arcsin27 · 5 months
Guys what the sweet fuck is happening
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wingedshoes · 2 years
you're ALL WRONG the umbrella academy can never be riverdale because they have 30 year olds playing 16 year olds and tua has an 18 year old playing a 58 year old
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nicostiel · 2 years
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Five Hargreeves + Text Posts Part 5
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jasmineco2 · 7 months
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vampirsleepy · 7 months
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every word EXACTLY how i feel
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Hargreeves siblings + using their powers against each other
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froggoon · 4 months
I’ll love you in every multiverse I Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Post Apocalypse Au! ( Yes Im writing another one ) WC: 1,791
Summary: The Umbrella’s can understand jumping through time and all its rules, yeah fuck with the timeline and it’ll fuck you right back. But what happens when a portal opens up in the middle of the academy and outfalls a girl who claims to be Five’s wife from a different universe.
Disclaimer: This takes place after season one if Viktor didn’t blow up the moon. ⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。
The Umbrella Academy had saved the world from its supposed end. The siblings had lounged around the academy slowly letting reality set that they had avoided their demise. It was the next morning when each of them woke up to check their surroundings, making sure that doomsday wasn’t there.
Five went downstairs for his morning coffee when he saw Allison scrolling for flights on her phone and Klaus checking where was the next place he could buy drugs.
“Leaving so soon?” He questioned.
Allison looked up at him although happy to see her brother, guilty because he was right.
“I have to go see my daughter. After everything that has happened I need her now just as much as she needs me.”
Five nodded his head, understanding where she was coming from, although a little irked she wasn’t wasting any time running away.
At this time a portal had opened above the living room. The rest of the siblings (Luther, Viktor, Diego) had rushed down to see what the loud noise was. It was like Deja Vu when Five came back. In the portal, they could see a fight happening. Figures that had looked like them in a place that looked like their home. A woman’s back came close to the portal, they could see she was in combat but stood observing. Another man who they couldn’t identify, had pushed the woman through the portal.
A girl who looked to be in her early twenties had fallen through. Her face was covered in soot, her hair black as night, and her eyes closed in pain. She was wearing a navy body suit that clung to her figure, and blood, not her own, stained the fabric.
The Hargreeves gathered around to observe this strange phenomenon trying to assess the danger of the situation. They were used to people going after them, so why would this time be different.
You coughed loudly before sitting up, and each sibling tensed with adrenaline. The girl looked around the room with blazing blue eyes before she landed on the youngest Hargreeves.
“Five?” you questioned.
Everyone turned to look at Five.
Luther spoke up first, “You know her?”
“I have never met her in my life.” Five retorted.
The girl dusted off her suit before standing. “Well if you never met me, you either will meet me or I’m dead in this universe.”
“The names y/n , y/n Hargreeves.”
“I don’t remember our father adopting anyone else,” Diego said. He raised his knives, carefully ready to strike at any move she would make.
“That’s because I wasn’t adopted into this family. Married actually.” And with this, she held up her left hand, a beautiful diamond ring shone in the light with a gold band beneath it. The diamond was embellished with 2 smaller emeralds on the side, perhaps representing her lover’s eyes.
“Married? To who.” Viktor questioned.
“To him.” She looked back at Five.
“Well not to him, an alternate version of him. We met a few years ago and got married, thus me joining his chaotic family.”
“So what are you saying you guys are married in a different timeline?” Klaus asked.
“No, not a different timeline, a different universe.” She sat down on the couch.
Your brain felt like it was rattling against your skull, and your body ached. You took a minute to think. Fuck, it was going to be difficult to get back to your Earth. And to make things better you had no idea where to start.
“Alright before you all start firing questions at me, someone get me a cup of coffee, black please.” You threw a jacket that hung over the couch on you to hide the state of your clothes. "Allow me," The alternate of your husband said. Five quickly blinked the two of you into the car and began to drive. "So you and I, are married in another multiverse."
"Correct." "You look to be about my age, how come I haven't met you yet here." Surerly he would remember someone as beautiful as you. "Well it's as I said, my version here could be dead or you might not have met her yet. That being said although 18 out of the 20 multiverses I have visited, we are together." "And the other two?" "In Earth 216, we are strangers, never have crossed paths, and never will. We simply live our lives with other people." Five's eyebrows furrowed. For some reason even if he didn't know you, he didn't like the idea of you with someone else. "In Earth 894, we were madly in love but our egos destroyed us, and we were never the same since." Five could tell there was more to that story but didn't press any further. "So tell me about us, how did we end up together." "I was Diego's friend first, he and I met in the police force. Diego kinda took me under his wing as I was the youngest graduate out of the academy. Perks of having a high IQ. Anyway, he invited me over after your father's funeral. " "Long story short, you fell in love with my charms and I was the only one who could tolerate you. We got married not too long after. It was a small wedding but it's my most precious memory. Our families had gathered together at the church no too far away from here. You cried on our wedding day by the way." Inciting a side glare from Five.
"But...that's where we had some problems." "Do you remember when I fell out of that portal?" Five nodded his head remembering seeing a fight in the alternate dimension. "Well, apparently some of the 43 are not too happy about their powers, nor happy about living among the common people, they believed themselves superior and it became chaos." The two of you arrived at Griddys. Five walked over to the side of your door and opened it for you. "Thank you, darling." You said with a smile. Five's heart spiked at the nickname. He shook his head at the feeling, obviously, it's just what you were used to calling YOUR Five. The two of you sat at the counter and ordered your coffees and sweets. You signed before pulling out a small stack of photos from inside your suit. "This is us and your family." The photo was a picture of you and Five on your wedding day. Five had never looked so happy. Beside him was Luther who he assumed was his best man, next to him was Viktor, Diego, and a man who looked like you. You must have caught his staring, "That's my brother Damien." He nodded and looked beside you. You were wearing a long white dress with intricate lacing, the dress was strapless with a square neckline and had a small slit on the side. Your veil was flipped over your head and flowed down your back. Beside you was Allison as your maid of honor and two other women who he assumed were your friends. You weren't looking at the camera but at him. The next picture you gave him was a close-up of the two of you. You were the one taking the photo. His alternate self was older and had longer hair and facial hair, but he faced your side kissing your cheek affectionately. "This is my favorite photo of you." You handed him another photograph but this one didn't have you in it. This one was a picture of just Five and in his arms a little girl. She looked like you. Five gulped, a million questions ran through his head. Could this... could this have been his future if he didn't make that stupid jump? You said that not all multiverses are the same, you and him could never meet in this one. But that didn't stop his heart from hurting at the thought of missing out on a life of happiness because of his arrogance. "Before you jump to conclusions, she's not ours. She's my niece that we were babysitting. You just looked so sweet with her. You had always told me you wanted kids before but I wasn't ready." You had looked away sadly. In your home, Five always wanted to settle down and raise a family of his own, but you felt like you weren't ready. Now you regretted not because you weren't sure if you would ever be able to get back home. The two of you sat in silence drinking your coffee, both thinking about the what-ifs. "So...how did you end up here. I've been able to time travel but I've never thought about the possibility of multi-dimensional traveling." "As I said there was a fight between us, your family, and some of the 43. They called themselves the Ascendants. Believe to be the superior race." You took a deep breath before continuing. "The Ascendants had a man who could travel the multiverse with his own power, no special gear or machine need. We had planned to capture him but miscalculated. He was ready for us and he aimed to take out me, his biggest threat."
You took another breath before looking into Five's eyes. "I can warp reality. It is essentially in the name. I can manipulate reality itself, altering the fabric of existence according to my will." "But not without a cost," you continued. "Each time I control something, and the bigger it is, the more of my life force I use." Five sat in silence. This was a lot of information to take in. "So what now. How do I help you get back home." "I have...no clue. You were always the smarter one of the two of us." You sighed. It was going to take a lot of research and time to figure it out. "Well, I'm newly retired and have nothing on my plate so let's start at the library come on." He hopped off the stool and made his way to the door. "You coming?" He said turning to look at you. You smiled, he was a great man. Even if this Five wasn't your husband you loved him no matter what. You ran up looping your arm in his making your way out of Griddy's. ⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚
Author's note: I got tons of drafts just full of ideas I've had and never gone through with. I've been rewatching the MCU films and Spiderverse so that was kinda my inspiration for this one. If you like my work check out my other Five stories here! I also always appreciate comments and feedback! It definitely keeps me going. She's my Angel Pt1. Shes my Angel Pt2.
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samanthaisah0e · 11 months
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twobraincells-art · 5 months
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He ballin’ fr 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💪💪💪💯💯💯 (Klaus’ response below )
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(VERY quick piece based on this new promo photo we got, can’t imagine him seeing a ballpit and not going in)
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winter-seance · 9 months
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Happy Birthday to the Umbrella Academy! [x]
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hihomeghere · 8 months
Wedding at the End of the World | Five Hargeeves \ F!Reader
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Word Count : 3.3k Summary : A reader insert for the episode Wedding at the End of the World. You and Five reminisce on your wedding/proposal before going to Luther and Sloanes wedding. You both go to the wedding with high hopes of a good evening. ( I do not own the Umbrella Academy or any of their characters) Warnings/Tags : Cursing, fluff, alcohol, allusions to sex, mentions of death, use of y/n, Aged up!Five. Not requested.
“How was the bachelor party?” You asked as Five walked into your shared hotel room. He walked over to the bed.
“Wasn’t half bad.” He said with a smug smile. He sunk down onto the mattress untying his shoes. You set your book down on the side table, it wasn’t that interesting anyway. But after stopping the apocalypse twice in the last month you were due some down time. He crawled onto the bed and you accepted him with open arms. At this point in your marriage everything was muscle memory, the way you two always came together. His head rested on your chest, while his arms wrapped around your waist. He relaxed, his whole weight on top of you. Your hand stroked his hair, lightly scratching his scalp.
“You know, I don’t regret anything about our wedding day.” He said looking up at you, “but it was nice to have all my brothers together before Luther’s.” He smiled, kissing your wedding ring. A beautiful art deco style band.
“Five Hargreeves,” You said a smile creeping onto your face, “are you going soft on me?” You chuckled as he scoffed.
“Am I not allowed to enjoy spending time with my brothers?” He rolled his eyes, a teasing smile on his lips.
“Whatever you say, old man.” You kissed his head, closing your eyes.
“Where are we going?” You giggled as Five pulled you through the outskirts of a vineyard, circa 1972
“You’ll see.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You rolled your eyes following him blindly. He turned through a stone doorway, letting go of your hand. 
You followed him, walking down sandstone steps onto the lawn. The sun was setting, causing an orange glow to reflect on everything. Lavender bushes lined the lawn, Five stood in the middle, a picnic set out before you. You smiled, racing to meet him. He grinned as you threw yourself into his arms, he spun you lightly, your cream sundress flowing around you.
“What is all this?” You asked, your smile all but splitting your face. 
“Happy anniversary,” he said looking down at you through his lashes. You cocked your head to the side.
“You little,” you hit his shoulder softly, “I thought you forgot.” You shook your head.
“I could never.” He said, a hand resting over his heart. You shoved him, he exaggerated his movements, falling to the ground. You tackled him, straddling him between your legs. “The food is going to get cold.” He said in between your kisses.
“Is that really what you’re thinking about?” You laughed pulling your hair away from your face. You sat up, removing yourself from his lap. You kneel in front of the food display, two glasses with a bottle of champagne, a charcuterie board, and for dessert different fruit tarts. Five began to pour you a glass of champagne as you dug in. From the lawn you could see the sun set over the ocean. The bright turquoise waves crashing against each other. 
“You know,” Five started, you turned to look at him, the golden rays shining on him, “you are the best thing to ever happen to me.” He grinned at you, chuckling to himself. 
“Same here,” you grinned, laying your head on his shoulder, “I wish everyday could be like this.” You sighed contentedly watching the sun disappear into the horizon.
“I can’t promise that, but I can promise to love you everyday with no conditions, if you’ll have me.” He said kissing your head. He moved slightly, slipping his hand behind him to pull a box out of his pocket. 
“Five are you?” You asked sitting up.
“Will you marry me, Y/n?” He asked with a nervous smile on his face, you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
“Yes! Yes! Of course!” You laughed, throwing yourself into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you, laughing with you. He put the ring on your finger, tears slipping past his lashes. You cupped his face, kissing him sweetly. He deepened the kiss, his tongue running across your lower lip.
“You know, I reserved this villa for two more hours.” He whispered, pulling away from you, a lick of fire behind his eyes.
“This is officially worse than the apocalypse.” Five mumbles next to you. You hit him softly, grinning. 
“Oh hush.” You say turning back to Sloane and Luther. Sloane looked breathtaking, they both glided on the dance floor. Drawn to each other like magnets. Unable to be apart, always connected to each other in some way.
“Were we ever like that?” Five asked his nose wrinkling in disgust as his arm snuck around your waist, pulling you into his side.
“Who says we aren’t?” You laughed leaning into him, your head resting on his shoulder. He kissed your head, sighing as he watched his brother dance with his bride. 
There was no denying how deeply he felt for you. It was no use, he had tried to bottle up the love he felt for you for years! And yet here you were, nestled in his arms. He still couldn’t quite understand how you had fallen for him. You were heaven on earth, a cool drop of water in the apocalypse. You were nothing like him, pure, kind, empathetic, any man's dream girl.
And you had chosen him. A stubborn, egotistical old man who had (at first) brushed you off without a second glance.
You worked hard, breaking down his walls brick by brick. Like those bricks Five had fallen for you, and hard. His heart had long ago been branded yours with a hot iron. He was only so lucky that you had fallen for him just as hard as he had fallen for you. 
“C'mon Mr. Hargreeves,” you said, detaching yourself from his side, “dance with me.” You asked, reaching your hand out. He smiled softly, taking your hand in his. You could ask him to cut out his heart and give it to you on a silver platter and he would do it. 
“How could I resist Mrs. Hargreeves?” He asked his hand returning to its rightful place at your hip, his other hand holding yours. You both swayed gently to the music, your nose nestled into his neck breathing in his aftershave. You never thought your life would be like this, after all the torture and pain you had been through. You never thought you would have a normal life after that. Well, your life with Five wasn’t exactly normal. You were both stuck in your 20 year old bodies after a mishap time traveling, a couple apocalypses under your belts, and a crazy family to boot. 
But it was your life, he was yours, and you were his. You were happy, content, even if the world was going to end. As long as Five was by your side you could face anything, even the end of it all.
“Oh what am I going to do with you?” You chuckle looking into his green eyes. A smile split his face, creeping all the way to his eyes.
“Anything.” He replied simply before capturing your lips against his. You hummed softly, closing your eyes. The song slowly came to an end, and you both retired to your table. 
There, Five made it very clear that he had one goal for the night. He poured a concoction of alcohol into glasses for the both of you, trying to get you as drunk as he was. You were giddy, the booze making you tingly all over. Every time Five would catch your eye you would giggle and shy away from his gaze. He put his hand on your leg, his fingers slowly inching up your thigh. He was trying to find an excuse to get you both out of this reception and back up into your room. He knew in a blink he could get you back in bed, but how to do it without 1. Drawing suspicion and 2. Without having to hear about how rude it was for you both to leave and effectively killing the mood. Unfortunately for Five, his brother had to cock block him.
"Cinco!" Klaus exclaimed as the two looked over. "Mi hermano! And hermana-in-law.” He lowered his voice smiling at you.
"Oh, god," Five said, chewing loudly. "What do you want?" You giggled while sipping your champagne.
"Listen to me," Klaus said, sitting in front of you, "Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So what say you and I pop up to the suite for a little chit chat?"
"Are you like Frick and Frack with the old man now?" Five asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at Klaus.
"Y/n help me out! This dad's different," Klaus defended him. "He's a turtle. Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside." Five took a drink of his champagne 
"Klaus?" Five asked.
"Old dogs like me and him never change," Five told him. You rolled your eyes, lightly hitting his shoulder. "It’s true! He has never had our best interests at heart. So, my only plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition."
"Sure. Have at it," Klaus said, getting up as Five placed a shot inside another drink.
"I shall!" Five exclaimed taking a shot.
“Y/n what do you think?” After not making any leeway with Five, Klaus turned to you.
“Klaus, can’t you just enjoy the party? No apocalypse talk for one night, please.” You smiled lazily, resting your hand on his velvet suit.
“You’re only getting away with this cause you’re cute, you know that right?” He groaned, rolling his eyes. Five recoiled, a disgusted expression on his face.
“Oh please, it’s not like I’m gonna jump your wife’s bones.” He smirked, “Although Y/n….” He trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Klaus, if you would so kindly walk away before I break your arm.” Five clenched his jaw, Klaus recoiled before walking away. “Why do you humor him?” Five asked as you turned to face him.
“Because he’s your brother, and for the most part he’s a good brother.” You said putting your hand on his shoulder looking into his eyes. He avoided your gaze. You smiled before leaning forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, over his two freckles.
“He better not sit here.” Diego said quite loudly drawing your attention away from Five, which he responded with a whine when your lips left his cheek. “I swear to god he better not sit here.”
“What is he doing here?” Ben added, “Who invited him?” Your eyes caught the elephant in the room. Reginald Hargreeves, your father in law. He gave a weird smile which just made the awkward tension in the room ten times worse. You looked back at Five, who gave you a knowing look before shrugging and taking another shot.
Lila and Diego made their way over him, Lilia apparently looking for an introduction.
“You won’t make me do that, right?” Five asked, taking your hand as you watched the somewhat pleasant interaction.
“Small talk with my in-laws is not on my apocalypse bucket list.” You reassured him, laughing. He smiled, “But if you wanted to go over and talk to him, I wouldn’t make you go alone.” He rolled his eyes staring at you.
“I’d rather lick a cheese grater.” You snickered before stealing one of his champagne flutes and downing it.
“What is he doing?” You asked as Reginald got up with a flute and a microphone, “oh my god is he going to give a speech?”
“Dear god, let’s hope the kugelblitz takes us before he starts.” Five mumbled before drinking another flute of champagne. You reached out blindly hitting him on his shoulder, you couldn’t look away from the anticipated train wreck in front of you.
“Sloane ever since you were a little girl, I’ve always known you were exceptionally bright. And although I can’t say I know Luther all that well, from the few moments we have shared, it seems you have found yourself an adequate partner.”
“He just called Luther adequate.” Five snickered a grin plastered on his face, you shushed him not wanting to miss any part of the speech. 
“I acknowledge that as a father I was not without my faults. I hope these shortcomings will be seen as only a rough patch on an otherwise verdant lawn.”
You took Five’s hand, giving him a smile. 
“You know for the most part this isn’t a bad speech.” You whispered, “Remember that wedding we went to in 1986?” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“How could I forget? We killed the groom's uncle after the reception.” He said meeting your eyes, a lick of fire in them.
“See! No one has died at this wedding!” You said the alcohol giving you a false sense of confidence.
“Yet.” He reminded you by holding up his flute for you, you raised your own clinking the two glasses. 
“I’m proud to call you my children. Even those whom I raised in a revenant version of myself.” Five leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. You rubbed his back lightly, gauging his reaction. “I hope that tonight we can create a few special memories, in whatever precious little time we have left.” You looked back over at Five, biting your lip slightly. You had a good run, but like Five you were so tired of running.
“So in closing, the sun rises over a lily field. A mother veiled her lips concealed.” Alison stormed off toward the elevator, “the mourners come in droves of black. To bury what their hearts unpack, with shallow breath and time eclipsed.” You looked over at Viktor who was pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed. A pain shot through you at his expression. “I pray you miss death's gentle kiss.” He raised his flute to Luther and Sloane.
You sat in silence for a minute, turning your attention back to Five. He had the same pained expression, you grabbed his hand squeezing it. He turned to you, offering you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Diego and Klaus started clapping, “Bravo! Bravo dad!” Klaus said.
“I didn’t think the old man had it in him.” Five whispered to you.
“Guess some old dogs can change.” You offered wrapping your hand around his bicep, pulling yourself closer to him.
“My wife, always the optimist.” He smirked, taking another sip of champagne.
“You love it.” You said resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“That I do.”
You watched as Lila, Diego and Klaus all made their way to the dance floor, Luther and Sloane joining them.
“Come on mister,” you said, pulling yourself to your feet. He rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance before taking your hand as you pulled him onto the dance floor. 
Slowly you all made your way out to the courtyard. Five draped his suit jacket over your shoulders as you led him to two chairs. He had definitely met his goal for the night. He was fucked up beyond all recognition. You sat next to him, pulling him back into your chest. His cheeks were rosy, a side effect of all the alcohol. His warm hand rested on your thigh, absentmindedly rubbing circles into your skin. While the bottle he had been nursing was clutched tightly against his chest. He rested his head on your shoulder as you looked up at your impending doom. Was it wrong to say it was beautiful? The swirling reds that danced in the dark sky. The orange string lights casted a glow on all of you, illuminating the otherwise dark courtyard. You pulled the bottle away from Five's lips, taking a drink for yourself. He let out a whine as you pulled it towards your lips.
“Hey guys.” Luther said as Sloane and him sat down. You waved to them as Luther leaned over to say something to Viktor. He put a hand on his back before Diego piped up.
“Oh no, no, no, no!” He said as Ben and Klaus walked over to where you were all seated. 
“Klaus, why are you bringing Ben here!” Five said with a slight crack in his voice gesturing at Ben.
“Hear me out!” Klaus said as a very drunk Ben leaned on him adding a little word here and there.
“The brother that you all knew as Ben is gone. And not- I don’t mean our Ben the nice Ben.” He clarified, “I mean this Ben.” He said pointing back to Ben as he put a bottle to his lips. “The asshole he’s gone now.” 
“Klaus what are you talking about?” Luther asked, looking around at all of you.
“And the man that stands in front of you is new, new Ben.” You watched as Klaus shook Ben, Five winced slightly looking at his two brothers. “And he’s one of us, and he’s a member of the team.” Klaus started chuckling, “and he’s part of the family!”
“Part of the family!” Ben yelled in unison
“And as a welcome gift I suggest we throw him off the roof.” Five smirked before you hit his chest. “What was that for?” He asked, dazed looking up at you.
“Five.” You deadpanned 
“Yeah I’ll help.” Diego said, looking at you two.
“Come on!” Klaus said both of them were hanging off each other.
“You know what, you know what.” Luther said pointing at the two men, “He can stay. He can stay.”
“Why?” Diego asked looking up at Luther
“Cause it’s my wedding day, man. Come on, he can stay.” You giggled as Ben and Klaus stumbled over to you all.
“How many times can he pull the ‘It’s my wedding card’” Five asked, rolling his eyes. 
“As many times as he wants babe” You said kissing his head.
“Barf,” Lilia said looking over at you two, “not you love, just the general idea of anyone finding that little turd attractive.” She said pointing at Five.
You shook your head trying to hide your smile. Five recoiled before looking back at you.
“Stop smiling!” He groaned, his brows furrowed, he looked like an angry toddler. At that you could help laughing, you held his face in your hands.
“Oh baby, don't be upset.” You kissed him before kissing all over his face, his cheeks, his forehead, his nose.
“Ooh woah, holy smokes.” Klaus said, looking up at your impending doom. Five reached for the bottle taking another swig.
“Hey you know something?” Luther said, breaking the silence, “tonight is all I ever really wanted.” A smile spread across your face as you looked at your brother in law.
“To get hitched?” Diego asked 
“Just… everybody coming together when it really matters.” He said, you grabbed Five's hand lightly squeezing it, “one big real family.” He kissed your hair, you all knew that Luther was the only one out of the siblings to have the guts to say what he felt. Suddenly Five moved off of you trying to get to his feet, clutching his stomach. He dry heaved as he almost fell onto his face, barely catching himself.
“Whoa! Whoa!” Everyone yelled leaning away from your stumbling husband.
“Oh I think I’m gonna hurl,” he muttered to himself. 
“Go get your man Y/n.” Diego said as you walked over to Five rubbing his back.
“Actually uh,” Five said, breaking away from your grasp, “I think I’m hungry, see ya guys I’m gonna hit the buffet.” He said stretching out his arms before gesturing inside. You sighed as he stumbled toward the building.
“Is he gonna be ok?” Viktor asked, pointing toward Five with his bottle.
You turned back to find all your siblings chuckling softly.
“I better go after him.” You said pointing behind you, “good night guys.” You waved before following Five inside.
“Night y/n.” Diego said, waving at you.
“We know who isn’t getting screwed tonight!” Klaus said loudly, you only flipped him off before heading inside. After your lovely drunk husband. You wouldn’t trade your family for the world.
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currentlyonstandbi · 1 year
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xreader-writing · 1 year
Y/n's birthday
Instagram au
Summary: It's Y/n's birthday, and some of her artist friends have taken to social media to congratulate their dear friend
Timothee Chalamet
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liked by Youruser, Tomholland2013 and 2,004.088 Others
Tchalamet My favorite person's day has come! Thank you for just being you mon amour, I love you forever.
(When you have a really pretty friend and you have to make other guys think you're dating lol.)
@Youruser 💞
Youruser Thank you Timny, I love you too forever
Y/n_lover This friendship >>>>
Timny_hot Our favorite birthday person today!!!
Y/nnnn_ Congrats y/n babe!
Sebastian Stan
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liked by Youruser, Anthonymackie and 3,009.652 Others
Imsebastianstan Today the best person ever has a birthday! Some amateurs out there want to steal her from me but we both know it will be me and her forever ❤️ Thank you for always being there for me, know that I will always be here for you darling. ❤️ @youruser.
Youruser I love you Seb, don't forget that
Seb_and_Y/n Okay, I think I'd like them to get married
_lover Only Marvel's Best Duo
Anthonymackie Happy Birthday to the best colleague ever ❤️
Tom Holland
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liked by Youruser, tchalamet and 5,148.610 Others
Tomholland2013 I've always heard "Don't meet your heroes" but meeting you was without a doubt one of my greatest achievements, you are the most amazing and kind person I've ever met, thank you for always listening to me and being my dear friend, even though I'm irritating and annoying most of the time.
Happy Birthday! @youruser
Youruser thanks for that sweetie
Y/n_my_wife I would so love to meet Y/n 😭
Imsebastianstan Everybody wanna steal my girl
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Liked by vancityreynolds, Aidanrgallagher and 6,464,092 other people
Youruser I'm birthday! Today was a beautiful and special day, thank you all for the beautiful messages, I love you.
vancityreynolds Happy birthday dear, always remain the beautiful sunshine that you are! 💞💞 (I want a piece of that cake)
↳ Youruser Thank you Ryan 🥺 Yes I saved a piece for you
Y/n_fan yes she is a princess
Aidanrgallagher Congratulations Y/n! Thank you for being like a big sister to me and always supporting me and helping me through my anxious moments making me laugh in a way only you can, I miss you so much.
↳ Youruser You're going to make me cry sweetie ❤️ Thank you and yes, I miss you too.
Babyye_ She being Aidan's older sister >>>>>>
y/n_lovers Ryan being her older brother >>>>>>
Harrystyles Happy birthday to my amazing drinking buddy! 💞💞💞💞
Chrisevans Happy birthday to the best person in the world ❤️ I love you princess.
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A/N: "Wow, you disappear and come back like nothing happened?" Yes, forgive me for doing this, well, my birthday was the 23rd and I didn't even talk to you, so I decided to do it here today, thanks for being here, I'll be more present here next year, Pinky promise
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jasmineco2 · 8 months
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dominik528 · 1 month
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Five threatening Viktor: (◡︵◡)
Five threatening anyone else: (ง •̀_•́)ง
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bluesyjean · 21 days
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Graphite drawing of Number Five from the Umbrella Academy — Graphite on Paper
With the last season coming up, I thought I should contribute to the fandom with a little unfinished sketch of Five, in what was meant to be a sort of Apocalyptic/Steampunk sort of getup. The original concept was going to have bits of the siblings he carried around, Diego's knife on the harness, dog tags, etc... just because. This drawing is TINY. For some reason I've gotten into seeing just how small I can get with portraits; his face is about an inch high. I was also experimenting with thicker outlines, because it was an interesting look. Would you like to see this one finished?
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