cupcakeslushie · 5 months
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Leo Arc Part 6 (2 of 2)
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Oh crap I hit post instead of schedule for the first one. Welp, it’ll just be half a day early, lol! I’m sure y’all don’t mind
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tarotwithavi · 8 months
Venus in houses
Venus signifies love, beauty, relationships, art, aesthetics, and harmony in astrology. It also represents how we express affection and what we're attracted to.
These post are general and won't resonate 100% because we have to consider other aspects too.
For entertainment purposes only!
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Venus in the 1st house
People with Venus in the 1st house tend to be naturally charming and attractive. They have a friendly, approachable vibe that draws others in. People often find them physically appealing, even if they're not aware of it. These individuals have a certain grace and poise about them. They carry themselves with elegance and may have a good sense of fashion and style. They know how to make a positive first impression. Venus represents beauty, and when it's in the 1st house, these folks have a deep appreciation for all things beautiful. They may have a keen interest in art, fashion, or design. Socializing comes naturally to them. They enjoy being around people and are often the life of the party. They make friends easily and can adapt to different social situations with ease. Relationships play a significant role in their lives. They are often focused on creating harmonious and loving connections with others. They may fall in love quickly and enjoy the romantic aspects of life. In conversations, they tend to be diplomatic and tactful. They have a way of saying things that doesn't ruffle feathers, which makes them excellent mediators in conflicts. People with Venus in the 1st house are generally well-liked and popular. They have a magnetic quality that draws others to them, and they can often get what they want through their charm and charisma. Many of them have artistic talents, whether it's in music, visual arts, or any other creative endeavor. They may find joy and fulfillment in expressing themselves artistically. On the downside, they may have a tendency to indulge themselves a bit too much. This could manifest in overeating, overspending, or other forms of self-gratification. They often have strong preferences when it comes to aesthetics. They know what they like and don't like, whether it's in their home decor, clothing, or personal grooming. They value harmony and balance in their lives. Disruptions or conflicts can be particularly distressing for them, and they may go to great lengths to restore peace. Their personal values are very important to them. They are likely to stand up for what they believe in, and they seek partners and friends who share similar values.
Venus in the 2nd house
Having Venus here often means you appreciate the finer things in life. You might have a knack for making money and enjoy spending it on beautiful stuff – whether it's a fancy car, a stylish wardrobe, or a cozy home. You're likely drawn to luxurious and high-quality items. Quality over quantity is your mantra. You'd rather have one exquisite piece than a bunch of cheap stuff. Venus in the 2nd house can bring a touch of charm and grace to your financial dealings. People might find it hard to say no to you when you're asking for a loan or negotiating a deal. Your values play a significant role in your relationships. You're attracted to partners who share your values, especially when it comes to money and possessions. Harmony in these areas is important to you. You tend to be generous with your loved ones, showering them with gifts and treats. It's your way of showing affection. You usually have a good sense of how to manage your money. Financial stability is essential for your peace of mind, and you work to achieve it. Venus also rules beauty and art, so you might have a keen eye for design and aesthetics. You could excel in professions related to art, fashion, or interior decorating.You find pleasure in the sensory experiences of life – good food, beautiful surroundings, and physical comfort. This can also extend to your romantic life, where physical intimacy is essential. if Venus isn't well-aspected here, it could lead to overindulgence in spending or a tendency to be materialistic. Be mindful of not equating your self-worth with your possessions.
Venus in the 3rd house
Venus in the 3rd house blesses you with a silver tongue. You have a natural charm in the way you speak and interact with others. Your words are like sweet melodies, making it easy for you to connect with people on a personal level. You're a great conversationalist and can easily win people over with your pleasant demeanor. Venus is the planet of beauty and creativity, and in the 3rd house, it infuses your communication with a touch of artistry. You may have a talent for writing, public speaking, or storytelling. Your creative ideas flow effortlessly into your conversations, making them engaging and memorable. You're socially adept and thrive on building relationships with those in your immediate environment. This placement often indicates a strong bond with siblings, making you a friendly and supportive sibling or enjoying close relationships with your brothers and sisters. You may also have a knack for forming close friendships with your neighbors or people you encounter in your day-to-day life. Venus in the 3rd house can make you a lifelong learner. You have a curiosity about the world and a love for acquiring knowledge, especially in subjects related to art, culture, and aesthetics. This placement can encourage you to pursue studies or hobbies that involve beauty, such as literature, music, or the visual arts. While you're charming, your interactions with others may sometimes be perceived as flirtatious, even if that's not your intention. You enjoy the playful side of communication and may engage in witty banter or playful teasing. This can make you quite popular and fun to be around. In relationships, you express your affection through words and gestures. Love letters, sweet text messages, and small romantic surprises come naturally to you. You appreciate the beauty of love and use your communication skills to strengthen your romantic connections. Your relationship with siblings tends to be harmonious and supportive. You're there for them when they need you, and you bring a sense of ease and understanding to your family dynamics. The 3rd house also relates to short journeys. With Venus here, you may have a fondness for weekend getaways, road trips, or other short adventures, often with loved ones.
Venus in the 4th house
You find a deep sense of emotional security and comfort within the confines of your home and family. There's a strong need for a harmonious and loving domestic environment. You have a strong attachment to your home and might enjoy decorating and making it aesthetically pleasing. Your home is often a place of comfort, love, and artistic expression. Family plays a significant role in your life. You may have a close and loving relationship with your family members, particularly your mother or maternal figures. You attach sentimental value to family heirlooms, traditions, and memories. Your family's history and heritage are important to you. Your approach to love and relationships is nurturing and caring. You may express love through taking care of your loved ones, especially within the home environment. You seek a harmonious and peaceful home life, and you might go to great lengths to maintain a loving atmosphere. You enjoy entertaining at home and often find happiness in hosting gatherings. Venus in the 4th house can grant a good sense of style and design for home decoration. You may enjoy collecting art, antiques, or items of beauty for your living space. Your early childhood experiences, especially in your family, can strongly influence your attitudes and behaviors in love and relationships as an adult. There can be a strong interest in real estate, and you might invest in properties or find a career related to homes and interior design. Striving for balance and emotional security is crucial for your happiness. You seek relationships that provide a sense of comfort and emotional well-being.
Venus in the 5th house
With Venus in the 5th house, you have a magnetic charm that makes you naturally attractive and romantic. You seek love and pleasure in creative and playful ways. You enjoy the excitement of romance, and your relationships tend to be passionate and full of affection. This placement enhances your artistic and creative abilities. You may have a talent for music, art, or any form of self-expression. You find joy and fulfillment in creative pursuits and often use them as a means of showcasing your love and affection. Your inner child is very much alive, and you enjoy fun and playfulness. You may have a special connection with children and might excel in roles involving teaching or working with young people. Your love life often resembles a romantic fairy tale. You have a love for entertainment, whether it's through the arts, sports, or other leisure activities. You enjoy the finer things in life and are willing to invest in experiences that bring pleasure and luxury. Your charm and charisma are accentuated, making you a natural flirt. You tend to be social and love attention, often becoming the center of attraction in social settings. This can be a positive trait in your love life and personal relationships. You may be more willing to take risks in matters of the heart. This can lead to exciting and passionate relationships, but it may also involve some ups and downs. Love and creativity often go hand in hand for you, and you're not afraid to pursue your passions. If you become a parent, your love for children will shine through. You're likely to be a warm, affectionate, and creative parent who encourages your children to explore their own creative talents. Venus in the 5th house can bring out your dramatic side. You enjoy being in the spotlight and expressing yourself with flair, whether on stage or in everyday life. You may have a wide range of hobbies and interests that allow you to express your creativity and love. Your interests can become a big part of your identity and how you attract and connect with others.
Venus in the 6th house
You have a natural flair for bringing beauty and creativity into your job. You tend to enjoy work that involves art, aesthetics, or social interactions. You are likely to be diplomatic and pleasant in your interactions with colleagues and clients, making you a valuable team member. Venus in the 6th house often bestows good physical health. You are inclined to take care of your body and may be drawn to activities like yoga or other forms of exercise that are not only beneficial but enjoyable too.You are charming and diplomatic in your interactions with co-workers. This can create a harmonious work environment, but be cautious of overindulgence in office gossip or drama This placement can signify a love for helping others. You may be drawn to careers in healthcare, social work, or any field that involves assisting and nurturing people. You have a strong need for beauty and aesthetics in your daily life. You might decorate your workspace, have a well-organized and visually pleasing schedule, and appreciate the finer things in your daily routines. Your creative talents can be expressed through your work. You may find ways to infuse artistry into even the most mundane tasks, making your daily routines more enjoyable and fulfilling.Be cautious about romantic involvements in the workplace, as Venus in the 6th house can lead to romantic attractions with colleagues. It's essential to maintain professionalism in such situations. You may struggle to find a balance between work and personal life, as you can become so absorbed in your job or daily tasks that you forget to take breaks for self-care and enjoyment.
Venus in the 7th house
Venus in the 7th house indicates a deep need for harmonious relationships. You are drawn to partners who are attractive, charming, and cultured. You seek equilibrium and balance in your partnerships and may avoid conflict whenever possible. You have a natural ability to attract people and form meaningful connections. You may be seen as diplomatic, charming, and well-liked in social situations. Your charisma can be a significant asset in your personal and professional life.This placement often signifies a strong desire for committed and long-lasting partnerships. You are likely to value the institution of marriage and may dream of a fairy-tale romance. Venus in the 7th house can enhance your artistic and creative talents, as the 7th house represents partnerships, and Venus is the planet of aesthetics. You might find artistic expression through collaboration or partnerships. You have a refined sense of beauty and may be drawn to artistic or visually appealing partners. You appreciate art, fashion, and all things aesthetically pleasing. In your relationships, you tend to be diplomatic and value compromise. You may go to great lengths to maintain peace and harmony, sometimes at the cost of expressing your true feelings. This placement can influence not only your personal relationships but also your business partnerships. You're likely to have a good sense of business and can form lucrative partnerships, particularly in ventures related to beauty, art, or design. While Venus in the 7th house brings a lot of positive attributes, there can be challenges too. You may struggle with being overly dependent on your partner for emotional well-being, and at times, you might fear being alone. People with Venus in the 7th house often attract love into their lives. However, the challenge lies in maintaining that love over the long term, as you may idealize your partners. Your ability to negotiate and find common ground with others is a significant strength. You're skilled at resolving conflicts peacefully.
Venus in the 8th house
You possess an intense and deep emotional nature. Your feelings are not superficial; they run profound and can often be veiled, even to yourself. In your romantic relationships, you seek deep, passionate, and transformative connections. You're drawn to intense, soulful bonds with your partners. Your desires and pleasures are deeply rooted in the physical realm. Sensuality plays a significant role in your life, and you may have strong sexual appetites. The 8th house is also associated with shared resources and joint finances. You may have financial dealings with others, such as business partnerships or shared assets with a spouse. Venus in the 8th house can give you a magnetic and alluring presence. People may be naturally drawn to you because of your intense charm and charisma. You are inclined towards personal transformation and growth. You're not afraid to confront the darker aspects of life and explore the mysteries of the human psyche. You take your relationships seriously and are willing to invest a lot of emotional energy into them. Loyalty is crucial to you, and you may have a tendency to hold onto relationships longer than most. Financially, you may experience highs and lows. Joint financial matters can be a source of both gain and loss. It's essential to be cautious in financial partnerships. The 8th house is associated with the occult, mysteries, and hidden knowledge. You might have a natural inclination towards astrology, tarot, or other mystical subjects. Venus in the 8th house can also lead to a desire for control in relationships and financial matters. You may find it challenging to trust others completely. Your love life is often transformative. Relationships have the power to change you, and you may go through periods of intense emotional growth and change through love. On the downside, you might struggle with jealousy and possessiveness in relationships. It's important to work on trust and open communication. Venus adds an element of grace and elegance to your personality. You have a refined taste and may enjoy indulging in luxurious and beautiful things.
Venus in the 9th house
You possess a deep love for exploring new horizons, whether through travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. The desire to expand your worldview through these means is a significant part of your life.Venus brings harmony to your beliefs and values. You seek a sense of unity and may find beauty in various cultural, philosophical, or religious traditions. This placement often indicates a person with a more liberal and open-minded approach to different belief systems. You're attracted to intellectual and philosophical subjects. Learning is not just a duty but a pleasure for you. You may excel in fields related to higher education, publishing, or teaching. Venus in the 9th house encourages an appreciation for art, culture, and aesthetics from around the world. You might have a love for foreign languages, literature, or art. In relationships, you may be drawn to partners from diverse cultural or educational backgrounds. Romantic relationships often have a touch of adventure and exploration. Travel can be a source of pleasure and learning for you. You may have the opportunity to travel for pleasure and education. These experiences can be pivotal in your personal growth. Your ability to express your beliefs is marked by diplomacy and charm. You can discuss sensitive topics without causing offense and might even be a mediator in philosophical or religious debates. You seek deeper, spiritual truths and might explore various belief systems to find your own path. This placement often indicates a person on a lifelong journey of self-discovery. Your sense of aesthetics is influenced by your exposure to different cultures. You appreciate the beauty in diversity and may incorporate elements of various cultures into your personal style or home decor. At times, your strong desire for expansion and exploration can make you restless or commitment-averse in relationships. You may need to find a balance between your love for freedom and the stability of a long-term partnership.
Venus in the 10th house
You are likely to be quite focused on your career and public image. Venus in the 10th house suggests that you have a strong desire for success and recognition in your chosen field. You're drawn to professions that involve art, beauty, fashion, design, or anything that allows you to express your creative and aesthetic talents. You possess a natural charm and diplomacy that makes you adept at dealing with people in authority. This can be a valuable asset in your professional life, as you have the ability to network, negotiate, and create positive relationships with influential individuals. You have a refined sense of aesthetics, which can be applied to your career choices. Whether you are an artist, a fashion designer, or even in a corporate setting, you appreciate beauty and elegance. This can help you stand out in your profession. Your public image is important to you, and you are often seen as someone with a strong sense of style and grace. People may view you as a tastemaker or a person who embodies the ideal of beauty and harmony. Venus in the 10th house can also indicate an interest in social standing and a desire to be associated with those in higher social strata. You may feel comfortable in elite social circles and aspire to climb the social ladder. You tend to approach authority figures with diplomacy and grace. This can help you navigate your way through the corporate world or other hierarchical structures with finesse. There can be a connection between your career and your relationships. You may meet significant others through your professional endeavors or choose a partner who is supportive of your career goals. Careers in public relations, marketing, or any field that involves presenting an appealing public image may be particularly suitable for you. Your ability to make things look good is a valuable skill. You are likely to gain popularity and recognition in your career, which is influenced by your charm and your ability to win people over. However, be mindful of balancing your personal and professional life. With Venus in the 10th house, there can be a tendency to prioritize your career at the expense of your personal relationships, so it's important to find equilibrium.
Venus in the 11th house
Venus in the 11th house is like a social magnet. People with this placement often have a natural charm and are well-liked by their friends and acquaintances. They're the ones who make social gatherings more enjoyable. This placement fosters strong and meaningful friendships. Venus encourages harmonious connections, and in the 11th house, it means you're likely to have a wide circle of friends who genuinely care about you. The 11th house is associated with social causes and humanitarian efforts. With Venus here, you might be drawn to charity work or other activities that promote social well-being. Venus in the 11th house makes you great at networking. You easily connect with people who can help you professionally and personally, which can be a significant asset in your career. You're a team player by nature. Collaboration and group activities bring you joy, and you're likely to excel in team-based projects. You might find yourself involved in social or community events, and people often look up to you as a popular figure. Your charisma and appeal can lead to a high level of popularity. In matters of love, you're an idealist. You seek a partner who not only shares your goals and dreams but also someone who is your best friend. Your love life is often intertwined with your social circles. This placement can also bring creative friends into your life. You're drawn to artistic, musical, or creative individuals who inspire you. On the flip side, there can be a tendency to keep some emotional distance from friends. You might appear more aloof than you actually are, which could be misunderstood by some. The 11th house represents your hopes and dreams. With Venus here, you're likely to have artistic and aesthetic aspirations. You may want to make the world a more beautiful place. Venus is linked to money, and in the 11th house, it can bring financial opportunities through your network and friends. Your social connections might play a role in your financial success.
Venus in the 12th house
This placement often indicates secret or clandestine love affairs. You might find yourself drawn to relationships that aren't out in the open, maybe due to societal or personal reasons. You've got a vivid imagination and a strong creative streak. This could manifest in artistic talents or a penchant for daydreaming. You tend to keep your emotions hidden, even from yourself. It can take a while for you to truly understand what you want and need in love and relationships. The 12th house is about self-sacrifice, and with Venus here, you might find yourself giving a lot in your relationships, sometimes to the detriment of your own needs. You have a deep well of compassion and empathy for others. You might be drawn to help those who are less fortunate or in need. Venus in the 12th can inspire artistic pursuits in seclusion. You might excel in creative fields where you can work behind the scenes. This placement can also indicate a strong connection between love and spirituality. You might seek a partner who shares your spiritual beliefs or find love in places of worship. On the flip side, relationships can be a source of inner turmoil. You might attract partners who are emotionally complex or who bring hidden issues to the surface. Your idea of romance can be dreamy and idealistic. You might have high expectations in love and may need to learn to balance these with reality. The 12th house is often associated with past life issues and karma. You might feel a strong karmic connection with some of your partners. Privacy is essential to you when it comes to love. You might not be one to flaunt your relationships on social media or in public. Your desires in love can be somewhat unconscious, and you may not always understand why you're attracted to certain people or situations.
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msmysticfail · 15 days
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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d4rkpluto · 22 days
ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴛʀᴏɢʀᴀᴅᴇ
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thank you for the 10,000+ followers! a game with no exchange will be released:)
now that i've written and understand planets in retrograde thoroughly they will be included in chart readings for free.
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♇ having mercury in rx makes someone think more often, especially over the most pettiest things they think is big. they're very anxious people, and since it is in retrograde it could be implied that they're "wired differently" they think more out of the box, and even speak different, how they speak and write could be very distinct.
♇ mercury in retrograde could give someone inactive relatives, or cousins and siblings they're not close to. and since they're people who doubt themselves a lot, they could stall themselves from the path they're supposed to take, being their own obstacles. they could also be people who take some time to take in/process information.
♇ as i said they're people who hold themselves back a lot, this could link to their childhood, might've had people speak over them and silence them when they were younger.
♇ people who have venus in retrograde might focus on love too much, and they could be people who have a struggling relationship with women. sisters, women who are their cousins and women who are their friends.
♇ they could also be very secretive people, they have a hard time opening up, which could make them be deemed as cold. they have a hard time giving and receiving affection.
♇ they could be bad at handling money, and might think everyone is out to get them. they could find it hard to love themselves, having venus in rx, is the peak of the "tortured poet".
♇ those who have mars in retrograde could have a hard time getting along with men, or even with the opposite sex. to have mars in rx could mean you could be considered as someone who i very intense. can a hard time expressing your sexuality and aiming for your goals.
♇ instead of learning life lessons quick, they are normally stubborn people and barely listen to advice given to them by trusted people. could be people who are too hesitant, say and do things at the wrong time and place.
♇ people with mars in retrograde might've gone through sexual trauma, could be scared to be intimate with other people. they're people who hate authority or people trying to have dominance over them. the type of people to not listen to the rules and break them.
♇ people who have jupiter in rx are the definition of "thinking out of the box", they're people who do have moments that question their faith and some of these people tend to have a God Complex.
♇ sometimes they feel like they're the unluckiest person in the world, might feel like they wont be able to travel the world like they want to. could also have long cycles of depression.
♇ having jupiter in retrograde can mean they're someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, they can be very detail-oriented people, which sometimes mean they feel like they can judge anyone and think of themselves to be flawless. jupiter in rx people are the type of people who want everything in their future to be perfect also, without life's trials and tribulations. can be unrealistic.
♇ as it is told, saturn in retrograde brings a father that wasnt in the person's life, the person who has the saturn in rx can make someone feel like they're being punished by life all the time.
♇ this could also mean they might find it hard to express themselves emotionally, could be due to their childhood. they go through many trials and tribulations, makes them depressive, but in the end they become really wise.
♇ they doubt themselves a lot, could have trouble balancing themselves, and their masculinity, could be too domineering.
♇ people with uranus in rx do not like change, they're likely insecure, [not all are going to be due to different commodities in a chart], but these are usually people who think they are not going to succeed in life.
♇ they sometimes feel like they're in control of nothing which pushes them into their need of controlling everything. they're quick-thinkers but still over-thinkers. they feel like they can never feel nice in a platonic or romantic connection.
♇ it leads them into being paranoid and chaotic. they might also put themselves in a box to make things easier, don't know they're limiting their potential when doing that, they're so much more and need to understand it.
♇ to have neptune in rx could make the kin be very delusional, might find it hard to separate idealistic views with reality. definitely reminds me of alice in wonderland. they're very spiritual people but can over-whelm people by adding their faith into everything.
♇ could be really good at manifesting; trust issues but sometimes are stubborn from learning their mistakes. can be deemed as very dreamy and compassionate.
♇ they could have this feeling of needing to save everyone. their trials and tribulations are a creative outlet for them, another indicator of being the tortured poet. [but the tiring and damaging things they go through are usually expressed through their art, which includes writing, story-telling, writing music, painting etc].
♇ i do get surprised when i come across these in a natal chart reading, but, pluto in rx folks definitely do hate constraint, they dislike authority and feeling like they're being controlled, which could push them into trying to control other people.
♇ could be escapists through drug and sex, they could also find it hard to accept their dark-self. easily infatuated people, people can get easily obsessed with them as they can get with other people.
♇ good money makers, could manipulate others with materialism, though, they might not be confrontational, could feel easily intimidated. sometimes could never see the potential in themselves can be their own obstacle.
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punksocks · 9 months
Astrology Observation: No.24 (18+ Only)
No minors! Adults only pls
Just based on my opinions only take what resonates
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-Water moons/mars are the most likely to just say they love you during s*x (they may mean it too !); Can happen to fire moon/mars too but they may not mean it after the moment; Earth Moon/Mars will not be saying anything without planning well in advance (Earth moon AND Mars, you will not catch them slip lmao); I’d assume Air Moon/Mars would be the most likely to tease the other person(s) and say just about anything but I love you
-Venus aspects to Mars/ Taurus/Libra mars/ Venus and/or Mars in 2nd could really enjoy dressing up in lingerie and setting up a s*xy atmosphere in general (and your partner would enjoy this too !)
-1st/2nd /7th/8th house Venus, Scorpio Venus, Venus conjunct Pluto/ sometimes 12th house venus you may get compliments on your genitals from people during s*x (like told you have a pretty p*ssy lol yea fr)
-1st /8th house mars, Aries mars, Scorpio mars/Mars conjunct Pluto/sometimes 12th house mars would also be this for those in their masc energy (instead of pretty someone might admire the aggressive look of your junk instead)
-Imo the easiest sexual partners to discuss boundaries and such with will be partners that have easy (conjunct/trine/Sextile) mars aspects to your Mercury and/or moon
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-I know we’d assume that mars in 8th is the most s*xual but I’d argue that mars in 12th is also super s*xual. Intimacy tends to be heavy on the mind, and there’s a higher chance of mirroring s*xual energy back to others. Especially if the native acts out of their masc/mars energy
-i’d think Aries, Leo, and Scorpio mars would be the most into their partner being SO attracted to them they can’t keep their hands off of them and/or finish too fast (least likely with Scorpio unless you’re just really over stimulating them, most likely with Aries- the most veracious Aries mars go rounds imo)
-I’d argue and assume that air mars/3rd house mars are spacing out the hardest during s*x, and I bet it’s not on purpose (just bouncing between thoughts and coming back to what’s going on)(also if you keep their attention, you’re doing something right)
-Water mars could mean you sleep around for emotional validation (…Imma say it… cancer mars has the strongest chances lol)
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-I think your Venus and mars together can show if you’re more of a sub or dom imo (like if they’re both cardinal you’re probably a dom, if they’re mutable then you may be a switch/sub, and if they’re fixed I’d think you’d be hard set on being a sub or dom — and then results may vary depending on the combination of signs and how much of your feminine or masculine energy you act out of.)
-I think Scorpio Venus/Mars makes someone more dominant in s*x than Aries mars/Venus imo (they’re not here to win, they’re here to posses you- that’s so intense man)
-Understated praise kink placements? Virgo moon/mars. They need to hear praises for how well they did or they’re gonna overthink it. Libra/Taurus mars also would like this. And Venus square/opposition Mars would too in a tell me how much you want me sort of way (it makes them feel really desired)
-Tumblr ruined me bc now every time I look up a dudes birth chart and see Sagittarius mars/Jupiter positively aspecting mars I’m like damn, do they just have bde or actually have a big d*ck and I feel bad for guessing lmao but now it’s so automatic
-Strong Lilith placements (1st/7th/8th/10th) can show guys pressuring you to perform their like shadow side fantasies (which is not cool, because where’s the consent? We always need to discuss things beforehand and map out a plan otherwise it’s skeezy behavior -unless you’re into being surprised but even then lol)
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-Gemini placements (the big 6, but especially mars) make you louder in bed. And more open to trying new things and switching up positions.
-5th house synastry is really s*xy and fun. Some of the best dates and relationships imo. It also allows you to open up and experiment in a way you never have before. Can keep a long term relationship exciting as well depending on the overall synastry. (Be careful bc this is the pregnancy overlay too oml)
-I think north node in 5th can (depending on the sign and aspects ofc) can point to indulging in the senses, partying, breakin hearts and hookin up a bunch— especially if you’re unbalanced/still learning to balance this with your south node energy
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-(in sing songy voice) Scorpio synastry is someone telling you s*x with you makes them f*cking crazy (No they are not kidding ! Lilith synastry is this on steroids but it feels more like you’re lighting this fire in the more masc person - and they’re afraid of burning imo (I’m not singing any more lol)
-I hold to the fact that Lilith in 1st/7th/8th/10th can make someone jump into bed with you way faster than they usually would even if they have like an earth or water mars, if you have Lilith synastry with them this is amplified
-Masc folks/Men with Taurus and/or Cancer in their big 6 (especially mars/venus) are very attracted to women/femmes that are curvy and have an hourglass figure. Aries placements tend to be attracted to athletic figures. Leo placements are likely to jump at figures they find attention grabbing. Libra/Scorpio placement men are more likely to be attracted to figures that they’re socialized to find s*xy. I find that Sagittarius/Pisces is the least likely to have a set type. Aquarius and Gemini are also pretty dependent on personality and conversation skills.
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carmelcoco · 3 months
venus notes. 🩰
Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.
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(comment down your venus sign & posts which you guys would like to see from my side in the future)
🩰 aries venus
Venus in Aries? Super passionate! Aries is all about passion and action, while Venus is love, beauty, and relationships. So, if you've got this combo, you're all in for fiery romance. You're into your partner big time, always wanting to keep things exciting and new. You might even be the one who starts things off. Quick to fall for someone, you dig that rush of feelings, especially if your crush gets all possessive. Yep, you can get obsessed too, thinking they're "the one". But sometimes, you pick the wrong ones, drawn to the drama. You dive in headfirst, but your passion fades fast if the fire ain't burning. You thrive on arguments or a partner who's a bit aggressive – it's just your style. Love's a thrill for you, so you act on impulse, not always taking it seriously. You're into the chase, but deep down, you want someone who's all in. You're attracted to ambitious, independent types, but in the relationship, you like to be the boss. Bold? Oh yeah! You'll straight-up tell your crush you're into them. Sure, you care about others, but yourself? That's priority. Sometimes, it causes issues in relationships, 'cause you fear losing your freedom. You'll find any excuse to be with your crush, even if it means dragging out a dry convo. Depending on how much you're into them, you might show your wild side early or play it cool. And when you're crushing, hygiene's on point, and you're dressing to impress. You won't admit your feelings outright, but you'll drop hints like crazy.
🩰 taurus venus
Venus in Taurus is renowned for instilling a profound sense of security, stability, and comfort. Individuals with this placement often take pleasure in savoring life's finer aspects, finding delight in material possessions and indulgences. Their relational and moral approach is frequently characterized as traditional or "old-fashioned". They tend to prioritize commitment and steadfastness in romantic connections, upholding conventional values in matters of love. Despite potentially limited romantic experience, those with Venus in Taurus display considerable wisdom in relationships. They exhibit a preference for actions over verbal expressions of affection, recognizing the unreliability of words at times. Their demonstrations of love are earnest and heartfelt, reflecting their belief in the significance of genuine affection. While they may refrain from overtly pursuing individuals they admire, they possess a magnetic allure that draws others toward them. Often possessing physical attractiveness themselves, they appreciate similar qualities in their partners, valuing aesthetics in relationships. Patience is a virtue for those with Venus in Taurus, as they are willing to await the arrival of a dependable, well-established partner. However, this patience can sometimes lead them to remain in unsatisfactory relationships or jobs due to concerns about financial security or other forms of stability. Despite their investment in relationships, individuals with this placement may harbor apprehensions about potential emotional hurt, which can result in them setting boundaries in love. Their cautious approach may deter them from readily reciprocating romantic advances, yet they remain dedicated once committed. They are drawn to ambitious individuals with financial stability, reflecting their own values and aspirations. While they maintain a private stance on their romantic interests, they are discerning in their choice of confidants. Fear of rejection and a desire to maintain a flawless image may occasionally hinder their pursuit of love, yet they persist in their quest for perfection in matters of the heart.
🩰 gemini venus
If your Venus is in Gemini, you're into folks who know how to talk the talk. You're all about people who are smooth talkers, good in social situations, and just plain smart. But sometimes, you get too caught up in what people say and forget to pay attention to what they do, which can cause some mix-ups. You're into exploring different kinds of beauty, art, and love styles, and you can find love in lots of places, not just with a partner. In fact, having a significant other isn't always at the top of your mind. You can be hot and cold in love, one day you're all about someone, the next they're not even on your radar. Commitment? It's not that you can't do it, but you're kinda wary of getting too deep. You like to keep things cool and smooth when you're into someone, remembering all those little details. You're after someone you can connect with on a brainy level, not just an emotional one. So yeah, you might seem a bit distant at times. But hey, you're charming as heck, so people are drawn to you. You're the friendly type, always ready to start a chat and get to know someone better. And when you're crushing, you want to be the one who makes them laugh, so watch out if someone else steals their attention! Before you get all chatty and flirty, though, you keep your feelings under wraps. Seriously, no one can tell you're into someone until you're ready to spill the beans. Gemini Venus adds a playful, fun vibe to your romantic life, and you're all about finding someone who can match your energy and keep things exciting. But deep down, you want more than just fun – you're looking for someone you can really connect with on a deeper level.
🩰 cancer venus
People with Venus in Cancer are super loving. When they fall for someone, they fall hard and fast. When they like someone, they're not subtle about it. They'll either come off as rude or super friendly, no in-between. But with their crush, they'll turn on the charm, trying to be adorable and impress them. They'll pay attention to every little detail and practice what to say in their head. They need lots of reassurance and security in relationships, or they'll feel unloved. But when they feel safe and loved, they're amazing partners. They remember every little thing about you, seriously, everything! Their love is powerful and nurturing. They'll do anything for the ones they care about, even if it means sacrificing for them. They crave deep connections and bonds with others, but they struggle to express their feelings because they're not used to being heard. They're sentimental beings, often getting lost in thoughts about past relationships. They're great at taking care of others, almost like a natural instinct. They have this motherly vibe that attracts people, especially kids. Sometimes they can get a bit too obsessed with the people they like, which can be intense. They're drawn to serious, protective types who make them feel safe. But if they're not into them back, it's like heartbreak city, and they'll go to extremes to win them over. If they settle down, they want stability and security. They're picky about who they fall for, but when they do, they're all in. They'll smother you with affection, wanting you to see how much they care. It's tough for them to spill their feelings, but if their crush is as stubborn as they are, they'll drop some major hints or just come clean. Patience and intuition are key when dealing with them!
🩰 leo venus
People with Venus in Leo are a tough nut to crack when it comes to commitment. They're all about knowing your value and what you bring to the table. If they don't see you giving them the love experience they crave, they're outta there. But watch out, they can fall for love bombs real quick. When someone showers them with attention, they eat it up, even if there are warning signs. They're elegant and charming, craving to be worshipped and adored. They want a partner who shows them off and takes pride in being with them. Winning them over? It's like a game, and they love the power trip. But in friendships, they're super generous and lovely. Sometimes they can come off as cocky, especially when they're trying to impress someone they fancy. But hey, they're great at planning epic dates and spoiling their partners. They're all about themselves too, soaking up compliments like a sponge. They might flirt with people they're not into just for kicks, which can lead to misunderstandings. But when they're truly in love, they're fiercely loyal and generous to a fault. They need someone with as much energy and zest for life as them to feel fulfilled. They're pretty decisive when it comes to their crushes. You'll know where you stand with them, no guessing games. Plus, they've got that magnetic charm that draws people in like moths to a flame. But here's the kicker: they can struggle with commitment issues. They're always chasing the next thrill, and if you don't measure up, they'll drop you like a hot potato. They'd rather start as friends or really get to know someone before diving in. And if they can't brag about you, it's game over. When they like someone, they're not shy about showing it. They'll playfully tease their crush to gauge their interest, and they've got a knack for remembering the little things. They might even go all out and buy them something special just because they mentioned wanting it.
🩰 virgo venus
People with Venus in Virgo can be real overthinkers when it comes to relationships. They nitpick and find flaws where there might not even be any. They're after partners who are genuinely interested in them, who notice the little things about them that they might miss. Remembering tiny details about them? That's a big win. They're all about providing for their significant other, creating stability and order in their relationships. They're not in a rush to fall in love 'cause they're pretty cool flying solo. But don't get it twisted, they're not against relationships, they just need to see the value in it. They're like detectives when it comes to the people they like, studying them inside and out to understand their feelings. They're not the most romantic folks, but they're all about giving you the kind of love that suits you best. They're pretty savvy when it comes to love, relationships, and money. They've got high standards and are picky about who they like. They want to feel special and seen by their partner. They might attract a lot of attention, but catching the eye of someone they're into? That's a whole different story. They've got a playful side, enjoying simple and elegant things. If they're not starting off as friends with their crush, it's probably not gonna go anywhere. They're all about testing loyalty before diving into anything serious. They'll get shy around their crush but will jump at any chance to help them out, just to show they care. They might seem a bit confusing, giving mixed signals, but they're just playing it cool. They won't chase after their crush forever, though. These folks know their worth. Physical touch is their love language, so don't be surprised if they're always trying to playfully wrestle with you or lend a hand. They'll take any chance they get to chat with their crush, even if it means asking to partner up for a project. If their crush can meet their needs as a friend, they'll quickly start imagining a romantic future together. But remember, with these folks, slow and steady wins the race.
🩰 libra venus
Alright, let's dive in! Libra Venus folks are like straight out of a romance novel, smooth talkers and super dreamy. They're total eye candy, but sometimes they hold back 'cause they're scared of looking too soft. Even though they might play it cool, they're secretly love gurus. Seriously, they've got this knack for loving people just right, like they've got a playbook or something. They're suckers for romantic flicks and dream of being treated like royalty. They just want to know their partner's head over heels for them. And they're not stingy with affection either, they'll spoil you rotten. But here's the thing: they're hopeless romantics. They love to flirt, but when they find someone who really lights their fire, they're all in. Love's their main motivation, and they're all about keeping things fair and making sure everyone feels seen. But sometimes, they need a little extra validation themselves to feel secure, which can make them clingy. They've got killer style, and even if they don't, they can rock any look. They're all about making others happy, sometimes to a fault. They dig people who can flirt back, have killer fashion sense, and are down for whatever. Libra Venus folks aren't about taking it slow. They're all about diving headfirst into the action. When they're into someone, they're not shy about it. They'll crack jokes about being together and go all out to win their crush over. They're big daydreamers, always picturing their crush in different scenarios. And they're not afraid to shoot their shot, even if it means embarrassing themselves a bit. If they're not sure about their feelings, they'll keep it under wraps until they figure it out. They're all about cheesy pick-up lines and making their crush smile. They'll do whatever it takes to win them over, even if it means biting their lip and winking. And if their crush shows interest back, get ready for some serious blushing!
🩰 scorpio venus
Alright, let's break it down. People with Scorpio Venus might have a thing for the wrong crowd because they're not feeling too confident. They can latch onto someone real quick and get super intense about it, but they're not easy catches themselves. It takes them a hot minute to decide if they're in it for the long haul, but once they commit, they're in it for life. They've got this mysterious, captivating vibe that draws folks in like magnets. They're all about passion in relationships and they want someone who's all in. Plus, they've got this knack for attracting romantic attention without even trying. But watch out, they can get a bit possessive 'cause once they're into someone, they're all in. They want to be needed by their partner, and they're not big on sharing. They might be into people who are open-minded and don't judge, 'cause they're not big on sharing their feelings. Or they might dig someone who's just as mysterious and seductive as they are. They need friends they can trust, and they're drawn to darker colors like black. They're not big on PDA, but they've definitely got some serious sex appeal. These folks ride a rollercoaster of emotions when they've got a crush. One minute, they're head over heels, the next, they're kicking themselves for catching feelings again. They won't make the first move unless they're sure their crush is into them too. If they do start talking to their crush, they'll try to play it cool at first, but once things are official, they're all about that energy and excitement. They're suckers for old-school romance and passion.
🩰 sagittarius venus
Okay, let's break it down. These folks are total jokesters and love cracking people up, but they can also be a bit wishy-washy when it comes to their feelings for someone. They might dig folks who are a bit obsessed with them, but they also get a kick out of charming people who play hard to get. They're on the lookout for that one special someone who really catches their eye. And let's be real, they can be a bit full of themselves, especially when it comes to love. But hey, it's all part of their charm, right? When they're in love, they're all about having a good time and going on adventures. They might be down for commitment, but they're cautious about who they commit to. They need a partner who's just as fun-loving as they are, otherwise, they'll get bored real quick. They crave that thrill of love and might act on impulse when they're feeling it. They hate feeling tied down and want to keep their freedom because, at the end of the day, they belong to themselves. They're not big on emotions or emotional people, but they do want that passionate love, even if they're not ready to commit to it fully. They're drawn to independent, fun-loving folks who have a bit of influence or power. Their feelings come and go like the wind, and they can be sensitive to rejection sometimes. They'd rather chill with their friends than deal with lovers 'cause friends give them more freedom. They'll show you they care by making a big deal out of the things they think are important. They might even be open to exploring different kinds of relationships, like open ones. And yeah, men with Sagittarius Venus tend to have a thing for women from other countries.
🩰 capricorn venus
Alright, let's simplify this. So, folks with a Capricorn Venus aren't big on showing their feelings openly. They're more about investing in the relationship for the long haul. They like to feel needed and show love in practical ways, like providing security and stability.They're super loyal but can get jittery if things don't feel stable. They're not great at expressing their need for care and nurturing, but they crave it deep down.When they find someone they're serious about, they're all in. They can come off as a bit blunt sometimes, but that's just their style. They're into classy, professional vibes, and they've got a secret, wild side, especially in the bedroom.They can be a tad controlling and protective when they're into someone. They're not the type to shout their crush from the rooftops, though. They keep it on the down-low or share it with close pals.Rejection hits them hard, and they might get cold and distant. They attract a lot of friends who crush on them, but they're all about impressing their main squeeze. They'll drop everything to be there for their crush, even if it means ditching their own plans.They're not shy and will chat up a storm. Body language is big for them, and they're social butterflies who also enjoy their alone time.Spirituality is a big deal for them, and they can seem a bit distant sometimes. They're not into clingy or flighty types; they dig someone strong and independent. Their soft side only comes out when they feel totally safe and secure.
🩰 aquarius venus
These folks are pretty one-of-a-kind when it comes to love. They're into quirky and unique people, so if you're not a bit "weird," they might not be into you romantically. They're also super straightforward—they'll tell you exactly how they feel. Sometimes, they're a bit hesitant about love, but deep down, they really want it. They're more logical than emotional, which helps them see the truth in relationships. They're attracted to folks who like them for who they are, inside and out. They enjoy being with friends more than lovers and might even fall for their pals sometimes. They really value their individuality and freedom to be themselves. They can be a bit attention-seeking, but once they find the right person, they're good. They rock platform boots and oversized shirts like nobody's business! They're huge daydreamers and love learning everything about their crushes. Starting as friends is cool with them, but it's not a must. They're the type to get super excited over a simple "Good morning" text from their crush. Just remember, their crushes come and go, so be your unique self to catch their eye. They're not into superficial stuff when it comes to attraction, especially if there are no issues in their chart.
🩰 pisces venus
These folks have this whole picture in their head of what their ideal partner should be like—how they act, everything. But if reality doesn't match their fantasy, they can lose interest real quick. They're big on romance, sensitive, stable, and love creativity. They want someone who can handle a relationship but also has a bit of chaos in them. When they love, they really go all in, even to the point of sacrificing themselves. But sometimes they end up giving their love to the wrong people. They're used to attracting the wrong types because they don't realize they deserve better. They're into spiritual stuff like crystals and incense, and when they're in love, they can act all childish. Logic goes out the window when they're in love—they miss red flags because they're too focused on their ideal traits. They're also super generous, even if they can't afford it. They're great listeners and really empathize with their loved ones' problems. They might crush on someone just because they're good-looking or fit their fantasy. But when reality hits, they can turn cold real fast. They're always on the lookout for that one perfect soulmate. Pisces Venus folks are the ultimate hopeless romantics. They're always dreaming about their perfect love story, which sometimes leads them to ignore warning signs. They're all about putting others before themselves and seeking that deep spiritual connection with their partner. Being sensitive souls, they can really understand what's going on beneath the surface in a relationship.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
pics by @i04rei
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ezukll · 4 months
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Aries Venus is a very passionate placement, as Aries is the sign of passion and action, while Venus is associated with love, beauty, and relationship. Someone with this placement likely has a very fiery and intense approach to romance and relationships. They are likely to be very passionate and enthusiastic about their partner, and they may have a strong desire to make their relationship exciting and fresh. They may also be very willing to take the lead and to be the one to initiate and take action.
⋆ Be spontaneous and adventurous.
⋆ Make an effort to keep the relationship interesting.
⋆ Take the lead and initiate adventures.
๋⋆ Show off your passionate side.
⋆ Express your desires and emotions clearly.
⋆ Be willing to take risks for love.
⋆ Show off your confidence and self-esteem.
⋆ Be willing to take the first step in a relationship.
Venus in Taurus is known for its strong sense of security, stability, and comfort. People with their Venus in Taurus typically enjoy taking time to appreciate the finer things in life and may find joy in material possessions and pleasures. They are often described as "old-fashioned" in their approach to relationships and values. They may seek commitment and stability in their romantic relationships and prefer a more traditional set of values when it comes to romance.
⋆ Show your interest and affection through small actions and words.
⋆ Give the Taurus Venus attention and allow them to feel heard by asking open-ended questions and focusing on them.
⋆ Be patient, consistent, and respectful in your actions towards them.
⋆ Make time for them and demonstrate that you are willing to put in effort.
⋆ Be honest and communicate your feelings and thoughts clearly and respectfully.
Gemini Venus is known for being a playful, lighthearted, and mischievous placement that adds a spark of fun and excitement to a person's romantic relationships. People with this placement seek out romantic interests who can match their energy and keep up with their witty banter. They may have a tendency to get bored in relationships and love to flirt, so someone who can keep them engaged and entertained is key to winning their affection. However, despite their flirtatious nature, they still enjoy a strong connection and are seeking a partner who they can have deep conversations with as well.
⋆ Be yourself and show your unique personality.
⋆ Make them laugh and keep the conversation light and fun.
⋆ Be spontaneous and try new things together.
⋆ Give them space to express themself and let them know they can trust you.
⋆ Don't take their flirtatious nature too seriously... they may just be having fun.
If you are able to capture their attention with your unique personality and keep them engaged, you may have a chance with someone with a Gemini Venus.
Cancer Venus is known for being emotionally expressive, caring, and sensitive in relationships. People with their Venus in Cancer can be very nurturing and tend to wear their heart on their sleeve. They may crave affection and emotional security, so someone who is understanding and supportive can go a long way in gaining their affection. On the other hand, people with this placement may also struggle with being possessive and overly sensitive towards their partner's actions or words. Ultimately, communication and empathy is key in forming a strong connection with someone who has their Venus in Cancer.
⋆ Show compassion and empathy towards their feelings.
⋆ Be understanding and emotionally supportive.
⋆ Create an environment where they can express themselves freely and feel safe.
⋆ Be nurturing and give the comfort they seek.
⋆ Build a strong connection with them through open communication.
⋆ Make them feel loved and appreciated.
⋆ Be genuine and honest with them.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ♌︎ 𝗟𝗘𝗢 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗨𝗦
Leo Venus is described as a passionate, creative, confident, and dramatic placement. People with a Venus in Leo seek out romantic partners who are self-assured and can bring out their artistic side. They may crave a strong physical connection and are often drawn to confident, charismatic partners who can keep up with their fiery personality. They also appreciate the finer things in life and may enjoy luxury or extravagant gestures. However, their passionate nature can also lead to being possessive or jealous in relationships, so communication and trust is key.
⋆ Display your confidence and take the lead.
⋆ Show your artistic side through creative dates or gestures.
⋆ Be fun and daring, and don't be afraid to take risks in your romantic interactions.
⋆ Be honest and complimentary, and make sure they feel admired and appreciated.
⋆ Be willing to receive their lavish gestures of affection and don't be afraid to show off a little.
A Virgo Venus is described as analytical, detail-oriented, and practical in relationships. They may be a bit reserved and prefer to take things slowly and be mindful in their romantic interactions. They tend to value efficiency and may be more objective, logical, and nitpicky when it comes to relationships. However, they also appreciate order and structure and desire a partner who can provide that. They may be more selective and picky when it comes to romantic partners, but once they find the right person, they can be loyal, devoted, and caring.
⋆ Make them feel heard and understood, and be mindful of the details.
⋆ Be honest and logical in your interaction and don't be afraid to communicate directly.
⋆ Be organized and methodical in how you approach the relationship.
⋆ Don't be afraid to ask follow-up questions and show curiosity and interest in them.
⋆ Demonstrate that you can provide stability, order, and structure in a relationship.
Libra Venus is characterized by diplomacy, balance, harmony, and fairness. Those with this placement tend to seek out relationships that are equal in nature, with both sides contributing and working together. They may have an idealistic view of relationships, tending to believe in true love and romance. They may seek a partner who is well-rounded, attractive, and charming, and who can engage in deep conversations and understand the value of compromise. They tend to enjoy relationships where everyone can get along and have a peaceful connection.
⋆ Be diplomatic and show your ability to keep it balanced and fair.
⋆ Be charming, courteous, and considerate towards them.
⋆ Don't be too aggressive or overpowering in your approaches towards them, as this can be a turn-off.
⋆ Show that you are willing to compromise and see things from their point of view.
⋆ Demonstrate emotional maturity and be willing to express your feelings in a respectful manner.
A Scorpio Venus is characterized by a deep and intense approach to relationships. People with this placement may have emotional walls up, making it challenging for them to open up and be vulnerable. They may have a darker side or be attracted to the hidden depths on others. They may have a strong intuitive nature, seek out deep and meaningful connections, and crave intimacy and trust. They may have high standards and expectations when it comes to relationships and expect their partners to match their intensity and be willing to explore deep levels of trust.
⋆ Be honest and genuine in your interactions and show them that you can go deep.
⋆ Be open to exploring darker sides and don't shy away from more taboo subjects.
⋆ Show that you can be trustworthy and keep their secrets.
⋆ Demonstrate your passion and commitment and be willing to put in effort.
⋆ Let them know that their emotions are safe with you and make them feel seen and understood.
A Sagittarius Venus is known for having a free-spirited, adventurous, and flexible approach to relationships. People with this placement may have a tendency to avoid commitment and prefer to explore and try new things. They may crave freedom and independence and may have a hard time settling down. However, they can also bring a zest and excitement to relationships and thrive in exciting and stimulating environments. They may prefer casual relationships with a lack of limitations but can still have serious long-standing relationships if their needs are met.
⋆ Be spontaneous and willing to try new things.
⋆ Show your adventurous and playful side, and be open to exploring and new experiences.
⋆ Don't be too clingy or controlling, as they prefer their freedom and can be more independent.
⋆ Be honest and upfront in your communication and don't be afraid to be straightforward.
⋆ Demonstrate your sense of humor and have a fun-loving attitude that matches their spirit.
Capricorn Venus is described as a responsible, practical, and loyal placement, seeking commitment and stability in relationships. People with this placement may be more reserved and may have high standards when it comes to selecting a partner. They may take things slowly and prefer to establish a solid foundation before committing to someone. They may require time to open up and express their emotions, but once they trust someone, they can be loyal and devoted partners who prioritize their relationship.
⋆ Be reliable, responsible, and trustworthy.
⋆ Demonstrate your ability to be practical and realistic in your interactions.
⋆ Respect their need for space and alone time.
⋆ Be open to committing and showing loyalty.
⋆ Show that you can take the relationship seriously and want something long-lasting and stable.
Aquarius Venus is characterized by a unique and innovative approach to relationships. They may prefer unconventional partners and seek out connections that are dynamic and stimulating. They may not fit into traditional relationship structures or dynamics and may be attracted to more progressive thinking and ideas. They may prefer to explore deeper connections and be attracted to someone who can match their independent and unique vibe. Ultimately, they will thrive with someone who is open-minded and can embrace their unorthodox nature.
⋆ Be open-minded and non-judgmental in your interactions.
⋆ Respect their need for independence and autonomy.
⋆ Allow them to express themself freely and don't try to control or limit them in any way.
⋆ Show your ability to keep up with their innovative and unorthodox nature.
⋆ Be willing to explore their unconventional thinking and ideas.
Pisces Venus is characterized by a sensitive and compassionate approach to relationships. People with this placement may have a tendency to romanticize their relationships and can be very forgiving and accepting of their partners' flaws. They may have a strong connection to their spirituality and have a heightened intuition about others. They may be empathic and perceptive, easily sensing someone's emotions. They may tend to get lost in their feelings and desire deep connections, but they may also get overwhelmed by their emotions or their partners' feelings.
⋆ Be compassionate and empathetic in your interactions.
⋆ Recognize their sensitivity and allow them to express their feelings freely without judgment.
⋆ Show that you can be reliable and trustworthy, and respect their need for depth and a sense of spiritual connection.
⋆ Be patient, understanding, and open-minded when it comes to their emotions.
⋆ Be a good listener and let them know that you understand and accept them for who they are.
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catmarlowastrology · 4 months
Venus + What kind of partner you'll attract
🌟 Venus in Aries: You'll attract a partner who is confident, adventurous, and loves to take the lead in the relationship.
🌹 Venus in Taurus: You'll attract a partner who values stability, enjoys sensual pleasures, and is deeply committed to the relationship.
📚 Venus in Gemini: You'll attract a partner who is intellectually stimulating, communicative, and enjoys a social and lively relationship.
🏡 Venus in Cancer: You'll attract a nurturing, empathetic partner who values emotional security and creating a cozy, comfortable home together.
🦁 Venus in Leo: You'll attract a partner who is generous, loyal, and loves to shower you with affection and drama in a grandiose manner.
🔧 Venus in Virgo: You'll attract a practical, attentive partner who values order, enjoys taking care of the small details, and shows love through acts of service.
⚖️ Venus in Libra: You'll attract a partner who is charming, sociable, and values harmony and fairness in the relationship.
🦂 Venus in Scorpio: You'll attract a passionate, intense partner who seeks deep emotional connections and values trust and loyalty above all.
🏹 Venus in Sagittarius: You'll attract a partner who loves freedom, adventure, and seeks philosophical or spiritual growth through the relationship.
🏔️ Venus in Capricorn: You'll attract a partner who is ambitious, responsible, and values tradition and long-term commitment.
💡 Venus in Aquarius: You'll attract an unconventional, independent partner who values friendship, freedom, and intellectual stimulation in the relationship.
🌊 Venus in Pisces: You'll attract a compassionate, romantic partner who values deep, unconditional love and a spiritual connection.
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lunarianscorpio · 4 months
Courtship: Venus Signs (part 1)
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Earth signs Desire commitment and a lasting partnership.
♑︎ Capricorn Venus:
Loyal, protective, quietly romantic, reserved, thoughtful, and considerate in matters of love, romance, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Practical about themselves, understanding their worth in the material world and how others perceive them.
May appear aloof, but knows precisely what they want in a partner.
Will patiently wait for the right person who fulfills their needs and standards.
Prioritizes career or finances during single periods.
Potential imbalance if partnered with a water Mars sign, as they might yearn for love despite being comfortable alone.
Speaks highly of you, openly expressing affection and admiration.
Brings up your name in conversations, showcasing a deep pride and love.
Holds themselves to a standard of perfection, pushing for continuous improvement and sometimes feeling resentful for falling short.
Learns that self-worth is a gradual process, not a forced ascent.
Refined aesthetic taste with a strong inclination towards the arts, especially visual arts.
Enjoys concrete and physical expressions like sculpting, painting, and escaping into books.
Looks for love when it aligns with life plans and flows naturally.
Enjoys darker colors, earth tones, and may favor black without flashy appearances.
Dresses in a reserved, chic, professional, or vintage-inspired manner.
Appreciates rich earthy smells like coffee grounds, vetiver, and rainy woods, as well as clean spicy scents.
Loves food, particularly rich dishes with sentimental value.
Very good with money, enjoys it, and doesn't require much assistance.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to corporate types, mysterious, closed off, enigmatic, classy, and practical individuals.
May be drawn to businessmen, morticians, older people, architects, and mystics, venus in taurus, virgo, capricorn, scorpio & aquarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Takes love seriously with a guarded heart, feeling deeply in love.
Very romantic but often feels like gestures aren't sufficient, leading to inaction.
Shy and rarely flirts, but when they do it's straightforward and to the point.
Indicators of interest include trying to impress through achievements or appearance changes.
Finds dating challenging and tends to avoid it.
In relationships, seeks reassurance of worth, cherishment, and likes to be in charge but remains loyal for the long haul.
♉︎Taurus Venus:
Intense, sweet, amorous, dependable, highly romantic, and artistic in matters of money, self-worth, and relationships.
Struggle with self-worth, often comparing themselves to a mental aesthetic and others' looks; need to recognize and appreciate their internal and external beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, particularly art in all its forms, including poetry and fashion; may also have a love for cooking and music.
Craves pampering and security for genuine romantic love.
Adores style and cultivates a unique, expressive fashion sense rather than following trends.
Good with colors, with a preference for all colors, avoiding overly loud or aggressive shades.
Prefers luxurious and flavorful foods, often indulging in sweets; enjoys rich and intoxicating smells like vetiver and Spanish moss.
Envisions an ideal partner but may find it challenging to meet someone worthy.
Values luxury and comfort in relationships.
Willing to test suitors to identify the one truly devoted to love.
Surprisingly, adept at managing money; understands when to save and when to spend, with purchases typically substantial.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for well-dressed, classy, debonair, and sturdy individuals who are reliable and appealing; may also be drawn to the starving artist.
Finds bankers, farmers, businesspeople, artists, singers, and chefs interesting romantically, as well as venus in capricorn, taurus, virgo, pisces and cancer.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and reticent in matters of the heart due to intense and deep feelings of love.
Signs of a Venus in Taurus crush include becoming soft-spoken, gentle, touchy, or direct stares.
Prefers silent coaxing and seduction, often not outwardly showing intentions but putting extra effort into appearance.
Enjoys giving little gifts and favors to catch someone's attention.
Loves being pursued, feeling special, and indulging in classical romance with all senses involved.
Like Capricorn, can wait patiently for the right match.
Envisions a future with you and strives to bring joy into your life.
Unable and unwilling to imagine a moment without you, showcasing deep emotional attachment
Craves physicality, contact, and commitment for a stable relationship; highly responsive and respects differences to achieve a harmonious equilibrium
♍︎ Virgo Venus:
Analytical, helpful, idealistic, altruistic, and witty in dealing with aesthetic, self-worth, money, relationships, and romance.
Struggles with self-worth due to intense analysis of aesthetic and high expectations for perfection in artistic endeavors.
Needs to learn self-love by embracing flaws as part of the mortal experience.
May avoid Venusian activities out of fear of not being good enough, despite possessing skills in art, especially in sculpting, painting, gardening, and fitness.
Enjoys soft colors reminiscent of spring, woody browns, and greens.
Dresses in a conservative and professional style, conveying their identity concisely.
Prefers smells associated with comfort, cleanliness, citrus, vanilla, or fresh sheets.
Health-conscious and selective about food, considering taste and health reasons.
Analytical and good with money, excelling in facts, figures, and understanding the monetary value.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to practical, healing, intelligent, logical, and detail-oriented individuals.
Finds mechanics, scientists, doctors, researchers, and teachers attractive, venus in taurus, capricorn, virgo, cancer & scorpio.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and hesitant to initiate, prefers being pursued in romantic relationships.
Not inclined towards overt displays of affection or emotional expressions.
Tests partners subtly for devotion; silently contemplates moving on if betrayed.
Displays profound kindness, aiming to enhance your days with subtle yet impactful gestures.
May struggle with dating due to the ability to magnify minor flaws in others.
Indicates a crush by offering help with projects or problems, showing a genuine desire to assist.
Craves deep unconditional love and struggles with criticism due to self-critique.
Needs reassurance and to be cherished, emphasizing the existence of perfection through love.
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Fire Signs: Seek thrill and excitement, desire an intoxicating romance.
♐Sagittarius Venus:
Happy-go-lucky, adventurous, moralistic, and charitable in matters of self-worth, love, money, aesthetic, and romance.
Generally maintains a healthy self-worth with contagious perky confidence.
Enjoys flirting, playing the field, and has a childlike spirit, but must avoid becoming overly cocky.
Fondness for literature, poetry, spoken arts, and may engage in creative pursuits like music.
Views love as a game for entertainment.
Needs freedom; relationship flourishes with the right balance.
Prone to boredom and drawn to creative, unattainable partners.
Loves games, including sports or video games.
Looks for love randomly but avoids feeling tied down, keeping options open during the search.
Enjoys dramatic and vibrant colors that evoke a happy or jovial vibe.
Dresses in a comfortable and interesting sporty or hippy-esque manner.
Willing to compromise, recognizing the importance of give-and-take in maintaining the relationship.
Prioritizes the relationship over the desire for control.
Finds mentally stimulating and "foreign" foods delightful, especially spicy dishes.
Prefers earthy and floral smells, like fresh-cut flowers.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to different, free-thinking, scholarly, and jocular individuals.
May be drawn to professors, older people, athletes, large individuals, or sages, venus in sagittarius, leo, aries, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Doesn't take love too seriously and sees it as something to be enjoyed.
Expresses crush openly or tries to make the person laugh if attracted.
Enjoys dating, meeting new people, and tends to grow infatuated quickly.
Needs space and time to feel independent in romance.
Requires expansive and big gestures for true fulfillment.
Dislikes clichés, dense individuals, and clinginess.
Seeks a partner in crime and confidant for genuine engagement in a relationship.
♈︎Aries Venus:
Pioneering, vivacious, unapologetic, and feisty in matters of self-worth, style, money, and relationships.
Healthy self-worth, with Venus influencing interests and self-definition.
In the arts for making striking, edgy statements rather than adhering to traditional beauty standards.
Fond of debate and mental combat; values independence and security for genuine love.
Striking style, athletic/provocative appearance, or an appearance that appears indifferent.
Fondness for warm colors and simple, comfortable fabrics; may enjoy spicy food and earthy smells.
Not overly concerned with money, views it as a necessity; can spend on expensive hobbies and toys.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for spontaneous, fun-loving, extroverted, and exciting lovers; may find quiet but in-control individuals appealing.
Attracted to athletes, soldiers, mechanics (technical thinking), rebels, lawyers, construction workers, and rough individuals romantically and physically, venus in aries, leo, sagittarius, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Driven, direct, and open in the arena of love; willing to try anything once.
Sign of a Venus in Aries crush is teasing in good fun; loves to show off and impress the object of affection.
Enjoys the chase and seduction, though may grow bored quickly; awkwardly romantic and wants to pamper loved ones.
Enjoys the chase but may get bored once the conquest is achieved.
Requires physical and mental stimulation to stay in love.
In relationships, desires independence and control; dislikes being told what to do or competing.
Needy romantically, vocal, and somewhat pushy in expressing desires; values feeling appreciated and being treated as number one.
Reveals their vulnerable sides to you, emphasizing transparency and reciprocity.
Demonstrates an all-encompassing love once they've truly embraced their feelings for you.
♌︎Leo Venus:
Bright, magnanimous, fun-loving, romantic, and superfluous in matters of self-worth, love, relationships, money, and aesthetic.
Self-worth can vary from low to overly high, often compensating and may appear arrogant.
Requires constant reassurance of self-value, sensitive to insults, and hides struggles behind a smile.
Enjoys the arts, excelling in activities where they can be in the spotlight, including sports and physical activities.
Seeks love when feeling unappreciated but waits for genuine needs.
Dresses in a sporty, casual, flashy, professional, or debonair style with a fondness for bright colors, gold, red, and occasionally black.
Enjoys giving attention and expects occasional reciprocity.
May become overwhelming when self-absorbed, needs grounding.
Loves spicy aromas, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and clove, as well as smooth scents like vanilla.
Enjoys indulging in various foods, especially childlike treats.
May spend generously, particularly for the enjoyment of others, requiring assistance in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to showy, artistic, athletic, charismatic, and powerful individuals.
Loves glamour and grandiose declarations in relationships.
Seeks a loyal and committed partner who enhances their ego.
May find appeal in bosses, artists, actors, soldiers, royalty archetypes, and athletes.
Romantic Approach:
Goes all out in love, courting, pursuing, and wooing simultaneously.
Enjoys spectacular romance and is not shy about dating or the dating scene.
Expresses interest by going out of their way to impress and compliment, may straightforwardly communicate their feelings.
Desires to be treated like royalty, pampered, and made to feel special.
Expects reciprocity in passion, intensity, and drama to keep the relationship fresh.
Dislikes feeling unimportant and needs consistent expressions of love, yet maintains independence.
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Water Signs: Seek a fairy tale romance, searching for a Prince or Princess.
♓︎Pisces Venus:
Dreamy, romantic, loving, creative, and fantastical in matters of love, self-worth, money, relationships, and aesthetics.
May have a deluded sense of self, occasionally needing help to see themselves clearly.
Shy but enjoys occasional flirtation, especially in a playful context.
Attentively listens and remembers your words, valuing communication as a way to understand and love you better.
Enjoys hearing you talk, using it as an opportunity to deepen their understanding of you.
Enjoys art, particularly music, dance, and literature.
Often seeks love, viewing themselves as a part of a whole, searching for a profound connection.
Shy in pursuing but makes subtle gestures to be closer.
Needs to occasionally be more selfish in relationships.
Vulnerable to being taken advantage of due to an overly loving nature.
Loves colors reminiscent of the ocean and the sky, including dark to light blues, greens, purples, and black.
Fashion style can vary from free-flowing, ocean-breeze attire to trendy runway looks or understated appearances to avoid attention.
Enjoys aromas like the ocean, fruit, and candy.
Has a big appetite and loves seafood, sugary sweets, and food from different cultures.
Not overly materialistic but acquires money effortlessly, often spending it on loved ones.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to mystical, aloof, artistic, emotionally expressive, and structured individuals.
Compatibility with sailors, psychics, healers, artists, or therapists, venus in pisces, cancer, scorpio and maybe taurus.
Romantic Behavior:
Shy yet not afraid to initiate romantic gestures.
Signs of interest include leaving messages unread (a commitment test) and engaging in deep conversations beyond typical bedtime hours.
Prefers soulmate connections over casual dating.
Needs lots of love, affection, and care in a relationship.
Dislikes being perceived as overly dependent and can be disillusioned if their idealized image of a loved one shatters.
♋︎Cancer Venus:
Affectionate, sentimental, sweet, romantic, and receptive in matters of self-worth, money, style, aesthetic, partnership, and love.
Healthy self-worth usually influenced by family perceptions and upbringing.
Tendency to become engrossed in memories, potentially distorting them, leading to psychic disharmony.
Enjoys emotionally fulfilling hobbies such as reading, acting, cooking, baking, gardening, and finds stimulation in architecture or interior design.
Looks for settling-down material in love, avoiding games.
Assumes the role of the nurturing mother in relationships.
Magnetic and alluring, attracts partners effortlessly.
Analyzes and evaluates relationships; values security and harmony.
Style may not always be fashionable but holds value and meaning, either following family styles or changing frequently to keep up with trends.
Fondness for pastels, silver shades, especially purple and blue, preferring a dapper look without being overly flashy.
Delighted by scents from home, ocean breeze, or a forest after rain, with a preference for earthy and fruity smells.
Loves cooking and food, attached to traditional dishes, with a craving for sweets and creamy treats.
Excellent with money, skilled in investment and business ownership.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to emotional, trustworthy, familiar, and loving individuals.
May also be drawn to sailors, travelers, royalty archetypes, poets, bodybuilders, and comedians, venus in cancer, scorpio, pisces, taurus and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Shy but can pursue if necessary, values traditional romance and believes in love traditions like meeting the spouse's family.
Takes relationships seriously, finds letting go challenging.
Signs of a crush include blushing, bashfulness, attempts to talk, and revealing something emotional
Will push back if being used, prioritizes home harmony.
Invests considerable time in your company, fostering comfort and mutual ease.
Their presence brings a soothing calmness, contributing to a deep sense of connection.
Desires a fairy tale experience, appreciates sentimental mementos, and values cherishing shared memories.
Craves emotionality and feels hurt if emotions are disregarded, but can become clingy and manipulative if not moderated.
Extremely loyal and willing to weather the storm, not easily bored.
♏︎Scorpio Venus:
Possessive, secretive, romantic, intense, loving, and creative in matters of self-worth, money, love, relationships, and mystique.
Tendency for relatively low self-worth, feeling unattractive, and presenting a facade to compensate, emphasizing the seriousness of love.
Craves cherishment and security for a safe and healthy self-worth.
Subconscious and energetically seductive, attracting both desired and unwanted things.
Displays creativity, viewing destruction as a form of creation, especially in music or activities involving breaking and destroying things.
Enjoys sports, video games, and may have various artistic talents.
Desires to merge and feel complete, often seeking love but may struggle when needing support.
Appreciates a variety of colors, with greens, purples, and blues drawing particular interest.
Dresses in a sporty, dark, artsy, or blending-in manner.
Prefers hypnotic and deep smells like dark chocolate, wine, and musky sea scents.
Enjoys spicy foods and exotic tastes that mentally and physically engage them.
Skilled with money and investing.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intriguing, mysterious, closed-off, powerful, and emotionally intense individuals.
May find interest in surgeons, doctors, researchers, mystics, sailors, and chemists, venus scorpio, cancer, pisces, capricorn and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Takes love seriously, aiming to make their significant other happy even if not overtly romantic.
Signs of a crush may include slight rudeness or playful power games, seeking attention harmlessly
Tests partners to determine worth, with potential psychological challenges.
Struggles to trust, but deepens emotionally when in love.
Sensitive to your emotions, quick to notice when you're feeling down.
Focuses on understanding and meeting your love language needs, especially during challenging times.
Serious about love, dating can be challenging.
Needs a partner who understands the intensity of their passions, values trust, and avoids deception.
Loyal and committed once invested in a relationship.
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Air Signs: Seek innovators and intellectual connection in romance.
♒Aquarius Venus:
Impersonal, creative, original, universal, and shocking in matters of relationships, love, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Usually has a healthy, if not detached, self-worth.
May distance themselves from the concept of "the self," which could be psychologically challenging.
Friendly and may unintentionally flirt; aesthetic taste is intriguing, embracing individuality and the arts.
Finds beauty in dreamy, surreal colors like pastels and neons.
Enjoys music, visual arts, poetry, and activities involving the mind like video games.
Looks for love when feeling a lack of a true community and seeks one-on-one connections.
Dress style may be striking, eclectic, modern, or fitting a group aesthetic with a hint of a hippy flair.
Enjoys scents like the ocean, clean, light, breezy, and sweet aromas like cotton candy.
Appreciates complex and unique flavors for mental stimulation.
Good with money but prone to sudden spending sprees.
Preferences in Others:
Likes individuals who are aloof, idiosyncratic, distant, unattainable, intelligent, and humanitarian.
Attracted to musicians, scientists, researchers, astrologers/mystics, and philanthropists, venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, aries and saggitarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Cerebral about love but values its importance.
Indicators of interest are sporadic and confusing, ranging from acting like you don't exist to wanting to hang out.
Struggles with the balance between independence and craving companionship
Craves stability and loyalty despite a logical façade.
Expresses feelings through late-night texts, sharing thoughts they might hesitate to say in person.
Fickle in courtship; captivates with eccentricities.
Values freedom, loyalty, and stability; may become depressed without them.
Not particularly fond of dating and may see it as a waste of time.
In a relationship, seeks reliability paired with excitement and random, unexpected events.
Once committed, tends to stay, being a fixed sign.
♊︎Gemini Venus:
Charming, poetic, sociable, witty, and cunning in matters of self-worth, love, aesthetic, finances, and relationships.
Self-worth tied to communication skills and fitting into the community, needing to learn that being liked doesn't equate to true beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, including dance, music, poetry, and a genuine love for conversation; may also have a fondness for sports.
Requires stimulation in a relationship, finds love more fun than necessary.
Trendy in fashion, stylish, adaptable to changing trends; values fashion as a form of communication.
Likes bright colors, especially various shades of blues, and tends to shy away from dark colors.
Enjoys a variety of food, likes to be intellectually engaged with what they eat, with a fondness for sour and childlike sweet foods.
Attracted to citrusy, sharp, and clean smells, such as fresh sheets.
Doesn't overly focus on money, invests well, and can be impulsive with hobbies or travel urges
Thrives on communication; requires mental stimulation.
Loses interest if not intellectually engaged.
Easily uses people for temporary connections until captivated elsewhere.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intellectual, well-informed, sporty, suave, and aesthetically pleasing individuals; may appreciate the "wholesome person next door" aesthetics.
Finds PR people, librarians, professors, bosses, writers, actors, athletes, or local individuals attractive, compatible with venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, sagittarius & aries.
Romantic Approach:
Flirty, fun-loving, and eager in romantic relationships.
Displays goofiness or attempts to make the other person laugh when they have a crush.
Enjoys intellectual play and wants a partner who can match their quickness.
Thrives on humor, eureka moments, and engagement of the mind.
Enjoys the thrill of the chase but may grow bored with monotony; long-distance relationships can work well.
Loves learning about their partner, so keeping them guessing and engaged is crucial.
♎Libra Venus:
Harmonious, diplomatic, balanced, romantic, and idealistic in self-worth, money, love, and relationships.
Self-worth is influenced by how others treat them, seeking approval and universal love, but can struggle with feeling not good enough.
Needs to learn self-love and not rely solely on others for integral well-being.
Enjoys flirting and charm, finding exhilaration in social interactions and fun with potential mates and friends.
Naturally gifted in the arts, excelling in fashion, architecture, and textiles.
Actively looks for love, deeming it important and feeling lonely without it.
Ruled by Venus; loves beauty, luxury, comfort, and diplomacy.
Attracts potential partners effortlessly due to appealing qualities.Has varied color preferences based on cultural definitions of balance, avoiding reactions in people.
Trendy and hip in dressing, adapting to current aesthetics without growing overly fond of styles.
Enjoys bright, sunny smells like orange and mango, along with fruity, gentle, and sugary scents.
Adores sweet foods, indulges the senses, and may overspend on luxuries, requiring help in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to polite, intelligent, artistic, and politically savvy individuals.
May find interest in lawyers, decorators, doctors, venus in libra, gemini, aquarius, leo and sagittarius.
Romantic Approach:
Ruled by social convention, enjoys romantic gestures seen in movies and media.
Can be passive romantically but enjoys playing cat and mouse games, flirting, and having fun, even if shyly.
Signs of a crush include compliments, offers to help, and extending invitations to social events.
Needs a fun, light, and very romantic partner to feel complete.
Values trust in friends and lovers, seeking someone to share both joy and dark times
May withdraw if harmony is disrupted; values care and nurturing.
Can harbor deep rage if pushed to the limit in a toxic relationship.
Communicates emotions through their eyes, conveying the depth of their love without words.
Enjoys the dating scene, finding joy in getting to know potential partners.
Dislikes crass or unpleasant partners who embarrass them.
Lives in a realm of pure ideals, exhibiting prince/princess charming-like qualities.
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arcadia345 · 5 months
Sextrology notes🥀
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Not a real astrologer this is just my observations and personal experiences as a Jupiter in 8th natal‼️
Book a reading❤️
Aries/1st house eros composite- could’ve gotten into the bedroom quicker than expected(or at least tried to), if not then regardless the sex is ROUGH. Lots of sweat and friction burns, bruises from the night before 🥴 “Everyone KNOWS that he f*cks you.” Vibe you can’t hide behind the tension with this one lmao. Could be your first time in a way? I had this with the first yt and the first black girl I’ve been with
Taurus mars/eros- kiss/rub their neck and see how quickly they fold😎 they adore nice smells vmuch bad smells turn us off so bad but if you smelll good I swear we’ll remember you and your sent FOREVER. We also love physical touch we love a good body rub we like all our senses to be aroused. I try to at least keep one hand on my lovers/ vice versa😭#clingy we’re also possessive of our partners to a extent
Gemini/3rd house eros esp in composite have the most fun in bed. Usually a short term relationship doesn’t have to be tho. You two will try new things together sexually. They’re very lighthearted and curious and down with whatever😌 they’ll try anything at least once😏. Mental and oral stimulation is a must here. Definitely prone to sex with more than one person at a time
Eros in Aquarius/cancer,4th/11th combination in composite every time I’ve had this with someone they changed my perspective on life/sex I swear😂 the sex was so mind blowing 🤯 just thinking about it got me stuck. Me and the first girl I did it with have this in composite and omg I did not know I was THAT into girls till she popped up(even tho I’m pans)🥴 my first time feeling sparkles during sex ✨(a man could never 👎)you might feel emotionally vulnerable with them and they might not be your type fr that’s why the sex is so shocking like dang I didn’t know you’d have me feeling like this now I’m stuck. Unforgettable. We also used toys
Cancer eros/mars have a creampie obsession or they lovve boobs ofc, they tend to match the same energy as their partner sexually wise but they can get really really freaky if you ask them nicely 🤭
Leo mars/eros- they love to put on a show in bed, they could be really playful/teasing/loungeful before the act. It’s like they love to tease you until you can’t take it anymore forcing you to make the first move( you need to show them how badly you want them) They look so hot all the faces they make🥵 esp when ur taking a quick break in between and they look so effortlessly good, if the chemistry/sex is good they’ll probably ask if they can record cuz they’re not gonna waste storage on some wack 💩 you can definitely learn something from them
I’ve had Leo in Eros in composite with someone and they’re the only person I needed to take a plan b with after the deed🧍🏽‍♀️
Pisces eros- likes to dive into the taboo side of sex, sex for them could cause them confusion instead of clarity most times. They like to fulfill their fantasies I feel like they have more opportunities to do that than others. The only guy I know with this said he had like 20 bodies??😟 but I’m pretty sure it’s only that high cause they never come back for seconds🤣 perfect example he needs to do some healing before he tries to sleep with someone 🧏🏽‍♀️
Neptune aspects to eros like to be under the influence while having sex. They get really sleepy also
Just like Aquarius eros they like to record/ have cybersex/have a audience
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I love how everyone always says scorpios are the freakiest 😂😂😂(they’re up there tho) and us cancers/virgos/taurus just chuckle 🤭
Cancers literally speak to ur soul in the bedroom. We bring out desires that you never knew you had. We’re literally the sign of the motherrr like we really know what’s best for you (us). That’s why they always come back for more🤣🤣 and plz don’t let them have mommy issues they’ll be stuck for life
Virgos😂😂😂😂😂 nobody talks about how the ♍️ symbol looks just like ♏️ (aka they hide their crazy/freaky side very well) they’re adaptable and they aim to please, if you’re satisfied then so are they. And they’re sooo good with their fingers and mouth like Geminis.
Tauruses they need to be satisfied before anything like being fed and taken care of before the deed, but once they see you deserve their time or loyalty they turn into a demon for you😈 drunk and love vibes buss the windows out ur car then have makeup sex yk? But ngl if their underdeveloped they may give ♍️ vibes to their partner instead
Libra Mars/Eros I’ve only had bad experiences with this one but they were sags so plz understand where I’m coming from. They love the IG baddies with the bubble 🍑 and cute aesthetics. They love “plastic barbies”/ dolls . They’re in love with the idea of love. Definitely have more than one person on their roster. They LOVE lingerie and pastel laces esp the men yk they fw it when they don’t take the panties off just pull them to the side🤣Depending on their chart I wouldn’t associate with this eros/mars their standards are unrealistic and problematic :/
Now composite libra in eros is a different experience for me, it feels like a romantic comedy, the head over heels vibes before you even make it to the bed🥰. These two could enjoy being in each other’s presence more than having sex? Like they genuinely enjoy eachothers company sm they kinda skip over that part sometimes lol. Also other people could try to intervene with you two?? In a sense 👀
Also most every Virgo/libra/sag guy (except 3, I think it’s more likely to happen if they’re underdeveloped signs)I’ve fw never liked to give head??? But it was mandatory that they received some???😃 the excuse was always they’re not in the mood/ that’s dirty/ their mouth hurts??💀💀💀 so my 🐱 is too dirty to eat but clean enough to f*ck? but ur 🍆 is clean to do both???🤣🤣🤣 neverrr again this why I’m gay asf now Chile
Sag mars/eros 😂 good luck trying to tie them down. They’re the most promiscuous/adventurous when it comes to sex. They love trying new things really down with whatever! Car sex, or just sex in public in general 😵‍💫 I promise y’all they dgaf. Also these people will change your way of thinking, a catalyst of self development. For me they were always the fboy that made me learn my lesson 😭. They push you to evolve.
Capricorn/10th Eros composite- sex definitely isn’t something you two rush into. Could be more on the reserved side at first. It may be mandatory that you build a deeper connection/commitment before anything sexual happens. It could be a while before anything sexual happens. There could be an age difference here as well. One person could be unexperienced. If you have this with someone and the sex isn’t that great the first time please don’t give up on them 😭 the more you get to understand eachothers bodies the better the sex will be. Bdsm could be a thing here. The type to tie you up/restrain you/ f*ck ur brains out and call you out of ur name but have mini wellness checks in-between. Edging and age play could be a thing. You two could start a OF👀
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🍆 indicators
Look at their mars aspects it’s very important. I’ve seen a lot of 🍆s yall so ik what I’m talking about 😂 the biggest one I’ve ever seen had Mars ☌ Jupiter like HUGE🫣😰 harsher aspects to Jupiter is what you want to look for. Now if he has aspects to Saturn but none to Jupiter…… it’s probably on the smaller scale 😭this could also mean good stamina/ hard to climax.
Mars ☌ Uranus surprised me which is on point 😂 very freaky placement uhm their 🍆s look pretty most of the time usually has a curve, definitely gonna hit you with some unusual positions that all feel weirdly good🥴
Mars ☌ Neptune is a less common aspect I’ve seen could have more length than girth but they’re really long. I feel like this is the unsolicited 🍆 pic sender💀 the ones that think everyone needs to see their🍆🙄/ people could fantasize on how they are in bed
🐱 indicators
Honestly idk any I feel like every 🐱 is good if you know how to please it right😌 but the ones that don’t need any assistance is 8th/12th house placements fs esp Jupiter/Neptune/mars. And prominent water signs in the chart
Pisces/12th house Eros in composite ‼️⚠️‼️ definitely not something to take lightly. The energy you two share is sacred. Very spiritual experience I don’t recommend this placement if you’re not aligned on a spiritual level. Lies/hidden motives could be involved. The f*ck you back to sleep placement. Sex so good you both sleep like you work 3 jobs after. I swear he put me into a meditative state while having sex I had to snap out of it 😭 also he was only person to make me orgasim ever to this day our bodies just blended so well together like water💧also he loved my feet?? Bon appetite!
Just experienced this composite again and it’s literally the samee feeling omg the discreetness and blurred lines/taboo feeling, the way our bodies just work so well together ommmg😩 we love to watch eachother? Sexting/stalking placement. And he loves my feet too💀. Sleep is really prominent here.
That’s all for now💋 just wanted to post for my 3year tumblr anniversary 🥹❤️
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kaysdenofchaos · 4 months
Teenage Meddling Mutant Turtles: What-If AU (Happy)
Not canon but if Splinter somehow rescued and raised all the turbles (and was a slightly better dad)
I have way too many AUs of them alrdy stuck in my head so have the babies :3
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heartlilith · 4 months
🩷Oddly specific things I think about when I hear ______ venus
Aries Venus: Summer, rubies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, rollercoasters, fast cars, the color red, vampire fangs, Saturday nights, liquor stores and gas stations, fireworks, sour candy, cool bic lighters, “you’re mine”, Mario Kart, boys who wear nail polish, fuck it energy, oversized sweatshirts, middle finger emoji, cherries
Taurus Venus: Satin pillowcases, white candles, pearls, mirrors, hand holding, walking someone home at night, vinyls, red lipstick, full lips, fancy dinner dates, the wine and dine, old romantic movies, wallets and purses, hotels, French manicures, old money, “I won’t get on my knees for no man”
Gemini Venus: Driving around at night listening to music, reading to someone, comedy shows, mimosas, Samantha from Sex and the City, libraries, nerd kink, hot teachers/student kink, emerald green, laughter, swing sets, looking out of the window and just watching, untied shoelaces, dogs and puppies, dad jokes
Cancer Venus: Soft feather pillows, a bowl of warm soup, a bubble bath, tears and running mascara, babies and how babies laugh, poetry, “I’ll be whatever you want me to be”, hot tubs, hot coffee, teddy bears, heartbeats, soft hands & skin, lotion, bagels and cream cheese, doodling in your journal
Leo Venus: Lip gloss, mojitos, getting drunk at brunch, diamond tennis bracelets, drunk texts you regret sending later, the block button, lonely nights, shooting stars, blowing bubbles, piggy back rides, art museums, glittery eyeshadow, jumparoos, birthday parties
Virgo Venus: Taking a shower, Dove soap, smooth skin, symmetry, butterflies, the smell of books, getting a facial or going to the spa, chicken caesar salads, the good tasting water, chunky headphones, acoustic guitar, running errands, getting your eyebrows done, neat handwriting, neutral colors, sushi
Libra Venus: Blush, dimples, Y2K fashion, Hello Kitty, makeup skills, those little hand mirrors, princes and princesses, cupcakes, pedicures, Margaritas, taking pictures, art, castles, Disney movies, daisies, spin the bottle, cartwheels, soft hair, bubblegum, skincare, watermelon and pineapple
Scorpio Venus: Psychology, neck tattoos, “until death do us part”, Kings & Queens, snakes, sacred sex, chess, secrets, hickeys, the feeling after you stay up all night, the feeling of being at a concert, roses, knives, tequila shots, legs intertwined, dirty martinis, sparklers, Avril Lavigne, fantasy books, true crime and dark history
Sagittarius Venus: Clouds, rock climbing, rappers, Hip Hop and R&B, going on vacation, açaí bowls and fresh fruit, sun kissed/radiant skin, the color yellow, retreats, history, yoga and Pilates, spicy food, “it is what it is”, curly hair, the smell of weed, casinos, the last day of school, Las Vegas
Capricorn Venus: Leather, red wine, the cow pattern, cowgirl boots, the color brown, espresso, dark chocolate, briefcase of money like in the movies, the movie Scarface, whiskey on the rocks, bosses, owls, turtle necks, caramel, wearing suits, lingerie, business, New York City
Aquarius Venus: Lightbulbs, telescopes and microscopes, LED lights, hamsters, college parties, glitter, peace signs, 70s concerts, food trucks, skipping school, “fuck it”, diving in the pool, the beach at night, disco balls, getting detentions in school
Pisces Venus: Mermaids, kittens, cartoons and Disney princesses, champagne, Webkinz, little kid stories like Goldilocks, 3 Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, clear glittery lip gloss, holographic, snowmen and icicles, swimming in the pool, flower gardens, glow sticks , picnics, bumblebees, sand castles, elementary art class, 3D movies
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rendezvouz-fling · 2 months
Astro Observations #29
• Virgo placements make good listers, hence why some may choose careers in neurology or some form of therapy. Especially hypnotherapy.
• Gemini placements on the other hand, tend to go for psychology. Some even opt for social workers/counselors.
• Aquarius placements tend to have a knack for criminology.
• Cardinal mars 🤝 always taking everybody else's pictures for them.
• I've noticed oftentimes, when you're in a relationship with your first love, you tend to have both your mercuries at the same degrees.
• Or you tend to have your mercury in the same modality. E.g. My first love had his mercury at the same degree as mine. Another ex of mine had their mercury in the same modality, squaring mine. And another, had their mercury's degree in the opposite sign of my mercury.
• Leo Mars men love complementing women, true sweethearts!
• 1H Venus synastry sometimes looks like, Venus person standing up for the house person. Venus person teases the 1H person and tries to make them laugh with mean jokes. Hehe.
• The house person can also be the Venus person's fav person to hang around and do things with.
• Your rising falling in someone's 8H could mean you find it hard to make eye contact or look at the house person for longer than 10 seconds, lol.
• Libra moons with Libra risings 🤝 Being nice so people don't think you're rude, lowkey being exhausted of putting up that front.
• Gemini suns with Cancer Venuses 🤝 Being very caring, nurturing and affectionate or manipulative and immature.
• Pisces suns with Aries and Aquarius placements 🤝 Being soft spoken and humorous when in a good mood vs explosive & arrogant when something or someone's gotten on their nerves.
• Also, Pisces Placements charm isn't talked about, why??
• Aries placements are the type to get irritated quick and explode. Sometimes they regret it later. But then again, maybe they don't. Ha!
• Also, Aries placements be so loyal?
• I swear Earth suns/moons gets so irritated when something's out of place or you forget to do something. Like, they won't rest until whatever has to be done, is done.
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crucialplayer · 7 months
Thoughts on Venus placements
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Aries Venus. View public humiliation as a flirting tactic. Will borderline call you stupid and ugly and genuinely expect people to get the hint that they’re actually very interested. Will prob ask themselves out on ur behalf. If u don't show interest immediately as they enter a room they’re done. Life is a cycle of falling in and falling out. Romance is 90 percent fucking.
Taurus venus. Like anyone who’s pretty but LOVE prob one person in a lifetime. Will have an aneurism if you try to rush them or speed up the prelude. Unbearable in their pickiness (esp with food and smells). Have deluded themselves into thinking there are people dying waiting for them to grace this earth with their love and attention. Limit freedom but act bothered when being imposed with the same limitations. 
Gemini venus. What’s there to say that hasn't been already cried out loud by the casualties of their love. Wandering eye. Don't promise much and deliver even less. Fun tease flirts, will take you on Before Sunrise style date and rot ur brain with all the talk. Like to leave people wondering. Everyone wants to try this one out at least once. Word’s been going around that a non-cheating-gemini Venus has been spotted in the wild but we’re yet to confirm the evidence. 
Cancer venus. Want to be treated like a baby but always end up babying other people. Want to please their loved ones at all times and if not met with instant appreciation become very irritated and sad. Never voice their needs properly. Expect the most distant emotionally constipated people they usually choose as their partners to be mind-readers. Cook-clean-snog love. 
Leo venus. Promise u the moon and the stars but will be too lazy to actually get them. Love themselves first and won't let you forget that. If not received naturally - will drag those compliments out of you manually. At their best great at hyping people up. Love anyone who praises them. Also kinda get attached quite fast. Get jealous and offended easily (I feel like I say this about every Leo placement but what can u do).
Virgo venus. No one can please them and with time fewer people try. Get the ick over people simply breathing. Want the most sterile of love there is. If you’re not the best at your craft or do not aspire to be WHY the fuck not??? Legit think organizing ur desk is a good substitution for letting know they have warm feelings towards you.
Libra venus. Their partner is the star of the night month year life. Choose partners that can be bragged about and envied for. Very loving never shut up about their relationship no matter the setting always find a reason to bring them up. In a relationship make concessions until they blow up.
Scorpio venus. Insanity falsely taken for being in love. Blood contract on the first date. The ones that giggle at cannibalism=love metaphors. Might just lock you up but in a romantic wayyy... Romance is NOT a joke and ANY attempt making FUN of it WILL NOT slide. Looking around might count as cheating. Also if I may I suggest never leaving them on read..) Forever and always til death do us part. 
Sagittarius venus. Often forget that they are in a relationship. Love the fun aspect of dating, but hate everything else. Need someone who constantly shakes things up and makes life interesting for them. In an ideal world, they travel around the globe and have a lot of se make meaningful connections for life. Very playful tho!
Capricorn venus. In relationships become very domestic but it takes a lot for them to actually end up in such. Love language is to cover basic necessities and feel worn out after that. Typically require to be TAUGHT on love and I know there are some people who find this an exciting quest god bless you on that journey. Prob the most rigid Venus in terms of compatibility with others imo. 
Aquarius venus. So fucking random in terms of people they crush on like I can never guess who’s gonna tingle their interest braincell this time. Normally they go for the intellectuals but once they think they’ve got too predictable with it next choice is gonna be wild. Friends with people who have a crush on them and are oblivious to it. Freeze when you get mushy or clingy with them. 
Pisces venus. Takes a village to pull them out of that one abusive dynamic they’ve been perpetually stuck in. Unironically think of themselves as smol beans. Dedicate their whole unprompted to the person they’ve had a crush on for like two days. Very very veryyyy lovey-dovey-sweet-corny, have no problem confessing their love. Likely to draw ur portrait if they like you. 
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estrellogy · 23 days
Astro Notes Pt. 2
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- IN DEFENSE OF LIBRAS. I often hear people say that Libras are pick-mes, but that’s only the underdeveloped ones. I think Libras do get along with the opposite sex really well. The mature ones genuinely connect with the other side because they’re a good balance of both masculine and feminine energies.
- However, I do see SOME Libra men take advantage of this ability and be quite promiscuous. Libra SUN in particular since it comes so naturally to them. Libra Venus men, on the other side, prefer to be monogamous and just pour all their romantic energy into one person. If they have grounding placements like Venus/Saturn positive aspects or earth placements, they’re definitely the type to look for THE ONE™️
- Scorpio and Capricorn placements humor is so under appreciated. People often see these placements as intense alpha males who never show emotions like they’re just 😐. Mfs have perfected dry humor and comedic timing.
- Aries Sun have an easier time maturing than Aries Moon. Since the Moon is such a primal and sensitive place for Aries to be in, the impulsive side of Aries is amplified. Meanwhile, Aries Suns can channel its aggressive fire energy more consciously.
- Leo Suns with 12th house moons can create a lot of internal conflicts. The natural inclination to shine versus the need to completely hide your nature and be intensely introspective.
- Mars in 6th house people really benefit from incorporating exercise into your routine. Everyone does, but Mars in 6th house people in particular can accumulate a lot of stress and tensions so they need to move their bodies often to avoid burn out (speaking from personal experience 😭)
- Scorpio placements are lusted after, but CANCER placements are often desired both physically and emotionally. People want to have a taste of Scorpio placements but often become overwhelmed by their intense nature. Cancers, on the other hand, seem more gentle even though they’re equally insane intense. That’s why Scorpio is often associated with seductresses/siren archetype while Cancer is the “wife”/divine feminine.
- Again, Cancer placements are underrated because the moon energy seems more familiar compared to the mysterious and ethereal nature of outer planets like Neptune and Pluto. But the moon quite literally controls water and has the most direct impact (night vs day) on the actual functions of Earth. Plus, the moon is also a symbol of mystique, beauty, and literally the ‘dark side of the moon’ as a metaphor for human psyche. I can do a whole post about why Cancer placements are really the beauty indicator/archetype in astrology if you guys want 😭
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you guys enjoy these notes and I’ll do more 🤍
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11hedonistic · 6 months
Astrology Observations 🌴
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air venus/air mars are usually the type of people to fall for the friends or find nothing wrong with having a fwb (friend with benefits)
venus touching the ascendant (no matter the aspect) can manifest a beautiful appearance (same with mars but with mars, i would say this gives more of a sex appeal vibe)
scorpio moon/mars definitely wins the title for holding grudges the longest/being the most unforgivable if you cross them
i realized that a lot of aries mercury people don’t really think before they speak😂
taurus mercury people are those type of people to repeat what they already said just to make sure everyone understood
my gemini mercury people.. i know how hard it is for you to stay focused. you’re doing great reading this sweetie
cancer mercury people have craaazy intuition
if you’re looking for someone to tell a good story, find you a leo mercury!! these people are such good story tellers 😂
virgo mercury people can be brutally honest people when giving advice, which can hurt people in the process but that’s not their intention most of the time!
if you need a mediator during an argument, find u a libra mercury. they’re always looking at both sides of an argument
scorpio mercury people can become very rude/disrespectful if they feel annoyed or bothered. especially if they have sag/cap placements.. scary
sagittarius mercury people almost always come off as too blunt
capricorn mercury people, how often are you put in leadership positions? 🤔
aquarius mercury people and their way of coming up with ideas no one else could think of >>
pisces mercury people.. you and that imagination of yours. always in your head. i know you enjoy living in your imagination dont you (my neptune 3rd house can relate so you’re not alone lol)
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taurus moon + scorpio venus lovers >>
the best omg this guy that im talking to right now has this combo and he’s always spoiling me with gifts, mind you we’re not even dating 😂 and they’re SO observant. like i play my music around him sometimes and yesterday he literally surprised me with a playlist of my favorite songs & his favorite songs (he’s moving away so he made it for me to listen while he’s gone when i miss him 💔) but wow. if you want real love, these people are it
pluto 4th house people.. how’s your family/home life?
pluto 1st house people.. how many times has it felt like you killed your old self just to make a new one? coming back stronger and stronger each time of course
im soo tired of this gemini venus slander and saying WE CHEAT! we dont cheat we just lose interest fast if you’re boring or fail to keep our brains stimulated. just dont be monotone/boring, make us laugh & we’ll be willing to work on the connection 😁 its also just that we dont really deal well with a bunch of intense emotions being thrown at us. give us time
capricorn moon people.. are you ok? and dont lie to me
scorpio suns.. how is your relationship with your father?
i saw someone say how saturn in 1st house people hate the inverted filter & they were nott wrong. my sister has this placement and she despises it. always picking at every single flaw she has whole time she looks fine lol
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