#AC Valhall
lycomorpha · 1 year
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Eivor's Herbarium: P4 - Raspberries from Grantebridge
Outside the fine longhouse of our new ally, Soma, stand these delicious red berries. Octavian claims the Romans brought this berry here & into cultivation. I am surprised he thinks it grand enough for "the Empire!"
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As @vikingnerd793 recently pointed out, this game is a comfort game for a lot of us. And although it's a weird-ass hobby, video game botany is a comfort thing for me, especially in ACV. Set in places where I've lived but hundreds of years ago, it's a safe place away from the illustration I make for work & the current UK hellscape... So... I was properly pissed off when the sketchbook I'm making this herbarium in got water-damaged in recent studio mayhem. As if the leaking radiator wasn't enough.
The book dried out OK in the end - the water missed the plants on all the pages so far. This page is just a bit crinkly and writing the text I could see that the ink spread a little on that part of the paper. But it left me feeling a bit unsure of the whole thing for a minute...
Eivor spent a lot of time at sea, though. I'm sure she'd be chill about minor mishaps like water damage, wiping the blood of her enemies of plant specimens, etc. So I'm sticking with it.
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Why are there giant raspberries in 9th century England anyway?
School history class told me the Romans brought raspberries around Europe, and that raspberry seeds have been found in Roman forts here. Raspberry plants (Rubus idaeus) are related to the cloudberries we also see in game, and are part of the same family as roses. Although spread far and wide as a food plant (since well before the Romans, apparently) it's thought that the domestic raspberry originated in Turkey. As Maria loves to tell me, raspberries are not actually a berry (a fruit with seeds scattered throughout the pulp) but an aggregate fruit made up of drupelets (sections of fruit, each with one seed).
The kind of big juicy raspberries seen in Grantebridge didn't exist until a lot more recently thanks to hybridisation & selection (sorry, Eivor!) Golden raspberries are a real thing though - not common in the UK, but found throughout AC Valhalla's version England.
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Ravensthorpe has its own Roman empire fanboy in the form of Octavian, aka Osbert of Lunden. (It's impossible to get a pic of him looking anything but a biiit creepy, so sorry about that.) Anyway, his main issue with the house Eivor gets built for him is that it "lacks the grandeur of the empire at its peak." Rude, frankly. So I couldn't resist having Eivor reference his gripes about Ravensthorpe.
You can also find raspberries at the monastery in Grantebridgescire, and Gratian's villa ruins to keep up with the Roman theme.
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I'm already working on the next page to finish up Grantebridgescire. It's going to be wildflowers from the cursed zone on the hill.
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marley-warriors · 2 months
Chapter 7 Preview (spoiler-free)
“The line between truth and lie is delicate, yet who can truly say where one ends and the other begins?” Loki took another sip of his long-anticipated mead, the sweet and spiced drink of honey warming his belly and spurring his thoughts. “What may be true to me might be a lie to you.”
Chuckling, Tyr finished his drink in one long gulp before clapping Loki on the back. “You are drunk, Loki."
“Shh, do not ruin this Tyr.” Bragi intervened with a grin, nudging their warlord playfully. “My muses’ drunken philosophies always provide great inspiration for poetry.” The rest of the table joined in with light-hearted laughter, enjoying the banter.
“Your muse I can be, but I am far from drunk,” Loki countered, suspecting the others to be far more incapacitated. He was not drunk, at least he didn’t think he was, but the others seemed to enjoy his company more when he appeared drunk. It gave him an excuse to be truly himself without being judged too harshly. Most of the time anyway.
Havi downed his cup, shaking his head with amusement. “Loki, whether drunk on mead or attention, you always seek to stir the pot.”
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valoriemachine · 1 year
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Someone help me: what is it that she says when eating a mushroom that sounds like “Humm thorlings”, forgive me if I sound crazy or stupid.
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saberamane · 5 months
Just finished AC Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade. It was...ok. For as long as was it was it also seemed kind of rushed. There were several things I thought they shouldn't have done.
Spoilers Ahead
The love story between Natakas and the playable character seemed really fast and out of nowhere. I understand it was kind of necessary to be short for the game, but...eh.
My biggest aggravation was that Darius and Natakas stayed with Kassandra and just completely grew complacent, knowing the order was looking for them. They could have had a 'quiet' life, a house and baby and everything, and still been on the look out for the order looking for them. The fact that they were 'surprised' by the attack that led to Natakas dying and Elpidios being stolen was kind of dumb to me.
Especially the fact that Darius, who up till now has been nothing but a badass, suddenly needs rescuing. And the fact that Kassandra left her baby and husband to go save him, not knowing he actually needed help.
But also, where TF is Kassandra's family? No matter the ending you get, you should at least have Myrinne on your side. Why was none of Kassandra's family involved? In my playthrough she should have had the entire family, all of whom are good fighters, helping to protect her baby and husband. Are you seriously telling me that between Darius, Kassandra, and Alexios the Persian's would have been able to kill Natakas and steal Elpidios? There was literally hardly anyone there! I've singlehandedly taken down forts with more people in them!
I know this is all for the purpose of the story, but if you want to make it believable, there should have been a shit ton more Persians, a more dire situation leading to Natakas dying, a reason Kassandra's family wasn't anywhere nearby, and not make Darius suddenly a noob for no reason.
Or make Kassandra a more 'human' character so that you don't go through the whole game playing like the demi-god you are until it's plot-convenient for Kassandra to suddenly be a sub-par fighter.
Overall, the plot was fine, but I probably wouldn't ever play it again. The ending, showing how Darius takes Elpidios to Egypt and he ages and then transforms into his descendants leading to Aya was honestly cool. A+ on that part.
Holy shit, the Fate of Atlantis DLC is ANOTHER 15 hours? It's going to be July before I can play Mirage at this rate, jfc. I still need to get through Valhall and it's DLC's too. And that's not taking into account I skipped AC3 DLC because of bugs, AC 4, Rogue, and Unity to try and play Mirage on release.
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jaytheinfinite · 4 months
AC Valhalla- Walkthrough Gameplay Part 38- Defensive Measures (AC Valhal...
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folkstara · 2 years
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musikfurfreiheit · 2 years
Her believes in Valhalla were shaken by the events in Norway, but it was a fact that she was still alive and well. Was it because of her fighting skills, or had the gods protected her? Who could say for sure?
Eivor comes home, and Randvi is very thankful for that
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magicalicefairy · 3 years
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( ͡° ‿‿ ͡°)
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So, if you deny valhalla to Ivarr, does Ubba really try to fight you? I didn't give him the axe in my first playthrough because I was so full of grief and horror, but definitely dont remember Ubba trying to fight me? Gods that would have been devastating!
Im so sensitive lol, i should stop playing assassins creed games
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ezioauditore-s · 3 years
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my family: she liked that assassin game quick get something related to that
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jshepardtsoni · 4 years
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Sister & Brother part 3
part 1
part 2
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lonely--nihilist · 4 years
List ten songs that you really like, each by a different artist (solo songs of band members count as a different artist than the band) and tag people.
1- territorial pissings-Nirvana
2- hallowed be thy name- Iron maiden
3- Iron man- Black Sabbath
4- Going to California- Led Zeppelin
5- hells bells- Ac/Dc
6- violent revolution- Kreator
7- the devil in I- Slipknot
   8- Valhall awaits me-Amon Amarth
9- see you in hell- grim reaper
10- All hail Satan-svarttjern
Go!@metalliocalypse @pissknot @satanic-rituals @lumina-aurea
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1, 7, 11, 14, 30, 31, 47
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most
Raise your horns (Amon Amarth) Sovengarde song, I am the fire (halestorm) Valhall awaits(amon amarth) Peace sells (megadeth) in my sword i trust (ensiferum)
7: What’s your strangest talent?
11: Do you have any strangephobias?
just heights & water
14: If you are outside, whatare you most likely doing?
walking in the woods 
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the samewith your left arm.
a glass of milk (check me out being healthy lol) & the wall
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
AC Origins & i may or may not be thinking too much about Villanelle
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jaytheinfinite · 1 year
AC Valhalla- Walkthrough Gameplay Part 34- A Distorted Dream (AC Valhall...
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folkstara · 3 years
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