patrickross-things · 4 years
This article shows the summary of Procrastinators and Adapters Accountants. There are 4 types of Procrastinators, the performer, the self-deprecator, the overbooker and the novelty seeker.
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strrawberrymoon · 4 years
name  /  alias : leigh  gender  /  pronouns : female + she/her where  ya  from  ? : europe 👀 the  current  time :  18:53 height :  164 cm, i think that’s 5′4 job  or  major :  double major in sociology and media communications, still grinding pet  (  s  ) :  two dogs! one is a 7 year old maltese and the other a 3 year old cane corso favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  im a great listener and i give great advice, i’m straighforward which some people don’t like but oh well, i’m pretty adaptable. i got some nice titties any  special  talents  ? :  i can roll my tounge in any direction + crack a lot of knuckles ajkdshaj
why  you  joined  hqclouds :  i’ve been itchng to write more lately, so when love told me about their group i thought i’d give it a shot !!
meaning  behind  url :  strawberry moon was just a recent occurance irl which was really cool + i associate marinette with strawberries for some reason, and i’m a big fan of the lady moon
last  thing  you  googled :  i’m having some issues with my michrophone and zoom so i googled how to fix it, but no dice
birthday  /  zodiac :  leo ! my birthday is august 11th in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : yes and no. leo’s are very misunderstood imo, but each sign has the “more popular” or well known traits and then there’s the flipside of the coin—which i think suits me more myers  -  briggs :  ISFP / INFP moral  alignment :  chaotic idiot hogwarts  house : gryffindor
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  i honestly see myself in katara from atla, the whole smothering mothering routine. it’s becoming a regular thing for my friends to say “thanks, mom” or “ok, mom” so i guess i’m the mom friend. also fred weasly... he’s a twin.. i’m a twin... that’s all i need. and lastly, and very leastly, neil josten from all for the game series. most of you probably don’t know it, but he’s a demisexual chaotic idiot who says “i’m fine” way too much for someone who is most definitely not fine.
i  started  roleplaying : probably when i was around 16-17 was my first official roleplay experience. it was on facebook and kind of a nightmare types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  i like college stuff and small town rps, but i also love plot heavy rps that push you into developing your muse. really anything that isn’t too restricting favorite  fcs  to  use :  i don’t have go-to faceclaims. i tend to make a character around a FC and then use them until i lose muse or just feel like they need to rest. switch it up a lot, but some faces that i’ve really enjoyed playing for a longer amount of time are steven kelly, cindy mello and ellen v. lora fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : i want to write in all of the fandoms i know nothing about and look like a dumbass. also harry potter, the hunger games, avatar the last airbender, gossip girl, etc etc fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  marvel somewhat, any video games are very fascinating to me even though i’m not a gamer + know nothing about them, any distopian kind of fandom re: hunger games
share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  recently an admin of a twitter rp tried to use my male muse for their weird ship narrative. they tried to make him look like an asshole (& i do play assholes but this one wasn’t one) + used another male muse to make it seem as if these two boys were fighting over the person’s girl, even though she actually had a ship all lined up. they were also running the gossip twitter, so they made up a bunch of stuff about our muses without our consent and consequently i told them to fuck off, and both of us left the group. then she had no more “groupies” so she cuffed and the group closed two days later. it was petty hilarious.
fondest  roleplay  memory :  once in an OC group, i wasn’t “technically” doing a ship with a friend, even though the characters had feelings for each other. but for some reason the status of their relationship was a hot topic group wide, meaning everybody had their nose in it and wanting to know what’s up, so they publically kept doing things to make people think they’re together while denying it in the same breath. it was really fun to let it play out like that.
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : roy mustang from fullmetal alchemist, katara from atla, and my baby marinette favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : the last original character i played and fell in love with was named alex. im obsessed with him. still doing 1 x 1 with his girlfriend. they’re having a baby, it’s all very emo and domestic. maybe i make him relapse for funsies. canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  lupin x tonks from harry potter, korra x asami from legend of korra, danerys x daario naharis from game of thrones, katniss x peeta from the hunger games, etc... trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : i use the rich kid douchebag stereotype a lot. i also make a lot of my characters addicted to something to make them struggle with that.
i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  bro... i am a sucker for ansgt and smut. i do fluff on special ocassions >:) long  or  short  replies :  i prefer when they start out shorter, but medium is my fave pre  plotting  or  chemistry : chemistry all the way. plotting can be really fun but it’s a miss more often than a hit for me. plotting can be good for pre-established relationships but that’s about it sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : sentence starters single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  i’ve never done a multimuse blog, and i’ve actually been super against them in the past, but i’m starting to change my mind hehe gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : static (or none honestly)
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it :  ❝ You were children. was there no one to protect you? ❞ — ❝ Was there no one to protect you? ❞
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? :  ❝ I loved her, and sometimes, she loved me too ❞ 
top  current  celebrity  crushes :  zendaya, margot robbie always last  movie  you  watched :  365 days (2020) did  you  like  it  ? :  i hated it, what a waste of a perfectly good 2 hours  favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : harry potter franchise makes me nostalgic, perks of being a wallflower, my sister’s keeper favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : for some reason i’m obsessed with grey’s anatomy but i hate it favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : well fricking grey’s anatomy favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : the hunger games, harry potter sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : my friend is into sports i rep her ksdsdj favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : the sims. i like playing animal crossing vicariously through switch owners favorite  youtube  channels : don’t usually keep up with yt channels but i just binged some stuff from psychology in seattle hobbies :  procrastinating
what  are  the  three  non  essential  things  you’d  bring  to  a  deserted  island  ? : sunglasses, hairtie, hand cream
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : 
say goodbye by skillet, 
off the grid by alina baraz & khalid, 
bury a friend by billie eilish, 
break up with your girlfriend by ariana grande
get back by nine lashes
marry you by bruno mars (man)
personal  aesthetic : growing out my hair only to always wear it in a bun dream  vacation  ? : i just wanna go to the seaside with my friends dream  job  ? :  i literally can’t stand capitalism. wanna move to italy and collect berries and draw titties all day dream  car  ? :  something that drives itself if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : somewhere in canada near the woods favorite  musical : mama mia? counts favorite  food  (  s  ) :  bananaaaaas, ice cream, cereal. these are all foods ok coffee  order : i don’t drink coffee unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  13 reasons why (i’m too bored), the flash, outer banks, elite, the half of it, intersteller, locke & key aaand some stuff that’s not mine but someone else using my account
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : idk anything about anything askldhl
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peeessimistiiic · 8 years
Unusual Asks1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? soundcloud’s my go to but spotify is my side hoe
2. is your room messy or clean?kinda both?
3. what color are your eyes?dark brown
4. do you like your name? why?i’m not used to being called “angelica” but jelly is def something i’ve adapted well to
5. what is your relationship status? single
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lessshy, energetic, wild
7. what color hair do you have?dark brown, but in the sun it’s light brown
8. what kind of car do you drive? color? i have a white 2015 camaro and a blue gmc
9. where do you shop?what’s shopping tho? jk idk, i don’t shop much
10. how would you describe your style?lazy, girly sometimes but also v lesbian
11. favorite social media accounttumblr
12. what size bed do you have? twin?
13. any siblings?i have a deceased older brother who would be 22 this year, and a younger brother who is 11
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?i’m not sure, i lowkey hate being stationary
15. favorite snapchat filter? basic hoe one
16. favorite makeup brand(s)i’m not really into makeup but the chocolate scented two face foundation is hella guuud
17. how many times a week do you shower?usually every other day i wash my hair but i wash my body everyday since softball
18. favorite tv show?not too sure, i don’t watch many shoes
19. shoe size? …5.
20. how tall are you? 5’ strong
21. sandals or sneakers? both!!!!
22. do you go to the gym? no lmfao i’m a lazy bean
23. describe your dream datehonestly bout that cheap date shit! buy me boba and pizza or burgers and we’re honestly set. i don’t care for expensive dates, as long as we can kick back and i can learn more about you
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?i’m ballin’ with the $1’s except there’s only like 3
25. what color socks are you wearing? i’m barefoot lmfao
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?i hug one and use one so two??
27. do you have a job? what do you do? nah im a student athlete tho
28. how many friends do you have? hella
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? forgave a girl who cheated on me and took her back on the spot because i was blinded by the fake love she manipulated and brainwahed me to believe
30. whats your favorite candle scent?lavender maybe31. 3 favorite boy namesluke, andrew, and dylan????
32. favorite girl namesmichaela, jocelyn, and idk lmfao????
33. favorite actor? uhm idk?
34. favorite actress? too many i’m hella gay
35. who is your celebrity crush?lauren jauregui😫
36. favorite movie? perks of being a wallflower (i think the book is better), pitch perfect, harry potter series
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i don’t read as much as i want to, but perks of being a wallflower and milk and honey (because i’m hella basic) and anything really
38. money or brains? brains turn me on
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? jelly40. how many times have you been to the hospital?too many
41. top 10 favorite songslocation by khalidlosin control by russsaved by khalidfirst day of my life by gnash (p sure it’s a cover idk)no problem by chanceprblms by 6lackdown 4 u by blackbearidfc by blackbearmisunderstood by wemmymosunday candy
42. do you take any medications daily? yeet
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)lmao idfk
44. what is your biggest fear? love
45. how many kids do you want? 2-3
46. whats your go to hair style?my hair’s always layered but i like wavy
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) smol
48. who is your role model? mi madre
49. what was the last compliment you received?“your pitching was good!!”
50. what was the last text you sent?“HONESTLY”
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?lmfao idk?
52. what is your dream car? any car tbh
53. opinion on smoking?yolo
54. do you go to college? i plan on it
55. what is your dream job? as long as i’m working with kids, i’ll be happy
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? shit idk
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? FUCK YA
58. do you have freckles? nope
59. do you smile for pictures?yeah
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 842
61. have you ever peed in the woods? hell yeah
62. do you still watch cartoons? hell yeah
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?MCD!!
65. what do you wear to bed? minimal clothing
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?no i lost to vacuum
67. what are your hobbies?softball, tumblr, procrastinating
68. can you draw? not well at all HAHA
69. do you play an instrument?yeah!! ukulele, drums, guitar, flute, saxophone, clarinet
70. what was the last concert you saw? lmao well the closest thing to a concert was the thing a radio station did at California’s Great America
71. tea or coffee?MILK TEA
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?both
73. do you want to get married?it’d be p dope
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?Me Myself and I
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? im not sure
76. what color looks best on you? black bitch
77. do you miss anyone right now? fuck yeah
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?CLOSED WTF
79. do you believe in ghosts?idk
80. what is your biggest pet peeve? when people play w you
81. last person you calledlol lilly!!!!
82. favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate? idk
83. regular oreos or golden oreos? tf regular
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? i don’t like sprinkles
85. what shirt are you wearing? this pink/purple shirt
86. what is your phone background?this cool ass graffiti
87. are you outgoing or shy?both
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yes play w my hair and you can have my heart
89. do you like your neighbors? ya they give me guud shit
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?ya
91. have you ever been high? nah not yet
92. have you ever been drunk? heavily tipsy
93. last thing you ate? rice lmfao asian as fuck
94. favorite lyrics right now“she’s falling but she doesn’t think he’ll catch her”
95. summer or winter? depends on my mood
96. day or night? omg both
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? MILKKKK
98. favorite month? all
99. what is your zodiac signidk, im an aquarius tho!!!
100. who was the last person you cried in front of? uhhhh, anna????
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