#AND I LOVE U 2222
screampied · 3 months
i love you but i hate you too (new sukuna story😔😔😔) you're so UGHHHHHHHH SJEBKDBSOSNSIBSJS for it yk😔😔😔
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
First of all congrats once again on the milesone bby!!! for the sleepover can I as a micro drabble for jack and pirate AU ?? honestly at first I was going to ask for frankie but jack just felt like a better fit fbfgb love u <333
Sil my love! I had the time of my life sailing the seas with Pirate!Jack. Inevitably, this Captain Jack is partly inspired by the OG Captain Jack Sparrow and POTC. I loved POTC fanfic back in the day, so thank you so much for sending this prompt!
Jack Daniels x pirate AU
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Fuck Yeah 2222 Sleepover micro drabble request | 889 words | warnings: non-graphic mentions of violence, angst, childhood sweethearts, mention of arranged marriage, historical romance
The last time you saw him was seven years ago, when you hurled words dipped in hurt and  teenage venom at him as he held you, his beat-up leather bag at his feet by the water.
‘I need to go and earn my fortune, or your father will never let you marry me. Can’t you understand that?’ he pleaded with you.
‘We can run away!’ you insisted, your cheeks streaked with ugly tears.
He shook his head, kissing you on your forehead. ‘I want you to have a life you deserve, and I can’t give it to you if I don’t do this.’ 
Taking off the only thing he has of value - his mother’s gold ring set on a chain - he slipped it over your head and kissed you one last time.
‘I’ll come back for you. Wait for me, darlin’.’
You stand on that very same dock now. You’ve grown up. You’re taller, sadder, and you wear your melancholy like a shroud. You’re set to sail across the seas to England, a country you’ve never set foot on; and to marry your betrothed, a man you’ve never met.
You’re numb, resigned to your fate. Jack is dead. Or he’s found someone else, married and happy in a distant, exotic land. It doesn’t make a difference either way.
His mother’s ring, the only thing you have left of him, hangs between your breasts, digging into your skin under your corset, the same place it’s been all these years.
Your chambermaid asks gently, ‘Are you ready, my lady?’
You nod.
And you walk the plank.
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The sound of cannon fire jolts you violently out of your sleep, and you bolt up from your uncomfortable little cot. It sounds like hell unleashed up on deck above, the sound of boots and violence right on top of your head.
Your chambermaid bursts into your room with one of your coats in her hands.
‘What’s happening?’ you ask frantically.
‘Pirates!’ she screams.
She throws the coat over your shoulders, and you hastily pull on a pair of boots. Once you’re decent, a lieutenant appears to escort you both to safety.
It’s bedlam above. The bitter tinge of gunpowder stings your eyes and nose, the smell of blood turns your stomach, and then the screams and the clang of swords - the lieutenant presses a hand to the back of your head so you’re looking at your feet as you sprint across deck, or you surely would have fainted.
Your entourage makes it to the back of the ship, where one of the rowing boats is ready to be lowered into the water - when you hear a gun being cocked at the back of your head.
‘Not so fast, darlin’.’
You’d know that voice anywhere.
Your chambermaid shrieks in fright when the lieutenant falls onto the floor from a blunt crack of the butt of a pistol against his head.
Slowly, you turn around.
His eyes are the same. The same brown, but now, there are lines around them and creases at the corners. He’s obviously seen a lot of sun, freckles and marks pepper his face, and curls peek from underneath the wide-brimmed hat he wears. Behind him, you see the looming figure of a ship flying the unmistakable black flag of a skull with two swords underneath it.
Jack grins at you. ‘Hello, darlin’.’
You walk straight up to him and slap him across the face, with everything you got. From the corner of your eye, you see the other bedraggled pirates gasp at your bold action as his head whips to one side at the force.
But he only grins wider and pulls you into him by your wrists. He smells of the sea, musky, with the distinct whiff of ocean salt.
‘Where the hell have you been?’ you spit at him, your traitorous eyes brimming with tears.
He clucks teasingly. ‘What a tongue you’ve got on you now, darlin’.’
You shove at him with your whole body, but he barely budges. ‘Fuck you, Jack. I waited for you, and you never came back for me.’
He cocks his head to one side. ‘I did come back for you, darlin’, I was at our hometown but three days ago - only to be told that you were on your merry way to marry some landed gentry across the sea. And that simply won’t do - I’m a pirate darlin’, and I don’t share what’s mine.’
You scoff. ‘I’m not yours, Jack. You lost me when you left me seven years ago.’
‘It’s Captain Jack to you, thank you very much,’ he retorts playfully, unfazed by your ire. You gasp when he unceremoniously rips open the lapels of your coat, and one rough fingertip trails down your bare neck, curling around the delicate gold chain that you never take off.
His eyes soften at the sight of his mother’s ring. ‘You lie so well, you’ll make an excellent pirate yourself, darlin’.’
Grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, you kiss him hard, his big hands gripping your waist, crushing you into his embrace. Brushing his nose against yours, he pulls back. 
‘I should’ve asked you all those years ago,’ he says, regret colouring his words. ‘Will you marry me?’
You palm his cheek, grinning through tears. ‘Yes, my captain, a thousand times yes.’
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itsviiii · 7 days
i love luv all of u and i wish we can meet one day
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ask-ricky-pawtts · 1 month
Hey Ricky, how'd you come up with the whole zolar story?
Also love you you're the best /p
I LUV U 2222!!!!!!! oh my staaarrssss thank uuu ur so pawsome 🐾🐾🐾
Well fur me purrsonally, Zolar was kind of a mix of things like cause-wise and stuff…
Like when my disease started really kicking hard and I was getting TONS of pains and like… kids stopped wanting to play with me, I had my kitties, and they would always bee there for me and I guess that’s where alot of like I came up with the idea of this cat-filled safe space,
And during a year 8 free writing project it was like,, the furrst thing that came to mind! That’s actually where Cataris came from!!! ^w^
But later, when I got to like year 10 I guess that whole “stopped wanting to play with me” thing just really came back swinging,, I revisited the kitty land, the safe spaces, and for a little it wasn’t much of anything until like
Well, I guess the ton of seafood and dairy I had that night was apart of it but one night I had this like, craaazy dream, like a prophecy, it was so real. All those dreams of cat people and that safe place it just became something, that dream like… unlocked something in me.
Sometimes I get visions of that world, distant memories not quite my own and I think that’s a lot of what inspires me to write Zolar. Not only does it like.. feel like safety, feel like home, but it helps me get out those ideas, those memories, you know? Sorry that’s like, kind of crazy :< but yk!!
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blajians · 11 months
#AirSigns 💨 Weeknd Channeled Messages , Confirmations and Signs (S/m/r) Take what resonates✔️ Dm to book #libra #gemini #aquarius
See thread 👇🏽
💨 L , U, N , A , Career , Reputation , Men , #Scorpio #Gemini #Pisces #capricorn 444,1212,999,9999
Advice : Roll with it , Know that you know nothing Messages : “I can see my part in all this” “let’s agree to include both our views”
Adinkra Symbol : ODO NYGRA FIE KWAN which means “Love does not lose its way home.”
#WaterSigns 💧 Weeknd Channeled Messages , Confirmations and Signs (S/m/r) Take what resonates✔️ Dm to book #cancer #scorpio #pisces
See thread 👇🏽
💧 K , U #Moon #Mars #Neptune #NorthNode
Psychic , dreams , uncomfortable, destiny, Action , Tuesday, Monday , Feelings , Instincts , #cancer #Pisces #Scorpio #Virgo #libra #aquarius #Gemini 2222 , 8888 , 999 , 1010
Advice : Beware of your appetites
Messages: “I love you” “i am thankful” ”I’m feeling unappreciated “ “I need your support right now” “please be more gentle with me” “i want to be more gentle with you I just don’t know how” “I’m getting worried” “clarify what you’re saying”
Adinkra Symbol : Sankofa meaning “Go back and get it!”
#Earthsigns 🌍 Weeknd Channeled Messages , Confirmations and Signs (S/m/r) Take what resonates✔️ Dm to book #Taurus #Capricorn #virgo
See thread 👇🏽
🌍 M , G #mercury #Neptune #pluto #Mars #southnode communication , memory , dreams , spirituality , power , wealth , action , sex , karma , comfort zone , career, father , endings , healing , health , usefulness , Tuesday, Wednesday #Gemini #Virgo #taurus #aries #Scorpio #Sagittarius 000,111,3333,666
Advice : Beware of your appetites , OBEY , Move on
Messages: “Please stop.” “I'm sorry. Please forgive me.” “My reactions were too extreme. Sorry” “Let me try again.” “Con you make things safer for me” “please don’t lecture me “ “let’s find common ground” “clarify what you’re saying”
Adinkra Symbol : Asase Ye Duru meaning “the earth has weight.”
#Firesigns 🔥 Weeknd Channeled Messages , Confirmations and Signs (S/m/r) Take what resonates✔️ Dm to book #Sagittarius #Leo #Aries
See thread 👇🏽
🔥 P , U , M , H #jupiter , Thursday , abundance , travel , communication , thinking , relationships, partners , intimacy, assets , mystery, philosophy, religion #Sagittarius #aquarius #capricorn 111,2222,8888,9999
Advice : Face Yourself , Enjoy
Messages: “let’s compromise “ “sounds like it’s all my fault” “i never saw things that way “ “let’s agree to disagree “ “I can see my part in it all” “I understand “ “let me start again in a softer way” “please say tht more gentle “ “I need it to be calmer rn” “I’m feeling sad” “tell me you love me” “listen and try to understand “”I feel unappreciated “ “kiss me” “this is important”
Adinkra Symbol : Mmere Dane meaning “times change.”
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cocteautwinslyrics · 8 months
omg i missed your birthday i wasnt online imso sorry☹️☹️ happy belated birthday i love you
it is literally all ok tysm love u 2222
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peterthepark · 2 years
Okay! just make sure to drink some water pls (and yes! we do love you)
heheh yesyes yes ofc i love u 2222
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attniteitalk2myself · 9 months
let’s talk… u & me
What exactly 2 talk about. No clue… no idea…no thought.
I’m alone right now and I have not been alone in my room like this for near 2 years. It’s quiet. Too quiet. Scary. My anxiety is really tugging at me, taking this very opportunity, this very alone-ness, to drag me away. I think I’m better than that. I think I want to stand face-to-face with it.
I have a lot more to focus on and pay attention to than my anxiety. I guess it’s the most of my thoughts and the least of my concern.Good, I’m doing it.
What do I talk about?
Maybe about how this feels. Well, thanks for asking…if you must know, it feels nice. It’s fueling something. Clearly. I’m writing and this is a rare occurrence recently. I write a lot but writing on tumblr is not a hobby for me recently. This type of writing is one that occurs in the roughest of time or in the most profound moments. Matter of fact, tumblr isn’t for the roughest time, it’s just for the most profound of moments. Profound meaning both rough and euphoric.
No seeing this page can read the 5 years of agony, hurt, love, euphoria, joy, disbelief, anger and frustration left on this page. It’s hidden behind my own screen. But you can see this. This is the byproduct of all of it. The byproduct of the rawest form of writing that exists. That exists in my world at least.
You don’t know of what comes from typing my emotions down on this digital pages. You just know this. No one knows this. Know one knows me. I am here, and we have the same experience but our shared experience means nothing to you. I’m just a blip in the vastness of your life. Even maybe a glitch. What a horrifying thought. It’s so terribly humbling to think that way.
Where was I going with all of this?
Do I sound fake deep? Does me saying that call attention to something you didn’t even notice in the first place. Now you do, don’t you?
Now that we’re like ankle deep into this, I should go ahead and tell you that I struggle with how people perceive me experiencing or sharing emotion or just being emotional. When I cry I wonder if some part of me is producing these false tears to gain some sort of attention. I am disconnected to my emotions but somehow I am the most emotional person I know. That could mean nothing though because we’re all emotional. The point is that in my world, I am particularly horrible at feeling my own feelings. So much so that I feel as though I am performing my emotions. How do I know what it’s like to really be sad? How do I know what it’s really like to have anxiety? Do I actually have generalized anxiety disorder? How do I know what that’s supposed to feel like?
I read somewhere within my astrological chart that I tend to view expressing my own emotions as sort of sport and I broadcast them as a defense mechanism to avoid intimate emotional experience. I am a great therapist for myself. Intellectualizing my emotions seems to be my life’s work. I cannot begin to imagine what it’s like to not do this. To feel your feelings. What a foreign thought…
Wow…well, we were only ankle deep but now we’re drowning.
Maybe I should introduce myself…
I change my favorite color constantly but no matter what I do, the color blue never leaves my side.
My favorite childhood movie is coraline
I see the number 2222 all the time and I like to think it’s a sign that I’m on the right path.
I have a love hate with writing. I suck at academic writing but have been appraised enough for my natural writing approach. I think it’s a good sign to take this more seriously.
My stomach issues are a character trait of mine and spearmint tea is the only remedy. I love tea. It feels like home.
Yeah… I think that’s all I have to say right now. I’ve written enough.
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tellllaura · 1 year
Tell Laura
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Becky Kill says: Just talking about you and it made us smile about the laughs we had. Thinking of you always. miss you xxx
Becky, school mate, New Malden says: Laura was anyone’s perfect child, really good at sport, really clever, always happy and although she was ill, I think she was one of the happiest people I know. Love her forever. You’re always in our minds. Laura love you. 
Laura you have been gone for over 2 moths now but I still find it hard to believe you have left us. You may not be in sight but you will always be in my heart from the day I met you and forever. School just isn’t the same while our not here. But I am sure you are happier where you are, because you are put out of this suffering wish you were. Love you.
Miss you 2222 much Laura. As soon as you get online, Whose name do you look for first?When a slow song comes on the radio,Whose face comes to your mind? by Becky Kill - | Miss you 2222 much
Natasha says: I really miss you. It’s not the same without you, even though we didn’t talk much I still feel there’s something missing. I always remember you walking into ‘Saturn’ with a big smile on you face. You are still a part of everyone’s lives in Saturn even though we can not see you, we still feel you and hear you. Lot’s of love Natasha.
Natasha Skliar-Ward, New Malden says: Laura was always happy and laughing her head off! I miss her loads… I was in her tutor group ‘Saturn’. I remember when we were in Room 52 (our old tutor group), there was a blue chair, which was for the teachers, but we all always wanted to sit on it. Laura would always be sitting there and all tried to get to it , but we never could :-). Laura was very popular. Everyone knew her. She always had this big smile on her face. I am sorry for your loss, but NO ONE WILL EVER FORGET HER !
Ivancica, Marko, Oliver, Katarina i Zeljko jaran says: Dear Laura, we miss you very much. You will be forever in our thoughts and in our hearts. You always knew how to make us smile. Knowing you gave us even more affection for children. I remember how happy we were when you started school and always laughing at your imitations and performances. We would love that you are with us now to share together happy moments with our own children.
  Draga Laurice, uvijek ces biti sa nama u mislima; veoma nam nedostajes. Uvijek si nam uljepsavala zivot i kroz tebe smo jos vise zavoljeli djecu. Voljela bih da si jos tu sa nama da dijelimo sretne trenutke sada kad i mi imamo djecu, kao sto smo bili sretni kad si ti krenula u skolu i tvoje prve imitacije. Nikada neces otici iz nasih srca. Vole te tvoji London, 30 Oct 2008. Richard, the Magician fr London says: In two hours I spent with Laura, I gained more enjoyment then in many years. It was like we shared magical moments together.
Olja auntie says: My only niece, my love, my beautiful doll, I miss your smile so much.A time has passed, but I still can not accept that you are not with us. Tears and time don’t help. Pain in my heart is even bigger.May the angels carry you on their wings. (Ljubavi tetkina, nedostaje mi tvoj osmeh. Lutko moja, zar je vec godina prosla? Tesko je prihvatiti da te nema. Suze i vreme ne pomazu. Neka te andjeli nose na krilima, duso tetkina! Da li ce ova tuga ikada proci? Strasno puno mi nedostajes. Spavaj s andjelima. Voli te tetka! Dani i meseci tako brzo prolaze, ali vreme ne pomaze. Velika tuga u mome srcu je jos teza i bolnija.)
Zvezdana, London says: Laura, my beautiful girl, I miss you my angels so much. Days and months are passing but I am stuck in place of sadness, stuck in time and memories. Look after each other… My dear Laura, it is hard to describe my longing for my little Luka and you. Words can’t express countless pages my soul in silence write for you both, letters that only we mothers can read in deepest part of our hearts. Our angels, we love you forever, you are always in our hearts!
Nikita Patel, New Malden says: Laura, it’s been over just a year since you’ve gone. I know that everyone is missing you loads. The School isn’t the same without you. I miss walking in the maths and seeing you sitting there with a big grin on your face. I was never close to you, but whenever I did talk to you, you could always make me smile. You’ll never be forgotten. r.i.p babe. love you xxx.
Bianca, Momentum, Kingston says: A year today Laura that you passed away. I have some wonderful memories of you that I will treasure. Your ever smiling eyes would lighten up with excitement if were talking about things. I know that we shared both happy and sad times together but the happy ones stay with me.
Rebecca, Kingston Vale says: I will miss you very much Laura and I will never forget you and the good times we had together at primary school. There isn’t a day when I think about you, and I will always have the memories of me and you, as I have a picture of us on my window still when we where in year six. Rest in peace! xxx
Aimee And Daraysa, Yr 11 Students At Coombe Girls School : Rest In Peace Laura We Didnt Really No You That Well But I Remember Talking To You Once At School. We Always Used To See You In School With A Beautiful Smile On Your Face! It Is A Very Sad Loss! We Were Very Shocked When We Heard The Terrible News! Rest In Peace Laura!
Abbie, Kingston says: I didnt know Laura that well, but I do know she was loved a lot at school! I also go to Coombe and where ever Laura went every one smiled!! Laura will always be in our hearts!!
 (Martha, New Malden)…We weren’t really friends, but I found this site it really brought tears to my eyes. It’s so sweet. We do miss you loads. Can’t believe you’re not in class anymore. Hannah, Kingston says: Laura it’s so hard to take in that your gone. I still can’t get over the fact that I will never see you again. I expect you to just walk into school with that massive smile on your face that you always had. I will never forget you Laura and you will always be in my heart. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of love from Hannah, Kingston .
Karen Jenkins, Navesink, NJ says: May God bless and comfort you dear friend in grief. I, too, lost my child to death. A death unexpected but final. My prayers and comfort to you in this long hard road we travel.
Leila, London says: Hey Laura. We all miss you sooooo much. I’ve never lost anyone I know and it was quite hard for me because of it. Even though we didn’t talk much, when we did it was soo fun. Break will never be the same without you.
Lizzi, Gibraltar says: Hey Laura. I Cant Believe Your Gone….Nobody Even Told Me You Were Ill Coz You Know I’m Livin In Spain At The Moment And That Made It Hard For Me To Contact You…I Sent You A Few Letters When I First Moved Her And I Still Have The Letters You Sent To Me. Sometimes I Get The Feeling Your Watching Over.I Remember When I Was Still in Coombe Me And You Made That Graffiti Alphabet Up… and Your Tag Name Was Joker And Mine Was Band…. Ha ha….That Was In Chemistry. Well I Miss You Lotz Now & Forever!
**Tetka **says: BLAGOSLOV Blagoslovi ovo maleno srce, ovu nevinu dušu što je nebesa privolela da zemlji poljubac daju. Ona voli sjaj sun?eva svetla, ona voli lik svoje majke. Ona nije svikla da s prezirom na prašinu gleda, ni za zlatom da ?ezne. Prigrli je na svoje grudi i blagoslov joj daj. Ona je došla u ovu zemlju gde se stotinu raskršca racva. Ne znam zašto je baš tebe izabrala medj’ tolikim mnoštvom, na tvom pragu se obrela, za šaku te dohvatila, za put upitala. Ona ce te pratiti uz smeh i pricu i bez senke sumnje u srcu. cuvaj njeno poverenje, vodi je pravo i blagoslov joj daj. Položi šaku na njenu glavu i moli se da, iako talasi podnožju sve silniji prete, dašak s visina ipak sleti, da sobom ispuni njena jedra i odvede je u luku mira. Ne zaboravi na nju u svojoj hitnji, nek’ se u srcu tvom svije i blagoslov joj daj.
Becky, school mate, New Malden : Just a little poem form me to you, To say how much I will miss you, And how much I love you. These days its not the same. In school, out of school And around every corner I turn. We sit there in our lessons just waiting. Waiting and waiting ……But I guess we will be waiting a long time now. We don’t see you just walk through the door with that grin on your face. No more turning around in maths, No more putting the blame on Heather No more you? Just wish I could spend one more day with you, One more hour in your company, One minute will be one minute longer. It’s not fair that it had to be you, But I guess it was your time, You’re put out of your pain and suffering. Love you Laura And you will never be forgotten. I think about you everyday. I hug my pillow that you gave me for Christmas last year. 
Becky Kill, 2007: Take my hand we will make it I swear. When u hear your phone ringing who do you hope is calling. Whose name makes your stomach drop when u hear it. When you see her. It feels like your heart has just skipped a beat. Who is the person u miss so much. You would do anything to bring them back. Do u realise wt u r 2 me? What you are always going to be. You are the one I miss the most. Everyone else will always be my second best. There will never me another you. I miss u is that obvious. Love is when u miss sum1. As soon as they have left your side you cud listen to them talk all night. And never get tired of hearing there voice. When the sound of her name. Sends chills down your spine. When you imagine her face, the second you close your eyes. I love you. I’m going to miss you forever. I cant stop missing her and I never will. Once upon a time A bad thing happened 2 me………..It was the day u left me xx Trust me we I say……………..I miss u because……..I mean it. 
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katasstrophy · 2 years
RIVERRR UR TAGS😭🤕🤕STOPPP U ARE TOO SWEET I LOVE U SM :((( fight tumblr for me for making my posts glitchy and shadow banning me URRRGHDJDD i promise those profiles will be posted once at a time during this weekend bc i owe it to you all :( ,, you’ll love this smau i know it
KAYLAAAAA!!! that’s her that’s my wife 🥺🫶 MERRY CHRYSLER BABE ILYSM 2222!!!! nah fr i’m rolling up me sleeves as we SPEAK so i can deck tumblr dot com in the face for such audacity 😒 pls take ur time lovely (even tho i’ve gone a little fucked in the head from anticipation…) i won’t just love it I’LL ADORE IT AND CONSUME IT AND BREATHE IT UP MY NOSTRILS AND—
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miekasa · 3 years
armin would be scared of mie. i feel like eren would tease mie a lot. levi and mie feels like a cute quiet pair, all right in the world. nanami would not understand why mie censors his name and makes him dye his hair, but okay, you guys still match. mie and mikasa would be a great pair
mie x ryn sweetest ship 😛
All I’m hearing is Mievi and Nan*mie supremacy, as it should be 😌 Eren is a little shit teasing is his love language, so I don’t mind, also he’s hot so <333 and Mikasa dream girl absolute dream girl <3333
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1-800-iluvhockey · 3 years
hughes sister playing softball and committing to u of michigan 💛
of course !!!! I tried my best at this & decided to use Emerson Aiken from the current umich softball team as inspo!! She is amazing!!
I also think if Ellen did have a girl, that she would have blonde hair! that’s why I keep using a blonde inspo for y/n hughes!! (if anyone doesn’t like it, when you request a hughes sister, I would suggest saying the hair color lol because my first choice is blonde or dark blondeish brown 😂)
anyways! this will mostly be just y/n’s insta for this!
(all pictures are not mine and storylines are fiction!!)
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liked by @jackhughes86 , @owenpower_ , @brendanbrisson & others
y/nhughes - joining the hughes college route & officially signed to the next 4 with @umichsoftball !!!! #gettoplayforuofmwithbrobro
tagged @/ umichsoftball, lhughes_06, & quinnhughes_
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quinnhughes_ - GO BLUE!! so proud of my baby sister 😭
lhughes_06 - YES !!!! CLASS OF ‘25 !!! getting to go to school with my little (twin) sister & playing D1 >
jackhughes86 - CONGRATS LIL SIS!! sending love all the way from NJ! I love you stink !!!
elblue06 - babies finally all commited and are playing at their dream levels / schools !!
↳ y/nhughes - you are the best mom in the whole wide world!!
kentjohnson.13 - CONGRATS! 🥳
thombordeleau - YAY YOU’RE COMING TO AA !!! have to introduce you to the squaddddd (and the frosh of course!)
brendanbrisson - can’t wait to have you & lu lu in AA this upcoming year!!!! FROSH
lhughes_06 - have to put a team wide rule/ban on NOT DATING MY LITTLE SISTER
↳ y/nhughes - it’s twin sister (and I do what I want 😉)
owenpower - atta girl :-)
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liked by @owenpower_ , @lhughes_06 , @elblue06 & others
y/nhughes - last time being in a USA uniform for awhile! bittersweet but such a honor! ❤️🇺🇸
tagged @/ usasoftball
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lhughes_06 - proud brother! can’t wait to see you play again in the NCAA big leagues!!!
owenpower_ - glad that we (the boys) got to see you in action!!!
↳ y/nhughes - best hype squad !! was very glad to see you guys again 😋
elblue06 - my (not so little) baby girl is a rockstar !!
quinnhughes_ - go little sis go little sis
usasoftball - 🤩🤩
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liked by @owenpower_ , @umichsoftball , @umichhockey & others
y/nhughes - first media day + first maize out 🥳 #22 #sorrycouldntpick43
tagged @/ umichsoftball
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lhughes_06 - its no #43 but it’s something !! very proud of you !!
quinnhughes_ - 22 is a pretty good number y/n/n (but it’s no number 13)
jackhughes86 - only y/n/n would chose 22 because 43 wasn’t open #sheisthebiggestswiftie
elblue06 - FEELIN 22 !!!!
owenpower_ - number twin !!!!! 2222
↳ y/nhughes - 🤩
kentjohnson.13 - should have chose 13 :(
↳ y/nhughes - as much as I wanted to, that was taken too !!! love ya kj
brendanbrisson - shit y/n now I owe owen & bords $50 bucks
↳ thombordeleau - each LMAO (but congrats lil hughes! glad that you could be with us on game day lol but we can’t wait to see you play & come to yost to watch h a few!)
↳ y/nhughes - can’t wait to support @umichhockey & my brother !! (but you guys should come watch me & my girls when our season starts!!)
lhughes_06 - wouldn’t miss it for the world !!
↳ y/nhughes - ^ wouldn’t miss a day to support you at yost lu lu !!
abbster’s taglist: @hockey-lover86 @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover-22 @owenpwr @bellaguarneri @dylandukerr @pierrelucduboiis @pulpfixion @oskarlidblom @the-stars-shine-above-us @yorkshirespirlo @juliasahoshughes @studsccsnackavoybambi
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blkmxrvel · 5 years
To Kree or Not To Kree
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Romanoff!Reader; Natasha Romanoff x LittleSister!Reader; Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (brief but there!)
Words: 2222
Request: May I please request a Carol Danvers x fem!reader where the reader is really affectionate, but Carol isn’t really cuddly because she’s not used to physical contact? Like, the reader really always wants to kiss/hug Carol but doesn’t cuz she doesn’t want to make Carol uncomfortable? But when Carol initates small bits of affection, like hand holding, the reader gets really happy, and it kinda makes Carol guilty cuz C feels like she doesn’t give R enough love. Sorry if this is confusing I❤u!!!
Summary: You want touch, Carol doesn’t. Carol loves you, you love Carol more. Natasha stands up for her little sister.
Warnings: Carol is a bit of an asshole but means no harm, Natasha is a #mamabear. Angst-ish, but fluffy nonetheless.
A/N: what????? madi managed to post a request???? bitch ik! im sorry it’s taken me so long I was in a bit of a rut there! but iam back and I really like this one. I sorta kinda tried a new writing style? If yall like it lmk. Enjoy!
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Everyone says opposites attract, and with you and Carol, it’s quite obvious.
You’re the kind of person who thrives off of human contact and affection. You love anything that involves contact, hugging, holding hands, high fives, cuddling, the whole 9 yards. It’s what gave you the euphoric feeling that everyone craves.
Carol is literally the exact opposite. She stays away from physical contact as much as possible
She doesnt understand the need for it, she wants her space. She doesnt need to….interlock fingers with yours to prove that she loves you. She may have been human, but technically, her wiring was still Kree.
And do you really think they allowed measly… mortal things like hugging and cuddling to slide?
That’s what I thought.
You never made a big deal out of it, though. You knew that was just Carol, and you didn’t wanna be the kind of girlfriend that always nags and is never satisfied.
Don’t get me wrong. You’ve tried. Like that once time at the pier.
It was date night, you and carol, and Natasha and Wanda. It was group date:movie on the beach followed by street food and a walk on the pier.
“Group photo!” Everyone huddled together as Natasha stretched her arms to hey everyone in the photo.
You stood by your girlfriend smiling wide, you took a regular photo and then a silly one. You saw Wanda stand on her tiptoes to kiss Natasha on her cheek, so you figured you would do the same to Carol.
I mean…Natasha sure as hell got a kick out of it. And you and Carol were just as much in love and they were.
So, standing on your toes when Natasha went to take another picture, you pressed your lips to Carol eyes.
Big mistake.
Carol froze up, you could’ve sworn she was about to have a seizure with how tense her body got.
“You alright?” Thinking that you crossed a boundary.
“Yeah, Babe. I’m fine.”
You brushed it off and told yourself you were overthinking.
But you weren’t.
For the rest of the night, Carol basically avoided any contact with you, she didnt hold your hand, kiss you on your forehead. None of it.
You chalked it up to her maybe not being comfortable with PDA. You could get with that, I mean…it makes sense. She grew up in a time where people weren’t so open about two women loving each other, and a lot of people today still aren’t it made sense.
But then….Carol not only didn’t show you affection outside, but inside as well.
Everytime you initiated a cuddle session, she would always make some lame excuse “oh, it’s too hot” or “you’re crushing my bladder baby” and she would always play it off.
That happened a lot, like a lot, a lot.
So eventually, you let it go. You didn’t try to hug her, or hold her when she had a bad day. You knew she wasn’t going to hold up or rub your back if you came back from a particularly bad mission that left you with a nightmare. You knew that you weren’t ever going to have that. But you loved Carol, so you were able to deal.
Not being able to be intimate (not sexually) with the one person you loved most took a toll on you, of course it did.
Everyone could see it, especially Natasha.
Nat was your big sister, she was always the one who noticed even the smallest bit of a change in you.
So you bet your bottom dollar that Natasha heard the sigh you let out when she hugged you longer than usual.
This past mission was….brutal, to say the least. You had made it out by the skin of your teeth, broken toe and bruises and scratches everywhere, but alive nonetheless.
Of course, Carol was relieved that you were alive…and she told you that. But sometimes actions speak louder than words. All she gave you was a little smile and peck on the lips. There was no bruising kiss, bone crushing hug. But, you were used to it.
Natasha though, quite the opposite.
As soon as she saw you, her little sister, walk through the compound doors, she gave you the biggest hug.
All you could do was hug back, let out the biggest sigh, and with that came tears. It had been so long since you’d been hugged so passionately. Since someone’s love for you was shown through body movements and physical contact.
Natasha noticed how you were reluctant to pull away, and how when you did. You looked drained, albeit refreshed.
She knew the mission was tough but this was something else. She knew how you looked when it’d been awhile without physical reassurance.
“When was the last time Carol gave you a hug? Held you? Anything?”
And when you couldn’t give a solid answer let alone a recent one, Natasha was ready to rip off a head. You calmed her down of course, saying how it was okay, but She wasn’t having it.
“Why don’t you just tell her how much hugging and affection means to you? You don’t deserve this.” Natasha huffed and crossed her eyes, eyes sad eyes looking into yours.
“Because it’s who she is, Nat.” You tried to explain. “She doesn’t do hugs or late night cuddles. That’s just her.”
Natasha rolled her eyes. “Yeah? Well you do hugs, and kisses and holding hands and late night cuddles. That’s just who you are. Why are you the only sacrificing and making changes to who you are, when she’s living fine and dandy?” She threw her hands up, eyes wide and expectant with anger.
“Why is she perfectly sane and you’re losing your mind, hell yourself? And why the fuck didn’t you tell me about this earlier?”
Natasha was pissed yes, but it was coming from a place of love. And you knew you needed to hear it.
“I- I don’t know. I just love her and I didn’t wanna make her uncomfortable.”
She sighed. Placing her hands on your arms, rubbing up and down. You smiled. “That’s not love, Y/N/N. You can love Carol all you want, but you don’t love yourself if you’re willing to allow yourself to be hurt like this.”
Natasha was right, she knew that. And she also knew that you weren’t going to say anything to Carol directly. So she took upon herself, as she should.
You slept in between Natasha and Wanda that night. Sandwiched in between your two favorite people family members. Don't…. Don’t tell Tony that.
The next morning, Carol jumped up at the sound of banging against her door. It was still dark outside, she didn’t even hear birds chirping yet. Who in the world could that be?
“I don’t care if your decent or not Danvers, I’m coming in.”
The door opened and in walked Natasha romanoff, still in her pajamas, but a wicked look on her face. She sat in the chair facing Carol’s bed, faced hardened and eyes raging.
“Nat what the-”
“We need to talk about Y/N.”
Carol’s eyes widened, sitting up immediately. “I- Is she alright?”
“No, thanks to you.” Natasha raised her eyebrows, attitude spewing from her body language. Spicy.
“What are you talking about?” Carol rubbed her eyes, it was too early to be dealing with yelling and accusations.
“Why haven’t you hugged her? Or kissed her? Or held her after her worst missions? Or told her it was going to be alright when she wakes up screaming from nightmares? Because I’m sure she does. We all do. But unlike Y/N, we have someone to calm us down and make is feel safe? Do you even love her?”
Carol scrunched her eyebrows up at that. “Of course I love her why are you asking that?”
“Are you sure?” Natasha tilted her head. “Because if you did, you would see how tired and sad she looks. How all she wants is a hug and kiss everyone once and a while from her girlfriend! How she just wants to hold your hand when you pass through crowds because they make her nervous and she doesnt want to get lost!”
Carol stuttered. What was Natasha talking about?
“She wants to feel loved. Because actions speak damn louder than words. And you telling Y/N that you love her means nothing if she doesn’t feel it.”
Natasha is pacing around the room now, rage fueling her words. This was for her sister.
“God. She sacrificed the one thing that grounds her the most because you are ‘comfortable’ with physical contact.” Air quotes. “Well too damn bad, Danvers. Sometimes we gotta feel uncomfortable to make the one we love comfortable. And it isn’t even unreasonable, its human! And before you spew that Kree bullshit at me, you have your memories back, and all the feelings that come with it. You know what it’s like. Y/N hasn’t been hugged or held in weeks. She thrives on that. That’s why she probably almost died! Because she just couldn’t think, her body didn’t have enough energy, enough…love to get out of their sooner.” Natasha wiped her eyes, red and puffy eyes before looking at her sisters girlfriend. Her voice cracked all through her rampant speech.
“So before you say, you love her. Do you actions show it? She may be here now, might he huffing it and powering through. But a person can only handle so much before they break. And I’ll be damned if I let you break my sister. So shape up, or ship out, Danvers. My sister comes first.”
And with that…Natasha was gone.
Carol just sat in her bed, hair still messy and eyes red and teary.
What kind of girlfriend was she? Natasha was 100% right. She didnt give you enough love, and she feels like a complete ass for not caring. She knew what she needed to do.
The rest of the day went as Normal. You had no idea about the whole Natasha/Carol debacle. And it stayed that way.
You woke up, in a….surprisingly not empty bed. Natasha and Wanda were at your sides, trying to hold in their giggles as they watched TV to not wake you.
Spoiler alert: didnt work.
Natasha asked how you’re feeling, to which you said “better than ever.” They both frowned at that answer. They didn’t even want to ask when was the last time you and Carol slept in the same bed.
You all went your separate ways. It was Sunday, you had training and a debriefing to prepare yourself for. But you needed to shower first. Mentally, you were refreshed, being squished because two bodies and snug like a bug in a rug really gave your mind a boost.
You were sad that it wasn’t Carol on either side of you, but you didn’t dwell too much on it. Not a good idea to think too much.
You walked towards your room, turning the knob to get your things to shower.
You nearly jumped when you saw a disheveled Carol on your bed. Red eyes and a look of pure guilt when she saw you.
“Carol, is everything alright?” She stood up and walked over to you. She played with her hands as she tried to find the right words.
“I just- I.” You reached out to place your hands onto Carol’s, immediately pulling your hands back when you registered just who was standing in front of you.
Carol broke at that. Tears now freely flowing from her eyes as she covered them with her hands.
“You’re scaring me, Car. What’s wrong?” She pulled her hands down and stared at you, the tears never stopping.
Suddenly, you felt yourself being pulled forward and warm, strong arms coming around your waist.
It was an odd feeling, a new one, and it took you a minute, but then you realized.
This is a hug, Carol is hugging you. Oh my god. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
You wrapped your arms around Carol’s middle, squeezing tightly as you laid your head on her chest. She squeezed harder, still crying, while words fell from her mouth.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I’ve been the worst girlfriend ever. I put myself before you and I let you not put yourself first. I should’ve hugged you everyday, and kissed you on your forehead when you were sleepy and- and held your hand when were in crowds and let you lay on me when you were scared. I’m so sorry. You’re only human and I denied you of the one thing you needed most. Please forgive me.”
You didn’t let go of Carol, or say anything else. You just squeezed harder, your arms coming to wrapped around her neck, as she pulled your body even closer.
Tears sprang to your eyes when you felt her lips press to your forehead.
Was this a dream?
“This was all you wanted and I never gave it to you. You never go without it again I promise, I love you. I love you and I’m gonna show you. No more Kree Carol, Human Carol from now on.”
You placed a kissed on Carol’s neck, smiling when she sighed in relief.
This was all you wanted, and you finally got it. You’re only human.
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90strend · 4 years
nat!! we’ve been mutuals forever and i love seeing you on my dash w/ ur hayley icon i stan! your blog is pure quality content i love u!! 💕
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sakizremade · 5 years
hi......i love ur blog a lot.,,and the content....omg...!!!!! like seriously queen keep having good taste!! also everytime u make a post im like ‘ u r right and u should say it’ anyways as i said i love ur blog a lot, u r one of my faves!!! u dont only make the best posts but i also feel like u r super sweet and so so so so so nice when u interact with ur mutuals and really funny too and u seem so easy and soooo nice to talk with and this is so bad but youre really the best and i really enjoy seeing u on my dash<3!!!!!!!!! hope we get to interact more ily!!💞 
no more please! 
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akechifucks · 5 years
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