curioussubjects · 8 months
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Kara has ADHD in every episode: "Kobol's Last Gleaming (Part 2)"
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loserbby · 8 days
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markantonys · 2 months
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literally every other WOT viewer in the world:
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#they've been saying this ever since the finale aired and it drives me CRAZY#have your personal opinions all you want but to say that 2x08 was objectively a weak episode is simply not correct#cinematography acting vfx choreography music EVERYTHING was at the absolute top of its game#and despite being an Exciting Battle Episode it was completely anchored in character moments & emotional resonance which is no easy feat#so much going on yet there was time for every major character to get a huge developmental/emotional beat#(yes even those like nynaeve whose beat was a loss rather than a victory)#every season arc was either wrapped up in an immensely satisfying way or was set up for a deeper examination next season#and 90% of the general audience absolutely loved it#and yet reddit acts like it's an Accepted Fact that it was poor quality#just bc the book-to-show changes in that episode weren't to THEIR PERSONAL taste#touch grass#wot#seeing as season finales will always have the biggest moments it's kinda inevitable that hardcore book fans#will always be the most sensitive to any changes made in those particular episodes#not to mention that the changes made in eps 1-7 will snowball and culminate in the finale#so i feel like finales are always gonna be judged the most harshly by readers#like if dumai's wells isn't an exact 1:1 recreation of the book version#readers are 1000000% going to flip their shit no matter how objectively good the show's version actually is#wot book spoilers#for the replies
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
*laying facedown on the ground* how is it going to be 30 minutes. it can’t just be 30 minutes can it (🤡)??? because, from what all we’ve seen in bts vids and the like, we have to fit (ofmd finale spoilers beneath cut)—
- Ed fishing and coming to the realization that Stede/the crew are in danger, and doing whatever he has to do in order to get back (fishing up his leathers, emerging from the ocean, etc etc)
- The crew getting captured, or maybe just something with them jailed already
- The crew devising some kind of fuckery where they dress up as naval officers
- Whatever sort of hijinks goes down in the forest where some of the crew are battling/tripping up (literally) the actual naval officers
- The actual beach battle sequence itself where Ed and Stede are both fighting through it
- The both of them reuniting and having some kind of romantic moment (I would really like them to aPOLOGIZE TO EACH OTHER BUT Y’KNOW SKDJWJD)
- Ed and Stede teaming up with Zheng and Auntie
- Some sort of sequence where Ed appears to be dressed in some sort of extravagant white outfit and also appears to have been stabbed (or is otherwise in contact with a lot of blood. please see also: that one bloody hand shot)
- Some sort of VERY suspicious looking sequence where the crew seems to be near a makeshift grave of some sort. So if someone dies, we’ll need time to sit with that/allow that moment to breathe (but also I can’t see how because everyone has died numerous times and quite literally just Can’t Be Killed DKWKD)
- That other sequence where the crew is all inside and Ed and Stede have the “it’s a suicide mission/only if we die” exchange. Which…I can’t tell where that is in the timeline?? Because I would assume Ed and Stede dramatically reunite on the beach but maybe not depending on time?????
- Some sort of scene where the crew all seem to be running towards a dinghy/trying to get away from danger
- Some sort of scene where Ed and Stede are looking at that one little house that has appeared in the background of a few shots and more than likely having some sort of discussion about their future/their relationship
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snugglylime · 14 days
Just posted chapter 5 of my hybrids au!! This one is a big longer, hope you guys enjoy! <3
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httpiastri · 7 months
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last hands/arms/neck dump of the season? :(
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Pilot Parallels
Dezanitized - After being gone for decades, the Warners escape from the water tower as people run from them:
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Suspended Animation Part 1 - After being gone for decades, the Warners return to the water tower as people run towards them:
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starwolfafton · 3 months
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mollusken · 1 year
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Popular Girlzzzzz 🔥🔥 The show of all time
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aduckinpain · 7 months
I was tagged by the amazing @paint-it-red-and-black for this and I found it so adorable I had to do it!
Use this link to make your own F1 Wrapped!
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1. Charles Leclerc
The world may be unraveled and built again and I will still choose this man as my top driver. While admittedly at first I was captivated by his looks, I soon started genuinely enjoying this sport. Doing so allowed me to look into his story and by God is it something straight out of a book. His mentality to learn and remember everyone he's lost and fight for them while selflessly sacrificing himself for their wishes is something I couldn't fathom in a lifetime. And yet he does fight for himself and he does it viciously. He is one of the best, one of the only who I think with a competitive car could give Max a fight and win, and I need to see him spread his full potential. I am convinced that if this man doesn't win a World Championship then F1 is unachievable and Ferrari will destroy their own legend. You cannot just find another Charles Leclerc.
Also his dichotomy is insane. He's so chaotic it makes him incredibly entertaining.
If Charles Leclerc has one fan, it's me.
If Charles Leclerc has no fans, I'm dead.
2. Lando Norris
Admittedly I completely overlooked this man for about 2 months. Absolutely no second glance he wasn't interesting enough for me.
I repent for my mistake as he's consumed my waking days and nights. An absolute talent that stemmed from hard work. His second part of the season was to die for, I believe he as well, is one of the people that could fight Max for a championship. So young as well, and even if he managed to get there slowly because of his father, he tried to make it as realistic as he could. Staying a year just getting coffee orders while he's shaking in his boots for every interviews. A genuine sweetheart that deserves every good thing. I hate how self-critical he seems to be . He needs that win, he CAN win. In 2024 maiden victory for Lando Norris come on.
3. Max Verstappen
Everything, and I mean everything that this man has achieved, is deserved. Every win, every record broken, every championship was his. Because he is a generational talent, he is someone worthy. His past absolutely destroys me, especially seeing that he is in contact with his father still, but I can understand the way he thinks. Still what he went through in childhood is no excuse for the success he has now. This man is the sweetest, kindest person I've seen. He's grown so much over the years from what I can tell and he treats everyone so equally. From past temporary teammates, to rivals. A genuine joy to be around I want to give him a hug every day and tell him that he is special. Red Bull's second golden boy but also mine.
4. Oscar Piastri
At first glance, according to people I know, I look like this man. The bangs don't help, neither does the fact that I act similarly. However I will never complain if it means I can work hard and earn the success he's had in his first year in F1. When I say wow for him, I mean it. Showstopping performance. This man will be a Champion one day he has to. Absolute down to earth guy as well but I love when I see his competitive spirit shove its head between the calm walls. It's always the quiet ones and I'd know as I am one.
5. Alexander Albon
For fifth place I could've chosen a lot of people as I genuinely really like the current grid (with a few exceptions). But Alex is amazing. Truly believe that if you put him in a competitive car he'd bring miracles. He's put that Williams in places it never dreamed of driving around. One of the most talented drivers on the grid and his personality is to die for. So so nice and lovely genuinely.
1. Las Vegas
I hated Las Vegas. Honestly still kinda do in a lot of aspects. But the race was the best. Charles definitely deserved that win and Max's penalty was too little, but a race is a race, it doesn't matter how you win it as long as you do. Charles' driving however was absolutely phenomenal. That overtake on Checo was borderline the most exhilarating thing I could ever feel. I was so shocked when I saw it, it took me a good 5 min to collect myself.
2. Singapore
While Carlos may not be on my list, the win he had in Singapore was well-deserved and amazingly iconic. I don't think I'll ever get over my confusion of hearing this mf say it's on purpose corresponding to Lando's DRS. that's the sexiest thing this man has done. That Carlando podium added extra years to my life. Their hugs and the champagne were the sweetest things ever. And Lando's pics from the podium were very um.......👁️👁️
3. Mexico
Very simple. Lando P17 to P5. Phenomenal driving. After the Austin GP disqualification. Charles Leclerc and Lewis Hamilton on the podium? Exactly what I wished for. Brought my boy back from the slump that's called the 2023 F1 season.
4. Qatar
Now to be clear, I hated Qatar. I will hate Qatar and I hate Qatar. It was absolutely inhumane and there should've been different precautions or the race time should've changed because I don't care that these drivers are trained, that was actual torture. So when I say Qatar as my 4th favorite, I mean the sprint race.
Oscar Piastri the man that you are and the man that you will be. Rookie season and won a Sprint race. I know you will be great and I cannot wait for your future.
I do dislike how they overshadowed his win with Max's championship. While I understand the celebration, he was going to celebrate at the end of the season as well. All in all, I'm happy for both of them.
5. Suzuka
My reasoning for this is even simpler. If you ever need to know my weak point, just look at the number of reoccurring driver things I have in my room. You will find an outstanding amount of Sebastian Vettels everywhere. On a shirt, in my phone, on my phone, on my wall and more to come. My reason for this is just his little bee project and how much I adored seeing him in his little corner waving his flags and the bee activity he did the day before. Everybody loves Sebastian Vettel. As they should.
Now I got into F1 during the summer break, which is the reason I wasn't able to see half of the races. However I am grateful purely because I don't think I could've experienced Charles Leclerc losing his grasp over the championship and Sebastian Vettel's retirement in 2022. That would've been my actual breaking point. And I saw a Max dominant season yes, however I saw half of it and most of the races were very entertaining still. I love Max too so.
My genuine choices for this were McLaren, Red Bull and Williams.
I went for McLaren because of their amazing driver lineup, improvement over the second part of the season and really cool pit stops.
Red Bull however has been unbeatable and I will give them all the credit. The strategies, the pit stops, the wins, everything. Phenomenal
Williams grew on me quickly after Qatar. While the car may be frankly, shit, the team seems incredibly put together and I adore that they gave Logan a second chance. Also that they put the well being of their drivers first. James Vowles adopt me.
Thank you so so much for this, it was incredibly entertaining!!
If you want pushki do the same @h4mmert1me . I know most of your opinions tho <3
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MAG 2 - 'Do Not Open' - When doing the wrong thing is the right move.
The statement of Joshua Gillespie is truly iconic amongst those of survivors; he's not someone who made a good choice, he's not somebody who particularly deserved to survive, and unlike many he had almost complete choice in getting himself into his predicament. As paranormal encounters go I'd say this is just about as close as one could get to the opposite of Jon's encounter with Mr. Spider, both of which took place in Jon's own hometown.
To be presented with the statement of somebody who did everything wrong and suffered not a single consequence? Its a bitter and unpleasant thing to face, especially so early into the thankless task of reorganising the archive.
Jon, a child, a true innocent, suffered greater than a drug addled, privileged, stupid uni graduate. And worse still? He's handed conclusive proof that these things, these horrible fates can be avoided with simply enough effort, enough critical thinking. A man who's devoted all of himself to intelligence and capability is plainly told that he (for how well can we separate ourselves from the child we once were?) could have saved the boy that pulled him from the ready jaws of the web had he just been quicker, smarter, more alert.
What intense frustration to see that somebody who made one good decision in a situation that he could not, was spared. The unbelievable foolishness of a man willing to store a coffin in his home for over a year was beaten by the one good decision to store the key out of his reach.
What if Jon had the good sense to get rid of the book? What if he'd noticed there was something wrong with it- he should have, after all; he was an absent-minded child but not a fool. He could have figured it out. One good choice could have spared him the childhood trauma that led him to this job that's steadily becoming more and more odd, falling more out of his control.
To be beaten by a fool is never a good thing, to sit defeated whilst a clown who made one right choice lives on is just intolerable. Perhaps Jon's utter denial of it came not from the lack of reliable, but from the fact that if it wasn't true it would also be false that his own encounter could have been avoided.
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soupforsoup · 10 months
I'm Wesley Crushers biggest fan I give a little cheer everytime he pops up on screen, he gets to do whatever he wants. "But he commited space genocide!" Okay and?? He's just going through a phase leave him alone
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gacha-every · 3 months
Something I noticed in my Sonic Prime rewatch
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Dunno if anyone noted the shadows in Nine's backstory before yet, so here ya go
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effieandtim · 1 year
jonny and phoebe in feather jackets is something i didnt know i needed so bad
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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pretty boy
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kvtnisseverdeen · 11 months
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stranger things rewatch: 1.08 “the upside down”
we made a new friend. she stopped it. she saved us.
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