rainy-days-and-nights · 9 months
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And here they come again....
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locallibrarylover · 2 years
yeah yeah im so normal. realizing im not going to be able to go to school forever is not crushing me.
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ducktracy · 3 months
Your love for Daffy and Porky is really clear in your art. Keep it up.
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look at my anons trying to make me CRY at MIDNIGHT. ON A WORK NIGHT. AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH ;___; <33333333333333333333 THIS IS SO SO SO CONSIDERATE OF YOU TO SAY!!!! THANK YOU!!! UGUGUHGHH i'm so glad!! i know it seems like they're all i draw sometimes, but it's a struggle--i want to do them so much justice that i never feel like i'm able to reflect that back in my art. so, needless to say, this is exceptionally kind of you to go out of your way to say THANK YOU!!!
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scientia-rex · 4 months
I have not seen the show but I love it when people tell me about their passions/interests/hyperfixations/etc, so I have abe a Sports night question for you. You mentioned a bunch of things that Sorkin fucked up in the second season. If you could only fix one, which would it be? And conversely, if you could fix everything except one issue, what would you be most willing to let stand?
AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH okay this is a GREAT question that I may die trying to answer.
If I could only fix one thing: Jeremy's arc. The rest of it I can kind of live with. Dana goes batty? Sure. It's stupid and it ruins the Dana/Casey love story, which I was originally very invested in when I watched the show at 14, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. Dan turns into an asshole and Casey also turns into an asshole? Very conceivable, especially given that Dan is dealing with going to therapy for the very first time while hating himself about it and Casey has the emotional awareness of a grapefruit.
But Jeremy and Natalie deserved better. They deserved so much better. Jeremy was a kinder, better character in the first season. Jeremy in the first season would never have yelled into Natalie's face about what a slut she was, and Natalie in the first season would never have taken that standing there silently. Aaron Sorkin fucked that up. He fucked it up to a degree I can't even begin to comprehend. I hate that even more than I hate how ham-handedly he threw in William H. Macy as the fixer, which I hate so much I often just straight up forget to include in stories.
Aaron Sorkin ruined Jeremy's character because he always uses all of the male characters as stand-ins for himself. He doesn't do that with the women; he sees them as fundamentally somehow different and other, and who knows why crazy women do what they do, right? He's at his best with female characters when he writes them even a little like his male characters--see CJ Cregg from West Wing.
When he uses the men as stand-ins, and he's in a reasonable place emotionally, it's fine. It's enjoyable. He's witty! He's entertaining. He recognizes that he needs mental help, although the way he writes therapists makes me want to find his home and break in and tie him to his bed and then carefully explain to him the guiding precepts behind therapy and why he's an asshole in ways he hasn't even considered.
But when he's also using drugs, which he has struggled with repeatedly, and he did during the writing of that second season, suddenly the writing is incoherent and his stand-ins are now terrible people because on some level he's trying to excuse his own terrible behavior. Being an asshole to a sex worker? Sure! That's normal! Lovable characters like Jeremy can do that and we'll still love them! Right? Right? (A sex worker Sorkin frequented during that time has noted that he stole a lot of his material directly from her, without ever crediting her or admitting it.)
He was also splitting his attention between Sports Night and West Wing, and he was already presumably stretched thin, so on top of the drugs there's a lack of thought, care, attention, love, and time going into that season. The best parts were written by other people. So he doesn't even earn the credit for those parts of season 2 that were deeply moving.
If I could fix everything except one thing........ okay I would probably let William H. Macy stay. I hate to admit it, because I don't know that he deserves this, but I have an abiding affection for that weird fucking mustache on that weird fucking man.
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mouseshift · 2 years
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scorittanius · 1 year
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argothiathedreamer · 4 months
Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh, WRITING! FRUSTRATION!
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gensymscribes · 3 years
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princenothinq · 2 years
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Bitches will be like "mmm yes i am perfectly normal and mentally healthy" and then Hydrangea will come on shuffle at 2 in the am and emotionally OHKO them.
It's me I'm bitches.
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dabbledrabbleprose · 7 years
9. First Date
“So, you wanna grab some coffee after this?”
It was incredibly inappropriate, giving the circumstances, but the words just slipped out. The two of them were tangled in a sprawl after jumping off a roof to avoid a grenade. Hanzo had blood running down his face from an injury above his hairline and McCree had been shot in the shoulder, for hell’s sake. And yet, Jesse had been unable to stop the words from spilling out.
The sound of gunfire spurred him to lurch to his feet and pull Hanzo up with him. He fired at the figures still on the rooftop, expecting Hanzo to return his focus on the mission and let Jesse’s poorly timed question slide. He certainly didn’t expect an answer.
“I’d like that.”
And definitely not an answer to the affirmative.
“Tomorrow night, after Dr. Zeigler lets us out of the infirmary.”
The fight had continued amid idle discussion as to where they wanted to go, and as Hanzo put an arrow through the eye of an enemy sniper, they decided the best plan would be to just walk around until they found somewhere they both thought looked good.
Talking about it during the heat of battle was one thing, a promise of something better to give them the motivation to get out of that hellhole alive.
Actually doing it was another thing entirely.
McCree was nervous. Hand sweating, standing in the mirror, changing clothes three times nervous. Had Hanzo only agreed because of the fight? Would he scowl and turn McCree away? Would he uncomfortably just go along with it to be polite? Did he have any idea how long Jesse had wanted to take him out like this? Goddammit. Wasn’t this shit supposed to get easier the older you got?
Jesse finally settled on jeans, a red flannel shirt, and a leather and fleece jacket. He didn’t need to debate about his hat, belt, and boots; those were always coming. Taking a deep breath, he gathered up his courage and marched to Hanzo’s quarters to knock on the door. A few long moments passed in awkward silence before the door slid open, revealing Hanzo in a well-fitted blue dress shirt and black slacks, a tan cotton jacket over one arm.
Jesse’s heart and stomach fluttered about distractingly in his abdomen and he gave Hanzo a warm smile.
“Looking good, darlin’. Ready to go?”
“Yes,” Hanzo replied, shrugging into the jacket. Did he sound a little breathless? “How are you feeling? How is your shoulder?”
“Still sore, but nothing more than that. Bless Angela and her miracle medicine. And how about yourself?”
“I’m doing quite well, fully healed,” Hanzo said, following Jesse out. He gave a small chuckle. “You know, when most people ask ‘how are you?’ they are referring to just general pleasantries, and not ‘are your gunshot wounds healing.’”
“Really?” McCree gave him a look of mock surprise as he led the way out. “Sounds boring. This makes much more sense.”
A light snow had started to fall, but the evening wasn’t too terribly cold, even for McCree’s tastes. They walked through the evening streets, keeping one eye out for coffee shops, and though they both started out a little quiet and awkward, they soon settled into comfortable conversation.
They eventually found a place that was still open, though they were in the process of closing up, so they got a pair of decafs to go, loaded with cream and sugar apiece. Without thinking, Jesse held his arm out for Hanzo to take, and felt his heart leap into his throat as he did so.
What if Hanzo didn’t take it? What if Hanzo thought this was just coffee and not anything more? He had never actually explicitly stated that this was a date. Was this a date? Oh God, had he just ruined everything with one gesture?
It took less than a second for the thoughts to run through his head, but it was only a heartbeat later when Hanzo alleviated his fears by comfortably taking his arm, drawing closer to him. Jesse gave him a breathless smile, coffee in his free hand, and began a slow, casual walk back to base. Their conversation slowed as they made their way back to Watchpoint property.
“This was nice, sugar. I liked this. A lot.” Jesse smiled down at him.
“As did I. This…was a good idea.” Hanzo slid closer and comfortably rested his head on Jesse’s shoulder.
Jesse kept walking with him, but fell silent for a long moment as he tried to get his pulse back under control, praying that Hanzo couldn’t hear his racing heart. Hell, he was perfect. Hanzo was absolute perfection. The only thing Jesse regretted was that he couldn’t keep hold of Hanzo’s arm and wrap an arm around his back at the same time.
He gave a little sigh as they stepped back inside, getting out of the cold. Jesse took his time leading Hanzo back to his quarters, but it still felt far too soon when they finally stood outside the door.
“Well, here we are, darlin’. Seems like this is where I drop you off.”
“Thank you, Jesse,” Hanzo slowly let him go and Jesse missed his touch already.
“This was nice,” McCree continued. “Real nice.”
“Indeed, it was.” Hanzo stood by the door, but made no move to go inside.
“Just real…you know? What do you think? Maybe we can…I mean, if you were thinking about it, we might-”
Hanzo chuckled and mercifully cut him off. “For being a smooth-talking cowboy, you are terrible at asking for what you want, Jesse. Yes, I enjoyed this. I enjoyed being with you. And yes, I expect a second date.” Without giving McCree a chance to reply, Hanzo smoothly slid forward and kissed him on the cheek.
“See you at training tomorrow, Jesse.”
McCree felt dizzy and light headed, but knew that he was grinning ear to ear.
“See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
With one last smile, Hanzo slipped inside and closed the door. Jesse grinned all the way back to his room.
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leefi · 3 years
reading orv in my car until my phone charges back up enough for me to read orv outside of my car
ORV Liveblog Episode 33 - Reading Again
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jeez. i certainly don't
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very concerned as to what her criterion for "unnecessary memories" may be.
but in this case HSY's attribute(?) is similar to Nirvana's - exchanging memory/bits of yourself for power (not saying they're connected in a thematic sense at all - just that the ultimate consequences may be similar).
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mil (i am slaughtered before i can finish the phrase)
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holy king of repression.
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it's gonna be YJH and I'm not ready
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because you don't want her to become predictable? a character's lines have all been read and can be reread. a person's cannot. you don't want her to become an unchangeable relic, like the characters in the stories you'd finished in the past did. a thing that leaves you behind (or rather, you are forced to leave behind).
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greeds · 3 years
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moss-on-a-rock · 2 years
auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh okay.
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dabbledrabbleprose · 7 years
21. Stars
Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Despite Jesse’s assurances, Hanzo was genuinely surprised at how quickly McCree set up camp. The sun was still setting behind them when McCree shouted that he was done. Hanzo turned away from the spectacular landscape to look back at their little camp, which now consisted of the truck, two chairs, and a little portable solar stove, all set up in a flat rocky area clear of sagebrush.
“…That’s it?”
“Told you there weren’t much to it.”
“Where’s the tent?”
“No need for a tent. It ain’t gonna rain, and there ain’t much in the way of bugs this time of year.”
“So we are sleeping on the ground?”
“Hell no,” Jesse snorted and started fiddling with the stove, setting a small pot over it and cracking open two cans of what appeared to be some kind of store-bought stew. “Just ‘cause there ain’t bugs don’t mean there ain’t snakes. Also the ground has rocks, and I’ve got a mattress in the back of the truck, along with solar thermal blankets that have been charging the whole drive here.”
The red light of sunset was rapidly fading into purples and blues, and Hanzo headed back toward McCree and away from the plateau edge. “Why no campfire? I thought that was an essential part of camping.”
“Too dry. One poorly-timed spark could set off a grass fire, and I wasn’t planning on ending this evening with setting half of Arizona on fire. The stove’s fine. I’ve got dinner cooking now and we can even make some proper s’mores over it.”
“Ah,” Hanzo took a seat in the folding camping chair. “You have told me of these.”
“Your sweet tooth will love ‘em. Guaranteed.”
He tended to the pot, stirring slowly, and only stopping to turn on two battery-powered lanterns as the last of the light faded. Dinner was ready quickly, they were only reheating canned stew after all, and Hanzo was smart enough to eat without complaint. The evening darkened into true night, and Jesse got them started on s’mores.
“It’s better over an actual fire,” Jesse reluctantly admitted. “You get the marshmallow right down by the coals and let it roast slow and even… Some people like to just light theirs on fire and get a hard, crunchy outer layer on it. I think those people are out of their damn minds. The burnt flavor ruins everything.”
“You have put a lot of thought into this,” Hanzo said. McCree was right. Hanzo’s sweet tooth had betrayed him once again and he’d loved the marshmallow and chocolate treat. He wasn’t nearly as fond of the melted marshmallow he was currently trying to pull out of his beard.
“Every kid in the U.S. has an opinion on lightly toasted verses burnt marshmallow. It’s a fact of life. I count myself on Team Lightly Toasted.”
“Hm,” Hanzo frowned, all his attention on trying to get the last of the sticky white sugar out his beard. He was having moderate success between licking his fingers and using thumbnail to scrape through the coarse hair. “I suppose I’ll have to try both to see how I like it.”
“Honey, if you tell me you like crispy burnt marshmallows, I’m afraid I’m going to have to never talk to you again.”
“A shame,” he ran his fingers through his beard a few more times, finally satisfied that he’d gotten it all out. “I will miss hearing your…”
Hanzo’s voice trailed off as he turned his attention away from what he was doing and finally looked upward.
With the last purple light from the sunset finally gone, the cloudless sky had been unfurled in full glory. The moon was a thin sliver of a crescent, leaving nothing to hide the fathomless multitude of stars that filled the sky, highlighted by the line of the Milky Way, slashing horizon to horizon.
Hanzo stared in silence for several long minutes before McCree finally interrupted him with a soft laugh.
“Enjoying the view?”
Hanzo looked quickly over at Jesse and was grateful that the darkness hid his blush.
“Forgive me. I’ve just…I’ve never seen so many stars.”
“I was wondering when you’d notice. That’s why I picked this spot, actually. It’s one of last places in the U.S. unaffected by light pollution.”
“It’s incredible,” Hanzo turned his attention back to the stars. He heard McCree get up beside him and start cleaning up, not seeming to mind that Hanzo was distracted. “I had no idea there was so much color…I always thought the night sky was just black, but this…”
“Tell me what you see, darlin’,” McCree put everything away in the truck, then moved his chair closer to Hanzo’s and took his hand. “I wanna hear it through your eyes.”
Hanzo made a snort of laughter. “That does not make sense, but I will tell you anyway,” he leaned back in his chair, letting his head fall back and the sky take up his entire vision. “The colors…not just black. Purple and blue. But not just navy, there are so many different blues. There’s even green closer to the horizon. And the Milky Way…I’ve never seen it so clearly before. And if you let your eyes relax and unfocus, you can see the movement of all the satellites. I had no idea there were so many.”
A flash of white streaked across the sky and Hanzo gasped.
“Did you see that?”
“Sure did, sweetheart,” Jesse said, but he only had eyes for Hanzo, watching him with the same wonder that Hanzo was giving to the Arizona sky.
They sat beneath the stars, talking long into the night until a sharp, high yowl split the night. Hanzo sat up stiffly, dropping McCree’s hand to reach for a bow that wasn’t there.
“What was that?”
“Coyotes,” McCree said easily, unconcerned. “Wanna turn in for the night?”
“Hm. That might not be a bad idea,” he replied, looking in the direction the sound had come from with unease.
“Don’t worry about the coyotes,” Jesse reassured him. “They’ll leave us alone. Most they might do is sniff around the campsite and move on when they don’t find any free food.”
He led Hanzo to the truck and dropped the tailgate, then paused, thinking.
“Huh. Might not be a bad idea to put our shoes inside the truck, though. Just in case.”
“Hm. A wise idea,” Hanzo said. “Especially if your boots smell like something long dead.”
“Aw, Han. You’re killin’ me, here.”
“Not as much as your foot odor.”
McCree put a hand to his heart as if shot, but kicked his boots off and threw them in the truck anyway, followed by his belt and gloves, though he kept the hat on. Hanzo followed suit, tossing his own boots in the truck, then followed McCree to the bed of the truck, stepping gingerly over the rocky ground in his socked feet.
It was surprisingly cozy in the bed of the truck. The mattress was soft and the nanofibers in the solar blankets stayed comfortably warm, and Hanzo was even warmer when he settled down beside Jesse, curling beside him to look up once again at the star strewn sky.
“Thank you, Jesse,” he said softly. “This is incredible.”
McCree smiled and slid an arm around him. “Thank you kindly, darlin’. I appreciate it.”
“I am sorry I gave you such grief over this.”
“Nah. I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up to me.”
Unable to resist the bait, Hanzo leaned over to kiss him long and deep, both a little breathless by the time their lips finally parted.
“How was that?” He asked, allowing himself to sound a little smug as he leaned over McCree.
“It’s a start,” Jesse grinned, eyes sparkling in the starlight.
“Then let me finish it,” he dove in for another kiss, sliding into Jesse’s embrace, happy to be alone with the man he loved and the stars above.
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