lesbianlotties · 1 year
That episode really left me staring at the black screen for ten minutes past the credits. Jesus fucking christ.
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
luca was serving more for me this season than carmy was and frankly, as much as it hurts my sydcarmy heart to say this, i would fine if luca and sydney ended up together
obviously i'm still holding out for sydcarmy but i genuinely don't know what storer has in store (haha pun intended) anymore considering the way he framed their relationship
but idk, what are your thoughts?
Ohhhhhhh anon - DO I HAVE THOUGHTS FOR YOU!!! Luca became the LOML this season, He is so calm and - what was that BS that Carmy said about Claire? Ohhh yes!! LUCA is Peace :))) As well as Marcus, I would love to be friends with Marcus. He is WAY too well adjusted for that kitchen thats for sure.
I am holding out for SydCarmy until the show is literally over because this season feels like it could be one of a few things more btc
A: (most likely what happened) This show was never meant to be a romance. But, after S1- and all the fans being like 'wow, idk if its just the actors butttt...Syd&Carmy are cute! And would be a great couple!!' and in the writers room , Chris said- that is it. This is endgame for the show, we will work it in to the 3 seasons we already have outlined. So come season 2 , sydcarmy is ITTTT it is it. Like - we all know this, sydcarmy is IT, everyone goes NUTS and loves it and Storer wasnt ready to see just how much we pay attention to the symbolism that isnt blatant (since with basically any other show out there people dont look as deep into it for symbology as the bear fans do because storer films it a certain way it attracts a certain crowd) - he got mad. he literally got mad that we figured him out. so like a baby he went "NO. WWWAAAHHH I WANTED IT TO BE A SUPRISE LIKE IT WAS MY IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE!" and shit all over it. Hm. Someone who has something great going for them, and then as soon as it starts actually going great - they SHIT ON IT AND RUIN IT FOR THEMSELF who does this sound like? Someone I think they go by...bear?
B: Second most likely, WILLFUL MISDIRECTION!!!! This was supposed to happen. I kinda knew things would get worse before they got better, but I didn't know THAT much worse. The more I think about it, Carmy wasnt OOC this season - EVERYONE ELSE WAS except for maybe Marcus? Which is CRAZY because the only one that SHOULD be OOC right now IS MARCUS BECAUSE HIS MOTHER DIED!!!! Carmy is turning into his old boss. Point blank period. So his behavior if anything is a tad bit tame. The smoking thing was out of left field I'm still trying to understand that one, but yea. This was purposeful misdirection, because syd needs to be broken down so she can realize why she really isnt leaving (hint- she feels something for carmy past platonic) carmy is still trying to romantisize claire in his head which is why were always seeing them make out. his family keeps bugging him about it and telling him that he needs to be with her so hes trying to make himself see it (he cant he tried in the freezer and can't see her that way.)
C: (least likely) they have 0 idea what theyre doing. sydcarmy isnt romantic, every writer in that room is on drugs or simply stupid, and claire and carmy are somehow meant to be????? when he literally doesnt like her and its so clear.
anywho im going down with this ship. i prefer my blue lotus fic storyline where carmy goes to therapy before this point and doesn't spiral and ruin everything :))) and admits his feelings to syd!!!
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candyskiez · 18 days
I am asking about your OCs, what is the story for them 👀
So I'm working on this one story, I think I told you a bit about if the name Laika sounds familiar to you? And the whole gods take too much magic from this world to make other more Interesting worlds fucking over everyone on this planet. But imma tell you more about the other characters in this. Also it has a tentative name? Very subject to change. When Gods Go Silent. Don't know for sure yet. Something with Gods in it.
• Valentinas name is getting changed. Not sure what it'll be yet. Maybe Judith, or Jasmin, or Rosemary, or smth. I don't know yet.
• There's a healer lady names Crystal. She's, OK because this is a magical universe she's deerlike? She's not like...A Deer, or a hybrid or anything. She just has hooves and fur someplaces and antlers n shit. Gotta learn how to draw so.i can do her justice. Her identity issues have identity issues. She is incredibly religious. Where she comes from healing and religion are heavily intertwined. She has never been a person, only a Vessel for their gods beliefs and an entertainer for her community. She is very deep in denial. She's charming, she's very deep in her many persona's, and she's aware that they are persona's but at the same time she very much believes they're all there is to her. Im torn between her thinking "This IS the real me. I am many different things. Maybe they are all lies, yes, but they're as good of a self as I have. I did genuinely care, I did genuinely apply myself to this role, so it is Me. Just a cut up vwrsion of me. I cannot help my nature." And "Of course this isn't the real me. There isn't any. I do not have a personality, or an identity. I cannot help my nature." Idk idk.
Lola is very suspicious of her for joining her and...God whatever she ends up being named, because why would SHE joined? She believes in the Gods being good. Why would she thinks they need to do what she thinks the gods will get to when the time is right? And she very much doesn't think that Lola and Protagonist are right, but, well...she's curious. She's curious what will happen. She's never met non believers before. Not like this. She's never actually seen much of life outside her home. She's intrigued. She's known exactly what would happen her entire life. She has a strict destiny set up for her. (More on that...eventually )She might as well fill in the gaps between what will happen to her with something Interesting. Honestly so much of it is motivated less by what she justifies it as (I must bring them to the light) and more so she is so bored and these people are fascinating and she wants to figure them out. Weird psychoanalysis girl.
Her and Lola have a very interesting dynamic, with Crystal being very psychoanalyzing and weird studying/jabbing at her, and Lola snarking back and surprising her out of her persona, and there being Weird Chemistry underneath all of it. They eventually fall in love btw. I will tell you more about this when I figure it out.
• Crystal's whole thing in the overarching metaphor for capitalism is you can be Good and Perfect and throw yourself into the system and destroy any other parts of yourself and it will never ever be enough. You will still be next on the chopping block. You can be literally nothing but a shell for your Role in it all and it will never reward you. You will be bled dry and have nothing to show for it.
• I love crystal
• I want Laika to be the last to join the group but there's probably going to be More People in it. Idk who yet. I gotta develop itttt. Aaaaa. Save me ideas. Save me
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Hear a song this deeply by so_shhy
Loved itttt! LZ’s wry humor was very enjoyable to read. The modern cultivation world created by the author is rich and interesting. It was a delight ❤️❤️❤️❤️
(My note: She = Mianmian in the section below)
In the department cafe, she bullied him into getting one of the more expensive teas and a small sweet pastry. Then she sat him down and said, “You’ve got a family dinner coming up, huh?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“You live too near home, that’s your problem. At least my lot can’t expect a monthly pilgrimage to Lanling just so they can tell me what a disappointment I am.”
“I won’t have much to show my uncle this time.”
“He wouldn’t care even if you did.”
Lan Zhan hummed in agreement and took a sip of his tea. “It will be good to see the rabbits,” he said.
“The rabbits? That’s what you’re looking forward to? Your brother’s going to be heartbroken. Ah, Zewu-jun,” she sighed, eyes going distant and dreamy.
“He sent me eleven emojis in ten actual words of texting today,” said Lan Zhan. “Also, I should point out that you’re married. And pregnant.”
“I’ve been crushing on him for a decade, let me have this.” She rested a hand on her belly. “Ugh, did you have to remind me? Why am I pregnant, Lan Zhan? I don’t know anything about children.”
“Poor life choices.”
She smacked him on the arm. “You know I’m making you babysit this thing when it’s born, right?”
“I don’t know anything about children either.”
“Hey, at least you’ll be able to put the kid to sleep.”
“Unlikely,” said Lan Zhan. “It’ll be a long time before Repose is approved for use on humans outside of experimental settings.” He paused. “I’ll register your baby as a test subject if you sign an official release form.”
Wei Ying ran his fingers through his hair and groaned. “Ugh, Lan Zhaaaan. Look, what do you want me to do? What would be the best thing for your research?”
Lan Zhan hesitated. Nobody had asked him that before. To the day-to-day workers he was an annoyance, foisted on them because the department didn’t want to offend the sect. They never went out of their way to be accommodating.
What would he want if he could have anything?
“If you did nothing, to begin with,” he said, “and let me attempt to use Evocation to draw the yao to us…”
“You mean you want to disturb the spirits without any kind of containment circle in place? The way all cultivation protocols say you should never do?” Wei Ying grinned. “Yeah, sure, give it a shot.”
“Why not? This is literally the only thing on my schedule; they’ve assigned me the whole day for a bunch of minor yao. We’ve got time to do whatever. So how about I let you do exactly what you want and you get off my ass about the paperwork?”
It was a terrible attitude. Lan Zhan should not encourage it. On the other hand, the yao were just the kind of experimental subjects he needed. He would give a lot for the chance to test his Evocation variants without the department’s substandard night-hunting techniques skewing his results. He looked down at the half-completed form, considered just how much complaining he would have to endure if he made Wei Ying fill it out, and gave a small nod.
“Well,” said Lan Qiren testily, “we’ll take tea before dinner.”
“Yes, Shufu.”
Lan Zhan prepared the tea himself and carried in the ancient lacquer tray with the priceless antique teapot and cups, setting it down on the low table. As he poured, he had to stop himself from tucking back trailing sleeves he wasn’t wearing. Lan Qiren took a sip with a critical pinch to his mouth, as though he expected it to taste scalded. His voice was brusque as he gave a run-down on recent sect business – the rash of resentful spirits flowing into the eastern night zones, a contract to purify land for a new factory, a disciple exchange with the Nie sect. Every word was pointed, a rebuke unspoken and unacknowledged. After a while, his patience for implied criticism ran out and he took a more direct method. “So. Tell me what you’ve been doing with yourself this past month.”
Lan Zhan folded his hands in his lap and checked his already perfect posture. “Recently I’ve been having some success with my score for Evocation,” he said. The one saving grace of these conversations was that his uncle was also a skilled guqin player and liked to discuss technique. “This past week I’ve tested several variants. There are some interesting melodic and tonal factors that affect its action. A floating note has different effects depending on the form of vibrato immediately preceding it. I’m developing a theory that—”
“And is your latest version of Evocation more or less effective than the arrays I’ve just been teaching the ten-year-olds?”
Wonderful. It was going to be one of those evenings.
“It’s a work in progress, Shufu.”
“So you have told me for the past five years,” snapped Lan Qiren. He made an impatient gesture. “Well, go on. I’m sure you have more to talk about.”
T, 87k
“I’m not here to help you with your work,” said Lan Zhan, injecting frost into his voice to deter any further attempts at charm. “I’ll be focusing on my research.”
Wei Ying cocked his head. “Research?” he said.
“Mm. I’m a cultivation researcher, not a department employee. I’m reconstructing the ancient musical cultivation techniques of the Lan clan.”
Lan Zhan’s new liaison at the Caiyi Municipal Cultivation Department is an enigma – ridiculously talented, yet somehow content with mopping up spiritual pests for barely above minimum wage. Wei Ying is slapdash and irresponsible, and Lan Zhan doesn’t like him at all… but then he meets A-Yuan, who loves music and longs for a piano his father can’t afford.
Forced into cautious friendship by a four-year-old's music lessons, Lan Zhan soon realises Wei Ying is more than he seems. The single father is a man of many secrets – including, perhaps, the key to Lan Zhan's life's work. And in the meantime, the background resentment in Caiyi Town is rising to dangerous levels…
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 28
catch me completely ignoring dark cybertron lmao
yeahhhh so I'm just gonna skip dark cybertron bc no thanks. I did read the tf wiki articles for the issues tho, which is more than I did in the past, so at least now I kinda know what happened, though I had to suffer thru reading about dark cybertron to learn stuff about it. yikes. reading ABOUT dark cybertron further enforced my decision to not actually read thru it
anyways. the best part of dark cybertron was when chromedome threw prowl off that cliff. that was baller lmfao
a 1 page recap of dark cybertron is about all I can handle. thank you
ooh, the 6 months later smash-cut, I fucking love itttt
nautica’s here!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I love her. also brainstorm, and I love their friendship sm
hvbjdkhfbshdfj god I love them. they have such a fun dynamic 
everyone eavesdropping on a therapy session vhbhdjkhafbhkjsdf. hipaa laws mean nothing as usual 
the casual reveal of captain megatron, oh god 
the title fucking slaps, as usual. this is one of my favorites - ‘world, shut your mouth.’ great stuff, and a song title/reference to boot! and this being part 1: towards peace...chefs kiss
and then we flash back to 6 months earlier...yknow now that I'm rereading this, mtmte has a LOT of framing devices used - there's story-within-a-story, flashback/flash-forwards, storytelling with narration, etc...I love it
god hbvhjakdfbshjkdf rodimus saying ‘magic’ and then the little *magic = science rodimus doesn't understand HBGKJHSDBFKHJSDF my idiot boy ily
rodimus roasting prowl is my fav hbfjdkafshsbjkf ‘maybe the knights can help us find a cure for your personality’ ily sm
and then prowl agreeing w/rodimus a few panels later about megatron’s guilt...
optimus...don't you think that making yourself chief of justice is...maybe a bad idea...like, maybe there's a conflict of interests here...just a little bit of bias...a bit too much history, perhaps...
the fact that all the big roles in the trial were given to high-ranking autobots who were heavily involved in the war...I see that cybertrons justice system is as much of a farce as their medical ethics and patient confidentiality laws 
the ‘you BROKE the MATRIX’ panel is so good bjhkdhfbajskhdf
rodimus: LISTEN dad I just wanna resume my space cruise with my frat bro ship I have no interest in politics
psychiatrists HATE him! local former warlord refuses to recognize the validity of psychological analyzation of people’s actions
ravage casually breaking hipaa laws and chilling in megatron’s therapy session like >:3
I love rung...he’s so good at like, passive-aggressively cutting right to the heart of someone’s issues, and he’s so generally mild that you can’t even really get mad at him 
the sudden inclusion of megatron as a major character in mtmte is kinda jarring at first - mostly, for me at least, due in part because I didn't read dark cybertron so this is like, megatron’s introduction as a relevant character in general - but I feel like jro does a great job laying a lot of intrigue down from the very beginning w/his character - like, I already want to know more about what his whole deal is, even though we have, ostensibly, seen pretty much all of his story play out already 
rung name-dropping froid...i remember that made me lose my shit bc cmon. FROID....jesus christ
rung and megatron: holy shit! we’re suddenly being drawn in a 90s-esque sci-fi tron-looking retro-futuristic style!
interesting that megatron sought rung out, and not the other way around
RIPTIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite sharkboy is HERE
‘we’re not allowed to take anyone who might remind rodimus of prowl’ vhbhjdkshfbhaskfd brutal
I love nautica so so much. a perfect autistic scientist after my own heart
I adore that nautica brought chromia along for moral support
hgvbjdakhfbhsj and then swerve saying that rodimus hates ‘trisyllabic names’ and nautica is like....but....‘rodimus’.....
and then nightbeat busts in to get all bbc sherlock on they asses hgbfhjadkfbjaskdf
WHY was perceptor at the crewditions if he was already part of the crew lmao
ooof, and then we have megatron flipping out when chromedome, a mnemosurgeon, shows up
also damn the autobots were rlly like okay so we wanna speed this trial up so lets just like, probe megatrons brain, that seems completely ethical, especially when you consider the history of shadowplay and stuff that our previous government had
I know important stuff is happening but megatron is holding a CUBE and I love CUBES so I'm distracted by that. C U B E
and then right after a scene where we see chromedome willing to perform mnemosurgery again - despite rewind’s like, dying wish for him not to - we hear that he’s been locked up in his room rewatching rewinds goodbye message over and over again :( I'm fucking depressed
I love nightbeat, he’s so funny and kind of an asshole
and then you see more missing letters behind them next panel...clearly nightbeat is right and there’s a mystery afoot...OR somebody is fucking with the ship’s lettering as a prank, which is a plot point I would absolutely buy
yeahhhh skids is right, chromedome is clearly Not dealing 
the dramatic graffiti on megatrons door...I wanna know who spray-painted ‘die’ everywhere like they're reaper overwatch
oh god. whirl vs megatron
really cool red lighting tho
GOD its so brutal, all the stuff megatron said about how he told the cons not to kill whirl...and doesn't that end up being false anyways? so he was just saying it to dig at whirl, which is awful
also I'm never over the fact that literally everyone - including megatron and whirl - blames whirl for ‘turning megatron violent,’ as if the entire Point isn't that whirl was a tool for a corrupt system, and if it wasn't whirl it would've just been someone else, and megatron turning away from pacifism was inevitable given the circumstances, AND also a choice on his part, so he really only has himself to blame for his OWN ACTIONS
bye bye whirls right arm, see you in lost light 
‘people never stop changing’ that IS something I say all the time...damn you warlord grandpa! how can you steal my philosophies?!
ohhh man and then rewind’s goodbye message being different....oooh
AUGH the fact that whirl was basically trying to goad megatron into killing him, just like he did in issue 1 w/cyclonus...It Hurts Man
also I do love the hint at who he’s talking to w/whirl shooting megatron with the bow and arrow earlier, and we know that atomizer is a fan of those
ok, but here’s where my philosophy diverges - megatron talks about throwing away his past and starting new, but I think that you have to learn from and build on your past...either way, megatron’s arc is one that I enjoy greatly from a character writing standpoint, and I'm excited to get it underway, especially w/how controversial it is lmao
big ole double-page spread...I like how you can pick out individual characters in the background crowd, which is crazy cause that's a LOT of people. also how come cosmos is so HUGE
phewwww 4.6 billion cybertronians died in the war, that’s INSANE. that's like, an incomprehensibly huge number. is there an estimate for their current population? I bet its not a lot. no wonder jro leaned into reproductive themes so much in mtmte/ll - of course the continuation of your species would be a concern for many if your numbers have been that greatly reduced
optimus w/his fancy tyrest-lookin crown
oughdajbfsbdf and the fact that megatron ALSO murdered 100 BILLION non-cybertronians...bruh. I feel like they maybe should've dialed those numbers back a little to allow his ‘redemption arc’ to run a little smoother lmao. but also I admire the commitment either way
and then we end w/megatron doing captain stuff, and seeing The Coffin...and we never did see rodimus in any of the flash-forward parts of this issue, did we???? I love how concerning that is. where's my BOY
also of course we gotta remember the warning from way back at the beginning of mtmte: ‘don't open the coffin’....
and so begins mtmte s2! man I love s2. I love mtmte in general lmao. s2 takes on the impossible w/the whole ‘megatron redemption arc’ thing, and I know that’s like, a divisive plot point and stuff, but from a writing standpoint I enjoyed it a lot...I think it was pretty much as well done as it could've been given the enormity of the task, and I thought it was a really interesting direction for the story to go in 
also espec if it’s true that hasbro was like ‘hey jro put megatron in your story and give him a redemption arc’ rather than jro like, planning/asking to do it 
anyways. I doubt ill talk much abt the disc horse(tm) here bc this is just for fun and also my own personal opinions and whatever, but I for one am excited to reexperience this stuff 
so yeah s2 off to a strong start with some wild shit already happening! cant wait to read more!
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#20)
Final episode that I’m watching for the rewatch series. Ready to fuck some shit up.
S3 E20: The Tipping Point.
Episode description: Dr. Rhodes second guesses his decision to remove himself from the team of doctors who work to separate conjoined twins.
You’ve gotta be fucking joking right?
last ava ep that mattered. i’m so excited
let’s get into it.
- ava
- the way nat looks at connor when ava says that he will not be operating
- it’s like no one trusts ava at all?
- yes, he’s emotionally involved, but is that really that good of a thing?
- ava is of sound mind. connor evidently does not think that he is
- why is connor apparently the only one capable of the surgery?
- fuck off. this is why he needs to leave
- so many nat ava interactions. i never expected this. ( i should have. i am dumb)
- ava reminding nat that like, she’s here. right next to them. in this conversation
- nat, to connor: “The cronins are counting on you!”
ava: “They’re counting on the team.” like bitch?
- like it or not, nat also does not believe women should have rights. maybe it’s a manstead thing. no. it’s definitely a med thing.
- i like ethan’s jacket.
- april can shut the fuck up. hypocrite? i smell a hypocrite? (who am I kidding, they’re all over med)
- ethan has the best outfits
- april. the one who preached unconditional love. is like. ‘emily can get fucked. i don’t care.’ i can’t believe it. this is so fucking stupid.
- three weeks ago (literally) will and nat were not on speaking terms. now he’s gonna fucking propose?
- I always hated how on tv shows, characters get married super soon. it’s so fucking annoying.
- omg bert tried to kill himself holy shit
- ava sighing at connor trying to give input.
- sarah’s dad: “I don’t deserve you.” NO BITCH YOU DON’T. go die
- connor fuck off. stop having to give orders on everything
- yeah, sure. connor emotes in this episode. but what he’s emoting at is going in and fucking stealing a huge surgery
- i can’t believe this is the last episode of med with connor. can’t believes he leaves for mayo clinic at the end of the season... the world we live in...
- YESSS THEY FIND EMILY AT THE ENCAMPMENT. classic angst. honestly. i fucking love it.
- yeah april.
- god this is like. classic angst. old school. back to basics. this is fucking fantastic
- the fuck?
- the mayo guy, and the other doctors are surprised that connor, a surgeon, knows how to do surgery? EXCUSE ME? THE BAR IS ON THE FUCKING FLOOR
- why is everyone so fucking stupid. i’m being serious. watch that scene. it is so stupid.
- ava is... not surprised that connor cut in. i mean. is anyone?
- she almost has that scoffy grin, that she does, under her mask
- okay but like ava’s character growth. instead of being mad that connor’s getting in on the surgery (like she would at the beginning of the season), she’s concerned for his career.
- sarah’s dad is fucking pathetic. i can’t believe sarah’s stuck with him. she deserves so much better
- i can’t believe he fucking tricks her into walking him outside. fuck him.
- takes him for a walk and pushes him down a hill
- it’s taking all of my self control not to write something where ava does that
- the way ethan subtly flinches when emily apoligizes. brian tee is a god
- sarah’s dad’s dialogue really makes it seem like he’s gonna murder his own daughter
- the monkeys is a good bit
- he is way different than i remember. i literally never paid attention to him
- ava with her fuckinngggg rolled up sleeves is still fantastic
- ava’s disappointment at seeing connor meet with the mayo clinic guy. most rh*kker thing we’ve seen all season. and yeah, i’m including the one night stand. there’s a special kind of upset you get at seeing someone you love leave and move far away. it’s not really the same as losing someone who’s just a friend. that’s why i say it’s the most rh*kker thing.
- of course, i am still keeping them platonic, so going off of that. ava is thinking that she is about to lose the only person she’s gotten close to in the last seven months. of course she’s going to be upset
- (in the rewrite this loss is not as much of a problem bc in the rewrite she has reese)
- also that surgery was so anticlimactic fuck off. this episode is fucking boring. my favorite part is probably the emily reveal. i’m a sucker for some sibling angst
- is he really going to propose. off of that? her being mad at him. you’ve got to be fucking joking.
- HOLY FUCKING SHIT APRIL IS THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON. SO FUCKING CONDESCENDING? “She’s damaged, you can’t fix her.” SHE’S TALKING DOWN TO HIM. this is so fucking infuriating
- i cannot believe this i cannot believe this i cannot believe this she’s fucking breaking up with him bc he cares about his sister. the sister she told him to care about?? holy fuck, I can’t
- he is so fucking dumb oh my god
- connor looking out, pensive over the parking lot. why is everyone on this show so fucking extra
- tell me why ava’s casual clothes is a button up. ma’am.
- back at it with the snippy one liners
- she looks so sad? baby noooo.
- i can’t. my heart can’t.
- there’s a lot to unpack in this scene
- i don’t really know why she starts out looking so sad?
- let’s chalk that up to her being tired, and channeling her little energy into feigning annoyance at connor. but then, as she keeps speaking, keeps thinking, she taps into this deep seeded feeling of indignance. real annoyance at connor’s bullshit.
- connor returns ava’s initial comment, which at this point is still kind of light and teasing, with another sly line, trying to brush it off.
connor: “You give me too much credit.”
ava, tucking her tongue in front of her teeth in that way when you don’t believe what someone’s saying: “Do I?”
- next, she says “you’re ambition strikes me as boundless.” I really have no clue what to make of that/
- then she says “I don’t know what to think.” shaking her head, shrugging. at a loss. why? is it bc she can’t figure out what he is/was trying to do? she can’t understand him anymore?
i think it’s ‘she was surprised by what he did, but she’s mad at herself bc honestly, she shouldn’t have been’. she thought he had changed, when he pulled himself off the case. thought he had gained some humility (finally, finally given ava her one moment in the sun to shine). and then he goes back on it almost immediately.
yeah. that’s what it is. she’s surprised, but mad bc she shouldn’t have been.
- she says “but I’m sure you also secured yourself an attending position” as like a slight jab. not really meant to be cutting, but then his reaction ruins it and makes her realize that something worse actually happened. if connor had responded to it in kind with another snarky comment the moment probably would have been fine
- connor’s “ah, god, ava -” comes off as so fucking insincere.
- ava’s small little “what?”. my heart
- i also think it’s interesting that when she’s thinking things through in the moment really fast, her face changes with her thoughts/emotions, and out of some sort of reflex, she smiles. her first thing is to laugh at the situation, scoff at it
- she’s laughing out of disbelief
- why is she laughing (out of reflex)? because this is stupid. HE DID SOMETHING THAT WAS COMPLETELY UNFAIR AND RECKLESS. AND HE’S GETTING REWARDED FOR IT. LIKE HE ALWAYS HAS. and Ava is the only person to see how unfair it is. everyone else would congratulate him no questions. can’t fucking believe it
- connor asking ava if she would take the offer is so fucking pathetic. he’s asking bc he’s hoping she’d say no, and then he’d finally have his answer to ‘is she in love with me’. the stupidest thing is she says no, which basically means no, i’m not in love with you, AND HE STILL TURNS IT DOWN. WHAT THE FUCK
- boy get some fucking eyes.
- also holy shit i’m just now realizing how cool my idea of connor somehow passing the offer off to her would be in one of my alternate endings of s3. because, he literally asks her is she would take the offer and she literally says she would. so that would be completely in character
- for those of you wondering, in my version, the reason ava wants connor around is bc he’s her only friend. why would it make sense for her to take the mayo clinic offer? did you just trap yourself in your logic
- no, it’s okay, bc if she took the offer, it’s just a reset. it’s not any different, bc she’s in a completely new place, she has time to make more connections. the reason she clung to connor was bc over the seven months, he was the only person she connected with, so she valued him immensely. there’s no reason she couldn’t make another connection at the mayo clinic. it’s perfectly fine.
- connor’s such a fucking simp its so pathetic
- she’s staying for sarah
- why does she start crying? that’s a good question.
- well, for all the reasons we stated before. she’s losing the closest thing to a best friend that she has. it’s sad. it’s alienating. and she’s sad bc she thinks there’s no way that he wouldn’t take the offer
- (bc they’re just good friends. you don’t turn down job offers for good friends. and it’s true. in my version, they are just good friends, and connor takes it. and ava has to deal with being lonely again.)
- (of course, med took a different route.)
- i fucking hate this show. i fucking hate this show so much.
- the last shot of the season is sarah and charles and sarah’s dad and we get one episode of  wrap up. med likes their cliffhangers so fucking much.
okay, so. this episode is pretty good for like a branching off point. we see the anxiety ava feels at the idea of connor leaving, which is really good to work with moving forward. I feel like I’ve said enough on all these different topics.
That being said, I have a lot of thoughts, and now that I have the knowledge of what my canon will be, going forward, this is going to be fun.
When I have more ideas, I’ll make more posts.
we’ve set the grounds. this was the final episode. now we look ahead, towards the future of med.
thank you, so much, for sticking with it. <3<3
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hermionesterrier · 6 years
More Than Human: Chapter 9 Liveblog Pt. 1!
“Monday Broke My Heart” It really did :’(
The hilarious irony that BUTCH is the one with the defensive special power hehehehe 
“We'll be moving," Blossom said. "We'll find you," Brick responded, and she went warm. HE'LL FIND HER JKHGFDSATLKGHFD!!!!
Someone please hit Butch.  
"I hope Butch won't," Buttercup snarled. "I hope he gets punched in the sack." SAME!
Kiss With A Fist by Florence and The Machine very appropriately decides to come on my playlist right at this moment xD
Butch to the rescue....kind of xD
Butch is absolutely loving this
"I feel like I'm wearing some sort of girl armor," he remarked once they were in the air. "It's weird."
Butch, you fucking idiot!
BOOMER! I know Bubbles is your girlfriend but you grab BOTH girls with no superpowers
Why do people still live in Townsville? One of life's greatest mysteries...
*Cue musical montage of Brick looking like a heroic Greek God*
Oh Blossom...he'll never be the hero you want him to be.
"Oh, in that case," he said, then produced a really big gun from behind his back. "Buttercup has a point," Blossom said. "Where do you hide these things?" A serious question that needs an answer asap
Now Brick to the actual rescue!
Reds screaming at each other...well this feels more familiar xD
Awww it's really adorable how worried Brick is about Blossom. You'd think something like this would knock some sense into his thick skull but no ofc not!
Oh my fucking God Butch YOU DROPPED HER WTF DUDE
She stopped, then looked at Boomer. "I'll give you ten bucks," she said. Boomer immediately slugged his brother in the face. Buttercup later gave him an extra ten for the sound Butch made as he ate the asphalt.
I neeeeeed to know what Bubbles is working on *_*
He picked at a corner of his textbook cover, trying to straighten it and thinking of how easily she had smiled at Robbie. "I can't believe you did that. Without powers or anything. Jumped through glass, I mean. Up from seven stories. And then beat Mojo Jojo, on top of it." He could almost sense her relaxing beside him, her anger giving way to a slight confusion. "You're kind of a beast," he said, and she fidgeted. Brick is totally buttering her up and she is totally falling for it lmao
What a heartwarming father-son reunion xD
He turned on his most beatific smile and saluted. "Hi there, Professor Utonium. Nice to meet you. I'm, you know, Boomer. I'm here to see Bubbles." "Of course," the Professor said, and something curled in Boomer's stomach, something dark that screamed Danger and Doom and Death Will Soon Be Upon You.
R.I.P Boomer...you will be missed :')
I think the real question is what wouldn't he do to you, Boomer? :’) MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh man this face-off between Brick and Mojo is EVERYTHING holy shit
"You," Mojo Jojo said quietly, "have been such a disappointment." Brick's eyes flashed. Brick is totally triggered that the one who created him, the one Brick considers to be beneath him, the one who's wasting his talent and brain by staying in Townsville, is disappointed in HIM! You can tell how much this enrages Brick because, unconsciously, he's still looking for validation from Mojo. He wants Mojo to admit that he, Brick, is better than him and has put his talents to better use. He wants Mojo to admit that he's a failure. Basically it's a who's-more-Evil contest. That whole visit was an ego trip for Brick. It backfired. Obviously. Because even with everything he's achieved, Brick is a teenager craving his parents' validation of his life choices but still wanting to be free of them. You can’t have it both ways when your creators are a diabolical evil monkey and the Devil himself. 
"Shut up. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." The urgency in his voice made it obvious. Mitch meant it. Buttercup looked at the camera, her eyes soft, almost sad, but that smile was on her face, that tiny, scared, and yet deliriously happy smile that lit up her expression, made it almost shine in the dark. Mitch was right. She was... Just wanna point out that this whole scene is from Butch’s POV. He’s the one thinking all of this. One look at this happy, scared, in-love Buttercup and he agrees with Mitch 110%. She is the most beautiful girl Butch has ever seen. Not on a superficial oh-she’s-so-hot level, but more like on a deep I-see-your-soul level. Butch isn’t falling for Buttercup because she’s fucking hot (though obviously he knows she is), he’s falling for her because she’s beautiful and he knows her. He knows her and she knows him and they share a deep, quiet, comfortable and comforting connection that they don’t have with anyone else.
Butch stared at the screen, his jaw sore. He'd been clenching it; he hadn't even realized. It's always a ‘show, don't tell’ with the Greens AND I LOVE ITTTT
Butch is so thrown off by the Buttercup in the photos and videos. He's not used to a smiling and genuinely happy Buttercup and he feels left out that he wasn't a part of that. He's jealous, not just of Mitch because obviously he's jealous of Mitch and the fact that he and Buttercup dated, but he's jealous that he, Butch wasn't there during this time and that Buttercup might have shared a connection with someone else other than him. He's supposed to be her best friend, no one else. And he also wants this Buttercup. He wants that image of her smiling and being happy so yes, damn right, he's gonna keep staring at it until it leaves a permanent print on his brain.
I wonder if he keeps them though...
I love how surprised Brick is that Robin invited them to her party #introvert
Awww @ Brick missing Bubbles in class ❤
Blossom was already there, and she glanced up from her book as he came in. He tried to take his time getting over there. Keyword being "tried" ofc AHAHAHAHAHAHA yea sure Brick as if you didn't attend this class just to see her xD
"If it's free reading could we just leave?" one of the students asked. "Who was that? John? Stacy, hit John for me." There was a whack, followed by a subdued, "Ow." BAHAHAHAHAHAHA...JOHN IS ME THO
since feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly kiss you; It's a testament to how many times I've read this story that I now know this bit by heart. LOVE the choice of poem considering who's reading it *winks*
Brick is unrecognizable in this part of the chapter...his feelings for Blossom are intensifying and showing and that's terrifying him but at the same time he's not giving a single shit...so far.
"He started it!" Butch cried, pointing his knife at Boomer. "He made fun of Bubbles!" Boomer cried, pointing his knife at Butch. "You started it," Buttercup growled, pointing at Butch. "And you were the one being made fun of, not Bubbles,"
Ugh Reds are KILLING me this chapter
Brick racking his brain on how to ask her out and growing so desperate that he literally chokes on air bahahahahahaha
Reds at their best and most adorable *_* I LOVE it when they forget themselves and actually get along. I'm in love with these scenes of them and how they're both completely loosening up in a way they never have around other people. THOSE TWO CONTROL FREAKS ❤
This story has made me wanna read Camus ngl
Oh my god I think this is the first time we ever see Brick laughing a real genuine full-on laugh like wow
She swallowed her bite, her guilt dissipating as she watched him take a bite for himself, from the other end of the slice. He nudged the plate towards her. "I don't mind," he said around the fork in his mouth, staring at the plate. His voice sounded odd, a little strained, even. "It's not a big deal. I don't mind sharing it with you." BUT IT IS A BIG DEAL HOLY SHIT I'M DYINGGGGG
Seriously, the date scenes are my favorite Reds scenes. SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET ALONG LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE YOU TWO CONTROL FREAKS!
"I beat Mojo Jojo up for candy," she said, a little breathlessly. "I let our dad steal toys for us when he was sleepwalking. I stole an expensive set of golf clubs for him." The candy episode is one of my faaaavorites!!
Oh my god, Blossom, you're supposed to be the smart one! OF COURSE HE'S FLIRTING WITH YOU! AND OF COURSE IT'S A DATE!
Brick trying so damn hard to look cool and casual as if his heart isn't light speeding waiting for her answer hehehe
"These are awesome, Buttercup," Mitch said, "Thank you, Mitch." After a pause, she added, "See? No wonder Mitch was the only guy I dated." A sudden, awkward silence fell over the room. Buttercup, seeming to have regretted her attempt at comedy, started to devour her snickerdoodle. Butch stared at her from the corner of his eye. Her customary smirk and hard expression had given way to uncertainty and she was clearly upset with herself. The laugh he forced sounded natural enough, and everyone turned to look at him. "Don't lie, you dyke," he said, still forcing a snicker. "Sorry to break it to you, Mitch, but you were just a beard." CAN WE JUST TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRECIATE THE BEST FRIEND THAT IS BUTCH BECAUSE HE JUST DOESN'T GET ENOUGH LOVE! Also also another instance of Butch reading people like a pro and being better at social situations than he’s ever given credit for.
I think Blossom is having an out-of-body experience xD
Brick? A gentleman? And worried about seat belts? Huh...?
"I'm fine. Fine. Just... my brain's being stupid." He smirked at her from behind his hand. "You know... just being myself." She settled back, a frown on her face. "I don't think you're stupid." He moved his hand away from his eyes and rested his chin on it. "Thank you for thinking that." THAT IS PROBABLY THE FIRST TIME ANYONE'S EVER SAID THAT TO BOOMER AND IT BREAKS MY HEART TO PIECES
Blues being one in the same *_*
Those two control freaks being spontaneous together ❤
Brick sure is a chivalrous date...who'd have thought xD
Aaaaand mood killed. Leave it to Brick to think of Blossom as "fucking icing on the cake". THIS IS WHY YOU'LL DIE ALONE!
So I decided to split this chapter’s liveblog into 2 parts because I obviously cannot stop rambling and this first part was big enough xD
Click here for more awesome ships to cry over!
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exxxhaling · 7 years
A Reflection: Roger Waters Us & Them
I am going to attempt to put into words my experience seeing an artist I have been listening to literally my entire life (actually before my life, as I last attended his show in the womb). Pink Floyd is easily, without a doubt, my favorite musical act of all time. Most people who know me know this to be a fact. I took one tab of lsd at this show, however I feel it did not define my experience, rather just enhanced it, and allowed me to fully tap into the emotions I’ve built up over a lifetime for this experience. The decision was pretty impulsive, but I felt as my only opportunity seeing the literal inventor of Psychedelic Rock, it was a fitting and rational decision. My personal song highlights will be first and following the end will have the majority of the rest of the set list.
Speak to Me/Breathe: “I’ve been mad for fucking years..” immediate crying ensues. I am mostly just in shock this is actually happening. After listening to this intro for 2 decades on cassette, CD, ipod, vinyl etc- I was now hearing it in front of me. Iconic. Pure shock. Singing through my crying. Breathe begins and feels exactly like a cool breath of air, like jumping into a freezing pool, water washing over your face in a cleansing and healing manner. Rogers visuals were beautiful, and took me on a little journey deeper into space.
Wish You Were Here: This song has followed me through a few of the purest, most serene, and most meditative moments in my life. It’s like a friend, almost like an angel, who hovers over me and smiles when it senses I’m feeling at ease. I have a stream of images that play through my head each time I hear this song, reminding me of those moments. Of course, crying again as this plays. Held both my friend’s hands and smiled through the blissful experience of Roger singing meditatively to me. You could feel the love and communion in the room. Roger touched on some controversial topics throughout his show but Wish You Were Here was a moment of oneness.
Happiest Days/Another Brick: I FUCKING LOST IT I have seen the searchlight through the crowd in literally hundreds of videos (and of course the Wall movie) and it happened and I LOSSSTTT ITTTT and THEN Roger does his “YOU, YES YOU! STAND STILL LADDY!” I could feeeelllll the excitement. I’m SO happy his visual choice for this song was from the 1982 Wall movie, I always loved the creepiness and darkness of the scene. The entire stadium rocks tf out, head-banging, chanting, fist raising, the natural response to one of the best Rock songs of all time.
Dogs: I realize how much I am tripping at this point. Act 2 was definitely a more intense journey for me. The entire stadium gets split into two by the Battersea Power Station with smoking smokestacks and floating pig. The guitar in this song was moving, soothing, and hypnotic. This song felt like it lasted 3 hours. It could’ve been a show by itself.
Us and Them: Beautiful, rejuvenating, magical, a peaceful cool down journey. I held Cjs hand again on this one and I believe we felt this song together as one. Sax was literal soul food. I could feel it deep inside me, with each note pulling out my inhibitions and letting them float away.
Brain Damage/Eclipse: The iconic prism appears along with my tears once again. During the conclusion of eclipse streams of rainbow colored lights emerge from the tip of the prism and wash over the crowd. the emotion built up inside me pours out through my mumbling of the lyrics and streams of tears. I tried to hold myself together but all my mind could simplistically repeat was “so.. beautiful…” over and over and over. Just such bright, pure, ecstatic beauty. The album was alive in front of me. It wasn’t a scraped up CD sitting on my dashboard anymore, it was alive. I SAW an album I’ve been listening to for years.
Comfortably numb: i had anticipated this my entire life, (however i never thought it would be a reality) and my first thought was “no, i’m not ready”. under normal circumstances i get emotional listening to this song. i always have, and i don’t fully understand why, as its lyrics don’t necessarily align with my story. however, for years i’ve found myself tearing up (or full blown crying) when listening, in the car, on the radio, in coffee shops, etc. I knew the set list going into the show, and i knew this would be the end of my night. It started and immediately i was hysterically crying. Rogers careful attention to detail crafted a set/setting i could’ve never imaged could be so intimate yet explosive. the crowd was brand new. suddenly all phone lights disappeared, every fan old and young stood together and poured out their souls to a song the generations will forever celebrate together. Roger had waves of light rolling through the crowd with each chorus, releasing up into the ceiling along with the unanimous shouts of “i have become comfortably numb”. I’ve felt the song many times before, but i experienced the song for the first time in that moment. the feeling in the final solo was as if i had a balloon in my chest the entire evening, with each song it grew larger and larger, and finally in the last moments it burst, releasing with it streams of color and light, feelings of joy and sadness, moments of tension and ease, all at once. The confetti, the lights, the visual of the hands finally meeting in a storm of bright color, the wail of the emotion packed guitar. this was the most beautiful and pure moment of my life. nothing comes close. no festival, no achievement, nothing. cj pulls me in and hugs me tight as i break down completely. i felt liquid, my body was irresponsible, my mind was a puddle, i could feel my soul as if it was a physical being standing in front of me. it was an orgasmic finale to a night of music that defined my childhood, and continues to define my present self.
Roger dropped us off where he picked us up, an image a quiet beach, looking out over the water. How appropriate.
Rest of Set List: (still in progress)
One of These Days: an absolute gem. Visuals took me through dark hallways with flashing lights. I could feel the guitar as if it were being strung through my chest.
Time: I knew this was Cjs favorite. We held hands and I could see the priceless look on his face as tunnels of clocks flew towards us. This time around I heard the same lyrics like I never have before.
Great Gig In the Sky: a beautiful journey led by the fantastic woman duet. I had the opportunity to lay my head back and relax.
Welcome to the Machine: A little dark for me as I was coming up, but sooo well executed.
Pigs: An eye-opening and humbling call to action. I have a lot of feelings about this that aren’t related to my musical experience so I will not touch on them, however I did have an internal battle with myself on this one (Rogers exact intention).
Money: His placement of this in the set list was tooo good.
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swearronchanel · 8 years
Impromptu post, thoughts during 5.05
I'm so pissed I literally lost an earring at some point today and just realized. So I ripped my dorm room apart looking for it (no luck of course) and now it's 9:30 so I already missed half of the new episode of Jane the Virgin. Also my earrings are from Tiffany's, they were a Christmas gift a couple years ago & I can't afford to replace it😭 whatever you guys don't care about this, I'm so tired but I refuse to fall asleep at 9:30pm because I'll wake up at like 5am. So I decided to watch a random episode of Call The Midwife and share my thoughts.
Ok I'm going with 5.05, since we just saw 6.05 lol, idk If there's any logic but just go with it alright
ah the old credits, I really like the new ones though. Especially the color
"We were moving from a time of guessing.." I love how the show explains & shows that times are changing
The health report! Littt
"I feel a drumroll is in order" Shelagh is so precious!! 💖 I love her Scottish accent && side note I still wish they would mention one day how she got London. It literally does not matter at all but we know next to nothing about her past and im curious ?! More of Shelagh’s past pls
"Patrick Turner, GP License to Practice Medicine and Secret Agent Shelagh Turnova save Poplar from ill health and disease!" I LOVE ITTTT😂 ONE OF HER BEST LINES EVER DONT @ ME, her laugh at the end is priceless ah! Shelagh is lowkey funny af she just rarely gets to opportunity and again Laura Main is an actual gem 😍
Trixie looking so good😍 i need her to whip my ass back in to shape. i havent worked out in like 3 months yikes
but seriously is this really my train of thoughts if i dont mention how perfect Helen George is?
yea its fuccking cancer, cigs are no joke
lol did they really not notice Tim reading Freud?
Also why did Shelagh ever think smoking cigarettes was a good idea after she freaking had tb? i forgive her though shes my bby💕
phyllis! my mother and hero
oh yea this lady cant read
forgot she was a ex-prostitute
vi and fred doing jumping jacks im dead, theyre a cute couple
Where did frankincense come from??
lol violet didnt wanna give up the bathroom door "we may be married but i still have my dignity"
Mrs Dooly? Is that her name (idk)
I can so see Shelagh delivering her baby herself like this lady did, but obviously she’d know what’s happening. You think Shelagh is going to freak out while giving birth though? hmm  
"I do like a milky brew" WHY IS THAT FUNNY😂😂 I like the Delia & Sister MJ interaction
does laying on a door really help a messed up back?
Those awful sleeves on Delia's uniform *cringe*
"I am not trusted with medical emergencies" I TRUST YOU SISTER MJ💕 lowkey hope the delivery sister MJ is involved in is Shelagh's
If I had to deliver my own baby I'd be freaking the fuck out too, like I'm not Dr Quinn
The Nonnatus Fam all at the table makes me happy😭
Sister Winifred rolling her eyes in the back 😂😂😂
"I'll be washing my hair and reading magazines from now on" yo sister Winifred is growing on me tbh?? Wow lol
"Ive always assumed the results of the male organ to be more rewarding than the organ itself" 😂😭 love sister MJ
Everyone in the convent shook😂 again sister W has the best reactions 😂 dick jokes are 100x funnier when they're made in a convent & 1000x funnier when they're made by a nun
Shelagh's "percussion" on Tim's back I'm dead lmfaoo
I don't remember if she has post partum ?
Fred taking over the shop😂 I miss when Fred used to scam though😭
"I'm missing my monthlys" "monthly whats?" Oh Fred cmon 😂
Tim snatching those cigarettes
Barbara trying to measure this lady😂😂 she's so awkward, love it
She leaves her baby outside smh
"Gosh James knows how to show a chap a nice time"  ANOTHER GREAT SHELAGH LINE😂 give my bby more great lines 😭😂
Laura Main and Helen George calmly ruined me, I never was like this? How did I end up literally crying every week for fictional characters ??
Shelagh and Patrick's faces were so smug just now I love it
Yikes those lungs
Reminds me of all the gross anti smoking commercials. Also Patrick is shook but I'm not too surprised
I love that Phyllis is so understanding and doesn't judge any patient  💕
"You have the rest of your life to get the hang of it" I NEEDED THAT TOO PHYLLIS THANKS
LMAO FRED "Because hell will freeze over first"
so yes post partum??
Phyllis is annoyed bc she wants to work on her Spanish and babs is taking too long with the dishes 😂😂te querio mucho phyllis
Tim sparking up lol 🚬
Here comes trouble
I wanna rip Patrick's index finger off. Remember that time he wagged his finger and Shelagh and I was ready TO FREAKING FLIP
but yea wtf you knew this would happen Tim
Shelagh's just like "Tim no" I love u Shelagh but what does that do lmao your husband is exploding
"You'll what, light it for me!?" BOYYYY ARE YOU BRAVE KID
If I responded like that my parents would've flipped, there most likely would've been a chancla coming at me  😭😂
But seriously Patrick should know better not to smoke lol
What does Roxanne mean this isn't real??
Aw cute Patrick and Tim moment, and a year later they're getting drunk off one beer and throwing darts into the wall😂
I want to see more of Phyllis with babies aww
Also not really related but I hope Phyllis has some good lines defending the pill when it comes back up. Remember when she had babs shook when she told the story of the soldier she spent a weekend away with😏 imagine her telling the other nurses?
Used to hang out at a Jazz club Patrick?? lol interesting  
damn get that radium treatment man
"The real magic is keeping on when all you want to do is run" Phyllis Fucking Crane spilling the tea as always. How did I not like her once upon a time??
Could Shelagh get any cuter eating biscuits? No she could not
lol biscuits aren't just for fainters!! Ah I don't miss sister Ursula 🙃
that's not your mother😐 (I knew where she was going though but you know I'm gonna say it anyway)
More Shelagh and Phyllis interaction yes pls
How much is a shilling? #ignorantamerican
Fred hiding from the costumers 😂😂
Yes Vi! Defend ur man & kick this rude ass lady out
Lol now Patrick telling other people to quit smoking. Don Draper tried man, it's gonna take u a while 😭
I'm here for the Phyllis and Sister W dynamic (more now that Phyllis is teaching her how to drive 😂)
Ah I love going back to old episodes when I know what happens in the future, also I notice things I didn't notice before and make connections and yea, you catch my drift lmao
"We don't choose to be unloved by those who should love us"💔
we truly don't deserve Phyllis. SHE'S TALKING ABOUT HER MOTHER AND IM CRYING
"Shame will keep us in all kinds of prisons if we let it" 😭😭😭
Patrick has a puppy face rn
Wait they went this long without naming the baby??
omg speaking of that, I really want to know what the gender of baby Turner is going to be and what it will be named😭😭
Vi is precious lol & Fred lifting her is cute. Patrick never lifts Shelagh😂
Aw speaking of my bbys💕💕
So precious it’s almost strange Turner family moment
Why do so many people hate that couch? Like it doesn't bother me or maybe I don't care enough about the background?
Angela has grown so much in a year wow, she looks a lot younger here
lol Shelagh and Patrick are like "um wtf psychology??" 😂
Wait Angela made a noise😂 when will she actually speak??
Haha Shelagh you're going to need new dresses but you don't know yet 😭😂💕 I still can't believe she's having a baby. I Love it.
"You're my world" lol that was so cute but also I still think Tim is too perfect of a child?? what teenager is so pleasant with his parents all the time 😂 plus he's always with them and his baby sister? #givetimalife2k17aka1962
Aww all the cute concluding moments & Vanessa Redgrave saying something profound and we are done.  
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