#AEW Teachers AU
banannabethchase · 1 year
Hi, hello! Prompt: 7. “Is this sexy? I feel like this is somehow sexy”, with c) Locked/trapped in a room together and/or d) Teachers AU, for hangmox? Thank you so much!!
Rivals of the Year
Content warning: In this fic, there is a lockdown drill, but both characters are aware it is a lockdown. A character does exhibit anxiety around this, but it's not extreme and there's no anxiety attack. Read safely loves <3
...here have a preview of the Teachers AU Sarah put in my head that I now have to write At Some Point (it will not be actually started until Set the World Alight is completed as it is going to be Long. Hopefully no more than 25k but we all know how bad I am at estimating these things.)
Adam enjoys being one of the elective teachers. He usually only gets kids in his journalism class who actually want to be there, running the school newspaper is a hoot and a half, and, well, his hallmates don't suck, either.
His lunch time, absurdly early at 10:45, hits, and he makes his way down the hallway to grab his lunch from the teacher's lounge.
"Cowboy!" yells the man who is somehow both his favorite and least favorite. "How's my fellow teacher-of-the-year candidate?"
"On my way to schmooze more of the study body to vote for me," Adam shoots over his shoulder.
Jon Moxley, or Mox as all the kids and teachers call him, bumps Adam's shoulder with his. "You wish," he scoffs. "Like, fifteen kids take your classes altogether. I'm sure you'll win those fifteen votes, buddy." He claps Adam's shoulder, fingers lingering just a little longer.
Adam hasn't not noticed Mox. He hasn't missed the way Mox's eyes linger a little longer than professional, how his fingertips brush against Adam's hand when they sit next to each other to bitch through passed notes during staff meetings.
He's not willing to risk it, though. First, the union would have his head if he was wrong. And second...well, he's not sure it's possible. "Oh, fuck off. You and your forty-something students have nothing on Matt's kids who love me too."
"Ugh, the fucking drama teacher," Mox groans. "The only reason a Jackson didn't win again is because they were each Teacher of the Year the last two years." He rolls his eyes. "Anyway, we're scheduled for a lockdown drill today. Overheard Jackie in the main office mentioning it to Carla."
Adam goes slightly cold. "Oh."
Mox's eyes go kind and gentle. "Yeah, I mean - I know we're not supposed to know, but I remember what you said last time? About how they make you super anxious." He reaches out and bumps the back of his hand against Adam's. "I didn't want you to be scared."
"That's - that's incredibly sweet, Mox," Adam says.
"Yeah, I told some of my kids I know have similar reactions." Mox says, shrugging.
"I gotta go let Hailey and Jasmine know," Adam mutters. "And Logan. God, I hope Jacob's hear aids are charged..."
"Hey, breathe," Mox says, resting his hands on Adam's shoulders. "I'll go with you, check in on some of my kids who have me in the afternoon."
Adam nods. The two of them make their way down the hallway before the announcements click on, and Adam fills with dread. "Attention, Carter High School," comes the voice of the assistant principal, "we after in lockdown. Shelter, lock, windows."
Adam's about to freeze, but Mox grabs his arm and pulls him into the nearby photography room. Adam's about to mention to Mox that Hook's probably at lunch right now when Mox checks the warnings on the door, sees it green, throws the door open, and then yanks Adam in after him. Almost automatically, Adam pulls the door closed and falls against it.
"Okay," Mox whispers, face impossibly close to Adam's. "This is probably the safest place in the building. You okay?"
Adam blinks. "It's a drill, Mox."
"Yeah, but after the last drill I saw you paler than you usually are. This way, you know where to go if you ever find yourself on your own." As Adam's eyes adjust, he thinks he can see a smile on Mox's lips. "You okay?"
Adam takes inventory of his body. No shaking, no cold fingertips. His heart rate hasn't shot up, his thoughts aren't racing. "I'm okay," he says, sighing with relief. "Seriously, thanks for the heads up." He can't stop his eyes flickering from Mox's eyes, glowing lightly in the red light, and his lips. He thinks the way his heartbeat sped up is completely unrelated to the drill.
"Um," Adam says. He's not sure what he wants to say next. He's not sure what he's about to do.
"Okay, this is gonna be weird," Mox says. Adam can feel Mox's breath on his cheek. "But, like, is this sexy? I feel like this is somehow sexy."
Adam giggles. "Really?"
"I dunno," Mox says. Adam doesn't miss the way his eyes flicker down to Adam's lips. "Just. Dark room, we're alone, we've had that tension since, like, the beginning of the year."
Adam knows exactly what Mox is talking about. The teacher-themed Twister game. The first time Adam had ever really noticed how well Mox fills out a pair of jeans. "Alright," Adam concedes, still in a whisper. "Yeah, I could see how this could be sexy."
"And we're not even in our own classrooms," Mox says. "That would feel a little weird."
"Oh?" Adam says. "What could be weird?"
"I mean, if I kissed you in one of our classrooms, that would probably be pretty weird." He grins.
"Oh, definitely weird." Adam nods. "It's a really good thing we're not in one of our classrooms then."
Mox leans in so slowly it's like he expects Adam to lean away. Adam stays right there.
When Mox kisses him, Adam thinks he's seeing stars, and it's not just the red lights from the dark room behind his eyelids. The weight of it crashes on him like a wave and he can't help but settles his hands on Mox's hips. Mox pulls away, a tiny little smile on his lips. "God, you're cute," Mox laughs quietly. "Is it weird I'm kind of happy about the lockdown? I mean, terrible, reflection of the state this fucked up country is in, but for our personal needs it's not too bad, yeah?"
Adam nods. "I've definitely passed a lockdown in worse settings." He reaches up and adjusts his glasses on his nose. "So would you, um. Do you want to get coffee or something today? After work?"
"I don't know, Cowboy. Think that might be crossing a line."
Adam feels himself blush as red as the lights. "Oh, my god. Right. Sorry. I-"
"Oh, god, breathe," Mox says, settling his hands on Adam's shoulders. "That was a joke. I just kissed you. You asking me out is not over the line." He stares into Adam's eyes, and the urgency with which he whispers is almost comical. "I need to make sure you know it's a joke."
Adam chuckles, quiet. "Okay, yeah. So is that a yes?"
"I'll see you after school, Cowboy." He leans in and kisses Adam again, and Adam settles his hands on Mox's waist. He doesn't know how much time passes, but it's enough for him to jump when the principal's voice comes on the announcements saying, "All clear, Carter High. You may resume the normal schedule."
"You good, Adam?" Mox asks.
Adam nods. "Yeah. Just thinking about how we get out of here looking not like we've been making out in a closet the whole lockdown."
Mox snorts. "I was clearly being an upstanding citizen, and helped you to safety when I saw you were panicking." He grins. "Perfect addition to my teacher of the year pitch."
"Hey!" Adam says. He stumbles a little as Mox pushes the door open. "You can't use this to, like, pad your resume!"
"Why not?" Mox asks, shooting him a grin. "You were in need and, even though you're my rival for the position, I still helped you." He puts his hand over his heart as he opens the door to the photography classroom. "God, I'm such a humanitarian."
"I fuckin' hate you," Adam laughs as they make their way into the hallway.
Mox claps him on the back, hand lingering just a touch longer than it needs to. "No, ya don't."
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wintersoldierslover · 2 years
my fic recs masterlist
Bucky Barnes:
all bucky barnes
headcanon  -  blurb  -  one-shot  -  series
dbf!bucky  -  brothers bff  -  bff’s brother
neighbour  -  housewife reader
lumberjack  -  firefighter  -  bodyguard
priest bucky  -  college
football player  -  hockey player  -  boxer
professor  -  teacher  -  librarian/bookshop
coffee shop  -  soulmate  -  royal
other AUs  -  taboo
Stranger Things characters:
all eddie munson - all steve harrington
eddie and steve (x reader)
billy hargrove - jason carver - mike wheeler
dmitri enzo antonov - jim hopper
robin buckley - nancy wheeler
Outer Banks Characters:
all Rafe Cameron
all JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron and JJ Maybank (x reader)
Pope Heyward - Topper Thorton
John B. - Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Marvel characters:
Wanda Maximoff  -   Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff  -  Yelena Belova
Peter Parker  -  Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers  -  Stephen Strange
Frank Castle  -  Matt Murdock 
Moon knight  -  Steven Grant
Joaqín Torres - Clint Barton
Loki Laufeyson - Druig
Eddie Brock - Miles Morales
Miguel O’hara - Hobie Brown
Harry Potter characters:
Sirius Black - Remus Lupin 
James Potter - Poly!Marauders
Lily potter -  Cedric Diggory
George Weasley - Fred Weasley
Severus Snape - Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Avatar (James Cameron) charachters:
neteyam - aonung - lo’ak
rotxo - kiri - spider
jake sully - neytiri - tsu’tey
tonowari - ronal - colonel quaritch
Top Gun chracters:
Fanboy  -  Hangman  -  Rooster - Bob
Wednesday characters:
Xavier Thorpe - Ajax Petropolus
Wednesday Addams - Divina
Bridgerton characters:
Anthony Bridgerton -  Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Criminal Minds characters:
Spencer Reid  -  Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
The Last of Us characters:
Joel Miller - Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
The Devil All The Time characters:
Tommy Matson - Lee Bodecker
Uncharted characters:
Nate Drake - Sam Drake
Euphoria characters:
Elliot (Euphoria) - Fezco
On My Block characters:
Mario Martinez - Oscar Diaz
Modern Family characters:
Luke Dunphy - Alex Dunphy
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent - Jamie Tartt
NHL players:
Matthew Ktachuk - Trevor Zegras
Nolan Patrick - Tyler Seguin
Sebastian Stan - Joseph Quinn
Jamie Campbell Bower - Danny Ramirez
Drew Starkey - Rudy Pankow
Ben Hardy - Bella Ramsey
Jenna Ortega
Miscellaneous characters:
Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz  -   Marcus Baker
Rodrick Heffley -  Hunter Sylvester
Lloyd Hansen - Ari Levinson
Nick Fowler -  Tangerine
Rhett Abbott - Hayden ‘Harvard Hottie’
Colin (Not Okay) -   Min Ho (Xo, Kitty)
Ash (No Exit) -  James Maguire (Derby Girls)
Jake Peralta - Nick Miller  - Brian O’conner
Anakin Skywalker - Bruno Madrigal
Tadashi Hamada - Kakashi Hatake
Miscellaneous real people:
Billie Eilish - AEW Hook
*Updated whenever there’s a new character <3
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persephoneflowerpetals · 11 months
Now hear me out- and if this sounds dumb, y’all are free to boo me. No shame in that.
… A modern AU/wrestling AU. Kind of like WWE, AEW, etc, BUT with all of the Hercules characters? (Yes, I’ve been into WWE recently and the thought just popped into my head LIKE????? Idk WHY it did, but it just did).
No no no omg that’s an awesome idea!!!
Legit I have so many modern-ish AU ideas for Hades and Persephone it’s crazy lol, I have
- Modern AU/Office Romance AU
- Music Industry AU
- University Professor AU
- Highschool Teacher AU
- Social Media Influencer/YouTuber/TikToker AU
- Music Band AU
- Movie Star (kinda like the House of Mouse AU but with a more modern twist) AU
- Nightclub AU
- Zombie Apocalypse AU
Lol anyways, no that’s an awesome and interesting idea! I’m not very big on wresting myself, but omg seeing Hades as a wrestler with those big ol muscles and those washboard abs! UGH MY LITTLE SIMP HEART COULDNT TAKE IT AGJSHDJDHD 😍❤️
Also all I can think about are those wrestling memes like “IT’S ME AUSTIN! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!” and that “wrestler math” meme but with the freaking Hercules characters and I’m freaking dying because I love those memes 🤣
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
Domestic Life of OWA Backflash: how they met(Kenny’s POV)
Summary: Kenny meets the new kid.
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“Do it! Jump!”
The group of boys watched as Nick tried his best to stay balanced on a large chain link fence just outside the school.
“This was an awful idea.” He yelled back, starting to slowly stand up fully. As he did the bell rang behind them, scaring Nick. “Shot!” He quickly fell, landing hard on his back at Kenny’s feet.
“Oh my god! Are you ok?” Kenny choked out from behind his laughs. Cody had his hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter while Matt was practically rolling on the ground laughing at his brother.
“Assholes.” He groaned, putting a hand out for Kenny to pull him to his feet.
“You’re the dumb ass who climbed up there.” Matt pointed out. He wrapped his arm around his brother and pulled him to his chest.
“We should probably get going.” Cody commented, grabbing his backpack from the ground.
“Why? Don’t you have Hardy?”
“Ya, but Nick there has Jefferson. And he will ruin you if you're late.” Cody pointed out. He started towards the school, and the rest of them followed behind.
“So what are we going for today?” Kenny jogged up to Cody. They had social studies together, and they tended to get away with being tardy if they put a show on.
“I don’t, what were you thinking?” Cody asked as they entered the school.
“See you at lunch!” Matt called out to him and Nick went one way and the two of them went another. Kenny waved, but was quick to go back to Cody.
“I think we should just go for it. He will be able to tell we didn’t plan, so we’ll just say the most Absurd thing we can think of.” Kenny explained. There had been times the two boys had spent hours the night before rehearsing, trying to make it perfect. But they hadn’t planned on being late today.
“Ok, I’ll start.” As soon as he said that, the two started jogging towards the classroom.
“Good morning!” Kenny called out just before they went inside. As they did, Hardy immediately sighed a bit.
“Mr.Rhodes, Mr.Omega. Are we going to be greeted with this entrance every day?” He asked, turning to the two men.
“I Sincerely apologize. I could have sworn I set an alarm, but I woke up with but 10 minutes to get ready. Of course I raced to school so as to not stifle my learning, but I’m afraid I was still late!” Cody exclaimed, and Kenny could hear some people laughing.
“Ok, so tell me Kenny, what about Cody’s alarm caused you to be late?”
“He forgot to set mine too.” Kenny shrugged, holding back a smile when multiple kids laughed out loud.
“And why would Cody be in your room setting your alarm?”
“Can the love of my life not set my alarm? Baby, he’s doubting our love!” Kenny said reaching a hand out and grasping Cody’s shoulder.Hardy rolled his eyes, but continued to humor both of them.
“Ahh, so if I Spoke to Matt Jackson, as well as Nick Jackson’s first period teachers, would they say they were late as well?”
“Are you insinuating that we are lying?! This is ghastly! Can you believe it Kenneth?!” Cody gasped, a fake look of horror on his face.
“Not at all my love! For him to claim that we were late because of the brothers of the Jackson house is preposterous!” This last part got Cody, making him let out a half airy chuckle.
“My god, I should have never made you read that…” Hardy mumbled under his breath before looking at the two of them. “Sit down boys, before I mark you tardy.” Said ‘thing’ they read was a collection of classical books.
“So you're not going to?” Cody asked, making Hardy point to a few desks in the back.
“I will if you don't sit down in 3 seconds.”
Both men turned to take a seat, and Cody slid into a seat in front of a kid Kenny didn’t recognize. Kenny sat in the chair next to him, and as class started he allowed himself to look at the boy. He had blond hair, that wasn’t like blond blond, but more like a gold color. He only looked up a few times, so Kenny couldn't quite get an eye color, but he did see large bags. He was definitely new, and Kenny knew immediately he needed a reason to talk to this new pretty boy.
Kenny looked around the classroom, and saw Hardy back at his desk as everyone was working on the assignment. He quickly pulled out a half finished math paper and flipped it to the back writing a quick note.
‘Don’t need you for anything
Just want to talk to the cute guy’
He folded the paper so pretty boy wouldn't see the writing before getting his attention. He leaned forward to be closer before saying anything.
“Hey!” He whisper yelled, making pretty boy look at him.
“Um, hey?” He questioned slightly, giving Kenny a confused look.
“I’m Kenny.”
“Adam.” So pretty boy had a name.
“Are you new?” Kenny looked over at Adam quickly, noticing that he didn’t look anything like what you would imagine a man from California would look like.
“Ya, first day.” He whispered. His eyes seemed to nervously jump around the room.
“That’s cool. Hand this to Rhodes?” Kenny asked, pointing slightly at Cody.
“Sure?” Adam took the paper and handed it to Cody. Kenny watched as Cody read the note, which earned him an eye roll and a ‘really?’ Kenny just shrugged and opened his mouth but was cut off by a cough.
All three men looked to see Hardy staring at them. “Boys, I’ll have to request that we get back to our work. Also don't corrupt the new kid yet Omega.”
“I didn’t do anything!” Kenny threw his arms up in defense, causing Cody to laugh at him. “Oh shut up Rhodes.”
“Oh my god! Matt, he’s in here too.” Kenny looked over Matt to see Adam walk in the classroom. He had just been telling Matt about the cute new boy in a bunch of his classes.
“Calm down Ken. From what you say you’ve only said like 3 sentences to each other-“
“It’s a sign.” Matt rolled his eyes at Kenny’s interruption, knowing there was no reason to try speaking at this point. “I have one of the cutest guys I’ve seen in a while in almost every class! There is no way it’s a coincidence.”
“Or, and hear me out, you both are at similar levels for classes.”
“You're no fun.” Kenny mumbled, slumping down in his chair but he perked up a bit when he saw Adam again.
“No, I just don’t think you're meeting your soulmate your sophomore year of high school.”
“Do you and Nick have drama today?” Matt asked, shifting the topic a bit.
“Ya, figured we would meet you out Front after practice.” Kenny looked over Matt to confirm the plan. They always walked home together, minus Cody.
“Sounds good.”
Kenny’s eyes kept jumping from his phone to Adam who seemed to be texting someone. Apparently Adam was a football player, and had become friends with Matt during practice.
“-right Kenny?” Kenny looked up, giving a quick nod as he put his phone away, wondering what he just agreed to.
“Come on.” Matt beckoned them to start walking, but as they did Adam stayed where he was. “You comin?” This pulled Adam back and he jogged a bit to catch up with them. They walked in silence until Kenny asked a question.
“So, where did you move from?”
“small town in Virginia.” When he didn’t add anything else Kenny kept going.
“So you're, like, a cowboy?” That quickly got Kenny an elbow in his side from Matt.
“Dude-“ he started, and Kenny would have gotten chewed out but Adam cut in.
“No it’s fine,” Adam said, not able to contain the chuckle that came out. “ not like he’s wrong either.”
“I mean, when the rodeo and fair came to town the whole town had 2 weeks off school.”
“Really?” Nick asked.
“I mean, if they didn't, over half the school would have skipped. Almost everyone had to either work, or show an animal, or perform at the actual rodeo. To have school would just be a waste.” Adam explained.
“So did you show anything?” Matt questioned.
“Ya, while in 4-6th I showed Sheep, then 7th-9th I showed cows. I also did barrel racing, state champ last year.” Adam blushed a bit after saying that, and Kenny thought he looked cute with his face turning red.
“So do you still do it?” Kenny asked.
“Oh no. We don’t have the money to rent somewhere to keep and work animals here.” Adam answered a little quieter.
“Why did you move? Seemed like you really liked it there.”
“Mom's boyfriend got a new job.” Kenny frowned at this answer, and thought about it as they walked in silence.
“Wait, you said your mom’s Boyfriend, why didn’t he pick you up from school?” Kenny asked, which earned him his second elbow from Matt. “Hey! I was just wondering. Seems like a quick fix.”
“You can’t just ask stuff like that.” Matt hissed.
“No, it’s fine.” Adam said, stepping in a bit. “Me and him don’t get along. He picked up my younger siblings so it’s fine.”
“That seems kind of counterproductive. I mean you could be home, instead you’re walking home with us. Why would you hate him that much?”
“Kenny…” nick warned, but of course Kenny kept pushing.
“I’m just asking!” He defended.
“You know Kenny,” Adam said, getting frustrated. “For a guy I just met today you sure are trying to put your nose in my business.”
They all stopped walking as Kenny and Adam kept their eyes on each other.
“I’m just trying to understand. If someone can help, let them. I mean if you really hated him wouldn’t you have stayed with your dad or something?” Kenny knew damn well he should shut up, but Curiosity killed the cat.
“You know, you have no fucking idea what kind of life I have. What if my dad was dead hu? What if he was abusive? What if I couldn’t? You. Wouldn’t. Know.” Adam poked Kenny in the chest with each word. “So don’t tell me what I would be feeling, because you don’t know my life. So fuck off.”
Kenny watched the boy in front of him, anger building in him. Instead of saying anything he looked over at Matt and Nick, said goodbye, and stomped off down the road.
Not even 10 minutes later he started to feel guilty. What the hell was wrong with him? Less than an hour ago he had been gushing about how cute the new kid was, and he just destroyed almost any chance of even being friends with the guy. He stomped into his house, not even checking if anyone else was home, and went to his room.
“Fuck me…” he groaned to himself. He knew this wasn’t like an argument with Cody. He had no idea how Adam would react, and to be honest, he would understand why Adam would hate him after that.
He gave it some time before texting Matt.
‘How bad did I fuck up?’
‘I thought you liked this kid’
‘Shut up I’m serious’
‘If it makes you feel any better, I bet he would forgive you’
‘There is no fucking way he would’
‘I’m serious. He was more nervous that you were mad’
‘Honestly I don’t know where you found him but ya. So apologize. He’s cool to be around.’
Kenny walked into first early, seeing Adam leaning over his desk working on some homework. “Ok Kenny, don’t fuck up this time.” He whispered to himself before walking over.
Adam looked up surprised to see him. “Oh, hey.”
“I’m really sorry for yesterday. You don’t owe me any information about your personal life. I get awful the moment I walked away.” He explained, hoping to god he looked as sincere as he felt.
Adam just looked at him. “I don't really know what to say. Just, I would prefer it if you didn’t try to dig like that.” He admired, and Kenny just felt like more of an asshole.
“No, I get it! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Kenny asked hopefully.
“I- um…”
“What if I buy you lunch?” He asked hopefully, and when Adam agreed he smiled a lot bigger then he probably should have.
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So I usually hate High School AUs but lissen: AEW HS AU.
Regal, Mox and Bryan are the mean girls.
Best Friends are the slackers and stoners who send one of their number - Yuta - to infiltrate the mean girls.
MJF is hot for teacher (Punk).
Sting, Darby and the Hardys are the drama club weirdos.
The Acclaimed run the school radio.
Brit and Adam are the It Couple, but Sammy and Tay are trying to dethrone them.
Dark Order just want to cause mayhem.
The Young Bucks are the founders of the LGBTQ alliance.
Hangman? Transfer student from some tiny rural town just trying to fit in. He gets in with the wrong crowd at first but then Dark Order takes him under their wing.
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killypool · 2 years
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so we doing pinned posts now? is that the cool thing to do? this is an independent, private, selective, movie and headcanon based WADE WILSON / DEADPOOL. for better or worst, i've been writing this sarcastic, morally grey sonuvabitch since june of 2018. i have roughly a thousand verses, and i'm always delighted to make more. ask me about my shrek au.
my name is aisling, but i also go by ais, alana, lana, whatever floats your boat. i'm a 24 year old nurse in cst timezone. i work 70+ hours a week along with going back to school part time, so please excuse low activity. because of the violent, sexual, and triggering content on this blog and in wade's life, i prefer to follow and rp with 18+ ( ideally 21+ ). currently dash only while i slowly reorganize and update my pages. please let me know if you have any questions.
UPDATE: currently on hiatus during apartment move, job move, and school
caard | positivity post i want everyone to read | rpthreadtracker | interest tracker
spotify | wire: killypool | discord: dumbasspool#3129 | pinterest
canon compliant / canon divergent / mcu verses
au: police | youtuber | single dad | nurse
fandom: skyrim | hunger games | far cry 5 | shrek | wwe / aew / wrestling | fallout 4
other verses in progress: purge, twilight, circus, izombie, princess diaries, saw, game of thrones, harry potter, wild west, hancock, sons of anarchy, teacher
starter calls, ask calls, plotting calls, etc:
to be added
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ricdemption · 5 years
Alternative Universe Writing Challenge!
Hello everyone!! Finally got a chance to compile the list of prompts for the writing challenge so here they are! So these prompts come from @alternateuniverseotp​‘s AU List and I just picked out the ones that I liked most!
Please ensure that you read the rules and other information and if anything is confusing feel free to send me a message. 
Reblogging is not a necessity but would be appreciated!
Fic must be longer than 500 words
Any WWE/AEW wrestler and ship can be used
A reader insert is preferred but an OC or ship is acceptable
Can be fluff/angst/smut etc. Just tag everything appropriately! (THIS IS ESSENTIAL)
Choose one alternative universe and a wrestler or ship to write for. Send me a message with the prompt and if you know which wrestler then include that too so I can cross it off the list. 
Only one person per prompt. 
Post all fics by 7th August (exactly 2 months from today)
Tag your fic with ‘MBAUwritingchallenge’ which is what I’ll be tracking and tag my blog in the fic so I can keep track!
If there is a universe not on the list that you’d like to write about, let me know in your message!
Alternative Universes
Accidental Marriage - taken by @itsreigns
Amnesia - taken by @sassymox (The Shield)
Apocalypse - taken by @balorbarnes (Finn Balor)
Art Student
Babysitter - taken by @theworldofotps (Finn Balor)
Bakery - taken by @toboldlygooooo (Chris Jericho)
Biker - taken by @rampagewriting (Baron Corbin)
Blind Date
Bodyguard - taken by @cherry-mox (Jon Moxley / Jimmy Havoc)
Book Store -taken by @calwitch (Luchasaurus)
CEO/Boss - taken by @moxleysbaby
Coffee Shop
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage - taken by @ashthenocturnalwriter​ (Drew Gulak)
Forbidden Love
Hero/Villain - taken by @helplessly-nonstop
High School - taken by @let-me-love-you-loki (The Shield / OC)
Immortal - taken by @writingrose (Drew McIntyre)
Mafia - taken by @sporadic-fics (Roman Reigns)
Medieval - taken by @xprincessofthefallenangels (Aleister Black)
Mermaid - taken by @officialbroski10-blog (Brian Kendrick)
Neighbour - taken by @calum-hoodwinked-me (Adam Cole)
Photographer - taken by @the-beastslayers-queen (Seth Rollins)
Police Officer
Porn star - taken by @hardcorewwetrash (Braun Strowman)
Prisoner - taken by @sethsevolution (Roman Reigns / Jon Moxley)
Soulmate - taken by @masked--empress (Pete Dunne)
Spy - taken by @thirstiswet
Stripper - taken by @mondaynightrollynch (Rollynch [Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch])
Teacher/Student - taken by @romansrgn (Roman Reigns / OC)
@lovesweetpeaa @officialbroski10-blog @calum-hoodwinked-me @hardcorewwetrash @helplessly-nonstop @calwitch @softmox @xprincessofthefallenangels @burnitbalor @writtingrose @buckybarnessmile @itsreigns @undisputedlasskicker @balorclubbabe @the-beastslayers-queen @theworldofotps @mondaynightrollynch @writing-reigns @rampagewriting @sporadicyouthwriter @romansrgn @masked--empress @moxleysbitch @balorbarnes @thirstiswet
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r-truth · 2 years
What is Small Town AU? 👀
HELLO NONNIE!!! so a few years ago, mutuals and i spent MONTHS talking about the small town au! it was a small town setting with wwe/other promotions wrestlers in it. i remember someone writing a randy/c*dy fic on it, them being football coaches of opposing teams (wwe vs aew) asjkdkasjdkajsd other ideas were like the shield being chaotic as always, dean being the one that all the police force knew. 205 live roster (at the time it was a thing) was a senior year class, and edge and christian were their teachers! edge being the Chaotic one and Christian the Lawful Good. christian & edge being friends with cm punk and jeff hardy. oh and alos daniel bryan and the miz being a thing (of course daniel bryan owned a vegan shop)
the good thing about small town au is that there were no limitations to what you could imagine your favourite wrestlers doing!!!!!
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banannabethchase · 6 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Tagged by the lovely @aidaronan
Gonna put all this under a cut as it is a doozy. Me? Rambling? It's just as likely as you'd think from the everything about me.
Words and Fics
497,498 words published on ao3 (Jesus fucking Christ - that doesn't even count my ficlets)
101 fics published on AO3
Enough tumblr ficlets that I don't have the spoons to go back and count them all
3 in-progress fics that may or may not be in the yeeted into purgatory sometime soon
3 new fics in permanent purgatory
1 new fic that I killed within 500 words
9 series created/added to
Top 3 by kudos
Hungry Heart - HangMox, AEW
[tie between] Intrigue - HangMoxMatt, AEW and A Convenient Cancellation - HangMox, AEW
I Can't Promise Forever (But I'm Working On It) - HangMox, AEW
(Realizing now that holy cow do my HangMox fics do better than I thought. Also all of those were published before I put my account on lockdown, I think, so that contributes as well.)
Fandom Events in 2023
Threecount Exchange! I mean, it kicked in this year. Everything gets published and finished next year, but still, it counts!
Upcoming Projects
Threecount Exchange fic (no you will not get details mwahaha)
The final installment of the House of Black Magic series, which is also my final square on my Bingo Board
Days 10-31 of the December Prompt Challenge I for some reason made for myself, which includes the finale of a series (I shan't disclose which)
At least 4 more installments in the Matt Experiments universe
The teacher's AU I've been putting off for about a year
Writing reflection
What a frickin' year. I haven't been in a fandom like this since Scorpion which, for those who know, ended poorly for both the whole fandom and me as a person. I was unable to watch the season 4 premiere due to my Dad's death, and then it got cancelled before I could catch up. Jumping back into a fandom head first, after how miserable my last one ended, was scary but incredible.
I beat NaNoWriMo 3 times in one year for the first time since 2016. I wrote two novella length fics and a novel length fic from December 2022 until now. I've made friends with incredible people, learned how to use tumblr in a way that keeps me safe, and learned that I've grown past the person I was when I let other people drive me out of a fandom for writing fic in a way I enjoyed and being autistic. I feel safe in this fandom, not for the lack of drama (lord knows there's plenty of it), but because I've created for myself a space where I know I can trust the people I follow.
I am excited to vault headfirst into 2024. I have no predictions. I have no expectations. I just have hope, and I think that's enough.
But I really do hope I can keep writing, even if it's at a different pace from 2023.
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please do eat glass, I’ve heard it’s good for your gums.
Tagging [please view the rules! I think they are great rules!!! Except the glass thing, don't chew glass. If you don't want to do this, please feel free to ignore completely]: @sarahcakes613, @booboo-eyedbambi, @scissormedaddyass, @rosabellebelieve, @anairbri. As always, if you see this and want to try it, I tagged you :) (And if you don't want to do this, pretend I didn't tag you.)
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
Anyone have any Headcanon ideas that go with the series? I want to write something small for it.
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
Domestic Life of One Winged Angle Instagram post #1
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
Domestic Life of One Winged Angle
Chapter 1
Summary: An au of is AEW/wwe wrestlers lived normal lives
An: This was originally posted on AO3 by myself over a year ago, and I’ve decided to post it here too. This includes shipping pro wrestlers, if you don’t like please don’t reader. I’m also just reposting it here, and I changed my writing style, so some of it is in first person, and switches to third later
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"Kenny! We're going to be late!" I yelled standing at the front door pulling my jacket on. We were supposed to be going to one of Matt's kids birthday. "I know! I know! Give me a sec!" Kenny called from down the hall in our room. I just rolled my eyes, how he makes it to anything on time is beyond me. Hell, I have expected him to be late to our own wedding!
"K, let's go." Kenny said walking out of the room. He was in just a white tee shirt and some shorts, his hair didn't even look done, not that it ever did.
"What could have possibly took you that long?" I asked as we walked out to the car. As we got in Kenny got in the drivers side so I pulled my phone out and sent a quick message to Matt that we were running a little late.
"Can't rush perfection Adam." Kenny said giving me a cocky smile. "Besides, I was wrapping the gift." He said waving his hand in the direction of the back where a box wrapped in green paper.
"Wow. For once you have a valid excuse to be late." I said giving him and impressed look.
"You knew what you were getting when you put a ring on me." He said shrugging. I smiled, taking his right hand in mine and looking out the window. Best decision I ever made.
"Uncle Kenny!" A blur yelled slamming into Kenny as we walked into the door. He looked down to see Matt's son Zachary.
"Hey bud, happy birthday." Kenny's said picking him up.
"Will you come play with us?" He asked sticking his lip out. Kenny chuckled but started walking down the hall towards there play room.
"When are you guys having one?" I turned to see Matt's wife standing behind me.
"Oh um, not sure we will."
"What!? You and Kenny are so good with the kids!" She said surprised .
"I personally wouldn't mind it, but Kennys never said if he would." I said shrugging. It took years for me and Kenny to get together begin with.
"Well, if you did, you would both be amazing parents." She said winking at me as she walked away. The party went well, not overly exciting. Kenny spent most of his time playing with the younger kids there while I made small talk to a few of the other people I there.
"Hey babe, you doing ok?" Kenny asked in my ear, his arms wrapping around my waist.
"Ya, why wouldn't I be?" I asked looking over my shoulder.
"Your fiddling with your wedding ring. You do that when your uncomfortable." He explained pointing at my hands. I looked down to realize I was without thinking about it. "We can leave. Most of the kids have left anyways."
"You sure? I know you like to be at these things." I asked, not wanting him to leave just because I wasn't having fun.
"Positive. Now come on, let's let Matt know we're leaving." He said taking my hand pulling me along. We found Matt and Nick both in the kitchen.
"Hey, me and Adam are gonna head out." Kenny said as soon as we were in there. Nick and Matt both gave each other a look making me frown.
"What was that?" I asked making them look at me.
"What was what?" Matt asked giving me an innocent smile.
"That look."
"What look?" Nick said trying not to laugh. I gave them a look causing them both you burst out laughing. Kenny and I looked at each other confused and looked back at them. "Sorry. Sorry!" Nick said pulling himself together.
"It's just, whenever you guys are 'heading out' it meant you guys were going to, you know." Matt explained smiling.
"Were married, why is that odd?" Kenny asked still confused.
"Not now! Back when we were younger. You know, when Adam still told everyone he was straight." Nick said, and I felt my face go beet red. Years ago me and Kenny casually slept together. Obviously it became something more. We thought we had hid it well, but apparently we didn't.
"Oh god..." Kenny mumbled hiding his face in my shoulder.
"Well.... as fun as that conversation was, we are going to head out. I'll see you at work tomorrow Matt." I said taking Kenny's hand and rushing us out of there. We didn't say anything until we were in the car and driving.
"We weren't that obvious were we?" Kenny asked looking over at me as I drove.
"I didn't think we were, but clearly I was wrong..." I said shrugging. "I mean, we were normally pretty excited when we were going to leave." I said winking at him causing him to blush.
"Plans for tomorrow?" Kenny asked ignoring my last comment.
"Ya, tomorrow is the first day back to school. I have to, you know, work." I said chuckling as Kenny got a look of confusion on his face that turned into annoyance.
"I swear there starting school earlier and earlier." He mumbled making me laugh.
"Ya, I'll probably be pretty busy this week, but this weekend I'm all yours." I said reaching over to take his hand in mine. We sat in silence for a bit before Kenny spoke again.
"Adam, have you ever thought about kids?" I felt my body tighten up a bit at that. Did Kenny want kids? Did he just here me talking to Matt's wife?
"Um.... I'm not sure..." I lied, my anxiety shooting through the roof. "Have um, have you?" I asked liking my lips.
"I don't know..... I just- never mind. I don't know what I was thinking. We haven't even been married a year, just forget I said anything." He rushed taking his hand from mine. I wanted to beg him not to drop the conversation, but I decided to stay silent. If he wants to talk about it we will.
The rest of the drive was uneventful, and when we got home Kenny went to shower. I was sitting in the kitchen, my phone in my hand. "Ok, let's do it..." I mumbled, pressing down in a contact. I held it to my ear for a few moments listening to it ring before-
"The person your calling had not answered the phone, please leave a message after the beep."
"Hey mom. It's Adam! Um, this is the 270th message I've left since my and Kenny's wedding. Um, I home everyone is doing well. Um, we didn't do much today, hung out at home, and went to Matt's sons birthday. I miss you, and like normal I'll keep leaving messages until you block me, love you all." I sighed as I ended the message.
My family had cut me off when I married Kenny. They had tried to get me to leave him up until the night before our wedding, and when they realized I was going to go through with it, they all cut me off. I set my phone down on the table, and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Adam, a sad look on his face.
I stood up and practically fell into his arms. "I've got you..." he whispered.
I groaned as I reached over blindly to turn off my alarm. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I attempted to get up but felt a sting pair of arms wrap tighter around my mid section. "Kenny babe, I have to get ups.." I said prying his arm up so I could slip out of bed.
He let out a sound of distress and sat up, his hair a curly mess on his head. "I hate Mondays...." he mumbled. I chuckled as I walked into the bath room.
I showered quickly and brushed my hair and teeth. With a towel wrapped around my mid section I walked back into our room. Kenny was gone and the door was wide open. I could here him moving around in the kitchen.
I got dressed quickly, just a button up shirt and jeans. Being and art and creative writing teacher had its perks. Like not having to be dressed nice all the time. I made my way into the kitchen. Kenny was sitting at the table, in nothing but sweat pants, and reading some Magna. Two cups of coffee we're already on the table as well as a bagel.
"Morning..." I mumbled kissing his head as I sat down. Without looking up he pushed one of the cups towards me as well as the bagel. "Thank you." I said taking a sip of the warm liquid. "Big plans for today?" I asked as I took a bit of the bagel.
"I have a package from the other day, it's supposed to be my new gaming system so I'll probably do a video for it today." He said shrugging.
I could feel the tension from the talk about baby’s last night. I looked up at he clock sighing, I had to get going. “I’ve got to head out, I love you.” I said standing up. He stood to join me giving me a quick kiss.
“Have a good day.” He said smiling before walking away. I grabbed my bag as I headed out and got in the car. The drive luckily wasn’t far and I got there rather quickly.
“Good morning Mr.Page.” One of the lady’s greatest me as I walked in.
“ Mornin. Oh! I meant to ask you to change my name over to Adam Page’Omega.” I said stoping to talk to her. “I added my husband’s name on.” I explained.
“Oh of course! It should be switched in a few but schedules were already sent out so you’ll have to tell the students that.” She said as she started typing on her computer.
“Thanks!” I called out as I walked towered the art hall.
“Hey Adam!” I looked over my shoulder to see Matt running down the hall. He was the Physical education/health teacher.
“Hey man.” I said stoping to great him. “You ready for another year?”
“Not at all. Half of my team graduated last year!” He complained. Did I forget to mention he’s the football coach.
“I’m sure you’ll get some decent kids from the freshman class.” I said as I started walking again so I could get to my class room, Matt on my tail.
“Come on man! You know the freshman are shit almost every year. We were champions last year, I can’t let the school down, so I was wonderin-“
“No.” I said cutting him off. I already knew what he was going to ask.
“Come on Adam! You were one of the best players ever! With your help I could have a strong team in a week.”
“No matt. I don’t do shit with that game anymore. It’s dangerous and I’m not helping other kids ruin there bodies in high school.” I snapped. When I played I had a really bad hip injury, witch I still struggle with now.
“Fine, but if you change your mind you know where to find me.” He said as I unlocked my door. Before he could leave I grabbed his arm stoping him.
“You’ve known Kenny for a while right?”
“Ya, since like 3rd grade. Why?” He asked frowning.
“Yesterday on our way home he asked me if I had thought about kids. And I’ve never heard him talk about that.” I explained. “So I just wanted to know if he’s ever.... talked about it.”
“I mean this is Kenny we’re talking about. He’s had the, nice house, white picket fence, and perfect husband or wife. I would assume kids were wrapped up in all that. I think a real question is, do you?” He asked leaning against the door frame.
I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn’t fine any words. “Students will be here soon, I’ll talk to you later Adam.” He said patting me in the back and walking away.
I sighed as I walked over to my desk. There was a picture of me and Kenny in the desk, as well as a picture of my family. As much as I wanted to think about life all day, I had students soon, and needed to get ready.
“Ok.... first period, oh no.” I mumbled. I had beginners art first. It was alway a mix of kids who were shy and good at art, and people who thought it would be an easy A. Normally freshman, but some older students would be in trying to get the arts credit they needed.
I got the slide show up for the first day and started writing my name in the board when the first bell rang, and the first few students started to file in. “Take a seat wherever.” I instructed as the cane in. I waited until the late bell rand before standing up in the front.
“Good morning students I’m Mr. Page’Omega, and welcome to Art 101.
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
Domestic Life of One Winged Angle Chapter 3
An: This was originally posted on AO3 by myself over a year ago, and I’ve decided to post it here too. This includes shipping pro wrestlers, if you don’t like please don’t reader. I’m also just reposting it here, and I changed my writing style, so some of it is in first person, and switches to third later
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Adams POV
I sighed looking at my phone where the calculator is open, then looking back at the laptop in my lap, showing the average price of a plane ticket, and then down to my lap where a notebook was open, a bunch of notes dribbled down. I was trying to figure out a rough estimate of the cost for the trip would be.
My eyes jumped up to see Kenny sat in front of the tv, some video game I didn't know the name of on. I went back to my math project, and before long I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked to the side to see Kenny sitting with me, his forehead on my shoulder so he could look at my screen. "What are you doing?" He asked looking up at me.
"Trying to figure out how much the club needs to raise for the trip. It hard to though, I don't know how many people will be there, or how prices may change throughout the next few months." I explained as I wrote down something else.
"How do you do that? I swear they taught us how to do math in school" Kenny said shaking his head making me laugh.
"Might have helped if you were awake half the time."
"Hey!" He said punching my arm lightly. "I was awake half the time, I was just looking at the teachers ass the other half." He said making me laugh even more shaking my head.
"KENITH! I can't believe you said that!"
"What? Mr. Quare was hot! And apparently I find teachers attractive." He said wiggling his eyebrows at making my face heat up, as I hid it in my hands.
"Ya, nothings hotter then constant stress and college debt." I said making Kenny poke my stomach.
"Absolutely nothing."
"God, your something else Omega." I said shaking my head.
"Hey, it's Page'Omega to you!" He said running his hand through my hair. I was looking back down at him now, and just felt so happy to have the man I loved sitting with me.
"You know what? Screw work. It's Friday and we haven't done anything this week. I'm gonna take you out to dinner." I said shutting my computer and putting my things to the side.
"Oh, are you gonna spoil me on that sweet sweet teachers money?" He asked eyebrow raised making me glare playfully.
"Fine, your taking me out. Better?"
"Of course. But you better get ready to Cowboy. We're going somewhere nice." He said sitting up from where he was.
I started to sit up, but groaned as my hips popped. My hand flew down to the inside of my thigh where most of the pain was. Kenny let out a small sound of distress as he neared down in front of me.
"You ok?" He asked concern in his voice, and I'm sure his face was full of concern but I couldn't see it as my eyes were shut tightly.
"I- Ya, just a little soar. I need to make another appointment at the chiropractors." I said opening my eyes slowly. Kenny stood up and stepped back, putting his hand out for me to grab as he helped me stand up.
"You could do a walk in tomorrow." Kenny offered but I shook my head.
"I have to make sure everything is ready for the second week of school." I argued. Kenny sighed but didn't argue further, and kissed me softly on the lips.
"Come on cowboy, we need to get ready for a nice night."
"Hmm?" I asked bringing my drink down from my lips. We were seated in a booth at a relatively nice restaurant, and we had just finished eating, just waiting for the bill.
"You know what you should do when we get home?" I moved my hand up to his upper thighs, and squeezed lightly, lifting an eyebrow in question. The action had him blushing and looking down. "I mean that too, but I was thinking you could play a song for me. You haven't in a while."
"I've been busy Ken, besides, it's just a hobby." I said shrugging.
"It doesn't have to be"
"Not this again Kenny." I mumbled, knowing what he meant. I had taken an interest in the guitar all the way back in middle school, and I still enjoyed it.
"I make enough that you could do it full time." He argued. "Let me support you while you chase your dream like you did me."
"Are your forgetting the months I was working 2 jobs and going to school while we lived in the shittiest apartment to ever exist? I'm happy in my job, and it is enough that if something happened to your channel, or god forbid, you or me we would be ok. We can't both chase our dreams." I said.
It was the same argument over and over. Kenny has started his channel when we were in high school, and for the first bit of my college years and when we first got together he was working, but then he wasn't. He needed to put his full attention into the channel, and I supported him the entire way, and now he was a huge gamer, often going to Japan for convention. But what if it fell through? What if he lost all of his fans? I couldn't be chasing some music dream, I needed to be the rock for him.
"That's not fair for you..." Kenny mumbled his head resting on my shoulder, and I let mine fall on his.
"It's not like I hate my job or something. I love being a teacher, plus my students need me. I think I'm the only teacher Cassidy talks to." I said making Kenny chuckle.
"As long as your happy." He said turning his head to kiss me lightly on the cheek. Just then a waiter walked up to us.
"Excuse me, I need to ask you both to leave. Here is your bill." He said ah ding it to making me frown.
"Um... why do we have to leave?"
"That couple over there is complaining about you, and we saw that you were about finishe-"
"Why do they want us to leave?" Kenny asked sitting up straight.
The man looked nervous, and was sweating a bit. "Please don't make me tell you. Those two are regulars and I for all I know will loss my job if I don't ask you to leave." He whispered.
"We will, but I want to know why?" I said slightly irritated. The man gave us a sorry look before sighing.
"Because your ga-"
Before he could even finish I was up out of my seat and practically dragging Kenny behind me. As we walked past the couple, who I could see now happened to be and elderly couple, I stoped and pulled keenly close and kissed his passionately. "Thank you for taking me out tonight." I said making his smile his goofy smile.
"Of course." We then walked to the front and paid. Once out in the car I looked over at him.
"I feel like I could have handled that better."
"Are you kidding me? That was great."
"That's only because you got a kiss out of it." I pointed out.
"While that may be true, you definitely could have handled it worse." He said making me nod.
"I guess your right..."
"Of course I am, why else would you marry me?"
"It couldn't be because I love you or anything." I joked, making Kenny role his eyes.
"That too I guess." We drove in silence for a bit. The restaurant was a bit out of the way from our house, but it was near the ocean, witch looked gorgeous at night. "Adam, I need to talk to you about something important." Kenny said suddenly making me nervous.
"W-what is it?" I asked, my eyes jumping from the road in front of me to him for a second. What does he need to talk about?
"The other night I asked you something, and you didn't give me a straight answer. I want us to talk about it." And I knew instantly what he was talking about. The talk about baby's.
"Ok, let's talk about it."
"Do you want one?" He asked. He was now sitting practically sideways in his seat to look at me, and I felt weird not being able to look at him.
"Let me pull over." I mumbled pulling off to the side of the road, witch happened to be some random beach. No one was there, and the moon was reflecting off of the water. It was almost identical to the night I told Kenny I loved him. Once I stoped driving I shifted so I could look at him.
"Adam, please answer me." Kenny said looking me in the eyes. I hated when he did that, I could never look away, like I was in a trance. In his eyes I saw so many different things, worry, fear, hope. What did he want me to say? What did he want to hear?
"Promise me, you won't get upset." I whispered. Kenny's eyes didn't leave mine as his hand slipped forward and grabbed mine.
"I will never be mad at you for saying how you feel." He assured me, so I took a deep breath before answering.
"Yes. I don't know when, but at some point I want kids. I wasn't to expand our family." I explained, my voice quite, almost like I was afraid someone else would hear. Kenny didn't say anything, nothing in his facial features changing, and I though I had messed up. He had wanted me to say no, to say I wanted it to just be the two of us forever.
Just as I was about to open my mouth to apologize a huge smile grew on his face. "Oh thank god. I was afraid you wouldn't." He said shaking a bit. I was taken aback, and felt like he was joking. He had to be.
"Your serious?" I asked, my voice breaking a bit, witch caused Kenny to laugh a bit.
"Ya..... I was so worried you wouldn't want to." He admitted, a blush creeping up his neck. "But if you want a baby..... I'm at home all the time right now, and I wouldn't mind if we started looking into it."
"Really?" I asked slightly surprised. The last thing I expected tonight was for Kenny to tell me he not only wanted to have a kid with me, but that he was ready to know.
"I completely understand if you don't want to yet. I just wanted to put it out ther-"
"I'm ready." I said cutting him off.
"What's up Adam!" Matt called as I walked into the teachers lounge. Matt was seated on the couch, his food on his lap as he watched an old video of some football game from a while back. Cody Rhodes and Matt Hardy we're seated at the table, both eating there lunch as well.
"Hey," I said nodding at him as I opened the fridge to grab my container of leftovers. I popped it into the microwave and sat at the table looking through my phone.
"How's the first week been on you?" Cody asked turning his attention to me.
"I should be asking you mr. Vice Principal." I joked setting my phone down. Cody has been a Language arts teacher, but got promoted last year.
"Horrible. Did you know someone has to deal with all the kids that we send to the office? Apparently that's my job!" He said slamming his face on the table making me chuckle.
"What about you Mr. Hardy?" I asked looking to the other man at the table.
"Adam, I'm not your teacher anymore. You can call me Matt." He said rolling his eyes at me.
"You will always be Mr. Hardy, besides, we already have a Matt." I said motioning to Matt who was engrossed in the game he was watching.
"Mr. Rhodes?" One of the lady's from the desk said as she stuck her head in the room. "A Mr. Jericho is here to see you. Said he had a meeting." She explained before slipping out again.
Cody side as he stood up, making me give him a questioning look. "What kid is so bad you need a parent teacher conference already?" I asked.
"This guys kid has been having problems with Matt. He's the type that likes to believe the student over everything.”
“Where have I heard the name Jericho?” I wondered out loud as Cody walked out.
“He owns a Real estate Agency. Got a couple of older kids here in the school as well. They all act like brats.” Hardy explained.
“He gravitated a few years before us.” Matt said moving from the couch to the table. “Got into something trouble and had to do community service at the school. He was the assistant to the football couch our freshman year.” No wonder I didn’t know him, I had moved the summer between our freshman and sophomore year.
“Witch kid has been causing you trouble?” I asked Matt.
“Sammy Guevara,” he stared blankly.
“I have that kid for social studies. He’s a real pain in the ass. Just like his older brothers,” Hardy commented.
“I think I have him for 4th, one of my journalism classes. His dad showed up that first day of school looking for Matt,” Matt’s eyes went wide.
“You told him where I was! I’ve never been chewed out like that and I’m a football couch!” He said glaring at me making me chuckle.
“What was I supposed to do? Lie to a parent? Then Kahn would be chewing my ass out,” I said taking a bite of my food. “Oh! Me and Kenny have some big news!” I said suddenly remembering why I had chosen to eat in here in the first place. “We’ve decided to try and have a kid,”
“Really?!” Matt asked his face lighting up.
“Ya, we have an appointment with a specialist later this week,” I confirmed.
“Your gonna love it! My three kids are the best thing to ever happen to me and Reby,” Hardy said patting me on the shoulder.
“Same for me. Being a father is great. What made you guys decide?” Matt asked.
“Well, Kenny’s not traveling nearly as much as he used to. And we just think we’re ready,” I explained. Just then the same man from the first day came barging into the room. His eyes set on Matt, and his face looked full of anger.
“You!” He snapped, a finger pointed at him. “I don’t know what your problem with my son is, bu-“
“Mr. Jericho, please come back into my office,” Cody said following behind him.
“No, I want to know why a grown man is picking on my kid.” He snapped not looking away from Matt.
“I’m not trying to pick in your son sir, but simply to in force school rules. Phones are not prohibited during school hours,” Matt explained calmly. I was always impressed with his patients with parents.
“It’s not just the phone! The other day you have him a zero for no reason!” He yelled again, but Matt stayed calm.
“No, I gave him a zero because he had refused to spit out his gum after I asked him multiple times to. It is a safety issue for him to be chewing gum in class.”
“So my son is lying to me? That’s what your saying?” He asked setting a hand on his hip.
“Sir, I’m not sure what your son told you, but I can assure you I am not lying,” Matt said. Jericho shook his head glaring at him.
“This school should hire some actual teachers instead of lying people like you,” he snapped before walking away.
“Damn,” I mumbled once Jericho was gone making Hardy snort. “How did you not yell back?” I asked impressed. Matt sighed and looked at me with tiered eyes.
“I’ve hade way to fucking much practice talking to that man.”
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
New chapter will hopefully be out later tonight.
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
Hello! On Ao3 I started a story called ‘Domestic Life of One Winged Angle’. It’s a wrestling AU of if the people of AEW went wrestlers. The main to characters are Kenny Omega and Adam Page who are married. You can find the story
On AO3 Here
On Tumblr Here
I decided to creat this as a place to, chat with people who read the story, post any edits or Drabbles about the characters, and allow readers to ask the characters questions that I will answer in characters. Below are who you can request Drabbles for, who you can ask questions, and general rules on this blog😊
Relationships you can request Drabbles for:
Adam Page x Kenny Omega(Romantic/sexual)
Cody Rhodes x MJF(Romantic/Sexual)
Cody Rhodes x Brandi(Romantic/platonic)
Brandi x Red velvet(Romantic/Sexual)
Cody Rhodes x Randy Orton(romantic/sexual)
Kenny omega x Kota Ibushi
Characters you can ask questions:
Adam page
Kenny omega
Matt Jackson
Nick Jackson
Cody Rhodes
Brandi Rhodes
Red velvet
Chuck Taylor
Jungle Boy
Kris Statlander
Orange Cassidy
Sammy Guevara
Chris Jericho
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Kota Ibushi
Brandon Cutler
Adam’s Family(Mom, stepdad, sister, brother, half brother)
Author (me!)
Other characters will be added as they show up in the story!
General Rules!
Be kind to everyone! I won’t let bully’s exists on here. If your bullying you will be blocked
No Homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, anti-semitism, or Trump supporters! I don’t care if you’ve been reading my story’s on AO3 ever since I started writing. I want this to be a safe space for people, and if you believe any of those things it will no longer be a safe space 
Respect my boundaries. There are going to be questions I’m not comfortable answering, and request I’m not comfortable writing. I expect you to respect that
Be patient. I have multiple story’s on ao3, my personal life, three other tumblr blogs, and now this. I may fall behind on stuff, please be nice about it.
I really don’t care if you end up shipping the characters in ways I didn’t, and i would love to hear about them! But I don’t want to see any of the student characters shipped with adults. Their age has changed for this series, and I will block you if you do. You may ship Adult with Adults, and Student with Student
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