densewentz · 4 months
hey if you guys go back to the scene where the Cat King puts the truth compulsion on Edwin and, after removing it, asks him "now, doesn't the truth feel better?" if you watch carefully you can see Edwin give a tiny shocked and vulnerable little nod right before the Cat King nods back and you TOO can start screaming and crying inconsolably like I am
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spark-river · 1 month
Simeon: ...I just witnessed a dick getting rolled over by a car.
Simeon: *DUCK
Simeon: DUCK!!!
Luke: O.o
Solomon: Naughty angel.
Simeon: How do I delete stuff?!
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emloafs · 27 days
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my boy is mad at me i hope i die
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unicorngunter · 1 month
Cat King getting Izzy's treatment in the fandom is actually so funny to me
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nugulover69 · 1 month
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thegunistop · 6 days
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abushelandablog · 2 months
don't boo me but I'm actually kinda invested in kwon...
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angelflms · 1 month
okay this is really pissing me more than it should but why the hell does miguel wanna go to stanford?? was it brought up specifcally why he wants to go besides "it's a good school and the campus is nice?" now i mean, this is just the classic "teen character in a show wants to go to an ivy league school because... reasons," but at least their [usually stupid] reason is sorta understandable (@ elle wanting to go to the schools she wanna because of her bf and bsf at the time in the kissing booth - yes i watched that) and even then, they realize that the school isn't all shit anyway. teddy duncan from good luck charlie is literally the ONLY character i know that wanted to go to an ivy league that made sense to me given her character throughout the series. at least her getting in made sense to me.
but back to miguel. anyways, the kiddo never explained why he wanted to go other than that it's an ivy league and it looks pretty, which isn't enough of a reason for him to want to go there to begin with. they don't explicitly explain what his major would be and for the most part, i don't blame them because the writers haven't known what to do with miguel's character outside of karate since like season three of the show. BUT from seasons 1-3, it's implied that he's good with graphic design and social media. he made a cute little video to cheer sam up, made a whole "please take me back sam" video edit when they broke up, did the ck website when they were starting up, and even helped make johnny's facebook look more appealing. so i'm thinking, perhaps he would go to stanford for that.
now the show is fictional but i checked stanford's irl major list and saw that none of the majors (or minors) they offer connect to graphic design nor social media. they don't even have photography, which i thought would be another option considered he took a bunch of pics for johnny in s3 for his facebook. so him wanting to win the sekai tekai himself to make him look good fo stanford literally makes no sense considering he has no genuine reason to wanna go to the school (now granted he might have explained it further but i don't remember). now apparently you do go into the school undeclared but i still do think that him not having any other reasons to go to the school other than it's an ivy and its campus is nice makes his s6 arc so far probably the worst ones he's had (including s4 because for the first half of that season, he was more of a side character in his own show).
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
Hi. in addition to HoM, you also drew au by baby Randy & First. can you tell me about her? ( ͒•·̫|
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YES absolutely I can. I kind of made up this AU on a whim, but i actually love it sm, i wanna draw more for it so thankyou for this ask!
So, basically, Torn Pages AU is set up inside the Ninjanomicon, where First's soul resides. Something happened on the outside - in the real world - which caused the Ninjanomicon to get damaged so badly it affected everything. First 'awakens' inside to find himself in now chaotic and hostile dimension of what once was his peaceful afterlife, with Plop plop missing, some strange new power in his left eye AND a matching green eye set on a much much younger face of the current Ninja, who doesnt seem to remember First or most of his life.
Confused, disoriented and now with a tiny charge depending on him, First sets out to find out what happened and if it could be fixed from the inside, trapped as they are in the nomicon. On the journey to the heart of the Ninjanomicon, he will encounter ghosts of his past, all the while inevitably bonding with Little Randy through some cute shennanigans and unexpected battles to protect them both.
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so ye, basically i want to explore/worldbuild some background for First Ninja and also make him bond with baby!Randy so he would get Dad tm feels ;D
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
top three scenes in cobra kai s6 part 1
3. Kyler Park Bitch dOn't you Know i Know kARATeeee??? 2. Elder Payne bro comforting his baby brother and telling him to give Miyagi-do a shot 1. SamTory hugging it out on the street
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densewentz · 4 months
i personally think edwin should get to go with niko to see the Cats musical so we can witness Sexual Crisis 2: Kitty Boogaloo
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lilyimmsim · 5 months
to be loved is it be changed. if you do not change for me, you do not love me in a way i understand
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emloafs · 2 months
me leaving my bubble and seeing everyone hate on demetri for taking the last sekai taikai spot
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danlarussc · 2 years
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Cobra Kai | 5.08
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embryoed · 3 months
How I feel with That Shot of Demetri with That Dialogue over it in the Season 6 Part One Trailer
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abushelandablog · 2 months
The way he looks at her here after Daniel came out all covered in the gender reveal paint.. yea when they’re of the appropriate/ financially and emotionally mature and stable age she’s so having his kiddo 😂❤️
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