achilleslyre · 1 year
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@aquataines ohhh absolutely i am soo happy to talk about food as an amalgamation of the uchihas love and the way it haunts them after the massacre. i'm really passionate about this so you don’t even understand the can of beans you have opened. i am going to be talking about both canon and filler in this though, because there is lots of supporting canon however filler continues to support and fuel this thought.
growing up with his family, sasuke is very commonly shown at the dinner table with his family eating together, and it’s where a lot of conversations with his family take place. now to start this off, i’m going to point out the obvious that the uchiha canonically are a clan that holds too much love inside of them, which is what develops their sharingan. carrying so much love within you of course needs an outlet to come out. we don’t really see the uchiha showing much verbal affection towards each other but sasukes family very obviously loves each other. fugaku even tells itachi that he doesn’t wish for words of flattery, but nonetheless to show his thanks and return the love back to itachi for what he said fugaku immediately offers to get him his favourite snack, dango. so we would infer that they communicate their love to each other in a different way. food.
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sasuke and his family really share their most intimate moments together when they are in the kitchen at the table. here is where sasuke asks fugaku why itachi doesn’t give him much attention while at the dinner table, and fugaku explains that itachi is just not very social, sasuke later admits to mikoto that he thinks he’s unfavoured between him and itachi by fugaku, to which mikoto explains the differences between him and itachi and reassures him that he’s not. it’s where they’re seen talking most commonly just in general as well, about the sharingan, about training, exciting moments, ect.. the dinner table is where their love is shown when they gather together and eat the food that mikoto has made with the love for her family. it’s where they feel most comfortable to show their love and be honest because in the kitchen is where their love grows.
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why is the food their centre of love though? just in general making food for someone is something very special, intimate and ultimately caring. you are turning basic ingredients and foods into something for others to not only to take nutrients from, grow and gain strength from, but also to spend time with them and enjoy the taste of the food you made with care together. you pour the love you have into the food you make for the people you love because you want to see them be happy and healthy. for people like mikoto and itachi who’re shown to enjoy cooking, it’s something special that they put everything into because not only do they want to see their family eat to keep them alive, but they want to see them enjoy the taste and feel the care and love for them that they’ve stored within the food as they make it. they want to place their love inside their family and have them carry their love around wherever they go and what better way to store their love inside them other than to put it in the food your make for them? mikoto is obviously the main cook of the uchiha household and she makes sure that her family stores the love she puts into the meals she cooks inside of them. she is frequently seen ensuring that her kids are fed, making sure they’re filled up, making them lunches, giving them snacks and making sure they are eating good food.
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itachi as well, in filler, spends the episode finally getting to be around sasuke and bond with him. the day was spent making sasuke happy and sharing the love that he does have for sasuke with his brother, and at the end of the day makes a huge feast for sasuke. he made him so much food to show sasuke that he cares about him and loves him, he wants to see him eat and he wants to see him eat well. he intends to pack him full of his love. not to get into the fact that clearly mikoto would have had to teach itachi how to cook, sharing the ‘secret’ of spreading love. now this isn’t canon however i personally would like to think (considering how young itachi is here and how much he can make already on his own) that mikoto also had started teaching sasuke how to cook a little as well. this will come back later, which is why i mention it.
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the common theme within all of these meals— all of mikoto’s dinners, her bento boxes, fugaku and itachi’s dango, and his feast for sasuke— they are all good, yummy food. they’re something you want to eat and hold inside you and cherish. they’re all made and/or given with care, thought, intention and love.
sasuke grew up eating a variety of good tasting and well made food.
after the massacre, though, he changes. sasuke has lost the love from his family, he doesn’t have it anymore. sasuke grew up with food being the indicator of love, and grew up with the dinner table being the centre of family and bonding. as a reaction to the loss of his family he couldn’t bare to keep storing that love inside him, food as a love language died with them. his family was now gone, and the thought of storing love (read: well made food) inside him after his family was killed was not in the question. after the loss of their love, the only thing he needed to focus on was catching up to itachi to kill him.
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here we can see what foods sasuke favours post massacre. “sasuke’s every move is designed to make him stronger, he approaches his diet with equal intensity.” his diet has changed drastically. from being fed a large variety of yummy, well made food filled with love and care for him to enjoy eating, he goes to eating raw and bland food, anything just to get stronger quicker. you could argue that he just didn’t know how to cook, which i can’t say he didn’t, but as i stated before it seems very likely that mikoto started teaching the boys to cook from a very young age, added to the fact that sasuke intentionally only starts eating food for its nutrients and health benefit, it’s fair enough to infer that he can cook at least some meals that he used to eat, he just can’t bare to anymore.
“he never selects his meals based on what he actually likes.” we look to his favourite foods to eat and they’re broken down into their health factors. this kid, reportedly, is known to be eating raw tomatoes simply because he wants to get stronger as fast as possible. he does not like the taste of what he is eating. he does not eat food with the intention of enjoying it’s creation. with the loss of his family he lost the will to store himself with love (this is not to say he does not still have love, he has been stored with love all his life, he is an uchiha, he will always be motivated by love), he couldn’t bare to continue consuming love filled food so he ate food solely to get stronger. food made with no care, thought, intention, or love. the love of his family haunts him. this is beside the point but i can’t even begin to express how heart breaking that is. the uchiha show their love with food and sasuke stops eating food created with love once he loses his family, all the love he had.
sasuke, isolated, left all alone in this village with no friends spent his time from 7 to 12 years old avoiding the love of food. but when he finally finds someone to create a bond with, what does he do?
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he offers naruto food. despite what he says, this an olive branch to start forming a bond with naruto. this is him extending care with the intention of filling naruto so that he doesn’t go hungry. whether the food was made with love or care doesn’t matter because at that moment sasuke put the intention into the food. it’s how he creates bonds, it’s how he shows care and how he shows love because that was how he was raised, he was raised to bond over food, to show care and to love with food.
the uchiha’s love has always revolved around food and it’s woven so into the text that at this point it’s not even a head canon to me, but fact.
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4bsurdcreature · 1 year
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storge · 10 months
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I thought I'd never see you again.
Story of Kunning Palace (2023) 1.33
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cranberrykiwi · 2 days
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shatteredthrone · 1 year
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was tagged by @selkymaiden to do this picrew ty!!!! :3 🫶 the girlies in order: eva 🌱 | kimi 🍓 evelyn ☕️ | brooke 🎣 tagging @urthemiiel @nazali @brooktroutlesbian (only if you want to <3)
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boowhumps · 11 months
Whumptober 2023
Day 26
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Hospitals
Karyme just frowned at the stack of papers on her desk, as if they had personally offended her.
In a way, they had. She was tired, no, exhausted. The work had piled up over the last couple of days and Karyme had practically no time to get it all done.
She had spent the last few days in the hospital with her son, watching him fight against a severe case of pneumonia. He was only four years old, and his childhood was nothing but hospitals. He didn't know anything else, this was almost normal for him..
However, after the scare he gave the doctors a week ago, he had been improving. Karyme took the opportunity to go home and catch up on the work she needed to get done.
This had been proven to be difficult, however. She was burnt out, and she wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and rot away.
Not because of Ashton.. he didn't ask for this life..
But Karyme hadn't either.
She had no time to herself anymore, and it was taking a toll on her.
..work, doctors, work, doctors..
An endless cycle. An unbearable cycle.
Karyme couldn't escape.
Karyme sighed, closing her laptop and rubbing her eyes. She had been glued to the desk for hours.. and hardly anything had gotten done. She considered calling her boss multiple times, but she had accepted the work when she didn't have to.
This was her burden, and hers alone.
Karyme finally gives up on the work, instead resting her head on the desk, letting her eyes flutter closed.
She almost passed out multiple times, only to snap out of it. She couldn't deny her needs.. she needed to sleep.. and desperately.
'..just a few minutes of resting my eyes..' She thinks in her head as she finally allows her eyes to close.
She didn't expect for her body to give in to sleep so easily, but before she knew it she's out cold, head resting on her desk, and many reports left unfinished.
Karyme feels herself come out of a deep sleep, feeling a hand on her shoulder. She's so exhausted she can only muster up a groan as she's disturbed from her sleep.
There's a voice, but it's too far away to hear. Karyme doesn't want to open her eyes and lose sleep, so she chooses to ignore the voice.
The voice eventually dies out, but the hand on her shoulder does not. Karyme doesn't register anything else after that, and she lets herself fall back into sleeps warm and comforting embrace..
Karyme stirs, feeling the sweet relief of sleep leave her grasp. She turns her head, spotting no one. She's alone in bed..
Her thoughts travel back to last night. Wasn't she working on the reports.? Maybe Kaiden moved her while she was asleep..
That wouldn't be far fetched, Kaiden always did stuff like that..
Karyme sighs, running her hands through her hair. She slowly picks up on the noises coming from the living room.
There's the sizzling of food and the soft time of music. There's also laughter..
Karyme forces herself to roll out of bed to see what's going on. She opens the bedroom door and is hit with the aroma of breakfast..
..she couldn't remember the last time she had an actual breakfast.. let alone with her family..
She walks down the hallway, hearing the voices clearly now.
Kaiden and Astrid's voices can be heard, singing. There are small fits of giggles in between the lyrics, and it seems like her daughter still doesn't know the actual song lyrics.
Nonetheless, they're singing and having a good time. Karyme almost doesn't want to interrupt their bonding.. Selyna knows she is an expert at that.
Karyme waits until the music slows, and then stops. She takes her chance to enter the living room.
Astrid is in front of the TV, changing the channel. Her face lights up as she turns to face her mother, realizing that she's actually home.
"Mama!" Astrid cheers, practically jumping into Karyme's arms.
Karyme hugs the girl tightly, sighing. "Hi honey.."
The girl is quick to drag her over to the couch to tell her about all the adventures she went on while Karyme was away.
Karyme nods and occasionally smiles at her daughter. A pure soul, untainted by mistakes..
That was what Karyme wanted for her kids. She wanted them to never hurt like she did..
Kaiden ends up walking over to them, smiling.
"Astrid, sweetie, can you go to your room? I need to talk to mom." Kaiden tells Astrid.
Astrid nods, quickly running off to her room. Karyme frowns as she looks over to Kaiden, who makes the same face back at her.
"Found you asleep at your desk last night," He says. "I thought I told you to come home and rest.."
Karyme sighs. "I was going to.. I just wanted to get the work done first.."
Kaiden crosses his arms. "Karyme, you need rest. You've been up and out all this week."
Karyme frowns. "I know that.. but I have stuff I can't just put off.."
Kaiden presses his lips together, nodding. "Right.. but rest is needed.. especially when you're sick."
Karyme raises an eyebrow. "I'm not sick.."
Kaiden steps closer. "It's been 11 years, I know when you're lying."
Karyme shrugs slowly. "..not physically sick.."
Kaiden nods. "Better, but my point still stands.. you're sick and need rest, now.. go away." He says, turning away from her.
Karyme raises an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean.."
"It means go to your room until I say so." He replies.
"..I'm 29, Kaiden. I'm not a child to be grounded." Karyme replies.
Kaiden turns his head towards Karyme. "Hush, now go to bed. I'll bring you food later.."
Karyme sighs, dragging her hands down her face. "..yeah yeah.."
Kaiden gives her a smile. "Atta girl."
Karyme rolls her eyes playfully. "And if I don't listen.?"
Kaiden puts the spatula down, now facing Karyme.
"We both know that won't go well for you." Kaiden says.
Karyme crosses her arms. "..right.."
"Now go," Kaiden says. "I'll see you in a bit with food."
Karyme nods, and forces herself back up the stairs to her bedroom. She lays in bed, feeling sleep beginning to crawl back in..
She welcomes it with open arms.
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star-girl69 · 8 months
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protective clarisse save me ANWAYSSSS enjoy
*mentions of clarisse picking reader up and carrying her around
PLEASE ignore the fact i forgot ambrosia existed thanks 🙏🙏 yk i just be saying stuff
it starts out like any capture the flag game
except for the fact you’re on different teams
like in so it goes when clar tells y/n “don’t do anything i wouldn’t do”
everyone once in a while the teams switch up
and clarisse has a really hard time when you’re not on the same team, but she can usually function
she’s worried out of her mind obvi
we all know you’re her achilles heel
but for some reason this time clarisse just has a really bad feeling
she’ll probably threaten everyone on her team- if they so much as LOOK at you in the wrong way she’s going to make their lives a literal hell
and everyone is like ok scary lady 🫡
they all know clarisse don’t play about you
so the game is going pretty normal
you’re just doing your thing and clarisse is hunting around you
it’s really funny because you and a few of your siblings are just fighting whoever makes their way to you
and you win every time
bc clarisse is still letting you win 😭😭😭😭
the good members of her team get told to turn around
and then she lets the weaker ones, the stragglers she doesn’t care about, pass through and then smiles when you cheer after winning even tho she can’t see you
you feel her eyes on you tho sometimes it’s kinda creepy
but basically annabeth and the blue team had set up these trenches in random parts of the wood
they were lined with like a bunch of leaves and spare linens so they were soft at the bottom
but someone 🙄🙄🙄 ugh
forgot to soften up one of them and that’s the one you fall into
she hears you scream and she’s like WOAH HOLY FUCK
running through the woods you’re crying at the bottom of this 6 ft deep hole your siblings are screaming
like she literally throws herself to the ground and drags you out of the pit pure adrenaline
and like she could tell just by your screams and the look on your face that you were HURT HURT
but she knows you need her rn so she pulls you into her lap and asks what hurts
and you can’t even speak you’re in so much pain but you gesture to your leg and maybe clarisse just didn’t want to notice it before but like that bitch is BROKEN
she’s literally shaking
“it’s okay it’s okay baby it’s okay someone is gonna go get a healer right? SOMEONE IS GOING TO GO GET A HEALER, RIGHT?”
*cue like 10 random campers all running off*
and you’re screaming and crying and your siblings are freaking out so the game kinda stops bc everyone is like what happened 😭
then they just walk into this clearing and see you pale and crying and leg obviously broken, sitting in a shaking clarisse’s lap
one of her siblings definitely has to come over and subtly say that she’s like doing a good job LMAO
bc she is STRUGGLING
like she’s never been so scared in her life
her heart is pounding her hands are shaking
but for the first time in her life she’s not really angry right now
she’s just fucking terrified
and she HATES it
she’s stroking your hair and has her arm wrapped around your waist so tight
she tells you “just dig your nails into my arm”
and you can’t even comprehend what’s going on so she grabs your hands and let’s you squeeze so hard she swears her fingers come out a little crooked
FINALLY some apollo kids come over with a stretcher
so then she starts yelling at them “BE GENTLER SHES HURT DUMBFUCKS”
then finally after clarisse’s incessant screaming she holds your hand as they take you back to the healers
then 20 minutes later they reset your leg and put it in a little cast and give you some AMAZING painkillers
so you’re like omg
clarisse is like pale and sweaty and her heartbeat is so erratic one of the healers actually has to come over and be like “maybe you should sit down and get checked out..?”
she starts screaming at them
then you’re like “omg no my saviors are fighting ☹️☹️☹️☹️”
“no no i’m sorry i didn’t mean to make you sad it’s fine it’s fine we’re not fighting”
she has to lay down in your bed and take some really deep breaths in order to calm down
and you’re just happy bc you are floating and you have your gf with you
you’re babbling on about something and clarisse is like wtf is happening to me
but also she’s acting like you just died
holding your head to her chest and staring off into the distance like that one painting of ivan the terrible holding his dead son y’all know
and you’re just happy
she’s kissing all over your face and head and telling you about how she’s gonna help you
“i’ll carry you whenever you don’t feel like using your crutches, i’ll make sure you take all your medicine, i’ll find and kill whoever did this to you, i’ll sleep with you every night just in case, and i won’t let you out of my sight ever again, and i’ll make chiron switch the teams back”
she ends up doing all of those things obvi
she annoys chiron so much he makes a permanent rule that the ares and your cabin always have to be on the same team
clarisse becomes 10x worse in terms of protectiveness
like she’s watching you like a HAWK
she just felt so totally helpless in that moment so unprepared and she never wants to feel like that again
she doesn’t think her heart can take it actually 😭
she does find the person and loses dessert privileges for 5 months for what she did!!!!!
she sleeps with you ever night bc the meds make you sleep restlessly and she’s always there to whisper in your ear and lull you back to sleep
even if you’re like oh i can just use my crutches she’s always staring at the ground like it’s a monster that’s gonna hurt you so she’s like
“hm well i don’t think so actually haha just let me carry you”
*picking you up* “no it’s fine this is safest”
basically you’re just the love of her life and she can’t imagine something else happening to you
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gorgugplushie · 7 months
There is smthing sooo abt fabian n adaine wanting to call adults abt lucy being .. found . Saying its what she deserves and her parents need to know . N rizs hesitation bc the one adult trying to help got murdered over it . They want and need help but theyd also put people in danger by association.. and their kidsss their just kids who shouldn't be worrying abt this anwayssss :(((
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jesterrrrr-x · 1 year
Lil Shadowhound comic
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Finally finished this dumb comic FUCK. This shit was NOT worth it. Anwayssss enjoy i suppose.
This is apart of my Villain Erlang AU, he was a part of the brothers in this.
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afro-hispwriter · 9 months
Um anwayssss i dont want to hear another person say salturn is worst than midsommer.
worst as in fucked up mentally, fucked up situation, gory
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sunnyskiesdays · 1 year
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Had to reupload this because I forgot a detail but yooooo. Sonia. Why won’t the drawing shrink on tumblr! Anwayssss. Have a great day!
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nana-au · 22 days
i change my layout on here so often i am so sorry!!!!! i'm addicted to change </3 anwayssss i'm obsessed with yuji n gojo recently so expect a lot of those 2
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awrkive · 30 days
I wanted to say that no, oc is not a pick me girl, I would have stopped reading the story if that were the case hahah
Nowadays people use this term for literally nothing, they don't even know the meaning, so don't worry.
Btw, I looooved the new chapter. I'm in love with these two AAAAH🤍
no because i feel like we have muddled the definition of the word over the years 😭 i blame tiktok!!! the girlies in there call everybody a pick me over something so trivial!! wanna remind everyone that a pick me is a woman who has internalized misogyny and someone who upholds problematic behaviors and ideals to get Male Validation and attention at the Expense of Other Women. just bcs a woman is not trying to be a girlboss she suddenly wants to be different! every woman is different!! OKAY? ❗🤨
anwayssss thank you for reading the chapter anon glad you enjoyed 🩷🩷
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happycemicalcells · 1 year
Hmm why Sunny name Omori in headspace? :b
This was a realization that I had in the morning while reading a fic, which is what lead me to actually using tumblr with the encouragement of my friend. Also please tell me if anyone has had said anything similar to what I'm about to say, i would love to know >:3. this is probably gonna be a long post btw.
So i think we could all agree its a bit weird that out of all the names Sunny couldve picked for Headspace he picked the name of his sister's piano, Omori? I mean the whole point of Headspace is so Sunny can escape the reality where he had killed Mari, naming himself the object of which had made Mari basically mistreat him seems kinda contradictory to the whole point of Headspace. But, that's were it clicked for me, its not that he saw it as the object that made Mari mistreat him, it was what he had felt like she cared the most about, that she had cared more about the damn piano than she did him. I mean the most recent memories of her that he had was Mari spending so much of her time on the piano practicing for the recital, which is the reason why he played the violin, thinking that it would be a nice way to spend time with his sister. What he blamed was not only himself for not only being able to properly play the recital piece but the violin, why else would he smash it? Sunny naming himself Omori in Headspace was to feel loved by Mari again. To have her spend time with him like he had originally wished for when learning how to play the violin with Mari playing the piano alongside him.
"The piano starts alone, the violin ends alone"
Anwayssss, hope yall enjoyed reading that cuz i had fun typing away on my puter. I do think i got carried away with it but this should be fine.
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storge · 3 years
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Good Luck
She was Pretty Ep. 6
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lovereditors’ editing challange ❤ Monday —> favorite song ❤ Dress
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