vlkyriesgf · 2 years
pink cigarette // cruella x fem!reader
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a/n: OKOK i finally got this out im so sorry it took so long! took a break but jumped right back into it. courtesy to pink cigarette for motivation for this fic <3
summary: As captivated as you are by Cruella, work for the Baroness’s Charity Event is the second thing to invade your mind. Seeing her on the balcony has you debating whether or not it’s the perfect time to let her know how much she’s charmed you.
warnings: mention of fake death, internalized homophobia (like for one sentence), some previous rudeness and insults, very much fluff and pining! but all in all enemies to lovers i guess you could say?
word count: 2.6k
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Helping Cruella get her plan in motion for the Baroness’s Charity Event had you busy day after day. It was nice to get back into how it was before the “accident” which had you scared for someone that you had come to care for deeply.
When Cruella brought Artie on board to help her make her label, he also brought you along knowing that you’d be useful, since he considers you an amazing tailor. At first, she seemed like some cold, self-centered designer wanting to make her way to the top of the industry.
During the series of her stunts you’d get snarky remarks and sarcasm for your work. Though your designs would come out great and seem like they’re greatly appreciated, but you couldn’t help but have feeling like you’d be thrown out the moment she doesn’t need you anymore. It was comments that made you feel small and like if you were wasting your time helping her. Maybe it was because of the way she’d talk you down. She was so close to the point where her attempt at intimidating you worked, leaving the scent of her perfume lingering around you. Honestly you don’t know how you put up with her at all.
Cruella showed a liking to you over time, meaning she wasn’t as hard on you as she was on Horace and Jasper. Surprisingly, she told you about her motivation for what she’s doing: her mom and that little necklace. She even went as far to tell you her real name. It was bittersweet, though it was mostly her talking and you listening as her back faced you, unable to see her vulnerability. But you swore heard something genuine in her tone as she decided to show a little bit of herself to you, this changed your mindset about her tremendously.
Unexpectedly, she kept you and Artie around and you noticed that your relationship with her basically went from trial and error to a genuine friendship. You thought it might have been because she had another girl to be around, you know, similar struggles and/or interests. Though, you never would have thought that it would because she started to fancy you.
Throughout the preparation days for her planned Fashion Riot at the Baroness’s Spring Show, she was a little more flirtatious while being cautious about it. Instead of the usual spiteful comments, she’d give you smiles and glances and if she’s having a good day she’ll give you a cup of tea. You admired those gestures and it kind of excited you, making you think what would come next. So it’s safe to say that you were distraught when you saw the warehouse on fire and definitely relived when she came back to you alive.
You now find yourself going around and doing a few finishing touches before you catch a glimpse of Cruella sitting outside on the balcony. Buddy is comfortably sat by the window, his tail wagging when you come near to pet him.
Looking out the window, Cruella is staring out into the city as the sun sets. You gaze at her for a little longer, she looks so peaceful, like it was the first time in a few months that she’s able to relax this way. She’s beautiful. But you can’t confess to her now, not tonight. It was obvious to you that she was in a contemplative state. Of course she would be though, tonight is a big deal for her.
You decide to pour some tea for her and yourself. Walking back towards the window, you place both cups near Buddy before stepping outside. You take a deep breath in as the cold weather hits you, slightly shuffling in your coat while taking the cups and using them to warm you hands.
“Feeling alright?” you ask her after clearing your throat. Sitting on the window ledge, you admired her as faced the city.
“You could say that.” she replied, her tone almost showing no emotion, leaving you to figure out if she was telling you the truth.
“Tea?” you softly spoke out. You aren’t sure where this interaction was going but honestly you’re willing to go with it.
Cruella nods as she finally turns her head to your person, tapping the space next to her. You assumed that she meant to put the cup next to her, so when you turned back after placing it you didn't expect her to call out to you.
“Come sit, darling. I don’t want you to tire yourself out before the tonight.” she coos out.
When you realized the action, you felt your face heat up as you make your way next to her. Her eyes never came off you, even when you take a sip of your tea while you muster up the courage to ask her something.
“Do you really want to go through with this?” you don’t face her as you ask, mainly because you know the answer and expect her to berate you about why she is.
All Cruella does is sigh and put her attention back to back to the city. You were taken aback but weren’t entirely surprised at the action. You’re definitely not going to take her back facing you as an answer this time.
“Cruella, no, I’m being serious.” you retort, attempting to move your head into her view so she can’t avoid your question.
“Awh and you’re so cute when you are.” she teases, quickly turning to you as she said so for your reaction. It’s just the one she wants, her comment flusters you but to her surprise you managed to swiftly compose yourself as you gave her a serious look.
Sighing, she looks at her lap in thought, trying to figure out the right words. “I want to. Have to, need to, it doesn’t matter but its for her.” She looks back up at you and sees you’re finally meeting her eyes, catching her off guard a bit. “..And for me, of course.”
You hum in reply, knowing that shes referring to her adoptive mother. Though, you can’t shake the fact that she can actually get killed this time if anything goes wrong.
“Look, you’re so strong and brave I wish you knew you don't always have to be. I'm here, if you're ever willing to let me help shoulder those burdens." you insisted.
You put your cup down as you move your body towards hers. Looking down, you realized that the tip of your fingers were on hers. “I just want you to be careful. You need to look after yourself as well, not just us so don’t actually die this time okay?” you plead, staying fixated on both of your hands.
Cruella stays staring at you, not just with awe but also with perplexity. “I won’t.” she says breathlessly, the feeling of your hands brushing around hers making her heart race.
To her, it almost felt like a promise, it sounded like your cared about her. She doesn’t know exactly why or when it happened, but Cruella feels like she has to protect you. She came to terms with her infatuation, knowing that there’s so many things that she admires about you. Then again, her mind has always been obscure, you have to let her know gently so she doesn’t-
“Even after all this, after how I treated you, the amount of trust you have in me is truly marvelous.” The recalling of her behavior around you before made you lift your head, it almost had you protest but she continues.
“Sometimes you amaze me, darling. I mean you always do, you have such intuition and real wisdom about things. I like understanding the way you see the world, how you see me." she admits, realizing with each word, she takes a risk.
“Well then, I guess it’s safe to say that we can leave that behind us.” Finally looking back down, you notice that her hands are lightly holding yours. Though it’s not your entire hand and it’s just over your fingers, that gave you enough sense of bravery and reason to let her know how you feel.
“Cruella, I feel like there’s something I should tell you.” you almost blurt out, quickly darting your head up towards her which startles her for a moment.
Stopping yourself to collect your thoughts, she stares at you out of confusion. “Alright, spit it out then, darling.”
Wondering what you’re going to say next, Cruella softly rubs her thumb across your fingers to see if it calms you. It didn’t, though it feels nice, it’s getting you no where near to what you want to say.
Doubt and fear clouds your mind but you breathe in and decide to see how this plays out. After all, this could be the only opportunity to tell her. You turn to her and grab hold of her hands, having them rest on top of your knees comfortably in your gentle grasp.
“Cruella, I really like you. I know it’s.. “unnatural” for me to feel this way about another woman but, honestly, I can’t help it.”
You looked down out of nervousness saying that last part, her staring made your mind start to trail off thinking she was about to explode on you. She didn’t do that at all, surprisingly. Instead, Cruella’s expression is plastered with confusion, her eyes still locked on you. You see how they shift from side to side as if she’s trying to some some complex puzzle.
The silence is deafening, you quickly remove your hand off hers as you’re about to stand and begin to apologize. “Okay, never mind, this wasn’t a good time for this. Just forget that came out of me, I’m sor-“
“No wait, stop.” Cruella interrupts, grabbing your forearm to stop you from walking away. “I was cruel to you, why are you not intimidated like the others?”
Why is she asking that? Did she disregard what was just said? You assume this is her processing, so you just comply. “I said it’s in the past” you start off, still standing with your arm in her grasp while.
“But if it makes you feel better I was, my perspective changed later on. You’re a person too, you know. One that’s capable of change no matter your status or ego.” you tell her, seeing her face soften as you sit back down.
“After the fire, I’ve put you all under great worry. Ever since the start of all this, all I’ve done is hurt the ones I love.” Cruella doesn’t make eye contact, knowing it’s a sign of vulnerability.
Though, what she said gave you hope, she was being vulnerable and admitted her love. As much as you didn’t want to push her boundaries, you really needed to know if her feelings were mutual.
“So you do love me?” you say abruptly. Her shoulders tense slightly but drop right after. She’s tried of trying to go around this conversation in any way out of fear, so she decides to just go with it. No matter how it ends.
“Unfortunately, I do” she finally says, reluctantly.
“Why say it like that then?” you ask her, confused as to why she seems to hate the idea of why she likes you.
“Because I can lose you, don’t you understand?! What’s the point of having you to myself if there’s a chance where you can be taken away in an instant?”
All you could do was stare and listen as Cruella continued her short outburst. You wanted to give her a big, warm hug since this was probably the first time in a while she was able to express her emotions like this.
“I’m sorry. It’s just..you’re very valuable to me” Cruella then shifts closer to you to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, hoping that her motion of gentleness calms you.
Bursts of confidence surge within you as you decide to hold her hand in place. “It’s nice to know you mean it.”
You then turn your head towards her wrist, placing a kiss and letting your lips linger. A small smile forms on you lips after feeling the pulse on her wrist.
Before anything else can be said, you hear a honk from below. Startling the two of you and feeling Cruella’s warm hand swiftly leave your space.
Leaning towards the edge you see Horace standing next to a newly fixed car not believing that it was the very car that Cruella had driven, badly, after the Black and White Ball.
“When I fixed it, I noticed a name. Do you now what this car’s called?”
Your eyes shift to Cruella in confusion to Horace’s question, her attention still on him.
“A devil!” He proudly yells out, not knowing he mispronounced the name on the license plate.
“Horace, I think it’s pronounced “DeVille”. You know, “De-Ville”?” you reply, chuckling as you spoke.
“I like that.” you hear Cruella simply say before she grabs your hand to head back inside. You tug her arm to stop her. “Cruella?”
“Yes darling?” she replies genuinely as she turns to you, the nickname that she always throws around seeming personal this time.
“Please be careful tonight.” You tell her, remembering the possibly life changing event tonight with the Baroness.
Cruella sighs and and fully envelopes you into her embrace, you hands comfortably placed on her waist and her head slightly tilted down to meet your face.
“I will, love. Don’t worry too much, it’ll mess with your lovely head while going through with the plan” Cruella stares at you for a moment, an intrusive thought starts to swarm her mind. She then takes hold of your face and teasingly squishes your cheeks, making your lips pucker.
You’re about to protest since you don’t know why she’s squishing your cheeks, furrowing your eyebrows out of confusion. She then leans in and pecks your lips quickly, gently resting her forehead against yours afterwards.
You freeze up because of that, it’s nice to see this side of her. The side where it seems she has no worry and where she can begin to appreciate these new moments.
“I wonder if this would’ve been different before the fire” you whisper, breaking the comforting silence. Keeping your eyes closed, too shy to meet her eyes after what she did.
“I’m not too sure. I don’t want to ponder on that.” A few seconds pass until Cruella feels you lean in close for a kiss before she backs up a little, confusing you once more.
“What’s wrong?” you look up at her, your tone coming out a little defeated.
“Doing that would be very dramatic, darling. I’ll give you this for now.” Cruella places her hand under your chin and gently lifts your head, titling it to the side a bit.
Goosebumps quickly form on your neck to your shoulders from the sudden cold air hitting your skin. You see Cruella lean down towards your neck, feeling a soothing mix of her warm breath and the cool air.
She places a kiss, similar to the one left on her wrist, where your neck and head meet.
The feeling of her lips makes you melt but when she places one last peck, the blissful feeling is replaced by a tickly feel that makes you let out a small giggle. Facing you again, Cruella fixes your hair to cover the mark her lipstick left.
“When this is all over, you’ll get a proper one, I promise.” she says as she finishes adjusting your hair and coat.
“I guess I have something else to look forward to then.” you tell her, gently squeezing her sides out of excitement.
Nothing else is said as the smug grin you’ve grown to love forms on her lips, her hands reach for your hands once again as you both start to head inside. Even if you both didn’t know where tonight was going to go, you know that you wanted to be by her side the whole way through. Cruella, too, hoped for this, knowing that she’ll get to love every single bit of you.
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ohtobeatinygirl · 1 year
y'all my fucking scale came in 😭😭😭 it was so much higher than I thought. two years of binging got me here and a lifetime of restriction will keep me from ever reaching this number again. I promised complete transparency, so I'll go ahead and rip the band-aid off and tell you guys that I got to 327.9 POUNDS. IM GOING TO LITERALLY JUMP OUT OF MY WINDOW.
I am beyond distraught. This is my highest weight ever and I'm just at a loss for words. How could I let it get this bad?
I am most definitely motivated to continue my restriction. I'm just not well lmao. Not to mention, I've been heavily restricting for like two weeks now, so it was probably HIGHER THAN THAT. I know my period can add a couple pounds, but not enough for me to be like "oh it's ok, I'm on my period!"
I'm going to lose this weight, and I'll be updating you guys on where I'm at on the scale every Friday. This is heartbreaking. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play the Sims and use my laptop as a heating pad because my cramps are so bad I can't move.
Also, meanspo and sweetspo are both incredibly welcome.
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princenothinq · 2 years
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wasteland-lover · 2 years
Naylo, loml, could you pretty please briefly summarize the first three seasons of Stranger things so I can just jump into the fourth?? Please and thank you
Here are some things I know already:
Steve is a man whore apparently but also basically the babysitter? Nancy has a gun? That dude with the bowl cut is gay for Mike but Mike likes Eleven? Aren't Lucas and Max together?
I'm really scratching my head here.. although I guess I could just google it...
I don't wanna binge watch the first 3 seasons cause I know Eddie's not in them. I am totally not a simp, and I enjoy things normally btw
Abby, moon to my stars, imma try my best to summarize everything (im sorry it’s hella long😭)
here is also a video that you can watch that will summarize everything much easier :)
season one:
- so this group of kids (mike, lucas, dustin, and will) love to play dungeons and dragons. one night after coming home from mike’s house, will missing without a trace
-like the next night, mike, lucas, and dustin find this mysterious bald-headed girl named eleven who escaped from dr.brenner, a man she called papa and the head scientist of the lab she escaped from. the boys feel like eleven’s appearance is somehow connected to will’s disappearance
-will’s mom and older brother, joyce and jonathan, are both very distraught by will’s death but joyce kinda goes crazy over it
- meanwhile sometime time later mike’s older sister nancy and her friend barbra go to a small party hosted by nancy’s boyfriend steve (who’s popular at their school and is basically a bully at this point). at that same party, while steve and nancy are off having sex (😒), barbra also goes missing w/out a trace
-it’s also important to mention that jonathan was in the woods taking pictures and happened to stumble upon steve’s house where he took pictures of steve and nancy from the window (hella weird). ones of his pictures depicts a strange figure near barbra right before she disappeared
- felling guilty over her friend’s disappearance, nancy goes to jonathan in hopes of trying to figure out the disappearances (this is where she get all badass and starts messing w/ guns and shit). together they figure out how that that strange figure in one of his photos has something to do with it
-it’s also important to mention that the kids figure out that eleven had telekinetic powers (i forgot how but this is important)
-back w/ joyce, she’s going frantic over her son and is convinced that he’s somehow still alive (even thought his dead body was “found”) and is trying to talk to her through the lights
-through will’s perspective, we see that he’s stuck in an alternate dimension called the upside down where everything’s the same but it’s basically a dark and hazy ghost town with demonic creatures all over the place. unlike barbra, he managed to survive and hide out in the alternate version of his home where is was able to send his mom a signal through the lights
-due to joyce’s persistence, the the leader of the disappearance cases and cheif of police, hopper, goes to the morgue and cuts open will’s dead body to find out that the “body” isn’t real and is just a dummy full of stuffing. this leads to him actually believe her and them teaming up to find out what the hell is going on
-it’s kinda not really improvement to mention that steve and nancy find out about the weird ass pictures jonathan took of them and Steve fought him about it. nancy was defending jonathan tho (bc they became friends over the course of that mystery solving) and steve is like🤨.
-back w/ the kids, i don’t really remember wtf is going on with them but just know the lab she escapes from is out to get her
-something something later jonathan and nancy are in joyce’s house fighting a demogorgan, one of the weird demonic things from the upsized down that came through a gate (like a portal that connects the two words). steve shown up all of a sudden to apologize to nancy and teams up w/ them to beat the shit out of the demogorgon. this leads to him kinda joining their little team
-yeah im ngl the earlier seasons are really fuzzy to me bc i watched them back in like 2017. just know that eleven is presumed to be dead and they end up getting will back. also joyce and hopper found out that this government research center called hawkins lab had something to do with the will’s disappearance and the creation of the upside down (i forgot how💀)
season two:
-i don’t really remember much from this season but just know that this season takes place like a year later. something called the mind flayer possessed will from his upside down days and started controlling him more and more
-it is revealed to the audience that eleven is actually alive and hopper basically unofficially adopted her. they have been secretly in a cabin in the woods bc the lab is still looking for her😪
-meanwhile this girl names max and her racist ass older step-brother billy are new to hawkins. billy basically has beef w/ steve bc he wants to take his place as the “king of hawkins high” and max becomes friends w/ lucas, dustin, and mike
-it’s important to mention that will is basically bedridden cuz he’s sick (even tho it’s really just the miss flayer eating away at home from the inside)
-joyce goes to one of the doctors of hawkins lab (i forgor his name but he’s important in season 4) and is like “what’s wrong with my boy🤨???” and he basically says it’s relay to the upside down
-back w/ hopper and eleven, they get into a fight and she runs away from home. she ends up in some city where she finds her sister who also grew up with her him the lab and has powers. on her little soul searching journey, eleven finds out that her real name is jane and she had a mom but the lab gave her shock therapy making (bc she tried to find her daughter) this making her go crazy
-back in hawkins, nancy and steve breakup. in an effort to get her back he shows up to her house to apologize where he meets dustin (this is where he get a character arc and people start calling him the babysitter) and gets dragged along to help him and his find his pet baby demogorgon (bc he had that for some reason???) before it terrorizes the town
-anyways i think it’s joyce and hopper who find out that the reason the mind flayer had such a hold on will is bc there’s a gate to the upside down that’s still open (and the only one who can close it is eleven)
-anyways eleven comes back from her lil trip and steve is left watching the kids (mike, dustin, lucas, and max) while joyce is off with will and hopper takes eleven to close the gate w/ her powers
-while steve is with the kids, billy shows up outta nowhere looking for his step-sister. he storms in the house and starts besting the shit outta steve (cuz remember they got beef) and once he’s done w/ steve he immediately starts attacking lucas for handing around max (he told her not to hand out with “his kind” some time earlier)
-anyway max ends up being the one to put billy down and the gang and up stealing his car to go set fire to this thing thats attracting the demogorgans (idk i forgot about allat)
-and then eleven closes the gate and will gets unpossessed and everything is good🙂
season three:
-okay so everything isn’t really all that good
-so there’s a really big mall that opens up in town and steve, having graduated high school, gets a summer job where we meet his coworker robin
-i forgot to mention that mike and eleven and lucas and max got together back in season two
- dustin finds some message in russian and he, steve and robin are able to decode it. this leads them to find out that the mall is actually a cover up for a russian operation going on underneath it. also note that lucas’s younger sister erica tags along w/ them and becomes a main character
-in this season, nancy and jonathan are relevant again and are dating. they have an summer job as interns for a newsletter and after some investigating, they find out that the mind flayer is still possessing people
- joyce and hopper also somehow figure out that russians are involved w/ the upside down stuff and basically abduct a russian scientist they found in a secret lab. they go to the town theory conspirator murray who is able to translate what the russian guy is saying
-billy is off somewhere and ens up being the first person fully possessed by the mind flayer. through him, the flayer is able to possess more and more people
-the kids figure out something’s up and end up teaming w/ nancy and jonathan to figure out what’s going on
- back with steve and dustin anc all of them, steve and robin end up getting kidnapped and the russian guys are like “who do you work for😡” and steve’s like “an ice cream shop😩” and then they just beat the shit outta him and drug them up so they can be tortured for information. dustin and erica save them before that happens tho and they all escape back to the mall
-the scientist guy w/ joyce and hopper and Murray lowkey ends up siding w/ them and confesses how to get to the russian lab where they’re experimenting with another open gate to the upside down
-the scientist guy ends up getting killed off and hopper, joyce, and murray go off undercover to the lab to close the gate
-back with nancy and them, all the possessed people (except billy) basically morph into the gross blob that personifies the mind flayer chases them down
-(not important but good to know) while robin and steve are all drugged up and he ends up confessing to her that he has a crush in her she she’s like “mm no🤭🏳️‍🌈” and basically admits that she’s lesbian. i also forgot to mention that will and mike got into a fight way earlier in the season bc all will wanted to do was hang out w/ his original friends and play d&d but mike wanted to hang out with his girlfriend eleven. all of a sudden mike was like “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls🤬” which basically tells us that will is gay
-ANYWAYS everyone finds themselves at the mall so they can close the gate. the big gross mind flayer thing is still hunting then down but billy sacrifices himself to save them. his lil sacrifice doesn’t really do shit and eleven ends up being the one killing it(💀). it’s makes her loose her powers
-back with joyce and her little group, her and hopper are left having to close the gate but hopper has to go down and fight some russian guy trying to killing them. joyce is left having to close the gate by herself while hopper is hella close to it. this leaves the audience to assume that he’s dead (in season 4 it’s revealed that he’s not dead and was actually just captured by russians)
-at the end of the season it shows all the kids helping joyce, will, and jonathan move out of their house bc they’re tired of dealing with everything. eleven is also going to live with them bc her surrogate dad (hopper) is “dead”
that pretty much all i can remember. it turned out hella long so i don’t expect you to read all of this🚶🏿‍♂️
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tweedledumble · 2 years
i just unlocked inazuma and it was the biggest mistake of my life why is it so dark why is it so scary i forgot mirror maidens existed until i got jumped by one what's with the electro forcefield thingies how do i get rid of them what's with that one waypoint is it underwater how do i even unlock that there's no scuba diving in genshin how do i get to the waypoint in the shrine thingy it's so high up and i can't see anything cuz it's so dark even when i keep switching the time to daytime i have no idea what's going on anywhere pls i just wanna go back to mondstadt
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i only unlocked it for the drum event thingy and today when i was doing the hard klee one i got struck by lightning near the end and my perfect streak was RUINED my chances of 100% were thrown out the window i sobbed i cried i threw up i was so distraught im still upset about it tbh
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slutsofren · 3 years
Danger Days Chapter 9: Give ‘em Hell Kid
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summary: after taking care of the stragglers, you make way to find Ellie amidst of all the chaos that follows her and you come face to face with a blast from the past
word count: 2,754 im gonna make up for all these short chapters i swear!!
content warnings: blood mention (i mean c'mon y'all know exactly what this fic is), animal death, somebody gets murdered a bit violently
notes: just wanna say a little thank you for all the recent influx of subs/bookmarks/comments/kudos/follows on here and on ao3, y'all warm my heart. also, the next few chapters will deviate from the tlou timeline to make way for some angst :^))))
read on ao3 here / masterlist
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Your lungs were burning with each breath. Huffs escaped you. Aches filtered through your body. Running, chasing, fighting. Ellie was in deep shit and you prayed she was alright. Following after her path, you tracked your girl.
It didn’t take much to figure out which way Ellie went, between the very obvious messy shoe prints of the men chasing after her and the hoof-marks. It made finding her all that much easier. You trekked through the slosh of the muddied snow until you came across a striking stain of red. Your steps faltered and you took the sight in, the sight of blood in between all the white and brown that overlooked a small cliff. Stopping dead in your tracks, your breath hitched as you peered over.
A gasp in horror escaped you when you saw the lifeless body of dear Callus. Quickly jumping, you dropped from the ledge he was under and landed on your knees with a harsh ‘oomph’. The pain tingled up to your spine.
Scrambling up to check on Callus, looking for any sign Ellie was hurt only to find none. You brushed the dark hair on the horse, “I’m sorry Callus.” Mentally sending an apology to Cherry too. She was going to be sad when she hears but if anything, she’d take the apology in exacting revenge on his murderers.
Kneeling on the cold ground, you sent a silent wish to the stars, wishing that Callus will be taken care off wherever he is, noting how he was such a good horse, how he will be greatly missed but was certainly loved. He may have been just a horse, but even then, horses were smart and sentient. He knew.
Just as you finished your well-wishes, the horror quickly engulfed your mind. The worry grew for just a moment as you continued on the path, leaving the dear horse behind until you stumbled upon dead body after dead body, all leading in a patch down to a lake then to a little cabin, long since forgotten shops, and up the stairs to some sort of lakeside hotel, anger finally settling in your bones.
You found yourself following a trail of blood, gore, and footsteps, pride warming in your chest. That’s my girl, you silently praised. You drew a knife and a gun, as you approached what looked to be some lakeside market, too many hidey holes to walk through here confidently. Nevertheless, you marched on.
The path led you to an abandoned lodge overlooking the lake but no sign of Ellie, just more dead bodies of those bastards.
It would have been a beautiful sight long ago, in the time before. Now it was an empty and hollow shell of its former self, littered with gore.
Even shuffling as quickly as you could through the main hall of the resort yielded nothing to finding your dear young companion, not as the sun was really setting low. Had that much time passed, you thought worriedly.
You kicked an overturned table and groaned loudly, not giving a shit if somebody heard you. Letting yourself be mad for just a moment before taking a deep breath and exhaling. At this point, you weren’t sure if you’d want to move stealthy, try and make as much noise as possible just to take some of the heat off your girl.
Frustrated still, you left the resort and circled outside to locate another set of footsteps, likely of them chasing after her. It looked almost as if there was a small fucking army chasing her but still, you didn’t spot anybody. Much to your chagrin.
Taking off once more, you cursed as the visibility lowered. The snow was progressively picking up all around you causing some of the footsteps to slowly disappear.
It was swirling around in a thick blanket in the air, covering the footsteps you had been following. It felt like you were running against the clock and you took off running, focused on the remaining trail until you heard it.
Loud and metallic. A bell. Faint but there. A city center with a tolling bell possibly?
You didn't think twice about changing your direction and moving faster through the storm.
Motivated even more so, you continued on this path, following the chime until you came into view of a cheap haphazardly thrown together defense wall. Ducking behind a nearby structure, you looked on, assessing it as best you could with the little visibility you had.
Faintly, you could make out concrete walls with some barbaric barbed wire thrown lazily against it, many many weaknesses here and there. Most importantly, you noticed there was nobody manning the walls.
You ran and ducked every so often, listening for voices but finding none. Instead, you followed the bloodied trail Ellie left behind her. It was almost like a taunt to the others in this community, or maybe even a gumdrop-like trail for you, screaming ‘come find me’. Whatever it was, only a mark of design by the tough kid wanting nothing but to simply stay alive.
Pocketing your weapons, you took a few steps back then ran.
It was almost too easy to just jump the fence but you did, after hesitating ever so slightly. Your breaths were now heavy huffs, your lungs were cursing you to stop but you refused to, not when Ellie was in danger.
Then, arming yourself with your knives you tried to make your way through the town as stealthy as possible. Only taking out whoever was in your path but aiming not to make a spectacle before you could locate Ellie within this town.
Every time you took down one of those gruesome bastards, you didn’t dare to stop and search them. Your only goal was to find Ellie. You could hear the men talking about her and how she got away, sparking pride within you once more as you took off, following the chaos she left in her wake. Noting how some of the bodies were still warm, their leaked blood still sticky.
Turning the corner of a mechanics garage, a loud thunderous snap echoed through the area. 
Startled, you pulled back into a crouch and watched as a large fire erupted in the distance. That spark of hope igniting as bright as the fire, signaling Ellie fighting back like hell. 
“Shit,” you sighed trying to catch your breath. You rose to your feet and took off faster now, headed towards the explosion.
Off through the thick sheet of snow, you could faintly make out a large sign above a dinner, displaying the name Todd’s across it. You could hear somebody yelling from inside and aimed for it, the fire barely catching your attention.
Time was running against you, as it always did. The fire grew hotter, the building more dangerous. These were the least of your worries.
You were beyond frustrated as you circled the building, aside from the very obvious and intentional door being lit on fire that was growing at a rapid pace, there were no other entrances you could see aside from a dozen unbroken windows. 
It took a couple tries to find an entrance that was viable, feeling like you were running out of time as the male voice from inside grew louder, as you could hear bullets fly just as the man was yelling. Thankfully you did find a cracked window.
Judging by the amount of noise already happening inside and assessing the risk, you figured breaking it wouldn’t alert anybody so you did just that and crawled through, doing your best not to scrape your knees.
Gaining your footing, you looked around and saw you were in some sort of kitchen for the diner. There were large stainless steel surfaces, looking moderately clean. That’s not what got your attention, but the screaming match happening in the dining area.
It took you a minute but you got close to the ground, snapping to the corner as to not give away your position, not as you saw a large man with a beard towering over a small figure- Ellie.
Your brows furrowed in anger as you ran, planning on tackling this man but he was knocked over to the side as Ellie wacked at him endlessly with a machete, hacking him to death. Overkill.
One, two, three. Each swing she grew more and more violent,
Yelling for her to stop, she continued her attack, until you grabbed her against her back, holding her close to stop her. She tried to fight against you, almost throwing you to the ground. “I got you, sweetheart, I got you.” Petting her hair, trying to calm her down, she recognized your voice and she slumped in your arms.
You were exhausted, the adrenaline slowly leaving your blood gave way to the roaring pain in your lungs and muscles. Surely you’d be sore for the coming days. Even so, the pain would have been nothing next to losing either Joel or Ellie.
The two of you stayed like that, holed up in a grimey embrace for a few moments. You repeatedly ran your fingers through her tangled up brown hair as she hiccupped the last of her sobs into your coat. The only sounds permeating the moment were of Ellie and the fire.
Fuck. The fire.
Just as you realized the predicament the two of you were in, the blackened smoke scratched and irritated your eyes, throat, and lungs. It was suffocating you and doing worse to Ellie,
If it weren’t for the raging blaze that was spreading, you would have left much sooner. “Sweetheart, I think it’s time to go.”
Ellie didn’t respond and you were about to repeat yourself until you heard heavy footfalls behind you. Moving the distraught and distracted teen slightly, you drew one of your guns and aimed, about to shoot but were stopped when you took notice of just who was standing there, palms up in defense.
Joel was alive, right there.
Ellie recognized him before you could even register what was happening. She jumped out of your arms into his, babbling about David and crying once more. He calmed her, mumbling “Oh, baby girl… It’s okay, it’s okay.”
You watched from the floor as he tried to wipe the blood from her tear stained cheeks, barely keeping your own shit together.
“C’mon,” he said, not looking at you, “let’s get outta here.”
You rose from your haunches, swaying just a little at the inner emotional whirlwind you were facing mixed on top of the physical toll you were feeling. You watched as Joel put his arm around Ellie, walking her out the way he came in. Both of them were limping slightly. Following the two of them, you kicked the dead man just once as Joel led you both out of the burning building to your horse, Whiskey.
He turned around to say something but cut himself off, taking in the sight of you. “Shit, Are you okay?”
You followed his gaze to where your clothes were coated in a disastrous mixture of blood, dirt, and stars know what else. “It’s not mine.”
He looked like he wanted to look you over but he focused on Ellie instead, giving her a helping hand onto the horse. Joel gestured for you to get on behind her but you shook him off, “No. I’ll meet you back at the house.”
“If you don’t get on the goddamned-,” he began to argue but you shut him down.
“I’m not going to fuckin’ argue with you right now.” You checked over your horse, noticing how Joel didn’t bring anything then approached Ellie, “Hey, sweetheart. Think you can handle leading Whiskey and Joel back to the house?”
She wiped away her tears and nodded, “I think so.”
“Good. I’ll see you there soon.”
Joel opened his mouth to counter you but you stood up to him, on your toes. You had grabbed his jacket and pulled him close, getting in his face. “You take our girl back to the fuckin’ house and you make sure neither you nor her go off the rails or so help me, I will finish what that rebar started and end you. Got it?”
You were tired, you were angry, you were relieved. But most of all, you were pissed the fuck off. Not necessarily at him but at, well, at everything. Being this troupe’s sole caretaker for the past few weeks was taking its toll.
Just as you got into his face, he got into yours. At only a hair's breadth away he threatened you all the same, “You do not get to be angry with me, you do not get to push me around, got it?”
His brown eyes bore into yours, you could see he was more exhausted than anything but you were not going to let him be the judge of what happens next. “Fuck you, Joel Miller. We saved your life, hell, I saved your life. You owe me. Now you’re going to get on that fucking horse with Ellie and you are going to the safe house and we are leaving this goddamned shithole. Together. In one piece.”
“Please, Joel, let’s get out of here,” Ellie’s weak voice interrupted. 
The near-dyin’ old bastard opened his mouth to counter you again but decided against it. Most likely for Ellie’s sake.
Joel leans close to you and whispers a threat in your ear, “If you’re not back by nightfall, we’ll leave without you.”
“I don’t doubt it,” you snap.
He takes a half step back, his tired brown eyes meeting yours. For a flash you think he wants to apologize but he doesn’t, his pride wouldn’t let him anyways. This was the game the two of you have played all these months. This push-and-pull bullshit. It was tiresome in situations like these, the dire need of survival, but during those blissful moments of reprieve, it brought you joy.
Joel’s heavy footfalls penetrated the tense air even as he saddled up in front of Ellie. He calls your name and in his roundabout way, bargains with you. “Come back alive.”
Before you could even answer or reply, he’s off with a huff. Ellie strapped closely behind him.
Watching them go, you ducked and retraced your steps in the heavy and blinding snow. The storm hadn’t let up and likely wouldn’t any time soon. It worked well into your favor for now.
The journey back wasn’t as arduous or as dramatic as the way forward but you made it back to the safe house without incident. The whole time your mind juggled between the mixed emotions of Joel. Gratitude he was alive, joy that he was walking and talking, anger that he was walking and talking and not resting.
There was just a lot happening all at once. It’s why you wanted to be alone for the time being. Too many emotions swirled in you, too many thoughts, too much of everything. The bitter cold nipping at your fingertips helped, kept you grounded.
At least until you heard the low grumbling of Joel coaxing Ellie back to the land of the living, much as you both did the same to him these past few weeks. His voice trailed up the basement and didn’t stop as your steps echoed through the stairwell. 
When you stopped at the final landing did you look up. He was holding her close as she cried, she still hadn’t stopped. His hands, bruised and bloodied from stars know what, coaxed themselves through her messy hair. The sight of them both covered in other people’s blood hurt you in ways that no wound could ever compare to.
He was whispering nothings to her, praises for her fighting, echoing words of ‘shh, it’s okay’, repeatedly in a low soft voice. You came close to the two of them sitting on the lone mattress, “Hey, sweetheart, I’m back.”
Joel looked up at you again, looking over you. Taking in the sight of you now. He gave you a tense nod as Ellie reached around for your hand and squeezed it. Once she let you go you brushed her hair from her face and slowly stood.
“I’m going to pack up everything and we’re going to leave here, put this shit behind us.”
The two of them said nothing but Joel caught your eye and silently, you both came to an agreement. Whatever bullshit you two had, when it came to Ellie, she came first.
Isn’t that what family is for?
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Yay requests r open!!! (Darling i really hope you don't overwork yourself so take as much time as u need to answer!) So,, can i request hc's for law n corazon (separately) with a really clumsy s/o? Like corazon's level of clumsy, they trip over nothing and absolutely forbidden from the kitchen after a few incidents,,,(cora and his s/o would be a disaster couple lolol also ab law,, ig it would be a lil angsty cuz his s/o n cora r really similar but i know that u can make a good ending out of it! Hehe)
Fem!s/o pls and i hope it's not to bothersome 👉👈
Thanks for blessing us with ur awesome content!!!💞💖💕
Law + Corazon With A Clumsy! Fem! S/O
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a/n : no troubles at all, this isn’t bothersome. Thank you so much for requesting, im sorry they were closed for so long ;-; but I’m glad to see you came in :)) I hope you like it!! ;D
note : I made these small scenarios instead—
Summary : How Law and Cora would react to their extremely clumsy, female significant others.
Trafalgar Law
That is all Law can say when he sees you coming in to his office to get a re-wrap on your bandages and some new wraps for fresh cuts you somehow managed to get yourself.
He’d deadpan at the trail of blood your body is leaving as you enter the door, somehow having cut your whole forearm from just reading a book.
“I.. I gave myself a papercut...”
He sweatdrops at your answers, irritation slowly building at your answer when asked what had happened in the first place.
“..you got a papercut... on your forearm.. from reading?..” he repeats slowly, almost as if he’s trying to process and confirm it with both himself and you.
You nod sheepishly, bringing your free hand up to your neck and rub it shyly. “I don’t know how.” You respond before he could question you further.
Exhaling from his nose, you could sense the stress and annoyance it brought him, but you couldn’t see the small hint of pain hidden behind his eyes.
You and your kind personality already reminded him so much of a special someone, but added with your clumsiness, most might have thought you were a practical reincarnation of Corazon.
Law pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts of any passed loved ones he had and clears his throat.
“Alright.. just go sit on the bed and I’ll get you fixed up..” he mutters, just deciding to deal with the situation instead of trying to process the fact how clumsy you were.
Seeing how stressed and distraught he was with you, you frown softly before forcing a small smile onto your lips.
“I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble, Law.. I really don’t mean to..” You trail off quietly, feeling bad for making him so overworked already, having to deal with you and your clumsiness.
Law can sense your tone and softens his expression in the slightest, pursing his lips.
Grabbing his medic kit with his supplies, he made his way over and sat on a chair, getting out what he needed and poured rubbing alcohol onto a wipe before cleaning your arm.
He didn’t mean to make you feel so upset, you just reminded him of someone special and it was bringing bad memories.
“...it’s fine, don’t worry about it..” he mutters, beginning to wrap up your arm with the bandage, after making sure your cut was disinfected.
“I’m not mad.” He says, just to assure you, which works, seeing you smile a bit more.
“Even if you get hurt every second of the day, at least I’ll be here to take care of you.”
Cheeks warming, you smile softly at him and hum. “Thank you. But still.. If I can make it up to you, let me know.” You say, watching him secure the bandage tightly before taping it down.
Law thinks silently before a small smirk dances on his lips. “Anything to make it up to me?” He questions, keeping his head down as he examines your cut further.
You quickly nod, eager and a bright smile forming on your face. “Anything.”
Law’s smirk only widens, him cocking his head to the side, almost amused before he looks up at you, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“I’d be more careful with your words, [Name]-ya... but if you really mean that, I might take you up on your offer.”
Tripping over nothing once more, made Cora sweat drop at you as he went over and knelt by your side. “[Name], are you alright?!”
Wincing, you slowly sat up and looked around blankly, before feeling a slow warm liquid running down your face.
Cora widens his eyes and jumped, startled at the sight of your blood while he panics for a brief moment.
“Y-You’re bleeding! Hold on, I’ll get the first aid kit!”
However, unfortunately, as soon as Cora stood up to run, he immediately face-planted onto the ground next to you, and this time, it was your turn to panic.
You crawled over quickly and reach to pull him up, but he got up just fine, albeit it was slow.
“I’m fine, [Name]. Let’s go get you fixed up..” He gives a sheepish smile, despite there being scratches and red marks on his face and you smile lightly.
And so you helped him up and let him head off to get the medkit, but however...
There were a few mishaps.
First off, Cora ended up tripping over his two feet, much like you, and just barely avoided a concussion but did cause quite the ruckus when he fell.
So you, panicking and worrying over the blonde male, you ran over towards him..
Just to bump into a random inconveniently placed chair and tripped, right onto Cora, causing him to grunt out.
All the commotion brought the attention of passing marines outside the room you two were in, and seconds later, Sengoku made an appearance.
“What is the meaning of this?!”
Both you and Cora could only bow and lower your heads as Sengoku strictly lectured you both whilst tending to your injuries, constant yelling and scoldings heard from the room.
Cora gave a swift apology to Sengoku while you stood to the side with an awkward smile, quickly closing the door once Cora finished his apology.
Sighing, you went over to the window and leaned against the pane, rubbing your head where Sengoku had tightly bandaged it.
“He’s so angry..”
“He has every reason to be..” Cora points out softly as he walks over by you. “But he cares.”
You simply pout and turn to Cora. “Rosi, can you re-do this? He made it too tight and now it’s giving me a headache..”
Cora blinks before smiling and nodding, reaching over and undid the bandage. Leaning into him, you frown slightly.
“I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble. You’re already clumsy enough and with me around, it’s just double the havoc mess.”
Feeling an imaginary arrow pierce his heart at your words, he only chuckles lightly.
Carefully, he loosened the tightness before securing it back with the tape. Then, leaning close and giving a gentle kiss on your temple, he smiles softly and held your hand.
“It’s okay, [Name]. You make me happy, and at least this way, we can both work to take care of each other.” He says gently, bringing your hand to his lips and kissed lightly.
You smile softly at him, feeling your cheeks warm at his words.
You moved so you could snuggle yourself into his arms, him wrapping them around you and pulled you closer to him.
“I love you, [Name]. And I’ll always be here, being clumsy with you.”
a/n ; not my best work either :( I’m sorry it’s short and Cora’s is much shorter too, but I wanted to get one request out quickly after posting my own fic.
Cora’s a little rushed, because I had so many ideas but I kept doing little by little each day and eventually forgot where I was going with it ;-; so it’s all over the place.
I hope you enjoyed this regardless, and if you’d like a re-do, please send me a message!
not edited.
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Fred Weasley — Helplessly Part 3
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Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Fred was rushed to he muggle hospital for better treatment of his injuries. While in a coma, his soul stayed with you for a couple of months. He watches as you went through the stages. And he watches when you start to write a song, just for him.
Words: 2, 681 words
Warnings ⚠ : I don’t think this fic will have anything BUT sadness and constant pain and heartbreaks sdhsjd im sORRY
Disclaimer: This one... hurts a lot
CHAPTER 3: I'll Follow You
He woke up alone. 
Fred Weasley woke up with no idea where he was. ‘This… This isn’t Hogwarts?’ he thought. The fluorescent light above him was a bit bright, yet he didn’t feel like he needed to adjust his eyes. Fred blinked, wasn’t he in the middle of a war? The last thing he remembered was saying words to Percy before-
Before the walls.
He tried to move, and was surprised that he can, with complete ease. ‘Wow, and here I thought getting crashed by walls would hurt a lot.’ He thought, scoffing a smile. How the bloody hell did he feel no pain? Absolute brilliant! He sat up from the bed, looking around, looked like a hospital ward.  
Strange, he’s in a hospital but he didn’t feel any pain. Was he visiting someone? That’s not likely, innit?
And then Fred heard the constant beeping. He looked to his right, there’s a peculiar machine showing a line going up and down. Then his eyes darted to a wire connected to it, and then followed his eyes until the very end.
A hand.
Fred tilted his head, slightly confused. He blinked a few times. He just woke up in a hospital… And he saw a beeping muggle tech machine… and now there’s a hand…. Whose hand is it?
He looked to the hand, that hand looked awfully familiar, looking like George’s. But George’s hand is less calloused than this one. So naturally, Fred sees the owner of the hand when he turned around.
It’s… It’s him.
Fred felt the blood draining from his face, his heart felt like it did a somersault and a fucking split to the ground.  He instantly jumped out of the bed in shock, his eyes were the size of two golf balls. Even with bandages, he knew that was him.
It… It could be George, though. But that thought was quickly thrown out the window. He’s lived with the man all his life; he knew they were both very different physically. Fred was, rightfully to be frank, terrified.
Why was he there? In bandages? If that’s him, then what the hell is he doing standing here?! Fred walked closer to ‘himself’, thinking to himself that this might be some prank George pulled on him, Polyjuice potion and all. Upon thinking that, Fred relaxed; actually convinced his brother was pranking him.
“Ha, ha. Funny.” Fred muttered; a relieved smile painted upon his lips. For one second there, he really thought he had gone crazy. He looked around, “Oh, Georgie? Where are you, you little git?” He sang playfully, chuckling to himself. This prank was a great one though, he had to admit.
Fred’s eyes darted back to the man on the bed. He smirked to himself, wondering who did George had successfully coaxed to drink that nasty Polyjuice to turn into him. His mind instantly thought of you, and his smirk widened.
“Oh, goodness. Why is there another me here? I wonder?” Fred faked a shocked voice while simultaneously walking closer to the man, whom he had convinced himself was you under the Polyjuice potion. When ‘you’ didn’t react, he chuckled a little bit more, “I know it’s you, darling. C’mon now, trying to prank Fred Weasley? The prankster himself? Really, love?” 
He reached his hand to touch ‘yours’, only to realize his hand literally went through it. Fred frowned, he reached again. His hand went through the other hand, again. At first, Fred thought this was some sort of magic going on, a hologram at some sort, but the one who looked like a hologram was him.
“Bloody hell-“ Fred inched away fast; his feet stepped back a few steps in newfound fear. He looked around hastily, “This isn’t funny anymore, George. Knock it off!” He shouted across the room, yet nothing happened. He looked back to ‘you’, “Y/N, you can wake up now. This isn’t funny.” When ‘you’ didn’t react, Fred gulped. “Y/N!” He called again.
Fred snapped his head upwards, his heart dropped at the sound of your wail. “Y/N…?” He whispered in horror, eyes darting back to the man on the bed, “Who the bloody hell are you…?”
Fred heard your scream again, and quickly without any thinking ran out of the ward, looking left and right at the unfamiliar surroundings. Suddenly, he saw Bill. He was with Fleur, looking distraught and anxious to the group of nurses at the counter, who instantly got to their feet, some calling the doctors while some followed Bill and Fleur.
He instantly followed them, “Bill!” He kept calling his older brother, but Bill didn’t seem to notice. Fred was far back, yet he kept calling for him. “William Arthur Weasley, you deaf git!” He muttered under his breath, gritting his teeth. He grew more anxious when he heard your screams getting louder, “Fred!!!! Let go of me!!!”
“Y/N?! Y/N!!!” He shouted back, he had lost Bill among the people, yet he kept following until he reached a ward. “Freddie!!!!” You were screaming, with tears non-stop scrolling down your cheeks, a strand of saliva was visible at your mouth, showing how many times you had called for him.  
A group of doctors had pinned you down, and quickly injected you with something, making Fred furrowed his eyes in anger, “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?!” He shouted. He looked at the surroundings of the room, everyone was there. 
Why was Molly crying hugging Hermione? And why was George just standing there? 
“George! What are they doing to Y/N? Why aren’t you doing anything?!” He shouted, yet George seemed to ignore him. His heart tore apart every time you screamed his name, you were looking very distraught, and scared, and anxious.
He literally ran to be beside you, kneeling to the ground, “Y/N, love, I’m here.”
Yet you kept crying, until it slowed down, “Please, I need to see Freddie… He almost died in my arms, please…” was your last whimper before you passed out. Fred frowned, “Y/N, darling, I’m here! I’m not dead, I’m here-“
His hands that were to cup your face went through you.
Feeling fear right about now is the understatement of the century. Fred had never felt so horrified, in his life. Not even when he was fighting the Death Eaters a while ago, not even when the walls shattered him. This… This is terrifying.
He turned his head to the group of people who were now lifting unconscious you back to bed. He stood up slowly, gulping as he took in your state. You had heavy eye-bags, your skin was pale, and you looked exhausted. Yet you never failed to make his heart flutter at the very sight of you.  
As if adding oil to the fire, Harry who was beside him just stood up and bloody walked through him. Not walk past him, through him. As if he’s just a ghost.
Fred froze. Is that what he is now? A ghost? Like Peeves and Moaning Myrtle? He quickly looked down at his body, checking himself. No, he isn’t glowy blue, nor is he see-through. Fred was confused and terrified, and that two feelings together were never a good mix.
“I told you it’s a bad idea to tell Y/N so soon, George.” Fred turned to Ron who was looking to George who looked distressed. “Now’s not the right time for you to pick up a fight with me, Ron,” George growled; his eyes were dark. Fred realized George’s state was similar to yours. In fact, everyone looked exhausted. His heart broke at the sight of the quietly crying Molly who was still in Hermione’s arms.
“You could’ve told it later.” Ron, ignoring his brother’s warning earlier, continued with silent rage. “Ronald,” Hermione warned, glaring at him. “Then what am I supposed to do, you bastard? Is it your twin who’s in a bloody coma and your best friend hyperventilating, losing their mind? Am I supposed to carry this burden alone, huh you git? You’re fucking 18, Ron, use your bloody brain for once.” George snapped and walked out of the ward, seemingly wanted to cool off.
Hang on. What did he just say?
Fred gripped the bed railings to balance himself, his head suddenly went dizzy. “Coma? Me?” He whispered, not believing his ears. So the man earlier, that was really him? Not you under the Polyjuice potion? So, him standing in your ward right now, what was he? A ghost? A million thoughts swarmed Fred, he felt his chest tightened and he almost couldn’t breathe.   
“Why did you have to do that, Ron?” Hermione sighed out, Molly had just calmed down and excused herself to the bathroom. Ron didn’t answer her, and just walked out after looking solemnly in your direction.  
Harry sighed, “I’ll go get him.” He said, glancing at sleeping you, and left the ward. Slowly, the ward became empty, and the only ones there were Fred and you. His grip on the bed become tighter at the sight of you.
“F… Freddie…” Suddenly you mumbled out, and a tear rolled down to your sides. Fred was beyond devastated, heartbroken even. You looked so miserable, and Fred wanted nothing more than to hug you, caress your hair, and just whisper sweet nothings to you.
“I’m… I’m here, love.” His voice quivering, his hands trembled severely. He wanted to kiss your forehead, but the fear of his lips not touching your skin scared him more than ever. He wanted to wipe your tears away, so bad. Without warning, his own tears scrolled down his cheeks. But the tears never drop to the floor, they just vanished into thin air the moment they left his face.  
Fred felt a painful tug in his heart, he was beyond devastated. You were right there, and he could see you, but you couldn’t see him.
No one could.
The thought of being invisible made Fred’s crying worsened. He started to scream within his cries, begging anyone to just listen to him or actually notice he’s there. Fred wailed, screamed, shouted, with tears running profusely, the saliva in his mouth kept coming out as a result of his excessive breakdown.  
He was screaming his heart out, yet no one was listening.
Fred had to crouch down beside your bed as his knees turned weak, his head facing the ground, silently begging to see if one of his many tears would plop to the ground, and actually wet them. But the moment they jumped from the edge of his face; his tears vanished.
Fred calmed down a few minutes later, he was growing exhausted from the mental breakdown he just had.  He stood up trembling, his mind still distraught and disheveled, and his eyes softly darted to you.
He weakly smiled, “At least I got to see you, love.”
A week passed and Fred had accepted the fact that he was indeed in a coma, and his soul was out of his body, resulting in him to be like… this. 
But it wasn’t easy for him. 
He had to watch Molly and George take turns to look after him and Y/N, and they seemingly took turns crying for both of you. Fred was sobbing in the corner of his ward when Molly was crying while wiping his body, the view of his mother crying over him was absolutely heart-breaking. Molly was the first woman in his life, and he dreaded the fact that he couldn’t hug her, nor even touch her. 
He also discovered that his body would also cry whenever he’s crying, resulting in Molly crying even harder as she realized her unconscious son was also crying silently. His heartbeat would also match his body’s heartbeat. When he was having a breakdown at Y/N’s ward a while ago, his heartbeat was very fast, causing the beeping machine to enhance its pace. 
So Fred had jumped to the conclusion that somehow, he and his body are still connected. And with that being said, he’s not a ghost. Only a lost soul.
Fred would always visit your ward. He couldn’t sleep, but he would close his eyes at night so that his heartbeat won’t increase rapidly, in order not to worry his family. He would smile whenever you smile, just silently watching you communicating with Hermione. But as soon as he realized that you had nightmares at night, he couldn’t sleep after that.
So he would sit at the empty chair beside your bed whenever it’s empty, and just watch you sleep. When it’s time that you woke up crying, Fred was grateful that Hermione was there to calm you down, he couldn’t even describe the pain in his heart when he sees you so distraught.
And it broke his heart, even more, when he found out the nightmare involved him.
You were… suffering because of him, and Fred had never felt guiltier. He had also discovered that he could touch objects, he just couldn’t touch humans, which explained why he woke up laying on a bed, instead of sinking. He didn’t do anything to you though, he was afraid it would worsen your condition.  
That night came along. For the nth time, Fred felt his heart breaking at the sight of you sobbing on Hermione’s arm, once again attacked by the same reoccurring nightmare. When you begged Hermione to go see him, he had expected Hermione to say no, that’s what she’s been saying for the past week.
It’s a pleasant surprise when Hermione agreed.
You didn’t know, but Fred walked beside you and Hermione, watching your every step so you wouldn’t trip. He knew how weak your legs were, he was there when the doctors explained your condition to Molly. If it wasn’t for him being invisible, it would look like Fred was worrying for you at every step you took. He quietly smiled to himself, knowing it would annoy the hell out of you whenever he does that.
“Hello, Freddie.” Your quiet voice made a slight tug on his heart. You were holding his hand, and it was killing Fred that he couldn’t feel your touch. Or your warmth. He had to control his tears when you begin to sob on his body, his cold hand became the resting place for your forehead as you leaned forward. 
He had never wanted to touch you so badly, and it’s torturing him to control his tears because he knew the body would cry as well, and he didn’t want to sadden you any further. No words could describe the pain in his heart, and how fast his heartbeat is becoming. You didn’t notice, seemingly had filtered out the beeping sound from your mind to focus on your lover.
“I missed you, darling. I’ve missed you so much…” He heard you whisper while caressing his face. Fred was right in front of you, the only thing between you two was his static body on the bed. 
Fred forced out a chuckle, faking the laugh so his tears won’t come out instead, “You have no idea how much I missed you as well, my love. No idea…” When you left, after kissing his knuckles, that’s when Fred broke down. He had never cried loudly before, courtesy of sharing a house with several people for years, but when he does, it was refreshing.
But he had never felt so alone. 
So he understood your feeling when he saw you leaning against your bedroom door, crying in the dark at your apartment once you’ve been discharged. He decided to follow you home because he couldn’t bear staying at that cold, lonely hospital any longer.
 His home was you; you were his home and you still are.
And his heart bleeds; because he knew he was your home as well. And while he’s right there in front of you, sitting across you with tears in his eyes, begging you to see him so you won’t cry out of agony again, you didn’t know. 
You would never know.
@paigeyisme @britishspidey @hargreevesgrace @jasminweasley @neutralgoodval @kaidenceweasley @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @123happyllama @nicole-prz @phuvioqhile @ionlycamehereforfanfics @martalol @mccloudchloe @hufflepuffzutara @weasleysangel
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beanst0ck · 4 years
my friend wanted the tsukishima version of this so i had to do it 🥴
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pairing: tsukishima x reader
word count: 1438
cross posted on my wattpad
Kissing His Best Friend [[Tiktok Challenge]]
- the gentle wind ruffled the trees and bushes surrounding the high school of crows
- while the air outside seemed cool and fresh, the air inside the gym was hot and stuffy
- the boy’s volleyball team was practicing extra hard especially two certain first years
- halfway during practice the third years got called out of the gym by a teacher to discuss something about their grades, leaving the rest of the team to either continue practicing or take a break
- hinata and kageyama continued to practice hard while tsukki grabbed a water bottle and sat against a wall, waiting for the rest of the team to return
- out of the corner of his eye he spotted nishinoya and tanaka trying to do tiktok dances in sync and failing miserably
- tsukki knew about a lot of tiktok trends and dances thanks to his energetic teammates, but he didn’t spend most of his day mindlessly scrolling through the app
- he had things to do, like studying and watching his dinosaur documentaries, so he didn’t have time to waste doing silly tiktok trends
- snapping out of his thoughts he noticed he was in the camera’s frame and grimaced, trying to scoot away but his upperclassmen immediately noticed
- “tsukishima!! join us!!”
- “no.”
- nishinoya and tanaka pouted at their teammate’s salty behavior, but immediately brightened up noticing a certain someone walk through the gym doors
- “(y/n)!!”
- they ran past tsukki and opened their arms in hopes that they’d be able to trap you in the ultimate bear hug
- sadly for them, you dodged them just in time, leaving them to face plant onto the floor
- you slowly walked away from them and upon noticing your best friend you jogged over to him
- “tsukki!!”
- nishinoya and tanaka sniffled while patting each other’s back, knowing they’ll never be able to have you because your heart belonged to the salt shaker
- tsukishima greeted you and asked you why you were still at school even though school had already ended a few hours ago
- “the teachers wanted me to drop off papers to the captains of all the teams we have, all i need is daichi and i should be free to go!”
- “daichi isn’t here.”
- he had to hold back his laugh once he saw your reaction to the captain’s absence
- “i did not just walk across campus for daichi to not be here.”
- “hate to break it to you, but you did.”
- “tsukki! you’re supposed to be nice to me!! >:(“
- you smacked his arm and this time tsukishima couldn’t hold back a chuckle at your childish attitude
- nishinoya and tanaka’s ears perked at the sound of tsukishima’s chuckle
- they literally looked at each other like ‘ 👀 ‘
- yamaguchi, being the literal angel that he is, offers to show you where daichi is so you could deliver the packet of papers to him
- you literally go “really?🥺”
- tsukki definitely didn’t get salty, no sir he didn’t
- except that maybe he did-
- nishinoya and tanaka decide to set their unspoken plan into motion and cough to get the attention of the group
- “you know what tsukishima? why don’t you go with yamaguchi?”
- “but it’s not my job to deliver-“
- “dont disrespect your upperclassmen!! besides, (y/n)’s feet must be sore from walking around the whole day!”
- tsukki sighs, knowing that arguing with the two of them is literally impossible
- so he embarks on a mini adventure with yamaguchi to deliver some papers to daichi
- just when you’re about to tell nishinoya and tanaka that they didn’t have to do that and you were perfectly capable of delivering those papers yourself they turn to you with one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen
- “(y/n)! we have a plan!”
- “...ok?”
- so there you stood as nishinoya and tanaka explained their ‘ perfect plan ‘ on how you would get to kiss tsukishima
- “you’re the only one that tsukishima can tolerate enough to do this!!“
- “...you’re just using me for tiktok views aren’t you?”
- “...”
- “*sigh*”
- nonetheless you agreed because,,, who would pass up the opportunity to kiss tsukishima? exactly no one
- and if you said you would,,, no you wouldn’t stop lying to yourself
- if anything went wrong and your friendship nearly gets ruined you could blame it on nishinoya and tanaka
- so they start setting up the area
- tanaka tells hinata and kageyama to practice on the other side of the court, just incase one of kageyama’s sets goes astray and ends up hitting someone
- nishinoya and tanaka set up the phone and begin recording, not knowing when tsukishima would walk through the doors
- “what if he doesn’t catch me-“
- “don’t be so negative (y/n)!”
- you had many many doubts about this plan
- but you went along with it because you got an excuse to kiss tsukishima
- soon you heard footsteps from outside the window and signaled tanaka and nishinoya
- they gave you a thumbs up, wishing you luck and hoping that their plan wouldn’t fail because if it did you would most likely stop talking to them
- as soon as the doors opened yamaguchi and tsukishima stepped inside, now was your moment!
- “tsukki! catch me!!”
- tsukishima turned his head to the sound of your voice, his mind not registering the words you said when he saw you quickly running towards him
- when you jumped he instinctively held out his arms and caught you, almost stumbling backwards from the force
- your legs were wrapped around his waist and your hands were on his shoulders as you let out excited giggles, happy that he actually caught you
- “idiot, why’d you do that? what if i didn’t catch yo-“
- without thinking you grabbed his head and smashed your lips against his
- tsukishima, still not processing that you jumped for him to catch you, also could not process that you were kissing him
- taking his lack of response as a ‘im not kissing you back’ you slowly pulled your lips away but didn’t get the chance to as tsukishima placed his hand behind your head to kiss you back
- mind you, tsukishima was still carrying you, just with one arm bc he’s strong 🥴
- nishinoya and tanaka were hyping you up with tears in their eyes from sadness or happiness is up to you to decide
- yamaguchi was secretly recording because he wanted to have his own video proof that he was there to witness the moment
- even hinata and kageyama got distracted mid set-
- oh no
- o h n o
- hinata and kageyama got distracted mid set
- hinata was so focused on the scene that his hand unconsciously followed his eyes and he accidentally sent the ball flying towards the two of you
- just as the two of you pulled away from the kiss tsukki noticed the ball flying towards the two of you and turned his body around so it wouldn’t hit you
- instead of the ball hitting your head it ended up hitting his
- the gym remained quiet as tsukishima rubbed the back of his head in an attempt to soothe the pain of the spike
- hinata was absolutely distraught, knowing he was about to suffer the wrath of the angry salt shaker
- “tsukki!! are you ok??”
- you were quick to gently grab his head and rub the back of it, occasionally rubbing your hands through his hair in an attempt to distract him from the pain
- suddenly all the pain tsukishima felt was gone lMAO-
- tsukishima nodded and exited the gym with you
- he set you down outside and told you to wait while he went to go get his things
- all hinata got was a bonk on the head?? which was?? shocking??
- hinata mentally thanked you for soothing the salty monster’s wrath
- once tsukishima returned back to you he squatted down in front of you and you looked at him like ‘🤨’
- “what are you doing?”
- “don’t your feet hurt? hurry and hop on before i change my mind.”
- oh boY
- you were so quick to jump onto his back for a piggyback ride
- on the way home you asked tsukishima if he liked you and he literally sCOFFED
- “we kissed and you still doubt my feelings for you? do you need another one to clear your head?”
- i mean... you didn’t say no to that
- the next day nishinoya and tanaka show you the video they took
- people were fawning over how fast tsukishima was to turn his body so you wouldn’t get hurt
- tsukishima acted like he didn’t like the attention but this little shit was eating it up
- if you wanted to do more tiktoks with him involving kissing he was not going to deny you
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haikyuu mlist
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elffees · 3 years
some little additions to the ep 5 endings for low brotherhood
oh this post is going to hurt but i’m doing it anyway. these are just some brainstorms on tweaks to the endings bc for the most part, they all come off as high brotherhood, which is fine for me tbh bc i have never played a LB route cause im Soft™️. but i’m also Curious™️ and thought up some variations that couldve been made for people that did have a LB playthrough
these are mostly tiny changes. nothing too major bc like in canon, i think morality having the highest affect on Cross vs. Surrender is fine, but it would’ve been kinda cool if the epilogues had been tweaked a little to reflect brotherhood also. so possible tweaks i thought of is basically what this post is about.
here’s some:
(sidenote: okay i said the changes were mostly little and i promise they are. this ending specifically tho just has the most significant ones i’ve made by adding in like 2 extra scenes. but that’s really it)
in this ending things are the same when they reach the road block, including daniel tearing up, until sean says “you’re my brother”. they do not exchange i love yous nor hug or touch foreheads. sean goes straight to “and i know it’s gonna be alright” while keeping an outstretched arm on daniel’s shoulder. daniel also goes straight to his “how do you know”. the car scene plays out the same from then on except without hugging. they mostly stay separately in each other’s seats.
daniel doesn’t panic and jump to his feet when the police start walking sean to the car. he stands up resigned and watches sadly but quietly. sean doesnt say anything as he gets in the car but does look back at daniel before they pull off
in the collage, there is still a picture of daniel visiting sean in prison, but they don’t hug and just speak tensely across from one another.
daniel doesn’t come on the day of sean’s release, karen is the only default. now, like lyla, daniel is a determinant. (imagine if they were all determinant and even karen didn’t come meaning sean could get out of jail with nobody in the world caring about him jesus christ) there’s a scene with sean afterwards visiting daniel’s apartment. when daniel opens the door, he’s shocked and slams a palm to his forehead, clearly having forgot sean’s release date.
there’s small polite smiles on their faces as they greet each other at the door, but sean never makes it past the front steps. their conversation is brief before daniel gestures that he actually was walking out and has to go. they say their goodbyes with a casual hug (quick back slap) before daniel hops in his car using his power and pulls off with sean watching.
sean still goes back to their first campsite but alone. it mostly plays out the same where he still cries, but with no comfort, and then drives away towards the right after taking one last look at the trail
the epilogue ends with daniel stepping out of his car and approaching faraway friends that he waves to. they’re drawn vague and out of focus to save on production costs (don’t worry dontnod i gotchu). the angle of the scene shifts so it looks like daniel is walking off towards the left
summary (1/2) -> sean took the heat in order to let daniel have a childhood in america. and he succeeds in this, but because their relationship was poor, during his incarceration their bond practically turns to dust. daniel gets a childhood, but sean loses his own and his brother in return
summary (2/2) -> sean still wants some kind of relationship with his brother, but its awkward and distant. daniel does not hate sean. he holds some semblance of polite respect for him bc in his HM!eyes sean “did the right thing” at the end of their journey. but overall, they are not that close and are more like acquaintances who just worked on a group project one time.
blood brothers
sean doesn’t say “be careful” before daniel gets out the car. just “you know what to do”
they don’t hold hands after daniel’s massacre. daniel just stares out the window while sean focuses ahead
(after the 6 years) when sean backs into the garage and daniel sees he’s being held at gunpoint, daniel doesn’t do anything at first. he doesn’t even move forward to get a better look. he simply watches the scene play out until the gang members notice he’s there, bc sean keeps glancing his way, and they begin to threaten him too. that is when he uses his powers.
sean giving daniel a pat on the shoulder? yeah in this LB version it’s now a shove. he noticed that daniel did not have his back. daniel just shrugs.
he still heads out to their patio and takes a seat. the scene is angled so that the player sees sean over daniel’s shoulder think about joining him, wanting to go smoke, with their dad’s lighter already out so we still see it. but he instead waves his hand dismissively and turns back into the shop.
daniel stares out towards the beach alone.
summary -> they gain freedom and escape to mexico, but their relationship is empty. there’s no polite respect, but there’s no outright animosity either. it’s just….. empty.
lone wolf
daniel doesn’t say the “it’s my turn to take care of us” line (omg it was so good tho). it’s now smthg along the lines of “i won’t let you stop me here after all this”
when saying the “we made it” set of lines, he’s still happy but also boastful, ready to hold it over sean that he was right
he doesn’t cry. instead of sobbing over the death of his brother, he is more shocked bc of how unexpected it is. he still calls out for sean’s name frantically, but does not get distraught afterwards. instead of leaning onto sean’s arm like he does in canon, after it sinks in that sean’s dead, he only grimaces while sitting uncertainly in his seat
the pictures stay the same
when sitting on the beach and looking over the ocean, he is not drawing in sean’s journal. he still has a small smile on his face but we also see him taking swigs of the beer can(?) here instead of later
also instead of a teardrop tattoo, he has a tattoo of 3 dots. the teardrop has several meanings, including death of a loved one or crime affiliation. but bc a lot of players interpreted it as being a tear for sean, then i think it’s preferable to just not have it in the LB version at all to avoid confusion and just have him with the 3 dots to make it clear it’s solely part of the gang/crime lifestyle
(moving on) daniel heads over to sean’s memorial and it is absolutely not as decorated as it is in canon. there is only 1 candle and no plants. the brick is still there but instead of a cross, it’s just a hastily laid single wooden plank with sean’s name scribbled down it. there’s no eye patch. the only thing of sentimental value there is their dad’s lighter.
daniel doesn’t sit, he stands looking at the memorial while drinking his beer. he realizes it’s empty tho and lazily litters the can beside sean’s memorial before turning to walk off and as he does he sees the gang.
most of their interaction plays out the same, but while daniel’s walking away instead of sparing the group, it’s clear he kills them as they are all unmoving, us seeing the dude with the gun flop to the ground over daniel’s shoulder. this change is bc personally i interpreted daniel sparing them as a sortve homage to sean’s high morality in this route. as in he’ll still do what needs to be done to survive, but will try to kill as little as possible out of respect for sean’s beliefs. so being as though daniel does not value sean as much in this LB version, he doesn’t care about that and kills them without thought.
summary -> for the most part, daniel still has the relatively content life he does in canon except, going by the now bare minimum memorial and littering, he doesn’t value sean’s memory nearly as much as he does in HB. sean’s death was ofc still a shock and smthg he still remembers, but it didn’t crush him like it does HB!daniel, and he honestly feels more annoyance than regret. in his LM!eyes, hes disappointed and thinks its a little stupid that sean wanted to switch gears at the border like that. he doesn’t hate him tho, he just sees sean as a disappointing memory.
parting ways
at the border daniel still cries, but instead of saying sorry to sean he says “i can’t do this sean. i have to go”, making it extra clear he’s not crying bc it’s the end, he’s crying bc of the damage he does not want to do.
he still says the “i hope you’ll be happy” line, but instead of being genuine it’s now full of disappointment with a twinge of bitterness
you know that quick angry facial expression he has before he’s walked off by the cops? WELL HOWDY IT DEFINITELY STAYS
the picture collage still shows him having a relatively happy upbringing with stephen, claire, and chris
when he’s on the phone at the reynolds’ and claire comes up to him, he’s still smiling and content. when he gets the letter with no sender name, his smile drops after taking the pic out and realizing who it’s from. the player doesn’t see yet tho. emphasis on 1 pic bc it’s not several like it is in canon/HB.
daniel rolls his eyes and with his power tosses the envelope & photo card (no sand btw) across the room so they land on a distant table. the camera zooms in on them and we finally see it’s of sean in mexico.
when claire comes back into the room, she halts seeing the mail and picks them up, glancing between them and daniel regretfully before sitting down
we go back to daniel and with arms crossed, he glances out at the tree in the yard for a brief moment before walking away
the scene stays focused on the tree and we still zoom out to the Wolf Brothers carving, except it has a not-recent slash cut through it
summary -> daniel gets a childhood in america and sean gets his freedom in mexico, but their relationship is destroyed. daniel doesn’t approve of sean’s final decision at all and holds little to no respect for him. sean sends the post card bc, like in redemption, he still wishes to hold some kind of relationship, but he doesnt try all that hard and doesn’t miss daniel that much to send several pics and a chunk of sand.
and so these were some of my ideas for low brotherhood endings! i tried to put them in order from most positive (minute respect) to most negative (outright disdain). i’d love to hear thoughts on this or if anyone wants to add to these, then that’s fine to! just don’t break my heart pls
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vodkaxtonic · 4 years
One Night Dance
Request: can u make another katara x reader fluff plsss, your stories have proven to cheer me up when im feeling kinda down
Of course! I'm glad you like them!
TW: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Wordcount: 2K
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You didn't know where she came from or who she was, but you knew from the very first minute you laid eyes on her, you were a goner.
The way her bright blue eyes shone with so much confidence and friendliness, the way her body swayed to the music that rang through the cave, and the way she laughed so loudly, her voice sounding like the most angelic thing there was.
It was rare seeing someone like her, so open about her feelings and the happiness she felt right now, in the fire nation. The only thing this country ran on was deep-rooted anger and hatred. It was unusual seeing someone this happy, this carefree.
With a smile, you watched your classmates dancing to the loud drums that echoed through the cave, the new boy from your class dancing with the girl, and they grinned widely at each other as they did. You stood off to the side, not wanting to embarrass yourself in any way in front of the girl you seemed to crush on so quickly.
"What's wrong? Come on!" Before you could say something, Kuzon pulled you by your arm into the crowd, and your face flushed as you bumped into a few people. "I can't dance!" You told him over the music, cheeks, and ears flushed red as your eyes quickly glanced over to the girl standing beside him. "Doesn't matter! Just be free for once!" The boy smiled brightly before spinning away as he left you and the girl alone.
"What's your name?" The girl with the bright blue eyes asked and a kind smile on her face as her body swayed with every beat of the drums, her body seemingly fluid with the rhythm. "Y/N Y/L/N." You answered, a hesitant smile on your face as you slowly followed suit, letting your body move to the sound of the drums. "You're not from here, are you?" You asked with a knowing smile, closer to her ear, and she froze in her movements, eyes wide. "W-what-" She stuttered but waved her off with a smile. "I'll keep your secret." You laughed lightly, and you could see the way her tense shoulders slumped, a breath of relief escaping her mouth. "How'd you know?" The stranger asked, coming closer to you, barely an inch between you as you danced together. "People like you are rare." You shrugged, the song changed, and so did the rhythm of your dancing. "So lively. Carefree." You grinned, looking at her face. Her cheeks flushed a bright pink and her gaze focused on your neck instead with a grin. "What's your name?" Once again, you got a bit closer, your breath hitching as her head snapped up, and you realized just how close you were. Her breath fanned your face as she looked at you, her pupils dilating slightly. "Katara."
That was three months ago, and somehow you couldn't get that girl out of your goddamn head. Her long brown hair, her bright blue eyes, pearly white smile. Katara.
Katara, Kuzon, and whoever was the other guy that looked a lot like Katara vanished. It was like they never existed, and no one spoke of them anymore. Anytime you brought up the subject, your class wouldn't let you say another word. As if you had a fucking hallucination.
You knew what you saw. You saw that girl, her tan skin illuminated by the many firepits in the cave, the necklace around her neck with the blue stone, the light but still visible freckles on her cheeks.
When you saw her again, you hadn't expected it to be under those circumstances.
When the war started yet again, Ozai decided to force the teenagers of the Fire Nation to help the Nation and drew them in as soldiers. It was no fun, especially being Azula's guard. You were one of the best in close combat, and at fire bending, so it was no wonder you got picked to protect the princess.
"Princess!" You called as you ran through the palace. Where the hell did she go? "Fucking royals." You muttered under your breath, your metal suit heavy on you as you jogged through the palace. A bright blue flash made you stop in your tracks, and you ran over to the window, your eyes widening. There were Prince Zuko and a clearly distraught Princess Azula standing across from each other, fire wielding through the air as they attacked each other. An Agni Kai.
Your feet quickly took you outside, and you could see Zuko's back, and Azula's eyes flashed to you, a madman grin on her face. She's lost it. "Attack the filthy water tribe peasant!" Azula yelled, and you managed to jump away from the icicles flying your way, your feet dragging over the ground as you turned to your attacker.
Those fucking blue eyes.
You froze, and Katara took the opportunity to attack you. A groan of agony left your mouth as you flew against one of the columns, heavily breathing as you looked up. With quick movements, you took off your helmet, and Katara's eyes widened. "Y/n?" It was barely a whisper, and you turned quickly to Azula.
It was just a second when you saw her hand reaching up in the air, the other one pointing at her brother, a wicked grin on her face. Her eyes told you what she was about to do, and before you could think, your feet took you over to Katara.
Everything seemed to slow down when Azula pointed her fingers at Katara, the lightning leaving her fingers tips.
A rush of pain ran through your body as you bent the lightning back into the air, your fingers burning from the heat, and your chest tightening in pain as you stared at Azula. Zuko took the opportunity and struck Azula, giving her the last bit to knock her unconscious.
With a groan, your knees buckled, and you fell to the ground. Your fingers burned, the smell of burned flesh entering your nose, and your hand found your way to your chest, gripping it painfully.
You might be an amazing bender, but trying to light bend this quickly and correctly was hard, even for an experienced bender. So it was no wonder that a few of the strayed lighting managed to strike your heart.
With heavy breaths, you fell to the ground, your chest tightening painfully, and you felt incredibly lightheaded as Zuko and Katara stood over you, Zuko's eyes wide in shock and Katara's filled with tears. "Zuko, we need to help them! Please!" Her voice strained as she looked at her friend, and Zuko only nodded before he started taking off your heavy uniform, making it easier for him to carry you away.
"Didn't think we'd reunite like this." It was a breathless chuckle that left your mouth as Zuko heaved you into his arms, Katara right beside him as they jogged through the palace. They needed to find someone to help you, and they didn't care if they had to force them to do it. "Me neither." Katara laughed lightly, wiping away her tears with her fingers, trying to keep up with Zuko's long steps. "I think I'm gonna pass out." You muttered, your vision doubling and getting disoriented as you tried to stay awake. "Don't you dare," Zuko retorted, and finally, he found his way to the medical wing of the palace, eyes of doctors widening at the sight of the banished prince and the water tribe girl. "I-" You pressed out a hiss as you held your chest, your vision getting worse, and before you knew it, a painless abyss engulfed you, and you couldn't help but let it cradle you into sleep.
When your eyes fluttered open, a moan of pain left your mouth. Every muscle in your body sent waves of pain through it, and you felt like death as you let your eyes flutter open, jaw clenched. "Oh my god! They're awake! Let's get the Firelord!" A nurse said, making your eyes widen. Ozai? Ozai would kill you for defending a water tribe girl.
You pulled out the IV and sat up, almost collapsing as you tried to stand up, your hand gripping the bed for dear life. "I need to go." You muttered as you tried to stop your head from spinning, and slowly but surely, you managed to stand up straight.
When you reached the door, you ran into a rock-hard chest, and if it weren't for the person grasping your wrist, you probably would've fallen on your ass. Your hands started to tremble as you saw the robe of the Firelord, not daring to look up. You were going to die, weren't you?
"Y/n?" You almost got whiplash at how fast your head snapped up, once again getting dizzy. "Prince Zuko?" Your eyes widened as you saw the boy in the official Firelord attire, the bun on the top of his head neatly, and a kind smile fell over his face. "Firelord Zuko." He corrected, and you ripped your hand out of his grasp before bowing. "I'm so sorry-" "Calm down, and go sit down before you collapse." He lightheartedly chuckled before he guided you back to bed, and you were glad when you felt the firmness of the mattress beneath you. "You were out for over a week. Missed a lot of stuff." Zuko said, sighing as he took a seat on the chair next to your bed.
"Where's Katara?" Your eyes widened. You only remembered where Azula struck the lighting and that you bent it back towards the sky, and everything after that was a blur. Did she get struck by lightning? "She's been informed. She insisted on staying here until you were doing better, and she's probably on her way."
As if it was on cue, the door slammed open, and Katara stood there, eyes wide and out of breath as she looked at you. "I'll leave you two alone." Zuko smiled as he stood up, Katara running past him, and he closed the door as you got tackled into a hug, a groan escaping your mouth. "Oh my god, sorry!" She squeaked in embarrassment as she pulled away, but you just waved her off, a fond smile on your face. "I thought you wouldn't make it." Only now, you could see the tears glistering in her eyes. A frown covered your face before you nudged her with a smile. "Can't get rid of me that easily."
Katara looked at you, her bright eyes holding words that she couldn't speak just yet, and her smile warm. Your face lightly flushed as you fiddled with your fingers, hissing at the pain pulsing through your body. Your gaze shifted onto your bandaged hand, and you remembered how your fingers got burned. "You know, from the first time I saw you, I was mesmerized." You admitted, your cheeks darkening even more as you chuckled lightly. "You radiated happiness, calmness, and life. It made me feel something I haven't felt in a very long time." You muttered, not being able to stop the words from flowing out of your mouth. "And no matter how hard I tried, there was just no way I could forget those eyes." You looked up, and her cheeks seemed just as flushed as yours.
It was sudden when her lips pressed against yours, oh so hesitant and softly, yet like it was her lifeline. Your eyes fluttered close as you pulled her closer to you by her neck, and she placed one of her knees in between your legs as she leaned against you as softly as she could to not hurt you more than you already were.
You were panting as you pulled apart, the widest and most blinding smile covering her face, her cheeks pink and eyes full of love. "Glad I'm not the only one who felt that way."
If anyone would've told you that you'd marry a water bender from the southern water tribe ten years later and live on the ember islands, and be best friends with the Firelord and the Avatar, you probably would've laughed, but now it was the beautiful reality you dared to call your life.
Who could've known that just one night dancing in a cave together would end up like this?
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Burning Scars part VI
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This one is extremelyyyyy short and im so sorry guys; school is starting up again and i have to catch up from what i missed last year!!
hopefully i can keep up with my schedule of thursday updates, but i might change it to sundays so i can work on it during weekends. either way thank you for reading this <3
Summary: Y/n, a werewolf from a hidden village, comes across Zuko and Iroh after being exiled. How has fate intertwined the wolf into the avatar’s destiny?
***** this chapter takes place on Season 2 Episode 11*****
“What’s going on? Is the club meeting over?”
Y/n awoke to the always-defensive voice of Zuko the next morning. 
She quickly decided, while her mind was still muddled with sleep, that the boy’s voice had waken her up far too many times and far too early in the morning. Just for one day, she wanted to be able to sleep-in like she did with her pack. 
The girl cracked her eyes open and found that her chin still rested on her chest. Her eyes slid up to analyze the commotion that ruined her sleep; Zuko stood in a defensive stance toward... an empty space. Of course, he was being dramatic for nothing. 
Iroh and Fung were standing by the teen boy, seeming as if they had just left the room the Y/n and Zuko weren’t allowed in. The girl rubbed her eyes roughly to remove any sleep from her face and clumsily stood; almost tripping over her own feet. As she gained her composure, Iroh addressed the two teens. 
“Everything is taken care of,” the Uncle smiled, “We are heading to Ba Sing Se.”
Oh? Another town? 
Y/n felt as though she really needed to study a map soon. She was never taught the names of any human places and after the disappointment she experienced with the ‘Misty’ Palms Oasis, she decided that the best thing for her would be to learn. There can’t be that many places, right?
On the note of traveling, the werewolf also realized that while the boys had let her tag along on their trip, she didn’t really know what the purpose of it all was. She had agreed recklessly instead of asking the simple question, so, where you guys headed? To be fair, it didn’t seem like Zuko and Iroh knew where they were going until now, but it was kind of stupid of her to just join so quickly.
She couldn’t say that she regretted all this, though. 
Iroh and Fung bowed to each other; a silent way of thanks for all they had done for the other. Zuko lowered his arms and calmed down. He looked at Y/n, but quickly looked back at his Uncle when he saw that she was already looking at him; the thoughts of the previous night still apparent in their minds. 
“Ba Sing Se? Why would we go to the Earth Kingdom capital?” Zuko questioned. It was surprising that sleep was completely evaded from his voice, a clear contrast to what the girl guessed her voice would sound. 
Fung turned toward Zuko. “The city is filled with refugees. No one will notice three more.” 
So that’s what she was now, huh? A refugee, a fugitive; she keeps being called all of these things that didn’t apply to her. She’s done nothing wrong, yet there were men searching towns for her (Of course, she’s aware that most of this came with befriending Zuko and Iroh, but it still made her nervous when she thought about it.). Who knew her life could turn so..... exciting?
“We can hide in plain sight there,” Iroh continued off of his friend’s words. “And it's the safest place in the world from the Fire Nation; even I couldn't break through to the city.”
The Uncle had a pleased smile on his face; an odd thing to see after he confessed his defeat. It’s so surprising to Y/n that a man this nice and heartwarming used to be a war General.
Suddenly, a light bell sounded out. They all looked toward the place it came from and found their eyes pointed toward the front door. A young man had opened it before closing it gently. He had three sheets of papers in his hold. 
It had taken her a minute, but Y/n realized that it was the same man who had interrupted her and Zuko’s... moment? Is that what she should call it? Her eyes drifted to the boy of the topic and met his auburn iris’s. Simultaneously, their eyes shot the ground and blushes spiked their cheeks. 
It’s gonna take a while to get past this, huh?
“I have the passports for our guests,” the young man by the door began, “but there’s two men out on the streets looking for them.”
Y/n’s curiosity got the better of her and she walked to the door; sliding open a small window in the upper part to peek through. She stood on her tippy toes to let her eyes pass over the slot. Her gaze met the two men from the tavern, the old one and the long-haired one, holding a paper and asking random citizens if they had seen the people on the sheet. The werewolf assumed that her and her travel buddies adorned it. 
“Yeah, it’s the same guys from the tavern.” Y/n said before sliding the slot shut. “They’re right there, so there’s no way we can get past them.”
“Great,” Zuko sighed and raised his hands up in defeat, “What do we do now?”
Fung and the passport-man shared a look; seemingly speaking to one another telepathically. Before long, Fung broke their stare and addressed Iroh.
“I think we might have something that can help.”
This is not what I had in mind.
The idea that the florist had was promising at first; he would hide them in large vases and bring them over to the edge of town. It was an easy, simple, and foolproof plan. 
However, looking at the situation now, this was definitely not ideal. 
After Fung’s declaration, him and the young man by the door went around the flower shop in search of the pots. It seemed like a difficult task, as most were filled with flowers, plants, etc, but soon they came back to the trio with their escape plans in tow. 
But... they only came back with two. 
To be fair, they were rather big; she knew that if she went in one, there would be a lot of extra room. But, once again, there were only two.
Y/n stood on a chair in front of the vase and opened the lid to take a peek. There were small bits of sand that lined the bottom, but other than that, it was relatively clean. She nodded her head and climbed back down to the floor. 
“Well, I think it’s best that we get you out as quick as we can.” Fung stated as he gestured toward the vases. 
“Wait, that’s it?” Zuko asked. “But there’s three of us.”
The passport-man from earlier shrugged his shoulders, “It’s the best we can do; plus, I’m sure you and the girl can fit together.”
The blush that seems to appear a lot more nowadays found its way back to Y/n’s cheeks. She and Zuko really weren’t going to catch a break, huh? Really, all she needed right now was some alone time or some silence to think. The last thing she wanted was to constantly be around the boy that was stressing her, much less be stuffed in a vase with him. 
It seemed at this point, though, Zuko taught himself how to not let the red push itself onto his face. That’s a skill that Y/n really needed to teach herself. 
Or he just doesn’t care about the ‘moment’ as much as you do.
This thought shouldn’t hurt Y/n as much as it does. But it also should surprise her as much. He’s a human boy, a prince no less. Zuko’s probably had times like they did with a dozen other people, so it’s most likely nothing to him. She was nothing to him. 
“Uh,” Y/n butt into the conversation before the teen boy could argue anymore. “I really don’t mind it. We need to get out of here fast, anyways. As long as you don’t mind, Zuko.” 
She looked down at the ground; not wanting to meet the eyes of her traveling friends. She was afraid that if she did, Iroh might see the distraught in them and ask what’s wrong. The last thing she wanted was for someone to think that she was hurt. 
“Oh,” was all he said for a moment. All the while, Y/n was trying to conceive a plan on how she could escape; perhaps all on her own? I mean, there’s no way I’m on a wanted poster right? They probably just know that there’s a girl with them, not what she looks like. 
Then, surprisingly, the boy spoke again. 
“Yeah, I, uh, I don’t mind.”
Y/n didn’t really have time to react, to look at him with surprise and stand there shocked, before Fung and the passport-man began to usher the trio into their respective vases after placing them on a wooden cart. While Iroh’s friend aided in stuffing him in the pot, Zuko offered Y/n a hand so she could jump into the vase easily; well, as easily as falling could be. She hadn’t expected the sand at the bottom to be so slippery, so she had to grip onto the boy’s hand tightly. Y/n still didn’t let go when she had to squeeze herself to the sides; trying to help Zuko on his way inside, but not helping much. 
Unfortunately, Zuko had entered the pot facing her direction, most likely by accident. This meant that when they had found themselves squeezed together, their faces so close that Y/n could feel his breath fanning her forehead. Before things could get awkward, the werewolf tried to find a way to turn her body, but ultimately found that the area was so tight that neither teens could move. Soon, the men on the outside closed their vase with something heavy, enclosing them in a dark space.
“Do you think you could let go of my hand?” Zuko whispered after the girl stopped her struggling. 
Y/n quickly dropped her grip like it was burning. She wanted to say something witty or mean or anything just to make herself seem less embarrassed, but she didn’t get the chance as the cart jolted to a start and Y/n flew forward. She stuck her hands out instinctively to stop her from falling (as if she could even shift in the vase) and found her palms pressed against Zuko’s chest with her head above his shoulder. 
“Sorry,” She said as she started to push away; only to land right back in the same spot as the moving cart hit a bump. 
The boy gripped her arms and began to speak, probably to push her away and tell her off, but a knocking sounded against the outside of the vase. The teens froze in each other’s arms.
Were we being too loud? 
Of course, Y/n had assumed that their whispering couldn’t be heard from the outside, but she was probably wrong. She had to remind herself from now on that they were pretending to be a pot; and pot’s shouldn’t be talking. 
The wolf could hear people speaking around their disguise, but she wasn’t sure if they were friendly or not. She desperately hoped they weren’t the two bounty-hunters. 
She gently lifted herself off of the (maybe?) angry teen and tried to straighten her back as much as she could. The voices around them faded away after a few minutes and the path felt smoother, they most likely left the Oasis already and entered the sandy dunes outside the village. The wolf couldn’t hear any bustling around them, so it further confirmed her suspicions. She was about to inform Zuko of her idea, but he had already begun to move before she could even utter a word. 
The boy attempted to stand up to peak out the top, but the unevenness of the ride caused him to buck his knees to keep balance. 
Of course, one of his legs gave out and rammed straight into her chest.
The girl saw it coming, she really did. Y/n knew that his actions were unsafe, but she hardly had any time to say anything on his rash decisions. 
She was forced back against the wall of the vase harshly. The pot itself, being narrow at the bottom and wider in the middle, reacted strongly to the force of the push. It toppled over, bringing the two teens inside tumbling with it. They honestly could have acted it off as a pot of flowers falling over ‘accidentally’ if the force of it didn’t crash the vase into the side of the cart. And if it didn’t completely smash the vase into pieces, revealing two teens that are most definitely Wanted. But of course, the worst thing just had to have happened. 
Zuko and Y/n landed onto the sandy floor with a yelp. The bright sun greeted the teens as the cover that they used previously laid in shards around them. The flowers from the lid splayed around them; everything just reeking mischief and disaster. The boy was spread out halfway on top of the werewolf, groaning out in pain.
What was he acting hurt for?
Angrily, Y/n pushed the boy off of her and cast quick glances to survey the area. She was right on her assumptions from before, the Oasis was a long walk away and they were surrounded by soft, burning sand rather than buildings. Iroh was still in his vase peeking out to see what the commotion was and the random White Lotus member that pulled their cart stared with his eyes wide. Her glare snapped back to the boy that caused this whole situation. 
“You stupid idiot!” Y/n yelled as she stood up. “Do you know what could’ve happened if someone saw us?”
Zuko leaned up onto his arms and pushed himself into a standing position before glaring right back at her. “Don’t call me stupid.”
“Yeah, well how else should I describe you then, because if you had stopped just for one moment to think, then none of this would’ve happened! You just had to be nosy instead of waiting for someone to tell us that it was all clear!”
“I knew that it was fine, that’s why I looked! I didn’t just do it randomly, I thought it through!”
“Sure, Zuko. That’s why you hit me, right? Was it all a part of your plan?” Y/n was absolutely fuming. Perhaps some of this anger was pent up, but Zuko’s brashness set her over the edge. 
“Enough!” A loud voice boomed out. 
It sent shivers up the werewolf’s spine. Fear spiked through her for half of a second before recognition soothed her. Iroh had made it out of his container and stood by the cart, looking like a strict parent about to punish his children. Y/n almost cowered, but stood her ground. That’s definitely the voice of a War General.
“Y/n, you can’t be mad at Zuko for letting his curiosity get the best of him.” Then, he looked at his nephew, “Zuko, you shouldn’t have hurt Y/n and should have waited until we were told to come out. Now, no more arguing.” 
Zuko scoffed before turning to briefly talk to the man pulling their disguises, mentioning their Ostrich-Horses and backpacks. Y/n turned the opposite direction, looking at Iroh before picking up the fallen flowers that littered the floor. The uncle waited, seemingly waiting for one of the teens to spark up the argument again.
Spirits... how am I going to survive this?
Today was so stressful... did a bunch of school stuff and then had to take care of my dad. proud of myself for posting tho ((even tho its technically a friday))
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Taglist: @bucky-blogs @hopefuloperaangelnerd @simplyfandomish @oddlypointlessescapes @lozzybowe @woohoney @whalerus @cece-lives-here @bwndito
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pinkykitten · 5 years
never give UP
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x female! reader
Warning: car accident, hospital, drinking and driving (do not do pls), speeding (also do not do), mentions of abuse, mentions of suicide, alcohol
Specifics: angst, romance, race neutral reader, one-shot
People: billy hargrove, max mayfield, neil hargrove, your dad, your mom, your doctor 
Words: 1,747
Request: By @intheendyouwillalwayskneel Hi, could I please get a Billy x romantic reader where Billy is speeding and they get into a wreck and she is permanently injured. Maybe she lurches forward and hits her head on the the breaking windshield. Then develops a brain hemorrhage and falls into a coma. Billy is horrified and heartbroken because it's all his fault.
Authors Note: wow this one i think i went a little overboard with the drama and story srry im a bit of a drama queen so ta-ta. this has a lot of things in it so if u cant read it or dont want to read it no shame and no hate, u do u. i do hope for those to read it to like it cuz i wanted to think outside the box. srry this took me quite a while to make another story ive just been rlly busy lately atm. 
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Crazy little thing called love played loudly on the speakers in Billy’s car. The windows were opened as the wind howled against your ears. The car’s engine roared as it sped down the darkly lit street. It was late at night and some folks would say that it was too dangerous for a drive but you and Billy were daredevils. You were opened to a rebellious chapter in your life after you met Billy. He was willing to take risks, he was the bad boy you would read every night in your romance books. 
Your hand danced in the air outside of the window, creating a wave against the waving trees. You sang to the music as Billy laughed. He laughed like a mad man, feeling the adrenaline rush through his body. You and him howled like a bunch of crazy teenagers you were. You were young and you wanted to live your life. 
“So how is this y/n? Is this wild enough for ya?” Billy shouted over the blaring music. 
You took a swig of some alcohol located under the seat. It burned your throat as the liquid made its way down. You gave a look of disgust. Billy chuckled and took a drink himself, “too strong for you?”
You shook your head as you felt light. Alcohol still new to you so that small sip made you feel tipsy. You scooted closer to Billy and wrapped your hands around his face, bringing him closer to you. You kissed his lips and his cheek. Your lips made their way to his earlobe, biting lightly on the skin and then whispering into his ear, “Crazy turns me on.”
Billy raised his brow as he smirked, “is that so!” As quick as light his foot stepped on the gas pedal making the car seem to fly through the air. The miles were going higher and higher. At first you were having fun, enjoying the excitement but now it was getting too dangerous. Your smile disappeared and instead a frown was found on your face. You were actually scared.
“Billy okay thats enough. Slow down.”
He would not. Instead he sped more. 
“Billy, I said stop it!” You were shaking. The car was going so fast that any minute it felt as if it would turn over and tumble around. Billy cackled loudly. His old, selfish attitude resurfacing. Out from the turn came a truck. Billy was speeding to such a degree that the car was zig-zagging. The car and the truck were about to make contact. Billy was like a deer in headlights. His laughing stopped and now all he did was freeze. He didn’t know what to do. He quickly lifted his hand to go across your body while your hands laid against the steering wheel. The wheel turned and the car spun out of control. It missed the truck but rolled down a grassy hill. The spin was so rough that you lunged forward, hitting your head against the windshield. 
Billy quickly made sure you were alright but was met with a distraught view. Your head laid back against the seat. Your forehead was bloody and blood dripped out of your nose. You laid unconscious. Billy was so scared for you. He shook you, wanting you to wake up, “Y/n! Y/n! Please y/n please wake up. Please, I’m sorry.” Tears started to pour out of his eyes. He wanted you to be safe, to be happy. 
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He felt so guilty. Seeing you in the hospital bed, machines and things poking into you. It was all his fault. He would visit you everyday, no matter what. You weren’t respondent though, you were in a coma. Every day he hoped and prayed that you would wake up from it. It didn’t matter if you didn’t want to see him anymore or hated him he just needed you awake and alive. Your parents were furious. He would dodge seeing them every time. They wanted to kill him and probably stop him from seeing you but he couldn’t let that happen. 
He needed to see you. 
Billy entered into your room, flowers in hand. He set the flowers in a vase and put them beside you on the table. The doctor told him that even though you couldn’t move or be aware of anything you still could hear. Billy would always speak to you. He would tell you about his day, about your gifts, about your family. Even though he was going through a rough time at his home, you mattered more to him. 
“Hey babe, its me Billy. I got you your favorite flowers today,” he softly massaged your hands. Hating seeing them motionless. Billy had cried so much during this time with you. He hated himself more now if that was even possible. He felt he was a failure to everyone, to you, to Max, to his mother. He felt he was just a waste. Tears started to drip from his eyes onto his cheek, “you know Max made a card for you.” He chuckles seeing the odd stickers on it and the drawings. He placed it next to your flowers. “She hopes you feel better and she misses you. I miss you too. Your parents miss you.” Silence. He despised the silence. He just wished you would jump out from that bed and live. “Baby, you gotta wake up. It doesn’t have to be for me, its has to be for your parents and for yourself. I’m so sorry for putting you through this. Its all my fault. I should be the one there not you, me!’
A knock filled in the silence. Quickly, Billy wiped his tears and saw that it was the doctor who came in. “Is everything alright here?”
Billy nodded. “Is everything okay doctor?”
“Well...y/n is going to have some complications if she wakes up from this coma. She developed a brain hemorrhage and we’re looking at maybe some sort of paralysis. We’re suspecting half of her body but it may be more, we’re not 100 percent sure.”
Billy was shocked and he couldn’t stop himself from crying.
“You monster!” Your father came in along with your mother. Your father ran up to Billy and clutched onto his denim jacket, tears also coming down his face. “How could you do this to my daughter?” The doctor was trying to stop the fight but your father was so irate. Your mother was sobbing in the background and Billy wished in that moment he was dead. Your father shook Billy and screamed at him. “You did this to her. Take a good look at her!” Billy turned to the side and saw you. You laid there calm. Tubes connected to you. “I never want to see you again. Not here, not now, not ever. If she wakes up from this she is banned from seeing or even talking about you. You will stop seeing her here and I swear to God if you think about walking in here again I will make sure you go through the same sufferings as my daughter!” Your dad shoved Billy out of the room and Billy ran out of the hospital. Sobbing silently, alone, quietly outside. Wishing the nightmares would just end. 
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Billy had tried to see you in the hospital but your father was always there and the doctors knew he wasn’t allowed there anymore. Billy made a turn for the worst. He just couldn’t live without you. He started to go to alcohol for comfort, missing school and his temper rising even more, taking it out on Max. He was a mess. It was either feeling guilty over what happened with you or getting abused. There was no happiness for Billy. 
Billy had woken up with a hangover. Throwing up in the toilet. He was done with this life. Then the doorbell rang. Billy thought it was another one of Max’s loser friends so he called out to her. There was no answer. “Max! I said get the God da*n door!” There was still no answer. Billy walked over the door, cursing to himself as the room started to spin. As he opened the door he was greeted with your face. You stood there, smiling, a cane in your hand as you leaned on if for support. Billy opened his mouth wide in shock, thinking he was dreaming as he sometimes had dreams or feelings that he saw his mother sometimes. 
“Is that really you y/n?”
You nodded and jumped onto him for a hug. You gently caressed his curls. “Its me Billy. Its really me.”
“Wait,” he backed away from you. “No this isn’t right. You hate me! You’re supposed to hate me! I hurt you. I did this all to you. I’m, I’m a monster!” He started to cry as his lips trembled. 
You shook your head, “no, no Billy. Its okay,” you cradled him in your arms. “I’m fine now. I feel better.” You looked into his eyes. “Look at me, you are not a monster. I don’t hate you Billy, I could never. I forgive you for what happened but there was nothing to forgive in the first place. I love you Billy. With every fiber in my body I love you. I could never be apart from you. I know about all the things you did in the hospital. All the things you said, the gifts, Billy that wasn’t hate that was love. You did all that because you love me. What we both did was wrong that day. We should of never drank and speed, but its in the past know, we learn from our mistakes. I’m not like your parents or anybody else in your life that leaves you. I’m staying put right beside you forever. You can never get rid of me.”
Billy felt speechless in that moment. How did he get so lucky to be with you? What did he do to deserve such an angel as yourself? Billy embraced you again, “I love you so much y/n. I love you so much.” He kept repeating. You placed your hands on his jaw and kissed his lips lovingly. Billy was so grateful to have you in his life. Even though his life with his dad was not easy he had you to lean on. He had you to make him smile and laugh. He had you to keep him going and to remind him to never give up. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag)
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years
Emotional Journey
Request/Synopsis: Peter helps you deal with a traumatic event.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, violence, death
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: im trying to get these out as soon as I can, my vacation is taking over my time. It’s tough, I’m sorry! Anywho, enjoy! xx
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Nights like this were your favorite. When you’d take a day off from working and you could just enjoy exploring the city throughout the day and then enjoying the comfort of your apartment at night - to watch Netflix, of course. You’d run to the grocery store, pick up some snacks you knew you could pig out on, and then cocoon yourself up on the couch and probably watch some stupid rom-com and adding your own commentary track.
You rushed down the snack aisle, picking up some gummy bears and Doritos, throwing them into the grocery cart and making your way towards the cash, hoping to get home before it was dark. You pushed the cart at a dangerous pace, ignoring the glares that people were giving you.
You approached the counter and greeted the short elderly lady with a kind smile, “Good evening!”
She grinned up at you, curly white hair bopping slightly as she did so, “Hello, dear.” She started scanning your items one by one as you took your wallet out, ready to scurry on home and get in bed. You could practically hear it calling to you.
“Movie night?” She asked, eyeing your items as you took out your credit card.
You nodded, “You know me so well, Dolores.” She had been working here for as long as you could remember, and you were quick to discover she was the biggest sweetheart in the world. She told you that you reminded her of her granddaughter who was studying abroad in Europe, so you formed a connection with her immediately.
“I hope you enjoy, dear, I’ll see you soon.” She placed your items in your bag and gave you a smile. You took the bag and smiled back at her, about to reply when the sound of a loud voice cut you off.
“Give me your money, bitch!”
You turned your attention to the direction of the sound, your entire body freezing in place. A man with a black mask stood behind you, a small hand gun pointed in your direction. Fear washed over you as you looked into his dark eyes, his hand slightly trembling as he held the weapon.
“Oh-oh my god,” you stuttered, fingers shaking rapidly as you pulled out your purse to give him what he wanted. You had never been robbed or mugged before, so throwing all bravery out the window, you were going to give him your money.
Everyone in the store started rushing out, screaming and threatening to call the cops, but you couldn’t hear any of it. The sound of your blood rushing and heart pumping took over all of your senses as you pulled out your wallet with shaky fingers.
“Hurry the fuck up, I don’t have all day!” He shouted, bringing the gun closer to your face, the bile rising in your throat nearly making you gag. The thumping of your heart could be felt throughout your entire body and you wished more than anything that this wasn’t real
“H-Here,” you handed it to him and he lowered the gun slightly, taking it out of your hands. He opened it up and threw it on the ground.
“You only have $20?! Fuck that,” he stomped over and turned the gun away from you, making you relax. Until you noticed that the gun was now aimed at sweet Dolores behind the counter.
“Open the register, you old hag,” the man threatened. Your couldn’t think straight, and before you knew it, you threw yourself in between Dolores and the gun.
“Don’t hurt her!” Your voice cracked as you looked the man in the eyes. You regretted jumping in front of the gun, but seeing the look on Dolores’ face when he aimed it at her made you throw logic out the window.
He chuckled darkly, “Then move out of the way so this bitch can open the cash and give me my money.”
You reluctantly moved out of the way, eyes watering as you looked at Dolores who didn’t budge. The man kept his gun pointed at her, and although you could see the fear in her eyes, she held her ground and refused to open the cash register.
“Open it up or I’ll shoot you!” He exclaimed, waving his hand to emphasize his point.
Dolores gave him a sweet smile, “Sorry, dear. Can’t do that.” Alarms went off in your head and everything inside you screamed to run over to her and protect her, but your feet stayed cemented to the floor, not understanding why she wasn’t complying.
The man’s body stiffened and he squinted his eyes, placing his finger over the trigger. The next thing you knew, the deafening sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the store. You clasped your hands over your ears, keeping your eyes shut.
A loud thud sounded on the floor and you opened an eye, looking around to see what it was. Where Dolores was standing, her body was now collapsed on the ground, crimson blood pouring out of the wound on her chest.
“Oh my god,” your voice trembled as you looked to the lifeless body on the floor tiles, “Dolores!”
The man who shot her pulled back in a panic, muttering something about a mistake before he made his way towards the exit. You didn’t look back at him, your blurry vision set on the dead woman on the floor. You heard sudden shouting coming from the entrance but you couldn’t take your attention away from what you were looking at.
“Dolores, p-please wake up,” you shook her body, tears making their way down your cheeks. You felt helpless, defeated, as if you didn’t do enough to save her.
Her death was on you.
You broke down in tears, leaning against the counter to hold your body up. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Why did this happen? She didn’t deserve this. Why her?
“Ma’am, um, is this the man who shot the lady?” You turned around and came face to face with a blurry red and blue figure. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your sleeves and managed to focus on who was in front of you.
You recognized him immediately, who wouldn’t? Spider-Man was the talk of the town. He was all over every news stand and local television channel. He held the man who shot Dolores in a firm grasp, small grunts escaping the killer’s mouth. Anger fled through your body but there was nothing you could do.
“Yes, s-sir,” you stuttered, looking back down to Dolores, her blood pooling almost to your feet by now. You sniffed, trying to hold back tears before turning back to face the hero. He nodded and forcefully dragged the man out of the room.
You knelt down, letting the guilt crumple your body. Everything in you felt like it was shaking, the pounding in your head being the only thing nailing you to reality right now.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, letting yourself try to absorb the situation at hand. You felt completely broken, violated, and shaken to your core. The fault seemed to fall on you. You didn’t carry your cash on you tonight, and because of that, the robber aimed his anger towards her.
“Um, hey,” an unsure voice came up behind you, “I don’t want to force you to leave, but there are medics here to take the body away.”
You turned your teary vision to Spider-Man standing behind you, clear discomfort in his stance.
You nodded, “Yeah, I should probably g-go home.”
Lifting your body off the ground felt like you were lifting a thousand bricks, the counter being your complete support system. Your heart felt heavier than ever, as if it were struggling to keep itself going.
“I’m really sorry,” the masked hero said, lowering his head.
“So am I.”
You followed him out of the store, not being able to look back at the paramedics covering Dolores’ body. As you stepped out into the cool autumn night air, the hero approached you once more.
“They don’t need questioning,” he muttered softly, “Let me walk you home.”
Too tired and distraught to argue, you nodded slowly. The flashing lights of police cars nearly blinded your vision and the dozens of reports already on the scene were giving you a headache - thankfully you turned a corner and went out of sight to head back to your apartment.
The usually busy streets seemed empty, and your steps were slower than usual, the hero next to you making sure to match your pace.
“I’m sorry you had to experience that,” he said quietly. He sounded young, not at all like the 30 year old man you thought Spider-Man was.
You gave him a sad smile, “I left without a scratch. It should have been me.” It was true. You believed that hou should have been the one to take the bullet instead. She has grandkids, family, a husband - you had no one.
The man stopped in his tracks, his head turned towards you, “Don’t say that.”
“What?” You scoffed, the tears stinging your eyes once more, “She didn’t deserve it.”
“She didn’t, you’re right. But it shouldn’t have been you either.” You let his words sink in, processing what he meant. The one thing you were sure of was that Dolores didn’t deserve what she got. At all. But you didn’t think you did either.
“You’re right,” you said softly, “Thanks for, uh, helping out back there.” He nodded, and even though you couldn’t see under the mask, you could tell he was smiling.
The rest of the walk to your apartment was relatively calm. The two of you talked about Dolores’ life. You didn’t feel like it was time to reminisce about her just yet, her death being too fresh, but talking about her seemed to take the blow out of your mind slightly. He asked about how you met her, her grandchildren, and a little bit about your own life as well.
He dropped you off at your place and bid you a goodnight, and despite the trauma that you experienced a little under an hour ago, his company had really helped you stay calm.
You walked into your apartment, flicking the lights on and standing in the middle of your bedroom letting the tears and sobs flow free once again. You crumpled down on your bed, curling into the cold bedsheets and hiding your face from the world. You wished more than anything that this was some twisted, messed up, psychotic dream - but it wasn’t.
You cried yourself to sleep, the usually peaceful dreams being taken over by the gruesome images you witnessed that night.
It had been two weeks since the event, and Spider-Man came by every day to check on you, usually in the evenings. You weren’t sure why he did, being an Avenger and having bigger responsibilities after all, but you weren’t complaining. He’d sometimes come by with goods he picked up from a bakery, knowing you were sheltering yourself away from the world and not taking care of yourself. You got to know who he was, his hobbies, his little quirks and personality traits that made him the respectable hero he was. You didn’t know who he was under the mask, but it wasn’t your business to know.
You had rejected his kindness at first, feeling as if you didn’t deserve it, but he didn’t give up. Every time he’d knock on your apartment window with a Starbucks cup in hand, you’d shut your drapes and leave the room, but you could only ignore his consistent knocking for so long, eventually letting him in and taking what he had to offer. You liked his company and the calmness that he brought you, and you were thankful he decided to stick around.
The nights were the worst. Your dreams were constantly filled with violent images, the person on the other side of the gun changing every night. Some nights, you were the one pulling the trigger. You’d wake up in a cold sweat, trembling, and unable to fall back asleep. No amount of medication or alcohol could lure the dark images out of your head to give you a couple hours of rest.
During the days, you sat on the couch, sometimes staring aimlessly out the window of your small Manhattan apartment. You didn’t eat as much, and you had quit your job to prevent going out completely. The only thing that actually kept you going and stable was the mysterious hero bringing you smoothies or muffins at some point throughout the day.
You didn’t understand why he cared so much about your well-being, surely he dealt with countless traumatized civilians, but he was one of the only things keeping you grounded - and for that, you’d gladly accept his care.
The day was slow, the rain pouring over the grey streets of the city as traffic piled up. You watched from your bedroom window, curled up in your bed as the sound of the rain reminded you of a lullaby, drowning out the voices of Friends on your TV. Your eyes stung, the lack of sleep playing into effect on another lazy Saturday morning.
Your peace was disrupted by the obnoxious sound of the doorbell. Rolling your eyes, you threw the blanket off of you as you made your way across the cold floor to your door.
Upon opening it, you came face to face with a boy about your age. Messy brown hair fell into his face, a small smile on his lips. Your eyes moved down to his hands - a coffee in one and a small brown paper bag in the other. You had never seen this guy before, so the unexpected presence caught you off guard.
Hiding behind your door to avoid showing this stranger the fact that you weren’t wearing pants, he seemed unaware of your state completely and he held that smile on his face.
“I - uh, I think you have the wrong place,” you cocked an eyebrow at him, ready to close the door when he came to the same realization.
He let out a small chuckle, “Y/N, it’s me.”
That voice sounded all too familiar and it clicked instantly in your head. Your eyes widened as you faced the young man in front of you.
“You’re spider man?!” he clasped a hand over your mouth after you shouted it out, pushing you back into the apartment and closing the door behind him with his foot.
“Shh! No one knows who I am!” He whispered, even once the door was closed.
“But you’re spider man! Woah, I didn’t think you’d be like, twelve,” you looked over him once again, realizing how young he actually looked.
“Twelve?” He asked in amusement, “I’m the same age as you. I’m Peter Parker.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bag from him, rushing back off to your room before he could stop you.
“Hey, not so fast,” he rushed after you, barging in once you were safely tucked under the blankets, analyzing the doughnut he had brought you. Sure, finding out your mystery hero’s identity was a big deal, but you didn’t know who he was in reality, so you couldn’t base him off of anything.
“C’mon, talk to me,” he mumbled quietly, taking a seat on the edge of your bed and placing the coffee he got you on the table next to your bed. You shook your head, thankful that his attention had now quickly turned to the heavy rain on the window.
“I like rain,” he said, smiling slightly.
“Me too,” you admitted, taking a bite of the sugary treat, not caring about the grains of sugar falling on your mattress.
“You need to get out of your apartment, it’s been two weeks,” he turned back to you, eyeing you as if you were broken glass being held together by a tiny piece of tape.
You shook your head, “No.”
Peter looked down at the ground, “This isn’t a healthy way to deal with grief.”
You shrugged, not wanting to look into his eyes, “I don’t care.”
You knew that letting yourself fall down this dark hole wasn’t healthy, but you couldn’t help it. Everything reminded you of what happened and any loud noise that happened down below brought you back to the sound of the gunshot.
“Y/N, please, let’s do something. Like a museum or whatever. Something outside of this apartment,” Peter’s face lit up at his own suggestion.
“Come on, please?”
“Stop being so stubborn,” Peter pouted, making you roll your eyes and throw your head back on the pillow.
The museum was a breath of fresh air. The two of you walked around, viewing the centuries of art that lined the walls and the sculptures that illuminated rooms. You were a lover of the arts, so it was hard to stay focused on anything when your eyes constantly darted around the room.
Peter found you hilarious, your small complaints about the people with their flashes on to photograph the art, and the noisy kids running up and down the marble corridors. He found your comments entertaining, chuckling after each one.
For once, you found yourself not thinking about what had happened, and you enjoyed your time out of the apartment. You were thankful for Peter having been there for you the past two weeks as a masked identity, but this felt much more real now that you knew who he was.
“Thanks for getting me out of the apartment.” You smiled kindly at him as you took another bite of your pretzel, the sunshine finally breaking through the clouds as the two of you walked through the muddy Central Park.
“Hey, don’t thank me. I’m just glad I could help,” he shrugged, giving you a goofy grin.
“You’ve really helped. Thank you,” you said sincerely, making his cheeks flush a light pink. You giggled, turning back to your pretzel and taking another bite.
You felt a soft hand link with yours and give it a small squeeze before it was gone. You internally screamed, the overwhelming feeling of butterflies in your stomach making you almost vomit.
“Hey, how about we go check out a show tonight?” He asked, eyes lighting up as he viewed a sign for ‘The Lion King on Broadway.’
You nodded like an idiot, “I’d love to.”
There were a few things you were sure of. One, that the sky was blue. Two, that dealing with Dolores’ murder was going to be one of the hardest things you’d ever have to go through. And three, that you weren’t going to deal with it alone.
Peter stuck by you through the following weeks, attending Dolores’ funeral with you and helping you get a new job working with Mr Stark to prevent these things from happening to other people. Your job nearly took over your life from now on, but slowly and surely you put the pieces back together and with the help of Peter, it seemed everything was going to be okay.
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kurawastaken · 5 years
Hey got any sad dick headcanons?
Watch as I keep repeating myself:
-Dick lost his parents in November and spent time afterwards in juvie for at least a month. Now im debating if Dick did spend Christmas in juvie or if his first one without his parents was at the manor. One thing for sure is that it was the first December he spent in the cold.
-Dick used to be rather claustrophobic. They trained with Bruce to get a hold of it, mostly through controlled exercises where he'd be locked up in a confined place. The first few were pretty rough with Dick just begging Bruce to open up but he finished by succeeding enough where that fear is pretty much gone. He will still feel like rooms are closing on him when he's distraught or injured.
-Dick sleptwalked when he was a kid, he doesnt talk and will mostly just sit there or walk around nothing more, except that one occasion where he jumped out the window, thankfully a startled Bruce was there to catch him before his fall. It never happened once he grew up but he still keeps his windows locked at night just in case. Alfred noticed that it seems to have come back after Bruce came back from the dead. Hopefully it wont be as severe
-Dick actually has a pretty good handle on his fears and seems to always keep a rational view on them, which makes him the best to go against someone like Scarecrow, however, when fear gets to him, it GETS him, he shuts down. He will simply lock up and not move. During those times it's best not to touch him or get closer. The reason he doesnt move is because he's grounding himself on the floor that he's standing on, any exterior contact could break that focus.
-Hugo Strange however is the best at getting to him psychologically. Dick cant explain how but he just does.
-Ace was an old dog when Dick moved out of the manor for college, and later, Titans tower. He unfortunately was on a mission and missed Ace's last night. Alfred reassured him that Ace was not alone, that Bruce was there and Jason slept on the ground in Bruce's room next to the dog.
-He used to play the guitar during his down time or to relax, after Donna's death, Dick tried to play some to calm himself but the string snapped at some point. Visitors found the guitar broken on the ground, probably thrown against the wall, it stayed there to the day his apartment exploded.
-Dick didnt have that many sentimental possessions but the few he owned were destroyed in either the Circus catching on fire, His parent's florida home that was sold without his consent, his apartments exploding and the earthquake in Gotham. He doesnt dare touch any of the last remaining souvenirs that are still hanging around somewhere. Alfred did fix his gutted elephant plushie that he ended up putting in a safe somewhere. He's a little mad about a unique gameboy that Bruce gifted him when he was younger
-When his mind is not 100% on a mission or during his downtime, Dick cant stand to be in pure white clinical rooms.
-Speaking of clinical, Dick does not bat an eye at the most gruesome sights. Things that would make even Bruce flinch. It's kinda concerning.
-He cant stand the feeling of wet sand sticking to skin and clothes. The night his parents died he was covered in it. But water wasn't what was wetting the sand.
-This poor guy will never be able to sleep in. If his body can wake up at 6am maximum, it will
-Dick is a decent cook but his biggest problem is that he cooks too much for someone who lives alone. His parent's recipes were made for a whole circus troupe.
-Once Dick learned 10 months too late that a member of Haly's circus had disappeared. That man was basically his uncle so he went to investigate himself with the little clues that were left. After weeks of searching he managed to found traces into a forest. In that forest he will find the body of that man. The body was too decomposed and half eaten, not much was left to discover anynore. The case was closed as an accident. It is one of Dick's still open cases
-A lot of his finances went during the spiral into the horor that his last few months in Bludhaven were. First the circus burned and he paid for the repairs and refunds, then the bludhaven apartment was destroyed so paying for the victim's families and funding the survivors, then Bludhaven entirely blew up. He paid for Amy's family relocation etc... He ended up making that money back through the various stocks and other investments he owns but there was a period where he simply slept in the street for a while when he pride wouldnt let him go back to the manor
-Dick's personalization of his own space has always been a conscious effort on his side. Effort that he pretty much gave up on after Bludhaven blew up until the events of Blackmirror.
-He actually doesnt remember the days around the time that Hurt shot him in the head. Which was pretty unfortunate since one of those memories was Damian calling him a friend for the first time.
-He has always been sensitive to the cold. He's now wondering if the little tooth thing that the Court put in his mollar to modify his blood composition or whatever had an effect on that
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bucciarati-pizza · 5 years
[ Fic ] - Jumpin’ Jack Flash: Chapter 1
me and my jobro @justjuliainc have been developing this AU fic together. it is a slow burn bruabba where Abbacchio remains a cop, his partner lives, and Bruno is a fisherman along with various other character swaps. and well, without saying much more, I hope you all enjoy the start of this bizarre adventure ;))
A blaring police car spun around a corner then ground to a halt at its final destination. The rain made it hard to make anything out.
“I’m searching the north wing, you do south!,” an officer yelled over the sound of crashing thunder and lightning. Two sets of shoes splashed through the mud the police car was now in. “Got it!,” the other replied back, turning on a flashlight. “You think they’re armed?”
The first officer was already pulling the gun from his belt, answering his question.
Then came the screams. Muffled like someone had covered their mouth, but still clear as ever. They echoed throughout the entire building and out into that terrible rain.
A shudder ran down both their spines. Children’s screams. This shabby abandoned looking cement building on the outskirts of town happened to be an orphanage.
They frantically ran towards the double doors.
“No one, over my dead body is getting away with this shit. Not tonight. Not ever.”
The officer that spoke had a fierce glint of gold in his eyes, illuminated by his partner’s flashlight. He wore a shade of lipstick that nearly matched the stormy night sky.
“Abbacchio.” The man turned to the sound of his name. “I second that, with all my heart.” He kicked the door in with a determined grin, his hat tipping slightly to reveal short brown hair. “Let’s put an end to this!”
Abbacchio nodded, barely having the time to reply, “I’m counting on you too, Michele!” before blindly racing up the stairs.
The sound of screaming got louder the closer he got to the top. His heart raced. The police had been investigating a strange series of kidnappings for weeks now, with no trace of the culprit. A 911 call was made from the orphanage just a half hour before now. Yet no other information was disclosed, both Abbacchio and his partner knew deep down inside exactly who it was. The same one responsible for all the recent crimes. And this time, said suspect had gone too far.
The hall seemed to never end. Abbacchio never questioned why the door he needed to burst in as soon as possible was getting further rather than closer away. Maybe it was just his eyes playing tricks on him. He never questioned why the floor beneath his feet seemed to warp into otherworldly shapes when weight was applied. He didn’t look down.
It seemed like forever when he finally made it. Panting, he tried the door and it was unlocked. The crying ceased the instant he opened it. He had a sudden sinking feeling. “Where are they?” The sinking feeling got worse. “Where the hell are they?!” He pointed gun over flashlight across the small room and found nothing but empty beds.
Not even a window was open. Just what was going on?
While searching under beds, Michele ran through the door. “I-I didn’t find a thing. I searched every room on the way here too,” he said wearily. “There’s not a single person in here.”
Abbacchio pulled himself out from the bed he was under. “I don’t understand,” he began, shaking slightly.
“Something bizarre is going on. This is the room most of the screaming came from. They were in here”
We’re too late.
His partner turned his head at another sound. It caused them both to shudder. More desperate screaming filled the dark halls of the orphanage.
They both shared a knowing glance and cautiously started for the source of the noise, covering each other’s backs. It was only two doors down. Once again, it seemed to be getting further. It took a few minutes to reach it. “What’s going on? Is this some kind of madhouse?,” Michele hissed, terrified and confused. He looked down at the floor and gasped.
“No clue, but I’m going in!,” Abbacchio replied as he charged through the door.
“Wait, Abbacchio!”
All he saw was a flash of light before the wind was knocked out of him and he fell to the hard wood floor. He lie there for a few seconds trying desperately to catch his breath, vision blurring. Two bodies tumbled over each other, in the corner of the room, one spitting out rows of curses.
“I’ll fucking kill you! Right here! Agk- I’ll...“
Abbacchio didn’t recognize that voice. Not good! He began to force himself to stand up. A gun went off.
Abbacchio’s heart skipped all it’s beats.
A gun went off and something clanked to the floor.
Abbacchio’s feet moved before his body.
“Michele! Michele!!!”
His partner was hunched over another man, unmoving. A pistol had been slid across the floor. There were bullet holes in the bookshelf in the other corner. Wait.. didn’t that mean..
Michele was only still because he was straining to hold the man’s writs down.
He missed!
“Abbacchio, I’m— sorry I had to push you out of the way so hard. I realized we were being stalked when there was a third shadow on the ground. Somehow, this bastard was behind us and was about to attack you.”
Abbacchio had no words. He panted speechless before them.
“Agh!,” his partner suddenly exclaimed.
“You thought you could catch me that easily?,” the pinned man seethed. He had taken the opportunity to spit in Michele’s eyes. “How do ya like that, eh?” He chuckled maniacally. He nearly got his hands free, when in one swift movement, Abbacchio took over, keeping him held down.
“Cazzo. Don’t dare underestimate us.”
Michele hummed in dissatisfaction once he wiped his eyes, brushing off his jacket. Abbacchio took a moment to look around the room with narrowed eyes.
The thug beneath him was scrawny, yet surprisingly strong, his blonde shoulder length hair tangled into disgusting mats. He looked to be about 30, but was probably a lot younger. He sounded hoarse when he spoke. He managed to kick Abbacchio’s leg hard, trying every mean possible to distract them and escape.
The silver haired cop had enough and roughly put both wrists into handcuffs.
“...Where are they?,” Michele wondered out loud, still looking around.
“Ow! Take it easy on me would ya?! And what the hell do you wanna know?”
Leone gritted his teeth, a growl rising in his throat.
“You know damn well! What happened to whoever was in this room? There.. there was screaming,” he said the last part half to himself.
The man remained silent, glaring between both of them for a second before bursting out laughing.
“You really are stupid, aren’t you! You think I’m the answer? You think you little heroes are doing society a favor by coming here?,” he shook his head, still chuckling while both officers looked on distraught.
“Well, you have no idea what you get yourself into,” he continued voice turning deep and gravely again, “When you stick your nose into places it
doesn’t belong.”
Something about the man’s words gave them both an uneasy feeling about the future. Yet, they couldn’t afford to let it bother them now. The man was eventually taken outside and shoved in the back of the police car. His gun was seized along with him and they would use that too in their upcoming investigation. They were going to get answers.
Neither Michele or Abbacchio really knew what happened that night or even how to explain it.
But a few things were hauntingly certain:
Hundreds of orphaned children had somehow vanished right under their noses.
There were no signs of the caretakers and whoever made the phone call either.
The man they captured wasn’t the ringleader in all of this. If he was, there would’ve been a much bigger show.
Abbacchio’s hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.
And he believed that there were strange forces about.
Both officers jumped slightly when the hand of their chief slammed down on his office desk.
“Pardon?,” Michele asked, taken aback. Abbacchio looked just as confused.
They had been called into Signor Polpo’s office early in the morning to “discuss last night’s endeavor.”
Polpo was a sight to behold. Morbidly obese, he had to have a special chair made just for him to sit in. He towered over practically everyone at nearly 7 feet tall. No one had ever seen him without a hat, even when on a break from duty. His eyes people say, became so void of a soul that the sclera began to turn completely black. No matter what the reason was behind it, this was somehow true. Bright green irises were surrounded by a beady black that made anyone who met his gaze shiver.
Signor Polpo was the kind of man that made Leone’s blood boil.
“Did you not understand what we reported to you?,” Abbacchio asked slowly, tone dark.
The obscenity hummed briefly, looking between the two like they were mere ants beneath him before replying.
“You both became some of the force’s brightest pupils in a very short amount of time. You flew through training as if it were nothing, and I knew right away I could depend on you to... protect the streets of Napoli.”
The chief’s voice boomed throughout the tiny room and he ended that last sentence with a chuckle.
Abbacchio and Michele didn’t like this one bit. What the hell was he getting at?
Polpo’s brows were furrowed.
“You had to go on and pull a stunt like this?!”
Abbacchio’s quick temper was about to show. “Wh-“
“No backup. No means of communication. Going to a useless abandoned orphanage by yourselves only to catch a petty street thug. I simply thought I knew you better.”
Michele got a terrible feeling. Abbacchio saw red.
Polpo didn’t skip a beat. “I think you two are forgetting who decides what you get to look into and when,” he continued pointing a finger right at Leone.
Abbacchio didn’t look up. His fist was clenched at the side of his chair and his jaw was tight.
His partner looked speechless for a few seconds before trying to ask again.
“Abandoned? It.. it was an obvious kidnapping!”
That among various other things.
Abbacchio knew it was no use to bombard the chief with questions when it was already apparent what was going on.
Polpo remained poker-faced.
“I didn’t order you to go there, did I?”
“No, Capo,” replied Michele, looking away.
Abbacchio remained silent, biting his lip to keep from exploding. “They paid him off. He accepted it. They paid him off. The fat fuck is actually in on this,” was all that raced through his head.
“Did. I?,” pressured Polpo, his chair creaking as he leaned closer to Abbacchio’s face. And now he couldn’t even argue.
The officer with short grey hair looked up, his eyes furious but tone neutral when he finally answered.
“...No, Capo.”
Polpo stared at him for a few additional seconds before adding, “Good. I’m glad we can all come to that understanding.”
Abbacchio’s brows twitched. He and Michele had risked their lives continuously for the people. Last night, one or both of them could have died. Came very close, in fact. All the victims of a crime that had yet to be investigated were probably never going to be seen again and any evidence of something gone wrong would be erased. Yet, the whole time, his own chief was in on it? He knew Polpo took bribes and negotiated with criminals. He hated him for that. But this? This was way too far.
The room was dangerously silent.
Polpo narrowed his eyes. “You must understand the certain contradictions that come with this job. It’s how this world works. I expect you to await my command before even putting on your uniforms in the future.” He leaned back in his chair, upturning his long nose. “I’m only looking out for your safety.”
Michele glanced over at Leone. Uh oh.
He knew that look. Wide, twitching eyes. Biting his lip and shaking. If they didn’t get out of Polpo’s office soon, something was going to happen that would end with him beating the shit out of someone. Michele had much to discuss with his partner that wouldn’t dare be brought up in this room.
“Oh and one more thing,” Polpo started with an eerie smile. “You’ll leave this little meeting with your mouths zipped shut. What we just discussed is a secret between you and me. I can trust you... right boys?”
Silent nods.
“Excellent. You’re dismissed.”
Michele bowed customarily. Abbacchio just glared at him, such passion in his ombré eyes that Polpo read it as a warning.
Once the door was shut and their footsteps got further away, Signor Polpo picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number.
“Send me backup. They’re getting too smart for their own good.”
“FUCK!,” Abbacchio yelled throwing his hat off once he and his partner got onto the street and turned the corner into an alley. “FUCK. FUCK..” He kicked it in frustration, in complete rage by now.
Michele stood there with a hand on his shoulder, not quite sure how he should try to begin to calm him.
“I’M TIRED OF IT. I’M,” his movements slowed and he threw himself against a wall, defeated. “..tired of it.”
He slid down against it, pulling his knees to his chest. Lost and vulnerable.
His partner sighed and bent over to pick up the hat and brush it off before joining Abbacchio against the wall.
“Leo.. it’ll be okay..”
Abbacchio’s gaze remained downwards, staring blankly at the ground between his legs. He hadn’t even registered there was a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“You know what? You know what this feels like, Michele?”
The other officer remained silent for a moment before asking, “What?”
“It feels like we’re in the goddamn mafia.”
Abbacchio looked up.
“I didn’t want to say it. I wanted to push it to the back of my mind. But I can’t... because it’s true.”
Michele took his hat off.
“The way things are going, I have to agree with you... but..”
Abbacchio looked at him hopelessly.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it, right?”
“I don’t.. know what to do. No one is going to believe us over that pig Polpo. But I can’t let the victims die. I can’t... let these crimes continue to happen while the rest of the force sleeps on it.”
Michele nodded.
“It will be stopped. Don’t ask how, but I know.”
No words were spoken for at least a few minutes.
“Fuck, do I ever need coffee.”
“I doubt anyone will care if we stop at Libeccio before we get grounded.”
Michele smiled, helping his partner up. Abbacchio’s expression lit up. It was the name of his favorite little restaurant and it had been ages since he even stepped foot in it. He brushed himself off and put his hat back on.
“Let’s go.”
Michele did the same.
“That’s the spirit.”
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