#AISA protest
Men fucking scare me.
Now, some are going to go like, "it's not all men", " Are you also scared of your dad/brother/male relative?", "Another 'feminist' hating on men" and so on probably. Sure, it's not all men but it's always men.
I was scrolling insta when I came across a reel where a guy is complaining about how whenever there is a crime concerning a woman, we raise our voice and protest yet when there is a crime concerning a man, there is barely even news coverage. Which is certainly true and fair. But seriously, right now? Why is it that men always complain whenever people are trying to give justice to a poor victim girl?? I totally agree that whether men or women, all victims should get their justice but have some fucking sympathy instead of complaining?!?
Next, another reel where a lawyer guy was talking about women's safety laws and all, the comments? "Law for women, la*da for men". Well, why don't you go and take a look at the statistics? Maybe read the news daily, I mean the local one. Again, I'm NOT against men's safety, ofc no. It's just that, why can't men complain or raise their concerns without pulling the women with them? What do you want? The laws that are made for us (not that they're REALLY useful) to go nil??? Or what?? Equality? That is feminism. Fucking equality!! You don't hear a true feminist complaining, "why do men get paid more than us? Salary for men, chillar for women" or anything, instead it's "We want to get paid the same as that of a man." Again, I'm NOT speaking against men particularly, just the ones who feel enraged towards us just because we want to get treated as a human first, and equally.
I was talking to a guy friend and his attitude is, "Yeah what happened to her is TERRIBLE but hey, it's not like I can do anything about that? I would never do that and be a good person but that's all I can do, I can't tell the rapists that what they did was wrong and they'd too be like 'oh yes yes oops we did wrong' right?". Now, I do understand his perspective but sure a bit more sympathy and kindness won't hurt anyone?? He even has a sister!! And in the age of social media, anyone with a phone can contribute to some extent.
When I read the details of the case, my soul cried out. I can't even imagine her sorrow. Oh my goodness. My insides felt all queasy reading those gruesome details. All girls of all ages have almost experienced a bad incident with men. Harassment, molestation, abuse, assault, SOMETHING! So many cases everyday and so many more which don't even get registered. Rapes have become so common in India that unless and until it's something very gruesome, people don't even bother that much. It's always "What has it got to do with me" until it's someone you, someone who is close to you. 78 years of independence yet girls are still caged behind walls.
It's always "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao", Beti padh toh li lekin Beti bach nahi pai. Why is it always "Arre voh toh ladhka, voh toh aise he karega", Voh aisa kyu karega?!?
Why is that ladhkiyo ko mana karte hai raat mein bahar jaane ke liye because it's not safe for her, lekin ladhke puri raat awaaragardi kare, koi dikkat nahi.
Why can't we just teach boys to respect women? To not just respect women, but to respect everyone? The next person is a living being, is that not a good enough reason to not be cruel??
Ajeeb toh hai.
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daydreamrry · 2 years
This fandom is so damn toxic and it's appalling how people care more to be liked rather than being right. Racism in his fanbase is so deep rooted. Here's harry going to BLM protests, donating to charities, choosing black models for pleasing and yet hanging out with people who are clearly opposite of what he preaches and the fact that harries turn a blind eye whenever he's in the wrong. They've got such a bad habit of babying a grown ass man who has power, privilege, everything a person can possibly need yet they go ballistic on anyone who calls him out on his shit. I can't believe he literally disassociated himself from her for a week or two because he/his team didn't want any backlash from her non-sense and then as soon as the movie released, there he is holding and kissing that woman. If this isn't gaslighting. Real or PR, i don't care at this point because he is choosing to be seen with her. Associated with her. Someone who gives such bad mean girls vibe and actually is a racist, homophobe, albiest, and what not.
And still people have the audacity to say that he doesn't know anything because he's not on social media? That man knew about the whole spit thing, addressed it, he knows about the bald rumours, about chris trepidation for god's sake, what makes you think he doesn't know what kind of a person his 'girlfriend' is? He's not a todler who can't read. He's 28. He knows things. He sees it all and yet stays quiet. That's ignorance. No matter how many charities you donate to, it doesn't make any difference if you just turn your head away when you see a POC mistreated.
He himself wrote in fine line 'you've got ny devotion but man i can hate you sometimes' and yet his followers have a hard time understanding that. When we call out people on their bullshit, that doesn't mean we're any less of a stan. They've got to normalise calling out their favs and stop putting them on a pedestal.
P.s. i was listening to an old hindi song and one of the lyrics were 'nasha daulat ka aisa bhi kya, ki tujhe kuch bhi yaad nhi' which losely translates to 'you've been so blinded by money that you don't remember anything now' and idk why this reminded me of pleasing 💀
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I saw a post recently about how socialists calling modi a dictator negates the fact that he is one, because if he was, then we wouldn't be able to call him that. Similarly, india is not fascist because then we wouldn't be able to say that either. Even though this will not gain much traction, I would like to write down my understanding of the issue.
Also, the idea that all leftists seem to idolise the gandhis is by itself a 'gotcha' moment is somewhat comical. Indeed, there are leftists who think that the Congress rule was much more favorable. That the Gandhis were more 'socialist'. This is stupid. Comparatively, yes the Congress was more ready to tolerate protests. But the mobility of the left was just as restricted. The treatment of J. P. Narayan is one thing, but the suppression of the insurgency of the Red Corridor proves that the Congress had no actual socialist sympathies. You might say that the Congress gives 'freebies' in the sense that their welfare policies for the poor had a socialist tinge. But that can be said of all the parties in the world. All of them give a certain amount of 'freebies' to tide over the weaker sections, but this is not socialism. This is realpolitik.
The left does not idolise the Gandhi phase further because even under Congress, left organisations both at the student and the provincial level were created, did fight for their goals, and were similarly suppressed. Another example of this being the removal of the CPI government by use of the Presidential Rule decree.
Organisations like CPI, CPI (M) have existed even when the Congress had a 'socialist tinge', because this tinge is not enough for leftists. This is not the goal. Similarly at the student level, AISA, SFI, DISHA have existed since before BJP rule. The aim is not the removal of BJP or Modi, or the defeat of fascism even. The aim is to establish a socialist state. Not welfare. Not a state that gives 'freebies'. A state that moves beyond capitalist relations of production and is no longer engaged in it. Whatever that looks like politically, the idea behind it remains the same.
Now, I would like to lay out my own understanding of the term 'fascism' (as a history graduate, as someone who plans to continue doing history in today's political and economic climate) and to further lay out why india is becoming one. It is not one yet, but we're certainly sliding into it. Or, more likely that we were becoming one before the outcome of the election. To be clear, this election has not changed much in terms of the actual outcome, but by itself it is proof that we're not fully doomed.
First, to define fascism is tricky. The definitions that exist are quite confusing. So i will spare the reader the jargon and lay out its basics. Roger Griffin's definition is the most commonly employed: a political ideology that might in practice vary in its actual manifestation but relies in fact on selling the idea of 'palingenesis' i.e., rebirth of the nation to the masses, culminating in popular ultra-nationalist sentiments. This is supplemented by the use of force, by again and again harking to enemies within and outside, real and imaginary, to create a state of mass hysteria where one is made to feel that one can only believe the state. In this way, fascism is a step ahead of mere dictatorship: its popularly backed and even when the leader dies the ideology lives on. Again, this is my own interpretation of the definition.
From my own understanding of the definition and my experience 2014 onwards, I've concluded that we at least no longer live in a democracy. You are free to ask if we live in a fascist state. In that case, I believe that we're not in it yet. We're still able to critique to some extent the policies we do not agree with and the man himself. But, as someone who has been detained at protests, I will say that the right to negotiate with the state has been severely curtailed. Also, in that vein, calling him a fascist dictator and the country on the path to fascism is not particularly permitted. If these sentiments are repeated publicly, for eg. in university campuses or even classrooms, you will suddenly find yourself very much targetted. I'm speaking again from experience. Within state universities, the teaching faculty is often berated and sometimes replaced for their left or 'progressive' sympathies. We're often advised to not repeat such sentiments in public by professors and even parents. So, is this not in some way some tangible proof that calling Mr. Modi a fascist is indeed dangerous and cannot be done and that saying that India is turning towards fascism is similarly treated at best with ridicule and scorn and at worst with violence and suppression? Yes, you can probably do it online, but that is because it affords to you a certain degree of anonymity, so your actual safety is not threatened. But still the sort of vile comments that one is met with when such arguments are made (rape threats for one, made both in public and online) is enough argument, or so I hope.
I've also seen the argument that we're merely parroting what the western media is saying. We're anti-national, you say. Anti-hindu as well because we cannot stand the religion and its glory.
Most western media up until the recent election have appreciated Modi and his skill in the international arena. He's popular there, make no mistake. If you put aside a few indie publications, you will see unequivocal support of the man. In India, too, that is the case. Where it is not, eg. NewsClick, the voices are suppressed by the state machinery. What happens then is that there is a trial, and the judiciary comes to say that these people are actually not guilty, but the damage is done-- the people involved are ruined, the organisation is ruined. The same can be said about those who get arrested on 'urban naxal' charges, like Professor G. N. Saibaba, who still ended up spending a decade in jail. In this period, his mother passed away, and he was not permitted to attend her funeral. I want you to ask yourself why the convicted rapists of Bilkis Bano are allowed multiple bails for xyz reasons, but a man accused of having 'urban naxal' sympathies is not?
Lastly, scholars like Bipan Chandra, Harjot Oberoi, Christopher Jaffrelot, and Gyan Pandey have argued that communalism and communal politics are colonial creations. These are not given realities of the Indian system. They're very much colonial tools which we have dragged into our world now. Communal leaders and their supporters believe that the success of one community comes at the expense of other: there is simply no other way to do politics then. Communal questions seek communal answers and the BJP provides them.
We argue that Modi is fascist and that BJP is a fascist organisation because of its ties with RSS and his international ties. His ties with Giorgia Meloni-- putting the memes aside-- are significant. Giorgia Meloni belongs to the 'Brothers of Italy'. The party stands behind the glory of Benito Mussolini, the OG fascist, who came to be allied with Nazi Germany. The core ideology of BJP and RSS is the creation of a Hindu Rashtra. Again, you might say: what is so wrong with that? What seems to be the problem?
The problem, you might have noticed or not, are in his recent speeches. In what he claims to support and what he condemns. In what he says and what he does on the other hand. Those have gotten popular enough that one need not repeat his words. If you believe nothing else, then please ask yourself about the language he uses in his speeches. Ask yourself why you permit it. The state is subject to popular scrutiny; when it becomes the other way around, then you are no longer safe, no matter who you are.
You're free to appreciate his work in the country and outside. You're free to appreciate the construction of the Ram Mandir and the scrapping of Article 370. You simply have to ask the question: Why are you voting for him based on these?
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phoenixx-news · 5 months
Jadavpur University Denies Permission For Ram Navami Celebration On campus
The state-run Jadavpur University in Kolkata on Wednesday withdrew the permission it gave to RSS-affiliated ABVP to celebrate Ram Navami on the campus amid protests by Left-backed students' organisations.
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The varsity had given the permission to celebrate Ram Navami near Gate 3 from 11 am to 2 pm, they said.
In a notice, Registrar Snehamanju Basu said written complaints were received from different groups of students that such a programme may lead to disruption of peace and harmony on the campus.
In view of that, the 'no-objection' was being withdrawn, the notice said.
The notice also cited a letter from the Higher Education Department that flagged the Model Code of Conduct (MCC), which is in place for the Lok Sabha polls, and for "safeguarding the right of every individual for peaceful and undisturbed home life".
Calling the varsity's decision unfortunate, the ABVP alleged that under pressure from Left-wing organisations such as AISA and SFI, the authorities withdrew the permission.
"Only a day ago, the registrar had given permission for the event, which would have been peaceful. Today, suddenly they took a U-turn," an ABVP leader said.
An official of the varsity said the authority did not want a re-run of January 22 when several senior professors were manhandled amid a face-off between different students' outfits during a programme for commemorating the Ram Temple consecration ceremony.
So, the moment certain groups raised objections over Ram Navami celebrations on campus, the permission was withdrawn, he said.
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delhinewsinenglish · 6 months
55 students detained at Delhi University campus ahead of protest against CAA
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Around 55 students were detained on Tuesday as they gathered to protest against the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) at the Delhi University Arts Faculty, police said.
Scores of students from the Left affiliated AISA had called for a protest against the implementation of the CAA notified by the Centre on Monday.
Delhi University AISA unit president Manik Gupta said that the students were detained by the police even before the protest started.
"Many students who were simply standing outside the Arts Faculty and not participating in the protest were detained by the police on the basis of mere doubt," he alleged, claiming that students were brutally handled.
"Taking preventive measures, we have removed around 50 to 55 students from the Central Library of Delhi University (opposite Arts Faculty) who were protesting against the CAA. They were removed from the location and they will be released soon," Deputy Commissioner of Police (north) M K Meena told PTI.
"All allegations that the police thrashed the students are baseless as we have all video-recorded," he added.
The protests have also riddled other university campuses, including Jamia Millia Islamia, after the CAA was notified.
Students' outfits held a press conference at Jamia demanding the withdrawal of the Act and release of all students, who were booked in the anti-CAA protest nearly four years ago.
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs on Monday notified the rules of the CAA giving nod to its implementation.
Under the rules, persecuted non-Muslim migrants - Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis and Christians - from three countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, will be eligible for Indian nationality.
Source : 55 students detained at Delhi University campus ahead of protest against CAA
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currentmediasstuff · 1 year
Delhi University Students Hold Rally Over Alleged Campus Harassment
The rally was called by the Left-backed All India Students Association (AISA).
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New Delhi: Several Delhi University students held a rally at the north campus on Thursday demanding justice for victims of alleged harassment during a cultural festival at the Indraprastha College for Women last week.
The rally was called by the Left-backed All India Students Association (AISA). Krantikari Yuva Sangathan (KYS) activists also participated in the Rally.
The protesting students demanded the resignation of the Indraprastha College for Women principal Poonam Kumria.
They said the rally was taken out to protest the "apathetic" IPCW and DU administrations which have "colluded to repress the movement of women students instead of taking immediate action in the matter".
"AISA along with more than 300 students marched the length of north campus demanding justice to IPCW," said Delhi AISA President Abhigyan.
The protesting students submitted a memorandum to the DU Vice-Chancellor demanding the dismissal of the IPCW principal.
KYS, in a statement, said, "It should be noted that instead of taking immediate action on the demands of the protesting women students and activists, the DU and IPCW administrations have hitherto been adamant in their apathy."
"The IPCW administration has formed a so-called disciplinary committee and has asked students to come forward with their complaints. It is alleged that the committee is intimidating students and teachers and victimizing the students who are steering the movement against IPCW administration," it added.
The DU administration has formed a five-member committee to look into the issue of sexual harassment at the IPCW cultural festival.
"But, it must be noted that both of these committees cannot deal with cases of sexual harassment. The inquiry into the cases of sexual harassment can be done only by the Internal Complaints Committee as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013.
"Further, if a formal complaint is lodged by the college authorities, the police can also look into the issue of sexual harassment," the KYS said.
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supernews · 2 years
ITO metro station gates closed as AISA protests against Agnipath scheme
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All gates of the Delhi Metro's ITO station are closed, the DMRC said Friday as members of the Left-affiliated All India Students' Association protested against the Agnipath scheme for recruitment in the armed forces and demanded its rollback.
The AISA also demonstrated against police action on those protesting against the Agnipath scheme.
"All gates of ITO Metro Station are closed," the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation tweeted around 12.40 pm as the protest escalated and some members of the student organisation were detained.
The entry and exit gates of some other metro stations including Delhi Gate and Jama Masjid were also briefly closed, the DMRC said.
The protesters held placards reading: "Immediately fill all the post lying vacant in defence forces on permanent basis"; "Rollback Aginpath scheme"; and "Wake up Modi government".
They also raised slogans at ITO. "Agnipath wapas lo, tanashahi nahin chalegi (take back Agnipath, dictatorship won't be allowed)."
The student group claimed several of its members were detained during the protest. No immediate response from the police was available.
Read more
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comparatist · 3 years
Demonstration held in front of Bangladesh High Commission in Kolkata protesting against the fundamentalist religious violence going on in Bangladesh and RSS-BJP spreading communal hatred regarding it, by All India Students Association and CPI(ML) Liberation.
I was in the protest. I am on my way to home, now.
Uphold the ideals of communal harmony! Speak up against the fundamentalist religious violence inflicted upon Bangladeshi Hindus!
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janchowk · 3 years
उत्तर प्रदेश: बढ़ती महिला हिंसा और पुलिसिया दमन के खिलाफ माले समेत उसके जनसंगठनों का प्रदेश व्यापी विरोध-प्रदर्शन
उत्तर प्रदेश: बढ़ती महिला हिंसा और पुलिसिया दमन के खिलाफ माले समेत उसके जनसंगठनों का प्रदेश व्यापी विरोध-प्रदर्शन
वाराणसी। उत्तर प्रदेश में योगी राज में महिलाओं में बढ़ती हिंसा, पुलिसिया दमन और दलितों और मुस्लिम समाज के ऊपर बढ़ती महिला हिंसा की घटनाओं के खिलाफ कल 18 जून को ऐपवा, आइसा, इनौस और भाकपा माले ने राज्य स्तरीय विरोध प्रदर्शन किया। ऐपवा की प्रदेश अध्यक्ष कृष्णा अधिकारी ने कहा कि योगी राज में महिलाओं के ऊपर दमन, हिंसा, बलात्कार की घटनाएं लगातार बढ़ती जा रही हैं। हाल में लखीमपुर खीरी में तीन लड़कियों…
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haru-desune · 5 years
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[image description: cartoon of little girl in a white dress with red polkadots, hair tied up with a matching bow. She's holding a piece of buttered toast and sticking her tongue out like the yum emoji.]
This is the Amul girl, mascot of India's most popular dairy brand. Over the last sixty odd years Amul and the Amul girl have been a household name, with their tagline 'Utterly, butterly delicious - Amul!'. They are also one of the best marketed brands in the country. One of the biggest parts of their marketing is the Amul Topical, a daily cartoon starring the Amul girl that comments on current events.
These topicals are a huge deal. It usually shows the Amul Girl as part of the event or interacting with the important people in the event. And it goes up every day, on newspapers:
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And more recently Instagram
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But today I think they released their most hard hitting one yet. A response to the recent communal incident in Delhi, sparked by the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act.
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I don't think I've ever the Amul Girl without a smile. The caption is a play on words from an old Hindi song. The song goes "Dil aisa kissi ne mera toda" - "someone has broken my heart". Here, they have replaced 'Dil' with 'Dilli' - "Someone has broken my Delhi".
There's no humor in this. No catchy subhead. Just a scared little girl, looking directly at the viewer. A plea for harmony and unity from a brand that calls itself 'the taste of India'
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10 Queer Characters/Couples in Indian Media
A topic that has been taboo in Indian society forever now, homosexuality is now prevalent and more talked about than ever. There have been many forms of normalization the Indian audience has been exposed to, such as literature, social media awareness, and of course, Indian Media. In celebration of Pride Month, I’d like to stray away from the more dehumanizing and embarrassing portrayals of LGBTQ+ characters and instead focus on the more positive and realistic portrayals of them. So here are 10 queer characters and couples in Indian Media (keep in mind, I probably missed some queer Indian characters, so please don’t @ me. These are some of my personal favorites and most of these movies are available on online platforms)
*minor spoiler for Kapoor and Sons*
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Probably the most recent one on the list, SMZS took the internet by surprise with the great representation. Starring Ayushmann Khurrana as Karthik and Jitendra Kumar as Aman, the movie showed a healthy relationship between the two and made their personalities deeper than the typical gay man stereotype. Although the movie did have a story structure similar to the modern situational comedy movies (i.e. Dream Girl and Badhaai Ho), this movie is a fun ride and an important step towards LGBTQ+ acceptance in Indian cinema. SMZS is available of Amazon Prime.
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Proclaimed as the first mainstream Bollywood movie to showcase a lesbian love story as the main focus, this movie was bold for many. Starring Sonam Kapoor as Sweety and Regina Cassandra as Kuhu, their chemistry on-screen was lovable and so was the innocence of their intentions. Sweety’s journey of acceptance of her identity is one that many could empathize with and the movie overall was visually pleasing to look at. In technical terms, I found the movie slightly bland but that doesn’t make me disregard the impact it has had in queer love stories in Bollywood. Watch it on Netflix.
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Rolling backwards in time to 2005′s, Shabnam Mausi is about the real-life Shabnam Bano, the first transgender woman to become a political activist. Played by Ashutosh Rana, this movie was incredibly risky for obvious reasons. At that time, transgender women were ostracized by society and for a fairly famous Rana to take up this role was daring. Even though the movie had exaggerated many events that took place in Bano’s life, Ashutosh Rana’s great performance can’t be ignored.
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2016′s Kapoor and Son’s was an emotional movie centered around a family and their troubles. The oldest son Rahul, played by Fawad Khan, for most of the runtime is portrayed to be the perfect child but towards the end, it is discovered that he is a closeted gay in a relationship. Fawad Khan is charming and effortless as always and he bought a sense of rawness and authenticity to his performance. His subplot is just one of the many brushstrokes that make this movie the way it is. Available on Netflix.
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Both Shabana Azmi and Nandita Das were proven brave for taking up the role of Radha and Sita, especially considering the negativity surrounding LGBTQ folks at 1996 India. The movie was unjustly marred with controversy and hate by conservatives, but almost all critics hailed this film as gutsy and path-breaking, which it was in many ways. Along with portraying a lesbian love story in the forefront, the movie also portrays unhappy marriages and age gap relationships well. Catch this one of YouTube.
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Laila is a teenager with celebral palsy and Khanum is a blind Pakistani-Bangladeshi. The two extremely daring roles were carried out to near perfection by Kalki and Sayani in this gem of a movie. The chemistry between them was impeccable and the moments they have together will definitely make you tear up. This movie was path-breaking for portraying characters with disabilities in a good way and (of course) tackling the subject of sexuality with nuance. Catch this heartfelt movie on Hulu.
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Aligarh is a biopic of Professor Ramchandra Siras, a former professor at Aligarh Muslim University who was caught getting intimate with a rickshaw puller, causing him to get suspended. Siras is a character easy to empathize with and everything that Bajpayee emoted was very praiseworthy. You could really feel Siras’ pain and struggle through the screen. Despite the movie being moderately successful, Bajpayee’s performance didn’t go unnoticed and he went on to win a Filmfare in Best Actor (Critics) category. 
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The only regional character in this list, Shilpa played by Vijay Sethupathi is a transgender woman who comes back to her childhood town to meet her family and child she left years ago. Although she is a small part of this 3 hour long movie, she is easily the most iconic character and her conversations with Rasukutty seems very genuine and wholesome. Her storyline was engaging and when the sad and unfortunate incident happens to her, I couldn’t help but shed a tear. Definitely one of my most favorite characters in South Indian cinema. Watch this masterpiece of a movie on Netflix.
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Nikhil Kapoor, played by Sanjay Suri, is a competitive swimmer who has a hard time with accepting himself when he has HIV and Nigel D’Costa is his supportive boyfriend. Much like Shabnam Mausi and Aligarh, the movie is based on the real life Dominic D’Souza, who was a well-known AIDS activist. Certainly another brave attempt to normalize gay portrayal in the silver screen during challenging times, the movie was received well worldwide and deservedly so. The movie featured great performances from everyone and the ending carried so many mixed emotions that it was just beautiful. Available on YouTube.
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One of my personal favorites in the list, Karan, played brilliantly by Arjun Mathur, is a wedding planner along with Tara Khanna. He is a well-fleshed out character with a great personality and I think 50% of my most favorite moments are with him in it. The web series manages to show the nitty gritty situations gay people faced before the court’s decision on Section 377, from the parents’ reactions, to facing society’s stigma. I found myself sobbing and smiling along with him throughout the series and I am interested as to what is planned ahead for him. Please watch this series on Amazon Prime its very good.
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
khkt 26.09.19 lb
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tellywood really needs more options for falling in love songs. i'm sick of the same three songs in every damn show. why hasn't anyone ever used one of my faves in the genre: mera dil from salaam-e-ishq?!!?!?
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cute and all but fwding. i want the good stuff.
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lmao these two are honestly my new faves.
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le. phod diya mere good mood ka gubbaara.
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blah blah blah exposition.
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oh boy. sona broaching topic of moving raima to sukhmani sippy hospital. girl why are you like this, always with the aa bel mujhe maar?!?!
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thank god aunty ne mana kar diya. balaa zyaada der talegi nahi but every second counts at this point.
but also, why would rohit, a cardiologist take charge of coma case? wouldn't it be under neuro?
anyway, mana kar diya, toh good.
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"aaj ke baad sonakshi raima se nahi milegi!"
haaaye humaari itni achchi kismat kahaan, aunty.
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oh boy flashback mode.
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seriously, what the fuck. operation ka outcome pasand nahi aaya toh surgeon ko thappad????? kaisi jaahil aurat hai yeh? she’s the kinda person doctors were protesting against a few months ago.
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"raima rohit se kabhi nahi mil sakti." kaash. kaash aisa hi hota.
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yaaaaaaaaaaaaas, call out your shitty mom, yk!
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yk is best, i love him most, more husbands/dads should be like yk.
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ohhhhhhh, veena ka budday haiiiiiiiii.
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love these bewakoof betas of veena's. (beech waala bekaar hai, usko khaate se kaat liya hai maine.)
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will i ever get over how his voice gets all deep and saaaksyyyy for her now??? NOPE. NEVER.
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please note ravi bhaiyya and sunita also chatting it up in bg. love is in the air!
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"tumhi ne kaha romance ko badhne do; ab (unke) badhte romance ka faayda mujhe bhi ho raha hai." snort.
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waaaaaaay too many things in these two's lives are on 26th september.
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oh wowwwwww i do not like this old rohit. hello? it's an emergency???? emergency tumhari mom ka birthday dekh ke thodi na aati hai. (i mean, i realise she could be bluffing, but he doesn't know that yet!)
....... oh. so he decided to do a surgery against neuro advice. but like, it was also his expert opinion that the glass pieces could do excessive damage to her heart, so..... i mean, it's neither here nor there. she had a 50-50 chance at all times.
also, did he not inform raima’s mom all this and make her sign a consent form before operating on her, as per SOP? like, even a blood transfusion requires a signed consent form, let alone a major surgery like this.
uh..... brain death is not the same as a coma??? lmao what?!?!?!? how could you just declare brain death just coz she had a stroke??????? THE TWO ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE TERMS, EVEN MY DUMB READS-MEDICAL-WIKI-ARTICLES-AND-PUBMED-PAPERS-FOR-FUN ASS KNOWS THAT.  YO MAN, I’M BEGINNING TO THINK HE DESERVED THAT JHAAPAD FROM RAIMA’S MOM.
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abrupttttttttt jump to romance. good for them for compartmentalizing and all, but i can't get over that conversation (including the fact that he just.... declared raima brain dead when she REALLY WASN’T, lol) to be in the mood for this mushiness just yet.
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mumma ko bhi saath lana hai. lol this should be fun.
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pari ki bakchodi aise hi chalti rahi toh suman's due for another appointment with rohit within the fortnight.
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life of a desi kid: 30 ke bhi ho jao, phir bhi afraid of parents' moods and having to ask them for shit.
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lol sona, enthusiasm thoda zyaada ho raha hai.
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i am suman, suman is me; beta kisko chuna lagaa rahi ho????? maaaa hai woh tumhari.
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since this scene has started i've been trying to figure out exactly what vegetable is it that they're eating???? beans?????? bhindi???? what????
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arre waaaaah. progressive suman! (prolly coz she needs sona's income for a while longer, but i appreciate the sentiment and am willing to give her benefit of the doubt, that she doesn’t want sona to give up her independence.)
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haaaaaaye dil bhar gaya meraaaaaaaaaa. i always stan healthy family/platonic relationships in tellywood more than the romance.
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idk what made her change like this, but whatever it is, i welcome it and hope it stays like this forever.
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i love these two idiots more than life itself.
also lol ajit is such a younger sibling: “bohut gande ho aap yaar!”
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh boy. she gonna prank him into making a damn fool of himself in front of suman.
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"mummys ka main favt hoon."
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she thinking the same thing as me; lol pls your own mom can barely tolerate you. she likes sona more than she likes you.  
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har bees second jai mata di. sona, ladka tumhari mummy ko casually milne aa raha hai, mata ki chowki pe nahi.
good lord sis, rishta banne se pehle hi bigad jaana hai. jaise taise your mom has gotten around to liking him, with all these shenanigans........ bhaag ke shaadi karni padegi.
bright kapde. jfc he's gonna use sindhi superstar ranveer singh for outfit inspo, isn't he?!?! bro gonna end up walking in like:
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oh sonaaaa, itnaaaa bhi khush mat ho, darrrrrrr lagta hai ki nazar lag jaayegi!!!! *latkaofies nimbu mirchi ka haar around her and rohit*
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hey bhagwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, uth gayi.
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waaah. kya timing hai.
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oh jesussssss. this one is out and about and headed straight to sippy mansion.
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libertariantaoist · 5 years
News Roundup 1/3/19
By Kyle Anzalone
The US assassinated the IRGC-Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, and a senior member of Kata’ib Hezbollah in a drone strike in Baghdad. [Link]
US News
Portland State University will pay $1 million to the family of a man murdered by its police force. Police officers shot and killed a postal worker who was attempting to break up a fight. [Link]
The US sanctioned the Cuban defense minister for supporting Venezuelan President Maduro. [Link]
Catalonia’s former leader is wanted in Spain for holding an independence vote. He is now living in Belgium and Spain is seeking his extradition. A judge suspended the extradition order. [Link]
Taiwan’s military chief was killed in a helicopter crash. [Link]
At least 27 people have been killed during protests in India. Protesters are trying to stop a new anti-Muslim law. [Link]
Several Taliban attacks across northern Afghanistan kill 26 people. [Link]
Middle East
Turkey’s parliament approves sending troops to Libya. [Link]
While Saudi gets positive media coverage, women in Saudi Arabia continue to suffer in the oppressive Kingdom. One woman, advocated for women to drive and was renditioned from the UAE just before Saudi allowed for women to begin registering to drive. The activist has remained in jail for a year and a half. Her family says her jailers are requiring her to record a video saying she was not tortured before they release her. [Link]
Secretary of Defense Esper said the US sees signs Iran or a proxy is preparing another attack against the US. Esper said the US would take preemptive action to prevent an attack. [Link]
Twenty-four people were killed in a refugee camp in Sudan’s West Darfur region. [Link]
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eretzyisrael · 5 years
The Jamia Millia Islamia university has given in to the demand of protesting students and announced that it would not allow Israeli delegates to take part in events on the campus in future.
The university has also stalled disciplinary action against five students who took part in a protest against the participation of Israel in a campus event.
The students, who have been on strike for the past 10 days, called off the agitation on Wednesday evening.
A bar on Israeli delegates has been a key demand of the students protesting against the occupation of Palestine. The institution had witnessed clashes between two groups of students on Tuesday when the administrative buildings were picketed.
The students ended the protest after a meeting with chief proctor Waseem Ahmad Khan and other faculty, alumni, and officers from the Jamia Nagar police station.
Varsity PRO Azeem Ahmad released an agreement on four demands, signed by Khan and representatives of the students groups, including CPIML-Liberation’s All India Students Association and the Dayar-i-Shauq Students Charter.
The demands were legal action against those who assaulted the protesters on Tuesday, withdrawal of showcause notices issued to five students and no disciplinary action against those involved in protests since August 5.
The most important point was the last: “We assure that if any Israeli delegate participates in any programme, we will not allow.”
Many students have been on strike since October 14, demanding the withdrawal of the showcause notices to the five students for protesting a medical infrastructure expo by the Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics in which Israel was a country partner earlier this month.
The five students had said they were roughed up and detained by university security officials in the proctor’s office.
The Jamia administration had said the students of the English department had scuffled with the protesters. But the protesters had said they were goons.
Police in riot gear were sent to the campus last night but were prevented from entering by agitators.
The agitators had to withdraw the demands for an apology from Khan for initiating disciplinary action and action against the varsity’s security guards for assault.
The varsity has had a history of anti-Zionist activism and in 2014 the administration released a statement by teachers condemning the Israeli offensive in Gaza.
Sumedha Poddar, one of the five who faced action and joint secretary of Jamia’s AISA unit, told The Telegraph, on Wednesday evening: “We said we won’t take back our four main demands and stuck to our stand until the chief proctor agreed… The police are still here but we expect them to leave soon. We are taking out a victory march.”
RJD MP Manoj Jha had tweeted in support of students while Congress MP T.N. Prathapan met the protesters to express solidarity.
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theechudar · 2 years
BJP national president JP Nadda faces protest by student activists at Patna College | India News
BJP national president JP Nadda faces protest by student activists at Patna College | India News
PATNA: BJP president JP Nadda faced protests by angry student activists on Saturday when he made a brief stopover at Patna College, his alma mater. The activists, most of them members of the Leftist AISA, shouted “JP Nadda go back” while carrying placards denouncing the National Education Policy (NEP) and demanding grant of central status to Patna University. Nadda, who belongs to Himachal…
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znewstech · 2 years
BJP national president JP Nadda faces protest by student activists at Patna College | India News
BJP national president JP Nadda faces protest by student activists at Patna College | India News
PATNA: BJP president JP Nadda faced protests by angry student activists on Saturday when he made a brief stopover at Patna College, his alma mater. The activists, most of them members of the Leftist AISA, shouted “JP Nadda go back” while carrying placards denouncing the National Education Policy (NEP) and demanding grant of central status to Patna University. Nadda, who belongs to Himachal…
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