#AND keeping an eye on two milk frother machines and trying not to get in the way of the two people who were fixing the machine
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Do you ever have those shifts where just everything goes wrong
#bitch tell me why not a single person emptied the fucking bucket and it LEAKED ALL OVER THE FLOOR#and at the same time we were trying to make 5 plant based drinks (which had all been ordered in a row mind you) AND one of the coffee#machines had decided it wasn’t going to make hot chocolate anymore#AND someone ordered two luxury hot chocolates AND we had hot food to cook#i was trying to serve customers while avoiding stepping in the#coffee/milk/water mess on the floor#AND keeping an eye on two milk frother machines and trying not to get in the way of the two people who were fixing the machine#a job that takes one person mind you#like why am i the only person serving customers right now?? why am i the ONLY person who ever seems to be serving customers#at times like this#and customers were being so rude for no reason and i was seconds away from blowing up at somebody#i resorted to being sarcastically nice with everybody and cashiering as fast as possible to rush everyone through#and then i did some washing up and i had to pretty much order one of my coworkers to take over cashiering so that i could wash up#and i ✨sliced by thumb open trying to wash a knife✨ because of course i did#and THEN tell me why my coworker managed to fuck up on the till after being on it for about 5 minutes and perhaps 2 customers#i was like. i can’t help you. i’m fucking bleeding and i can’t find a plaster in the first aid kit because motherfuckers are apparently#cutting themselves constantly#i found one eventually though#then i got back on the till lol. and felt vindicated. like girl NOW do you realise why i get snippy when i’m trying to cashier AND make#drinks AND get cakes AND hot food orders were coming through???#you took over from me for five minutes and almost charged a guy 24.60 for a hot chocolate. DO YOU SEE NOW#do you see now why i get snippy when there are four alive competent people behind me doing fuck all and i need a latte before i can get rid#of this person. and not only have you not made me the latte but you are STANDING FULLY IN THE WAY OF THE MACHINE I NEED TO USE TO MAKE THE#LATTE??????? like if you’re not going to help then at least get out of the thoroughfare. goddamn#i love when a 4 hour shift literally feels worse than a 9-5. it’s great actually :)))))))))))))#personal
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jaehotbuns · 4 years
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rating: pg
word count: 2775
characters: you x johnny
genre: barista!johnny, fluff
summary: to calm your nerves for your first day of university, you visit the nearby cafe to buy a treat but the charming barista gives you his odd and underappreciated recommendations which puts you more at ease than your purchase. he asks you come back often and you do. with every visit, you fall for him more without realizing all the little things he does to impress you.
[thursday, september 5th, 8:29am]
You felt the warmth drain out of your body as you stepped out of the crowded subway car that provided heat from the uncomfortable number of commuting bodies pushed against you. The transition from summer to fall was evident from the cool breeze which greeted you as soon as your two feet landed on the subway platform. Along with the other hustling students and workers, you climbed up the stairs with excitement for your first day of university. 
Nerves, shivers, and the cool temperature was causing you to shake slightly which was evident when you pushed the revolving doors out onto the streets and noticed that your fingers were vibrating on the glass surface. You were excited, but wary of getting lost on campus and being unfamiliar in your surroundings. The fact that the population and area of your university was tenfold of your high school was nerve wracking. 
The fear of being late and interrupting your class and awkwardly fumbling in caused you to overestimate your commute to campus as while you were walking to your first lecture, you realized that the lecture began at 10:00am and you were only 5 minutes away. Rather than waiting outside of the lecture hall on your phone with freshman jitters, you decided to visit a cozy looking coffee shop that was nearby. 
Even with your thick flannel on top of your cotton turtleneck, which was attire fit for fall time, the weather was colder than what you expected which consumed your energy on top of your nervousness. A nice coffee and dessert would take care of both problems. 
The smooth varnished cocoa brown wooden door opened with a ‘ding’ sound as it pushed past the golden bell upon your arrival. The smell of freshly roasted coffee beans, sweet sugar glazed desserts, and the buttery fragrance of croissants wafted under your nose as you walked over to the display case to check out their servings. “Good morning!” The tall barista turned around to greet you, wiping down equipment with a washcloth simultaneously. 
You smiled instantly to match the bright and charming barista’s expression. His hair was a dark brown, with hints of gold and red highlights which were accentuated under the overhead light bulbs that shined a light golden yellow hue. He was wearing a chocolate brown apron with the cafe’s logo on top of a white button up. His sleeves were rolled messily to his elbows which revealed the muscles of his forearms as he gripped the cups that he was drying. Your eyes landed to his name tag, “Johnny.” 
“Good morning,” you replied. His beaming smile was calming your nerves and compared to the traffic noise and sound of footwear against the pavement to the upbeat jazz music in the cafe made you feel like it was an escape to the chaos. The warm light in the cafe and wooden interior contrasted the blue and grey city. 
“Looking for anything specific?” He asked as you as you were leaning down towards the glass display case to carefully inspect the desserts to accompany a cinnamon latte.
“Hmm.. not really,” you answered and straightened up your back to meet his eyes. “Do you have any recommendations?” 
Without much hesitation he set down his washcloth and placed the cups he wiped onto a rack. Johnny’s index finger pointed to a spot on the display case and tapped on three times. “Our raspberry cinnamon rolls.” Your eyebrows raised at the interesting and unique flavour combination and he took into account of your questioning expression. “The croissants go with anything too, you can’t go wrong with them.” He chuckled to himself, “raspberry usually doesn’t go with cinnamon.” 
You shook your head and laughed, “no I’ll trust you on this one, I’m not particularly picky.” He seemed to be happy with your choice as he slid the case open to warm the dessert in the oven. “I’ll have a cinnamon latte as well, thank you!” 
“No problem!” He replied with his back to you, closing the oven to turn around and make your latte. As he was steaming the milk and preparing the espresso, you walked over to the cash register to prepare your credit card. “A fan of cinnamon?” He asked, swirling the milk frother before tapping to pour into the cup. 
You laughed softly, “yeah, but I’m having a little bit more than usual with your recommendation.” 
You looked at him creating a design with the milk before sprinkling generous shakes of cinnamon. “I better not disappoint you then,” he smiled before placing the cinnabon bun on a place and sliding both the coffee and dessert over to you. He typed the order onto the POS system, “are you a student by the way? We’re offering a discount for back to school season.” 
“Oh yeah, I am,” you said before pulling out your student card from your phone case and showing it to him. 
Johnny’s eyes glanced over to the date issued, “new student?” 
You nodded excitedly, making him chuckle at your cute enthusiasm, “yeah, first day actually.” The card machine lit up, and before making your payment you added a generous tip.
“Thanks,” he grinned as he ripped the receipt from the card machine and handed it to you. From behind the counter, he came to the front and took the tray to a table near the register. 
After thanking him and sitting down, you glanced around the cafe and noticed that you were the only customer and he was the only worker. Before you could wonder about why that was, his question cut through your train of thought. “What time does your class start?” Johnny had begun cleaning the equipment that he used to make your order. 
“10 o’clock,” you replied as you cut into the cinnamon bun with a fork. The raspberry jam gushed from the crevices as you stabbed the fork into the piece. Once you ate the first bite, your eyes lit up at the surprisingly complementary fruity and slightly spicy flavours. “Wow, who knew fruit could go well with cinnamon buns!” 
Johnny laughed and nodded, “right!” He seemed overjoyed that you agreed with him, “it’s actually one of our worst sellers but I convinced the owner to keep it on the menu. It’s underrated.” 
“Well, I’ll have to come back and try whatever you recommend then,” you said while cutting another piece. “Can’t let these underrated desserts go unnoticed.” 
“I’d like that,” he said earnestly. You looked over at your cinnamon latte to take a sip and noticed  a leaf design in the shape of a heart. “Come often.”And you did, before every lecture on thursday, you came back to try every underrated drink or food item that Johnny recommended and talked with him until it was time for you to go. By going at 8:30, the time where everyone was either commuting or going to Tim Hortons or Starbucks, you were alone with Johnny. 
He asked about you and you asked about him. He also went to your school, but was starting his Master’s degree in Ethics and Philosophy. He only took early morning and closing shifts to focus on school during the daytime. His favourite drink on the menu was their mint iced americano. But the thing you remember most was him saying he liked your smile. You liked his too. 
[wednesday, february 19th, 9:58pm]
“Hey!” Johnny called your name as soon as you saw you come into the door. You returned his wave as you walked over to the cash register. “You usually come in the morning, am I lucky enough to see you in the nights too?” 
You laughed and shook your head, slapping him playfully on his arm. “I’m swamped with essays during midterm season, so I decided if going to suffer might as well have you to complain to instead of alone in a library.” 
Johnny pouted and folded his arms across his chest dramatically, “aw, and I thought you wanted to see this sexy hunk of a guy.” He was right and he knew he was right. After months of flirty remarks, suggestive late night texts, and long phone calls while both of you worked on your respective studies made you feel like you were in a relationship but you were just in a ‘some.’ 
You placed your hand over your eyes like you were searching for something. You squint your eyes and pretended to look around the cafe. “Who? Where is he?” 
His large hand placed your hand down while laughing and shaking his head, “you hurt me. Hurry up and order you dummy.” 
“Surprise me with a nice warm and sweet drink,” you grinned and got your card ready. “Maybe like you?” You winked at him. Usually he would reply back with another snarky remark but this time you watch pink creep up in his cheeks and ears. He typed in the order and you paid as usual. 
He looked at you and smiled while shaking his head, always being left speechless at how well you took his naturally flirty nature. “Sadly for you, we close at 11.” You watched him froth milk with a tin that held a fine green powder at the side for him to froth next. Although you wanted him to surprise you, you already knew what it was by coming a hundred times; maple matcha. 
You pouted, disappointed that you only had half an hour to work on your mountain of assignments and even more at the fact that you could only see Johnny for an hour. Although both of you went to the same university and saw each other every week at the cafe, your classes and work schedules didn’t match up so you never saw each other. “Don’t fret princess, I can let you stay while I close even though it’s 30 minutes.” 
You smiled at his proposition, “really? I don’t wanna bother you though.” 
Johnny shook his head and grinned while making your drink, “don’t worry. I like when you’re around.” Your head skipped a beat, and you became even more flustered when you couldn’t come up with a witty remark back to fill in the silence. 
He came from around the counter and served you your drink at the table he always placed you at. The workers didn’t need to come out and serve customers their drink, but he always did. “Because I want to,” he answered when you asked why he only did it for you. 
“Work hard,” he said after you sat down. He patted your head encouragingly, “if you finish your work early we can talk while I clean.” 
And so for the next hour you typed away furiously at your laptop. Your head whipping back and forth from your handwritten notes to your laptop screen. Once your wrists and fingers ached from being in an uncomfortable position, you sighed and leaned back into the cushiony orange chair. You rolled your wrists and closed your laptop before placing it into your bag. Although you had to proofread your work, you wanted to use the last few minutes to unwind with Johnny. You glanced at your phone to look at the time, 11:03pm. 
You looked up and were surprised to see a customer in front of the cash register as Johnny should’ve locked the door and started counting cash three minutes ago. You were probably too engrossed in your work to notice their rather loud conversation in front of you. All customers left the store except you and the one at cash. “I don’t understand. I came in at 11:01 can you not make an exception?” 
Johnny’s usual genuine smile was replaced with a forced customer service grimace as he tried to explain to her, “I’m sorry, the hours of operation are only up to 11 o’clock and drinks take around 3 minutes to make.” You were starting to feel as angry as he probably was. 
“The three minutes we’ve been talking could’ve been used to make a simple drink, is that so hard to ask for?” You eyed her up and down. She looked young, maybe the same age as you, and didn’t look like the type to act entitled but here you were. 
“I’m sorry, I cannot make you a drink, please leave,” Johnny said sternly. You’ve never seen him angry but his eyes were now sharp and upturned. The whites below his eyes were showing and his voice deep and ragged. You didn’t know who you were concerned for now. 
“No! Not until I-” 
Before she could finish you rushed up to the counter and interjected. “Johnny! Oh my gosh, I was so caught up in my work that I didn’t realize that it was time to close!” He tilted his head to the side, still fuming but his eyes softened by looking at you. Both him and the customer were confused at what you were going on about. “Why aren’t you closing and cleaning? You’ve worked by yourself for twelve hours since Maki called in sick! Didn’t you need to make breakfast for little Tim’s field trip tomorrow? What’s keeping you?!” 
You looked over at the customer, “I’m sorry but we are closed. Unless you need a coffee that badly? Do you?” 
She was taken aback, or maybe even guilty. She shook her head vigorously, “oh no, sorry.” She scurried out of the shop and you went over to the door and flipped the sign over from ‘open’ to ‘closed.’ Johnny walked over and locked the door with a key before laughing wholeheartedly. 
“What was that?” You laughed too, you didn’t know what took over you in that moment but you had experiences dealing with annoying customers and you wished that you could help others in that scenario as well, so you did. “Maki? Is that the best name you could come up with?” He pointed to the sushi shop across the street with the sign with the big neon words, “sashimi, maki, bento, and more!” 
Every word that left your mouth was accompanied by fits of laughter as you recalled what ridiculous things that you said to get the overbearing customer to leave, “hey! I didn’t know how to save you but in the end I did, didn’t I?” 
Once he pulled the key out of the slot, he tucked it into his back pocket and pulled you into a hug. With your height different he was leaning down so that your head was next to his. Both his arms were wrapped around your back, enveloping you in a warm embrace. “You did, thank you.” 
He didn’t let go, and your hands awkwardly slid up to hold his shoulders and stand more comfortably in his arms. You subconsciously started to stroke his head with your hand. “How are you going to make it up to me?” You teased to break the air of your own tension. 
Johnny pulled away to look at you without letting go of your body, “how about a date?” He started to blush again and his flirty self was replaced with a more shy and timid version. “You know, only if you want to…” 
“I’d like that.” 
[friday, march 20th, 7:43pm]
“How’s this for our first date, huh?” Johnny laughed as he cut into his steak. You looked down at your salmon fillet and watched as the light pink flesh pulled apart effortlessly as you slid your fork down to separate it. You heard the soft jazz in the background although it came out more as lo-fi through the zoom call. “Isn’t this romantic?” 
“I mean, it’s going to be the most romantic we get for the next few months,” you laughed as the two of you ate dinner through your laptop screens. 
“Damn this semester was crazy,” he said between bites. His blazer was restricting his movement slightly but he wanted to look nice but he left his hair undone because gelling his hair was only worth the pain of washing it out if others could see it; in person that is. “I wish I could meet my professors and colleagues again,” he sighed. “Can’t even take my girl out to dinner either.” 
You smiled to yourself at his last sentence but nodded in agreement. “Online school made me realize how much I really enjoyed school.” You took another bite, “and I’d rather only see you at the cafe than only on screen.” 
He placed his elbow on the table and rested his hand on his cheek, “we’ll get through this together gorgeous.” 
You repeated after him, “we’ll get through this together.” 
authors note: how was everyone’s school year? i started my first year of uni which is crazy considering i started this blog in 2015. i hope everyone finished their school year well and know that things will get better! i hope y’all stay safe, healthy, and happy w/ your loved ones <3
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duskowithapen · 4 years
Day Twelve: Meet-Cute
Fandom: Criminal Minds and X-Men
Pairing: Eventual Remy LeBeau/Spencer Reid
Read on Ao3
Read on Fanfiction
Why Do You Need Sugar (If You’re Already So Sweet)
Remy arched a brow. “Sorry cher, but y’ mind repeatin’ dat?”
The customer – and he was a cute one, with big brown eyes framed by hair that hung almost to his shoulders – blinked at him. “Uh, could I please get two trenta sized café mochas with three extra expressor shots, five sugars, and a pump of caramel?”
“Cher, y’ understand dat’s a total of five expresso shots? In each cup?”
“Yes?” The poor thing looked like he needed about twelve extra hours of sleep. Probably why he wanted so much caffeine. The bags beneath his eyes were almost black, and Remy had to resist the urge to wrap him in a blanket and make him take a nap.
“Alright cher, two heart attacks ina cup for…?”
There was a moment of silence as the customer processed what Remy had said. “Oh, right, uh, Spencer.”
Remy wrote it on the cups with a flourish, processed the payment, and directed Spencer towards the waiting area. “Y’ could stand over dere cher, mais y’ should sit down. One gust a wind and y’ll be flyin’ out da door.”
Spencer just flapped a hand at him with a tired grin. “I’ll be fine…” He squinted at his name tag, “Remy. Just need my coffee.”
Huffing a laugh, Remy turned to the coffee machine, setting it up for the absurd order. Rogue, an ex from a (now) amicable break up and the reason he had this job, sidled up beside him. “Ah see ya met our resident caffeine addict,” she remarked in her southern drawl, “Whataya think of our dear Doctor Reid?”
“He’s a Doctor?” Remy was surprised. The man looked too young, although that might explain the exhaustion…
“Yup, times three.” Rogue laughed when his jaw dropped and continued, “He’s a regular here, so we’re all pretty used ta dealin’ with him all sleep deprived. Dunno what he does, but he sometimes comes in with a hunk of a coworker.” She checked him with her hip as she set up another drink. “Ya didn’t answer mah question – whataya think?”
“I tink he needs a nap,” Remy admitted. “I’m about dis close ta wrappin’ him up ina blanket an’ makin’ him.”
Rogue hummed as he set up the expresso shots. Remy rolled her eyes at her knowing gaze and continued, “And he’s a cute one, alright? Dose big brown eyes’a his are adorable. And if he’s got t’ree doctorates, den he’s gotta be a smart one.”
Another hum. “Well, ah got it one good information that the good doctor’s sssiiiingle!” Rogue sung out as she went back to the register for the next customer.
Remy just chuckled and finished the coffees. At the waiting area, he saw Spencer leaning against the counter, barely keeping his eyes open. He paused. Well, in for a penny… Grabbing the pen used to write names on the cups, Remy scrawled a quick message on one of the cup rings.
Give me a call if you want a better reason to be tired in the morning – Remy (555) 666-9016
Spencer took the coffee’s with a smile, immediately lifting one – the one with his number – to his lips and gulping down the bitter liquid without any regard for the temperature. Remy raised an eyebrow. “Y’r lucky I made dat cooler dan normal, cher. Otherwise y’ wouldn’t be feelin’ y’r tongue no more.”
“Thank you for that,” Spencer said in between gulps – and wasn’t that impressive to watch – draining the cup before throwing it in the bin. “Thank you, Remy. Maybe I’ll see you next time!”
And he was gone, second extra-large drink in hand.
For a moment, Remy couldn’t move. Rogue came up from behind and poked him. “What’s wrong wit’ ya now, Cajun?”
He turned to her helplessly. “I gave him m’ number, on one of da coffee rings…”
When he trailed off, Rogue nudged him harder, “Yeah, an’ what?”
“He dumped m’ number and left with de other coffee.”
Silence. Then a peal of laughter that rang through the café, turning heads. “Oh Remy, what’s it yah say? Po’ boy? Yah a po’ boy, Remy!”
In response, he spun around and stalked over to the creation station, slamming the jug into the milk frother and pushing the lever harder than necessary.
“Awww, don’ be like that Remy! He’ll be back tomorrow – ya can try again!”
Remy did try again. Spencer came into the café the next morning, looking a little bit more aware but still exhausted, and rattled off his order. Again, he wanted two coffees.
“Y’ do realise caffeine ain’t a replacement f’r a good night’s sleep, oui?” Rem asked in concern. “Y’ doin’ okay cher?”
“I’m okay Remy,” Spencer said with a smile. “I was just reading this fascinating dissertation linking insurance fraud to organised crimes, in regards to staged automobile accidents! Did you know that –” And so it went. Remy was happy to listen as the genius started to link previous articles he’s read – “It’s actually quite interesting, tracing the roots of American mafia back to Italy, specifically Sicily, there was this article I found –” and gentle nudge Spencer towards the waiting counter while he finished his coffee.
Remy had barely put them in his hands – writing his number on both coffees this time – before Spencer glanced down at his watch and paled. “Oh no, I’m late for work!” He looked up. “I’m so sorry Remy, Morgan tells me I should be careful of going off on tangents –”
“It’s bien, cher.” Remy waved it away. “Y’ had da most beau look on y’r face, Remy couldn’t bear ta stop y’.”
And there was that blush – a pale red that spread across Spencer’s cheekbones – and a shy glance down towards his fidgeting hands. “Uh, thanks, I – I should get going. See you next time Remy!”
Spencer took the coffees and left, leaving Remy to lean against the counter with a sigh.
Scott, the manager, was on shift today, and he nudged him as he passed. “Think about cute genius’ in your own time Remy. You’ve got customers to serve.”
Remy nudged him in turn. “An’ what do y’ know about cute lil’ genius’?”
“I know that the likelihood of Spencer noticing your number to be very, very small,” Scott shot back. “You’re not the first barista to fall for those big brown eyes.”
Ignoring the way his stomach dropped at the thought, Remy raised an eyebrow. “Should Logan be worried, Scotty?”
Said Logan scoffed from his usual seat near the counter. “The poor kid should be worried. Scooter’s threatened more than once to cut him off.”
Remy choked. “Did y’ really?” He gasped out.
Scott blushed a little behind his perpetual sunglasses and turned away to serve another customer. Logan just laughed. “He tried, but Spencer looked so pitiful that he caved.” He shook his head. “Anyway, Scooter’s right. The barista before you – Warren – he tried to slip Spencer his number. Every time, the kid either lost it, or took it and didn’t notice it. When he wrote it on a napkin, the kid dropped it, picked it up, and thought it was for another customer – he ended up getting Betsy and Warren together.”
Remy laughed and took the cups Scott handed him, putting together the orders on autopilot. “Dat’s one way ta get together.”
Logan grunted and turned back to his newspaper. “Yeah, well hopefully you’ll have better luck, Gumbo.”
“Aw, mon ami…” Remy’s smile was cocky and confident as he glanced over his shoulder, “Remy ain’t da kind ta turn down a challenge.”
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army-author · 6 years
namjoon scenario | midnight coffee
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❝ Your boyfriend has an odd habit of waking up at ghastly hours to work on his latest novel. You would complain about disrupted sleep, but waking at midnight comes with its perks...❞
➝ pairing: author namjoon x barista reader
➝ word count: 3.0k
➝ genre: fluff
➝ warnings: implied smut
➝ author’s note: this is a valentine’s drabble for my fic ‘americano’, you don’t need to read it to enjoy this. this was requested ages ago (last valentine’s day actually, oof!), and i’m so sorry for the wait. hopefully you enjoy this, and have a lovely valentine’s day, and a lovely every day!
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Moving in with Namjoon led to you discovering some odd habits of his. Like the way he needs to be on the left side of the bed to fall asleep. Or the way he likes to turn up cheesy music full blast, and have it pounding around the rooms when he’s cleaning the house. Or the way he’ll wake up at ridiculous hours in the middle of the night, suddenly hit by inspiration, and need to leap out of bed, and rush to grab a coffee and his laptop, so he can sit up writing out the next scene for his new novel.
So you find yourself waking up to darkness, hearing the soft crumpling of sheets, as Namjoon carefully rolls out of your bed, breath caught in his lungs, trying not to wake you up. You can’t help but let out a soft groan, pulling the blankets up to your chin in protest.
“Sorry,” he whispers, his voice cushiony on your ears despite the horrendous time of night… or is it morning? “I didn’t mean to wake you up again.”
“What’s wrong?” you croak back, throat clogged after sleep.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he leans across the bed to smooth down your hair, and press an indulgent kiss to your forehead. You can feel the ghost of his lips when he parts from you, “I just need to write. I had an idea.”
“Can’t it wait until morning?” you ask, wiping at your eyes, and breathing in deep, hoping more oxygen in your lungs will help you feel more awake. Everything feels like it’s floating above you. You need more sleep.
Namjoon stands up from the bed. You hear him bump into the chair where he’d thrown his jeans and t-shirt from yesterday, and then comes a rustling of cloth and the clinking of his belt. “No,” he says, “If I sleep now, I’ll lose my inspiration.”
Sitting up, you let the world wobble as your body adjusts, and then blink over to his dark shape, pulling his t-shirt over his head.
He pauses, looking at you. “Go back to sleep,” he soothes, “I’ll be in bed soon.”
You pout, although you know he won’t see it in the dark.
“Rest,” he insists, moving back to bed, and leaning over to give you a hug. You melt against him, unresisting, as he gently pushes you back down, pressing you into the soft mattress. You close your eyes, feeling his shape fitting snugly against yours, until he moves away again, leaving to sneak out of the room. You listen to his footsteps padding down the landing, and then the thump, thump, thump down the stairs.
You lie for a few minutes, waiting to feel sleep descend on you again, but the cold space beside you, where Namjoon should be, keeps you awake, your ears attuned to his soft noises carrying to you from downstairs. You know he’ll be going to the office to pull out his laptop, where he’ll sit down with a huff, and begin typing, with the same concentrated look you know so well. It’s the same look you watched a year ago, when he would come into the café you worked at to write his novel, while you served him americanos – the look where his lips pout, and his brows fold down, and a crease appears on his forehead.
There’s no way you can fall asleep now. Throwing off the duvet, you shiver as the cool air slaps your bare skin. You reach across to the bedside table to check your phone: 00:24. That late? Or is it early? You blow out a breath, and then double check the date below the time: 14 February. It’s now Valentine’s day. Despite your limited sleep, you smile. Your second Valentine’s day with Namjoon. It brings back all the memories of last year. You and Namjoon had just started dating, and he was beginning to plan his third novel – he told you it would be a romance, and you knew you were the inspiration. After that, he’s only been writing on the topic of love, because as he says: “Love is the only thing worth writing about. It’s the best thing humanity has.” You’d gone out to a café that day, on a date. It had been a long time since Namjoon had been to a café without the intention of working, so he told you. It had been a while since you’d been to a café, without having to work behind the counter, making coffees. It was a fresh experience for both of you.
You had sat over steaming mugs: Namjoon with a black americano as always, and you with a caramel latte. It tasted different from the way you made it, but you liked it. The morning was whiled away with you and Namjoon occasionally sipping your coffees, and sharing small pieces of each other. You’d learnt with every second you spent together that he was perfect for you, down to the number of kids you both wanted, your dream house, your outlook on the world, the universe, and the possibility or impossibility of a deity.
If you hadn’t known it before then (and you had), that day had solidified every feeling: you loved him. You had more love for him in your heart than you knew what to do with. All you could do was smile at him over coffee, and reach for his knee under the table, and hold onto his shape beneath your fingertips, grounding you down.
Now you’ve moved in with him – and have been living with him that way for a few months. Your love is more certain than ever, even with all his weird habits. Even when he wakes you up at 00:24 in the morning.
With a dazed smile, still caught in flossy webs of happy nostalgia, remembering a time when you were just getting to know Namjoon, and hadn’t shared your first kiss, hadn’t lain naked with him in your bed, carefully learning about every inch of each other, and hadn’t known for sure that he was your soulmate, you shake yourself from a glazed grin, and slide out of bed to dress yourself in the dark.
Sneaking into the landing, the light spills up from downstairs, straining against your sleep-deprived eyes. You descend the stairs, pulling your hoody further around you, still cold after the warmth of blankets. Hesitating by the office door, you wonder about going in to see Namjoon, but then decide you want coffee first.
You pad to the kitchen, where your cat is curled up on the windowsill, her sides rising and falling. Her shining green eyes peer over as you flick on the lights, and go over to the coffee machine, pressing a button to froth the milk. “Sorry, Emerald,” you coo, stretching out a hand to her in apology, “You know how Namjoon is when he has a new idea.” Emerald bumps her head against your outstretched hand, with the beginnings of a purr, before she remembers that she should be angry at you for disturbing her sleep, and slinks out of your reach.
With the milk well frothed, you make two coffees. It’s not as good as the coffee you could make with the machines in the café, but you still think you do a good job with the milk frother Namjoon got you for Christmas.
Carrying the two mugs, you struggle with the kitchen door, trying not to spill any of the precious liquid gold, well caffeinated. It rolls around the inside of the mugs, frothing, eager to escape the rim. With a soft grunt, you manage to flick the handle, and push the door open with your hip, sneaking across to the office.
As expected, Namjoon is hunched over his laptop, his brows scrunched. He barely registers when you walk in, until you place the coffee in front of him, and the fragrant steam rouses him.
He looks up to you, eyes glowing from the laptop screen, “Thank you, honey.”
“No problem,” you set down your own coffee, and drape yourself around his shoulders, hands coasting across his chest, forward and back in soothing motions.
“I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he says, as he picks up the mug and blows on the surface, displacing frothy bubbles, before taking a sip.
“That’s okay,” you kiss his neck as you murmur the words into his skin, “I’ve gotten used to you by now, haven’t I?”
He laughs, and with you leaning against him, the sound moves through you in a rumbling wave.
“Well, thank you for being so understanding,” he says. He twists his head, just as you go in to kiss his cheek, and catches you at the edge of your lips. You kiss him again, properly, the feeling of his mouth on yours tingling through you.
As he pulls away, you murmur, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Namjoon.”
His eyes widen. “That’s today?”
You smile at his surprise. “Yep.”
“Aw no,” he leans back in his chair, “I didn’t mean to mess up your sleep today. I was going to get us up early and go out for coffee like we did last year.”
“We can still do that,” you say. As the clock slides to 00:30 on his laptop screen you highly doubt it. You were never good with early starts, particularly when your sleep was disturbed.
“No way,” Namjoon shakes his head, “It’ll be a nightmare to drag you out of bed tomorrow morning, especially after that.” He nods to the coffee, it’s smell already making you feel wide awake.
“Well, that’s okay,” you reassure, “We don’t have to do anything special for Valentine’s Day. I’m happy, so long as I spend it with you.”
Namjoon swivels his chair around, so he can wrap his arms around your torso. You take the opportunity, with him away from his screen, to swing your legs over his, and settle in his lap. “Good,” Namjoon rumbles in your ear, “Because I only want to spend the day with you.”
Even after a year and a few months of hearing this from him, it still has the ability to send an army of butterflies to wage war on your stomach, so that you squirm in his lap, and snuggle your nose into the space between his neck and his shoulder.
He laughs, shaking against you, making your head bump lightly up and down. “So, what do we do today? To make it special, I mean.”
You cast your eyes up to the ceiling, in the guise of deep thought. “Oh, I don’t know,” you say, drawing out the words slowly, as your fingers walk their way along his shoulder blades, and down his spine, “I’m sure we can think of a few ways to entertain ourselves.”
Looking back to him, you find he’s smiling at you, his dimples popping up. You lean in to indent kisses on them, which only deepens them further, as his smile stretches. He gives a contented sigh. The words “I love you” might have been breathed softly, barely there. You press a few more kisses along his jaw, and down his neck, and confirm the words as he breaths them again, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmur, your fingers walking back up his spine again, until the come to rest at the nape of his neck, cradling him where his skin is soft and downy, just where his hairline begins.
His eyes are dark and glossy, like black coffee, in front of you. He leans closer, his lips almost grazing yours, and you move back a little, playfully, so he kisses the air. “Hey, don’t you have writing to be doing?” you ask.
“Don’t tease me,” he groans, a happy groan, his eyes closed. You take the opportunity to kiss his eyelids, the light blue veins quivering under your lips.
“This is what you get for disturbing my sleep,” you joke, as he opens his eyes and hits you with another surge of pleasure when you see his dark dilated pupils, wide and black.
Before he can complain any more, you close the distance, and meet his mouth with your own. He’s warm, his tongue soft. He feels like velvet against you, as you move your lips with his, moving your hands to catch a fistful of his hair. He tastes of your coffee. His fingers slide down to your waist, around your hips, past the waistband of your jeans. You sigh against his skin as he breaks away, and you share a look – you know what it means, as much as he does. When your eyes stare deep into his, his back at yours, searching deep, as if he can get inside you with his very soul, clambering in, and making himself cosy behind your irises. Looks like this normally end with you lying on your back in bed, breath ragged, a smile etched on your face, and your muscles shuddering in pleasure.
You know Namjoon is ready for this as much as you are, you could say the word, and he’d take your hand, lead you upstairs, and back to bed, where he’d keep you awake a lot longer than you’d both intend.
Your eyes flicker to the bright, white light of his laptop screen, and decide it’s not time yet. You’ve interrupted him in the middle of a sentence, white space stretching down below his blinking cursor, empty and yawning like an early morning.
“Later,” you promise him, as you feel his hands moving up from your hips, to brush across your chest. His gaze is focused on yours. “You need to do a bit more writing,” you remind him, stepping off from his lap, and giving his hair an innocent ruffle, so that it falls across his face all wrong.
He grins, “What on earth did I do to please the universe and get rewarded with you?”
“I don’t know. I guess you’ll just have to accept that you’re an amazing person, if the universe rewarded you with an equally amazing person.” You stick your tongue out at him, and then move over to the corner of the room, where you pick up one of the many books that sit piled up, and pick up your place again, while Namjoon begins typing. The rhythm of his fingers on the keys becomes a kind of melody, dispersing on the air, resonating through your blood and nerves.
A few minutes lapse into an hour, as the pages sweep past you, transporting you to a fantasy kingdom that’s not quite as exciting as your own personal – and very real – fantasy found in Kim Namjoon, discovered in the bend of his smile, in his dark cosmos eyes, in the dips of his body, where muscle and skin meet, in the crook of his arm, in his hard chest pressed to you, in his laugh, his scent, his gentle touch in the early morning when he wakes you up – his everything. All of him. Better than anything you’ve ever read about.
You smile, looking from the pages, and find him looking up from his laptop to smile back. “I’m done.” His breath comes out husky, after not being used for a while.
“Finished?” you ask, just to check what you’ve already heard.
“I’ve got through all I can for now,” he leans back in his chair, and stretches his long arms up the ceiling, pleasuring in the luxury of stretching every muscle.
“Well then,” you set the book down, and stand up, moving across to him. Your hand cards through his hair, feeling it fall through your fingers, as they move down to his face, where his stubble is just beginning to show after his last shave, and then down his neck, his torso, his stomach, lingering. “Why don’t we go back to bed?”
He raises his eyebrows at you, and you copy the expression, you lips lifting up halfway, as he says, “I’d love nothing more.”
Then, before you can react, he stands up in one swift motion, and grabs you around the waist, picking you up. You scramble to wrap your arms around his neck, as he tries to find purchase on your legs, and hold you, bridal style. He almost drops you a few times – and you wonder why you put your body in his arms sometimes, when you’ve seen what he can do to china plates, and his own phone screen – but you can only laugh, and hold on, as he finally balances you against him, muttering, “They make that look so much easier in movies.”
You kiss his temple, and then bury your face in his neck, as he carries you upstairs, with your body bumping against his, and then watch in amusement as he struggles with the handle on your bedroom door, with you still in his arms. Finally, you’re tumbling into bed with him. Above you, he leans down, reverently pressing kisses along your neck, down, until your hoody prevents his lips going any further. You help him remove that barrier, pulling it over your head, along with your t-shirt, and giggling, as his warm mouth goes back to greet your skin. He keeps moving down, sending tingles across every nerve, spreading out to your toes and fingertips as he moves from your chest, down to your stomach.
“Is this what you want?” he asks, as he lingers with his hands on your hips, curling his fingers under your jeans.
“Of course,” you’re already breathless.
“You’re sure you don’t want to sleep,” he smiles. He already knows the answer is ‘no’.
“Well I’ve had coffee,” you reason, “I don’t think I’ll be sleeping for a while anyway.”
“Then I suppose we’d better make the most of that caffeine, before you get tired again.”
You smile, coasting your hand across his hair, as he smiles down at you. “Happy Valentine’s day, Namjoon.”
“Happy Valentine’s day. I love you.”
author’s note: thank you so much for reading! i hope you have a lovely valentine’s day, make sure to tell your friends, family and loved ones how special they are to you :’)
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Happy Birthday Diana!!
Happy birthday @x-strokeofmadness-x!!
As said, proper present coming tomorrow for Escalin Week but in the meantime have some Deribeth. Thanks for getting me into this ship! Hope you have an amazing day!
“There you are, sir. That’ll keep for twenty-four hours in the fridge. Are you going to be okay getting it home?”
Elizabeth smiled warmly at the man, who was carefully maneuvering the large cake box into an oversized bag. The gentleman flashed her an uncertain grin in return, before biting on his lower lip. “I… I think so,” he stuttered. “Um… I guess, I don’t know. It just looks so delicate.”
“It isn’t particularly robust,” Elizabeth agreed, her eyes wandering to the remaining princess cakes on display in the small chiller cabinet. The confections stood proud, pale green domes of marzipan delicately decorated with thin swirls of chocolate and drops of ruby red jam. “It’s mostly custard and cream inside,” she explained. “But it should be fine if you keep the box upright, and make sure it doesn’t tilt.”
Another uncertain smile, then the man took his leave, gingerly conveying the box through the narrow doorway. He took a few careful paces down the worn, stone steps and disappeared into the waiting crowds. Covent Garden was packed at this time of the evening, when the hordes of tourists were joined by commuters grabbing a few items from the shops on their way home, and students preparing for a night out in the nearby clubs. Even Rose Street was bustling with life at this time, despite being hidden away from the covered market.
Elizabeth smiled and began to clean the countertop, before turning her attention to the espresso machine, making sure the milk frother was shining and the used filters were removed. The shop was tiny, a compact room with shelves piled high with loaves and sugared buns on one wall, three worn, wooden tables set alongside the other, the mismatched furniture squashed together to take up every last inch of space. Patrons had to squeeze through the narrow gap to get to the till and the chiller cabinet where the cream cakes were displayed.
Bageriet was one of London’s best kept secrets, which was just as well given there was barely anywhere for customers to stand. Still, the shop did a bustling trade thanks to the more adventurous tourists who strayed off the main streets and the few canny locals who knew the coffee and cakes served were the best in the area. The stone steps were worn with foot traffic and the queue for confections sometimes stretched out of the door and into Rose Street, a place as quaint as its name suggested. Still, the pace of life was generally peaceful, the customers were polite and relaxed and gave good tips. Elizabeth had found it an ideal place to earn a bit of extra cash while she finished her degree.
A shadow fell across her vision and Elizabeth looked up with a smile on her face, ready to greet the new customer. The face that looked into hers was so unexpected that Elizabeth heard herself gasp, her mouth falling slack as she struggled for words. The woman before her was so exactly the same: untamed, golden hair; a lithe, muscular physique; dark eyes flashing with an emotion she did not recognise. How many years had it been since she had stood together like this?
“So it’s you.” Elizabeth felt her heart sink as the other spoke, the hostility in her words plain. The weeks and months of anguish she had experienced after Derieri’s abrupt departure from her life suddenly came back to her in a rush; the endless nights with her phone held close to her face, tears falling like rain as she prayed for the other to respond to her messages. After that last meeting, the one with the shouts and the anger, she had received no communication of any kind. Elizabeth had even taken to haunting their favourite spot, the roller skating park at Bath Pavillion in the hope of running into her, but to no avail. It was as if the other had just vanished.
Elizabeth had thought she was over it, that she could just set the loss of the person she had cared for so much as one of those things. But as she looked at Derieri as she glared from the other side of the counter she knew she had been lying to herself. The pain she felt was so sharp it was as if she had been stabbed.
“W-what are you doing here?” Elizabeth managed to stutter, her cheeks growing hot and flushed as the other scowled. “I thought…”
“I’m here for a coffee, and that’s all.” Derieri glowered, her arms folded across her chest. “I knew I shouldn’t have come in here,” she muttered to herself. “It looks just the place for asswipes.”
Elizabeth felt her face glow even more warmly, but she ignored the other’s uncouth remarks. Derieri always had been a trifle vulgar. Elizabeth bit her lip as she remembered the time she and Derieri had tried out the spa, and the way the other had sworn so loudly. She could practically taste her embarrassment, even now.
“Filter or espresso?” Elizabeth asked as calmly as she could, tripping slightly over the words. All she received was a stare in return so she set about compressing the powder into the machine, the distraction of making the espresso not nearly enough to make her heart stop pounding. Derieri was here! After all these years. Surely she should at least get an explanation for the silent treatment she had been dealt with.
Setting the coffee before Derieri, Elizabeth stood back from the counter, relief running through her as Gowther made his way from the kitchen into the shop. “Can you watch the till for a bit?” Elizabeth asked before Gowther could say anything. “The rush is over. This is an old school friend of mine and we need to catch up.” At this Derieri snorted loudly, causing Gowther to cock his head to one side.
Without waiting for an answer, Elizabeth grabbed the coffee, which she had placed into a small porcelain cup. Before the other could protest, she carried the coffee to one of the tables, squeezing onto the bench set alongside the wall. Derieri opened her mouth as if to protest, then she cast a quick look at Gowther, who was staring at her with unashamed curiosity through his large round glasses. With an exaggerated sigh, Derieri took the seat opposite Elizabeth, and knocked her espresso back in one go. “Make it quick,” Derieri growled, as she scraped her chair back, her eyes darting to the door.
“More coffee.” Elizabeth looked up in surprise as Gowther set two large mugs in front of them along with a ringed cake wrapped in plastic and a knife. “This is cardamom cake, on the house,” he continued, making the peace sign as he did so. “It’s good,” he said in a deadpan way before returning to his position behind the counter, leaning an elbow on the wooden countertop as he watched the two women. Elizabeth sighed, and looked pointedly at the coffee machine which Gowther reluctantly began to clean.
Elizabeth looked pleadingly at Derieri. “How have you been?” she asked timidly.
“Cut the crap,” the other replied, her lip twisting with her ire. “You have something to say to me, spit it out.”
Elizabeth felt her breathing quicken, panic starting to rise in her chest as the other began to rise to her feet. “Why did you leave?” she blurted out in a rush, her hands working furiously under the table as she held back tears. “I… I really missed you,” she just about whispered. “You just disappeared and…”
“What did you expect, you ass?” Derieri practically yelled, and Elizabeth heard the clatter of cutlery as Gowther was startled. “I told you! I told you I wasn’t going to put up with your shit any longer. You chose not to commit. You left me…”
“It wasn’t like that at all!” Elizabeth protested. “I…”
“I told you. No hiding. No sneaking about as if we had something to be ashamed of!” Derieri’s chest rose and fell with her agitation and Elizabeth found she could not meet her eyes. “You were my girlfriend,” she said even more loudly, and Elizabeth could sense Gowther spin on his heels to observe the drama. “But did you act it? Did you fuck! It was all ‘my friend this’ and ‘my friend that’. I wasn’t gonna put up with that shit…”
“When did I ever say we had to keep things secret?” Elizabeth asked, as the tears ran down her face. “I didn’t want to either! I said…”
“Then why didn’t you ever introduce me to your friends and family, huh?” Elizabeth looked down at the table at this. “Thought so,” Derieri said triumphantly. “You were ashamed of me, because of my sex. You didn’t want to tell your perfect friends and perfect sisters you were in love with a woman…”
“It wasn’t because of that,” Elizabeth said reluctantly, her fingers twisting together.
“So you admit it! You kept me away from them?” Derieri demanded.
“I… I just…”
“Goodbye, Elizabeth.”
“No!” Elizabeth stood up from the table, her legs knocking against the wood in her haste. “Please, would you just let me try and explain? Please?” Her eyes met Derieri’s, and she saw the other soften, her features relaxing slightly as she fell back into her chair. “I… it was the way you speak,” Elizabeth managed to whisper, her insides curdling.
“The way I what?” The words were deadly quiet, and Elizabeth held her breath. “Are you saying…”
“I just wanted to warm them up to the idea first,” Elizabeth said miserably. “They’re not used to swearing you see and I thought they’d be… upset,” she added weakly.
There was a pause, and then a chuckle from the other side of the table which gradually built into a hearty guffaw. “Elizabeth,” Derieri said with exasperation once she had managed to control her breathing. “I wouldn’t have sworn! For fuck’s sake!”
Elizabeth swallowed, trying to think of a reply as Derieri flopped more firmly into her chair, still giggling. Taking advantage of the lull in her anger, Elizabeth unwrapped the cake Gowther had set in front of them, cutting two slices. “Try some,” she suggested, her voice sounding tentative in her ears. “It’s really good.”
Derieri looked as if she were about to refuse, before she shrugged her shoulders and picked up the slice, taking a small bite. “It’s alright,” she said grudgingly. “Can’t have too much though. My career relies on me looking like this.” She tapped herself in the abdomen as she said this, and Elizabeth could hear the knock of knuckles on muscle.
“I’m working as a personal trainer at the Fitness First down there,” Derieri said into Elizabeth’s silence as she gestured out of the door. “Just started this week. I was looking for Soho when I ran across this place. London is a fucking maze!” she complained.
“Oh! Well, Soho’s not far from here,” Elizabeth said as she set her own slice of cake back down on the plastic, her eyes straying to her thighs. She wondered with yet another blush how much weight she had put on since Derieri had last seen her. “I… um… could show you if you like?” she suggested.
“You mean you’re willing to be seen in public with me?” Derieri spat, her face once more hard.
“I… yes. I am,” Elizabeth gulped. “You were right to be angry, I know that. I love you, and I shouldn’t have cared what anyone else thought. I’ve wanted to apologise for years, but you never answered your phone! You never replied to my messages! I- it was very hard.” Elizabeth trailed off, a lump in her throat stinging painfully.
“You said love,” Derieri said slowly and Elizabeth looked into her eyes. They were deep brown, sparkling with warmth. “Not loved.”
Elizabeth found she could not say a word but this time it did not seem to matter. Derieri stood, and held out her hand. “So, you ass, are you coming?” she asked as she looked pointedly at her proffered palm.
“Yes,” Elizabeth managed to squeak and she wiped her hand hastily on her skirt before sliding it into Derieri’s. She did not look back as Derieri led her out of the door, and so missed Gowther’s knowing smile.
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Title: Caramel Cappuccino
Summary: Terra works part-time as a barista in one of the university's coffee bars. Little did he expect to meet a particular blue haired customer who wouldn't leave his mind...
This is an entry for Terra week 2018 on tumblr, prompt “Modern AU” and a companion piece to @0littlelight0 's  gorgeous art. Please check it out!!
Rating: K
Also available on: ao3 | ff.net
Please enjoy!
“Enjoy your coffee.”
At the start of his third semester, Terra had been lucky enough to get a job as a barista at his own university. Studying for his degree in sports, most of his lectures didn't start until 10 am or even 12 pm, but he had always been an early riser, waking up at the break of dawn to go jogging or to meditate before he started his day. Taking over the early shift at the campus coffee shop fit perfectly into his schedule, earned him surprisingly good money and looked good on his curriculum even though it wasn't connected to his field of study. All in all, it was a win-win situation and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't entertaining to see zombies turn into sentient human beings in the morning.
The girl he had just served grabbed her cup and flashed him a short smile in thanks before leaving, making way for the next customer in line. She stepped forward and all Terra could see was blue: Blue hair, blue sweater, blue messenger bag. Stunned for a moment, he shook it off and forced a smile back on his face.
“Hello, what can I get you, miss?”
“Hi, excuse me,” the blue haired woman answered slightly distracted as she rummaged around in her bag, clearly in search of something, likely her purse. He saw her eyebrows draw together as she let go of her bag only to wiggle around and bury her hands in her pants pockets (a pair of blue jeans, Terra noted), her eyes now at least studying the large menu board that hung over counter.
“I'd like a – a-ha!” she exclaimed happily and pulled a small pouch out of her back pocket (at this point, Terra was surprised that it was orange and not blue), counting a few coins in it. “Can I have a cup of chamo-” She froze as her eyes finally fell on him.
Terra shuffled a little uncomfortably.
“Are you feeling alright?”
That seemed to pull the girl out of her stupor and she let her eyes roam around the room, awkwardly fumbling around with her pouch.
Was she avoiding him? He couldn't recall ever meeting this girl before.
“Y-yes, I'm fine,” she answered, much more timidly than before, as her eyes came to rest on the special menu card next to the cash register.
“Cappuccino!” She blurted out, and at that a slight blush started to dust her cheek as she winced. “I mean, can I have a –“ she looked at the card again, “Caramel Cappuccino, please?”
“Coming right up,” Terra answered her with a nod as he accepted her coins and started working on her order, but not without giving her a discreet look over.
She was cute, he had to admit. Her hair color was very unusual and she was tall for a girl (still roughly half a head shorter than him, though), with a slender built as far as the sweater allowed him to judge.
He was intrigued. Maybe if he turned a little to the left and leaned over, he could throw another short glance –
“Shoot!” Terra grumbled loudly as hot steam from the milk frother blew against his hand. He quickly turned off the steam and jumped to the sink to run cold water over his hand.
“Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, fine,” he grumbled, annoyed at himself, “I got distracted for a second there.” He quickly dried off his hands, wincing a little at his now sensitive skin and returned to the coffee with a frown. Served him right for gawking his customers, he figured. Finishing up the order and drizzling the ordered Caramel over the drink, he turned back to her, handing her the cup.
At that moment, she took his breath away.
He hadn't realized how well her hair complemented her eyes – her eyes that shone like the ocean back in his home town. They immediately sought out the patch of sensitive skin on his arm (when had she grasped his hand like that?) and she gingerly turned his lower arm left and right to see better in the dim lit room.
“It doesn't look too bad, but you should still be careful. I'm sorry you got burned because of my order.”
He wanted to tell her that it was nothing – and it truly was, it's not like it was his first burn and it wasn't even serious – but the words got stuck in his throat.
“Thank you,” he replied instead, slightly breathless before he swallowed deeply, “I'll take care.”
He was met with the most dazzling smile he had ever seen in his life. He didn't register her thanks and her “Have a nice day” or even the next customer clearing their throat impatiently.
At that moment, he fell hopelessly and irreversibly in love with the blue haired girl.
Thankfully, she dutifully returned to him – his coffee – every single morning. In the first few days, she kept asking him about his burn, but soon, the two of them fell into companionable silence, communicating more with their eyes and smiles instead of words. And Terra loved observing her every day. The closer winter and its cold temperatures drew, the bigger her sweaters became until he had to nearly send a search party into her clothes to find the girl underneath them, bundled up for warmth. Rarely, she dressed in a more fancy, more adult way – once it was during their university's big job fare, he noted, so he assumed she had important meetings those days. Those were the days where she would wear subtle but classy earrings and a light dusting of make up, making her eyes – her gorgeous eyes, he swooned – shine even more. Other days, she opted for the complete opposite, being super comfortable while still being dressed nicely; in contrast to other students, he never saw her turn up in sweatpants or anything comparable.
He didn't want to admit it to himself, but seeing her in the morning quickly became his favorite part of the day.
Spring had finally arrived and the end of the semester was coming near quickly. Having already passed all but of one his exams and being good on time with his assignments, he hadn't minded taking over today's afternoon shift for his sick colleague, even though it was unnaturally busy due to the university holding its open house day today. As such, tons of soon-to-be-students flooded the campus, chattering excitedly among themselves and – of course – trying to figure out where to buy the best food and coffee.
When lunch time was over and most of the caffeine deprived students were satisfied, business came to enough of a slow, allowing Terra to sit down behind the counter and pull out his sport medicine notes, learning for the last exam he had to take at the end of next week. Engrossed as he might have been in his notes, there was no way goosebumps wouldn't spread all over his arms as a familiar voice drifted to his ear.
“And this is the best coffee shop on campus!”
Terra immediately felt heat rise up his cheeks and scrambled to his feet, dropping his notes unceremoniously to the floor just in time for the blue haired girl to step up to the counter, eyes widening slightly as a huge smile started to spread over her lips.
“You're here!” She exclaimed more than asked and her smile was contagious.
“My colleague is sick so I took over his shift,” he replied before he noticed the blond boy trailing behind her, roughly a head shorter than her, with a huge grin plastered on his face. The tell-tale red fabric bag most of the student representatives were giving out to the visiting pupils was slung over his shoulder.
“Hey,” the girl addressed Terra warmly and he was about to melt into a puddle of goo at the sight of her dazzling eyes.
“Hey,” he breathed in response, but caught himself at the boy's snicker and cleared his throat.
“What can I get you?”
“A hot chocolate and a Caramel Cappuccino, please.”
She slid a bill over to him and he quickly gave her back her change before he stepped to the machine, starting the hot chocolate first as the girl and her companion stepped away from the counter.
“So, do you want to take a break here or do you want to continue the tour? They also sell sandwiches if you're hungry again.”
“I saw all the lectures that interested me the most so I'm open to anything. But the question is – do you want to take a break here?”
“What do you mean?”
“C'mon, Aqua –“
Aqua. Her name was Aqua. It fit her perfectly.
“– do you think I'm blind? Tell me, since when exactly do you drink coffee?”
“Since I started university? It keeps me awake in a morning.”
Terra heard a snort.
“Yeah, right. Says the girl who effortlessly got up at 5 am when she was still in school. The girl who called me up at 4 am this morning even though I could've easily slept until 6 am! You live on campus and the pharmacy building is five minutes away from your dorm. You do not need coffee to wake up.” A short pause. “Also, you hate the taste of coffee.”
“It's an acquired taste,” Terra heard Aqua's voice answer indignantly, “I got used to it and now I like it.”
“Back home, you spent endless days lecturing me about how bad the regular consumption of caffeine is. But I get it –“
The boy's voice lowered and subconsciously, Terra leaned further into the espresso machine, closer to his customers to pick up on their conversation.
“– I mean, you totally have the hots for the barista.”
Terra felt as if his heart stopped beating. Was it possible, that she was actually interested in him?!
“I-I do not!”
“Yes, you do!” Terra heard the boy snicker, but he had the decency to continue whispering, “Look at you, you turned as red as a tomato! And it would make sense why you started drinking coffee suddenly even though they also sell tea here: When you're embarrassed, you blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind! You probably saw him, saw the cappuccino and boom, that's what you ordered!”
Well... she did look at the special menu that day, didn't she? And she did blurt her order out... right? Terra bit his lip, daring to hope that it might be true.
“Ugh! Ven!” Her voice sounded muffled now and as inconspicuously as possible, Terra rose to his tiptoes to throw a glance over the machine. Aqua had thrown her hands over her face and the fierce blush that spread onto her neck kicked Terra's heart back into thumping furiously. “I am not having this kind of conversation with my baby brother!”
“Hey! I'm sixteen already! And you know I'm righ–” 
 “Not. Having.This. Conversation,” she all but squeaked out in response, but Terra barely registered it. He felt his heartbeat inside of his ears and felt his throat constrict as he reached for his book bag, fishing out one of his Edding pens.
It was all or nothing now.
With a shaky hand, he scribbled his telephone number on Aqua's cup and finished up the order as fast as he could before his courage left him again. Just as his stomach constricted painfully, he reached out for the tiny bell on the counter and ringed it. Aqua and Ven who now stood a meter away turned back to him, with Aqua still looking slightly flushed and Ven sporting a shit-eating grin.
“One hot chocolate and one Caramel Cappuccino.”
Terra didn't think his heart could beat even faster, but it did when Aqua stepped forward to reach for the cups. Their hands touched and as Aqua looked up at him shyly, Terra swallowed the big lump in his throat and leaned forward ever so slightly. 
“I'm Terra,” he whispered, letting go of the cups and he caught a glimpse of another blush spreading over Aqua's cheekbones before she turned around with a breathless “thank you” and hurried over to Ven. They left his field of vision quickly and with a relieved sigh, Terra let himself fall back to the chair behind the counter, trembling slightly. He felt his head spinning and his heart continued strumming so powerfully inside of his chest he nearly missed the soft vibration in his back pocket.
Terra flew out of his seat and nearly dropped his phone when he opened his text messages.
My name is Aqua. Nice to meet you, Terra :)
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albanabennett · 3 years
15 Best Milk Frothers Reviews of 2021 You Should Try
Cappuccino, horizontal white, or macchiato; whatever your favorite caffeinated beverage, it is all about the foam. If you’re like us and enjoy lattes and cappuccinos, then you may have contemplated purchasing milk frothers . We’ve examined the best milk frothers available on the marketplace (both handheld and electrical ) to assist you in making a perfect choice. What Is A Milk Frother? A milk frother, also called a milk foamer, is a small machine that pushes air into milk to make a sweet, creamy feel, which is often added to coffee beverages for extra flavor. A frother will operate at any sort of milk, almond milk, soy milk, or cashew milk. The simplest way to froth your milk choice is using an electric milk frother . Additionally, it lets you begin your day with a tasty beverage, which you may set to a travel mug to make your morning commute more pleasurable. A lot of individuals have milk frothers in their own kitchen since they can be fast and simple to use. It’s also believed secure, convenient, and portable, which makes milk frothers a Superb housewarming gift, You could be wondering exactly what the difference is between frothing milk along steaming milk. Steamed milk is the end result of milk being subjected to high pressured steam in the espresso machine. Having a frother, you are heating the milk and injecting air into it, which generates little bubbles that become foam. Steamed milk will be thicker and denser than frothed milk since it contains less atmosphere. Frothed milk will be watery, and its foamy texture will maintain its shape for imaginative uses in hot drinks. List of 15 Best Milk Frothers Reviews 1. Ikea Milk Frother 100.763.20 Buy From Amazon These are little, budget-friendly milk frothers perfect for smaller households. For individuals with realistic expectations, given the price tag, I would not hesitate to recommend the Ikea Milk Frothers . It is a cute, mobile frother that may do a fantastic task at ridding the perfect topping to taste your own cup. Ikea Milk Frother 100.763.20 is a handheld frother powered by 2 AA batteries. It sports a durably made plastic grip in which the engine is located. The remaining portion of the human body is stainless steel, and they’re the only elements that come in contact with the milk. Like most handheld frothers, this one isn’t hard to use also. All you will need is to pour the milk into a container and then dip the grinds into it. Follow the directions about the best way best to hold it while the engine spins the whisk at a frenzied rate. The topping for many different beverages will be prepared in 15 minutes flat! The caliber of the froth is your selling point of the Ikea Milk Frothers . It is creamy, thick, and long-lasting. You do not need to worry about dissipation even before you begin serving the beverage. What is more, it works nicely with both cold and hot milk equally. It continues, though definitely not forever; it would last for at least annually under the terms of everyday use. However, you have to manage it with caution. Too much stress can bend and split it quite fast. Also, note that it is a tiny frother, and you can not expect it to froth a gallon of milk at one time. It does good just with small proportions even though there are lots of in line to receive their topping prepared, do it in tiny amounts for greater outcomes. PROS Cheap Creates quality foam Works with both cold and hot milk A snap to wash CONS The Batteries Aren’t included. 2. Bonsenkitchen Electric Milk Frother Buy From Amazon This is definitely the least expensive alternative for frothing your milk up in the home. The Bonsenkitchen Electrical Milk Whisk is simple to use and works with two AA batteries. You must do some of this job to get your milk in, which it must be — it isn’t a push-button and overlooks apparatus. It’s the lack of a rack, so this device could possibly be dropped and ruined on your kitchen cutlery drawer. Additionally, the whisk is not as strong, which is likely why this device is more economical. But that does not indicate that the Bonsenkitchen Electric Milk Whisk is not fantastic milk frothers. If you’re seeking a cheap, mobile apparatus for milk frothing in your home or on the transfer whilst vacationing makes it a very clear winner. PROS Cheapest of this bunch! Small compact size can easily be thrown into your travel bag. Ideal for mixing protein shakes! CONS Not as strong in comparison to other people. 3. Epica Automatic Electric Milk Frother and Heater Carafe Buy From Amazon Are you interested in finding a good electric milk frother to create hot or iced cappuccino, latte, and other varieties of non-coffee beverages in your home? If this is so, this Epica Automatic Electric Milk Frother has you covered. Made from stainless steel with vacuum insulation, this system includes a strong heating capacity, enabling it to warm up as much as 250 ml of milk in a couple of minutes and keep it warm for extended following. When the frothing cycle is completed, the removable base enables you to detach the carafe easily to carry about and pour on your own coffee cup. Additionally, this unit comes with an internal timer, which means it may turn itself off automatically when not in use to conserve energy. Along with also the frothing process also generates no sound or vibration, offering you convenience at its best. Key Characteristics: Stainless steel with vacuum insulated carafe Drip-free pouring spout Detachable base Capacity: 250 ml for heating and 125 ml for frothing Mirrored aluminum finish look PROS Simple to Use No sound or vibration It looks complicated sitting on the kitchen countertops. Can make cold and hot frothing Simple to wash Difficult to wear out CONS Not quite durable for the Future May randomly turn off itself. 4. Norpro Glass Froth Master, 2 cups, Black Buy From Amazon If you are in the marketplace for a guide, glass frother that would not just froth your topping to beat the taste of your favorite coffeehouse but also mix in perfectly with your kitchen, then Norpro Froth Master will make a perfect purchase. It is also the most lasting and inexpensive glass frother available in the marketplace. Look after, and you are prepared to take the next appearance! Yes, it is a wonder, and it is used to a great deal of attention not just due to how it seems but also due to how it works. No electricity or batteries are required to power the Norpro Froth Master , which also ensures a longer life since there is no engine to burn off. But it sports a glass beaker, which might be a deal-breaker for all. It’s powerful and durable – yes, but necessitates careful usage. On the other hand, however, glass makes the process transparent, and you may enjoy the encounter. What is more, it is easy to use milk frothers  to immediately microwave your topping/milk without needing to use another container to achieve that. To froth, the Norpro utilizes a driving mechanism. You have to pour in more than 16-oz of milk into the beaker and get started plunging up and down to approximately 20 minutes. Do not beat the thing to death; simply do it with sufficient power to move throughout the milk. The resulting froth is very similar to that of a luxury version, and it works nicely with both cold and hot milk equally. In case you haven’t used a manual frother earlier, it may feel as though Norpro Froth Master is taking forever to froth the milk. However, be patient, and as soon as you get a hang of it, you would start to enjoy how cheap it’s. PROS Elegant looking Mobile The glass beaker is microwave-safe Cost-effective Simple to clean and use CONS Low capacity. 5. HadinEEon Milk Frother, Electric Milk Steamer Foam Maker for Capuccino, Latte, Hot Chocolate Buy From Amazon Another totally hands-off milk foaming apparatus is your HadinEEon . This system comes packaged with user-friendly functions. It just takes a simple press of a button, and within 1 to 2 minutes, the HadinEEon pops around 140℉ mechanically and suggests, once done, making a smooth, bubbly milk foam to add into a java. Just a heads up: the ​best milk temperature to get a ​cappuccino or a ​latté or is anywhere between 13​0℉ and 149℉ — the HadinEEon is in the ballpark range for all these coffee drinks! The 3 center choices are chilly frothed milk (ideal for brewed coffees), sexy froth for incorporating into antique espresso-based beverages such as cappuccinos, mochas, espresso macchiato, etc… And lastly, you get a hot milk choice that allows you to produce a few fantastic tasting cocoas! PROS Simple to use with clear signs for both cold and hot milk preparation. Large milk holding capability (around 130ml for frothing and 300ml for heating ). The device includes two whisks so that you may create compact foam or merely heat milk. Automatically turns off if the milk reaches 140℉. CONS Believe it or not, I could not locate any flaws! — it is a winner. 6. VIVREAL Steamer Electric Milk Frother Buy From Amazon It requires milk frothers and steamer to accompany you on the culinary travel to generate professional milk-based drinks like cappuccino, flat white, latte, and hot chocolate. This VIVREAL device is simple to operate and produces consistent results and can be a trusted selection for the future. First off, you are going to be amazed by this gadget’s trendy look. Boosting a dark stainless steel exterior with a well-designed manage that helps you to find the best grip, it is sure to be the centerpiece of your kitchen countertops. Another outstanding characteristic of this device is its anti-hot dual-wall jug. That means do not worry much if you accidentally touch the jug with all the hot milk inside, as the jug is actually well-insulated, it may stop any burned or scald accidents for you and your loved ones. Key Characteristics: Eye-catching layout It comes with two whisks and 3 configurations: chilly froth, sexy froth, and heating Covered in the food-grade coating Anti-hot double-wall container Straightforward one-button operation PROS Create consistent polyurethane Quiet and fast operation Very durable for long-term usage A breeze to clean. CONS Not dishwasher safe The non-stick coating will peel off over time. 7. PowerLix Milk Frother Handheld Battery Operated Electric Foam Buy From Amazon If all you need is an entry-level frother that would require your home-brewing encounter to a different level, then do not be afraid to give PowerLix a move. It is made well for its price and includes a convenient for simple storage. They say to not judge a book by its cover, but the first impressions always matter. PowerLix Milk Frother , in a glance, resembles a well-built handheld frother that includes a black manage to match any kitchen. It’s a stainless steel frame and liquefies, promoted on a tasteful holder that’s sent to you and the device. Simply speaking, it is designed to please. So today, let us enter the specs. It includes a strong motor powered by 2 AA batteries. Collectively they could twist the whisk at 19000 RPM — and froth your milk, both cold and hot, in under 15 minutes! The froth quality is amazing, and it does not dissipate when it is shaped like in many low-end versions. Foamy, creamy, and smooth, it might be utilized as a tasty topping on a number of drinks across several varieties of milk out of soy and much more. Because PowerLix is powered with batteries, it is mobile too. You may also take it on a road trip. In the end, as a coffee snob myself, I would not dare miss a tasty cup of cappuccino or latte — simply since I hit the street! On the downside, however, PowerLix is promoted to be effective at tackling anything fluid, such as eggs. However, results have proved it bogs down and are not as effective as it is with milk. So don’t buy it expecting it to be multifunctional. PROS It makes an Excellent froth Spins smooth and fast Cheap Impressive design Mobile Includes a pleasant, convenient stand. CONS The wand is a bit shorter. The power button Has to Be held down. 8. Nespresso Aeroccino3 Milk Frother Buy From Amazon Another automated device that takes the guesswork from milk frothing is your Nestle Nespresso Aeroccino3 . Utilizing this system is super-easy, and with a single touch of a button, you are able to prepare both cold or hot milk. Here is how it works: press the button for all typical milk preparations, or hold the button for 2 seconds to froth cold milk . As soon as you turn on the unit, the device heats up quite fast and is about to be placed to operate easily, heating up your milk to 160- and 170-degrees Fahrenheit. The Nespresso Aeroccino3 is easy to clean as a result of its non-stick surface, along with a wise car shut off feature that implies it is not left accidentally. PROS Simple to operate with only 1 button. Software power to function. Small compact size for simple storage. CONS It only includes one kind of frothing whisk. The turning and warming cycle might be more to allow for a thicker foam. 9. VAVA Milk Frother Electric Liquid Heater Buy From Amazon It is really a pleasure to treat yourself to a cup of Joe daily without no making the sound that is possible to awaken the whole residence. If the intelligent design and silent operation are the variables you are looking for in the best milk frothers , this one is definitely the only one. For any kind of coffee or non-coffee beverage, this system will be able to help you froth milk at just the correct temperature each moment. It includes 3 temperature manners: warm, hot, or cold to select based upon the weather and, naturally, your personal taste. In any case, its ergonomic angled spout permits you to produce some impressive latte art in your home and avoid any trickle or spillage. Even though the device isn’t dishwasher safe, it is super quick and simple to clean due to the non-toxic coating. Simply wash it with water a couple of times, then wash it with a paper towel to allow dry after use. Key Characteristics: Simple and elegant design Meets international safety standard Includes an additional set of whisks Clear upper and min liquid level markers Ergonomic angled pouring spout. PROS Can froth and steam milk in 3 temperature modes Barely makes a sound when in use. Very durable Quick and Effortless cleanup. CONS Not dishwasher safe Pretty small frothing capacity. 10. Aerolatte Milk Foamer, The Original Steam-Free Frother Buy From Amazon 1 look at Aerolatte is sufficient to provide you with the impression that it is no ordinary unit. Constructed well, works better, and provide you the very best deal for the money. Invest in it and call the cash. Aerolatte Original HandHeld Milk Frother has many selling points, but the largest one lies in its core purpose. It turns milk into a creamy and foamy froth — that is essentially what all frothers do. However, this one can take action to any sort of milk, allow it to be soya, coconut, or almond milk. But, it doesn’t have any temperature control — that is very common among all handheld frothers. But works well irrespective of how hot or cold the milk is. If you’d like a sexy froth, preheat and then add the frother. All it requires is a press of a button to place to work, and this includes among the fastest spinning whisks I have seen. In about 20 minutes maximum, you’ll get one of those creamiest toppings. This stainless steel device, coupled with a tough plastic base and management, will place your longevity concerns to rest. Right from the box, you would feel how powerful it’s even though it’s small and relatively cheap. The batteries, in my experience, are something to note. Though battery-operated frothers give the ease of portability, it comes at a price and that is in the shape of batteries. You would want replacements at least two times per month if you use it more often than once daily. PROS Works nicely, even with coconut milk Mobile Durably made A generously-long guarantee. CONS Drains batteries quickly. 11. Breville BMF600XL Milk Cafe Milk Frother Buy From Amazon The Breville Milk Café Milk Frother isn’t an inexpensive device for frothing milk with no means. So why the excess price? Let us take a good look. The Breville Milk Café Milk Frother utilizes induction heat to heat the milk up, just the milk indoors becomes warm rather than the true metal jug holding the liquid. The Breville Milk machine includes two separate disks. One is for producing froth (with amazingly tiny bubbles that provide a stiff foam that lasts quite a very long time), and also another disc is merely for use if you wish to heat your milk. These discs fix to the base of the jug and rotate; this permission flow of this milk can help to prevent scalding since it warms up. A wonderful characteristic of the Breville is that the automobile turn-off when your milk has reached the proper temperature. This Breville may froth your milk into a vast variety of temperatures. Would you like your milk frothed chilly, just pops, or anyplace temperature between? The Breville Milk Cafe comes with easy settings that may attain any temperature you need. Perhaps you have had enough of sweet milk? Why don’t you try fermented milk instead! Yes, you figured this apparatus can do this also! This unit is among my personal favorites and of a number of other reviewers also! If you are a lover of almond milk or coconut milk, then the Breville may also froth that! Is there anything that the Breville Milk Cafe can not froth? PROS Effortlessly heat upward and froth milk in a vast selection of temperatures. Supplied separate frothing discs enable you to earn smooth milky foam or even a thinker bubblier froth. The gadget utilizes induction technologies for fast heating. The milk jug is nonstick and simple to wash. CONS It is not cheap by any means! Makes a great deal of foam therefore not acceptable for a solo cup of coffee (wastage). 12. Keurig Standalone Frother Works Non-Dairy Milk Buy From Amazon Boosting a tidy and compact design, these Keurig Standalone Milk Frothers are just one of the best alternatives to provide a try when you intend to maintain your kitchen countertops spacious and also to easily keep the frother if not being used. It is only a cinch to produce your favorite cup of coffee in your home with this system. It is equipped with two control buttons for cold and hot frothing, letting you put in a layer of velvety and creamy frothing for your latte or cappuccino, exactly like a professional barista. Additionally, for your ease of cleaning, this device comes with a non-stick coating inside that makes it absolutely simple to wash off any burnt or dry milk built up in the procedure. Particularly, if you are frequently on a hectic schedule or generally fight to remember to turn off an electric appliance, then this system does the job for you by automatically shutting off when not being used, thus preventing harmful circumstances and saving electricity. Key Characteristics: Neat and compact layout Capacity: 4-6 oz 2 controller buttons for cold and hot frothing Non-stick coated inside Removable whisk Automobile darkening feature. PROS Simple to Use Space-saving and comfy for storage It takes only 2 minutes to finish the frothing Procedure Simple to wash Energy efficiency CONS Not equipped with a handle. The lid may drop off if pouring milk. 13. MatchaDNA Premium Automatic Milk Frother Buy From Amazon From a fairly inexpensive price point, electric milk frothers like the MatchaDNA Handheld are definitely a steal. It works just as advertised and retains up to everyday abuse rather well. For those using a very long list of drinks to attempt within the ease of your home, this unit is really hard to beat. Concerning the general price, the Silver Carafe Jug edition of this MatchaDNA Handheld Electric Milk Frother is undoubtedly the best we have come across. It will not cost an arm and leg; instead falls into a cozy cost zone that many coffee snobs can manage. Powered by electricity, it may hold up to a cup of milk. This is not a capacity that may serve more than two at one time. But given the price tag and how simple it’s to operate, I am certain that you would not mind running it a couple of times to serve everybody equally. It is built pretty much nicely with a stainless steel frame and a plastic grip, which provides a good grasp on the device. As soon as you pour the milk, you can heat the milk and then move about frothing it with the press of a button. Not just sexy, but chilly milk is frothed tremendously well by this system. It is creamy, persistent, and thick enough to spice up many different drinks from cappuccinos to warm chocolates and lattes. Additionally, it continues — you do not need to wash it down to keep yourself updated with this dissipation. Rather, settle back and revel in your cup! On the downside, there are not really any deal-breaking gripes. It’s simple to use, clean, and shop, and that is about it. Nonetheless, get an extension cable ready. Otherwise, with the supplied cord, you would have to set the unit directly next to a socket. PROS Fantastic froth within a Brief Time Period Relatively Inexpensive Simple to use and wash up Space-saving layout Directions are clear CONS Low capacity The cord is brief. 14. Bodum 1446-01US4 Latteo Manual Milk Frother Buy From Amazon The Bodum Latteo resembles a French Press , but looks can be deceiving. The Latteo froths your milk using manual burning actions. By pumping up the filter and down, you can create some striking milky foam. Simply fill out the glass beaker with cold milk into the observable fill line. Set the lid and plunger firmly in place, and then dip the frother down and up till you have the desired level of milky foam. Remove the cover and then lightly spoon the milk foam from the beaker and then increase your coffee. If you’re searching for an elegant apparatus in order to add spoon fulls of fluffy, aerated, milk foamy goodness into your morning coffee, then the Bodum Latteo ticks every one of the boxes. But it’s worth mentioning that it will create air bubbles that are bigger than a number of additional frothers. PROS Very reasonably priced and generates a great quantity of foam from small milk. Extremely simple to work, if you’re able to use a French Press, then you may use this. Quick results for sweet, frothy milk in just 10-20 minutes. CONS Evidently, this unit is manually controlled, and that means you must do all of the work. Be cautious cleaning the glass beaker since it will readily break in the dishwasher. 15. Nespresso Aeroccino4 Milk Frother Buy From Amazon Just a tiny bit of personal touch is exactly what everyone wants in their kitchen. Nevertheless, it is not only the flamboyant and impressive layout that makes this particular milk frother stands out from the audience. It is also the unbelievable flexibility provided by the four control buttons on its own foundation. This system includes just 1 liquefy but armed with different rate options, letting you create hot milk, sexy foam, or chilly foam, using different foam densities in line with the rate which you pick. Once each and every usage, all you need to do is leave it in the toaster or submerged in warm water in order for it to come out sparkling clean. But if you opt to hand-wash the cylinder, it may be somewhat tricky because the opening isn’t large enough to reach all of the ways down. Key Characteristics: Non-stick ceramic coating Impressive, eye-catching layout Comes with 1 whisk and various rate Choices Automobile darkening feature Easy-grip manage PROS Extremely Fast and silent Simple to Use Can make hot foam, sexy milk, and chilly foam Great for latte or cappuccino Dishwasher safe. CONS Tough to hand-wash Its broad base takes up lots of room on the counter. Buying Guide For Best Milk Frothers Easy to clean Ideally, your milk frother is going to probably be non-existent, with easy-to-clean components as dried milk demands cleaning. The fantastic thing is that the majority of milk frothers are extremely easy to wash — some may just be conducted under a tap, though some may be popped in the dishwasher. The more you utilize your milk frothers, the further you ought to wash it. Capacity Ability varies, so if you merely wish to make 1 cup or cup that is shorter, a more compact model is going to do. But if you would like to create more or two, search for a bigger capacity. Making one beverage at one time can be very time-consuming since it requires a few minutes per beverage. Electric vs handheld milk frothers Uses If you’re getting ready beverages that need the foamy milk many times, opt for an electric frother. It’s quick and convenient, and that’s the reason you find it in places like restaurants and bars why the requirements for beverages like lattes are large. If not intending on frothing frequently, then it is logical to purchase a handheld frother. Operations and functions Having an electric frother, you simply hit the beginning underside, and at no time that your milk will be prepared. Frequently electrical frothers prepare your milk in under a minute. Having a handheld frother, first, you must heat your milk individually prior to frothing it. These jobs may be time-consuming; however, they seem easy. Benefits If your attention is more on the time spent brewing as well as the energy to apply, then an electrical frother is excellent for you. You won’t get these advantages using a handheld frother. However, you won’t lose a good deal of money to possess one. Handheld frothers are cheap in comparison with the electrical ones. Quality of froth Having an electric frother, it’s a lot simpler to accomplish a lot of thicker froth quality. That’s not the situation when using a handheld frother. The thickness you’ll be able to achieve is significantly less, not comparable to what an electrical frother can produce. That’s why they feel involving a froth made through an electrical and handheld frother is obviously distinct. Types Of Milk Whilst the best milk frothers are going to have the ability to froth all sorts of milk to some degree, and the top results will be dependent on the type of milk you’re using. If you would like to generate a very thick and creamy foam, then complete milk would be the ideal milk to use – in actuality, the directions which come with your frother will likely let you utilize that kind. You’re still able to froth low-carb and skimmed milk. However, the bubbles are normally larger, and you wind up getting a bigger quantity of foam. Non-dairy milk – such as soy or almond milk – is also frothed, but the memory is going to be a whole lot thinner. Single serving and Multi-serving While immersion wands are fairly great for one serving of milk, what exactly happens when you are brewing coffee to get a bunch of individuals? You do not need to waste too long consuming milk for everybody, one at a time, right? When you purchase your milk frothers, then remember how many you will be working out and how frequently. If you are planning to serve a set each time you use it, then you ought to find an electric one, which is normally intended for many servings. Price If you are new to the marketplace of frothers, you would be amazed at how expensive they have become. Unless you are careful, you would wind up paying an exaggerated cost for extra features you do not even require. So make your requirements clear, and determine why you require a frother at the first location. Would you like it just to froth your milk or heat and cool down it too? Would you like it to fix specific drinks like hot chocolate on a professional degree? The simplest ones are the handheld and manual frothers. Even though they serve smaller amounts at one time, they are cheaper and easy to use. Conclusion When you’re searching for the best milk frother , it is important to take into account its price, ease-of-use, ease-of-cleaning, and also just how little or much milk it could steam simultaneously. There are quite a few great choices on this listing, but it really comes down to what you plan to put money into. Read More: https://montanastrailhouse.com/best-milk-frothers/ Website: https://montanastrailhouse.com
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