angelitam · 10 months
Partageons mon rendez-vous lectures #34-2023 & critiques
Voici mes critiques littéraires sur Livres à profusion. La part du démon de Mathieu Lecerf La part du démon de Mathieu Lecerf – Editions Robert Laffont Inferno de Dan Brown Inferno de Dan Brown – Editions JC Lattès Sur tes traces d’Harlan Coben, en lecture Sur tes traces d’Harlan Coben – Editions Belfond Présentation de l’éditeur : Où trouver la force de se battre quand on a tout…
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
I keep seeing posts claiming Israel’s UN representatives are wearing gold Star of David patches at meetings now? I’m inherently suspicious that it’s misinformation tho
this is actually true.
context: gilad erdan, a representative of israel to the united nations, pinned a yellow star of david on his jacket that reads "never again" in honor of the people killed in the october 7th massacre, saying he will wear the badge until the massacre is condemned by the un security council. erdan is opposed to a ceasefire.
response: erdan's actions and comments have been solidly condemned by many in israel, including government officials.
"Erdan thinks more about the Likud party primaries than about Israel's political and diplomatic efforts," one senior official told Haaretz. “We always attack other countries when they manipulate the memory of the Holocaust, and here comes the Israeli ambassador and does the same on the most central stage of world diplomacy.” He went on to say that Erdan had been acting independently of the rest of the governmental apparatus since the beginning of the war. "The feeling is that there is a person there who does what he wants and is not a partner in our overall effort." Another senior official in the ministry said that Erdan “acts on his own and we are very angry with him. These messages are completely contrary to our policy. He did not consult with anyone. He is deeply involved in a political campaign and is taking advantage of his position as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations to advance his personal interests.”
Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan also slammed Erdan's act, saying it "disgraces both Holocaust victims and Israel." "The yellow star symbolizes the Jewish people's helplessness and the Jews being at the mercy of others. Today we have an independent state and a strong army. We are the masters of our fate. Today we shall wear a blue-white flag, not a yellow star."
In response to Erdan's move, Avi Dabush, a Sderot local who survived the October 7 slaughter, wrote: "What a disgrace. There is a cap. As a survivor who waited for the army for 8 hours in a failure that destroyed everything we knew and thought about the country, I refuse to participate in this discussion. We are not Holocaust survivors. We rose from this inferno and will rise again. The ability to see everything that occurs to us solely through the lens of the Holocaust is part of the issue, not the solution."
important things to keep in mind: - erdan is the grandson of holocaust survivors, so while many have condemned his statements as offensive, it is likely they are not entirely selfish or politically motivated. - erdan is a member of the likud party, which is quickly losing popularity in israel and has a history of fraud and corruption. it is not a 1:1 comparison, but the....vibes are similar to that of trump's presidency.
my takeaway: personally, i agree that his statements were offensive. i think they trivialize a catastrophic event in jewish history and twist jewish pain and trauma to justify horrific levels of violence. even taking him in the best faith possible, that he truly is worried for the safety of the jewish people, that he's worried hamas will succeed in their mission of driving all jews into the sea, the reality is that bombing innocent civilians in gaza is not only doing nothing to get hamas out of power but is actively destroying the safety of jews both in israel and in the diaspora.
i also worry that a lot of gentiles are going to use this as an invitation to engage in even more softcore holocaust denial and holocaust inversion, block any soft of conversation about how the holocaust shaped the modern state of israel and modern jewish identity, and just generally be really really horrible. my hope is that there are more people who will see this for what it is, which is an idiot politician representing a crumbling government grasping at straws.
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ask-ifrit-ghoul · 8 months
Psst! Hey! Ifrit, right? Have I, um... introduced myself yet? Inferno says I need to talk to more people...
Not that I know of, no. Lots of new su- *he yelped, scooping up a giggling kit* Astra! Thats not nice.
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excessive-vampires · 17 days
Dealing With Demons Chapter 15: Raising the Stakes Part 2: Cee
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump @d-cs
A little ways away from me, Riley called a bunch of different very official people and told them that we needed all the help we could get. 
Chewing my bottom lip, I wondered if Cliff had been trying to kill me. He knew that Riley’s team had been the ones to drag me out of his weird evil ritual basement, so my being at the Bureau base was a safe assumption. Hell, I had been there just a few minutes before the explosion. Cliff had said that my existence would make whatever he was trying to do easier, but that didn’t mean that he couldn't perform the ritual with me dead. Maybe he had decided the risk outweighed the reward. 
I wasn’t scared of dying, not since meeting Avi, though I definitely wanted to stay alive for as long as possible. But I was afraid of Avi being destroyed somehow. If I died then we lost my body and the life we had worked so hard to build which would be a real fucking bummer, but if they died, though, I would lose them. I couldn’t lose them. I couldn’t do this on my own, it was why I had summoned them in the first place. 
I felt panic starting to rise in me and made myself take deep breaths. The last thing I needed was to spiral into an anxiety attack. Especially while I was alone. 
Avi wasn’t going to die. That’s what I told myself over and over again. Riley and a team of government agents, and me if I could help it, were going to storm into Cliff’s house and save them and Dezi and Clara and Maximilian and Andrew Bell and Ceasar and everyone else. Everything was going to turn out fine. It had to. I sold my soul and my body for a chance at happiness and like hell was I going to let one power-hungry man take it away from me. 
Riley walked over to where I was standing. 
“A joint task force will be ready in twenty-four hours.”
“A day? We don’t have a day!” 
“You don’t know that.”
“Oh right, because Cliff would definitely give the organization trying to stop him time to recover before enacting his evil plan.” 
“Well, it’s not like I can do anything to make them get their shit together faster.” 
“Then we’ll have to do this ourselves.” 
“How the hell are we supposed to do anything to stop Mason? Neither of us can even cast spells!” 
“What about your amulet? You can use artifacts!”
“This amulet was enchanted for me by my grandmother, even if we could get to the Bureau’s vault somehow any other artifact would be useless in my hands!” 
“Whatever! You’ve been studying magic your entire life, and my body has been used as a conduit for magic for five years, we can figure something out!” 
“No! This is crazy!” They started to turn to walk away. 
“Riley! For once in your life, step off the sidelines!” I threw my hands up in the air in anger and for emphasis. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Riley turned back to face me. 
“You’re passive! You just let things happen to you without taking an active role in your life!”
“I’m passive? You sold your agency to a demon because you were too lazy to fix whatever was wrong with your life the right way!” 
Anger flared up within me like the start of an inferno. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh really, when’s the last time you actually tried to repair any of the relationships in your life instead of running away?”
“When’s the last time you talked to your parents?” 
Riley took a step back. “That’s not fair.”
I took a step forward. “Isn’t it?” 
“You’re telling me there was no one in your old life who truly cared for and understood you?” 
Bev’s face filled my mind, I felt nauseous and turned away from Riley. “This is pointless.”
“No, get back here.” They grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around. “So there was someone important to you that you just left? Did you even say goodbye? At least I’ve never been that cold.”
I punched them in the gut, and when they bent down in pain I punched them again in the face. 
I felt the small bones in my hand crunch as sharp pain lanced up through my arm. I didn’t scream though, I made no sound other than a harsh hiss. As far as I could remember I’d only ever screamed in pain once, as a teenager, after tripping and landing on my elbow when I fell. And that was met with a scolding about how the neighbors would call the police if I didn’t quiet down. Since then all the screams inside me always got stuck behind the fear of being innapropriate. It hurt just as much as the broken bones to know I still had that fear. 
“Shit, what is your problem?” Riley straightened up, rubbing their face. 
“Don’t you dare think you know what I’ve been through!” The tightness in my throat almost strangled my voice.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” They seemed surprised to see me close to tears. Then they saw me clutching my hand. “Great, now I have to take you to the hospital.” 
“No.” I had an idea. 
“I think… I think I can heal it.”
“Cee, healing magic is the most complicated magic there is, you could seriously fuck up your hand by trying this. Besides, how would you even draw the rune?” 
“I don’t need a rune.”
“Fantastic, you’re delusional.” 
“Listen! I remember how it felt when Avi would heal me. I remember the feeling of tapping into the mana of a soul and bending it into the shape it needed to be with just a thought instead of a rune. I just need to do that with my soul, and then I can heal my hand.” 
“So you’re raising the stakes from fucking up your hand to killing yourself.” 
“I can do this! I know it. Just shut up so I can concentrate.” 
“Shut up, Riley!” 
I shut my eyes and focussed until I could feel the mana radiating from my soul. I remembered the way it felt for my skin and bones to knit themselves back together in seconds and I remembered the pathway the mana took through my body to make that happen. Then I took my soul into my metaphysical hands just like I remembered Avi doing with the souls of others and molded it to fit my needs. 
The bones in my hand snapped back into place and the pain faded. I opened my eyes and immediately the world started spinning. Suddenly I was on the ground and Riley was kneeling in front of me. 
“Cee?! Cee, are you okay?” 
I held up my healed hand and wiggled my fingers. “I did it!” 
“Holy fuck.” Riley helped me up.
“It just took a lot out of me. But this proves my point! We don’t have to wait for everyone else to come save us! We can stop Cliff ourselves!” My success had just strengthened my determination to save Avi. 
“No. It’s still a suicide mission. And one that we’ll fail.” 
“But we have to at least try!” I begged. 
“Why? What good will trying do if we know we can’t win?” They sounded as if they’d already been defeated. 
“We won’t know we can’t win unless we try! Would you rather spend the rest of your life regretting not doing something just because you’re afraid of the outcome?” Maybe that was hypocritical, but I didn’t care.
“Okay, you can do magic, but what about me? I’d just be a burden in a fight.” 
“You’ve been around magic your whole life, you know the theory and the runes and the process. You should be an incredibly powerful caster, we just have to figure out what’s holding you back.” 
“There’s nothing holding me back, I just can’t do it!” They tried to walk away again but I stepped in front of them and got in their face as much as I could considering the height difference between us. 
“Everyone can do magic! I never even knew magic existed before I found a spellbook and I still managed to summon a demon!” 
“Well, I’m not you.” Riley frowned and looked away. 
I huffed. “Alright. You’ve tried spells before, right? What went wrong?” 
Riley looked like they were going to try to change the subject, so I gave them my best glare. They relented. “I draw the rune, I picture what I want to happen, I try to bring forth my mana, and I can feel it. I just can’t do anything with it.” 
“Why not?” 
“I don’t know!” 
“Yes you do!”
“No I don’t!”
“Think!” I grabbed Riley’s shoulders. “What’s stopping you from taking that last step?!” 
“I’m scared, okay!” They pulled away. “It’s scary to take what you are and try to shape it into what you need it to be! What if something goes wrong? What if I get hurt? What if… what if I’m not enough?” 
“Riley…” How should I word my response? “Do you really want to spend your entire life hiding because of a problem that might not even exist? You are enough. Whether you can do magic or not. But that won’t matter if you don’t even try to do your job! Help me save everyone!” 
“You’re being selfish, you know. I’m just a researcher, it’s not my job to risk my life and no one I love is in danger.” 
“What if Sil dies? How will you feel then if you didn’t do everything possible to stop the man that killed her?”
For a second I thought Riley was going to return the punch I’d given them, but then they deflated. I decided to keep pushing.
“Riley, you’re a good person, I know you are. You know Cliff is hurting people and you want to help stop him whether he hurts your loved ones or not. So help me. Please.”
Riley looked down and for a minute I thought I’d fucked up and said the wrong thing. I thought I’d have to try to rescue Avi alone. Then they looked back up, their face a mask of grim determination. 
“Okay, I’ll try. And if I can manage to cast a spell, I’ll fight him with you.” 
“Yes! Thank you!” I almost laughed in relief. “Okay, do you have something to draw with?”
They pulled a washable marker out of their pocket. “I keep an extra, for Sil.” 
“Good. Now, what’s the easiest spell you know the rune for?” 
“I think…” They uncapped the marker and drew on their palm. “There. Light.” 
“Okay, now cast it.” 
Riley held out their arm, clenched their jaw, and stared intently at their hand. 
“Riley, if you’re trying to copy Sil this won’t work, you have to cast it like you.” 
“What does that even mean?” 
“Whatever you think it means.” 
Riley sighed. They held their hand in front of them, palm up, and closed their eyes.
“You can do this, Riley. You just have to trust yourself.”
They took a deep breath, and another, and another. They held their breath for a moment, and as they exhaled their palm began to glow. 
“Riley, it’s working!” 
They opened their eyes and started laughing. “Oh my god! I just did magic! An actual spell!” The light went out as their concentration broke. 
I was overjoyed that I’d have help, but I needed to focus on the mission for now. 
“Alright, no time to celebrate just yet, wipe that off your palm and let’s get you runed up with spells that will actually be useful.” 
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avis-ghoul · 8 months
Avis? *there's a knock on the door.*
ss'Ferno. gotta talk to you about somethin. you free?
- @interrogate-inferno-ghoul
Yeah, 'course. What's up?
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amontech · 2 years
Single’s Inferno Season 2 Episode 1 - 2 (Tv series)
Single’s Inferno Season 2 Episode 1 – 2 (Tv series)
Download Free Movie Titled: Single’s Inferno Season 2 Episode 1 – 2 (Korean Drama) Mp4,Mkv,Avi On a deserted island, flirtatious singles look for love, because only as a couple can they leave the island for a romantic date in paradise. Amontech.com.ng is The Best Website/Platform For Bollywood And Hollywood HD Movies. We Provide Direct Download Links For Fast And Secure Downloading. Just Click…
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maxinethedoll-blog · 7 years
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up in flames.
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
Sleepy is bored at work show Vol.1
some people have changed their url and they’re not people I know, so I don’t know how to find them to change it. interact with THIS post if you have a wip title that you’d like me to draw.
The Stray Spirit - @/ashen-crest 
Muse's Band of Misfits - @/vylequinne 
Salt & Silver - @/vitrichor
Checkmate - @/scriptura-delirus 
The Death of Josie Wolff - @/novanovelwriting 
Operation Get It Right - @/crystallized-ink 
Night's Daughter - @/vellichor-virgo 
Golden Hands & Golden Fingers - @/surroundedbypearls
Totentanz - @/talesofsorrowandofruin 
The Darkblade - @/kitastrophic-writing 
Lotus on the River - @/mel-writes-with-her-dragons 
Always the Bridesmaid - @/pens-swords-stuff 
Bake a Loaf of Bread - @/andiwriteunderthemoon
Collecting Keepers - @/lunarmoment
Where Camellias Blossom - @/mary-is-writing
These Cursed Paths - @/hiddenhistoria
Shrouded - @/viskafrer
The Huntress and the Wolf - @/rhikasa
Indigo Wars - @/zmlorenz 
And Onward into the Bright Bright Future - @/woodhousejay 
Hurricane - @/akindofmagictoo 
Muddy Roads and Foxgloves - @/chayscribbles
About Nightmares - @/sourrcandy
The Shroud of the Ascott - @/caillevch
The Stormkeeper - @/writingonesdreams
Thriving - @/spacetimewraithwrites
Inscribed - @/artbyeloquent
Heartbeat - @/writingamongther0ses
The Quest For the Book of Balance - @/authortango
Kingdom - @/scriptura-delirus
Cursed Pennyroyal and the Wizard Asturia - @/writing-with-melon 
What Remains of Troop 734 - @/aetherwrites 
Puppet Kingdom - @/josephinegerardywriter 
Between Gods and Men - @/iparisaltanwing 
Days of Halcyon - @/elysianhymns 
Sapphire Dreaming - @/livvywrites
Earthly Bodies - @/asableheart
Always the Bridesmaid - @/blindthewind 
A Headless God - @/serpentarii
The Further We Fall - @/incipientdream
Between the Trees - @/thethistlegirlwrites
All the Red Butterflies - @/magnoliaash 
To Pursue Utopia - @/iveldi
Gemini - @/writingbyjillian
Edifice - @/rainydaydarling
Embers and Infernos - @/ninazeniks
Backwater - @/thenataliawrites
Anchor Point - @/haldimilks
The Iridessia Chronicles - @/ambsthom 
Andromeda Rogue - @/chayscribbles 
Making a Killing - @/vylequinne
Whisperwind - @/viskafrer
A Gust of Rising Wind - @/fuyugomori
Operation Eclogues - @/ladywithalamp
The Wicked Within - @/47crayons
Romantics - @/kishons
Unearthly Delights - @/crowsandlace
And No-one to Remember Me - @/euphoniouspandemonium
Terraclaw - @/writtendevastation
Ashenskin - @/mel-writes-with-her-dragons
My Name Your Teeth - @/seas-dubh
Ship in a Bottle - @/fayoftheforest
Kriya Petri - @/andiwriteunderthemoon
Crane Anatomy - @/avakrahn
Forgotten Names - @/forgottennamesgame
The Power and the Glory - @/talesofsorrowandofruin
Embrace of the Dawn - @/ambsthom
The Mourning Rose - @/weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables
The Heir's Odium - @/the-finch-address
Paper Heart - @/thelittlestspider
Namesake - @/peresephones
This is the Way the World Ends - @/writting-in-blood
To Be Determined - @/waldeinsamkeiten
The Fall - @/harps-for-days
Four Houses - @/jmax523
Asra Green and the Bluster Gambit - @/avi-why
Unholy Holy Things - @/lend-your-lungs-to-me
Foggy Mornings - @/codename-mango
Paragon - @/pretend-im-normal-blog
Touch - @/struckbyelectriclove
Peacocks and Pearls - @/ashleyddddd
Lies in a Holy Tongue - @/incandescent-creativity
Souls Rend Your Vows - @/inkflight
The Stars Never Decided My Fate - @/novastories
Brigand Master - @/faithfire
A Cycle of Seals - @/homesteadchronicles
Out of Time - @/painless-and-colorful
Forgotten Memories - @/the-problem-child-vents
Star-eater - @/wulfrann
Empty Space - @/spacebricks
High Water Homeward - @/the-titular-bird
Era Beyond - @/maudlin--queer
By Your Side - @/kowore
Queen of Wishes - @/alwolfe 
Cut Circuit - @/romanwrites
Cynical Chaos - @/writing-with-chaos
Queen Anne's Lace - @/moononherwings 
Haven's Ember - @/druidx
Tropical Storm - @/gwens-fiction
Humanless - @/poore-choice-of-words 
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strechanadi · 3 years
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The unreal set design for Inferno by Tacita Dean
The Dante Project
photo: Gary Avis
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angelitam · 10 months
Inferno de Dan Brown
Inferno de Dan Brown – Editions J.C.Lattès Inferno de Dan Brown, présentation A Florence, L’Ombre fuit. Elle a vécu des années dans des souterrains. Elle se suicide mais ne révèle pas son secret. Robert Langdon se réveille d’un cauchemar. Il est à l’hôpital, à Florence. Il a perdu la mémoire. Une femme veut le tuer. Avis Inferno de Dan Brown Robert Langdon #4 J’ai beaucoup aimé toutes ces visites…
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wahlpaper · 2 years
The Unfinished Corner: Graphic Novel Review!
The Unfinished Corner by Dani Colman, Rachel Petrovicz, Whitney Cogar, and Jim Campbell
CW: Holocaust Discussion, Antisemitism, Death of an Infant
Who would you trust to complete the universe? The unfinished corner is the place beyond Hashem's sight. It's filled with darkness and chaos. Would you trust a child, one preparing for her Bat Mitzvah ceremony? Someone does, and he'll need to take 4 children along to make it happen. Miriam is an artist, she creates worlds for her friends to play in. David is a musician with a lot of compassion. Avi is a nervous scholar learning to stand up for himself. Judith isn't friends with her companions, but she'll use her grasp on beauty to help them all.
This graphic novel will take you through many of the great myths in Jewish scripture, leading you all the way through to that unfinished corner. You'll meet Miriam's namesake, Lilith, seek out the Golem, encounter angels, and meet a giant lion. Every step is essential to the journey. Our four creative kids have things they need to learn about themselves and each other as they go. As with any good adventure story, they have items to collect from the people they visit.
I love the modern and personal touches that went into the story of the graphic novel. It isn't just Jewish mythology here. There are also 4 tweens who have very relatable lives. Judith is having some trouble at home but is trying not to be hardened by it. Miriam has a sweet and supportive family, but she is keeping a big secret from her best friends. Avi has some secrets too despite wearing his fears on his sleeves. Then we have David who desperately wants to be okay but ends up coming face-to-face with the person he blames for his biggest problems. On the surface, we have 4 plucky kids going on an adventure, but the creators have made them real.
The Unfinished Corner is beautifully colored, never holding back on saturation. It's fitting that the colorist is Whitney Cogar, who was a colorist for Giant Days, one of my favorite comics! I also wish to draw attention to the way the typography changes for different species. You can find a great balance of humor, pacing, gorgeous spreads, and serious matters within the pages of this graphic novel. I especially appreciated the discussions surrounding the Holocaust, Lilith, and feminism. If you've been looking for a good modern, Jewish Dante's Inferno or perhaps a Jewish Percy Jackson, look no further. Dani Colman, Rachel Petrovicz, Whitney Cogar, and Jim Campbell have done a phenomenal job!
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dollscircus · 2 years
Dreamer showing up in the hell scape right inftont of Avior and Starlight who were planning
Bonus if for some reason the cot ended up with them so they’re lying face first on the ground with a cot ontop of them
Blake in panicking because he doesn’t know how to get them out of the hell scape
Bonus bonus if this is after Avi and Sl confrontation so there’s all this tension and Dreamer is just caught in the middle
My first idea was that dreamer didn’t realise Sl or Avi was there for a few moments. They’re standing and staring down the levels off hell. They read Dante’s inferno with Blake when they were teens.
“What have you done?” They said into nothing.
“Who are you?” Someone asks which startled Dreamer and they’re confronted by the confused Avior
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terzos-edibles · 3 years
Silver Linings
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4. High Tide, Low Tide
Previous: Hello Bluebird, Hello Robin Summary: Din doesn't feel great. He has been shot and bitten. His ego is bruised. But he can't lay in bed - something is coming, and he needs to get both himself and the doctor out of there. Words: 1.8k Rated mature: stormtrooper violence, lots of violence, burning of a village, language, minor character death, Din is a grumpy Gus.
“Headed up, down the river Oh, Lord, I feel the reveling I feel a change on the rise.” - Change On The Rise, Avi Kaplan
Laasko Village -
Din didn’t know how long he had been asleep. When he finally cracked his eyes open, and he realized he was in a far comfier bed than his own on his ship. He grunted and sat up, taking a peek outside the window to gather his surroundings.
The usual clouds that hung heavy in the sky had made way for an unusually clear night. Ibaar’s two moons hung in the sky, casting moonlight over the village. Even from his small window, Din could see the brightness of the galaxy splashed across the sky like someone had spilled a bucket of stars.
Two things caught his attention as he shifted his gaze back away from the window. One - he really had to take a piss, and two - he was starving, and his stomach let him know about it. He eyed the cold soup, knowing that it would be better than nothing, and he had had worse before. Still, he didn’t want to drink it on a very full bladder. He stood up, reaching out to grasp anything in reach. The back of his thigh was on fire, and he had to stifle an involuntary grunt of pain as he put weight on it. The numbing had long since worn off. He took a ginger step forward. Alright. He could do this.
Slowly but surely, he made his way to the bathroom. The first stop was peeing - he pressed his hand against the bathroom wall behind the toilet to steady himself. The next order of business was washing his hands and face. He reached up, pulling his helmet off, and set it on the edge of the sink. He flipped the water on, washing his hands and leaning down to splash water on his face. Glancing up in the mirror, he felt like he looked - like a mudhorn had charged him down again. Dark circles rested under his eyes, and it had been a few days since he had been able to trim his beard. He took a paper towel from the dispenser next to him and patted his face dry, trying to avoid the man staring back at him the best he could.
The man that stared back at him was haunted.
He grabbed his helmet, moving a little too quickly out of the bathroom, grunting as he grabbed the doorframe to steady himself. He took a few more ginger steps and sat back down on his bed, eyeing the soup. He picked up the bowl, bringing it to his lips and taking a sip.
The cold broth nearly made him gag. Instead, he set the bowl down, picked up the hunk of bread, and ripped off a piece with his teeth. After chasing it with the glass of water, he put on his helmet and settled back into bed, his body tired from the trip.
A loud crash of thunder startled Din awake. He couldn’t have been asleep for more than a few hours. The clear night had given way, once again, to Ibaar’s ever-persistent thunderstorms. Lightning flashed as rain pelted the window, and he settled back into bed.
Another roll of thunder and a flash of lighting.
Except that wasn’t thunder, and the lighting grew brighter - burning orange.
It was an attack on the village.
Din moved, more on instinct than anything else. His armor and the rest of his clothes had been neatly stacked on a nearby chair, his amban rifle and beskar spear leaning up against the wall. His leg was screaming, and his side was protesting every move he made. Just like a thousand times before, he got his clothes and armor on in what felt like record time.
He moved to the door of his room, his amban rifle ready in case there had already been a breach. With his luck, the door would be locked, that had been par for the course since he had gotten to this fucking village, and - the door slid open.
“Huh,” came his reply as he slipped out of the room. There was another explosion followed by screaming, all too close for comfort.
Din made his way into the clinic, a relieved sigh escaping his lips. He didn’t know why he was thankful the doctor hadn’t chosen to go home that night and instead fell asleep at her workstation. Her head resting on her arms, her lab coat was draped over the back of her chair. She had a bag resting by her feet - it looked as though she had been on her way out but got caught up by something.
Another explosion came, this time shaking the clinic. Bacta sloshed in the tanks. Blaster fire could be heard right outside.
He looked back at the doctor, surprised and a little annoyed that she was still asleep. He moved to her, his hand going to her shoulder as he attempted to shake her awake.
Maker, this woman could sleep through anything.
Finally, after a rather forceful shake, she lifted her head, blinking as she looked up at him - confusion written all over her face.
“We need to go,” he told her, watching as she processed what was going on.
Shit, what was her name?
Finally, after a long second, it seemed to click for her, and she was grabbing her backpack, slinging it over her shoulders.
“We can’t go out through the front,” he said, his voice low. There seemed to be a lull in both the thunder and the violence outside, and an eerie calm had overtaken the clinic.
She nodded. “The clinic is set into the mountain,” she replied, looking up at him with a furrowed brow. “There really isn’t a back-“
The doctor was cut off by a loud banging, and a roar of flames lit up the clinic’s lobby. Din grabbed her upper arm, pulling her behind one of the storage cabinets. He reached down, pulling a slug from the holster on his boot. He loaded it into his rifle after pulling it back from around his shoulder. He loaded it up, priming it. They would need to go out through the front, which meant he would need to clear a path. He pulled another slug from his boot, handing it back to the doctor. “Hold this for me.” He whispered, and she closed her fingers over it. There was a pause and then the distinct mechanical shuffling of a droid.
“Who is knocking at this hour!” A9 called, clearly oblivious to the danger outside. Maker, he hated droids.
He could hear the doctor make a small noise from behind him, reaching out as though to try and use the force to stop him like Grogu trying to pull the ball from Din’s hand.
Before either of them could stop the droid, the door slid open and a stormtrooper followed by an incinerator trooper barreled into him. A9 fell back with a loud clang! And the stormtrooper pointed his blaster at A9’s head, pulling the trigger. The doctor made an involuntary yelp, instantly covering her hand with her mouth. The troopers turned, one looking at the other.
“Search for the doctor, kill anyone else. Then let’s torch this place,” he ordered the incinerator trooper.
Din charged his amban, immediately taking the shot. The slug hit the trooper in the chest, and despite the plastoid, the trooper’s body flipped once in the air before exploding into ash. He reached behind him, and the doctor handed him the slug he had passed her. He loaded it, and in one fluid motion, he had it in his rifle and fired it just as the incinerator trooper raised the nozzle on his flame thrower. The trooper exploded just as the one before had.
“Follow me,” Din ordered, slinging his rifle back over his back and pulling his beskar spear over his shoulder.
The pair made their way out of the clinic, and he saw the doctor stop out of the corner of his eye. The woman was staring, slack-jawed as she watched two troopers throw the doctor’s assistant onto a pile of bodies - silhouetted by the flames of the fire.
The sun was rising now, casting a pink hue over the sky - marred by smoke and flame of the burning village below. While the clinic may have been carved into the mountain, other homes around them were made with typical materials - and they were starting to come down. They needed to move. Now.
“Come on, doctor, if we want to live, we have to go,” Din said as he took the woman’s wrist and tugged her along.
She gaped at him for a moment, most likely trying to process what he had said. “We don’t have time. Come on,” he said, wondering just how many times he would have to tell her to get with it. He understood that she was most likely in shock. An attack on a village and seeing people important to you was startling. He didn’t want to diminish what she was feeling, but if they held out any longer, both of them would be dead. And as she put it, she did a good job on his sutures. He didn’t want them to burn up in a fiery inferno.
They needed to get to a speeder to get back to the docking bay; without one, the trip would be long and dangerous. The Empire would be patrolling more heavily now for people who fled in the chaos, and they wouldn’t stand a chance against TIE fighters on strafing runs.
They continued to run, the flames lifting higher and the explosions fading as they made their way out of the village. Once or twice they had to dodge out of the way of a collapsing building. Any troopers they met on their way got to know a beskar spear very intimately. The doctor tripped over a piece of fallen rubble, her shins, and palms a bloody mess, as he grabbed her upper arm and drug her to her feet.
Eventually, Din found the speeder he had been looking for - an old, faded brown X-37 land speeder. He threw his spear into the passenger seat and settled down into the driver’s seat. Satisfied the doctor was in the back seat, he flipped on the ignition, praying to the maker that it actually had fuel in it.
After a beat, it powered on.
“We need to go,” he heard the doctor behind him say, her voice breaking. He turned in his seat, eyes going wide behind his helmet. A transport was dropping an AT-ST into the middle of the village. There was no hope left for these villagers. They and their marshal were reaping what they sowed, and he found it hard to be sympathetic even though he was hired to poke the proverbial hornet’s nest.
“Hold on.” ** Chapter 5: In A World Upside Down Taglist: @novemberrain221, @blackdogdesignuk, @mistyfur5, @thepoisonofgod, @kesskirata, @hayley-the-comet, @absurdthirst @lellowberry
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thestrawberryfairy · 7 years
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Thought I would be fun to make bonnibelle and the others in the Tim burton style to try something different from my regular art style
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avis-ghoul · 8 months
*they kick the door open, cake in hand.*
- @interrogate-inferno-ghoul
“… huh? My… my what?”
Avis groggily sits up from their nest, their feathery hair sticking up at odd angles. “Did you, uh, say cake?”
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shinderaarc · 7 years
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if we’re mutuals & you’d like to add me on d.iscord, here you go !   i do a bit of plotting there & rp as well whenever i’m not doing things here on tumblr.  please im me here if you add me, just so i know who you are if it’s not obvious by your handle. mutuals only pls !
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