d4rkpluto · 23 days
ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴛʀᴏɢʀᴀᴅᴇ
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thank you for the 10,000+ followers! a game with no exchange will be released:)
now that i've written and understand planets in retrograde thoroughly they will be included in chart readings for free.
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♇ having mercury in rx makes someone think more often, especially over the most pettiest things they think is big. they're very anxious people, and since it is in retrograde it could be implied that they're "wired differently" they think more out of the box, and even speak different, how they speak and write could be very distinct.
♇ mercury in retrograde could give someone inactive relatives, or cousins and siblings they're not close to. and since they're people who doubt themselves a lot, they could stall themselves from the path they're supposed to take, being their own obstacles. they could also be people who take some time to take in/process information.
♇ as i said they're people who hold themselves back a lot, this could link to their childhood, might've had people speak over them and silence them when they were younger.
♇ people who have venus in retrograde might focus on love too much, and they could be people who have a struggling relationship with women. sisters, women who are their cousins and women who are their friends.
♇ they could also be very secretive people, they have a hard time opening up, which could make them be deemed as cold. they have a hard time giving and receiving affection.
♇ they could be bad at handling money, and might think everyone is out to get them. they could find it hard to love themselves, having venus in rx, is the peak of the "tortured poet".
♇ those who have mars in retrograde could have a hard time getting along with men, or even with the opposite sex. to have mars in rx could mean you could be considered as someone who i very intense. can a hard time expressing your sexuality and aiming for your goals.
♇ instead of learning life lessons quick, they are normally stubborn people and barely listen to advice given to them by trusted people. could be people who are too hesitant, say and do things at the wrong time and place.
♇ people with mars in retrograde might've gone through sexual trauma, could be scared to be intimate with other people. they're people who hate authority or people trying to have dominance over them. the type of people to not listen to the rules and break them.
♇ people who have jupiter in rx are the definition of "thinking out of the box", they're people who do have moments that question their faith and some of these people tend to have a God Complex.
♇ sometimes they feel like they're the unluckiest person in the world, might feel like they wont be able to travel the world like they want to. could also have long cycles of depression.
♇ having jupiter in retrograde can mean they're someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, they can be very detail-oriented people, which sometimes mean they feel like they can judge anyone and think of themselves to be flawless. jupiter in rx people are the type of people who want everything in their future to be perfect also, without life's trials and tribulations. can be unrealistic.
♇ as it is told, saturn in retrograde brings a father that wasnt in the person's life, the person who has the saturn in rx can make someone feel like they're being punished by life all the time.
♇ this could also mean they might find it hard to express themselves emotionally, could be due to their childhood. they go through many trials and tribulations, makes them depressive, but in the end they become really wise.
♇ they doubt themselves a lot, could have trouble balancing themselves, and their masculinity, could be too domineering.
♇ people with uranus in rx do not like change, they're likely insecure, [not all are going to be due to different commodities in a chart], but these are usually people who think they are not going to succeed in life.
♇ they sometimes feel like they're in control of nothing which pushes them into their need of controlling everything. they're quick-thinkers but still over-thinkers. they feel like they can never feel nice in a platonic or romantic connection.
♇ it leads them into being paranoid and chaotic. they might also put themselves in a box to make things easier, don't know they're limiting their potential when doing that, they're so much more and need to understand it.
♇ to have neptune in rx could make the kin be very delusional, might find it hard to separate idealistic views with reality. definitely reminds me of alice in wonderland. they're very spiritual people but can over-whelm people by adding their faith into everything.
♇ could be really good at manifesting; trust issues but sometimes are stubborn from learning their mistakes. can be deemed as very dreamy and compassionate.
♇ they could have this feeling of needing to save everyone. their trials and tribulations are a creative outlet for them, another indicator of being the tortured poet. [but the tiring and damaging things they go through are usually expressed through their art, which includes writing, story-telling, writing music, painting etc].
♇ i do get surprised when i come across these in a natal chart reading, but, pluto in rx folks definitely do hate constraint, they dislike authority and feeling like they're being controlled, which could push them into trying to control other people.
♇ could be escapists through drug and sex, they could also find it hard to accept their dark-self. easily infatuated people, people can get easily obsessed with them as they can get with other people.
♇ good money makers, could manipulate others with materialism, though, they might not be confrontational, could feel easily intimidated. sometimes could never see the potential in themselves can be their own obstacle.
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11hedonistic · 6 months
Astrology Observations 🌴
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air venus/air mars are usually the type of people to fall for the friends or find nothing wrong with having a fwb (friend with benefits)
venus touching the ascendant (no matter the aspect) can manifest a beautiful appearance (same with mars but with mars, i would say this gives more of a sex appeal vibe)
scorpio moon/mars definitely wins the title for holding grudges the longest/being the most unforgivable if you cross them
i realized that a lot of aries mercury people don’t really think before they speak😂
taurus mercury people are those type of people to repeat what they already said just to make sure everyone understood
my gemini mercury people.. i know how hard it is for you to stay focused. you’re doing great reading this sweetie
cancer mercury people have craaazy intuition
if you’re looking for someone to tell a good story, find you a leo mercury!! these people are such good story tellers 😂
virgo mercury people can be brutally honest people when giving advice, which can hurt people in the process but that’s not their intention most of the time!
if you need a mediator during an argument, find u a libra mercury. they’re always looking at both sides of an argument
scorpio mercury people can become very rude/disrespectful if they feel annoyed or bothered. especially if they have sag/cap placements.. scary
sagittarius mercury people almost always come off as too blunt
capricorn mercury people, how often are you put in leadership positions? 🤔
aquarius mercury people and their way of coming up with ideas no one else could think of >>
pisces mercury people.. you and that imagination of yours. always in your head. i know you enjoy living in your imagination dont you (my neptune 3rd house can relate so you’re not alone lol)
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taurus moon + scorpio venus lovers >>
the best omg this guy that im talking to right now has this combo and he’s always spoiling me with gifts, mind you we’re not even dating 😂 and they’re SO observant. like i play my music around him sometimes and yesterday he literally surprised me with a playlist of my favorite songs & his favorite songs (he’s moving away so he made it for me to listen while he’s gone when i miss him 💔) but wow. if you want real love, these people are it
pluto 4th house people.. how’s your family/home life?
pluto 1st house people.. how many times has it felt like you killed your old self just to make a new one? coming back stronger and stronger each time of course
im soo tired of this gemini venus slander and saying WE CHEAT! we dont cheat we just lose interest fast if you’re boring or fail to keep our brains stimulated. just dont be monotone/boring, make us laugh & we’ll be willing to work on the connection 😁 its also just that we dont really deal well with a bunch of intense emotions being thrown at us. give us time
capricorn moon people.. are you ok? and dont lie to me
scorpio suns.. how is your relationship with your father?
i saw someone say how saturn in 1st house people hate the inverted filter & they were nott wrong. my sister has this placement and she despises it. always picking at every single flaw she has whole time she looks fine lol
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ferie-anon · 7 months
🐬 Astro observations🐬
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🧺 fire moons being in a earth house is very balanced, making them responsible yet passionate and understanding
🧺 sag risings or having rising in a sag degree may grow out their hair
🧺 scorpio moon in 12th house may listen to rock and punk music to maximize feeling their deep emotions
🧺 mercury in 11th house are viewed as friendly or chill, often seen as a person who is a social butterfly
🧺 gemini sun with fire or air rising being into pop culture. They know the ins and out with the internet and celebrity tea. They live in a burrow on the internet 🫡
🧺 capricorn mercury will not hesitate to ask questions. They be the type to be direct and ask for stuff if they are confused. I like their honest and direct approach.
🧺 Sag + scorpio or leo + scorpio in birthchart = rockstar/musician vibes 🎸
🧺 My friend and I notice scorpio/8th house placements in a guy’s chart tend to do boxing 🥊
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🧺 In general heavy scorpio energy in the chart or mars scorpio may tend to work out in general, being physically active due to scorpio’s traditional planet ruler being mars.
🧺 I notice mercury in cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra) tend to use emojis and gifs a lot to emote in their text messages or to put more meaning into their text.
🧺 It seems like virgo mars tend to try out ballet or pick it up as a hobby. I find it interesting that most of my friends with virgo mars have taken ballet classes before as a child.
🧺 Cancer risings could be seen as nurturing, or having a compassionate and understanding nature, ppl may at times open up to them easily or become friends with them and start talking ab themselves to these individuals becuz they feel comfortable with them.
🧺 Aries moon always seems to have so many mini talents stacked away. It can be anything creative such as music, editing, or artistic. They’re very down to explore hobbies that allow them to express themselves and indulge in creatively.
🧺 I notice the ones with very friendly and bright smiles tend to have heavy gemini energy in their chart. Gemini rising, gemini stellium, 3rd house stellium, etc
🧺 Moon conjunct moon synastry in friends is cute and funny, you guys naturally gravitate towards each others presence and notice any emotions or actions. Like sometimes you guys just stare at each other like 👁️-👁️ and observe each other, and stick together most of the time.
🧺 I notice fire suns with leo in their big 3 sorta give off a “hot cheeto girl” vibe or aura. They may prefer a fierce and bold look, via makeup or clothing style.
🧺 Virgo moon in 4th individuals could be very intuitive, or an intuitive gut instinct.
🧺 Pisces mars/cancer mars, cancer stellium/pisces stellium in men could give off momma’s boy vibes, or they have a close relationship with their mom. Just from wut I’ve observed tho. 👁️^👁️
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safiredreams · 26 days
more astro notes  🖊️
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Virgo wants to take care of people in real and very physical ways. They will help you clean your home, cook your dinner when you're too lazy. They don't necessarily have an easy time taking care of you with their emotions.
Those who have a Moon-Saturn aspect in their chart have a very hard time letting people care for them.
Mercury in the 6th house is usually very detail oriented. Jupiter in the 10th house people tend to rise faster in their chosen career and is generally just luckier in that aspect of life.
Libras can be great at setting people up; they have a natural talent at putting people together.
Taurus people are very straight forward, they don't like to overthink and complicate things.
Saturn in Pisces is afraid to trust their intuition.
People born with Mercury Retrograde are more likely to hold back information, they don't feel the need to share everything all the time. Thet tend to be great meditators.
Anyone with the Sun in the 5th House should be someone who enjoys life and expressed themselves artistically, stifling that side of them will not end well.
Moon in the 6th House people need to learn how to be vulnerable and express the need for love to others.
Leos can be so self-involved and over dramatize their own lives that people leave them, they can stand on the stage delivering yet another monologue and not notice that the audience have left.
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asstrolo · 5 days
astrology observations for sad people
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— the signs who I personally believe are really misunderstood by their peers are often capricorns and aquarius because of their saturnian tendencies where they become the mature, bigger person or are aloof of how they're presenting themselves, they always think they know better or people feel very intimidated by their personalities and, because people don't understand them, they alienate them,
— aries and scorpio as they are very intense, over confident people, other's might feel put-off by them, they can be very controlling and have a "I don't care" kind of personality that doesn't usually goes well with others, their ways of always trying to make themselves clear and understood causes the opposite effect, they are often misjudged as villainous or mean,
— geminis are also put in a place of having to know better, not given a chance or space to mess up as they are very intelligent people and show it, others might have big expectations which are often not met since they prefer to do what makes them happy and makes them curious, they tend to over-inflate themselves, or the opposite, and people take their words too seriously or not at all, very polarizing sign.
— a stellium in 4th can be super difficult to deal with, specially if it falls on not easy planets like mars, or saturn, uranus, or pluto. These people are always dragged back to their family issues no matter how much they try to escape, their parents maybe gave them too much responsibilities as little kids or vented to their child without thinking of the consequences, if these people ever decide to have a family they should always consider if they're doing it because they want to or because it is what's expected of them.
— chiron in social signs as gemini, aquarius and libra feel very alienated at all times, having social interactions is a learning experience for them, whether is good or bad, I also notice people usually get obsessed with them? They don't respect these people¡s space or it could be the other way around, to me is a placement where you'll learn to not be socially inept or teach people how to treat you right for some reason?
— saturn IS a complicated planet, it depends on the person's other planets and aspects how they deal with saturn, a person with moon conjuct saturn has a harder time dealing with their emotions than a capricorn moon. Even when the energies are similar, they don't have the same impact.
— now, a person with a capricornian stellium or dominant does deal with the saturn energy much comfortably than a person with sun trine saturn, because they were born with it. I personally believe you accommodate, or your aspects accommodate to you as you grow and evolve as a person.
— a pisces stellium, specially if is on moon or ascendants, is very perceptive to other's opinion on them, not in a superficial way but more on a "does this person thinks i'm being fair or mean?" Let's not forget the sister sign of Pisces is Virgo, so these signs also share the analytical or more neurotic way of seeing the world. A Pisces Rising is very self-aware of how they come off to people or how they are seen, they might not show it or say anything about it, a Pisces mercury might be self-conscious about how they approach others, how their voice sounds or how they come off when talking.
— I do believe leo's have a harder time being appreciated by people, as they devote to other's so easily they could neglect themselves in the process. Is the kind of person who is always looking out for someone to make happy or to make them feel comfortable because is something they want reciprocated. But this is a thing that can happen to fire signs a lot, they can be overbearing or too kind to people that it ends up backfiring on them, they have a very childlike mentally.
— is true what they say, a 12th house stellium in a natal chart makes the person passive and/or too in their own world, they have premonitions in dreams, but I've also seen these individuals have a really hard time with sleep, they have paranormal experiences a lot that some of them are used to it. They can be in some sort of medication, but not all, and not always these people are medicated or doing substances, they have an easier time to have out-of-body experiences, like lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis, these can occur because these people are super sensitive and get easily drained and stressed. Is important they are taking care of their energy at all times, I've met many that have one, two or more 12th house placement where I've found out some other person has been doing some sort of witchcraft on them, or have a big negative energy that this 12th houser sucks accidentally.
— having a mercurial dominant or rising can be super difficult when it comes to feeling, they tend to rationalize everything too much, are easily distracted and indulgent, they are very, very anxious at all times on all situations, even if they show otherwise. they overthink things too much, are the kind to be incredibly self-aware or completely out of touch with themselves.
— the ascendant aspecting negatively the mercury gives the individual speech impediment or a very shy personality, an almost inaudible voice or a raspy one, people with this placement have a harder time getting their thoughts across, or people might misinterpret them.
— keeping the conversation going, mercury negatively aspecting saturn makes a shy and reserved person, someone who, as a kid or a teen, has problems with being heard, or people simply didn't care or asked for this person's opinions, they might had been very codependent on an adult or somebody else to talk or to get to be seen, as they grow older they learn to communicate rather excellently, they might want to treat their shyness or whatever problem they have with unwanted attention or negligence
— neptune in personal houses like the 1st, 7th, 4th or 10th is really tricky. you might ignore gut feelings bout certain individuals, or on the contrary, believe someone is good when they aren't. these people can be their own worst enemies as they are super perceptive of how they come across to others, or how others make them feel.
— neptune in the 1st is common on actors and models and singers, usually on famous people, because they can create a fantasy of how they want people to see them, or act like chameleons around people, this creates a series of identity crisis during their lives.
— neptune in 7th is prone to feel things that really aren't there? they convince themselves somebody hates them or likes them for just one interaction, these individuals are like a sponge in social situations and they take everything somebody tells them to the heart. they also are known to lie a lot to people on behalf of good manners, they like to be liked.
— neptune in 4th house has a really confusing or unclear family situation, they might adopt the role of the parent when they shouldn't, or are treated as a child even as an adult, something in their family, in what they think is normal growing up, isn't. the most likely to stay in a bad situation for many, many years because they don't know any better, or think it's normal.
— neptune in 10th, although it deals with fame and impersonal relationships, to me, is just as fundamental as the houses listed above. they don't see themselves through their own eyes, or feel like they depend on other's perceptions on themselves too much, they are confident, or pretend it really well. these individuals know how to act the part, how to commit to the bit, they never feel that sense of belonging anywhere, because they might show different parts of their personalities to different people
— for me, the hardest moons to have are capricorn, scorpio and virgo.
— capricorn moon is a strictly analytical sign, they don't feel comfortable in the moon as is where the emotions and insecurities shine the most.
— scorpio moon is a very intense sign, as opposite to the Capricorn, they can be super emotional, or completely numb, very extremist and their emotions are black or white, polarizing.
— virgo moon is extremely difficult, they don't like to have to feel things, they like to think and act with precaution and it's hard for them to let their emotions slip, the kind of friend who'd have the most practical advice to all sort of topics, a helpful hand in all situations, but when it comes to them as individuals, they let themselves be too much, their head is always at a thousand percent. From what I've gathered of this moon is that, yes, they are neurotic when it comes to certain things, but completely careless to others, and it's usually to themselves, you won't ever see a Virgo moon misbehave or dress bad, but they can hold a lot of suppressed shame or anger or sadness, like they tie it with a bow in a box and keep it locked.
— lastly, no aspect or moon or sign is bad, they are just more difficult than others, there are people with easy aspects, like sun sextile or trine jupiter, they are prone to idealization and inferiority complexes. it's true that a person that has the harmonious aspects is lazier or gets unmotivated way easier. nothing is really set in stone, you can have a moon conjunct saturn and a cancer mercury in 9th house, your way of expressing yourself is more reserved, but optimistic and even childlike. when it comes to astrology, every single aspect and sign, and house counts to describe a person.
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astrolovecosmos · 22 days
The 5th House & Pregnancy
Below gives insight into how one might prepare for a child during pregnancy, their hopes and potential as a mother/parent. The 5th House rules over creation, legacy, and pregnancy.
Aries/Mars in the 5th House = Confident in their decisions as they prepare, leader of the household and will be giving orders that must be followed - is the captain now, is very brave with their pregnancy, could try to do everything on their own at times, Mars tends to be associated with an unexpected or impulsive pregnancy (could be unplanned or a planned birth that is premature), could find their assertion and inner warrior through pregnancy, won't hesitate to take care of their own needs, passionate and enthusiastic in their anticipation.
Taurus/Libra/Venus in the 5th House = There is a great focus on getting ready in the material and financial world, their environment must be stable, works hard to make the nursery and home welcoming and comfortable, works hard to make their self as comfortable as possible during pregnancy too, is very protective and cautious around pregnancy, Venus in particular is debated to indicate a very smooth or "easy" pregnancy.
Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 5th House = SO MUCH RESEARCH - parenting books and blogs, singing and talking to the belly often, may like to be part of support groups or around other pregnant woman or mothers of newborns, Virgo in particular can be highly critical of themselves during pregnancy and/or critical of their family in relation to the pregnancy, some debate Mercury and Gemini could indicate twins, very good at sticking to healthy habits, vitamins, and eating, may need a lot of verbal reassurance at times.
Cancer/Moon in the 5th House = May have a lot of expectations about being a mom/parent, could idolize this part of their life, can be highly sensitive and introspective during their pregnancy, is SUPER protective and may be very selective about who is in their life now, their emotional and intuitive connection to their baby may seem supernatural, is good at nurturing themselves and the baby, is associated with being highly fertile, may be attracted to ideas of a natural birth, breast feeding, or other natural methods in pregnancy and babyhood, may seek a lot of advice or become inspired by their own mother or grandmothers.
Leo/Sun in the 5th House = Goddess levels and attitude towards motherhood/parenthood, can be demanding during pregnancy, it is all about HER until the baby is born, isn't afraid to make pregnancy a little fun in their preparations - maybe they get really creative with the nursery or finds a lot of joy in getting to know other expecting mothers/parents, with the Sun in particular their identity may be changed in pregnancy, maybe they makes their identity all about being a mom/parent, or may highly project their identity onto the baby in pregnancy and babyhood, is devoted and adoring to their child and very proud of the both of them.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 5th House= Pregnancy may force them to deal with deep and important questions, might heal themselves during or through pregnancy somehow, could be introspective during pregnancy and may be tempted to isolate at times, there are themes with control such as becoming highly controlling during pregnancy, taking control of their own life, or refusing to let anyone control them, is perceptive and intuitive towards their pregnancy and child, may become softer and more compassionate through pregnancy, crazy pregnancy dreams and intense cravings.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 5th House = Won't let pregnancy slow them down or restrict them, could face important questions about responsibility and sacrifice, excited and impatient about the pregnancy, curious about other women's/parent's experiences, can approach pregnancy in a very open-minded way somehow, pregnancy may be a strong spiritual experience, makes decisions quickly, can gain a lot of wisdom from pregnancy, some debate Jupiter in particular indicates having multiple pregnancies close together or having twins or more at one time, the cravings may drive them crazy, could somehow have a "lucky', "blessed", or maybe "easy" pregnancy.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 5th House = Wants to be a hardworking parent, wants to mentor as a parent or maybe mentor and guide others in pregnancy and motherhood/parenthood, fantasizes or plans to "master" motherhood/parenthood, looks forward to or takes on the authority and respect of motherhood/parenthood, Saturn in particular can be associated with fear and insecurity about being a parent but also overcoming that fear, will only become a mother/parent once they are truly ready, may be tempted to do everything on their own or feel like they have to, can be controlling during pregnancy and don't mess with their routine and organization, is very serious about their potential and preparing for their child.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 5th House = Can be very particular in their pregnancy but also confident, pregnancy may be daunting or force them to mature, will have unconventional views and approaches to pregnancy, somehow this pregnancy could be a rebellion or liberation for them, places a lot of importance on the society and community they will be raising their child in, may try to change the world for their children or take a "having children and raising them to make the world a better place" stance, Uranus in particular is associated with unexpected birth (early or late) or unplanned pregnancy and adoption or surrogacy as well, Uranus is also associated with choosing to not have children, may want to connect with other pregnant woman or moms of newborns, could want a lot of social reassurance and activity during pregnancy, may have unique symptoms and cravings.
Pisces/Neptune in the 5th House = Wild pregnancy dreams and cravings, has a deep spiritual connection and experience during pregnancy, relies on their intuition a lot during this time, has a complex relationship with acceptance, forgiveness, and sacrifice with and during their pregnancy, has a lot of hopes and needs to be careful of becoming too unrealistic about their aspirations for pregnancy and becoming a mother/parent, could experience very intense and volatile mood swings compared to their peers' or other family members' pregnancies, may have a lot of struggles with the baby blues, connecting with their baby may come easily or be a huge focus for them.
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carmelcoco · 17 days
mercury notes
trauma through mercury signs 🥀
warning - content may be triggering, following are not absolute facts take them with a grain of salt. And please reach out to your loved ones and take care of yourself.
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〰 aries mercury
they probably had a childhood were they didn't feel heard enough so growing up they learned to communicate by being loud and as quickly as possible or either learned to kept it all in. Someone older or leader of the family may have controlled them in their childhood, could be a teacher as well. probably grew up in a family where yelling was normal.
〰 taurus mercury
they had to learn to adjust a lot, they were probably the 2nd choice growing up. they learned whom to trust and whom not to at a very young age. they could've went through an experience where someone close to them broke their trust and hence they learned not to share too much of them to others.
〰 gemini mercury
gemini mercury was the odd one of the family who had to learn how to deal with their parents (parents could have different style of communication or either were ignorant towards the child or busy). They learned to entertain themselves at a young age through gaining knowledge this may also happen due to them wanting to be interesting enough so that their parents would spend time with them. can be prone to oversharing or not sharing at all.
〰 cancer mercury
cancer mercury tend to hold on their feelings until it is impossible to do so anymore and if they ever try to communicate and the other person does not recognises it, it could be hard for them to do share their feeling with that person in the future. They may tend to get emotional or cry while talking about how they feel. they can hold grudges (if underdeveloped)
〰 virgo mercury
They were probably criticized as young kids for whatever they did resulting in them being so cautious as adults and sometimes manifested as anxiety or nervousness. Healing work can be really good for them.
〰 leo mercury
as kids they may have gotten to much attention or no attention at all resulting them to learn to take charge of the situation as adults. They learned to create boundaries to protect themselves and learned to be as straight forward as possible. some can be people pleasers is underdeveloped.
〰 libra mercury
they probably were criticized or made fun of as kids resulting in them having some kind of insecurity. they likely put a facade around people and act as if everything is fine. they tend to flourish into very reliable people later in their lives.
〰 scorpio mercury
went through a lot as a kid. learned to shut their feelings and isolate. didn't know how to stand up for themselves and all this comes with them even in adulthood. they tend to not trust people's words easily as they have had experiences where there trust was shattered. self love is key.
〰 sagittarius mercury
they felt better at school than at home. probably were pretty know in their school for their humour and smartness. they learned to push away their feelings and to avoid them and rather focus on other things. they probably were the kids making dark jokes about how messed up their life is.
〰 capricorn mercury
they had quite practical parents who taught them things like work and practical skills at a young age. they were told that they must be able to take care of themselves. they learned to communicate in an assertive manner and had good values as kids. their parents weren't that affectionate and could be strict, creating fear around the child of not wanting to disappoint them.
〰 aquarius mercury
they were the kids who either barely talked as kids or were nervous to talk or let their thoughts be heard maybe because when they tried to share their thoughts they were either laughed at or judged. they were called the alien or odd ones of the group. very eccentric people honestly.
〰 pisces mercury
they had difficulty understanding people so they learned to give half answers or vague answers as they didn't want to come off as dumb or wrong in front of others. They probably were the kids who weren't able to stand up for themselves during fights. They may have trouble conveying what they are feeling in the moment.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits
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hausofneptune · 2 months
✾ persona chart series ✾ venus
[astro notes no. 011]
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this one accidentally ended up being extremely detailed and a bit longer than my usual posts, but i wanted to make sure i brought up how these aspects/placements can manifest in terms of creativity and finances since those characteristics of venus are rarely ever acknowledged. these notes/observations are all relative to the placements in one's venus persona chart, not the natal chart. as always, energy manifests differently for everyone, so if it don't apply, let it fly.
the venus persona chart is representative of your love nature, creativity/aesthetic, and money. it's indicative of how you show up in relationships, how you express yourself creatively, and have you approach and navigate your finances. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ ascendant in leo can manifest as being perceived as a partner who carries themselves with an air of self-assurance, and typically indicates someone who's drawn towards "power couple" types of relationships
↝ these natives tend to place a lot of value upon how their relationships are viewed by others. they usually seek out partners that complement them and their lifestyles, and may even go as far as viewing their partners as extensions of themselves, for better or for worse
↝ in relationships, they seek out people that they feel they can build powerful, stable connections with. they crave a partnership with a balance between individuality and collaboration.
↝ they also have an allure about them that draws others in. they can come off as youthful and childlike in romance, as well as in terms of their of appearance and behavior.
↝ these natives can also excel as artists and business owners/positions of leadership, and could even find financial success through their creative endeavors
༄ mercury in the 7H is indicative of valuing mental compatibility in relationships, and being drawn towards people who can speak through their feelings and navigate challenges in a collected, fair manner
↝ these natives typically want to be intellectually stimulated by their partners, and may enjoy learning with them or from them as well.
↝ they may be very big on manners and be turned off by any impolite or rude behavior demonstrated by a romantic interest, as these natives tend to want a partner that carries themselves in a way that is favored by others
↝ this is another placement that can excel in business, specifically, they may have innate skills related to legality/contracts and partnerships. this can also indicate a natural talent or gift for creative writing or singing
༄ venus in pisces indicates someone who has an underlying dreamy, potentially unattainable approach to love and romance
↝ these natives can be hopeless romantics at heart, and may feel a sense of being all-encompassed by their love for their partners/crushes at times
↝ they can come across as ethereal or otherworldly to others. they also tend to be very artistic and express themselves in a way that is viewed as “poetic”
↝ falling in love for them can feel like a “movie” at times, they can feel devoted to their lover and deeply romanticize the connection they have with one another
↝ attraction is usually less physical and more emotional, as these natives tend to crave a spiritual, more soulful bond in their relationships. these are also the types who could gravitate towards people they want to heal or “fix” at times
↝ they may have to work towards not viewing their partner/relationship through rose-colored lenses, as well as practicing communication and instilling boundaries
༄ moon in capricorn can indicate a prioritization of stability and structure in one’s relationships
↝ this placement can manifest as there being some form of emotional distance between the native and their partners. they may either take the role as the “colder” person in their relationship, and/or be drawn to people who are emotionally avoidant in nature
↝ they can carry and express themselves in a way that is perceived as mature and poised. they're typically not spontaneous in love, they can be picky and take a while to find a partner and settle down
↝ they tend to be very keen on giving and receiving acts of service as they're usually not very big on grand, stereotypical displays of love
↝ these natives can also do very well in leadership positions, having a stable foundation in terms of both their home lives and careers is of great importance to them, and they may find discomfort in impulsive situations/relationships
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༄ sun conjunct moon grants the native with an innate passionate, nurturing approach to love
↝ these natives are typically very proactive and deeply committed in their relationships. they have an intuitive nature that aids them in recognizing and understanding their partners needs instinctively
↝ people with this placement tend to be very attractive and charming. others tend to be drawn to them due to the captivating energy that they emanate
↝ this is another aspect that can indicate artistic talents, they can be extremely dedicated to their craft and are also driven enough to achieve any creative goals they set for themselves
↝ they may also need to work towards being more objective at times, as these natives have a tendency to rely on their gut instincts and may struggle with knowing when to operate evenhandedly instead of emotionally
༄ mercury square mars can indicate having extremely quick judgement. there can an overly-combative atmosphere to one's romantic relationships
↝ these natives may struggle with not thinking over their thoughts and feelings before communicating them, which can lead to conflict between themselves and their partner
↝ they may also encounter power struggles in their relationships, as they tend to assert themselves in a way that can trigger their partners, whether intentional or not. this can also result in a sense of control over one's personal/artistic expression that may hinder their skills and capabilities
↝ with the evolved version of this aspect, the native will display restraint and approach their thoughts from a more mindful perspective. once these skills are developed, their innate driven nature paired with their calculated communication skills can lead to success in both their relationships, creativity, and finances
༄ saturn in the 10H can manifest as matters related to one’s career or public-facing identity playing a significant role in their relationships
↝ there may be difficulty in finding a life-work balance that affects how these natives can show up for their partners, and they may feel some form of pressure to adequately show up for one or the other
↝ with this aspect, the father, or any prominent authority figure in youth, may have a significant impact on how they view and navigate relationships
↝ this can also indicate being attracted to a partner that excels in their own personal career and is highly favored by the public. they themselves may feel as though they cannot show up in relationships earnestly if matters related to their profession aren’t in order
↝ in youth specifically, they may have struggled with feeling pressure or restriction surrounding their creative output. with age, they may find that they are often rewarded (even financially) when exercising their artistic talents, despite the insecurity they may have
༄ ascendant trine pluto indicates having extremely captivating (potentially sensual or “dark”) energy that draws others in
↝ these natives can go through many changes physically or feel inclined to change their appearance frequently. they can also experience constant rebirth in relation to their identity, and may feel as though they’ve “lived many lives” in a sense
↝ they tend to be very passionate in love, a characteristic that their partners are captivated by. due to their spiritual nature, the people these natives attract may also find ease in being vulnerable around them and expressing their fears/secrets. they're also usually heavily intuitive and naturally gifted at reading a room and everyone it
↝ the native's eyes tend to be a very prominent physical feature as well, others may feel enchanted by their gaze.
↝ they can also encounter themes of control in their relationships, creative output, and finances. they can frequently encounter situations where they instinctively want to fight for control, and/or attract people that attempt to control them
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༄ sun in the 6H typically manifests as themes related to the native's lifestyle and routine having a significant impact their relationships (and vice versa)
↝ those with this placement are usually the types who take on the role of caretaker in their relationships, and overall enjoy being of service to their partner as well as having that energy reciprocated. they could also have a pet (or multiple pets) that they care for with their partners.
↝ these natives could also enjoy having partners that they share similar habits with, and want to set goals related to their health/wellness or their work. they may also do well quite literally working together, whether that be in terms of running a business or simply having a productive, motivating bond with one another
↝ this can also show up being extremely dedicated to one's creative endeavors. they could have a very organized approach to their artistic expression, and even gain financially through their endeavors
༄ venus square pluto can indicate having a romantic life that is marked by intense power struggles
↝ these natives are usually characterized by their intensity in love, they can come off as seductive and magnetic, but there's usually an underlying "darkness" that hides in their allure. they're usually exceptionally skilled artists as well, whatever their craft may be, and tend to have a knack for being able to recognize peoples' weaknesses
↝ they can encounter themes of controlling, jealous, manipulative and potentially unhealthy behavior in their relationships. they themselves may demonstrate these characteristics, and/or be drawn to people who behave this way towards them (consciously or subconsciously)
↝ per pluto's influence, these natives will experience a breaking point where they either choose to keep this inner intensity concealed, or they liberate themselves from their false sense of control
↝ the evolved state of this aspect would look like someone who shows up in relationships in a productive, healthy way, as well as having the wherewithal to know when it's time to step away from what's no longer serving them
༄ moon trine jupiter manifests as being characterized as a very benevolent, nurturing lover
↝ there's usually a "warmth" that these natives emanate. they're usually very positive in nature, and a source of inspiration for their partners. they tend to have a very big imagination and a sense of wanderlust that their romantic interests admire about them
↝ those around them may find them to be sweet and engaging individuals and in turn be very drawn to their energy. this can lead to great creative/financial opportunities, but boundaries should be exercised as their giving nature can attract those with negative intentions
↝ these natives can also be very spiritual or religious and be drawn towards partners that they share similar beliefs with. their outlook on life and personal philosophies could play a big role in how they emotionally connect with their partners, and they could also feel called to express their passion through their artistic talents
༄ venus in the 8H is indicative of encountering constant calls for transformation or rebirth in one's relationships
↝ these natives usually find that their partners lead them to some form of personal or spiritual evolution. they may also gain money or gifts through their relationships, and tend to luck out at times in regards to their finances
↝ this can also be indicative of being drawn towards partners that the native has to "figure out" in some way shape or form. they enjoy exploring the mind and psyche of their partner, and typically strive to fortify a connection with them that is very deep and spiritual
↝ they can also be very passionate about taboo topics such as sex or death, and dedicate themselves to exploring the darker side of life through their creativity. they may also be drawn to darker aesthetics, or have an air about them that is mystifying and intrigues others
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rendezvouz-fling · 26 days
Astro Observations #30
• I find that, most charming people tend to have their sun and rising in the same modality except squaring one another. E.g. Aries sun-Cap/Cancer rising, Pisces sun-Sag/Gem rising, Taurus sun-Leo/Aqua rising, etc..
• I've noticed some Aqua/Cap risings tend to start working from an early age. E.g. Luis Miguel (Cap rising), his career started when he was around 11 and Selena Quintanilla (Aqua rising), became the lead singer of Selena y Los Dinos when she was just 9! Michael Jackson (Sidereal Aqua rising), became the lead singer of the Jackson 5 at age 5.
• The house your moon is in, can be the things you find comfort in. E.x. A 2H moon might have a comfort food or like staying in bed, a 9H moon might like playfulness and words of reassurance, a 7H moon might like creative outlets, etc...
• 5H stelliums that include Venus/Mars, like big, dramatic, romantic gestures! The sign it's in gives more insight too. E.g. If it's in Taurus, they'll like spoiling their partners with expensive gifts and being really romantic.
• Earth/2H/6H/10H placements need constant reassurance when they're antsy/nervous!
• You know what's cute? Two people who's sun signs have the same ruler, can be born in the same hour but different times of the day and have the same rising! E.g. If a Pisces is born around 11 AM and a Sagittarius is born around 11 PM, they're both Gemini risings. If a Aries is born around 10 AM and a Scorpio is born around 10 PM, they're both Cancer risings. Etc...
• Having Pisces mars in composite can be so sweet! However, when it's platonic it could mean matters of the planet are hidden so, it could be that you both don't talk about sex, you can get frustrated/angry but don't want to talk about it. You could also know how to calm down/soothe the other when they're angry or you could be passive/dismissive when the other's angry.
• Libra/7H Jupiter in Composite could mean being very romantic together! Holding hands, soft kisses, going on dates, spoiling each other, being head over heels for each other, including each other in things, wanting to be together and shower each other with love and affection. Making it known to others that you're together and in love!!
• Pisces venus-Cap mars should open businesses related to vanity. I've noticed people with this combo often work in venusian fields, such as opening their own clothing boutiques, hair/nail salons, etc..
• Question for Capricorn mars people, are we all born with diplomas from business school? 😂 Because I swear business comes natural to Cap mars, wether having studied it or not.
• Virgo placements and Pisces placements can be very similar, especially venus. Because the amount of times I've seen Virgo Venuses stay with toxic men just because they love them.😭 But Pisces Venuses do that too! We just get the "delusional" rep which is so ridiculous.🤡
• Please don't lie to 8H mars, they're the paranoid types.
• Every time I have Chiron in Aries in my SR chart, I have to deal with controlling my anger and having to find calmer outlets to express angression.😭
• This might be a reach, but, have you guys noticed how when you have planets that are close, it can tell you things?? E.g. I know a celebrity who has their Uranus, Moon and Pluto close to each other and their mom (Moon) disappeared under weird circumstances (Uranus) and her whereabouts remain a mystery till this day (Pluto). I tested this theory on myself and it worked too.
• The house your Sun is in, can tell you so many things too! Say, if you have a 10H sun, your father could've been restrictive/controlling workaholic, so you may try to run away from responsibility. If your Sun is in the 4H, your father could've been emotionally manipulative and might've not been nurturing to you, so you might try to run away from family members or from having kids.
• 7H rising in synastry has the same, if not a slightly stronger effect than the Sun-Venus aspect. House person literally sees Rising person as the most gorgeous human being ever! They just seem so perfect, from theirs looks down to their personality!!
• 6H rising in synastry, for the house person, feels like the rising person is well composed/reserved. But there's something alluring about the rising person. Maybe their mannerisms or looks. Either way, the rising person is very physically attractive to the house person.
• You ever meet someone with your rising and mars signs as theirs but switched?? E.x. Gemini rising-Cap mars, meets Cap rising-Gemini mars, or Libra rising-Aqua mars meets Aqua rising-Libra mars, etc.. I swear we're inverted versions of each other.😭
• On the flip side, have you met someone with your Sun as their Mercury and your Mercury as their sun? E.x. Cancer Sun-Leo Mercury meets Leo sun-Cancer Mercury, etc.. That also feels inverted but you both get each other well.
• I love Leo women with Taurus/Libra/Virgo venus/mars, they're usually the sweetest!
• Virgo suns with Taurus moons are also very sweet!
• Men with Aries suns, Virgo moons, Taurus Venuses and an Air mars are my favvv!! They're usually very attractive, energetic, funny, loyal and have great taste in music!
• Virgo/6H Moons/Venuses can be health nuts. 😂 But that's a great thing, because they usually looks out for the health and wellbeing of those around them!
• They're the types to watch videos about foods with the most nutrition, what not to eat, diets and stuff like that.
• Aries Venuses with Gemini Mars would do great at aerobics or workout/dance classes given their energetic nature! (Bonus points if the chart ruler is in Aries)
• If you have a stellium in your chart ruler's persona chart, you'll most likely act it out. E.x. If your chart Ruler's in Aries, you'll search for the persona chart and you'll have Aries sun obviously, but say you have Aries mercury and Venus in that persona chart, you'll most likely exude that energy. The house it's in, also counts! Say it's in the 5H, you could get called dramatic a lot.😭
• Fire Mercuries and Venuses loveee teasing, taunting and chasing!
• Pisces suns with Libra moons are really fun to hangout with!! They're also very kind and nurturing!
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soberpluto · 9 months
Astrology Observations - Rising Signs & Planets
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Cancer rising as a parent unintentionally will tend to impose their upbringing's rules and traditions unto their household, and if these are discarded or not followed, they can get pretty upset or offended (they won't tell you this, tough), because attempting to organize and structure the life of their loved ones is one of the strongest ways to show their tenderness and care. This is especially true in routines related to food and family time.
Saturn rising, particularly in Capricorn (and to a lesser degree in the other earth signs) gives amazing bone structure, pretty teeth and refined face shape (well-sculpted cheekbones). They are likely not ones who have experienced broken bones in their childhoods. Depending on the ASC sign, Saturn here may also cause short stature and a sturdy anatomy.
Gemini risings often possess appealing and vibrant gesticulations, beautiful and elongated hands, feet and limbs, a unique tone of voice and a ridiculously contagious smile or laughter. On the flipside (sorry to say this), many of them are very good liars and tricksters, as their high intellect quickly figures out what you want to hear and see in them.
A secret us Scorpio rising folks don't what you to know is that whenever we are interested in you, our eyes will give us away rather easily. We'll hardly confess our feelings until much later, if at all, but if you feel under a microscope in our presence (if you are subject of our involuntarily eerie and soul-piercing gaze), you should know we really like you. You might as well think we hate or despise you... but it's completely the opposite!
Leo risings have gorgeous thick and voluminous hair, usually on the wavy side. They love to buy nice things that draws attention to them, as they enjoy standing out of the crowd even if they are more on the reserved or introverted side of the spectrum. They really don't mind spending their money on costly clothes, makeup or jewelry if they think that makes them more beautiful, even if it actually damages their finances. They love to select and buy gifts too!
Jupiter rising can exaggerate your rising sign's ruling body parts. For example, in Cancer: large boobs or wide thorax / in Taurus: wide and sensuous lips / in Libra: beautiful face, amazing skin and voluminous butt, etc. Unfortunately, Jupiter rising folks can also get overweight super easily.
Mercury ruling risings (including Mercury 1st house and Venus in Gemini) usually make the native look younger than they really are. They also have something really noticeable about their walk... from clumsy to swift, all styles will differ, but they will move in ways that are out of the ordinary, for some reason.
Mars ruling risings NEED some sort of intense physical activity to be balanced, if not, they can literally go crazy due to all their bottled-up anger and restless energy. That's why many of them have a knack for the military, gym or sports, not only because they are good at them, but because this eases their stress in a way nothing else can. And yes, sex is included too.
Water risings, particularly Pisces (including Neptune and Moon in 1st house/conjunct ASC) have the most mesmerizing stare. It doesn’t matter their size or form, their gaze is otherworldly, ethereal, and somehow hypnotic. Water rising souls speak through their eyes, and I’m in love with that.
A Mars rising man can be mistaken for a f*ck boy much easier than other placements, especially if they have Air or Fire in 1st house. Women with this placement have huge sex appeal too, but they tend to attract a lot of envy and rivalry from other females, as their personality is perceived as confrontational and aggressive, even if they don’t act that way. This configuration gives good results when they work with men, but not so much with women.    
Thanks for reading! 😘
Written by @soberpluto
Book readings here! https://starintuitivehealing.etsy.com
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harmoonix · 1 year
✨New Era Astrology Notes✨
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Pluto - Ascendant aspects: (Both harsh and positive aspects) have a very mesmerizing aura, they radiate some Dark Queen/King vibes and everyone knows these natives have the most beautiful eyes
Mars in Earth Signs gives BOSS energy and mostly that "I'm my own Boss energy" kinda like they don't need no one to tell them what to do.
Neptune - Ascendant aspects: They look very ethereal, refinement at its finest. Neptunians are the gorgeous in the night sky. They can also make a lot of people to look after them. These natives like Pluto - Asc aspects can have very pretty eyes 😍
Mars - Ascendant aspects: These people look very intimidating, they are hot and they know it 💅🏼. Very powerful personality and can get angry kinda fast 😭. Usually a lot of natives with those aspects tend to be calm but sometimes they cannot hold the angryness. They can have very beautiful lips
Pluto - Moon aspects: Have powerful souls indeed, these natives can feel when they are lied to and have a great intuition when it comes about lying and betraying. 💋
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Mercury in 2nd/3rd house can be motivational speakers and these people words can touch you deep. They know how to express directly and make the conversations very interesting
Mercury in 8th house: Passion for talking about taboo things, they have deep and sensual voices. Sensuality in their blood, can create bounding while communicating and expressing their words in love 😍
Having 8°, 10°, 20°, 22° degrees in your ascendant can make you very intimidating and powerful. Tend to attract people who are very interested in you in all ways possible
Having 6°, 12°, 18°, 24° degrees in your ascendant can make you charming and in a way "dreamy" (Virgo and Pisces Degrees) these natives tend to have very pretty hair and face features. Also they look great in the sun's light
Having 5°, 11°. 17°, 23° degrees in your ascendant can make you look very attractive, these people usually get in the spotlight very fast due to their very pretty image. Trendsetters, can often find people copying them.
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Mars 1st house natives look 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 they are very very very hotttt 😍 and omg they can have a lot of crushes. Good bones and face features, men with this placement to be the hottest in the room while women with this placement tend to attract people very fast
Earth Risings/Earth Venus have one of the best fashion styles ever, they really know how to get dressed good and Earth Venus might also give you some points of how to dress good. They are very elegant and gentle
Fire Risings/Fire Venus love to make people to laugh, i swear they are this type of people when you feel bad they come at you and tell you funny things to make your day better. They also have great humour and good jokes. And they are one of the most energetic and optimistic people i ever met
Pluto in the 1st house: makes you to be very intimidating in other eyes and kinda misterious and you tend to attract people who are very curious about life.
Uranus in the 1st house: You like to be different and have your own unique things, you probably are very different than the rest of your family, people might be attracted to you because of your uniqueness
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Lilith - Sun aspects: Hypnotic eyes, seriously their eyes are full of mystery, kinda remebers me of "The things you can see but you can't feel" vibe
Lilith - Ascendant: Might give you the impression they are very dark and MISTERIOUS people, those aspects make the native to have a very magnetic aura and tend to attract people who want to use them (be careful at people who want you only for the way you look)
Lilith - Pluto aspects: You know they have a very powerful energy when they enter in the room, can be secretive and mysterious and also make people to wonder more about them. Though making them dirty is gonna cost you
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Aphrodite [1388] - Venus aspects: Being in love with love, can be very romantic and gentle and veryyyy charming
Aphrodite [1388] - Mercury Aspects: They have very beautiful calming voices ever, tend to like singing and to sing (In harsh aspects they can have a very deep and sensual voice, but very mesmerizing)
Aphrodite [1388] - Pluto aspects: Find power in love, and destroy the ones who hurt you. Tend to attract a lot of people because your powerful aura and your appearance (Harsh aspects might be more intense)
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Sooo Today is 23:03;2023 😍😍 is one of the best days of our year, Pluto enters in Aquarius today for almost 20 years and of course is a new era. Everything will be very interesting the next years
Make sure to use your sidereal/vedic chart if you feel like you don't reasonate. Hope you like such type of new era posts they are very interesting to make 😍.
I wish you all very good Pluto in Aquarius years, full of good and nice experiences in your life. Pluto brings changes in the house you have Pluto in 💋
Harmoonix 💋
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d4rkpluto · 8 months
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔴𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔫
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⟶ before i get into this post, the celebrities/influencers i add are not in order "of the most beautiful" and if there's a celebrity i left out then they were purposely left out because i wanted to get use twelve women.
⟶ on the other hand, this post can be used as a beauty indicator post :) and if you do not have any of these placements it doesnt take away your beauty :)
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the celebrities/influencers i used to get information were women who were called the most beautiful that include adriana lima, aneglina jolie, audrey hepburn, bella hadid, beyonce, jessica alba, kristina pimenova, madison beer, marilyn monroe, megan fox, monica bellucci and rihanna.
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♇ the sign that appeared for the ascendant the most was GEMINI, in my previous posts, i have always noted that Gemini/Mercurial energy can make someone very beautiful, majority of the times it can make someone appear foxy, youthful and can make someone appear "well done" like every features of them being well matched for each other.
the second sign in the ascendant was leo and third was capricorn.
the modality that appeared the most was the cardinal modality while the element that appeared the most was fire.
♇ the ascendant aspect that occurred the most was the ascendant aspecting uranus, it can make someone appear as other-worldly, [or you can say outer worldly and since uranus rules over aliens, beings that are not human it can include mermaids/sirens besides the common idea of an alien].
the second aspect that appeared the most was the ascendant aspecting venus and third was the ascendant aspecting saturn.
♇ the degree that appeared the most in the ascendant was the 10° a capricorn degree that can bring structure and perfection to wherever it lands on.
the second degree that occurred the most was the 19°, a libra degree, and the 28°, a cancer degree.
the modality the appeared the most was the cardinal degree, but for the element degree was the water degrees.
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♇ the sign that appeared the most for the sun was TAURUS, taurus a venusian sign, it is not a surprise it had appeared the most. it being aligned with this celestial planet makes their beauty and essence highlighted and more evident to those around them.
the second sun sign that appeared the most was gemini and the third was libra.
venusian suns appeared the most but for the modality it was mutable suns that appeared the most.
♇ the house the sun appeared the most in was the 11H, a global and universal planet can be interpreted as being perceived as stunning by everyone around them.
the second house the sun appeared in multiple of times was the 2H and lastly it was the 8H.
modality wise, the houses the sun occurred the most in was cardinal and fixed houses. [1H, 4H, 7H AND 10H FOR CARDINAL]. [2H, 5H, 8H AND 11H FOR FIXED].
♇ the sun aspect that occurred the most was the sun aspecting mars, the sun and mars together can make the "sexiness" or you can say steaminess of an individual more prominent in someone.
♇ the degree that repeated the most for the sun was the 5°, an Leo Degree that can make someone appear as refined and very provocative and steamy.
the second degree was the 13°.
the type of degrees that appeared the most for the sun was the cardinal degree.
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♇ moving onto moon signs, the sign that repeated within this research was aries, the moon is the face and aries puts fierceness and allure to the celestial planet its aligned with.
the second moon sign that occurred the most was leo and second was libra.
the modality that appeared the most was the fixed moon, [taurus, leo, scorpio and aquarius].
♇ the house that had the moon in the most was the 6H, it brings the need to want to perfect features, beauty and fashion.
the second house was the 7H and the third was the 12H.
however, the modality houses the moon planet occurred in the most was fixed and mutable houses.
♇ the aspect that appeared the most for the moon was the moon aspecting neptune, neptune is a higher octave of venus, the beauty is mesmerising and glamorous, it can make someone appear siren/mermaid-like and outer worldly, the beauty brings people in.
the second aspect that was seen a lot was the moon aspecting mars.
♇ the degree that repeated the most for the moon was the 15°, a Gemini Degree, that can bring people to follow the way you present yourself beauty wise, and can bring copy-cats and a lot of people speaking about how you look like.
the modality that appeared the most was the fixed degrees in the moon, along with taurus degrees, [2, 14 and 26].
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♇ the mercury sign that occurred the most was mercury in GEMINI, and the women who have this aspect get spoken about quite a lot, and since this is a beauty indicator post, the mercury and gemini alignment would have people very inquisitive about the individual's essence and could push people to want to copy how they express themselves.
the second sign was taurus and the third one was libra.
the modality that appeared the most was both cardinal and fixed.
♇ the house mercury appeared in the most was the 11H, like i have said the 11H is a global house, specifically socially, could make someone appear as someone who is very youthful and charming adding onto their beauty aura.
the second house that mercury appeared in the most was the 1H and lastly it was the 7H.
the mercury planet mainly appeared in air houses, [3H, 7H and 11H].
♇ moving onto the idea of aspects, the planet mercury was aligned with the most was mercury aspecting venus, this aspect can make someone appear as absorbing and irresistible.
the second aspect was mercury aspecting jupiter and the third aspect was mercury aspecting neptune.
♇ lastly for mercury, the degree that appeared the most for this planet was the 0°, this degree does not belong to any sign/planet, the degree means that whatever it is in, it's in its truest form, to have the zero degree in mercury implies that the charisma, adolescence and allure is at its highest peak making the kin very bewitching.
the second degree that appeared the most was the 2°, a Taurus/Venus degree.
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♇ coming to one of the main properties of the post, venus, the sign that appeared the most throughout this research was ARIES, not a surprise since most iconic beauty icons have this placement. [for example, marilyn monroe, audrey hepburn and elizabeth taylor]. this placement fiercely focuses on the face of an individual and making them appear sensual, erotic and sexy!
the second placement was cancer venus.
♇ the house the venusian planet appeared in the most was the 12H, a neptunian house that focuses on glamour and elevating one's beauty. can make someone absorbing and mysterious to be around.
the second house it appeared in the most was the 7H and the third one was the 9H.
the modality houses it appeared in the most was the cardinal houses.
♇ the main aspect that appeared the most was venus aspecting uranus, it makes someone have really ethereal and unique beauty.
next was venus aspecting jupiter and the last one was venus aspecting the midheaven.
♇ finally, for the degrees, the number that i saw the most was the 12°, the pisces degree, like i have said in previous sentences, piscean essence can bring glamour and heightened beauty to wherever it lands on, and it landing on venus makes the person seem alluring and stunning with how they look and display themselves.
the second degree that appeared the most was the 28°, a cancer degree.
for modality, it was the mutable degrees that appeared the most.
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♇ with mars, the sign that appeared the most was LEO, mars is the planet of "sexiness" or you could say strong allure, with leo being aligned with this fiery planet, it brings out the glam and light shining attraction an individual can carry and array. it wants people around them to know "hey im sexy and you should see it" lmao.
the second sign that occurred the most was taurus.
♇ within my research i have noticed that the houses mars appeared in the most was the 6H, as i have spoken before, the 6H brings wanting to have perfection with whatever planets lands in it, and to have mars there implies the 6H wanted to perfect the fiery and erotic essence the fiery planet brings.
the second house it appeared in was the 9H and third was the 12H.
the modality houses that appeared the most was evidently mutable houses.
♇ when it comes to aspects, the planet mars was aligned with the most was the amplifier planet, jupiter, making it easy for people to express their sensuality and steaminess to the point that it is in your face.
the mars aspect that came in second was mars aspecting uranus, but from most of the research i've done, all the results had mars aspecting outer planets, just jupiter and uranus occurred the most.
♇ coming to the topic of degrees, the i number saw the most was the 10°, the capricorn degree can make someone very mesmerising and beautiful as like virgo, it can bring perfection and structure to the theme it is stuck with. its brings a mature appeal that is hard to look away from.
on the other hand, the modality within the degree that came the most was fixed degrees.
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♇ neptune being a higher octave of venus entails the seductive and siren-like beauty someone holds, the sign that appeared the most with neptune was the sign SAGITTARIUS, the sagittarius sign amplifying the glamorous beauty an individual has and makes it easier for people to admire and idolise them.
the second sign that occurred the most was capricorn and the third sign was leo.
the house neptune appeared in the most was the 9H, like i have said for the sagittarius neptune, it expands the beauty and delicacy of someone's appearance and. due to this, people would easily follow and glorify them.
it had also appeared in fire houses, [1H, 5H AND 9H] the most.
and the modality the planet neptune occurred in the most was mutable houses, [3H, 6H, 9H and 12H].
♇ onto the aspects a huge number of these individuals i have researched had their neptune aspecting pluto, as i have said numerous of times, neptune is a strong beauty planet and it being paired with pluto intensifies their attraction which gains them masses of influence over people. their beauty and charm appears as inviting and risqué.
the second aspect that i saw the most was neptune aspecting mercury while the last one was neptune aspecting saturn.
♇ once again the degree that was with the planet the most was a capricorn degree, but this time it was the 22°, this degree bringing mature-like sensual and provocative nature to someone's physical features. can make them easily scouted by the industry.
the second degree that made an appearance the most was the 24°.
though for the modality it was both cardinal and mutable degrees that i saw the most.
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♇ the sign that i saw appear with asteroid bella the most was CAPRICORN, capricorn beauty has always been underestimated, it brings clean, structured and daring beauty to a person. and due to this many of them get assigned to modelling companies because of how regal they look.
the sign element that appeared the most was earth signs being paired with bella.
though for the modality two have occurred the most and it was both cardinal and mutable degrees.
♇ the house asteroid bella was found in the most was the 3H, bringing in youthful and buoyant beauty to someone, and because of this sometimes they carry the child-like and humorous essence mermaids have in film.
the second house bella was in the most was the 12H.
and for modality the houses bella was found in the most was mutable houses.
♇ the aspect i saw in their chart the most was bella aspecting jupiter, it makes someone look very elven and fairy like, and sometimes it can make someone have this soft physical attraction. can give someone goddess-like beauty.
the second aspect that appeared the most was bella aspecting venus and the third one to follow was bella aspecting mars.
♇ the degree i saw display itself the most was the 24°, a pisces degree that can boost someone's physical attraction. can make someone have this siren-like allure that causes other people to be mesmerised of them.
for the modality mutable degrees with there for bella was there the most.
for the element, i noticed it was water degrees that occurred the most.
⟶ the top three sign dominance that appeared in people's charts for this research was [we all have 3 dominant signs] ⬎
⟶ the top three dominant planets that appeared in people's charts for this research was [we all have 3 dominant planets] ⬎
⟶ the signs that occurred the most in the big six was ⬎
⟶ the top three degrees that appeared the most was ⬎
⟶ the 2 degree and the 13 degree running up as the fourth and fifth.
this is the end of the post, thank you so much for reaching to this point :)
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keypaa · 7 months
Astrology Observations No.4
<3 TW
I use the whole sign system
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Mars-Saturn hard aspects struggle with sexual encounters at first and have a poor relationship with intimicy.They may loose their virginity later than others and that‘s good yk never loose sahahah
Mars in leo/degrees can be known for their drive (that one girl in my class is super intelligent and everyone knows that) Since leo rules fame it makes more than sence✮⋆˙
Moon in cancer (if developed) can talk about that they just cried over an quite little duck running around without being ashamed of pointing out their own vulnerability (ma sweethearts) That is because cancers ruler is moon
Venus in aquarius always have something to do with animes and they live for video games and their friends. Nevertheless you can be their partner but sometimes they put their friends first 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Mercury in taurus thinkkkk before they talk, might talk slow and come of as seriøs
Wait jupiter in 3rd house just get a lot of money from family members $♡
Venus in 11th house post their favorite things online ( your pets, your playlists…) 💋
4th house in aries: your home environment is wild, full of chaos and passion at the same time ✮⋆˙
Saturn-Pluto: The relationship to your father changed or transformed you. Some people with this placement are not in contact with their father anymore or just see him once in a while
Moon-Jupiter individuals get lucky if they show their emotions (others try to emphasize with them or they get help) also depends on other aspects ☼
Trust me libra mercury knows how to charm others or themselfes out of uncomfy situations with their words
Mercury in aries try to help you through telling you the solution to your problem (you might get mad but they just wanna help) lovely cookies of mine
Lilith-Mc no one believes that you are innocent. Oh you are a virgin,they will assume you have stds because apperently they assume that you fucked around the town and bānged your friend friends their exes and boyfriends/girlfirends plus their grandfather-mothers
Uranus-Venus positive =tip try to work if problems in relationships accure
How Uranus-Venus hard aspects behave= They may jump to the next person and think that working on relationships are not worth it if you have serious problems or if they don‘t see growth quickly. But that doesn't mean that they will leave you just that they do not have time for bullshit
Venus in pisces need a lot of time to recover if they get hurt but they will die for you
Sag moon have the opinion that getting distracted is good (especially with friends,loved ones). These folks don't believe in telling you their feelings that much
Specific but scorpio pluto in leo degree are known for their dark deep feelings and pain
Jupiter in libra generation loves money, some more others less ˗ˏˋ✩ˎˊ˗
Please listen Mercury-Asc people in combinition with Venus tense aspect with Mars, you are not ugly people always talked about your appearence and that makes you always think about how you look. Mercury=thoughts,Asc=Appearence. TW! Body dismorphia can be the case, if so I hug you and advice you to get help¡
Why do aries individuals often have some type of allergy it isn't normal anymore hahaha
TW! Most borderliners have intense aspected moons or gemini, leo or aries moons. Gemini moons have a maze of mind and will overthink everything and then turn into an empty minded person in one split second (typical for BPD), leo moons suffer from people pleasing and having a high opinion of themselfes turn into low low self esteem issues, and them aries moons show their emotions impulsifly or act on them impulsifly. I am not a professional but I am here to make you aware, I observed it in soo many charts, you know best if you show signs! It is more than important to get help :)
Neptune-Asc everyone seems to guess your age differently
Let me know if you would like to have a more dark astro observation next time
Luuuuuv muah
03:02 PM
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crucialplayer · 11 months
Thoughts on mercury placements
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Gemini mercury. Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks mercury. When they talk be sure ur not the only one hearing this thought for the first time - they are too. They think as they speak. Cannot hold info inside of them longer than 5 minutes so no secrets kept, no embarrassing opinions left unspoken.
Sagittarius mercury. This one doesn’t really stir the pot, usually just blows it up. They are bold with words for no reason. What they are saying is almost always what they truly think. Will give a random lecture that no one asked for on a topic they barely know anything about.
Aries mercury. Сan either be supeeeer fun or suuuuuper insane and nothing in between. Very expressive and usually swear a lot, but they have the best sense of timing with it. No filter of course, so often get themselves in trouble with that whirlwind of a mouth.
Scorpio mercury. They kinda have a talent for talking shit in the most cutting way. It’s like a perfect combo of clairvoyance and knowing where to strike with that deadly sting using words. Sometimes don’t recognize when they’ve overdone it tho so they can come across as edgy.
Virgo mercury. Meticulous mercury, very observant. They talk even faster than Gemini mercuries but they actually manage to get their point across. Can be blunt but typically when it’s much needed. There’s a reason why this is ultimately the best mercury placement.
Capricorn mercury. Dry as fuck. Also I’ve noticed they like to complain a lot but not on abstract themes. More like being precise about why this thing sucks. Can be very adamant and stubborn with their opinions. Can sound so confident you forget to analyze what they are saying.
Pisces mercury. So whimsical and romantic but at what cost. Literally can never tell what they are trying to convey, pretty sure they have no idea too. Get carried away with their associations and metaphors that make sense only to them. If they’re nerdy it’s even worse.
Cancer mercury. Awkward with words but in a cute way. Hate to be misconstrued and taken out of context. Therefore tend to over-explain themselves and things in general but in a way that makes the point slip away further. Also very sentimental.
Aquarius mercury. Usually like to argue on social justice issues… with people who are removed from politics as much as possible. Don't care to be understood by people they consider irrelevant to them. It's like the fewer people actually do get them the better they feel but that’s just my theory. Also artistic.
Libra mercury. More concise than Pisces but ur still kinda left with a «what...» feeling. Also poetic and romantic. They usually have 1 or 2 topics they can talk about hours on end but can lose interest once the convo shifts onto something else. Like to giggle a lot too.
Leo mercury. I call this one bimbo mercury in the best way possible. Very entertaining and charismatic, but don’t give much thought to what they’re saying. Like to be the authority in every convo and if they are not they just kinda… leave. Loud (if they don't have a water sun).
Taurus mercury. Time ceases to exist, nature slows its rhythm. Some might call it relaxing I call it torture. If surrounded by their friends they tend to speed up and show more of a goofy side. Nice voices, yes yes.
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oopbangtan · 7 months
Hello everyone, I am back with some more Astrology Observations🥳
Astrology Observations pt3
If a person, ESPECIALLY a man, is a fire venus, but a cancer/ pisces mars... I am sorry, honey, they will mostly put effort into the chase. Maybe I am exaggerating a little, but it is quite true that people with this type of combination will put effort into getting your attention, but they wouldn't be dominant in the relationship. It doesn't mean that they don't love you, they just... expect you to initiate most stuff, yk?
Libra placements, especially libra moon/ mercury tend to be people pleasers. They might not realize it, but most times they try not to have a bad image by having beef with somebody or by starting massive arguments. They tend most of the time to go with the flow rather than choose what is actually best for them.
I've noticed how proud leo risings are of their rising sign. I mean, as they should, but they are more vocal about it than anyone.
Aries/ Aquarius rising men then to fit into the society's beauty standard most of the time. It's either that, or they just genuinely have a very magnetic presence. These are the type of guys you see surrounded by girls at school, that get along with everyone, maybe even get away with stuff easily.
Pisces/ Scorpio mars people tend to have people fantasize about them, think how it would be to get with them. They give off "the ex you'll never forget" vibes.
Gemini risings are most of the time the unconventional type of pretty. The weirdly attractive type of pretty. They might also be associated with out of the ordinary stuff/ subjects, etc.
That's it for now, take care!!
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geovanag · 3 months
Composite Chart #2
🌿 Rising in Composite Part 1 🌿
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The Composite chart, which is effective after meeting a person and is formed by calculating the common points of the positions in the charts of the two people, is the chart that many astrologers (and me too) often use. One of the things you need to know at a basic level is what sign your ascendant is in and what it means. (In one of my previous posts I talked about what houses can mean in general, if you want to read it: #1 ) Let's now examine what the rising between Aries and Virgo mean, the identity of the relationship and how the relationship visibly looks from the outside…
》Aries Rising《
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There's a strong drive to initiate new experiences and ventures together.
Both individuals may value their independence and individuality within the relationship.
A competitive spirit may be present.
There's a direct and assertive communication style within the relationship. Both individuals are likely to express their needs and desires openly and assertively.
Aries Ascendant can signify a love for physical activity and exercise. Engaging in physical activities together can strengthen the bond between the partners.
》Taurus Rising《
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Both individuals value reliability and consistency in their partnership.
There's an inclination towards creating a comfortable and harmonious home environment together. Both partners may prioritize material comforts and may work together to build a solid financial foundation.
Both partners are grounded in reality and prefer to take a pragmatic approach to handling day-to-day affairs.
They are willing to invest time and effort into nurturing the relationship and overcoming any difficulties that arise.
Both partners may enjoy indulging in good food, luxurious surroundings, and other sensory experiences together.
》Gemini Rising《
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Relationship may involve a lot of social interaction and networking.
The individuals may enjoy teasing each other, engaging in witty banter, and finding joy in the small pleasures of life.
The individuals to express themselves in diverse ways within the relationship.
The individuals may enjoy a dynamic and versatile partnership that fosters mutual growth, understanding, and appreciation for each other's unique qualities.
They may share a curiosity for knowledge, enjoy engaging in deep conversations, and have a mutual appreciation for each other's intellect.
》Cancer Rising《
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They may feel a strong emotional bond and a sense of closeness to each other, with an intuitive understanding of each other's feelings and needs.
Relationship may center around domestic life and familial connections. They may prioritize spending time together at home, creating a sense of warmth and security within their shared space.
They may form a close-knit unit, offering each other emotional support and security in times of need.
The individuals are likely to be caring, compassionate, and empathetic towards each other's needs.
There may be a strong intuitive connection between the individuals, allowing them to understand each other's feelings without the need for words.
》Leo Rising《
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They may enjoy being in the spotlight together and may attract attention wherever they go.
The relationship may be characterized by acts of generosity, kindness, and warmth, as the individuals strive to make each other feel special and valued.
They may enjoy celebrating each other's achievements and milestones, fostering a sense of mutual admiration and respect.
The individuals may take on leadership roles within the relationship.However, you should keep in mind that there is one feature to watch out for. Because in this leadership role, frictions/discussions will be inevitable.
Inspiring each other to shine brightly and embrace life with enthusiasm and zest.
》Virgo Rising《
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The individuals may pay close attention to the finer points of their interactions, striving for perfection and efficiency in their communication and activities.
They offering practical assistance and guidance to help each other grow and succeed.
The individuals may be down-to-earth.
They may work together harmoniously, supporting each other's goals and aspirations while maintaining a grounded and realistic approach to life.
Part 2 🌿 is coming soon...
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