jrueships · 1 year
NOOOOOooooo!!! s A U C E is the TWINK!!!! SAUCE is the TWINK 😭😭😡🤬‼️‼️‼️‼️
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sallysoot · 3 years
since ive read your nsfw blog (probably) in its entirety and needed content i started going through this one and some tags and a whole new world was revealed to me,,
i mean dont get me wrong i still love smut and angst, thats my life, im a simp, thats okay
why did no one tell me what fluff does to me like,,, especially angst to fluff,, i knew that i liked hurt/comfort stuff but i didnt actively seek fluff out for the most part and now im DESPERATE for anything in that direction,,
so yea, head empty, only reading everything fluffy on sallys blog <3
-shrimpnon 🦐
im sorry that i just send yet another ask but while going through your blog i found the idea with the inn and everyone going there to see you because its safe (im bad at explaining but you know what im talking about) and that hit me so hard like asdgdhdhfj
the one with dream especially (just imagine caring about him after a fight/ war)
the idea is just so sweet and all of them being soft for y/n is so 💕✨💕✨💕
i really need content about that, maybe ill draw sth (i imagine a lil mushroom house and big trees bc its in the woods you know), because i sadly cant write (very bad at it but ig that's fine)
-shrimpnon 🦐 (having lots of fluffy thoughts)
BRO U NEVER VISITED THIS BLOG B4??? KFJSKFKSF you were lost in the SAUCE!!! but yes the fluff gets me 🥺 it gets me VERY FUCKIGN HARD,,,,,, my anons kill it with the soft stuff shrimpnon i get in my feelings on the daily because of what they send!!!! CRIES,, also you should totally draw it that would be so good! i’m sure you can write well though 😡 /lh
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orphic-osamu · 4 years
I have decided to simp for Tanizaki today so perhaps some hc's on what he'd be like on a date? 👉🏽👈🏽 - 🥀
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y’all are going to an amusement park!
even if its cold don’t wear anything warm, trust me
i mean,, you do want to wear his red sweater right?
if you like going on rollercoasters, hold his hand
he will be vv scared so he needs comfort
if you’re scared too—
great! you both can squeeze each other to death
after you’ve finished torturing yourselves w the rollercoasters, you two look for something to eat
he pays, of course
looking around, you find one of those booths where you can win a plush
you know,, those cheesy “ill win the bear for you” kind of interactions
except it doesn’t happen
bb tries to use his ability to fool the man but you scold him
you win the plush instead
you think you’re gonna give it to him?
nah man you won that fair and square (you’ll make it up to him later)
cue confused as fuck tanizaki
the sun starts setting and well,,
is it a amusement park date if yall dont kiss in the ferris wheel?
he doesn’t expect you to kiss him tho 🥰
you gotta do a “cup his face and kiss him deeply” one
he’ll be blushing on the way home
is that the end of your date?
i think the fuck not!
you stop by a supermarket
yes bitches we’re making dinner w tanizaki!!!
expect to get side tracked w all the snacks
so you get home, and it’s late and y’all need to get started
chop, chop!
after numerous food fights and hours, dinner is finished!!
except the dinner is on your face, his body and not on a plate :)
well food sex is always an option—
you have food on the plates ofc!
just half of it
tanizaki will munch down that entire thing because it’s something you both made together 🥰
also make it a candle lit dinner
it may not be the most romantic, w sauce smeared on your face and crumbs in his hair, but it was fun
right— now i said you were gonna make it up to him right?
you give him a gift :)
a necklace w a ring as a pendant
and you reveal that you have the same ring
yes it has both of your initials
sorry i love cheesy things 😔✊
he’ll wear it while blushing vv hard
oh but when you go to bed? hugging that plushie you won?
he’ll be gazing at you adoringly, eyes glazed over
and just before he sleeps, he’ll kiss your forehead and whisper
“im so lucky to have you.”
i don’t know if this is good enough but i didn’t want to keep you waiting 🥺
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tscmu · 4 years
Hiiiiii i love your works!!! Could you do sugawara helping his s/o with a bunch of hwk that they've procrastinated on for so long they can't look at it without breaking down in tears and frustration??? thank youuuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺
ofc!!! i love him sm this is such a cute concept pls
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- so ur sitting there, barbecue sauce on ur tiddies with ur bio homework, almost just hitting your head on your desk multiple times bc it would just make it go away-
- you got it like two weeks ago, ur teacher knew it would take a while since it was about 10ish pages of just reading then two sides of a4 of questions....hell naw
- but you being the ace procrastinator you are managed to hold it off for a wholeass two weeks!!! until the night before it was due in!!! go you babe!!!!!!
- LUCKILY u have someone on speed dial 
- none other than our koushi sugawara
- mans is a biology nerd tell me otherwise he loves animals and the environment HHH IM IN LOVE WITH HIM PLS
- “hey sugar!!! :D” “can you please help me with my bio homework its stressing me out:((” “aRE YOU CRYING ILL BE THERE IN FIVE-” 
- and by five he meant seconds literally
“yeah, thank you mrs l/n. ILL HELP YOU I PROMISE! I LOVE YOU! JUST DONT CRY, TELL ME YOURE NOT GONNA CRY!” you jumped up to hear him frantically running upstairs, your mothers light chuckle echoing behind him. 
“o-okay, i won’t cry!” you laughed a little, significantly more awake as he flung your room door open, pulling you into a hug, gentle yet meaningful.
“im here now, kay? itll be okay, youll be fine!” he stroked the back of your head, slowly entwining his fingers into the roots of your hair as you nuzzled your head into his neck, the scent of freshly baked cookies and fresh soap filling your nostrils. “now, let’s look at what this says sugar.” still half hugging you, he moved over to your bed, picking up the piece of paper with two fingers.
after a few minutes of him reading in silence, your head on his shoulder the whole time, he turned to you.
“ok, i get it! you calmed down, sugar?” you nodded, smiling. just from his presence even being there you were automatically happier, he had that effect on you. all the boys on the volleyball team laughed about it, teasing that you were wrapped around his finger, as he was yours, smitten with eachother.
“i know what that one means..” you pointed to question five, then picking up your notebook and showing him your little notes on it. “and that one. but its question two b thats confusing me.. and the rest of them, to be fair.” you laughed a little, as he smiled at you.
“thats okay! i understand them all, i think, so ill go through them with you one by one. ill stay here all night if i have to, sugar, you come first.” he kissed you on the head as he lifted the paper up so you could both see it from lying down, and started to explain the first question.
“ok.. i think i’m done!” you said, leaning back in your chair, making it move back a little as your boyfriend jumped awake from the bed.
“hm? yay, thats incredible sugar! let me see..” he motioned for you to bring the paper over, and his eyes drifted across the page, analysing your words. “perfect! that sentence theres really good, youd get full marks at an exam just for that sentence alone.. this is all amazing! im proud of you, darling.” he smiled as you hopped onto your bed, him pulling you in to be the little spoon.
“thank you, really. i love you so much.” you said, turning your body around to face his, you both nose to nose.
“i love you too, sugar.” he said before kissing you gently for a few seconds, pulling away for a moment before you kissed him back again, more powerfully, catching him off his guard. “oh, wait..” he pulled his phone out, and you felt yours buzz from the table.
deadchi- suga i know youre at y/ns but for GODS SAKE YOU BETTER NOT FALL ASLEEP IN PRACTICE
you- JESUS CALM DOWN also how did you know he was here- yoonbum that u
the holy spirit- heard my name
salt- fuck off its 3am
queen- go to sleep pls im tired y/n back me up
simp 1- KIYOKO
simp 2- KIYOKO
thank u for requesting!!! box is always open kith kith
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