#. ANYWAYS! I forgot what i was talking about.
leclerity · 3 days
just another stranger
Charles Leclerc x Ex-Girlfriend!Reader count: 1.4k words summary: After Charles's win in Monaco, he seeks you out, to mend things. a/n: everybody cried at the monaco gp but let's cry some more! (happy ending)
He wins in Monaco. You knew he would—it was only a matter of time—but you always thought you’d be by his side when he won.
Yet here you are, in your friend’s apartment, watching him as if you were just another stranger to him.
“He won,” your friend says, a moment too soon, and then: “CHARLES LECLERC WON IN MONACO!”
The room erupts into cheers and you’re watching half the race playing on the TV, half the track from the window, hearing the roars of the audience match those of your heart. Your friend hugs you and the rest of your friends are screaming, popping champagne as if they were the ones in the car, not your ex-boyfriend.
You feel an arm around your shoulders – it’s your best friend. “Are you okay?”
“You sure?”
“Promise,” you lie. “I’m fine.”
She goes away and you lean out of the window, hoping to catch the sight of his car passing by. If he drives slowly enough, if he remembers that this is where your best friend’s apartment is, if he looks up… You tell yourself not to hope, but your heart thumps in your chest, anyway.
The roars of the crowd come before the car, and then you see him – the striking red car with 16 stuck to the front. You’ve been here before—in Monaco, with him, in the paddock—yet now you’re watching him from a distance. It was his choice, all those months ago, but your final word.
He doesn’t look up.
Not that you see, anyway.
The victory lap finishes and your friends all rush to the couch to watch the podium, even though you can just about see if from the window. It’s not close enough to see anything more than tiny figures, dressed in splotches of colour, but it makes it just a little more real.
The podium comes and goes. You tear up, on the balcony, shifting between looking at the events in real life and on the TV. There’s the tiny voice in the back of your head, wondering if he’s wondering about you, too, but you try to push it down.
Still, on the podium, even with tears of joy in his eyes, you see him searching the crowd. They’ve already shown his family and most of his friends are down there and he knows it, and the voice suggests he might be looking for you, too.
“Let’s go out,” your friend says. “Celebrate.”
“I think I’ll sit this one out.”
“You don’t want to meet him by chance? Congratulate him yourself?”
You give her a look that tells her it’s just about the last thing you want.
Eventually, your friends leave, and you’re left by yourself, scrolling social media. He’s everywhere—all your friends from Monaco are posting about it, even those you haven’t seen since you moved away—and his face stares at you, guilt brewing in your stomach.
You’d made him choose.
He didn’t choose you.
When the door buzzes, you think it’s your friend who forgot her key—they’ve been out for a couple of hours now and they’d be at least a few drinks down—yet when you buzz them up and open the door…
It’s he who stares back at you.
“Hi, Y/N,” he says. “Can we talk?”
You let him in. He sits on the couch, still wearing his Ferrari shirt,
“I thought you’d have gotten changed by now.”
Charles shakes his head. “I, uh… I came straight here.”
You sit down, opposite of him. Through the open window, you can hear life from the streets of Monaco – loud, drunk people, celebrating the win as if it were their own. Your friends are there, amongst those people, but you…
“I know you moved away,” he says. “And I remember where your friend lives. And I hoped…”
He doesn’t finish. You see the cogs turning—the words flying around his brain, refusing to come out—and you smile at him. “Congratulations.”
He sighs. “Yeah. Thanks.”
“You’re not happy?”
“No.” Charles looks at you, his eyes crystal clear, and you know exactly what he’s going to say. “How could I be, without you?”
“How many times have we spoken about this? About the win, at home, with you by my side?”
Your body shudders as memories flood you: the nights spent together, whispering about it in the dark… The dream of him driving up the car and running up to kiss you, knowing that you made it… The promise of being there to watch him step on the podium as the anthem is played…
The guilt grows bigger, and you stifle a sob.
Charles shakes his head. “I wish you were there. I wish I hadn’t pushed you away. I wish I’d appreciated you more.”
But you didn’t, you want to say, but you don’t.
Old you would. Old you wanted to be the first, the priority, the number one to the great Charles Leclerc – only to always fall second, behind racing. Behind the car. Behind practice. Behind excercise. There was less and less time made for you, until you told him to choose.
He puts a hand on your knee. “I know this isn’t fair, but it’s been nearly a year, and I… I was wrong. I was wrong, okay? Coming home to an empty bed, not knowing how your day’s been, not seeing you in the paddock every race, Y/N, it’s killing me.”
It’s killing me, too, you want to say, but you don’t. You can’t—won’t—admit that out loud.
Someone’s laughter pierces through the night. Charles’s eyes dart to the window before they’re right back on you and he moves closer, and the part of your thighs touching shocks you to the core.
You try to remind yourself you’re just another stranger to him. You weren’t worth more than racing to him then, you’re not worth—
“You’re everything to me,” he whispers.
A tear falls down your cheek – he wipes it away before you can, and then he’s looking at your lips with water welling up in his eyes, too.
“I wish I could—I want to go back to a time before it was too late. I want to fix things. I want to do it right, and not be a damn fool again.”
His hands are on your cheek and you can feel his breath on your lips – all it would take is for you to lean in. Just a little movement, just a little show of faith. You whisper his name again, this time no more than a breath.
You feel him sigh. “It’s not winning if it’s not with you.”
Your lips are on his, tentative then desperate, trying to make up for all the words you can’t bright yourself to stay. His hands are on your cheeks, then your waist, then your back, and you feel like he’s touching you all over just to make sure you’re real, that he’s truly holding you, and not a dream.
You don’t say that the past few months have been the worst of your life. You don’t say that you were selfish, and that maybe you failed to account for who he is, and always will be—a racer—and maybe you were the one who was asking too much from him. Maybe you’d rather be second to him, than be anyone else’s first.
And maybe you’ve known this all along, but admitting it was too much – until today.
Until now.
The kiss comes to a close and Charles pulls you into him, skin on skin, and you’re melting into his arms. He places kisses all over your hair, your face, your neck and your chest, not letting go of you even for a moment.
Later in the night, when you’re lying in your friend’s spare bed, you see the winner’s smile for the first time as he kisses you yet again. Monaco is alive outside, with the night still a long way to go, but partying couldn’t measure up to the electricity surging from his touch.
“Y/N,” he says.
His thumb traces your lips. You’ve been here before—a million times—but this time, it’s different. It’s old and new, fresh and familiar, and just a little, you start letting yourself hope again.
“Now, I feel like I’ve finally won.”
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Maybe I Just Wanna Be Yours
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: oral (f receiving), handjob, sub Loki, edging & overstimulation, forced submission kinda, hair pulling, a lil choking, I hope that's everything lol
Genre: smut and I guess fluff
Summary: You make Loki realize something about himself that he was not expecting to learn.
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You plop down on the couch with your bowl of chips, getting comfortable to watch TV.
"Are you out here by yourself?" Loki's voice surprises you. You hadn't heard him come down the hall.
"Yeah." You glance at him over your shoulder with a shrug.
"Why?" His eyes narrow.
"I'm watching TV. You are familiar with that particular activity aren't you?"
"Yes I am, but why out here alone?" Loki rolls his eyes before sticking his head into the fridge.
"I wanted to leave my room. You're welcome to join me." You shrug.
"Why would I do that?" He scoffs.
"Believe it or not, some people enjoy doing things with other people in different spaces, you awkward little hermit." You roll your eyes. You walk over to the kitchen for a drink, realizing you forgot one.
"I am not a hermit." Loki crosses his arms. You grab a soda and walk over to Loki, leaning in close enough that he leans back suspiciously.
"This is the first time you've been out your room in like a week." You tell him.
"That is not true!" He steps away from you indignantly.
"It is, and that's fine. If that's how you like to live, I'm not judging you for it. But for me anyway, a change of scenery is good for the mind." You shrug walking back over to the couch.
"That doesn't make an ounce of sense."
"To each their own." You hum.
"You are a strange woman."
"Because I'm watching TV?" You tilt your head curiously.
"You spend your time so differently from everyone else here." He says.
"Yeah believe it or not I am an individual."
"That's not what I meant."
"I just meant that most of the tower is left unoccupied from day to day, except you, you seem to- be everywhere." He frowns.
"If you're content never leaving your room that's fine, like I said I prefer a change of scenery. Helps mark the passage of time when we're not off saving the world." You shrug.
"There is next to nothing worth doing on this miserable planet."
"You are ridiculously negative." You chuckle, pressing play on your movie of choice for tonight. Clearly, this conversation with Loki is over, you have no interest in going back and forth about his cynicism. You hear him take a sharp breath, if you had to guess it's like one of those breaths you take before speaking but he doesn't say anything and eventually you hear his shoes along the floor and you smirk as you check that he is indeed gone.
It's not necessarily that you enjoy getting under Loki's skin the way you so obviously do, but it is rather easy and no one else speaks to him, which is kind of sad. To be clear you don't pity him, in fact this back and forth he reluctantly engages in is you refusing to treat him any different than you would anyone else on the team. It just so happens that he's easy to rile up and you find it funny but really this is just you being inclusive.
"You know y/n I don't get how you do it." Tony drunkenly says. It's supposed to be game night but after an hour Tony's of course too drunk to play so now you're all just talking.
"How I do what, Stark?" You ask.
"Deal with reindeer games the way you do."
"Reindeer ga- do you mean Loki?" You blink at him. You're not even sure how the group ended up on the subject, he's not here. How long were you checked out of the conversation?
"Yes obviously." He scoffs.
"It would be obvious if you used his name. Why are we talking about him, anyway?"
"Tony decided the next topic of conversation would be the team and somehow we got to how Loki is pretty much a recluse." Natasha explains to you.
"Exceeeept he talks to you. How does that work?" Tony asks.
"I dunno man I just poke fun at him like I do the rest of you and wait til he gets red in the face." You shrug.
"You mess with him on purpose?" Thor frowns.
"No, no! Not- really? He just, okay I don't try to get under his skin exactly, it's just when he engages with me, it seems like he expects hostility. I just give him back what I get from him and I don't think he knows how to handle that. But he keeps talking to me so I guess something about it gets through to him."
"That's very weird." Tony says.
"You're really in no place to judge Tony, we all know your list of idiosyncrasies is practically never ending." You roll your eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Is idiosyncrasies too big a word for our resident mad scientist?" You ask.
"I know what the word idiotsinkities means." He scoffs.
"Right." You hum. The others burst into laughter at Tony's slurred attempt at defending himself. It seems to be enough to change the subject and the rest of the night proceeds without another weird interrogation- especially once Tony passes out.
You lean against the wall as you listen to this guy, Jack, talk. He's close enough for you to smell his cologne, mostly to be heard over the music and the crowd of partygoers. You laugh at some silly joke of his, because he's cute and you'll probably end up making out with him in a quiet corner of the tower later if he doesn't say something stupid before you make that decision. The sound of someone clearing their throat pulls your attention from your conversation. Loki is standing there with his arms crossed and faced squeezed.
"Oh? Look who's come out to play." You muse.
"Do you know this guy?" Jack frowns.
"Jack, this is Loki, he's on the team. Loki this is my new friend Jack. Don't be rude, say hello." You nod your head towards Jack. Loki narrows his eyes as if sizing Jack up.
"Hey man. Nice to meet you." Jack puts his hand out to Loki.
"I don't shake hands." Loki says.
"Right- did you need something? We were, kind of talking."  Jack says.
"I don't care what you were doing." Loki rolls his eyes.
"Play nice Loki." You say, practically singing the warning.
"I'm not a dog." Loki glares at you.
"Well don't go around snarling like one." You snap.
"Is something- going on between you two?" Jack frowns.
"No." You say firmly.
"Alright well I'm going to get another drink, do you want anything?" He asks.
"Just you back here soon." You wink at him.
"I'll be as quick as I can." Jack kisses your cheek and walks off while Loki breathes incredibly noticeably agitated as he rolls his eyes ago.
"Alright Loki, what is your problem?" You scoff.
"He looks like a jungle cat."
"Really? I don't see jungle cat honestly, he kind of looks like a deer to me." You hum.
"Not in his appearance I mean the way he was closing in on you, like a lion waiting to attack a gazelle." He frowns.
"What? You don't think I can handle the big scary man Loki? Don't insult me, I've killed things that would eat him for an afternoon snack." You scoff.
"It's not that I think you can't handle him. Something about him was just- off. Didn't like his energy."
"Something was off? You didn't like his energy? Really that's what we're going with?" With a hand on his chest you press Loki against the wall.
"What else could I possibly be going with?" Loki tries to keep his voice steady, but with your hand now trailing down his abdomen you can feel muscles tensing under your touch.
"Truthfully I think somebody didn't quite enjoy seeing me pay so much attention to Jack. Don't worry Loki, he couldn't possibly replace you." You hum.
"Don't be ridiculous." He scoffs. You smirk as your hand dances lower and you watch him go stock still when your fingers trace along the waistband of his pants.
"You won't get anywhere by lying to me you know." You say. His mouth drops open slightly as you curl your fingers for your nails to gently caress his skin. "Do you want me to stop Loki?" You whisper in his ear teasingly. As if a bucket of ice water was dumped on him you watch Loki jump back out of your reach and clear his throat before walking off with a glare. You frown as you watch him go, perhaps you pushed too far this time. You think you need to apologize. You start to make your way through the crowd and somehow get caught by Jack.
"Hey, where are you off to?" He asks.
"Looking for you actually, I need a bathroom but I didn't want you to think I was leaving you hanging. If you go back to our little corner I will find you again shortly, alright?" You tap his chest and bat your eyelashes before spinning away from him to continue your task of tracking Loki down. You pop into the nearest empty room.
"Friday, where the hell did Loki go?" You ask her. The tower is huge and since you lost sight of him while talking to Jack it could take you forever to find him on your own.
"He's on the Balcony lounge at the end of the hall upstairs." Friday tells you.
"Thank you!" You tell her, heading for the stairs. Sure enough, there's Loki brooding on the balcony by himself. You slide open the door and Loki's head whips around. When his eyes settle on you, they narrow.
"I've had it with your games tonight." He says.
"No games. I actually wanted to apologize." You say.
"For what?" He regards you suspiciously.
"If I went too far just now. I'm never trying to make you uncomfortable with the teasing. If I crossed a line I want you to know I wasn't trying to and I respect your boundaries." You say gently.
"You think that made me uncomfortable?" He scoffs.
"Well you did quite literally run away."
"You do realize I'm a god, don't you?"
"So what?" You shrug.
"People worship me y/n."
"People worship me too Loki. Shall I start calling myself a goddess?" You cross your arms.
"Of course not." Loki looks at you incredulously.
"Well I'm just saying darling if you're quantifying your power here by being worshiped there are people who would tell you I am the path to heaven. Or, I suppose for you it would be Valhalla, right?" You tilt your head.
"That's rather presumptuous."
"Don't misunderstand here. I never asked them to deify me but who am I to deny those who believe I know the entrance heaven's gate?"
"And where is that?"
"Heaven's gate?" You chuckle, quirking an eyebrow up at him. "I don't think you can handle the answer to that question Loki, truthfully."
"You have no idea what I can handle." He frowns.
"I'm sure you're very capable honey but you've made it clear that you and I have... very different types." You say.
"What's that supposed to mean?" The frown deepens.
"Why did you run off? If you weren't uncomfortable, what made you run and hide?" You ask.
"How does this pertain to my question?" Loki shakes his head.
"My question is the answer to yours."
"I don't follow."
"Answer the question, and I'll offer an explanation." You say. Loki lets out a harsh breath through his nose.
"Your behavior, is disarming."
"And you don't like being disarmed?" You tilt your head.
"It's not something I'm used to."
"Right." You hum.
"You said if I answered you'd explain the connection." Loki says.
"I like disarming people. It's something I do quite well, and often. You don't seem too fond of that. Which- obviously wouldn't work."
"It's something you do well with mortals. I'll remind you I'm a god."
"So you've said but I did it pretty well to you like five minutes ago." You shrug.
"You caught me off guard." He frowns.
"It's not like I couldn't do it again."
"That's a rather bold assumption. One that I'm inclined to disagree with." His brow furrows.
"That's cute." You chuckle.
"I'm not so easily frazzled as your pathetic midgardian males." Loki insists.
"What just happened does not support that claim, but your insistence is exactly what I'm talking about when I say you're not my type. Putting you in your place would be so much trouble." You shrug.
"Putting me in my place?! On the contrary darling I would have you begging me. You'd call me king."
"What do I care for a king when there people who call me their god?" You scoff tugging at Loki's shirt to bring his face closer to yours. "Do you get it yet Loki? You want control and I'm unwilling to give it. You think too small to ever command me."
"You don't know that." His eyes narrow.
"Your breathing stuttered when I grabbed your shirt. Plus there's not a creature in all the nine realms thinking big enough to command me darling. Don't worry it's not just you." You wink at him pulling back and turning away from him to leave.
"Your attitude is insufferable." Loki growls grabbing your wrist and pinning you against the building with a hand around your throat.
"Is it?" You smile trailing your fingers from his wrist up his arm. You watch his jaw tense as his eyes snap between your face and your hand a couple of times before his gaze settles on you. His grip on your neck tightens as your fingers reach his shoulder. There, you shoot your hand quickly into his hair, fisting a handful of it and yanking, hard. Loki's head snaps back and his knees almost buckle as a strangled moan escapes from him. Your other hand grabs his wrist attached to the hand on your neck, his grip has loosened to practically nothing from your sudden hair pull but this is about power and control and if he's determined to convince you he's got some here you're determined to ensure he knows that's not true. "Let go Loki." You say in that sultry commanding tone you usually reserve for submissives. Slowly, his fingers unfurl until they no longer hold you and you finally release his hair, only to knock his ankle in such a way that he drops to his knees. He snaps his head up towards you with a glare in his eyes but all you do is smirk at him. "Shame you're such a brat, you look so good on your knees for me." You hum tilting his chin slightly. You lean forward, close enough to feel his heavy breaths against your face. "Goodnight Loki." You whisper. You drag your finger from his chin up his cheek and then turn away, leaving him on his knees on the balcony with more questions than he can answer as you return to the party.
The loud knock on your bedroom door pulls your attention from the show you're watching. You almost don't want to get up but whoever is looking for you seems rather incesent so you roll out of bed and swing open the door to find Loki in the hall.
"Loki? What are you doing here?" You cross your arms and lean against your doorframe.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Look whatever Tony said to upset you, you can always get him back by calling out that he's a spoiled brat with daddy issues and a lack of self control so embarrassingly pathetic it's a miracle Pepper wants to be within 10 feet of him let alone spend the rest of her life with him." You sigh.
"That was- scathing and rather immediate, do you just spend your free time thinking of nasty things to say?" Loki blinks at you.
"No but I do have an arsenal of harsh comments if ever I need to hurt someone's feelings." You shrug.
"I'll- keep that in mind but this isn't about Anthony Stark." He shakes his head.
"Well, what is it then?"
"Could I- do you mind if come in?" He asks. You poke your head into your room checking for anything you don't want him to see.
"Fine." You say after confirming your room is clean. You open the door fully and let him through the doorway. "What's this about Loki?"
"The party the other night. Do you, remember what we talked about?" Loki asks.
"Well yes but you'll need to be more specific on where this is going."
"I just, I've been thinking about it and I think you're wrong and I'd like to prove it to you."
"Oh this should be good. Wrong about what exactly? Because I think I made myself quite clear. You'll never get the control from me that you seem to think you want." You shrug.
"No that much is obvious. But you said I wasn't your type and I think that's- not true." Loki's brow furrows as he speaks.
"What a shocking turn of events." You hum.
"Do not mock me." He sighs.
"I'm not. You were so insistent you couldn't possibly fit the bill I'm surprised by the turn around."
"Believe me so am I but, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that night. Something about you forcing me to my knees I just- something happened."
"Something happened?" You quirk an eyebrow at him.
"You disarmed me again but- I liked it. I think. And I'd like to try and understand that."
"Say it Loki."
"You said your partners worship you, show me how to do the same." Loki says.
"And you're sure you want this? If you misbehave I can be very mean."
"I'm sure." He nods.
"Then we'll have to discuss some things first. I won't touch you until I've asked some questions." You shake your head.
"Ask me anything."
"How do you feel about restraints?"
"No handcuffs. Ropes are fine."
"How are you with pain?"
"I don't know my limits but I'm not- opposed." He says.
"I'm not going to paddle you or anything darling it's much too soon for any of that but we'll use a stoplight system anyway. I'll check in frequently but at any point you can say yellow if you realize you're reaching a limit or red if you need something to stop. You'll also need a safeword."
"I don't need a safewor-"
"I don't know your limits, you don't even know your limits. It's a nonnegotiable Loki, you need a safeword. Pick one." You say.
"If I must, I'll use another color. Gold."
"It's easy to say, I wear it a lot, do you think it'll get confusing?"
"Nope. As long as it's something you can remember." You shrug.
"I can remember gold." He says.
"Then gold it is. And Loki?"
"You must promise me you will use it if you need to." You say.
"I won't need to."
"Don't start with that nonsense." You roll your eyes. "I need to know you'll use it if it comes to that."
"Fine. If it comes to that, I'll use it." He nods.
"Good. Couple more components. Overstimulation and or edging. Where do you fall?"
"I think you underestimate my resilience." He frowns.
"These are things I ask all of my submissives Loki you are not exempt. Not everyone likes the same things. You're lucky I'm not making you fill out my entire questionaire right now. You'll have to do that later." You scoff.
"I have homework already?"
"If you want this to continue after today you will. For now, overstimulation and edging."
"That's fine with me."
"Can we- hold off on those until we have a longer conversation about it?"
"Absolutely. How do you feel about names? Do you like being called mean things? Are there certain pet names you don't like?"
"When you say mean things-" Loki trails.
"Mean names like slut or whore, I might scold you for 'making a mess', or tease you for being responsive."
"If- you say something that strikes a nerve I'll say so. Otherwise proceed whatever way feels natural." He says.
"Do you have any questions?" You ask.
"No." He shakes his head.
"Well that's the end of the preliminaries."
"So we can start now?"
"You think you're ready?"
Loki drops to his knees hesitently, looking at you with wide eyes.
"From here on you'll address me as mistress, is that understood?"
"Yes... mistress." Loki says. You can see the wheels turning in his head, trying to decide how he feels about it.
"I know I said this the other night but you really do look so perfect on your knees for me." You hum grabbing his chin. You wrap your fingers around his throat and bend over to kiss him. Loki reacts eagerly to your kiss, leaning up into you as much as you'll allow given your hand still holding his neck. When you pull away his mouth tries to follow yours but you hold him in place. Part of you just wants to look at Loki on his knees for a couple of hours, one day you'll tie him up real pretty and take pictures of him kneeling for you. "You want to learn how to worship me do you?"
"Please mistress." Loki breathes out. God that was hot. You're already thinking of ways to make him beg. You pull your shorts off and Loki's gaze falls to the apex of your thighs, still covered by your underwear, but his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"Take my underwear off, with your teeth. Just your teeth." You tell him. Loki leans forward and latches onto a corner of your panties with his teeth. It takes him a moment to get the hang of it but you watch as Loki works them over your hips slowly. Once they're off, you thread your fingers through his hair, using the leverage to angle his gaze back up to yours. "Let's see if that silver tongue of yours is good for anything other than those silly retorts of yours hm?" You hum shoving Loki's face towards your pussy. He reacts quickly, tongue lapping at your center with fervor. You tug at his hair, arching towards his mouth, as he works you.
"That's it Loki, keep going." You moan. Loki looks up at you while he seemingly tries out a few patterns, trying to work out what you like best. You pull his hair when he does something you like, enjoying the way he groans when you do. "Wrap your lips around my clit and suck." You tell him. Loki is quick to follow your instructions and it doesn't take long for you to coat his mouth in evidence of your orgasm. You pull his head away from you, petting his head affectionately. "That was a good start. Up. Lay on the bed and take off your shirt." You instruct stepping back. Unsteadily, Loki stands up and walks over to your bed, stripping his shirt before he lays down. His body is stiff, probably since your instruction was vauge.
"Relax Loki. You look so- rigid." You chuckle sitting next to him on the bed. You allow yourself to simply admire his exposed chest, using your fingers to trace the plains and valleys of lean muscle that tense up at your touch. Eventually, you drag your hand down, dancing along the edge of his pants allowing the anticipation to build before you slip your hand beneath his jeans. Over his boxers, you stroke his dick, tracing veins and feeling it's size through his underwear.
"Uh... M-mistress?" He says breathily.
"What is it Loki?" You hum, with your free hand you work his jeans down his legs enough to see what you're doing to him. His grey boxers are already a bit darkened from pre-cum.
"If, if you keep doing that I'm- I'm afraid I'll make a mess of myself rather early." Loki frowns.
"So what?"
"W-well it's it's embarrassing mistress." He says, though little grunts interrupt his words.
"Embarrassing? So you don't want me to touch you?" You ask slowing your movements.
"N-no mistress that's not what, I do, want you to touch me. If that's what you want to do." He scrambles.
"See that's what I thought." You say speeding up again. Loki jerks against your hand low moans filling the room as you watch him react to your touch. You continue to stroke him over his boxers, watching the darkened spot of pre-cum grow ever so slightly bigger. You notice immediately when Loki's hands grip your sheets tightly. He must be getting close. It prompts you to increase your ministrations.
"M-mistress wa-wait stop I, I'm too close- I'll ruin my-" Loki doesn't finish his sentence. A shuddering moan accompanies the visual of his orgasm darkening most of the front of his boxers, wet streaks ruining much of the light grey fabric. There's something you quite enjoy about the sight even as Loki's cheeks tinge pink with shame. "I'm sorry." He mutters.
"Don't apologize. I wanted that to happen. As for the rest of your orgasms you'll have to earn them. You must ask for my permission to cum for the rest of the session. If you cum without my permission there will be consequences. Am I understood?" You grab his chin to make him look at you.
"Yes mistress." Loki says, eyes wide, searching your face, for what you're not sure.
"Good." You say pulling his dick out of his soiled boxers. You lick along the length once, reveling in the hiss Loki lets out no doubt from sensitivity. His previous orgasm makes for plenty of lubricant as you begin stroking him again, slowly. Loki's breaths come out in shudders and you lean over to place kisses and hickeys along his throat. Each bloom of red along his neck and chest pulls sweet moans from him until the sensitivity wears off. Soon, surprisingly soon, you see him grab the sheets again.
"Mistress I, I'm close-"
"So soon? Wow." You taunt.
"Can I cum mistress?"
"But before you didn't want to. Remember? You even asked me to stop." You slow down, almost stopping.
"No nonono that was- that was different I didn't mean it that way-" he seems to give up on his defense in favor of a groan at the sudden decrease in stimulation.
"Well, I was so kind in giving you the first one and you didn't even thank me. So you'll have to really convince me you want another." You shrug when his harsh breathing slows a bit you pick up the pace of your strokes again. When Loki grips the sheets you slow down again and when the tension dissipates you pick up. You do this three or four more times before Loki's moans start to transform in to pathetic sounding whines, his chest is red, his knuckles are white, and his dick is throbbing in your hand.
"Please- mistress." Loki pants.
"Please what baby boy?"
"I can't- I can't do it. I need to cum, I need to, please. Please mistress."
"You need to?"
"Please! Please mistress. Please let me cum. Oh god I need you to. Please." Loki's begging is boarderline hysteric, he's trembling and half of his words come out as moans.
"I do love to hear you beg."
"Please!" He whines out.
"Oo that was a good one. Very well, go ahead and let go for me sweetheart." You say sweetly, stroking faster to help him along. A few pumps later and he's spilling onto himself and your hand with a cry that makes your walls clench around nothing. You continue stroking him through it and even after he's coming down. You wonder if you can't pull one more from him. Loki jolts against your touch, scrambling as if to escape it but unable to go anywhere really.
"G-g-gold! Gold. I can't. Please." Loki pants out.
"Hands up." You say as you do exactly that. "Sorry Lo I- guess I got carried away. I'll get a towel for you." You get off the bed and grab a towel, wetting one side to clean him off and using the other to dry him after. You hand him an extra blanket after. "Give yourself some time to recoup okay?"
"You're cruel."
"I wasn't trying to be. You just- fell into your role so well. I told you I'm not easy. But I'll remember you're still new to this and be sure to treat you gently in the future. Mr. you underestimate my resillience."
"I can handle it."
"With time I'm sure. No rush now." You shrug.
"Wait- don't go anywhere please." Loki grabs your wrist.
"You need water honey."
"Later." Loki tugs hard enough to pull you into the bed next to him. You sigh and wrap your arms around him, playing with his hair gently. Loki will make for one interesting submissive if he decides this is something he wants long term. You'll have your work cut out for you, but maybe he's better suited for this than you think. Only time will tell I suppose.
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soobibabe · 1 day
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pairings: jeon jungkook + reader synopsis: Your husband orders a box of special chocolates for the two of you to try together, suggesting that you see who can resist each other the longest. (spoiler: they forgot about the game the second they're within each others proximity) warnings: dom!jk, low-key switch reader, penetrative sex, unprotected, oral (m. receiving), no use of "y/n", fingering (he fingered his cum into her), explicit language, praising, BREEDING KINK, fem bodied reader
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"Kook? Did you order these?" you shout from your doorstep, examining the sealed, unfamiliar package that showed up on your porch unannounced.
You certainly didn't do any online shopping this month, so there's only one other person who could have.
Jungkook appears in an instant upon hearing your call. You turn around to face him, and to your surprise his eyes beam when they meet the box in your hands. "Mhm" he replies, grabbing it out of your hands and pulling you back inside the house.
"What's got you so excited?" you ask looking at the man tearing apart the box like a kid on Christmas day opening presents.
He dips his hand into the package and pulls out a box of chocolates. You stare blankly, shocked that man — your husband, who hates more than half of the sweets you buy — the man who always preaches about how savory and spice is better — is this gaped by chocolates that he ordered.
"Are you serious?" you inquire. "They're not just chocolates, baby. They've got good stuff inside them" he spurs in one breath, kissing you before dragging you with him to your bedroom. "C'mon, we've got a game to play".
He sits beside you on the bed, unwrapping the golden package and snapping a piece of chocolate in two, handing you one.
"They're aphrodisiac chocolates. Taehyung tried it last week and told the group chat that we all have to try it. You know I love challenges, right?" he explains.
"One serving each and the aim is to see who'll give in first" You're stunned, you can't believe your husband wants to part take in this when you both know he can't keep his hands off of you. "Alright, I'll play this stupid game with you, but what are the stakes?"
"I didn't think about all of that," he scratches his head "Let's just eat the chocolates " he grins, waiting for you to comply, and you do.
After 10 minutes of just talking about Taehyung's experience when he had the aphrodisiacs, you begin to feel the effects. You could tell it was impacting Jungkook too when his voice became a little shakey, trying to conceal it out of pure competitiveness.
Alas, you weren't gonna make this easy for him. It was his idea anyway. You crawl over to him while he blabbers on about Kim Taehyungs sex life, and straddle his lap, hearing the words die down in his throat to a gulp as you do so.
"Do you wanna fuck me, koo?" you whisper in his ear, knowing it'll drive him insane. You squirm on top of him in an attempt to settle yourself comfortably on his thighs, feeling his cock grow ridiculously harder beneath you.
"Don't fucking taunt me, baby" he bites back. He pulls his shirt off, grabbing your hand to drag it along his torso, feeling every square inch of the muscles under your touch relax and contract. He stops at his sweats, pressing your smaller hand against his bulge. "Feel how hard I am for you?"
It's torturous how difficult it is to not reach under his boxers and put him right inside you. Instead, you distract yourself by making busy on his neck, leaving pretty trails of love bites on him.
You know the marks work him up. He loves the idea of claiming you as his, and vice versa. Whenever you leave them, though it isn't often, he doesn't do a thing to hide them.
"Fuck, baby please take this off." he nearly whimpers when he voices this. His fingers dance at the hem of your top, trying his best to not rip it off of you.
You peel the layer off, leaving you in only your shorts and bra. "You're so beautiful" he contends. He takes in all of you, admiring every stretch and curve. "You were made for me" he whispers.
"Can I suck you off, kook?" you request, and he looks at you with an expression that says 'Why bother asking?'.
"Do you think I'd say no to my wife wanting to give me a blowjob?" he asks, voice dropping a few octaves lower than his usual soft tone.
With that confirmation, you tug his pants along with his boxers down his thighs. Your hands wrap around his length like second nature, guiding the tip to your lips.
You stick out your tongue, tracing light circles around the head until you finally take it into your mouth, slowly going inch by inch down your throat. As a result of Jungkook previously insisting on size training, it doesn't take long to take him in all the way.
You bob your head on his length, hollowing your cheeks to wrap snuggly around his shaft. He's in bliss watching you please him so well. "Good girl" he groans.
His hand tangles in your hair, helping you take him further as he pushes down gently. "I love you" he murmurs in a hushed tone.
"I'm so close already, fuck" he chuckles, he's never been one to not last long. "Baby pull off, there's something I wanna do, but keep your hands on me."
You obey, maintaining the same pace with your hand on his cock, sitting up between his thighs. "Undress for me," he says breathlessly, on the verge of his climax.
Once your clothes are all off, he aligns himself with your core, fucking himself harder in your fist. You've both long forgotten about the whole 'challenge' by now.
Jungkook cums all over your cunt and stomach without warning, his head thrown back in ecstasy. He pulls you into a deep kiss, riding out his high whilst his hand dips into the distance between your bodies.
He gathers the substance of his orgasm onto his fingers and shoves them inside your sopping pussy, causing you to moan into the kiss.
His fingers thrust mercilessly into you, making your legs involuntarily clench together. "Keep every last drop inside if you" he utters, pulling away from the heated kiss.
He let you have your fun with him, but now it was his turn. There is nothing more he wants to do than fill you up.
"Fuck, right there!" you chant, followed by pleas and cries of his name which sound like music in his ears.
"That's it" he purs, knowing exactly where to curl his fingers to abuse your g-spot. He feels you clench around his hand, your body wanting more than just his fingers.
"Gonna let me fuck a baby into you, Mrs. Jeon?" you nod, too fucked out to give a vocal response other than whines and moans.
"It's about time we had a mini us, yeah?" the thought of you carrying his baby turns him on more than he thought possible.
He replaces his fingers with his dick by lifting and slamming you by your hips onto him, suddenly flipping you over so that he's hovering over you now.
"Can't wait to make you a mama, you'll look so pretty round with our baby" he declares with his hand on your tummy, pistoning his hips relentlessly as he fucks you into oblivion.
"Can't - ah — wait to make you a daddy, kook" you mutter between his harsh strokes, and it makes him feel feral. The words coming out of your mouth only gets him going more.
"S-shit, gonna fuck you every day till youre leaking with my seed for weeks." he enunciates with each thrust.
His words send you spiraling through your orgasm. His eyes glisten with lust as he watches you lose yourself all over him. "Fuck, baby you're perfect. Took it so well." he bends over to kiss you while he continues to fuck you through your climax, til his own follows not long after yours.
He stills, no longer pumping in you, and slowly pulls out, watching in awe the product of both your arousal spill from you.
"I love you" he whispers into your skin when he drops beside you pulling you into an embrace.
"i love you more, kook" he hides his face into your neck when he blushes.
"I hope it's a girl" he confesses out of the blue. "We don't even know if I'm pregnant yet" you giggle.
"Well you will be, I'll make sure of it," he says with certainty, and you wonder where this confidence comes from.
"Round two in the shower?" any ounce of timidness he had 30 seconds ago when you told him you loved him is gone. He is one feral man. Only for you.
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A/N: need to have a 3sum w these 2
add yourself to the taglist.
find my masterlist here 𝜗𝜚⋆
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11cupid-tarot11 · 3 hours
A Letter From Your Future Spouse
1 -> 4
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Cupid's Services Cupid's Master List Socials
Tips appreciated!
C@sh app and P@ypal only!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
︻デ═一 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 1- Four of Wands, The Fool, Page of Swords, Nine of Cups, Page of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune.
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"Hi you! I've been sleeping a lot, can't seem to do anything else lately because of how tired I've been. Finally. I can sleep as much as I want to now because of a situation that just so happened to end recently. Death.
What now? See, I've been wondering the same thing. But let's not even worry about it, let's just sleep as much as we want to because we finally can, even if it's only a little nap time out of your day do it because I gotta see you one last time later, I've got a message for you in your dreams. Spirit will tell you, don't worry about missing it or when <3
Resting so much so when I do have to work, you know, find that balance again between work and fun, I can focus on what's so important to me a lot better, I mean really give it my all... You know? Lol
Sorry, I dream a lot, you might notice my head is always in the clouds. I have very air energy like a Gemini.
Things are finally clearing up for me! I feel at peace, maybe we mirror each other and things are also getting better for you too? You have to let me know, okay? I feel like I can finally breathe again, be optimistic without being scared the rug is going to get snatched from underneath.
I've been working so so hard on my craft, putting in so much love and effort into my work and I feel really hopeful that all of my productivity will pay off soon, consistency is key, right?
I really like the color yellow, 😄 talk again soon!"
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll below 👇🏾 ✨
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 2- Knight of Wands, I forgot to write down the rest of the cards I'm so sorry 😞
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"I have no problem with putting in hard work for anything I want, even you, you know? If you don't want me the moment we catch eyes I'll make you ;)
The moment I catch you I'm going to make sure I never stop loving you, I'll make sure every day is beautiful, even on our bad days we'll kiss each other good night before bed still. I love you!
Why do you keep worrying yourself? All of that doubt in that pretty little head of yours isn't good, you should lay it all to rest before you make yourself sick baby. Sleep more, practice some self care before you run yourself crazy, okay?
I'm so proud of you, you know, for whatever amazing things you've accomplished lately. I believe in you, I'll always be your #1 cheerleader!
You should go out and celebrate! Enjoy the sun, you deserve it my angel! Promise me you won't let this go by like it's just not that big and you'll go out and do something? Pinky promise?
Stay focused! You're on the right path, you're doing amazing! I promise you, all of this will be worth it, it's worth our future 💓 keep going, I know you can do it! 🎉"
Hope you enjoy!!☺️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 3- Queen of Cups, Justice, Four of Cups, The Moon, Three of Swords, The Star.
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" Hi my love, you know I don't talk a lot haha, so I'll make this quick as usual and get out of your hair so you can go on.
I just want to remind you, you're my queen, my favorite, my whole world ❤️ I think red looks really pretty on you btw but anyway, I love and miss you like crazy at times like these.
I am going through something right now, a legal situation, a situation I wish would come to an end right now because it's so heavy on me, it's hurting me but I know at the same time it's happening to me because it's part of my karma, something that's forcing me to look so closely at myself, at every shadow because I think it leads me to you. My everything. We're going to get married, I'm so sure of it.
I'm keeping hope alive, I'm hanging on to every thread of it I've got. I'm working on everything right now, I'll catch up with you soon sweetheart 💋 I'm going to kiss you when I do, you won't be able to get rid of me. ;) "
Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 4- Ace of Cups, The Hanged Man, King of Wands, Nine of Cups, Knight of Cups, Nine of Wands.
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"I want to come to you with amazing news but I can't, I'm sorry to say, I've taken a turn for the worst right now. Don't worry, it's temporary.
I am slowly building myself back up, that's what I'm doing right now if you're wondering what I've been doing all this time. I'm healing day by day and I hope you are too sweetheart. I might be a bit stuck and tangled up right now, but I'm clearing through it!
I'm the kind of guy who will pursue you with nothing but kindness until I make you fall for me with your charm, I'm cute, I know I am, you'll love me, I have curly light hair, and a really cute smile. You'll think I'm so adorable.
I want to offer my heart to you, fully, 100%. You have me, all of me as long as you give me you in return, I hope you do, I can't be without you once I know you.
Take care my love ❤️."
Hope you enjoyed ❤️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
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chromatic-lamina · 3 days
Chapter 1117 Spoilers
Ahhh. I'm quivering. We don't get Law, but we get!
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Bepo and Bepo is thinking about Captain (so he's not dead, and neither is Bepo...All patched up with his little bandage). Not too distraught, so I'm trusting the Hearts are okay, AND
Will of D. <3
The scans say that the Japanese ends with mo (も), which can be a conjunction similar to 'and' (or is it a particle? I don't know). BUT, could also be the beginning of a name or noun (Momonosuke). Or extra thing (more...)
BUT, it's interesting that all are named or shown, bar Law. Bepo of course is a representative, but where is Law? Also, I don't think the navy knows about Law's status (so I don't know if Vegapunk did), BUT intriguing. Where is Jaguar D. Saul? (maybe Oda forgot him, or there will be another reveal).
Honorable mention to this D. too!
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Vivi! Shown, but not named. (Interesting that the Wiki lists her as a D. by the way, but not Law's family. I think it's an oversight for Law).
Ah, Robin and Law must be champing at the bit. I'm hoping Law's not part of SWORD, but I'll roll with it if he is (just looking at those backgrounds). Bepo's is similar to the marines featured. Also, I hope that Law's listening in!
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Ay-oop! look who washed up on the soar! Heh-heh. Shore. Our favourite ancient zoan, Drake. So, he saved Garp and Co? I wasn't sure which Captain Kujaku was referring to here (below)).
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It doesn't seem very Garp-like to want space. I am betting that Hibari is Akainu's granddaughter rather than daughter in the way that Kujaku is Tsuru's granddaughter, and Luffy is Garp's grandson, because it makes sense (generation-wise), and ties into the "It's our turn to step up" line from Kujaku. Interesting!
Anyway, just popping in to drop a bit of excitement. It seems the iron giant got blitzed, but I'd say it's its own form of ancient weapon, so it might not be over and out yet. I wanted to repost what Sandman said on Twitter last week, and which I also thought:
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The Japanese has 'tanoshimi' (enjoy, fun, etc.) in quotation marks, which strikes me as maybe Rayleigh being sarcastic. For example, what knowledge has the older generation withheld from the younger? and is that withholding a benefit to them, or does it just make it that much harder for them to find the truth? (and increase their chances of being in danger?)
Speaking of which, do you think Rayleigh will survive? Does he know too much? Knowing Oda, he will, but it's curious that there are remnants of the crew out there with all the answers that others are seeking.
Of course, the true history and Will of D. and One Piece are not necessarily of equal weight, but man, Oda's not discounting any of them either!
Just rambling. Also, link to Sandman's post.
OOH, I almost forgot. Talk about gritty characters (even if they're made of smoke)
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Smoker!!! It's been too long. Good to see ya'! (where there's Smoke there's Law...maybe? Heh-heh. Just joshing. They look good together, though).
Another also bit! It's way at the end of my post but at the beginning of the manga: Pearl's look has always reminded me of the Pearl Diving bells (or the helmets divers wore), so I think it's clever of Oda to place him at the section where they're talking about exploring below the sea.
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illuminatedferret · 2 days
One-Word Ficlet Prompt #7: Bite
Word count: 1076 (oh boy...)
Hualian try out a bodyswap! It leads to some realizations...
I wrote this WEEKS ago and just kept putting uploading it off. Whoops!
When Xie Lian opened his eyes, he only had one. Dizzy, he blinked rapidly in an instinctive attempt to clear his sight before remembering the problem with that.
“Ah, San Lang- oh!” he was also unprepared for the deep rumble that came from his throat, far lower than his own voice had ever been. It sounded even deeper than usual, coming from his own throat. “Your voice really is deep, San Lang!”
“Mm, has gege finally noticed?” Hua Cheng teased. Xie Lian was fascinated by the look of him- how with just a smile, he turned a familiar face -his own- into something impish. Swept up in the tide of potential body-swap shenanigans, he stuck his tongue out at the man, imagining what it must look like: the fearsome Crimson Rain sticking out his tongue like a child. Hua Cheng's surprised whoop of laughter suggested his mental image was fairly accurate. He grinned.
“What a beautiful smile on such an ugly face,” Hua Cheng said, leaning forward in his lounge upon the bed, a hand propping up his head.
“San Lang!” Xie Lian scolded him. “Don't talk about yourself like that.” There was no face more beautiful than Hua Cheng’s, after all.
“But gege, I don't want to be vain.” Hua Cheng pouted, a supremely bizarre look on Xie Lian's own face. That was the look that drove Hua Cheng wild in bed...?
Xie Lian laughed. “You're worried about being vain?” he dryly asked. Since when had that ever been a concern of his?
“Perhaps my husband likes me humble,” said the bold-faced liar who knew very well the aforementioned husband loved him exactly as he was.
“You're incorrigible,” Xie Lian said fondly. An unrepentant smile was the response. It really was odd to look across the bed and see his own face pulled into such an expression, familiar by appearance but made queer by structure. But Xie Lian was accustomed to seeing his own face, and had a significant weakness for his husband. So no matter how strange it was, he couldn't help liking it anyway.
“And how is gege liking my body?” Hua Cheng asked. “Any complaints?”
“Of course not.” Absolutely zero. Hua Cheng had rigged his heart to beat, so for all intents and purposes Xie Lian still resided in a perfectly normal body, missing no functions whose absence might distress him. “It's been a while since I had only one eye. I forgot how disorienting it can be at the start.”
Hua Cheng frowned, but Xie Lian had already mentioned his experience with eye injuries before they'd performed the Body-Switching Spell. So though he was displeased, he held his tongue. If Xie Lian wanted to switch back, he would say as much.
Xie Lian swung himself off the bed, still blinking, marveling at the change in perspective Hua Cheng’s taller body offered him. “Ah, you’re really so tall, San Lang.” A few steps had him crossing the room with ease. “And your legs, too! I wonder how well I could fight like this.”
“You would be incredible, gege.”
Well, he’d managed fine with Shi Qingxuan’s body, although that had been closer to his own proportions than Hua Cheng’s.
“In fact, gege,” Hua Cheng said, beginning to rise from his lounging position, “I wonder if-”
He paused.
“San Lang?”
Slowly, Hua Cheng lowered himself back down to the bed, and then raised himself back up. He then shuffled over to the edge of the bed and swung his legs over the side. Though his face was still, there was a faint line between his brows that belied his upset. His lips pursed.
“I didn’t realize gege was so tired,” he said slowly.
Xie Lian blinked. “What does San Lang mean? I’m not tired at all.”
Hua Cheng shook his head. “Gege, your body aches. Did I...” Looking down at his robed chest, he pulled the robes apart for a closer look. A familiar sight greeted them both- a patchwork of reds and purples, ovals from fingers, blotches from mouths, arches from teeth. Just looking at them made Xie Lian warm, which- oh, addressing that in this body, while they were like this- it would be totally inappropriate!!
He tabled the thought for later.
Hua Cheng studied the marks for a time, then sighed.
“I didn’t- I didn’t think I was so rough with gege,” he said.
Right, of course. Xie Lian could remember that back when he’d had that unfortunate run-in with the memory-eating demon, he’d been greatly bothered by the aches and pains of his body. He didn’t pay attention to it normally, but of course Hua Cheng would be more sensitive to such a thing. But, also...
“San Lang, you take me practically every night,” Xie Lian pointed out incredulously. “Multiple times.”
“You make me beg for mercy! You’re such a bully. How could you not know? You bite me, San Lang!”
Hua Cheng’s frown grew, chagrined.
“I thought gege would stop me if I went overboard.”
Stop him?! Overboard?! What was he supposed to call making him cry mercy every other night then, Hua Cheng!!
Xie Lian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. But he knew Hua Cheng was genuinely upset, so he restrained his reaction and said, “I would.”
Hua Cheng looked at him. Xie Lian sighed. He was too soft for this man...
“San Lang, you really are a bully in bed,” he complained. “But I would stop you if I didn’t want it. I don’t mind the bruises. They-” he flushed. “They remind me of you.”
“Oh?” Hua Cheng asked, a sly smile starting to grow on his face. Xie Lian coughed.
“Yes, well, you know,” he blabbered. “Besides, I barely notice it anyway.” Wait, Hua Cheng didn’t like reminders of his pain tolerance- “a-and it’s a much more pleasant pain than what I’m used to, you know?! It’s like exercising o-or something.”
By the time he managed to close his mouth, two things had happened. First, his face was now totally red, as he’d overcorrected in his panic and said way more than he’d meant to. Second, Hua Cheng had fully recovered from his concern and was now grinning at Xie Lian like a fox. Unsurprisingly, Hua Cheng wearing a new face, even one not his own, did nothing to compromise the danger of his smile. “Exercise, hm?” he hummed. “Gege, are you satisfied with your exploration? I think it’s time for a workout.”
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joanvisitsrome · 9 hours
you need a seat? i'll volunteer
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here's that billie oneshot i promised! let me know if you'd like a second part to this with smut!
contains: lap-sitting, cocky!billie, flirty!billie, established relationship,
After you and Billie finally began dating, obviously she was going to bring you to EVERY function she could. And you were more than excited to go. She would buy you your outfit, and you would do each other’s makeup as well. One particular night, the event forgot to put out a chair for you, and you were stuck standing. However, Billie would not let you stay standing.
“You need a seat? I’ll volunteer,” Billie whispered into your ear. You sat on her lap and her hand snaked around her waist. You two would stay there the whole night, you on her lap, laughing, talking with others, and feeding each other food.
“You know,” you whispered, “I’m not particularly against this.”
“Yeah?” Billie whispered back, “couldn’t tell.” You had barely noticed how you had literally been smiling ear-to-ear this whole time.
“Shut up.”
“Hm, I’ll pass, thanks though. It’s cute seeing you like this.”
“Shut up or I’ll shut you up later.”
“Hm, is that so? You as the headlights, me as the deer?” You swatted Billie after this remark, even though you knew damn well that tonight was going to end up like that anyway.
“What? Not interested?” Billie asked jestingly, while rubbing circles on your waist with her thumb.
“No, I’m quite interested.” you whisper back, your hot breath tickling her ear.
“Why don’t we get out of here?”
“And put the story up to the paparazzi?” You knew Billie hated having the press know her personal life.
“Do you know how to bend?”
“Billie! We’re not home just yet.”
Billie tuts and sighs. “And you can’t stop thinking about later. I was going to say, we could try to hide behind the tables while leaving.”
“Very true.” You and Billie both get up to leave, telling others around you that you had to go check Billie’s house since her security cameras went off.
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siconetribal · 1 day
Put it on My Tab (16)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Backpack newbie, All the green flags, It is time for...the talk
I originally came on here about 45 minutes ago to post this and got completely side tracked and distracted by a draft that was just staring at me for days. (I normally don't see it on the app and I might have been avoiding it because I couldn't decide on what to choose.) Anyways, without further ado, the next installment!
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
As always, a huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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Jason waited patiently for her to climb on. He watched her shuffle bit by bit closer to him and his bike. He could not see her face because of the helmet, but he did not have to. He knew the type of face she must be making, and he had to keep his composure to not laugh at how cute this all was. Y/N was not the first innocent young woman he has dealt with, nor the first one to sass him back. She was a weird combination of the two that was uniquely her, and that is what drew him to her. Normally, someone like her would have never spoken to someone like him. Their worlds would have never collided. In reality, anyway. The fact that she’s IAmBatman still throws me for a loop. I would’ve bet big money it was one of the other Robins trolling me. He was about to ask if she needed help when he felt his bike shift from the added weight and her arms squeeze him tight, in what probably was her version of a death grip but ended up as more of a bear hug for him. Yeah, I’ve been squeezed harder by worse. I don’t mind this. He lightly patted her arms.
“I promise, I won’t do anything to scare you. Just follow my body and don’t be too stiff, ok?” He looked over his shoulder to see her try to look up at him, but his helmet was not doing her any favors. He snorted out a chocked laugh and quickly looked forward once more. “Sorry, sorry,” he reached back and hooked his hand under her thigh by her knee, tugging her leg up to rest her foot on a proper place. The motion had her scooting closer, and she jumped again when he pulled her other leg. “Keep your feet here and just enjoy the ride. Did you want me to put on some music? I have Bluetooth in my helmet. It won’t be easy to talk, since you won’t be able to hear well.”
“Music is fine, but how will you hear?” She spoke a little louder to not come out muffled.
“I’ll be fine, I rather you be comfortable.” Yup, she’s definitely having trouble hearing me. “Do you listen to anything in particular?”
“Anything is fine by me, but I tend to do more 90s rock. Linkin Park, Coldplay, or My Chemical Romance are always appreciated.” 
“Really?” He looked over his shoulder again to see if she was lying, but was met with his helmet. Right, I forgot about that. He rolled his eyes at his little lapse in memory. Didn’t expect that list from her. She really knows how to surprise me every time. He searched around a bit and managed to build a small playlist of songs for her to listen to. “Let me know if this is too loud.” He played a song and waited until they found a good setting for her. “Hold tight when the music starts and just move with me, ok?” He secured his phone and pulled out his red half mask that covered his mouth.
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I don’t think any of the guys I’ve dated have ever been this considerate. He’s not a textbook gentleman, but he’s pretty close. Y/N was genuinely surprised with how much care he was taking with her. She was nervous that he may find her burdensome and tried not to cause much trouble. The tug on her legs caught her off guard, literally pulling her from her thoughts and scooting her closer to him. His voice was a bit muffled, but she was not sure which made it worse: the beating of her heart that was now magically in her ears or the helmet. Either way, she managed to figure out what he was saying and answer.
“Do you listen to anything in particular?”
“Anything is fine by me, but I tend to do more 90s rock. Linkin Park, Coldplay, or My Chemical Romance are always appreciated.” Is that weird to say? Maybe I should've said something more pop or indie? But I like them and they’re my go-to music.
“Really?” she felt him twist, so she looked up, or at least tried to but could only see part of his face.
How do people ride with big, clunky things like these? Then again, this is his size, so it’s probably not so big or clunky to him. She reasoned. 
Soon enough, everything seemed settled and as soon as the music started, she tightly held onto him. As promised, he kept to an easy speed which allowed her to take in her surroundings. It was not as scary as she thought it would be. The cars that zipped by were not the best, but Jason clearly knew what he was doing and avoided all trouble. At a red light there was a car revving its engine and some passengers were heckling them, but he seemed to just ignore it.
I wonder, would he have responded to them if I wasn’t here? They’re pretty annoying. This is the third light they’ve stopped at with us and are still trying to get a rise out of him. She frowned, unable to hear them thanks to the music. A bunch of rowdy losers. She tightened her grip on Jason. The pat to her arms surprised her, but it was reassuring. Cici’s right, I need to talk to him about the bill. He’s not going to throw a fit and storm off. 
Y/N looked up as they pulled into a parking lot. It was a diner she had seen on a few of the bus rides when the usual bus was not running. She had always thought about stopping by, but it was always a fleeting thought until she saw it again.
“We’re here,” she heard him as the music stopped. “You climb off first, I’ll keep the bike balanced.” She quickly followed his instructions and managed to get off without fumbling, much to her own surprise. Feeling proud, she stood a little taller and pulled off the helmet
“Not so bad, right?” He grinned, his mask hidden in his jacket once more.
“I’ll admit, not as scary as everyone makes it out to be. You were a textbook motorcyclist. I thank you for not trying to give me a heart attack.”
“Bikes get a bad rep, couldn’t let that happen again. Want your bag? It’ll be safe here if not.” Y/N hesitated for a moment. If he does end up freaking out on me, I’ll lose my things. It’s unlikely he would, but I can’t risk it. Who knows what’ll happen. 4k isn’t just some simple bake sale change. “Yeah, I probably should. My phone is there. I should have it on me in case Cici tries to reach me.”
“Say no more,” he carefully handed it to her and took his helmet in return. “C’mon, let’s get some grub. I'm starving!” He led the way inside.
“Well look who it is, back again? Oh, you’re not alone this time?” Y/N looked up at the sound of the gruff voice to a big older guy standing in the doorway to the kitchen.
“Hey Charlie, what can I say, I like your food. Yeah, I brought a friend, we’ll seat ourselves.” Jason hooked his arm around her shoulders and led her to a booth where there were not as many people. A young woman came around with the sticky laminated menus, pouting at the sight of Y/N. It was evident that the waitress was interested in the handsome regular and Y/N was not off to a good start.
Better not do anything to get her spitting in my food. She nervously smiled, picking up the menu.
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Jason watched Y/N as she looked over the choices, a small smile tugging at his lips as he recalled how proud she looked when she dismounted his bike with ease. He was nervous that she may not have liked the ride because of the overcompensating teens that were trying to get him to race, but she had yet to say anything so he let it be 
Those dumbasses were lucky they were allowed to keep up with me. I'd been impossible to catch if I was alone. I’m just glad she wasn't annoyed by them. The ride was peaceful aside from that. She was not stiff and followed his lead well, which was great for him. Feeling her pressed against his back made him realize just how much smaller she was compared to him. She was not frail or sickly, but she was comparably weaker than him or many of the other females he has worked with. Then again, none of them are run-of-the-mill either. He realized the unfair comparison. It was different though, a good difference. He could not really put his finger on why it mattered, but it had. Instead of stressing on it, he let the thought come and go.
When they reached the diner, he asked her about her belongings and she hesitated. She was clearly weighing the risks and benefits. It was not shrewd, it was logical. Even though he was a secret vigilante, she should be cautious. If he was anyone else, she could have been a lot of trouble. Hearing her answer was a relief. He had no intention of just up and leaving her, but anything could happen. Duty could call, and he would need to go, and she would be stuck here. The idea of abandoning her did not sit well with him, and he could not figure out why.
Regardless, everything is going pretty smoothly for now, maybe we can have a decent conversation. I need to bring up the money, but she’s yet to even ask for my name. What does a guy gotta do to be inquired about around here!?  He propped an elbow on the table and glared at her reflection in the window, chin resting in his hand.
“So, I suppose I should start with a name, huh?” His ears perked up at the words, and he quickly turned to face her. “We’ve obviously met a bunch of times, but I didn’t really think we’d ever meet again after so I never bothered. My name's Y/N Y/LN, what’s yours?”
Did I hear right? Did she just and then just? Have I died? Like actually died-died?  “Took you long enough,” he grinned. “Nice to meet you officially, my name is Jason Todd. Now I can change your contact name from ‘Trouble Magnet Barista’ to your actual name.”
“You did not,” he showed her his phone and she whacked him with the menu. He laughed as he dodged the hit.
“You refused to give me your name. What was I supposed to call you? The Expensive Inquisition? Or D.I.D. #1?” He smirked as she scowled at him. “You have no one to blame but yourself for that.”
“I should change your name to Sir Questions-a-lot.” He heard her grumble as she took out her phone and changed his name while he changed hers in his phone. “Something tells you wanted to say more than just your name, what’s up?”
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Y/N stared at the words on the menu but paid them no attention. She needed to get her thoughts in order and strike up the conversation without insulting or angering him. It’s not every day some chick comes demanding a large sum of money like that. She glanced at him over the top of the menu. Well for normal people anyway. Trust fund kids with a playboy father might have people knocking on their door all the time. I need to make sure he knows I'm not one of those people.
“So, I suppose I should start with a name, huh?” She finally built up the courage to speak up. “We’ve obviously met a bunch of times, but I didn’t really think we’d ever meet again after so I never bothered. My name's Y/N Y/LN, what’s yours?” She anxiously waited for his response as he simply stared at her with wide eyes. Oh no, did I do that wrong? How else was I supposed to do it? I can’t just say ‘hi’ like we weren’t just with each other!
“Took you long enough,” he grinned. “Nice to meet you officially, my name is Jason Todd. Now I can change your contact name from ‘Trouble Magnet Barista’ to your actual name.”
“You did not,” she gasped when he showed her the screen and she swung the first thing in her hands, which was the floppy menu. Sadly he was able to avoid the feeble strike.
Y/N stiffened at his reminder of why she even brought up their names. He was right. She made the decision to talk to him about the hotel bill. Jason had to have known he broke the machine, but was unaware of the bill that followed. How else would he be so carefree?
“Yes, there is something else.” She set her weapon down and took a deep breath. Just rip it off like a bandaid. “The hotel we stayed at,” she paused for a moment, shifting her gaze from his face to the table. “They contacted me that weekend and told me there was damage to the room. I know you didn’t do it on purpose, but the price to pay is really steep. I won’t demand you to pay all of it since I’ve already started paying it off, but I’d appreciate it if you’d help me with the rest. Which is why I’ve been working like crazy to cover the costs, but it’s slow progress and the hotel is starting to get annoyed with how slow the progress is. Not only that, but I’m afraid they’ll throw me into collections, which will only cause more problems. I wasn’t trying to hide it from you, nor did I want to blame you, but Cici and I are already living tight as is.” She tried to speak as calmly as possible, but her tempo sped up a bit towards the end as her nerves got the best of her. There, I said it! Now all she had to do was wait for him to respond.
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Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali  @antiquecultistst
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wingedhallows · 17 hours
prank gone wrong; marauders (sirius black)
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pairing: marauders (sirius black) x reader | 2.1k words plot: the marauders prank one of your best friends, you're not too happy about it and take matters into your own hands, just to have one of them a bit smitten by you. authors note: hi, i brewed this up last night. I don't really know what this is but i hope u like it :) <3
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“I forgot my textbook, fuck.” Amelia complained, hand on her forehead. You sighed and pushed your sunglasses up, squinting your eyes at her. You took a drag from your cigarette and spoke with a sigh.
“I’ll get it for you, I need another pack anyways.” She waved her hand, as if to swat your offer away. “You don’t have to.” She tried but you shook your head and lifted yourself to your feet. You took your ropes off, it was too hot anyways. “Just shut up.” You offered with a grin.
Without waiting for an answer you took off. It would be a rather long walk, the Slytherin dorm was the furthest away. You needed some time away from your the girls and a new pack of fags. 
Amelia, Philippa and Cecily were nice, not to misunderstand but they were shallow. Still you strangely loved them, how carefree they seemed. 
Their newest topic to gossip about was if Marlene Mckinnon had gotten a nose job over the summer break. She didn’t, not that you cared. She looked fine, just like she did the past five years.
You didn’t know her though, you didn’t know any Gryffindors to be honest, so you didn’t have any ground to speculate. 
The only Griffyindor you knew was Lily Evans. A muggle-born witch, not that that changed anything about her abilities.
She was kind, shy and had hung around with the infamous Marauders. Four boys who liked to play pranks on many. You didn’t care much, they never targeted you.
On your way back, your pack of cigarettes in your pocket and Amelia’s textbook in hand, you watched the sky, birds gliding above your head. You pushed a cigarette between your lips and lit it.
The smoke filled your lungs with a comforting feeling. You heaved a sigh and blew some more smoke through your lips. You wondered what they would talk about next? A poor Hufflepuff’s boobs or a Ravenclaws fake behavior to suck up to Slughorn?
You wouldn’t complain though, no matter how shallow they were, they were still your friends. They took care of you, cared for you and did their best to be good friends, since the first year they were all you had.
You caught sight of the courtyard and the blanket you had spread out to study on. The girls sat, laughing and talking. With another drag from your cigarette you flicked the stud away and made your way to the three.
“Here you are.” Philippa smiled at you. She patted the spot next to her and Amelia reached for the book in your hands.
“Thanks.” She smiled at you and you gave a smile back. “No problem.” 
“This is so good.” Cecily smiled and drank a bit more from a cup you never saw before.
“What’s that?” You asked as you leaned back, taking the sun in. “Iced coffee." She answered, her words slurred the tiniest bit. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“You okay, Cici?” Amelie asked as he placed her hand on the girl's shoulder who just nodded with a content grin on her lips.
She seemed… drunk?
“What’s up with her?” Philippa whispered as she looked at you, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Where’d you get that, Cici?” You tried but she kept drinking.
“She went to the toilet a few minutes ago and came back with the drink in hand. I figured she got it from the kitchens or something.” Amelia said, face worried.
Without much thinking you took the drink from Cecily and looked her straight in the eyes. “Who gave this to you?” She frowned but needed a moment to form the words in her mouth.
She stammered and hot rage burned through your body. You never cared much about their pranks but to target a kind, loving girl who minded her business better than anybody else was infuriating.
You threw the cup to the ground and lifted yourself off the ground. “Get her some water, I’ll take care of this.” 
Amelia nodded and rummaged through her bag for a bottle. Philippa caressed Cecily’s hair and gave you a tight nod. You walked as fast as you could manage, hands cold and features angry.
Students stepped out of your way, eyes wide as they watched you march through the corridors. You caught sight of some Griffyindors, Lily to be accurate. They were sitting on a bench, giggling with each other.
“Where are they?” You spoke, interrupting their conversation. Mckinnon turned around, eyes squinted at you, Lily watched you with wide eyes.
“Who?” She tried but you crossed your arms with a roll of your eyes.
“Those idiots you hang around with, Potter and the others.” Alice winced and threw her gaze to the stone ground.
“What did they do?” Lily asked again as she raised to her feet.
“They fucked with one of my friends and I’m not too happy about that.” Marlene’s face softened, her mouth opening to speak. “Who-”Cecily.” Lily threw a hand over her mouth with a gasp.
“But, she’s so sweet.” You nodded, jaw tightening.
“Yeah, well. Sweet Cecily is now sitting in the yard, drugged out of her mind because Potter decided it would be funny.” Alice frowned and got to her feet as well.
“That’s too far.” She said and you nodded. “So, tell me where they’re hiding.” Lily sighed and nodded.
“They’re in our common room, password’s Dilligrout.” You nodded and gave her a sad smile.
“Thank you, Lily.” She turned to you again and gave you one as well. “They went too far this time, to drug Cecily. You better teach them a lesson.” You nodded and turned to walk away.
“Let me know how she is, when you see her.” You looked at her, not sure what to answer. With a nod you said. “I will.”
Outside the Griffyindor dorm you threw the password at the picture and it opened, whispering things like snake in the common room, how odd.
The room was dimly lit, quiet but faint voices could be heard. With slow steps you emerged into the warm place. Some first years almost shrieked at the sight of you but you only gave them a nod towards the stairs. Without much thinking, they fled the scene.
The morons were splayed out on the chairs and couch, laughing to each other. They haven’t noticed you yet. So you thought to change that and with fast steps you made your way to the empty chair before the fire. The voices stilled, silence embracing you.
“Y/N.” Sirius, the pureblood run away whispered. You didn’t answer but instead plucked a cigarette from your pack and lit it quickly. Dramatic, but who cares.
“I always knew that you lot had a knack for stupid pranks, I mean who doesn’t know.” You paused to take a drag. Potter sat himself up, Peter hadn’t moved since he watched you appear, face contorted in fear.
“But to drug someone in broad daylight, that's another level of idiotic.” James seemed to catch on and fumbled with his hands.
“What is it to you, who we prank?” You barked a laugh as you leaned forward. Remus couldn’t look you in the eyes, Sirius stared at you, not moving a limb.
“You don’t even care who you prank, now?” James sighed and crossed his legs, his arms crossed. 
“Let me enlighten you, Potter. Cecily Santoro, who you pranked is a very kind soul, one of my best friends, limbing behind in herbology, deathly afraid of frogs and loves coffee with all of her heart. But you don’t care about any of that because she’s a snake, a vicious horrible Slytherin. So when you pushed that cup in her hand this afternoon, she couldn’t say no. 
She loves coffee too much to think twice about taking anything from a Marauder. She probably thanked you with a smile on her face and you had a good laugh, right?
Well, she’s drugged out of her mind, she’ll fail her herbology exam and cry a good week about it. But you wouldn’t care about that, because she’s just another Slytherin, a too good enough reason to pass up on pranking her.”
He didn’t answer, Remus sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. You blew some smoke and shook your head.
“I hope you lot are proud of yourselves. You’re not an inch better than Malfoy or Nott.” Sirius stood and pushed his hands through his hair.
“I’m sorry.” James whispered.
You chuckled and threw the done fag into the fire which hissed upon the impact. “I’m not the one you should apologize to.” Sirius took a step towards you, face in a sorry twist.
“We fucked up big time then?.” He said. His eyes dared you, to argue with him. To fuel what he felt in his core.
James hissed at Sirius. “What the fuck are you doing?” He now stood in front of you.
“What do you want then?” His hands crossed he looked at you, eyes devouring your frame. Remus stood and put a hand on Sirius’s shoulder. He swatted it away and proceeded to look at you.
“Apologize.” He nodded.
“You are all to apologize to Cecily or I’ll bring this matter to the headmaster.” James sighed and narrowed his eyes at you.
“So you’ll play your cards?” You had to chuckle. You pushed Sirius down onto the couch, faces mere inches apart. Sirius licked his lips, eyes swaying from your eyes to your lips.
“If I were to play my cards, you’d be expelled and not allowed to step even a toe back on school grounds, you daft idiot.” You gave him a small smile before you continued.
“Don’t think i don’t know the ridiculous rumors you guys spread about me but just to assure you, I might fulfill them soon if you anger me any more.” You patted his cheek and turned to leave. 
You turned around once more to face Sirius who watched you, his eyes bored into your face, he licked his lips as he watched you leave. Your eyebrows furrowed and you shook your head. 
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Cecily was back to normal, Amelia and Philippa had taken her to the infirmary last night. Madam Pomfrey had complained on end but let her sober up nonetheless.
“I’m fine, really.” Cici threw Philippa a small smile and tried to snatch her bag from the taller girl. “Nuh uh.” She slapped her hand away and continued walking.
Just as you turned the corner four figures sprung to their feet. The Griffyindor boys walked up to you and obviously struggled to deliver the promised apology. You had to suppress a laugh at the sight of the four.
“What do you want?” Philippa snapped at them.
“We, umh, wanted to apologize for yesterday.” James begann.
“What we did was out of line.” Remus carried on.
“We regret it.” Peter almost whispered.
“After your dear Y/N gave us a good talking to, we apologize for what we did.” Sirius finished off. Cecily turned to you with a confused expression on her face.
You just shrugged and gave her a small smile. The girls didn’t answer but started walking.
You stayed behind and pushed a cigarette between your lips. Sirius was quick to raise his lighter to your lips.
“That was Oscar worthy.” You chuckled. James frowned and kicked with his feet before himself.
“Are we good now?” Remus tried but you huffed in amusement.
“Sure sure.” You puffed some smoke and took the cigarette to push it between Sirius’ lips. He stared down at you with darkened eyes.
“For the nerves.” You smiled.
He took a drag and blew the smoke above your head.
“You’re quite feisty.” You chuckled and patted his shoulder.
“First time for you?” He chuckled and took another drag. You took a step to leave them behind but Sirius was quick to hold onto your arm.
“Hogsmeade next friday?” He spoke, cigarette still hanging between his lips, some strands from his bun fell over his face and you would have to lie that you didn’t think he was attractive.
“Are you asking me out right now?” You asked with a grin on your face.
A grin formed on his face as he inspected your face.
“Will you?” You wringed your arm from his grip. You took a step towards him and took the cigarette from his mouth, took a drag and blew the smoke towards him.
“In your dreams, Black.”
He barked a laugh and watched you leave with the cigarette you had shared. Fuck, was he smitten.
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greenqueenhightower · 20 hours
Emily Carey talked about Alicent having feelings for Criston in the first draft of the original script but it was scrapped from it, she wasn’t talking like that was canon? She also talked extensively how she and Milly interpreted rhaenicent with queer undertones just like Emma and Olivia but now they seem to forgot about that… there was a reason why that storyline was cut, Miguel left the show and suddenly now we have this relationship in our faces when they could have left the built up in s1 that they intentionally left out so… also I don’t want to sound like a bitch but could you not tag alicole in the rhaenicent tag? Like I really don’t want to be reading things about them in the tag where I go to read about my ship, thanks
I don’t tag alicole in the rhaenicent tag unless I’m talking about both?
But anyway, the scripts for S1E1 (the tourney scene) show how Alicent caught feelings for Criston while Rhaenyra caught feelings for Daemon. It’s very subtle but it was kept. You can read about it here.
I still see Rhaenyra and Alicent with queer undertones even if things get complicated between them in S2. Emma and Olivia literally said how Alicent haunts Rhaenyra’s memory and visa versa.
And again, it shouldn’t matter what the cast says really, since the viewers themselves can have their own interpretations and draw their own conclusions. That’s the point of the show and the fandom.
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centipede-gutzz · 3 days
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A/N: need to be friends with someone like gojo in my life. apologies if i wrote him wrong in any way, he has so many layers so i did my best to give him justice.
WARNINGS: canon character death (geto), l-bombs (in a platonic way), not really a warning but satosugu is also mentioned a few times
TYPE: headcanons, gn reader, platonic, fluff/angst
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It's a hot day, and Nanami wants nothing but a cold drink.
Haibara asked to get something for him as well, so he HAS to be here anyway (dismissing the small smile he gave him as he walked off to the vending machine).
He steps in front of the machine, scanning his options between the canned liquid goods. Choosing a refreshing water to combat his thirst and training fatigue, he reaches in his pocket for the money. Instead of money, his hand grabs a piece of paper.
Nanami makes a noise of confusion as he takes out the paper from his pocket, staring at the scribbled letters that read "To: Nanami <3" on the front. He unfolds it, thinking it must be something that he forgot to throw out.
He's met with a rather...crude drawing and a tiny "penis" hastily scribbled beneath it, clearly explaining what the hell was on the paper. Before he could even process what he was looking at, he hears giggling from down the hall. You and Gojo are peeking from the corner, watching everything unfold.
Both of you run away cackling as Nanami crumbles up the paper and tosses it into the trash, an angry scowl plastered on his face as he chases you both out of the building.
The drinks are completely forgotten that day.
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☆- god you both are big fucking goofballs together. matching energy constantly and it makes everyone else miserable when they become targets of you and gojo's mishaps and chaos.
☆- at first, you guys were at odds with each other. gojo and geto were at the same state but you as well ? damn none of these first years are getting along with each other (besides shoko, she's the only one you tolerated at the time).
☆- once the tension ended between both pairs, you and gojo started hanging out more often.
☆- he has another person who he can latch onto and bother without much trouble and you have someone who can tolerate your silliness. it's a win-win.
☆- gojo won't say anything about it too often, but he really appreciates you being his friend because you enjoy him as a person and not for his immense strength. the most you'll do is compliment his powers and just move on casually like it's nothing new. it definitely means a lot more to him that he lets on.
☆- if you ever buy him souvenirs from missions, he will absolutely INSIST that he get something for you as well (possibly something more expensive too).
☆- as soon as gojo comes back from missions with geto, he's almost immediately by your side to tell you everything that happened.
☆- poor nanami is often the target for you two. you're the one who would apologize afterwards while gojo is not as sorry.
☆- after the events with toji, you were really worried about him. seeing him bloodied and scarred was not the sight you would usually see from your friend.
☆- he only went over the details once and never again, clearly not wanting to reimagine what he and geto had to experience. you give him a comfort hug and say that you'll be there to talk if either of them want to.
☆- the hangouts became less and less frequent for the two of you and everyone else due to gojo's growth as a sorcerer and busy schedule. as soon as he thinks he has time for a break, he has to leave for a mission.
☆- you always say that you don't mind, but he never stops apologizing.
☆- you never expected the news of what geto has done. shoko filled in the rest after her encounter with him, leaving you in shock and disarray of what happened.
☆- it wasn't a secret how close he and gojo were, even more than you two ever were. you didn't know whether it was something you should talk to him about or give him some space.
☆- you ended up letting him process everything first, sitting next to him in silence for some company.
☆- he confesses about his feelings for geto to you one day. you would've poked fun at him and said how obvious it was, but you keep quiet. you only listen to whatever he vents out.
☆- even after gojo starts acting like his normal self once more, you're never able to shake off your worry for him.
☆- he tells you about megumi and you feel REALLY bad for the kid and how he was going to end up. either sold off to the zenin clan or constantly being worked to death and losing comrades in a world that he may never escape from.
☆- never has the thought of you becoming a teen parent ever crossed your mind, but here you are. megumi and tsumiki mean the world to both of you and you constantly like to dote on them. tsumiki is open with her appreciation, yet megumi is still quiet (he expresses it in his own way and is more nicer to you than gojo).
☆- it's definitely a way to help keep your minds off of everything, you think to yourself as you help gojo raise the two siblings.
☆- no matter how many years pass, you know that gojo is still thinking about everything. the constant smiles and laughter you both continue to share is still genuine, but the pain is haunting him.
☆- it takes you a bit to get used to gojo's bandages once he switches out the glasses. his youth is gone and has been for a while, forcefully taken away from him.
☆- if gojo ever happened to visit geto in secret, whether it be an accident or a way to chase after those fleeting moments they couldn't catch back then, you keep quiet about it. it's probably not the healthiest thing for gojo but god, with how much he's been pushed and how his growth has doubled, you can't help but think that maybe it's what he needs right now.
☆- both of you were quick to defend yuta once he came into the picture. you felt bad for the kid, and for gojo with how hard he's been trying to save yuta's youth from being ruined like his was.
☆- it's not uncommon for you to see gojo in action, but you can't help feeling proud and watching him in awe as he fought the battles in the night parade of a hundred demons. you were dealing with your own opponents, occasionally glancing at gojo to keep an eye on him and his wellbeing. you knew he would be fine on his own, but you were ready to assist him the moment it seemed necessary.
☆- you were there for him again after geto's death. he comes back to you with an empty look in those blue eyes of his. you don't bother asking if he needed help to retrieve his body, knowing what gojo's choice was.
☆- for the first time in a while, he gives you a tight hug and cries. it's rare for you to see him like this, but it hurts to see him like this everytime. you can only whisper words of comfort and pet his hair as he sobs into your shoulder, clearly struck with grief over the loss of his one and only.
☆- those moments were kept between the both of you. he knew it was ok for him to express those emotions, yet he can't help but recoil everytime he looks back at those moments of how weak he felt. you assure him that it's natural to feel that way.
☆- gojo really appreciates you as a friend, and constantly reminds you after everything. you were always there for him, and he was always there for you. it still hurts knowing what gojo and the others had to endure after all these years.
☆- the two of you continue to stick next to each other, swearing to protect and teach the youth of the future generation of jujutsu sorcerers. there are constant jokes between each other of killing the executives (neither of you are entirely joking).
☆- you promise that you'll be there to support him, and gojo promises the same thing with a wide grin on his face. he gives you a harsh slap on the back and quickly scitters away from your payback.
☆- both of you are equally intolerable, jokes and pranks from the old days still prevalent even now.
☆- "i love you," he says one day while you two were watching over his newest student. yuji is sleeping on the couch, cursed corpse in hand as a movie plays in the background. you immediately smile to yourself and give an airy laugh, reaching up to ruffle his hair. it's nothing new, you both constantly express your friendly affections towards each other. yet you can't help but have a stupid grin on your face everytime.
☆- "love ya too, you loser," you respond. gojo smiles and rests his arm on your head with a dreamy sigh. you immediately regret your response as you poke him in the sides, his laughter ringing out into the room.
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Massive Doctor Who spoilers ahead!
I repeat, massive Doctor Who spoilers ahead!
Okay, so, I really don't know what to say about DW tonight. The fact my head hurts probably isn't helping there, but also, a lot of it was build-up for next week more than anything.
But I'll write out a few thoughts about it anyway:
- I don't know what to make of the whole Sutekh return thing. I haven't seen his original story so I'm even less sure what to make of it.
I didn't think I'd be too surprised if it happened (what with the "Sue Tech, Sutekh" pun) but I will say, it was still jaw-dropping.
- Even though there was so much plot going on, Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson both still found the time to give wonderful performances! Gatwa was really good in the "is Susan Triad the Susan" stuff especially.
On that note, I actually did think "omg she's THAT Susan" for a moment when she started talking about orange skies. I was definitely fooled there!
- Nice to see Rose Noble again, even though I'm not entirely sure why she was at UNIT. I suppose in-universe (out of it, one needs no excuse to bring back Yasmin Finney) it must be the summer holidays from school, maybe UNIT does work experience? I don't know why UNIT would do work experience but maybe they do. It did kind of sound like she was there for a work experience kind of thing. Anyway, I really liked her here and the little bond she formed with Ruby. If she comes back again, it would be cute if Ruby became like an older sister figure to her.
And Yasmin Finney was very good, as always.
- Talking of people it was nice to see again, hi Mel! I somehow forgot she was coming back so it was wonderful to see her.
- There were some really nice moments between Kate and the Doctor.
- Genesis Lynea showing up was great!
- I still think the little UNIT robot is adorable.
I can't think of anything more coherent to say or theorise about, so that's probably it until next week.
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jalluzas-ferney · 5 months
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LMAO Just smth funny that came to my mind the other day ab Cole Kai Nya and Zane moping around ab missing their “wives”. It started off with Sora and Nya only but I just kept remembering everyone else who is basically separated from their couple in the show lol.
I ranted sm on the tags i ran out for space to tag everyone bye
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tmos-time · 21 days
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tfw the merman you've been befriending for a week while you visit your best friend has the most dysphoric day of his life and all he can think about is ovens
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hallowclave · 2 months
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What a whimsical looking young man I wonder if he has received any job offers recently
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#my art#project sekai#rui kamishiro#if u saw this get posted before: no u didn’t#forgot to schedule the post for the morning incident 60 dead 600 injured.#i feel obligated 2 say I actually post abt pjsk on my main (apotelesmaa) frequently (I have brain worms)#& I only post on this blog once in a blue moon and it’s usually not serious art atp#so do not expect anything.#curtain call. what an event. love rui he’s such a good character. I hope he explodes.#he is so full of love and so bad at recognizing his emotions and problems.#‘I don’t have any emotional hang ups about anything’ says the guy who has so many emotional hang ups#rationalizing pulling back as safety measures instead of fearing abandonment/concern of hurting tsukasa (or others) again ->#rationalizing accepting asahi’s job offer because it’s the best for his future even if it’s not the best for himself#also tbh I think to some degree u could argue accepting the job offer was his way of getting ahead of being abandoned#not that it would happen and not that he’d recognize that to begin with#negative self awareness king! he is not processing his emotions at all!#would love for him to mention the job offer in a future event. even just offhandedly. shaking him by the shoulders. talk to ur friends moron#me when I’m in a not recognizing what I’m feeling and how it effects me competition and my opponent is rui kamishiro from hit game pjsk#etc etc. anyways.#once again falling into the ‘sure whatever this can go on the art blog’ category#in that I used simultaneously too much effort and very little in creating it#once again: [hope you’re hungry. for NOTHING] dot jpeg. as is typical here at hallowclave dot tumblr dot com.
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catwouthats · 8 months
For all y’all pointing out that Loki took the being Mobius’ pet thing a little too seriously
I hope you realize and know the overlap between kink and queer coded.
Those bitches are queer coded.
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