#AND THE DLC WAS SOLD FOR $70!!!!!!!!!!<
snorfbin · 8 months
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"$70 dlc!" "6 year old hardware!" "Locked at 30 fps in 2023!" bro I don't care I'm living my best life and TotK sold 10 million copies in 3 days I don't think anyone else besides you cares either
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yusuke-of-valla · 7 months
I've said this before, but I genuinely would not be as upset about the answer being sold as DLC if the female protagonist was included in the base game cause then it goes from "Oh, here's persona 3 FES for $70 with The Answer being sold separately as DLC" to "Persona 3 Portable in full 3D, and Oh Wow, here's The Answer as DLC for an already full game!"
Look genuinely Reload is really pretty, they clearly put a lot of time and effort and resources into it
They also did a lot of redundant effort bc instead of finally giving us a definitve version they just went and made another version of the game to compete with Portable I am chewing off my arm
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pizzacatdelight · 1 year
My Birthday
Yay, today’s my birthday! I turned 28 years old! And avoided the dreaded “27 Club” where some of the biggest musicians from the 60s’ and 70s’ died when they were 27 years old! (They mainly died due to massive drinking, doing drugs, etc.…)
My 27th year on this planet was not a good one. Early this year, I quit my toxic part-time job at a well-known pizza restaurant that I won’t name. I got scammed into paying for my own equipment for a new job I thought it was a job, but wasn’t. So, I lost over $2,000 because of it and I have to freeze my credit scores to keep the scammers from opening any new credit cards under my name! Then there’s the fact I can’t even find a job that would even hire me due to both my disability and my limited skill list! I even got rejected from getting Disability (or SSI); two months later because of the fact I even had a job!
At home, my youngest niece graduated from high school in June and instead of going to University, she’s working a full-time job at Sally’s Beauty in order to save up money to buy her own car since the car her mom gave her last year and it‘s too expensive to go University right now. My only nephew started 11th grade last month, which means once he graduates in 2025, mom’s planning to sell the family house. She told me and my older sister this back in March/April where after she sold the house; she’s planning to (probably) move to Oregon to get away from the politics of conservative Texas and to retire. Of course, we’re going to move with her as she’s planning to buy land and build a condo house where my sister and I can live on one side of the condo.
For my hobbies, on the other hand, they’re doing great! I beat over 15 games this year, which include “Pokémon: Emerald”, “Hypnospace Outlaw”, “Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Cindered Shadows DLC” and “The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog”. “BAD END THEATER” became the first Steam game where I 100% all the achievement. I preordered “Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” a few days before it came out in May and played it on release day. I remembered staying up all night going around Hyrule, completing the Shrines and not being dicks to the Koroks who only wanted to be reunited with their friends. I’m looking forward to the release of the remaster of “Super Mario RPG”, which comes out in less than two months! I saw four LPs of the game in the past and played it myself for the WiiU. I can’t wait for it to come!
My webcomic is going along. I just finished Chapter 9 and I’m currently taking a small break from it to focus on making this site. I changed how I publish my comics, where I used to release 6-7 pages at a time. But now, I have changed it to 2 pages per week, which means I’ll get more views compared to what I did before. I’m planning to post the links to my webcomic here; I’ll have to find the motivation to do so.
I also made a Tumblr account in June after Reddit decided that they're going to start pricing the 3rd party apps that use its’ code (Apollo, you will be missed). While things are great on Tumblr, I have to get used that most of everyone there is very left-leaning compared to Reddit, where everyone is either in the center or right-leaning, depending on the subject. Yes, I know there are left-leaning people and subreddits there, but it’s the right-leaning groups that are the ones who make the headlines. At least the fandom on Tumblr is way nicer compared to Reddit, where you get attacked for saying or doing something that the fandom subreddit doesn’t like. It’s the reason why I was too scared to either post or comment on Reddit.
Then early this month, I made a NeoCities website and learned how to code again after 11 years. It’s not easy and sometimes it’s even frustrating when you want to do something cool to your page and the code won’t work! At least coding is a skill I can use when I try to look up jobs since it’s one of the most important skills that businesses need. And I also started to blog to write about my thoughts as well. I’ve been doing it on Tumblr for a while, so now I have two sites to pour it all out.
As for what I will be doing for my birthday, it’s not going to be much as I tend not to ask for a lot. I know mom normally gives me a $50 Amazon gift card so I can buy something nice for myself. And I already have plans to make brownies for desserts since we have so much flour and a huge box of brownie mix is in the cabinet.
So yeah, my 27th birthday wasn’t that great, but it could’ve been worse. I hope my 28th year will be a little better and things will improve.
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mememan93 · 1 year
Not sure if you heard this but Tears of the Kingdom is appearing not getting DLC. What are your thoughts on that?
Yeah I heard that. Listen if it's true, and they have no ideas for DLC, i applaud them for saying that, instead of rereleasing master mode again and calling it dlc like they did last time. Especially since totk was $70
I'm still against the idea of most DLC in general, games should be sold fully, not with certain features not implemented so they can sell it again. There are good DLCs that exist, Oblivion's shivering isles, Splatoon 2's octo expansion, Crypt of the necrodancer's symphony (though it's it on switch yet T_T) come to mind, but for ever good DLC, there's a million Horse armor and cosmetic DLC that comes out
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tuliptiger · 10 months
It's like...i want to try and give totk another chance from the beginning but the thought of starting over and trying to accrue all this shit in my inventory is so overwhelming awful I can't. I want to experience the missions and stuff but getting where I am now just seems like it would make me never pick it up again. There's too much fill and busy work and just. Work. In a not fun way like it hasn't been fun.
I'm mulling it over to try and build up the motivation and pros to restarting. They aren't planning on doing any dlc or any additions it seems so like. This issss it this is what there is. Botw 2 the larger dlc sold as a $70 game that doesn't really acknowledge botw. Ughhhh
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BOTW Headcannons. Because I'm on my third playthrough and the sequel is coming out soon (OMG), Spoilers
Wolf Link is the spirit of the Hero of Twilight. Others and definitely see him, but act like they can't because they don't know how to react to a wolf traveling with a 20-something young man.
After Wild fell the spirits of Courage past decided to help him however they could once he woke up from The Shrine of Resurrection. This is where the DLC items come from.
Zelda and Mipha had a mini rivalry over Wilds affection. However he was oblivious to it.
Gorons reproduce acsexually and don't have gender or sex
When a Gerudo has a kid with a member outside their species the boys end up the fathers species while the girls the mother's.
For example if a female Gerudo and a male Hylian had kids the sons would be Hylian and the daughters would be Gerudo.
This is because of how their X and Y chromosomes work. But every now and then a mutation happens where a male Gerudo is born.
The shopkeeper of the GSC is a male Gerudo. He isn't trans like the woman who sold Wild the Gerudo Garb. No he hids his sex because of the controversy of male Gerudo. Gannon gave them a very bad name.
Rivali didn't have any kids or any family. He was an orphan and grew up alone his whole life.
Wilds sister survived the calamity and lived a long life but passed before he woke up.
The three dragons are the spirits of Triforce itself. Only the holders and children and see them.
Part of the reason why Zelda couldn't awaken her power was because Calamity Ganon had corrupted the Dragon spirit of wisdom (I can't spell her name, sorry).
Normally, this Dragon spirit would help guide the princess, but as The Calamity gained power, he corrupted the Dragon so Zelda couldn't learn the magic needed to seal him away (again).
The hero that sealed the Calamity Ten Thousand years ago was a Gerudo. He was the only Non-Hylian hero of courage in recorded history.
Riju, the new Gerudo Chef, is Urbosa's great great grandniece.
Wild Link has the ability to slow down and speed up time in certain circumstances. This is why his weapons break. Their atoms are constantly being slowed and speed up, making the integrity unstable.
All Links have Autistm.
Wilds' special interests include horses, weapons, and cooking
The BOTW timeline takes place in all three branches. Somehow, a hero in the past merged the broken timelines before the first Calamity.
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legatesprinkles · 1 year
Final Fantasy 16
Now to just gush a little bit about Final Fantasy 16 after being able to play that demo and it being out this week. The demo is fantastic and something we just don’t get often in the industry anymore at least in the AAA space which is the most important area to get demos since these are full price $70 and up games with dlc and/or special editions. Having a quality demo should only help you secure more people to buy the game if they enjoy it instead of people not knowing whether they want to drop that much money onto a new game and being a new kind of Final Fantasy. This demo gives you what I assume to be most if not all of the opening act to establish the premise of the game and the gameplay and where it can go with learning in the tutorial segment and then a disconnected dungeon with a lot of skills already unlocked to allow you to experiment. I’m already sold on the game, it has an interesting story, high production value, runs pretty well on the PS5 and the combat is so good. It is essentially Final Fantasy x Devil May Cry and it feels glorious. I want to see more of the abilities in the game to do some nutty stuff. Also the voice acting in english in top notch and I learned the script is actually meant for english as the default, which I think is the same for Devil May Cry. Where the script and english voice performances come first and the japanese is the dub over.
The thing that sucks though is that I won’t have much chance to play it unless I binge for the entire first week of July. I am going on a business trip this week when it launches, come back home start of July, and then that following week am going to be going on another business trip and won’t be back home to my PS5 until late August. Damn you Sony and Square Enix! Why couldn’t you release it on PC too at least because then I would actually be able to play it on the road on my laptop because there is no way I’m traveling with a PS5 just for FF16.
At least these business trips will give me time to work on my backlog of games, maybe I will try writing about my backlog too here if I actually get to it.
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thetruemxpink · 2 years
Yet another FNV log, this time done at 1 in the morning because I can't sleep.
Hoover dam. Someone told me there's good armor there so I need to find it
I have not found it
I did spend 3500 caps on 466 rounds of 40-70g so I can use my Ranger Sequoia though
That was all of my money
Also the Sequoia cannot be sold
Rather than say this on the item or grey it out in shop modes, they'd rather give you a heart attack and simply not show it at all
I thought I dropped it by accident
Wouldn't have been the first time (DLC grenade launcher)
Don't tell me where it is, I will find it on my own
Though tell me if it's real, I don't want to be played by a Tumblr user like a kazoo
Trying to do Vault 19, but I don't have a high-enough explosives stat
I just need it to get to 50, but I'm at like, 19
Bit of a grind
Young Deathclaws are at least pretty easy to kill
.308 punctures that hide very well, granted I hit the target
Killed a Viper leader with combat armor
Repaired my MKII combat armor, thank god things were hard without that DT it provided
Bought a combat helmet to fix the MK combat helmet I have from the same guy I bought the 40-70 from
It doesn't actually do much but its good to have anyway
Found Brotherhood power armor
I need training to use it goddamn it
I also forgot to drop it off when I went back to Doc's so I'm luggin an additional 40 pounds everywhere
The NCR has power armor? For whatever reason this is the most surprising thing to me
Howdy Partner
Common soldiers are getting things like 12.7mm pistols
This is gravely concerning
Cazadors are the fucking worst!
I went through ONE canyon and lost all 4 antivenoms I had
God I hate those things so much why would anyone make them, in universe and out
Helped out a Super Mutant
Not really I killed their friends and helped the one I was supposed to kill leave peacefully but it satisfied them so y'know
I don't think I can get to Jamestown without dying in the process
Both of radiation and medical bill
I have so many 5.56 bullets but they're just not that good y'know
Like 600 bullets is cool but if they each deal like 1 damage against a 200 hp bug, its really not useful
I actually haven't used the ap ammo that one guy gave me at like level 5 yet
I wonder if that'll be useful
If I understand Hollow Point correctly, it increases the target's DT by 3? Or does it increase the gun's DAM by 3? This is somehow confusing me
I think I'll help out the powder gangers the next playthrough
They seem like they're among the more chiller factions, despite being a bunch of violent convicts
I hate the NCR because they're imperialists but goddamn they have some serious firepower that I definitely love
Patrolling the Mojave really makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Grenades are bull, I have simply refused to acknowledge their existence
Power Armor looks stupid in this game, lmao
I'm only spoiled by FO4 but still
I found a minigun and a machine gun
I can only use the machine gun because of a specific perk I have
Nevertheless, I keep the minigun in a vain hope of somehow gaining 2 more strength points
.44 seems so weak now
I think that's all I have for this update. Have a good one.
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so a few days ago I got bored and decided (for some unknown reason) to find out how many playable characters there are in all the 16 mainline FE games in order to guess/estimate how big Engage's roster might be, along with estimating how many characters per kingdom/land we might be getting.
And while that's still in the works, I just wanted to say that I went into this thinking that Fates had the most characters out of any FE game. I mean, you have two kingdoms worth of characters, the whole second generation, the amiibos, Anna who you get from DLC, there's apparently characters you could have gotten from Cypher cards AND the characters you could capture. In total (and not counting duplicates) there's about 80-ish characters.
Well while looking up the list of characters in different games I found that not only did some games have about 70 characters (One example being Radiant Dawn but that's because most of Path of Radiance's cast was there).
But Fates isn't actually the game with the most playable characters.
... Technically.
In fact, the FE game that potentially has the largest roster is Awakening.
But this is a 'technically' situation because of a certain streetpass/DLC feature known as Einherjar.
Einherjars are characters from previous games. Well, kinda? They look like their previous game counterparts but as the description states their not the same soul. They apparently take the form of cards and can be summoned into battle. You just need to recruit them via streetpass or DLC.
And how many Einherjar's are there?
Apparently, it's about 123/137 total.
Definitely not gonna count that while estimating Engage's roster size. I really think that the only returning characters'll be the 12 Emblems (at least until DLC comes out). Though that doesn't mean that they won't bring back old features/classes for the game.
But while I was aware that you could recruit old characters I had no clue that there were THIS many characters.
Though at the same time Awakening was meant to be the last FE game in the series. However it sold so well that the franchise was not only saved but it's still going fairly strong ten years later (it had some ups and downs but in general it's still pretty good). So It does make sense that they'd go all out, or at least as all out as they could have with the restraints of a 3ds game's space.
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sleepymarmot · 4 months
The previous post was only partially a joke. When I tried to go to sleep last night, I kept seeing diminishing blue bars: my own magicka bar and my teammates' floating health bars.
I have to say that the process of grinding a vet DLC dungeon was more fun than I'd expected. Maybe I would have started it sooner if I knew. Dungeons are nice when everyone is more or less on the same page and knows what they're doing.
Some minor annoyances:
Half the time or even more, my teammates ran (not even sneaked!) past the unnecessary trash packs without catching their attention, and when I followed them hugging the wall just the same, the pack got aggroed. What's going on?
Trying to line up your entire team so that you could hit them all with a single Combat Prayer is like Arcanist before there was Arcanist. On a related note, I am humbly requesting ranged dds to stand next to the other dd and ideally close to the boss's ass, and not somewhere in Australia. Especially in this dungeon, where not only the second but also the first boss seem to punish standing too far away. This is also why the "freeing Lyranth" section quickly became very annoying to me: everyone is just running around the entire arena in that one.
I am once again frustrated with the bar swap system. A relatively common situation: a teammate is at ~10% health; (optionally: I hit my burst heal hotkey and nothing happens;) I look down at my skill bar and see I'm not on the one that has the burst heal; I swap bars; I press the burst heal hotkey; by that time, the teammate is long dead. I guess Sorcerers don't have this problem, but my vet dungeon character is a Templar. I haven't seen any guides specify that you should put a second burst heal on the other bar for this purpose, so what am I missing here?
Throughout the last four days, I ran the dungeon enough times that my sticker book for it is now at 70%. I didn't get a single mask style. Saw it drop for my teammates about four times.
Last night, I saw it being sold for 5 million, but wanted to grind it out a bit more. Two hours or so before the end of the event, I didn't have much hope in my rng anymore, and bought the cheapest one I could find for 5.5 million. I have no idea how the price is going to change in the coming months, and I didn't want to be left maskless if it doesn't pop up in IA for months and rises back up to 20+ million on the guild traders. Hopefully the style comes to IA sooner than later, and the price neither rises nor falls too much. I already saw a TTC listing for 1.5 million five hours after the event, and had to close the page to stop it from making me feel like I made a big mistake. I should be able to earn back these millions soon enough either way.
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davidkneusel · 4 months
The Effort and Payoff of Independent Game Development
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Independent video game developers have released a host of highly-rated, top-selling video games over the last decade. In some cases, teams of just two or three developers and artists produce games that yield hundreds of hours of content.
This was precisely the case with Hollow Knight, a Metroidvania released by Team Cherry in early 2017. Team Cherry was formed in 2013 as a duo: game designer William Pellen and art supervisor Ari Gibson. The two bonded over a love of classic Nintendo games and soon took part in various game jams and collaborative competitions in which developers attempt to make a game, usually with a specific theme, in just a few days or even a handful of hours.
Pellen and Gibson completed their first game together, Hungry Knight, as part of the 27th Ludum Dare game jam. The central character would become the protagonist of Hollow Knight but Hungry Knight was crude by comparison. The pair missed the deadline for a second game jam, this one with the theme “beneath the surface.” However, the theme sparked an idea for an abandoned civilization far beneath the earth, a location perfect for their knight character to explore.
Team Cherry launched a Kickstart for Hollow Knight in 2014. The campaign was successful but not so big, garnering $57,138 in contributions after an initial request of $35,000. The studio expanded modestly, hiring musician Christopher Larkin and programmer David Kazi. To the surprise of many, the small team produced a title on par with any AAA release.
Hollow Knight launched on PC in 2017 and gradually expanded to all major platforms. The central story takes roughly 30 hours to complete, according to gamer resources howlongtobeat.com, while a complete playthrough takes the average gamer nearly 70 hours to finish. Gibson hand-drew nearly 200 bosses, enemies, and non-player characters (NPC), each with dozens of unique animations, to say nothing of the game’s many diverse environments, also drawn by Gibson.
The small studio not only managed to release the massive game but launched a series of DLC accompaniments over the following 18 months at no additional cost to players. Team Cherry’s efforts paid off in both critical reception and sales. The game received a 9.4 from IGN, a 92 from PC Gamer, and has a 90 percent rating on Metacritic, indicating universal acclaim.
From a financial perspective, the game sold more than 500,000 copies on PC by the end of its first year. Hollow Knight sold 250,000 copies on the Nintendo Switch within its first two weeks. Lifetime sales had eclipsed three million by 2020, and the game’s popularity has expanded since then.
While the story of Hollow Knight is impressive, it is not necessarily unique in the world of independent game development. Cuphead is a 2D run-and-gun game developed by Chad and Hared Moldenhauer, brothers who pooled their resources to release their dream game. Like Hollow Knight, Cuphead has an instantly recognizable art style inspired by rubber hose-style animation from the golden age of animation, as seen in shorts produced by the likes of Walt Disney Animation Studios and Warner Bros. Cartoons. Chad Moldenhauer hand-drew all game assets, including Cuphead’s 31 bosses, a world record for run and gun games.
After development began in 2010, the game gradually expanded in scope. The studio remained small but hired a jazz musician to record an era-appropriate score. At one point during development, the Moldenhauers were forced to remortgage their home to continue financing Cuphead.
Once again, perseverance paid off. The game scored near-perfect marks with players and critics, joined Hollow Knight on several Best Games of 2017 lists, and was named Best Microsoft Game by GameInformer. Sales reached six million units in 2020.
Small game developers compete with AAA releases every year. As recently as 2021, the Game of the Year winner at The Game Awards was It Takes Two, developed by a small, Stockholm-based company that beat franchise games such as Resident Evil, Metroid, and Ratchet and Clank.
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flurrin · 2 years
same art style, same overworld, DLC sold separately, 70$. Guess I won't be getting totk :/
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tokensbossh · 2 years
Grayscale Announces Adding Cardano (ADA) to its DLC Fund
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Grayscale Investments, the world's largest digital asset manager, announced that it added Cardano (ADA) to its Digital Large Cap fund as a result of its evaluation according to its second quarter performance. According to a press release released Friday, the company sold some of the assets in the fund and used the proceeds to buy Cardano (ADA). - The weight distribution of the Digital Large Cap fund is listed as 67.47% Bitcoin, 25.39% Ethereum, 4.26% Cardano, 1.03% Bitcoin Cash, 0.99% Litecoin and 0.86% Chainlink as of July 1. - "Digital currencies offer a unique opportunity for investors looking to diversify their portfolios" and Grayscale is "proud to offer a regulated product" to its clients, said Edward McGee, VP of Finance at Grayscale. - The Digital Large Cap fund under the umbrella of Grayscale aims to include cryptocurrencies that meet 70% of the total value of the market in the crypto money market. - Founded by Charles Hoskinson and with a market capitalization of over $43 billion at the time of writing, Cardano is positioned as the 5th largest cryptocurrency in this regard according to CoinGecko.
Cardano (ADA) Added to Grayscale's DLC Fund
“We adjusted the Grayscale Digital Major Equity Fund portfolio by selling certain amounts of existing fund components proportional to their weight and using the cash proceeds to purchase Cardano (ADA).” According to Grayscale Vice President of Finance Edward McGee, the Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund is a passive, rules-based strategy that aims to be open to 70% of the digital asset market. McGee also added that Grayscale is committed to offering investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolios in digital assets. “Digital currencies offer investors a unique opportunity to diversify their portfolios, and Grayscale is proud to provide our investors with access to leading digital currencies through regulated, familiar product offerings.” This development marks an important milestone for Cardano as it will offer the fifth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization to a wider range of both retail and institutional investors. For interested investors, ADA investments through the fund can be made in cash or in-kind denoting contributions from other digital assets. However, the fund is still limited to accredited investors. Finally, Cardano is poised to launch smart contracts in the blockchain ecosystem, a move that its parent company IOHK says will put Cardano on par with and even ahead of similar smart contract platforms like Ethereum, Solana, and Polkadot.
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What is the Cardano (ADA) coin, why is it rising? Read the full article
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bananavs · 2 years
Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth-t908 v6.0
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#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 mod#
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 update#
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 skin#
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 registration#
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 mods#
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 mod#
Every mod is assigned to category, like trucks, trailers, skins, maps, tuning & parts, sounds, AI traffic and others.
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 mods#
All you need to know about Convoys in ETS2 and ATS Best Sims 4 Mods To Make The Game More … Peterbilt 352 Cabover v3.
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 update#
This update brought tons and tons of new changes and improvements such as new chassis, parts, skins, better materials … 3D INTERIOR MOD FOR ATS V1. Download Freightliner FLB Cabover Truck J€0…]J€ b 0 Ð Ð" ` $d' ÿ £ (I¹* ÿ ÿ™ ÿOÿQ) ‘ ‘ ÿd# Creator: JasPer Version 1.
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 skin#
Freightliner Cabover Skin Pack für Harvens FLB MOD v1. This is a highly detailed restoration of the exterior and the interior. Frkn64 Modding was founded in 2016 by Furkan Ağlar to provide users with quality and regularly updated mods for various games (usually ETS 2 and ATS). Mack Superliner Current version of the mod: 1. New maps, new vehicles, new game mods it is just part what mods can improve in games. Where can Ii find the, International, Freitghtliner, and KW cabovers to add to ATS? I started drivng cabovers back in the 70s and would love to again in ATS. Peterbilt 350 Cabover 1948 - great truck model with own interior and sound, several different chassis, tuning and accessories added for ATS fans players to the game. 36_dx11if you like the truckYou can leave your donation ATS Mods: ATS Mods. Recommended mods for ATS? Recently got ATS (played about 150 hours of ETS2). 2 said thanks All time Last 24 hours Freightliner FLB Cabover 1. Standalone Peterbilt dealer Own interior Own sound DLC Cabin supported Tuning. The production of the K100E model was carried out in the United States until 2004, and in Australia until 2011 until a new model. txt in between CODE tags, or if it too large post it on pastebin. It’s powered by an NTC 400 Cummins, 15 speed, 433 ratio with dual air breathers. Standalone Sold in Kenworth 2 cabins 6 chassis. Credits El Pinche Verga, RuffRyder85 Old School Cabover Truck Photo Collection. We have tried to keep the graphic load as low as possible but the rust mask texture & its normals require quality and quality impacts on the performance. 2+ * You can find the truck in VOLVO Dealer. 1 Freightliner Cabover Skin Pack For Harven’s FLB MOD v1. Credits:Ford CL9000 Cabover Focus Entertaintment The Other Corey Smarty Cory/Corvette1099 Viper2 IF YOU EDIT THIS MOD YOU BETTER LEAVE THE CREDITS IF I SEE THIS WITHOUT CREDITS I WILL NEVER RELEASE ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!!! THIS IS NOT THE RUSSIANS,THIS IS NOT SOME HACK JOB. Accessoires de cabine DLC et support SISL Mega Pack. Bottomless Pit Of Mods Worth More Than The Car Itself. About Mods Ats Jdm Browse our inventory of new and used FREIGHTLINER Cabover Trucks W/ Sleeper For Sale near you at TruckPaper. ATS mods / American Truck Simulator mods. A good old Peterbilt T352 Cabover with different configurable skin and colors. Mod truck Peterbilt 350 Cabover 1948 + Interior (1. 2 gb then another 459mb for engines? Unbelieve able that anyone would actually want this let alone pay 30 dollars for it? A kindergarden kid could mod better then this!! And to boot he used Jdm. Hence why swapping the intake and exhaust manifolds is next on our list of worthy 5. It is the easiest way to get the best of the game, your opponents will be surprised! Then all you need to do … International 9800i Cabover ATS v1. 36 DX11 – Standalone – Your interior – Our wheels – External tuning – Updated physics Farming Simulator 2019 mods Farming simulator 2019 mods ats mods American Truck Simulator mods ets 2 mods Euro truck simulator 2 mods ETS2 mods Farming simulator 19 mods.
#Euro truck simulator 2 mod ets kenworth t908 v6.0 registration#
Virat, SCS: – 3D model, Stas556: – Envelope, animation, registration, Kriechbaum: – Sounds, registration of engines and transmissions, Fire-Blade: – 3ds Max modeling, Robert Bogdanov: -Texturing, sweep, Gerald Hardie: – Technical support, Smith: – Help in updating and modifying the model, Mick Brown: – Accessories, Mishanka: – Other residence permit, Knox: – Dashboard, TV and GPS.ĮTS_Kenworth-T908_v6.0.7z – 408.3 MB /sharemods.Cabover ats mod. – Completely redesigned, improved model of the exterior and interior, to create new high-quality textures, new 3D-parts – Huge selection of tuning from the outside – Reduced figures on the hood (new ones added) – Mirrors are fixed (there is no reflection delay when the camera is turned on) – Added registration file “Physical Salon” (janitors no longer rock separately from the cabin), – Fixed red background on the clock in the cabin – Its interior is 3 types (+ right-hand drive)
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tuliptiger · 2 years
So. I'm not looking at anyone else's loz:totk posts because I don't want spoilers but I'm pretty damn conflicted that the price is 70 dollars right out of the gate with no season pass or dlc or anything attached to it. It's literally just 70 dollars. I actually actively hate and despise that.
I feel like this is going to set a really, really bad precedents and they're able to do this because it's a popular eagerly awaited game in a popular series. 60 dollars has always been and still is an incredibly high price to pay for a game. I'm 100% going to get my money's worth because i spent over 600 hours in both and still go back to play it but the ACTUAL story and gameplay quests take less than 10 hours. Without really trying either.
But still they're like breaking the 60 dollar roof and i just feel like other companies are going to start doing this now too. There isn't any reason why it needs to be 70 dollars, botw practically sold the switch when it came on out they KNOW its going to sell well. So hey why not grab a couple million more dollars from people because they'll pay for it and we know we can get it right? Fuck.
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