mydairpercabeth · 4 months
And if I said this was Luke and Thalia THEN WHAT
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skipping class to remind the besties to go to bed <3
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: eleven
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the REAL karate kid
hey y/n
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
the REAL karate kid
would you wanna come watch us
play at the semi-finals?
you don't have to if you don't want to
we'll completely understand
but we'd really love you to
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
hold on
the semi-finals?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
like the england vs sweden semi-finals
in two days?
that one indeed
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
like watch you guys play in person??
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
aren't all the tickets already sold out?
the REAL karate kid
we'll send you a ticket for the friends
and family section
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
so whatcha say?
y/n bestie
you still alive?
it's been an hour ...
do i have to give you cpr??
you don't even know cpr
you don't know that!
you sure that's not an excuse to kiss her ...
of course not ...
i dibs giving cpr then
hold on
i wanna give cpr!
i will literally shut all you guys up
permanently if you don't quit
fighting rn
rusty metal
i will voluntarily lend
you a hand in that
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
i really enjoyed their bickering
i wouldn't really mind a mouth to mouth
cpr from you guys tho 👀
i'm glad to see you're still alive
y/n, hey!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
i am very glad too lotte!
hey, rachel!
sorry my phone ran out of charge
and then i decided to take a shower
you almost killed us with the suspense
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
you sure you don't need a cpr instead 👀
i won't decline it if you're offering 👀
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ugh stop ruining it stanway
go away
ignore those two
so you're chill with us being the lionesses?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
i mean i'm still trying to comprehend how
i managed to get added in a chat full of
footballers but yeah of course
blame that on ella
um you mean thank
if not for me, we would've
never known each other
the REAL karate kid
wait hold on
shouldn't you guys be thanking
me instead
it was all because i changed numbers
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
before you guys begin arguing again
thank you all
how about that?
we'll take it
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
now leave me in peace
i have a date tonight
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oh god
here we go again
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
part twelve here
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wosoamazing · 13 days
Lost Part 2
Part 1
Warnings: Mentions of premature birth, feeding tubes
Notes: This is based off this request & also this one. It's only short again but hopefully you all like it. Also let me know if you have anything else you want to see of this child!R 686 words
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“Mummy, I go show Steph my bear?” you asked as you heard the timer go off, meaning you were allowed to do more ‘strenuous’ activity. Leah wanted to say yes, she knew how much you loved to see the team especially after your appointments but she was in the middle of rehab and her knee was currently wrapped up and she was icing it with the game ready. 
“I-” “Le, sorry for interrupting, but um, I can’t for the life of me remember how to get to the cafeteria,” Alessia said as she arrived at the entrance to the physio room.
“Bubba, why don’t you take Less with you, and you can show her where the cafeteria is, and you can show Steph your bear,” you nodded eagerly and stood up, quickly grabbing your bear before taking Alessia’s outstretched hand.
“Stephy,” you squealed as you noticed her, sitting across the room, you immediately run up to her and she picked you up, placing you in her lap.
“How is my little bestie?”
“Good, I got a bear, and we went to the big hospital so I got to see Cooper and we got to play with him, because we had to wait for ages, but that’s because they had to help someone who was very sick. Well that’s what Mummy said,”
“Hospital?” Stina asked.
“Mm-hmm, I go for check ups, they test my blood, and sometimes I have to stay super still for the scanner, and I get to have fun with the nurses while we wait for the doctor and then usually we get to go for brunch, but we didn’t today, because it took super long, but Wally came with us today, so it was good,” you explained to one of the newest team members who just nodded her head.
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A week later it was team bonding night and it was happening at Beth and Viv’s majority of the ACL squad already lived there so it was deemed easiest. Alessia was coming over to your house first so Mummy could drive her there.
“Bubba, you ready? Lessi will be here soon,” Leah called out wondering where you had disappeared too.
“Yep,” you said, reappearing from your room.
“What do you have there?”
“It’s a picture for Lessi,” you said as you held it out, showing Leah.
“I think Lessi is going to love that Bubba, why don’t you go get your shoes and I’ll help you put them on,”
“No Beth,” you whined as Beth tried to pick you up, “not Mummy, want Mummy,” you said as you lightly stomped your foot.
“Why don’t we go through to the living room and go find Mummy,” Alessia offered, you having been slightly grumpy for the past 15 minutes and you nodded, you felt slightly funny and you wanted Mummy, she always knew how to make you feel better.
“Hey bubba,” Leah said softly as you entered the living room, Alessia carrying you. Placing you down on the couch next to Leah, you immediately climbed onto her lap, resting your head against her chest. 
“Is she okay?” Leah asked, concerned about why you were suddenly extremely clingy.
“I think,” Alessia shrugged, “Beth tried to pick her up for a hug and she got upset and said she wanted you,” the older blonde nodded.
“Love you baby bear,” Leah said as she wrapped her arms around you, keeping you secure, you wiggled slightly in her arms, before she felt your breaths even out.
“Sorry if it’s overstepping but why does she have the feeding tube?” Stina asked Leah
“She was born early and due to that there were complications but she also developed NEC and so they had to remove the first part of her small intestine which causes some issues with digestion, so it goes into her small intestine and means she can get food in a way that her body can effectively digest it and get the nutrients from it, but she can still eat and majority of her nutrition does come from food,” Leah said before kissing the top of your head and resting her chin there.
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inuyashaluver · 8 months
Hello Bestie could you maybe write a Christmas fic with Maya or Leah?? Where player and reader are Christmas tree shopping and they end up kissing under a mistletoe
sneaky - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which you and your girlfriend go christmas tree shopping, you oblivious to her little plan in store for you
warnings: pure fluff, not even close to christmas but still cute, swearing
a/n: this is so cute are we kidding, do you know how hard it was for me to chose, i was dying lmao, enjoy bestie! ❤️ not me writing WAY past christmas
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
you and your girlfriend, leah had alternative feelings towards christmas. you didn’t really mind it, whereas leah thought christmas was the best part of the year.
though, as the time progressed, you’d grown a love for christmas because of what it meant to leah, her happy smile the greatest gift of all.
over the four years that you and leah had been dating, you’d spent each christmas together, leah made it her personal mission to make your shared home a winter wonderland.
it was november 31st and you were both lying on the couch, the blonde resting comfortably on your body as you lay flat. her hands are planted under your back, buried into the warmth of your (her) hoodie as you both watch a movie.
her hands gently roam your warm skin as you both giggle along with the movie. when she hears you laugh, she looks up at you in adoration, taking in every little detail she could before you caught her. you were beautiful and she couldn’t take her eyes off you.
when you looked down slightly to investigate why leah had gone so quiet all of a sudden, you were shocked to see your girlfriend looking at you with a lovesick expression that made your heart beat rapidly. “hello” you breathe out with a little laugh.
she smiles bashfully when you make eye contact, moving to hide her face on your chest as you giggle at her affectionately.
you place a hand through her hair and she melts into you instantly, humming at the contact before placing gentle kisses on the base of neck.
after she avoids your gaze for about two minutes, she can’t help but look at you again, this time you were already looking at her and her breath caught in the back of her throat. you looked at her with so much love, she honestly couldn’t believe it.
“you’re so pretty” you whisper, leah shakes her head at you amusingly and moves up a little to be face to face, “you’re beautiful, my girl” each word brushes your lips as she smiles down at you.
she closes the gap between you to seal your lips in a kiss. it was tender, gentle and full of so much mutual adoration, it was sickeningly sweet.
that’s when you were broken apart by leah’s phone buzzing with an alarm. she excitedly gasps and kisses your lips repeatedly, relishing in the sounds of your melodious giggles that made her heart soar.
“it’s 12 o’clock” she gushed, moving to turn the alarm off before moving to kiss you again. you gasp against her lips as she deepens the kiss before she abruptly pulls away to hover over you, “do you know why i’m excited it’s 12 o’clock, baby?”
you shake your head at the girl’s words and she rolls her eyes, “for sleep?” you smile, training had kicked your ass today, mainly because leah was marking you the whole time.
“no, it’s december 1st!” she exclaims, kissing the tip of your nose with a bright grin. you knew what this meant and it made you smile.
“christmas shopping” you point out, making leah smile at you proudly. she appreciated how much you let her share the love of her favourite holiday.
she nods at you excitedly and squeezes you into an embrace, kissing your cheek before hoisting you up, carrying you towards the bedroom so you two could sleep before surely a stressful time for you and a happy time for leah.
you had woken up first for the day and had to pry yourself out of the warm embrace of your girlfriend to get up out of bed.
leah shortly after you woke up with a slight scowl at you not being in her arms when her eyes opened, making her pad around the house to search for you to see you bundled up on the couch scrolling on your phone.
“traitor” she grumbles, glaring at you slightly as you look up at her with a bright smile. “good morning, baby” you cheese out, she can’t help but smile a little and trudges over to you, planting her body on top of you as she sinks into your embrace. “good morning” she mumbles into the skin of your neck.
“someone’s not as excited as i thought she’d be, on the 1st of december too,” you tease, making the blonde shoot up in remembrance, “shit! i forgot!” her eyes are wide as she looks at you, quickly transforming into a look of excitement as she remembered what you’d be doing today.
“what are we waiting for? get up! get up!” leah ushers, dragging you off the couch and ignoring your protests of being cold as you both make it back to the bedroom.
you smile in amusement as leah sits you on the bed to pick out your clothes for the day, giving a satisfied smile as she holds the clothes up to your body.
she grins and gives you a quick kiss before forcing you to get changed. she rushes to get ready herself, running back to the living room to wait for you. not forgetting to complain that you were taking too long.
by the time you’d both made it into the car, leah’s hand would squeeze your thigh every couple of minutes to express her eagerness.
you’d both shopped for decorations and gifts for what felt like days but you wouldn’t utter a complaint at all, leah was so extremely happy despite it being such a stressful time that it eased your worries instantly.
you were happy to follow her like a lost puppy as she showed you a bunch of different items with a bright smile, agreeing with her instantly without a second thought.
it had reached later in the day, it was dark and was now the time where you and leah would go and get a tree after dropping all of your other items at home.
leah insisted you both needed to get a real tree for christmas every year because that’s what she was taught to do and you were happy to oblige.
when you both make it to the tree stall, leah rushes to open your door and laces your fingers excitedly as she pulls you along the hundreds of trees lined up to chose from.
though, what you didn’t notice was that leah was taking you along a specific path, you were unaware that she had spotted a mistletoe towards the far right of the area when you first entered and made it her mission to get you there and steal a kiss.
her cheeky smirk didn’t go unmissed by you as you both walked along looking at the trees and the pretty lights. “what are you up to?” you narrow your eyes at her as she tries to stifle a giggle when you were nearing the area where the mistletoe was.
“nothing, baby” she smiles down at you, kissing your cheek before dragging you off again.
you’d looked at so many trees, you were surprised leah hadn’t picked one yet as she’s usually quite quick. “you don’t like any of these?” you question, leah shakes her head at looks at you with a grin,
“the best ones are usually at the end” she shrugs, both of you walking, chatting and giggling. it was truly a wholesome experience for the two of you, something so sacred and special that you would treasure forever.
by the time you reached the last row, leah visibly perks up and increases her speed. you struggle to catch up with her excited steps before she suddenly stops and faces you.
she takes both of your hands in hers and gives them a gentle squeeze, smiling at you lovingly. “hi” leah smiles cheekily, pulling you forward slightly. “hi” you breathe out, looking at leah sheepishly.
“you look so beautiful” leah says in awe, pulling you closer again. you could tell she was up to something, by her cheeky smile and the way she kept pulling you closer every time she spoke but you weren’t complaining.
“you look very beautiful” you smile, “you also look sneaky, what’s going on?” she laughs at your words and shakes her head amusingly, you both knew when the other was up to something.
“hm” she hums with a laugh, her eyes flickering upward with a smirk. you follow her gaze and that’s when you see it, a mistletoe hung directly over you two. you keep your eyes on it and laugh, looking back at leah with a big smile.
you both giggle when you make eye contact and leah places her hands on your hips, pulling you closer until you were pressed up against each other gently. your arms instinctively wrap around her neck as you smiled at each other.
“mistletoe, huh? knew you were up to something” you smirk, leah chuckles and nods, “who are we to deny the rules of the mistletoe, baby?” leah scoffs, you nod and ghost your lips over hers. she bumps her nose with yours and you both giggle again before she closes the gap between the two of you.
it starts off soft and gentle before you take initiative and deepen it, carding a hand through her hair and gently grazing your nails on her scalp, prompting her to squeeze your hips in appreciation.
she quickly dominates the kiss as you both whine into each other’s mouths. when you both pull away absolutely breathless, she rests her forehead on yours, your breaths mingling as you smile with each other.
you pull away slightly to make eye contact, “you know, we’re still under the mistletoe” you whisper, she laughs brightly at you and smiles with a nod, “mhm, we are” she looks up at it for a moment before looking back down at you,
“who are we to deny the rules of the mistletoe? huh, leah baby?” you quip, leah nods gently before pulling you into another breathless kiss, lasting a couple of seconds before pulling away.
“the tree?” you smirk, leah nods before grabbing your hand again, lacing them together as you walked. “i already know what tree i want” leah chuckles, taking you to the very first row of trees, pointing out the third one.
you can’t help but laugh brightly, you knew her too well, of course she set her heart on one of the first trees she saw but dragged you all the way to the mistletoe.
you both get home and set up the tree, decorating it together under leah’s very careful and specific instructions. the house is warm and full of love, fairy lights providing light as you both laugh and chat while decorating.
once done, you both pull away satisfied, leah tucking you into her side as you both look at the decorated tree.
“it might be our best tree yet, my girl” leah chuckles, kissing your temple as you lean into her. “why? because you dragged me around 10 different isles of trees just to kiss me and then took me all the way back to pick this one?” you recount cheekily, leah nods with a giggle.
“exactly” she grins, “not like you were complaining” leah bumps your hip with hers and you laugh, leaning up to kiss her cheek, making a light pink dust the skin there.
“no, i’m not, in fact..” you start, pulling out a small mistletoe from your pocket to hold it up over your heads. leah raises her eyebrows before she throws her head back in a laugh, “well, who are we to deny the rules?” she smirks, wrapping her arms around your waist to pull you in a searing kiss, your hands dropping the mistletoe in the purpose.
it was a good christmas already.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by liawaelti and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: me and my girl put up the christmas tree, favourite time of the year!
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yourname: leah did the whole thing
↳ leahwilliamsonn: baby! no, we did it together!
↳ yourname: leah, my love, you told me where to put each and every ornament, i don’t know if it counts
↳ leahwilliamsonn: you still put it on with your pretty hands
↳ yourname: mhm
↳ leahwilliamsonn: meet me under the mistletoe in 5 minutes?
↳ yourname: sold
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ln4author · 8 months
𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖸 𝖣𝖮𝖭'𝖳 𝖪𝖭𝖮𝖶 𝖠𝖡𝖮𝖴𝖳 𝖴𝖲 — Charlie Bushnell fanfic (parts of instagram and chat au)
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, tomsturridgeofficial, and others
ellarue Is it a LONG way to where our brother is?@tomsturridgeofficial (thank me, I made him create an account here)
↳ See comments
tomsturridgeofficial No. Not fair. Are you happy now kiddo?
↳ ellarue Yes, I'm big bro <33
↳ tomsturridgeofficial <33 (I learned how to do it)
↳ dior.n.goodjohn You already have the last name, when will our wedding be??------
walker.scobell So this is the profile of the much talked, Miss LaRue?
↳ ellarue It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mister Jackson
iamcharliebushnell I love sandman.
↳ dior.n.goodjohn Said the guy who watched an entire season in a day after a CERTAIN news came out...
↳ iamcharliebushnell I said I LOVE the series <33
↳ aryansimhadri I swore I heard that he had never seen the series before this CERTAIN news @dior.n.goodjohn
↳ leahsavajeffries "Please, be discreet" he asked
↳ iamcharliebushnell THANKS LEAH!!!!!!!!
↳ user2 GIRLLL!!!!!! I think the news about her being Selena is true!!!!!!
↳ user1 AAAAAAAAAAA PLEASE NO! I need Ella as Thalia.
user4 A DELÍRIO PERFEITA JURO. Não posso esperar a hora para te ver como ela (THE PERFECT DELIRIUM I SWEAR. I can't wait to see you like her)
↳ ellarue Muito obrigada meu bem <33 FALTA SÓ UMA SEMANA, NEM EU AGUENTO MAIS (Thank you so much my dear <33 ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT, EVEN I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE)
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, and others
↳ See comments
↳ momonatamada Calling her a bestie, but I'm the one who will go to premier...
↳ momonatamada YES I SAID
↳ _xochitl.gomez YOU KNOW WHY I CAN'T GO
iamcharliebushnell OPENING NETFLIX NOW.
↳ ellarue aaaaaa this is so cute, tysm <33
↳ aryansimhadri @dior.n.goodjohn @walker.scobell @leahsavajeffries @lin_manuel @rickriordan SHE ANSWERED HIM!!!! RED ALERT!!!! SHE ANSWERED HIM!!!
↳ leahsavajeffries Okay, even I'm surprised by this
↳ dior.n.goodjohn I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, CHARLIE JUST PASSED OUT!!!!!!!
↳ lin_manuel THIS IS MY SON, GET THAT GIRL!!!
↳ ellarue WTF HAPPENED???? (I trust you, Tio Rick)
↳ iamcharliebushnell I'll kill myself... ☠️☠️☠️
tomsturridgeofficial I love how chaotic your friends are
↳ ellarue Me toooooo, that's why I'm friends with these freaks
↳ tomsturridgeofficial how adorable <33
user1 Bro... Is it just me or does our crush have a crush in our ANOTHER crush?
↳ user2 Yesssssssss, our crush literally has a crush on our crush LMAO
↳ user3 Wait, so our crush is having a crush on our other crush?
↳ user4 This makes sense, since we have crushes on both of our crushes
↳ user5 Does our crush also have a crush on our crush, back?
↳ user1 Why did I start with this????
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liked by ellarue, leahsavajeffries, iamcharliebushnell, and others
dior.n.goodjohn WE FINALLY MEET, MY GIRLS!! @ellarue (my bride) and @leahsavajeffries (our daughter) 💞💞
↳ See comments
ellarue Bride??? We need to get married immediately.
↳ leahsavajeffries You guys wanting to adopt me, even though you're not even married yet
↳ ellarue PERFECT, WHY NOT?
iamcharliebushnell your bride is our bride *insert that communist rabbit*
↳ dior.n.goodjohn Really, Bushnell? REALLY?
↳ walker.scobell He's unstoppable bro, unstoppable.
↳ aryansimhadri @lin_manuel Look at the things your son says
↳ iamcharliebushnell Aryan, please stop tagging him every time, he is THE gossip girl, he will tell everyone
↳ lin_manuel AM I THE GOSSIP GIRL, SON?????? THE GOSSIP GIRL?????
↳ iamcharliebushnell WHAT A HELL??????
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liked by walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn, ellarue, and others
iamcharliebushnell NO, I'M NOT A LOST SON OF POSEIDON
↳ See comments
ellarue Luke Castellan = bonitinho, mas ordinário kkkkkkk
↳ iamcharliebushnell Is the translation correct?? Did you really say "cute"? AGAIN???
↳ ellarue In fact, it's more "beautiful" or "pretty boy"
↳ ellarue I'm not lying, am I?
↳ dior.n.goodjohn Yeah, now he's dead, great Ella
↳ lin_manuel Being called "pretty boy" is one thing, now being called "BONITINHO", congratulations, son, you won.
↳ leahsavajeffries Take note of today, gossip sites, because today was the day he died.
↳ user3 Eu não acredito que tô shippando eles, sério, não tem como não shippar (I can't believe I'm shipping them, seriously, there's no way not to ship them)
↳ user5 I don't ship them, but I think their friendship is cute
Hey darlingss, these were just some spoilers of what's to come in this story and I took it very lightly... I didn't even mention the fights... wait, did someone say something? <33
413 notes · View notes
lateatnewyork · 6 months
charlie bushnell x singer!reader
warnings: fluff, smau
summary: you release a new album !!
a/n I SWEAR ILL HAVE THE CHEST OF LOVE OUT BY THIS WEEK potential pt two if i finish the chest of love this week
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, ynln and others celebgossip rumours say that yn ln is releasing a new album featuring sabrina carpenter andtaylor swift comments are closed
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, sabrinacarpenter and others ynln all those other girls are beautiful…but would they write a song for you? view comments
hearts4yn WERE GETTING AN ALBUM iamcharliebushnell no they would not 💯 ➔ dior.n.goodjohn she wrote a whole ass album 😭 ➔ ynln 🙈 gracieabrams AHAJWJJSNSNS ➔ ynln STOP ILY sabrinacarpenter yall are not ready for the photoshoot 🫣 ➔ ynln 😘 walkerscobell HEY STEPHEN !! ➔ ynln I KNOW LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING ➔ leahsavajeffries i taught him this. leahsavajeffries ALBUM !! ALBUM !! ALBUM !!!!!!!!! ➔ ynln ALBUM !!!!! dior.n.goodjohn IM IN LOVE WITH THIS ➔ ynln i’m in love with YOU ➔ iamcharliebushnell … i.am.andrewalvarez 🤫🧏‍♀️ ➔ ynln get out ➔ aryansimhadri 🤫🧏‍♀️ elliebellykim i’m so excited 😆 ➔ ynln MY GIRLLL ➔ aryansimhadri wtf man leenascobell RELEASE IT EARLY !!!! ➔ ynln @treepaine PLSSS this comment is now deleted ➔ ynln my manager won’t let me 😞 honeymoon oh my baby’s all grown up ➔ ynln PLS ILY taylorswift it’s ur 3rd album already !! i’m so proud of you 🤍 ➔ ynln CANT WAIT FOR TTPD
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, gracieabrams and others ynln i’m in love ‘fictional daydream’ version is now available on my store, with the bonus track “book of love” your support on this album has been so unwavering i thought i’d give you a couple of little presents.
as you know my album is coming out in 3 weeks (so close already), as a little thank you to everyone who has showed their love on this album i will be releasing ‘cherry on top’ NEXT WEEK !!
and for everyone who has been there for me since i posted covers with my bestie sab on youtube; IM GOING ON TOUR, the i’m in love world tour starts in 3 months !! tickets will be available at the same time as cherry on top releases
i love you guys 🩷 view comments
ynloml MOTHER IS FEEDING US iamcharliebushnell i’m so proud of you 🫶🏻 ➔ ynln ilysm char<3 ➔ hearts4yn their so cuteeee dior.n.goodjohn 😍 ➔ ynln BBYYYY leahsavajeffries you’re so pretty ➔ ynln leah babes ur my favourite ilysm user34 this albums going to be shit ➔ hearts4yn this album is NOT based off of u liked by yn sabrinacarpenter charlie is shaking ➔ dior.n.goodjohn uh huh ➔ i.am.andrewalvarez can confirm
*1 month later*
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liked by ynln, dior.n.goodjohn and others grammysofficial we present to you the future of the music industry AND best dressed of this years grammys view comments
taylorswift my childrennnn ➔ honeymoon our* children hearts4yn the first time in forever i felt like the grammys weren’t rigged moonchildswift help what am i doing wrong yn is 19 and has 2 grammys 4 vmas acting in two of the biggest shows of 2024 and a model ➔ user78 wait what were the shows ➔ moonchildswift she’s thalia in pjo and she’s flora in damsel (the new movie on netflix) ynloml MY QUEENSSSSS ynishearteyes YNNNNN ➔ iamcharliebushnell ur username is so real ➔ ynln 🙈 ➔ ynishearteyes HELPP
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liked by ynln, milliebobbybrown and others ynslove throwback thursday to when yn starred in two of the biggest shows of 2024 and released her third album (I GOT TICKETS TO THE IM IN LOVE TOUR LA N2) view comments
hearts4yn IM GOING ON DUBLIN N3 ➔ ynloml SINGAPORE N6 ➔ ynismywife CINCINNATI N1 user56 YN LIKED fcklife MILLIE LIKED
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, walkerscobell and others ynln lil bf appreciation post view comments
walkerscobell ew… ➔ ynln who gave him his account back iamcharliebushnell 💕 ➔ walkerscobell whipped ➔ iamcharliebushnell loud and proud liked by creator and 5400 others leahsavajeffries CUTIESSS dior.n.goodjohn MY girl elliebellykim aryan could never ➔ aryansimhadri EXCUSE ME ➔ ynln LOLLL
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liked by ynln, taylornation and others ynsminions yn at opening night of the ‘i’m in love’ world tour !!! see you tomorrow nyc 🩷🖤 comments are closed
a/n i’m literally gonna crash ramadan has started 😭 and we’re going to india on 5th of april so i’ll be afk for a month 🫶🏻 ALSO TT IS BANNED IN INDIA IMA HAVE TO DELETE IT 😭
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leah williamson fic recs (1)
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you are responsible for the content you consume‼️
𖥔 ۫  obsessed leah williamson x reader
-a fic with soft/smitten leah and her teammates making fun of her for it because she’s usually cold and not emotional or soft.
𖥔 ۫  come back... be here. leah williamson x reader
-Leah would tell anyone who asked that she was fine. She had captained the Lionesses to a European Championship, Arsenal was sitting comfortably at the top of the table, and she was on the cover of British GQ. Leah was fine, great even…until she saw you, camera in hand, looking as beautiful as you did the day she first met you; as beautiful as you did the day she fell in love with you; as beautiful as you did the day you left.
OR a post breakup meeting leaves Leah less than fine (though she’d be kidding herself to think she has been anything but broken since you got on that plane to New York).
𖥔 ۫  take a look at my girlfriend (she's the only one i got) leah williamson x reader
-captain leah is proud of all her accomplishments- but calling you her girlfriend is her favourite
𖥔 ۫  oh baby leah williamson x reader | Leah Williamson x Pregnant Actress!Reader, Reader x Platonic Bestie Austin Butler
-Your relationship with Leah has always been a secret to the public. So, when you’re photographed looking very pregnant and hanging out with your best friend, Austin Butler, the internet assumes he is the father. Leah, already hating Austin, gets jealous and wants to announce to the world that you’re married and expecting your first child together.
𖥔 ۫  traitor leah williamson x reader
-Leah and R have started to pursue a relationship with each other. How long will it take for their fans and teammates who are unaware to catch on? part three, you can find part one and part two here.
𖥔 ۫  hoodie leah williamson x reader
-Leah and Reader’s relationship is still building up together. And more people are catching on.
𖥔 ۫  good girls gone bad leah williamson x reader
-inspired by *that* clip
𖥔 ۫  "a williamson would never wear sky blue." leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  public relations leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  flatline leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  sisterly love leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  bedtime stories leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  "you kissed me." leah williamson x reader
-Running off on the adrenaline of winning the Euro's, Leah decides that she doesn't want to hold back how she feels for her childhood best friend
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𖥔 ۫  instagram lives with me leah williamson x reader
-the posts that you and leah share on social media
𖥔 ۫  double support leah williamson x reader | alessia russo x reader
-in which; your girlfriends watch you make your return to chelsea after a long haul of recovery.
𖥔 ۫  reconcile. leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  proudest moment leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  only the beginning leah williamson x reader
-This is a follow up Proudest Moment which you can find here!
𖥔 ۫  It’s All Fun and Games... leah williamson x morgan!reader
𖥔 ۫  setbacks leah williamson x bronze!reader
-The Prequels: Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five
𖥔 ۫  introductions leah williamson x bronze!reader
𖥔 ۫  the reveal leah williamson x bronze!reader
-Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Setbacks
𖥔 ۫  hoodie leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  well you were leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫  meeting morgan leah williamson x reader
-Sisterly Love Masterlist
𖥔 ۫  leah williamson blurb. leah williamson x reader
-Whispering jokes/loving words in a lecture/ school/church/a meeting. Trying not to laugh/ flirt back in fear of disturbing everyone else who's trying to pay attention.
𖥔 ۫  face masks and horror films. leah williamson x reader
-soft girlfriend banter
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𖥔 ۫  leah williamson blurb leah williamson x reader
-“If we get caught, I’m blaming you” + “…You can’t make out with someone platonically.” 
𖥔 ۫  lessi and leah blurb leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫ “I swear if we get caught I’m actually going to kill you” leah williamson x reader | Fluff mostly, slight sexual references
-Leah’s GF has been busy during her injury period, meaning they’ve been like ships in the night. Reader decides to surprise her at one of her games.
𖥔 ۫ mrs williamson leah williamson x reader
-leah williamson supremecy always, all day every day
𖥔 ۫  ignorance is bliss ficlet leah williamson x reader
-feel free to read the proper full fic that this is a spin off from here
𖥔 ۫  like real people do leah williamson x reader
-a collection of private moments from a relationship between two public figures.
𖥔 ۫  abs leah williamson x reader | SMUT
-you shouldn’t be this distracted by your teammates abs, but its a good thing you are or something between you two never would have happened
𖥔 ۫  how could i ever (treat my baby that way) leah williamson x reader
-You’d think that between the chilly air coming out of the air conditioning in the room and the freezing cold drink in your hand that you’d be comfortably cool, body not overheating despite being in a slightly crowded bar. 
𖥔 ۫  i'm so furious (at you for making me feel this way) leah williamson x reader
-“What? You’re not gonna say ‘hi’?”
𖥔 ۫ first steps leah williamson x reader | fluff, boyfriend!leah, leah's first day back (fully)
-its leah first day running post-acl surgery and she's upset you're not able come, but viv, beth, and laura have a surprise for her
𖥔 ۫ playgirl leah williamson x reader | 18 + minors dni (smut, fingering, cunnilingus,) lots of angst, smut, hurt, fluff, fluffy soft smut
𖥔 ۫ I'd follow you around the world leah williamson x reader
𖥔 ۫ heels leah williamson x reader
-+ the gucci exhibition outfit
-𖥔 ۫ obvious leah williamson x fem!reader | blurb, fluff
-leah thinks she is slick, but she is quite the opposite
-𖥔 ۫ handyman leah williamson x fem!reader
-"-love do you have to stop at every single display room?" leah sighed with a tired smile as you collapsed on yet another sofa you had no intention of buying. "lee it's all a part of the experience! come, sit with me." you patted the brown leather with a beaming grin that leah just couldn't say no to as she wandered over and sat beside you.
-𖥔 ۫ work wife leah williamson x reader
-reader is Leah’s girlfriend and an Aussie or an American but plays for Arsenal and is the same age as less? so Leah requests they befriend less and make her feel welcome but then they become besties and Leah gets all pouty and jealous which reader finds hilarious cause her and less are just friends but she loves to wind Leah up
-𖥔 ۫ i licked it so its mine a.russo x l.williamson x reader
-katie’s story of “I licked it so it’s mine”, inspired a funny crack blurb with Leah x Less x Reader
-𖥔 ۫ all yours leah williamson x reader x lia wälti | fluff, angst, confessions of love, lack of taking care of themselves
-when r finds out that their two bestfriends (and secret crushes) have gotten together on a trip they go into a meltdown of feeling left out and unloved - lw2 sort them out and show them just how loved they are by the two of them
-𖥔 ۫ lucky charms leah williamson x reader
-leah wearing this rly full cross body bag to all the games so far and I’ve just thought how does a girl need so much stuff with her to watch the game?! Maybe a fic where Leah’s gf questions her about the cross body bag, she gets all shy and it turns out she’s carrying something of her gfs (lucky item, fav t shirt etc) to bring luck for the game.
-𖥔 ۫ losing leah williamson x reader
-you’d never felt more heart broken in your life than you did in this moment. Looking out at a crowd of people you didn’t know, a crowd of people that were feeling a fraction of the disappointment you were. You’d collapsed to the grass as soon as the whistle had blown, your heart shattering into a million pieces on the pitch. You’d worked your ass off, your whole team had worked their asses off, and yet you’d still fallen short, it still wasn’t enough.
-𖥔 ۫ asthma attacks leah williamson x reader | sickness angst and heart warming fluff
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eimids · 11 months
Two idiots in love (with sex)
Leah Williamson x Alessia Russo.
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I wanted to write smut so Leah and Alessia it is. This is literally just smut with a little bit of plot.
Warnings: smut. Bit of voyeurism, edging and umm many orgasms.
Words: 3.4k
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Liked by Alessiarusso99, Liawaelti and 120.456 others
Proud of my girl❤️
Alessiarusso99: proud of you baby😍
Ellatoone: you stole my bestie kinda rude of you 😠 but like better not hurt her cos i got some mad karate skills😎
Alessiarusso99: don’t worry your still my bestie🤝
Leahwilliamsonn: Toone I have seen your ‘mad karate skills’. Not very promising😂😂 and excuse me less, i’m not your bestie?!
Ellatoone: your mean and no, i’m her bestie😙
Leahswife: WHAT IS THIS ??????? NO
Leahfan: Oh they are so cute together😍😍😍😍 didn’t see this coming.
Leah and Alessia were the new power couple of the women’s football world. The whole community was in a shock as the couple made a hard launch of their relationship in their instagrams. Obviously their teammates at arsenal knew about the two and most of the lionesses. Mary was the matchmaker to the blondes. She could see the longing stares in the pitch, the hugs of celebrations that lasted for a little while longer than with other teammates.
So she made a plan. She would always ask to sit with Leah and Alessia in the bus. Then apologizing for ‘accidentally’ telling both of then that she would sit with them. Then she just said something how the two blondes should sit together and she just left to sit with Millie.
It worked to a certain point. She got the two blondes a lot closer to each other and now they were hanging out all the time. The problem was that neither of them were willing to make the first move. So naturally, Mary made it.
“You two come here” She yelled two the giggling blondes after their prac had ended.
The blondes ran to her confused
“Okey so here’s the deal. You like each other and it’s so clear that I think everyone else knows it but you two. So I’m going to be the matchmaker and do the first move for you two. Now go have a nice rest of the night” Mary said and winked.
The rest was history. The pair quickly started dating before Leah asked Alessia to be her girlfriend, which she happily said yes to. They dated for 6 months before deciding to make it public. They wanted the whole world to know that they had each other and were off the limits.
“Baby can’t we just stay home” Alessia whined.
“No we gotta go to the dinner darling” Leah answered and gave a quick peck to the youngers lips.
“Well at least give me a proper kiss” Alessia said and frowned.
Leah gave another peck, smirked and walked alaway. Leaving Alessia frowning.
They were supposed to go and meet their friends in a restaurant for a dinner. It was nice but Alessia had something very different in her mind for what she wanted to do. She had been craving the soft lips of Leah on her skin. The strong hand’s exploring her smooth skin. All she wanted was to be thrown into a bed and be fucked senseless.
Leah obviously knew what her girlfriend was after. She made her task to tease Alessia during the night as much as she could so she’d have her as a needy mess at the end of the night. Leah started subtly. Walking with her hand on alessias small of her back. Opening the door for her and giving little kisses on her neck and cheeks.
Alessia was loving the attention from her girlfriend, and so was the sinful thoughts in her head. Alessia was happy that now she could kiss her girlfriend in public spaces without having to worry about someone seeing. She didn’t have to hide the not so subtle love marks on her chest if she was wearing a dress. She was just enjoying all of her girlfriend.
While driving Leah decided to took it up a notch. Putting hand on Alessias thigh and letting her thumb draw random circles on it. Leah was enjoying how she saw Alessia already being needy with the heat in her pants growing. When arriving, Leah once again opened the car door for her girlfriend and secured her hand around her lovers waist.
At the restaurant Leah made sure to pull the chair for Alessia which made the young blond flush red. She wasn’t used to PDA from her girlfriend since they had to hide their relationship for a while. She was now very happy that she could kiss her gorgeous girlfriend in front of the word.
During the dinner Leah had her hand on Alessia’s thigh the whole time protectively. As the waiter got a bit too friendly with the younger blonde Leah made sure to kiss her in front of him to send the message that she wasn’t available. They had overall a nice dinner until Leah leaned up to Alessia’s ear.
“Why don’t you go to the bathroom and take of your underwear so I can have some fun with you” Leah said and kissed her on the cheek innocently.
Alessia was dumbfounded and just quickly excused herself to go to the bathroom. She found an empty stall and took her black lingerie that she wore just for Leah from under her skirt. She noticed that the panties were already covered in her own arousal which made her a bit embarrassed. She put the panties to her blazers pocket, washed her hands and walked back to the table.
Leah had a knowing smile on her face as she helped Alessia sit back down. Leah out her hand back to Lessi’s thigh but this time a bit higher. It stayed there for a moment before moving higher and higher. At one point while Alessia was sipping from her drink, Leahs fingers found Alessia’s wetness. She swirled her fingers a bit which made Alessia almost choke on her drink. She just brushed it off to the other saying that she just coughed.
After teasing just her girlfriends folds, her thumb found the very sensitive clit. Alessia wiggled in her chair at the amazing feeling.
“Are you doing okay darling? Should we head back home” Leah said. Hand still circling gently her girlfriend’s clit.
“Umm I- I think we should go I feel kinda dizzy” Alessia answered. She almost whined when Leah took her hand away from where she needed it the most.
The couple quickly made their way to the car that sat in the parking lot. Leah once again opened the door for the younger woman and then went to the driver’s side. The ride was fast. Leah speeding through the roads so she could have the time with her girlfriend that she’d been longing for.
Leah would lie if she said that having Alessia sitting next to her without any panties didn’t get her all hot and bothered. She was feeling the heat inside her. The need to fuck her girlfriend in every possible position.
When they arrived back to their shared apartment, Leah was quick to pin Alessia to the door the second it closed. Leah’s mouth went straight to Alessia’s pulse point. Marking her girlfriend for everyone to see.
“You were such a good girl for me at the restaurant” Leah said before pressing a kiss to her lovers lips. She wanted Alessia to beg her to make her feel good. She wanted the blonde to be so needy that she had to beg.
“Please Leah, let’s go to the bedroom”Alessia started her asking.
“I think you can do better than that love, I want to hear you beg for it” Leah answered cockily.
“Fuck Leah” Alessia moaned when the older blonde brought her knee to Alessias pussy.
“That’s not begging” Leah reminded.
“Pleas Leah take me to your bed and fuck me. Please you’ve teased me this whole day” Alessia pleaded.
“Hmm that’s better but that’s not gonna take you to the bed” Leah simply answered before grabbing Alessia by her waist and walking to the kitchen before lifting Alessia to the counter.
“Maybe I should make you come with my tongue? Would that be good for you my dear?” Leah asked with a smirk.
“Yes please Leah. You can do anything you want to me” Alessia answered between the kisses Leah was providing her.
“Oh I like the sound of that” Leah said while unzipping Alessia’s skirt. She quickly got rid of it to see the wet heat in front of her eyes.
Leah moaned at the sight of her girlfriend being already so wet for her. But Leah still wanted to hear more pleading from her girlfriend. She decided that Alessia had to work for her orgasm.
”Please Leah, I want to feel good baby, been waiting for all day” Alessia moaned.
Leah decided that now was the time to bury her head to her girlfriend’s wet heat. She swiped her tongue through the folds and gathered the wetness to taste. Both of the women were enjoying every moment.
After a while Leah brought her tongue to the very needy clit of her girl. It was begging for attention and Leah was more than willing to give that to it
“Oh yes Leah, just like that love” Alessia moaned while throwing her head back. Her hands found her girlfriend’s hair to push her closer to her pussy.
Leah was working with her very skillful tongue to make Alessia come to the edge of her orgasm. She lapped the wetness before bringing her lips to suck the sensitive bundle of nerves. She kept going and going before Alessia was just about to come.
“What?!” Alessia panted as the pleasure was taken away from her. Leah just simply stood up and walked away from her very annoyed and confused girlfriend.
“You gotta work for it baby” Leah said and kept walking to their living room. She sat onto the couch and waited for her girlfriend to join her.
“Please I’ll do anything Leah” Alessia pleaded again.
“Make me come with those skilfull fingers and that amazing mouth, maybe then you’ll get the same favor” Leah answered and started tugging her pants off.
Alessia was on her knees in seconds, wanting to please her girlfriend. She helped Leah to take her pants and underwear off. After that she dived right into her girlfriend. She carefully slid two fingers to the waiting heat. Leah’s breathing picked up and she knew that she wasn’t going to last for long with Less.
Alessia worked her fingers in and out of Leah’s pussy and occasionally curled them so she would hit the blondes g spot. While the pair hadn’t been that long together, they had a lot of sex. Alessia know her girlfriend’s body inside and out. Same goes with Leah. She could make the other come in minutes if she wanted. Alessia was in mood to make Leah come fast so she could enjoy her own pleasure next.
“So good for me Less, please put that mouth to good use baby” Leah moaned and enjoyed the sight of her girlfriend eating her out passionately.
Alessia was now hitting that toe curling spot with every thrust. She couldn’t get enough of the sounds her girlfriend made. Her mouth fas flicking on Leah’s clit to make her come. She quickly brought her other hand to Leah’s tit’s to squeeze them. She wanted to make it as pleasurable as possible for Leah.
She didn’t have to go much longer before Leah was coming around her fingers while they repeatedly hit that amazing spot inside of Leah.
“Oh good girl, you’re doing amazing baby. Oh that feels so good” Leah moaned as her orgasm shook her body. Alessia helped the older woman ride her orgasm to the end.
Leah grabbed Alessia’s hear and pulled her to kiss her. The older woman moaned at the taste of herself. Alessia’s fingers still inside her.
“Clean those fingers for me baby, suck them clen” Leah commanded Alessia.
Alessia took her fingers out before pushing them to her own mouth. Circling her tongue around the two digits to giva a show to Leah. She started to grind herself on Leah’s lap. Making it pleasurable for herself.
“Oh do you want to grind on my thigh? You need it that badly?” Leah laughed.
Alessia just nodded and continued the grinding. She moved a bit so her center was focused on Leah’s thigh. Making a mess on the older woman’s thigh. Covering it in her arousal.
Leah was laid back and just watched the show. She was amused how high her girlfriend’s sex drive was, also stamina. The younger woman could go for all night if she wanted. Not even needing many breaks.
Alessia found a perfect spot on Leah’s thigh that made her a moaning mess. Soon Leah flexed her muscles on her thigh and watched her girlfriend’s reaction. Her whole body jolted at the new feeling, eyes rolling and head thrown back in pleasasure.
“Keep grinding sweet girl” Leah said as she saw Alessia’s movements get sloppier. She was proud how she managed to make her girlfriend this close to orgasm without even touching her properly.
Alessia was once again at the edge of ther orgasm when Leah lifted Alesia up from her thigh. She watched as tears of frustration gathered in her girlfriend’s eyes.
“Please Lee, I’ve done what you asked just please. I need you so badly baby. Just want to come for you and show you that only you can make me come. Please baby please maka me come” Leah now truly begged.
“That’s what i’m talking about. You’re so pretty when you beg for attention. I know I’ve been unfair to you but I promise that next time you’ll get to come” Leah said and kissed the crying girl. She lifted her so Alessia was on her front with legs around Leah’s waist. Leah carried her girlfriend to their room and threw her onto the bed.
“What do you want? I’ll let you pick” Leah let her girlfriend choose.
“I want the vibrator please. And you fingers” Alessia answered quickly.
Leah was picking the perfect vibe for the occasion. She brought it to the bed and plased it on Alessias clit. It was one that went basicly around the clitoris to bring maximum pleasure. It was also easy to control with a little device.
Leah put it on in a low level. Alessia was moaning at the feeling between her legs.
“I’m gonna give you four. One for being good in the restaurant, one for making me come and one for each orgasm I took away from you” Leah stated as she climbed to the bed herself.
She laid behind Alessia and let her girlfriend get comfortable on leaning on her chest. Leah was kissing Alessias neck and shoulders as the younger woman kept moaning. Leah put the vibrations to the next level which made Alessia feel ecstatic.
Leah brought her hand to Alessia’s nipples and gently pulled and pinched them. That was all that it took for Alessia first orgasm come crashing.
“Yes Leah, so so good shit I’m coming” Alessia screamed as the long waited orgasm finally took over her body. Her legs shook with the pleasure and her mind was in heaven with her girlfriend’s hand all over her.
Leah put the vibrations once again to the lowest level so Alessia could calm down a bit.
“Thank you Le-“ Alessia stared but was cut off when the vibrations went up again. This time even stronger. Her leg’s immediately started to shake and the moans from her mouth were uncontrollable.
Leah brought her fingers to Alessias folds once again. This time sticking three fingers inside of her girlfriend. Alessia let an ungodly moan at the stretch. She was wet enough to take the fingers but it was just unexpected. Quickly she got used to them.
Leah started to thrust them in and out in crucially slow pace. Alessia turned her head to Leah’s side so she could find the soft lipst that were home to her.
“Oh Lee. I’m so close again” Alessia moaned to her girlfriend’s mouth.
“Make a mess Less. Cum on my fingers and let the whole building know who you belong to” Leah said before continuing her actions.
“Leah, Leah, Leah” Alessia repeated like a mantra. She screamed it so loud that the whole world must have heard it.
“That’s right. You’re mine and mine only. Only I can touch you like this and only I can see you like this” Leah said as she continued her actions. She loved how Alessia was coming around her fingers. Clenching around then so hard that they barely moved anymore.
Letting her girlfriend ride out the orgasm before turning the vibe to the lowest setting again. Alessia was panting. She was out of breath and her head was spinning.
“You okay?” Leah checked before she continued anything. The last thing she wanted was to make her love uncomfortable in the slightest.
“Yeah. That was amazing Lee, please more” Alessia smiled to Leah and kissed her. Leah laughed at her girlfriend. Not surprised that the girk was asking more already. But Alessia just couldn’t get enough.
“Who I’m I to deny you when you look so fucking gorgeous” Leah said and continued kissing Alessia.
“Hmm maybe I should give you a little spanking. I know how much you love that” Leah said and flipped herself from behind Alessia. She then sat at the edge of the bed and moved Alessia to her lap. Ass perfectly for her to access.
“Mhhmm, please spank me. Make me yours” Alessia was enthusiastic. Loving the feeling of some light spanking.
“You are already mine baby. Don’t forget that” Leah said and with that her hand came down to her lover’s ass.
Alessia buckled a bit and just moaned shamelessly. The vibrations were still on her clit. Not pressing even more to her as she laid in Leah’s lap.
Leah brought her hand the second time to Alessias back. And then again. She knew her girlfriend loved some spanking but didn’t know it would make her this wet. Leah felt as the wetness of her girlfriend was dripping to her own thighs. She just smirked proudly and gave another spank.
“Leah I don’t know what’s happening” Alessia said a bit confused. But Leah knew. Leah could notice the signs of her girlfriend getting close to an orgasm. The vibrations weren’t strong enough to make her come alone. So it was the spanking. The spanking was making her girlfriend come.
“Don’t worry sweet, just met it happen” Leah said and brought her hand to Alessia’s ass twice. That’s what brought the younger blonde over the edge. She wasn’t anticipating the strong orgasm that took over her whole body. She didn’t know she could come like this but she didn’t care. She just enjoyed the endless pleasure coursing through her vains.
“Fuck Leah. So good, god” Alessia mumbled. During her orgasm. Leah just watched in awe as her girlfriend came. The never ending orgasm was something new to them both. Neither knew that Alessia could come like that. Just by some spanking and bit of vibrations. Leah knew that this was something that she would love to do to her girlfriend more often.
“Holy shit” Alessia said when she finally calmed down.
“I didn’t know I could come by just spanking” She stated a bit embarrassed. Hiding her face with her hands.
“Don’t hide from me love”Leah said while moving Alessia to sit in her lap and face her. “That was fucking amazing” She continued while chuckling a little.
“Yeah it was” Alessia laughed with her girlfriend. They’re teeth clashed as they kept laughing to the kiss.
They continued that for a while before Alessia spoke. “So you promised me four orgasms soo now that we have fucked in the kitchen, living room and bedroom the only place left is the bathroom” Alessia said wiggling her eyebrows.
“Shower sex?” Leah asked but Alessia just jumped to her wobbly legs and yelled “grab the strap”.
Leah just laughed. She loved the high sexdrive of her girlfriend.
Umm yeah that was a lot of plotless smut.
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fictionalmenaremytype · 9 months
My highlights from the first two episodes
- Baby Percy and BlackJack?!?!??!
- Mrs Dodd's transformation!!! Can we talk about how good that was?!?!?
-Sally Jackson and Logical??? "I fell for you like water falls from the February sky" being abt her and Poseidon! "Said I was too young, I was too soft." I've already spoke about Sally's difficulties raising Percy but this just resonates so well with his teachers blaming her struggles on her being too young. "I know I'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible." Knowing the child she had part in bringing to life is suffering just for existing! This is her song!
- Grover betraying him at Yancy?? This just make the 'betrayed by a friend' part of the prophecy even more heartbreaking, ofc Percy will suspect Grover now!
- a sandwich from diAngelo's ?!?!?!?!?
- "Like Jesus?"
- Grover's "I'm 24" literally had me cackling! I think there's more important things for you to tell him right now, buddy, but sure, clarify your age.
- Mr D "Son" just to get drunk...
- The Big House?!?! Why is it so beautiful?!?!?
- Luke and Chris being besties and welcoming Percy in! I feel so bad for the kids who are watching this for the first time and will find out everything that happens to Luke and Chris. I just know those edits of TLT Chris to BotL Chris are going to be HEARTBREAKING!!!!
- The council of cliven elders??? ALREADY!
- Percy praying to Sally had me tearing up.
- Clarisse's scream when Percy broke her spear...I know we're supposed to be scared but I just felt bad isn't that like the only thing Ares has given Clarisse and some new boy just breaks it??? I'd be pissed too!
- AND LEAH!!!!!! LEAH!!!!!!!!!!! We knew she was perfect before we saw her performance, but to her become Annabeth! Perfect, perfect, perfect!
- Annabeth calling Percy Sunshine??? Her just admitting to stalking him without hesitation??? Her just pushing him into the river??? Iconic.
- Grover being rebellious and just telling Percy about Sally! I think that makes up for getting him kicked out of Yancy.
I can't wait for the next episodes!
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writing-imagines · 1 year
Oh Baby // Leah Williamson
Summary: Your relationship with Leah has always been a secret to the public. So, when you’re photographed looking very pregnant and hanging out with your best friend, Austin Butler, the internet assumes he is the father. Leah, already hating Austin, gets jealous and wants to announce to the world that you’re married and expecting your first child together.
Pairing: Leah Williamson x Pregnant Actress!Reader, Reader x Platonic Bestie Austin Butler
Possible warnings: pregnancy, jealousy, Hollywood politics
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When you were younger, you always swore you’d never get married. Your insistence on never getting married only grew stronger once you made it to Hollywood. Everyone warned you that getting married and having kids would instantly kill your acting career. With that kind of warning, you followed the narrative your PR team created for you to a tee. For years you pretended to be the cool relatable actress who only starred in critically acclaimed films and never did serious relationships. Really, the only relationships you had were PR for whatever movie you were promoting.
That all changed once you met Leah at an event. You fell for her hard and fast, even though it went against every rule that Hollywood taught you. The one rule you did follow was keeping your relationship extremely private. It took a full year before either of you even let friends and family know you were dating. You didn’t want to hide your relationship, but you knew it would be easier to function in your professional life if everyone believed you were single. Since no one knew you were dating there were no paparazzi stalking you to get a couples picture, no fans bashing you for dating, and no interviewers asking you about one another.
Your marriage was even a secret with only handfuls of trusted friends and family attending. While you managed to keep everything about your relationship under wraps to the general public for years, you knew it would become much more difficult to protect your relationship status when you and Leah decided to go through the process of having a baby.
After consulting your team, you decided to make an announcement on Instagram that you would be taking a break from acting to focus on your mental health and family. It wasn’t a total lie and the public seemed to support your decision. So, for eight months, you laid low. You hardly ever went into the city, if you did you were heavily disguised, and you really only left the house to go to Leah’s family events. But, as you approached the ninth month mark, you were tired of being cooped up all day and not being able to fly home to see any of your friends. That’s why when your best friend invited you out to lunch, you happily accepted.
“What are you doing?” Your wife questioned as you rummaged through your shared closet.
“I’m trying to find that really oversized flannel I bought from the thrift shop a few months ago.”
“Why? You look fine.” Leah cocked her eyebrow as she watched you sort through all the hung up shirts.
“Because, I want to try to hide the bump while I’m at lunch with Austin.”
“What? You didn’t tell me you were going out to lunch and you certainly didn’t mention you were going with him.” You rolled your eyes at Leah’s words. Your wife had always been weary of Austin since you told her about your short lived PR relationship for a drama film you both starred in years ago. You reassured Leah that nothing actually happened between the two of you, besides a few strategically planned kisses in front of paparazzi, but she could never shake the jealousy she felt towards him.
“I told you last night after I picked you up from the airport.”
“Babe, I was barely awake when you picked me up. I don’t even remember coming home.”
“Well, I defiantly told you. Here it is!” You pulled the shirt off the hanger and held it up as if it were a trophy.
“Can’t you cancel? I’ve missed my girls.” Leah took a step forward and placed her hands on your very round belly. Ever since you found out the baby was a girl, Leah couldn’t stop herself from always saying you were ‘her girls.’
“No, I can’t cancel. We’ve had this lunch planned for weeks.” Leah huffed before letting go of your stomach and sitting on the bed. As you attempted to button the flannel, you noticed the blonde crossed her arms over her chest and scowled.
“Oh don’t pout. I’ll only be gone for a little bit. When I get back we can cuddle.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.” Leah’s eyes softened and she allowed her arms to fall at her sides. You walked over to the bed and placed a sweet kiss on your wife’s lips.
“I’ll see you later. I love you.”
“I love you too. Have fun.”
You made your way out of the apartment and into London. Thankfully, the restaurant you were meeting at wasn’t too far away and was in a less busy area. You knew Austin also wasn’t a fan of being recognized in public so it made sense he would suggest a lesser known spot to meet. When you approached the restaurant, Austin was already seated outside at a table.
“Hey, Y/n! How have you been?” He jumped up and greeted you with a hug.
“Pretty good! Just waiting for Little Miss here to come out.” You gently patted the top of your belly after pulling away from the hug. Austin smiled and shook his head as you both sat down.
“I still can’t believe you’re having a baby. I remember when you were firmly against domestic life.”
“That was years ago. Thankfully, I stopped being so stubborn and met the person who made me want to live the domestic life.”
“How is Leah anyway? She still hate me?” Austin questioned as he flipped through the menu.
“She’s good and she doesn’t hate you. She just hasn’t gotten to know you yet.”
“She’s known me for five years. I was involved in your wedding!” He chuckled and leaned back in his chair. You playfully rolled your eyes, knowing that if Leah and Austin would just sit down and talk they would get along well.
“I promise Leah is really sweet. It just takes her a while to warm up to people.”
“At this rate, maybe she’ll like me by the time I’m fifty.”
“Mhm, I think fifty-five might be a better guess.”
You both laughed and continued talking, catching up on life and future plans. While you were both caught up in conversation, neither of you noticed the group of teenage girls across the street snapping endless pictures of the two of you.
Hours went by, but you were so engrossed in conversation that you didn’t notice the time. You only realized how late it was when the restaurant started to get busy. You both agreed it was best to leave before someone noticed either one of you. Austin paid for the both of you and you promised to get together again after the baby was born. After a quick hug goodbye, you started the journey home.
As you approached the apartment, you mentally prepared for Leah’s snarky yet playful comments about how long you’d been gone. “Honey, I’m home!” You called out as you entered. When you kicked your shoes off, you expected some kind of response from Leah. Instead, you were greeted by silence. “Leah, babe, are you home?” You called out again, making your way to the living room. It was there that you found your wife, curled up on the couch with the tv on mute. Your brows knitted together in worry, something was off.
“Hey, everything okay?”
“Not really.” Leah held up her phone for you to take. Once you were close enough, you took the phone from her hands. You let out a sigh when you realized your wife was looking at an article on a gossip website.
Y/n Y/l/n is pregnant! The two time Academy Award winning actress is pregnant with her first child. While the baby’s father is unknown, fans on social media are speculating that it is her ex-boyfriend and former co-star, Austin Butler. The two were spotted together at a restaurant with Y/n trying to hide her baby bump with an oversized shirt. Fans are also speculating if the pregnancy has anything to do with her absence from Hollywood and if she’ll even return to the silver screen.
Attached to the article were about fifty pictures of you sitting at lunch with Austin, your stomach absolutely not hidden by the flannel like you hoped. Your heart started to race as the realization set in. The secret was out, everyone knew you were expecting. All your hard work for the past eight months had been for nothing. Your reputation as everyone’s favorite cool and easy going actress was thrown out the window. Now, all anyone would see you as was the successful actress who stalled her career for a baby. You could see it now, every studio and director writing your auditions off because they knew you had a baby that you wanted to get home to rather than spending sixteen hours on set.
You could only imagine all the emails being sent between your publicist, PR team, and management at the moment.
“People think you’re pregnant with his baby.” Leah mumbled, her eyes were glued to the ground and she looked disappointed.
“That’s what you’re worried about?” You questioned with a harsher tone than intended. You didn’t understand why Leah wasn’t freaking out with you since she knew just how important your public image was to your career.
“Yes. She’s my baby, not his.” Leah looked up at you with pure sadness in her eyes. You let out a sigh and tried to slow down your racing thoughts. Leah was clearly upset at the thought of everyone believing you were having a baby with the man she was jealous of. Knowing how easy it was for your wife to walk off the edge, you decided she needed your attention more than your career did.
“Whose baby is it?” You questioned in a soft, more playful tone with a cocked eyebrow. Leah caught on and twisted her lips to stop a small smile from forming.
“Our baby. She’s our baby.” Leah reached for your hand and squeezed it tight.
“Yes, she is and everyone in our life knows that.”
“But the public doesn’t know.” Silence once again fell over the room as you thought about what your wife said. After a few moments, you understood just what she meant.
“Are you saying you want to tell everyone about us?”
“Yeah, I do. I want everyone to know that you’re my wife and you’re pregnant with our baby. If that’s okay with you.” Leah squeezed your hand again, silently letting you know that she was supportive of whatever you wanted. It was a moment you thought about since you got married, but you never thought the day would actually come where you’d tell the public you were together and started a family. Plus, the word was already out that you were pregnant, there was no reason to not confirm it.
“Yeah, I would like that.” Leah’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, making you smile too. She quickly jumped up and kissed you like her life depended on it. When you pulled away, you both had wide smiles.
“Should I call my PR team and have them come up with an announcement? It will take some of the pressure off us.”
“No, I already have an idea.” Leah announced matter-of-factly with a proud smirk.
“Oh really?”
“Mhm, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.”
“What exactly are you thinking?”
“You’ll see.”
A few hours later, after responding to what felt like thousands of emails from your team in LA, you were curled up in bed and waiting for Leah to join you. While you absentmindedly flipped through tv channels a notification from Instagram flashed on your phone screen.
Leah Williamson tagged you in a post.
You opened the notification and were immediately greeted by one of your favorite pictures of you and Leah that Katie McCabe had sneakily taken at your last birthday party. You were sitting on the kitchen counter, your t-shirt strained against your newly round stomach, with Leah standing between your legs. Both her hands on either side of your stomach and she looked absolutely in love with you. You remembered the moment fondly, it was one of the first times Leah got to feel the baby kick.
The caption under the picture read
From my favorite actress, to my wife, to the mother of my child. I’ll love you forever.
Even though it had only been posted for barely a minute, the post already had thousands and likes and hundreds of comments.
“What do you think? Is it a good announcement?” Leah questioned as she leaned against the doorframe of your bedroom.
“It’s perfect.” You shared the post to your own stories with a few red hearts. Moments after sharing the post, you turned your phone off for the night. Since there was an eight hour time difference between LA and London, you knew most of your friends back home would see the post and want to text you. You simply chose to deal with all the texts in the morning.
“I’m glad we announced it. I was getting tired of pretending like we were just friends in public.” Leah said as she climbed into bed next to you. Once she was comfortable, you moved closer to her so you could lay your head on Leah’s chest. Her arm wrapped around your back to pull you closer while her other hand rested on your belly.
“I’m glad too. Now I can come to your matches without being paranoid that someone is going to see me there and post about it.” You looked up to see a smile tug at Leah’s lips. The blonde knew how stressful it was for you to show up to Arsenal matches and the thought of you finally being comfortable while watching her play made Leah happy.
“I can’t wait to look in the crowd and see you and the baby. You two will be my good luck charms.” Leah gently traced little patterns on your stomach. The thought of you standing in the crowd, holding your baby, and cheering the blonde on was enough to make Leah’s heart explode with joy.
“What are you going to do if she doesn’t like football?” You questioned, lifting your head slightly off Leah’s chest. She let out a sigh and shook her head.
“I think I’d probably just die.”
“You’re dramatic, you know that?” You let out a small laugh before laying your head back down.
“I’m dramatic? Says the one with two Oscars and only stars in dramatic films.”
“Without those dramatic films, we may have never met. You might have ended up with someone who isn’t dramatic.”
“Oh, that would be just awful.” The blonde said with pure sarcasm in her voice and playfully rolled her eyes.
“You love me and my drama.”
“Yeah, I do.”
You and Leah talked for a little while longer until you eventually fell asleep with your head still on her chest. Leah couldn’t help but watch you sleep. It was a habit she developed shortly after discovering you were pregnant. The blonde could stay awake all night watching your chest rise and fall. It was during quiet moments like that where Leah questioned just how lucky she was to have you. You could have anyone in the world, but you chose her and Leah was forever grateful for whatever she did to deserve you and your baby girl.
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chai-berries · 10 months
what if abby invited you to friendsgiving with nora, jordan, leah and manny and the salt lake crew (tho it’s kinda awks if/when owen and mel arrive) and it’s the first time you’re meeting the whole gang!! like you know manny and nora cause they are abby’s besties but meeting them all and having a Meal with them!!! oh you’d be so nervous and trying on a million things and abby has to calm you down with her hands running up and down your shoulders.
“relax chica, they already love you i promise”
you decide to bring a,,, Blueberry Pie and it’s a big hit and manny is at your feet asking for you to make him his own personal pie.
and you and nora and leah get excitedly loud at the table while talking about what movie you guys are gonna watch after desert.
and abby is just love!! sick!! watching you be with her people. cause you’re her Person!!!
later, when you guys go home and you’re whining about how full you are as you climb into her bed, she can’t help but say i told you so
“see? what were you so worried about? they love you almost as much as i do!”
“well no one could love you more than i do”
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lucawrites11 · 5 months
Hello I love the series of is forever enough? I was re-reading the other day and I got curious, how does Kyra start suspecting Lessi and Leah are together ? can you tell us some story's about it when she suspects something our when she was asked and didn't know what to answer? , I really laugh when she told them she didn't know what to think or said before they give her their wedding invitation
kyra joins the club just after they get engaged/around the time they do. the engagements happened kind of at the start of the 23/24 season with alessia proposing in the winter break then the wedding was the summer of 2024 but she did figure it out before the wedding invitation
leah and lessi are quite close in the locker rooms and even though leah was injured, she was in the locker rooms pre-game just less. she figured they were friends because of how close they were at training and stuff and always leaving and arriving together. she also figured they were also roommates because she went round a couple of times, alessia looks very straight so it's hard to pick up on the fact that she and leah are more than that
all the other new signings clued in when alessia would always kiss leah's cheek after hugging her a little too tightly before a game but not kyra, they were just besties. she didn't even realise that they were engaged because she was always late to training and didn't see the ring (it was also taken off before going into games so the press didn't see it)
eventually she got it after they'd been engaged for a few weeks when arsenal played chelsea. alessia and leah were close after but she didn't think much of it until she saw leah properly kiss alessia and tell her that she loves her and alessia is laughing like it's completely normal and joking that she got an i love you and a proper kiss for scoring a couple of goals but not for making her breakfast that morning (leah was pouty because alessia had already taken her ring off getting ready for the match)
kyra just stared at them like a fish, mouth opening and closing and katie was like "you good, kid?"
and she's like just staring at them, she can't hear them but leah is pouting about the ring again and alessia is laughing at her, kissing her like it's a really normal thing. "i think kyra just realised that leah and alessia are engaged!" katie shouted to the whole locker room
and kyra's like "THEY'RE ENGAGED!"
then beth makes a very embarrassed leah tell the chicken nugget story again and leah hates it, she was just trying to celebrate beating chelsea with her fiance
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
i’d love to learn more about the melting pot au
To this anon and the anons who keep letting me infodump about melting pot, I love and appreciate you
Thinking about the restaurant kids right now.
Alexia obviously owns the restaurant so her kids are constantly hanging around the back room. Alessia waitresses there so Tesoro has a little table at the back to do her homework. Aitana's just come back to work after the untimely death of her friends so Estrella is going to grow up in that restaurant as well.
Also thinking about who knows each other (outside of relationships) and why.
Obviously the restaurant squad know each other because they work together
Ingrid, Caro, Frido and Magda all went to university together but Magda only really knew Frido and decided to stay at the university in Denmark where she met Pernille for the remainder of her degree.
Lucy met Ona after Ona was introduced as the new police recruit while Laura joined the school Keira works at. They've yet to tell Peanut and Bear they're breaking up but Pup found out by accident.
Alessia knows Mary and Jessie in passing because they all go to the same university that Magda and Pernille lecture at.
Ingrid runs her fashion empire with Frido as her cfo and Caro as her IT head while Mapi is Jenni's tattoo artist and is besties with Alexia (she gets to eat free at the restaurant which is very helpful with her five kids + Nena).
The firefighters include Leah, Katie and Caitlin with Lia as their mildly exasperated admin person who can't believe the fire station is still running. Jordan used to work at the firestation but decided it was probably a bit too dangerous for her when she had a near death scare and decided that she wanted to remain around for Bug.
Viv and Steph working for the same newspaper and eat lunch together while Viv complains about how Beth and Daan keep pretending to not be friends even though they're constantly dumping kids on each other while Ellie is being beaten up by their kids.
Mini and Clara being brought into the fold by Steph and are the two people in town that people go to when they've got problems.
Kristie and Sam being the couple that somehow just knows everyone and is always in on the gossip despite nobody remembering telling them anything. Rue is actually the one that keeps feeding them information but will deny it if anyone asks.
Marta being an old friend of Alexia's who probably does freelance consulting and when Mapi finds out that she's making eyes at Caro, she tries to meddle not knowing that Caro's already in deep for Marta.
Frida and Emma being the ones that most recently moved to town before Pernille and Princesse. Frida is a very old friend of Ingrid's who went to the same school as her but briefly lost contact when they went their separate ways for university. Emma obviously knows Alexia because she's the one that supplies all the bread and cakes for the restaurant and Squish comes along to drop everything off sometimes so she's kind of one of the restaurant kids as well.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 5 months
OC question of the day!
If you could make a character real, which of your OCs would be:
your bestie
your spouse/partner
your secret lover!
your friendly rival
your enemy!
BONUS: do this for other people’s OCs too!
Pass the game along (anonymously or not)
Hi friend! Thanks for the tag 🖤🤘🏾 *cracks knuckles* let’s see…
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 Out of all of my characters, I think Sugar would be the bestie. she’s fine, she keeps secrets, has all the good connections, and hosts the best parties. Not to mention she’d probably let me borrow some of her clothes 🥰
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Anyone who has read any of WEIRD& WONDERFUL knows that Jude is wifey. Period. her face alone screams peace to me. She’s loyal, supportive, talented and hot. The defense rests.
(Also, I know her hair is so soft and smells amazing) 
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I’ve said it before… Thalli is just stunning. I feel like she would feed me, then feed me - if you know what I mean. (no disrespect to the homey Carmen)
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I’ll give her her props – she’s hard-working, smart, and a go-getter. I feel like she would push me to reach my goals. She’s fun to hang out with and hilarious to boot. Would I leave her alone with my partner? Absolutely not .
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Society’s waste. Still in a coma, from what I hear. Someone pull the plug already.
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INDYA @cinamun : I’d be terrified to meet her in person; my social anxiety would not do well. But I would think she’s a goddess; and I picked us going out to brunch and talking shit.
SPOUSE: Chalk it up to the fact that you all are talented writers; I feel weird imagining myself committing to a lifelong relationship with one of your OCs (also, the ones that do pass my mind all have partners, so that makes me feel even more guilty lol )
TINKA @budgie2budgie : I’ve said it before, so it’s not really much of a secret – Tinka was the first OC I ever got a crush on here on Tumblr - she was dynamic, beautiful, and a DJ?? Come on. But she also signifies me falling in love with this world and this community. So she will always have a special place in my heart 🖤
LEAH @aniraklova : My goth goddess, alt goals. She was the first OC who flipped it upside down for me; who showed me it was OK to show my sims that didn’t look like the other ones I saw. She still inspires me to do that 🖤
BISHOP @therichantsim (& @cinamun ) It’s not easy feat to create someone who can create such a visceral effect on the reader. The best villains are the ones who make you conflicted for hating them. These two writers have created an awful duet with this OC that continues to horrify and dazzle us collectively.
This was super fun and took a long time, but it was worth it. Anyone else want to jump in? Consider this your invite 🖤🤘🏾
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muppetears-stuff · 2 days
Alrighty alright<33
What stardew valley characters, the bully characters would romance!!
(Because I'm insane)
Headcanons under the cut ^^
Jimmy doesn't play stardew Valley, but he knows about the characters because of Pete and has watched him play. I'd say Abigail, but in all honesty, if he were to play stardew Valley, he'd romance all of them and then get the cutscene where they all turn on him and break up with him (later does it again but with the lucky rabbits foot😭) he is LOOKING at Robin tho
Pete 100% plays stardew valley, and I'd say he'd go for Penny (or Sam and Harvey,,,, but those save files are secret.) for her overall calm personality but also feels bad for her<3 doesn't understand the hate she gets. He downloads mods for extra character dialogue me thinks,,,,
Gary also doesn't play. He has made fun of Pete for playing it. I don't think he'd go for anybody if he did play it. He'd want to dethrown Lewis and he fixes up the community center super fast😭😭
Imma start with the preps cause I can-
Derby doesn't play stardew Valley. Why would you want to role-play as a pauper?? But. I think he would be looking at Elliott
Bif also doesn't play, but I'd honestly say Abigail,,,, he'd like a gal with a fighting spirit😌
Pinky does play :DD she likes the cozy feel of it but doesn't actually work on anything,,, figures /pos she's here for the character interaction and dating Sim (same girl😭) Elliott. I can't stress this enough, but Elliott. He'd treat her like GOLD. She'd also like Leah,,,,
Bryce does play and is really good at maintaining a schedule of what he should and needs to do that day, he doesn't really pursue the romantic options until he realizes that it's a feature in the game😭 I think he'd like Harvey :3
Chad doesn't play, watches Bryce play tho :3 it's hard to say who he'd like in all honesty? Imma go with Haley but like,,,, if you have another option please let me know,,,
Gord plays. But he only plays for Shane and Haley. He has the "I can fix him" and "I can make her worse" mentality. Omg. He would also have 10 hearts with Emily, they're besties in his mind
Justin,,,, I've already explained this. Alex. 100% ALEX IT CANT BE ANYONE ELSE- the rest of the preps that do play, do NOT get the hype and actively judge him, and he has to defend himself (LIKE ME FR PLEASE HEAR ME OUT ON ALEX-) ugly cried during Alex's confession scene at dinner because he was just thinking of Ted the entire time.
Parker would go for Haley, but she'd make him cry irl- He does play and is very into customizing the farm and making it look cute<3
THE END FOR THIS POST BUT I WILL MAKE OTHERS, it's just getting long,,, I'm sorry😭😭💖
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