glauces-notebooks · 2 months
rewatching night at the museum for the first time in a while and wow. i missed this film.
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chisungie · 3 months
#wait tmis all over but the reactions ive been getting since coming back have been so cute 🥺💖#a bunch of the girlies im buddies w were at the front counter when i walked in and it was peak fangirling bc WHYS EVERYONE#SO PRETTY LIKE THEY WERE ALL REALLY PRETTY BEFORE I LEFT AND I DIDNT THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE BUT EVERYONE#GOT PRETTIER??? and they reacted the same way which was REALLY CUTE 🥺#i wasnt sure if anyone would find it good bc we have. blue shirts. and i have red hair. but everyone was really sweet abt it 🥺#anyw the guy reactions were boring </3#AND GIRL EVERYONE WAS WONDERING IF I QUIT 😭 NEVER!!@ Not withiut a reason i love this place ans i lvoe u guys tf😭😭#and its a fun way to make money imo 🤔 i just dont wanna hate what im doing yk.. anyw#ONE OF THE GIRLS WAS LIKE. GIRL IF U QUIT ID FIND UR PHONE NUMBER (from the gc) AND MESSAGE U#and i have no clue what that means i asked but she didnt answer but i appreciate the enthusiasm LMAO#forgot the rest but honestly. with less screaming this is how they treat me normally too which i thought was a really sweet realization 🥺#BUT MY 2 FAV COWORKERS ARENT HERE TODAY. WHAT IS UP W THAT >:((#my fav supervisor is but my 2nd fav isnt :((#anyw. fun 🥺#44597#ok one fun guy reaction.#we're playfully bickering and at the end this guy goes. i missed this. and THATS REALLY SWEET ACTUALLY??#anyw its all fun he does check in and after poking fun a few times he goes “u know im joking right” yep ofc 👍#actually why tf do i keep bickering w guys everywhere i go 🤔 like i never bicker w girls. if shes right shes right my bad queen /J#NO BUT REALLY idk why LMAO it was a fun day though im happy ^^
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thatanimeramenchick · 7 months
Yandere Vox x Secretary Reader Pt. 2
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Eh, what have you guys done to me. I swear, we Vox fangirls are the thirstiest on the internet right now. Also, officially, I’m making this a three part series, but that’s it. So much for a oneshot. I'll make a title for this series, eventually. Also, if you want to be tagged, please put your age in your bio.
Part One - Part Three
Triggers: Dubcon-y vibes in scenes. Violence and threatening. Read responsibly, stuff is gonna get a little dark this chapter.
Word count: 3,142
Vox thought you looked perfect. For once, you were wearing something decent that he bought you instead of one of the plain outfits from before you had moved in. Somehow, you had been convinced to put on actual jewelry and makeup as well. The only flaw you held was the dirty look on your face, which you refused to face towards him directly, and it only got dirtier as you downed more and more wine.
“You know, you could at least attempt to have a good time after all the effort I put into this evening,” he said, “You haven’t even touched your food.”
“Not hungry,” you said, voice ice cold. It always was nowadays.
“If you’re not in the mood for dinner, we could watch a new production I oversaw,” he said, “I think you’d enjoy it.”
You snort at that.
“I’d rather listen to Alastor’s radio program than watch any of the hot trash your production company creates,” you said.
“I’m sorry? What was that?” he said, putting a warning hint into his tone.
“You heard me,” you said, “I’ve gotta say for someone supposedly so modern, you’re still just an old man. Alastor is what? Like twenty years older than you? And you think he’s elderly? You’re practically a decrepit bygone as well. You think anyone gives a shit about cable nowadays? At least Alastor has the decency to make stuff with class and not just forgettable, cheap cash grabs.”
Against his will, he felt a circuit spurt. His hand clenched around the glass and slammed it onto the table, causing you to jump. A small noise left your mouth, as panicked as the look in your eyes was now. You looked like you knew that you had pushed a little more than you probably should have.
“You know what?” he hissed, “You think you can just talk to me like that? Fine. You wanna play rough with me? Well guess what, I’m going to fuck that bad attitude right out of you!”
“Excuse me???”
You didn’t even look scared at that just shocked and baffled, as if that had been the last thing you had expected to hear.
“You heard me!” he grabbed you by your shoulders and shoved you flat onto the couch, “I’m sick of you fighting me. Well, you’re not going to after this.”
“W-wait, Vox, stop-”
He smashed his lips to yours, purposefully being harsh, biting you when you tried to keep your mouth closed. When you attempted to turn your face away, he grabbed your chin rough enough where he knew it would leave a mark before kissing you harder. You pounded your fist against his chest, but he ignored it, straddling you. He eventually used his other hand to grab your wrist and push it into the couch.
He didn’t know when it happened, but at some point in your struggle something shifted in the air. Changed. You had finally stopped fighting, slowly wrapping your arm around his neck, kissing him back. It was heavenly, you finally submitting to him. Yes, yes, yes… He paused to look you in the eyes, to see your timid gaze and red face. There was still a look of anger glazed across your features, but it was fading. He brought his hand up to play at the buttons on your blouse. You looked at each other for a second longer before you initiated a kiss for once, using the arm around his neck to pull him close. Your tongue felt so hot, so right, as if your body was as electric as his own and-
Vox gasped, a spark running through his head. He woke up alone in bed, a literal hot mess. He felt like his head was overheating, running a million miles a minute, despite the fact that he should feel cold from sleep. Mixing this with the slick sweat and fluid he was covered in, it was an uncomfortable feeling. Groping for the robe hanging next to his bed, he climbed out. What a dream. He needed a second to wire down from that before trying to go back to sleep.
He picked up his phone and opened it to check on you. The camera in your room showed you curled up on your mattress, blanket half off your body and arms wrapped around one of your pillows. It pressed into your dozing face, which held a peaceful, relaxed look that he rarely saw now that you had decided to go to war with him. His finger absently stroked your image on the screen.
Why did you have to be so difficult? He didn’t know what had been the powder keg that had kicked off your little rebellion, but whatever it was, all his attempts to nip it in the bud had made you more temperamental. Clearly his irritation with your behavior had seeped into his mind enough to create some… darker fantasies deep in his sleeping subconscious.
He shook his head. It was just a dream. It didn’t mean anything.
Besides, he already had been thinking about what to do next, to give you that little push you needed to be more agreeable.
Later that day he scoffed at how ridiculous his own morbid imagination was. The idea of you dressed all pimped up like one of Valentino’s whores. You barely got out of bed nowadays. If he was being honest, your imprisonment had caused your mood to swing between defiant temper tantrums and a hopelessly depressed sloth. Today, you were in the latter mood, still in pajamas that he swore you were wearing two days ago, lying on the couch and mindlessly eating as you watched some random reality show.
“Hello there, beautiful,” he said, trying to sound pleasant, “Looks like you’ve had a relaxing day.”
You glance at him for a second before looking back at the television. The blanket is pulled tighter around you, as if you were trying to hide any inch of yourself from him. Ever since his last attempt at showing his affection had ended in you headbutting him – hard – you had been particularly prickly at even the slightest hint that he might want to touch you.
“What do you want, asshole?” you said, voice lacking emotion.
Charming as always.
“Well, dearest, I was thinking. Now that you’ve had some time to think things over, I was hoping we could finally come to an agreement that would make us both happy,” he said.
“I highly doubt that’s possible,” you said.
He sat beside you, which caused you to curl your legs in tighter. You inch up on the arm a little, as if to sit as far away from him as possible without having to actually put any effort into getting up.
“We both have something that the other person wants, something that could be easily settled with a written contract,” Vox said, “You would like to be allowed to roam around this cesspool of a city and I-”
“Let me guess, it includes a whole paragraph about me never leaving your sight as well as a clause about how often you get to stick yourself in my various orifices?” you grumbled.
“You’re so melodramatic sometimes,” he said, “You always assuming the worst about people, F/N. Makes me wonder if you were double crossed a lot in your previous life.”
You don’t even respond to this, just continue to stare ahead. He’d noticed that lately you’ve been avoiding his gaze. He wasn’t sure how much you had figured out about his abilities, but you seemed to have pieced enough together that the more you avoided his eyes, the less direct influence he had on you at the moment. He was sure that it was one of the many reasons you were so moody lately; you stubbornly refused to be soothed by him. Regardless, whether you were trying to avoid his hypnotic gaze or not, it’s no matter. It’s not like you’re going to be able to avoid the overall influence he has over this city, especially if you spend your free time watching television he’s created.
“It’s rather tame, considering the situation you’re in. Contract or not, it’s not like you’re going to be going anywhere anytime soon,” he continued, “You’re lucky I care for you as much as I do, trying to work with you like this.”
“Hooray for me,” you said.
You really were a brat sometimes. Vox at times wondered if it was because he was too soft on you, and you didn’t realize the amount of actual power he held over you. Either that or you just didn’t care anymore. Whatever. It was all big talk because at the end of the day, you both knew you couldn’t do anything about your situation.
“You already have lots of benefits, which you would retain. Nice apartment, clothes, up to date tech. Besides that, you can come and go regularly, as long as you’re back here within twenty-four from when you last left. You can do whatever you want during that time. You also would be working for me a minimum of forty hours a week, with the occasional granted vacation at my discretion. That’s pretty much it, along with you occasionally being cooperative with my… desires,” he said, “So you’d have plenty of time to yourself. I didn’t put in anything that would force you to do anything too unsavory with me.”
Though he certainly would have liked to be more pushy in that department, he knew going too far could result in the kind of hate fueled relationship Valentino and Angel Dust shared. He honestly didn’t have the energy to have that much drama in his own life. Good night, he could hardly handle the drama that was in his life now. Besides, he was sure you’d come around willingly, even if it took a few centuries.
You glared at him as he finished speaking, as if to say, how generous of you.
From inside his vest, he pulls out the contract and holds it out to you.
“So, we have a deal?” he asked.
You sit up and take the paper, still avoiding his eyes. You seem to be reading it over, though your hold on it is lazy.
“… This still says you can fuck me at least once a week if you want to, or else I’m not allowed to leave the building,” you said, “Did you really think I wasn’t going to notice shit like that?”
He laughed a bit awkwardly.
“I mean, I did say I would like you to be at least a little cooperative,” he said, crossing his legs, “We could wait a little while if you’d like. I mean, you’d still have more freedom than you do now, even with that minuscule restriction. You should know by now that I’m a patient man.”
You stare at it again, forehead wrinkled.
“You know what… I see where you’re coming from,” you said, finally making eye contact, “Tic for tac, eh?”
“That’s a crude way for you to put it,” he said.
You shrug.
“Crude or not, it’s the truth,” you said, a sardonic smirk appearing on your face, “You want me to give a little to get a little.”
Before he could say anything you hold up your hands with more energy than he’s seen you have in days.
“No, no, no! I understand. I’ve been in hell long enough to know how people like you work. I get where you’re coming from, I really do. I’m not stupid! So trust me, I’m being completely serious when I say that I think you should take this lovely contract of yours and shove it up your glowing blue ass!” you ripped it in half on the last word, your smile still present but a nasty look in your eyes.
Vox felt his eye twitch as you continued to smirk at him, tossing the paper at him like you would throw trash across the room. You then lie back down and turn back to the TV, ignoring him again as if the last few minutes hadn’t even happened at all. Though you were attempting to pull your face back into the blank expression of earlier, he could see in your eyes a mixture of emotion, rage, yes, but also a certain smugness. What, did you really think you were tough shit for mouthing off to him like that?
He felt like his head was going to explode. Before he even registered how he was reacting, he had grabbed you by the hair and was pulled you back over.
“Ow! What the hell are you doing, Vox?” you yelled, the smug look gone from your eyes, “You’re hurting me!”
“You think you’re so smart, don’t you? I’m trying to be generous to you because I actually like you, but you know what? I’ve clearly spoiled you rotten already!” he fumed.
He was practically seeing red as he dragged you over, causing you to yelp. You try to kick him, but he only grabs onto your ankle and pulls you closer to him, spinning you around so that you were pressed against the back of the couch, his arms on either side of you. His fingers are still gripping your hair, forcing you to turn your head towards him.
“You know, you’re right, who needs a contract?” he said, “I can do whatever the hell I want with you, and what are you going to do about it?”
Your voice cracked as you attempted to speak, but he didn’t pay any attention to what you were trying to say. He could feel his systems overloading with the amount of rage he was feeling, shouting over you.
“I hope you like the view from up here, because you’re staying here for the rest of your miserable eternal exist. You can work and live here 24/7,” he said, “Anything else we should change in the arrangement? You didn’t like the idea of fucking me once a week? Fine by me. Why not once a day? Twice a day? Every hour? Would you like that better? Huh? Answer me!”
As he finished speaking, he finally heard what you were saying, “-m sorry! I’m sorry, please, stop!
As he heard your pleading, he felt himself being brought back down to earth. While his rage was still present, your begging brought him back to reality, and it was finally registering how upset you were. Hysterical. Terrified. You were sobbing, more afraid of him than he had ever seen you, even on the worst days of your fighting.
“D-d-don’t hurt me. I’m s-sorry, I’m sorry! Please, don’t hurt me!”
He released your hair with a rapid exhale, and you automatically moved your head away from him, arms shielding your face. Shaking, it was sinking in just emotionally distraught you were, as well as the damage he had done to the couch. He hadn’t even noticed he had been digging his claws into the polyester, a row of gnashes beside your head. The situation was completely getting out of control. He pushed himself off of you and turned away. He didn’t even say anything, just left the room and went through the wires to his office. His head was overheating, and he was going to crash at this rate if he didn’t calm down.
Damn it! He hated how out of control you made him feel. It was pathetic. There was only one other person he could think of that made him get near as frustrated as he was feeling with you at the moment. He wasn’t the kind to act out, and here he was acting almost as ridiculous as his business partner did. The only saving grace was that Vox at least tried to keep his infatuation as quiet and private as possible.
It was more than his emotional irregularity though. The fact that he felt this way at all about you was humiliating. Affection, fondness, it was a weakness, and he knew it. Valentino got away with just having simple lust and taking what he wanted, but genuine affection demanded gentleness and tenderness. It was beyond him just not being able to do as he pleased with you, he didn’t want to. He wanted you to come to him willingly. It was the thing holding him back from just hypnotizing you into his arms or using a “love” potion, and now he had probably set any progress towards your affection back significantly.
He rubbed his forehead, which was starting to cool down a little. What was going on up there? He was going to end up doing something rash, something he regretted, if he didn’t get things under control and under control fast. Something needed to be done, but he didn’t know what. Nothing had gone how he had wanted it to. He would need to rethink his approach.
You spent a long time shaking on the couch, arms and blanket wrapped around you, crying. You were an idiot. Clearly your brain was turning to mush just sitting around the house all day. Did you actually think you’d be able to get away with speaking like that to an Overlord of Hell?
There had to be a way out of this place. Had to. But the more you thought about it, the more impossible it felt. Even if you did manage to get out of the building in one piece, Vox had this entire city under constant watch. Every corner of Pentagram City was crawling with his tech and media. It would take minutes if not seconds for him to find you and bring you back by force. At this point, maybe you should just sign a contract with the douchebag. Surely, he’d get bored of you eventually, right? Maybe if you got lucky he’d even get killed off one of these days in an extermination, and you’d be off the hook completely.
But how long would that take? Decades? A century or two? What if he never tired of you? Eternal death or not, you didn’t want to spend that much time living and sleeping with some psycho you hated. No. That wasn’t an option. You weren’t going to do that. But what then? You had thought he was going to literally rip your head off just a few minutes ago for telling him no. You were pretty sure things weren’t going to get less volatile around here if you kept rejecting him.
You wiped at your tear soaked face with a tissue and tossed it across the room. It’s light material just sent it floating to the ground though. It looked as pathetic as you felt.
“Damn it,” you cursed, smashing your head into a throw pillow and lying back down, “I hate this fucking place.”
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arinzu · 4 months
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My Headcannons for Yoichi Isagi, Rin itoshi and Alexis Ness💕
Part 1 l part 2
Might not be accurate
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Yoichi Isagi :
✿He took a photo once of his hair slick back and his fan went absolutely feral.
✿He time to time stalks Rin to observe what he does.
✿Isagi probably stares at the ceiling when he's about to sleep and think about all of the opportunities he missed.
✿If he played any other sports it would be chess, since his vision is great for mental games.
✿Tbh is he was a sin he would be greed/gluttony.
✿If he could ask anything from his parents, it would be to have a little sis.
✿Does skin, body and hair care every few days.
✿Swears in videos games often. Those little brats think they're so gOoD but once isagi finishes his puzzle he'll devour them
✿Tried to hit Kaiser in the head with the ball after a practice match, but Noel Noah was there
✿Gossips with kurona and hiori about kaiser and ness, It's perfect since kurona doesn't know what they're doing but hiori has a lot of dirt on them.
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Plays football w/ u and teaches you by beating you, not even to destroy your self esteem.
♡ such a sweetheart while you are on your menstrual cycle (if you're a girl)
♡ gossip about every teammate with you, like a whole book of players he wants to gossip to you about
♡ once you were sick, he drove to the local store at 2 am just for you. He's so sweet.
♡ Cooks very well like he'll cook food decently
♡ Not that toxic? Maybe that's probably up for debate
♡tells you about his problems like it's the national news to be discuss
♡ Has that romantic playlist he made just for you and him to enjoy.
♡Due to being in blue lock he hasn't texted you often so in return he tries to send gifts every month
♡ Calls you darling and sweetheart multiple times a day
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Rin itoshi
✿Drools in his sleep (Me too Rin)
✿I feel like he'll stand awkwardly in a party not even interacting with anyone
✿Is good at cleaning, not barou level but up there
✿Perfect grammar, also TOP at his English
✿Never uses any gen-z/alpha slangs or any type of slang infact
✿Dry ass texter...
✿Gets really weirded out by any of his THOSE fangirls/fanboys... Like wdym you wanna have the reproduction LIKE HE'S ONLY 16
✿Knows knife play at some point, don't ask him why (he doesn't know)
✿Artistic in secret... Like he'll paint the beach or anything that shows the happy times of him and sae
✿Gets nightmares of that day... (Pretty sure everyone has that headcannon by now)
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Cuddles every time he gets a chance with you. That kinda prevents him from getting those dreams....
♡ even if he's not as romantic as the others, you guys still go on weekly dates and THEY are expensive or just casual date like movie date🫶
♡After getting traumatized by sae, he almost broke up with you, Thank goodness, that you manage to make him snap out of it.
♡ After getting convinced by your and his parents he went to couple counseling and saw his mistakes
♡One of his favorite things to do with you is Playing football, I mean two things he loves in one? Count him in!
♡ Bring extra clothes with him whenever you're around, just in case it gets cold and he doesn't need to give you his hoodie.
♡Does not have much of a soft spot for you BUT, his eyes sparkle whenever he sees you like the good old times
♡ Almost made you cry when you both were on a movie date, it was those scary ahh movies that you don't know what's coming next.
♡Has a separate Love notebook from his early days of middle school that he reads when he misses you.
♡Calls you lukewarm as a word of affection when he sees you
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Alexis ness
✿Would probably be in good terms with isagi if it didn't end like this
✿Has a mental breakdown every few days because of kaiser paying too much attention to isagi
✿Makes Kaiser a birthday cake every year and even bought him EXPENSIVE stuff from his hometown
✿Keeps the magician outfit he had when he was just a child, he cherish it like it's the most valuable thing in the whole universe
✿Would be friends w/ Charles if they interacted more, I mean like opposite friends, Ya'k
✿If richer than his awful siblings back home, if not then... It's because of the plot.
✿If he didn't met kaiser he'll probably be better than what he is now.
✿Has surprisingly good fashion taste, It's better than most blue lockers I can tell you
✿Has that changing color book lamp at the side of his bed he use when he's upset or just sad
✿He would like science if it weren't for the fact of his childhood
Boyfriend Headcannons 💕
♡Is actually quite the gentleman to you and your family members, since he a very toxic household
♡Always makes your favorite dish, if he doesn't know the recipes he'll find it by your guardian/ by how you like it.
♡Gives you a lot of gifts, I MEAN A LOT like everyday you'll find things that you enjoy at your doorstep
♡Due to being away from blue lock, he gets awfully jealous of the boys around you. Even if it's just a friend
♡Husband material frfr
♡ Punch a dude that was making you uncomfortable, and then ran with you to flee the scene.
♡Prefers the value of affection than the materialistic value of a gift you give him
♡ Loves being the small spoon but if you want, he can be the big spoon, anything for his precious angel.
♡Yandere tendency!!! Whether a girl or boy, he will get jealous if you spend more attention on them than him!
♡Call you angel or any kind of German words of affection, he will use it
That's it y'all💋
Thank you for reading this! It too me longer than expected!
So thank you for staying till the end even tho it was just 3 blue lock characters!
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medusavsviperz · 4 months
May thy do the AU where DogDay is a rockstar? And mayhaps the reader is his assistant or a very big fan. I would like it to be smut but go with whatever you want bookie😁😁😁😁❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🩷
Your fic’s are the best. I hope you know that boookie😁😁😁🫶🫶🫶
and also no rush. It perfectly fine if you don’t wanna do it. Or can’t for whatever reason.
warnings: smut!!! like its hardcore sex, cussing, mating, bondage
relationships: rockstar!dogday x fem!reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
an: yall are so sweet. thank you for the support my little ankhs <33
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you had seen every single one of his concerts. every. single. one. this time was special though. you had vip tickets, which also happened to get you a personal meet and greet with the rockstar himself. you were over the moon about it, as any fangirl would be. spending as much time as you could getting ready and making sure every perfect little detail match your expectations, you ran to get your car and drove to the concert. The moment you got there, you ran inside and took your seat at the first row. The amount of money you spent on these tickets was probably more than triple your rent, but you didn't care. He was your favorite rockstar after all.
everybody was cheering. There was a humongous crowd surrounding the stadium that he was performing at. you assumed he wasn't going to notice you, he was too famous to notice anyone after all, but your expectations were matched when he winked at you as he sung. you looked at him with wide eyes and bit your lip, going unnoticed by Dogday. The concert was three hours. Three. whole. Hours. and you enjoyed every damn minute of it. After the show, it was the moment you've been waiting for the whole night. The meet and greet. You ran to the bathroom really quickly to adjust your makeup and hair, making sure everything was perfect before walking to the VIP section and chatting with the guards. "i need your id and ticket please." the guard said, taking notice of your appearance. "yes sir, here you go." you said with anticipating eyes. he just smirked and stepped to the side, granting you entrance to the private room. the room was gorgeous. bright orange and yellow neon signs lit the room, along with a large orange couch and pretty much everything you would assume Dogday would have in his room.
it took about five minutes before Dogday walked into the room. you stood there with a sultry look on your face as he leans against the doorframe and looks at you. "hey there princess..." he trails off, stopping to take in your beautiful appearance. "i presume you are a fan..?" he says while smirking at you, stepping fully inside the room and closing the door. "y-yea.. i really enjoy your shows.." you nod softly, eyes darting across the room. "oh come on now... don't get all shy on me.. i saw how you were looking at me in the crowd." he smirks, raising one eyebrow. "you did..?" he nods, stepping closer and grabbing your chin with his rough fingers. "of course i did. though i do have one question.." he tilts his head while staring at you with curious eyes. "w-what is it..?" you whine as his hand snakes up to your throat. "whats a pretty girl like you doing at a rock concert? it cant just be the music.." he gives your throat a small squeeze before trailing it down to rest on your hip. "i-i... i like the music.. i also like watching you play guitar." you finally admit, your hands coming up to rest on his chest. he chuckles and pulls you closer, one hand remaining on your hip and the other on the back of your head. "guitar eh..? you like the way my fingers move? or is it deeper than that... hm?" you look at him with wide eyes and stutter out an incoherent sentence, before choosing silence. "ill take that as a yes. how about i give you a more... hands on demonstration..?" you decide to take in as much touching as you can, running your fingers up and down his clothed chest. "do you treat all your fans like this..? or am i special?" you ask with a hint of jealousy in your voice. he laughs at your tone, shaking his head slightly. "dont worry princess. you're special. i never do this." he genuinely smiles and leans down to press a small kiss to your lips. "there. have i proved my point..? or do you want more..?" you whine and lean into the kiss, disappointed when he pulls back. "more... please.." you say almost embarrassingly. he lets out a throaty chuckle and pushes you against the wall, pressing his chest against yours and leans down to kiss you roughly. you continue to kiss him for a few minutes, a regular kiss turning into a heated makeout session. your tongues colliding, and hands exploring eachothers bodies. you let out a low moan into the kiss and watch as he pulls back. his eyes darken with lust. "take your fucking clothes off and turn around." your eyes widen at his request, yet you obliged. you slowly remove your top, revealing your breasts that are practically spilling out of your bra. he groans at the sight and reaches around you to unclasp your bra. he tosses it aside and dives in, licking and sucking your perky tits. his teeth graze a nipple earning a pathetic whine out of you. he pulls back slightly to reach for your pants, easily undoing the buttons and pushing them down. god you were soaked. he moans lowly, watching your wetness soaking your panties. his finger runs along the outside of them and rips them in two. you gasp and watch as he discards your torn panties to the side.
he sinks to his knees in front of you and gives you a smirk before lifting one of your legs over his shoulder. you can feel his hot breath on your dripping folds, and you feel as if you could pass out. he dives in, sucking, licking, and devouring every inch of your sweet cunt, he whimpers loudly into you, his mouth drooling from the taste. his claws dig into your thigh ad you desperately try to close your legs around his head, fortunately he holds you open. his rough tongue slides and licks at your puffy clit, your loud moans echo throughout the room. just as you reach your peak, he shoves his tongue inside of you, feeling your velvet walls enveloping his tongue. your cum drizzles out of you onto his face, and by the time he stands up, he has to catch you. he carries you over to the couch and rests you down on it. he quickly discards his clothes and stares down at your naked form. you watch in awe at his sculptured body, and he smirks as he catches your gaze. "condom or no..?" he asks, nodding towards you. you quickly shake your head no and watch as a smirk tugs at his lips. he is fast to climb on top of you, his vanilla scent wafting over you.
you spread your legs, giving him a clear view of your still puffy clit, and glistening pussy. he lets out a low growl and grabs your thighs, pushing them farther apart. he uses one hand to keep you held open, and one hand to give his hard cock a few strokes. he positions the tip against your opening, and watches as your face scrunches up in pain and pleasure while he pushes in. once hes bottomed out, he sets an even pace. his balls gently smack against your ass and his cock curves into your g-spot. skin slapping against skin is all that could be heard, your body bouncing with every long thrust he makes. his eyes flash with possessiveness as he stares down at you. he quickens his pace and eagerly rubs at your clit, noticing how you clench around him signaling your approaching orgasm. you moan out loudly and cum all over his cock, a white string connecting the two of your lower abdomens. his pace gets sloppier as your tight cunt clenches harder around him, and he starts whimpering and pleading out your name. it wasnt long before thick, warm, ropes of his cum fill your womb. he came a lot. his whimpering never ceases, and your moans are deafening. he collapses on top of you, his strong arms on either side of your head holding him up. he slowly pulls out of you with a pop, and flops next to you on the couch. "i cant wait for your next concert..." you whimper out, still out of breath.
"who says we have to wait that long?"
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made by medusavsviperz
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edbluemel · 2 months
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If we’re moots, ILY (even if we’ve never talked!!) p.s please don’t be scared to message me whenever, I don’t bite. We can be awkward together akdjfjjd!!! I wanna hear about the things you love or whatever you wanna scream/fan girl about or how your day’s going or literally anything you want to tell me!! I care and I want to listen !! ♡ anyways thanks so much for following me and I’m glad we somehow found each other on this hellsite! Muah!! Sending a big hug your way besties!!!
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*if you're on this list and confused why I tagged you it's bc you follow one of my sideblogs lmao
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☆ about me:
pronouns: she/her
animal & nature lover, directioner since 2011 (ot5), biologist and photographer by day - fangirl blogger at all other times, scorpio
music: love pop, rock, lofi, really just anything tbh, I'm literally always listening to music ALWAYS
shows: castle, lucifer, obx, ted lasso, young royals, virgin river, sex education, psych, adow, heartstopper, bridgerton, & sooo many more
movies: the little mermaid, anyone but you, pride & prejudice, sleeping with other people, la la land, the greatest showman, shazam, narnia, barbie & a ton more
watch list/to read list: NEVER ENDING (but listen...I am always open to suggestions...honestly please send me reccs I would absolutely love to hear what you guys have to say/what you're currently into)
drafts/queue: also never ending (the struggle is soooo real being in so many fandoms afsjjgk)
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I’d love to make more friends on here, please say hi! I'd love to talk & make new friends (although I suck at replying quickly akjdfl but I def still wanna chat w you)
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calholic · 1 year
idk if you'd be ok w this but tom kaulitz x female reader highschool au?
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★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you go to high school with the tom kaulitz
★ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of alcohol, swearing, cigarettes, extreme bullying
★ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: someone had a similar req to this where reader gets bullied so i tried adding some of that into here ❤️ also i feel like i add angst to all my stories 😭 ik i’m making tom sound like a bad guy in these stories which can make people feel that way about him irl (ahem my living nightmare) but plz guys im just doing it for the angst i swear im not a tom anti haha
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you’ve know tom and bill since forever, i mean the three of you have been together since elementary school. they were both really different now with tom being a massive player and bill being, well, bill. you guys were now in high school and you would like to say it got easier but it didn’t. you were constantly harassed by tom’s fangirls which was unbearable. obviously you’ve talked to tom about it but he ended up being honored that his fans were so loyal. “stay away from tom, pick me,” you hear a girl say as you walked down the hall. these girls would never say anything to your face, only spew hate from behind your back.
you ignored them all of course but it was still annoying. “your fangirls are at it again,” you said to tom as you sat down in your first hour class. “i’m flattered,” he said half-heartedly, looking down on his phone, texting. tom had been texting a lot lately and you were curious. “who’re you texting? you been at it all week,” you asked. “some girl i met last week while shopping with bill,” he said. “oh,” you replied, looking down at your desk. you’ve had a crush on tom since middle school and hearing about his new love interests really hurt. “i think she might be the one, i’m meeting with her tonight,” he said smiling, totally ignoring your sudden change of emotion.
you were silent for the rest of class and left early, leaving without waiting for tom like you usually did. you went to go confide with bill later at lunch. “ugh it’s just so annoying hearing him talk about other girls,” you said sighing. “why don’t you just confess then?” bill asked. “you don’t get, it’s way more complicated than that. i mean, he doesn’t even like me!” you said. “you never know~,” bill said. “why? did he said something about me?” you asked. “calm down, he didn’t say anything,” bill said, letting your hopes down. “ugh whatever, i’m going to class now,” you said before leaving.
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you packed your bags as the dismissal bell rang, you would walk home with bill and tom since you guys lived nearby. you were still a little mad at tom but you wanted to wait for bill. you felt a water bottle lightly tap on your head and you turned around to see tom. “why’re you mad at me? is it because i talked about another girl?” he asked, smirking. “what did bill tell you?” you asked, annoyed that bill would tell tom. “what?” he asked confused. you might’ve just accidentally almost revealed your crush on tom so you quickly came up with a lame excuse. “what? no? of course not, bill told me you stole my bag of chips,” you said defensively.
“oh, yeah i forgot about that,” he said laughing. “hey guys, ready to go?” bill asked as he walked up to the two of you. “yeah, let’s go,” you said. the walk was pretty silent now as you thought of what tom would be doing with that girl tonight. it wasn’t fair that he was having all the fun meeting people and hooking up almost every night. you wanted to experience that fun too so when you got home you called your friend audrey, and asked if she knew anyone throwing a party. “oh yeah! i heard adrian’s hosting one at his dad’s house and i heard that it’s massive too,” she said. “cool! when is it?” you asked. “friday, wanna come over to get ready together?” she asked. “of course!” you replied.
it was late now and you were getting ready for bed before you heard a knock at your window, it was tom. “what do you want?” you asked. “can i come in?” he yelled from below. “whatever,” you said, walking back into your room. he quickly slipped in and laid on your bed. “she ditched me, i can’t believe her! how could you ditch such a hottie like me??” he said. “who wouldn’t?” you asked with a laugh. “what’s your problem?” tom looked at you with a serious expression now. “well let’s see, first your sho up to my house unannounced at 10pm, then you talk about your failed hookup, do i need to say more?” you asked. “you’ve been acting like a bitch lately,” he said. “i’m leaving,”
and with that tom left as quick as he came. you felt a little bad but you knew it needed to be addressed. the next day at school was rough, tom avoided you and the girls were even more relentless now as well. “what did you do to tom?” asked jessica, one of tom’s biggest fan girls. you couldn’t give her the time of day so you walked off.
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“i’m not done talking!” she screamed. “i don’t care,” you replied. you weren’t having it and just wanted to go home, you were tired of everything and couldn’t take your mind off tom. you kept walking to your next class until school ended finally. you didn’t even wait for tom or bill and just went home by yourself, you even ran a little to avoid them. bill called you later and asked why you and tom weren’t talking. “some stuff happened last night and i’m honestly so tired of him now,” you explained. “come on now, you guys are like two peas in a pod!” he said. “not anymore,” you replied. you scrolled around and myspace and saw that tom had posted something. it was him at a party, probably from last night after he left your house. he was surrounded by girls which made you even more frustrated.
the party was one day away now and you were deciding your outfit, you were going to go all out. perhaps something slutty? you didn’t know yet, but you did know that you were going to get drunk and hook up. you met up with audrey to discuss friday before school started. “maybe a halter top?” she suggested. “ooh a miniskirt!” you added in. “i think i’ll wear my sequined tank top with a skirt,” she said. “i don’t know what i’m wearing yet,” you said putting your head down. “it’s okay, if you can’t find anything you can wear some of my clothes,” she said. “okay,” you said.
you walked into first hour, dreading it. you didn’t want to see tom, like at all. when you ed in, his desk was surrounded by girls as usual. one them gave you a dirty look as you walked up to your desk. you overheard what they were talking about and tom was telling them about what you said. that bitch, you couldn’t believe he was telling people, and his fangirls at that, your guys’ personal business. you knew you wouldn’t be able to live it down from them so you just put your headphones in and head down. your jaded your head when classed started and you swore you’d as tom smirking at you as the girls started dissipating.
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when school ended you began walking before you felt someone grab your shoulder, it was tom and you wondered what he wanted. “we need to talk,” he said. “about what? how you’re telling your stupid fangirls about our business? they’re never going to leave me be now that they know that! but you don’t care do you? because you’re so selfish and only care about which girl you’re going to fuck next right?” you said. you left tom speechless and left before you gave him time to speak. you can’t believe you just let all your anger out on him like that. you tried not to feel bad because he deserved it but you still couldn’t help it. you quickly walked home after that’s hoping to avoid bill as well.
you wanted to drown now and never see anyone again. you took a nap and woke up to missed calls from bill, which you answered. “hello?” you asked. “______ i don’t know what going on with you and tom but it needs to end. you guys are best friends and can’t be on bad terms like this! i care about you two,” he said. “i love you bill but nothing is going to change my mind. anyways, see you at adrian’s?” you asked. “yeah whatever, bye,” he said. you put the phone down and got in the shower. it was late now but you decided to do homework before going to bed. you woke up the next, refreshed and ready, you felt very confident and ready for tonight. you met up with audrey to discuss plans and then went to first hour.
tom was already there and he waved at you, signaling he wanted to talk but you turned around immediately and went to go talk to someone else. school felt like forever but eventually it ended and you met up with audrey to go to her house. “okay, i’ll shower first and the i’ll start on makeup okay?” audrey confirmed. “sure,” you said as you sat down on her bed. soon enough she finished her shower and you got in.
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the two of you finished your makeup and it was time to choose outfits. audrey ended up with a halter top and a low rise skirt while you wore a tupe top with the shortest skirt ever. you guys did hair as well and then left. adrian’s house was indeed hug and there were already people there. most were kids from school but others were from different ones too. you immediately saw tom on a couch, sitting next to a girl. you hate to say it but you were jealous, jealous that that girl wasn’t you. you brushed those thoughts away though and headed straight to the drinks you took shot after shot and drink and drink.
after a few minutes you were drunk and decided to mess around. you saw a cute boy and decided to approach him. “hey,” you said, slurring your words a little. he seemed to be i by you to by the look in his eye. “hey beautiful,” he replied. you noticed tom looking and a smile gee on your face. you took the boy into a random room and started making out with him. all of a sudden the lights turned off though and the boy got up. suddenly a bunch of girls appeared basically out of no where and started recording you half naked with their flashlights on.
they were yelling things like slut and whore. you soon recognized them to be tom’s little fangirls and you were so embarrassed. holding back tears, you got up and put your clothes back on but not before one of the girls approached you and started laughing in your face, calling you names. “you really think tom likes you? this is all your fault for breaking his heart,” she said. your tears were flowing now and you couldn’t control them, you tried to get up but one of the girls held you down. you thought it was over as the girls all started laughing and circling you until you heard a familiar voice, yet again it was tom. “what are you guys doing?” he yelled.
he shoved the girls aside and helped you up. you were no even more pissed at him since you knew this was his doing, all the fangirls, all the drama and all the gossip. you pulled your arm away from him and out your clothes on. “why are you mad at me? i get that we fought once but we usually get over it,” he asked. “are you fucking kidding me?” you asked frantically crying now and breathing heavy. “are you asking me this now? i’m mad because this is all your fault, i’m mad because the only reason this happened is because you decided to tell your fan girls our drama and i’m mad because i like you so much that i hate when you’re around other girls!” you shouted. tom was silent, only letting out a small “what?” your face was red from embarrassment and you ran out the door, straight to the exit.
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you ran all the way home, as it started raining, your tears blending in. when you got home you went straight to your room, ignoring your mothers worried calls for your name. you took off your wet clothes and laid on your bed. you got a call from tom but ignored it along with calls from your other friends, you knew they all had the same question, “are you okay?” you were tired but lit a cigarette outside, looking at the moon before you dozed off to bed. the weekend passed and you stayed home during all of it. you didn’t want to go out and embarrass yourself more.
the video had now surfaced and everyone and their mothers have seen it. you were a joke now and it was all because of tom. “wake up ______ it’s time for school,” your mom said. “mom, i can’t go, you’ve seen the video right? i’m a joke,” you cried. “you’re only a joke if you let them make you out to be one. if you let them steak you down like this then you’ll never recover,” she said and she was right. even thought you didn’t want to, you got up for school. you walked into school and everyone looked at you, whispering things. you wanted to die.
tom was in first hour, sitting by himself surprisingly. you were halfway into the door before you guys made eye contact. he got up to approach but you instinctively ran away from him to go hug in the bathroom. you skipped all of first hour and hid away in a stall. you went to the rest of your classes as normal but not without being humiliated. you only went back to the bathrooms for lunch, hoping to avoid people. when school ended you were relieved. you ran out the gates and straight home. you didn’t talk to anyone all day and you avoided everyone too. you decided to do homework since you threw your phone away, hoping to avoid everything.
you were studying for hours until you heard talking ay your window. you looked down to see tom but you ignored him. the last thing you’ve antes was to see him.
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he wouldn’t budge though and kept knocking. you finally opened it to tell him to go away but he had let himself in already. “______ i-,” he started but you cut him off. “look i know what you’re going to say, but just please forget what happened on friday, okay?” you pleaded. “no, i can’t. i want to say that… i really like you too ______,” you were shocked, not knowing what to do. “i didn’t know how to tell you though, so i coped by sleeping around with girls,” he confessed. “im sorry for what those girls did to you, and i’m sorry for telling them our business,” he apologized but you didn’t know whether to forgive him or not. “why?” you asked. “why what?” he said. “why did you tel them?”
“i dunno, i was jealous i guess,” he said. “oh what?” you asked. “of how good you were doing without me,” he admitted. you laughed at the irony since you weren’t actually doing as great as he thought. “are you serious?” you asked, he was silent. “i’ve been crying myself to bed all night!” you said. “i’m sorry,” tom said as he looked down. “me too i guess. i didn’t mean to say this things that night. i was pissed you were off with another girl,” you admitted. “so you weren’t mad over the chips?” he asked. “no,”
“were you serious about what you said friday night, that you like me?” he asked. “yeah…” you looked away, embarrassed. “your face is red,” he stated. “whatever,” you rolled your eyes and fell back onto your bed with tom following. you two faced each other, staring into each one’s longing eyes. “i love you,” tom whispered before leaning in for a kiss.
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - RIP Claudeleine
Here we effing go, y'all. 🤧
The coven tortured them b4 the were put on trial--W T F 😱
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Yep, in the rat box--what practical PURPOSE or POINT was there to put Claudia in there to get gnawed on by feral rats, other than sick sadistic viciousness? We know Celeste & Estelle used the Mind Gift on Roget--you mean they could'n't've done that to Claudia like Santiago did on Madz? You HAD to stuff her in there? EVIL.
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Daaaaang, they used a wombo-combo Mind Gift to tell her to STFU; her effing nose is bleeding!
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"In all their chilling premeditation"--yep, this is why criminals should never leave diaries or use social media! 😅🤦‍♀️ And omfg they let the audience read her diaries, I can't. 🫣 And the Baby LouLou fangirls aren't in the front row this time; effing fair-weather fans! 😒
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GOD the coven frikkin hamstrung them, too!? 😱 To the BONE!
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"Evil of my evil," SAY IT. Claudia laughing like she finna dance in his innards. "It moved Claudia, right up on her [HAMSTRUNG] feet," I was AGHAST. If y'all don't step TF back and give my daughter room to tear his a-hole wide open!
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I love how AMC changed Ghost!Claudia's legacy, cuz the diaries were all Lou had, which implied that Claudia died "hating his guts," as Daniel said in 1x7. But by regaining his memories of the Trial, AMC!Lou gets to see that Claudia actually went out DEFENDING him. The one she REALLY had beef with was Lestat. Ofc she resented Lou, but most of all she loved her Daddy Lou, and was traumatized seeing him broken like an EGG from an airplane that SHE tried her darndest to piece back together. And Lestat can't say EFF ALL, cuz he already admitted that he broke him to hurt him.
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(Girl we all know you ain't sorry, lol. But PREACH!)
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SPITE! 😫 Lestat was being SPITEFUL. Yes, this IS his big revenge; he DGAF about Claudia, he came there for Louis, YES! Did he expect Claudia to die? No, he EXPECTED Armand to get TF up and save ALL of them. But he DID go in there ready and willing to throw Claudia under the bus to get Louis out of there.
Claudia called herself "just a roof shingle" that flew off Loustat's townhouse, as she shuffles her way back to her seat. Chile, this whole audience us dumb as a pile of bricks to not notice that she's LITERALLY hamstrung. The unbelievable pain she must be in, omg.
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"Took the air out of the place with that one" EMMYS WHEN 😫 "Got a lot less fun real quick" EMMYS WHENNNNNN 😫
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("'RHIIISE!" Santiago's campy accents & pronunciations STAHP.) WHY ON EARTH would anyone wanna join this nasty AF coven after seeing the hypocritical effed up way y'all treat people!? Y'all shoulda just kept her hypnotized and made her say yes, which proves that y'all really didn't care if Madz joined or died anyway! She was just collateral; and I guarantee if she'd joined they'd've used her in their actual mock trial plays, making her relive her shame the same way they did with Baby LouLou.
I get that Claudia shook her head, only wanting Madz to join so she'd stay alive, but I'm with Madz--they'd've killed her for some bogus reason sooner or later. Might as well die with her companion.
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😭 MY COVEN IS CLAUDIA, TOO! 😭 Claudia finally feeling like someone in the world picked her first. 😭
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STFU Santiago. 😡
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STFU Lestat. 😡 (I had to make a separate post for this, cuz it's both ironic AF but also wildly in-character that Lestat of all people would mock Madeleine for doing this.)
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Flip them all off, yaaas! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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I was on the edge of my seat; I knew my BAMF daughter was gonna do or say SOMETHING crazy. 👀
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My daughter said "Until you do right by me everything you THINK about gonna fail!" 😤 Armand said moment of defiance; PLEASE! ALL HER LIFE SHE HAD TO FIGHT!
Rest in power, Claudia! ❤️👸🏼👸🏽👸🏾❤️
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My life every time a new IWTV episode airs.
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That's the same flute dude AND SONG playing when Armand set that Children of Darkness/Satan vampire on fire. Execution dirge WTF 😭
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The ultimate gaslight.
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Not Claudia embracing Madz as she singing that effing song take me out back and end it. 💔
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Look at Lestat's bish arse standing back there watching while HIS BLOOD DAUGHTER burns to ash--Mr. I Could Not Prevent It #2! The last thing she saw on earth was her deadbeat father not doing a effing thing to help her--
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--but Louis leapt through FIRE and a whole burning building to save his daughter; a girl he didn't even KNOW, and already loved unconditionally! Blood ain't thicker than water, eff what ya heard! 😤
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EXCUSE ME!? 😱 Santiago I hate you so much, wow.
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"Tweedley deedly dead" written on the mirror in Claudia's (or Santiago's?) booth at the Theatre; you can see her yellow dress in the corner too; omg this coven is nasty. That BETTER NOT BE her ashes.
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We been expected this my guy; the movie's like 30 years old and the book's 50+, be serious. But y'all did an AMAZING adaptation; adding in things I definitely didn't expect, like Claudia singing the song. 😭👌
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Claudia's the GOAT. 🐐
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g-xix · 11 months
no wait can u pls explain the trent thing ??? who is he tryna get with ???? why is he ??? what relevenavce ??? why are people so salty ???? I DONT GET IT
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Started off with Miaxmon (girlfriend of WillNE, British YouTuber) receiving a DM from Trent (TAA, Liverpool footballer) which Will exposed in this Tweet:
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Funny haha, nothing too deep j having a laugh
I think that everyone had a little laugh at this bc yk, it's funny asf and Will didn't react poorly to it either...
Joke continues in Twitter and on Mia's post that haha, Trent shot his shot with "WillNE's girl" n whatever
A few months ago there was the video on Sky Sports or smth were Will and Mia went to a Newcastle v Liverpool game asw, where a few jokes about Trent were thrown about... All just a bit of fun.
Then a couple days ago, bang:
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Still a wee bit heartbroken, but Mia and Will have broken up... :( Hate to hear it, I (and quite a few others, from what i've seen in replies) thought they'd get married n all but i suppose that's it
But anyways, quite a few jokers thought it'd be funny to make jokes that it's Trent's time to get her, shoot his shot, she's single now so he's safe to chat to her... Yk, just banter nothing too deep
But anyways, I make my joke on Tumblr abt Trent's time to shoot his shot, but guess what?
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The tumblr!Trent girlies that saw my post were PISSED.
I think it's just the natural fangirl rite of passage to defend your man when he's in drama or being slated by anyone (online especially), and TAA girls don't seem to stand for ANY bullshit
Fair dos, I mean, tbh I like Trent but these user's got me thinking that maybe I don't wanna admit I like him that much 🤐
Either way, conclusion: -August 2022, Trent slid into Mia's dm's -Will made a Tweet laughing at it -Everyone on the Internet trolls Trent for about a week -Will and Mia breakup in Sept/Oct 2023 -Ppl joke it's Trent's time to shoot his shot w Mia again -Girls on Tumblr do not find the Trent joking funny.
Hopefully that's sort of cleared up what all the Trent-Will-Mia posts are about, lmk if i missed anything else out and pls don't send any death threats cuz im having a laugh at trent asw xxx
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de4dlyniightshade · 7 months
heyy :) erm im gonna fangirl really quick and then the request will be at the end incase you wanna skip to that part or anything, lol. okay so this is very much unnecessary and unasked for and blah blah but i don't care! i believe writers need to hear how much we appreciate them and their works because whew mama! ive been trying to write fics for like months and it actually is so horrible. i genuinely start to angrily vibrate bc my thoughts don't flow on the notes app. but i just wanted to say, nightshade, (ehehe that's so cheeky and silly for some reason) that i reallyyy love your work. its actually like horrific how much your writing just makes me so 😜😊🤭 i know you're not like a celebrity or anything, so it's gonna be weird with this like mini parasocial relationship thing, but please know your work has an impact !! a few months ago, i did something extremely bad and out of character while i was spiraling, and i decided that the best decision for me would be to quit using social media. (and beforehand i had quit using tiktok for like 7 months already and i wasn't that addicted to my phone but i still was consuming negative media) so, ofc, i stopped completely for a good month or so and only ever using youtube every now and then. buttttt, one of the first social media platforms i came back to first... was tumblr! it's actually so silly too because i only used tumblr like 4 times beforehand so i was quite new. but anyway anyway (im a yapper UGH) i really found that your posts had made me feel happy :) idk they kinda reminded me of myself before i went big bad that one time and it made me inspired to go back to how i used to be... u get me?? you're writing literally haunts my brain oh my lord it should be illegal to read your stuff because afterwards i literally have this crazy ass urge to read more and more and more. im lowkey an addict cause i be having my deadlynightshade withdrawals. the way you write is just so 😫 gosh, it's beautiful. i also love ur sillyness because like ME TOO. your random little posts are so me coded and i love it. YOU'RE SO FUNNY 😭 uhmm i just wanted to say thanks for being super cool and talented because believe it or not, the stuff you put out makes me really happy! (that was so melodramatic like mf they write about spencer being a pathetic pussy drunk bitch why are you saying it changed ur life?? its true tho.) erm yeah that's the end of that part i just again wanted to thank you 🙏 i wish we were friends SO BAD like you're actually awesome what the fuck.... but like how do u even become friends w ppl?? LMAO ERM ANYWAY 😍 can you write a blurb or h.c or something (honestly anything will make me happy) about valentine's day?? 🤭 basically spencer being SO FUCKING SHY because you can't stop touching his hands or hair subtly or like kissing his cheek leaving marks from lipstick or like getting him his favorite snacks/drinks/books/textures/ basically a gift that made u think about him?? ugh or him doing the same with you like him being the best fucking nerd boy ever and spoiling you so much like he goes ape shit spending well over his funds limit but it's worth it because it's you? or like sweet soft cutie pie sex? at the end of the day and he's like... Erm.. Pussy for 1 please! you were so pretty today... You always are-! (I'm mentally ill and writing this at 8:37 pm on a thursday night.)
this is. the sweetest shit anyone has ever said to me i actually cried ngl to you.
i'm genuinely so thankful for the little community i have created here i never expected such an insane amount of positivity and love from people just for the whack ass shit i write but that's probably just my perpetual self hatred and disbelief that people enjoy anything about me🤞
i think it's crazy how people on the internet who have never met me, don't know me, what i look like, or anything can treat me better than any of my friends have and i'll always be thankful for that.
ALSO! i love being called funny pls kiss me i never think i'm actually funny istg
i was also planning on writing a valentines fic ALREADY but this made me wanna write it even more as a thank you for this message it genuinely made my week(can't promise it ON TIME for valentines but i can try!)
i'm also so glad that my work and blog makes you happy, there's no privilege greater than making someone smile even when they don't feel like it</3
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h5eavenly · 6 months
who tf told yeji? i kinda think it was yuna or woo. i also may be way off but i have a feeling yuna might be jyp gossip too… we don’t actually know that much about her and she was replying to y/n’s posts like a fangirl even before they were friends. she’s also been 100% good/nice so far and from what we’ve seen in this series, nobody is completely good/nice. everybody has a grey area at some point.
poor yeji dude. as much as y/n is going through it, she absolutely deserved this reaction from yeji and hyunjin. i’m glad yeji didn’t hold back and give her a chance to tell hyunjin bc honestly y/n has had so many opportunities to and failed so what difference would her telling him first now make. i also loved that y/n could recognise yeji’s “state of agony” and relate to it, therefore making her feel even more guilty and actually understand the weight of her actions. yeji also asking “what did i ever do to you?” is so fr bc she literally just existed in hyunjin’s life and that was enough for y/n to want to ruin her. to think that this whole chaos started just bc y/n’s toxic level of jealousy.
the imagery of hyunjin melting with y/n, literally begging to hear that it’s just a misunderstanding… fuck that hurt. in a way it was like he was begging to not have to endure the pain of their past again and the regret of letting himself get hurt again. the realisation that his blind trust in y/n has once again been his achilles heel and possibly always will be.
hyunjin telling y/n “it’s always someone else isn’t it” is so true. he reminds her of all the past opportunities he gave her to come clean to him and didn’t, but all she’s replying with is excuses that she was scared to lose him and yeosang’s threats. like ofc yeosang’s threats scared her but at the end of the day she dealt with them poorly until it was too late. so far this series she’s shown she feels remorse for her actions (bet related or not), but she’s always had a habit of preaching excuses or blaming someone else instead of owning her shit. so its understandable for hyunjin to not believe her immediately when she said seungmin forced her (i had a feeling what happened between them wasn’t consensual like i dm’d about). in a way it’s like the kid that cried wolf. from hyunjin’s perspective, she’s the common denominator in so many issues but somehow always finds away to divert blame away from herself.
as much as i wouldn’t blame hyunjin and yeji for never wanting to speak to y/n again i hope they talk about everything properly. i’m ofc looking forward to hyunjin and y/n’s talk, but i also really hope yeji and y/n talk to each other alone too. yeji deserves an explanation more than anyone tbh.
also i’m obsessed with the end referencing the sun (hyunjin) and moon (y/n), that was beautiful and tragic 🖤
i love how i ruined everyone for you that now you just cant trust anyone anymore i cannot 😭😭 i agree i think recognizing the pain in yeji plays a huge part in her guilt ultimately i feel like yeji and yn mirror each other sometimes they both have a sense of darkness to them but yn clearly had it much worse 😞 and yess yn feels remorse for her actions but instead of dealing with the consequences she runs away a lot and withers in self pity and hatred instead which is toxic as well
aww im so glad you liked it my love🥹🩷🩷🩷 this was so much fun to read i.just wanna kiss ur brain cus ugh its so sexy i love it this is one of my fav notes of urs i think tysmmm for blessing me w it🩷🩷🩷
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sungbeam · 1 year
hi friend as your biggest fan u already know im always gonna hype u up so have my lengthy answers to the ask game:
1. My fav fic of yours - flight risk......im pretty sure its the first fic of yours ive ever read but oh god its SO good erics character and everything abt it ??? Had me feeling butterflies so many times i screamed and yelled into my pillow. Also inspired me a lot in my writing slump and like... i dont wanna be cheesy but helped me mentally bc i read it when i was having a rough time 😭👍 but also PARTY PEOPLE !!!!! so good. SO so good. oh and also the sunwoo hoodie drabble owns my ass i reread it like 5 times already
2. My fav chapter in my fav fic of yours - not my fav fic but the kiss scene in the practice room in off the record ??? slaps
3. The best character youve written for - swing my way eric honestly. so authentic to him imo TT i just adore his character in that fic a whole lot.
6. Something i remember vividly - that scene from flight risk when eric asked sunwoo if he wants to go skate w them and sunwoo goes "no, im down" and eric is like wtf and so sunwoo goes "no, im down. laying down in my bed" or something (the memory is not 100% vivid as u can see) but I legit slapped my knee that was PEAK COMEDY for me
7. Something that made me emotional after reading - that one chapter of somewhere only we know when intak describes how he wishes he could hear his brothers voice sometimes because if he missed him in that way maybe it would hurt less. That whole series is...very personal to me in sense of grief :,)
8. What i like the most about your writing - THE UNIVERSES U CREATE and like. The friendships and the characterization of each character and how theyre all their own person and not just a tool for plot. Also your comedy in fics it always has me giggling
9. A fic im excited for you to post - sangyeons love in unity fic bc i need to know whats up w that secret gf
12. A fic of yours ive reread - hoodie talk LMAO
13. Have i talked to anyone else abt your fics - yes i fangirled to my friend abt u multiple times also we talked abt rhapsody anonymous after it came out 😭👍
YOU. i will actually ksbfkenfkndkfnf 😭 i love u, bar !!! ur support of me has literally been the saving grace to my writing motivation; every time i write something, i always have u in the back of my mind and i wonder what you'd say/react and if you'll like it 🤧
makes me really happy to hear that my writing helped you through a rough time in your life 😔 i wrote party people and flight risk and even hoodie talk during a ,,, emotionally stiff part of my life where i felt super isolated and emotionally constipated, so it's good to know that the feelings i wanted translated *were* translated correctly, if that makes sense
HELLO I LOVE THE PRACTICE ROOM KISS TOO SKFNDKFNJFNF sorry coughs uhm haha def not like biased or anything *looks away*
OMG THAT LINE FROM FLIGHT RISK 💀 i actually thought i was so clever for that one, thank u for mentioning it and sknfkd YAY thank god u found it funny 😭😭 IN GENERAL, the fact that u find me funny at ALL is like ,,, im punching the sky rn im actually celebrating 🤧
ik i prob said this in the reblog of that one chapter of the intak fic, but that series also holds a really tender place in my heart :') grief is one of the things i feel like isn't written abt very much here, and i always seem to leave traces of it wherever i go, so it's nice to know someone can connect to the grief theme </3
thank you thank you thank you for all you've done for me (more than you even know), and for just being so flippin cool :'))) 💖
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Introducing Ask Skyverse and Chill!
Sky: Hello internet! Skyverse and Chill crew here! Welcome to our new ask blog! We're all generally pretty new to this sort of thing, so please be patient and ask us anything! Anyways, I'm Sky! I'm just your average BF fangirl from one of the best mods! You've probably heard of me, so I won't linger too long. UwU Hey girls...and Skychi, go ahead and introduce yourselves! Skyblue: Oh, hey guys! I'm Blue...u-uh...I've never really done this sorta thing before either, so uh...w-well I like good food and funny j-jokes and...uh... Faker Sky: Psht, relax. We all know everyone loves you because they're horny. Skychi: Okay, who the heck let HER onto this blog?! Faker Sky: Ski. Ski: Hi guys! ^w^ Skychi: [sigh] ...why did we let her run the account? Sky: Because she's the most friendly, ALRIGHT?! Now can you all PLEASE let Skyblue continue? Skyblue: ...o-oh...I-I was pretty much done already! S-sorry! Sky: [sigh] ...then let's move onto Skychi, please? Skychi: Okay, sup anons? I'm Skychi, the cool and based one. My interests are anime, manga, technology, and guns.
Faker Sky: Wow, kinda cringe, TBH.
Skychi: Bitch, SHUT UP, I'm talking!
Faker Sky: Fine, gosh. Sky: You're going last now. Skychi, continue. Faker Sky: OH MOTHERF- Sky: SKYCHI, CONTINUE! Skychi: So uh...yeah, anyways I'm probably the only one here besides Ski who isn't relentlessly fucking horny. Any/all pronouns are fine, but I prefer they/them. Sky: Oh that reminds me, everyone else, list your pronouns. I'm she/her. Faker Sky: Bitch, ALL the rest of us are she/her. Neeeeeext! Sky: [sigh] Skychi: Anyways, I'm a genderfluid, badass memelord. I don't drink, but I occasionally smoke. Also I'm the most fourth wall aware. Skyblue: Ohhhhh, is that what this is? Faker Sky: Oh god, please tell me we didn't fucking invite Miko to this. She's a fucking terminally online loser. ...no offense Skychi. Skychi: None taken, and GOD no, don't worry. Ski wanted to, but it didn't pan out. Ski: She's just kept screaming and saying "Get that thing away from me!" when I tried to ask her, and she seemed so scared, and I felt so baaaaaaad! 😭
Faker Sky: Heh...dumb bitch thinks you're dangerous because I like you, lol. Sky: Fak-...Sky, shut up! Faker Sky: Fiiiiine... Sky: Skychi? Skychi: Eh, I'm done. Ski? Ski: Hi everyone! I'm Ski and I wanna meet new friends here! 😄 I like to sing and make lots of arts and crafts! But my favoritest thing is to spend time with my friends! ...that's it! ^w^ Faker Sky: ...that's it? Ski: I am a creature of simple comforts. Faker Sky: Okay, baller. Sup, dorks? I'm just your totally normal, ordinary Sky. The best Sky, and don't you forget it! I like eating creepypasta (the edginess and negativity soothes my soul) and also hanging out with these weirdos sometimes, I guess. Anyway, I'm single and ready to mingle, so- Sky: Sky, this isn't a dating app. Faker Sky: Oh, I know. Skychi: [sigh] ...this isn't a lewd roleplay account either, Faker. Faker Sky: Then why the fuck are we on tumblr in 2023?! Ski: Elon Musk killed Twitter. Faker Sky: Oh yeah, I forgot why I agreed to this. Yeah, that makes sense. Still, I'm gonna miss that god awful bird site. Skychi: Don't. I almost made an account there, but decided not to. Best decision of my fucking life, lol
Faker Sky: Yeah, but I like to feed off the negativity and engage with assholes while also being a bigger asshole...anyways I'm here if you wanna ask me or my dork friends any questions. Also, did I mention that I am absolutely not a lovecraftian monstrosity in disguise, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying? Skychi: Dude, we've already seen your eldritch form. Faker Sky: ...you have? Sky: Yes?! Skychi: SEVERAL times! Faker Sky: ...when? Skychi: Bitch, you tried to eat Blue! Faker Sky: ...oh. ...shit. So anyway, Skychi is lying. Skychi: [groans and facepalms] Faker Sky: Anyways, we'll be here whenever we feel like it, so I guess ask your silly questions, dorks! Sky out! Sky: [sigh] ...Skys out.
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anyhao-archived · 6 years
so uhhhh im pretty much 90% decided im gonna go see vav in dallas... i just wish there was someone to go with i dont want to be there alone rdghdhfg i just ... despite the long ass drive & being alone i wanna see baron again :(
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
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So, you’re in the club room with Daichi just innocently chatting bc the rest of the team is LATE and Daichi showed up on time like the responsible man he is
So you’re just chilling when all of a sudden, you remember that random TikTok you saw like 5 months ago
Smiling shyly, you walk towards Daichi mid-sentence and just...drop to your knees
Has no idea what you’re doing until you look up at him innocently
Daichi knows that look
Daichi fears that look cause that means he’s about to get his soul sucked out of his body
“Y-Y/N? Here, really? Anyone could walk in—” He stutters, eyes wide
“What do you mean Daichi?” You blink innocently, turning your head, “I’m just picking up a volleyball.”
You pick up the stray ball and Daichi just stands there, shellshocked
“What’d you think I was doing?” you ask, right as the other guys burst in
“Daichi, y/n!” Hinata runs up to guys, totally oblivious to his captain’s face, “Guess what?!”
“What’s wrong with him?” Suga wonders as Daichi just stands there, frozen in time
You smirk, “Dunno. Guess he’s just excited to blow off some steam today.”
You’re bold bold
You’re in the MIDDLE of the library when you decide to tease him, shimmering underneath the table and between his legs
Oikawa feels something poking at him so he looks down, and almost screeches when he sees your head
“Y/N-Chan! What are you doing? We’re in a library oh god—”
As much as he loves the suck™️ now is not the time, he just so happens to spot some of his teammates and panics
“Calm down Tooru,” you giggle, getting back to his level and sitting down. “I was just hiding from some of your fangirls. They have it out for me, you know?”
At first, Oikawa doesn’t respond and honestly you think you broke him for a second
But then, a sly smile grows on his face and he chuckles
“Well played, my sweet dove,” he smirks, shaking his head, “You had me fooled for a moment, I have to admit. But I’m gonna get you back, you know that right?”
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” you say innocently, but Oikawa is giving you that look™️ which means you’re seriously gonna regret this later
So you wanna play a funny prank on your boyfriend
Good luck LMAO
Ushi doesn’t even react when you bend towards his crotch, just watches you like 👁👄👁??
You make a move to give him the eyes™️ the ones that let him know he’s about to get that gluck gluck 3000
But he doesn’t,,, do anything??
He’s completely still and then he has the NERVE to call you out
“Y/N what are you doing?” he says so loudly the whole damn cafeteria stares at you 😩😑
You’re like 😐 “Really Ushi?” and get back up embarrassed as hell
Like cut the cameras, deadass
Now he’s really not getting the gluck and he’s so confused when you’re mad later on LMAOO
Suga’s been so stressed from practice he doesn’t even mind when you pull him to the club room, just sighing in relief when you drop to your knees
“Finally,” You feel SO BAD when he starts smiling and grabbing at your hair, “You know just what I need, don’t you sweetheart? You’re so attentive— god I love you.”
You wanna back out so bad cause Suga actually really does need a stress reliever but you power through somehow
“Baby what are you talking about I was just gonna tie your shoes,” You tell him and you feel so bad :(
Suga looks so disappointed you’re actually so mad at yourself
“Oh,” He frowns and steps away, “W-Well thanks...”
“Suga, baby—”
Forget those damn shoes, Suga’s getting that neck right there and then cause there’s no way you’re gonna do him dirty like that
Y’all come back like twenty mins later like “Heyyy~” 👀 and everyone just knows cause Suga is absolutely killing it out there and he’s so positive and motivated
Low key Daichi doesn’t mind him being gone for that long he’s like “THANK GOD THANK YOU Y/N,” and now Suga is back thanks to you :)
Poor Tobio is sweating
PLS he’s so stressed
You’re in the middle of the gym and you’re?? In front of his dick??
Kags.exe has left the chat
He’s wide eyed, a stuttering mess and you smirk cause it’s working perfectly
“Something wrong Kageyama?” You ask innocently, knowing he’s putty in your hands
“S-Someone...someone’s gonna walk in— Daichi, Suga, Hinata,” He’s rambling cause he doesn’t know what else to do cause you’re getting closer and closer and closer and —
“Well good then, they’ll see how hard you’re working,” You tell him proudly, scooping up the stray volleyball and handing it to him
“You didn’t actually think...?” You trail off, knowing damn well he did. “...Kags?”
Congrats you broke him
Now you’re gonna have to explain to Daichi why Suga’s gonna have to set for the day LMAO
Pls don’t do him like that
He’s absolutely gonna FREAK
Dropping his controller in an instant to stare at you with wide eyes
Tsukki’s on the other end yelling at him about dying but Tadashi is literally too shook to even care about losing cause HELLO?
His beautiful partner is crouching between his legs giving him a look™️
“Yes baby?” You blink innocently, tilting your head
“W-We’re gonna do that now? Here? Tsukki, he—”
“I knew it!” Tadashi jumps when you suddenly pull a hair tie from the ground, trying to hold in your laugh. “I left my favorite scrunchie here, thanks for keeping it safe Yams! You’re the best!”
You kiss his cheek and Tadashi is stunned
Not only does he have to process that he’s not getting head, he’s also gonna have to deal with the fact that Tsukki is gonna kill him and now he’s hard
“...Yams?” Awe you feel so bad
Please give him the suck he deserves it after Tsukki comes through the screen to choke him out
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bbjimin-dududu · 3 years
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For starters, I have no idea how to do this🤩-
Anyways ajkdsjkd it was such an eventful year! There have been times when I plainly wanted to punch everyone out of existence, there have been moments when the world seemed to beautiful to let go. ;-; All i want to say is, I don't think I'd have made this far in a decent state of mind without this blog. Without all my followers and mutuals and everyone and everything lovely that exists on this hellsite. It's been over one year, ever since I first got this blog, but the friends, creations and memories that I have found here, are simply timeless.
This isn't a milestone celebration or a follow forever. It's a let's-welcome-2022-but-also-mutual-appreciation-post.
Wishing that everyone had a delightful Christmas, and now, I hope all of you could bid 2021 a much needed💀 goodbye, and look forward to a better, kinder, softer 2022. Trust me, the coming year will go just as fast as 2021 did. But hopefully, it'll treat you well. I hope, that anyone who's reading this, knows that you have never been alone. You've always been loved, and I pray that there should be so many amazing things waiting for all of us in 2022. Given the current situation, please do take utmost care of yourselves and let's all wait for the day when we're finally a step closer to being together, in all aspects. Love you guys 3000!💞💞💞
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Let me *stands on a podium* start with my personal ramblings now<3
@intokook : ivy my beloved, bestest bestie award goes to you😔😔 i haveN'T KNOWN A MOMENT OF PEACE SINCE I GOT TO KNOW YOU BIT- anyways😔 thank you so much for allll the ramblings in the google doc, for random convos about anything at all, for caring about me every chance that you could, and simply just for being there. never leave this hellsite without telling me or you'll have a parcel called pristine at your doorstep, i love you💕💕
@taechnological : sae!!! you're that one chaotic friend that everyone secretly wants to befriend you know?🥺 your threads and your energy is really something that I endlessly love!! thank you so much for always matching my vibe, and here's to soooo many more crackheaded moments together, i love you💕💕
@gimbapchefs : nat :( i've always adored you from afar, even before we became moots, i just adore you sm :( you're like a soft marshmallow :( thank you for being there for my nutty self and for every other interaction that we've had! you're super cute :( i love you💕💕
@kimtaegis : annie!! i feel like a little fangirl blushing about whenever i interact with you💀 being friends w you is such an honour you don't even know!!! if you ever wanna talk about anythingggg please do hmu :( thank you so much for all the interactions we've had, and i def await so much more, i love you💕💕
@euphhorias : Liv omg😭 we started talking a LOT recently, and i really really couldn't be happier :( you're the elder version of me as i've already said and!! i'll always use the jikook line on you🥺 thank you for making me feel soft, loved and cared for all the freaking time, i love you💕💕
@blonghoonie : Rainie my beloved :( words leave me when it comes you :( you're so so full of love, for everyone, it just makes me so warm inside whenever i see you on my dash, whenever we're talking or spamming asks to each other💀 thank you for loving Pimin so much with me :( please know that i'm always here for you, i love you💕💕
@gentleyoon : Emily! We interact sometimes, but I just want to take this chance to tell you that I absolutely adore you and your presence on my dash! Everything about you screams gentle and loving :( please always be super lovely like this, there couldn't be a more lovelier version of you, i love you💕💕
@minieggukie : Kris hahsjhsk even as i type this, I'm instantly reminded of so many moments of Jimin, that I kinda associate w you :') thank you so much for the lovely set that you made for me on my bday, i still go back to it sm :((( and thank you posting that pic of jimin which i shall continue to reblog for the rest of my life😭😭 thank you for alllll the interactions we've had, you're amazing, i love you💕💕
@bluejaem : Aditi miss ma'am WE HAVE TO INTERACT MORE AND CAUSE CHAOS ON HELLSITE.COM PLEASE :') thank you so much for every other interaction that we've had! def loving jaemin hours 24/7 for you and loving jimin hours 24/7 for me, but let's spare a teeny tiny minute for each other🥴 please always take care of yourself, i love you💕💕
@daech-witless : Parker my boi :( One of my first first friends here!!! Lately I've been kinda busy, so haven't found much time to catch up with you🥺 i hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself🥺 thank you so much for always lifting my mood with your sweet asks, you're the bestie #1💀, i love you💕💕
@i4taee : Pepper my babieeeee!!! Idk what to say, I just fully wholly adore you to bits and pieces and atoms!!! You're an absolute sweetheart, always going about and taking care of people! Bless your loving heart, I'm so so so damn glad to have found you here! Please always spread love this way, and spare lots of it for yourself too!! I love you💕💕
@cherryvmin : Keerthana :(((((( the taehyung to my jimin truly :(((( thank you so much for being such a strong support at any given time, thank you so so much for all the moments we've shared. i wish only the best for you, you're an amazing person and you deserve soooooooooo much!!! I love you💕💕
@stayjimin : Luna!!! For the 3489573985th I miss you!!!!!! You're hug-shaped :( I just cannot ever stop loving you :(( you remind me of jimin more than anyone else :((( i hope you're taking good care of yourself, and i hope that we can interact so much more!! I love you💕💕
@megmargaretmarch : Meg... you're not here lately, but please know that whenever you're back, I'll be waiting just with open arms for you to come and give me a hug :( I reallllllly miss all the chaotic interactions that we had early in the year, and I hope we could go back to it soon. Thank you for making me feel loved when I was lonely. I love you💕💕
@hello-yav : Thanking heavens you decided to send me that anon ask Yav. Else I'd never have the privilege of meeting such a beautiful soul as you. Please always know that you're loved okay? I'm always always here for you. I love you💕💕
@hendeurigf : Lacey! For one, I'm glad I decided to take the step of sending anons to you. IgnorING THE FACT THAT I REVEALED MY IDENTITY accidentally ._. it's been an absolutely amazing thing knowing you :( You're a really sweet person, and you deserve so so many good things. I hope 2022 brings you far more love than 2021, and I hope you can focus on the positive things in life and learn to love yourself. Till then, I'm here for you and I love you💕💕
@diorkoo : Ash!!! I adore you so much!!!!!!! You're one of my strongest supports, always there to cheer for me when things take a shit turn. Please see how self-less you are, it's such a rare and wonderful thing to see!! You don't even know how grateful I am for you :( Please be kinder to yourself, I love you💕💕
@loveonthefloormp3 : Wifey #1 James😔💍 Let's just get married and adopt a cat eh?💀 Then we'll collectively fangirl over Ryujin and Yeji- anyways, thank you for always making my day by mentioning me in cat posts, soft posts, and anything really! Just makes me everything to know that you've thought of me :(( Please maintain touch with me for a loooooooong time, I love you💕💕
@jimeanour : Manny my fellow jm enthusiast🤠 we recently started interacting, buT BUT BUT i feel i can relate to you soooo much in soooooooo many different things!! I'm damn glad we match each other's vibe and I hope to get even more close in the coming year! I love you💕💕
@noceurrealm : âme my love :( you're the most adorable, fluffiest, goofiest little ball of sunshine ever!!! For one, I love talking to you and even if it's just rambling, I'd leave everything to just come to talk to you :((((( Please be kinder to yourself, I love you💕💕
@softhaeshine : Mimi!!!!! Marry me- 🥴 Libra-Sag energy high in the house hasdfkjs I'm so so damn glad that I've found you here! I really want to never ever stop talking to you :( you're an amazing person with such a pretty heart, so full of love, I don't see why anyone would not fall in love w you!!!! Let's interact so much more in the coming year!! I love you💕💕
@imdamnconfused : Kikiiiiiiiii my beloved angel darling lovely sis!!!!!! Let us meet some day PLEASE so I can give you the tightest hug ever!!!! You're one whom I can always always count on, no matter what :( Please always stay goofy like this, sending soooooooo many hugs your way!! I love you💕💕
@liza-empress-of-emojis : Liza!! you give off such positive vibes all the time :( I'm very very proud of you, despite all the hardships in your life, you're still fighting your way through life, and trust me, I respect that so damn much.🦋 Please always take care of yourself and spread love and never change! I love you💕💕
@ackergrr : have to agree I really really missed your memes when you were gone😭 I'm really glad that you're back and continuing with the same cursed head-assery and I'm more than willing to join you<3333 Thank you for leaving me with a light heart and smiles all the time, I love you💕💕
@avizou : Awi!!!!!! I have so much love for you and i'm sorry i don't quite get a chance to show it :( You're elder than me, but you never ever make me feel different in any way. I have so much admiration for you and the amazing things that you post!!! I really hope the universe sends 10x the love to you that you give out, I love you💕💕
@starryjongseong : Oi Pranaya my lil sis ;-; taking this chance to say that I've not found much time to talk to you as of late :( I hope you're doing fine and please know that you're one of the cutest bubbiest sweetest people I know!! I'm always gonna be here if you need to talk, I love you💕💕
@jieunssi : Amal :( It's been a looooong time since we've been moots, and I must agree it's been so lovely knowing you, and interacting with you!! I don't think I've mentioned, but you're quite elder to me, so I look up to you a lot! You're so soft and loving inside-out, I love you💕💕
@parkdiaries-main-deactivated202 : Chae. I'll wait for you for as long as this hellsite exists. I found so much in you. The Chandler to my Joey, the toast to my butter. I love you so damn much. And I miss you so much. I don't know if you've returned and can simply not find me because of my url change, or if you've still not come, but either ways I'll wait. I'll wait for you to return so that I can be your significant bother once again. I'm praying that everything is well w you, I love you💕💕
@thatredwine : Erl!!! It's been next-level amazing being moots w you!! Every single interaction that we've had so far is just so hfdjakhdafsd and screams chaos :') I hope to have so many such amazing moments with you in the coming year! Please remain healthy and happy genuinely, I love you💕💕
@lost-leopard-beanie : Emma darling🥺🥺 you dshjsddsj idk what to say!!! you're so damn sweet and cute and precious and I just want to wrap you in bubble-wrap and keep you for myself and take care of you🥺🥺🥺 please always be confident about what you do, and know that you're loved!! I love you💕💕
@min-boongie : Réka🥺 I relate to you in so many different things, you wouldn't even know :( Who Yoongi is to you, Jimin is to me. Every time you're just mushy rambling about yoon I cannot help but think that it's exactly the way I cry over jimin :( and it gives me so much reassurance to know, that there are soft beloved souls like you on this planet :( I hope you're able to fulfill your priorities in life and that you get the love that you deserve in 2022. I love you💕💕
@yuniixoxo : Yuni!!!! You're the sweetest sweetest sweetesttttttttt person around!! You never fail to put a smile on my face, and I simply cherish you soooooooooooooo much for that!! Thank you for existing, and for being you, I hope you get sooooo much love in 2022! I love you💕💕
@jaefmin : Vidhi/Ara :') I don't think you know, but you're super super cute and always carry around an enthusiastic vibe around you!! I'm so glad to have befriended you here, and I hope that we can get closer in the coming year! I love you💕💕
@stray-kiss : Maluuuu bestie we gotta interact more😔😔 I hope everything's been well with you and I hope you're taking care of yourself :(( you're always so nice and kind to me, thank you so much for every interaction that we've had :(( I love you💕💕
@pyxisadamo : Joy🥺🥺 I get kinda emotional when it's about you idk dhjsjhsd you've been treating me so carefully, showering so much love upon me, I really couldn't be happier :( I'm so so thankful for you, for everything and I really hope that 2022 brings love and happiness to you :(( I hope we can interact more in a few years, anddd I love you💕💕
@pjmsdior : Isabella!!!!! Sweetest person on this planet!!!!!!! You never ever fail to bring happiness to anyone! If there's anyone on this site who's the kindest person I've met, it's literally you. You're no lesser than an angel, you've got so much love to give out and you always place everyone above you. I hope that the universe is always kind to you and I'm sending you the most gigantic jimin-hug ever to thank you for everything!! I love you💕💕
@hobeah : Niki!!! You're a sweetheart is all I can manage to say because!!!!! I adore you sooooooooooooooo much!!! I still remember how madly happy I was when we became moots :( Thank you so so much for being you, for being so lovely, for everything!!!! I love you💕💕
@marvelousbangtan : Crystal<3 I can understand that life is being really hard on you right now. So I'm praying that the universe brings you better things in 2022 and lots of strength to heal from what you're going through. I promise you'll be fine real soon, please take care of yourself, I love you💕💕
@serotaejin : Literally gives me a serotonin rush whenever i interact with you why!!!🥴🦋 You're a reallly sweet amazing nice polite lovely etc etc etc person and I just have sooooooo much love for you!! Thank you for much for being moots w me and loving me i'm so damn grateful :(((( I love you💕💕
@cosyserendipity : Sonja :(( you're such a beautiful and warm person, inside out! All little interactions, sweet asks and mentions and just you being there for me is something that I cherish very very very dearly :( I hope you have an amazinggggggg year ahead, I love you💕💕
@userjiminie : Rafa!!! By god I'm so so thankful to you for alllll the amazing jikook content that you serve! Like I couldn't be more jealous of them😵- hehe dshkjdsf anyways thank you so much for your amazing presence and just always know that you're beloved okay??? I love you💕💕
@marethetic : Mare :(( Idk when you'll see this, but whenever you do, please know that I cherish you so so so damn much. You're my first first real friend online EVER and I'm so damn glad that I decided to post on weverse that day. You replied, we became close, exchanged numbers dude!!! We have to meet one day for I want to give you the tightest hug everrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Thank you for everything, for listening to my ramblings and for always supporting me! You make me feel safe and loved. I hope you have an amazing year ahead!! I love you💕💕
@kithtaehyung : Ryen!!! I'm just so much in awe of you all the damn time!!!!!!! Thank you for the amazing creations that you put out, thank you for supporting my creations and just generally thank you for being such a wonderful person!!! Looking forward to interacting this year!!! I love you💕💕
@psycho-mocha : [extremely late mention because i'm a shithead] Mocha!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE talking to you :(((( it makes me so damn happy to see your messages in my dms every once in a while, and the random topics that we ramble about- *ahem* anyways, dear light of my life, always keep shining like a pretty little light, and i hope this year treats you just as well!!!! I love you💕💕
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Lovingly yours,
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