lovelylemonfluff · 2 years
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° Warnings None o(〃^▽^〃)o
° characters ♡Ayato♡, ♡Thoma♡, ♡Xiao♡
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . .♥︎
you sat at the edge of your shared bed you couldn't stop thinking of the fight you just had with Ayato you didn't think that casually slipping into a conversation he shouldn't be so hard on himself and try taking a little break from his work would be such a bad idea, you had the best intentions
A small nock on the door startles you "come in...." the door creeks as it slowly opens revealing Ayato, he looks a bit nervous you don't see that often now do you but also he seems sad, regretful even.
"Ay-" before you could say his name Ayato gets on his knee in front of you and takes your hand placing a small kiss on your knuckles, he takes your hand and places it in between both of his
He takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes "my love" Ayato sounds so sad, his eyes are practicaly begging for you to forgive him
he gets up rappedly his arms wrapping around you, he takes your face in his palm "please forgive me my love for being an inconsiderate degenerate" he pecks your lips lighty
as he holds you closer.
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .♥︎
You and Thoma didn't fight very often if a Dissagrement happend Thoma would try and calm you down he absolutely hates fighting with you and will avoid it at all coast, but today was different Thoma wasint particular mad more annoyed with that you had said to him
You love Thoma and everything about him although he just can't say no it's how he ends up helping everyone and when you said he should learn to say no more because he doesn't need to help everyone its like everyone's taking advantage of him
when you said that it kinda hurt Thoma, was he not good at helping? was he neglecting your needs? none of those were true but Thoma didn't have time to asked he kinda just walked away ashamed of him self
Now you were laying in your shared bed alone you heard Thoma come in some minutes ago but you weren't sure if he wanted to talk or not so you waited to see if he would come to you he didn't (◞‸◟ㆀ)
you were thinking of offering him the bed and you sleeping on the couch in till you heard the door open "Hello sweetheart" Thoma apperd at the door way smiling from ear to ear like always with a tray in his hand
"Thoma where have you been?" you sit up as he steps closer "don't worry about that" he says while setting the tray in your lap "I made your favorite!" he leaned over and kissed your forhead "I'm sorry dear for everything I'll he better" he lookes down at you with a loving smile "Thoma you did nothing wrong, I was just worried people were taking advantage of your kindness"
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .♥︎
Ah Xiao my sweet little yakshaヽ( 'ω' )ノ, Xiao always had trouble showing his love for you so he showed it in two ways
number one gifts, number two self deprecation he would always say things like "why are you when with someone like me your to wonderful to be with someone like me" archons why doesn't someone divine be with someone who deserves you, but dose such a person even exist? " those are Xiaos way of saying "I LOVE YOU MORE THEN ANYTHING ID GIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU"
Big sad ╥﹏╥
"Xiao!" you shouted he looked up at you "just stop! this is so stupid are you an idiot! " you words were harsh yes but you ment it in more of a "Xiao you idoit your the best boyfriend ever I want to be with you for the rest of time and even more" but Xiao took it more as a "Xiao your so annoying and idiotic leave my presences at once!" (≖、≖╬)
"ugh why am I even hear" Xiao said in a very annoyed and sad tone "why are you like this Xiao" you stormed off yeah you definitely over reacted and should have explained yourself BUT XIAOS SELF DEPRECATION WAS SO SAD AND IT ANNOYED YOU HOW COULD HE NOT SEE HOW SUPER AWESOMELY AMAZING HE WAS (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥)
you went back to the harbor and thought about what happened and yeah you definitely should apologize
SOOOOOOO you made some almond tofu and when back to the Inn
"Xiao!" you shouted "you call" Xiao stood infront of you ready to fight thinking you were in danger yet it was just you with a plate of almond tofu, you run over to hug him "I'm sorry Xiao I shouldn't have acted out.....its just I have when you say all that stuff it makes me upset your so amazing and you deserve to know that, now come sit down with me" you pull Xiao over to the wall and sit in the ground with him "d-do you really think I'm amazing?" Xiao looked down you smile "of course silly now eat this" you when Xiao the plate he takes a spoon full and looks up at you "I love you forever I promise" Xiao quickly shoves the spoon in your mouth he was blushing like crazy (*¯ -¯*)♡ "don't say a word" he says sturnly
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •*《
♥︎Hiiii traveler (◍•ᴗ•◍) I hope you enjoyed♡
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: I’ve Been Burned Before - Chapter #7
Pairing: Steter [Stiles Stilinski + Peter Hale]
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,317
Mild Explicit Language
The younger man shuffles in place. "Where do you suppose the spark is now?"
"Who knows?" said the older gentleman.
“Whatever was that spark’s name?” the old woman asks.
Neither man knows the answer, but a small girl nearby quickly engages them from her place on a swing set. “He was everyone and no one at once of course. No one knows his name. I think he could even be a she, but we’ll never know either way.”
A/N: Enjoy!! ♡ ♥︎ ♡
Full AO3 Link
Created For: @anyfandomgoesbingo / Square Filled: “I hope you’re happy.”
The months continue to pass and pretty soon they’ve been mated for three months. It’s a week after month three of being mated that a piece of information reaches the ears of the two mates through the mistletoe vine of supe news. 
It’s an old woman that they overhear on their way to the shop from their date whose words make them stop in their tracks.
“It’s tragic is what it is but no one feels any great sympathy as far as I can tell. The lot of them were rotten and that Nemeton was rotten through and through.”
An older gentleman speaks next. “It’s a shame though. So many lives were lost. To think, all they needed was a spark. I mean they’re rare and all of course, but they had one. Had the spark not been harmed, they easily could’ve prevented everything.”
Peter watches his mate freeze in place as they listen in a manner that is as inconspicuous as possible. He's dying to wrap his arms around Stiles and hold him tight. The scent of fear and more is making his wolf anxious. Peter settles for taking his mate's hand and lacing their fingers together.
Stiles’s blood runs cold as he listens to the words said by a younger man who is the next to speak.
“Well, you know it’s called Beacon Hell for a reason. Sparks are gifts to us weres, gifts to the supernatural world in general, and that the spark was taken for granted is abhorrent. I don't blame the poor thing for leaving. I would have left too.”
The older gentleman clears his throat, humming in agreement. "Aye, as would I. Also, a spark needs an anchor which is often a pack. However, they don't need an anchor in the same way a were does. That group of individuals could hardly be considered a pack. They were the antithesis of such a sacred thing."
"The poor dear," the old woman says softly.
"My heart goes out to the spark, truly." The older man huffs, sounding vaguely annoyed. "If I had any idea who the spark was, I would've shown them what a pack should be like."
The younger man shuffles in place. "Where do you suppose the spark is now?"
"Who knows?" said the older gentleman.
“Whatever was that spark’s name?” the old woman asks.
Neither man knows the answer, but a small girl nearby quickly engages them from her place on a swing set. “He was everyone and no one at once of course. No one knows his name. I think he could even be a she, but we’ll never know either way.” She notices Stiles and Peter and waves. “Hi, Mr. and Mr. Hale!”
The two mates wave and then keep walking, Stiles’s normally pale face ashen. Something has happened in Beacon Hills, but the question is, what exactly did happen? Neither of them says the words allowed, their new life still feeling somewhat fragile in some respects. Would it be just their luck if that accursed place and the ghosts of their past were the thing that shattered their peaceful existence?
✸ ✧ 🔥 ✧ ✸
It takes hours to calm Stiles down. Peter is exhausted by the time his mate finally settles.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.”
Stiles gulps, inhaling air greedily as his chest loses its tightness. “Do you think it’s really bad?”
Peter shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s possible. Why?”
“No reason,” Stiles snaps. The shop shakes slightly with the spark's frustration, a glow coming from his eyes. Peter loves his mate and finds his power intoxicating but when he gets upset all the wolf wants to do is fix it. A frame falls to the ground and shatters.
Stiles glares at it and then at his mate. "Well shit. I'll have to make a new one for the dryad's birthday." His lips form a pout, the walls stilling and the shop suddenly silent once more.
Softly, Peter rumbles to soothe his mate. He hates when Stiles is upset, but he doesn't know how to approach him right now. They never talk about that accursed town. Neither of them loved it there. Neither of them has the fondest of memories of the place. Well, the fond memories they do have, don't outweigh the bad ones. "Stiles, darling? What can I do?"
"Nothing," the spark says, the scent of salt hitting the air. "Great. Now I'm all weepy. I hope you're happy."
The wolf quirks a brow and tilts his head at his mate's tone.
Stiles huffs, his cheeks pinking with sheepishness and guilt. "Sorry, my wolf," he mumbles. Stiles sighs and crosses his arms, looking so small and much less like the powerful spark Peter knows him to be. He's nearly hidden from the wolf's sight where he's sunk into the sofa with the giant quilt wrapped around him.
"It's all right, sweetheart. No harm done."
“I don’t give a damn about any of them,” Stiles says, sending a small smile to his mate in thanks but it quickly disappears. "I don't have a single damn fuck to give about them. I'm all fresh out of fucks." 
The steady beat of the spark's heart doesn’t surprise Peter. Stiles is telling the truth and it would've shocked Peter more if he had still cared. The wolf has never claimed to be a good person and well Stiles hasn’t either. It’s like Darcy says, 'My good opinion once lost is lost forever.'
The Beacon Hell Hole wolves didn’t heed the warning. He wonders what exactly happened but decides not to push any more. He’s not eager to find out the circumstances behind the gossip they overheard earlier today. That accursed town holds nothing good for him or his mate.
So instead, Peter guides his mate to lay down and positions himself between his mate and the back of the sofa. He curls around his mate's back and holds him close. After a few minutes of gently running his clawed fingers through Stiles's hair, Peter tucks the quilt in tight around his mate and buries his nose in the spark’s neck. The outside world can fuck off for now, especially whatever shitstorm the wolves have undergone. Whatever it was, they surely brought it upon themselves.
✸ ✧ 🔥 ✧ ✸
When Peter wakes, his mate isn’t there and he panics slightly. He snarls softly and tries to calm his racing heart, only relaxing when he sees Stiles sitting cross legged on the floor. The spark is silently staring at nothing almost like he's in a trance. As the wolf sits up, he recognizes what's happening. He's only seen it on a few occasions and he's in awe every time.
Right now, his mate is wearing the expression he has when the spark is communicating with the earth, although usually he does it outside where he can actually—“Did a root decide it wanted to buy some potions?” the wolf says in a teasing tone.
Stiles blinks and slowly turns to look at him. His eyes are glowing bright purple, the small strikes of lightning making Peter shudder. At first, the wolf doesn't think he'll get a reply, but after a couple minutes, his gaze still distant, Stiles says, “They’re gone. All of them. They are all gone. There’s no one left.”
Peter stills, his eyes widening. “No one?” he whispers.
“No one.” 
The spark reaches forward to take his mate’s hand so he too can see what Stiles has learned from Mother Earth and Neoma, Queen of the Nemeta. His voice is eerie when he speaks.
“Nemeta are sacred and are worshiped as goddesses in most countries. They are protected by their chosen guardian. Every single Nemeta has a guardian except for the Nemeton in Beacon Hills. 
“For a time, the guardian was my mother but then she grew ill and there was no one to teach me. So, the Nemeton tried to find me and show me my role, but she wasn’t strong enough. The town fell into darkness, a darkness so depriving that she was lost to hibernation. She was too weak but then the night you were killed by fire, she was awakened once more. She healed my burn, though the scar was beyond her ability to heal. She then aided me in my departure as best she could. 
“However, she kept watch over the town as much as was in her power to do so. She saw the way the so called pack functioned. There was no loyalty among them. There was no real connection, and the pack bonds were non-existent. 
“So, the day after you left, the Nemeton reached out to her queen to plead with her. She begged the queen to see the town was cleansed. The Queen did but when she discovered just how deep into the darkness the town had gone, she said there was nothing for them to do but start over. Like Noah in the ark, the Nemeton shot up and swallowed the town whole in her new shadow.”
Peter is silent and frozen as he listens, almost unable to believe what he’s hearing. “So, there’s no more Beacon Hills? No Derek or Scott or your—”
“No more,” Stiles says, cutting his mate off. He swallows thickly, his throat clicking with the action. “There is no such thing as Beacon Hills anymore.” Then Stiles slumps as if he were a puppet that had gotten its strings cut.
Peter is quick to catch his mate and pulls him close. The rest of the information continues to trickle into the wolf’s mind, and he snarls at what he learns.
Deaton helped Kate.
Gerard and Kate worked together to kill Laura and Peter was blamed.
Derek abused his power over the new betas and ended up blinded by them.
The Sheriff was turned and then went feral.
Stiles had been the heart, had been the glue, of what little pack they had.
When Stiles left everything fell apart. 
The wolf looks down at his unconscious mate and brushes the chocolate curls away from his eyes. His beautiful mate who was the glue and heart of that band of misfits left and without him they were nothing. Now, from what Peter has just gleaned, they really are nothing. They are no more.
With a sigh, Peter lifts his mate and carries him upstairs to the bedroom. He sets about tucking the two of them into bed. The wolf doesn’t expect anything more from Stiles tonight, but just as he’s about to fall asleep himself, he feels a tug on his wrist. Amber eyes lock with his own as the spark speaks in a whisper. “I have to go back.”
Peter blinks and narrows his eyes. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Why?” Peter snaps. “There’s nothing there. You said it yourself. There's nothing there for you. There's nothing there for me. There is nothing there for either of us. Why would you go back?!"
A hand cups the wolf’s cheek and Stiles flashes his eyes. “It’s my birthright. Neoma has asked me to go. It is now my duty as it was my mother’s duty before me.” Stiles’s voice cracks. “Don’t make me go alone, my wolf. I don’t want to go alone.”
Peter growls softly and pulls his mate into a tight embrace. “I told you there’s no place for me other than by your side. You are not alone. You will never be alone again. I promise. I belong by your side, always. I will be by your side until my final breath, darling.”
The tension that had built up in Stiles in preparation for his mate’s refusal dissipates. The spark smiles, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I love you, mój słodki wilku," he whispers against the tan skin of his mate's throat. The spark noses at his claiming bite, giving it a harsh nip, that he soothes the sting of with his tongue.
The action elicits a soft gasp from the wolf. "And I you, little sparkling."
Stiles pulls back with a wet laugh and puckers his lips, seeking a kiss from his wolf, a kiss from his mate. Of course, Peter eagerly gives the amber eyed man what he desires. There’s nothing the wolf wouldn’t do for Stiles, nothing he wouldn't do for his mate. Peter can only hope that the spark knows this. IF he doesn't, Peter will keep reminding him over and over and over again.
With this in mind, the wolf pulls from the kiss to lock eyes with his gorgeous mate. "There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. You know that right?"
A thick swallow makes the pale column of his mate's throat tighten and loosen as the spark nods. "Yes, but I love hearing it just the same."
"Then I shall tell you over and over and over again. I never want you to doubt it."
Stiles smiles, his cheeks bright pink again. "The same goes for me in regard to you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, my Peter wolf."
"Oh?" Peter says, his smile doing things to Stiles. The wolf's heart swells, and he kisses the tip of Stiles's nose. "I didn't know that, but now I do."
"What a pair we make, huh?" Stiles says with a goofy grin. 
Peter chuckles. "Yes, what a pair we make indeed."
Stiles quirks a brow and chews his lip, gasping with a clawed finger gently pries the lip from between his teeth. 
"What do you want, Stiles?"
"You. Peter, I want you."
"I'm yours," the wolf breathes, bringing their lips together once more.
They get lost in the intoxication of skin on skin when the spark vanishes their clothing. Tomorrow, they will worry about the trek back to the place where it all began, but for now they will indulge in the carnal pleasures they can bring each other. They will do so again and again and again until dawn.
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nope-astrology-nope · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶
Yaaas I love tags and I love music ✨✨ Thank you dear @asdfghjklmpff ♥
And ummmm the music I listen usually depends on what I'm writing, and I'm not writing anything at the moment, so I'm listening to veeeery random stuff. So I'm just going to put here some of my favs hahah
Bastille - Lethargy
2. The Oh Hellos - Rio Grande
3. Foals - Moon
4. Julia Marcell - Aye Aye
5. The Howl & The Hum - Thumbs Up
This is just a weird mix of music but well, all these songs have a deep meaning to me and I simply love all these artists ♥
I tag @rayesworld @boneopera @ephemeral-eternity @not-shark @rainbow-nerd-13 @undutchable11 @ahotpeaceofshit @shadowbeneaththewaves @hydeandfreak and I think I'll stop there ♥
Thnak you for the tag!
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mahikaniayanasworld · 2 years
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DEAR HEART🖤♥ Pumasok bilang isa sa mga assassin ng Hainsha Underground Secret Agent si Pyre. Hindi nya pinangarap ang makahawak ng kahit na anumang sandata na nakamamatay.
Simpleng buhay lang ang pinapangarap nya, yun ay ang magkaroon ng mapagmahal na asawa at malulusog na anak.
Subalit ang pangarap nyang iyun ay nauwi sa malagim na trahedya, ng makidnap at pinatay ang kanyang mapapangasawa. Bumagsak ang langit at lupa kay Pyre ng malaman nyang buntis pa pala ito.
Gusto nyang pagbayarin ang mga taong may gawa nito, kaya kahit na ayaw nya ng magulong mundo, pinasok nya ang pagiging assassin agent.
Makamit kaya ni Pyre ang hustisya para sa kanyang mag ina, kung palaging may humahadlang na mahadira sa bawat kilos at galaw nya?
Name: Pyre Tymal
Age: 27
Birthday: July 18, 1993
Civil Status: Single
Hobbies: Star gazing
Nationality: Turkish
Occupation: Hainsha Secret Assassin Agent
Position: Spy
Motto: "Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections...
⚔ Pyre Tymal ⚔
"If the wishing star will grant my one wish...
"I wish that all the pain I have today will be the reason why I will have a biggest smile tomorrow."
- Pyre Tymal -
Kahit ilang beses ng na brokenhearted si Daphne, positive thinking pa rin sya sa buhay.
Hindi sya playgirl, hindi rin pa hard to get at mas lalong hindi easy to get!
Ma prinsipyo sya sa buhay, may paninindigan at malakas ang loob. Isa lang ang problema sa kanya madaldal kasi sya na madalas pagsimulan ng hindi pagkakaunawaan.
Sa taglay nyang kagandahan, napapalingon ang lahat ng kanyang madaanan.
Sa taglay nyang kabaitan, marami syang naging kaibigan.
Hanggang isang araw may nakita syang lalakeng pasok sa standard nya. Isang lalaking mysteryoso na gustong gusto nya.
Ang bagong kapitbahay nilang ubod ng suplado, isnabero, seryoso at higit sa lahat antipatiko. Ito lang yata ang lalakeng hindi nabighani sa taglay nyang karisma, kaya para na syang stalker nito.
Kasi naman kung bakit sa dinami dami ng manliligaw at tagahanga nya.
Dito pa sya pinana ni kupido sa lalakeng wala yatang pakiramdam at pakialam sa paligid nito.
Paano na ngayon ang Puso nya?
Aasa na lang ba sya sa milagro o mabo broken hearted na naman sya?
Name: Daphne Satgiel
Age: 24
Birthday: February 2, 1996
Civil Status: Single
Bar hopping
Nationality: Sweden
Occupation: Personal Secretary
"Motto: "You don't find love, it finds you.
It's got a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what's written in the stars."
⚔ Daphne Satgiel ⚔
"Dear heart,
I've told you a million times
not to fall in love with someone
I can't have.
But you keep on betraying me!
-Daphne Satgiel -
"You don't walk into love, you fall in. That's why it's so hard to get out."
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demidorks · 5 years
I got through pjo and hoo in a under a year since i never read them when I was little and im living cos ive started toa now and like bro... BRO
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