notgonnaedit · 3 months
I have two main OCs that are both of my personalities
Charlotte Evelyn Garmadon, AKA Charlie (Ninjago)
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She's Lloyd's older sister and Cole's girlfriend. She's the Elemental Master of Darkness.
She is the me that most people know me as. Quiet, but not shy, thoughtful, bookworm, calm, introvert, prefers the quiet. She also looks a bit like me, same haircut/color, stature, face shape. And while I don't have heterochromia, my eyes are a greenish/blue hazel. Her name is also similar to mine, in that it's old.
Then there's Althea (Bad Batch)
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She's the medic of Clone Force 99, and like a sister to all of them. Except Hunter, he's basically her dad.
She is the me that gets around the right people (my bff). She's wild, life of the party, got jokes, head full of vine references, unafraid to snark at new people, rough around the edges, flirt (unless flirted with, then Althea.exe has stopped working)
Charlie is my main personality, but Althea is who I am in my head/around the right people
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
New Baby
I was really feeling the need to write some pregnancy fluff with Pest and War for some reason, but because it'll be a while before they even consider having children, I dunno if I'm gonna say any of this is even canon or not yet
I didn't go super into detail with anything, so ye :p the most that's shown (somewhat) is War's water breaking
You also get to see Pest get emotional and cry a bunch, and then of course, Famine's also present for a little bit, wanting to be helpful but at the same time, having mega anxiety because of the fact that he'll have to be around a baby
Cheeks flushed a bright shade of blue, War cuddled as close to her soulmate as possible. Pestilence smiled softly, gently wrapping an arm around her and humming lowly, "Well someone's awfully affectionate today." War playfully flicked her tongue at him, "No idea what you're talking about, Pest." The taller of the pair continued smiling, chuckling as he gently poked at her side, earning a surprised squeak from her, "Uh huh, sure you don't." War opened her mouth to speak, being cut off as Pestilence turned, suddenly pushing her down onto her back and pinning her in place with his magic. As his fingers dove under her shirt and began to assault her ribs with tickles, she squirmed beneath him and screeched, bursting into a fit of giggles.
Pestilence laughed as he watched her, the tickle assault beginning to die down as blue tinted tears pricked at her sockets and she began to plead with him. Placing a single hand on his chest once his magic had released her, she took a deep breath, feeling absolutely winded, "H-Hey, c'mon, careful Pest. Not so rough, you dork." Pestilence arched a brow bone at her, tilting his head, "What are you talking about? It's not like I'm gonna break you or anything, babe." The female rider sighed, manifesting her soul and offering it to him, a sheepish smile on her face, "I know. It's not me that I'm worried about, though." Her partner eyed her soul curiously, his sockets widening and going dark as his gaze locked onto a tiny soul that was currently stuck to the side of hers. As he spoke, his voice was a low murmur, "War?... Are you really...?"
War's blush began to spread down to her shoulders and she hummed, smiling sheepishly still, "Am I really pregnant?" He stared at her with what almost appeared to be desperation and she continued after a brief moment, "Yeah... Yeah, I am. And it's all yours, Pest. You're gonna be a dad." Pestilence's entire face erupted in a bright green blush, and he was silent, equally green tinted tears pricking at his sockets. He very gingerly returned her soul to it's proper place, tears spilling down his cheekbones as he leaned down to hug her tightly. For a moment she was concerned, before he murmured faintly, "I can't believe it... This is just too awesome... It's the greatest gift you could've ever given me, right after your love."
Sighing softly and smiling to herself, War gently wrapped her arms around him and held him close, gently stroking the back of his skull. He was going to be a great father... She could already tell.
The months passed, and as her pregnancy began to show more and more, Pest became increasingly adamant about doting on her. Though it had really worn on him, he'd even insisted on taking her workload during the entire last month of the pregnancy. As it currently stood, the glitch was relaxing on the living room sofa, quietly picking at a chocolate bar and taking small bites every so often as she watched TV. A dull ache pulsed in her lower back and she made a face, wincing and placing a hand on her swollen stomach as she shifted into a different position. For a little while, the aches had come and gone, and she'd assumed her body was sore from possibly sleeping wrong the night before. With Pest away at work, the other riders occasionally checked on her to see how she was doing; She always told them that she was fine, not wanting to make a big ordeal over anything, but when she moved into a different position again, she happened to glance down at the spot she'd just been sitting in. Although it was small, she noticed a speck of something dark, and she arched a brow bone. She did her best to ignore the aches as they continued rippling through her abdomen, lightly touching the spot to see if it was dry or wet. Feeling the slight dampness on her fingers, she blinked; What the?...
As a much stronger ache pulsed through her abdomen, she winced, beginning to feel alarmed as more wetness became noticeable between her legs. For a moment, the aches were gone, and assuming it was time to ask for help, she stood, starting to head for the hall that led to the rest of the house. An even stronger ache rippled through her belly and she braced herself against a wall with an arm, pressing her free hand to her stomach and cursing. War attempted to regain her composure, taking a few steps while still leaning against the wall for support, and as yet another ache gripped her, she paused. The glitch made a sound in surprise, the aches gradually beginning to increase in intensity as she started to take small steps toward the hall. Reaching the corner, she stopped again, both arms wrapping around her belly as she let out an even louder, more alarmed cry, suddenly feeling the urge to push. As she did her best to resist it, she glanced up, hearing a door open. Emerging from his room and looking worried, Famine locked gazes with her and almost immediately seemed to understand what was happening. He was at her side in the blink of an eye and she clung to him, whimpering, "F-Famine, help... I-I think it's time." He nodded, very carefully lifting her up into his arms and cradling her close to himself, "I gotcha, short stuff. We'll go to your room and I can throw down some towels on the bed for ya. Sound good?" The glitch nodded in confirmation, attempting to bite back a sob as her anxiety suddenly spiked.
The taller of the two used a shortcut, both of them warping from the hallway entrance to the inside of Pest and War's bedroom, and Famine very gently set her on the edge of her bed before darting into the attached bathroom. There was the sound of him digging through the bathroom closet for a moment, and then he was at her side again, laying out layers of towels and covering a section of the bed for her to lay down on. As he began to help guide her onto the towels, Conquest peeked into the room, having heard the commotion. Taking notice of the fear that was bleeding through and beginning to show on Famine's face, she entered the room and called out, "I can get her started if you'd like to call Pestilence, Famine. You don't have to do this if you're too anxious or uncomfortable." Famine let out a deep sigh in relief and murmured a quick 'thanks' before he slipped past her and ducked out into the hall. Connie approached the bed where War was now lying on her back, her face contorted into a look of pain as she cried out, blue tinted tears pricking at the edges of her sockets. Reaching out to tug on the glitch's pants, she spoke, "I'm gonna get these off of you, ok War?" The other female rider nodded in understanding, trying to hold herself together as Connie quickly slipped her pants down and off.
With Conquest's instruction and encouragement, War had begun to push, blue tears rolling down her face and transforming into threads as she screamed, pain shooting through her entire body. Connie sent out soothing pulses of magic, accompanied by some extra magic meant to dull the pain as much as possible. When Pestilence arrived, he raced to her side, settling on the bed beside her and gently taking one of her hands, offering no complaint even as her grip began to border on becoming painfully tight. With his soft praises and Connie's encouragement now merging together, it wasn't much longer before her screams and sobs died down, replaced by the sound of a crying babybones.
Conquest made quick work of cleaning the infant off with a spare towel and wrapping her in it, smiling warmly as she looked from the baby to the pair of soulmates, "Well... This might not have been the ideal place to give birth, but nonetheless... Congrats. You have a beautiful baby girl now." War smiled tiredly, her voice softer and weaker than usual, "Thank you Connie... Thank you so much." Conquest continued to smile, making her way around the bed and offering the newborn to Pestilence, whose sockets were wide with shock and excitement as he delicately took her into his arms, holding her close to himself. Conquest stepped back to give the new parents some space, and as Pestilence gazed at his daughter, a look of awe settled on his face and his eye lights shifted into tiny hearts. Leaning down to softly nuzzle her head, he gently held one of her tiny hands, green tinted tears already pricking at his sockets as he murmured, "Hi, baby... You're so little and beautiful, oh my god..." He shifted the baby in his arms so that War could get a better look at her, and War smiled softly as she watched the first tear roll down his cheek. He drew in a shaky breath, "War, look how beautiful she is... She looks just like you. See? This is our daughter... We made this. You and I... We made this little beauty..." War, although exhausted, leaned closer to Pest, raising a hand to gently wipe away his tears before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, "Mhm... We did, and she's perfect."
Pestilence sniffled, smiling at his soulmate and making a sound in agreement. As her teeth met his, he eagerly kissed her back, practically melting into it. When she pulled away, he sighed softly, offering her their daughter, and she happily accepted the child from him, stealing another quick kiss once the baby was secure in her arms. Gently pressing a finger to one of the newborn's tiny hands, War smiled affectionately as her daughter immediately latched onto it. Pestilence shifted, turning his body slightly to wrap both arms around the glitch, tugging her flush against himself. While the two fawned over their baby, Conquest opened their bedroom closet and pulled out a folded blanket, bringing it back over to the bed. She unfolded the item and laid it partially over War's legs, using the opportunity to peek at the baby again. Pest glanced at her, briefly meeting her gaze and offering her a grateful smile before he pulled the blanket the rest of the way over his soulmate, making sure she was completely covered.
It wasn't long before Retribution appeared, Famine nervously trailing along after him. He greeted the new parents and offered them congrats on having their baby, an uncharacteristically warm smile on his face as he promised to deliver some things to the nursery later on. Noticing how on edge Famine was, War gently patted the bed beside her, asking him to sit down. Despite his ever growing anxiety, he did as he was asked, seating himself on the edge of the bed. The glitch shifted the babybones in her arms, making it easier for Famine to see her face. As he looked at the baby, his eye light constricted and he froze in place, unsure what to do. War smiled softly, only mildly amused as she watched him, "Relax, you dork... It's just your niece." His attention snapped to War and he gestured to himself, "Y... You're sayin' I'M gonna be the kid's uncle now? C'mon War, ya know how I am with kids. I dunno if I could-" War quickly cut him off, not letting him finish that thought, "Fam, please. Stop that. You're gonna do great, and she's gonna love you, I already know it." Famine furrowed his brow bones and frowned, "But what if I hurt her, War? I don't want that ta happen, but I'm really worried that it will, and I dunno what I'd do if I did." War let out a deep sigh, shifting her hold on her baby to reach out and place a hand on Famine's arm, trying to offer as much reassurance as she could, "But you won't... I know you. You're worried about it, and I can see that the idea genuinely bothers you, which means that you're a good person with a conscience. That, and I trust you with my life. If I didn't trust you as much as I do, I wouldn't be letting you near her right now."
Famine fell silent, his uncertainty growing more visible than before. War opened her mouth to speak again, but stopped as the baby in her arms suddenly sneezed, causing Famine to flinch and nearly fall off of the bed. War sighed again, her expression softening as she looked back at the infant, "Well bless you, missy." A few seconds passed, and as the baby began attempting to open her eyes, War watched, excitement blossom in her chest. Also seeing what was going on, Pestilence leaned closer, also watching excitedly. Their daughter cracked her eyes open a tiny bit and cooed, and then as she opened them more, War blinked in surprise and Pest smiled widely, more green tears pricking at his sockets again, "What'd I say, babe? She looks just like you."
The baby stared up at her parents with wide, scarlet sockets, and one eye light that was solid white while the other was a set of yellow, blue, and green rings, and War fought with herself, trying to hold back tears of her own. As she looked at her daughter with nothing but the purest form of love in her eyes, she let out a shaky breath; Had she really made something this perfect and beautiful?... But... She was a glitch. Because of the way her body glitched and pixelated, and because of the way she looked, she'd always felt ugly and unsure of herself.
Her soulmate was saying that their daughter looked like her, and as she gazed at the infant, all she could see was beauty. Blue tears finally began to pour from her sockets again, transforming into threads like they always did, and she pressed a soft kiss to her daughter's forehead, her voice low, "I love you, little girl... So, so much..." Pestilence smiled lovingly at both of them, giving War a moment to collect herself before he spoke, "What do you think her name should be, sweetheart?" His soulmate was quiet for a few seconds before glancing at him and smiling softly back, "Well... I still think Althea was a really pretty name. How about that?" Pest made a sound in confirmation and continued holding the glitch as close to himself as possible, "I think it's perfect... A pretty name for a very pretty girl..." He paused, prompting War to look at him before continuing, "... That was brought into this world by my beautiful soulmate... By you."
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blucmoon · 3 years
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━  ☾ ⊹  ( gabbi garcia, cis female , she/her ) say hello to ALTHEA CORTEZ, the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD that seems to have a lot in HER hands with HER job as an EVENT PLANNER! beyond that, they seemed METICULOUS AND GENEROUS upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of VOLATILE AND STUBBORN though. SHE seems to live in a SHARED VILLA in SIARGAO, PHILIPPINES. anything else to add? oh, yeah! she also LEFT EVERYTHING BEHIND IN VANCOUVER FOR A JOB OPPORTUNITY IN THE PHILIPPINES!
basic information
full name: althea cortez
nickname(s): ally, thea
age: twenty four
date of birth: december 2, 1996
birthplace: makati, philippines
hometown: vancouver, canada
current location: siargao, philippines
ethnicity: filipino
nationality: canadian
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she / her
orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual
religion: agnostic
education: graduated high school, various courses at a community college
occupation: event planner
physical appearance
faceclaim: gabbi garcia
hair colour: naturally dark brown, has never dyed it in bold colours. the most she’s done is getting some blonde streaks upon arriving at siargao but soon got bored of them and dyed back to a color similar to her natural one.
eye colour: chocolate, does like to wear coloured contacts when going out or on special occasions.
height: 5 ft 6.5 in (1.69 m)
weight: 132 lbs ( 60 kg )
tattoos: none yet.
piercings: standard and upper lobe in both ears, helix on the left ear.
label: the restless
positive traits: meticulous, ebullient, outgoing, loyal, generous, helpful, ambitious,
negative traits: volatile, conflict-averse, fluctuating self-esteem and confidence, secretive, reserved, quick-tempered.
hobbies: calligraphy, baking, swimming, hiking.
habits: talking to herself, drumming fingers on every surface, chewing the ends of pens, flicking pens/pencils/anything between her fingers, doodle on the corners and margins of her planner, humming when listening to music, tapping her feet when she’s impatient, rubbing her neck when she’s nervous, tugging loose threads when she’s anxious, not listening to others when she’s deep in thought.
zodiac sign: sagittarius sun, leo moon, virgo rising
mbti: esfj-a “the consul”
temperament: sanguine
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
moral alignment: chaotic good
anger: hot
approachability: friendly
sociability: loves being around people, feeling most energized when she’s having deep conversations about topics that interest her. one to not let the conversations die and always finding ways to either continue or spark a new topic, getting so involved in this that she often loses track of  time. she’s easily bored if not involved in social activities and dislikes solitude. it’s not unusual to feel as if you’ve known althea for years after the first meeting as she welcomes everyone with open arms and loves making people feel seen and heard.
detailed personality
restless, cheerful and friendly, althea will happily involve anyone into whatever interest she has or will give up her free time to be engaged in the things her beloved ones are interested in. generous with her time, effort, and emotions, she often takes on the concerns of others as if they were her own, and will attempt to put her energy to help others, eager to please and provide.
secretly, althea needs approval, recognition and admiration; she wants to be seen. goes out of her way to notice what is needed and feels even more motivated when others acknowledge her efforts and express their appreciation. though, sometimes she’s so focused on others that she lacks to pay attention to her own unmet needs and feelings.
however, she’s selective with her friends and is not overly influenced by them. when she feels comfortable, she does like being the center of attention. that is, she likes being in the “spotlight” in the comfort of her own home and with family and friends. enjoys entertaining others and is more able than most people to get others talking, simply because she’s very receptive and sympathetic with an innate ability to pick up others’ feelings and body language.
althea possesses an unwavering ambition: once she’s set on a particular path, she’s not coming back until her purpose is fulfilled. likes to get things done and has a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once; a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. very easily distracted and her attention span can be quite short.
doesn’t have an inherent love for routine and established anything’s, but does recognise its value and purpose when it comes to be productive. she’s learnt to be a little more organized and does prefer to stick to certain plans, mostly when it comes to her job due its nature. easily gets stressed when things don’t meet up to expectations. althea sees problems clearly and is able to delegate easily in order to solve them. likes a sense of harmony and cooperation around her, and she’s energetically dedicated to her responsibilities.
able to adapt quite easily to wherever she’s in and, with an outstanding memory, she tends to pick up a lot of information from her environment to facilitate this. althea can be brave, knowing how and what risks to take. she’s able to bend the rules from time to time if she feels the need to do so.
can be a challenge to predict from time to time, even by the closest people to her. can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but althea has a tendency to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking her interests in bold, new directions.
has always had problems expressing herself, particularly verbally, and much prefers to listen to others than being listened to. whatever she might say is self-censored to some degree. it’s difficult for althea to pour out her emotions because she’s always aware of what others might think of her with what she says, not wanting to accidentally come across as tactless and judgmental. very careful with what she reveals to others.
she can get easily wounded, and when this happens, her emotions are not contained as she “wears her  heart on her  sleeve” but will more often than not avoid burdening others with her own problems and concerns. instead, she likes to channel these dramatic and vibrant emotions into one of her multiple hobbies, mostly baking (she stress-bakes).
to avoid feeling a deep sense of loneliness, she finds ways to connect and be of service to others. she has an innate sense of what to say or do for people to feel seen and admired, taking pride in her ability to comfort and support others. she’s constantly moving away from feelings of worthlessness and towards feelings of connection and appreciation.
born as the middle sibling out of the three, althea and her family moved from makati to vancouver when she was almost one year old due to a job opportunity presented to her father.
had a really average childhood with all the pressure being poured onto her sister, five years older than her, and pushed to become the example of the other two. all the while her brother who’s only 2 years younger than althea clearly became the unspoken favorite. being the middle sibling was easy most of the time. so long she didn’t do any extraordinary things, neither good nor bad, althea was able to remain below her parent’s radar.
regular high school experience: neither remarkable nor reprobatory grades, a “steady” friends circle (as much as it can be when a teenager), dated a couple of times, part of the swimming team. by junior year, college never figured in her plans (or the lack thereof).
her parents didn’t quite like the idea but after getting help from her sister who talked to them, they didn’t complain as long as she got a job or helped her mom with hers (she was a seamstress), which is what she ended up doing.
it comes as a stroke of luck when her mother gets a call asking if she could help fix a bride’s dress at the wedding’s venue. her mother, quite busy at the moment, sent althea instead and she quickly fixed it before the ceremony started.
about to depart, crisis after crisis started presenting and it was obvious they were a little understaffed (althea learned a couple of years later that two of the assistants got sick on that same day).
with a little bit of free time in her hands, althea offered her help. by the time every crisis had been averted and she was ready to leave, the event planner took notice of her and offered to become an assistant in her company. at nineteen, thea takes the job.
the company is not as big as many others but still renowned enough to have a steady income of clients and at least one event every couple of weeks. thea was pretty much an errand girl at first and they often sent her to take courses or workshops to learn and hone some skills. (calligraphy, flower arranger, hospitality, etc. she even took an event planning course that went for 9 months, successfully getting a certificate.)
eventually, her opinions start being taken more and more into consideration and she takes more of an active role in the planning process. at twenty one, thea planned her very first wedding (a small one, no more than 50 guests).
she pours all her energy and time into this new phase of her job, loving every second of it and thriving for the compliments she got after every successful event. weddings were mostly her niche, she even planned her sister’s wedding; it doesn’t come as a surprise that she announces the engagement with her college sweetheart, it was actually quite expected. (her parents even implied more than once that they were taking too long).
it’s in one of her events, a birthday party for some socialite, that thea meets the guy that would become her boyfriend for the next two years. despite being surrounded by wealth and pretentiousness, he was unlike any of his peers: sweet, attentive, decent and didn’t pride himself on his parents’ money. it was quite easy to talk and be with him, thus they started dating shortly after.
her life seems to be perfect in every aspect: a good job, more than decent income, a healthy relationship with her boyfriend… her parents couldn’t find anything to complain about… for now.
it’s at the peak of her career as an event planner, that her parents become more and more insisting on questioning her about her status with her boyfriend. “after planning so many weddings, shouldn’t you start planning your own?” asked her mother, which thea always dismissed or ignored to avoid any fights.
truth is, even if weddings were a prominent aspect of her day to day, being a bride and going through the whole ceremony wasn’t something she saw happening in the foreseeable future, and her boyfriend seemed to be on the same page… or at least it was an unspoken thing between the two.
it’s the day before her 23rd birthday that she finds by mistake a ring box in her boyfriend’s apartment. knowing exactly what it meant, thea cracked the box open, finding the most beautiful engagement ring she’s ever seen. and it made her feel sick.
putting it back in its place, the whole night thea acted as if nothing happened despite the emotional turmoil she was going through.
when getting home, the first thing she did was try to find an email from one of her friends who told her about some camp in the philippines that could use an event planner. finally finding it buried deep within her inbox felt like all the answers to her problems were in those couple of lines.
in the middle of the night and with a dire need for adventure, thea left with a bag full of her belongings and all of her savings after booking the next flight to the philippines.
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Sims 4 Pest and War just had their baby, everyone, and it was a little girl that's now named Althea
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
On the subject of the riders and children, consider - what it'd be like if Famine and Retribution ever had a kid
Idk what their kids name or gender would be yet, but just,, I see them inheriting Ret's short fuse and being a moody little snot (think Bakugo from BnHA, just very watered down). Retribution would most definitely raise them to be proper and have manners and etiquette, too. He doesn't take any shit from his kid, but at the same time, he's also fiercely protective and loves nothing more than seeing them happy. Meanwhile, Famine's the overprotective parent who attempts to be as chill as possible about everything. Like,,
*child has a friend come over* "this is my new friend! :D"
Famine: "awe, that's nice kiddo, I'm happy for ya :D"
*years later, they decide to introduce him and Ret to their boyfriend/girlfriend/partner* "so this is who I'm dating :D"
Famine: "the hell you are- ):<"
And when it comes to them wanting a pet, they don't go for what you'd probably be expecting. They don't want fish, any kind of reptile or amphibian, and they don't even seem interested in birds, cats, or dogs. Their pet of choice, who they immediately fall in love with at first sight? A baby skunk
Retribution makes sure to get its scent glands removed so it can't spray or anything, and his child decides to name it Kiwi
Kiwi would immediately be friends with Althea's three favorite rat buddies, too (Jellybean, Biscuit, and Cookie). The four of them nap and play together when the kids are busy, and sometimes Remy even joins them
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
So 👀
I was talking with my sister earlier, about what it might be like if War and Pestilence ever ended up having a kid together
And it's official: if they had a child together, rip War, because their child would most definitely inherit Pest's shithead personality
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
I'm loving how Pest and War's potential future child (the one I've brought up before) really wouldn't be afraid of the majority of the bad Sanses group
Like,, Nightmare phases out of the shadows and appears in their bedroom? They hear him speak and think he's Ret. They become concerned about why he looks so different and ask if he's alright. At some point, they may try to get up and hug him, which he's absolutely not having
They accidentally smack into Axe/Horror somewhere? Despite the axe he's carrying, they look up at him and are immediately at ease, because they think he's Famine. They ask about why his eye's a different color and how he got smaller, they're very talkative and kind to him, and even if he picked them up, they'd likely just cuddle right up to him and hold onto his jacket
War says she doesn't ever want them near Error, and she's very adamant about it, not budging the smallest bit; she would literally rather die than allow Error anywhere near his grandchild. She has to leave her kid with Death for a little while one day, and what does Death do? He takes them to see his loverboy Error. The child sees that he glitches like they do sometimes, and they may recognize the blue threads if he were to use them for whatever reason. They're very talkative and friendly, and he can't bring himself to wanna hurt them. Instead, when Christmas rolls around, they find a little crocheted doll sitting on their windowsill that kinda resembles him
War sees it eventually and loses her shit, trying to take it away. Her kid's already become so attached to it though that they look like they're gonna cry and they won't stop reaching for it, so she caves and lets them keep it, even though it makes her very, very uncomfortable
As for Dust and Killer, I really don't know. They don't know anyone who looks like either of them, so Stranger Danger, I guess
At this point in time, Cross would be Dream's guard (and partner), and although he wasn't always the nicest to her when she worked for Nightmare, War knows he's safe (safer than everyone else there at least), so she probably wouldn't care if her kid wanted to see him and Dream. She wouldn't seek them out just to introduce them, but if they bumped into them somewhere, she might
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
Pest immediately falling into the role of "Dad" the instant his potential future child is born
Everything seems to come naturally to him, and for the most part, he's super chill about things. Even when it comes to having to get up throughout the night to check on them and see why they're fussing, he's almost kinda eager to do it
When they get bigger and have an actual bed, he'd probably stay with them if they got freaked out for some reason. If they try to say there's a monster in their closet or under their bed, he arches a brow bone and playfully grins, telling them it's ok because Famine couldn't fit in small places like that. It gets them to smile, so it works
There's a thunderstorm and they get scared by the noise? They dart into his and War's room, diving under the covers between them. War rolls over to face them, wrapping a protective arm around them and kissing their head, softly humming until they relax and doze off again. When Pest wakes up and sees both his soulmate and his kid in bed with him, he has a soft moment, wondering how he got so lucky
And y'know the rats that go everywhere with him (that technically are a part of him sometimes too)? The rats love the kid. Seriously. War can go check on them and see several curled up on top of their blankets, totally relaxed. The kid might even excitedly burst out of their room at some point and start screeching because they found a baby rat next to them that morning
They 100% name it. Idk what, but it'd be cute
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
War and Pest's potential future child getting tired of having so many bad dreams. From what they understand, Ret can do stuff with dreams. They don't know how or what exactly he does, but they try to ask him and he totally dodges the question
One night after a particularly bad dream, they run to his room and crawl into his bed. He asks what they're doing and gets the same explanation they gave Death (in my last post), and he just lets out this really deep sigh and rolls over, his back to them
They're worried that it means he's ignoring them or wants them to leave, but all he says is that if they wanna stay, they stay on their side of the bed only
The next morning when he wakes up, they're sound asleep and cuddled right up into his side, one of their hands gripping his pajama shirt. He considers waking them up, but eventually decides to let them sleep anyway
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