moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Me when I remember that Snape would’ve not only been much happier in life but would have so many less tiring debates about him if he had just remained a loyal Death Eater instead of defecting and sacrificing himself for a world that hated him while getting nothing in return:
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sheadre · 3 years
Aurora Borealis (Jiang Cheng x Reader) Part Five
Summary: Zhu Ran'En (Reader) the imperial princess, was sent into exile for a crime she did not commit. Meeting Jiang Wanyin, the Yunmeng Jiang sect’s leader was not just a chance meeting. Their fates were written in the stars however, her relations to the royal family will never let her live in peace. How will she manage to save the kingdom while trying to keep Jiang Wanyin away from the snakes of the royal family?
Word Count: 3076
Warnings: fluff, romance, blood and violence, idiots in love
Previous Chapter - Series Masterlist
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Preparations for the arriving attack were made and now you waited nervously for everything to play into completion. The calm mask you wore usually was nowhere to be seen, it was replaced with a deep frown on your delicate face. Jiang Wanyin haven’t said anything ever since you showed him your curse but did not treat you differently. It felt like he accepted that as a fact about you and that was that. The dark dragon’s powers provided you with the ability to use resentful energy for cultivation. It was a legend, a myth circling around the kingdom since decades. Your mother used to tell tales about the mighty dark dragon who protected the kingdom from the northern tribes’ attacks.
You remembered when you begged the Heavens to give you enough power to bring peace to the kingdom and stop your cousin and uncle in destroying it completely. That night was quiet when you decided to spend three nights and days praying in the temple. The last night was the hardest as you knelt there without eating or drinking anything. Your lips were chapped and dry, your bones hurting and your skin prickling with how long it’s been since you last washed your face properly. Your eyes kept drooping as you knelt, murmuring prayers to the heavens. Suddenly, the candles at the altar were blown out by the strong wind hitting you as well and knocking you off balance as you knelt. Tears that stayed unshed now rolled down your cheeks and you quickly wiped at them as you tried to get your bearings back. Suddenly, a hand reached out for your hand. A white, pale hand with slender fingers, a white sleeve ending at the wrist of the person standing in front of you. You looked up in surprise as the person seemed to almost glow. You were greeted with a handsome young man smiling softly at you. His face looked so feminine that you could’ve mistaken him as a woman if he would wear a nice hanfu and some make-up.
“I heard your prayers, your highness” he spoke softly, kindness radiating from his heavenly presence. His voice was gentle like velvet, caressing your ears with every word he spoke.
“W-Who are you?” you asked confused. “How did you get in the palace?”
“I am Xie Lian, your highness, I came in behalf of the Heaven’s Court” he explained patiently. You accepted his hand to help you up but pulled your hand back once you were standing on your feet.
“Why?” you asked again even more confused. Why was a heaven official here and what did he want? You prayed for inner power to defeat the evil, confidence in yourself and strength to move forward even when you’re knocked down. You were so confused, you didn’t even question if he was some lunatic or was talking the truth.
“You prayed for it yourself” another male’s voice scoffed from the side. Your head whipped to the figure who was leaning against a pillar lazily. He was dressed in red clothes, his hair let down freely and a black eyepatch hiding one of his eyes. His presence felt… dark.
“You wished for powers to protect the weak and I was sent to grant your wish” Xie Lian smiled at you gently. You took a step back unbelieving of what was happening. How could you be worthy of the heaven’s attention like this? You wanted will power, not real power. Seeing the frightened expression on your face, Xie Lian took a step closer and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. “The Heavenly Emperor sent me himself and he has a good reason to do so.”
“What reason?” you asked curious. Imagining heaven to have no snakes in the court would’ve been a careless thought, outright stupidity but while people live on the earth, they only care about their petty lives. Xie Lian smiled uneasily and sighed.
“That is unfortunately-“
“You’ll realize how shitty is the afterlife, princess, once you pass on” the other man huffed his handsome face in a scowl interrupting the man dressed in white. You narrowed your eyes at him, eyebrows furrowed but only rolled your eyes in the end at how he was speaking.
“San Lang! Do not be rude to the princess!” the official scolded the red clothed man.
“It does not matter, I have been through worse…” you sighed heavily, tired of everything. You had no energy left as you have been feeling agitated these last few months. No matter how you tried, you couldn’t get everything back to the way they were. It seemed like everything was trying to bring you down. “What do I have to do?”
“Are you this willing to accept such a curse?!” San Lang huffed in disbelief, his eyebrow raising on his forehead high. His chuckle was both mocking and disbelieving as he shook his head. You smiled at him sadly and nodded.
“I may end up in a bad situation but I am ready to protect those who I care about” you said, your heart thumping hard in your chest with determination. You were ready, no matter what you had to do. You had nothing else to lose, your life was not a big prize in exchange of the lives of thousands. “The evil my uncle and cousin are trying to bring onto the kingdom needs to be stopped.”
“Close your eyes, your highness” Xie Lian said and you obliged. You felt the tip of his index finger press against your forehead in the middle before you felt energy surge into your body. You distinctly heard his voice murmur words but everything was a blur. The next time you opened your eyes and everything seemed normal was the next morning. You were woken up by Lili who ushered you back to your quarters while most of the palace was still asleep.
A hand on your shoulder made you jump with a start, surprising you out of your memories. You looked up to see Wei Wuxian look at you confused and worried. His dark eyebrows drawn together as his lips parted to say something in case you wouldn’t recognize him. Your lips pulled into a smile as you motioned for him to join you at the small table by the lake you chose to spend your breakfast at.
“Wei gongzi” you greeted. “Would you like some tea? Or… wine?” you pulled out a small bottle of Emperor’s Smile from your sleeve looking around. “Jiang sect leader forbid everyone from drinking in Yunmeng. But I asked Lili to stash away one for me.”
“Sometimes I do wonder if you’re truly a princess, your highness” Wei Ying chuckled as he accepted the bottle. “Have your highness left all manners of a lady behind in the palace?”
“Sometimes we have to leave manners when it comes to business” you winked at him before both of you let out a mirthful laugh. It was easy being around him, Wei Wuxian was nice and kindhearted even if he tended to hide his concern or pain behind indifference or jokes.
“What kind of business, your highness? Are you implying about asking for my brother’s hand in marriage?” he raised one of his eyebrows playfully. “His heart is already yours, your highness.”
“We always talk about me asking Jiang Wanyin’s hand but shouldn’t he be the one to ask for mine?” you sighed with a sad smile. For the first time in a while, you admitted to someone that you truly cared for the sect leader. Wei Wuxian’s eyes looked at you with curiosity.
“But would you?” his head was tilted to the side. “If his stubborn ass refuses to?”
“That is much more complicated than just a proposal, Wei Ying” you shook your head. “I’m a fugitive, sent into exile, a princess out of the emperor’s favors. Besides… I’m not sure I will live long enough to become a good wife.”
“In the end the only thing that matters is what you feel” the Yiling Patriarch smiled at you with a pain in his brown eyes you were familiar with. “Look at me and Lan Zhan, your highness. Even if I became the villain so others could live peacefully, even if I sacrificed everything, I ended up with the one I was meant to be with.”
“It is still not the same” you chuckled sadly. “Especially because it’s not a hundred percent sure that someone will resurrect me after I die.”
“Who knows?” he grinned at you and lifted his cup before downing its contents. “If you have a good enough reputation?”
Later ~
Dark clouds gathered up above Yunmeng when a disciple ran back through the gates with caution and urgency. He reported seeing the soon arriving army of the three generals. You chewed on your lip with your heart beating fast in your chest. Lili was still away and you had no idea if she managed to get a word with Xiao Pei.
Yunmeng alone wasn’t enough to defend the kingdom and stop the generals. The wait was excruciating as you stood with Jiang Wanyin in the main garden. Both of you were tense as the overwhelming silence stretched between you. It was similar to when you awaited the next showdown between you and your cousin. A sizzling, tight tension that could blow up in a second. Though this time you were standing on the same side with this man.
“Wanyin” you spoke up suddenly. Calling him by his name was not uncommon from you and it always drew his attention to you. Oh, how you loved it when his brown eyes found your form. You stepped closer to him when he turned to you with a frown on his handsome face. “If we survive this… you can ask anything of me. I will do as you say for I am already in debt to you. You’ve given me much help already and I want to express my gratitude.”
“Anything? Are you sure?” his lips pulled into a small almost invisible smile. “I ask you to stay alive. You have much to accomplish on this world, besides… who could beat a dragon, your highness?”
“It is a curse, A-Cheng” you scolded playfully. “Though, I have to admit you have a point. It would be much more easier if I could just scorch the enemy to death with my breath, no?”
You saw the excitement and childlike glee in his eyes at that idea making you laugh mirthfully. You’ve never been so smitten with another person like this. Wanyin was fascinating in every sense for you and you couldn’t help but want to explore all of his buttons by pushing them as far as you could.
“You’d like to see that, don’t you, A-Cheng?” you chuckled making his face grow red as he crossed his arms in front of his chest huffing in embarrassment.
“Just follow our plans, your highness and nothing will go wrong” Wanyin huffed impatiently making you smile fondly. His light blush covering his cheeks told you how embarrassed he was in your presence. Up until you revealed your true nature, Wanyin was struggling to figure out a good plan of attack, his only plans were of defense. Telling him about the full extent of your powers made him let you change some of the battle plans. As you looked at him, your heart started aching knowing that even if he accepted you for who you became, you could still not give him what both you and him wanted. You knew you were soulmates but this lifetime, you were fated to not have an ending together.
Your ears picked up the sound of drums and the marching of soldiers making your heart thump harder against your ribcage. Both of you unsheathed your swords, bodies tense, ready to attack any minute. The enemy soon appeared at the gates Yunmeng Jiang disciples trying to fight them back. Running through the gates, you were soon faced with the first attackers. They were wearing silver armor, crying out to urge themselves into battle while lifting their swords high. Dancing through the onslaught of soldiers was easy, cutting them fatally with every step. Blood splattered on your face and clothes as you moved forward. You were aware of how far you’ve broke into their forces, a lone flower in the sea of weed. Most of the soldiers just went forward without really noticing you unless you were right in front of them. You glanced back at Wanyin when you had a moment to gasp a breath of air in without anyone attacking you.
He nodded at you from afar signaling for you to make your next move. Sheathing your sword, you quickly raised a dark black fog as wide as you could around your form. It was one of your abilities, the HeiWu 黑雾 was one of your favorite tricks. It was harmless but made the enemy blind as long as they were surrounded by the fog. You watched the soldiers of the enemy lose their sense of direction and walk around aimlessly, their faces shocked and terrified. You didn’t need to do anything because the moment they noticed someone get close to them, they cut down their own comrades. Leaving them to kill each other, you walked out of the fog to see Jiang Wanyin still struggling to keep the enemy back. There were many casualties on both sides and a sense of regret filled your heart. So many lives lost to a handful of people’s power hunger. Taking out your erhu, you started playing E’meng keeping a bunch of soldiers behind an invisible wall. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you watched them hold their heads in agony from the notes of your song. Fortunately, the song’s effect was only strong enough to make them pass out.
You suddenly heard battle drums play out a new rhythm and a new wave of soldiers ran out from the enemy’s side. Your eyes widened knowing that they were too close or rather you were too close to the enemy. You wouldn’t have time to retreat back to your side. You were about to start a new song when you were pierced through the chest with an arrow. You blinked a few times in shock until the pain registered in your senses. You lifted a hand to the bleeding wound, your fingers painted with your blood. Before you could do anything, you were yanked backward, strong arms circling your torso, pulling you into a firm chest. The smell of magnolias and the imperial court’s luxurious oolong tea – that was specifically made for only the royal family – filled your nostrils.
“Xiao Pei” you mumbled surprised as you clutched onto your old friend while he held you. He was flying through the sky back to Jiang Wanyin but his hold on you was stable. His handsome face turned to you and a small smile graced his features as he looked back at you.
“I am here, Ran’En” he replied.
Jiang Cheng’s PoV.
The sect leader panted heavily as he slashed down another soldier charging towards him. Using Zidian helped him to thin the lines of the enemy. General Zhou, Li and Huang was attacking relentlessly. He was doubting those three really thought over what they were starting with a rebellion. Overthrowing the power of the emperor was not an easy feat, especially if they were doing it so openly by marching through the kingdom.
They were out of time, the enemy’s lines seemed to be never ending, soldiers swarming the place. Blood was staining the lotus pods’ water while dead bodies littered the courtyard. Yunmeng’s forces were pushed back that they were now trying to defend the walls and gates. He remembered the day the Wen sect massacred his family. Seeing his parents’ bloodied motionless bodies lying in front of Wen Chao’s feet. His hand clenched around the handle of Sandu as he gritted his teeth. The only difference between the past and the present was the fact that he was the one massacring an army that attacked Yunmeng.
“Jiang Cheng” Wei Wuxian pointed in front of him with furrowed eyebrows and slightly parted lips. Wanyin couldn’t determine if his brother was truly this stupid or just fooling around. They were in the middle of a battle and Wei Wuxian decided to point at the sky. He reluctantly looked up to see a man dressed in exquisite clothes fly through the sky with a woman in his arms. It took him a moment to realize who that woman was. He took a deep breath at seeing that she was safely back but cursed himself for letting her in on the planning. He never liked her idea of going into the enemy’s lines so far but her reasoning eased him into the idea.
The man dressed so expensively landed a few feet away from them. The princess pushed away from him and tried to stand on her feet but was clearly not able to. Wanyin looked at the woman in shock when he saw the arrow piercing through her chest. Everyone stood in shock as she fell to the ground coughing up blood. Wei Wuxian was the first to gain his bearings back and hurry over to help her.
“Ran’En!” the unfamiliar man’s voice thundered as she lied there. Wanyin turned to the newcomer who was wearing clothes from fine fabric showing how high in rank he was. The man crouched down to the princess and took her in his arms, lifting her up easily again. Wanyin had to admit, the stranger was handsome, an ethereal divine being from a fantasy novel. Thump. His heart clenched uneasily as he watched the man hold the princess in his arms like she was the most precious thing in the world. He couldn’t stand seeing the princess being so close to that man and Wanyin struggled to find an answer to why.
“Xiao Pei… Thank you for coming” the princess said weakly as blood dripped down her chin.
“Say no more, Ran’En” the man, Xiao Pei shushed her gently before turning to Wei Wuxian. “Get a healer! Now!”
Wanyin just stared at the two of them without his brain processing much of what was happening around him. He was the reason the princess was in that condition. He should’ve helped her, not nearly sacrifice her!
To be continued…
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Ayesha Liveblogs Fairy Tail S7 Part 2
Natsu and Gray went on a battle date how cute
“If there’s something you don’t want to see then stop looking” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Lmao at this point Fairy Tail is just kind of like ‘we were 100% expecting for someone to fight us this is just our life’ 
“Sorry kid, I like ‘em full grown” FANTASY JELLAL IS FANTASTIC
Playing keepaway with the one magical item that might help you is probably not a good idea
“Children are much easier to assassinate” calm down Lord Voldemort
This is the most adorable dark power I’ve ever seen
“Girls just aren’t meant for fighting” KILL THEM LADIES
Natsu’s using a pretty loose definition of ‘adult’
Regression Man has not taken into account that Gray has been ready to fight since birth 
Someone needs to protect these small traumatized babies
I’m so proud of Gray for being so good at strategizing even when he’s like three feet tall  
It seems likes a poor decision to kill a demon on top of a sacred alter
I’m laughing at Gray grabbing Lucy’s forehead I guess that’s one way to cool her off 
“We don’t know why, or who’s responsible,” said Grand Doma, as Doranbolt and Lahar shared a look that said ‘Jellal?’
Well that escalated quickly poor Doranbolt he’s had a rough few years he must have the worst case of survivor’s guilt in history
“I could’ve sworn he already gave Juvia a clear cut answer in the form of a ‘No’” He did someone teach Juvia about consent
If they are going after former council members I am very concerned for Jellal 
It’s been a wild of ride from Laxus “I Will Murder All My Friends Including My Grandpa” Dreyar to Laxus “Defender of Little Girls and Old Men” and “Probably Fuckbuddies with Freed” Dreyar 
Poor little lightning man he deserves better than this
I love that Loke is present during important times because he’s a full-fledged member of the guild in his own right
Did Loke just tell Wendy that he fucked his way into important knowledge
The answer is yes, yes he did 
Michello is a piece of shit he wants Lucy to sacrifice a pregnant woman 
“You leave the town out of this,” said Natsu, before proceeding to destroy more of the town 
This is awful Elfman has already lived with the guilt of killing Lisanna once
I imagine “Immorality and Sinners” will not be nearly as fun an episode as the title might imply 
Midnight’s new character design is less goth and more Void
Leave Jellal and Erza be!!! They deserve a home together and five dogs not torture and guilt and five-on-one battles
Maybe I should rescind my comment on Juvia, Gray seems to be far more accepting of her presence near him than before
“There’s a victim inside every villain - that doesn’t absolve us of our sins” I love Jellal so much 
This intro has induced a lot of stress what are they going to do to the guild hall what is going to happen to Jellal’s eyes please stop 
Why do they keep shooting holes through the people I love 
What the fuck man can Jellal see or what surely there were better ways to break through an illusion 
Chairman Crawford, probably: Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal 
Kyoka, after murdering someone: It would seem that I have blundered
Mirajane is my beautiful demon queen she could definitely step on me
“You’ve implied that there may be a time and I am oh so willing to wait” I live for Loke ddfkjghksjghjkhfklg
Lmao @ Alzack carrying his little girl in his poncho while he battles The Ultimate Dad 
If Mira claims to have demon blood does that mean her siblings are half-siblings and also is Gray part demon because of Silver? Unclear
[Timberland voice] Only got 41 minutes to save the world 
A lot of Fairy Tail’s problems this season would be solved if people communicated better
My best guess for the soul is Gildarts by merit of the fact we haven’t seen him since before the games
“Are you trying to beat me or take me home? Because either way I’m not that easy!” I am deadass in love with this boy
Good for Wendy it’s about time she enhanced her combat abilities I know she’s a healer but she’s also a dragon slayer
Based on how many repeated shots there are this season plus the different animation they have a lower budget but they will spend every cent they have animating Gray’s titties
This is so fucked up why the little girl and the cat what the fuck
I fucking forgot about Hades’ finger guns good lord
Richard thinks Jellal is in love with Merudy because he has not seen him interact with Erza for ten seconds in the past seven years
“You don’t choose for her” Cobra is a closet women’s rights activist
Amazing Jellal and Merudy can win over the hearts of villains with beautiful sincerity and inadvertent charm 
The Strauss family is so Pure
Lucy is always losing her top after a battle but you know what so is Gray so fair enough 
I wasn’t expecting to feel so sad about the celestial spirits oh no
“The passion is electric” Even the villains are always gay for Erza
Gajeel, Juvia, Gray and Natsu forming #ProtectLucySquad is my aesthetic
“I’ve liked Gray for much longer than he has” I’m pretty sure his dad’s not going to try to bang him Juvia
It’s like since Doranbolt was being a good surrogate dad to Wendy they had to immediately contrast it with what a terrible dad Jiemma was
They do an impressive amount of keeping track of when things happened to them because in Gray’s mind his parents’ deaths must’ve happened ten years ago
Oh no Gray his going to fight Deliora while wearing his dad’s corpse
My baby is so smart using the elements around him to fight 
“You shut your filthy demon mouth!” Panther Lily sounds so offended yet so calm it’s hilarious 
Gray’s life is so sad let him be (but I’m happy that he’s going to be in this arc more)
Silver is embodying my will and giving Gray the world’s longest hug
“I’m an ice demon slayer now,” Well that was quick and convenient
I don’t really think Juvia is going to die but if she does it’ll be unfortunate
I just really want all of Fairy Tail to know that Lucy saved the she deserves that acknowledgement 
“This is how I die, drowning, falling, fading into black,” Gajeel is so dramatic
I can’t believe that Levy just gave underwater CPR I’m not sure if that’s medically sound 
GAJEEL DOESN’T KNOW LEVY KISSED HIM also Gajeel’s plan is totally what I thought Levy was gonna do 
Laxus my lightning baby is back <3
“I’m running solely on vengeance” Laxus pls 
Gajeel is watching this fight terrified and a little turned on
I guess there’s a reason the voice of Laxus was cast as Fight Dad in Bleach because he is truly the Fight Dad of this guild 
For the most part they try to show that no one is beyond redemption, everyone has the potential to be better or have someone they care for except Tempester who is like ‘by the way fuck you all’ as he dies
That is a plot twist I was not expecting holy shit Natsu’s dad was hiding in his body does that mean that Wendy and Gajeel also have dragons inside of them
Kinda fucked up that Kyoka is goddess of the slave planet and she’s fighting Erza who was once a slave
Juvia is just gently holding Laxus like ‘I will protect this man twice my size’
“Even making the slightest of movements causes my entire body to be wracked with pain” same Panther Lily same
Erza is the greatest warrior I have ever seen in my life
Mard Geer is so upset about being ignored by the dragon bros
No one loves a dramatic entrance as much as Gray Fullbuster
I love the lizard boys 
Honestly Natsu and Gray teaming up to fight the Big Bad is the battle I’ve been waiting for my whole life 
“The only thing she was ever going to be good for was continuing my bloodline” it is possible Jiemma is the worst father in this show
My boys are so in sync they can match each other’s strikes without even saying a word 
Doranbolt is so graceful that coat toss arced right onto Lisanna’s shoulders
Fucking Jellal has he just been walking around for hours while the world is ending dude needs to work on his timing 
Zeref, talking about his own murder: It saddens me, but you failed
“If you don’t get that he’s out of your league by now, you’re probably a lost cause” Fdfkghkdfjhgkfdjghklf Bickslow and Freed are killing me
I have a lot of emotions about Gray and his dad but I’m glad he’s at peace
“It is possible though, that our paths will someday cross” Erza’s garbage boyfriend missed the battle but drops by with vaguely inspiring words and a lowkey ‘I’ll call you’
Whaaaaaaaaaaat Mest has had the most confusing life
It’s a testament to how tired I am that it did not occur to me right away that Etherious Natsu Dragneel spelled out END
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