weirderscience · 4 months
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i am the least difficult of men. all i want is boundless love.
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lillythepup · 6 months
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lesbianzorak · 7 months
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oh right i haven’t posted it here yet, got this amazing comm of ammyfur from @chimeracauldron !! the outfit is rosado’s from fe engage and her hair color matches rc mouse’s tail :3
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rorytunes · 2 months
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They got sad beige parented :-(
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I have an informative speech and a persuasive speech for my 3rd and 4th assignment in my public speech class. How much you wanna bet I'm gonna talk about Palestine for both??
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digiweed · 1 year
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She is the first good one I've rolled . I feel like a proud mother
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tansyuduri · 8 months
Me just casually stacking the merther fic request I find that apply in my drafts to drop my fic on them when its done
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serfuzzypushover · 6 months
@iassignpeoplehomestucktrolls you’re not posting ENOUGH amporas, actually!
SORRY im in a dnd session rn and secretly on tumblr wwhile its the others turn i wwill resume the amposting soon!!
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soapy-ocean-dragon · 4 months
Sorry for all the AMposting btw I'm just feeling particularly why-the-fuck-do-I-have-a-body right now.
Lowkey missing being a sentient supercomputer with zero (0) redeeming qualities...where are my monitors and wires and screens and metal and plastic and
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nonbinary-beast · 1 year
heyhey so i love your AMposting a lot and would be super interested in making some art of your AM(if that’s ok with you) in other words, im asking for a description of how you imagine your AM? i know he’s around 12 feet tall and humanoid, but not much else. sorry if this comes off as rude at all i just really like your concepts!!
To be honest I'm surprised anyone wanted to draw the one I've interpreted lmao. I don't mind if you want to draw them, personally I kept the description vague since the idea I have for AMaton is still a wip, and I wanted to focus more on what it does instead of how it looks. That said I do have sketches if you're not put off by something that looks like something out of heironymus bosch/baphomet-esque in that it is something of a chimera of different creatures into one entity.
Once I get the sketches I have down for it I'll probably post drawings of my own, but until then I can give you something to go off of, I love seeing different interpretations. This will be under a cut since the description got a bit long.
AM is I interpret it, has a body that is 12 feet tall, they are powerful in build, well muscled, they resemble something along the lines of a heavyweight weight lifter/wrestler in body. There is nothing light weight about it. It does have something along the lines of feminine curves, in that the shoulders and hips are wider than the middle, but its not super noticeable. But it also does not opt to go fully human either, it does not really want to associate with the creatures it hates so dearly.
The hands are human, but if it wishes the tips of the fingers can become thick, hooked claws, like a massive eagle ( I have not decided whether it just wills them into existence or if they are just retractable). It's legs are slightly digitgrade, looking like someone whom stands on the balls of their feet or their toes instead of going fully bestial. The four toes are not tipped with great claws, but instead look like something akin to an early prehistoric horse, digits with hooflike coverings on the ends (if you want something specific, look up Eohippus).
The face is the furthest thing from human. It is a mix of beasts into one terrifying visage. A long snout that seems nearly skeletal sprouts from a head with four eyes that have bluish green pupils and black scleras. Two of them face forward, the other two point to the sides like grazing animal. The forehead is long and sloped, there is a ridge down the middle anchoring powerful jaw muscles. Behind its lips are teeth that looks like something out of a prehistoric fish; very blade-like (dunkleosteus is a good reference for this). The ears are like those of a big cat.
Overall its surface appears to move like liquid metal, very smooth and fluid. There's not much in the way of bolts or seams, and the tech it stole to make it is so far flung in terms of technological prowess as to appear organic instead of highly mechanical. It shimmers like chrome and is highly reflective like a mirror.
AMaton tends to walk without clothing, it holds pride regarding its body and frankly holds no feelings of modesty or shame regarding being nude.
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weirderscience · 4 months
i dont think AM would necessarily hate his humanized versions of himself. i actually think hed be really into it in a very egocentric way and be really picky about how hes depicted. and bc he is pretty much a culmination of all the bias of humanity he probably would want everyone to draw him looking super buff and sexy and alpha male esque and get -really- fucking mad when you dont
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lillythepup · 7 months
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oh ummmmmmm wow hello to my newest follower i definitely say hi to everyone who follows me, so hey there
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chaosintheavenue · 1 year
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Trin and Amposter again.
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spiritmoon23 · 1 year
Sorry for amposting it will happen again
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I am deeply sorry to my followers for AMposting. It could happen again.
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regina-bithyniae · 3 years
hate young generations, hate administrative infantilization of milennials and zoomers, hate the eager seeking of infantilization by milennials and zoomers, hate hate hate we are the snowflake generations and it's never been easier and the boomers are right
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