theminecraftbee · 8 months
got to talking with some friends about traffic!cleo before tomorrow and. do you ever think about how traffic!cleo is only ever happy in the endings where she does early enough it’s before anyone she cares about. how in third life she seems annoyed but satisfied with her ending, and in limited life she describes it as “happy endings are about where you end your story”. but in limited life she’s so angry and sad for so long because she loses the fairy fort to mistrust so EARLY. and in double life she holds on until she can’t hold on anymore, can’t force herself to take a shot that will hurt scott, and has one of the single most tragic stories in that entire series?
because like. I do. I think about this a lot.
no matter how much I want cleo to win. I don’t think traffic!cleo wants to. I think, for her, that’s the last thing in the world she wants, actually.
all she wants is to hold on to her people and never have to lose them.
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iheartred · 2 years
the blackphone x reader
how I think having class with them would be like
cw : fluff/crack / reader has no gender
a/n : I'm sorry in advance because this'll be rushed from how exhausted I am dhwjdbd anyways hope yall enjoy 🙏
Finney Blake :
I feel liked he's zone out in class a lot, he wouldn't mean to he just does
Teacher : so then when
Finney (daydreaming) : ☆☆
You : Finney?? Did you die or somethin-
Finney : huh???
And he looks at you weird for a minute and tells you to pay attention as if he wasn't just looking off into space
he will draw on his notes when he's done with his work, like by the end off class there's atleast 50 different stars drawn on his test
(he gets scolded for it)
I also feel like he'd accidently turn on his little flashlight on his rocket Keychain, then the teacher would confiscate it and he'd have to tell you,Robin, and Gwen to wait for him outside the office
Robin Arellano :
He would also zone out a lot, or he'd focus on one part of the classroom and just put all his attention into it
So if the thing he's focusing on moves or gets disturbed by the wind from outside he'll flinch
You : You good Robin??
Robin : huh
You : you just flinched??
Robin : oh my bad
And then he'd just go back to focusing on it
But other than that I feel like he'd really try hard to pay attention, asking questions even if they are a little embarrassing the teachers are very appreciative that he's asking questions and being involved
I feel like he'd also play tic tac toe with you but on YOUR notebook
Robin : wanna play tic-tac-toe?
You : sure
Robin : okay
Then proceeds to discard the perfectly good piece of paper he has on his desk and writes in your notebook. With a pen.
Bruce Yamada :
Hes the one guy the teacher yells at to stop throwing his trash across the room into the trash can
Like he'd make it into it but the teacher would be like "absolutely not" and scold everyone in the class about how they should not being throwing or littering on school grounds
Everyone just glares at Bruce for the rest of the lecture
I feel like he fidgets a lot and ends up shaking the table while you're righting
You : I
Bruce : hm?
You : you just pushed the table
Bruce : I did ?
He says as his leg is literally under your desk pushing your legs out of the way
You punch him in the shoulder after class
Hes really smart and passes all his classes so he tends to goof off when he's done with his work
Meaning that he will talk your ear off(quietly of course)
Bruce : I got a new scare while practicing this morning, OH and oh my God my sister ending up spilling her paint water in my jersey which turned it blue and purple when my parents washed it, ooh also did I ever tell you about that one game I had?? This guys throw was so-
Then he'd go on and on, not like you'll say anything because it's literally so sweet to hear him talking about whatever he lov-
You : please I'm trying to work
Bruce : oh right my bad
(sike mwahah)
Vance hopper :
An absolute menace
Probably won't even show up to class
if he did the teacher would make him sit in the front, he would've sat there anyways because his eye sight is sh-t
Plus his bangs it makes things so much more worse
Vance : hey
You : yea?
Vance : what was the last question??
The board is literally right infront of his face as he says this
Hes definitely the type of guy to just throw his paper in his bag
You can see he has a folder because it's bright red but he decides to stuff it in there with a million other pieces of crumpled assignments under two notebooks
he'd also be the guy to aggressively tap on his tesk with his pencil and whenever someone tells him to stop he threatens to punch them square in the face
Now if someone reversed it on him to give him a taste of his own medicine pray for them because they will absolutely not being seeing tomorrow
Billy Showalter :
Hes very quiet in class and his teachers adore him, I also feel like everyone low-key loves him
Hes so nice that you can't even insult him for being a nerd
Someone : Hey Billy!
Billy : hm? You need something?
Someone : Yea!
Billy : oh maybe I could help you with that
Then they'd chicken out and end up asking for a pencil
Hed be so confused when they walked away sulking
He asks questions about upcoming tests, assignments, and other homework
I also feel like he'd stay quiet if there was homework the other night the teacher forgot to grade
Everyone would be shocked everytime because he's such a straight A student so he knew there was homework
But that meant he also had the power to absolutely ruin everyone's day so no one messed with him
other than that I feel like he'd also tell you to be quiet while I'm class, even if you're done with all your work
You : hey bil-
Billy : shh
You : hu-
Billy : shhh
You :
Billy : shhhh
You : I didn't even say anything that time ???
☆ ☆ ☆
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ayoharuko · 2 years
~Genshin Impact bf headcanons~
Hello hello this is my first ever post that is about uhm something? And yea about the boys now this will be in parts this one is part 1 about the Monstadt guys and the second one might be posted tomorrow? idk depends...i have school and homework to do soo it really depends.
Now this will contain headcanons, nicknames, voice line about you(when traveler asks about you) and an voice line about them talking to you. ALSO what tpye of bf I think they would be!
There might be spelling and grammar errors so beware and sorry. and this is from my notes and I wanna share it! of course might be cringe or occ sorry about that...
Anyways I hope you enjoy this!
(Mondstadt Boys)
Diluc Of Mondstadt (Diluc Ragnvindr)
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~Overprotective Boyfriend~
Yea that's right...he's overprotective REALLY overprotective like he doesn't let you go home alone at night... We all know there's a reason behind this behavior of he's so he has ptsd about it.... If he's too overbearing and protective sometimes it leads to fights between you both...which is quickly solved the next day.
I believe in the saying that he sings or hums to you when you guys are taking a nap/sleep.
Let's you style he's hair...even If it's...too much..he will wear it with pride when he goes somewhere or the tavern, he just doesn't have the heart to ruin it..because YOU did it. Feel bad for someone who comments about he's hair-. Now I think he's used to it tho...since when he's baby sitting Klee she also likes to style he's hair.
Buys you flowers. Red roses to be specific with
He likes holding your hand or you holding he's arm in public that's probably the only pda I imagine him doing in public.
Definitely gives you he's coat when your cold and it's sooo warm~
When he goes to he's nightly duties. He sometimes comes hom with wounds/injuries of course when you catch him returning it results in you treating him and scolding him.
He knows he's sometimes hard to love...so he appreciates how patient you are with him :)
That's why to him even if he's a Pyro user your the fire who lights up he's world💕
Nicknames:Darling, love, sweetheart and my world
Voice lines about you: "Huh? What about y/n? Are they alright? Are they ok? Are they-. Oh...don't scare me like that traveler...what? Can I not worry about my lover?"
When he talks to you: "My love...my world...please understand...i..im sorry if I'm too overbearing and protective sometimes... I just....dont wanna lose you..."
Calvary Captain "No horses" (Kaeya Alberich)
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~Flirty Boyfriend~
This boy has NO SLAME like whenever yall are out on a date he kisses you in public, flirts with you and the thing he loves the most is.... teasing you. He thinks your cute when your red🤦‍♀️
He flirts back with other people for fun because he likes to see you jealous thinks your cute when your mad (jerk)
You guys have makeouts in alleyways....
He's the only one who can tease you and see your cute reactions....if someone else does...well...pray for them-
Definitely flirts with you when he's drunk, Like the cheesey pick up lines too😂
Also sometimes forgets about you too being a couple when he's drunk so he just flirts with you as if you guys met for the first time
Flirts with you infront of Diluc to piss him off hahaha-
Boy is a SLUT and SIMP for you. FIGHT ME👿
But over-all he really loves you alot...it takes time for him to actually trust you. And he prefers not to tell he's dark secret...since he's afraid of losing you...
He has nightmares about he's homeland and about you.... When you don't wake up he holds you close to him praying you'll not leave him...
He's very open on pda
Imagine a accidental confession because he was drunk...it would either be cute or hot-
To him your the fire that breaks he's icey walls.
Nicknames:Babe, baby and hottie
Voice line about you: "Hm..what? I seen distracted? haha...so you noticed...im thinking about a...certain someone. You think it's y/n? why why...your right~ I am thinking about them...."
When he talks to you: "Heyyy there hottie~ what? I'm not drunk~! Anyways are you single? Ehhh your not?? Wait what I'm your boyfriend?? Ohohoh..lucky me~
"Barsabatoes" (Venti)
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~Sunshine Boyfriend~
Our favorite tone deaf bard always smiles when he's around you, Like a sun smiling down at you
He definitely takes you on rides on davalin and he has told davalin that if something happens to him...davalin would be the one protecting you.
He sometimes let's the wind blow to you or plays with you with the wind
When your upset/sad he will do ANYTHING to make you smile again... He cherishes your beautiful smile so please smile for him...
Writes songs and poems about you and then sings it infront of everyone infront of he's statue, soo sweet💕
When your gone he asks the traveler where you are or just looks for you
begs you to buy him wine since he's broke-
He sometimes has nightmares about he's friend and when he does... He wakes up with tears falling down he's face... Please comfort him that you won't leave him too...
He makes you promise him you won't leave him early....
He plays he's lyre when you lay your head in he's lap while humming or singing a song to you
I believe that he can still turn into he's old form which is a wind spirit and when he's does(rarely) He flies around you and cuddles into your face, neck or head!. Man in the form seals your money-
You complete he's life because without you he feels as if he's world is windless despite being the anemo archon
Nicknames: My windblume, My muse and my love
Voice line about you: "Hey traveler! Have you seen y/n? No? Aww..i miss them... their only been gone for 2 hours? That's too long!"
When he talks to you: "My dear windblume...my muse...promise me you'll never leave me early....ok? why? Well...who will buy me wine!? ow ow ow...im only half joking...maybe..ehe"
Unlucky Precious Boi (Bennet)
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~Insecure Boyfriend~
Sadly I think of him as the inscure tpye... why? well because he knows he's unlucky and he knows it WILL affect you...
So please reasure this poor boy....he needs it
On a normal day you both go on adventures together! Like going on mountains or just doing tasks and commissions
Takes you on campsite in dragonspine and look at the sunset while cuddling in a thick blanket. (MY HEART💘
You help him patch wounds up when he's injured
I can imagine him asking he's dad's for advice (Kaeya and Dliuc)
He's just a cute insecure boy who needs kisses, cuddles and reasurence :)
Nicknames: My goodlucky charm
Voice line about you: "H-How are they Barbara? There doing fine? Oh... thank Barbados...i shouldn't have fed them my soup...my bad luck again..."
When he talks to you: "You really are my Goodluck charm! I-I'm lucky your with me...thanks for sticking with me"
Cute Wolf Boy (Razor)
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~Clueless Boyfriend~
By clueless I mean your he's first EVER ONLY love...so he's VERY new to this weird feeling we call love
He takes you haunting with him and cooks you food!
Introduces you to he's wolf family and they love you~ Like imagine you guys and them cuddling all that fluff...omg heaven💕
He probably tells Lisa about you and tells what he's feeling...she giggles at this and tells him he just loves you alot~
He always goes to Lisa to talk about you since he thinks she's very smart and she just gives him advice and teaches him about dates and such things about love.
even if he's technically not a wolf he acts like one...like he likes headpats and when he sees you he's imaginary tail starts wagging.
Since he's vocabulary isn't that good he likes when you guys do things that are quiet. Such as napping under a tree and reading a book while he's laying on your lap.
When you kiss him on the lips he's very confused about it...like he likes it and it makes he's tummy rumble but what is it!?
You explain that it's a "kiss" and now he asks for kisses alot. He definitely has liked you before lol
Protects you alot like he's your feral bodyguard
Likes smelling your scent says that you smell really good
Marks you with he's scent.
Even if he's clueless about love and still learning...he knows that this feeling you make him feel good things as he words it...your he's Lupical he's family that's for sure
Nicknames: Lupical(Nothing else he doesn't understand it)
Voice line about you: "Lisa...whenever Razor talks to y/n...razor feels...weird...is razor sick?"
When he talks to you: "Lisa saids that I razor loves you...huh..why you red? are you ok? huh? you love me too?
Chalk Prince (Albedo)
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~Curious Boyfriend~
Albedo is definitely the type to be very curious about this thing humans call love....
He unintentionally makes you blush or flustered but sometimes he does it on purpose😐
When you asked him if he wanted to cuddle he just gave you a confused face. So you explained it to him and when you guys did cuddle he.could.not.get.enough
You guys will be trying different cuddle positions and he notes in he's notepad which one he likes which one he doesn't like
Omg when it was your first kiss it was honestly a accident....you were drunk and he was helping and then your dumbass accidentally kissed him and confessed your feelings🙂👍
He likes kissing you he thinks your lips are soft and perfect like you guys can't go a day without kissing either a peck or making out.
Klee LOVES you alot...more then albedo
You both are CHAOS you guys go fish blasting and albedo just paints the scene while smiling just happy your getting along with he's sister. (even if Jean kills him later)
Your he's muse he will draw you he just can't help it...when you ask him why he just saids that your Beauty has to be painted~
Always tells you how beautiful and perfect you are����
You help him in he's lab like pass him things or being he's test subject jkjk-
Makeup and dress time with klee~! May lord Barbados help albedo-
Even if everyday life is chaotic with you and Klee he's happy that he's no longer alone... For him you make him feel human
Nicknames: Love and my muse
Voice line about you: "Hm? Where's y/n? their with Klee fish blasting again.. What? Jeans gonna be mad again? it's alright...I'll handle jean"
When he talks to you: "Just do a simple pose my muse...there...love..your beautiful...love your beauy doesn't rival anything"
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That's all everyone!
I'll be posting next part maybe tomorrow depends if I start to feel better and not busy thank you for reading this far and I'm sorry again for any grammar or spelling errors!
Byee see you next time~
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*stumbles into ur ask box like the "i got new shoes" vine*
so todays request is a platonic mr realism x reader bc like,,, yh ea
i had an idea where like reader is the babysitter of the little man and is yk just playing with him and joey is like "do you want to see my friend" and reader is like "huh ceeday sfx" LFNMAISOAJ
anyways mr realism is such a little guy hes so tiny and so skrunkly he is turning 7 tomorrow i hope he explodes/ref
little skrunkly <33333333 little dude!!!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Platonic! Mr Realism x Reader
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Joey scribbled on a piece of paper, crayons and blocks scattered across the floor, he sat crossed legged in his room humming to himself.
You were occupied in the kitchen, you hummed softly. Finishing buttering a piece of bread along with pouring a hefty amount of apple juice in a glass cup. You laid the bread on a plastic red plate, scooping up the cup and made your way back to his room, joining him.
"I should show you my friend" Joey grinned, stuffing his face with the piece of bread and holding his glass cup with both hands.
You titled your head, concerned. "your-wha-huh?"
"My friend!" he stated again, gulping down his drink and letting it roll away on the floor, before blinking up at you.
"How about we finish your drawings! And we get to bed!" you encouraged, biting your lip as you sweated buckets.
"MMM, but we must meet my friend! They want to meet you!"
"ahahaha- lovely." you gulped, ignoring his glossy stare.
You tried to distract him with toys and drawings throughout the night and by the end of it, you thankfully got him to bed. Your cried in your head, that you didn't have to meet his "friend". But, strangely enough you could feel something watching you.
As you tucked him in, you slowly creeped out of his room and cleaned up the place. Bored, there wasn't much to do here, except "babysit" Joey and his "friends".
You shivered at the thought of meeting them, ever. Washing your hands, and wiping it on your pants, you peered inside his room again and thankfully he was still asleep. Your gravely remembered the times, he wasn't in his bed and was, just standing at the bottom of the basement stairs.
You shook the thoughts away before scurrying to the living room and making yourself comfy on the couch, wrapping yourself in blankets and pressing yourself into the pillows, yawning.
Slowly but surely, you stared at the open doorway of Joey's room before closing your eyes and drifting to sleep.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
TADA!!! will you meet his friends?? who knows!!!
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
The Crown S5E10 Commentary
Non-Spoiler Review: That was so underwhelming. It just sealed to me what an uneventful season this was. I feel like Peter Morgan only went off on Ep 3, 4 then 7 to 9 then called it a day. I don’t know what exactly went behind the scenes to make him chicken out of going full on with the punches like he did in S4. Anyways here’s my live reactions as I watched it but I’m too annoyed to do a proper season review so lemme direct yall to my lovely mutual @mermaidsirennikita Caro’s post that outlined everything I felt about the season (I do disagree on some points but I’ll cover that in my post tomorrow or something when I’m done being mad - also hi Caro its viscountessevie’s side acc lol) 
Spoilers Under The Cut
Dodi and Mohammed!! I've missed them Shksjs Dodi is officially an LA producer Not him bidding against Michael Douglas for a house
The way I really thought it was gonna be Diana 🤡🤡 But it's just Barbara Gordan Sr (Erin Richards played her in Gotham) bdjdjdk
LMAOOO DIANA VOTING NO FOR THE MONARCHY Isn't this a lie tho?? I'm pretty sure she wanted William on the throne eventually... Oh well fiction wise it's fucking funny This voting scene is brilliant I love it so much What a great cold open!
(I forgot I watched the cold open last night before falling asleep and am rewatching this bit again for my commentary and GOD IT'S EVEN MORE HILARIOUS A SECOND TIME)
Oooh it's Lizzie's birthday Lmaoo not her getting gag gifts from everyone BUT CHARLES Between the boring ass book he got for Di and this, he really is the worst gift giver huh Not Chucky being jealous of Pedodrew's stupid gift Damn Charles really is a masochistic always watching these programs that make him upset Lmaooo not Edward and Pedodrew taking the piss out of him
God Queen Mother shut the fuck up you racist bitch "The Great Chinese Takeaway" 🙄 For fuck's sake and everyone laughing. God fuck these racist asses. Yeah this might be a fictional scene but YOU KNOW these bitches have said worse things behind closed doors. I cannot WAIT til the Queen Mother dies; she's so insufferable. Yall did not compare the liberation of a former colony to an ex attending a wedding jfc yall are the worst Charles is gonna fuck up the Hong Kong trip just watch
Random tangent but Fly Like An Eagle is on Glen Powell (Hangman in the Top Gun sequel)'s playlist for his character and now there's a plane while the song is playing, I fully expected Glen to come out of that plane why am I like this 💀💀
Anyways hiii Dodi what a cutie Is Barbara Gordan Sr playing his wife? Nope she is not. Who is Kelly?? Why do we need to know her Is this scene necessary Peter Morgan?? OH?? HE'S SLEEPING WITH HIS ACTRESS?? Dodi wtf don't be one of those gross producers Oh wait is that his fiancee he dropped for Diana oop Also why did I think she was his ex wife that happened way back in the 80s dhdjkd I'm sorry but I did not need to see that scene lmao it could have been an email Dodi really has a type huh Ew he's doing coke God he really became a Hollywood cliche huh I mean I never knew much about him so I can't say if this is accurate or not but if it is, bro why did you become a Hollywood cliche
I never followed Tony Blair's politics but we like him right?? In that case, Charles you're nothing like him How has the second Mrs. Al Fayed not aged at all 👁👄👁 It's been at least a good 7 years since Ep 3
Don't be fucking crude Mou Mou Let them speak their native language Kelly Yeah it's rude but you're giving White Woman rn djdkkdkd Heini is right lmaooo Okay actually they did do well with her make up to age her a little
WHAT?? His only talent is women??? "One day you'll hit the jackpot"???? What does that meannnn Mou Mou Peter Morgan are you implying Dodi was a golddigger omg This is so uncomfortable pls Kelly is like ???
Damnn let's go Labour Party let's gooo Ohmygod that's Tony Blair?? Huh the one time the irl person is more attractive 💀💀 the actor is fine but Tony Blair was a DILF back in the day come on
Tell me why I feel sad John Major lost 😭😭😭 He was just so nice this season dhkdjd Lmao this historians convo is so meta especially since Peter seems to have a bias for John Major and have given him a hot actor and made him really chill and cool this season Lmaooo Lizzie you did not just say he's your favourite PM LOL bro it's fine the Brittiana is old af time to decomission her
"The youngest Prime Minister since Lord Liverpool in 1812" WELL Rishi Sunak is coming for that title 25 years later yall "And you're still a young man too" LIZZIE STOP LYING HE'S GOT A FULL HEAD OF WHITE HAIR Johnny Lee Miller playing him doesn't make him less old djdkkd
Can you imagine if the note to Blair had said "GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN" lmaooo Johnnn why you lying "A great job" as if you didn't spend this season just babysitting the royals
This boat nonsense plot line is so fucking stupid and pointless. Peter Morgan THIS could have been an email. I do not care for this shit at all They just sound like rich brats which we already knew they were So you could have used another example to show that
NEW BRITAIN SHDJJDJS This is so stupid omg It's just a fucking boat Lizzie let it go
Like I get sentimentality and all but don't anchor (pun absolutely intended) yourself and your sense of self worth to a old piece of metal Like That I would be alot more sympathetic (because we all have sentimental things tied to our memories)1 if they weren't old rich white people who caused so much pain whining about a luxary no one else can afford and expecting the government to keep funding it
HAHAHHAH HE'S IN BUSINESS WHILE THE REST ARE IN FIRST CLASS PLEASEEEE I CACKLED "You're going to have to be very brave" 💀 Camilla it's just business class yall need to calm the fuck down
What the fuck is this visual Mans is not left out of anything This visual metaphor falls so fucking flat when he's literally usually the one drawing the curtain on people Peter Morgan what are you doing
Omggg the Cantonese burning the British flag What icons They're so right for THAT
Okay Heini has grown on me Girlie really grew into her place in the Fayed family huh Good for her "You were so much more than a model. You were a socialite" MOU MOU WHAT This is so cringey pls
I have gone 20 mins after the cold open without Diana WHERE IS SHE Oh lmao here she is I missed you bby Awww her friendship with Mou Mou is everything I wanna h u g her Her voice is always on point I'm shook
God the flashes give me such anxiety The foreshadowing really gives me the deepest pit in my stomach Oh gosh the offer to Saint Topaz,,, the beginning of the end 😭😭 I don't want her to goooo Yeah Elizabeth took a few eps but she finally grew into the role as Diana we love to see it!
We hate Charles but damn doesn't Dominic look good in a uniform God I hate it here Also booo let Hong Kong be it's own country just passing it off to another country I can't even I get so anxious seeing the rainfall on everyone's head they're gonna catch a cold Dominic lost the Charles voice, it needs to be steeper bud
Charles don't be fucking weird Why did you link the ages to her relatives and husband and now son Don't say it Nope yall are not brothers stfu He said it 🤡 Welll he made Blair say it
Lmaooo Blair sick of the yacht talk too hsjjdkd Why do you feel bad sir?? Bruh it's just a boat 💀
YALL JUST GOT DIVORCED A YEAR AGO - Chill the fuck out Chucky Lmaoo Blair is right he was going behind Lizzie's back and briefing against her They always do this They brief against one another It's messy af
The amount of Charles cocksucking happening in this episode is gross Peter Morgan WHAT did he threaten you with Why are you trying to make him out to be this modern innovative man Was he??? Was he really??? Charles so self serving I cannot LMAO NOT CAMILLA WITH THE KNOCK OFF REVENGE DRESS YOU WILL NEVER BE HER
"Friendly invasion" Okayyy China whatever helps you sleep at night
Helloooo Martin,,, I really am a simp for Martin huh. Listen this season hasn't given me a single person in the main Royals other than Diana to feel anything for So Martin's hotness it is I can't believe I'm saying this: but Lizzie should have said No 😭😭 Martin snitching on Chucky hsjdjdk She's gonna TEAR HIM APART
There's 12 minutes left and this is such an unimpressive finale wtf Peter Morgan bruh what are you doinggg I told myself I won't follow press after the mess than is the Bridgerton production team But I NEED to know what Peter was thinking outlining this season The potential was there and yet it flopped Only Eps 3, 7 to 9 were solid episodes
Lmaooo affair "Divorced man whose wife is still alive" I'M SCREAMING Can't believe I'm agreeing with Charles abt his rls rn Oh never mind fuck you Charles No one brought up Diana why you gotta drag her name through the mud K Chucky sureee Camilla has Did their spin doctor write this episode??
SCREAMS "I don't think it's my behaviour threatening its (the monarchy) survival" Rip him apart harder Lizzie come onnn Yesss throw the whole monarchy away Yeah they yeeted yall cos you OPPRESSED THEM FOR 50 YEARS, idiots
I feel nothing for this stupid ship and her farewell God this is so depressing and underwhelming This ep should have just been the cold open only tbh If you aren't gonna commit to the end of the Diana era then leave it all completely to S6 which is so disappointing, I thought they were finish Diana's story this season I was mentally prepared for that And now I gotta be sick again worrying about it and then mentally prepare for it again before S6
That's it??? That was so underwhelming???
40 mins of white people whining abt their boat and losing a country to independence Then 15 mins of Diana's death foreshadowing?? 5 mins of Dodi being a Hollywood producer cliche and Mou Mou being a dick to Kelly??
That's all??? Bruhhhh
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kitasfox · 3 years
If you’re still taking requests, could you do Oikawa+Degradation please ? Something about him calling us a dumb bitch just makes me act up 🥴🤚🏾. Thank You! And if you think you’re awkward then oh boy i don’t know what to call myself. 😂
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a/n: she said radio silence for 2 weeks 🤪🤩 im really sorry about that but my exams ended today!! So I'm free to thirst my dudes. If you have requests, send em in!! ANYWAY!! ENJOY!!
Also this ask gave me massive brainrot sorry gor answering late it was amazing
THIS POST IS NSFW!! Minors do not interact or I'll bite.
warnings: BIMBO! kinda dubcon, not in my perspective, but still. Manipulation, virgin slander but actually a corruption kink, corruption kink ^^, oral (reader receiving), mentions of taking virginity, possesive behavior, heavy degrading yall
Find suna's bimbo girl here!
Find atsumu's bimbo girl here!
Find sakusa's bimbo girl here!
Find tendou's bimbo girl here!
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Your best friend was a charitable, charitable man.
Wasn't that why you sat on your knees in front of him, so desperately trying to fit his cock in your mouth?
To know that this is the first time you've ever held a cock gives him a kind of thrill nothing else had given, to watch your clueless eyes as to what to do as you hold his cock, hot and heavy and foreign, an urge to take it between your lips, irresistible.
"Spit on it, pretty girl, just like that." He instructs you, as composed as ever. Long fingers threading between your hair, he gives you an appreciative pat. "What a good girl," he smiles, "she learns so quick."
"T-tooru?" You whisper the brunette's name, not sure if he'll hear you since he looks so immersed in the movie he's watching, eyes locked on the screen-
"Yes, baby?" Of course, he heard you. He doesn't avert his gaze to you, still focused on what's on the tv, but you know he's listening. You gulp.
Your body entangled with his, you laid between his arms as both of you faced the tv, your ass right on top of his-
"What's up, Y/N?" He now turns his gaze to you, face leaning slightly forward as his nose almost touches the top of your hair; you feel his breath against your ear. He stands so close, but it's okay; Oikawa has assured you this was normal for best friends. As well as the dark purple marks he leaves on your neck, sometimes on your chest. "They're lovebites," he says, rubbing his own neck that you've left your marks, "don't you love me?"
Of course, you do. You love him more than everything- and it's not like you dislike his lovebites, too. They feel... they feel nice. And if Oikawa said it was normal, who were you to doubt him?
"I had a- had a question." You detach your body from him, the loss of warmth and the feeling of him making your body tremble. Or maybe it's the anxiousness of what you're about to ask.
You turn around to face him, coming face to face with the soft trails of pink and red you placed on his neck (he always gets the loudest when you kiss his neck), and as always, he doesn't have a shirt on.
"Uh-huh," Oikawa raises a brow questioningly, pretty eyes narrowing with annoyance, "on with it, already." He knows how much you struggle with words, his dumb little girl, but it's okay, he can wait for your little brain to form sentences.
You turn your gaze to your fingers, tracing shapes on the sheets of his bed. You look so embarrassed; Oikawa can't help but get excited. "I have a- uhm, date tomorrow."
You admit, missing the slight frown that sits on his pretty lips.
"But I don't know how to- I mean,-" you bite your lip, your gaze so innocent and pretty as it meets his eyes, trying to gather the courage to- "How do I please a man?"
Oikawa almost chokes on his own spit, trying to hide it with a series of fake coughs. "You what now?"
"Y-you heard me!" You protest, bottom lip slightly wobbling as you have to repeat it, to your horror, maybe even explain, "how do I- umm, you know."
"I don't, actually." Oikawa raises his brows at you, smiling cruelly and relishing in how you avoid his gaze, how utterly embarrassed you stand before him. "You mean how to fuck better-?"
"No!" You exclaim, a little too fervently; it has Oikawa's grin spreading wider on his lips. "N-not that, but- uhm, blowjob, maybe-?." You finally speak the words, closing your eyes and fisting your hands; as if closing your eyes would pull you from the situation.
"You're asking me how to give a blowjob?" Oikawa repeats your question, almost about to laugh before he realizes what this means. "Wait," his eyes grow impossibly wide, a feeling of burning excitement washing down his back, "don't tell me you've never given a blowjob before."
Fucking hell, there's no way you-
Your gaze widens in embarrassment, like a dear caught in headlights, mouth opening, and closing to say something, deny it, but can't. You can't lie, not to Oikawa. "D-don't say it like that!" You say, instead.
you are.
It feels like the discovery of a century, Oikawa can't contain his excitement, a twisted one, as he leans forward, cupping your chin and tilting it up to meet your gaze better as he stands a breath away from your face. His smile wide and predatory, you wonder if you said something wrong.
"But it's true, isn't it?" He whispers, a smug smile almost kissing your lips. "Has anyone ever even touched you before?"
The question makes you whimper, you want to avoid his burning gaze but he wouldn't let you. "No." He finally get his answer, and oh- fuck, he's getting hard.
"You're a virgin?" He repeats, but it sounds more like an amusing fact he just discovered.
His thumb traces your bottom lip, swiping over it in a lustful motion, watching the way your eyelids flutter with excitement. The only light source in the room is the one from the tv; it shadows on Oikawa's pretty face- not, however, enough for you to pick up the predatory tilt of his lips.
You feel a lustful warmth bloom in the pit of your stomach, this feels d-different, but it's nice, exciting, your mouth falling agape as hot, shallow breaths fall.
You wait for a kiss, you really think he might- might kiss you, Oikawa pulls back, falling deaf to your needy whine.
"Pretty girl," he sighs, thumb caressing your cheek, almost as if what you're asking is too much. "Hasn't anyone told you guys don't like virgins?"
It takes you 4 seconds to process the words.
"Wh-what?" You gasp, oh, your eyes are getting glassy, too, what a prize to see. "But-"
"You didn't tell him you're a virgin, did you?"
You shake your head no; you look so sad all of a sudden; he probably should feel bad. But it isn't Oikawa's fault you're so dumb. "Only you, 'ru."
Fucking hell, how can you pick the one answer that'd make him want to ruin you even more? All he wants to do is to pry your legs open and fuck you till you pass out, and fuck how amazing would you look with his dick in your cunt, your face smushed against that table, drooling like the dumb bitch you are.
He should- he should control himself. Just for a few more minutes, just until he has you in the trap.
"Good- he would've left you immediately!" Oikawa laughs lightly, as if he's not telling you how insecure you should be by being a virgin. "You can't tell anyone that, okay? No one would want to take a girl's virginity; it's so much work, you know."
He says nonchalantly as you stare at him with a wide, helpless, broken gaze. "Tooru, but what am I- what am I gonna do?"
You sob, trying to be subtle about wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes when Oikawa coos at you, pulling you to his chest. "Shh, shh," he coos, hand coming up to pat the top of your head. "Okay, pretty baby, don't worry, I'll help you."
As he says that, you feel the pads of his fingers trace the skin of your tighs, right where the hem of your short little skirt ends.
"I should show you how it should feel like first," he breathes into your ear, voice just slightly strained, "so you can make me feel the same."
When you nod, he chuckles.
"What a pretty skirt," he laughs as his touch trails higher on your leg, now bordering on the soft material of your panties. "Wore just for me? Did you plan this from before, Y/N?" He teases, watching closely to see your reaction.
"N-no! I promise I haven't-"
"Of course, you havent," Oikawa rolls his eyes, "my dumb little baby, you're not smart enough to think this far, are you?"
You would've protested in any other circumstance, but he aligns the time he spits the words with when his long fingers push your panties aside, the tip of his finger grazing your folds.
Even the slight touch of him has you squirming on his lap, your head falling on his shoulder when his thumb finds your clit, rubbing the softest circles.
"Fuck, you're so sensitive," he groans, wondering if you can feel his cock pressing against your ass. Even with one finger, he has you moaning his name. "So wet, too. Just like a fucking whore- do you hear yourself?" Oikawa laughs at you, mocks you, relishing in the way you get embarrassed over the wet sounds you make, the way you moan his name.
You press your face on his neck, trying to hide your humiliation, the drool trickling from the corners of your lips leaving trails against his skin. "'m not a- mmh! Not a whore!" You muster out as he finally slides a second finger in your pussy, his thumb still circling your clit and making you squirm, jump on his lap that he has to hold you down. "Mmh- 'ru! That feels- h-ah!"
You squirm so cutely, jumping over his lap, rubbing yourself right on his cock and making his breaths fall shallow, as well. "You like this, pretty girl? Like how my fingers feel in you? Have you ever done this yourself?"
The question catches you off-guard; you heave hot breaths against his neck when his free hand grabs you by the hair, pulling with enough force to have you face him. Your eyes rolling back I your head, mouth open like a dumb girl, a silly expression settling on your features.
"Answer me." He spits, he sounds so- so demanding, you don't know what washes over you as you find yourself answering. "Y-yes."
"You do?" He smiles darkly, chuckling at your embarrassed gaze. "You're not as innocent as I think you are- you really are a needy little bitch."
You shake your head no, but why did you squeeze his finger so tight just then?
"Don't be- don't be mean, Tooru." When you- when you say that while his fingers stuff you full, Oikawa thinks you're doing it on purpose.
"Sorry, sorry," he laughs when he hears how your voice shakes. "Forgot how much of a crybaby you were. A stupid little girl, letting her best friend fuck her- don't you feel any embarrasment?"
You're getting close, he can feel it. Oikawa picks his pace, laughing when your voice gets louder, moans turning into short screams, mouth falling open as your tongue lolls out and eyes close- you look lost in bliss.
"'ru, Tooru, Tooru!" You chant his name like a prayer, your muscles tightening with what's coming, toes curling, your body putty over his lap, melting into his embrace as he fucks you dumb on his fingers. "You feel that? Come on scream my name, baby, scream my name, tell me who's making you feel this good."
"You- Tooru you make me- mmh, you make me feel so good, please!"
"Cum for me then, pretty girl." He whispers and you're cumming, body shaking and spamming violently as he holds you down, pressing you on his chest, letting you ride the orgasm out.
You stay like that, molten into him and a heaving, stupid mess for a while as he pulls his fingers out from beneath your skirt, making sure you watch him as he brings his digits to his mouth.
"Mmh-" he smiles, "tastes delicious."
You whimper.
He leans forward, pressing his lips against yours, giving you a taste of yourself. "Are you okay?"
You nod, you seem to have pulled yourself back together from the mind-breaking orgasm as your eyes sparkle with hunger.
"M-my turn?" Your gaze falls lower on his lap, widening at the sight of the tent straining his sweatpants. "Your turn." He nods, opening his legs to give you better access.
You look excited as you bend forward, placing yourself snug between his legs. As you settle on your knees, Oikawa takes a shaky breath when your fingers grab his print from over his sweatpants.
"What am I..." you raise your clueless gaze, unsure of what to do with that thing in your hands. "Should I- um, take it out?"
Oikawa smiles down at you, it's the kind that gives you shivers. "Look at you, a dumb clueless girl- take it out, baby." He whispers against your lips. "Let me teach you how to please a man."
He'll teach you everything, you don't have to worry. He just has to ruin you enough to make you forget that unnecessary man's name. You belong to him now- he'll make sure to carve your insides just for his dick- enough to have you a babbling mess, enough to have you blabbering his name and nothing else.
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obey-asmo · 3 years
“You could have been nicer to me today” tiktok prank - Demon brothers
“We both know you don't like it when I'm nice.”
MC still pouting
“Okay, okay I'm sorry, how about I make it up to you. Promise you’ll like it.”
Boy is pouting.
Full on “what do you mean I could have been nicer! I'm the nicest Demon of them all! I'm always treating you like the angel you are!”
He will continue pouting until you apologize and tell him it was just a prank. 
he expects lots of gifts and attention afterwards
Stuttering mess
Why did you do this to him?
“I mean I think it’s that tiktok prank but just in case, do you want to talk about it?“
He's such a nervous wreck you decided to never do that to him again which is fair. He's just so sincere, it hurts to pull this type of prank on him
"No way
"I was never not nice to you "
He pauses
"Well not any more than usual
"I guess I could be nicer to you in the future, I'll try better in the future"
Pouts and apologises
You kind of feel bad, "it was just a prank, I'm sorry I like the way you are! Please don't change"
He huffs and ignores you while reading a book for the next 12 hours. 
12 hours exactly, you counted
"Me? Oh no darling it was you"
All dramatic and for what
He pauses for a moment, "this is that tiktok prank, correct?"
You nod and he grins back, "was that dramatic enough for you?"
"Could have been more dramatic, Asmo"
"Huh, I’ll have you know I'm the most drama-"
"I think mammon wins at that"
Pause. "Fair"
"It's because I was hangry"
He literally doesn't even question the fact that you think he wasn't nice to you
"I'll l eat more and watch! next time I'll be nicer!
"Its all lucifers fault"
Sad hangry boy
“Is it because I was sleeping too much today? ”
Looks at his feet sadly
“I'm sorry
“We can go out tomorrow, I won't even as a word about being sleepy
He looks so sad that you have to tell him it was a prank and you don't mind that he's tired all the time
Anyway hope you enjoyed. Please do leave me some prompts, if you'd like
See yall later
Bee :)
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Hi Goldy ! I hope you’re doing well
The sheeps are screaming victory again after the v-live and lurking on Jikook blogs bc Jungkook touched Taehyung’s tummy and according to them they were flirting (which if that’s considered flirting I’ve flirted with all my friends but that’s beside the point) and twitter is in shambles again sooo there’s that BUT JIMIN POSTED for D-4 my baby is unbothered like he should be. Anyways I hope you have a great day and I can’t wait for you to do your iconic rants on here we miss you <3
Really I'm trying to protect my energy these days so no rants from me I'm afraid.
Trying to manifest a new phone with bigger memory space so i can download tumblr again. Prolly Vlive and weverse too. You know me and my other ex been hanging lately. Visited bitch twice with my favorite bag. On my third visit sis showed me a new bag, I thought it was cute and rather expensive but very on brand for her. Then she goes no, no, it's for you. I bought it for you.
Suddenly reminded me of why we broke up in the first place.
You know she one time, years ago, changed my entire wardrobe and stuffed my closet with clothes she thought would look better on me? My wigs was the last straw. DO NOT TOUCH A BLACK GIRL'S WIG.
And no she's not upgrading me, no. She just wants me to be her and look exactly like her. EXACTLY LIKE HER.
She said she's changed but really I disagree. She never wear the same shit twice but honey if I paid for it with my hard earned money i will wear it every day everywhere flip it inside out if I must.
What's the point of being with me if you are ashamed of me and my lifestyle or standard of living? I'm not a character in a game you play dress up with. I'm not barbie
And it's slippery slope. Today it's my clothes and accessories, tomorrow it'd be my weight, my height, suddenly i can't even walk around with my little belly pouch- WHERE DOES IT END!
And where I live queer people come in short supply unfortunately. We keep recycling.
But yes back to Jikook.
Really I enjoy the gift. Wish i could say gifting is her love language but it's not. If i dressed the way she wanted and looked the way she wanted then she wouldn't gift me nothing no more. She just likes to fix things and when it's fixed she'd discard them. Really bizarre this one. I mean there's a reason I'm the one she's attracted to💀
Our lifestyle's are polar opposites.
Right. Jikook.
Tuktukkers are happy. Their ship is sailing. Good for them.
Tae and Jk are in a good place. I think if you are Army you should be happy for them and their relationship. This is not about shipping. This is about two members of a boyband finally repairing their bond and reputation after years of running it through the muds.
Whether the breakdown of their relationship was a figment of our imagination or a real incident and concern, they did nothing to dispel those negative assumptions. They as a matter of fact actively contributed to narrative. They gave it life, feed into it, nurrtured it, sustained it and perpetuated it themselves. Their Soop conversation didn't help the matter and their post Soop interactions and the things they'd say really didn't help.
"That's how rumors are made"
We used to be so close- and now?
Things feel awkward between us.
It's because he became so reserved.
You wouldn't speak informally, you had walls, you wouldn't let me get too close,
I didn't want to fight with you so i had those walls
Jungkook and I never fought- because yall weren't too close huh. Especially as you and Jimin claim fighting and asserting yourselves with each other is what has made you so intimate with eachother.
Tae, if you need to talk to anyone feel free to talk to the others- and you?? Can he talk to you when he needs a shoulder to cry on?
We love to showcase our bond- yet showed us nothing. Gave us nothing for years.
There seemed to be a cognitive dissonance somewhere right? Where their actions didn't match their words and spoken values.
So I want to know exactly what Tuktukkers think is happening with Jikook. What are they gloating about? The disintegration of Jikook's friendship? That two members of a boyband they claim they look suddenly out of nowhere aren't fucking with eachother? How sadistic is that?!
And the Jokers who are leaving Jikook because they think Jikook aren't vibing as they used to can suck my dick. If Jikook are falling apart then you should be worried for them because if Jikook are falling apart BTS are falling apart.
I keep saying if Jikook is real, then out of all the pairs in bts they are the ones most expected to leave their drama at home and not let their relationship ruin the group. It's a prerequisite for any intimate relationship that thrives in a group setting. It is why most groups bar members from fucking eachother. One nasty breakup and the whole group is going down with them.
It is why Jimin will go out of his way to interact with Jungkook on camera one's it's rolling. Like Jin says they are professionals they make the others look like rookies.
So no. If Jikook are broken up this isn't it. Unless they tryna make it obvious something is off with them. If they broke up you mere mortals couldn't tell jack shit. Especially if it involves Park Jimin the one member who holds the ot7 kumbaya torch, care's about his reputation and public image, is emotionally intelligent- Nawwwwwwww! Jimin is not Tae or Jungkook. He won't threaten to stab you in the neck with poison needles, tell you to get out of your imagination, or let the fans know the members be vetoing his decisions and preferences.
If you couldn't tell the times vmin were not talking what makes you think you'd be able to tell when Jikook are broken up?
At least when we were speculating on the state of Tuktuk's relationship it was from a place of genuine concern. There was something fundamentally off between them that went against the OT7 kumbaya agenda. The fact they came out to address it themselves says a lot. We wasn't spreading fake rumors about them. We wasn't.
And I fail to think of Jikook as daft.
It would be foolish of them to repeat the same mistakes Tuktuk made as a ship. The very mistake that lead them to Soop. To now go out of their way to correct the negative impression they both have left on the minds of fans. They are doing the most but really some fans aren't buying it. Just as some think vmin soulmate is a lie- Jin called them out no? When Tae said Jimin was his best friend Jin quickly snapped 'then stop fighting'
If he hadn't I would. That man is a real one.
If Jikook are in a bad place then the members and the company will do what they can to help them fix their relationship. Between you and I I don't think Jikook need any such intervention.
If Tae can ask JM to help him fix his friendship with Jungkook, Jimim can ask Tae to help him fix his relationship with Kook.
Whatever those two are dealing with is their personal issue. They both look happy on their own. Even if they are broken up, their basic relationship as friends and members of bts is still there and we should see that.
Like i always say, if Jikook breakup they will always revert back to being friends for their group sake and because there's just so much love and history between them.
If the breakup is fresh then yea, it will take some time for them to adjust and to become friendly. Once they get there however you couldn't tell them apart.
Jikook have a unique dynamic. I hate when people see them through the lens of other ships.
People are simply amused because Jikook aren't behaving in a way they predicted they would. Which i think is exactly why they aren't behaving that way.
Tuktukkers been clutching their pearls dreading the day jikook starts jikooking- as they should. They were very much terrified the moment they heard bts were going solo on IG. It's cause they know what Jikook are capable of. Just as we know what Tae Kook are capable of so nothing they do comes as a surprise.
Tae has been invested in repairing his relationship with Kook since Soop. The company has been equally invested in their dynamic. They go out of their way to pair them- was it chuseok? They drew that art thingy, two vlives had JM not sabotaged one💀
Well make that 3 if you count the recent live.
But as JM says, Jikook is a team. They are a trademarked and copyrighted you are me I am you.
I think it is great JM is taking a step back to let all this unfold. It's not a competition.
But i do wanna see vminkook thrown together in a room again. So far we had them at a concert, vlive. I wan more.
James Corden said he felt they all seemed closer than before. Yet trio's always bring out the duos.
In jinminkook, minkook is always loud
In hopeminkook, hopekook almost louder
MinNamjin, it's a tie. No outstanding duos.
In Vminkook it should be vmin but usually it's not😴
I've always been a strong advocate against JM's tendencies to over express himself for personal reasons. I lowkey enjoy how him merely stepping back is throwing everyone for a loop including his haters. But I also don't want them to feel they've won. Know what Imean?
Please ignore Tuktukkers.
Tae kook were grinding against eachother at concerts but Jungkook just went camping in JMs bedroom til morning.
I am a supporter. Whatever Jikook does I support it. Except for Kook's fantasia side swoop and Jimin incredible hulk body aesthetics.
You know how I said Jimin really shouldn't get bulky cos then now he has to go on crazy diets to tone down??? Look at Kook saying he going on diet to lose weight for the concert😐
If Jimin is on any such diet he should keep it to himself. I DO NOT WANNA KNOW
Jikook are fine. I'm not worried about them. They have to remain friends and civil else no one in BTS will be allowed to fuck much less date. Tuktukkers are so dumb. If Jikook fail no ship is gonna be real.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Maybe Val is a chubby chaser but is in denial. Like it that "Your not like my other workers and I like that. But the boss has to keep a profile. So I'm going to degrade you like no tomorrow."
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Man the chubby reader community is STARVING and it shows. But I'm the same way, I'm just usually too embarrassed to write for it because, well, it just feels really indulgent and makes me feel like, dirty and guilty 😳
But yall i have got all sorts of Val x chubby reader ideas. I change it up based on how im feeling. Sometimes I make him unashamedly horny for all body types (which lowkey is how im HCing Ozzie as the fandom elected Better Valentino), or sometimes I make Reader the only exception (honestly yandere or characters in general who like you so much they basically omit parts of their personality is 👍 good food for me 👍).
I definitely think, though, that there's a bit of tension because of his position and he has this image to keep of being powerful and surrounded by sexy sluts that there are times where he would be very on the downlow about having feelings or being with you because, the company you keep reflects on yourself, and I bet there are definitely people that would shit on him for having a bigger partner, and you know Val, he's vain as fuck.
Fucking Val negging the Reader. He can be mean and tease you, so that when he finally does praise you and tells you you look pretty/handsome, it just feels so good, like you've fought for it and earned it, and you're so grateful to hear it, which is all part of the trap, keeping your confidence down so he can keep you under his thumb
This was originally a generic idea but I like it with the thick angle as well: I had this thought of, Reader living st the porn studio, right, and say Valentino concocts some sort of reason why he needs to start going through Reader's stuff, which is on his property anyways. Say one of his rings or colognes or something expensive of his is missing and he's drunk and accusing nearly anyone who walks by him. So he's going through your things as you watch on in horror when he finds IT: a cute but playfully sexy little item of lingerie. You're stuttering and stammering and he's grinning as you try to explain how, hey, you were talking with Angel and some of the other girls about how confident a person can wear in a pair of sexy underwear and how everyone needs at least one pair, so you bought yourself some lingerie and, hey, why is he giving you that dirty smirk for?
Suddenly he's demanding you put in on and wear it for him 😳 or, he's taking the little idk baby doll slip or whatever it is and turning it in his hands before sneering like "this is little kid shit, now I can REALLY get you something sexy" and next thing you know there's a ribbon wrapped box placed inside your room with a little note about how your vulgar boss is going to be dropping in directly to your room tonight and he wants you to "fix yourself up nice and pretty for him"
Also. God. So. For fun I've thought about a Reader who can travel to different Rings and shit and like. Imagine the drama of Val being on his "shut up i don't actually like you" routine and telling Reader they're like, icky and gross or whatever, and Reader just takes it, but then, Valentino is browsing a dirty magazine smuggled up from the Lust Ring, a magazine owned by Asmodeus himself, and whose picture does he find posing in lingerie for the camera? Yours. Maybe you're even the centerfold, all your curves complimented by nice lingerie and lace and silk
So obviously after he's done beating off to that, he's absolutely pissed that 1. Oh so you're tryna do sex work for someone who's not him huh? And 2. Why are you showing your body to other people before he's gotten to see it? And it was probably just some softcore posing but he's still incensed over it, that "someone else got to you first" and in a fucked up way he probably considers this a theft because "he owns you" and you working for someone else and using your body to make money for someone else is, in his eyes, taking money that would have been his
God. I've also thought of like, what if there wasn't a huge presence of bbw/bbm porn in Hell and Val just decides to turn you into one of his porn stars. Like I've pictured that Val is on set and one of his actors hasn't shown or is sick and here you're popping in, just briefly bringing him a coffee he's asked for when someone points to you and says "what about them? They're cute" and the next thing you know Val is watching you be railed by like 5 hellhounds while the cameras roll and suddenly you're like the biggest "big beautiful" porn star in the Ring of Pride
He's obviously possessive as hell BUT Val is definitely a cuck in the sense that he's a porn producer and he watches people get fucked all the time and I think he would definitely have a fetish for watching his precious little YN get absolutely DESTROYED by some mad dick and pussy, you know I'm right. I can also see him doing it as a punishment, like he catches some guy flirting with you and you're attempting to reciprocate and Val's all "oh so you wanna sleep around huh? Bet" and the next day has a martini in his hand while he watches you get spitroasted
Poor chubby YN is all lonely and horny and all you have is your douchebag creep of a boss constantly cockblocking you and making gross jokes about your body, either demeaning or "compliments" like how he'd like you use your thighs as earmuffs or "it's casual Friday, why are you still wearing clothes? :)"
Like I said.... lots of ideas 👉👈 kind of an embarrassing amount, really 👉👈
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [4]  pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, slice of life, josei, angst, comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right? Warnings: alcohol, smoking, mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, cliche fluff, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT)
Notes: lil development right there HAHSHSHHS , yes tojis appearing soon guYS hddhdhdh thank u for ur patience ily all and yall stay safe and drink lots and ltos of water!! sorry for the late update!
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You stare at the ring on your hand as you stand next to Nanami Kento in the grocery shop, you and him have agreed to see each other and go out once a week while fixing up the divorce papers. 
Last week you both had gone to a cafe after work but had to end early since Yuuji had fell down the stairs (despite being athletic, the boy was awfully clumsy). This week, you both decided to do something mundane.
Grocery shopping.
“Hm, what does Yuuji think about this?” You asked, showing the man some bars of rice krispies, “He seems to be a sweet-tooth.”
“Sukuna is the sweet-tooth, Yuuji isn’t really picky with food.”
“Huh,” You hummed,  “Sukuna seems so soft despite all the tattoo’s.”
Nanami rolls his eyes at your statement, “He’s just, as kids like to call these days, a nerd.” he retorts, taking the peanut butter off the shelf and carefully placing it in the grocery cart, “He enjoys mathematics and art,”
“Ah, hence the tattoo’s.” you thought out loud.
“I almost lost it when he went home a few months ago looking like that.” He sighs, running his hands through his hair, “It was a sign of rebellion, saying that he didn’t want to move to Tokyo.”
You chuckled, eyes on him, “Must’ve shot up your blood pressure, Kento.”
He clicks his tongue in dismay, the memory still fresh. Nanami Kento    unlike what Gojo Satoru said    was a very easy person to like and accompany. Ever since that ‘mild’ mishap two weeks ago, you’d have calls and little quick meet-ups aside from the once a week dates. 
At times it felt like the little wedding at the Izakaya hadn’t happened, it was as if you were just going out with him.
Nanami Kento didn’t even have to try so hard to make you comfortable, he was just...there and everything just seemed right. He had easily fit right in with your routine.
You continue to watch him and he stops in the middle of his tracks, blinking heavily, “Ah,” he mumbles, placing a hand over his eye.
“Oh,” you paused in your tracks too, “Are you alright, Kento?”
“Just dust,” He mumbles, “It probably got in.”
You hold back a laugh, how mundane, “Here, let me…”
You slowly take his hand away from his face, his eyes shut tight, trying to hold in the pain from the dust getting in his eyes, “Do you mind bending down a bit lower, Kento?” you ask, “I’ll have to blow it out of your eye.”
Nanami follows your orders and bends down. You slowly cup his cheeks and lean in closer to his eyes and softly blow. You notice the slight twinge of his body, the reaction making you inwardly giddy, “Feel better?” you whispered.
The older man opens his eyes and only then do you notice just how close you two were with each other. For a moment, movement around you is slow and you don’t even notice Maki Zen’in standing right in front of you along with Yuta Okkatsu.
You finally snap back to reality when you hear that very familiar voice calling you out. It seemed like Nanami had been caught up in the moment too, “Oh,” You cleared your throat, letting go immediately of Nanami’s face and jumping back, “Maki-chan.Yuta-kun. What a surprise.”
The young girl narrowed her eyes while Yuta’s ears were evidently red, signaling that he felt very embarrassed to walk in on that moment, “Hi sensei.” Yuta greets, clearing his throat, “I-uh sorry about that, I told Maki to walk away and-”
“It’s fine, Yuta-kun.” You laugh, a bit nervous. What would happen if she told Yuji and Sukuna about this? You knew how Maki was sort of close with the twins, although she did not know who Nanami was, she may describe him and if the boys were smart enough to catch on with it, you’d be entangled in it pretty quickly and you weren’t ready to meet them as their ‘oji-san’s’ partner. 
You were a bit nervous and it was showing.
Nanami takes quick notice of this and slowly wraps his fingers around yours, a small smile appearing on his lips, “Good afternoon, you must be my partner’s students.” he greets, the man had a way with younger ones, you could only imagine how he was as a father figure to the boys growing up,  “It’s nice to finally put some faces on the kids that Y/N loves to gush about.”
Unlike your nervousness a while ago, this man is calm, cool, and collected. You almost envy him at how good he’s doing this.
“At least you picked someone better than Toji-ojisan.” Maki nods, “This guy looks actually more serious with life than him.”
You feel Nanami’s brow quirk up at what she just said.
“A-Anyways, Sensei…” Yuta clears his throat, “We’ll leave you and your boyfriend together. See you at Math class tomorrow!” He hurriedly grabs Maki’s wrist and zooms away at a speed of light. Leaving you two awkwardly standing there.
“Toji?” Nanami asks, curiously peering at you, “An admirer, I assume?”
“Megumi’s otosan.” You mumbled, embarrassed, “He likes to play jokes and all that. It’s nothing serious.”
“Hm.” he mumbled, a small dismayed look crossed his features and you wonder why, “If he does anything uncomfortable, you can pull my name out. I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll be sure to take note of that.” 
You both continue your way down the grocery aisle, not even noticing that he still has his long hand wrapped around yours.
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“Y/N-sensei…” Nobara drawled, placing her head on top of the wooden end of the mop, “How come we never knew you had a boyfriend?”
“Oi,” Megumi growled, “You’re supposed to be cleaning.”
“You’re just jealous that Y/N-sensei didn’t get to be your new okaasan.” Nobara bit back, putting her tongue out. You watched as the raven-haired boy chunk the blackboard eraser at her direction, a vein popping in his forehead.
“Stupid,” He replied, “I’d never let Y/N-sensei near the jiji.”
“What’s he like, Y/N-sensei?” Junpei asked, tapping his chin, cutting the argument short,  “I heard Maki-senpai talking about him.”
You watch as Yuuji placed his head on his best friend’s shoulder, “Yeah, she was telling me how older he looked than you.” he exclaimed, you nervously gulped down. Yuuji sure wasn’t helping the situation at all.
“Well,” You chuckled, trying to remain calm and oblivious, “He’s nice and he has kids.”
“Ha.” Sukuna droned, stopping whatever he was doing,  his punishment     despite not being given any by Nitta    was helping the cleaners clean for the whole week, much to his dismay, he had to follow or you’d be giving him a slip, “You’re dating an old man? I thought the reason why you didn’t date the Zen’in-jiji was because he was old and he had kids.”
“Oh.” you looked down on your books on the desk, embarrassed, “I don’t have a problem with kids. In fact, I’d love to meet them.”
“Wah,” Yuuji’s eyes were sparkling now as he hurried in front of you and placed his elbows on top of your table and head on top of his hands, “I hope I really get to meet someone like you, sensei.”
“Stupid, I doubt any sane person would want to go with you.” Nobara said across the room, making Yuuji glare at her and started teasing her.
You chuckled once again at their antics. Meanwhile Sukuna continues to stare at you, eyes narrowing especially at the ring on your ring finger. For some odd reason, it held quite the familiarity.
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Yuuji likes to think that Nanamin is the best godfather out there, technically, he was like a father to them already. So he had always wondered why he never got married, he was sure that when they were out a few times, many women would crowd for their ojisan. 
His father’s very close friend, Haibara-ojisan had mentioned one fleeting moment back when he was babysitting them that Nanamin was very secretive on who he liked that even he didn’t know if he’d ever been in a relationship.
But things were different these days, for the past two weeks, he’d have one day wherein he’d go home later than usual. It was odd to say the least    and not like he minded really, they were high school kids after all     since Nanamin hated overtimes.
He mentioned it to Sukuna but his twin just rolled his eyes and said, “Man probably needs to chase the bag or something, he technically is paying for this nice house and two freeloaders here.” 
Yuuji doubted it though! Nanamin earned pretty well and he didn’t really need overtime since he was technically the boss or so he heard from Geto-ojisan a few nights ago.
So while he was making them some katsudon for dinner that night and Yuuji was doing some homework for your class, he decided to ask the question.
“Saaay, nanamin-ojisan…” he drawled, placing his pen down, “You’re coming home a lot later than normal these days…”
The older blonde turns to the younger twin, face still straight-lace and stoic, something that Yuuji was accustomed to, “Work has me by the neck.” he replies shortly.
“Every wednesday’s?” he quips, tilting his head to the side.
“You aren’t dating anyone?”
Silence erupted between them, the only sound could be heard was the sizzling of the chicken on the pan, “What made you say that?” he asked stiffly and maybe, if Yuuji was ignorant, he wouldn’t have noticed the slight twitch of his brow but he wasn’t.
Yuuji prided himself to be an observant person, someone had said he could pass off to be a detective in the near future, he had the agility and the observation skills (sukuna said otherwise though and said he’d get himself killed if he were to ever enter that field)
“You sometimes have that weird look on your face when you look at your phone.” the boy pointed out, “But Sukuna says you’re just chasing the bag so maybe he’s right, he’s kind of the smarter twin after all.” he mumbles the last part with great disdain.
Nanami lowers the fire on the stove and places his hands on the counter in front of Yuuji, “What if I told you I was sort of seeing someone?” he mused, humoring the young boy. 
“Are you really?” Yuuji’s eyes widened, surprised written all over his features, “What are they like, Nanamin-ojisan? Are they pretty? Do they know about us?”
“Oi what’s the noise about?” Sukuna’s raspy voice cuts through Yuuji’s excited one as he enters the kitchen, hair still wet from the shower and in house clothes with a towel hung on his neck.
“I told you Nanamin-ojisan was seeing someone!” Yuuji yelled, eyes sparkling since he was right this time, he quickly returned his gaze back to the older man, “When do we get to see them? Are they nice? How’d you guys even meet?”
“You’re seeing someone?” Sukuna spat, eyes wide in complete surprise, “How’d you even get someone to stay around with your uptight attitude?”
“Yah!” Yuuji yells, “Nananmin-ojisan is nice with women unlike you, no wonder girls are very scared to approach you!”
“Shut up,” Sukuna grumbles towards his twin then turns towards his godfather, “How the hell did you even meet?”
Nanami just shrugs, telling them they’ll know soon enough as he returns to his cooking. The boys seemed to dislike his answer though and continued to bug him. After cooking dinner and having their fill, he returns to his room and whips out his phone, a text message from you saying, ‘hey, the boys asked me about you earlier. They heard from maki-chan.’
The blonde wonders if he weren’t drunk, would he even consider doing this sort of thing? Dating was really out of the question, he admits he isn’t in the right place to go out with anyone especially with a young person like you. 
He thinks he’s taking advantage of the power-dynamics since he’s older.
He doesn’t even deny how weird it was that you're still hanging around him especially when you had a far richer man as one of your admirers. Satoru may or may not have overhead Yuuji gossiping about you one time and your ‘relation’ with Megumi’s father, it was definitely a small world and judging from the Toji you had mentioned a few days ago, it wasn’t hard to connect the dots that it was actually Toji Zen’in, a member of one of japan’s high business clans.
He shakes his head before pressing the call button, it only takes a few rings until you answered, “Hey kento.” You greeted, “What’s up?”
He hears the sound of a whizzing electric mixer on the other line.
“Boys gave you trouble?”
“No,” he could almost feel the smile on your words, “They were just surprised I liked a man with kids.”
“I reckoned, Yuuji seemed to have caught up too in my side. Been asking why I’m going overtime.” 
Silence settled between you two for a moment and Nanami wonders if you’re scared out of your wits. You might be backing out this deal after testing those waters, “Maybe you should tell me when I could meet them then? We wouldn’t want them to run into us during one of our outings or when we’re fixing up the divorce.” you replied softly.
“Hm,” he mumbled, “I’ll be sure to ask them about that. For a temporary setting, you sure take this matter quite seriously, Y/N.”
“Well, I did say I’d help you out.” 
A small smile reaches his lips as he hears your small and shy voice. It seemed like having people to check up on you by the end of the day wasn’t so bad, after all.
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; @coldbookworm  ; @frankenstein852  ;  @neavil  ; @shephard17895  @kristineyoshaii ; @airybnb ; @okachansenpai ; @amortentiaxo ; @rinvtaro ; @franko-pop ; @kozutenshi ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant ; @bleepop ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant ; @pettybroccoli ; @nixxona ; @kiyoo-omi ; @omibaby ; @bokkunto ; @peccobagnaia ; @sangwoahbigbussy ; @inu-makki ;  ; @megumiisee ; @softieelorelylove ; @azellianna ; @haruhuiii ; @restless-human67 ; @tsukkisfatsimp ; @taihjj ; @shayiswifey​ ;  @roione​
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449 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 3 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [CHAPTER 3]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, possessive!dom!wonwoo, daddy!kink, sex toys, dirty talk, squirting, fingering, oral(fem receiving), sexy aftercare! YALL WHAT A WEEK EH? 🥴 I’m exhausted and about to sleep thru the entire weekend(in actuality☠️) fkjhsdh Will try to answer inbox msgs if I’m not too tired(if I am, def sunday!)💕💕💕 and maybe thirst posts in between sleep if I can! 😗 Exciting!! I’m trying to be a bit more active, at least on the weekends lol baby steps!!😭💕 Anyway, I hope y’all have a lovely weekend~ Enjoy ch 3! I love u!! 💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - x - x
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“Is this… It?”
Wonwoo laughs; the smell of alcohol on his lips when he leans towards you. “No, I just thought we’d have a little fun before I gave you your real present later, is all.”
The party had ‘started’ at least an hour ago and Wonwoo, despite his dislike of parties, was already three drinks in by the time you were knocking on the front door of the loud frat house. He’d dragged you to the kitchen to make you a drink while you chatted with others for a bit before he was tugging you up the stairs and into his room.
“Unless you don’t wanna play, ‘cause that’s okay too.”
He twirls the vibrating panties around his index finger - head tilted slightly in your direction. You roll your eyes in return, reaching for the fabric as you lean in closer to his warmth. “Me? Not wanting to play? Do you even know me?” You quip back, already taking the fabric from between his fingertips as you reach under your skirt to start removing your panties to replace them with the ones Wonwoo had given you.
Biting his lip, he watches as you slowly slide your panties down your legs. “I’m trying to get to know you.” He mumbles - more to himself than to you but the slight giggle he hears from you lets him know that you heard him perfectly clear.
“I know. Although, let’s be real, we haven’t done much talking, huh?”
Wonwoo’s lips purse into an embarrassed smile; cheeks a pale pink when you finish changing and toss him your old panties.
“We can go on a date? Tomorrow? Sunday?” He offers - taking the fabric and putting it in his pants pocket for keeps.
Nodding, you reach for his hand, squeezing it before linking your fingers with his.
“Let’s figure it out when you’re not already 3 drinks in, hmm?”
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You catch up and surpass Wonwoo’s level of drunkenness in no time; taking shots with Soonyoung before Wonwoo can finally catch you.
“H-hey!” The room spins as Wonwoo grabs your arm and you find yourself in the familiar empty kitchen as your eyes try to adjust to the brightness. “I was, hic, gonna drink another s-shot!”
“I know, but you need water and I’ve been trying to get you to drink some for the last 25 minutes.”
“Daddy, why’re you so meaaaaan…”
Wonwoo pauses, fingers frozen on the bottle cap before he turns to you. He hands you the bottle silently before reaching for his phone - eyes on you as you start to down the contents.
It only takes a few seconds before the vibrations start and you’re taken by surprise as you sputter and spill water all over the countertop and floor.
“Good girls know when to behave. And you’re not doing so well right now, sweetheart.”
Your thighs clamp together, fingertips almost crushing the plastic bottle as the vibrations send thrums of arousal pouring over your body in an instant. “Ah, I--hic, wh--what, but--but I…” The alcohol makes your body much more sensitive and your head feels hazy and overwhelmed with the toy pressed firmly against your clit. “Buh--but I just wanted to d-drink…”
“And I wanted you to drink some water and you ran to take shots, princess.”
Pouting, you shakily place the half empty bottle down onto the counter before you walk up to Wonwoo. You wrap your arms around his waist, quiet moans rolling off your lips as you stare up at his intoxicated expression. “Well, I was trying to until you decided to make me spill it...”
Wonwoo’s soft laughter reverberates in your chest and he’s quick to turn off the toy as you slump against him.
“Can we go back up to your room now, daddy?” Your voice is slightly slurred and muffled against his shirt; eyes fluttering shut as you inhale his addicting scent.
“Now where’d all the fun be in that, princess?”
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Throughout the night, Wonwoo sporadically turns the toy on - making you jolt and latch onto the nearest person or object as your legs threaten to give out when he doesn’t always start off with the lowest setting.
“Whoa, you okay?” Mingyu asks, brows furrowed when your vice-like grip on his arm only tightens as Wonwoo sets the vibration speed higher. “You look like you’re gonna be sick. You might wanna slow down on those drinks.” Minghao nods in agreement, stepping closer to you to place a hand against your warm forehead.
“She’s kinda warm too. Must be all the alcohol.”
The pair nod to each other, convincing themselves it was all the drinks as Wonwoo shoots you a cocky smirk. You shift your weight to your left leg, making the toy sit perfectly against your clit in the process. The wetness in your panties was already unbearable and it was only getting worse.
“Fu--fuck… I’m okay, just---um, I think I need to go to the restroom.” You excuse yourself just as Wonwoo turns the toy off again and you pry your sweaty palm off of Mingyu’s arm before making a beeline for the restroom down the hall. Naturally, there’s a small line to get in and despite the fact you don’t really need to go, you figure splashing some water on your face would help you a little.
“My, my, who do we have here?”
It’s a voice you don’t recognize and when you lift your head to face the person in front of you, it’s a male you don’t know either. “Um… Can I… Help you?” You ask meekly. He’s very obviously inebriated, eyes unfocused as he gives you a once over before licking his lips.
“D’you wanna go in together? You can help me in there if you’d like.”
You can only grimace - fully ready to give him a piece of your mind when an arm slings around your shoulder and you feel yourself being tucked protectively into Wonwoo’s side.
“Sorry, but she’s going to be helping me right now, won’t you, princess?”
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The tenseness in Wonwoo’s jaw is ever present even when he’s situated between your trembling thighs - the tip of his tongue running through your soaked folds before he slightly pulls away.
“Wanted to play with you downstairs a little longer but, ah, well… Isn’t this more fun, princess?”
“A-ah, will they b-be mad you’re, mmh, ditching your own p-party though…?” Wonwoo grins, eyes peering up at your slightly unfocused stare and your swollen lips.
“I don’t even think they noticed I was gone, sweetheart.”
Wonwoo leans in, dragging his tongue from your clit to your entrance as slowly as possible as you whine and start to ease your fingertips into his hair. “Oh, d-daddy…” You tug slightly, pulling him closer towards you as you start to grind against his waiting tongue.
“Oh, god, it feels s-so good… Been w-waiting for you to, ah, t-touch me all night…” He moves slow, circling your clit with his tongue before sucking the nub into his mouth. Garbled noises spill from your lips - mixing in with soft pleas for him to do more.
But despite Wonwoo’s original annoyance of someone else trying to hit on you, that being the reason he even decided to leave the party, he finds it all melting away the second you start moaning his name in pleasure.
He dips his tongue into your entrance, collecting the wetness on it as he moans against your skin at how sweet you taste. It sends shivers up your spine - toes curling and hips bucking up towards his mouth as you chase the feeling. “Wonwoo… D-daddy, more… Ah, please, w-wanna feel your f-fingers too…”
“Fucked your pretty ‘lil cunt so good yesterday and you’re still so needy, huh, princess?” He reaches his hand in between your legs, popping his fingers into his wet mouth before running them through your folds.
“So greedy. Always want your cunt stuffed full of me, hmm? Whether it’s my cock or my fingers. Even just having my tongue on you is enough to get you to cum.” Once he deems his fingers wet enough, he positions his index and middle finger at your entrance before he starts to slowly sink them both inside of you. “Pretty ‘lil cunt is always ready to take my cock, isn’t it?”
You’re so wet that his fingers slide in easily; already curling into your g-spot as you cry loudly into the air. “O-oh, fuck! Daddy, please…!” Letting go of Wonwoo’s hair, you opt to tangle your fingers into his bed sheets - simultaneously spreading your quivering legs further apart when he starts to thrust his fingers into you at a moderate pace.
“Please? Please what, sweetheart? Use your words.”
Wonwoo scissors his fingers, stretching your pussy open as you throw your head back against his pillows. “Ngh, want y-you to fuck me, ah, d-daddy… Wanna feel your cock i-inside…” He smiles, leaning back in to pepper kisses on your inner thighs before you feel his tongue on your clit again.
He flicks the nub with the tip of his tongue at the same time he curls his fingers into your g-spot, sending your overly sensitive body hurtling towards an orgasm as you whine and mewl above him.
“D-daddy… I c-can’t, I--ah!”
Your walls clamp down hard onto his fingers; entire body trembling as you cum on his fingers and his tongue. And he works you through it - curling and wiggling his fingers inside your pussy to milk your orgasm.
“Mm, now you’re even more wet, princess~ Ready to take my cock?” Your head is buzzing, fingertips loosening their grip on the bed sheets when he slowly starts to pull his fingers from inside of you. “Mmhmm… Ah, hurry d-daddy… fuh--feels so e-empty…”
Wonwoo slowly sits up from between your legs; popping the wet digits into his mouth to lick off your wetness.
“So insatiable.”
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You realize when Wonwoo positions his cock at your entrance that this is truly the first time you get to see his naked body since he’d come back.
“Daddy, I--”
The words get caught in your throat as he swiftly bottoms out in a singular thrust; his abs tightening and showing off his toned muscles as you feel yourself start to drool over his physique.
You tell yourself to ask him for pictures later, if you can remember.
The oversensitivity in your body makes you whimper and you’re quick to wrap your legs around his waist when he starts a moderately quick pace.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty, sweetheart.” Admittedly, Wonwoo knows he won’t be able to hold out for very long himself - already too aroused to stave off his orgasm for much longer with your slick walls sucking his cock in deeper. “And you’re all mine, right?”
You nod back frantically, bleary eyes peering up at Wonwoo’s own blown out pupils. “Ngh, y-yes, fuck! I’m, hah, y-yours… God, I don’t wan’t a-anyone, ah, else, daddy…”
Your words go straight to his cock as he growls, “That’s right. Only daddy gives you what you want, right, princess? Only my cock satisfies you the way you want - filling you up to the brim and keeping you full, just how you like it.”
“Mmh, oh g-god, Wonwoo…” Whines pour from your mouth as you dig your heels into his lower back to press him closer into you. 
His cock grazes against your cervix as you mewl; back arching off the bed with how deep he was fucking you.
He uses a free hand to reach down to your clit, rubbing the swollen, sensitive nub between his fingertips as you immediately latch a shaky hand onto his forearm. “P-please, oh, mmh!”
Wonwoo smirks, watching as your eyes cross from the immense pleasure pouring over your body. “C’mon, princess. Wanna feel you cumming on my cock again before I fill this filthy ‘lil cunt of yours with cum.”
You’re reduced to rushed, broken cries of his name as the pressure builds inside your body quickly; only a loud gasp falling from your lips as the tension snaps for a second time, only this time, much stronger than the first.
“Fuck, that’s right, cum for me, baby.”
He works you through your orgasm, fucking you harder as you squirt all over his lower half and the bed sheets.
 Drool dribbles down your chin, thighs shaking uncontrollably when Wonwoo pulls all the way out to tap the head of his cock against your sensitive clit - making your body jolt with each slap before he’s quickly sheathing his throbbing cock back inside your tight cunt.
“God, you’re so tight and wet, princess. Bet you feel so fuckin’ good, huh?” Wonwoo licks his lips, “Gonna cum inside your pretty ‘lil cunt now, okay?”
You nod, lips parted in quiet moans when you feel his thick cock throbbing between your walls. “H-hurry, give it to me, d-daddy… Wanna feel y-you, ah, cumming inside my p-pussy…”
He only groans in return, letting the pleasure wash over him as his orgasm starts to crest. 
This time, you work him through it - clenching around his cock as he continues to thrust into you. “Mmh... suh--so good...” You slur out; head fuzzy as you bathe in the post orgasmic haze. 
And Wonwoo fares no better - fingertips digging into your skin as he rides out his high. 
“Oh... fuck.” 
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When you come to, it doesn’t even fully process to you what’d happened.
“Sweetheart? Princess? Baby?” 
Wonwoo’s voice sounds muffled as you try to sit up, but he’s quick to slow you down as he sighs. “Ah, not--not so fast. You just passed out, I was... really scared for a second there, sweetheart.” He leans in close, checking your eyes before gently stroking your cheek. “Are you okay? Feeling faint? Does your head hurt? Or any part of you, really.” 
“I--I don’t even remember that happening... Just, you were cumming and then everything went... dark.” You shake the tension from your body - already noting that you were re-dressed in your panties and one of Wonwoo’s big shirts. “I... Well, I’m not drunk anymore?” 
He shakes his head as you laugh airily; trying to ease his nerves. “Baby, are you sure you’re okay?” The ‘baby’ makes your heart jump as you mumble a shy ‘mmhmm’ back. 
“Okay, now you really need to drink some water. I got you cleaned up while you were out and put you in some warm clothes. I’ll grab you something to eat from downstairs in a bit, I’m sure there’s boxes of pizza still down there.” Wonwoo grabs a water bottle from the nightstand, handing it to you as he sits by your side. “I haven’t even given you your actual gift and you already passed out once for the night.” 
Gently slapping his arm, you down half the water bottle before you pass it back to him. 
“Can I still have it or will it also make me pass out again?” 
This time, the two of you share a laugh as he gets up from the bed and walks over to his dresser to fetch a small box. “I mean, I guess it depends on how you see it?” 
He passes you the small box - slightly nervous when you start to inspect it. 
“You’re not trying to pull a Van Gogh moment with a cut off piece of ear or something are you?” Wonwoo laughs; loud and exaggerated. 
“Sadly not. But open it, I think you’ll like it.” 
You start opening the small box, pulling away the layers of printed tissue paper to reveal a set of two keys. “Keys?” 
“To... The library?” 
Wonwoo snorts, doubling over in laughter as he slaps his leg. “N-no... A key for the frat house and a key... for my bedroom. So you can have access here whenever you want. Or need, really.” 
You’re taken by surprise as you dangle the keys in front of your face; cheeks warming up at the fact Wonwoo essentially gave you keys to his private space. “I--Wow, I--Wonwoo... This, wow... I don’t know what to say.” 
“Good or bad?” 
“G-good! Really really good but just... are you sure?” 
He nods back - shy eyes avoiding the way you stare at him. 
“I--I want to trust you more and I want you to trust me too. You don’t have to give me keys to your place or anything at all. I just want you to know that you have a place here if you want to study or just chill. I don’t have a big work load this semester so I’m in here a lot anyway. And let’s be real, we can’t alway mess around in the library, right?”
 He chuckles gently under his breath, “But we can play all we want in here.” 
You nod, mentally contemplating whether or not to do the same. 
I’ll think about it later, you tell yourself.
“What if wanna just sleep here with you, hmm? Nothin’ sexy.” You ask, twirling the keys around your finger. 
“You can do that. I’d like that actually. Why don’t we do that tonight, huh, baby? Stay the night and then we can go out for breakfast in the morning.”
Biting your lip, you place the keys back into the box before setting it on the nightstand. “I’d like that too.” 
Wonwoo gets up from the bed, dusting off his sweats before readjusting his glasses. 
“For now, I think you need to eat some cold pizza from downstairs. I’ll be right back, okay?”
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kikyan · 3 years
You’re my favorite Human (Yandere Izaya x F! Reader x Yandere Shizuo)
Before ANY of yall say anything, I wrote this as a birthday special to an online friend I once had. If Izaya and literally anybody else sounds OOC, it’s because this was written back in 2018/2019 after I watched Durarara!! For a bit of background info, I first watched Durarara!! back in middle school when a friend admitted to liking the anime and well I decided to watch too. This show was too complex for my small ass mind so I dropped it. Then I met my online friend (we are no longer friends) who would always comment on Quotev where I was most active at the time. Well, I literally only picked up this anime again for said friend and the birthday request. I wrote this immediately right after the show so if it sucks ass, there is a reason for it. Anyway’s I promise to give them justice if I manage to write my spooky Slasher AU’s for them. Also if you somehow end up managing which ‘slasher’ Shizuo and Izaya fit I’ll write you a special one-shot within my guidelines for your birthday/Christmas depending on the time constraint. Here you go, for the curious peeps!  This story branches off to two endings, Izaya ending w/ Smut and a Shizuo ending because I became a hardcore simp over that man and will literally do anything he tells me to. Regardless, I will edit the links and such for their appropriate endings! This story is also unedited so. . .have fun IG 
God I sucked at writing fics so much back then. . .
The blonde man proceeded to pick up the red vending machine stationed outside a random building, preparing to lance it at the black-haired male he called Izaya. 
"S-Shizuo!! It's not worth it!! Calm down!! Um- I know! I'll make some tea for you to calm down just please drop the vending machine!!"
"Shizuo!! Please!! Milk! Yep, milk will surely calm you down just please Shizuo!! You're attracting too much attention and you don't like violence right!!" 
“Throw it Shizu-Chan. Or are you too weak to hold it anymore.”
Shizuo turned away from the (h/c) individual as he began to grip a stop sign before removing it from the ground and began to run towards Izaya. 
" Shizuo stop!! Geez, Izaya please refrain from edging him on! Shizuo don't give in! You're better, in fact, you want to be better!! You want to be stronger to have more control right!! Well. . . Don't give in!!" 
At the sound of this Shizuo stopped before tossing the stop sign to the side and grabbing the (h/c) haired individual and dragging you off with him. 
Looking back, the person Shizuo was dragging turned around to look back at Izaya before stopping in their tracks and bowing apologetically. 
" I'm sorry Izaya for the commotion we caused, but I hope you understand that Shizuo is a bit difficult but I'm sure he can change! You too izaya, you seem to try to edge him on and that reflects poorly on you! So please Izaya, I hope you understand too!" 
" Oi (Y/N), what are you apologizing for?" 
Smiling softly at Izaya and giving him a shy wave (Y/N) turned to face Shizuo and continued to answer his question.
"Well, I mean I didn't stop him from edging you on!" 
" I swear you really are the most optimistic, apologetic, and kindest person on this planet. You are one of a kind." 
Laughing softly (Y/N)  turned to Shizuo as they began to reply, " Thank you! It means a lot to me Shizuo!" 
Walking alongside Shizuo, (Y/N) proceeded to make small talk unaware of the lingering dark eyes upon her figure.
"(Y/N), I swear I can't figure you out. No matter what you do or what happens you always apologize to everyone. Even that damn Izaya!" 
"Well, Shizuo I like to be positive!! Besides, I'm sure second chances must be given!!" 
" Hmph. Even those who commit the worst of crimes?" 
"Well, I'm not the one entitled to forgive them for crimes committed against another, but I believe if someone truly wanted to, someone could change." 
" For example, you! I mean you've gotten several chances, haven't you? You have a stable job, although you can get quite violent, you have friends, and you are trying your hardest to change! So, I feel like anyone could change!!" 
"Hmph. You forgot something. . ." 
" I did?" 
" Yeah, I also have the best person next to my side, you, (Y/N) (L/N)." 
" I-I-I-I u-um S-sh!?" 
" Heh, you get flustered all of a sudden and it suits your personality. I wonder how I got stuck with someone like you (Y/N). . ."
Bodies were lying around Shizuo in the school field as he huffed in rage and looked to the side to see a (h/c) haired female with (e/c) eyes looking wide at the scene that laid before them. 
" Hmph, what are you scared?" 
Shizuo asked as he looked at the female before looking a bit confused as he noticed the expression on the girl changed. She was smiling and shook her head before answering his question. 
" Nope! I mean what you did isn't good but I'm sure you have a reason! Besides, I feel like deep down you regret it. I mean, although you are pretty violent, you probably don't want to be right?" 
"I... .hmph. Stop being odd and spouting nonsense." 
As the female turned to the bodies she bowed apologetically and began to speak. 
"I'm sorry! I apologize for his behavior! He doesn't mean it! He regrets it! Besides, you guys should know that violence isn't acceptable so please apologize for your actions as well! Fighting isn't acceptable!!" 
" W-w-well I am apologizing to them and you!! I mean you didn't mean too!! Besides, fighting is wrong! Both parties were at fault so I must apologize for it!" 
"W-w-well!! They are knocked out and can't speak, plus you won't apologize, you want to but you can't bring yourself to!!"
"I'M SOR-!?" 
"Geez, troublesome woman." 
" Ahhh!! What time is it?!" 
"Why the hell are you asking me?" 
"Crap I think I missed my train! Now I have to walk home! Wait, that's fine! I missed gym class to help the teachers so this will count for my exercise! Of course, I shouldn't feel down!" 
" You're unusually optimistic. I'd be pissed as all hell if that happened." 
"Well I think everything happens for a reason and besides, you need to see the bright side of everything! Anyway, I need to go! I have to walk for about maybe 2 hours till I arrive home and I do have homework to complete! I'm sorry for being a bother but I hope to see you tomorrow at school!" 
"Let me, let me walk you home alright." 
"Ahh okay okay! I'm sorry for bothering you but thank you!!" 
"Yeah, yeah just stop apologizing and don't start again." 
"Alright! By the way, what's your name?"
" Shizuo Heiwajima. Yours?" 
" (Y/N) (L/N)!" 
As they began to walk side by side (Y/N) began to laugh as she asked Shizuo questions upon question leading to Shizuo answering them and laughing as he realized, maybe having someone not fear him, was a good feeling. 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
" Wanna go for Russian sushi?" 
Looking down at the girl Shizuo gave his usual smirk before responding happily. 
" Sure, why not?" 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
" Yeah?" 
Turning around he met with the female who became his best friend and possibly his crush. Smiling softly he turned to give her all of his attention despite the number of bodies surrounding him in the field of his high school. 
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to um, well. . ." 
"SHIZUO! I have someone I would like to introduce you too!~" 
" Huh?" 
Shizuo replied in his usual tone as to be turned to meet the faces of the young boy with glasses, brown hair and grey eyes whom he quickly recognized as his friend Shinra Kishitani but the other boy, had dark hair and matching eyes he did not. 
"What do you want Shinra?" 
"Oh? Am I interrupting you and your girlfriend~" 
"Girlfriend?! I-I-I’m j-just a friend!?" 
Shizuo looked to the side but quickly locked eyes with the boy. Shinra looking at Shizuo quickly turned to introduce the other boy. 
"His name is Izaya Orihara! He is in the same year and class as us!" 
Upon looking at Izaya, Shizuo quickly launched an attack towards him before Izaya leaped out and grabbed his knife before slicing Shizuo across the abdomen. Shizuo looked down noticing the wound before looking back at Izaya. 
"S-s-shizuo?! Are you okay? Oh, I'm so sorry this happened!!" 
"(Y/N) it's fine and stop apologizing! You didn't do anything wrong! Besides, it was him, Izaya. . ." 
"Oh? Come on Shizu-chan I haven't even done anything. . ." 
"I'm sorry!! I apologize that Shizuo charged at you and hurt you! He tends to do that a lot, but I apologize on your behalf! Shizuo, I apologize that Izaya cut you! I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from cutting you and possibly distracted you. So please, violence is not the answer! Izaya and Shizuo I apologize and I hope you may make up and be best friends!!" 
"I'm sorry! Ah, wait u-u-um well I know you both didn't mean it!!" 
"Here we go again. . . (Y/N) STOP APOLOGIZING, ON TOP OF THAT TO THAT GUY!" 
Shizuo was pointing at Izaya with a hint of disgust written across his face as Izaya looked dumbfounded for a split moment before asking, "Wait? You serious?" 
"Did you just apologize for something you didn't do?" 
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bother you!" 
"I-, well it seems this took an interesting turn of events. Well, goodbye Shizu-chan, (Y/N) right?" 
"Y-yeah. . ." 
Shizuo stood in front holding his arm protectively (Y/N)  as Izaya twirled the pocket knife in his arms in a strange direction before smiling and whispering a small, “Interesting. . .” 
As Izaya turned to leave, Shizuo muttered a small “ That bastard makes me so damn mad” before turning to (Y/N) realizing she had something to say before you were both rudely interrupted by Shinra. 
“ Hey (Y/N) what did you want? You had something to say before that damn bastard arrived.” 
“ O-Oh I-I did. . . um, Shizuo I wanted to ask if you wanted to miss the last train again and... .walk me home, and get Russian sushi with me. . .” 
“ Is that your way of asking me out on a date?” 
Teasing (Y/N) slightly she turned red upon hearing that before nodding her head softly. With a sigh, Shizuo smiled and dragged the smaller female by her arm before muttering a “ finally you asked” causing the female to turn even redder at the comment. (Y/N) ran a little ahead and turned back to smile at Shizuo before whispering “ I love you Shizuo. . .” 
Walking to the shared home that Shizuo and (Y/N) have, (Y/N) grabbed a small jug of milk before handing it to Shizuo scolding him for getting violent, but congratulating him on holding back and not letting Izaya get to him. 
“ I don’t know what I would do without you (Y/N), I mean it . . .” 
“ I’m just lucky this happened when we were walking together and not when you were working. Izaya can be a bit extreme but I’m sure he means well!!” 
“Heh, you always look on the bright side, don’t you?” 
“ Exactly!! Looking on the bright side is exactly what brought us together!! I mean after you dropped me off at my house we got to be great friends, that's also when you confided in me your secrets and feelings. Then you began to realize that I didn’t fear you and truly cared for you. Then we went on a date, and became a couple! Dating for a good 5, 6 years?” 
“ Yep, luckily we still love each other.” 
“ I won’t ever stop loving you Shizuo, because you accepted me for who I am. Now it’s time to let me accept you for who you are. . . I mean I already did but you can’t get it through that thick skull of yours can you?” 
“ What do you mean, I understand.” 
“ Yet, every time you encounter Izaya and I’m not around you come home quite sad and always ask me if I would ever leave you. Shizuo, I would never leave you.” 
“ Well yeah but. . .”
“ But?” 
“ You’re right. I should head to work. See you later (Y/N). Take care and don’t do anything strange.” 
“ I wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t do.” 
“ That worries me.” 
“ I’m just going to talk to Celty or just hang around the park! See you later Shizuo!” 
“ Hmph. Later and don’t forget that I love you.” 
“ I should be saying that but of course! Love you too and later!” 
Shizuo smiled at the girl before heading off to visit Tom his friend and employer. They had another client that refused to pay up and Shizuo was going to “pay” him a visit to ensure he did. (Y/N) locked the door before going on her phone and texting Celty. 
‘ You busy Cel?’ 
‘ No, not really. Why do you ask?’ 
`` I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out and chat.’ 
‘ Sure. I’ll pick you up and we can head off to the park. That fine?’ 
``you read my mind Cel. Alright, I’ll get ready.’  
(Y/N) changed into a new set of clothing before waiting on the couch for Celty to pick her up and head to the park. Celty and (Y/N) got along well as well, (Y/N) always saw the bright side. When she and celty were close enough, originally being introduced by Shinra, Celty confided in her about not having a head and (Y/N) offered some light on the subject. 
“ Well, head or no head  I think you’re perfect just the way you are. For example, you can still do pretty much everything right? Aside from taste but still Celty! I think that is what makes you unique I mean, if you think about it, only those people who truly love and care for you will accept you no matter what. Take a look at Shizuo, he believed everyone feared him, but I didn’t. I love him! Just like I love you Celty! I accept you for who you are and you will always be celty with or without your head! So cheer up, I don’t like seeing my friends sad!” 
With that, a new friendship was born leading (Y/N) to be best friends with the fearsome headless rider. 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Hey guys! I have a question about a specific person. 
Setton: A person? Who? 
TarouTanaka: Agreed. It’s quite rare to see you not having information on anyone. 
Kanra: Precisely, which is why I must know. Do any of you know a (Y/N) (l/n)? 
Setton: (Y/N)? Not personally but I’ve heard rumors. . . 
Setton: There’s not much I know about her, but I’ve heard rumors of her being in the Dollars.
Setton: Besides that, I’ve also heard she’s Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend and possibly future wife.
TarouTanaka: Shizuo Heiwajima? As in THE Shizuo Heiwajima? Do you know the violent one? 
Kanra: That’s so scary!! Who would put up with him? 
Kanra: *Gasps* you don’t think. . .
TarouTanaka: Think what? 
Kanra: You don’t think she’s using him do you? I mean, having a strong boyfriend has its perks right? 
Setton: She’s not that type of person.
Setton: From what I’ve heard, at least.
Kanra: Oh? You seem to get a bit defensive. Are you sure you don’t know her? 
Kanra: I mean, think about it. What is so special about Shizuo that would lead someone like her to love him? 
Kanra: Honestly, I think she could be using him after all I’m sure there are more people that someone like her could pick from. 
Setton: Well everything is just based on rumors, but I doubt she’s a bad type of person.
Setton: Love has always been a confusing matter. All that matters is that they like each other for who they are.
Setton: It’s not our place to make assumptions.
Kanra: Love is indeed confusing. 
TarouTanaka: I agree with Setton, I am sure they love each other for who they are. Is everything alright Kanra? 
Kanra: Yes, but it still stumps me on how little information we have of his girlfriend. Not only that but we have little information on the relationship as well. Has anyone seen her? Know what she looks like? 
Setton: I’ve only heard a vague description of her: (e/c) and (h/c). I could pass her on the street and not even know.
Setton: But I’m sure she’s just a private person. We should respect that and try not to dig into her life.
Kanra: Oh fair maiden will I ever see you?
TarouTanaka: You sure you aren’t trying to steal his girlfriend? 
Kanra: ^ 0 ^ Never! 
Setton: This has been an interesting discussion and all, but I’m needed elsewhere.
Setton: Later.
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Well I better head out too, later Tarou! 
TarouTanaka: Later! 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
A figure began to ponder and look outside with a pair of binoculars as a female with (e/c) and (h/c) walked by. 
‘ Oh? I think I should properly introduce myself to the fair maiden’ 
The young girl walked out of her house ready to speak with the dullahan. Upon seeing the headless rider the young girl waved her hand signaling the rider. 
“ Celty! Over here!” 
The rider began to make its way to the female before hugging and typing away on its phone. 
“Oh good, I was worried I arrived too early.”
“ Nah! Even if you did, you would have more time to look around and notice life at it’s finest!” 
“Oh Y/N, still as cheerful as ever, huh?”
“ Oh, you know it! Now let's head to the park! I want to see Ikebukuro at its prime time at night!” 
“Of course, but as we’re walking let me ask: How’s it going between you and Shizuo?”
“ Well. . . I-I-I I think it’s going great! He isn’t getting as rowdy and violent so I think he is changing a little bit! He ended getting me a gift, a necklace to be exact for our 5th anniversary! It says his name! He also has one, one with my name!”  
“I’m glad to hear you guys are going great. I’m sure that nothing could ever break your relationship, right?” 
“ Exactly! He and I have never had a serious argument! Maybe a little scolding but it’s fine like this! I always end up congratulating him in the end! He is the sweetest! Every time he comes home he asks me if I love him which makes me sad because I hope he knows I do! However. . . he always ends up spoiling me in love! The real question. . . is how is it with Shinra?” 
“Oh. . . Well, you know how he is. We’re as close as we can ever be, especially now that I’m more accustomed to the whole headless thing. That doesn’t mean I’m not looking, though.”
“ You will find it Celty! I know for a fact you will find it! I’ll help you when I have time! Hey look it’s the park let’s find a bench!” 
[park bench scene]
“You know, Y/N, I heard that you and Shizuo were considering getting married. Is it true?”
“ Well, I-!?” 
“ Well, Celty! I didn’t know you were here? (Y/N) too! What a surprise too! Do you mind if I sit with you guys?” 
“ Well, not really! Feel free to sit Izaya!” 
“ Interesting, now continue what were we talking about?” 
“ Well, Celty asked about my marriage to Shizuo!” 
“ So it’s true. . .” 
“ Yeah! Celty we are! Sometime next week we were going to look for dresses!” 
“That’s wonderful Y/N! If you need anything, I’m always available to help.”
“ Of course!” 
“ Same here.  . . a wedding between Shizu-chan and (Y/N) seems interesting. . .” 
“ So (Y/N), why are you with Shizu-chan? What’s the catch?” 
“ Pardon Izaya?” 
“ I mean, why would someone like YOU be with someone like HIM? What are the perks of having Shizu-chan as your boyfriend?” 
“ Perks?!” 
“I know that you and Shizuo have an on-going rivalry, but should you be asking Y/N questions like that?” 
“ I was just curious Celty! Besides, do you have the answer?” 
“ Well, there are no perks.” 
“ Huh?” 
“ I love Shizuo, not for his strength or perks. I love him because he was kind to me. He accepts my optimistic side, even though it can be quite annoying and I accept his violent tendencies! He is doing so much to change and I will support him from now on! When we met, he kinda beat the entire team on the field and I apologized for the both of him! He got confused and I apologized for my behavior and we kinda got into a mini battle of him asking me to stop apologizing and well my apologizing even more! Nonetheless, I missed the train, but it gave me a chance to talk to him and as you can tell he walked me home! Since then, a steady relationship! So it’s not about the benefits, it’s what we feel for each other that motivates us!” 
“ Interesting. . . “  
“ I agree Y/N, it’s about love, not benefits. Might want to save a speech that profounds for your wedding though.
“ You’re right! Oh, I’m sorry Izaya for ruining the surprise!” 
‘ Interesting. . . she isn’t like every other human, she doesn’t seem to lie, hide things, and seems to be honest. She seems to be optimistic. Hmph, interesting that she isn’t like all the other humans I love, she’s different and I can’t wait to see her face, her entire being change as I pull the strings from behind! (Y/N), you are quite interesting, you are like my special, no my favorite human and I need to see your reactions to everything... .’ 
“ (Y/N)?” 
“ Ah, Shizuo! O-over here!” 
“ Celty’s here too and-?!” 
Shizuo stared at the black-haired male with such anger raging within them as he let out a growl before examining the area. 
“ It’s a park? Am I not allowed to visit one?” 
“ N-no! Shizuo we were only just talking! Besides, Celty was here with us! It was all friendly talk!” 
“ Celty, take (Y/N) and go to Shinra’s place. I’ll meet you there once I finish killing this bastard!” 
Typing away Celty nodded showing her phone with the message being, ‘Of course. Be careful before doing anything crazy, but please hear Y/N out first. Learn a bit about the situation before jumping into anything dangerous.”
“ Oh my Shizu-chan!~ So you are dating her. Isn’t that interesting. . . I say though it’s shocking, to say the least, that someone like (Y/N) would fall in love with you. Someone as fragile, beautiful, delicate, and forgiving like (Y/N) with a violent man as yourself, well I’d be damned!” 
“ I’m sorry! Izaya, I apologize for Shizuo’s behavior as he ended up attacking you without hearing my part, which I still have yet to say! However, I apologize on your part as well Izaya as you didn’t mean anything by chatting with us, but you asked some not so nice things. On the bright side, you know the truth and know that Shizuo isn’t a bad person!” 
“ (Y/N) . . .?” 
“ Shizuo! Celty and I were chatting when Izaya approached us, we were just talking! He didn’t hurt me, besides Celty would have put him in his place before I would have! Please believe me, Celty tell him the truth as well!” 
“Of course, there was nothing suspicious going on. Just a regular conversation full of small talk. Nothing shady or malicious between us and Izaya.”
“ Tch. Fine, but still take her to Shinra. I don’t want this bastard to find out where we live. I still want to kill him. . .” 
“ S-Shizuo! It’s fine, we don’t need to go see Shinra!” 
“ Aww, Shizu-chan you’re scaring her!~ Besides, what if (Y/N) doesn’t want to leave? You’re her boyfriend but you aren’t her owner. Besides, why do you get to keep her all to yourself, as you know I love humans, I can’t get enough of them! But she, she is quite interesting, as all humans I love her as well but aren’t you pushing it Shizuo chan?” 
“ Keep that damn mouth of yours shut!” 
“ I wonder, how long will it take you to screw up your relationship with her like you always do. Have you even proposed to her yet? Being the violent person you are you probably used someone's body as a foot stand before asking her to be your wife!” 
“ NO! That’s wrong! He proposed at Russia Sushi! We went out to eat as it was also our first date! See, even Simon took the picture and hung it in the dining area! You can see Shizuo’s fist but that was because he was embarrassed Simon took a picture and well he snapped, see how red he is? I’m the one crying in the background while holding the ring! It’s even my lock and home screen!” 
Running after Shizuo, (Y/N)  turned around one last time before bowing apologetically and smiling at Izaya before running after her fiance. Celty typing away on her phone showing it to Izaya. 
“Be careful about what you say around Y/N. I know what you’re trying to do and I advise you against it. It won’t end well for either of you.”
“ Whatever do you mean Celty?” 
“I’ve seen the way you look at Y/N; the way you observe her with that calculated glee in your eye. Even if you do separate her from Shizuo, she wouldn’t be happy with someone considered a homewrecker. She’s too optimistic for her good, she’ll easily forgive you, but she would never be able to forgive herself for hurting Shizuo. If you truly value her like you say you do, don’t try to meddle in her personal affairs.” 
“ I want to see every possible reaction from her, so this is quite tempting. Besides, Celty why do you care much about her? I love humans and I’m not willing to share, (Y/N) is no exception.” 
“Y/N is the best person I know. She’s kind no matter what and brings hope and joy to all of those that she comes across. She deserves to live the best life she can, one filled with no despair or tragedy. You need to learn to respect that and move on.”
Celty, displaying her anger towards Izaya, revved her motorcycle upwards causing several people to look in worry and walk away to avoid getting hit. Izaya stood unamused with his smug grin as he watched Celty chase after the couple to take them to Shinra. 
“ Celty, it’s a shame. All humans will experience despair no matter what, even our darling (Y/N). It’s just how long will it take for her to fall into despair that’s the real game and who the one pulling the strings will be.” 
Izaya began to walk away only to stop at Russia sushi and was quite intrigued by the photo that was taken. As he began to examine the image he saw (Y/N) smiling with tears rolling down her eyes as she turned to the camera holding the ring Shizuo had given her. On top of that, he saw Shizuo, quite red ready to punch Simon for taking the picture. 
“ Well well, seems she was telling the truth. I guess he didn’t screw it up.” 
“ Izaya, I heard about what happened.” 
As Izaya turned he was met with Simon the dark-skinned Russian who began to speak in his native tongue signaling that this was a private conversation. 
“ Simon, how’s it been?” 
“ Don’t ruin it.” 
“ Ruin what Simon?” 
“ Shizuo and (Y/N) found happiness here so don’t ruin it.” 
“ Oh? What makes you say that?” 
“ (Y/N) is special, the unpredictable happens around her but that doesn’t mean you should ruin what they have for the sake of your entertainment.” 
“ Special huh?” 
“ You like her don’t you? Leave her with Shizuo, she is not meant for you.” 
“ You see Simon, you’re right she is special but she isn’t Shizuo’s. I believe her to be one of the few people who aren’t on this playing field. She, like all humans, belongs to me. I won’t let Shizu-chan, Celty, or even that damn Saika blade have her.” 
“ Izaya, I know you don’t like losing to Shizuo but that does not mean you have to ruin this relationship. For once, let it go.” 
“ It’s Shizuo who needs to let her go.” 
With that Izaya left the place before walking away thinking about the girl. Since he met her years ago he realized how forgiving and optimistic she truly was. It shocked him, every human he met would be the same and oh so predictable. Shizu-chan and Simon would be the unpredictable ones spicing up his entertainment but (Y/N)? She was the most unpredictable one of them all. She took both sides of an argument and attempted to find a solution and she would keep Shizuo in check something that no one could do. On top of that, (Y/N) forgave anyone and you could never guess what she would say next, but her actions were always surprising. As he entered his workplace he was met with Namie Yagiri who looked at him in disbelief. 
“ It’s late where have you been?” 
“ Ah, Namie I was out with Celty and (Y/N) (L/N).” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N)?” 
“ Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend, well fiance but not for long.” 
“ What do you mean, not for long?” 
“ Well you see, I intend to steal her away.” 
“ You never seem to bother with people’s love lives anyways. Why now?” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N) is a fascinating human! Here on this board, Shizu-Chan is the king and (Y/N (L/N) would be his queen, but the queen is one of the few people with free-range movement, in other words, the most powerful piece, nonetheless all are useful but the queen is the one who defends her king. If the queen is removed you’re pretty much set to fail and the king is left weak and ready to be dethroned. So, Shizu-chan is only strong with his queen, but this fascinating human being should be next to me, her God!” 
“ So you want to use her-!?” 
“ No! You’re not getting the picture! I am going to take the queen and leave her next to her god’s side! ME! With Shizu-chan weak I’ll simply kill him and fully take (Y/N) (L/N) as mine!” 
“ I thought Shizuo provided you with the most entertainment. . .” 
“ (Y/N) makes up for both of them, I don’t need Shizuo when I have his queen. . .” 
“ Shizuo! Wait!” 
Shizuo was walking faster while dragging (Y/N) behind him as they proceeded to go to their house after staying at Shinra’s. 
“ What for?” 
“ I’m sorry for embarrassing you in front of Izaya. . .” 
“ I’m fine, as long as it was you I didn’t mind.” 
“ You sure?” 
“ Of course, now let’s go home. I’m tired.” 
As they entered the home in which they both own Shizuo immediately grabbed (Y/N) as he held her close before asking her yet again, “ Do you love me?” 
“ Of course silly! I wouldn’t marry someone I don’t love! I love you to the moon and back Shizuo and I wouldn’t change that for the world! No one and nothing would ever split us apart Shizuo! You accepted me for who I am, now it’s time you realize that I accept you for you!” 
Cuddling closer with the (h/c) hair colored female he blurted out something that made her turn red upon hearing it. 
“ I want a baby.” 
“ A WHAT?!” 
“ A baby. I hope to be able to be a father once we wed.” 
“ W-w-w-w-what g-g-g-gave you that idea?!” 
“ We are both at a young age, once we marry I feel like we should have a child. I won’t rush or force you but I think we would be great parents.” 
“I...OKAY! Of course! After we marry, we can have as many children as we can!” 
“ W-Wait you serious?!” 
“ Of course Shizuo, because I love you to bits! Just like I will love this child, I'll make sure you both know how special you are to me!” 
“ I do wonder how I found someone like you (Y/N). . . I love you!” 
“ I love you too Shizuo!” 
As they both fell asleep in a lovers embrace Shizuo was reminded of how much (Y/N) loves him and was also reminded that she will never leave him. Izaya was wrong, (Y/N) loves him for himself and as Shizuo sighed in relief as he cuddled closer to the female, not being feared, but being loved was a great feeling, the best in the world. 
“ Now. . . what should I make for dinner? I should make Shizuo’s favorite meal, but that means that I need to go shopping. Oh well.” 
(Y/N) pulled out her phone before sending Shizuo a quick text saying how she would be stepping out and would be home soon. After getting an, ‘alright. Be safe.’ text she immediately set out to the store. As (Y/N) was searching through the ingredients she came across a hand reaching for the same one, the last one. 
“ Oh, I’m sorry! You can take it!” 
“ No, no that fine! By all means, take it.” 
“ Izaya... .?’ 
“ Ah! (Y/N)! Isn’t that wonderful? I wanted to speak to you!” 
“ Same! Just let me finish shopping and I’ll go with you!” 
“ Here! I’ll help, by the way! Feel free to take it, I don’t need that ingredient as much as you do.” 
“ Thanks! Are you sure you don’t want it though, I’m making a meal for Shizuo but I can always go to other stores! If you want it you should take it! On the bright side, I can get my daily walk in by going to other stores and I might be able to browse through other items I may need!” 
“ Oh? A meal for Shizu-chan? Then, by all means, take it. I wouldn’t want to make him upset.” 
“ Thank you Izaya! You really care for him!” 
“ Well, I wouldn’t say that. .  . “
“ Well, we should get going! I think I got everything I needed!” 
Walking to the park in silence was a little awkward until (Y/N) lit up at the sight of ice cream. 
“ Hey Izaya, look it’s an ice cream truck! Do you want some? My treat!” 
“ Actually, it will be mine! Which one do you want (Y/N)?” 
“ (F/F) please!” 
“ Of course!” 
Upon getting the ice cream ( Y/N) desired and Izaya getting one for himself they decided to sit on a bench and she continued speaking with Izaya. 
“ Izaya, I have a question.” 
“What is it (Y/N)?” 
“ Well, why do you like edging Shizuo on? You know he is trying his hardest to change, wait, is it to push him? To see how much he needs to improve left?” 
“ You really are optimistic aren’t you? Not exactly, you see Shizuo tends to act differently from the rest. . . he truly is unpredictable so I just want to see every possible reaction from him. Just like you?” 
“ Me? I hardly think I'm unpredictable, I feel like you could read me easily.” 
“ You can’t and that’s the best part. I truly love all humans (Y/N), they are just so interesting! In the end, they all act the same yet it’s so exciting!” 
“ Interesting. You like the unpredictable more though right! I do too! It’s like a book, if you can predict the way it ends then it isn’t all the fun. However, if the book ends with a plot twist and catches you by surprise then it is fun! Every new day, every new day is something different for me! I feel like, when you look at a new angle you end up seeing things you’ve never seen. This could easily impact what you think or what you do! That’s what I try to do to make my day more interesting!” 
Izaya looking at her with insanity swirling his eyes grabbed her hands causing her ice cream to fall before laughing. 
“ You understand me! You see what I see! You truly do deserve to be next to your god's side! Tell me (Y/N), you’re very forgiving, aren’t you! Every god needs to judge and punish the sinners, BUT THEY ALSO NEED TO FORGIVE! THAT MY GODDESS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! WITH YOU BY MY SIDE, WE COULD TRULY RULE OVER THESE HUMANS! JUST AS I LOVE HUMANS, THEY SHOULD LOVE ME TOO! THAT INCLUDES YOU (Y/N), DO YOU LOVE ME?” 
“ I-?!” 
“ That’s enough!” 
Turning to Celty who began to write furiously fast on her phone shoved it in front of Izaya as he skimmed the words that were written. 
‘Shizuo is on his way, leave if you don’t want your ass kicked. I told you to leave (Y/N) alone! For once, listen to me!’ 
Celty grabbed (Y/N) and led her to the motorcycle before writing on it explaining that Shizuo was around the area and was planning on picking (Y/N) up from the store. Celty mentioned that she too was around the area and that she was asked by Shizuo to help him look for her as well. Nodding, (Y/N) turned around to meet Izaya smirking, despite all she smiled at him and bowed before apologizing. 
“ I’m sorry Izaya! I hope to talk to you soon and I apologize our time was cut short. I’m happy that you told me a little about yourself Izaya as I told you I like to see both perspectives before saying or doing anything. On the bright side, although our time was cut short I realized that you trust me a little and bothered to open up a bit! So I'm glad!” 
Indeed Izaya found his Goddess, she forgave all and will forgive all. Smiling a bit he turned and wished her good-bye before plotting a plan to take her from Shizuo forever and make sure his goddess was with him all the time. Besides, even if he committed a crime, his goddess, (Y/N) (L/N) would forgive him. 
(Y/N) was riding with Celty until they found Shizuo in which he expressed his concern for the female. He examined the ingredients and smiled realizing what she was planning on doing before ruffling her hair. 
 “ I still have a little bit of work left but I'll make it home in time for dinner.” 
“ Of course! I’ll get started on dinner right away!” 
“ Alright. See you then, oh (Y/N).” 
“ Yeah?” 
“ I love you.” 
“ I love you too!” 
Getting out of the shower, (Y/N) proceeded to dry her hair with a small towel wearing (F/C) shorts and an extremely overgrown shirt, more importantly, it was Shizuo’s bartender shirt that he allowed her to wear. It fit more like a dress but no one was complaining. 
“ I better get started on dinner, Shizuo is going to arrive any minute!” 
Proceeding to get the ingredients (Y/N) was washing the vegetables when she heard a click signaling the door was open. 
“ Shizuo I’m not done with the meal-... Shizuo... .?” 
Examining the living room she noticed that the door was opened but no one was in the room with her, that was until she heard a familiar voice from her right ear. 
“ Good evening, My goddess. . .” 
With that Izaya knocked out (Y/N) cradling her in his arms before making his way to him home with the young girl, his Goddess.  
“ Wake up sleeping beauty~” 
Izaya was poking her cheek repeatedly hoping for the young girl to awaken sometime soon and luckily she did. 
“ Izaya, w-where a-am I?” 
“ Why you’re in our home my goddess~” 
“O-our? Goddess? Izaya what’s going on?” 
“ You will be living with me from now on~ You see I explained it to you, I love humans my dear (Y/N), you are no exception. However, unlike all the other humans you have an interesting personality and you are quite unpredictable making each new day exciting and something to look forward to! Someone like you should be by my side ruling alongside next to me! Just as I adore humans, they should adore us, as they should!” 
“ I-Izaya I’m sorry but it’s late and I need to get to Shizuo before it gets too late-!?” 
“ You aren’t getting it! You aren’t going back to Shizuo! You belong to me! Besides, Shizuo is weak right now! I could easily get rid of him!” 
“ He isn’t! Shizuo is quite strong! I know for a fact that he can overcome anything! Now, please let me go before I-!?” 
“ You aren’t seeing the big picture (Y/N) and it saddens me. You see the queen is the strongest piece in chess. Shizu-chan is the king and you by right, are his queen. If we take the queen away, the king is set up to fail. Haven’t you realized, everyday Shizu-chan asks you if you love him and to never leave him? Coincidence I know? I always make him doubt of this reality because without you Shizu-chan would be a violent monster! Think about it, you’re the only thing that can hold him back but you aren’t by his side! Shizu-chan does not want to be feared but he thinks it’s a fantasy, someone like you being in his life that he just needs to confirm if you love him too!” 
(Y/N) gasped when she came to notice her fiance's true feelings. Feeling down, (Y/N) looked to the side to examine the board Izaya kept close to see if she could find a pattern or attempt to figure Izaya out to create a plan.   
“ In fact! I think he is worried sick trying to find you, but he won’t! Even if he does, he doesn’t have the right to take my Goddess away!” 
In the meantime, Shizuo was frantically searching for where (Y/N) could be. When he arrived home he came to see the door open and no sign of (Y/N) causing his anxiety to spike up at the thought of losing you forever. Having enough he texted Celty and even the dollars home page alerting all members to keep an eye out on a female with (H/C) and (E/C) as she could be in danger. 
“ Celty! Have you found her yet?” 
“ No.... but I think I know where she is. I hope she isn’t though. . . “ 
“ Spit it out! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!” 
Shizuo was running out of breath as he looked at Celty with desperation as he saw her type away with incredible speed, but the answer both shook him and angered him to the point of no return. 
“ I think she is with Izaya. If so, we must hurry!” 
“ Of course! Leave this to me. . . I think it’s time that bastard met with his fate.” 
Shizuo walked away with anger as he began to prepare his fist to execute the man who stole his fiance.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Delicate (Request)
Marvel Cast x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: fluff
Request Description: Hey I have a request. People think because I'm a small(5'3") girl I'm a "Delicate flower" and I'm really the complete opposite. So Marvel Cast x Teen!Reader. Reader was a hardcore stunt double(jumping off buildings,in simulated car accidents, fight scenes, ect.)before she got into acting,but because she's so young they try to prevent her from doing her job. (I'm evil so have her do one of the most risky stunts and nail it)
Warnings: stunt, violence (kind of), language, concerned costars :)
(A/N): hey yall im gonna update hopefully twice today or twice tomorrow? it’s because im going to BERLIN with my SCHOOL on sunday, so i dont expect to be able to write a lot. i already feel kind of guilty, since i havent even written that much this week? it can just be really exhausting you know? anyway i know none of you guys mind, its just what i keep worrying about, but anyway hope you all enjoy this :D
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“Y/n, can’t you please reconsider this?” 
“No, I’m doing the stunt!” 
It was getting annoying at this point. You and the cast had been filming the newest Marvel movie for the past 4 months, and finally came the day, where your stunts were filmed. You only had this one scene (and one or two others with a bit of action) in the entire movie that included stunts, and you, being an experienced stunt double before turning into an actor, were excited. In fact, you were pretty sure that your experience as a stunt double, was what had gotten you the job in the first place. 
You expected that your co-stars would know this, but none of them did, and you found it hard to bring it up, without feeling like you were bragging or something, so you just didn’t tell them. But that was turning out to be a bad idea, as they were getting increasingly worried. 
During the first couple of months, it was mostly light chuckles and small remarks. 
“That’s gonna be tough, huh?”
But as the set was built and the day came closer, the remarks turned into a worried demands. 
“Y/n, that is way too dangerous! Tell the director that you want a stunt double!” Anthony had told you firmly and worryingly, as you came onto the set, wearing your costume. You furrowed your brows and tilted your head up to look at him.
“No, Anthony. I already told you,” you mumbled. Sebastian, Chris (Evans), Scarlett, and Tom (Hiddleston) looked over and a flurry of sighs came. The argument was starting again. 
“Look, maybe you should just listen to us - that stuff is really dangerous, and you’re just too young,” Chris told you, giving you those worried blue eyes. 
“I mean, look at you! You’re.. You know!” Sebastian knew immediately he shouldn’t have begun that sentence when he saw the narrow-eyed glare you sent his way.
“I’m what?” 
“You know... Delicate..” 
You rolled your eyes, intending to walk to a different part of set, where you wouldn’t be ridiculed, but Scarlett’s voice interrupted you. “Alright,” she said, “I’m gonna go ask Joe to give you a stunt double-” 
Just before you could retort, because, boy, was it annoying, a set worker yelled across set, running busily across set. “Guys! You’re on now!” 
You smirked cartoonishly, knowing you’d get to do the stunt, and set off to your starting position. Your coworkers watched you triumphantly getting ready, and exchanged deflated glances. They, reluctantly, got into position as well. 
You felt a power surge as you started, almost immediately jumping into the action. You did it just as it was written in the script, ducking beneath flying fists, taking fake punches, delivering soft blows and jumping and flipping in the air like it was nothing. 
As you dashed across the set, you glanced at Tom and Sebastian. They were both doing their own thing, but you found that their attention had been drifted slightly from the fight and onto you. Their mouths stood slightly agape.
You suppressed your grin, and climbed to the area of which you’d be jumping into a fairly narrow safety pad. You glance down and felt both anxiety and excitement tingling in your stomach. God, you’d really missed being a stunt double. 
You saw Anthony and Scarlett frowning, and then Chris glancing at the director, probably to signal yo get you down from there, but both directors were looking solely at you. 
The ground crunched beneath you, as you turned, pretending to look at approaching enemies coming up to the ledge from behind you. Then you looked down the jump and bit your lip, acting scared. 
“Welp, I guess I’m doing this,” you said as scripted, and then let yourself fall. Just as your body fell between the gap, you grabbed onto a small branch, placed there very purposefully. Your body bounced violently at the motion, and your arm tugged at the weight of your own body. 
You heard the actors playing the villains trample above you in confusion. 
“They probably jumped over! Let’s go!” they hissed, and the ledge thundered and small stones fell, as they all left you in the gap. You looked, once more just like in the script, at the ledge, the branch, and then beneath you. 
“God, bad day..” you mumbled, and comically you let yourself fall. You landed, rather gracefully in your opinion, on the pad, and fell onto safety. 
The set exploded in applause. The directors, set workers, actors and actresses, everyone was seemingly impressed, and you smiled with pride. 
“Woah, holy shit, holy fucking shit, Y/n! When’d you learn to do that?!” Chris asked excitedly, everyone running over as you stood up. 
“I was a stunt double for years. I love this kind of stuff,” you explained and watched them roll their eyes and smile in disbelief. 
“Why didn’t you say so, you dumbass?” Anthony tried to be angry, but he couldn’t hide how impressed he was. “But, for real, damn that was cool.”
“I don’t know, I didn’t know how to bring it up. Anyway-” 
“STOP CELEBRATING, WE’RE NOT DONE!” One of the directors had a megaphone and he made big eyes, as he fussed you all along. The cast laughed at him.
“Alright, but, uh- Next time, just tell us, Y/n. You gave me a fucking heart attack.” Scarlett cursed at you, booped your nose, and then jogged back to her place. You laughed and nodded.
“Tell me too!” Tom hissed, glancing at everyone waiting for the cast to stop fooling around, booped your nose once more (a very boopable surface, if you will), and ran to his position as well. 
Everyone traveled back to their places, and then you would work the scene over and over, and at the end of the day, you all went out to celebrate because, as the cast liked to phrase it, you were ‘inexplicably cool’. 
You enjoyed the food and the glory, and all was good. Looks like you weren’t so delicate after all. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906​ @xiumin-girl99​ @frostedgiant @tamayakii​
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natsuiryusei · 2 years
【A9! translation】 Madoka Ikaruga SSR — Out-of-date Freshmen (3/3)
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Haruto: This is the hall where the ceremony will be held. We’ll rehearse it before then.
Madoka: Got it.
Shifuto: Our dormitory will be decided during the ceremony, right? I’m so excited~
Madoka: Yeah, me too.
Winter dorm teleports with magic.
Shifuto: …..Huh? Those people are….
Haruto: Yeah, those’re the guys from Winter dorm.
Tsumugi: Good evening.
Azuma: Greetings, you two are the rumored new students, I believe?
Homare: Today we were supposed to be outside but——
We came here to greet you if you two were to join the Winter dorm.
Shifuto: So that’s how it is! Sorry for making you guys come here. Nice to meet yall! I’m Shifuto Arakawa.
Madoka: I’m Madoka Ikaruga.
Tsumugi: The Winter dorm’s speciality is conjuring water magic. We also have a lot of quiet students here.
Madoka: I see…
Haruto: Anyways, this guy is the leader for the magic gardening club.
Tsumugi: Yes, that’s right.
If you’re interested in magical plants, do try joining the club, even if temporarily.
Madoka: (I see, there are also club activities too.)
Tasuku: You right there, looks like you’re good at exercising.
Shifuto: Yep I do!
Tasuku: I’m Tasuku, a fifth year student from Winter dorm, also the leader of the magical soccer club. Our club is always looking for new members to join.
Shifuto: Ah, Sorry. I play baseball.
Tasuku, visibly disappointed: I see…..
Homare: Do you happen to be interested in art? I’m a 6th year student from Winter dorm and a member of the magical literary club, Homare Arisugawa! If there are any chances you’ll join, do know that we’ll welcome you.
Madoka: Magical literary club…
Homare: Indeed, we are currently thinking of beautiful spells.
Hisoka: Arisu’s club activities are all meaningless…
Homare: Hmm! I beg your pardon!
Hisoka: …I’m a 6th year student from Winter dorm, Hisoka. Our napping club is more meaningful than Arisu’s club.
Homare: The napping club does not need to sleep even in the courtyard!
Hisoka: There are other places you can sleep comfortably other than the courtyard. If you’re curious, you can join too.
Shifuto: Now that you mention it, it sounds about right!
Tasuku: You sometimes sleep in a place that’s way too unexpected…
Haruto: Like sleeping in the magic library…
Guy: There are also other various club activities at this magical school.
Azuma: When your dorm is decided, do join me and Guy’s magic adult club.
Madoka: M-magic adult club!?
Azuma: Fufu, that’s right. I’m Azuma from the 7th year. I'm pleased to meet you.
Guy: I’m from the same year as him, Guy. Let’s get along.
Shifuto: But! What kind of activities do you guys do at the adult club?
Guy: ….it’s a gentleman’s pleasure.
Madoka: A gentleman’s pleasure…
(I don’t get what it means…)
Azuma: If you want to know more, you can come to where it’s at. We’re based on the membership salon guy manages.
Madoka: (Membership salon…sounds really adult-like)
(The rest of the seniors from Winter dorm have introduced themselves to us, So there are a lot of club activities huh)
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Madoka: Tomorrow’s the ceremony where my dorm will be decided….
Shifuto: Madoka, I’m going in!
Madoka: Ah, yeah.
Shifuto: Sup, I’m thinking about tomorrow, I feel really hyped up. So I came here to play.
The grouping tomorrow makes me feel excited.
Madoka: That’s true.
Shifuto: Which dorm do you think you’ll join?
Madoka: Hmm, I’d be happy if I get to be in the same dorm as my brother at Summer dorm, but I liked the atmosphere those seniors from the Winter dorm gave off.
I still don’t know.
What about you?
Shifuto: If I join Autumn with Azami it’d be fun but I thought the comedic duo from Spring dorm looks interesting!
At any rate all of the 4 dorms do sound fun but…
I don’t think I fit in any of them you see.
I don’t know why but Haruto-sensei and the chairman look really interesting!
Madoka: I-interesting……?
(It sounds like a big deal to have such an impression on Haruto-sensei and the chairman but….)
Actually I think so too…those two felt mysterious and I’m curious…
Shifuto: Right!? They’re really amazing and cool, super interesting!
Anyways, let’s look forward to tomorrow! I can’t sleep though
Madoka: Yeah…..I can’t sleep properly.
Madoka: (I’m kind of nervous but…. I’m glad I joined at the same time as Shifuto)
(The grouping ceremony is soon, the hall is filled with every teachers and students)
Banri: Looks like those other guys’re curious about which dorm the new students are going to be in.
Sakuya: Hehe, I also feel kind of excited!
Tsumugi: No matter which dorm they’ll be in, they’ll be able to socialize with various people and build upon each other’s strength
Tenma: Right, Misumi said so too, everyone wanted to hold a party. Hanging out and doing magic research together would be good too.
Haruto: Since I’m going to teach them at this school, I’ll tell them how to do fabulous magic.
There’ll be difficult techniques and hard practices but if they work hard enough they’ll be able to keep up.
Reni: Be quiet.
The new students, Madoka Ikaruga, Shifuto Arakawa. Move to the front.
Madoka: Understood.
Shifuto: Alright!
Reni: Then with this…let the grouping ceremony commence.
Dear fairy who protects this academy, soar high.
Izumi: ……
Masumi: ….! We’ve met at last….
Tsuzuru: Oi, calm down! Come on, don't go to the front!
Masumi: Let me go, Tsuzuru!
Itaru: What’s up…
Guy: Usui is being held back by Minagi it seems.
Yuki: That guy never changes….
Izumi: Welcome to MANKAI Magical Academy, dear wizard child.
I’m the fairy that protects this school. I bless you all.
Madoka: (It’s a gentle, soft light. So she’s the fairy who protects this school)
(How pretty….)
Reni: Dear fairy, please decide which dorm Madoka Ikaruga belongs to.
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Madoka: …..!
Izumi: Madoka Ikaruga. The dorm you belong in will be——…
Madoka: (The dorm I belong to will be—….)
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Shifuto: ….Madoka…..Madoka….?
Madoka: ….!
Shifuto: If your sleeping position is like that you’ll get body aches you know.
Madoka: I fell asleep….
(Ah, that’s right, I was supposed to write a short script for God-za’s workshop)
(We were also meeting up at Haruto-san’s mansion for it)
(While thinking up of a new idea, before I knew it, it’s already late at night)
Haruto: I’m also starting to get sleepy, we should take a nap soon.
Shifuto: Ah, can I take the bed…
Haruto: Give it up! Madoka takes the sofa, you take the floor!
Shifuto: Eeh~......the bed is wide you know, 2 people fit in right?
Haruto: There’s no way I’ll let you!
Madoka: ….Excuse me….
Haruto, immediately smiling: What’s up?
Madoka: Uuh, just one thing, for the script’s draft I actually thought up a new concept.
Shifuto: Ah, what’s it? What's it?
Haruto: Is it a suitable theme for God-za?
Madoka: (Just now I experienced a mysterious dream….)
…..How about a story about a magical school?
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hello! I just saw your blog! Can i request a hc, Akaashi first time meeting Karasuno's manager(reader) and keeps hanging out when their in summer camp. And akaashi realised he liked the reader? 👉👈
This was so cute to write I frickin love Akaashi he’s so pretty??? Like why??
Akaashi’s Crush on the Karasuno Manager 
While Akaashi doesn’t jump off the walls when they hear that Karasuno will be joining in on their training camp, it does make him even more excited to go 
he overheard from some of the players on Nekoma that Karasuno was a team to keep an eye on and He even hears from Kuroo that Karasuno has yet another hot manager but Akaashi just wants to stay focused on trying to get better
He will keep an eye out for you though cause Kuroo hardly ever talks about girls since he’s a big nerd
Before the other teams get there, Fukurodani & Nekoma start playing a practice game for fun just to get warmed up
in the middle of their set, Karasuno shows up and walks over to the side of the gym to start stretching so the practice set pauses so Fukurodani can get a look at the new team
He’s looking at all the players and I’m not saying he’s judging them buttttt he’s judging a tiny bit
“okay there’s a super short dude- oh wait there’s two short guys- oh my god why does that one guy look like a whole ass adult- wow is that her?”
Akaashi has never been known to be as girl crazy as his other teammates but when he spots you across the gym talking to the other players, Akaashi feels his heart skip a beat because holy shit Kuroo was right she’s reallyyyy attractive 
He’s a certified Pretty Boy™ so he can definitely acknowledge when others are pretty too
He’s not the only one though because some of his own teammates are oogly at the girl and it makes Akaashi feel off
“ Oya, see! I told you Karasuno’s manager-”
“ Lets keep playing,” Akaashi insists loudly as he tears his eyes away from your direction
The idea of staring at you from afar because of how pretty you look doesn’t sit well with Akaashi but that doesn’t stop him from making quick glances at you throughout the day
he figures you get hit on a lot and he doesn’t want to seem like a creep but Bokuto convinces him that he should just go over and talk to you because it was creepier if he didn’t say anything at all
Akaashi never takes any advice from Bokuto because duh, it’s always the other way around PLUS Bokuto just figured out that girls had three holes so Akaashi didn’t need his judgement 
the day goes on and Akaashi kinda just uwu’s from afar UNTIL you dropped some of the empty waterbottles along the hallway and he basically sprints over to help you
and when he kneels down beside you, he has to literally stop his jaw from hitting the floor because you’re even prettier in person 
after he helps you, your quick thank you is pretty shortlived since his team needs to play another match but now you’re short circuiting cause bruh this dude is hella attractive 
You guys don’t even see each other until hours later when everyone is eating dinner and all Akaashi wants to do is talk to you again 
So he finally goes up to you after dinner to introduce himself but gets interrupted by some of the Karasuno members
“ I HOPE you’re not trying to make a move on our beloved manager!”
“ If you even LOOK at her I will happily rip your head-”
“ Oh my god would you two stop!” You grab the back of Tanaka and Noya’s shirts and push them aside because while the boys were pretty protective, you weren’t going to let them cockblock you from a handsome prospect 
You happily introduced yourself to Akaashi as if the last fifteen seconds didn’t happen and right away, you compliment how well Akaashi plays cause maybe you had been secretly watching him from afar as well
Akaashi couldn’t even blame you, he had been purposefully playing extra hard, hoping that you would catch at least one good point
Akaashi is a humble man so of course he simply thanks you and he makes the first move by asking if you wanted to find a quiet place to talk for a bit
And your heart kinda drops like cue that tiktok sound ‘are we about to kiss right now’???
So the two of you walk to the outside of the gym and you two find a bench to sit on and in your head, you’re pretty nervous because you had just met him but the conversation flows super well
Akaashi might seem dry but when it comes to holding a conversation with people other than Bokuto, he’s never the type to let it get awkward or silent
You know how he said yall were gonna talk for a bit? Yeahhhh that turned into THREE HOURS
Even Akaashi is kinda shocked that you would be willing to talk to him for this long but he didn’t mind because you were super engaged in the conversation which was a response he never usually got with his other teammates
It’s not too hard for Akaashi to open up to people but there’s something about you that makes it so much easier for him to open up and you know some things that he hadn’t even told his close friends
“ So what, are we friends now?”
“ I don’t know, I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for fraternizing with the enemy,” You tease as you nudge him with your shoulder,” How will your teammates react when they find out that you’re staying up late with the opposing teams manager?”
“ They’d be more jealous than mad, that’s for sure.”
Akaashi didn’t even mean to say it outloud but it slipped through his lips so easily and to be frank, it was the truth
He could only imagine everyone else’s reaction when they find out that he had alone time with the manager everyone was practically drooling over
Akaashi doesn’t even get a chance to analyze your reaction because not even a second later, Bokuto opens the gym doors and his eyes widen when he sees him
“ Akaashi! We’ve been looking for you- hey, you’re that manager from Karasuno! Y/N right?”
“ Yeah, that’s me, you must be Bokuto-san, it’s nice to meet you. Akaashi has told me so much about you!”
Bokuto hums as he looks over to Akaashi and sends him a quick wink before turning back to you
“ Really? Because all day all Akaashi could ever talk about was you-”
“ You know what, it’s kinda late, maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow?” Akaashi suggests as he quickly gets up from his seat and grabs the back of Bokuto’s arm
He’s so embarrassed, he forgets to say goodbye to you and he doesn’t even realize it until he drags Bokuto back to the rooms
“ Why would you do that? Now she thinks I’m obsessed with her!”
“ Wait, so you’re not obsessed with her? But you’ve been talking about her all day?”
“ Well yes, b-but I just met her, are you insane?”
Akaashi shakes of Bokuto and goes straight to bed as he collapses on his pillow face first
Things couldn’t get worse, could they?
OHHHH they got a lot worse
The next day was when the boys were all treated to barbeque 
meat meat meat
Akaashi was sitting down at the steps with Bokuto and some of the players from Nekoma and he was able to hear your name in a few conversations
He didn’t have enough energy to be jealous, especially since the two of you weren’t even dating but when Kuroo started to talk about you, he could feel himself get more annoyed
“ Y/N-chan sure is cute, wouldn’t you say so Akaashi?” Kuroo teased as Akaashi turned to glare at Bokuto as if he was saying “ you rat, why didn’t you keep your mouth shut?”
Bokuto acts innocent but he could slowly see the wheels turning in Akaashi’s mind
Truth be told, Bokuto did tell Kuroo about Akaashi’s crush on you and when Bokuto complained that Akaashi would never make a move, Kuroo was ready to kick things off
Kuroo loves setting people up that’s like his talent ANYWAYS
“ Yeah, she’s cute” is all Akaashi could say as he looked over and saw you laughing with the other managers
Kuroo leaned back and rested his hands against the back of his head,” But wouldn’t you say she’s realllllyy cute? Cause I think she’s reallllyy cute.”
Kenma looked up from his video game console to look at Kuroo before turning his attention back to his game,” Kuroo-”
“ What’s your point? Do you like her or something? Cause I don’t care if you do, go ahead,” Akaashi huffed as he turned his attention back to his plate that he hadn’t even touched yet
Kuroo and Bokuto shared a look like “ ooo he’s getting mad”
Kuroo shrugged and cracked his fingers before getting out of his seat “ alright, only because you’re giving me permission-”
As Kuroo was getting up, Akaashi could feel his chest tighten and he reached out to grab Kuroo’s wrist, stopping him from moving closer
“ Wait- don’t,” Akaashi sighed as he shook his head,” I know what you’re doing. I’ll go up to her just stay here and shut up.”
Kuroo smirked happily as Akaashi put down his plate and made his way over to where you were
You stood over a grill as you helped put some more meat on a first years plate but when you looked up to see Akaashi standing by you, you smiled back at him
“ Oh hey, I was hoping I would see you! I’m sure you’re pretty hungry after kicking our butts in that last match, huh?” You tease and now that he’s actually in front of you, he’s nervous as hell
“ It was a close game but I actually wanted to talk to you about something if it’s okay with you?”
Your heart sank as you were already mentally preparing yourself for him to tell you he had a girlfriend or that he wasn’t looking to be in anything serious
You didn’t want to marry the dude but you really liked being around him and it helped that he was the most gorgeous man to ever walk the planet
“ Well, I was wondering... if you weren’t busy-”
“ ARE YOU ASKING HER AKAASHI!” You both turned your heads towards Bokuto who was now getting a hard slap on the back of his head by Kuroo
Akaashi was going to commit first-degree murder the first chance he got 
You couldn’t help but laugh yet once you saw Akaashi’s flustered expression, you pulled yourself together and let him continue
“ I know we just met but do you think it would be okay if we got to know each other more? I know it’s bad timing with this season but if you’re ever free, I’d love to take you out to dinner.”
Akaashi didn’t even get a response from you just yet but he was already so proud of himself with even asking you without stuttering
Your first reaction was to shut down because you were NOT expecting to already be going on a date with him BUT you would be lying if you said you weren’t interested in him
“ I would love that. Let me give you my number so we can plan something soon,” You said sweetly even though on the inside, you were screeching and doing backflips
Akaashi fumbled with pulling out his phone and once he handed it to you, you both could her some of his teammates whooping with cheers and ‘ooooo’s’
IDK how to end this but I can definitely see Kuroo and Bokuto slapping Akaashi’s back like proud parents while Daichi is definitely praying that Akaashi is a good guy so he doesn’t have to beat up yet another douchebag in your life
And yes, Tanaka and Noya are absolutely crushed - heart been broke so many times
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: never written male reader before but this was a funny request and i really do see the irony in this
anon request:  
absolutely LOVED your seijoh hcs! you said you wanted to do the other schools so i thought, how about nekoma but with a MALE manager bc it would be so ironic to have a male god as their manager rather than a goddess that they always talked about!! thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!
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yall the nekoma fanchant is literally stuck in my head
hehe uwu lets step on the pedal
ong jesus take the wheel pls
so basically,,,
being the nekoma manager is a MESS
lets say youre a second year and was only the manager bc you were begged into taking the job
like wouldnt leave you alone and pestered you 25/8, screaming about needing their own god manager
also just because, you are fairly popular and you have your own fanclub of girls in nekoma and they thought it would give them more exposure and more chances w girls :’)
tora was actually the first who came up to you and begged you to be their manager during class one day bc they are in need of one but they arent allowed to have a girl manager so he turned to having a handsome male
‘so you wont be all over him abd be distracted w showing off’
‘tora, please’
initially, you refused bc you just couldnt be bothered to be part of a club where you basically babysit a bunch of overgrown children
but kenma, your childhood friend, was the team’s last attempt to get you in since kuroo mentioned that he was the only one you listened to
‘kenma, babie, i love you, but i am your friend, not your nanny. so unless i am paid, i will not waste my time taking care of of all of you. especially that chicken head’
‘y/n, yaku is on his last leg here. we really need a manager and we need it fast’
‘you went for years without one so why do you need it?’
‘we’re scared that nekomata would just drop dead any minute now’
‘yanno? im surprised hes even still alive with yall’
‘....... ill show your fangirls that picture of you when we were 5 when-’
‘okay, kenma. rude about the blackmail but okay. dont expect me to be the maid or anything’
nope, you were actually the maid
and the cook
and the nanny
and the laundry person
the everything
it baffles you that kuroo is about to graduate next year yet he still doesnt know the difference between fabric softener and detergent
the amount of times you sent him to pick up more and only to send him back when he ended up buying 2 softeners or 2 detergents
‘they all look the same!’
‘kuroo tetsuro cAN yOu NoT rEAd?!’
ngl i still mix them up sometimes
during matches, youre basically their mother, their nanny, and nekomata’s notetaker, and their personal cheerleader
naoi, the other coach guy, and coach nekomata has adopted you as a son bc of how hard you work and the less the burden is on them
like your notes about their playing percentages really works and helps them and added with the chores you do for the team?
also, lets put your popularity in here
you dress with a white shirt and zip up your red nekoma jacket with your red sweatpants so you look like one of the players, right?
but how come every time they have practice, youre the only one with the fangirls in the bleachers?
youre literally wearing the same thing as them yet youre the only one who gets looked at?!
even kuroo, who was quite good looking, doesnt have that many girls pining after him yet you, resident anti-tryhard, seems to get the female population to fall for you just by doing the simplest things like breathing
youd be doing normal things like using your whistle as you hold a clipboard and girls would be screeching at you 
‘omg m/n is so hot!’
‘hes just !!!! uuggghhhh’
‘siri how to be a whistle?’
i am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the gym today
tora complains about it all the time bc first, they cant have a beautiful manager, two, they have a pretty boy who’s taking the attention away
you bonk him on the head in anger and threaten to quit all the time
‘say that again and you’ll be filling your own water bottles tomorrow’
but in truth though, the guys really do appreciate you and everything you do
they know that you balance them with your personal life and classes and still make time to do their laundry and make them food
so they have started easing off the burden and weight off of your shoulders
at first, you were very suspicious when they told you that they already filled their water bottles
‘huh? i didnt think you even knew where the water fountain was’
‘wym weve been doing this for years’
then, you heard kuroo tell the others to put their sweaty jerseys in the basket in the corner of the room and for the last person to carry it to the laundromat
‘um, sir, we dont want to have another pink jersey disaster again’
you stopped inuoka from lugging the basket but he shook his head and gave you a wide grin
‘nope, m/n-senpai! i’ll carry it for you! i’m strong, see?’
he flexed his right arm muscle while holding the basket with one hand but it was too heavy so it fell to the ground, spilling out all the practice jerseys
you sighed before bending down to pick them up and babie inuoka’s eyes watered, thinking you were mad at him
‘gomen, senpai’
he whispered but you looked up at him from your position
his watery eyes made you frantically stand up and wipe his tears with the pads of your thumbs
‘inu-kun, why are you crying? you said you were strong right? dont cry over silly things, okay?’
he nodded and you were still confused as to why he was so emotional but you patted his fluffy hair 
‘now cmon, lets go take these to the shop’
unbeknownst to you, the team was actually seething from behind the wall
naturally, as a,,, manager,, you became their,,, energy?? 
like the slightest affections from you made their health bar increase tenfold and they didnt necessarily have any intentions towards you
you were like,,, their own,,,, happy drug?? like a human seratonin??
just the fact that they had someone like you to fall back on and give them love when they lost or something
it was comforting
usually it was just the team’s responsibility to throw away their own sadness and comfort each other
but with you,,,
they could easily cry with no fear and you would comfort them until they didnt need to be comforted anymore
eventually, they ended up straight out competing against each other on who would get the most affection
clearly, inuoka used his first year card and everyone knew you were soft for your kouhais
like you would just grab them and hug them because of how cute they were
uwu especially lev?! 
he may be a giant but hes just a really REALLY REALLY BIG CAT
like the mans is beanstalk level of height and despite the age difference, he just picks you up and cuddles you and youre just like ‘okay, let it out babie’
you are always a hot topic w all the students in nekoma and even some in other schools
like during training camp, bro you making everyone question their sexuality
omg akaashi and you are probably the prettiest people there and can i just say how everyone cant focus on a practice match bc youd be laughing together or something and they havent heard anything so beautiful??
and the kitties get really defensive over you and hiss at anyone who even tries to approach you
hiss hiss
like the little touches from you make them so red and confident gays like kuroo and bokuto call you out on them and tease you 
while the quiet ones like akaashi and kenma are just blushing and stutter and you tease them instead?
*inhale* BOI *exhale*
the uke and seme dynamic is real on this one
however, there are times when the turned tables
there was that one day that you were seriously questioning if bokuto wore leggings or just really high knee pads and you cornered him after baths to just figure it out
like our poor confident boi turned to a shy babie and shrunk against the wall, covering his red face
‘bo-san, i just want to know’
after seeing the smidge of skin at the top of the kneepad, you nodded and brushed your fingertips over the flesh
‘hmm~ so i was right~’
it worried everyone so much when bokuto would glance at you in the sidelines and he would competely miss akaashi’s set bc his eyes would focus on you rather than the ball
like he absolutely couldnt take his eyes off of you and when you do turn to meet his eyes, he shrinks back and looks away, completely missing your amused smirk
now, your kitties werent happy about that
theyre very protective of you and they felt that this owl could snatch you right up and fly away
and kuroo, being the captain and the head of the familia, took it upon himself and dragged you to the back of the gym while the others were practicing
kurat pushed you against the wall and basically kabedonned you
‘you seem close with bokuto, l/n. almost, too,, close’
an amused smirk etched itself on your lips and you pressed a hand on his chest
‘oya~? captain-san, am i being punished?’
ofc he was taken aback by your flirty attitude but he smirked and softly brushed away your bangs that slightly covered your eyes
‘hmm~~ depends, y/n-kun. are you going to be a good kitty and stay with the clowder? or are you going to stay with those pesky chickens~?’
you chuckled and gently wrapped your arms around his shoulders
but your hand grabbed the hair at the back of his head and harshly pulled him to be closer to you
your eyes blinked innocently but your sharp teeth were shown from your malicious grin
‘ive always been a bad kitty, captain. so i dont care what you say because you cant tell me what to do~’
imagine what happens next bc i cant write something unholy
so you learned that tetsu CAN in fact tell you what to do and you avoided everyone else which caused them to wonder but one look at your neck
you got attacked by a cat 
a cat named tetsu
but you toned it down to not be attacked again
ngl the whole team was all jealous and they even whined to kuroo about it
‘thats not fair!!!!’
‘stop abusing your role as captain!!!!’
they hated the fact that kuroo got you first so they all rally over to keep you away from him
like baby kenma would nudge you over and bring him to sit next to you, saying he needs you to help him with a certain level
‘kenny, im not sure how to play this game’
‘hmm,,,, youre a quick learner, y/n, and youre really quick with your fingers so you could pass to the next level’
*insert lenny face*
‘oya? and you would know how, kenny?’
and baby kenny would fluster a little before glomping to your side and burying his face into your shoulder to hide away
the first years would absolutely use their kouhai priviledges and bring you over to help them with ‘homework’
‘you guys realize i passed because kuroo would beat me into studying right?’
‘but senpai! you mustve learned a thing or two in your classes!’
‘bold of you to assume i was even awake in my classes’
but they still make you spend hours trying to help them which turn into just messing around 
there isnt really a single calm moment in your guys’ practice
poor you have already started seeing lot of gray hairs
you literally decline every single confession just because youre too busy for a date and you cant handle having to take care of another person
its like youre dating the whole team!!
soon the entire school have just accepted the fact that you are just simply not in the market anymore just because you joined the club
not because youre actually taken by a girlfriend but youre taken by a bunch of teenage males
imagine how that works out
youre not really the best volleyball player out there but you know a thing or two
well,,, its more like your stamina doesnt allow you to play long bc a single lap literally destroys your lungs
but you still know when yaku complains about having a shaky receive
‘oh, momo-senpai, youre bending your knees too low so gravity is pushing down on your-’
ugh chemistry i hate it
despite your lack of athletic or physical skills, they still appreciate you for your keen eyes, your caring nature, and your overall looks that give them motivation to play harder to impress you personality :)
all the boys love you
and tbh
you love your boys too
even though it was a blackmail caused event,
you still would’ve joined otherwise
this is kinda short but its going to be longer if i find some plots or somebody asks for a plotline that i can write about for a long time
byeeeee :)))))
a/n: this isnt exactly the best manager one ive written but ill probably find a good prompt for this or again as stated ^^ someone sends in an ask for it and ill write a story for our favorite male manager :’D
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