#Express Owls
down-with-the-mafia · 10 months
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polygonsexual · 1 year
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kazachokolate · 1 year
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zaiaam · 4 months
made this because I actually thought he audio was the Express owls at first...
also I can't keep defending you Conductor..
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shanxy180 · 11 months
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You think there's haunted houses and spooky things inspired by subcon forest in the ahit planet-
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ahitfan5 · 1 month
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@prozdvoices @prozd who did the voices of these 2 characters
He did the voice of Hyodo who is a leopard character from the Sanrio anime Aggretsuko and he appears in the 3rd season as a producer of the OTMGirls
And in the indie game a hat in time , he voices the cute and little timid guys called the express owls during the 2nd chapter of Battle of the Birds and in most of the conductors levels and also in the finale as well.
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drewmwalker · 1 year
A question from my discord friend! I’m so thankful <333
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royalphantompain · 2 years
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thesopwithcamel · 1 year
Chapter 8: the Ruin of Calcite and adventure.
Chapter 8 is an au and headcanon infused chapter taking place a week after the events of the base game, Hat Kid's ship picks up an ancient distress signal coming from the planet which looks to be coming from a ruin located somewhere in the northern hemisphere. Upon further investigation it leads to a decently sized island town made out of calcium carbonate, problem is the town is almost completely deserted.
Hat Kid gets a call from the Conductor who had heard about the ruin from old family tales and has contacted an archeoligical firm ran by an old aquaintence of his (named George), the two meet up on the ruin and the firm sets straight to work. Hat Kid begins exploring the ruin and begins having deja vu, when she sleeps the memory walking dreams she has start getting clearer to the point that those in the dreams actually agknowlege her existance and can even interact with her.
It gets worse while during her adventure Hat Kid finds an old APC of unidentified design and nationality, following the process of getting it to the HQ they pry open the rear doors only to discover several weaponised umbrellas and a strage black top hat with a grey ribbon. The APC is bought into the HQ and a military vessel radios in to collect it for study, this vessel however is sunk in a storm with no survivors on the way there.
Hat Kid opens up about the nightmares she was having to the Conductor's mate who decides to give her a break and put her under Cooking Cat's care for a bit to recover, he radios the Conductor himself who agrees to this and states that he thinks the place should have never been found in the first place.
Meanwhile Hat Kid discovers that her can hold actual conversations with individuals in her dreams and considers seeing Snatcher about it, she eventually does and Snatcher believes half of her story. He visits the ruin to see what all the fuss is about (scaring everyone there in the process) and is deeply disturbed, like the Conductor he suggests leaving and never touching the place again but George stubbornly refuses.
A mysterious shadow creature attacks the camp and kills several labourers but is put down by Hat Kid using her Umbrella, in a tent George compares the umbrella with Hat Kid's and discovers that they are almost exactly the same internally. Snatcher makes him return Hat Kid's umbrella to her, two days later several military personal contracted by George arrive in order to guard the camp from anymore threats.
Paranoia begins to set in as several archeologists resign and leave the site, citing unsave working conditions and mistreatment by the horrific crunch times set by George. Hat Kid and the Conductor have taken to her spaceship and the Owl Express respectively with both becoming news relays, both refusing to go anywhere near the dig site. George goes offline for a bit before returning online three hours later stating that another Shadow attacked them but was fended off with small arms.
Eventually however the company's HR department begins getting concerned about conditions at the dig site and they begin an investigation into what is going on, staff, diggers and scientists begin going missing to which the Navy steps in and quarantines the island. Hat Kid lands back on the island and finds it almost completely abandoned, upon further exploration she confronts George who has gone completely off the deep end and the two fight.
This fight ends at the clocktower where George uses a ritual to summon tentacles to tare Hat Kid apart, the latter escapes by jumping from the tower into the sea but loses an arm and her timestop hat. Hat Kid is picked up by CASS Avia and is given medical treatment, she recieves news that George and the rest of the dig team are dead, the Conductor has ordered the site be abandoned and everything they have found will join the town in its radioactive grave as a hydrogen bomb is dropped on the ruin.
Three months later Hat Kid and the Conductor leave the hall set aside for the inquiry, the two head to their respective homes but while the Conductor's ordeal has finally ended Hat Kid's is not yet over. While she sleeps Hat Kid is pulled into a strange time rift, she lands on a complete reconstruction of the ruin with the only person still there is a mutated version of George and the two have a rematch. Hat Kid is able to defeat George and she wakes up. Hat Kid spots a female figure on the opposite end of her room and cautiously approaches, the figure turns and she discovers that it is a familiar but older looking face.
This individual is Lady Puella and she and Hat Kid sit down together and have a polite chat about things, the two discuss the ruin and Puella admits that she was among the founders of the City of Calcite and Adventure. Hat Kid asks about what the town was like the Puella explains the towns formation, Golden age and final destruction at the hands of Cavus, who Hat Kid killed. Puella thanks her for this and the two continue talking before Puella tucks Hat Kid into bed and puts her to sleep before leaving.
The inquiry places the blame solely on George, Hat Kid recieves a prosthetic limb and the dreams stop all together, the tales of timeline 1 are put to rest and Puella disapears. Ten years later Hat Adult finishes a book outlining the events of Timeline 1 and the history of the City of Calcite, this book is illustrated by Bow Kid and published by a local firm and it goes on to be a best seller.
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Pride parade! 🎺🏳️‍🌈⭐️
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polygonsexual · 1 year
Part 2
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lil-mr-slipstream · 5 months
A collection of portraits depicting the voices from Slay the Princess, taking inspiration from the style of the video game Disco Elysium! The Voice of the Hero, a knight, an iconic silhouette against a luminant halo. A color palette of black, blue, and teal.
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The Voice of the Hunted, a beast trying to protect its heart from danger, represented here as a crosshair.
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The Voice of the Smitten, the knife wound letting loose lovely streams of swirling bodily juices into the air.
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The Voice of the Cold, dark, and angular. Something completely unafraid to kill.
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The Voice of the Skeptic, attempting to fly, tearing himself away from chains and what looks like his own body.
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The Voice of the Paranoid, Frantic and multi-eyed, clutching at a wound.
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The Voice of the Contrarian, flying in stark contrast to the others, glowing instead of secluded, a mischievous fairy or will o' the wisp, instead of a grotesque figure.
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The Voice of the Broken, shattered and leaking. A humanoid figure is no longer recognizable.
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The Voice of the Stubborn, Fiery eyes, and big meaty claws. The brushwork is chaotic.
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The Voice of the Cheated, smoke leaking from puncture wounds still embedded within him. He's holding a cigar, too; probably where all the smoke is coming from.
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The Voice of the Opportunist, carrying multiple masks on his person, and wielding a poorly concealed knife.
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And finally (for now) The Long Quiet itself, the night sky, swirling sigils blurred in the dark.
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zaiaam · 5 months
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A hat in time Human au is back 😈😈 I need to update its lore..
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pincushionx · 6 months
I love how Hunters eyes are naturally a bit droopy
​Droopy eyed Hunter supremacy
I headcanon that he squints his eyes to make himself appear more serious. However when neutral or not over thinking on how he presents himself, his eyes droop. He got those sleepy eyes, even after he finally rests lol. It makes him look a bit softer idk. I think he either has a resting bitch face or that
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Edit: I fixed the art. Also glad y’all liked this post :)
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hypewinter · 5 months
He didn't know how far he had wandered. He had just kept running and running, for once glad of his newfound body's constitution. But now he was finally tired and he doubted his pursuers were close by (if they were even looking for him anymore). So for now, he found an abandoned warehouse, bundled up under a tarp, and rested.
Wally had been scouting the area for the enemy when he found the boy. He'd noticed a particularly weird shaped clump in the corner and when he removed the tarp, he found a body. At first he thought the body was dead since he had no pulse and was cold to the touch. But then the boy suddenly sat up causing Wally to have to back up (he did not yelp from the sudden movement thank you very much).
The boy backed up towards the warehouse wall and pulled his knees to his chest as he studied Wally. For his part, Wally studies the boy back. He was clad in a black suit with golden accents and more knives that Wally was comfortable with. His golden avian eyes seemed to bore into the young hero. They seemed to size Wally up as opposed to being full of fear. Additionally, despite being huddled away in hiding the boy displayed no signs of fear. Overall it felt less like he was cowering away and more like he was silently judging him. Wally really didn't like how it felt like this kid would slit his throat if given the chance.
As the two continued their staring contest, Wally felt a gust of wind and Barry was suddenly by his side. "Kid Flash, what's up? You weren't answering your co-" Barry trailed off as he noticed the boy.
He side glanced at Wally but the sidekick only shrugged back. Barry stepped forward. The boy tensed, muscles suddenly tight and body ready to spring. Barry quickly put his hands up.
"We don't want to hurt you," He said. "Quite the opposite actually. We're heroes, we can help."
The body blinked long and slow at him, before finally his body seemed to uncoil. He gracefully got to his feet and neared the pair, circling around them once before stopping in front of them with a soft smile.
Wally returned it with a smile of his own. "So uh- why are you here? Is someone chasing you or something? Wait, what's your name first?"
The boy's face crumpled into something sad before he pulled down the collar of his suit to reveal a scar running across his throat. Oh. Both heroes side glanced each other at the same time, a silent communication shared between them. The bats? The bats.
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teartra · 1 year
I think the animators had a lot of fun animating older Hunter
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