waywardstation · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! She’s not a pokemon, but Bobbin would like to offer you some candy
Aaa Happy Halloween!!! Bobbin is adorable!! I will take the candy but I have to give them some in return, their Halloween bowtie is so cute!!🍬🍫🍭
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monkeydluffy19920 · 7 years
Chapter 858
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Tick tock, clock running and only 3 hours and 30 minutes to the ‘Tea Party’ !
First we see how they are baking the wedding cake and I assume this will be important part of the wedding since BM has dreamed about the cake for a while. Also I doubt Oda would spend the valuable panels for nothing so yes, a importan cake. Then we have Pekoms who is accompanied by Sun Pirates and they tell him to rest but he doesn’t want and mentions seeing shadows (wonder if he meant the same shadows that we saw shooting Bobbin)
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So Luffy and others are on their way to see Capone and they are sent to the bath by Vito who explains that the “mafia boss” doesn’t want any dirty guests around. Now that Vito and others is back on game we MIGHT get to finally know what he whispered to Sanji back in chapter. Luffy is taking things surprisingly serious, almost scolding Chopper being so relaxed in times like this and so on but that might be also a gag, who knows : D   (By the way, Chopper is way too adorable without the hat :> )
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Then the scenery switches from the outside of castle to the inside and in women’s bath  Nami finally gets the shower shes been craving since they were thrown into the jail. More importanly they’ll meet Lola’s twin sister Chiffone who opens up more about the past of Charlotte family and especially about Lola’s case and explains why she isn’t welcomed to Whole Cake Island anymore. 
Whoever wrote the theory about Lola’s proposer to be a giant and has something to do with Elbaf nailed it ! So BM tried to arrange another political marriage in order to get involved with a famed army of Elbaf and this could’ve offered her the keys to get closer to One Piece. So I assume  that now her plan with Vinsmokes and this marriage of Pudding and Sanji was to get get the gadgets to make her own clone army of Giants , sort of as a “revenge”. 
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(hmmm Nami seems to be interested in princes *whistles and smirks*)
It’s actually really sad to see how similar Judge and BM actually are. Both have crazy ambitions and questionable methods to achieve them and on top of that they are horrible parents. I mean they favor some of the children meanwhile despising the others and there is no wonder why Sanji and Lola both ran away.  Back in Thriller Bark Nami and Lola became close friends and seeing how badly Big Mom treats her own children is enough to give Nami  another reason to kick some Charlotte butt, in my opinion. I doubt her kind and emphatic nature will let her just “forget” this all, especially now that BM has not only caused trouble for her crew mate but also to her sworn sister. I really do hope Oda has prepared Nami some badass fight or other badass moment because she is a badass whose skills deserve to be seen ! 
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Well Brulee and the other guy whose name I already forgot are still kept tied (probably so they won’t be able to squeal) and they seem to question Capone’s and Chiffon’s desicion but as said, I think there are way too many reasons why BM should be on her toes. I just hope Brulee doesn’t ruin it all by telling Mama before the big moment although it would bring more drama and tension :d
Also elsewhere Luffy and others are finishing their baths as well and for the comical part of the chapter they are some silly dummies. Well all I can say now is that DAMN YOU ODA, MASTER OF TROLLS XD also, never underestimate the power of milk, it can heal anything ! and to be honest I was already getting used to Luffy’s missing tooth but can’t deny that I’m glad it’s back, although he looks adorable with or without the tooth so doesn’t really matter :> yeah that missing tooth could have offered lots of dramatic sceneries in their future reunion in Wano because well it would’ve been interesting to see how the rest of the crew reacts seeing him with a gap in his mouth but I bet there might be tension anyways if they hear what has happened in WCI but at least now Luffy can smile with the whole row of white and shiny teeth and great to see Brook healed as well :D 
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Then to the big meeting ! Straw hats meet the Capone’s gang and damn I already love the outfits of this arc so much :> (and it’s so hilariously cute that Luffy won’t give up on his treasure at any cost so he puts 2 hats on xD).  
I know this is a bit overthinking but if we think a little about the shipping perspective you can see that Sanji and Nami are sitting in different couches, maybe this could indicate that they  don’t feel yet comfy to sit next to each other and therefore there is a chance for bigger reconciliation. I know Nami practically already forgive him  but it was via Den den mushi, so maybe there will be something shippy awaiting :> at least I hope Oda would make them have a proper time to talk with each other but let’s see. 
My mate @eleamaya​ dropped some really promising shippish-notes in her post here.  Not only that prince comment few shippers have already pointed out but also this really interesting detail:
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Yup as you can see Nami is now having very similar haircut/hairstyle   than in that panel where Pudding is portayed as bride and where she explains how she shoots Sanji after the veil is lifted. Coincidence or not but this arc is full of surprises and I wish we could already see what the plan is and how they fullfill it.
Also on the other hand we shall keep our feet on the ground and not raise our hopes too high since OP is mainly focusig on chasing dreams and valuing friendships rather than romance even though it feels like there is more romantical aspects in general compared for the early arcs(hehheh, I need to remind myself about this often since I tend to carry away with shipping goggles xD).
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(maybe the color spread of chapter 464 was kinda foreshadowing to this arc. Anyways they look great there :p)
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Then we also find out tht Ceasar has been with Capone... as Gangster Gastino xD he looks badass by the way ! Luffy almost gets fooled by the “disguise”. Capone seems not to be interested in their links to each others, he just wants a confirmation to the alliance. Like always negotiations don’t go with the easiest route since Luffy starts to use his gomu gomu powers because he is mad at Capone shooting Pekoms and like Jinbe’s face says it all, he was expecting this to go this way so he stops their fight telling that if they all hate Big Mom then she’ll be the target and they can call it as a alliance.  From now on it seems like Pudding is not having any alliance with Capone’s gang but nothing is for sure. However Capone seems to have a plan and I wonder what that’ll be. Here are some that crossed my mind instantly:  
1) “bride swap” Based on this post and few fan arts but I don’t see this as a impossibility, even though Lola is out of game (which means Nami isn’t going to bargain like we originally speculated with my mate @ecassandrae.) I know I’ve been talking about her nickname thousands of times but I still claim this would be a perfect opportunity for her to  be “the husband stealer”, literally. Also like my mate @pernanegra​ reminds us, Chiffon has already took part in brideswap earlier so arranging another “scheme” sounds even more plausible don’t it?  Practically this would mean they need to capture Pudding and make Nami as the bride who steps to the altar. Like said this isn’t impossible but there are indeed pros and cons in this plan  + Sanji would love this plan and he wouldn’t have to be afraid of getting shot + This would give them time to react and ambush + We know Pudding has 2 wedding dresses which could partly support this idea  - could they capture Pudding without problems ?  -+ is Nami willing to do this? (well of course she’d be in the end because it’s for the sake of her nakama but I can already imagine how blushed she’d become if she heard this for real :D) 
2) full chaos  Well this doesn’t require much explanation, the fire is opened before the tea ceremony even starts  + unpredictable since BM seems to trust her son in law -  chaos 
There is probably much much more choices but I’m so stubbornly looking forward on the number one since there are so many nice hints around but but, master Oda will show us the right path !
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