#ALSO why is half of the Barbie content on social media (that isn’t about the live action movie) just -
if I have to read another dang ‘unpopular opinion: Raquelle is actually wayyy better than Barbie 🤭’ I’m blowing this place up
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thegldngwy · 4 years
“Eh di wow! Ikaw na-”
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(*This expression doesn’t have a correct translation, but is usually mentioned in a condescending tone, downplaying a smart statement when an opposition has nothing left to say)
Consumers of Philippine media are a conundrum of themselves: they boast about their sons and daughters finishing as lawyers and doctors, but when presented with facts with well-backed claims, they balk and say, "I'm right because I saw this on Facebook."
The Philippines isn't either the safest place in the world for journalists these days - things are now easier to look up online, so what's the use of them? Some could even claim to be disenchanted by the news, so much because of the influx of fake news spread by internet trolls. Otherwise, maybe your own grandmother thinks it's best to eat garlic everyday to ward off, not only spirits, but also the Covid-19 virus.
    One might ask even why? Why is there a distrust of our own media? Why does such distrust exist when media and all its influences and networking gives us so many chances to be in-the-know, save lives and be informed about matters of the state?
    We have to review once more about how the internet has allowed us free rein over information/content creation. Because of this development, news also had to adapt to a digital platform in order to keep up with the latest trends. This has also allowed more jobs for journalists, especially in the field of investigation and in depth stories. But then, the faster it was to create content, the faster it was to pave the way for fake news.
    Since social media gave huge contributions in news dissemination, it raised an awareness, not only for the common reader but to the journalists as well. Take the Twitter application for example: with just one click, you can find any information just about anything through it. The faster you tweet, the longer it remains to be important. This results into journalists having to rethink how they exactly will be delivering their reports but now basing on the fact that its contents are reviewed "with only half an eye." We are losing quality as fast as we are trying to tweet something just to be updated. This often results into sloppy news-making, considering the need for haste and "what you hear is what you get" kind of mindset.
    Now, back on the Philippines and the resident "chismosas."
    Every alleyway has them, but now with Covid-19 restrictions and quarantines, they are more lively as ever online. These personalities aren't quite labeled as the usual internet troll, but often than not are people who have such a strong entitlement to their own opinions, and perhaps to some others whom they believe in.
    As Barbie Zelizer puts it, individuals have their own personalized bubble of information. This is where they curate the information that they want to "see" themselves. In exposure to the diversity of information presented to them, they form their own opinion- and firmly believe that they are correct no matter what.
    Journalists have been called the Watchdogs, of the state, of the government, of the people. Media had been called up on multiple times to present accurate information wherein what news they present are all backed by substantial evidence. Media also became the voice of the people, the strong symbol of democracy, accountability and public relations.
    To reiterate, the Philippines isn't the safest place for journalists. Counting between the years 1992 and the present day 2020, over 86 journalists were killed in the Philippines alone, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Although it's saddening to think that journalism is a dangerous course to take, the fact that these deaths and discrediting even more journalists are making it look like people are being more afraid of finding out what they truly believe in is disputable, especially when it threatens to pop their bubble of personalized information, to be undermined, to lose control of what you know- and perhaps, being the receiving end of a dominating and irrefutable claim.
    Public distrust is one of the many problems that journalism is facing right now, especially when in order to achieve recognition and legitimacy as a journalist, the latter places themselves in a position to be the arbiter between truth and democracy.
People, despite their aversion towards "nosy" reporters, need these same people in democratic discourse, since these civil debates make each participant known and acknowledged without having to discredit whatever belief or information that they know.
    Despite Philippine media being placed under this skeptical and scrutinizing eye, it still remains a key concept into achieving a well-functioning democracy due to their learned abilities and boundaries to find and produce something newsworthy. What we are always trying to present are facts and timely truths that has the potential to unite us as a whole.
    With journalists, it's not a compliment for anyone to be told, "Eh di wow, ikaw na magaling," rather, "Ikaw na ang matiyaga."
(Published on: 12/13/2020 - Writing Assignment)
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itsmelbell · 4 years
Mean comments people say to me in my personal life and my response now:
- “you are so weird. You are the weirdest person I know and I mean it’s a good weird.”
You may think it’s good calling someone good weird. But to be honest with you in my experience it can become harmful. I’ve been called that one a lot and it hasn’t always been that nice. And even when it’s supposed to be “nice” it’s still a pretty mixed compliment.
- “you don’t have any curves”
You think I’ve never seen myself before? It’s so weird that society makes it so that we think that all women have curves. Like not all of us do no matter what weight we are at and to be honest it shouldn’t be something that matters. With my body type I’ll never have curves and I’ve accepted that. So stop being rude and acting like you don’t know what a female humanoid is anymore.
- “your acne makes you look like you got shot”
Again, do you think I don’t already know? I remember when I was told that and I wore a scarf covering half my face the rest of the day. Do people not understand that some of us just have bad genes and acne can be really bad and no “special treatment” can fix it? You are only making the insecurity worse. Stop acting like you haven’t seen a pimple in your life.
- “wow you already have grey hair!”
Ok people really need to become more aware that you can get grey hair before 16. It’s not exactly uncommon, I knew people in high school who also had grey hair, and more than a few silvery strands like me. And people don’t realize how pretty grey hair is. Like guys, grey hair literally GLIMMERS in the sun! And no, my life wasn’t that stressful when I got my grey hair (15), it just decided to show up.
- “ you personality just isn’t dateable”
Excuse me? I have plenty of friends and I don’t know anyone who hates me, I’ve been told that I’m pretty easy to talk to and fun to be around. And to be honest this just goes with the whole “you are weird thing”. I’m not like other girls backfired maybe? Tbh everyone has something that makes themselves different, it’s just a matter of how much you conform and hide yourself.
- “your nose is weird”
I have a big nose. I’ve hated myself and wanted to take a knife to it. I’m not alone in this feeling. I’ve cried so many nights consuming the social media ideals and wanting plastic surgery. I still have a really really hard time with this one. But what has helped me the most is avoiding toxic apps like TikTok (which is bad for many reasons racial etc) and triggering videos. Tumblr for me is pretty safe and it’s easy to avoid triggering content that makes me hate my body.
- “you aren’t pretty”
Rewatch your Barbie movies and think about what you just said.
- “I can’t see anyone flirting with you”
Like why would you even say that? You aren’t “all knowing” and I have friends and people who like me and if that love exists, why can’t something more exist too?
- “you have never been danced with?”
This is weird out of context. I used to go to these dances where being asked to dance is incredibly common. Like, you get asked to dance at your first dance and not being asked is weird. I went many times and I was never ever asked. So whenever this observation arose it always triggered so many insecurities. Tbh no one probably asked me because I was the only one who knew how to actually dance and made solo dancing look like an art (solo salsa and electro swing are my fav).
That’s my answer to the rude people out there. Some of my best advise I can give you is to just know your triggers and cut ties with those things (such as certain social media platforms) and I promise you that you are worth being loved for all that you are. I still struggle but all I can do is keep on swimming.
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lordendsavior · 5 years
In the latest episode of HBO’s new NSFW teen drama Euphoria, there was sex scene between Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Well, kinda. One of the characters in the show, Kat (played by Barbie Ferreira), is famous online for writing One Direction fan fiction, specifically about Larry Stylinson, the name given to the theory that Styles and Tomlinson were, in fact, lovers. The sex scene in the episode actually comprised of versions of the two former boyband members in an animated scene lifted from one of this character’s stories. It’s unfortunate that the animation left Styles looking a little like Lord Voldemort and Tomlinson like a sweaty teenage boy. 
But while that aspect of the show might not have been real, the conspiracy of Larry Stylinson very much is. Since One Direction were launched off the back of The X Factor in 2010, Tomlinson and Styles have been dogged by rumours that they are embroiled in a love affair. On Tumblr – a breeding ground for fan theories, fan art, fan videos and fan fiction – fans would collect GIFs, images and videos of the pair that “proved” that they were in a relationship. A lingering glance was decoded as a lustful stare, the brush of knees during an interview a sign of a secret intimacy. These in turn would mutate into smutty fan fiction about the pair, where these unspoken sexual wants could play out in full explicit glory.
In the tradition of Bennifer and Brangelina, their names, like their desires, were brought together for the portmaneu Larry Stylinson. Shipping them – the act of wanting two people to be together romantically – became a way of life for some fans. To this day, these fans, known as Larries, are unwavering in their belief, love and support of Larry Stylinson.
The same cannot be said for Louis Tomlinson. For nearly nine years, he has been dogged by rumours and speculation about his relationship with Styles. This latest outing of Larry in Euphoria is just another example of the theory’s pervasiveness. After the scene aired, some fans on Twitter messaged Tomlinson to see if he had been consulted about the scene. His reply was telling. “I can categorically say that I was not contacted nor did I approve it,” he wrote.
For years, Tomlinson has categorically denied that Larry is real. In 2012  he responded to a fan stating that “Larry is the biggest load of b——- I’ve ever heard”, and in a 2017 interview with The Sun, the Doncaster-born singer said that he found the rumours disrespectful of his relationships with women and shared how it had also affected his friendship with Styles. “It took away the vibe you get off anyone. It made everything, I think on both fences, a little bit more unapproachable,” he revealed. “I think it shows that it was never anything real, if I can use that word.”
The decision to include the animated Larry sex scene in Euphoria has provied divisive. On Twitter, One Direction fans have dubbed it “disrespectful”, “vile” and an “embarrassment”. Even self-professed Larries called out the scene and some fans went so far as to start a Change.org petition to have the scene removed from the episode. (At the time of writing it has over nearly 17,000 signatures.)
The fandom’s rejection of Larry, at first, seems hypocritical. How can the very people who have spent years perpetuating the narrative that Tomlinson and Styles are romantically linked show annoyance when that same narrative gets utilised in wider media? However, fandom, specifically fan fiction, is a contradictory and confusing beast. The thing is, Larry Stylinson is bigger than the two boyband members at its core. Their supposed romantic relationship really has nothing to do with them at all.
To give a brief history of fan fiction, the medium, while it always existed in some form, came to prominence in the 1970s in fanzines for the TV show Star Trek. Then known as slash fiction (the slash refers to the forward slash that divide the two characters, for example “Kirk/Spock”), these early writings reexamined scenes within Star Trek episodes where it appeared that there was coded queer behaviour, language or sexual tension. A chance meeting on the bridge of the USS Enterprise could result in steamy sex behind a computer console. A violent clash with a Klingon that left either Spock/Kirk injured, may end with a restorative tryst in a hospital wing.
As fan communities evolved from zines to online forums, so fan fiction became more widely accessible. Forums gave birth to sites like fanfiction.net and archiveofourown.org, where every intellectual property from Harry Potter to Bob the Builder was free game. And not every story written was sexual, either. Many fan fictions, while romantic in nature, kept their plots suitable for all ages. They also mainly took fictional characters and queered formerly heteronormative (or platonic) senarios.
Incorporating of real people – celebrities, public figures, popstars, actors, artists – into these stories propagated during this online boom of fan fanction. Portals like nifty.org had dedicated sections for celebrity fan fiction, while sites like Wattpad, a sort of social media site for writers to share their work, filled with stories about famous people. During One Direction’s imperial phase, Wattpad especially became a hive of 1D fan fiction.
And not all of it was slash fiction, either. Anna Todd’s popular YA novel After, which became a movie this year, had its beginnings as One Direction fan fiction on Wattpad. That story featured a heterosexual relationship. Her literary success follows in the footsteps of EL James, whose Twilight fan fiction was repackaged as 50 Shades of Grey.
Nevertheless, it’s fair to say that much fan fiction, smutty or not, specifically draws on queer narratives. The reasons for this are multi-faceted. Demographically, fan fiction is predominantly written by women. In the case of Spock and Kirk, it has been argued by academics that in queering their relationship, women were able to carve out safe sexual spaces in the world of fiction away from the dominant glare of patriarchal sexuality.
According to fandom academic Camille Bacon-Smith, the fact that the gender of the characters was the same allowed women to reconstruct men without the toxicity of masculinity. The American writer Joanna Russ added to this, suggesting that in this safe space, women were able to explore their fantasies outside the confines of heteropatriarchal normalcy.
In fact, Constance Penley, a professor of Film & Media Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, wrote in her book Nasa/Trek Popular Science and Sex in America that the gender of the characters was irrelevant. The act of having characters acknowledge their homosexual desires, she argued, was a metaphorical one, grounded in a desire to change “oppressive sexual roles”.
Still, exploring sexual desire with fictional characters doesn’t feel like an ethical problem. Neither, really, do private fantasies about real people. But fan fiction takes those private fantasies and makes them public. If authors like JK Rowling and Annie Proulx (Brokeback Mountain) take umbrage with fans writing their own stories using their made up characters, how do real people feel about having their lives dissected and fictionalised for entertainment?
The problem is the blurred line between celebrity and the human being. As celebrity’s lives playout on websites, television and physical media, their real life stories – often fabricated for headlines or sales – become a sport. There’s a twisted sense of ownership over these people. The public, as a throbbing and beating entity, made them famous. Their payment is their lives. The boundaries begin to disappear, and these human beings become characters in a soap opera. The internet, which its unending ocean of content, only helps to conjure more moments that fans can decode or adapt for their fics.
The implications of this are different for everyone. Stars like Benedict Cumberbatch and Andrew Scott, who played Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty respectively in the BBC’s cult favourite Sherlock, take the fictionalised versions of their lives in their stride. In an interview with MTV, Cumberbatch, while acknowledging that he found some of the racier stories weird, called it “flattering”. Daniel Radcliff and James McAvoy also seemed to be able to find the humour in it (although, again, acknowledging that they find it “really weird"). There’s also those who just outright ignore that this phenomenon exists.
Harry Styles, despite being one half of Larry Stylinson, has only ever alluded to it once. After the release of his debut solo album, fans speculated that the track Sweet Creature was about Tomlinson. In an interview with a radio station, Styles said: “I think people are always gonna speculate what songs are about, and I don’t think I’d ever want to tell anyone that they’re wrong for feeling what they feel about a song. Even when they’re not necessarily right. But I think if you really listen to the lyrics, I think you can work out if it’s really about that or not, and I would lean towards no.”
However, this level of ambivalence isn’t always easy. In a recent interview with British GQ, Taron Egerton expressed his discomfort with people writing fan fiction about him. “I don’t know why people think I’d want to see that,” he said. “I don’t love it at all.”
It seems that Louis Tomlinson exists firmly in this camp. And unlike these other celebrities, the ship he was involved in evolved into a full blown conspiracy theory. Fans accused management of keeping his and Styles’s relationship a secret. Paparazzi pictures, performances, interviews, press cuttings, tweets and Instagram posts were dissected for clues that the pair were linked. Tomlinson and Styles were bombarded on Twitter by fans, the first comment under every post on social media almost always being “Larry is real”. That level of scrutiny would have been difficult for anyone, but for a teenager progressing into young adulthood it was unbearable.
What’s debatable is whether any of these fans and their libraries of “proof” and “receipts” actually believe that Larry Stylinson is real or whether shipping them is just an extension of their fan fiction fantasies. For the millions of One Direction fans, the members of the group, while clearly real people, were also mythic, so far removed from their realities that they were almost imaginary.
Anyone who has ever truly obsessed over a band or musician can understand that this distance between true human interaction incubates a need to develop an alternative form of intimacy, be it through listening religiously to their music, attending concerts or cooking up fantasies.
And because of the inequalities in knowledge between celebrities and non-celebrities, where we know everything about them and they know nothing about us, these fantasies, and in turn our perceptions of them, become skewered. This mutation is the perfect breeding ground for fan fiction and conspiracy theories as we attempt to fill in the blanks in our intimate knowledge of celebrity lives.
In the case of One Direction, whose fans were mainly young girls and gay boys, this fantasy  became a way to explore their own sexual wants and desires. It’s what the showrunner of Euphoria, Sam Levinson, told The Los Angeles Times he was trying to convey by having the character of Kat write 1D fan fiction.
The fact that the members of that boyband were in a similar age bracket only intensified things. Intimacy and a coarse understanding of celebrity saw the lines between fantasy and reality blur, accelerated and magnified by social media. In a way, it stopped being about Styles or Tomlinson and became about the fans, the community they’d found, a safe space to explore their desires in which those desires were often mirrored and supported by others in their community.
Does all that make real person fan fiction okay? Speaking to i-D, sex psychologist Jess O’Reilly, put it like this: “How might is make someone feel? How would their parents, partner(s), kids or friends feel about reading it? How would they feel if their friends and family read your work? How would you feel if someone published a similar story about you, your child, your partner, your best friend, your sibling or someone else you love?”
For Tomlinson, who has repeatedly shared the impact the sexual speculation had on his relationship with Styles, maybe a line has been crossed. His discomfort with the theories and fan fiction, along with countless other public figures who take issue with it, should be respected.
And, really, in the pantheon of fandoms, Larry Stylinson was its own perfect storm of burgeoning internet cultures, the proliferation of social media and cute boys singing pop bangers. The need to share sexual desires in fan fiction and, by extension, romantic celebrity conspiracy theories, feels more complicated than mere right or wrong, but rather an expanse of grey, ethical ambiguity.
It also feels too late for it to stop, too. Perhaps, as the role and makeup of what constitutes celebrity evolves, accepting fan fiction in its myriad of forms, like with gossip and rumours, is par for the course. Clearly, it’s up to the individual to figure out if they’re okay with that.
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momisablessing-blog · 5 years
7 Habits to Be a Good Mom for Your Little Ones
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There might be affiliate hyperlinks on this web page, which means we get a small commission of something you purchase. As an amazon partner we earn from qualifying purchases. Please do your personal studies before making any on line buy. Check: https://mymothersday2020.com/ it is 4 am someplace inside the international…
maybe you're pacing the ground with a fussy toddler? Perhaps you're sitting in a rocking chair breast or bottle feeding? Or are you extensive wide awake because your little one has taken over the sacred sleep area that when belonged to you and your partner? We have all been there. We're mothers. The way to be a better mother. 7 crucial hints on a way to be a good mother... And nonetheless enjoy your personal lifestyles. You can discover ways to be a great mother, a better mom, a satisfied mother, without losing your thoughts. But are we exact moms? If you have to ask the question, you may have doubts. But right here’s the good information…
you can discover ways to be a very good mom. Everybody can. In this text, i am going to offer seven approaches to be an awesome mom… a higher mother… a glad mother. A few i've provide you with by myself. A few i have borrowed from different moms. A few i have researched. ​
what you'll learn [show]
life before being a mother you aren't alone. Whether or not you're modern day to motherhood or had been at it for a while now, one element is real… you have been a girl first. An unbiased, unmarried girl who had no person to answer to. No one's life become in your palms on a day by day basis. You went on dates. You took the time to do your hair and make-up. You went to the health club often. You had a terrific task. You had first-rate friends. You binge-watched tv dramas. You had a existence! But in some unspecified time in the future, you probably made a totally aware selection to turn out to be a mom. And with that, you took in this massive duty. You vowed to preserve your toddler secure. You vowed to love them. You vowed to cherish them. What could likely pass wrong? Take into account that time before you were a mother? Lots. And after nearly 8 years and 4 youngsters, i experience i have got a few correct advice to offer for dealing with this experience referred to as motherhood… and it starts now. I'm able to teach you a way to be an excellent mom… or at the least feel like one. Allow's get began. Habit #1: forget as a minimum half of what your mother taught you did i simply say that? Did i just inform you to push aside the recommendation your mother has undoubtedly tried to offer? Yes. Yes, i did. Now let me clarify. Your mother is a grandmother now. And this is a completely extraordinary ballgame. She's protected all of the bases, literally, when it comes to elevating a infant. You have been that child. However your infant is specific. And no person knows your child higher than you. Duration. Exclamation point! Instances exchange. Your grandmother raised your mom in a completely exclusive world than she raised you. The identical holds actual for elevating your toddler. The fifties brought us to the likes of donna reed. Lucille ball. Barbara billingsley from depart it to beaver. The mothers on those shows have been continually dressed to the nines. Constantly had their hair performed. Dinner changed into on the desk at the identical time each night. They continually smiled. No mom smiles that a good deal. It's kind of scary
there's no ebook on motherhood that could come up with all the answers. And it is good enough. It's ordinary. Consider me. When you have been a toddler, you possibly performed outdoor until dark and disappeared with community pals for hours on give up. Such things as attention deficit disorder and autism weren't mainstream troubles. Pediatricians weren't diagnosing lots of youngsters every 12 months with celiac disease, nut allergies, or lactose intolerance. These problems are very actual and very extreme … these days. How may want to our moms possibly relate? However here's the element… they'll try. Due to the fact they love us, our personal moms will:
upload their 2-cents on the problem. Try extremely hard to attract a correlation between your toddler and you. Key terms like, “you had been the identical manner” or “you probably did the identical aspect” will come up. Lots. Offer tales about a pal's grandchild this is going through the precise equal component. Argue with you to seek a second opinion on certain topics. Attempt to shed a few new light on the subject that perhaps even the professionals have not even figured out but. As i stated, they may strive. And you will be grateful. However being a great mom is essentially reliant on following your instincts. Observe your instincts! Concentrate to the alarms going off on your head pay attention what your child is pronouncing. Observe how your infant is behaving in numerous conditions. Train your self. Be worried. Stand your floor. By no means be afraid to say “thank you, but no thank you” for your mother for her opinion. However always keep an open thoughts. In the end, you turned out good enough. Right? Her advice may just spark some thing interior you that you unnoticed, which could often show up when you're too near a scenario. On the give up of the day, however, the task is yours. You have got this! Addiction #2: use social media as a form of remedy allow's be sincere…
except your process prohibits it, otherwise you live underneath a rock, chances are you've got at least one social media account. Why wouldn't you? Those social media presents top notch avenues for:
sharing news and photographs with own family and pals. Reconnecting with lengthy lost pals. Obtaining facts and pointers. Networking. Organizing occasions. Meeting new people. Stepping into a heated argument about politics or religion. Discussing the brand new traits. Therapy remedy? Yes, therapy. Hear me out. Learn how to be the first-rate mother by means of the usage of social media as a form of therapy. Make social media your ally in motherhood. Capture all the good, the bad, the unpleasant moments. If you're like maximum mothers, you publish limitless pictures of your children doing adorable things. And also you need to. But it is incredibly fake advertising and marketing. Isn't always it? No toddler is glad all the time. And you can't be a glad mother all the time. No matter what the images display, my kids are not:
continuously hugging their siblings. Always volunteering to proportion their toys without a combat. Waking up from their each day nap within the exceptional mood whenever. Waving and smiling at strangers. Sitting contently in a buying cart at the same time as i stroll through the grocery store at a leisurely pace. Laughing all day. Are yours? I'd guess money they're now not. So i'm laying down the gauntlet. Here and now. And a better option to social media is to participate in a single (or a few) of these 88 a laugh sports on your youngsters. These fun activities are a notable way to preserve your children entertained. Alert: motherhood mission! Anything type of day it is you are having, take images of all of it. Regardless of their temper or yours, snatch your telephone or digital camera and capture your toddler:
once they first awaken inside the morning. Ingesting breakfast. Lavatory training. Getting dressed for faculty. Heading out the door. Gambling with a pal. Food buying with you. Coming domestic. Naptime. Time for supper. Bath time. Bedtime. Now post them. The coolest, the horrific and the unsightly. Crying infant picture no toddler or mom is happy all of the time. However seize and treasure those moments. Not handiest will you deliver your followers a glimpse into your “each day”… but you'll examine these images and snicker, cry, smile. Take all of it in. Your children are this age as soon as. You'll not get at the moment again, for better or worse. Time flies. Cling on to those moments. They're the war-scars of motherhood. Embody them. Now breathe. The remarks you get hold of will in all likelihood be extra than simply smiley faces or thumbs up. You may see fewer little tears or mouth open emojis… and greater actual words. Mothers will unite. They'll remark. Lend guide. Percentage their personal tales and pictures. Be inspired! You are not alone. You may experience higher about yourself. A weight will be lifted. Here is what my photograph from the day past could have seemed like:
our three and 4-12 months-olds dozing in-among my husband and me, kicking my face and decrease returned almost continuously from 5-6 am. Our 3 year vintage throwing his water cup and pouring a bowl of yogurt on his head. Our three-yr vintage telling us he didn't should cross poop, then hiding behind a sofa to accomplish that in his diaper. Our 6-year-antique daughter screaming as i tried to sweep her hair before school. Reputedly i'm the worst ever at this. Our 7-12 months-old arguing over the blouse we picked for him to put on to highschool, ensuing in a brief trade earlier than running out the door. Our 3 12 months vintage hitting his sister within the head with a barbie due to the fact he desired to be the mermaid. The 3-yr vintage's tantrum within the grocery save over a cookie i wouldn't allow him have, observed with the aid of a comfort prize of gum to hold him quiet. Eyes have been on me. Said three-year-old falling asleep in the car while on a experience alongside the waterfront. He gave the look of a little angel, slept for 2 hours. Victory! One child wanted fowl for dinner. One desired handiest french fries. No takers on broccoli. Water cups were thrown. One 6-year-vintage yelling at me for in no way making what she likes. They play so pleasant together inside the bath. The laughter warms my heart. Betime bargaining begins. Just one greater show? One greater e-book? Will, you lay with me? The day ends with quiet cuddles with my 7-year-vintage…who's growing too rapid. I will miss these moments. Believe me…
if you made it thru the day, you possess the good traits it takes to be a higher mother. A happy mother. A terrific mom. You will be adequate. Dependancy #three: form a tribe i'm going to credit my expensive pal, kat, for this tip. It's based at the vintage adage of “it takes a village” to raise a infant… and it virtually does. Nowadays, that village is called a tribe. Only some people are willing to assist each other out every time they can. We have got your returned. Currently, i've 3 youngsters antique sufficient to participate in extracurricular sports. Things like taekwondo, soccer, dance, art, piano, scouts. Our calendar has some thing on it every single day of the week… however sometimes we bypass an afternoon or two. Don't choose me. If it weren't for my tribe… i would likely must bypass greater than that. What? Deprive my baby of some thing he or she may additionally excel at? Sorry, however sure. I'm able to simplest achieve this a lot. I'm now not perfect. The tribe gathers weekly to assist every different out – on the whole with carpooling and babysitting. Playdates are an advantage. One much less child to manipulate, even for just a little whilst, can make a mother sense like she's received the chore lottery. Ahh… i see a further load of laundry in your future. Or possibly a quiet shopping trip to buy new denims in peace. Fortunate you! Whilst thinking about forming your personal tribe… start with one easy query. Who do i trust with my children? My tribe consists of:
a handful of close buddies own family pals 1-3 “mothers helpers” or babysitters a small social community of like-minded mothers these humans may be known as upon, now and again on very short notice, that will help you out. Think of them as nine-1-1 responders for “momergencies”. See what i did there? You don't ought to do it all alone. With a bit of luck, you have a spouse or great other who's palms-on. That really takes a number of the burden off. Or maybe you're a unmarried mom… who i'm able to now forestall to applaud. Being a unmarried mother is one of the toughest matters all of us ever signed up for. You deserve all the reward inside the global! And you also deserve a tribe maybe extra than each person else. There is no shame in inquiring for help. Surround your self with the pleasant… and you'll be at your fine in your children. Habit #4: socialize like a child what if i were to inform you there has been a way on the way to be a terrific mom and nevertheless get your weekly exercising in, explore your inventive aspect, volunteer for a neighborhood charity, listen to live music, see a film, rock climb,  enjoy a cup of coffee and proper communication with grown-ups? And what if i were to inform you this could all be accomplished along with your kids in tow? Might you trust me? You must trust me. Proper mom creed. Preserve this in mind when times together with your kids get difficult precise mother creed one of the first-class methods to be a better mom is to have a few flexibility on your day. And one of the high-quality approaches to be an amazing mother is to incorporate a laugh sports for you and your infant into each and each day… even though only for an hour or . The household stuff can wait. Existence is short. Youth is fast! Pencil in time along with your child, just as you'll a purchaser assembly or cooking dinner. And if you actually need to make the maximum out of that hour, time table something you may each enjoy. Concentrate to your inner baby! There are such a lot of “mommy and me” sports at our disposal these days, it would be a shame not to attempt them out. Adventure is waiting! There's something for absolutely everyone and every age. You simply want to find them. Start through turning to the web. Here's a terrific listing of ideas put together by way of author, melina gerosa bellows, 21 approaches to revel in being a mother. Or maybe you need to study something new. Here are a number of my favored matters:
1. Go to a trampoline park or roller skating rink you'll burn lots of calories… and your children will tire themselves out! It's a win-win! Simply go away your inhibitions at the door. 2. Take a look at out a paint your own pottery or canvas region a number of these places have unique “mommy and me” or “infant time” every day, in which you would possibly meet other moms. Even though they don't offer this, all of them have open studio hours, where you could cross at your leisure and unleash your internal artist. Discover ways to be a good mom and a way to balance being a spouse and mother on this manual. Discover “mommy and me” activities for your vicinity and revel in the day! Three. Volunteer together with your baby visit dosomething. Org or  mommypoppins. Com and notice which kid-pleasant activities hobby you. If you have an older baby, speak your options, making them experience liable for their time. Instilling precise traits in our children at an early age will maximum in reality bring about them becoming altruistic and empathetic adults. Our international wishes more suitable humans. 4. Concentrate to tune inside the park as the weather receives hotter, many towns offer outdoor song. The nice element? It is normally unfastened. Those circle of relatives-friendly concert events are a super way to expose your child to tune other than kidz bop or the wiggles.
​now not that there is something incorrect with those… i surely quite like the wiggles. But variety is the spice of existence, and a well-rounded toddler is an thrilling one. Now not to mention, you may just get to relive your glory days as a unmarried woman belting out some 80s or 90s classics together with your girlfriends. 5. Find a pressure-in or out of doors movie venue hop within the automobile with the circle of relatives and cross. Whilst the power-ins may be a bit tough to return by way of nowadays, less expensive (now and again unfastened) out of doors films are popping up like daisies all over the us of a… particularly in the course of the summer time. Similarly to the plain attraction of looking a movie from the comfort of your very own automobile, or on a seashore, your kids are allowed to talk! In truth, it is expected. And bonus: you do not must worry approximately crouching down low when heading out for one among probably numerous lavatory breaks. 6. Locate an indoor rock climbing gym the benefits to be had from mountaineering have it rapid becoming a famous activity, for each adults and children alike. The power conditioning, especially for the top frame, is unprecedented for some thing so a laugh. And then you have the mental thing, pushing your self past your limits till you attain the top. It's a splendid lesson in in no way giving up… for each you and your youngsters. In case you do not have tons of time to investigate, or are not sure what you'd be into precisely, contemplate joining a neighborhood “mothers group”. They normally have new member conferences at least as soon as a month, which might be regularly just casual get-togethers over coffee, where they go over their listing of activities. Whether or not you join or not, you are bound to get a few fresh thoughts and maybe even make a chum or . Suppose tribe! An energetic and nicely-rounded mother makes a glad mother. A glad mother is a great mom. And happiness is contagious. Allow your youngsters see you satisfied. Dependancy #5: positioned a few personal time at the agenda humorous mother's day cool animated film mother mother exact mother proper mom #mom #motherhood #goodmother #habits #selfhelp #selfcare #parenting #figure #parents #quotes #funny this turned into always one in every of my favourite cartoons… because it's genuine. Motherhood is a 24/7 task. There aren't any ill days, no holiday days, no extra time pay, no lunch breaks. It's miles a exertions of love. And it can be thankless. As supportive as your partner or childless pals may try to be in relation to your daily habitual… they can by no means genuinely recognize till they enjoy it. And to be honest, the bond among a mom and her toddler does not examine to that of a father and baby. It simply would not. Ask yourself…
while my child is sick, who do they want? While my baby has a nightmare, who do they run to? When my child is hungry, who do they ask to lead them to something while my infant can't discover their preferred shirt, who knows where to appearance? Possibilities are, your answer to all of those questions is “mother”. Unless you aren't around, the answer is “mother”. It is the fact. As i grew older and became a mother for the primary time, it hit me… dads are type of like alternative teachers. While mom is not available (which is sort of never), they're a great alternative! They may be succesful and charming. They may be truely fun and lenient. They have got this… if they ought to. Till mom comes again. Now…
one in all two things goes via your head at this very moment. I've bowled over and offended you… so that you're going to forestall reading i have given you a terrific snort… and you feel just a wee bit responsible for it my money is on #2. Don't get me incorrect…
i like my husband. He's an brilliant father and really concerned with the kids. My children adore their father. He makes them sense safe and they appreciate him. Discover ways to be an excellent mother and how to be an excellent dad and mom. Dads are form of like alternative instructors. They may be certainly a laugh and lenient. They've got this… if they ought to. Till mother comes lower back. In truth, i'm regularly jealous that he gets to do more of the amusing matters with them. He receives to return home from work and roll round at the ground with our sons, play dolls with our daughters, instruct their soccer group…. He is achieved with work for the day and is all about them. It is exquisite. Virtually. The laughter in the house whilst my husband gets home is track to my ears… and makes doing my “task” a touch less difficult. Nonetheless, i wouldn't mind switching locations from time to time. Would you? In the end, being a great mother approach that you are by no means definitely “off the clock”. You still need to get dinner on the desk, pick up toys, do the dishes, fold one extra load of laundry… all earlier than putting them to mattress. It is laborious. You're exhausted. You deserve a break. And you shouldn't sense responsible for inquiring for one. Flip in your partner, your companion, your mother, a pal, a neighbor… your tribe. Ask them to watch the children for a couple of hours so you can try out a yoga class, have dinner with a chum, walk across the mall and window shop, move for a motorbike ride, take a sleep. Or simply sit down on a park bench and play sweet crush. It doesn't remember what you do, simply go. A part of getting to know the way to be an amazing mother is knowing that you want a smash. A brief break from your kids doesn't suggest you like them any much less. In truth, it is due to the fact you love them that you need a smash. Run! I'm critical. Perhaps you want to head for a run? You could laugh. That became funny. You want to recharge your batteries. Go into your head and close the whole lot off for just some time. Or as a minimum attempt to. Taking care of your thoughts and frame will make you a better mom. Mediation and relaxation are first rate ways to retain recognition and center your self. It enables placed matters into perspective. If you're uncertain of the way to do that, or simply leery, try any such great apps you could get to your smartphone. They may be positive to help you get into the proper kingdom of mind. Mental clarity ends in making better choices. It is as simple as that. And exercising is tested to raise your temper, fight infection, and improve sleep… among other matters. The endorphins will preserve you going for hours! In case you do not accept as true with me, take a look at this out… however come again! We are almost finished here. The advantages of mediation and workout will depart your feeling organized for anything motherhood throws your way that day. I assure it. Plus, you will be a happier mother whilst you go back domestic… and this is something your children (and partner) will admire. Habit #6: time table a “date night” before the youngsters… there has been courtship. Swooning. Past due night time conversations. Quiet food in fancy eating places. This was dating. You loved it. In truth, you cherished it so much that you met a person to have a infant with. And if you have been fortunate sufficient to really marry that man or woman, the children are a reminder of that love each and every day. But here's the twist. You need to sustain that love. Striking onto the reminiscence of love and a laugh times collectively is not enough. You want to certainly display your spouse, each day, which you love him. You loved him first. Every so often it is easy to get stuck up within the beautiful chaos this is raising children. But you can not wander away in it. You loved him first. You still love him. Research have shown that kids raised in a domestic with two loving parents advantage appreciably from this. A few of the many advantages of developing up in a two-figure family, your kids may have a better chance of forming successful relationships in their own at some point of their life… each for my part and professionally. Part of getting to know the way to be a terrific mother is showing your children that they have  loving mother and father. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up within the stunning chaos this is elevating kids. You need to clearly show your spouse, every day, that you love him. Moves communicate louder than words. Kids, specially younger ones, are more likely to bear in mind “snapshots” from their early adolescence than phrases. If they see you and your partner being affectionate and worrying towards one another, they may deliver that with them. They may feel safe and loved because of the way you have interaction with every different. Display them which you are excellent buddies. Now inform them that you're going on a playdate with each different. Kids can relate. Begin slow:
placed one “date night time” in keeping with month at the calendar, however do at least 3 months at a time so that you're not inclined to bypass it the next month (if you can pull off two times a month… you move, woman!). Relaxed a babysitter for all of those nights proper away
take turns making plans the date together with your spouse, leave a laugh recommendations or clues to make it a surprise
do no longer check your cellphone on the date, set it to do no longer disturb. Only the babysitter wishes to recognise in which you're in case of emergency and might name the actual venue if want be. Do one spontaneous issue on the date
do no longer communicate approximately the youngsters as soon as the date has commenced. If you feel the urge, speak them within the vehicle or uber earlier than you get to wherein you are going. Reminisce. The point of date night is to recall why it's miles you fell in love… and to test in with each other so that the affection does not wander off within the aggravating daily. The youngsters will nevertheless be there whilst you get domestic. Dependancy #7: it's ok to have a bad “mother” day you are the first teacher your baby has. Lead by using instance. You can not always succeed, but do your exceptional to:
in no way argue with a cherished one in the front of the youngsters. Communicate in your children like you'll an person (is reasonably). Be affectionate. Yell constructively. Never go to mattress disillusioned. Spend a few minutes unwinding every night. There are days while you may succeed in doing all of this stuff. There are days you will not. Similar to a terrible “hair” day, you will have bad “mom” days… and it is good enough. Do not beat your self up. Nobody is ideal. Mother overwhelm quote awful day does not  identical a awful mom sensible phrases to do not forget whilst motherhood receives difficult just like a awful “hair” day, you will have terrible “mom” days… and it's ok. However we will all aspire to be “flawlessly imperfect”. This essentially approach spotting while you're wrong and doing all of your best to accurate it. Positive, you could bicker together with your accomplice in the front of the kids. But, there's usually a manner to hold it friendly and productive. In our residence, if my husband and that i are caught having a silly argument, we make it a factor to give an explanation for to our kids why each of us is upset and draw a assessment to some thing they can relate to. Here's an instance…
me: “mommy is aggravated at daddy due to the fact he left me with one square of lavatory paper rather than converting the roll.”
husband: “daddy failed to need to waste the bathroom paper.”
me: “consider your brother drank a big glass of orange juice and handiest left sufficient so that it will have one sip. Might you be dissatisfied?”
toddler: “sure”. Me: “but you will forgive him due to the fact he didn't understand how an awful lot become left. He became simply filling his glass up due to the fact he was thirsty. He wasn't looking to be suggest.”
this easy speak, comparing what we have been dissatisfied about to some thing our toddler can recognize, is a good way to let them know that mommy and daddy will be high-quality. The whole lot is excellent. Regardless of how rough a day has been, you can in no way hug and kiss your baby too much. Real presentations of love lead to well-rounded youngsters with more shallowness. According to an editorial from figure co., affection can cross a whole lot in addition than yelling when seeking to get through in your child. Plus, it simply plain feels suitable. There may be a time and vicinity for the whole lot. And there will be instances you'll need to yell at your toddler… when hugs just may not do. Newsflash! Yelling does not make you a bad mother. The use of demeaning language does. A part of learning how to be a great mother is understanding that yelling does no longer make you a awful mom. There could be times you are going to should yell at your child. That does not make you a terrible mom. But the use of demeaning language does. Phrases can harm. They may be also harder to forget about, that's why you need to pick them carefully while scolding a infant. Glaringly, if your little one is about to run into the street, you must yell first! Then hug them. Once you've got all calmed down, provide an explanation for to them that there are very critical effects available from strolling into the street. What if a vehicle have been coming? In case your infant smacks any other child within the face, it is perfectly appropriate to raise your voice and say, “no!” then possibly put them in “time out” – whether or not that be a chair or a corner, their room, and so on…. However, if your toddler throws his food at the ground throughout dinner, this can not warrant yelling as a whole lot as a stern appearance and, “no greater food for you this night.”
risk! In case you threaten your child with a punishment… be organized to commit to that punishment if they don't heed your warning. Sticking through your words is a huge play in the motherhood game. You do not want your youngsters now not to take you severely whilst the time comes. Empty threats may want to actually backfire, mainly as they get older. You may lose credibility after which probably become frustrated. Frustration can cause pronouncing belongings you don't imply. Tread gently. Whether or not you're yelling, or just threatening punishment, there's a manner to be positive about it. Each time i've yelled at my youngsters, i made a factor to go returned as soon as i'm calm and give an explanation for to them why i used to be so upset and lost my mood. There may be technique in your madness. When scolding a infant, d​​​​o use phrases and terms like:
no! Forestall! Why did you do this? Do not do this! What are you doing? How ought to you? What had been you questioning? Don't use words and phrases like:
that became stupid! You are stupid! Are you an idiot? I cannot stand you! I'm so tired of you! You are the worst! You may be questioning that you'd by no means say these things to a baby, however rage can be a elaborate issue. Do not maintain your emotions bottled up! Think about the sound a tea kettle makes while the water is beginning to boil. Imagine that is you preserving in your anger, your blood stress rising. Feelings can sneak up on you. So make it a factor to talk your feelings constructively before it receives to the point where you are saying some thing you regret. Learn how to be a happy mom and a way to be an awesome mom. Do no longer maintain your emotions bottled up! Feelings can sneak up on you. By no means go to mattress angry! One of the maximum important matters you can do to turn a terrible day round is to make amends earlier than bed. Make their bedroom a “no negativity area”. Talk flippantly and undoubtedly together with your infant. Toughen one true component that came about to you, or something exceptional that they did, at some point of the day. Locate the silver lining in a difficult day. Smother them with hugs and kisses, wish them candy dreams. Inform them you adore them. Usually. Then take a stroll in your favourite room inside the residence, have a seat, and unwind. Perhaps which means beginning a book you have been trying to finish. Maybe it is having a tumbler of wine and a chunk of chocolate along with your husband. Maybe it is checking your fb web page. Maybe it's catching up on a display you've had dvr'd for weeks. Anything you want to do to relaxation, mirror and recharge. Tomorrow is some other day. Giving a proper good-bye to this one earlier than mattress will result in a higher night's sleep… and a higher night time's sleep will make you a better mom. A glad mother. A terrific mother. A mom who wakes up inside the morning with a smile on her face, confident she's prepared to tackle the day! You have got this! However earlier than i go away you…
mark my words: you already know the way to be a good mom! A massive part of it's miles following your instincts. And, of route, loving your infant unconditionally facilitates. However in case you keep those 7 habits tucked away on your brain, you may be armed with all which you need to stand something comes. Afterall… motherhood, like existence, is unpredictable. What works for you one day, may not the following. Routines exchange, people exchange, conditions trade. Just roll with it! Consider in yourself. Make use of the net sources available to you. Ask for assist. Make time for a touch a laugh. Make time for yourself. Reward your self. Make time for romance. Allow your self off the hook whilst matters don’t pass as deliberate. Motherhood is an experience in contrast to any other. And even as you chose this route… realize that it also selected you. The sooner you permit your self to accept the best with the bad, the sooner you may start to sense like a better mom. The minute you let pass of any negativity or guilt, you will become a satisfied mom. Realize your limitations. Permit your self to be human, fallible. Study from every day. This is the way to be a good mother. What do you believe you studied it takes to be a great mother? ​so what are your thoughts at the conduct had to be an excellent mother? Do you accept as true with this listing, or disagree? What are your favorite conduct of motherhood?
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minnievirizarry · 7 years
10 Textbook Strategies for Social Media in Higher Education
Managing social media in higher education is a unique challenge.
At first glance, you would speak to the students attending the school. But a higher education institution is more than that. It’s a community of students, educators, researchers and alumni. Let’s also not forget interacting with prospective students.
We’ve previously hosted a webinar with social media managers in the space to learn more about their tips and tricks. And the Pew Research Center found in 2018 that 88% of adults aged 18–29 uses social media. When you move up a generation to ages 50–64, they found that 64% still use at least one social media site.
Taking advantage of social media as another communications channel is a surefire way of reaching a good chunk of your audience as a university. In this article, we’ll give you 10 textbook strategies for managing social media for higher education accounts.
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1. Create a Social Media Directory & Resources
How will potential students and current faculty find out where you are on social media? Make your official channels very easy to find and then consider listing all the approved accounts in a directory for anyone to find and follow.
The most important ones, like departments, colleges and services, should be included.
NYU has a page dedicated to social media for NYU accounts. The directory is an easy reference guide for various departments and their associated channels.
Furthermore, they’ve created sections for best practices and training. To keep its hundreds of accounts representative of the NYU brand, their guide includes the dos and don’ts of creating a profile page, examples of great profile photos and even provide ready-made images for easy setup. Check out our article on how to create a social media style guide to learn how you can do the same.
2. Adjust Your Communication By Network
In another study, the Pew Research Center provided demographic information for various social media networks. If we narrow down into network usage for 18–29 year-old adults, we see:
91% use YouTube
81% use Facebook
68% use Snapchat
64% use Instagram
Knowing where people are is only half the battle, though. You should do research on your own networks to see what type of content is resonating where. If college students mostly use Facebook to connect with their family and Snapchat to talk to friends, you’d likely choose Snapchat for your next student takeover.
Learn how to analyze what works for your audience through our helpful blog post.
3. Create Interest-Based Facebook Groups
For your audiences on Facebook, create Page-associated Groups. Since communication in Groups isn’t throttled by Facebook’s ever-changing algorithm, you can easily connect with those you want to reach.
Some ideas for interest-specific Groups include:
Alumni Groups per class year
Members Groups for club-specific Pages
Fan Groups for sports Pages
Princeton’s main Facebook Page features a closed parents group for students’ parents to connect to each other. The space gives other parents an opportunity to discuss relevant topics and provides a support network.
4. Have Fun With Stories
Using Instagram Stories or Snapchat Stories for authentic sharing is an excellent way of connecting to a younger audience. The ability to respond via private messaging keeps communications more personalized.
You can use Stories in many different ways:
Share campus news
Conduct a student takeover
Introduce your audience to local attractions
Share important research achievements
Harvard recently put together a news announcement through Instagram Stories. They kept each photo fun, engaging and informative. The Story also connected to the published announcement and to their most recent Instagram post.
5. Create Student Ambassadors
Your social media team can only do so much content creation. Why not hand over the virtual reins to student ambassadors for takeovers? Student ambassador programs function just like an influencer marketing program would.
You find people who are keyed into certain areas, have them source or create content and offer a takeover every once in a while. Ambassadors are important because they keep a pulse on what’s happening around campus and can be more personal than an administration-run account.
Flager College created a series called “Action News Flagler” hosted by students. The purpose was to showcase events and other interesting tidbits around campus.
Creating student ambassadors, especially for Snapchat, gives you more time to engage and less time to worry about fresh content.
6. Create Student-Based Accounts
How do you reach your current and prospective students? Take the previous idea a step further by creating accounts that are for students and by students. Instead of blatantly recruiting, use current students to tell their stories for you.
There are a variety of ways to handle student-based accounts:
Feature a different club or organization every week
Have students showcase their favorite spots around campus or town
Showcase graduate research in the college
Hey DePaul! Strap on your seat belts because I’m about to take you on the craziest ride IAmDepaul has seen in a while 🚗💨 🚓‼️ My name is Mitchell Webster and I’m a sophomore studying Finance and Real Estate. For those who don’t already know myself and my background, I am originally from the forgotten flyover state of Oklahoma and now love living in Chicago! When I’m not at the beloved JTR hitting the 📚, on campus I am a brother of @akpsidepaul, member of the DePaul Real Estate club 🏙, a Team captain for @DemonTHON 💃🏻, AND a welcoming face of DePaul as a campus tour guide! We’ve got a busy week with many stops on this ride, so hold on as there is no more waiting! (For inside personal pics of this week, feel free to follow me at @jmitchellwebster) Here we go! -MW #IamDepaul
A post shared by DePaul University Students (@iamdepaul) on Feb 26, 2018 at 2:01pm PST
DePaul University uses this account with a new student takeover every week. It works on a multitude of levels. It gives prospective students insight into what life at DePaul is like and it introduces current students to new places and people.
7. Include Social Media in a Crisis Response Plan
Most schools have a crisis communication plan that includes a mix of SMS messaging, emails and automatic phone calls. When an emergency occurs on campus, it makes sense to also send the alert out via social media.
For current event responses and other related crises, using social media to share positions and information is one of the easiest ways to get the word out. For many parents and alumni, social media is what they use to connect to the school. A scandal or major event will undoubtedly happen and the best way to handle it is to have a crisis plan in place.
Future Rams, you can rest assured that disciplinary action as a result of lawful, peaceful student activism will not impact your admission decision.
CSU will continue to support students who choose to have an active voice in their community. #coloradostate
— CSU Admissions (@AdmissionsCSU) February 24, 2018
Colorado State’s Admissions department addressed concerns on admissions being affected if an accepted student was suspended due to protesting. It’s a response to a valid concern and shows that they monitor what their audience is talking about.
8. Tailor Your Content for Your Audience
The main accounts of a college will have an even mix of department news, student information, alumni engagement, recruitment and sports. It’ll likely also have the most followers of any of the other accounts.
However, the benefit of creating separate accounts is that you can deliver the content your audience signed up for. If they follow the basketball team, they expect live gameplay tweets, not the most recent advancement from the physics department.
Georgia Tech students amped up a Power Wheels Barbie Jeep with a six-horsepower chainsaw engine, custom tires and steering, and hydraulic brakes. Now it tops out at 30 MPH. #WeCanDoThat | https://t.co/UfdPgdXVcx pic.twitter.com/LBG4VYmLVr
— Georgia Tech (@GeorgiaTech) January 18, 2018
ME 2110 Creative Decisions & Design Course competition this evening at 6:00 pm in the GTMI atrium! This fall's competition theme is based on the movie The Matrix. Watch the student machines battle it out! pic.twitter.com/1G6Wb41R9m
— Georgia Tech ME (@MEGeorgiaTech) November 10, 2017
.@GTJoshPastner from deep! 🎯 #ShootersGame #TogetherWeSwarm pic.twitter.com/acR8TyjtOE
— GT Men's Basketball (@GTMBB) February 24, 2018
Georgia Tech has hundreds of associated accounts. Each one is still branded but their content is more relevant to their followers. That’s why so many colleges and universities turn to social media management tools like Sprout Social. Easily managing multiple accounts, with a few or dozens of users, is tricky to do without a little help.
Those in higher ed turn to Sprout because of our easy-to-use tools, vast analytics and listening features to join important conversations revolving around the university. Want to see us in action? Try Sprout Social for a free 30-day trial today!
And here’s a look at how Marquette University uses Sprout to seamlessly manage over 70 different social media profiles.
If you have the content and someone available to manage the accounts, your department could benefit from having a social media presence and a management tool. Going back to an earlier tip, sign up for the accounts where your audience is. For example, if you are a graduate studies department, you would likely prioritize Twitter over Snapchat.
9. Set Up an Effective Communications System
Whether you’re on the team that’s overseeing all of the university’s efforts or you’re running a single department’s accounts, you need to have an effective system in place. How do you learn about events that are happening around your college? How do you share that someone in your department won an important award or published an important finding?
If it’s a small department, you may find using a form to be easiest. Have an open form where people submit social media post-worthy content. For those who are unfamiliar with what’s post-worthy, draw up examples and guidelines to follow.
For a larger scale, it may be worth investing in a messaging platform like Slack, where you can source and dispense content easily. You can separate channels out for specific topics or decide that some are to be link-sharing only.
And if you’re really in need of more organized internal communications, consider a service like Bambu that is designed solely to curate content and improve employee advocacy. It can keep communications clear and also takes advantage of the enormous community your school already has.
10. Manage Social Media Under One Roof
On the management end, most higher education schools have a social media team in place that oversees the school’s dominant networks. They may even share control of department accounts. Having a tool like Sprout Social, where multiple users can connect and the same content can be posted to various accounts, can be very useful for cutting out communication time.
If a piece of news is important and applicable enough to be shared by multiple departments, you could easily schedule the tweet across three different accounts in one click. Another benefit of connecting accounts together is that the social media team can pull a group analytics report to see how the school brand is faring overall.
Sprout Social’s Group report can take a look at various connected accounts in one big overview. It can also help you track if some accounts are underperforming or growing exponentially.
There are many ways to execute a successful strategy in the higher education space. With this piece, we provided some general tips and specific inspirations to test out with your accounts. What strategies have you found to be the most successful?
This post 10 Textbook Strategies for Social Media in Higher Education originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-in-higher-education/
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