#AS PART OF A SINGLE ACTION which supports the system in total
batboyblog · 6 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #12
March 29-April 5 2024
President Biden united with Senator Bernie Sanders at the White House to review Democratic efforts to bring down drug prices. President Biden touted his Administration’s capping the price of insulin for seniors at $35 a month and capping the price of  prescription drugs for seniors at $2,000 a year. Biden hopes to expand both to all Americans through legislation next year with a Democratic congress. The President also praised Senator Sanders' efforts as chair of the Senate Health Committee which has lead to major drug manufacturers capping the price of inhalers at $35 a month. “Bernie, you and I have been fighting this for 25 years,” Biden said “Finally, finally we beat Big Pharma. Finally.”
The White House gave an update on its actions around the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster. The federal government working with state and local governments hope to have enough of the remains of the bridge cleared to partially reopen the Port of Baltimore by the end of the month and have the port working normally by May. The Administration has already released $60 million in emergency money toward rebuilding and promises the federal government will cover the cost. The Department of Labor has released $3.5 million for Dislocated Worker Grants and plans up to $25 million to cover lost wages. The Small Business Administration is offering $2 million in emergency loans to affected small businesses. The Administration is working with business and labor unions to keep workers at work and cover lost wages.
Vice-President Harris and EPA Administrator Michael Regan announced $20 billion to help finance tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects across the country. The kinds of projects that will be financed through this project include distributed clean power generation and storage, net-zero retrofits of homes and small businesses, and zero-emission transportation. 70% of the funds, $14 billion, will be invested in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The project is part of a public private partnership so for every 1 dollar of federal money, private companies have promised 7 dollars of investment, bring the total to $150 billion for ongoing financing of climate and clean energy projects for years to come.
The Department of Transportation announced $20.5 billion in investments in public transportation. This represents the largest single investment in public transit by the federal government in history. The money will go to improving and expanding subways, light rail, buses, and ferry systems across America. The DoT hopes to use the funds to in particular expand and improve options for public transport for people with disabilities and seniors.
The Departments of Energy and The Treasury announced $4 billion in tax credits for businesses investing in clean energy, critical materials recycling, and Industrial decarbonization. The credits till go toward 100 projects across 35 states. 67% of the credits ($2.7 billion) will go to clean energy, wind, solar, nuclear, clean hydrogen, as well as updates to grids, better batter storage, and investments in electric vehicles. 20% ($800 million) will go to to recycling things like lithium-ion batteries, and 13% ($500 million) to decarbonization in industries like automotive manufacturing, and iron and steel.
The Department of Agriculture announced $1.5 Billion in investments in climate-smart agriculture. USDA plans to support over 180,000 farms representing 225 million acres in the next 5 years move toward more climate friendly agriculture. 40% of the project is reserved for disadvantaged communities, in line with the Biden Administrations standard for climate investment. $100 million has been reserved for projects in Tribal Communities.
The Department of the Interior approved the New England Wind offshore wind project. To be located off Martha’s Vineyard the New England project represents the 8th such off shore wind project approved by the Biden administration. Taken together these projects will generate 10 gigawatts of totally clean energy that can power 4 million homes. The Administration's climate goals call for 30 gigawatts of off shore wind power by 2030. The New England Wind project itself is expected to generate 2,600 megawatts of electricity, enough to power more than 900,000 homes in the New England area.
The Department of the Interior announced $320 Million for tribal water infrastructure. Interior also announced $244 million to deal with legacy pollution from mining in the State of Pennsylvania, as well as $25 million to protect wetlands in Arizona and $19 million to put solar panels over irrigation canals in California, Oregon and Utah. While the Department of Energy announced $27 million for 40 projects by state, local and tribal governments to combat climate change
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lakesbian · 11 months
The only book in my bag that I hadn’t already read was called ‘Triumvirate’, a biography of the leading three members of the Protectorate. I was thinking I would spend as long as I could on Mr. Gladly’s assignment before reading, because I wasn’t enjoying the book. Biographies weren’t my thing, and they were especially not my thing when I was suspicious it was all made up.
obviously this is the part in a worm reread where one goes "teehee, Heehoo, so it was," but beyond that i think it's interesting that this bit establishes that taylor is already disillusioned with and distrustful of the narrative the PRT is presenting for itself, and it gets me thinking abt some of the early contradictions in taylor's behavior & thought processes we're going to see soon. her trauma has led her to deeply distrust systems of authority & society as a whole: the school system + A Lot of the children attending her school knew she was being bullied, and did absolutely nothing to intervene. this is reflected in her power--rather than being focused on control over just a few people or minions at once, it turns her into a walking panopticon, allowing her to survey (or attack!) entire swathes of a city at once. she feels that society itself is watching her and is either indifferent to or actively hostile to her, that attack could come from any direction at any time. and so she has the ability to watch everyone back, to avoid relying on any system of support by having her own thousand eyes (and as she learns how to innovate with her power later on, effectively her own thousand hands with which to control situations on a very broad level).
but despite this disillusionment with systems of authority (PRT/triumvirate included), despite her utter lack of trust in them and in people as a whole to do good, she still starts the book off by being Really Into the idea of being a hero, to the point where she places a nonzero amount of good faith in armsmaster under the very false expectation that he "owes her one" or would otherwise stick his neck out for her when all he's done is beef with her, a 15yo. (armsmaster why are you beefing with a 15yo.) and this fundamental bit of dissonance between her beliefs & her actions is because she'a internalized the idea that society is cruel and uncaring to her because there really is just something wrong with her, because she really is that ugly or disgusting or stupid or just Too Taylor for anyone to care about her. she distrusts systems of authority (& society as a whole) for not giving a shit about her, but she is not immune to the inevitable outcome of bullying wherein the bullied teenager believes that if they could Just Be Different, if they just Weren't Themselves, if they just weren't this terrible unlovable person, then maybe they wouldn't be treated this way. her initial obsession w/ being a hero is very much about that--she wants to believe that if she puts on this costume, if takes up this alternate identity and does it right, then the PRT will value her, then a system of authority & society as a whole will finally accept her and recognize her as something good and treat her fairly. which is a belief that we'll see ruthlessly shredded as she tries time and time again to place some last bit of trust in the PRT to not be Totally Ghoulishly Awful and the PRT breaks that trust every single time :)
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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J.1.4 What attitude do anarchists take to “single-issue” campaigns?
Firstly, we must note that anarchists do take part in “single-issue” campaigns, but do not nourish false hopes in them. This section explains what anarchists think of such campaigns.
A “single-issue” campaign are usually run by a pressure group which concentrates on tackling issues one at a time. For example, C.N.D. (The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) is a classic example of “single-issue” campaigning with the aim of getting rid of nuclear weapons as the be-all and end-all of its activity. For anarchists, however, single-issue campaigning can be seen as a source of false hopes. The possibilities of changing one aspect of a totally inter-related system and the belief that pressure groups can compete fairly with transnational corporations, the military and so forth, in their influence over decision making bodies can both be seen to be optimistic at best.
In addition, many “single-issue” campaigns desire to be “apolitical”, concentrating purely on the one issue which unites the campaign and so refuse to analyse or discuss wider issues and the root causes of the issue in question (almost always, the system we live under). This means that they end up accepting the system which causes the problems they are fighting against. At best, any changes achieved by the campaign must be acceptable to the establishment or be so watered down in content that no practical long-term good is done. This can be seen from the green movement, where groups like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth accept the status quo as a given and limit themselves to working within it. This often leads to them tailoring their “solutions” to be “practical” within a fundamentally anti-ecological political and economic system, so slowing down (at best) ecological disruption.
For anarchists these problems all stem from the fact that social problems cannot be solved as single issues. As Larry Law argued:
“single issue politics … deals with the issue or problem in isolation. When one problem is separated from all other problems, a solution really is impossible. The more campaigning on an issue there is, the narrower its perspectives become … As the perspective of each issue narrows, the contradictions turn into absurdities … What single issue politics does is attend to ‘symptoms’ but does not attack the ‘disease’ itself. It presents such issues as nuclear war, racial and sexual discrimination, poverty, starvation, pornography, etc., as if they were aberrations or faults in the system. In reality such problems are the inevitable consequence of a social order based on exploitation and hierarchical power … single issue campaigns lay their appeal for relief at the feet of the very system which oppresses them. By petitioning they acknowledge the right of those in power to exercise that power as they choose.” [Bigger Cages, Longer Chains, pp. 17–20].
Single issue politics often prolong the struggle for a free society by fostering illusions that it is just parts of the capitalist system which are wrong, not the whole of it, and that those at the top of the system can, and will, act in our interests. While such campaigns can do some good, practical, work and increase knowledge and education about social problems, they are limited by their very nature and can not lead to extensive improvements in the here and now, never mind a free society.
Therefore, anarchists often support and work within single-issue campaigns, trying to get them to use effective methods of activity (such as direct action), work in an anarchistic manner (i.e. from the bottom up) and to try to “politicise” them into questioning the whole of the system. However, anarchists do not let themselves be limited to such activity as a social revolution or movement is not a group of single-issue campaigns but a mass movement which understands the inter-related nature of social problems and so the need to change every aspect of life.
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Max Gustafson
* * * *
March 12, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
At 6:15 this evening, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg announced that Secretary Yellen has signed off on measures to enable the FDIC to fully protect everyone who had money in Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California, and Signature Bank, New York. They will have access to all of their money starting Monday, March 13. None of the losses associated with this resolution, the statement said, “will be borne by the taxpayer.”
But, it continued, “Shareholders and certain unsecured debtholders will not be protected. Senior management has also been removed. Any losses to the Deposit Insurance Fund to support uninsured depositors will be recovered by a special assessment on banks, as required by law.”
The statement ended by assuring Americans that “the U.S. banking system remains resilient and on a solid foundation, in large part due to reforms that were made after the financial crisis that ensured better safeguards for the banking industry. Those reforms combined with today's actions demonstrate our commitment to take the necessary steps to ensure that depositors' savings remain safe.”
It’s been quite a weekend.
On Friday, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed in the largest bank failure since 2008. At the end of December 2022, SVB appears to have had about $209 billion in total assets and about $175 billion in deposits. This made SVB the sixteenth largest bank in the U.S., big in its sector but small compared with the more than $3 trillion JPMorgan Chase. This is the first bank failure of the Biden presidency (while Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that he had not heard of any bank failures during his father’s presidency, there were sixteen, eight of which happened before the pandemic). In fact, generally, a few banks fail every year; it is an oddity that none failed in 2021 or 2022.
The failure of SVB created shock waves for three reasons. First, SVB was the major bank for technology start-ups, so it involved much of a single sector of the economy. Second, only about $8 billion of the $173 billion worth of deposits in SVB were less than the $250,000 that the FDIC insures, meaning that the companies who had made those deposits might not get their money back quickly and thus might not be able to make payrolls, sparking a larger crisis. Third, there was concern that the problems that plagued SVB might cause other banks to fail, as well.
What seems to have happened, though, appears to be specific to SVB. Bloomberg’s Matt Levine explained it most clearly:
As the bank for start-ups, which have a lot of cash from investors and the initial public offering of stock, SVB had lots of deposits. But start-up companies don’t need much in the way of loans because they’ve just gotten so much cash and they don’t yet have fixed assets. So, rather than balancing deposits with loans that fluctuate with interest rates and thus keep a bank on an even keel, SVB’s directors took a gamble that the Federal Reserve would not raise interest rates. They invested in long-term Treasury bonds that paid better interest rates than short-term securities. But when, in fact, interest rates went up, the value of those long-term bonds sank.  
For most banks, higher interest rates are good news because they can charge more for loans. But for SVB, they hurt.
Then, because SVB concentrated on start-ups, they had another problem. Start-ups are also hurt by rising interest rates because they tend to promise to deliver returns in the long term, which is fine so long as interest rates stay steadily low, as they have been now for years. But as interest rates go up, investors tend to like faster returns than most start-ups can deliver. They take their money to places that are going to see returns sooner. For SVB, that meant their depositors began to need some of that money they had dumped into the bank and started to withdraw their deposits.
So SVB sold securities at a loss to cover those deposits. Other investors panicked as they saw SVB selling at a loss and losing deposits, and they, too, started yanking their money out of the bank, collapsing it. Banks that have a more diverse client base are less likely to lose everyone all at once.
The FDIC took control of the bank on Friday. On Sunday, regulators also shut down Signature Bank, based in New York, which was a major bank for the cryptocurrency industry. Another crypto-friendly bank, Silvergate, failed last week.
Congress created the FDIC under the Banking Act of 1933 to restore trust in the American banking system after more than a third of U.S. banks failed after the Great Crash of 1929, sparking runs on banks as depositors rushed to take out their money whenever rumors suggested a bank was in trouble, thus causing more failures. The FDIC is an independent agency that insures deposits, examines and supervises banks to make sure they’re healthy, and manages the fallout when they’re not. The FDIC is backed by the full faith and credit of the government, but it is not funded by the government. Member banks pay insurance dues to cover bank failures, and when that isn’t enough money, the FDIC can borrow from the federal government or issue debt.
Over the weekend, the crisis at SVB became a larger argument over the role of government in the protection of the economy. Tech leaders took to social media to insist that the government must cover all the deposits in the failed bank, not just the ones covered under FDIC. They warned that the companies whose deposits were uninsured would fail, taking down the rest of the economy with them.
Others noted that the very men who were arguing the government should protect all the depositors’ money, not just that protected under the FDIC, have been vocal in opposing both government regulation of their industry and government relief for student loan debt, suggesting that they hate government action…except for themselves. They also pointed out that in 2018, under Trump, Congress weakened government regulations for banks like SVB and that SVB’s president had been a leading advocate for weakening those regulations. Had those regulations been in place, they argue, SVB would have remained solvent.
It appears that Yellen, Powell, and Gruenberg, in consultation with the president (as required), concluded that the collapse of SVB and Signature Bank was a systemic threat to the nation’s whole financial system, or perhaps they concluded that the panic over that collapse—which is a different thing than the collapse itself—was a threat to the nation’s financial system. They apparently decided to backstop the banks to prevent more damage. But they are eager to remind people that they are not using taxpayer money to shore up a poorly managed bank.
Right now, this appears to leave us with two takeaways. The Biden administration had been considering tightening the banking regulations that were loosened under Trump, and it seems likely that the need for the federal government to step in to protect the depositors at SVB and Signature Bank will make it much harder for those opposed to regulation to keep that from happening. There will likely be increased pressure on the Biden administration to guard against helping out the wealthy and corporations rather than ordinary Americans.
And, perhaps even more important, the weekend of panic and fear over the collapse of just one major bank should make it clear that the Republicans’ threat to default on the U.S. debt, thus pulling the rug out from under the entire U.S. economy unless they get their way, is simply unthinkable.
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exonia-robin · 4 months
We traveled....
We saw.....
We played....
We absolutely loved it!
4th edition Age Of Sigmar has left us feeling awesome! Our hopes and dreams continue to live on for Age Of Sigmar, whereas the ones for 40k are dying off (more on that another time...)
Whilst at the holy site of all warhammer, where hobbyists and Wargamers gather in a horde like fashion, we had the chance to play 30 minutes of 4th edition AoS and and FULL HOUR of Spearhead! Below you'll find our opinions!
As mentioned we play 30 minutes of this in teams of 2. Our two opponents were absolutely lovely during this game and very friendly. We took the side of the stormcast whilst they got to use the Skaven.
The Models
Warhammer Community does not do these models justice at all. They are much better looking in person!! The stormcast have been given a fresh look, bringing them further away from looking like the Sigmar equivalent of space marines whilst the Skaven have been given some love this edition and have better looking, well, everything.
The models that stood out amongst the rest for both factions in the Skaventide box are:
- The Lord-Vigilant on Gryph Stalker
- Clawlord on Gnawbeast
Both of these are striking centre pieces for both of the respective factions and their armies. The supporting heroes for both are good, but these.... These are another level.
The Gameplay
The most important thing to mention here is that you can REACT to your opponent during their turn, making a turn rather interesting. While this was kind of a thing in 3rd edition with certain command abilities in certain phases, this has been expanded and improved upon, even allowing players to invoke the power of the gods through their priests in the enemy hero phase! Certain heroes also have the ability to react to themselves or friendly units around them creating a bit more of a synergy between outlying heroes that operate alone and the main forces.
Most of the core system remains the same as the previous edition, with changes to certain parts of each phase to make things easier and simpler. Each phase is now colour coded to allow players to easily find abilities that are usable in those phases.
In person the new warscrolls for each model/unit work well as well as being easier to read and find the abilities you are looking for. Ward saves are now a keyword so these will be found at the bottom of your warscroll.
One staple of 3rd edition may not be in the new edition. Heroic actions. These were game changers if used at the right time, however when we played 4th edition, there was no mention of heroic actions anywhere. It remains to be seen if these will return or not.
This was purely amazing. We cannot fault the spearhead game system at all. Literally there is nothing we can find bad with this.
We were able to play out 2 battle rounds in the time, and once again were in teams of 2. This time however we got to use the Maggotkin Of Nurgle Spearhead versus the Sylvaneth Spearhead. Both forces are literally the contents of their respective Vanguard boxes, in fact every army that was used to teach Spearhead was a Vanguard box....
Now, we are very excited if Spearhead gives any indication at the rules for the armies in the main game (we would hope there is some similarity between them)
Maggotkin didn't have contagion points in Spearhead and could only gain disease points for the ARMY. These were used to inflict mortal wounds to a unit that your in combat with, by rolling a number of D6 equal to your total disease points (max 7) and each 4+ was a mortal wound.
Sylvaneth had the ability to teleport a single unit across the board for free. This hurt. Teleporting Kurnoth Hunters is not fun for the opponent.
The game itself is highly tactical and is a good middle ground between Warcry and AoS. The uncertainty of which battle tactics you may have for a turn combined with how balanced the spearheads were, make this a game that simply comes down to a players tactical ability. Not army strength or ridiculous rules, but a players tactical mind. Spearhead is also brilliant in the sense that the random battle tactics teach you to be more tactical in your decision making, as each card contains a battle tactic and a command ability. Now you have to choose between these, either sacrificing a VP in order to kit your opponent harder, or maybe sacrificing a unit in order to score a VP.
You don't ever reveal your battle tactics to your opponent until you activate a command ability from one, or your score the battle tactic, meaning neither player will know what the other is trying to achieve at any one time. Though play with these cards enough and you'll soon learn from heart which your opponent will be trying to achieve through watching how they move their forces around the board. This aside, Spearhead is definitely something new, fun and definitely outclasses the 40k variant of it, Combat Patrol.
If you do love Age Of Sigmar as much as us, the new edition is for you. Whether or not you play Stormcast or Skaven the Skaventide box is definitely a worthwhile investment as this contains literally everything you could ever need for AoS to begin with including the matched play rules for the first season, a whole book dedicated to spearhead and the AoS rulebook, terrain and all the accessories needed to play Spearhead. Though we do see Spearhead taking off very quickly, so expect the decks, battle mats and terrain for this to be released separately at some point.
If your are not sure on 4th edition, then play Spearhead. Spearhead allows you to take your current Vanguard box out for a game so you can see what your army does, and play the core concepts of the new edition without buying into anything (let's be honest, someone you know will have bought the box...)
Lastly. We noticed a little thing at the top of the warscrolls we had to use for 4th edition, "July 2024"
This seems to be a potential release window.... (with the store Dawnbringer campaigns ending towards the back end of June and the new 2 week preorder's we are expecting early July)
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paragonrobits · 12 days
The Decepticon apologist fandom specific to the earlier IDW Transformers Comics continuity is deeply frustrating but also fascinating in a perverse sort of way in that they are by far the single biggest case study for fandom lionizing the villains no matter how outrageously evil they are and outright ignoring textual stuff
some time ago i had an argument with someone on this, with them bringing up examples of Megatron's personal suffering at the hands of Functionalists to make some kind of 'but the Decepticons are actually revolutionaries so they're not the bad guys here', and the key point here was that i was commenting about how Megatron (given the hints from Transformers One trailers) is clearly going to go down the route of being driven to hatred and violence that rapidly expands outwards until he becomes the biggest mass murderer in galactic history, destroys his own planet's ability to support life and causes a never ending war between the remnants of his own people
now, the key point here is this; this was all about stuff that Megatron does and says LONG after the Functionalists are dead, in hiding, and otherwise are no longer relevant as a factor.
So this person was bringing up Megatron's suffering and the cruelty under the Functionalist system (with the usual rhetoric of 'well Optimus didn't want to literally murder every single person on the planet so he's a centrist') to justify his brutality. And the key point to make here is not that I criticized his actual actions against the Functionalists or even imply that he was in the wrong for it.
My actual point was how the Decepticons are, as a key aspect of their identity and ideology, intrinsically xenophobic. Not just in the senes that they're afraid of and mistrust non-Cybertronians (which has always been an aspect of them going back to G1), but in the sense that their explicit end goal is to commit genocide on all other forms of life; not only is their idea a spacefaring version of manifest destiny and based on the idea that they are superior so all resources rightfully belong to them.
This isn't something that can actually be debated; it underlies just about everything they do and say. You can argue about how Megatron is actually a revolutionary who fought against tyranny all you like, but he also instituted a plan that Decepticons always follow in a speciifc order of invading worlds, subverting their defenses, and then wiping out all indigenous life before terraforming it to be comfortable for Transformers (and, in later ages, just strip mining it of resources and moving on to the next one).
Said person ignored this initially, and then dismissed it with 'I'm not saying he didn't do bad things' and then doubling down on how the Decepticons were totally justified in rising up against the Senate. A key point here is that I wasn't actually referring to that at all, but rather to what Megatron is going to do later down the road.
Decepticon apologists ignore that Decepticons are, in every continuity but Shattered Glass (which explicitly flips roles, so that here the Decepticons are acting like normal continuity Autobots), expressly xenophobic. Sometimes they want to enslave all aliens and conquer them. Some times they want to kill every single non-Cybertronian life form. But its a core part of the faction's identity.
And its honestly fascinating how the Decepticon apologists not only ignore this, or talk around it, but the idea of the Decepticons originally being revolutionaries in IDW and Aligned despite the vast majority of their screen time not involving that at all, or taking place long after the Functionalists have ceased to exist as a faction, completely supercedes their later actions.
It's particularly striking because again, this hatred of all non-Cybertronian life is a key part of their ideology and identity. Without it, they honestly don't really have much of an identity at all, and you ultimately wind up with a very strange situation where you get a big chunk of fandom idolizing a concept that is almost entirely made up by fandom and isn't reflected by the characters.
Let's take the Scavengers, the worst Decepticons in the sense of being bad at being Decepticons; they're the friendliest 'Cons around, Grimlock allows them to live, and so on. This makes them the ones least based in the Decepticon ideology. And with this in mind, one of their introductory moments is one of them praising the concept of mass genocide, referring to it as 'cleansing the galaxy of organics too backwards to realize how inferior they are'.
Their ideology is, to the core, expressly colonial and genocidal in the sense that their cause literally is founded on supremacism and the killing of all other forms of life to take their land.
The apologists I've seen don't acknowledge this, or if they do, act as if its a weird background detail not supported by canon, despite it underlying just about everything the Decepticons, as a faction, say and do.
So I've come to the conclusion that this kind of mentality is common in villain groups seen as revolutionary, and tellingly, these apologists seem to feel that moral alignment is intrinsic; that is, your goodness/evilness role in a story is not determined by actions or even beliefs, but on your origin. If you started out as a revolutionary, even if (as in this case) you wind up with an obviously militaristic faction focused around conquest, that doesn't seem relevant to them. To this mentality, you're still a revolutionary.
This in turn reflects the hostility towards the Autobots; because they started out as reformists, or intially being part of the system before fighting it, they are seen as centrists or even supporters of the abhorrent Functionalist faction, and villains for not supporting Megatron. This continues even millions of years after the events of the intitial war. The functionalists have been extinct, or at the very least irrelevant, and the Decepticons beat them, and now they are invading planets, genociding their populations, and mining those planets for resources.
And the fandom I've seen doesn't act like any of this matters; they were revolutionaries, they seem to say, so regardless of what they do or say, they cannot be anything BUT revolutionaries, and I think this is very telling on this particular kind of fandom response, since you see it a lot where origins, backstories or intrinsic qualities hold more weight than the actual actions of the characters.
I mean, its weird, I don't get it and I find it baffling, but it IS a curious trend you see in a lot of fandoms.
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the-xp-budget · 28 days
Goblins - Part 3 (War Chanter)
In the centre of this clearing, you see a single table made out of marble. It’s overgrown with vines, but it’s definitely a table. Especially, since there���s a goblin sitting behind it, drinking and eating from a meal of ham and cheese and wine. You see them notice you and set down the book they are reading.
“Good evening,”
What do you want to do?
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Goblin War Chanter
“Bubbling of boiling rain, Shimmering of a setting sun, Flickering of a new-born flame Listen to the devils run.” As you descend towards the amphitheatre’s stage, you finally start see this individual in detail. You notice a fancy looking waistcoat embroidered with snakes and the odd harp, over a fairly simple tunic and breeches. Although it is their face that you focus on. Over one of their eyes, this Goblin wears a diamond shaped patch, apparently made entirely of mosaic tiles. “Watch the candle as it dies Feel the chill of night’s embrace Pierce beyond the daylight’s lies, To see the wolf who lies in wait.”
The Goblin War Chanter exists in conversation with the previous entry on this blog. They are both spellcasters, but where the Pyro is a glass cannon, the War Chanter plays support. This is most exemplified by their spell selection, but their raw statistics also back this up.
The expected Armour Class and Hit Points for a level 1 creature are 15 and 20, respectively, and the War Chanter only slightly better than the Pyro. They have an AC of 17, which is pretty high, but they only have 16 Hit Points, so they can’t take too many strikes. For contrast, the Pyro had the same AC, but 1 fewer Hit Points. In the grand scheme of things, 1 extra hit point is not much, but it might save the War Chanter’s life in a pinch.
The difference comes in their abilities. Most significantly, the War Chanter has two actually viable martial options, their Shortbow, and their Dogslicer.
The Shortbow is the easiest to understand. It deals a d6 damage, with a +8 to hit, and the Deadly property.
I have gone over the general strategy for that in my first post, although I hadn’t yet developed my damage chart system, so that hasn’t been compared yet.
The plan here is to open the turn hiding to gain a bonus to the Goblin’s first attack, before loosing a second arrow with their second action, before returning to a hidden position to set up their next turn.
Hide Then Attack Twice (Standard Cover) 0.6 * (0.5 * 3.5 + 0.3 * 11.5) + 0.4 * (0.5 * 3.5 + 0.2 * 11.5) + 0.4 * 3.5 + 0.05 * 11.5 = 6.72 Hide Then Attack (Greater Cover) 0.7 * (0.5 * 3.5 + 0.3 * 11.5) + 0.3 * (0.5 * 3.5 + 0.2 * 11.5) + 0.4 * 3.5 + 0.05 * 11.5 = 6.83
Since this takes three actions to complete, we account for that in the chart. Assuming that the generic line will have taken all three actions to attack with the expected +7 to hit (plus Multi Attack penalty) for a total of 1d6 +2 damage, we get this:
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You may note that the average for the generic strike is below its minimum damage, and there is a reason for that. The minimum assumes all that strikes hit, the average doesn’t.
You hear a faint whistling, and whirl around to see an arrow fly through the air towards you with a twenty-six against your Armour Class. You look for its source, and see the Goblin with his bow raised, loosing another arrow towards you before ducking out of view. I assume a ten misses you.
In any case, the Shortbow is pretty good considering the damage output is lower and the strategy uses one less action to actively attack, but it still doesn’t meet the benchmark. We will come back to this in a bit though, because the War Chanter has a few tricks up their sleeve.
However, sticking to the basics, the War Chanter also has a Dogslicer, which has the Agile and Backstabber properties, as well as dealing a bit more base damage than the Shortbow. Once again, I am repeating a strategy from before of move and then strike twice. Although, this time with the added variable of whether or not the target is being flanked applied to both this and the generic strike.
Attack Twice (Not Flanking): 0.5 * 5.5 + 0.2 * 11 + 0.45 * 5.5 + 0.05 * 11 = 7.96 Attack Twice (Flanking): 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.3 * 13 + 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.1 * 13 = 11.7
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The Goblin steps back from you for a moment, leveling a short, straight sword at your head and allowing you to see the holes that have been drilled into its blade. Then they lunge, stabbing once at your neck, followed up immediately by a strike towards your abdomen. That’s a twenty-three and a twelve to hit?
So, we have one main option, get into a flanking position and start slashing. We have one more means of dealing damage on its way, but I want to briefly highlight a theme that will come up again with the War Chanter, and that is best exhibited in the Generic line on this graph.
Often, the biggest cause of a damage increase is a bonus to the attack roll, rather than to the damage roll. The generic attack above only changed this one variable, and the average damage increased by more than two points. It’s not much, but it adds up pretty quickly.
In any case, that final damaging ability is the War Caster’s only damaging spell, Telekinetic Projectile. This spell uses two actions and an attack roll, so it can interact with that hide action. It deals 2d6 damage, so the same as two Shortbow strikes, but crucially, it does so with only one attack roll, so the multi attack penalty has no effect.
You hear a whispered word from somewhere you can’t see. “Volare.” Then, you notice a piece of rouble lift into the air and begin spinning in place. You see it gain momentum, moving faster and faster, until it suddenly flies through the air towards you like a stone released from a sling. Does a sixteen beat your Armour Class?
With the War Caster’s +7 to hit with spells, the formula for casting this spell and then hiding is as follows:
Hide Then Cast Telekinetic Projectile (Standard Cover): 0.6 * (0.5 * 6 + 0.25 * 12) + 0.4 * (0.5 * 6 + 0.15 * 12) = 5.52 Hide Then Cast Telekinetic Projectile (Greater Cover): 0.7 * (0.5 * 6 + 0.25 * 12) + 0.3 * (0.5 * 6 + 0.15 * 12) = 5.64
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So, not that, then. The War Chanter seems precision designed to be in melee, which is weird for a spellcaster.
Come to think of it, a lot of this creature’s kit is weird. The War Chanter’s defining ability is Goblin Song, which allows them to make a performance check against two creatures, applying a penalty to Perception and Will saves on a success.
The question I have, is why? The only one of the War Chanter’s abilities or spells that even interacts with Will is this one, so it only serves to perpetuate itself. Other than that, it counteracts perception, which isn’t used in combat except in two places. Stealth, and initiative.
Let’s circle back for a moment and look at this creature’s skills, because this is the only Goblin for whom Stealth doesn’t have the highest modifier. Instead, this Goblin specialises in Deception.
Suddenly, things are starting to click. I’ve talked about Goblins relying on ambush tactics in past posts, but here we flip the switch a bit. The War Chanter serves as bait that can keep the targets’ attention and make hiding easier for their comrades.
One of my favourite uses for this is as a signal. The War Chanter rocks up before the fight and offers to guide the characters to a location where, unbeknownst to the party, the Chanter’s friends lie in wait.
Maybe the War Chanter wants information, so they play things casually, asking leading questions and just waiting for the players to get comfortable. When they have got everything, and the trap is about to be triggered, they start singing, targeting the two characters whom it has seen notice things with Goblin Song to make sure that the ambush goes off without a hitch.
You watch the Goblin find a bench and lie down on it, placing their hat over their face and singing a jaunty little hymn to themself. You catch the names of a few of the deities they have mentioned up until this point in there and find yourself entranced by the music. You feel secure in the Goblins calmness.
When combat does break out, I think it would be the War Chanter who offers the chance of surrender to the targets, mostly because they are the most charismatic of the Goblins, but also because they are a mage. They know more than most others that a fight doesn’t have to end with one side dead.
Speaking of being a mage, this Goblin does have a slightly larger repertoire than just Telekinetic Projectile, so let’s talk about those.
“Wait.” The Goblin stops, extending one hand in front of themself and pointing at the hall ahead. It looks normal to you, but obviously your guide has noticed something. “Artis Manus.” They flex their hand, and you watch, emerging like a ghost, a second translucent hand made from what appears to be different mosaic tiles that begins to float ahead of you. You watch the hand move onwards, until it stops above a specific part of the floor, and presses down gently. Immediately, it is shattered by a bolt from a hidden crossbow, dissipating immediately. The Goblin looks back at you, their grin widening.
Telekinetic Hand is a role-playing spell. It picks things up and puts things down, but as you can see above, I would allow it to also trigger traps. In this case, our War Chanter friend is trying to earn the loyalty of the player characters, so that betraying them later will be easier. So, they’re protecting the party from a trap. It would probably have been seen it anyway, but now it seems like the Chanter is helping.
Message is similar, but with a different use. It conveys information, something the Chanter can use to take note of the targets’ abilities. Either for the sake of counteracting them later, or realising that this party is way out of the Goblins’ league, and that the ambush is a bad idea.
Perhaps to make best use of this, the War Chanter leads the party through the lair of another beast and fights alongside them to diffeat it. If they decimate the beast, the Goblin will take a hint and call off everything, but if the group makes it through in bad shape, now the War Chanter knows about their skillsets, strategies, and maybe even weaknesses, all of which it can relay to its comrades later on.
Your guide staggers to their feet, they don’t look too badly hurt, but they are limping slightly. “I’m impressed. You’re very good with that sword, my friend, I never would have expected… well… I didn’t expect it to light on fire at all.” They give you a wide, earnest smile, and you could almost swear that their eyepatch begins to glow a little. It must be the light though. The second you look to closely at it, it’s just a normal eyepatch, if a quirky looking one.
The key to this strategy is that the War Chanter doesn’t ever reveal their full hand. They have a pretty high deception score, but even that won’t save them if they spill the beans too early. They don’t even have to hide the fact they are a spellcaster, just the number of slots they have at their disposal, and especially what happens when they start singing.
It also allows for the War Chanter to grow attached to the party and maybe decide to go against their original crew.
Anyway, the next spell on our list is Figment, which allows the Goblin a bonus to making a diversion, offering an escape. With the War Chanter’s base +7 in Deception, and the expected +7 to perception for a level 1 creature, this has a 65% chance of success.
Naturally, there are two uses to this, one noticeably more viable than the other.
Since a creature is off-guard if distracted by this, the War Chanter could use their final action to make a strike against them. See if you can see the flaw with this idea.
Figment Then Strike 0.65 * (0.5 * 6.5 + 0.3 * 13) + 0.35 * (0.5 * 5.5 + 0.2 * 11) = 6.38
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This strategy is not worth it, but what if we used the third action to hide instead. The cover would have to be within 10 ft. of the War Chanter, so this is a niche option, but its still a decent option for escaping the fight.
You watch the War Chanter wipe the trickle of blood from their mouth, as that patch of theirs begins to glow. Before you can react, they make a wild gesture like throwing something upwards, and you hear a growling from behind you. You look around, and watch the corpse of one of those already slain begin to rise to its feet and glare at you with lifeless eyes. As you glance back, however, the War Chanter has disappeared.
Which brings me to Bless and Courageous Anthem, two spells that do mostly the same thing, although it is the difference that key here. Bless offers a +1 to all attack rolls made by allies within a certain radius, while Courageous Anthem offers that and a damage boost to a larger radius at the cost of an action each turn. Bless has the benefit of not needing to be sustained, which frees up that action for something else.
The equation here assumes that the first ally is a Goblin Commando who is flanking the target (+8 to hit, 1d8 +3 damage), and any more are Goblin Warriors at range (+7 to hit, 1d6 damage), outside the radius of the Bless spell.
I feel the need to break this down step by step, so here goes:
Three Attacks – War Chanter (Bless In Effect): 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.35 * 13 + 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.2 * 13 + 0.4 * 6.5 + 0.05 * 13 = 16.9
This is the War Chanter just standing there and whaling on their opponent. They gain the bonus to attack rolls from bless and
Three Attacks – Commando (Bless In Effect): 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.35 * 15 + 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.1 * 15 + 0.25 * 7.5 + 0.05 * 15 = 16.88
This is the same for the Commando, with the caveat that his damage per strike is higher, and his Horsechopper doesn’t have the Agile property.
Hide Then Attack Twice – Warrior (Unaffected By Bless): 0.55 * (0.5 * 3.5 + 0.25 * 12.5) + 0.45 * (0.5 * 3.5 + 0.15 * 12.5) + 0.35 * 3.5 + 0.05 * 0.05 = 6.16
This part of the equation assumes that the Warrior is using the “hide then attack twice” strategy with standard cover, because I don’t want my brain to explode.
This is easier to understand visually.
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Each of these represents the total damage of that many Goblins added on just the War Chanter. Once again, however, this doesn’t mean anything without a baseline.
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The grey here stands in for the same strategy, just without the Bless spell. Obviously, Bless doesn’t have nearly as much of an impact as it should. It helps, but let’s try another situation.
What if we scrapped the Warriors and just made all the extra Goblins Commandos (“c”)? Forget flanking for the moment. In that case, the graph and equation both look like this:
Three Attacks - War Chanter (Bless In Effect, Not Flanking): 0.5 * 5.5 + 0.25 * 11 + 0.5 * 5.5 + 0.05 * 11 + 0.3 * 5.5 + 0.05 * 11 = 11 Three Attacks - Commando (Bless In Effect, Not Flanking 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.25 * 15 + 0.45 * 7.5 + 0.05 * 15 + 0.15 * 7.5 + 0.05 * 15 = 13.5
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Noticeably, Bless starts to add on some serious damage when everyone is within its reach. Remember that this is over one round, so if there are five Commandos, this is doing 8.5 extra points of damage per round.
The Goblin raises both of their fists to touch their chin with their thumbs before pushing forwards with open hands. At the same time, their eyepatch begin to shimmer as the tiles that make it up shift around, now forming a different symbol. As you watch, their allies seem to stand up a bit straighter, as if filled with a sudden burst energy.
But that per round thing is important, because it means the War Chanter is sacrificing two of their actions to get this effect up, which begs the question: is it worth it?
For this, I need to contrast two scenarios. In the first, the War Chanter casts Bless, then spends the next few of their turns in melee. In the second, it spends that first turn attacking instead.
For the sake of realism, in each of these scenarios, the Goblins will get two attacks per turn, and spend the third action moving into position. They will also try flank when they can.
Commando Damage Per Turn (Bless) 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.35 * 15 + 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.1 * 15 = 14.25 War Chanter Damage Per Turn (Bless) 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.35 * 13 + 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.13 * 13 = 12.74 Commando Damage Per Turn (No Bless) 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.3 * 15 + 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.05 * 15 = 12.75 War Chanter Damage Per Turn (No Bless) 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.3 * 13 + 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.15 * 13 = 12.35
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We’re catching up, but it’s still not worth it. Well, not with only one Commando. What if we added in another? This one can’t flank with anyone, but it will remain within the Bless radius.
Commando No. 2 Damage Per Turn (Bless) 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.25 * 15 + 0.45 * 7.5 + 0.05 * 15 = 11.63 Commando No. 2 Damage Per Turn (No Bless) 0.5 * 7.5 + 0.2 * 15 + 0.4 * 7.5 + 0.05 * 15 = 10.5
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Here, Casting Bless catches up after about four turns, which is pretty decent. Naturally, this will increase with the number of Commandos in the radius, and if it is set up before the fight, this entire thing is irrelevant.
But what about the War Chanter’s other buffing option?
At first glance, Courageous Anthem is just Bless but better. It offers the same bonus to attack rolls, but it also grants that to damage rolls and saves against fear. It’s radius is also greater, so what’s the catch? Why is this spell a cantrip but Bless is a 1st rank spell?
The key here is baked into the game system itself, because Courageous Anthem only lasts for one round, so not only is it designed to be cast more often, but it also takes up an action each round to have any affect.
Let’s run that scenario with the Commando’s again. Each Commando will move and take two attacks, ignoring flanking for the moment. Meanwhile the Warrior will move and then make one attack of their own.
One Strike - War Chanter (Courageous Anthem) 0.5 * 6.5 + 0.25 * 13 = 4.95 Two Strikes – Commando (Courageous Anthem) 0.5 * 8.5 + 0.25 * 17 + 0.45 * 8.5 + 0.05 * 17 = 13.18
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So, no. This tactic doesn’t work. The extra damage doesn’t make up for the missing action. This spell is designed for everyone to spend their full turn hacking and stabbing, but because of Goblins in general having lower than average hit points, they can’t afford to do this. They have to move, even if its just defensive, to limit the amount of attacks aimed at them.
The Goblin spits at you, their eyepatch shifting around once more to accompany a shout. “Ad victoriam!” Their voice echoes, louder and louder, until it seems like the wind itself is joining in the cry. It almost inspires you as well. Almost.
But we aren’t out of options yet. Let’s bring back the Warriors for a moment, and assume they are all at range, and the War Chanter is for the moment, the only one in melee.
The Chanter’s equation hasn’t changed, but the Warrior now look like this:
Hide Then Attack Twice – Warrior (Courageous Anthem) 0.55 * (0.5 * 4.5 + 0.3 * 14.5) + 0.45 * (0.5 * 4.5 + 0.2 * 14.5) + 0.4 * 4.5 + 0.05 * 14.5 = 8.47
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Suddenly, we start making up for lost ground, and you might be able to see where I am going with this.
I mentioned earlier that Bless takes a few turns to catch up and become worth it. But there is a pretty glaring problem with this:
Fights in Pathfinder go quickly, and Goblins in general don’t have that many hit points. Bless takes a few rounds to be worth it, but our War Chanter friend might not have the time for that.
This is where Soothe comes in. It’s a spell that restores a ton of hit points and offers a bonus to saves against mental effects. It’s a also ranged spell, so it can be used for anyone within a certain radius.
You watch the War Chanter’s grin widen. “Aesculapii benedictionem” Their eye patch begins to glow once more, and you watch light pour from their wounds, which fade before your eyes. Then, you see Goblin straighten up and ready their sword as if this fight has just begun.
The maths for the efficacy of healing vs just running away makes my head hurt, so let’s just simplify and say that this spell adds an average of 9.5 hit points to the War Chanter’s team. If the opposing team does less damage than that per turn, this will give the Goblins at least one more round to balance out the Bless, if not, it isn’t worth it. That’s the math I’m going with here.
Here's a summary:
The War Chanter uses Message to coordinate an ambush and tries to set up the combat with Goblin Song. When combat starts, they will spend their first turn setting up Bless and maybe Courageous Anthem, before offering the chance to surrender.
If the fight continues, the War Chanter has two options, depending on how many allies are within the radius of their Bless Spell. If the majority of allies are outside, they it will cast Courageous Anthem and make a single strike.
If the majority are inside the radius, the Chanter will just slash twice with their Dogslicer and hope for the best.
The first time on of the Chanter’s allies in melee is brought down below half of their hit point maximum, they will try to remedy that with a casting of Soothe.
Finally, if the fight is going bad, either the Chanter is brought below a third of their hit point maximum and they have no more healing spells, or if they have only one ally left in melee, they will cast Figment and try to use it as a distraction to help them flee.
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Alternate Spells:
I prefer the War Chanter to the Pyro, purely because of how their abilities and proficiencies are laid out. The Pyro is a generic spellcaster, which allows for customisation. But the War Chanter can have their entire repertoire swapped out and they will still feel pretty much the same.
However, here are a few changes that could be made in order to shake things up entirely.
Bane is the obvious option, switching the War Chanter from support to control by reducing enemy likelihood of hitting with attacks. It’s a pretty decent defensive option that can be used in conjunction with Courageous Anthem to really mess with the battlefield.
Similarly, Concordant Choir gives the War Chanter a nuclear option that might be useful for opening the fight with while their companions lie in wait.
Speaking of which, Goblin Song reduces Will Saves, so giving the War Chanter some options that trigger those is always a fun idea. I like the Ancient Roman philosopher/actor aesthetic that I have going, so Cycle Of Retribution works with that as a defensive option, but so does Command, which can set up some interesting scenarios.
I also like Daze, which can really mess up someone’s first turn leading in to that surrender option. Of course, it would mean the War Chanter would have to spend their next turn setting up their Bless aura, but the first round is for threats.
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I do like the identity of this Goblin. Even without the abilities, the proficiency in Deception means it plays a completely different role in the adventure. Maybe it stands on the other side of a pit trap beckoning the players over, or maybe it engages with the players, asking for information and offering some in return.
This is a charisma-based monster, so missing out on the opportunity for roleplay is, in my opinion, missing the point of the monster.
In any case, if you have any suggestions for creatures you’d like me to cover, send me a message or put your suggestion in the replies or the ask box. I’d be happy to oblige.
All credit for this idea comes from the The Monsters Know What They’re Doing blog, I have simply ported the idea over to PF2e.
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drew-mga2022mi6014 · 2 months
Gameplay | Balance Patch I
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Bob The Builder - Can he fix it?
I feel that I have done adequate testing in order to move on to the next set of tests wherein I balance some of the numeric values within the game. This would be a general update before getting into more specific balances in the game.
As it stands, players can earn money in game by defeating pests in combat. However, it appears after testing that the system of dividing money amongst players needs to be reworked. In addition to this, it seems that the money dropped after encounters is not balanced either, thus it would be wise to adjust this amount as well.
Aphids : 10 Coins per Unit
Whiteflies : 10 Coins per Unit
Beetles : 15 Coins per Unit
Mealybugs : 15 Coins per Unit
Earwigs : 20 Coins per Unit
Additionally, for the next few tests, currency would be given as a whole to all the players as part of a collective "bank". Players can spend this money on their own turns, as this money would be given to all players as a reward.
Sturdy Pot : A pot used to grow any plant, that retains moisture. Best used in Drought. (5 Coins)
Drain Pot : A pot used to grow any plant, that drains any moisture quickly. Best used in Rain. (5 Coins)
Hat : Makes plants immune to the effects of weather for 7 Days. (2 Coins)
Plant Support : Provides support to plants in the rain. (5 Coins)
Raised Bed : Allows moisture to drain from soil in which plants have been grown. (8 Coins)
Water Sprinkler : Distributes water among all plants in the garden if Water cards are played on the device. Deals damage periodically to Peafowl and Porcupines. (10 Coins)
Fine Mesh Net : Prevents insects, Peafowl, and Porcupines from attacking plants within the net. (15 Coins)
Fences : Prevents Porcupine from affecting Plants covered by fences. (15 Coins)
Chilli Pieces : An Effect to be used in Battle, deals double damage to all bosses. (20 Coins)
As such, the cost of purchasable items in the shop will also go up. The main change is seen with the most valuable items that can be used going up a by a set amount of coins.
A complaint that some players had was the lack of access to water in the game. So, to counteract this, I decided to create more water cards; 2 more single use cards, 2 more double use cards, and 1 more 5 use card. This totals to 10 water cards, and 5 each of fertiliser and mulch.
The Lure
The Lure has now been upgraded to an Epic level card, of which there will only be two of in the Effects Deck. Additionally, only if players have the lure, they can act before the pests to move the pest to a different tile. This brings the total number of Effects in the deck down to 26.
The Lure : Relocate an attacking pest to another Tile. Always acts before all other actions, including the pest's attacks.
Legendary Effects
The damage output and effects of the legendary items vs bosses has been tweaked, as previously they did not affect bosses at all.
Neem Oil : Completely removes all pests in the Garden, and deals half of the boss' max health on activation. This card can only be used once.
Chemical Pesticides : Completely removes all pests in the Garden, and deals half of the boss' max health on activation. However, also removes all Familiars based on the played tile, and plants on the played tile take double damage on the next attack. This card can only be used once.
The Fine Mesh Net
This effect repels pests from attacking the tile it is played on. This is not a new effect, however its meaning has been made more clear on the card.
Fine Mesh Net : Repels insects, Peafowl, and Porcupines from attacking plants on the tile it is played.
Area Bosses
The bosses need some form of counterplay, as some players found them an inadequate final challenge. Thus, now all bosses are able to attack every plant, every turn (with the exception being the snail, which attacks every other turn). This means that now, each plant will have to face the boss every turn.
eg;- Boss attacks Plant 1 -> Plant 1 Retaliates -> Boss attacks Plant 2 -> Plant 2 Retaliates, so on and so forth...
At this point, I am wondering whether to also add a standard enemy wave along with the boss, as that may be too challenging. On the next few tests, I will test both these scenarios out to see which one fits better.
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congruentx · 11 months
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thereviewspro · 1 year
Cartoon Creator Review – AI Based 3D Cartoon
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Introduction - Cartoon Creator Review – AI Based 3D Cartoon
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Overview – Cartoon Creator Review
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diacto2022 · 2 years
8 Critical Factors To Consider While Selecting The BI Tool
One of the most common trends observed for enterprises that have existed for decades, and are of a certain scale, is the overwhelming data. In most cases, this data is either never looked at, or is not looked at in real-time and optimally. Add to this the complexities Mergers & Aquisitions can add, if the enterprise has gone through any. Chances are, there are multiple ERP / CRM systems where powerful data is lying but no one knows how to consolidate all of it to make business sense.
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If you are currently looking for a BI solution, you already understand the power of analysing real-time data and executive reports that can instantly show the leaders, the overall health of the business. However, according to Gartner, 70% – 80% BI projects fail. This is because organizations look at current requirements and don’t consider the dynamic business environments to find a solution that is futuristic and scalable.
Given below is a powerful list of eight critical factors you should consider while selecting a BI tool, which if followed through, can ensure you don’t regret your decision ever.
1. Data Visualization: Creating powerful data visualization focused on answering business question should be easy, user friendly and the tool should give you the ability to customize the level of access based on roles or functional groups.
2. Data Integration and Transformation: Rarely do organizations have their data at a single location. Whilst considering a BI tool, carefully consider the number of data sources and disparate systems you have today and the level of integration and transformation that will be required.
3. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): Hardware, Software, License, BI Resources, Training, Implementation, Ongoing Support & Maintenance are key contributors to TCO. It is common mistake to make BI tool decision purely based on User License cost alone.
4. Ease of User Adoption: Ideally the BI tool adoption should be as easy as installing an app from the app store and get going without any/minimal training. You don’t want to be investing too much time in training users on how to use a complicated BI tool.
5. Self-Service: One of the most critical aspect of BI is self-service. You don’t want IT (BI team) to stand between data and decision maker. The tool should empower business users to easily and quickly build their own KPIs with minimal training.
6. Mobile Capability: A BI tool should be accessible from any device anywhere. This enables users get the information in real-time and make decisions as and when needed on-the-go. BI tool without great responsive experience is not a good idea.
7. Performance: It can be very frustrating to click a dashboard and wait for data to load. Lots of BI tools perform great at smaller data volumes but as the data increases, the performance starts to drop. Project your future data volume needs and ensure that the BI tool is scalable and capable of performing well at large data volumes too.
8. Notification Alerts: It is practically impossible to monitor each KPI especially when there are several moving parts. Notification alert enables “management by exception” so the decision makers are notified when set thresholds are breached.
There are many data analysis tools today in the market, so the decision process of selecting one is long and arduous. BI is the brain of the company that would enable better and faster decision making and action. You must get it absolutely right the first time as the rework and course correction in future is very expensive. While the tool is extremely important, the people who manage it are equally critical. If you don’t have the right team with business perspective, knowledge & experience, then you can easily get into issues early on. We offer free one-hour consultancy capsules that can help you make the right decision of selecting a BI tool for your company. To book an appointment, fill in the Contact Us form or reach out to us at [email protected].
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pannimanagementteam · 2 years
Superior Vitamins: Sage X3 Administrator
To enhance your small business, you can use a seed-to-sale platform. Spend it on seed-to-sale software tools that meet your wants. With bluetooth linked scales, you presumably can document the burden of each packages and vegetation sage x3 cannabis in fractions of the time it takes to maintain a log. From more than 10 toes away, scan RFID tags on cannabis plants or packages in less time. We consider that an excellent product cannot exist without nice customer support.
This function would require you to interface directly with our LeafLink sales and account management groups, accounting, credit score, information and operations personnel. You must be a self-starter who's snug with change, enjoys a very quick pace, and may juggle many duties throughout multiple sage x3 hemp disciplines while meeting deadlines. Over 40,000 clients throughout one hundred fifty international locations and a wide selection of industries trust Sage 300cloud to handle their finances, operations and inventory—for a fraction of the price of conventional ERP software.
BLAZE Insights Standard places powerful reporting and analytics in a single easy-to-use dashboard at no extra price to BLAZE users. Cannabis retailers can weaponize their information to offer them a competitive edge with the ability to drill down into reports and make data-driven decisions. Organizations with a heavy provide chain part face a significant dilemma. The organization has to decide between utilizing the WMS module that comes with their ERP software or buy a extra vibrant, best-of-breed WMS package deal. Also, Dynamics 365 Business Central gathers all information, paperwork, enterprise applications, and units to optimize the results of your eCommerce retail. It’s well-known for the flexibility to deploy within the cloud or on-premises with Business Central.
Trellis develops software that will assist you to stay compliant and optimize operations. To improve yields and effectivity, observe crops in any respect stages of cultivation and harvest. You can manage each stage of your manufacturing course of, from extraction and refinement to the final product.
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The right ERP answer offers you the perception you want, when you need it--continuously accumulating necessary information about every thing occurring in your business and prompting you to take action when needed. Minimize working and maintenance costs with totally built-in, versatile applications. Reduce installation prices with industry-specific performance out of the box. Sage X3 provides independence between the useful and technical layer. No matter which platform you choose at present , you've the flexibleness to go for one other one in the future without changing the software.
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an on-premise ERP system which integrates a companies full accounting, finance, commerce and business applications into... SAP S/4HANA empowers customers to make smarter business choices, get new insights in real-time, and act on them shortly to help sage x3 cannabis the enterprise grow. SAP Business One is the perfect system for small and medium-sized firms. It is an ERP software program resolution that can help companies to handle enterprise ...
What Are The Best Methods For Growing Hemp And Cannabis?
Facial Recognition, LPR Apps, Blockchain Integration, customized data crawling aggregators and extra. Of course we know APIs like Facebook, Google OAuth, Firebase, Twitter, and more. Our founder created one of many greatest music apps in Italy and Asia. Headquartered near the Ruskin area of Sun City Center, Florida, we are an impartial sage x3 hemp, clinical-grade Laboratory offering evaluation for the Cannabis & Hemp trade. A good night’s sleep not solely feels amazing, it’s also important to your well being. But sometimes our minds won’t permit our bodies to take the break we want.
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We are grateful for our continued partnerships with the top trade leaders and work hard to provide our shoppers the required tools to advance their businesses and strengthen the cannabis, hemp and CBD trade. Our relationships with these companies and our continued effort on our clients sage x3 marijuana behalf is what makes Bridge West a stronger firm. Check out these five advantages of cloud ERP to learn more about how various cloud-based software program options can deliver improved value to your corporation.
Growers, distributors and vendors every have to adjust for each eventuality and prepare for sudden adjustments in the regulation governing their trade at the native, state and federal ranges. Canix’s complete gross sales platform lets you create invoices, track payments, and analyze revenue. Integrations with LeafLink, Quickbooks, and different accounting methods let you push and pull sales orders to different techniques.
We merely showcase their magnificence and strength in the products we make. If you’re in the market for an all-in-one marijuana ERP system, one which completely removes the need for multiple platforms and spreadsheets, the Quantum Leaf platform may be the good match. Their focus is on serving to cannabusinesses unlock their true potential sooner, quite than later, whereas still preserving the long-term in thoughts. Grower Vertical supplies a customizable, scalable, and full-featured enterprise management sage x3 marijuana system designed for specific needs of the horticulture business. One of the omega-6 fatty acids that hemp oil accommodates is gamma-linolenic acid , which acts as a strong anti-inflammatory while concurrently encouraging skin progress and new cell technology. Hemp oil has quite a few well being benefits, including those that enhance skin well being.
It ought to have features that course of transactions shortly and simply without any problem from both the vendor or buyer. It’s also useful to benchmark things throughout your places and acquire insights into every market’s uniqueness. They will guide you through the method, take a look at your plants, and permit you to know if they are contaminated with HLV or not. The next step to a clean and compliant onboarding course of is to know all of the varieties you have to provide and collect out of your new rent. These assets to find qualified social equity candidates in your dispensary primarily based on the state by which you are located.
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We wish to see improvements and new ways of utilizing old technology. Hackaday is already blocked in our school so no any hurt accomplished, and this isn't the most critical submit, I took it humorously. I would myself not use instruments to this, due to said health dangers, even tough I in all probability get extra toxins and different bad stuff in my physique by soldering and hacking than if I would smoke marijuana x3. And there have been probably many more articles which might get website banned, arduino clocks that could be converted to bomb timer?
Although not overwhelmingly pungent, Jack Herer leaves behind a lingering spicy-floral odor giving the overall impression of potpourri. Jack Herer is a pressure named after a lifelong cannabis activist whose 1985 e-book The Emperor Wears No Clothes continues to be an influential resource in the battle for cannabis decriminalization and legalization. A sativa-dominant hybrid developed by Sensi Seeds in the sage x3 hemp 1980s or 90s, it is a tasty and perennially popular strain. Jack Herer has handed its genetics and part of its name on to crossbred strains like Jack the Ripper, Jack’s Cleaner, and Jack Skellington.
Companies that retailer and gather bank card knowledge should be much more cautious about cybersecurity. Knowing the heightened danger of breaches, credit card providers discourage companies from storing bank card data. Canada is famously known for its mail-order cannabis supply system, which most consider the usual for weed deliveries. It provides customers with simple and trouble-free access to cannabis merchandise.
Everything you should thrive on-line, seamlessly built-in with Cova. Point7 Group is a tenured, global administration consulting agency dedicated to the industrial cannabis business. Their world-class team of specialists is understood for agility, pace, and distinctive service. Built for the cannabis trade, BudSense syncs reside product info and inventory from Cova to supply customizable merchandise & marketing menus for digital screens as properly as various print formats. Shopify is a whole commerce platform that allows you to start, grow, and handle a enterprise.
Simplified solutions, similar to QuickBooks or seed-to–sale, offer you one-dimensional perception after which you have to do the heavy lifting to find the solutions you need. Silver Leaf CBC was built to combine all features needed to optimize your cannabis enterprise using the best-in class ERP platform, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Cova is an award-winning dispensary POS & inventory management platform that simplifies complicated operations and empowers cannabis retailers to achieve their imaginative and prescient of success. Cova builds progressive and absolutely compliant cannabis software program with a powerful give attention to the reliability, ease-of-use, and scalability. Intuitive sales tools and a cell design assist budtenders have interaction and educate clients, while strong AI-driven analytics help managers and operators clearly visualize knowledge and make profitable decisions fast.
As a published author, Carrie continues to tell compelling, undiscovered tales to her network of readers. As the market evolves, Elevated Signals will come up towards extra traditional ERPs and MRPs. But, its integration with Sage X3 shows that it can form synergistic relationships with most of these corporations. Over the past couple of years, the Elevated Signals group has been carefully considering its opportunities within the United States.
Metrolina additionally has been working on a plantable pot derived from recycled materials. “This project has been difficult, since most recycled materials fall apart after they get moist, but we're getting near a business product,” Yelanich says. Based on today’s pure fuel costs, Art estimates the return on investment is 12 to fifteen years. “If pure sage x3 marijuana fuel becomes $15 a therm, then the payback shall be as short as 5 years, however proper now it’s $7 a therm,” he says. Metrolina also was able to secure a $390,000 grant working with Viability, which makes a speciality of helping growers search funding for various power and energy conservation investments.
Upon the invention of the misconfigured database, Vickery immediately knowledgeable Verizon concerning the cybersecurity vulnerability. Even although the alarm was promptly sounded, the corporate took weeks to address the difficulty. In this weblog submit sage x3 hemp, we’ve gathered the 35 most vital breaches. I'd like to hear your opinion about whether or not an SAP Business 1, MSFT Dynamics, Netsuite and so forth. are the most effective IT spine for a cannabis business.
Consumer buying habits level to increased demand for nutritional dietary supplements, alternative treatments , and generic prescriptions to stop illness and manage symptoms. It feels like a great downside to have, but unforeseen spikes in demand may be detrimental to firms that aren’t agile sufficient to keep up. Fortunately, cannabis firms that put money into a comprehensive Cannabis Cloud ERP solution with a reputable and experienced industry partner are higher capable of deal with any hurdles that come their method. Track, manage and optimize delivery, transportation, point-of-sale operations, including affected person data and customer relations via a customer portal.
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kavinsps · 2 years
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What is decentralized money (DeFi)?
Defi staking platform services In the previous ten years we have perceived how computerized development was extraordinary of plans of action, yet it didn't assume a problematic part. The environment was restricted to reordering the plans of a customary monetary framework intended for the simple world, superimposing computerized points of interaction to make it more open to a group of people with its focal point of gravity on portable and PC. Nothing like what occurs and will occur in the computerized world and really taking into account decentralized finance.
What do we mean by the idea of decentralized finance or DeFi?
Short for decentralized finance, DeFi is an umbrella term for an assortment of blockchain-situated public space applications and tasks that are set to upset the universe of customary money intensely. DeFi comprises of distributed applications and conventions created on decentralized blockchain networks that don't need access freedoms to work with loaning, protection, prophets, digital currencies, trades, subsidiaries, resource the executives, or monetary device exchanging. . Most DeFi applications today are constructed utilizing the Ethereum organization, yet numerous elective public organizations are arising that give speed, adaptability, security, and lower costs.
How did DeFi begin?
People at first traded labor and products. However, as economies have advanced as well: we designed money to work with the trading of labor and products. In this way, the coins assisted with presenting advancements and made better degrees of economies. In any case, progress includes some significant downfalls. Focal specialists have generally given monetary forms that support our economies, which eventually gave them more power as additional individuals confided in them. defi staking platform services Be that as it may, trust has been parted from time to time, making individuals question the capacity of unified specialists to oversee such cash, as well as their job and capability.
DeFi gave a plenty of chances to accomplish a straightforward and powerful monetary framework that no single element controls all alone. In any case, the defining moment for monetary applications started in 2017, with projects that worked with more usefulness than essentially moving cash.
Monetary business sectors can produce good thoughts and drive flourishing in the public eye. In any case, power in these business sectors is unified. At the point when individuals put resources into the ongoing monetary framework, they move their resources for mediators, like banks and monetary establishments; this keeps chance and control at the center of these frameworks.
By and large, we have seen brokers and foundations that didn't see the dangers in that frame of mind, as was found in the monetary emergency of 2008. No ifs, ands or buts, when focal specialists control cash.
Bitcoin and the early digital currencies, which were at first evolved to give individuals unlimited authority over their resources, possibly became decentralized when it came to issuance and capacity. Giving admittance to a more extensive arrangement of monetary instruments stayed a test, until the coming of savvy agreements and that empowered DeFi.
DeFi conventions and how they work
DeFi has developed into a total environment of working applications and conventions that offer some benefit to a huge number of clients. Resources worth more than $30 billion are as of now secured in DeFi biological systems, making it quite possibly of the quickest developing section inside the public blockchain space.
The most well known DeFi use cases and conventions that anyone could hope to find available today are:
DeFi loaning and acquiring
DeFi provided finance another guidance by permitting decentralized loaning and acquiring, charged as 'Open Money', to offer digital currency holders loaning open doors for yearly returns. Decentralized loaning permits individuals to get cash at a particular financing cost, addressing the necessities of the digital currency holder local area.
Best DeFi Getting and Loaning Stage: Compound Subsidizing
Sent off in 2018, Compound Money is the brainchild. The undertaking is a loaning convention created on the Ethereum blockchain that permits clients to procure interest by loaning resources or getting against security. The accumulate convention makes this conceivable by making liquidity for digital currencies through financing costs set by PC calculations. Build clients acquire interest while keeping cryptographic forms of money. Whenever digital currencies are provided on the Compound stage, clients can involve them as insurance for advances.
decentralized trades
Decentralized Trades (DEx) are one of the fundamental elements of DeFi, with the most extreme measure of capital secured contrasted with other DeFi conventions. DExes permit clients to trade tokens with different resources, without an incorporated mediator or overseer. Customary trades (unified trades) offer comparable choices, however the ventures offered are dependent upon the will and expenses of that trade. The extra expense in every exchange is one more regrettable part of CEx, which DEx addresses.
Top Decentralized Trade: Uniswap
Established in 2018 by Hayden Adams, UniSwap is the biggest mechanized symbolic trade by exchanging volume executed on the Ethereum blockchain. The task was sent off subsequent to getting awards from various investment firms, including the Ethereum Establishment. UniSwap computerized exchanges between cryptographic forms of money through savvy contracts.
today offers three functionalities: trade tokens, add liquidity and eliminate liquidity.
Token trade:
Clients should make a Metamask record to utilize this help. When a Metamask account is made, clients can choose the tokens they own to trade for one more kind of digital currency.
Adding liquidity:
To give liquidity, clients store an identical worth of tokens into the trade contract related with the token. When you have liquidity tokens, you can add them to a "pool" in the UniSwap interface. Clients who give liquidity on UniSwap acquire trade expenses, determined by the worth of the tokens presented for liquidity.
Dispensing with liquidity:
You can eliminate liquidity on UniSwap by just picking the 'Eliminate Liquidity' choice from a drop down menu.
Stablecoins are a feasible answer for the instability issues encompassing digital currencies and are assisting DeFi with acquiring conspicuousness. The name says everything: the worth of stablecoins is attached to a generally steady resource that tries to keep its cost consistent, like gold or the US dollar. Stablecoins have proved to be useful during seasons of chance in the crypto space, giving a place of refuge to financial backers and dealers. Security makes them a solid insurance resource. Stablecoins additionally assume a significant part in liquidity pools, a necessary piece of the DeFi and DEx environment.
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connectionmiral · 2 years
Mushroom wars 2 4pda
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The version adapted specifically for tvOS supports gamepads. Mushroom Wars 2 takes advantage of the Apple iOS 10 possibilities, including invites of friends into the game through iMessage, animated Mushroom Wars 2 stickers, ReplayKit-enabled live streaming. * TOTAL VISUAL OVERHAUL - unconditionally brave and cute characters on a mission! * CUSTOM GAMES - Just want to enjoy a friendly skirmish with your friends? Try out new strategies with up to three friends in free-for-all or team-based matches. unit 2 microeconomics lesson 1 activity 10 answer key. * EVEN WILDER CO-OP ACTION GAMING - two-player cooperative mode will make you act and think together! How will you combine your heroes’ skills to eliminate your enemies? app settings 4pda guarantor loans for bad credit direct lender infiniti q圆0 airbag recall. * FAIR COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER - leagues with award system and ranked matches make for fierce competition in up to 4-player battles * ALL-NEW HEROES with unique abilities - choose the one that best fits your play style The positioning of your army and timing of troop movements around the map becomes massively important in Mushroom Wars 2, since it’s all about looking for weak spots in the enemy defense while aggressively taking territory, and making the enemy pay in blood (Or shrooms, we’re not quite sure if little mushroom soldiers even bleed) for every structure they try to take from you. * FOUR CAMPAIGN EPISODES - an episode for each tribe of Mushroom folk: brave Shrooms, alien Proteus, amazonian Shii’Moris, necromantic Grims. Step into the shoes of a fearless Mushroom Commander, choose a hero to lead your army, take control of the battlefield in a variety of multiplayer modes or challenging single-player campaigns. r/MushroomWars2: For fans and players of the mobile RTS game, Mushroom Wars 2 Press J to jump to the feed. In Mushroom Wars 2, tribes of feisty mushrooms face off in short, action-packed real-time strategy battles. And that’s not even the best part! You’ll also play online against opponents from all over the world.One of the Best Games of the Year According to Apple Plan your defenses strategically and blitz. Upgrade your fungi base, capture battle map objectives and lead your tribe to victory one tower at a time. To top it all off, it also has lovely graphics. Mushroom Wars 2 is an award-winning real-time strategy game mixed with tactics of Tower Defense and the hero skill elements of a MOBA.
Click to install Mushroom Wars 2 from the search results. Look for Mushroom Wars 2 in the search bar at the top right corner. Complete Google sign-in to access the Play Store, or do it later. Download and install BlueStacks on your PC.
Mushroom Wars 2 is a fantastic real-time tower defense game, with fun and accessible gameplay. How to Download and Play Mushroom Wars 2 on PC. You can even get access to mushroom-heroes to join your army. The greater the challenge, the better the rewards that you receive will be when you are victorious. Besides, you’ll be able to play in each setting with a choice of three different levels of difficulty. Matches are designed to be quite brief, and you. Mushroom Wars 2’s campaign mode is made up of many different chapters, each of which has more than 50 levels. Balancing resources, territory and timing is at the heart of Mushroom Wars 2, and for the most part, it is an enjoyable and satisfying experience.
As the level of the fungi increase, they will generate new warriors more quickly. adventure time the special one outer limits wwe rey effekt geometry wars 2 ps3 andrey ageev kedah piala malaysia 2007 ch2o vsepr formula compucase college. On top of that, once you’re in control of the fungus, you’ll be able to level up just by double-tapping it. You just need to send your warriors and defeat the adversaries that are controlling the fungi if you want to take over. The player that gets control of all of the fungi on the map at the same time, wins the game.Įvery level is made up of a certain amount of fungi, which will create little mushroom-warriors as the clock ticks. Mushroom Wars 2 is an RTS where you’ll have to send your mushroom-warriors to conquer all of the fungi on the map.
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Other: Total 353 songs Data Playback Playback Standard MIDI Files (Format 0, 1)Īudio File (WAV, 44.1 kHz, 16-bit linear format, require USB Flash Memory) Recorder Recording Standard MIDI Files (Format 0, 3 parts, Approx. Single Note Character Internal Songs Internal Songs US: Total 363 songs Headphones Headphones capable of Headphones 3D Ambience Tuning, Voicing Touch Sensitivity Key Touch: 100 types, fixed touch Master Tuning 415.3–466.2 Hz (adjustable in increments of 0.1 Hz) Temperament 10 types (Equal, Just Major, Just Minor, Pythagorean, Kirnberger I, Kirnberger II, Kirnberger III, Meantone, Werckmeister, Arabic), selectable temperament key Effects Ambience, Brilliance Piano Designer Lid *This value was measured according to the method that is based on Roland's technical standard. Near-field Speakers: 5 cm (2 inches) x 2 Rated Power Output 20 W Spatial Speakers: 16 cm (6-5/16 inches) x 2 Other: 384 Tones 319 Tones Keyboard Keyboard PHA-50 Keyboard: Wood and Plastic Hybrid Structure, with Escapement and Ebony/Ivory Feel (88 keys) Pedals Pedals Progressive Damper Action Pedal (Damper pedal: capable of continuous detection, Soft pedal: capable of continuous detection/function assignable, Sostenuto pedal: function assignable) Speaker System Speaker System Acoustic Projection Speakers Cabinet Speakers: 25 cm (9-7/8 inches) (with Speaker Box)Ĭabinet Speakers: 16 cm (6-5/16 inches) x 2 (with Speaker Box) Polyphony Piano: Limitless (solo playing using ‘Piano’ category tones)
Sound Generator Piano Sound Piano Sound: SuperNATURAL Piano Modeling Max. No extra microphones or pickups are needed to route the piano sound through the PA system, thanks to the GP609’s line outputs. But since the GP609 weighs around half as much, just bring it on stage, connect the power, and open the lid. Some venues have temporary staging that can only support a certain weight – which could mean that an acoustic grand piano is too heavy. The light-weight and compact GP609 solves these problems it’s much easier to transport, and doesn’t need tuning or maintenance after every move. Transporting a grand piano is a major headache for event planners, and acoustic grand pianos require tuning by a piano tuner each time the piano is transported. The GP609 has enough presence and power for concerts or live events. A variety of onboard sounds means it’s possible to play a broad repertoire of popular songs too. If you don’t have a piano player in-house, the GP609 can wirelessly stream music from a smartphone through to its powerful onboard speakers, with adjustable volume depending on whether you just need background music or an actual musical performance. Since it weighs around half as much as an acoustic grand piano, it’s easy to find the perfect spot in the venue, and just as easy to move if you’re changing the set-up of your venue for different bookings or occasions. And if space is a problem, the compact GP609 brings grand piano presence into your venue without taking up too much room. The GP609 can also go places that may be unsuitable for acoustic pianos, such as an open-air restaurant, or a cruise ship lounge. The GP609 doesn’t require regular maintenance or tuning, saving your business time and money. The ongoing maintenance costs of a grand piano can be an unwelcome surprise for hotels or restaurants.
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