#pisces saturn
ezukll · 3 months
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With Saturn in Aries, you may experience some challenges or difficulties with your personal identity and with establishing boundaries for yourself. The self-imposed limits and restrictions of Saturn can clash with the fiery and dynamic nature of Aries. You may struggle with taking initiative, feeling restricted, and being overly critical of yourself. Saturn in Aries can also bring a cautious and reserved nature, or an internal feeling of needing to be careful, slow, or responsible. You may have some difficulties with discipline and following through with tasks or goals, and you may struggle with setting and achieving goals.
With Saturn in Taurus, you may have a deep wound related to letting go of or letting go of unhealthy attachments and habits. You may feel a sense of burden that is too heavy to bear. You may strive to establish an emotional and financial sense of security that can be hard to obtain. You may have a tendency to hold onto things or to feel weighed down by the past. This can lead to inner turmoil, depression, or a sense of being stuck or trapped. You may have to work hard to break free and to take responsibility for your situation.
With Saturn in Gemini, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of mental discipline and focus. You may feel a sense of restlessness and of a need for stimulation. You may be prone to overthinking and internal chatter. You may struggle to concentrate or to follow through on tasks or ideas. This can lead to mental and emotional frustration, and an internal conflict between feeling like you need to stay active and busy and feeling stuck and blocked. You may get a feeling that you're not reaching your potential or living up to your ideals and ambitions.
With Saturn in Cancer, you may have a deep wound related to emotional security and inner peace. You may have experienced a significant amount of emotional pain or trauma in your life. You may struggle with self-care and self-love, and you may have difficulty setting boundaries or maintaining healthy relationships. You may find it difficult to open up and to form deep connections with others. It may feel like you can't catch a break, that the universe is against you, or that a dark cloud has forever shadowed your life.
With Saturn in Leo, you may have a deep wound related to your sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem. You may have experienced a lack of praise or recognition or felt like you didn't get the attention or admiration that you deserved. You may have had difficulty accepting and embracing yourself or your talents and achievements. You may struggle with self-appreciation and self-respect. You may have a deep-seated fear of being rejected or overlooked.
With Saturn in Virgo, you may have a deep wound related to perfectionism and having high standards for yourself and others. You may have a tendency to be too critical or to be overly judgmental. You may have a tendency to be nitpicky and hyper-focused on details. You may also have a deep desire to have things under control and a lack of patience for others imperfections. You may also be overly self-conscious of your flaws and shortcomings.
With Saturn in Libra, you may have a deep wound related to relationships, trust, stability and balance. You may have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships and letting people in. You may often be left feeling alone and isolated, or may believe that you are not capable of deep and meaningful relationships. You may feel a scarcity of love and intimacy. You may be too self-sufficient and unwilling to let people in. You may feel like you need to stay balanced and fair and that it's not safe to be vulnerable and share your feelings.
With Saturn in Scorpio, you may have a deep wound related to trust, control, power, and betrayal. You may have had some traumatic experience related to betrayal, control, or a deep sense of betrayal. This may have led to trust issues, a fear of getting hurt or opening up, and a feeling of being used or taken advantage of. You may have difficulty making friends or forming deep connections with others. you may also be overly loyal to toxic relationships and have issues with letting go of people.
With Saturn in Sagittarius, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of structure and stability. You may have a tendency to be a bit more carefree or spontaneous than may be healthy. You may have had some unexpected setbacks or disappointments in your life that made you feel like you needed to focus more on structure and responsibility. You may have a tendency to let your idealistic side take over and take you on a path of adventure and exploration. This can lead to a sense of unease or restlessness that comes with a lack of structure, commitment, or consistency.
With Saturn in Capricorn, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of confidence or inner authority. You may have a tendency to second-guess yourself or to put other people's needs above your own. You may feel like you are always working hard but never getting anywhere or getting ahead. You may have issues with a sense of inferiority and with letting go of old patterns and fears. It may feel like you'll never achieve your goals or that you'll never be enough.
With Saturn in Aquarius, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of belonging and acceptance. You may experience a sense of being different from or feeling out of place in the world, or a sense of alienation from society or from people in general. You may also have a deep wound related to being misunderstood, overlooked, or taken for granted. You may feel like a lone wolf or a misfit who doesn't fit in.
With Saturn in Pisces, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of boundaries and a sense of empathy and sympathy for others. You may have difficulty letting go or moving on from past hurt. You may also struggle with accepting responsibility for your own actions and feelings. You may have issues with taking people's faults or issues personally and feeling responsible for them. This can be challenging and exhausting and can lead to a lack of self-care and burnout.
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a-d-nox · 4 months
hi! would like to ask for advice on how i can deal and overcome the challenges of Saturn in Pisces transits in my 9H? I was always the overachiever and competitive student because of my stellium in 3H (all the beneficial planets) and mars & uranus in 9H but now that i am already in college, the situation turned upside down and i find it hard to keep up now on my studies which i think the Saturn transit in my 9H has great negative effect on this. Thank you in advance!
how to survive the pisces saturn transit throughout the houses
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needing to figure out abstract self, being challenged by personality traits, struggling with outlook on life, feeling the physical body age, appearing older/maturer, detachment from beauty, struggling with false confidence, delayed or limited beginnings especially in terms of spirituality and creative pursuits, struggling with taking initiative, struggling with ambition, false mannerisms, needing emotional discipline, feeling physically weak, and/or creative passion
recommendations: try to separate your self from a situation. notice how you are no your situation. learn to better control reactions that originate in from your personality. try to see situations from all sides - practice objectivity. learn to act your age - better to be mature than immature. learn that beauty is to be separated from who you are - you are more than your body. practice self-love - do mantra work or positive self-talk. take breaks - let yourself know it is okay to do so. do things only when you have the energy and inspiration to do so. try one new thing a week. don't let yourself be kept back from experiencing new things. understand that you are very capable. keep emotions in check - learn to better manage them. sleep more. exercise and get movement more. create something new.
needing more discipline when spending resources (spiritual and monetary), hard spiritual work, short-term turned long-term work and discipline, the need for a mature work ethic, immaterial possessions, the illusion of possessions, limitations to self worth, illusions about the self's value, detachment from personal values, emotional insecurity - the need for empathy and less apathy, lack of stability, struggling to meet financial obligations, and/or needing practical giving and receiving abilities
recommendations: keep a budget book or invest in a budget coloring book. track your mood. don't over extend yourself. make sure that you you are practicing shielding and protecting your energy. dig deep and do shadow work. deep dive into spiritual practices. be open into making a side hustle into a job. do research about your field of interest. practice being the bigger person. not everything you have is physical - take stock of what you have (health, happiness, emotional understanding/depth, etc). practice self-love - do mantra work or positive self-talk. make a list of what matters most to you. evaluate your ethics - figure out your ethics. reconnect with what matters most to you. be more willing to hear others - their problems aren't yours however they are no less important. finding stability and consistency where you can - not everything is forever so appreciate it while you can. make calendar reminders for your due dates for bills. do not give more than what is asked for. learn to be more appreciative of what you are given - practice gratitude.
seemingly chaotic communication, deceitful information, a need for empathic communication, needing healthy/consistent communication, needing to stabilize the speaking voice, feeling anxious when talking with others, needing to be more aware of others social boundary requirements and needs, challenges of the mind, delay realizations, overthinking, false thought and ideas, curbing false perceptive of an event, needing more practical opinions, making the subconscious mind conscious, needing to be more in control of thoughts and speech, spiritual interests, being more wary of gossip, being more compassionate about other's ideas and the information they share, needing to read more spiritual literature, a lack of transportation, not always trusting local media or social media, needing to step away from phone use, not being as fearful about making that phone call, visiting estranged fathers, and/or not letting the illusions of a social activity stop you from attending
recommendations: try to cut to the chase - less fluff, more facts. be careful - don't believe everything you hear. be more willing to hear others - their problems aren't yours however they are no less important. take a breath before talking - no one is judging you like you think they are. when someone sets a boundary respect it - don't be afraid to express your boundaries either. do mental / brain exercises. reflect on your day. try not to spend your day re-thinking everything you have done, everything you have said, everything people have done to you, and everything that people have said around you. reflect on whether or not you might be biased in a situation or if you are letting your mood color your opinion. keep a dream journal and interpret your dreams. think before you speak. curbing and rewriting your thoughts - opinions and perspectives are not facts. avoid participating in gossip. read more spiritual books. take a walk. don't trust everything you read or hear. know that nothing is as scary as it seems; the idea is often worse than reality.
how home feels - do you feel trapped? can you escape into your home? etc, investigating family roots, setting mature boundaries with parents (particularly the maternal figures), supporting the inner child using maturity and wisdom, doing shadow work, being responsible/empathetic/mature in emotional situations, making more solid foundations, creating enduring traditions, and/or spiritual self-care
recommendations: re-evaluate your home life. smoke/noise cleanse your space. do some nesting. ask parents and relatives about their life and their family. set boundaries with your family - don't be afraid to reinforce them either. nurture you inner child - let them know that you can protect them now. do shadow work. take responsibility for your emotions both the mature and immature response you have/had. take things slower - no one is in a rush (slow and steady wins the race). re-invent familial traditions to be more modern and to better serve you and your needs.
inner children work, childlike escapism, talent, creative disciplines, escapism via creativity, creative limitations, creative efforts, childish drama, escapism via drama, karmic drama, false accusations, risk-taking after a long time of being stable, romantic drama, escapism via romance, romantic boundaries, escapism via hobbies, and/or pleasures you find when pushing off responsibilities
recommendations: do shadow work. do things that your inner child would like. embrace your creative side. take an art, dance, or acting class. watch a comfort movie or show. know that all effort made is good effort. don't participate in drama. watch reality tv. don't listen to other people's accusations - be the bigger person and simply say 'i'm sorry that you feel that way and that is your perception on the matter." take a risk - playing it safe doesn't always lead to the gains you dream about. date for fun and create boundaries when dating - if you are just dating for fun, make sure that you are transparent from the beginning that you don't want something serious. deep dive into your hobbies. have some fun - not everything has to be serious and all about responsibilities.
creative routines, lacking a routine, spiritual routines, the limitations of a routine, mental health, vitamins and minerals, karmic duties, self improvement via shadow work, lack of consistency, delusions surrounding hygiene (don't fall for fads), spiritual innocence, good karmic, showing maturity in karmic situations, and/or spiritual analytical
recommendations: journal, draw, sing, dance, etc per a routine - practice your interests consistently. a lack of routine will be a given but follow one when you can - an off day is not the end of the line, just because you missed one day doesn't mean you give up. take better care of you mental health (get a talk therapist, journal, etc). start taking you vitamins (make sure you talk with a doctor as needed about doing so as well). take care for the debts you are left with in the physical sense. do shadow work. now is not the time to switch up everything in your hygiene routine - slowly introduce new products into your routine don't do it all at once. lead with being ignorant in the situation and show your willingness to learn. be as mature as you can be in a rough situation.
accountability in long-term relationships, the limits of relationships, sensitivity in relationships, emotional boundaries in a relationship, a show of empathy, spiritual attraction, spiritual charm, chaotic/challenging/karmic conflicts, karmic partnerships, deceptive contracts, hidden enemies becoming open enemies, false negotiations, compassionate equality, spiritual harmony, sharing wisdom, sharing dreams, and/or sharing feel in a healthy manner
recommendations: take accountability for things that go wrong in your present relationships. know that happiness is an inside job and not something that you can depend on others for. so empathy and understanding in your situations. share your boundaries with your partners. be empathetic to others because you will never truly know what is happening or what has happened in their life. lead with love and light to attract the same in return. be wary of conflicts and reflect on whether or not you have been in a similar on previously. read the fine print. share your wisdom with others. treat people as you wish to be treated. be vulnerable with others.
long-term spiritual transformation, emotional sex, spiritual death, facing long-term challenges, chaotic changes, clever shared financial documents, spiritual investments, creative investments, spiritual rebirth, merging creative ideas, karmic taboos, secrets, mystery, shadow work, and/or empathy/compassion towards trauma
recommendations: prepare for a long-term change. let go of old beliefs that no longer serve you. don't try to order the chaos - just go with the flow. invest in yourself spiritually. buy yourself an art piece or fancy music player. invest in a creative pursuit. let yourself be reborn spiritually. don't be afraid to combine two of your ideas. explore the unknown. be empathetic to toward your and others trauma.
spiritual wisdom, limitations of law, chaotic values/beliefs, a jobian test of belief, spiritual discipline, needing to be more kind to yourself where higher education is involved, chaotic/false/limited viewpoints, needing to use language to express boundaries, needing responsible ethics, long spiritual journey, and/or learning about spirituality/boundaries/discipline/karma/empathy
recommendations: share spiritual wisdom with others. know that not all set laws feel just or deserved. embrace having a mixture of beliefs. it is okay to question your beliefs. if you feel tested, it is for a good reason so just stay strong and keep believing. just because you fail at something doesn't mean you fail at everything - be okay with trying new things. verbally express your boundaries. be ethical in your day-to-day life and recognize your ethics aren't going to be universally accepted. be open to hearing/learning new things.
chaos legacy, limitations / perceived restrictions in legacy or career, spiritual task, sensitivity in career, chaotic public image, falsities about status/image, spiritual reputation, test of popularity, needing patience for long-term goals to manifest, the perceived effort/challenges in one's mission, and/or spiritual responsibilities
recommendations: uncertain direction in life - figure out what you enjoy and how it can make it your life. don't let your ideas about a career stop you from pursuing it. work on your spiritual journey/tasks. be sensitive towards others at work. know that you can always turn your image/reputation around. don't belief everything you hear about someone. evaluate your need to be known. practice meditation. evaluate in the "juice is worth the squeeze" when it comes to your mission/task.
karmic friends, boundaries made between friends, spiritual gains, what is gained from hard work / effort, spiritual desires, abstract/ non-material desires, unique/rare challenges, social awareness of boundaries and the need for compassion, influence over personal karma, limitations to manifestations, limitations to one hopes and wishes, false ideals, and/or spiritual debut
recommendations: beware of karmic friends. enforce boundaries in a friendship - just because you are making a boundary doesn't mean you don't want to be their friend. put in the work to gain. do the spirit work to improve. evaluate your non-material desires. be more aware of other people's boundaries. evaluate whether or not you are in your own way. figure out if your expectations are too high.
spiritual healing, hidden emotions/boundaries, karma lessons, needing to be wise and graceful with age, insufficient sleep, avoiding mental health, needing to take responsibility for mental health, spiritual solitude, lack of or strange/unclear dreams, illusions about spirituality/age, fearing karma, karmic losses/endings, escapism from responsibilities, limiting beliefs that slow progress, the subconscious mind's needs, karmic self-undoing, how the past is coming to affect the present/future, and/or spiritual delays in ability
recommendations: practice spiritual healing. investing in crystals. embrace grace and wisdom when dealing with others. take naps and reset your sleep schedule. take accountability for your mental health/wellbeing. take care of yourself - it is okay to take time away from others too. keep a dream journal and interpret your dreams - to better understand your subconscious. debunk your beliefs regarding spirituality.
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neptunedivine · 11 months
astro observations pt. iii
✧ pluto in aquarius, pisces in saturn, and the reprise of the independent artist (predictions) ✧
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hi! I hope you’ve been doing well. I’ve been thinking a lot about Saturn lately and I wanted to talk about some observations and make some predictions with Saturn in Pisces transit.
✧ For context, Saturn rules over the signs Capricorn and Aquarius in traditional astrology (in modern astrology Aquarius is also ruled by Uranus). The planet carries out themes of structure, laws, restriction, discipline, responsibility, obligation, and ambition.
✧ Those with Saturn energy more prominent in their chart (for example as a cap/aqua rising or midheaven, in one’s personal planets, a heavily aspected Saturn, etc.) usually feel this weight of responsibility from Saturn often in the form of some karma (wishing you guys love). But usually, the people that do these placements dirty get a much mightier punch from karma than the placements.
✧ Everyone, however, will feel the effects of Saturn in their life most notably during the Saturn return when transiting Saturn returns to its original place in one’s natal chart every 28-32 years. If one puts in the work towards their Saturn placement, they will be rewarded. If not, one will be disciplined (so I’ve seen and heard — I haven’t had mine yet. For an amazing in-depth explanation, check out this post).
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Okay, now that the foundation’s been laid, let’s dive in:
✧ Saturn has recently moved into Pisces. Since Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Neptune is associated with the entertainment industry (in terms of illusions and camera and music), I think the recording industry is in for some MAJOR karma. When Pluto was in Capricorn (which it will return to until it goes direct again back in Aquarius) the business side of the industry really choked out the music side. The focus of music as an art and a medium was thrown out for a machine of constantly churning out singles from artists and working them to death. Very money hungry too. However, when Pluto finally settles in Aquarius for good, I think things will shift in the artists’ favor.
✧ I think a lot of the corruption of the music industry will be aired out to the public, with maybe some changes in how the business side runs. The judicial system might get involved too. It has been for a little while now, with more bills in action for songwriters to be paid fairly and more as they are one of, if not the most underpaid people in the industry.
✧ In a way, justice is already coming in with the writer’s strike currently happening too. Aquarius rules change and rebellion, and Pisces can be seen in association with Hollywood. ✧ I also think the route of going independent will be the new normal for a lot of people. But lately, so many label artists have been dropping their labels to go independent to have more creative control over their music and what they put out. Honestly, to release more often too.
✧ For many artists, there are two options: signing to a label or going independent. Having the label’s backing used to be very beneficial, they could get you in rooms with artists, offer you a great push in promotion for your music, act as an in during award season — basically fund your entire career and set you up for success. But today, that isn’t the case. The labels these days are putting all the work on the artists to promote themselves, holding their music hostage if their views aren’t good enough. They offer little to no artist development and are fully dependent on the artist already having a great following before signing them. They’re signing influencers and not artists. Not to mention they take a majority of your earnings from your music as a way to pay them back, they see their artists as a loan, property. ✧ Now the alternative to this is going independent. Here an artist has no label so they’re in complete creative control of their music, and they don’t owe a big corporation money for freedom essentially. However, they don’t have the perks and ins as a signed artist, so it’s much harder to get into the right rooms, get promotions, etc.
✧ With Pluto in Aquarius and Saturn in Pisces, there’s a strong sense of rebellion, change, and individuality. People are getting sick and tired of the same kinds of artists these labels are putting out, it’s not good enough anymore. People are missing good music, music that makes you truly feel something. GOOD LYRICS GOOD GOD (I’m gonna try not to rant on that but when I tell you I’m so passionate about this it’s insane). Also, there are a lot of artists doing incredibly well making great music from the heart that makes people feel, on their own with no label backing.
✧ d4vd originally went viral for his song Romantic Homicide, but he made it in Bandlab singing his vocals into a pair of wired Apple earbuds. The quality wasn’t top tier, but it made people feel something; it felt raw, authentic, an “individual” experience millions could relate to. Now it’s his most streamed song sitting at 600+ million streams.
✧ I think Saturn will reward those who make true music from their soul, that makes them feel handsomely.
✧ I also think there will be a stronger emphasis on community and connections. I think artists will lean into make music with people they like and trust like friends instead of strangers hired by a label, because that’s what they’re more comfortable with.
✧ Also with the sense of community (Pluto in Aquarius), the same could be said for playlisting and music sources and going to new places to find new music instead of traditional radio — which i feel like is already happening. I personally don’t listen to the radio anymore (mind you I don’t have a car) but I don’t even listen to the Spotify editorial playlists either. I get 99 percent of my music recommendations from my TikTok algorithm.
✧ I don’t think the AI shit is going to take off. People freaked out about NFTs and virtual reality and no one says zip about those things now. I don’t think there will be a dip in these technologies but I don’t think they will wreck enough havoc to effect artists and other creatives. The entertainment industry at its core relies on people taking the human experience and making art from it. How can one do that if they are not human? Especially right now when I think Aquarius brings out a strong sense of authenticity and truth that will only be amplified when Saturn goes into Aries.
✧ There might be an increase of older artists in the music industry (25+ years old debuting). Saturn rewards those who put in the hard work and if an artist has been doing so for about 30 years towards being an artist, their reward may be being in the limelight.
✧ Someone else mentioned this in their post here and I wanted to bring it up because I found it so interesting. They mentioned that with Pluto in Aquarius the effects of Leo will also be amplified by Pluto bringing back the need for stars again — I agree with them so much. From my perspective, from now on I feel like being popular and looking pretty won’t be enough, you need to bring something to table. A little two-step or a tune? Please I’m starving. The Aquarian energy just screams for authenticity (I’m saying that word a lot yes I know) but I feel like this in tandem with Pisces’ need for a stronger connection and nothing surface level will really push out an urge for talent.
Alright that's all for right now. I’ll post more general
Saturn observations tomorrow.
see ya soon!
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k-rising · 2 years
Saturn signs
What’s Saturn?: Saturn is a planet that will put limits on us and force us to learn to be more responsible in certain areas of our lives. This planet is also called the “great teacher”, because he’s always forcing us to make us becoming perseverant until we finally mastered the lessons he has to give us. Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, which means that this planet has the same characteristics as this sign.
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𝓐𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᴹᵃʳˢ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
These individuals are usually cautious, shy and don't like to take risks, as they are afraid of failure and rejection. Aries Saturn can have circulatory problems, kidney problems and a lot of headaches. These people can end up taking on a lot of responsibility from a very young age, so having to assert their rights can cause them a lot of anxiety. They also have a need to be in control of every situation. Anger can be a problem here. To be successful, Aries Saturns need to learn to be more self-reliant.
𝓣𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓼 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᵛᵉᶰᵘˢ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
Taurus Saturn are possessive, loyal, jealous, stubborn, disciplined and patient. They possess great stamina and are willing to work as hard as it takes to achieve their goals. These people have a deep need to feel secure, both emotionally and financially. They don't rush into decisions and they don't want to appear selfish either. These individuals should learn to manage finances in a practical way. They may deal with throat or speech problems.
𝓖𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᴹᵉʳᶜᵘʳʸ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
Saturn Geminis tend to be cold, organized and rational. They may have difficulties in the first years of life with communication, as well as education. They may have doubts about their own abilities. Despite having new ideas all the time, they are afraid to try something new. They tend to do well in math and science. Although they adapt easily to different situations, they find it difficult to engage in conversations and maintain their connections. They tend to feel isolated and public speaking can be a challenge for them. They must learn to maintain a positive attitude, have faith in themselves and deal with their nervous tension. They may have lung and throat problems.
𝓒𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᴹᵒᵒᶰ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
These people need reassurance that they are loved and needed. They can become obsessed with creating the love they feel they missed when they were kids. They tend not to be very emotionally demonstrative. Cancer Saturns can feel guilty about actions they have taken in the past. Inhibitions and emotional insecurity need to be overcome in order to succeed. They often make the best of difficult situations. They need to overcome insecurity, they must learn to heal that inner child, deal with those old traumas, learn to empathize and be responsible. They may experience problems with the chest, breasts and stomach.
𝓛𝓮𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ˢᵘᶰ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
Leo Saturns have a lot of creative talent, but find it difficult to express it. These individuals are admired and loved, although they are not comfortable being the center of attention. They are often cold to others to protect themselves emotionally. They are cautious, reserved and strong-willed. Their feelings of inferiority often sabotage all their efforts, so they need to work more on themselves, their humility, their creativity, their ego and their love for others. They are prone to have heart, spine and back problems.
𝓥𝓲𝓻𝓰𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᴹᵉʳᶜᵘʳʸ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
These people are observant, responsible, shy, practical and cautious. They may have learning disabilities and develop nervous problems. They are self-critical and tend to be good at research and strategy. Virgo Saturns often underestimate their own talents. Routine and order are important components in their lives. These individuals must learn that it is not necessary to be perfect to be successful. They need to learn to stop criticizing themselves and decide what is important and what is not. Problems may arise with the abdominal area, especially the small intestine here.
𝓛𝓲𝓫𝓻𝓪 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᵛᵉᶰᵘˢ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
Libra Saturn are diplomatic, fair and cooperate rather than compete. They are afraid of rejection and tend to have a bit of an inferiority complex, that's why they tend to shy away from those who are interested in getting to know them because they don't feel wanted. Marriage can be difficult to be successful, as they crave a solid relationship, but may break the rules they set for themselves. They need to find the balance between love and discipline. To be successful, they must learn to relate to others on a personal and social level. They may have problems with their kidneys, intestines and back.
𝓢𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓹𝓲𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᴾˡᵘᵗᵒ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
Scorpio Saturns are vengeful, jealous, intense, passionate, reserved and impatient. They are determined to accomplish their goals and are full of willpower and energy. They tend to demand a lot from themselves and those around them. They are not afraid of being taken advantage of and do not like to be treated unfairly. They can have problems in the reproductive system and intestinal obstructions.
𝓢𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᴶᵘᵖᶤᵗᵉʳ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
These people like to travel and learn new things. They may not have been able to get the education they wanted, so many are self-taught. They tend to become disillusioned with authority and create their own through intuition. Sagittarius Saturns can be open and honest, or careless, rebellious and indecisive. They can be very narrow-minded when it comes to philosophy or religion, so they need to test their theories. They may need to judge more carefully or learn what is appropriate and what is not. They may have difficulties with muscles, hips, sciatica and liver.
𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓷 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
These people are ambitious, fair and impartial. They have a strong sense of duty, so they fear not being recognized for their efforts. They rarely take time to relax and enjoy themselves. They can be very charming and persistent when they want something, and feel a strong need to control their environment before it controls them. Capricorn Saturns are always working, mostly for the benefit of others. They need financial security and self-sufficiency to succeed. They easily assume responsibility, so it is difficult for them to believe that others can produce results that measure up to their strict standards. These individuals may have difficulties with the skeleton, knees and skin.
𝓐𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᵁʳᵃᶰᵘˢ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
These individuals are inventive and original, although somewhat conservative. They may see the future as bleak, so they often work to improve society. They need a place to share their ideas. Their great challenge is to grow by being open and fair to everyone. Aquarius Saturns need to learn to have a tolerant and unbiased attitude in public to be successful. They need structure in their life, but will be unconventional. They may find it difficult to make friends. They need to admit how they feel, even if it is difficult for them. They must develop their intuition and their original, independent thinking. It is important to keep their circulatory and nervous systems healthy, as well as their heart.
𝓟𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓼 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
→ ᴼʳ ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ⁻ᴺᵉᵖᵗᵘᶰᵉ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
It's easier for Pisces Saturns to see the negative side of things and they feel compelled to help others. It can be a challenge for them to study their past, accept it and let it go. These people have to work on developing their self-confidence. They need to learn not to get too involved with other people's problems, to be less defensive, to learn to trust and listen to their subconscious. They may have problems with their feet and the lymphatic system.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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thatsexcpisces · 1 year
Has any one else (especially mutable placements like PISCES, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) been getting their lies exposed like crazy ever since saturn moved into Pisces? 😭
Istg is ever since this shit started the universe has been sending me lessons back and forth and lord I’m TIRED😩 it’s like everything hidden that you and others do is coming to light. Expect to have those rose colored glasses taken off too. This transit is putting an end to lies, secrets, and delusions💀
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daphnaea · 1 month
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zodiac moodboard: cancer sun | aquarius moon | virgo rising | cancer mercury | leo venus | taurus mars | scorpio jupiter | pisces saturn | capricorn uranus | capricorn neptune (m) for @sanity-is-for-the-sane
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bratzinmoodboards · 14 days
I love your moodboards!!! 🥰 if possible I’d love one 🫣
Sun and Lilith: Taurus
Moon: Virgo
Rising: Cancer
Venus and Mercury: Gemini
Mars: Aries
Saturn: Pisces
Jupiter and Pluto: Scorpio
Uranus and Neptune: Capricorn
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sunshinesmebdy · 7 months
Oct 13 Astro Vibe Check
Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra
Recognize your emotional requirements and openly convey them to those in your inner circle. Endeavor to strike a harmonious equilibrium between your internal emotional landscape and your engagement with others. Foster relationships and environments that respect both your emotional authenticity and your quest for peace and balance.
Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
This astrological alignment provides a beneficial and efficient influence, promoting disciplined efforts, dedicated work, and well-thought-out strategies. It presents an ideal period for chasing your aspirations, advancing toward your enduring objectives, and harnessing your assertive energy in a purposeful and constructive way.
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isiscelestia · 6 months
These are my predictions and advice for the Saturn in Pisces transit. This is my first time posting a transit interpretation for each rising sign, so please be nice! I hope you all enjoy❤️
- Aries rising (Pisces 12H): Lucky for you, Saturn enjoys being in the 12th house. Prepare to go on some deep self discovery. Saturn in Pisces will be helping you with introspection into the dark, unseen parts of yourself. Think about the parts of yourself that you keep hidden from the rest of the world. I recommend doing shadow work during this transit because you need to do some soul searching. Find out what you love and hate about yourself and your past. Learn to embrace not just what you like about yourself, but all aspects of you. This is a wake up call, a new journey is about to embark and a different (a more mature you) is coming out on the other end. Your subconscious wants structure, improvement, an overall better you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Be careful with substances, drinking, or other things you could be addicted to (food, social media, etc).
- Taurus rising (Pisces 11H): You are beginning to reevaluate your role/position in your friend groups and community. Take the opportunity to strengthen your boundaries with people. Who around you is beneficial and who isn’t? Who enables you? Who adds structure to your life and who adds confusion? These are some questions you may be asking yourself. Don’t be afraid to retreat or go into hermit mode to really decipher who you call your friend and your community. Your relationship with the internet (social media perhaps) will also be causing some strife. Learn how to limit your time on social media and do not let it distract you. It is time for you to learn how to stop letting your habit/obsession with social media be the blockade for your goals and manifestations. Take the time and put in the work into your aspirations! Don’t feed into peer pressure, learn how to add structure into your social life, and remember to stay on top of the work you need to do to accomplish your goals.
- Gemini rising (Pisces 10H). I don’t know if you know it or not, but people will be having their eyes on you! I need this group to push their creative image. Whether you do music, art, write, or others, this is a great opportunity to showcase this side of you to the world. Even if it’s not creativity, it could be your emotions, your dreams, or even your interest in the occult. What you decide to show about yourself is becoming your reality. Prepare to add some discipline in your life, this is the push you need. Be careful with getting side tracked from your goals and remember to stick to your plans, but remember to not go overboard. Remember that other aspects of your life need focus too, not just your career and image.
- Cancer rising (Pisces 9H): Are ready to embark on a deeper spiritual journey! This transit is about to have you asking the right questions about your faith, what do you believe? If you are in school you may be questioning why you’re there, or you may start getting impatient about going to the next level after school. My advice is to not rush anything, you need to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. This transit is great for introspection into religion, spirituality, and philosophy. Thinking critically is a big theme during this transit, but be sure to use discernment. Stay away from the fakes and the zealots! Also stay away from the “holier than thou” people and don’t develop that rhetoric either!
- Leo rising (Pisces 8H): Be ready to start building financial wealth and fortune! It will not be an easy feat and you will have to stay on top of what you need to do for material gain. This transit will also help you connect in a deeper sense; just know that secrets will be revealed. You are about to go through some transformation and inner growth, especially when it comes to being comfortable with your shadow self. Make sure that you are careful around bodies of water, especially the ocean. Learn how to trust your intuition, especially if you are putting more work into your spiritual journey and practices.
- Virgo Rising (Pisces 7H): I see someone is about to be reevaluating their personal relationships. I want you all to be upping your standards in this department because the people in your life are about to show you who they really are, and no this is not just about romantic relationships! Even thought it can be about a romantic relationship, your relationships in general are about to change. Stay away from friends and partners who are not clearly communicating with you, and if their intentions with you are not clear then maybe you need to reevaluate that relationship. Things could get mucky here because you may experience your boundaries being crossed or you could have trouble with discernment in your relationships. My best advice is to trust your gut on this, and take off the rose-colored glasses. This is the time for you to try and see who people really are because if you don’t it could turn into a situation where you will be dragged down with them.
- Libra rising (Pisces 6H): Take extra care of your bodies! What you put into your body is important and how you treat your body is important. You may be noticing that certain foods/substances not going well with you, or you may even be thinking about trying new things for your health. Physical wellness is taking a forefront in your life. If you are working, your job will be testing your patience and I say that this is a good thing you should experience. If you don’t learn patience in the workplace/patience when working with others during this transit you will crash and burn. Add structure into your daily routine because this transit will be teaching you about responsibility. As long as you stay vigilant and patient, in the end you will come out victorious. Be sure to take care of your immune system during this time and beware of foot injuries.
- Scorpio rising (Pisces 5H):During this transit you have to learn how to limit how much you are partaking in your pleasures. Overconsumption could be an issue during this time because we all need to learn that too much of a good thing could be a bad thing! Being spontaneous will not come easy but my solution to this is being open to things you weren’t open to before. Please don’t over analyze your productivity because it will affect your self expression and creativity. Right now you should be working on creating an environment and a lifestyle that truly reflects you. You may be attracting older romantic partners or your love life may feel slow/inactive, but be sure not to rush any connection. Stay away from people who hinder your self expression and people who refuse to see you for who you truly are.
- Sagittarius rising (Pisces 4H): What truly makes you feel secure? What makes you comfortable? To answer these questions you need to look back at your roots. You will be going through some life-altering changes when you do look deep into your family history. All of you won’t be moving but you will feel the need to reorganize your space for your own comfort. If you are moving or reorganizing your space, be sure that you are prepared to take on that responsibility. In this capitalistic world, your home should be where you feel safe. If you don’t feel comfortable or relaxed in your own home, then how can you get adequate rest? Also, building your safe haven won’t be done in a day or a week. Just know that it will take time, but be sure to put in good effort.
- Capricorn rising (Pisces 3H): The way you think and the way you speak is going to change for the better. Move away from close/mindedness and learn how to do some real introspection. This is not the time to only think at a surface level because it is not fulfilling and it’s hindering your growth. Work on being able to communicate clearly and openly. During this time you may be getting a lot of brain fog or feel like your brain is being overactive. Learn how to not overthink and jump to conclusions because the things you see and hear may not be the way they are. This is why I said earlier that you need to learn introspection and think outside of your usual viewpoint.
- Aquarius rising (Pisces 2H): This transit is going to be all about finances, material, and self-worth. I think this group should learn to not associate their self-worth with the material they have. I think this group is going to learn how detrimental it is to put all their time and effort into financial and material growth only. Yes adding structure to your life and being responsible (this means not being frivolous) should be helpful to your pockets, but this should not be where all your validation is coming from. Your finances should not be the only thing you’re putting all your effort in. Sit and think about why your self worth comes from material and unpack that. Beware of people in your life who are using you for material because they are not presenting themselves that way on the outside.
- Pisces rising (Pisces 1H): The rose-colored glasses are coming off and you will truly see yourself for what/who you really are. Do you like yourself? Do you like what you’re becoming? Take your time when you are deciphering what changes you want to make to yourself and your appearance. You may even begin to be self conscious but in the end you should learn how not to be so self critical and superficial. Let go of what you think you should be/look, and focus on what makes you feel good. During this time you should be working on erasing the illusions that you have because it is not beneficial for you, and in the end you will be coming out a new you! Beware of being delusional and not being real with yourself. Inconsistency in your life should not be tolerated at this time either, people who love themselves are consistent!
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geminimoonmadness · 10 months
17𝘵𝘩 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 4𝘵𝘩 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 2023
✋🏼 Before you jump to negative conclusions, let's remember that Saturn is retrograde almost 50% of the time. Not only are you well-acquainted with this energy, but you probably won't feel its FULL impact at first. -That's because the effects of Saturn retrograde tend to unfold gradually, revealing its influence over time. 🌱
Retrogrades always turn a planet's energy inward, which encourages a more introspective and reflective shift in Saturn's approach. ✨🪞
This retrograde could effect the usual harsh and heavy-handed impact Saturn often has on our external reality, loosening us up enough to process all the lessons we've been learning since Saturn entered Pisces 3 months ago (on the 7th March) 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏽🧘🏾‍♀️
You will be given a second chance to succeed at something you've been struggling to get right, just give this Saturn retrograde some time to help you ponder, process and form a new game plan ✍️ 💭
💫Think of it this way: Saturn in Pisces has been laying down the law. Saturn retrograde will help you learn how to abide by these laws (as well as work your way around them).
Read this post to find out how this will effect you based on your rising sign! 💫👇🏼
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✨ 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙚: 𝙎𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝘾𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 ✨
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skittleswastaken · 2 years
Saturn and potential health problems
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Also works with 6th house placements!
Saturn in Aries: This might cause the individual to have problems with their head and mouth region. Migraines might be a regular problem with this placement (my mom has this placement and her migraines are wayyyy worse than mine). This is due to Aries ruling over the head.
Saturn in Taurus: The individual might have problems with their neck/throat, vocal cords. Potential speaking problems. Taurus rules the throat area
Saturn in Gemini: The individual might have problems with their shoulders, arms/hands, lungs. They might have asthma problems as well as tense shoulders.
Saturn in Cancer: This individual might have problems with their stomach. Females might have trouble with their breasts and reproductive system. Cancer rules the stomach area, can rule over the female reproductive.
Saturn in Leo: This individual might have problems with the heart. They might suffer with blood pressure problems or blood circulation.
Saturn in Virgo: This individual might have problems with their digestive tract. This might cause the individual to have IBS. Virgo rules the lower chest
Saturn in Libra: This individual might have kidney problems along with bladder and skin problems. Minor recommendation: watch how much water you intake.
Saturn in Scorpio: This individual might have genital and anus problems. Scorpio rules over the genital area.
Saturn in Sagittarius: Liver, hips, thighs might cause problems to this individual. Minor Recommendation: watch how much you drink.
Saturn in Capricorn: Problems might be attached to joints, knees, skin, and the back. These people remind me of aging too fast, their back constantly hurts and they have many joint problems.
Saturn in Aquarius: These individuals may have problems with their calves, ankles and shins. Aquarius rules over the lower leg areas.
Saturn in Pisces: Feet problems may run in the individual's life. Toes may also take a hit. May need more care for feet as they may be on them more often.
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neptunedivine · 1 year
my 2023 solar return observations
(tw: possible eating disorder mentions)
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I was looking over my solar return chart yesterday and it made me very nervous. When I get nervous I feel better writing everything out. So that’s what I’m going to do :)
✨natal north node year✨ ✧ I turn my north node degree this year! My NN is Gemini 11H at 21° and in combination with everything else going on in my solar return, it does amp up the anxiety for me. I feel like I’m gonna be shoved into my destiny because I’ve been stalling for so long (well not stalling as avoiding, but not taking the leap(s) I need to out of fear).
8H stellium ✧ tbh I just wanted to address the obvious in all its glory before I tried to dissect it any further. Transformations feel like they’ll be a focal point this year, like heavily. But then again looking at the planets that make up this stellium (aside from Chiron), it doesn’t seem too bad? We’ll see.
Virgo rising at 3° + mercury as the chart ruler in Pisces 8H @ 29° ✧ I taste a lot of criticism in the air (mainly from myself but we’ll see). Some of this energy looks familiar because natally I have my mercury in Pisces in the 8H but @ 10°. Virgo is on my 3H cusp natally as well. Naturally knowing myself I feel like writing is going to be the focus for the year. Since my natal NN is also ruled by my chart ruler this year, I think I’m going to be pushed to really start making music this year. Especially since mercury is conjunct with my sun too. I think putting more time and dedication into it will change my life? (I’ve been viewing a lot of readings lately telling me that my passions and creativity will grant me great abundance so this could be in association) There could be an emphasis on me speaking my truth as well. Possible recognition as well with it being at 29°? It feels intense not only because it’s a fame degree but it’s the fate degree and conjunct with the Aries point.
Pisces sun 8H @ 28° ✧ I’m used to the placement but not in the 8H. With it being conjunct with my mercury I feel like this could be related to me shedding a bad mindset or patterns in my habits this year? (I feel like this pairs well with my Saturn placement which I’ll talk about later). As well as finding a trusted source to have deep conversations with (possibly a therapist) seems very likely for this year.
Aquarius Moon 6H @ 19° ✧ I think I will be very analytical and regulatory with my emotions and my feelings this year. Instead of feeling everything and questioning everything and feeling lost, especially with the possibility of a therapist, being able to dissect the reason for why I feel certain ways may happen. I also spiraled a lot in the past year so there could be a sense of grounding brought into the year.
Taurus Venus 9H @ 2° + + NN @ 4°+ Uranus @ 16° ✧ I don’t see myself traveling really? I could travel to somewhere beautiful, but since my natal venus is in 9H too this would be a continuation of my love for other cultures. A possible love interest from a different country or uni could be possible, but my guides know for sure that I’m not looking for that right now…right? Idk I’ve been very career driven for a few years now and I don’t see that changing. But who knows since my SR Uranus and NN are in the same house lol. Speaking of Uranus here, please for the love of God let this not play with my degree. I'm supposed to graduate next spring.
✧ I’m just now noticing how many feminine degrees there are that inspire creativity (Taurus (2°,14°,26°), Libra (7°,19°), and Cancer (4°, 16°,28°). Pretty cool. ✧
Gemini Mars 10H @ 26° ✧ Pairing drive (Mars) with curiosity (Gemini), this could relate to my passion and writing outside of the box of what is expected from me, or who I'd expect. (I have a list of talent that I really want to write for and I think about them when I write songs sometimes so that could be relevant). Or I could be just collaborating more? I’m not sure with the 8H stellium though. Oh! A drive to learn new things maybe? I’ve always wanted to get into production but with it being so white cis-male dominant it felt gatekeepy. But miraculously I have I think enough tools to figure out a good part of it independently.
Aries Jupiter 8H @ 16° ✧ I keep reading good things about this placement and I’m very excited about it. I could be receiving a large sum(s) of money this year (scholarships?). Also, this placement is not only conjunct with my natal venus but MC as well, so this energy could be amplified since having Venus/Jupiter in the 8H are very strong wealth indicators, but I could be gaining monetary abundance or just abundance in general towards my career somehow.
Pisces Saturn 6H @ 1° (tw: possible eating disorder mentions) ✧ I was watching a tiktok a few weeks ago about Saturn going into Pisces and what that could mean. They mentioned an end to things that relate to escapism, which makes sense since in modern astrology Pisces is ruled by Neptune, like overeating and procrastination. I feel like both of those topics would be covered in my life this year since the 6H rules over the physical body and health, but also the daily and routines. There could be a theme of cutting the bs and getting in control of my life in these areas. My Chiron natally is in the 6H so this has been a struggle I’ve been dealing with for a while. I don’t know if the "problem of Chiron” will be resolved but I think significant improvements could be made.
Pisces Neptune 7H @ 25° ✧ I don’t have the energy to be delusional in love this year please abeg. I have Neptune in the 7H but in Aquarius, so there’s an element of this that I’m used to. I could be continuing to manifest my dream partner? Because I do that every day when I listen to love songs and I really enjoy it. But a real person? In the flesh? Right now? Absolutely not, pass.
Capricorn Pluto 5H @ 29° ✧ I have my natal pluto in sag at 17° so I’m used to some of the energy but I think with it being Capricorn which rules over hard work and discipline rather than the freedom sag grants, I will take my passions seriously enough to make moves. Personally, I stress so much about making music and my skills and being really talented and getting everything right but I don’t do anything. I just sit in my charged obsessive energy. But hopefully, I’ll make the right moves this year. Recognition worthy? Possibly with how much 29° is popping up in my chart.
Taurus MC @ 29° ✧ The idea of getting recognition for my passion and my work feels very daunting for me because I don’t feel ready at all. I'm very perfectionistic with my passion. I'm so adamant about making it my career and being very well-known for it. I get very nervous about f*cking up. Regardless I don't think this year cares I might be shoved into the position to be seen, maybe not at its height because I glanced at my SR for the next two years and they feel like extensions of this year, like in acts.
that's all for now. see you later! :)
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ezukll · 3 months
Hello hope you are doing fine 😊
I just read your post about stellium and I really like it !
I want to ask what your thoughts about having a Pisces stellium: Moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and MC?
Thank you and have a great day 💕
Hello, thank you and hope you're doing well 💕
Having a Pisces Stellium Moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and MC brings a very deep and sensitive energy to the entire chart. This is a placement of spiritual enlightenment and deep emotional sensitivity and intuition. It can be a challenging placement with a strong inclination towards empathy and compassion and a strong intuition about people's true intentions or motivations.
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the11thhousemystic · 11 days
from a thread i saw:
batches of new beings are like fish beings hatched in an ocean full of predators. most swim together for survival.. they create threads and strings as everything is really just mad from patterned consciousness. when some evolve quicker than others they dont need the group or school to protect them or make choices for them. you graduate when you understand this is not your place any longer.
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walnutmediocre · 1 month
What has happened ever since Saturn has entered my 12th House!
Let me give you some context about my chart, first and foremost: I'm a Virgo Sun, Aries Rising, and Pisces moon. My moon is in the 12th house, which opposes my Virgo sun. My Mars is also in Virgo, so that's also being opposed in this Saturn transit. Alright, lets continue..!
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Gone To Therapy For The First Time: I hit a very harsh hurdle in my life. A lot of social circle changes were taking place, and things were indefinitely ending. I was extremely fearful of getting into therapy, but something made me bite the bullet. You'll read what exactly has changed for me in this post!
Started My First Ever Job: I was beyond scared to start my first job, since I was often fear mongered about the outside world.
Ended Long-Term Relationships: Specifically, I've ended two. One of them, 5 years, the other.. a year and a half... maybe? It was made clear to me through very uneasy feelings (such as fear and anxiousness), endless conversations with these two, and constant bickering that I should move on, and drop them both.
Created a More Solid Foundation With My Spirituality: I've been functioning with my spirituality out of truth, realism, and skepticism. Not that I haven't before, but its been more implemented in a way. My belief in spirituality, my workings, etc is more solid than ever!
Started Learning How To Drive: ...with no fear attached! I remember when I was 15 yrs old, I'd constantly have anxiety attacks behind the wheel, I wasn't ready in the slightest. Now though? Absolutely no fear. This was such a big milestone for me, along with me getting my first job!
Starting Thinking About Moving Out Seriously: In the past, I was extremely scared of the thought of moving out. Now, I'm suddenly more comfortable with it. I feel fearless to move in with my boyfriend!
Changed My Identity And Mission On The Internet: So, for anyone who doesn't know, I Vtube. I used to say "Im a Vtuber", but recently I've noticed that doesn't resonate with me anymore. I started showing my face a lot more, and let my real name be known. I feel this need to show myself to my full potential, and my full range. Btw, by "mission" I just mean what content I want to create :) This is also something I heavily feared.
Been Separating From My Mother a Lot More: Adulting is hard when you have a helicopter, or codependent, parent. I've been forcibly separating myself from my mom, teaching her that I'll be perfectly fine without her in all of my corners. This is yet ANOTHER thing I was extremely scared to do.
Seriously Thinking About How To Provide Solid Foundations For All Of My Projects: Almost, in a way, thinking about permanence? In terms of my future, specifically career. Thinking about especially the financial plan I have for my future business.
Seriously Thinking About Going To College: I've never been a very college-fond person. I've always despised school, however recently I've been thinking about what degree I want to MAYBE use in order to have a very solid career later in life, no matter if I'm employed under someone or I end up becoming the entrepreneur I dream of.
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How Is This Accurate?
Saturn: - Restraint - Maturing - Lessons - Academics - Reality - Wisdom
12th House: - Endlessness - Dreams - Emotions - The Unconscious - The Creative Mind / Left Brain - Spirituality - Permanent Endings - Loss - Fear
The Constant Themes I Experienced So Far: - Breaking of ones fears. - Breaking free from restraint. - Truth seeking / Seeing extremely clearly. - Karma being served. - Maturing / Adulting. - Heightened intuition, more visions. - Clearer retrospect. - More healthy realistic thinking. - Learning how my energy alone can shift my reality. - More fearlessness in general, once I got the ball rolling.
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My Conclusion:
When you put both of these together, the energies of the old collide with the concept of mature growth, aka the new. This Saturn in Pisces is extremely beneficial for anybody who is not resisting to Saturn's lessons!! And this is coming from a girlie who was born on their Venus line!! So yeah bitch, accept Saturn's movement!!! I've grown so much. In conclusion, this transit has affected me positively. The opportunities I was given were shown to me through my own efforts. I was shown what I can do, and more. I am STILL being shown what I can make, change, initiate for myself. Thank you, Saturn!!
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apiscesthing · 11 months
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