#APC events
prowlingeagles · 2 years
2023 Elections: Akinosi admonishes APC members to shun division and vote for all party candidates
2023 Elections: Akinosi admonishes APC members to shun division and vote for all party candidates
  By Nigeria – The All Progressives Congress, APC, House of Representatives Candidate for Ado-Odo/Ota Federal Constituency, Engr. Tunji Akinosi, FNSE has admonished the party members to shun division to ensure the victory of the ruling party in the upcoming general elections. Engr. Akinosi stated the birthday celebration of the Yeyeluwa of Ota, Awori Kingdom and member of SUBEB Board, Chief…
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Hello New York?
..but also, following the APC/JW Anderson/Loewe breadcrumb track, lo and behold, what do we find?
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Next Thursday. Thought you might be interested.
LHR event of tonight might be a preview of the above. Not implying anything in particular, but with These Two, you never know.
This is dedicated to the current rigmarole - I think it sums it up quite nicely:
My grandfather used to whistle it all the time while shaving. And now, boom - I am nostalgic AF.
PS: gracias, tu sabes quien eres tambien.
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discluded · 11 months
I was wondering if you'd have any opinions on why MileApo haven't done any fan-meetings yet (just purely them in a hall/arena with fans only doing a qna, playing games etc.)? I know we've seen them do promotional lives, the world tour, they did the FanStar event in Vietnam, ManSuang promo, Dior etc. But I would have hoped they would've done one by now. I might be projecting since I follow a lot of kpop etc. but I was thinking about it and wondered why, could a duo fan-meet not be worth planning?
Hi! they actually did do a fan meet last year.
It was in November and in collaboration with a Line Friends promotional event.
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if you remember these outfits.
I can't find the announcement press release, which was in Thai anyway, but it was at Central Pattana mall (what I tagged it as) and called Embracing Happiness 2023 (what @nattaphum tagged it as) if you want to look through our tags for it. It should turn up quickly with a search.
This fan meet didn't require tickets and the turnout was genuinely huge... so I'm guessing you mean something else? I looked up some variations on what a fan meet vs. fan sign vs. concert is for kpop just to try to get an idea of the nuance you're looking for I'm missing... if you're talking ticketed event where they play games and take audience questions, the Woody interview was fairly close to that. Mile had a fan sign to make up for missing the KPWT send off (it's tagged under mile send off on my blog) but those were from random raffle winners and not available through buying tickets. The Planet of Stars event in Vietnam had more of the concert element and I think they were supposed to interact more with fans who bought certain levels of tickets but that was, um, kind of a mess.
maybe you can clarify what specifically you qualify as a fan meet? I'll answer based on what I'm thinking right now anyway:
1) financially, I think doing events with sponsors makes more sense for them. it's not as intimate for fans, but it does allow more people to attend events, which is better for sponsors. additionally opening it up to a larger audience avoids the element of fan scalping / reselling tickets at absurd prices for fan meets (which was an issue with some of the man suang showings with actors in attendance).
2) for foreign fan meets, the logistics are challenging and BOC isn't really sized to scale to handle that.. for various reasons. working with a third party to coordinate is risky: see Planet of Friends concert and the JeffGameplay fanmeet in France that didn't include Jeff in the end, and the sponsors made off without even hosting the meet.
3) The air is poisonous right now. there's already been instances of fan photos or fan engagement where the person invited up was openly nasty to Mile or Apo (see: Woody interview when Apo invited up a greeny rose, or a recent fan photo event where an apc was openly hostile to Mile). why open the door to more of that?
I mean, look at Bible's fan meet today... I really sympathize for him right now. He doesn't deserve this for his first fan meet and no one deserves to be treated like an accessory to someone else's career. (I'm not posting it but check @blramblingx2's blog. they posted it because I sent it their way...)
but we'll see! I wouldn't mind seeing a large scale fan meet like embracing happiness again. that was fun... for me... mile and apo were going through it in those 3 layers of sweaters and jackets 😂
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science-sculpt · 7 months
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The T Cell Landscape
T cells, a critical component of the adaptive immune system, stand as the body's elite force in combatting infections and diseases. These specialized lymphocytes boast remarkable diversity, each type playing a distinct role in orchestrating a targeted and effective immune response.
T cells, like all blood cells, originate from hematopoietic stem cells residing in the bone marrow. However, their training ground lies within the thymus, a specialized organ located in the chest. Here, they undergo a rigorous selection process known as thymocyte education. During this process, immature T cells, called thymocytes, are presented with self-antigens (molecules unique to the body) by special cells. Thymocytes that bind too strongly to these self-antigens are eliminated, preventing them from attacking healthy tissues later. Only thymocytes that demonstrate the ability to recognize foreign invaders while exhibiting tolerance to self are released into the bloodstream as mature T cells.
Following this rigorous training, mature T cells exit the thymus and embark on their patrol, circulating throughout the bloodstream and lymphatic system. They remain vigilant, constantly scanning for their specific targets – antigens. Antigens are foreign molecules, such as fragments of viruses, bacteria, or even cancerous cells, that trigger the immune response.
The hallmark of a T cell is its T cell receptor (TCR), a highly specialized protein complex embedded on its surface. This receptor acts like a lock, uniquely shaped to fit a specific antigen, the "key." Each T cell develops a unique TCR capable of recognizing only a single antigen, enabling a highly specific immune response.
But how do T cells encounter these hidden antigens lurking within infected or cancerous cells? This critical role is played by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). APCs, such as macrophages and dendritic cells, engulf pathogens or abnormal cells, break them down into smaller fragments (peptides), and present them on their surface complexed with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. MHC molecules act as identification tags, allowing T cells to distinguish between "self" and "non-self." When a T cell's TCR encounters its specific antigen bound to an MHC molecule on an APC, a dance of activation begins. The T cell becomes stimulated, and a cascade of signaling events is triggered. This leads to the T cell's proliferation, producing an army of clones specifically tailored to combat the recognized threat.
T cells are not a single, monolithic entity. They comprise a diverse population, each type with a specialized function:
Helper T Cells (Th Cells):
Helper T cells, often abbreviated as Th cells, play a central role in coordinating immune responses. They express the CD4 surface marker and can recognize antigens presented by major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules. Subtypes of helper T cells include Th1, Th2, Th17, and regulatory T cells (Tregs), each with distinct functions and cytokine profiles.
Th1 cells mediate cellular immunity by activating macrophages and cytotoxic T cells, crucial for defense against intracellular pathogens.
Th2 cells are involved in humoral immunity, promoting B cell activation and antibody production, thus aiding in defense against extracellular parasites.
Th17 cells contribute to the immune response against extracellular bacteria and fungi, producing pro-inflammatory cytokines. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) maintain immune tolerance and prevent autoimmunity by suppressing excessive immune responses.
Cytotoxic T Cells (Tc Cells):
Cytotoxic T cells, also known as Tc cells or CD8+ T cells, are effector cells responsible for directly killing infected or aberrant cells. They recognize antigens presented by MHC class I molecules on the surface of target cells. Upon activation, cytotoxic T cells release perforin and granzymes, inducing apoptosis in target cells and eliminating the threat.
Memory T Cells:
Memory T cells are a long-lived subset of T cells that persist after the clearance of an infection. They provide rapid and enhanced immune responses upon re-exposure to the same antigen, conferring immunological memory. Memory T cells can be either central memory T cells (TCM), residing in lymphoid organs, or effector memory T cells (TEM), circulating in peripheral tissues.
γδ T Cells:
Unlike conventional αβ T cells, γδ T cells express a distinct T cell receptor (TCR) composed of γ and δ chains. They recognize non-peptide antigens, such as lipids and metabolites, and are involved in immune surveillance at epithelial barriers and responses to stress signals.
Beyond the Battlefield: The Expanding Roles of T Cells: The remarkable capabilities of T cells have opened doors for several groundbreaking applications in medicine:
Vaccines: By presenting weakened or inactivated forms of pathogens, vaccines "train" the immune system to generate memory T cells. This prepares the body to recognize and rapidly eliminate the real pathogen upon future exposure, preventing disease.
Cancer immunotherapy: CAR T-cell therapy, a revolutionary approach, genetically engineers a patient's own T cells to express chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) that recognize and target specific cancer cells. These "supercharged" T cells are then reintroduced into the patient, unleashing a potent attack against the tumor.
Autoimmune disease treatment: Researchers are exploring ways to manipulate T cells to suppress harmful immune responses that underlie autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
The diverse array of T cells underscores the immune system's complexity and adaptability in mounting tailored responses against a myriad of threats. From orchestrating immune reactions to maintaining tolerance and establishing long-term immunity, T cells play multifaceted roles in safeguarding the body's health. Understanding the intricacies of T cell biology not only sheds light on immune-mediated diseases but also paves the way for developing novel therapeutic strategies harnessing the power of the immune system.
T cells represent a fascinating aspect of immunology, with their diversity and specificity driving the complexity of immune responses. As research advances, further insights into T cell biology promise to revolutionize immunotherapy and enhance our ability to combat diseases ranging from infections to cancer. By understanding and harnessing their power, we can unlock new avenues for protecting and improving human health.
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buildgrist · 1 year
hey i dont suppose you wrote any more of that doll girl story did you? >.> i need more like it in my life. it wont let me attach a link so its the one called "Funeral"
That's all there is of that story at the moment, sorry! Victoria (the real one) and I have discussed what might come next for the former tech, but nothing ever solidified enough for me to want to write it.
That said, I do have a fun mental image to share: the narrator, some time after the events of Funeral, has been field-certified as a support unit for her squad. What this means is that she gets to drive the APC, and by "drive" I mean "plow it straight through a wall to pick up her squad while they're under fire, then cheerfully tell them there are drinks in the cooler like some sort of deranged battlefield soccer mom."
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aspecpridecalendar · 4 months
2024 Aspec Pride Calendar Update
Here's the sitch, fam. I mentioned that this is the last year of APC due to me (almost entirely) leaving Tumblr due to all the constant bs and its toll on my mental health. One of those things was the constant, incredibly ugly aspec discourse that just never goes away. I've mentioned in the past that queueing posts for this event can be really stressful because I inevitably run into a lot of it. I didn't expect to end up neck deep in it on day one. I vastly underestimated how seeing that again would effect me. I wanted to cancel the event. But I promised you guys, and I still feel strongly about this little blog's mission.
So I came up with a compromise. In the past, the days of APC have looked like this: a sort of "shout out" post in the morning ("Happy Pride to all [people who identify as today's theme]!", flag, and definition) followed throughout the day by reblogged posts related to the theme. Since I'm not up for the tag deepdives this time around, I'm going to cut the reblogs and go to two "shout out" posts a day (planned for noon and 6 pm CST). I apologize for the much-reduced content this will mean. You're of course encouraged to look into any terms that catch your interest, either here on the hellsite or elsewhere. On the bright side, though, this will allow me to include even more individual identities as well as adding back many to the list that I cut because there weren't extant posts to go along with them.
I hope you guys stick around and this still ends up being a nice little event to make more people feel acknowledged and included during Pride Month. Keep an eye out for an updated themes list by the end of the day Tuesday.
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davidshawnsown · 5 months
Chilean Army 1st Cav Regt (Grenadiers)
Part of my Ukrainian War Universe
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IMU the tensions in Peru and the ongoing armed forces modernization in Argentina under Millei, as well as Bolivian threats to the north and a growing pivot to BRICS, would lead to a renewed expansion of the Chilean Armed Forces planned under the final months of the late Sebastian Pinera presidency and now starting to bear fruit under Gabriel Boric who was the only leftist leader in South America to speak out in support of Ukraine to counteract all these especially given the leftist attitudes in Peru against the rightist presidency of the past years especially in the country's south.
IRL it is a one squadron/battalion (termed Group) regiment that maintains traditions of the Chilean Army cavalry and its a mainly mounted formation that for nearly two centuries, off an on, has provided the mounted travelling escort to the presidency and in wartime is operationally controlled by the 3rd Mountain Division. It also provides guards of honor for state visits. It reports as part of the Santiago Garrison Command alongside the 1st MP Regiment.
IMU such a commitment would allow thus the regiment to have a mixed role as both presidential guard and as a combat formation with two out of its 8 squadrons - the seventh being the training squadron OPCON under the Equestrian School in Quilotta's Camp San Isidro and the 8th being the dismounted honors squadron that provides dismounted public duties in the capital - being mounted ceremonial cavalry and the 3rd being mountain recon that in wartime is a part of the 3rd Division alongside the other two. All of the groups have a conscript company in keeping with the Chilean practice of conscription in the armed forces (the 4th armored group has two). The three mounted groups also have a veternary unit.
The Honors Group also hosts the Cuadro Negro exhibition team - a formation IMU mixed with personnel of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment in the 4th Division, since it is where it had been originated.
The 1st Group also hosts a vehicle company, motorbike company to provide force multipliers to the Carabineros in presidential events and a coach squadron which takes care of the presidential horse drawn coaches and the presidential cars.
Unlike the lancers IRL, each of the ceremonial mounted squadrons are organized as lancers and dragoons/mounted rifles to mirror the historical Chilean cavalry of years goneby. The mounted recon squadons of 3rd Group are trained as combat soldiers only - while the 2 other groups are trained in both combat operations and ceremonial roles, alongside the Horse Artillery Group of the Tacna Regiment - IMU a regimental OPCON unit in ceremonial events only due to its use of horses.
The regiment's other combat capabilities are 4 armoured groups - 2 armored and 1 cavalry and mechanized infantry each in support of elements of the 2nd Infantry Division (Mot) and the Santiago Garrison Command. The 1st Armored Group, which uses MBTs, operates M60s and Leopard 1s, the 2nd is a light formation armed with M10 Bookers, the 3rd is an armored cav unit with Marder 2s and the nationally produced MOWAG Piranhas via FAMAE which performs recon and light attack roles and the 4th is the largest of the groups performing mechanized infantry roles in a mix of IFVs and APCs in support of the cavalry and armor, with the M3 Bradley, M59s, Marder 2s and the Centauros in assault gun role also to provide support to the combat elements of the 2nd Division's two BCTs.
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tieflingkisser · 6 months
SXSW Sent Cease-and-Desist Letter to Organization Leading Army Sponsorship Protest
Festival claims activists infringed on trademark rights
The ties of this year’s South by Southwest to weapons manufacturers supplying Israel have disrupted the festival in more ways than one. Artists continue to drop out of official showcases, while protesters have called for a ceasefire in Gaza while disrupting several official events. Now, Austin for Palestine Coalition, the organization generating this protest momentum, is entangled in a copyright dispute with SXSW that could result in legal action. APC made an Instagram post February 21 urging people to email the Festival to disinvite RTX Corporation (formerly Raytheon), its subsidiary Collins Aerospace, and BAE Systems to the conference and festivals. Those companies manufacture weapons used by Israel on Palestinians – APC says “by supporting these companies, SXSW is complicit in human rights abuses and violations of international law.” On February 23, SXSW shot back, sending a cease-and-desist letter to APC, stating the activists had used SXSW trademark art without permission in the post. In the email letter, SXSW threatened legal action: “SXSW supports the constitutionally protected right of free speech and, as always, you are permitted to refer to our SXSW Marks in a factual or editorial manner. However, as a trademark and copyright owner, we have an obligation to protect the goodwill and reputation associated with the SXSW Marks and copyright protected art by preventing their unauthorized use… In the event that you will not comply with our request, we reserve our rights to take appropriate steps to protect our marks and copyright.”
As of press time, about 60 acts had pulled out of official SXSW showcases in protest of the festival’s military ties, as APC continues to hold event disruptions. “Citizens have sent more than 600 emails to them trying to get them to drop [weapons manufacturers],” says Haider. “It’s clear that they're choosing to put profit over people despite the damage to their reputation. … They're just hoping they can skate by and it'll all blow over, but it’s definitely not gonna blow over.”
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thesopwithcamel · 1 year
Chapter 8: the Ruin of Calcite and adventure.
Chapter 8 is an au and headcanon infused chapter taking place a week after the events of the base game, Hat Kid's ship picks up an ancient distress signal coming from the planet which looks to be coming from a ruin located somewhere in the northern hemisphere. Upon further investigation it leads to a decently sized island town made out of calcium carbonate, problem is the town is almost completely deserted.
Hat Kid gets a call from the Conductor who had heard about the ruin from old family tales and has contacted an archeoligical firm ran by an old aquaintence of his (named George), the two meet up on the ruin and the firm sets straight to work. Hat Kid begins exploring the ruin and begins having deja vu, when she sleeps the memory walking dreams she has start getting clearer to the point that those in the dreams actually agknowlege her existance and can even interact with her.
It gets worse while during her adventure Hat Kid finds an old APC of unidentified design and nationality, following the process of getting it to the HQ they pry open the rear doors only to discover several weaponised umbrellas and a strage black top hat with a grey ribbon. The APC is bought into the HQ and a military vessel radios in to collect it for study, this vessel however is sunk in a storm with no survivors on the way there.
Hat Kid opens up about the nightmares she was having to the Conductor's mate who decides to give her a break and put her under Cooking Cat's care for a bit to recover, he radios the Conductor himself who agrees to this and states that he thinks the place should have never been found in the first place.
Meanwhile Hat Kid discovers that her can hold actual conversations with individuals in her dreams and considers seeing Snatcher about it, she eventually does and Snatcher believes half of her story. He visits the ruin to see what all the fuss is about (scaring everyone there in the process) and is deeply disturbed, like the Conductor he suggests leaving and never touching the place again but George stubbornly refuses.
A mysterious shadow creature attacks the camp and kills several labourers but is put down by Hat Kid using her Umbrella, in a tent George compares the umbrella with Hat Kid's and discovers that they are almost exactly the same internally. Snatcher makes him return Hat Kid's umbrella to her, two days later several military personal contracted by George arrive in order to guard the camp from anymore threats.
Paranoia begins to set in as several archeologists resign and leave the site, citing unsave working conditions and mistreatment by the horrific crunch times set by George. Hat Kid and the Conductor have taken to her spaceship and the Owl Express respectively with both becoming news relays, both refusing to go anywhere near the dig site. George goes offline for a bit before returning online three hours later stating that another Shadow attacked them but was fended off with small arms.
Eventually however the company's HR department begins getting concerned about conditions at the dig site and they begin an investigation into what is going on, staff, diggers and scientists begin going missing to which the Navy steps in and quarantines the island. Hat Kid lands back on the island and finds it almost completely abandoned, upon further exploration she confronts George who has gone completely off the deep end and the two fight.
This fight ends at the clocktower where George uses a ritual to summon tentacles to tare Hat Kid apart, the latter escapes by jumping from the tower into the sea but loses an arm and her timestop hat. Hat Kid is picked up by CASS Avia and is given medical treatment, she recieves news that George and the rest of the dig team are dead, the Conductor has ordered the site be abandoned and everything they have found will join the town in its radioactive grave as a hydrogen bomb is dropped on the ruin.
Three months later Hat Kid and the Conductor leave the hall set aside for the inquiry, the two head to their respective homes but while the Conductor's ordeal has finally ended Hat Kid's is not yet over. While she sleeps Hat Kid is pulled into a strange time rift, she lands on a complete reconstruction of the ruin with the only person still there is a mutated version of George and the two have a rematch. Hat Kid is able to defeat George and she wakes up. Hat Kid spots a female figure on the opposite end of her room and cautiously approaches, the figure turns and she discovers that it is a familiar but older looking face.
This individual is Lady Puella and she and Hat Kid sit down together and have a polite chat about things, the two discuss the ruin and Puella admits that she was among the founders of the City of Calcite and Adventure. Hat Kid asks about what the town was like the Puella explains the towns formation, Golden age and final destruction at the hands of Cavus, who Hat Kid killed. Puella thanks her for this and the two continue talking before Puella tucks Hat Kid into bed and puts her to sleep before leaving.
The inquiry places the blame solely on George, Hat Kid recieves a prosthetic limb and the dreams stop all together, the tales of timeline 1 are put to rest and Puella disapears. Ten years later Hat Adult finishes a book outlining the events of Timeline 1 and the history of the City of Calcite, this book is illustrated by Bow Kid and published by a local firm and it goes on to be a best seller.
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Apotheosis Worldbuilding: the Apotheosis Program
The Apotheosis Program was a highly significant event within the world of Apotheosis.
The Apotheosis program was the initiative that the Apotheosis Corporation was best known for. In essence, its purpose was to grant humankind immortality and immunity to physical ailments through elective roboticization. The common name for a person who has undergone the Apotheosis program is APCS (Apotheosis Program Core-subtype) human, or the more colloquial “altered human”.
The Apotheosis Program was meant to be the culmination of the Apotheosis Corporation’s biological and biomechanical progress. Upon success, a viable core would be immortal, immune to disease, resistant to physical injury, and able to switch bodies (chassis) on a whim.
The procedure used to transform a human involved multiple steps. First, the brain of the subject is extracted and placed within a machine that prevents death for the time required for the next step.
Next, the organic matter of the brain is transformed into a blue, crystalline substance known as substrate. This transformation increases the resilience and adaptability of the brain, allowing it to better adapt to a body potentially significantly different from basal human physiology.
After total conversion to substrate, the brain is shaped into what is known as a core. The core is then inserted into a chassis, at which point the subject is free to act. 
Crucially, at no point in the procedure does the consciousness of the subject cease. This is primarily done to reassure subjects worried that their core will only be a “copy” of their consciousness, with the original being erased.
Core Types
Basic: Easily the most common type of core, a basic core is the totality of a converted brain. It serves as the “true” body and mind of an APCS human.
Distributed consciousness: A distributed consciousness core consists of multiple smaller cores housed in separate chassis. An APCS human with a distributed consciousness core is capable of controlling multiple chassis simultaneously.
Common Chassis Types
The wants and needs of those who choose to become APCS humans are many and varied, and the Apotheosis Corporation and multiple third-party companies have designed myriad chassis types to satisfy their customer base. Several of these are listed below.
Generalist 1: A common, first-generation humanoid chassis. 
Generalist 2: Second-generation humanoid chassis. More modular and customizable than first-generation chassis.
Generalist 3: Third-generation humanoid chassis. Modern, highly modular and customizable chassis. Most common chassis type as of the Scouring.
Engineer: A humanoid chassis prioritizing dexterity and speed. Often upgraded to include built-in tools and extra limbs.
Soldier: A durable humanoid chassis designed for military usage, prioritizing strength and speed. Use is restricted to temporary use by military personnel.
Praetorian: Large and heavy humanoid chassis designed for engagements requiring heavy weaponry. Use is restricted to temporary use by authorized military personnel.
Search-and-rescue: Non-humanoid flying chassis with numerous limbs. Generally used to scout unsafe areas and rescue those trapped in dangerous conditions.
Chassis Mods
Modding one’s chassis is a popular practice for altered humans, and many companies cropped up soon after the beginning of the program that sold mods that provide aesthetic and quality-of-life improvements. 
Cultural Effects
The first people to be converted into APCS subjects were converted in the early 2060s, with the initial pool mostly consisting of willing test subjects and wealthy investors in the company. After initial successes with animal and later human subjects, the process became cheaper and more accessible. By 2070, the practice was both publicly available and fairly widespread.
Altered humans initially faced some discrimination from those less tolerant of them, though this somewhat faded after the first several years.
Altered humans’ reasons for conversion were numerous and varied, ranging from the pursuit of immortality to the search of new experiences to escape from terminal illness.
The Scouring
During the Scouring, APCS humans were affected as severely as baseline humans, though they were unable to become void-torn. Those in stasis or holding awaiting insertion into a chassis were slotted in quickly, often within the wrong bodies due to hastiness.
Post-Scouring, APCS humans generally had an easier time surviving than baseline humans, not requiring food, water, or sleep. 
APCS Humans within the Story
C7: The main protagonist and first POV character of the story. C7 is a heavily altered APCS human who first awakened twenty years after the Scouring in an abandoned clandestine Apotheosis Corporation facility. Due to damage to his core, his memories have been nearly entirely erased. He seeks to learn more about the post-Scouring world and recover his memories.
Katie: Katie is an APCS human living in Gen2 City 13. She is an Outrider-in-training and is the first to welcome C7 to City 13.
Allen: Allen is the Administrator and founder of Gen2. He uses a distributed consciousness core, using his expanded perception and presence to better run the organization.
Corsair: Corsair is the military leader of Gen2. She is in charge of the forces used to repel hostile factions such as raider groups and Wraiths.
Grace: Grace is an APCS human who has lived in Gen2 for several years. She runs a shop specializing in aesthetic and quality-of-life mods for other altered humans.
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
“Altogether, the Biden administration received Congressional approval for $40bn in aid for Ukraine for 2022 and has requested an additional $37.7bn for 2022. More than half of this aid has been earmarked for defense.
These sums pale into insignificance when set against a total US defense budget of $715bn for 2022. The assistance represents 5.6% of total US defense spending. But Russia is a primary adversary of the US, a top tier rival not too far behind China, its number one strategic challenger. In cold, geopolitical terms, this war provides a prime opportunity for the US to erode and degrade Russia’s conventional defense capability, with no boots on the ground and little risk to US lives.
The Ukrainian armed forces have already killed or wounded upwards of 100,000 Russian troops, half its original fighting force; there have been almost 8,000 confirmed losses of armored vehicles including thousands of tanks, thousands of APCs, artillery pieces, hundreds of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, and numerous naval vessels. US spending of 5.6% of its defense budget to destroy nearly half of Russia’s conventional military capability seems like an absolutely incredible investment. If we divide out the US defense budget to the threats it faces, Russia would perhaps be of the order of $100bn-150bn in spend-to-threat. So spending just $40bn a year, erodes a threat value of $100-150bn, a two-to-three time return. Actually the return is likely to be multiples of this given that defense spending, and threat are annual recurring events.
Meanwhile, replacing destroyed kit, and keeping up with the new arms race that it has now triggered with the West will surely end up bankrupting the Russian economy; especially an economy subject to aggressive Western sanctions. How can Russia possibly hope to win an arms race when the combined GDP of the West is $40 trillion, and its defense spending amounting to 2% of GDP totals well in excess of $1 trillion when the disproportionate US defense contribution is considered? Russia’s total GDP is only $1.8 trillion. Vladimir Putin will have to divert spending from consumption to defense, risking social and political unrest over the medium term, and a real and soon-to-be present danger to his regime. Just imagine how much more of a bargain Western military aid will be if it ultimately brings positive regime change in Russia.
Second, the war has served to destroy the myth that Russian military technology is somehow comparable to that of the US and West. Remember that Ukraine is using only upgraded second generation US technology but is consistently beating whatever Russia’s military can deploy. Wars are shop windows for defense manufacturers; any buyer in their right mind will want the technology made by the winner. Putin’s misjudgment has merely provided a fantastic marketing opportunity for its Western competitors.
Third, the revelation that Russia’s defense industry is something of a Potemkin village also generates other strategic and diplomatic wins for the US. Countries eager to secure defense capability to meet their own threats – think of Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia — might have opted for cheaper, “value” Russian defense offerings. However, with the quality/capability of this equipment now being questioned because of poor battlefield performance, they will likely be vying to acquire a better US kit. But this will require improved diplomatic relations. This is currently evident in the improved US–Pakistan relationship, with Pakistan securing upgrade kits for its F-16s.
Fourth, helping Ukraine beat Russia surely also sends a powerful signal to China that the US and its allies are strong and determined when challenged on issues of core importance. This may raise questions in the minds of Xi Jinping and the People’s Liberation Army generals about their ability to win a conflict against countries armed with US/Western military technology, for example in Taiwan. Surely Russia’s difficulty in winning the war in Ukraine will cause second thoughts in China about the wisdom and perhaps the viability of efforts to conquer Taiwan.
Fifth, the war in Ukraine is encouraging and accelerating the energy transition in Europe, but also Europe’s diversification away from Russian energy. Europe is desperately trying to source alternative energy supplies, and US liquefied natural gas (LNG) is proving to be the obvious beneficiary.
In conclusion, on so many levels, continued US support for Ukraine is a no-brainer from a bang for buck perspective. Ukraine is no Vietnam or Afghanistan for the US, but it is exactly that for Russia. A Russia continually mired in a war it cannot win is a huge strategic win for the US.
Why would anyone object to that?”
“Russia has raised more than $13 billion in just one day as the cost of Vladimir Putin's war with Ukraine keeps mounting.
Britain's Ministry of Defence said on Saturday that the Russian Federation had conducted its largest debt issuance on Wednesday.
Its intelligence report also said that Russia's declared "national defence" spending in 2023 is estimated to be about 5 trillion rubles ($84 billion), or more than 40% higher than forecast.”
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head-post · 6 days
Ukrainian front at crossroads: Vuhledar at risk, new attempts in Kursk region
The offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) in the Kursk region completely lost its snowball effect, turning into another section of the front line, while media outlets are sharing footage of the ongoing retaliatory offensive by Russian troops.
Ukrainian media report the capture of Borki by the Russian 810th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade in the south-eastern section of the Kursk front. Fierce fighting continues in the Glushkovo area. Russian troops also advanced up to 3.5 kilometres ahead of the Oskil River.
Meanwhile, the AFU advanced in Toretsk. However, the Russians responded by advancing in the Vuhledar direction. Some sources report the capture of a local mine. Soldiers carried out an assault, advancing in and around the Pivdennodonbaska 3 coal mine. Media shared footage of the assault and high-explosive aerial bomb strikes.
The town of Vuhledar, strategically important for Ukraine’s entire defence, risks being cut off, with the garrison, defending it for 2½ years, shattered during the assault. Moreover, media outlets are reporting a gradual deterioration of the AFU’s situation in Niu-York (former Novhorodske) fortification area and east of Zhelanne, Donetsk region.
Media also share footage of a Russian Inokhodets drone striking a US M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS). As a result of the strike, the launcher, ammunition, escort vehicle, and maintenance personnel were eliminated.
Kursk incursion
Military experts assume that the AFU will continue to carry out targeted strikes near the village of Glushkovo and other locations. Having broken through certain defence hubs, Ukrainian troops may find themselves in a difficult position in case they need to retreat.
Meteorological services are also predicting a rainy season in a week, which will further complicate military operations in the region, as most roads from Sudzha to Sumy are not paved.
Recently, global media have been actively covering the events around the Glushkovsky district in the Kursk region. Media outlets are discussing the strikes on the bridges and the subsequent actions of the AFU in the district. Meanwhile, experts note that the long delays between the strikes on the bridges and the start of hostilities make the operations predictable. Thus, some of the analysts believe that a strike on the town of Veseloe will be followed by a strike in the Tetkino area.
Marines from the Russian 810th Brigade shared a video of another seized vehicle, a Stryker APC, in the Kursk region. Last time they managed to capture the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV).
Greetings! We are from Russia. We are pulling another vehicle.
Tense hostilities
Despite reports of alleged rotations and the withdrawal of the AFU’s best-trained units and their replacement by mobilised troops, the situation in the Kursk region remains quite tense. The Ukrainian troops reportedly have no plans to withdraw from the occupied territories.
CNN recently published an article stating that Ukraine’s Kursk offensive “was seen as a major success, but it came at a huge cost.” Ukrainian commanders faced accusations that ordinary soldiers were being thrown onto the front line without a specific objective.
The following video shows the destruction of the 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer M109, an M1126 Stryker APC, and passenger cars at the entrance to the village of Gogolevka, Sudzha district in the Kursk region.
The Ukrainian military reportedly faced a problem with navigation and communication between units. Due to the suppression of GPS and cellphone signals, the Ukrainians relied on the Starlink internet service, but it did not work in the area where the AFU had advanced. Media also shared footage of AFU soldiers camouflaging an overturned armoured jeep in the Kursk region.
Some media, including Ukrainian and Russian, reported that the AFU had broken through the defences on the Russian border largely not due to the effect of surprise, but at the cost of huge losses of manpower and equipment.
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ejesgistnews · 8 days
As preparations intensify for the Edo State governorship election on September 21, 2024, key figures within the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have converged in Benin City. Among the prominent attendees are former Vice President and 2023 presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar and Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara. Their presence at the grand finale rally in Oredo Local Government Area highlights the PDP's determination to secure victory in the upcoming election.   The event, which saw the participation of most PDP governors, was marked by the conspicuous absence of Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde. This comes amid rising tensions within the party following an outburst by Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nyesom Wike, who publicly rebuked Governor Fubara and expressed discontent with the state of the PDP in Rivers. UNIBEN Students Trapped as Storey Building Collapses Amid Downpour in Benin Wike, a former Rivers governor and a central figure in the PDP, recently declared that he would not support Fubara in future political endeavors. Speaking in an interview on September 13, Wike alleged that those who worked to secure Fubara's victory were sidelined after the election. He also indicated he would remain neutral in the Edo election, refusing to back either the PDP’s candidate, Asue Ighodalo, or the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate.   Wike's comments have added a layer of complexity to the PDP's campaign efforts. The rift between him and Fubara, coupled with his strained relationship with Edo State Governor Godwin Obaseki, underscores the internal challenges the party faces as it heads into the election. Viral Video of Tinubu Sneaking Out of UK Urgent Treatment Centre Surfaces Online Despite these tensions, Bauchi State Governor Bala Mohammed, who chairs the PDP Governors’ Forum, has taken charge of rallying support for the party. The list of governors present at the grand finale was notable for the exclusion of Makinde, raising questions about the unity of the PDP's leadership at this critical juncture. Read Also: Nigeria’s FX Reserves Surge by $621.2 Million in 10 Days, The PDP hopes to retain control of Edo State, with its candidate, Asue Ighodalo, vying to succeed Obaseki. In the lead-up to the election, the party has sought to downplay internal divisions and project a united front.   Meanwhile, spiritual leader Primate Elijah Ayodele has weighed in on the race, predicting that the PDP’s candidate may be rigged out using the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BIVAS). He warned that the state would face hardship if any party other than the PDP wins the election.   As the election day approaches, all eyes remain on Edo, where the PDP’s ability to navigate its internal struggles could be key to determining the outcome.
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