy​​​
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psychadelickate · 5 years
Criminal Minds - Rossi: Dad
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Title: Dad Word Count: 1357 Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: None Characters: David Rossi, ReaderDaughter Rating: Teen Gif: Not Mine Requested: Anonymous Prompt:  U write so well ommmg. Rossi doesn’t get enough love. Can you do a Rossi fic where reader is his daughter and she’s a hostage in a school shooting? But the shooter is an adult? Maybe they hurt her to gain leverage. Trigger warnings for school shootings. I've never experienced it so I'm not sure how close to the truth I am, but I have tried. If this causes you harm, please don't read further
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You’re walking toward the gym, your best friend, Liam, gabbing at a mile a minute, when you hear it, a distance from you, but in the direction your headed to. Three pops… Close in range… Too fast to be fireworks… You grab your friend’s hand, jerking him to a stop and him turns to look at you in annoyance. Then he sees your concerned expression. “You need to get back to class,” you tell him, your tone brooking no chance for an argument. It doesn’t deter him. He’s your bestie and he’s, for the most part, immune to your tone. “What’s going on?” he asks, but you don’t need to answer. It comes in the form of another three pops. This time followed by a booming voice. “Remember what we discussed, if something like this ever happened?” you ask. He nods his head. “Go, NOW,” you whisper yell at him and he nods his head as he turns to head back the way you were coming from. He freezes in his spot, when he sees you’re not following him. “(Y/N),” he calls you, desperation lacing his voice, “you don’t need to be a hero.” “I’ll be back for you,” you tell him, though you don’t promise her anything. You’ve learnt not to make promises you can’t keep.
Once he’s started walking again, you find a place to hide, but still giving you viewing access to the gym entrance. You don’t want to be caught off-guard by a gun wielding psychopath. Your first thought is to text your dad, but you don’t know how you’ll be able to talk to him without breaking down. Instead, you pull out your phone and send a message to Jennifer Jareau. It’s in code. She’ll know what to do. You, Emily and JJ have talked about what to do if you ever found yourself in this situation. It feels like hours when you feel your phone vibrate in your hand. JJ’s incoming text. You glance at the screen. It’s not JJ. Your heart starts racing… How much longer, all you want to know is how long will it take for the team to arrive? It’s Liam, telling you he’s gotten a few of the classes evacuated, but that there are three second grade classes in the gym. For a moment everything goes out of focus. Your chest constricts, making it impossible for you to breathe, your head gets fuzzy and you think you’re having a heart attack. A gym full of second graders are in danger and you’re sitting in a corner waiting for someone else to come and rescue you. You heave in a deep breath and you feel your phone vibrate for a second time… This time it’s JJ. They’re on the way, ten minutes out…. Ten minutes is an eternity… By now the noise level in the gym has increased slightly and you hear a male voice booming through the door, though you cannot make out what he’s saying. Your body works on autopilot, and the next thing you’re aware of is pushing the doors open, startling the guy with the gun. He turns and points it at you. The only defense you have is a pocket knife Emily gave you for your thirteenth birthday two years ago. You don’t move. He looks familiar, though you cannot place him. “Come to play hero?” he asks you and you shake your head in reply. He lets off a shot and you feel burning pain on your side. It’s enough to make you feel as though you’re about to die. “That’s entrance fee to the gym,” he smirks at you. You have no intention of playing anything. All you want is to get these kids home to their parents… alive. A whimper escapes one of the kids and for a second you’re tempted to turn to look at where it came from, but you don’t want to take you attention off this psycho. “Terrence is bleeding,” one of the other kids whisper and your heart beats even faster. One of these innocent seven-year-old kids has been shot. “So is she,” another kid whispers and you look at your T-shirt, slowly turning a dark maroon color. Your legs feel like they’re going to collapse. “You’re Rossi’s kid,” the gun wielding guys tell you. “I can see the resemblance. It seems someone has answered my prayers David Rossi is now going to know what pain really is. OMG someone has come to your school looking for you specifically. It’s your fault this is happening. You wish you had an adult with you, but you’re going to have to figure this out yourself. “What do you want?” you ask him. He smiles sinisterly at you. “You.” Is the simple reply. “Well, you have me, how about you let these kids go?” “No, you need to feel it too.” “Feel what?” you ask, because you honestly have no idea what he’s talking about. “What its like to have something in front of you one minute and the next it’s gone. Your dad killed my older brother.” He must see the confusion on your face, because you have no idea who he’s talking about. “Edward Vincent Stephens” he tells you and then it clicks. The guy who had been luring teenaged girls to his home, raping, beating then killing them. That was five years ago, you never heard what happened to his little brother… Howard, Harvey, kids used to call him. He’s walking toward you and your entire world stills. These could be your last moments. Did you tell your dad you loved him this morning? Did you thank Aaron and the team for looking after him? Does your dad know that you’re proud of him for doing the work no one else wants to? Does your dad know how grateful you are that because of the work he does, you don’t get to see the shitty side of the world? All these thoughts are running through your mind, your hand absently stroking the knife in your pocket. And then it comes to you. If you can at least injure the guy, you could buy your dad’s team some time. With grim determination and sheer stupidity, you flick the blade open, thankful you decided on wearing cargo pants this morning. Harvey comes to a stop behind you, and you feel him press the gun into your back. You hold in the whimper that wants to escape you. “This one’s for you Eddie,” you hear Harvey whisper as he pulls you flush against him. You close your eyes in disgust. It takes all your effort not to step away from him. “I’m going to enjoy this,” whispers and you snap your eyes open, looking at the kids staring at Harvey. Most of them are cried out, though silent tears are still running down some cheeks. You tighten your grip on the knife and you’re just about to pull it out of your pocket when the doors to the gym fly open and you see your dad’s team enter the room, weapons all drawn. There’s screaming and yelling for a few seconds and then everything calms down when Harvey moves his gun from your back to your temple. You hear your dad’s voice asking Harvey to let you go, but he only tightens his hold on you. Your dad is pleading with Harvey when you catch JJ’s eye. She holds your gaze for a few seconds and you realise she’s asking you something. Then you see her holding up her hand, a second later there’s four fingers then three. The countdown. The signal you guys talked about. When she has two fingers you pull the knife from your pocket and jab it into Harvey’s thigh and you twist it. He howls in pain, his grip on you completely loose. You step away and JJ doesn’t waste time. She fires. It hits him in the chest, though he remains standing. Emily’s is the killing shot, finding its home in Harvey’s forehead. Your legs give in at that moment at you collapse to the ground. Your dad is the first to reach you, hugging you tightly. “I love you dad,” you tell him though he doesn’t reply. He simply hugs you tighter… and you know…
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j-reau · 4 years
 the building and breaking of jennifer jareau - PT 1. Butterfly
[based entirely on canon events. save for JJ’s report about butterflies which I just made up two seconds ago, this is a timeline of JJ’s growth over the course of the show and given the background we were provided without any of my own added headacanons/backstory. CW: mentions of suicide related to another character’s death.]
She’s born the younger sister. With blonde hair to contrast Roslyn’s dark brown, and a big, wide eyed, innocent heart to contrast Roslyn’s growing darkness. They make each other promises, in their hometown in Pennsylvania. Before Roslyn gets too old, they promise each other all of the things they’ll do one day. They collect butterflies in the yard. Butterflies are transformative. She’s eight when Roslyn names her JJ. 
She’s 11 when she finds Roslyn dead in the bathroom. Her wrists are slit in the bloody water. It’s the most horrific thing to ever creep into the big eyes of a tiny girl in a tiny, boring farm town. 11 year old Jennifer Jareau stands in the doorway for ten minutes and doesn’t move. She builds herself a chrysalis. 
The next year in school, Jennifer Jareau learns what happens during a butterfly’s pupa stage. She recites it in a report in front of a class. The imagery is gruesome. For a report about butterflies. But she doesn’t blink; The change inside the chrysalis is slow and gradual. The caterpillar’s body digests itself from the inside out. The caterpillar is attacked by the same sort of juices that it used in its earlier life to digest food. Many of the organs are hidden in the caterpillar and they take a new form within the chrysalis. The old body is broken down into imaginal cells but not all the tissues are destroyed. Jennifer Jareau is 13 when she learns she can say anything with a straight face. 
With her new body built stronger, JJ plays soccer. With eyes that blink at all the right times, she makes friends, and with her hard shell built so perfect it’s invisible, she goes home at night and smiles at her parents. She never tells them that she sees the darkness in her sister’s eyes reflected in her father’s. She never asks them if it’s symbolic, that Roslyn used his razors. She never comments on the fact that her mother doesn’t smile. That the Jareaus don’t hug anymore. They call her their baby. But Jennifer Jareau hasn’t been a caterpillar for years. 
She’s in college when David Rossi gives a talk in front of her class. He talks about psychology and criminology. A girl beside her flinches as bloody images of mangled bodies fill the projection screen. It’s not until David Rossi laughs about the reality of his job that JJ realizes she hasn’t flinched. She buys a copy of his book. She reads it four times. Somewhere in the pages, thirteen year old Jennifer Jareau reads a report about butterflies;
A new body is formed. Some parts of the caterpillars’ body are more or less unchanged, including the legs. Underneath a caterpillar’s skin the beginnings of wings form before it sheds its skin for the last time. Inside the chrysalis, the butterflies’ wings are fully formed. A butterfly's sucking mouth parts are formed from the caterpillar's chewing mouth parts.
Jennifer Jareau makes herself into a man eater. Not in practice but in presence. She goes to the FBI’s training academy at Quantico where she learns that even there, speaking horrors without flinching is a rare skill. She learns that even there, her gift for asking the right questions and not the wrong ones will get her places. She learns that when a girl learns to build herself, she also learns to take apart everyone else. 
They make her a communications liaison. Her job is to sift through files and decide which cases to take. She looks at each one alone, behind stacks of more, and flips through images like the ones she’s seen a thousand times. They can’t hurt her. She’s built herself a shell so tough, it can eat her own organs. She doesn’t need to apply her heart to her decisions when her mind is so sound. But sometimes she does it anyway. Sometimes it sneaks out anyway. She’s sharp tongued and laser focused, quick witted, fast on her feet, even in heels. High school soccer taught her five years ago to make a parry look effortless. She can stare at blood for ten minutes without blinking. 
She’s been at the job for four years when she’s attacked by a pack of hungry dogs. It’d be a metaphor in anyone else’s life. She shoots them all dead in the dark and later, JJ finds the images impossible to recollect. Maybe this time, she’d closed her eyes. 
She asks Emily a question that feels like sitting in a barn with her sister. She asks how she doesn’t flinch. I compartmentalize better than most. But Emily never says it isn’t advice. Somewhere, behind a chrysalis and a shell, in a pool of melted organs, Jennifer Jareau rebuilds something new; Boxes to put everything inside.
It’s the first time she’d fired her gun in the field. But not the last. 
The next year, she fires her gun again. This time at a person. Through glass, from rooms away. She hits him exactly where she’d aimed for. The same man who shot her first friend at the BAU. Because she won’t lose another person. JJ finds firing a gun is completely still. Like ten minutes of staring at a tragedy. One breath, one pull. Penelope thanks her for it. Hotch stares at her through broken glass like he’s surprised. She isn’t. It’s what you do for family. In the reflection of his eyes, through the cracks in the glass, JJ sees herself at thirteen. She reads a report about butterflies in front of her class;
The chrysalis loses nearly half of its weight because the metamorphosis consumes energy. Some species survive the winter in the chrysalis and the transformations take a couple of months.  A butterfly cocoon is a silk covering of a chrysalis. , The butterfly's patterns and color can be seen though the chrysalis. The butterfly breaks out of the protective chrysalis and pumps blood into its newly formed wings. 
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
bruises [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x reader
requested: I loved the JJ one shot so much! Could I request one where JJ x fem reader are kindapped for information and the reader sacrifices herself when they want to hurt her to get information out of Jennifer. Jennifer loses it when she hears reader screaming but reader tells her not to give them anything HEAVY ANGST
WARNING! : blood, torture, and kidnapping
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*not my gif*
“I love you so much,” you said.
The two of you were hanging from small chains that dangled above the ceiling. Your feet lifted slight above the ground as your arms were extended upwards. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
A simple protocol mission that you’ve ran thousand times before turned deadly. But they wanted us, correction they needed us. They were only supposed to have one of us, but you tried to stop the unsubs from dragging JJ’s once unconscious body into their van. And it was working for a little bit until the one unsub turned into two.
You were surrounded with no one to lean on. Nowhere to go, you couldn’t leave your girlfriend behind.
“Alright ladies, listen up!” the bigger, older unsub stated. He was much stronger than the younger one, a bigger built. The classic two unsub scenario, “We need information about the BAU and you’re gonna give it us.”
JJ shook her head, “You’re not getting anything out of either of us!”
The unsub just smiled, evily, “See I figured you were gonna say that. We’ve done a lot of research Agent Jareau about your lives and everyone else’s lives in the BAU. So getting the both of you was our plan all along. You wouldn’t have let Agent Y/L/N get kidnapped and vice versa.”
Well, maybe not the classic two unsub scenario. He was a lot smarter than most of the older, stronger of the pair. He looked like the brain and the brawn and somehow this younger guy was dragged into it,
“The question is: who’s the bigger hero? And who’s gonna sit by idley and watch them die?” he asked and another deeper sinister smile formed onto his face.
Fear shot through your veins and you immediately looked at JJ. She had her hero face on and she was ready to sacrifice it all.
“We’re gonna be here all day if I have the two of you choose, so I’ll just choose for you.” he started pointing his finger, moving it left and right and left and right, “Catch a tiger by the toe, if it hollers let it go,” he continued on with the childish game.
Until his finger finally landed on the blonde beauty next to you.
But you immediately spoke up, “No! No! Beat me please!” you begged.
A small pout formed on his face, “I knew you were gonna say that too!”
His knuckle hit you square in the stomach. You let out a soft groan.
“Y/N! No!” JJ yelled.
“Alright Jareau, this is what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna ask you the questions I need answers to and if you don’t answer them Y/N here gets a little punishment. Each time you don’t answer the worse the punishment gets. Me and my friend here will demonstrate,” he said, gesturing towards the younger boy, “Where do you live?”
“I’m not telling you!” the boy said, trying to sound confident, but you could hear the shakiness in his voice.
And then there was a fist to your nose. You could hear a small crack and a puddle of blood began flowing out like a waterfall.
“Just like that!” he said, excitedly, “So first question Agent Jareau, what is BAU director Strauss’s address?”
She looked towards you and you shook your head. He wanted to pick all of you off one by one, “Y/N, if I don’t answer-“
“JJ, no,” you said, sternly.
She let out a deep sigh, “‘No. I-I can’t.”
“First denied question of the night. You know what that means! Time to play: what punishment does Agent Y/L/N get today?!”
He looks behind him on a folded table full of things that could hurt you. JJ looks at you with worry in her eyes and you just shook your head.
“You don’t give anything, okay? Hotch and the rest of the team, they’ll find us.” you whispered.
Her eyes started to fill with tears, “But what if-what if you die in the process?”
“They’ll come, love. I can take it.”
The unsub turned back around with a brass knuckle hanging tightly around his. He stepped closer to to you and you could feel the metal piercing through your cheek as your head snapped.
Blood was still dripping down at your broken nose and the new gash on your face matched your nose. He just laughed softly at the sight of you.
“Okay Jareau, next question: what’s the security code to get into the Quantico office?” she looked at your bloody face, yet to her you still looked absolutely beautiful. You gave her another stern head shake, the loss of blood starting to affect you more.
“I don’t know.” she just managed to get out.
He let out a sigh, “You know, I really thought you’d cooperate more. With you being in love with her and everything, but I guess that means you really don’t.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about!” she yelled, letting his words get under her skin. One of the biggest rules in any force is to never let the enemy under your skin. Don’t give them that satisfaction. But as JJ watched as blood dripped down your face, she couldn’t thinking of anything more, “I love Y/N with every bone, every ounce of my body.”
“Well that’s obviously not enough is it?” he shrugged, “Well more fun for me then. And speaking of bones.”
He breaks you out of your chains. The younger boy holding your hands behind his back as he curb-stomped your shin multiple times. Until there was a non-appealing crunch coming from your leg. You let out a little squeak at the feeling as they dropped you onto another chair.
JJ whimpered at the sound of your squeak. Tears falling onto her cheeks. And you gave her a stern nod trying to convince her that you’re okay, but you didn’t even believe that.
“A broken nose, broken leg, and a gashed cheek. It can and will get worse from here. All you got to do is answer one of my questions. Let’s repeat the first one, shall we? Strauss’s address?” she gave you another look and you shook your head again.
You can’t risk someone else getting hurt. Not again. The team and everyone at Quantico doesn’t deserve that. And there was a still little glimmers of hope that they were on their way to rescue you.
“I have no idea.” she winced at her words, but you gave her a soft nod.
It looked like they already picked out what torturing device they wanted to use next. An iron was already heated up on a extension cord from the wall in front of you. The basement turning into one of those twisted rooms from a horror flick.
You braced for the impact, the iron hovering over your skin. The heat feeling like cooking in a pan of oil and having it splash on you, “Are you sure you don’t have another answer JJ? This is a fairly hot iron.”
You give her another look and she nods, “I’m sure.”
The hot iron was pressed onto your arm as you let out an ear piercing scream. You could feel your arm start to blister and he lifts up the iron after God knows how long. Your arm looking like you got bit by a zombie at the third degree burn that was now forming on your arm.
But the burns didn’t stop. The younger boy continued placing the iron on my skin for at least 2 minutes each. My screams echoing throughout the basement. JJ started sobbing at the sounds of you groaning in pain.
“The last and final question Jareau and if you don’t answer it we’re just going to keep repeating the same questions, torturing her more until you finally do.” the unsub said, “Jack Hotchner, what school does he go to? Or better yet, your son Henry? Actually just give me the address to all of your homes. We can have loads of fun together then.”
And despite all of the pain you were inducing, this was really something that couldn’t get out. You shook your head and she bit on her bottom lip.
“Come on Agent Jareau, what’s it gonna be?” he asked.
“If I tell you this will you let us go?” she asked and your eyes went wide.
“Yeah sure. I’ll find you guys eventually. I’ll have your address and all of that.” he said, nonchalantly.
You shook your head, “JJ don’t listen to him. He’s a liar. He’s not gonna let us go. We can’t put everyone else we love in risk.”
“But Y/N-“ she began to say.
“No ‘but’s’ Jay! I’ll be okay!” you snapped and your eyes were watering at how much pain you were in. You know she wasn’t thinking straight. She wasn’t gonna give out any of the addresses, but seeing you in pain was all it take for her brain to go haywire.
She turned back to the unsub, who was waiting expectantly at the answer, before she spat, “Go to hell.”
He pulled out a gun from his gun holster. And aimed it right at your chest. Three shots rang out each one of them hitting your chest.
“No!” JJ screamed, pulling on her chains to try to break free, to try and get to you.
You let out a gasped breath, struggling to breath. Hotch and Morgan burst into the basement.
“Kaleb O’Connell and Mikey O’Connell, you are under arrest. Put your weapons down and your hands in the air.” Hotch ordered and the younger boy immediately fell onto the ground.
But of course the older one didn’t go down without a fight. He turned around shooting you again as a shot rang through your stomach. You let out another gasp of pain.
“No please! Stop!” JJ cried out and her sobs were causing her whole body to shake.
Morgan didn’t hesitate to shoot him multiple times. The unsub falling onto the ground in front of you. He immediately went to your aide, pressing pressure to your wounds. Hotch unchained Jareau and she immediately ran to your side.
Morgan pressed the walkie-talkie that was on his vest, “We need a medic in here!” he tried to stop the shakiness in his voice.
JJ cradled you in her arms. You gave her a small smile to reassure her, but you couldn’t feel anymore pain. Her hands still pressing pressure on four of the bullet wounds.
“Did you know that I-I love you Jay?” you managed to get out.
She whimpered a little, “Yeah I know. I love you so much,”
“Can you promise me something?” you asked her and you could feel your energy slowly start to slip away from your body.
“And what’s that?”
Your hands were shaky as you reached up to touch her face. Your fingers lightly gazing over your skin, “I want you to move on at one point. You can’t hold onto the loss of me forever, my love.”
She shook her head, “What do you mean? You’re not going anywhere. No one is going anywehere,” but she could see it. The light was starting to fade from your eyes and your skin was growing cold, “Where’s a medic?!” she ordered.
“They’re not gonna get here in time. It’s too late.” you whispered.
But she was in denial, continuing to shake her head, “No. That’s not, that’s not true! You can’t be dying. We’re supposed to have a family Y/N, we were supposed to get married and you were gonna help Henry have siblings. Please you can’t go. Don’t go.”
You filled her cheek softly, “I don’t want to go. All I want is to be with you. But you have your whole life ahead of you JJ. And you’re gonna meet someone new and have an epic love. You’ll become madly in love before you even realize it. And then at the end, I’ll be waiting for you with open arms.” The pool of blood leaving your body was growing bigger and bigger, “I love you Jennifer Jareau.”
And your breathing stopped, “Y/N?!” she shook you softly, “No please! Hotch! Where’s the medics?! Hotch!” JJ cried out, your eyes still open as she looked into your lifeless eyes.
Morgan lifted JJ up from off the ground as Hotch picked up your body. Hotch carried you up the stares and he wanted to stay strong, but his eyes were filled to the brim. Morgan pulled her into his chest, playing with her hair as he held her tight. Both of their bodies shaking at JJ’s sobs. A few tears slipping down his cheeks.
He guided her up towards the front of the house where the paramedics finally were, “Where were you?!” JJ yelled. The rest of the team watching as they just arrived onto the scene, “If you would’ve gotten here sooner! She wouldn’t be gone!”
“What?” Spencer asked. You were like a sister to him, a slightly older sister he always looked up to. Ever since he got into the BAU, “JJ, what’s going on?”
“Y/N is dead! She’s gone! Because, they weren’t here on time! The paramedics, they should’ve been here on time. But they weren’t! They weren’t here!” she cried out, repeating the same things over and over again. Garcia and Prentiss has silent tears slipping doesnt their cheeks as they watched their best friend break down right in front of them.
The paramedics covered your body with a sheet, before placing you in a body bag as gently as possible. JJ tried running towards you, but Morgan held her back.
“Y/N please! No come back!” she sobbed out and fell onto her knees on the ground.
Yeah that’s the thing about love...it’s never guaranteed.
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andreafmn · 3 years
Running In Circles - Chapter 2
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Word Count: 2,663
Characters: Female Reader Rossi Character, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ”Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia
Story Description: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Criminal Minds, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and CBS Network. The only thing I own is Arden Rossi, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 2/?
Chapter Description: The team goes back to work as Aaron Hotchner considers retiring from the team and spend time with his son. (Y/n) can’t help but provide emotional support for the Hotchner boys.
A/N: I enjoy angst and slow burns way too much XD. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 2
Once it was over, the interviews came. We knew the story. We lived it. The case was open and shut. They could try and make us pint it all on Hotch, the easy way out, but we knew better. And we would stand next to our unit chief whatever the price.
Haley’s funeral was no easier than being at the scene. It was a somber day and the sadness was imprinted in us. We all walked with dropped shoulders and a tight chest. I stood between Derek and Reid, using Morgan as support because I felt that my legs would give out at any moment. My father stood behind me rubbing circles on my back to comfort me. As we laid the roses on top of the casket, we laid to rest the life of Haley, a woman I only knew through the loving words Hotch spoke of.
The group did not know what to do to help the heartbroken man. It would take time to heal even just the smallest bit of his heart. All we could hope for was that he would come back to the team.
At the worst possible moment, the phone rings. No other team available and someone in need, we had to go to work. We all rolled our eyes or shook our heads; this was the job. But would it be the same without him?
I went to Hotch before we left and gave him a hug.
“Call me if you guys need anything,” he said.
“Just take care of your son,” I smiled, and he softly returned one of his own. I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly and left to join the team.
On the plane, we were caught up with the case. We stored all our feelings and got the machines running. We needed to finish this quickly and perfectly.
Two women, both brunettes and young, high-powered executives, murdered in their own homes, the floor around them decorated with flower petals. After Emily and Derek visited the crime scene, we had another part of the puzzle, the unsub was stalking his victims. Everything just seemed so perfect and staged, there was no way he was not prepared.
I stayed with JJ in the station working on the announcement and trying to figure something else from the details provided and the crime scene photos, but JJ could see my head wasn’t in it completely for the first time.
“Hey,” she said, taking my attention from the piece of paper I had been eyeing for the past five minutes. “What’s on your mind? Talk to me.”
“Is it wrong that I feel bad for being here?” I sighed. “Working like nothing’s happened.”
“Of course not, we all feel a bit guilty,” she smiled. “I know you most of all.”
My eyes opened in shock.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N). Everyone knows you have a not-so-secret crush on Hotch,” she laughed. “The only one that can’t see it is him. And probably your dad. Parents can be quite oblivious to their children’s feelings in this way.”
My head flew into my hands to cover the embarrassment that was flooding my cheeks. It was one thing to assume the whole team knew, another was to have it confirmed.
“It’s okay, (Y/N), we’ll see what comes of it. What I can say is that you can’t let this stop you from doing your job.”
She smiled one last time and it was all I needed to push Aaron Hotchner to the back of my mind and bring the case forward.
“Find anything?” My father asked entering the small room at the police station, Reid following behind.
“Several people had access to each home,” I said rubbing my temple. “Housekeeper, gardener, pool cleaner, dog walker…”
“Each with their own key and an alibi to match,” JJ added, an annoyed tone rolling off her tongue.
“Any crossover?”
“None. We even vetted delivery people and utility workers.” I sighed.
“Garcia, do you have anything?” Reid said, sitting down.
“There’s no hits at the prints at all. But I did what Sir Derek there asked, and I created a paper trail,” Penny explained. “There’s no cross-over between the two victims themselves in the weeks leading up to their murders, but they did run in similar circles.”
Penelope continued to explain how both victims lived quite a lavish and high-class lifestyle as Emily and Derek joined us. We figured this man would fit right in this crowd. Educated, intelligent, a gentleman. What we had yet to pinpoint was how the unsub entered the homes with no signs of forced entry. It was clear we were not going to make any headway tonight and Derek knew it too. So, he decided we should be done for the day and we would come back tomorrow well-rested and with fresh eyes.
That night I laid in the bed of my hotel room staring at the ceiling. All I could think of was Hotch and everything he was going through. I could only imagine.
And as if by fate, my phone rang. Aaron Hotchner.
“Oh,” Hotch said surprised. “Did I wake you?”
“No, I haven’t been able to sleep.”
“How come?”
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I guess I’m just worried about you.”
He chuckled softly. “You really shouldn’t.”
“But I do, Hotch.”
He stayed silent, only his slow breathing was heard through the phone.
“Did I fail her?” He asked after some minutes of comfortable silence.
“Absolutely not.”
“I promised her that I would catch Foyet and spend the rest of my life making it up to her.”
“And you still can.”
“But” he exhaled loudly. “How?”
“By being the best father you can be to Jack and continue living your life in the best way you can.”
“You know, Dave told me that I had to figure out what kind of father I wanted to be and then I’d know what to do. But I have no idea what that is.”
“I’m serious,” he interrupted. “I don’t know what kind of father I am. I catch killers. I save lives. I’m a hero until my key hits the front door, and then I’m just the father who’s never there. Haley was raising Jack all by herself and that was my support blanket. I was able to do my job because I knew he was cared for by another parent. A better parent.”
He sobbed softly as the last words escaped his mouth.
“I’m going to stop you right there,” I said, trying my best not to sound angry. “To that little boy, you are the only real hero that exists. He knows that when you’re not home it’s because you’re out here catching the bad guys like Foyet and making the world better for his sake. He knows that everything you do is out of love for him.
You know, when I was little my dad was absent quite a lot because of this job, but there was one thing that I knew for sure, that he loved me more than anything and that he worked better and faster because he wanted to come back home to me. And never ever have I resented him for leaving and catching the bad guys. He’s the reason I became an FBI agent.
You are an amazing father and anything you choose will be the right thing for Jack.”
After a minute of sobs, Hotch started to calm down.
“Thank you, (Y/N). You have no idea how much I needed that right now,” he cleared his throat. “How’s the case going?”
“Nope,” I laughed. “Not going to talk about the case.”
“Really?” He chuckled.
“Yes, Hotch. Take a breather. You deserve it.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, and I could hear his smile through the phone.
We had been talking for about an hour when I heard him yawn.
“Seems you’re getting sleepy there, Hotchner.” I laughed. “We should both get some rest. If it’s 3 am over here it must be 2 am in Washington. So, good night and see you soon.”
“Good night, (Y/N). Again, thank you. Sweet dreams.” And he hung up.
And finally, I drifted to sleep.
The next morning, we were up and ready for business.
“We believe our unsub is already with his next victim,” my father started. “If he matches the patter, she’ll be a successful woman, probably brunette, early 30s to mid-40s. She’ll be at home in Nashville’s upper echelon.”
“This means that he fits in,” I explained. “He drives the right car, he wears the right clothes, he’s highly intelligent. He probably comes from a place of status.”
“This guy’s sociable and he’s endearing,” said Morgan. “You would never suspect that this man is capable of murder. But he will do whatever it takes to protect the fantasy that he’s trying to relive.”
“It’s this fantasy which fuels his drive. He’s reliving a romantic evening and recreating it with each of his victims.”
“He most likely had a relationship taken away from him,” Derek crossed his arms. “So, look at men who have lost loved ones or have gone through a messy divorce.”
After finishing with the profile, we set out to establishments that fit the criteria to possibly get a suspect. As we worked, we got a call. Another crime scene, but this one was different.
A male victim. Overkill on the female. Something made him change his M.O.
Out in the garage, Reid and I looked for any sort of clues and I noticed his sight direct to the car. There may be another way we could connect the victims and how the unsub made their way into their homes.
Finally, Garcia had something with the hunch Spencer had figured. She overlaid all the geographical routes the victims had taken against the geo profile to show what we were missing with any paper trail. Although it was not a clear answer, Erika Silverman was the only one that did not fit the extravagant lifestyle and she only went and came from her work or her home. Except on Tuesday, where she went to the Botanical Gardens, what was she doing there? JJ, Reid, and I left for the gardens to find out.
And just as we had suspected, there had been an event to which Erika had attended. And a puzzle piece revealed itself.
“An event up here would be a hard sell for women in heels,” JJ commented.
“Well, most of our private events hire valets to drive the cars down to the base of the park so they don’t have to hike it up the hill.”
“Who had access to your keys but goes unseen?” Reid asked.
“And to your GPS,” I added.
“Dealerships program your home address into the navigation system before your car even leaves the lot.”
“He had turn-by-turn directions straight to her front door and the keys to get him inside,” I pointed.
We now had how he got his victims and how he entered their house without force. Now, all we had to do was pinpoint his next victim and see who he was.
JJ was instructed to get dad and Prentiss to pick up the owner of the valet service used in the event, and Derek, Reid, and I stayed behind to canvass the employees. We could catch this guy in action unless he had already gotten his next victim.
Joe Belser. That was our unsub. With the profile, the owner was able to point out the suspect quickly. And off we were.
JJ, Reid, and I headed to the venue and the rest of the team went to Belser’s house. He wasn’t in the apartment, but they had found the meaning behind the roses and universal garage door openers. In the venue, Reid called Garcia to see which of the VIP guests could be the next potential victim.
Ann Herron was the next victim, and he was already at her house.
“FBI! PUT IT DOWN!” Derek screamed, blinding Joe with his flashlight. I walked in from behind Derek and kneed Belser’s stomach. He fell to the ground groaning and Emily grabbed the man by the throat to immobilize him.
“Fantasy’s over,” she spat. “Is that what you did to them? You hit them to shut them up and then forced them to play along with your sick delusion?”
 “I love them,” Joe said sinisterly.
“You’re finally gonna meet your soulmate, Joe,” I added from behind Prentiss. “In prison.”
“Only you’re not gonna be able to push him around like you did those women,” Emily continued. “And when he comes for you in the middle of the night, when you’re least expecting it, you do me a favor. Play along.” 
She stood the man up forcibly and put him in handcuffs and I went outside to check on the victim.
“How is she?” Derek asked walking out of the house with my father.
“She’s strong,” I said closing the ambulance door. “She’ll make it. But you don’t survive something like that without scars.”
“Scars remind us where we’ve been,” my father commented. “They don’t have to dictate where we’re going.”
He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head as we walked back to the SUVs, finally on our way home.
The next day, I called up my dad so he would accompany me to Haley’s grave. Something told me I had to go. At the cemetery, I saw what the pull was. Sitting in front of the headstone less grave was Hotch. I walked up to him first, my father close behind. Hotch lifted his head and stared into my eyes, sitting up slightly.
“I had a feeling I’d find you here,” I spoke softly. “Have you told her yet?”
“Told her what?” He mused.
“That you’re coming back to the team,” my father joined his left side. Hotch looked at him. “That fighting the bad guys is who you are.”
Hotch lowered his head and shook it. “I don’t have to tell her. She already knows.”
I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly and gave him a soft smile. My father did the same and walked to my side, so we’d retreat, giving Hotch some space.
“So, do you want me to drive you back to your house?” My father asked.
“No,” I smiled. “I’m gonna stay with Hotch for a bit and then I’ll go home.”
“Okay, darling.” He kisses the top of my head. “I’ll pick you up on Monday then. Ciao, Mia Bella.”
“Bye, dad.”
Once my dad left, I sat down on a bench and waited for Hotch.
“(Y/N), you’re still here?” Hotch questioned with a smile on his face.
“Yeah, thought you might want some company.”
“Truthfully,” he chuckled. “I do. Thank you.”
“How about this, we pick up Jack, you guys come over and I crack open a present I had for Jack.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he motioned me to his car. “Let’s go.”
We drove quietly to his apartment, only the low volume of the radio and the sound of our breathing could be heard. It didn’t take long to arrive at the complex, where he opened the car door for me and led me upstairs. Inside apartment #121, was Jessica Brooks, Haley’s sister, and Jack playing a card game.
“(Y/N)!” Jack screamed as soon as I walked through the door, running to give me a hug.
“Hey, buddy!” I hugged back.
“Hotch, you’re back,” she exclaimed. “Good to see you again, (Y/N).”
“Good to see you, too,” I smiled. “How you holding up?”
“As good as I can be.” She answered as she began to gather her things. “Well, I’ll see you soon. Bye, little guy.”
“Bye, Aunt Jessica.”
“Bye, guys.” She said as she left.
“Hey, little man,” I directed to Jack. “I’ve got an idea.”
“What is it?”
“How about you to pack a go-bag and you and dad come over so we can open a present I have for you?”
“Yes!” He exclaimed as he sped off to his room to pack.
“I think you should go help him,” I smiled at Hotch. “If I have any memory of being a kid, they’re not very good at packing.”
“Yeah,��� he grinned. “Maybe I should.”
I waited for both father and son to pack for the night asking myself why I was putting myself in this position. Growing closer to a man I had a 0% chance with. But I couldn’t help it. All in all, he was my friend, and he needed all the support he could get.
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A/N: if you wish to be tagged for the next parts, please let me know. I’d be happy to. <3
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Monday – Domesticated Jemily
Do JJ and Emily have any more kids? How do they spend their days off? Do they take Henry and Michael to the park or just stay home and watch Disney movies all day?
Here is my second day of jemily week fic. It takes place around a year from now I guess? JJ and Emily have another baby and I picked Eleanor bc I just wrote a paper about Eleanor Roosevelt who was a badass lesbian but also Eleanor Rigby is a Beatles song and I always associate jemily with the Beatles. Kinda short again. Oh well.
“Hey, love.”
JJ entered her home to see her wife sitting with their daughter, Eleanor, in her lap and Michael sitting close by. Whether either of the women wanted to admit it or not Henry was definitely growing up and was probably in his room playing video games or reading right now. The reading thing he got from his Uncle Spencer.
“Hey babe! How was the grocery store?”
“Hectic but you know I’ll always go to the grocery store just so you don’t have to.”
Emily hated grocery shopping. It made her angry and there was a good chance she would hit someone with a cart so JJ almost always went for her.
“I love you so much. You’re my hero Jennifer.”
JJ just laughed. The funniest part was she was pretty sure Emily meant that from the bottom of her heart. That’s how much she hated the grocery.
“How was Ellie?”
“Amazing. As always.”
Their newborn had completely changed their lives but in the best way possible. Emily decided she wanted more than anything to have a child a raise it with Jennifer Jareau. It had been terrifying but the best decision both of them had ever made. The journey to this decision had been a crazy one. It had all started when Barnes showed up. Well actually it all started when the two women saw each other for the very first time, but Eleanor could easily be traced back to when Barnes showed up. The woman came to make Emily and the rest of bau’s lives a living nightmare but they wouldn’t let her. While Emily was on suspension, JJ decided to quit, because of her love for Emily. When she confessed this to Emily, after telling her how much she loved her back, she explained how ridiculous she was for quitting.
It had been a year since this all happened. Barnes had lost her position, Emily was cleared, JJ was rehired and Emily and JJ strengthened their relationship. Here they were now. In love and raising three beautiful babies together. Emily had been off on maternity and the all of the team was off on mandatory leave for a couple weeks. The bureau added that especially for this rouge group of agents. This left JJ to some much needed family time.
JJ went over and kissed her wife and picked up her youngest.
“And how was your mama Eleanor? Also amazing as always? I mean look at her. Boy did we get lucky”
JJ’s baby voice was like music to Emily’s ears. Emily stood up and wrapped her arms around her wife. She stared into her daughters sparkling brown eyes.
“I’m the lucky one Jayge. I mean wow.”
Then Michael came over and hugged JJ and Emily around their legs,
This made both of the women laugh and filled their hearts with joy.
“Hey buddy do you think we could start getting ready for bed now?
“Ok mommy”
Michael ran off to get ready. He was at the age when he was ok with getting ready for bed because it meant being a big boy and putting on his own pajamas.
Emily offered, “You can put Ellie in her pen and I’ll go make sure he gets to sleep then I’ll be back down.”
JJ nodded her head. After Emily left the room she laid Eleanor down and went into the kitchen. Eleanor was the calmest baby and didn’t mind being set down for a while. JJ felt she was so simple compared to her boys. She felt everything was so much simpler with Emily.
JJ filled two wine glasses and made a bottle. She thought this was the true picture of parenting. JJ went into the laundry room and grabbed the first clean tank top an pair of shorts she found. She really didn’t feel like making the trip upstairs to their room and she didn’t want to leave Ellie alone. After JJ changed she sat on the kitchen counter, sipping her wine, staring lovingly at Eleanor. She wasn’t sure why but she always preferred sitting on furniture she wasn’t supposed to.
Eventually Emily came back down stairs.
“He’s out! Only put the shirt on backwards this time!”
JJ laughed thinking about her son who somehow could always manage to put his clothes on wrong.
Emily walked over to JJ sitting on the counter and stood between her legs.
“You know we have a couch right?”
“Ha ha Miss ‘I don’t even need a chair at the office because I’m always sitting on my desk’”
“What! I never do that! Now you’re gonna get it Jareau!”
Emily scooped up JJ from the counter and tossed her on the couch and crawled on top of her. She battle the blonde with fierce kisses. Both women let out laughter between each kiss. Just then Henry came downstairs.
“You guys are so in love. It’s gross.”
Emily stood up with her serious face on
“Oh yeah Henry. Is it gross? Well what do you think about this?”
Then Emily ran over and picked him up in a big mama bear hug and spun him around. She set him down and kissed all over his head. The little boy couldn’t help but laugh. JJ interrupted the giggle fest,
“Now go get ready for bed before I start kissing your mama again”
“Ok! Ok! I’m going!”
When Henry had left JJ did just that.
“Jayge how did I get to such a beautiful life”
“Well we both crawled through some dog shit, but I’d do it a thousand times over for you love.”
“That is disgusting but I really love you.”
They both laughed.
The two women sat in peace on the couch Emily’s head on JJ’s shoulder, JJ’s head on Emily’s head. There they were, in their home, drinking wine, watching their daughter sleep, thinking this is the life we were meant to have.
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marvelfanlife · 7 years
Winter Soldier AU- Chapter 1
Summary: Jennifer Jareau or also known as Captain America to the public is a super soldier from the forties who fought in WW2 and now lives in the present day after being frozen alive in the Artic and after the events at the Battle of New York she now resides in Washington D.C, but when something she faced from her past comes back which makes her go with the ‘trust no one’ approach its up to her and her new team to stop them and she meets a new enemy who she already knows, but the question is can she fight that enemy or will she let them get away?
Winter Soldier AU character list      Winter soldier AU tag list
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***GIF is not mine***
Indian Ocean
Lat: 16N 55° 12.06° Long: 72N 56° 7.09°
A figure in stealth blue flew into the ocean and jumped on board the ship and strangled the guard unconscious as quick and quietly she could before heading to the main area of the ship, she tossed her iconic shield with the infamous red, blue and silver colours at the remaining hitting everyone of them as the shield bounced back and caught it with her hand and put it onto her back. She sprinted to the next area and jumped over the railing and landed with no trouble in between two guards as she elbowed one the guards and grabbed their arm and pulled it behind them and kicked them into other one. As she steadied herself and moved to the next area of the ship to clear two more guards popped out, guns aimed at the patriotic hero. As she looked around towards them, gunshots rang through the air, the bullets hitting the two guards as she turned around to see STRIKE team commander Luke Alvez parachuting in.
“Thanks” she said to him as she saw him take his parachute off the other team members and Agent Prentiss landed in.
“Well it looked like you needed it Cap” Alvez said as he went off to clear the next area.
JJ walked up to Emily as the spy took off her parachute awaiting the instructions that the star spangled woman will tell her
“Em stop trying to step me with every single man and woman in SHIELD and go and clear the engine room.” JJ said as she walked off and watched Emily go near the railings.
“I just want you to be happy and I'm multitasking” Emily explained as she jumped over the railings and headed to the engine room.
As Emily raced to the engine room, she encountered more guards, their guns trained at her as she threw herself onto one of them and grabbed them for support as she used both of her legs and swung them at the other guards kicking them away, she elbowed the guard in the stomach and pulled his gun out of his hands and shooting him and the guard that was running towards her. The ex-CIA agent once again jumped over the railings but this time a harness was attached to her body, she flew straight down shooting the armed guards on each sides with her handguns as she landed shooting the two guards that were beneath her through the floor.
JJ kneeled behind a wall before communicating with Alvez and Reid, the two were able to storm and clear the other side of the ship and reached the hostages their guns trained at the door with a device that would open for them, waiting for JJ’s command to go in as the other STRIKE agents guns were armed and trained at the windows were the guards were.
“Emily, Emily come in, what’s your status, do you copy Emily what’s your status” JJ whispered into the communication device on her wrist hoping her friend is okay
“hang on!” Emily shouted as she ran and jumped onto the guard, electrocuting them by the neck as their body landed on the ground and she rolled over to the other guard, grabbing their arm and pulling their gun away from them, and using to punch them in the stomach and going down to kick them in legs whilst they were off guard, as another one came up to her and kicked the gun out of his hands, as she tried to kick him she was grabbed by the waist and punched him in the face to break free of his grasp and then grabbed him by the neck, pulling herself up and threw him over her and landed on her feet, “engine room secure” informed Emily as she walked away from the guards that were lying on the floor
“Alvez do you guys have an eye on the targets?” JJ asked waiting for them to respond
“We have eyes on targets Cap, ready when you are” Alvez spoke through the comms unit.
“Now!” JJ informed her team as raining bullets filled the room full of SHIELD hostages as each one hit every guard in the room, the hostages shocked and scared at what was going, hoping that this was SHIELD saving them.
“I told you SHIELD doesn't negotiate” Clyde Easter said sarcastically as he saw Alvez and Reid untying him and the other hostages free.
As Alvez and Reid found the hostages, JJ threw her shield into the window of the Captain’s quarter which hit another one Izzy Rogers henchmen, she witnessed the women in stealth blue spandex speeding towrds and ran out of the quarters hoping she could escape her, as JJ got into the room she pulled her shield and went in the same direction Rogers went, as she did she communicated with the STRIKE team finding out that they have found and rescued the hostages safely and were heading to the extraction point. “Prentiss where are you? I need you to get to Alvez and Reid and help them extract the hostages” JJ spoke through the comms unit doing her best to communicate with her team and trying to find the international criminal who took over SHIELD’s Lemurian Star ship, as she finished trying to communicate with Emily a sudden force threw her back hitting her onto the floor, as she got up she saw the one and only Izzy Rogers standing right front of her ready to pounce, JJ lunged herself forward onto the criminal but she to did the same thing overpowering the super soldier as they both fell onto the floor, as JJ got up she rolled herself over onto the otherside of Izzy who got up, Izzy threw punches and kicks into the Shield which JJ used to protect herself as JJ knead her in the stomach twice, throwing her over herself as the criminal back flipped and landed on her two feet, they both interrogated each other down as Izzy ran towards the woman both throwing punches and kicks at each other, Izzy stopping to catch her breath which JJ used as an advantages kicking her twice before flipping herself over and kicking her in the face, she witnessed her slowly get up and threw herself into the criminal and crashing through the door and punching her unconscious in the face.
“Oh hey, this is a bit a awkward” Emily said as she looked over to see her friend on top of the women who hijacked the ship.
“What are you doing?” JJ asked as she walked over Emily who was leaning over the desk and typing away into the computer.
“backing up the hard drive, you never know they could've hacked into the ship’s system.” Emily explained hoping that her friend would believe her.
“No you’re not, your saving SHIELD intel, I told you to go an help and Alvez but instead you’re in here, our mission is rescue hostages not save and steal intel. JJ explained as she stared at the screen in shock as to what her friend was doing.
“your mission maybe to rescue the hostages but mine is this” She said smirking at her as she took the hard drive out and walked away before being pulled by the arm by JJ.
“You do realise you just jeopardised the whole entire mission.” JJ explained angrily as she stared into her friends eyes.
“I think your overstating things, nothing is going to happen” Just as she said that Rogers got up from where she was and threw a grenade into the two agents but JJ deflected it back and the two jumped as the explosion threw them into the window.
“Okay maybe I was wrong, I had no idea she was going to do that” Emily said as she and JJ crawled their way back onto wall.
“Really you had no idea she was going to do that?!” JJ asked sarcastically annoyed at her friend for compromising their mission
“Look I'm sorry okay?! and you know this reminds me of mine and Walker’s time in Auvergne.” Emily explained as JJ helped her up from there spot.
“What even happened there?!” JJ asked her about her two friends previous mission which they always seemed to mention.
“it’s a long story, I'll explain it to you later ” she explained as she and JJ went off to go and help Alvez and Reid.
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The Triskelion
S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters
Lat 35N 53° 33 78° Long 775 3 38 91°
As the morning sun broke out over S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, groups of bustling agents walking inside the quarters moving from division to division briefcases at hand, the American hero stormed through the directors doors in anger over what happened in her last mission
“I can’t believe what you just allowed, why the hell did you lie to me?!” JJ shouted as she walked up to Director Hotchner’s desk and witnessing him swivelling his chair around so he can see her
“I didn't lie, Agent Prentiss had different mission than you.” Hotch explained as he interrogated her in the eye
“Those hostages or one of us could've died put there because of your instructions” She shouted back, still angry at her Director her face showing no fear for the man in charge of this organisation who was standing right in front of her eyeing her down like her hawk.
“well that's why I sent the greatest soldier in history on this mission, so that wouldn't happen.” He explained trying to relieve the tension in the room.
“Soldiers, a group of people, they trust each other, that's what makes it a team, an army not a bunch of people shooting guns at each other because that doesn't work, a team that trusts is a team that triumphs.” She explained to him still eyeing him down.
“Well I can tell you that trying to trust everyone doesn't work, cause it can end up getting people killed. Especially the one’s you love” he said through the skin of his teeth and in anger, the words which sent chills down JJ’s spine. “I need to show you something, follow me.” he ordered the soldier who did what she was told and followed the director into the elevator. “Project Insight Level.” Hotch asked speaking to the voice in the elevator.
“Captain Jareau does not have clearance for this level” the elevator voice questioned the Director, the elevator’s alarm bleeping off
“Director override, Hotchner, Aaron” Hotch countermanded as the alarm in the elevator turned off.
The ride in the elevator was long, the tension between them from the office was still high as the elevator reached the floor. JJ looked outside the elevator to see quinjets taking off and landing, Helicarriers hovering in the air as she stared in awe at what she was witnessing.
“This is Project Insight” He introduced to her both walking out of the elevator walking past the quinjets and helicarriers. “three helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites, launced from the Lemurain Star, once they are up in the air they stay there for however long we need it.” he explained as marched over to the railings. “These long ranging precision guns can take out any hostiles in a minute, you see the satellites read a terrorists DNA and is neutralised before the threat even happens.” he spoke proud of what he was able to achieve.
“I thought the punishment usually came after the crime?! This is wrong on so many levels?!” she questioned pointing at the weapons that would soon be launched.
“Look after New York I didn't want anymore threats like that to happen ever again. We weren't ready for what would happen on that day and we need to be prepared for something like that if it ever happened again. I was able to convince the World Security Council to help with the DNA threat analysis and somehow they were able to agree with this but a lot more people will be safe because of this  decision.” he retorted back to her disagreeing with what she was telling him.
“Yeah, by holding a gun to everyone heads, how is that safe Aaron?!” she argued back angrily at him.
“I hate to break it to you but times are changing Cap and you need to keep with that” he explained to her bitterly.
“Well watch me try.” she said sharply as she marched away from him
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Come on Derek you can do it, you can beat that super soldier. Derek thought to himself as he started to pace faster trying his best to outrun JJ who was right behind him. “No don't you do dare, don't you dare outrun me again!” he shouted to her as JJ dashed past him.
“On your left” She said as she ran past him and look back to him with a smirk on her face.
“Come on man! that' is not cool! I was this close to beating you!” Derek shouted out and putting his fingers close together to show her how close she was, as he walked on over to the trees to sit by and wait for her and to also catch his breath.
JJ saw him by the trees and ran up to him ready to talked about how she beat him at their little race.
“So I saw that you did another two laps and I just want to ask, how the hell are you not tired yet?” Derek questioned the woman who was standing in front of her still out of breath from their run around the monument  
“Well lets just say that because I didn't have a great morning that helped me to beat your ass.” she chuckled as she helped him up from where he was sitting. “I’m Jennifer Jareau but you can call me JJ” she said introducing herself to the ex-soldier.
“Yeah I kind of knew that anyway, I'm Derek Morgan by the way” he said also introducing himself to her as the two started to engage in a conversation for several hours talking about their ex-military pasts. JJ also found out that Derek works as a detective at the DC Metro PD and volunteers at the VA.  “You know you should check out the Smithsonian Museum they have a whole section all about you.”  Morgan told her as the two walked over to where JJ’s vehicle was parked.
“Really?! Why would they do that?” she asked him, confused about why there was a part of a museum dedicated to her.
“Well people see you as an American hero, that's why they did it” he told her as she saw the happiness on her face turn into sad one.
“I don't really see myself as a hero, I don't think anyone does, we joined the army because we believed it was the right thing to do not because we wanted to see ourselves as heroes.” She said the tone in her voice was broken when her past about World War Two was mentioned. “Many people lost their lives to fight for the freedom we have today including my best friend Y/N she’s more of a hero then I am, she sacrificed her life to save mine as she did for many other soldiers.” she explained almost breaking into tears when talking about her friend.
“I’m sorry I didn't know, I understand what you mean people call me a hero all the time even though I don't feel like one, my friend died so he could save me and you know I never felt anymore guilty in my life than I ever have before I tried to save him but it was to late” Morgan said almost breaking into tears about his past.
“You know it’s not your fault, there was nothing you could do.” JJ said trying her best to reassure her friend.
“Yeah, well I try to tell myself that everyday and I can tell you that it doesn't work.” He said chuckling as the two stopped at JJ’s motorcycle. “Is that your ride?! Surely you can run to your place?” He laughed as he questioned her, as JJ put her gear on and stepped on her motorcycle.
“Well you can’t run everywhere can you?” She said as she started up her motorcycle.
“No you can’t” He said laughing at his little joke as JJ drove away from him back to her apartment.
Tags: @dontshootmespence @imagicana @emilyfuckingprentiss @milkandcookies528 @reiding-and-writing @anti-social-power-ranger @itsmeedee @aidens-animals-and-fandoms @illegalcerebral
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
The Old and The New
A/N: A request courtesy of @gublersmind for a fic based about 15 years after season 12. (I scrunched together a couple seasons so that the main characters could be the age that I wanted, so the time may seem a little off). Spencer, Emily, Penelope, JJ and Luke still work at the BAU and are looking for new recruits. Jack Hotchner and the reader are two of the people in the running (out of 20) for the 2 positions available. Both are in their early-20s and form a friendship through the process, which eventually develops into a little bit more. In this AU, Hotch retired to spend more time with Jack, they were never in witness protection. :) @coveofmemories
If someone had told Emily that she’d been the Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit for more than 15 years now, she would’ve thought they were insane. But it was true. Nearly 15 years after Hotch retired to spend more time with his son, Emily Prentiss was still heading the BAU alongside her friends, Dr. Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau and Luke Alvez. While the five of them made a great team, they were all getting older and definitely needed to bring some new blood to the team. So weeks ago, Emily had opened up applications for two new positions. Although she was the head of the unit, she didn’t want to make this kind of a decision without the help of the rest of the team - it affected them too.
“I have it narrowed down to 20 names. I think I’m going to have them come in in groups of five and we’ll all take one under our wing during the course of a case. Then maybe we’ll narrow it down to ten, and then pick two?” she asked confused. “I don’t know. This is hard!”
JJ walked to Emily’s side of the desk and gave her a hug. “We’ll help. Don’t worry. Are there any that stand out more than the others?” 
“Two,” she said picking up the files. “Y/F/N Y/L/N. Graduated top of her class at both MIT and Harvard with Ph.D.s in psychology and English literature. She’s only 22 years old. Started college when she was 14 and completed her Ph.D.’s simultaneously. She’s also a fourth-degree black belt in Taekwondo. And the other is...” She pulled out the file and proudly said the name of someone they all knew. “Our very own Jack Hotchner.”
“Jack applied?!” Spencer asked in surprise. “I was almost positive that Hotch would’ve done whatever he could to talk Jack out of applying after what happened with Hayley.”
Hotch had tried. Oh man, had he tried. But Jack grew up watching his father be a hero and he wanted to follow in his footsteps. He’d also started college early, at 16, which the team was aware of. They knew he was on the path to pursuing law enforcement in some way, but they never expected him to apply for a position with the Bureau. Now 24, Jack had graduated valedictorian from Yale with a dual JD/Ph.D. His father had also been a lawyer at one point, so it felt right for him to pursue a dual degree. “The only thing I want to make sure of is that we aren’t persuaded because of the fact that we know him so well, so Luke,” Emily said, pointing at the newest of the five on the team (although he’d been on the team for 15 years now, he was the newest, as Garcia continually reminded him...”newbie”). “Luke, you only worked a couple cases with Hotch before he retired, so you don’t know him or Jack like we do. Make sure that we aren’t being persuaded because of who he is. Keep us in check.”
“No problem,” he replied. “But with a dual degree like that I don’t doubt he’d be an asset to the team.” Even if he didn’t know Jack, knowing he was a Hotchner was definitely something.
Given the large number of candidates they had, each of the five current members took four candidates to call, let them know that they would be called at some point to accompany the team on a case, along with four other possible candidates. They were to be told that there were 20 possible candidates and only two positions, so they all needed to bring it if they had any hope of joining the team. 
As the unit chief, Emily decided to be the one to call Jack. “Hotch?” she said, when Aaron picked up the line. “How’re you? We miss you over here.” It had been more than 15 years, but their old boss was still missed every day. 
“I miss you all too,” he said sincerely. “How’re you doing? Is there something you need help with?” Anytime someone called, he was afraid that one of the team members was in trouble. Despite his retirement, he would be there if it meant saving a member of his family.
“Nothing’s wrong, at all actually,” she said hesitantly. “It’s actually about Jack. You’re aware he applied for a position at the BAU?”
His heavy sigh on the other line betrayed his lack of words. He was very proud of his son, but he was also petrified for him. At 24 though, Jack was his own man and Hotch had to learn how to live with it. “Yea, I’m aware. He made the cut?” Not so much a question as a confirmation of his beliefs. 
Emily told him that of course he did, but Luke was going to be doing most of his evaluations because they all knew him too well. “I was actually calling to talk to him and let him know. Is he there?”
“Hold on one second,” he said, screaming down the hall for his son. Despite the fact that Hotch was scared for him, Emily could hear in his voice that he was proud of and excited for his son. “Here he is. Miss you all.”
“Miss you too, Hotch,” she said as Jack picked up the line. In her mind, Jack was still the toddler she met all those years ago, but the man’s voice on the other side of the line belonged to the same human being. “Jack, hi,” she said cheerfully.
“Aunt Emily,” he said happily. “How’re you? Dad says you’ve got good news for me?” She almost teared at the tension in his voice; he wanted this more than anything. 
When she told him he’d been accepted into the first round of candidates, she almost went deaf from the hooping and hollering that went on for nearly five minutes on the other line. It filled her heart with joy to hear him running around the house screaming, with Hotch laughing in the background. The team missed Hotch, but he was where he needed to be. His relationship with Jack had become even closer since he’d retired. “You feel better now?” she laughed. “I do have one thing I have to say about this whole thing though.” As much as she loved him, she couldn’t let him think that everything was made in the shade because he had an in with the Bureau; he needed to work his ass off for this. 
“What is it?” he asked.
“Myself, Aunt JJ, Aunt Garcia, and Uncle Spencer are not going to be the ones conducting your evaluation. You’ll be working with the one member of our team that you don’t know that well, Luke Alvez,” she stipulated.
Jack heaved a sigh of relief on the other side of the line; he had assumed something horrible, but this he figured. “Because the rest of you are too biased,” he replied. “I get that. I swear, Aunt Emily, I don’t want to get this position because Dad worked there. I want to be picked because I’m right for the job. I plan on proving myself.” He had worked so hard - studied day in and day out - this was all he wanted for years. He planned on earning it.
“Okay, kiddo,” she said happily. “Luke will give you a call when you’re to come in for a case. Since we have 20 candidates, you are going to be working a case with the team, as well as four other candidates, so come prepared.
After another scream of happiness on the other side of the phone, Jack repeated that he was going to make them all proud. When she hung up the phone, she stared out her office window. So much time had passed. So much had changed. When she started, she was working under Hotch. Now she was the boss and would be working with Hotch’s son; time sure flew by in a blink.
It was nearly four weeks before Jack got called in for a case, but the morning he did, he had to cut his breakfast with a friend short. “Oh man, I finally got called in for a case, I gotta go,” he said excitedly, popping up from the table and grabbing Henry’s hand. He grew up alongside Henry LaMontagne, though he was a couple years younger than he. They didn’t go to college together, and even if they had, they wouldn’t have had classes together, but the two remained close through the years, and now Henry was about to start his practice in art therapy, specifically dealing with victims of violent crime. He was inspired by his mother, father, aunts and uncles as well, but in his own way. Michael on the other hand wanted to follow directly in his mother’s footsteps, but he was still in high school so JJ didn’t have to worry about that just yet.
“Good luck, man,” he said, bringing Jack in for a hug and patting him on the back. “You're gonna be great. You’re working with Luke right? Because you don’t really know him?”
Jack shook his head as he slapped the table in excitement and ran toward his car. “Catch you later, Henry! I’ll text you when I get back!” He’d waited so long for this. It was time to show his aunts and uncle that he was more than just Aaron Hotchner’s son.
As he walked into the BAU, he remembered coming here as a child. For the most part, when he was here, it wasn’t anything good, but as the warm feeling washed over him, he knew this was what he wanted and where he knew he should be. Luke had been the one to call him, as his Aunt Emily had said, and told him to meet in the conference room. He also reminded him that at work, Emily, Spencer, Penelope and JJ were to be addressed by Agent and their last names unless otherwise stated. He laughed; it wasn’t like he wanted everyone to know that he had a personal connection to the team. That might lead them to believe he wasn’t truly qualified for the job. 
When he walked into the room, Jack found that he was the last one there. Two women and two other men around the same age turned around and introduced themselves. “Tiana Smith.”
“David Holden.”
“Dashawn Jones.”
“Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
“Jack Brooks,” he said by default. If he made it onto the team, he would eventually tell people that he was the son of the famed BAU agent, but until then he planned on using his mother’s maiden name. Quickly, he pulled out his phone to text his aunts and uncles that he used his mother’s maiden name.
“Hello, everyone,” Emily said as she and the rest of the BAU walked into the conference room. “My name is SSA Emily Prentiss and these are SSAs Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia and Dr. Spencer Reid. Seems we have quite a few Doctors with us now.” She looked toward Jack, as well as Y/N and Tiana, both of whom had numerous doctoral degrees. “On this case, each of you will be assigned a cooperating agent and at the end of this case we will discuss among the five of us, if one or more of you make the cut for the next round of cases. That being said, Agent Brooks, you’ll be working with SSA Alvez. Agent Smith, you’re with me. Agent Y/L/N, you’re with Dr. Reid. Agent Jones, you’re with SSA Jareau. And Agent Holden, given your specialty in cybersecurity, you’ll be with SSA Garcia.”
Each of the new candidates introduced themselves to their cooperating agent, but only briefly. They did actually have a case. And they all needed to get to work. As Jack sat down at the table, he wondered whether or not he was completely out of his league - and he also couldn’t help but notice how cute his Uncle Spencer’s assignee was.
“We are headed to the land of corn fields, corn fields and more corn fields,” Penelope said. “Now, I know what you’re all thinking. That could mean any number of states or cities, but in this case, I am referring to Iowa, specifically Cedar Rapids, where two officers from the city’s police department were found sleeping with the fishes.”
Y/N blurted out without thinking. “Don’t tell me they were given cement shoes,” she said in disbelief. “They were?”
“Basically yes, oh young one,” she said without missing a beat. “They were weighed down with cement blocks and dropped into Lake Red Rock nearly two hours away, but the reason they are calling us in is because this type of death is most commonly associated with the mob, but there is next to no trace of any mob in that area. Election time is up-and-coming however, and the Cedar Rapids department got a strange message that points the finger at a politician as the perpetrator.” With a flick of her wrist, she pointed her hand back at the screen to play the message.
Your cop killer is a politician. Everyone is trying to cover their asses, but the man you’re looking for has a lot of money, a very shady past, and aspirations to become president. If someone doesn’t catch him soon, he’s going to buy and kill his way to the top.
“That is weird,” Jack said out loud. “Oh sorry.”
“No need to be sorry,” Emily said. “You’re here because you are qualified. We want your input. Everyone. So don’t be shy.” Looking around the room, she could tell off the bat that some were going to be more willing to speak up than others.
“This is a unique case in an unlikely area,” she said, standing up from the table and motioning towards the five young candidates. “And it’s a big one. Political corruption is nothing to sneeze at. Am I clear when I say that you are to listen to your cooperating agents at every turn? No going off on your own?” she asked.
A round of “yes ma’ams” made their way around the room. “Okay. We’ll discuss victimology on the plane. Wheels up in 30.”
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j-reau · 3 years
Last night I wrote a post that was mostly just a joke about how with JJ she’s always a top but the question is do you get top jj who puts you on your knees or top jj who never lets your knees touch the ground. And like yeah, it was a joke. But it’s also REALLY NOT. And I think it’s not because JJ is such a weirdly dual person. It’s the thing that I both love and hate Criminal Minds for because in so many ways they set it up SO WELL with her long growth over 15 seasons and then seeing who she became. But at the same time, sometimes I feel like each JJ doesn’t pay tribute to the other. We see JJ in a happy, soft, loving marriage and while she talks about the fact that marriage is work we also know full and well that she struggles really bad with opening up, with being emotional, with guilt and PTSD. She NEVER told Will, as far as we know, that she lost her baby. Their baby. It’s no secret that I think constantly lying is a big part of who JJ is because she’s so used to putting on a performance but it leads me to think a lot about who real JJ is and who vulnerable JJ is and what her needs are, romantically, sexually, emotionally, etc. 
JJ is a super sexual being. THAT is canon. Early seasons JJ was always joking with Emily about flirting with different guys, always sizing them up like she was a frat boy herself. She gets her flirt on on purpose and in a sort of deliberately manipulative way. And even later when she’s with Will, there’s a scene where he’s trying to be soft with her and she’s just really GOING FOR IT physically instead. JJ is a super physical person. She’s brought up her past as a student athlete multiple times and relates strongly to cases that involve student athletes. WHENEVER we see her not working she’s active. She’s either on runs with Morgan, working out, boxing, playing soccer with Henry, etc. I don’t think that changes sexually at all. I think JJ finds release in the physical and focuses on the physical. And I think because of that she can easily fall into one night stands, friends with benefits situations, etc etc. 
JJ is NOT a super vulnerable or emotional person. But the thing that makes that so complicated is that she pretends she is. I’ve ranted before about my feelings about fanon JJ and the JJ you see if you only watch scattered episodes without getting all of the development. She’s warm, mothering. She cares for the team, keeps them safe, she’s constantly trying to help Reid through things, etc. She’s an actual mother, a devoted wife, she cares deeply for each and every victim she comes across. But we also have seen how JJ reacted to the idea of telling her son about her sister, or how she kept everything about her torture and the loss of her baby bottled up from everyone. She tells NO ONE about her sister’s death until she absolutely has to. Her mother and her talk at length about their family’s tendency to bury their feelings. I’ve been JJ. I’ve been the kid who grew up and lost a sister, in a house of tragedy, that tendency to give people the emotions you think they need, to be a caregiver, to see emotions right away and be able to connect to them is super deeply engrained in that experience. But at the end of the day, JJ doesn’t open up for real very well at all. 
With those two things in mind, I think there are a few different versions of JJ you can get in a relationship. 
There’s flirty JJ who is probably more common in her younger years. She knows she’s hot, knows what kind of power she can lord of people and she likes the game of that in a way. She probably likes the game in bed too. This JJ probably slips out now and then in all of her relationships but is definitely less common an occurrence as she gets older. It devolves and presents itself as just physical JJ. JJ who comes home and just wants to fuck and not think no matter how much she loves her partner. 
There’s soft domme JJ who comes out probably more in the middle of her life. It’s also what happens when you put her in a relationship with much more submissive people like soldier type women or very soft boys. It’s probably her most common relationship personality. It’s also probably the most similar to what we see in her canon relationship with Will. He’s soft and loving and she’s a little bossy. This is the JJ who puts people on her knees and gently tells them good job. This is WIFE JJ. And a little but master manipulator sadist JJ. And is probably more common with men. 
And then there’s broody warrior JJ which probably comes later in her life, or in AU verses where her trauma happens earlier on. This is the JJ that can’t figure out how to open up, who holds other people up as beacons of light or warmth or passion where she can’t seem to express those things for herself. This is the never lets her partners’ back of the bed JJ. She’s more devoted, loving, wants to show it constantly but barely thinks she knows how to. This is the JJ you see with Emily IMO in canon, the way she’s always at Emily’s side, devoted to her, quick to be her soldier and do what she needs done. This is the JJ that thinks her S/O hung the moon. But would probably climb their legs like a tree too. Though at least in my interpretation, this JJ probably comes out MOSTLY with women. 
Masochist JJ is a whole other thing that can come out in any of these but is like a super secret part you have to unlock. It comes out with flirty JJ because she can treat it like its fun and sexy and whatever. It can come out with softer wife JJ but is less likely, and then with broody warrior JJ, it comes out when she’s testing herself, giving herself over to her S/O, trying to prove she’s strong, dealing with her trauma, etc etc. 
THERE’S REALLY NO POINT TO THIS POST I just wanted to get that headcanon and those thoughts down in a more concrete way and also address how when it comes to different verses or different ships or whatever it can feel like you’re getting an entirely different character with JJ sometimes. I’ll admit I get paranoid about my portrayal from time to time specifically for that reason, but the reality is that JJ has had SO MUCH change as a character from seasons 1 - 15. She’s still the same woman and yet there are SO MANY added layers, so many changes, etc. I try to take all of those into account in different ships. I try to take all of that into account in different verses depending on what has already shaped her and what is still to come. 
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