#ACTUALLY WAIT. ok so we haven't watched the show in years btw. But also maybe he'd just keep Harry around to like. manipulate
euclydya · 1 year
i am surw we've said this before but hannibal would absolutely kill me for food crimes and that's hilarious. love that 4 me
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briankang · 2 years
i saw that ask you mentioned me in (you're so right btw!!) and even though i literally just woke up i am now In My Feelings about lee know. the thing that pisses me off about the "meanhoe" nickname and the way that some stays treat him is that, and i've said this in the tags of a lot of 2kr gifsets before, but me and lee know have the exact same personality. call it Scorpio Things or whatever, but when it comes to showing affection to the people we care about, lee know and me are exactly the same. i noticed it the most during the 2kr episode with him and chan, watching it felt so familiar because it was like every close friendship i've ever had - the other person would be acting all cute and clingy and i'd be like 🙄😒 but actually i'd appreciate a lot and in return i'd just like...... take care of them? we're the mum friends, like we're ride or die and we'll look after you and we'll love you forever but we're also going to complain about it the entire time. so when those stays act like lee know is actually genuinely being mean and cold it extra breaks my heart because it's so obvious to me that he's not. me and lee know look cold on the outside but on the inside we're made up entirely of heart emojis, we're like cats that show we love you by sitting quietly in the same room as you. and the fact that stays have even said it to him?? like actually told him on vlive that they think he's mean??? unthinkable, that must be so upsetting for him ☹ obviously the members understand him and love him and know that when he's being sassy or threatening their lives he doesn't actually mean it so like, how can people calling themselves a stay not get that? when it's so obviously the case??? idk man
and oh my god don't even get me started on how some stays see hyunjin (i am begging yt creators stop using the same clips from 3 years ago to show that he's a drama queen) and chan (holy shit i have to turn the chat off when i watch chan's room because i cannot believe what people actually say to him) and felix (i know i call him cute all the time but he's my ult so it extra pisses me off when people just straight up treat him like a literal child, and why is it always from stays who are younger than him??) but this ask is already become a novel and i haven't even had breakfast yet 😅
LKSDJGLKDSGKL i need u to know i mean this in a positive way. thank god someone else is willing to write novels about this shit i feel less alone now KLEWJDSGLKDSJGJLKK BUT NO!!!!!!!!!! LITERALLY EVERYTHING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok but ur so right about the scorpio thing bc some of my favorite people are scorpios (maybe its bc its also my rising sign) and this is. just how y'all are (affectionate) i love it sm....it's so fun to play off of esp as a libra (christopher and i act the exact same way LEKSDJGLKJLK like. ok astrology is not real but also.........)!!!!!!!!!! wait i had no idea people actually said that to him i feel................lol at people who just say shit like that to those boys there's NO tact and ONCE AGAIN!!!!!! acting like they're not people!!!!!!!!!!! WITH EMOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
lksdjglkdsjlk i always turn off chat if i happen to catch chans room but i usually dont watch (not bc of him obviously but) bc he always at some point reads smth so off the wall that makes me wonder who let these people have internet access there is NO filter!!!!! at all!!!!!!! the best moments end up in gifsets anyways i trust u all to filter out to pull out the best LJDSLGKLDSK but omg.....i had already made my last ask too long but felix.........god he gets. some of the weirdest mix sometimes i want to do a study and dissect the brains of some of these people. a lot of people tend to baby him and jeongin (but...not seungmin which is ????????) and i know its bc they have a generally cuter vibe (i usually will be like ah!!!!!! there's my son!!!!! but i'm....5-6 years older than them so its moreso affectionate.......like baby brothers y'know) but......some people will literally act like those boys are not young men in their 20s who are v capable of taking care of themselves AND YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT IN THAT IT DOES COME FROM PEOPLE USUALLY YOUNGER???? i do not understand it. again. i want to study these people under a microscope
but also i hope u have a good morning LKSJGLKSDJLKSD I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Oh god, men who are saying we misinterpret... 😂 Brought me a funny memory.
When I first had a irl crush 7.5 years ago, I actually came forward to him (he was my classmate) and told him I really like him/said it straight to his face that I have a big crush on him because we had had fun together and for example, he always waited for me at the train station when I came to school and literally RAN to me when I got out of the train and he always wanted to walk with me back to the class after lunch etc so my friends told me to go for it and see what happens. He got super confused, but the next day he messaged me being like "I'm sorry for getting confused yesterday. But I have feelings for you too."
Well we had a very nice time for a couple of months which included a lot of staring, blushing and smiling at each other and goofing together and having Facebook messaging with stuff like "I missed you at lunch ❤️" from him (after I couldn't go to school because train operators were on a strike) and EVERYONE IN OUR SMALL SCHOOL SHIPPED US, students and teachers and even the school cleaning lady, they called us JJ because his name also began with J 😂 (there was about 30 people total in our school) And my teacher told me afterwards that he saw that there's something going on between us and purposefully paired us for assignments etc.
Then my crush apparently developed a crush on our class assistant (at least that's what it looked like) and shortly after that he sent me a very frustrated toned message claiming that his sister had written that message to me where he confessed he has feelings for me too, and I had just misinterpreted all that cute behavior and wanted me to stop talking with him. 😅 Yeaaaaah right. So his sister apparently took over his body too and he couldn't help it????
I guess that was a psychological kick to my gut because I haven't been crushing on anyone real since that one.
I saw him at a pizza place 2.5 years ago on his birthday btw and he just stared at me and I just tried so hard to keep my face static so I wouldn't show that I recognized him... I don't know what he was doing here because everyone is like "where the frick is that???" when I tell them where I live and then J just appears at the local pizza place on his birthday??? He lives 70 kilometers away from me in a city so I doubt he came all the way here just to eat pizza 😂 This place literally doesn't have anything else than that, two small grocery stores, a small gym and pharmacy.
Just telling you this for peer support and maybe for laughs 😅
JENNI PLSSSSSSSSSS omg first of all i am so sorry men are so confusing and this is just such a prime example sakjdhsajk but also this is almost the same as what happened to me and this guy???? im putting this under the cut bc its so long and messed up BAHHAHA
granted we never explicitly confessed feelings for one another but we would hang out at school all the time, sit next to each other on the bus (AND HE’D LET ME REST MY HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER) and he lives like 2 streets behind my house so he’d walk me home and everything. he’d get weird when i hung out with other guys and would incessantly tease me about it to the point where i was just like ok maybe i shouldn’t. and i ended up going over to his house all the time because we were studying for our exams together but we’d just watch tv and lay on the couch and talk. i met his dad and even my mom asked if we were dating and our english teacher also asked my friend after we all graduated if we got together and it makes me scream!!!!! but then right when we graduated he started dating another girl in our class (i had to find out from mutual friends which was so shitty akjsdhaksd bc he never talked about it with me, even long after i found out). and i was like damn that sucks but whatever, i never told him how i felt. but we still kept in touch and when i moved away for college he hugged me and told me how much he’d miss me, and i just start to move on bc we obviously cant get together. 
fast forward to a semester into college, he’s messaging me all the time about how he misses me and asking when i’ll be back, i come home for break, and its radio silence. dude doesn’t message me until the end of break where he asks to hang out, and i find out later that the day he asked to hang out was the day after his girlfriend left to go back to college. we hang out, i leave to go back to college, and we text for a bit more before he stops talking to me completely. we don’t talk for like a year and a half and i find out it’s because he girlfriend didnt want him talking to me anymore and he freaking deleted my number. 
we somehow get back in touch through our mutual friend but he’s still with his girlfriend and whenever we hang out he lies to her about where he is. im super uncomfy and debating if i should cut him out bc i dont like him sneaking around his gf like that for no reason since we’re just friends. but at this point he starts getting weird and affectionate and telling me he wants to go to nyc to visit me, and always randomly asking me if i have a boyfriend. he gets on my case all the time about not replying to his texts fast enough and eventually he hits me with the whole ‘i love you so much’ situation after he got a good grade in his exam and was sharing it with me (which is so weird bc why would u say that while celebrating your grade). at that point i start really distancing myself, and eventually stop talking until recently :)
his gf even reached out to me to talk the whole situation through but honestly they’ve both got issues and im terrified of them both. 
i recognise my own part in this situation about sneaking behind his gf’s back but i just.................................................................. it was a lot. 
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wonwoosthetic · 7 years
Swedish Meatballs After A Long Day || Jake Gyllenhaal
                          MASTERLIST              WHO I WRITE FOR
Heellooo, it’s me again :) This time with a celebrity imagine of Jake Gyllenhaal and omg I LOVE this request and Jake of course. 
Btw, I have a French exam tomorrow and I’m not the best in French, any tips? Massive thanks in advance!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and thank you sooooo much @sweeet-temptationn for this request, I really hope you like it, I definitely enjoyed writing it :)
I hope it doesn’t seem rushed while you read it :(
Request:  Hi i was wondering if you can do a Jake gyllenhaal one where he cooks for reader instead of going out and its just really cute and fluffy
Pairing: Jake Gyllenhaal x reader
Warnings: none
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Swedish Meatballs After A Long Day
It was literally raining cats and dogs outside as you were driving home from work late in the evening. You had an important meeting with one of your clients, who wanted some advice from an experienced interior designer, which you have been for a good amount of years.
Your office wasn’t too far away from the house you have been sharing with your loving husband Jake for almost two years, but because of the horrible weather, you didn’t want to rush, but drive safe, even if it meant coming home later then Jake was expecting. The entire drive home, you had a bit of a guilty feeling in your stomach because your husband and you were actually supposed to go out on a date tonight, with him filming and you becoming more successful as an interior designer, you haven't spent a lot of time together lately and he wanted to be more in your presence. That plan was probably gonna fail.
As you were turning into the driveway, your phone started ringing and you could already guess, that it was your significant other with a worried voice, wondering where on earth you had been, but you didn’t want to answer since you were unable to see the road ahead of you clearly due to the rain pouring down.
After successfully parking the car, you took the keys out, placed them in your bag, which you had put on the passenger seat, and opened the driver's door. Immediately you placed the hood of your coat over your head and paced to the front door just to start pounding your fist against the front door because you were simply too lazy to look for the house keys in your bag and your hands were hurting so much from the cold weather. But not even five seconds later the door opened to reveal your husband of two and a half years with a relieved but also worried look on his face
“Oh my gosh (Y/N) where were you?”, while he asked, you entered the house by passing him through the front door. He closed the door and you could smell something very delicious, but decided to answer his question first
“I’m really sorry, babe, but there was this woman, that wanted to talk to me about her new living room and she just really didn’t shut up and I didn’t want to tell her to”, you explained while taking your shoes off “And then she wanted some more advice on what colour her new bedroom should have, that it would match the living room, which is quite odd and I tried explaining that to her -” you got cut off rambling after turning around to look at Jake, only to have him grab you by your coat and kiss you immediately.
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At first, you were a bit shocked by the sudden action of him, but you melted into the kiss very quickly and enjoyed the sadly short time of intimacy. He slowly pulled away with a little smirk forming on his face as he looked deeply into your eyes with his steel blue ones
“You’re not allowed to ramble about work anymore OK? I want to have a chilled evening with the most gorgeous woman on this planet and just enjoy her company. Deal?” AH, gosh dang it, you couldn’t say no to this man, no matter what, so you just nodded your head and gave him peck on his lips
“I’m sorry by the way for being late. Are we still going to (Your fave restaurant)?”, you wanted to know
He answered while turning you around so he could take your soaking coat off “Well... I know, that that was the plan for tonight, but I thought because of the weather circumstances, I would rather cook and we could make ourselves an even better evening at home. What do you think?”
You looked at him and agreed “Of course, but may I just ask what you one thing?” , “Sure, sweetheart”, he responded while hanging your coat up. You smirked at him “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
He let his head fall down and started laughing while walking towards the kitchen “Oh no, please, you did not just say that”, “Oh, you better bet I did”, you were now laughing too, as you were following him “But seriously, what are you cooking?”
“I decided to make something I have never made before. Neither for you nor for anyone else, including me. Drumroll please.” He asked you to drumroll. Wow, he really is still a kid. You jokingly rolled your eyes and did a little drum sound on the counter as he shouted “SWEDISH MEATBALLS”
“Yeyy”, you were genuinely excited, but you weren’t too sure about your husband actually being able to cook them “And you know how to make them?”
He went over to the stove, where noodles were already cooking, for the finished meal “Yeah, I found this recipe online”, your husband showed you a website on his phone, which was right next to the stove
“Alright, but maybe you should put your phone somewhere else, in case anything happens”. He nodded and you took his phone to place in on a different countertop.
Next to the noodles were the almost done meatballs in a pan. You decided to stand next to him “Can I help you with anything?”, he turned his head to the left to look at you “Nope, you just go, sit down and wait” and smiled
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He said this on purpose because he knew, how impatient you were “No, come on, I want to help” you begged him.
“Alright, alright. You can set the table, the noodles are gonna be done any minute.”, “Thank you”, you kissed his cheek before taking out two plates and cutlery for each of you. You started setting the table when you noticed something was missing. Drinks, right. What shall you guys drink?
Water? No, too boring.
Soda? You didn’t think you had any because neither of you drank those kinds of stuff.
And then it popped into your mind. Whine! Of course, oh my gosh, how could you forget?!
You strolled back into the kitchen to get two wine glasses and the bottle of red wine from your fridge. Jake was already putting the noodles into a bowl and the meatballs onto a big plate, ready to be served, while you were struggling with the wine bottle opener and the bottle.
“Here babe, let me help you”, Jake offered. You stepped aside and watched him open the bottle with ease, so you decided to defend your weakness “I loosened it up”. He turned his head and smiled again, with his beautiful teeth showing
“Of course you did”, he grabbed you by your waist and kissed you.
That feeling you get every time he does that is indescribable and you were sure, that you would never get used to it. After you parted Jake took the plate and the bowl, while you took the two glasses and the now open bottle of red wine.
After sitting down and eating for a while, while talking about pretty much everything but work, you decided to finally pour the wine into the glasses. After doing that both of you took your glasses of wine in your hands and your husband decided to make a toast “I want to make a toast. To the best wife, anyone could ever ask for. I’m very happy to be able to sit down right here with you and eat this delicious meal, that your incredibly amazing husband cooked for you.” he almost cracked, but continued “To you (Y/N). I love you”.
This was so cute. You couldn’t believe your luck, and still can’t “Thank you. Also to this meal, which my incredibly amazing husband cooked for me”, you winked at him “I love you too”.
You both leaned kinda awkwardly, not gonna lie, over the table to kiss and sat back down to sip at the delicious wine. The meatballs were really good, which shocked you a bit, to be honest, but the best part about that evening was still laying in bed with Jake after a long long day.
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Finally a new imagine -  two more to go. One about Jake again and another about Finn Cole, I’m very excited for them both :)
Anyways, I hope you liked it, I’m sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
I hope you have/had a great day :) leave some suggestions about how I could make it better, if you want :)
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woozi · 3 years
henlo yza <3 ,
hdjdkd i don't really have much knowledge abt different techniques & kind of dances so when the steps match the lyrics i'm like '!!! wow yes i love it' fhdjdjskks also bc i've grown up watching these kind of dances only so my that's what i tend to notice first hdjdjddk it is also one of the reason why i decided to stan svt dwc, oh my, thanks & our dawn is hotter than day's choreo details really impressed me.
maybe vincenzo is your svt club & ur so valid for that <3 hddjdjekek also pls don't say sorry!! you can talk abt it as much as you want i like knowing what you think. i'll let you know how was it for me when i complete it. & no homecha hasn't ended yet (idk if there are 16 or 14 eps i haven't checked) it does come on weekends, counting this sunday's ep, we're at 12th rn.
i get that fjdjdkkd i used to be the same 😭 always waiting for dramas to end so i can binge watch because not knowing what happens next would kill me. but idk when this happened, my will to watch anything died down bc the eps are just there, available for me to watch anytime. im like 'i'll watch it next time' but next time never comes 💀. this year i've watched no-air ones only hdjssj very surprising for me ( also my wack memory & svt content supports me by forgetting abt it after weekend ends dhdjdkkd) anyway i'm very excited to see how you like homecha!
CHURCH BOY JOSH HDHDJDDKKSLSDJ church boy josh, cringe domestic boy, joshua numbers. we've come up with so many nicknames for him in few asks only 😭😭 dbdjksksk deserve actually. BUT SO TRUE I STILL HAVE NO WORDS FOR HIM. THAT WAS- JUST- WOW OKAY WE SEE YOU 😭😭and dino lip piercing and hoshi eyebrow slit..... so sexy of them. cb concept pictures haven't come out yet & they're already shinning!! love to see that. also now we have gyu and hoshi's wedding reception pictures & cottagecore hannie (with that collarbone picture right in middle >:( wth mister but also hbd ig <3) being added in the equation.
IM CRYINGGGGGG THEY LOOK SO CUTE THEY ARE SO CUTE NOO 😭😭💔 HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THESE COVERS WTH (being the ex-directioner and all dhdjkdsksk). I SMILED SO WIDE WATCHING THEM <///3 it's been so long since i heard one thing wow lol. but! this means they know who zayn is. thank you for this jdjssk this is going to keep me happy for some time hdjdke. SUNDAY MORNING EHJEJEKE 😭 thank you <3 dndjdj
IKR???? IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CB I'M ALSO EXCITED TO EXPERIENCE IT WITH YOU. agreee truly bless svt for helping keeping us from losing it over life (by making us lose it over them) tbh sometimes it worries me too with the way contents keep dropping but just now in these unit interviews being released, perf unit shared how they have ppl who encourage them to be okay with their tiredness. things like that put me at ease. hope they rest well from time to time too. honestly just looking at their tour schedules i used to get tired because these dudes used to have more shows and less day offs and some of them being used to just move from one city to another. i hope in coming years pledis changes that lol.
sameee for the poster release hdjdkeek. also even though there was scheduler, i forgot abt the concept trailer 😭 it was raining & bcoz of that power was out as well & i don't use data dhdjdkdk. i think 5 minutes after 12 kst power came back (you can say joshu's sparkler brought it back hdjdjdks) it literally left me speechless. yk that meme ' everyone remembers what they were doing & where they were when it happened ' that's me & you with this cb hfjdkd honestly that's everyone with this cb me thinks.
seventeenies bringing the grass to you w their posts djdjkd ( btw you can always tell me if silly little jokes get out of hand i wouldn't ever like to make you uncomfy) but seriously i hope uni doesn't give you hard time. don't worry much just keep moving forward, at some point whatever is making you feel stuck will move away eventually.
is it that obvious? 😭😭😭😭 no i don't like rain at all dhjddk (i actually didn't dislike it as much during teens) mostly because road drainage system sucks here & we live in lower area so even moderate rain causes water logging. i'd give you some rain but this one's bad so i won't </3 ( as if i could if it were the good one 💀) stay hydrated!!! drink two sips of water everytime you hear dino laugh, i hope it cools a little soon.
that's what being on tumblr since 2012 does to you 😭 ALSO UR SO FUNNY PLS, SO ARE THE MEMES YOU USE FOR ASKS DJDJDKD. *hands you bunny headband dino* it's dangerous outside take this, you too stay safe out there 😭😭😭😭 love you too <3 and thank YOU for hanging out w me hehe :3, also dw tbh these asks have become one of the highlights for me now & i'm only using my free time excluding resting time, i hope you are too, no pressure at all! dw about being late - 🪂
ps - did i tell you i actually followed your svt blog around the time everyone was guessing your biases hddjkddj i sent mingyu & jeonghan dhdjdj that was my first ask :3 - 🪂
henlo, 🪂!! <3 <3 <3
honestly it doesnt matter to me tbh <3 if people enjoy the dance its all that matters!! and omg i can see that!! i love the svteenies always bring something fresh to the table
omg that means you're near the end 😭😭😭 i keep seeing gifs of it on my dash and it makes me feel a lil lovesick ngl HJFHJFHD why is it so TENDER????????????????
ok but that's so valid too bc that's me rn with in the soop.... i literally have not watched the 6th ep yet 😭 and i'm getting the feeling youre mentioning w swf now because i literally always look forward to tuesdays just for the next ep HJDHJDS also i am dumb what are no-airs HJDHJDHHD and ur not alone tbh <3 i have also been super forgetful lately and that is not like me fdhjdfjhdfhjdfhj we're rotting in this hellsite ig
love bullying him i just wanna know how he'd react if he gets upset <3 i dont think we've ever seen angry josh and i wanna make him angry sm HSDHJSDJ im glossing over dino lip piercing to directly go over hOSHI EYEBROW SLIT BC HELLO??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ive never really liked eyebrow slits but he makes them look so- i want him to hurt me HJDSHJDHJDS ALSO THE LATEST SET OF PHOTOS OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD they're giving me what i've been asking for i love being here sm <3 soonyoung's so chummy w everyone have u seen his photos w jihoon last night 😭 he's literally tamed the actual tiger icb this. and no oh my god i do not Know what Collarbone Jeonghan is i have erased him from my memories thank u
HDSHDSJDSHJDS the ex-directioner is so funny to me 😭 i think we have all been there one way or another <3 and ofc omg <3 i'm glad my core svt memories make u happy HSDJHJDFHJHJDSF
they literally said escapism hELP ME 😭😭😭😭😭 i think they're also just workaholics in general. i would be too if i actually enjoyed what i did for a living 😭 and are we even gonna get tours in the near future.... this is so sad i havent even seen them irl </3
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG that's terrible, i hope u guys were okay though :/ AND NOT THE JOSH SPARKLER FDDHJFHDFHJFDHFDH now i have to think about him oh my god i think i passed out a little when eyebrow piercing josh came on screen and just full on blacked out when the match scene came on tbh 😭 JKSDJKDSKDS ITS LIKE THE PANDEMIC!!!!!!! WE WILL RMB!!!!!!!!!
ALSOO NOOO OMG i dont feel uncomf at all and u should also tell me if i do make u feel so <3 thank u for even mentioning that!! also love that they're Doing It All for us we dont even have to go out to touch grass anymore HJDSHJSDJ i've actually been v happy w uni omg!! just that i often feel stressed bc they give us sm things to do </3 thank u for ur kind words!!
that's the price of being an adult JDJSJKD now we gotta think of things like.. idk the effects of rain 😭😭😭 i used to even love it when it flooded as a kid HJDSHJSDHJ now i get anxious too!! i love all kinds of rain though so i wont mind JKKSDKJSDKJD just that other people might be affected </3 wish i had my own rain cloud on some kind of leash lmao. ALSO IF I DRINK WATER EVERY TIME I HEAR DINO LAUGH FDHFDHJDFHD gonna be bloated but hydrated af ngl
oh my gOD YOU WERE HERE SINCE 2012???? we're literally sick bestie <3 i genuinely think tumblr has changed something fundamental in me and my way of thinking has not been The Same as idk.. regular people ig JDSHJSDHJSD THE OFFLINE PEOPLE!! smth about tumblr is so <3 sick but also i love this hellsite so 😗 AND NOOO NOT THE MEMES FDHDFHJDF its my broken sense of humor and inability to convey emotions properly HHSDHJDSHJ
BUNNY HEADBAND DINO?????????????????????????????????????? honestly he'd bring me more harm than protection i'll say that much 😭
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that genuinely made me feel so warm & fuzzy, i always look forward to your messages too <3 <3 <3 i hope u always have good days u deserve it for being such a sweetheart
WAIT HELLO???????????????????????? YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR SO LONG THEN 😭😭😭😭😭 and im so impressed you didnt get weeded out ngl HFDHJFDHJFD icb you've been witnessing me going more ill everyday <3 ur a soldier
and u are partially correct abt mingyu & jh <3 at least during the time JSDJDSJKSDJK i think i've been desensitized to mingyu now but i still love him sm <3 he's just so cute and cutesy boys kinda infuriate me in an affectionate way so HJSDHJDSHJDSH
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