whaliiwatching · 6 months
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jeopardy romantic <3
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turniptitaness · 6 months
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@tsuntsunfangirl 😘
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sailorsally · 6 months
I don't think Misha was close to Jensen, and I also believe she lied about talking to him on the phone because he couldn't sleep at night..I'm 100% sure Jensen doesn't even know about Misha's divorce. If he had known, he would have joked about it with Jared at the panels.
It makes me so sad that anyone would be a fan of a man so insensitive that he'd deliberately joke about someone's divorce, be it a close friend or simply a castmate. I am genuinely so lost as to why you people are so bent on making Jensen look like the biggest douchebag. Maybe because this way he'd match Jared more? Luckily Jensen is far from how you lot paint him, he is a very sensitive, loving and attentive guy who cares a lot about others feelings. This is clear even to me, someone who isn't much of a Jensen fan.
Jensen and Misha have a lot of love and mutual respect for each other, and I am sorry that this makes you bitter & angry. Maybe look inwards and ask yourself why two people being caring and loving towards each other is so hard for you to stomach.
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 2 months
I didn't think I could be more excited for this movie and then....
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louisisalarrie · 16 days
I think Louis needs to give that sweet little voice of his a rest. He sounded pretty strained on the live stream and like it was clearly difficult for him to sing a lot of his stuff (usually he’s clear as anything and very on key. Mexico kind of wasn’t). Didn’t spoil it for the fans - god what a show! - but he’s still got a lot of gigs left if you count all the festivals so he must protect his vocals at all costs!
Yeah, I have to agree with you here, anon. My smoking louis and vocals post is almost there!!! and is coming, but for now yeah, I’ll just comment on this.
I think he needs to warm up his vocals more. He has a gentle tone as it is, so to belt it, he needs longer to warm up, similar to me. He was reallyyyyyy off key a lot more than usual, and the muted and blunt bass with the harsh drums and backing vocals being too high on the livestream mix didn’t help. In a live setting, it would’ve sounded fantastic, im sure. Fans said it did. But the mix wasn’t great by any means. he said he was feeling poorly anyway, but he did the show and unfortunately it took more of a toll than he thought it would on his throat. The livestream didn’t hit like a live version would, and we knew that was gonna be the case anyway, but with weaker vocals and a poor mix, it wasn’t the best it could’ve been.
When I saw him in Jan, he was very confident and sure of himself and I think there was really only one minor point where he went off key to a point that it was noticeable for the crowd. I have a music ear so can tell quite easily, but Mexico… he was very off. He’s not a bad singer, far from it, but if his throat is to a point where he’s warmed up and still croaky, he needs to be careful of where he puts the most drive in. Again, a bigger analysis will come when i finally post about his voice and smoking, but he has some bad habits and so much doubt in himself that he can work himself up to a point of a poor performance.
It’s a shame, really. I popped on the livestream on our main TV and my housemate listened to louis for the first time. She’s a lover of music, can be a bit pretentious, but she genuinely just didn’t like it. His style of music is what she’s into, but she kept saying the vocals sounded off, and they just… unfortunately did.
I’ve seeen a few Twitter posts today saying “if you criticise Louis’ voice I will block you, he’s perfect” and he is perfect, but that livestream wouldn’t have gained him any new fans. It’s also like…. The solo harries have grabbed onto clips of that and tore him to shreds which is ridiculous, and I fully encourage the block button to be used to make sure your experience in this fandom is what you want it to be, but he did not have his best performance that night, unfortunately.
It comes down to nerves, and a multitude of other things with a unique voice such as his, but it’s a shame it wasn’t as good as previous performances. A lot of it was VERY good though, don’t get me wrong, but too much of it wavered to the point of flat or sharp, that it wasn’t as enjoyable of a listening experience that it could’ve been.
I’ve watched him grow up and his voice take on a multitude of genres and tones, and I will always adore his voice. His voice is toned much more particularly than Harry and Liam’s, which makes it harder to be a soloist, particularly because he found his voice in a band. He’s fantastic, but it wasn’t his best.
Butttttt he was the first male soloist to perform there, which is fucking sick. I’m so proud of him and he truly did make it. He’s breaking records and fighting to be the best he can be. He just has a couple of things to keep working on.
#proudoflouis :)
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aerodaltonimperial · 9 months
In all actuality, y'all, I want Jack's return to be on Collision, because I want his entire return to be a giant middle finger that goes directly up Phil's ass. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
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housewifebuck · 4 months
Buck is a cryptid creature, people unfamiliar with him are fascinated and amazed by him
To the locals though, he's the stray cat that's been collectively adopted, they say hi when they pass by
Buck absolutely is a stray cat and I have the authority to declare that
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kyeomkyeomi · 2 months
I’ve been staring at Seokmin’s shoulders for a few hours now i need help
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doubletalkingmaeve · 11 months
I have to listen to Jason’s bass solo track at least once a day or I collapse
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bodejustice · 1 year
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"Hmm, it might be about time to break out the ice cream maker...!"
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Kitty & Thomas Incorrect Quotes
Thomas: Here's some advice 
Kitty: I didn't ask for any
Thomas: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me
Thomas: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Kitty: You and me!!!
Thomas, tearing up: Okay.
Thomas: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.
Kitty: Three words.
Thomas: You saved me. I owe you my life.
Kitty: No thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
Thomas: imagine if fairies were real
Kitty: what? 
T: Fairies. What if they were actually real?
K: w-wait… fairies aren’t r-real?
T: Of course they’re not-
K: *tearing up*
Thomas, on a date: so what do you do?
Kitty: *holds up menu* you just choose a meal from this book of food
Kitty: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips, what should I do?
Robin: punch him in stomach, then when he lean over in pain, kiss him
Captain: tackle him
Fanny: dump him 
Julian: kick him in the shin
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inexpressiblybeautiful · 11 months
Both Sherlock and Irene are simultaneously both Morticia and Gomez.
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My co-workers bf makes and packs her lunch every day. He uses her banana to write the sweetest and most genuine love notes to her in each one 🥺
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incarnateirony · 2 years
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tumblestonesa · 1 year
the existing 'egg groups' are a product of elm's research. as he receives updated information from breeders and day cares world round, he makes adjustments to the categories
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1 4 and 8 for thorkell =3
Ahahhshshs omg we have mega same brain tonight
1. I think one of my favorite things is when he gathers a feast of different meats and potatoes and we eat together. He’ll finish whatever I dont have so I never feel pressured to finish it and we often eat meals together os i dont accidentally eat too much, plus the food is just really really good.
4. Oh he for sure does the cheesy thing of dressing up like a hot-dog bun and im the hot dog and when he carries me around in a hug all day it looks like a hot dog in a hot dog bun hshshshs
8. Definitely him. Sometiems I’ll just suddenly scream really loud and he bursts in with his axes and im on the counter pointing at a spider in a corner or something, and he makes a hilarious show of over dramaticlly killing it to cheer me up (though he also has way too much fun with it himself)
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