#Abbie Mills Shines
100foreverfiles · 2 years
Hi Kabby fandom. Anyone still out there? I just rewatched some of The 100. Does anyone else still need Abby and Kane to live happily ever after? Well, I did.
But wouldn't the afterlife be awkward with Jake there? Maybe! Who would Abby choose? Would Marcus and Abby be allowed to find peace?
Let's find out.
Title: May We Meet Again
Chapter 1: The Arrival
When Abby woke up, she was laying on her back on the ground with a bright light shining on her face. She groans, blinks as her pupils adjust. Shades her eyes with her hand and looks up. Is that the sun? Where I am?, she wonders. The ground is uncomfortable, uneven and bumpy. Something is poking at her back. She reaches underneath her to feel for it. A stick? Am I outside?
Her memory is hazy as things come into focus. 
With a gasp, Abby remembers she had just been attacked. She bolts upright. Looks around, adrenaline pumping. But her attacker isn’t there. No one is there. She’s alone.
And she’s safe for the moment, apparently. 
Abby takes a breath and starts to analyze her unfamiliar surroundings. This place looks like earth. Trees. A blue sky. The sun. But this is not a part of earth she has seen before -- it’s a dense green forest and the trees are taller than the ones she remembers from before. They’re massive.
She looks up at the treetops towering above her and, for a moment, allows herself to be awed by the sheer majesty and beauty of this forest.
Then she looks back to the ground and finds she’s sitting in the middle of a path that runs through these woods. It’s quiet here. The only sounds she hears are those of the occasional birdsong and of a gentle wind passing through the leaves, causing them to rustle. 
Where am I? 
Slowly, she stands up, trying to account for any injuries, and finding none. She passes a hand across her neck where she remembers the needle being jabbed into her but finds no indication of where that injection may have been. 
What’s even odder is that she feels well. Really well, in fact -- like having just woken from a long, deep sleep, rested and healthy. There’s no headache, no hunger, no weakness and...no longing for her pills, Abby notices. That was a pain that had never fully gone away...until now. She feels like she did years ago, on the Ark, but somehow even better than that. 
What the hell was going on? 
Chapter 2: The request
2 hours earlier 
Jake rides into the village, taking quick stock of who’s out and about today -- he’s looking for one person in particular. His eyes scan the people he sees. People are milling about, hauling supplies, heading back from the fields. This village looks much like his own. Though he’s only been here a couple of times over the years, it feels familiar in that way -- a similar layout but different buildings and structures. If things had been different, he might’ve ended up here, he thinks.
He pulls on his horse’s reigns, slowing things down to a walk, then stops and dismounts, leading the horse to the center square where it can be tied up while Jake continues his mission.
He’s here to find Marcus Kane. Today is important. And time is of the essence. 
But Kane has found him instead. From the corner of his eye, Jake sees the shape of his old friend approaching as he finishes up with the horse. 
“Jake,” says Marcus Kane, walking up to Abby’s husband. Or former husband might be more correct, Marcus thinks to himself. “I was expecting you.”
“Hi Marcus,” Jake says, sizing up the man who apparently won the heart of his long-lost wife years ago. Though the two had lived alongside each other in neighboring villages ever since they each came to this place -- Marcus, more recently, of course -- they had not yet met up. 
Neither had any real interest in rekindling their friendship from the days of the Ark, not with the matter of Abby now in the way. Marcus naturally imagined Jake would resent him for the relationship. And Jake, truth be told, sort of did when he first heard about it. It was hard enough to live with what Abby had done, but that she had found love with the enemy? That would take time to get over.
As it turned out, all they had here was time. Jake created a life for himself. And found his way to forgiveness. But not so much that he wanted to be friends with Kane again. 
“You heard? She’s coming,” Marcus said, skipping the formalities.
Jake was here -- which Marcus knew meant he wanted to meet his wife again when she arrived. Abby was due in a matter of hours. Too soon, they both knew. She must have not left the last world by natural means. Marcus hoped her exit had at least been quick and painless.
“Yes,” said Jake. “That’s why I want to talk to you.” 
Marcus stared back at Jake, a dark expression on his face. He knew this day would come. 
As much as Marcus wanted to see Abby again, he knew he may also have to lose her as soon as he got her back -- to Jake. After all, this was the man Abby had married, the father of her child. The man who’s ring she wore around her neck for years. And who was he, Marcus Kane? A bond she made amid a torturous existence. Something to hold onto as a matter of survival. Was that enough, now that fighting for survival would not be her future here? Maybe? But probably not. 
“Marcus,” Jake began. “Look, I know we haven’t spoken about this.”
Marcus didn’t respond, just shrugged and gave a small nod. It is what it is.  
“You know I’ve heard that you and Abby were together. And...” he paused, trying to put together his words. This was awkward. “I mean, I don’t quite get it -- she didn’t even like you!”
To that, Marcus gave the slightest of smiles. A nearly imperceptible lift of his lip was all that gave it away. He remembered Abby yelling at him on the ark. Breaking the law to keep you from becoming Chancellor was the easiest decision I've ever made! 
Abby had been so fierce then. How he loved her for it.
How her opinion had changed over the years. He remembers her later placing the Chancellor pin in his hand. This should be yours, she said. She had believed in him then.
Their love and trust took time, and it had been worth it. Despite everything else, it was his last life’s saving grace. 
But now Jake was here to make sure Marcus and Abby didn’t get another chance, it seems. He would turn this place of paradise into Marcus’ own personal hell.
Because Jake was obviously here greet Abby on arrival and lead her away. He wanted a do-over, too.
Or at least that’s what Marcus believed.
“That was a long time ago,” Marcus said to Jake, responding to his comment as to how Abby would have ever chosen him, a man she had disliked. “Things changed. We changed.” 
“I guess you did,” Jake concluded, looking at him and wondering what Abby saw. Did she like the scruffy beard? Was it just a sexual thing? He put the thought out of his mind.
“Anyway, listen, I need to see Abby today. And I need to see her first. Before you and everyone else.”
“That’s not how it’s done,” Marcus responded calmly. “You know that. Everyone goes together. They need to see everyone when they arrive here to make it real.”
“No one greeted me and I was fine,” Jake pointed out.
Marcus didn’t know that. Was that common knowledge around here? Jake had said it like he assumed Marcus knew. He knew Jake arrived somewhere else before he came to the village, but never gave it much thought. Actually, Marcus tried very hard to not think about Jake at all, if truth be told.
“Abby will get that it’s real when she sees me,” Jake stressed. “I need to talk to her. It’s important.”
“We all have important things to say to her, Jake,” Marcus replied. He had much to say, too. He had rehearsed it.
“I know but, look, I need to do this now. For her. And for me...I need to forgive her for floating me so she can move on and find her peace. And I need to ask for her forgiveness as well. I know I put her in that position -- where she had to make a choice -- and I allowed Clarke to be dragged into it, too,” said Jake.
Marcus didn’t argue. He agreed with Jake’s assessment of the matter. Though he never said as much to Abby, Clarke was on that drop ship because of her father’s actions. But he let Abby blame him instead. After all, he was sending the kids to the ground. You got your extra air, Abby had growled at him after Clarke was hauled away. It was easier for Abby if he was the bad guy so she didn’t have to hate Jake for what he did. And it’s not like sending kids to a possibly unsurvivable earth was a good thing, so it seemed like a fitting role for him anyway.
Marcus continued listening to Jake’s pleas.
“My death wasn’t all on her -- or you, or Jaha. Or the Ark’s laws. It’s also on me. And she needs to know that,” Jake said. “She needs that information.”
That’s true, Marcus thought. And he’s glad Abby will finally get the chance to hear it.
“You can tell her that, Jake. When she gets here. But you don’t need to go first,” Marcus rebutted, still trying to stay calm and rational as his anxiety over the Jake and Abby reunion intensified.
He knew Jake would come today. But Marcus hoped that Abby would at least give him a chance. Her relationship with Jake was years ago. But she only just lost Marcus. Maybe she’d choose him? He knew it was implausible when Jake was her other option — but it was that last thread of hope he was hanging on to. And he wasn’t going to let it go because Jake was asking nicely for a head start.
“Listen, Marcus,” said Jake. “I am not here to rekindle anything with Abby, if that’s what you’re thinking. She moved on,” he gave Marcus a pointed look. “But I did as well.”
Marcus’ eyes widened. Jake saw the glimmer of hope they contained.
Jake paused, wondering how much he wanted to share with Marcus about the person who’s now become the most precious thing to him in this new world. 
He decided to keep it high level.
“I can’t be with Abby. I’m with…someone else. There was someone here for me -- someone now special to me in a way that I can’t even explain,” Jake said, his voice filling with emotion, thinking of his new love. “I’m not leaving her for Abby. But… I do need to do this for Abby. I need to have this moment and we need to say goodbye. We both need closure.” 
Marcus’ heart skipped a beat. If Jake was now in love with someone else...maybe he would have a chance after all?
But quickly his realist and pessimistic nature took over again. 
Oh c’mon, it’s Abby!, Marcus chided himself. Whatever Jake feels now could still change. He will see Abby again and…that will be it. He’ll want her back and she’ll feel the same. How could they not? How could anyone give up on Abby? He never would.
Could a love like Abby’s and Jake’s even ever die?, he wondered. It had been very real. Marcus knew that. He had been there to watch it bloom and grow on the Ark. He remembered them together, glowing, happy, holding their new baby -- Clarke. He remembered them always touching, laughing. They had been the ideal couple.
Meanwhile, he and Abby never really had a chance to sustain happiness -- there was always something stopping them…some new challenge to overcome. And then Abby took the pills and things got even worse. He tried to save her from herself and failed. She tried to save his life and failed, resorting to the atrocity of stealing a new body he could not accept. He left her then. He floated himself. And would she ever forgive him for that?
There was a time on the Ark when Abby and him had been friends. Childhood friends. But they went their separate ways. Abby didn’t choose him all those years ago when Jake entered the picture and it’s doubtful she’d do so now, not with Jake here again , Marcus told himself. After all, she would have remained happy with Jake if her husband hadn’t gotten it into his head to create chaos on the Ark by telling everyone the truth, threatening their future. Or what they thought at the time was the future of the human race.
That was a forgivable offense in terms of the heart. It just wasn’t forgivable by Ark law. Abby and Jake would get past it. All it would take is one apology, one conversation —the conversation Jake was asking permission to have now, before anyone else got a chance to say anything. Before Abby even saw anyone else. Before she saw him.
“Jake,” Marcus began. “Whatever you need to say to Abby can be done today. I promise. And while you may think you love...uhh...”, he paused, realizing he didn’t know Jake’s new lover’s name. 
“Emily,” Jake supplied.
“And while you may love Emily now, Abby was your wife. There’s always a chance that you’ll feel differently when you see her again. But what’s more, this just isn’t how it’s done. We all go together. So she’s not alone. There’s a purpose in that.” 
“Marcus, please,” Jake begged. “I don’t want to do this in the crowd -- I’m just asking for a few minutes alone with Abby before everyone gets together. Then you can all greet her. I’m not staying here for that. I’m not doing the whole ‘welcome home’ party thing you all do here, either. I told Emily this is something I just need to do -- and she understands. But I’m coming home to her.”
“Marcus, you know this is right. Abby deserves my forgiveness. It took me awhile to get there. But I’m there. And I know she can’t move forward in peace here without it,” he added.
Marcus thought for a moment then spoke. He didn’t trust Jake. He had always thought him a stable guy, devoted to the greater good of saving humanity. But his last actions were those of a radical. Of someone not willing to think things through. Or even discuss it. He knew he’d die, abandoning his wife and child. Marcus couldn’t imagine it. He only left Abby because he was already dead. He saw his body. He wasn’t really Marcus anymore.
“Jake, we knew each other a long time ago,” Marcus began. “But you betrayed us with your mission of truth at the end -- so I’m now not sure I ever really knew you at all. Because I would have never guessed you would have done something like that. Without considering the consequences of your actions. And I don’t know if you’re considering them now,” he paused, adding, “…and I also don’t know if I believe you when you say that’s all you want today — just a chance to talk with Abby. Maybe you you want to believe that, I don’t know,” Marcus said. “But if you really loved Emily, you wouldn’t risk being the first person Abby sees today You don’t know what that may do to her or to you.”
Jake sighed. He was not getting through. He changed tactics.
“Regardless of whether you believe me or not -- don’t you want this to be Abby’s choice?,” Jake pushed, becoming more insistent. “Really, what’s your plan, Marcus? If I’m here for what you think I am here for, do you think it’s actually better for her see both of us at once, and have her choose in front of everyone? Break your heart or mine in front of a crowd?!,” Jake said, raising his voice in frustration.
“Or maybe you think I should just go away, so she’ll only see you?,” Jake asked. “So you can live your happily ever ever until ... until what? Until she finds out a few weeks later I’m only a couple of miles away and you didn’t even tell her? And that’s going to be better for her? Or for you?” 
Jake had a point. The other options weren’t great either. There was no easy or good way to do this. This was complicated. They were both here. There would always be someone Abby loved more. And if it was Jake, maybe it would be better if they just saw each alone and left together…alone. 
Plus, the humiliation of losing Abby to Jake might be the kind of thing he’d rather not have done in front of the whole town, Marcus guessed.
“Okay,” Marcus said at last, giving in. He didn’t want this, but Jake’s arguments made sense. “You can go first.” He exhaled. Abby should have a chance to decide. A choice. She should have Jake’s forgiveness. And yes, this plan of Jake’s might see her finding love with her former husband again.
It was a risk but one he owed it to Abby to take. For her happiness. Even if it means he lost. Even if it means he lost her.
Marcus turned away from Jake and spoke his last words, not meeting Jake’s eyes.
“I loved her, too, you know.” Marcus said quietly, then walked away.
Jake didn’t know what to say to that. He just stood there and watched Marcus go — a man looking defeated and broken.
Kane really thinks I’m trying to take Abby back, Jake thought.
And he gave up his own shot at happiness so Abby could decide. Even if her choice was not Marcus Kane.
I guess he really did love her, Jake said to himself, wondering if he would have done the same thing had he had been in Marcus’ shoes. Probably not. 
Chapter 3 The apology
Abby surveyed the path. There were no markers, no signs. No sounds from either direction. She had no idea which way to go, but figured she should pick one and try it. Surely it had to go somewhere?
But just as she started walking, she heard a noise. Footsteps. Someone was approaching her! She whirled around -- the noise had come from behind her. She watched as a figure emerged from around the bend in the path, behind the trees.
“Oh my god!” Abby exclaimed, frozen in her tracks as the man approached.
“Jake?” The figure had become her husband. A man who she last saw floating out into space. 
The man stopped, seemingly taken aback himself even though he knew he would see her here. It was a wonder to see Abby again after all this time. Marcus was right about that.
“Hi Abby,” Jake said. 
Abby took a step backwards, confused. Frightened. This wasn’t real. What was happening?
“No, no! You’re dead!,” she shouted. “I saw you get floated! You’re dead!”
“Abby,” Jake said quietly, taking a tentative step closer. “So are you. So are you.”
“What?! No!,” Abby stumbled, taking another step away from her husband who couldn’t really be her husband. “No!”
“What is this? Some trick? A dream?,” Abby said. She was panicking. “Drugs? I’m hallucinating?”
Jake now realized that maybe there was a reason why everyone greeted the new arrival as a group. Maybe this had been a bad idea.
“What’s the last thing you remember Abby?” he prompted, hoping to ground in her in this new reality. He stopped approaching her.
Abby thought about the needle jabbing into her neck. Seeing Jackson’s face, twisted in horror as she fell. Him shouting “no!” The floor coming into contact with her face. Then nothing. 
“A needle…in my neck.” She tried to find any memories of what came next. But there were none. Just darkness.
“You died,” Jake said.
“No….I…I’m dead?” Abby repeated, processing the words. She took a breath. “I’m dead?,” she said again, as she toyed with the idea, realizing it felt right. It felt true. She grew quiet. I’m dead, she thought. But she felt alive. How?
“How are you here? Why are you here?,” she asked the man. “Jake…is that really you?”
“It’s really me, Abby,” Jake said, smiling. Jake’s face lit up. The dazzling smile that had made her fall for him years ago. It seemed real, too. It was him, wasn’t it?
“Jake?” Abby stepped towards him, hesitantly. Could this be real? He reached for her and pulled her into his arms.
It felt real. If this was him…
“I’m sorry Jake,” Abby began to sob as he held her. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!,” she breathed the words in between gasps and cries, her head buried into his chest. It was all she could say. The feel of his arms around her was familiar, but after all those years with Marcus, it also felt wrong. 
Still, she had needed to say this for so long. She needed him to hear her.
“I know, I know,” Jake said, comforting her. 
They spent a few minutes like that until Abby regained her composure enough to say more than just two words.
Finally, she spoke.  
“What’s happening, Jake? Why I am here? Where is here? Why are you here?”
There were too many questions for Jake to respond to them all. He started with the most important one. 
“Abby, I came here today to say this-- I forgive you and...”
“No,” Abby protested, cutting him off. “I should have never...it’s my fault.” The tears rolled down her cheeks.
“I put you in a terrible position, Abby,” Jake said “I thought I was doing the right thing. But so did you. You thought you were saving everyone. You didn’t believe Jaha would float me -- you thought he’d convince me to stop. This wasn’t your fault Abby.”
“No, it was. It was!,” she cried. 
“No. Abby. It was not,” he said a bit more forcefully. “It was mine. There was another way -- and you found it after my death, didn’t you?” 
“No! I did it your way, Jake. I broke the rules. Just like you did! You were right all along!”
“And Kane didn’t float you for it?” Jake asked, somewhat incredulously.
Kane. Abby’s mind went to Marcus at the mention of his name. Is he here too? She forced herself to refocus on Jake’s words.
“He…,” Abby paused, remembering. “He argued against it,” she said softly, recalling Jaha’s gesture towards Marcus as he explained how the council had been convinced to spare her life. It wasn’t me, Jaha told her. Apparently Jake’s message awoke their better angels as well. Jaha looked at Kane when he said “their,” conveying with his eyes who had fought to save her.
Abby was confused then, but she understood it now.
“It doesn’t matter,” Abby said, trying again to push thoughts of Marcus out of her mind. “I’m the reason you’re dead,” Abby stated.
“No, Abby. Even if my plan went through, I’d still have been floated. I was going to be floated no matter what... I did that. I chose that. I chose that... that plan, that cause, over you. Over Clarke. Over our family. It was my fault, and getting Clarke involved -- risking her life too!! -- it’s I who needs your forgiveness, Abby. Can you see that?” 
Abby shook her head, unwilling to unload this burden she had carried around for so many years. Her guilt was not easy to let go of.
“No,” she said, looking at the ground. She pulled away from him. “No.”  
“I was going to die, Abby. I knew that. You know that. No matter what. I believed it was something worth dying for. But I should have stayed. For you. For Clarke. I chose the wrong thing. I’m the one who’s sorry.”
He lifted her chin up. Forcing her to look into his eyes.
Abby frowned, considering his words. Jake apologizing to her was so unexpected.
“Forgive me, Abby.” 
There was a long silence. She allowed herself to feel a touch of the anger she had back when Jake had first told her of what he meant to do. She had been wrong — but maybe they had both been wrong. Maybe there was no right way.
She realized she could allow Jake to take some of the blame.
“I suppose we could forgive each other,” Abby ventured. It was the best she could do. Jake needed this, apparently. Admittedly, she did too.
Jake smiled again, a bit more wistfully this time. How could I have not chosen her back then?, he wondered to himself.
“It’s done,” he said. “We’re forgiven.” 
He pulled Abby close again. And for a moment, they just stood there, awash in the mutual release of their respective pains…In the solitude of their own thoughts of what could have been, what they had lost.
Abby pulled back from Jake again. There was more she needed to know.  Like where Marcus was! — but she knew she couldn’t lead with that.
“Jake, what is this place?” 
“That’s a loaded question,” he said, with a laugh.  
She looked at him, waiting for him to continue. 
“It’s hard to explain it all right now. In simple terms, it’s another world, one where your life continues. And it’s an easier life, without so much suffering. But there’s more to it than that.” 
“It’s...the afterlife?,” Abby asked. 
“I’m not sure it fits in the definition we understand of what the afterlife is. It’s not a heavenly world, and no god or gods have appeared to us, in case you’re wondering.. It’s a very real place. But a transitional one.” 
“Transitional? So it’s temporary?”
“No, Abby. As in, a resolution to this life before the next.” 
“I don’t understand,” she said, shaking her head.
“It takes time to understand. And no one fully does,” Jake admitted. “But you will be here and then one day, a long time from now, you will go.”
“What about right now? Do I go somewhere...do I go with you?,” Abby asked. 
“Well,” Jake paused. He’d have to tell her about Emily. Marcus was wrong on this, as it turned out. He had loved Abby, that was true. He still did, but not like he loved Emily. He loved Emily in a way that surpassed all his memories of Abby. In a way that felt destined. And maybe it was.
“I guess that’s up to you,” Jake said, slowly. He knew he had made his choice, but he wanted to know what Abby would choose. Would she want to be with him, or did she really love Marcus Kane?
“What?,” asked Abby. 
“I guess the question of what you want to do next is up to you,” Jake replied. He pointed down the path ahead of them. “Down that way is a village filled with your family and friends. And I live a bit down that way,” he said pointing in the other direction -- the way he had come. “There are more people in my village from the Ark, too. And others who I met here,” he said, a vague reference to Emily. “They are both good places. But there’s also a wide world out there beyond this valley, if you want to be alone.”
“You’re not with my family and friends?,” Abby asked, confused. “Wouldn’t they be your friends, too? Do you not even see them? That doesn’t make sense.” 
“Well, I do see them. We meet up every so often. And they come to visit me,” Jake explained. “Jaha and I even hashed it out, too. We’re good now.” 
“Jaha’s here?” Abby exclaimed, and then wondered again about Marcus. “And you forgave him?!”
“Yes,” Jake answered. “I needed to. But I don’t go to his village much. There’s, well, there’s a particular ‘friend’ in his village who.... uh, let’s just say it would have been a bit awkward for us to hang out...you know, considering...”, Jake fumbled for the words. 
“I guess what I’m saying is...Abby, I know about Marcus,” he said at last. “I mean you and Marcus. And he’s there. In Jaha’s village.”
Abby’s heart soared again at Marcus’s name. He was here? Could this be true? Was he just steps away from her, looking and feeling as real as Jake does, standing before her now?
“Marcus is here?” she asked hopefully. Jake nodded.
More tears sprang to her eyes. She would see him again!
“Oh my god,” she breathed. A cry escaped her throat. She felt herself beginning to break down. He’s here!
But quickly, Abby realized who she was reacting in front of, and how this must feel to him. She reigned in her emotions as best she could.
“Jake, I’m sorry -- I just...I never forgot you but I just...,” Abby tried to explain. How can she tell him this truth? That Marcus is the only one she wants to be with in this new life -- or whatever it is? All she wants is him.
“It’s okay Abby,” Jake replied, looking less upset than she would have expected. “I mean, I had trouble believing it. Kane of all people!” He laughed at this. 
Abby smiled, but started her defense. 
“You don’t understand. After the Ark...we went to the ground....our lives…They were hard. Terrible even. There was so much suffering and pain.”
“But what Marcus and I had together was special, hard-won -- one of the only things, besides Clarke, worth living for. He was a good man, Jake. Different from the one you knew. He tried to do right. He became my ally. My partner. He took care of me. We fought for each other. We survived because of each other. We loved each other.”
“I love him,” she corrected herself, realizing he may not be gone anymore. 
Jake’s face was stoic as her heard her out.
“I’m sorry, I know this must be hard to hear,” Abby continued. “And it’s not because I didn’t love you,” Abby said, placing her hand on Jake’s arm. “I wore your ring around my neck for years. In many ways, I’ll always love you. You were my husband and Clarke’s father. We will always be a family. We had something special, too. But with Marcus..I love him in a different way, Jake. We worked for what we had, if that makes sense. We earned it.”
Jake nodded. It had been hard to hear how much Abby loved someone else, actually. But he was also happy for her because he knew what she meant. 
He and Emily had earned their love, too. They hadn’t arrived to a crowd of loved ones when they got here. They had each arrived here alone, with only the other one -- a stranger -- to greet them. Together they had to find their way through the wilderness of this world. Survive off the land, find a path forward, overcome obstacles. It took them a long time to find this place, their village, this part of the world.
Like Abby and Marcus, Emily had fought for Jake’s survival and he hers. This world didn’t have unusual suffering, but you could still die here -- of hunger, of dehydration, of cold, of injury. In the village, those things were impossible because there was plenty of everything to be had. And no one fought.
By the time Jake and Emily finally made it to the village, they knew the truth -- they were destined for each other, and their journey was designed to create that bond — a bond that was also different from what he and Abby had.
He and Abby had been a young love. A first love. It was precious in its own way. But it was not the same. 
“Abby,” Jake began. “If I asked you to come back to me now, you’d say no, right?” 
“I’m sorry, Jake,” Abby said softly. “But I would say no. Wherever Marcus is, that’s where I need to be.”
“That makes this easier then,” Jake admitted. “The truth is, I am with someone else, too. I couldn’t have asked you anyway.”
Abby looked up. “Oh?”
“Her name is Emily. And I met her here, unbelievably.”  Jake said, smiling as he pictured her in his mind’s eye. 
“And you’re happy?,” Abby asked, though the answer was written on his face. 
“Yes,” said Jake. 
“Then I’m happy for you.” She smiled back.
Ch 4: Jaha’s council
“You’re just letting her go?,” Jaha asked with surprise. 
Marcus had caught him up -- explained why the village — Abby’s friends and family — wouldn’t immediately greet her today. Her parents were concerned, of course, but Marcus easily convinced them it was for the best. He was still a good negotiator, as it turned out.
“I’m not letting her go, I’m giving her a choice,” Marcus said.
“Marcus, that’s crazy. In the next few minutes, she’ll arrive, find out she’s dead and see her dead husband standing in front of her,” Jaha argued. “She won’t even be in her right mind to make this kind of choice -- she’s going to be overwhelmed.”
“And besides,” Jaha continued. “We’re all supposed to be there -- it’s calming for the new arrivals. Thats how they understand they’ve left their old life and are in a better place. But Jake is not her ‘better place’ -- he’s a pain she’s carried for years.”
“I know but...,” Marcus said, his sentence drifting off, as doubt seeped in. 
“You should be there,” Jaha said forcefully. “At the very least. If not all of us. Allow her that comfort. She needs to see someone she loves.” 
“I’m allowing her to choose Jake if that’s what will make her happy,” Marcus said with a resigned sigh.
“You’re an idiot,” huffed Jaha. 
Marcus didn’t respond. Maybe he was. 
“Look, you agreed to let Jake go first,” Jaha said after a moment, clearly not giving up on this. 
“So fine, he sees her first. Gets to apologize or whatever it is he wants to do,” Jaha continued. “But you didn’t say you wouldn’t come at all. You didn’t say you wouldn’t interrupt them. And you do not have to let her leave with him -- you can go there and offer her another option.”
Marcus thought about this, but didn’t respond.
“Marcus, I mean, really…if Jake decides he wants her back, will he even let her know you’re here?,” Jaha asked. “That her parents are here? And you don’t get to make a case for yourself? Is that really a solid plan?”
Marcus considered what Jaha was saying. 
Jake would tell Abby she had options, right? If Jake decided Abby was more important to him than Emily, that is -- and how could she not be? it’s Abby! — surely he’d still tell Abby who else was here? That he, a man she had also loved, was here, too? It’s not like he could hide it, right?
“I don’t know,” Marcus admitted. 
“Marcus, it’s not that hard,” Jaha said. He had become quite the romantic himself after meeting up again with his own soulmate, his wife, here. “You love Abby. You love her and she’s coming here. You should go to her because…because she’s here,” he paused, as they both sensed that unexplained feeling that comes alongside a new arrival. “She’s here right now.”
“Right there,” Jaha said pointing towards the woods outside the town. 
Marcus stood up. He felt her presence. He realized was going to be impossible to resist going to her. It was impossible not to fight for her. To run to her. To hope against all hope that she loved him more than Jake, somehow, still. He had to try.
“I just wanted her to have a choice,” Marcus said, dejectedly, looking down at Jaha from where he stood. “But I guess I do need to be there when she makes it, for better or worse.” 
Marcus walked away from the table where they were sitting and towards the town’s gates. Within a few minutes, he had disappeared into the woods.
Chapter 5 Is this goodbye?
By the time Marcus heard the distant sounds of voices, Abby and Jake had forgiven each other, embraced again, and were saying their goodbyes. 
Marcus couldn’t make out their words. He stepped slower, as the sound of their the voices became clearer. He caught a glimpse of them from behind the trees. 
The sounds crystalized into words.
“Really, I’m happy how this worked out,” Abby was saying. “To know that you have another chance at love...That we both do,” she added, thinking of Marcus.
“Yes,” said Jake, hugging her tightly. “It was meant to be, I think.”
Marcus drew in a breath at their words, looking at them from his hidden position. He saw Jake and Abby in each other’s arms, expressing their love. His throat tightened and tears sprung up into his eyes. He knew it! He knew this would happen! How could Jake see Abby again and not want to hold her like that? How could he not love her? 
Marcus turned to walk away. He didn’t hear Jake and Abby’s final words. He didn’t hear their goodbyes. He didn’t see Jake turn and walk away or Abby start making her way down the path towards him. 
He saw nothing but the ground in front of him, through his watery eyes. His chest felt tight. He had to stop and try to catch his breath so he wouldn’t cry out loud and give away his position as an eavesdropper. He wanted to scream. Yell. Fall to the ground. All those days of hoping to see Abby again -- and this what he got. Nothing. Another loss.
Maybe this is his hell -- maybe he’s being punished -- maybe he’s being rightfully punished -- for everything he had done. Nothing could hurt like this. Nothing. Maybe this is what he deserved, he thought. 
Lost in self hatred and despair, he didn’t hear Abby’s approach.
He jumped at the voice behind him. Quiet, raspy, but hopeful, it asked:
“Marcus? Is that you?”
Chapter 6 Redemption
“Abby?” Marcus turned, in confusion. Wasn’t she just leaving with Jake? How is she here? 
Abby’s hand flew to her mouth as she gasped, once again, at seeing a lost loved one before her. And not just any loved one: Marcus. Marcus Kane. He was here. Alive again! 
Her face crumpled. But these were happy tears. She ran to him as fast as she could, barreling into him, and threw her arms around his neck. And he, still shocked, hugged her back, while trying to work out what was happening. She changed her mind?
“Marcus, oh my god,” Abby was crying. “I can’t believe this is real. That you’re here.” Abby looked up into his eyes, her hands on his face. 
“Abby,” he breathed. He couldn’t form any other words. His carefully rehearsed speech was lost. “Abby.”
“I love you so much, I thought I lost you. I did lose you! Oh my god,” Abby cried. She leaned forward and kissed him. He responded, forgetting all his confusion because nothing mattered but the fact that she was here, in his arms, kissing him. 
Her hands were in his hair. He tasted her tears on his lips. She pulled him closer. They didn’t need words. They were together. But Marcus was still confused. Abby noticed.
She paused and analyzed his face. 
“Why do you look so surprised to see me? Shouldn’t I be the one in shock?” she said, laughing. “I mean, I just found out I died. And you look like I’m the most unexpected thing you’ve ever seen!” 
“You knew I was coming, right?,” she asked.
“I...” Marcus said, wondering how to explain. 
The truth, he realized, was the best plan. 
“I thought you’d left with Jake. I came to see you and...you were embracing. Talking about a second chance for love. So I left. I thought you had made your choice.” 
“Marcus,” Abby sighed, with a touch of frustration. “I was talking about you. And he has a second chance, too -- someone named Emily, I guess? We were happy for each other. But we were saying goodbye.”
She contemplated how Marcus could have misinterpreted the scene. Understandable. Still, how could he doubt their love? She voiced the concern out loud.
“Marcus, how could you think that I wouldn’t choose you?,” Abby asked, a touch of hurt in her voice.
The tears of pain that had been in Marcus’s eyes just moments ago were pushed out now by tears of joy.
“I didn’t know...I didn’t know for sure. I’m sorry,” he said, responding to the worry he saw in her eyes. He never wanted to cause her more suffering. Never again. “I didn’t think I deserved this happiness.”
“You never really understood how much I loved you, did you?,” Abby asked, rhetorically. 
“I left you, didn’t I? Those damned pills I took. I loved you but it wasn’t enough to save me, and you thought that meant you were not enough, right?” She caressed his face, as she spoke. If only she could take back what she had done to him, too. 
“But Marcus, I did stop them, remember? Because I couldn’t lose you. Please understand, I will always choose you with my heart and with my soul. I love you…more than anything…In all our lives, apparently.”
“I love you, too,” Marcus said, his heart aching for her after that explanation.
He pulled her back to him, and kissed again this time without the pang of doubt he felt before. She responded, wordlessly confirming the truth she had spoken. The depth of her feelings.
Marcus’ thoughts cleared as they took a breath. He realized he still had something to say to Abby, too. Something he needed to make right.
“I’m sorry. I left you too,” Marcus said, remembering his last look at her face, the pain he had caused, as he floated into space and took his final breath. He hadn’t wanted her to see him leave. I can’t do this again, she had once told him. He wanted to spare her that sight.
“No, you were right -- I shouldn’t have done what I did to save you,” Abby said. “You were doing what needed to be done. I would have never let you go, no matter what lines I had to cross,” she confessed. “You made it right. But it was unbearable for me. Your loss was unbearable.”
Marcus pulled her closer, running his hand across her back. Was it possible to never let her go now? He aimed to try.
“If I had know I could follow you here, I would have floated myself,” Abby admitted. 
Though he understood what she meant, the thought terrified him.
“I didn’t want you to die -- I wanted you to live a long and healthy life. With Clarke.” said Marcus. “You were strong. A survivor. I knew you could do it.” 
“I guess you were wrong,” Abby said. “I was promptly murdered.” She wondered what happened to everyone left behind. To Clarke.
“I hope Clarke is okay,” she said, thinking of her daughter and what she would have to face now. But she drew comfort from the fact that whatever life it turned out to be would not be the end.
“I guess, one day, I’ll see her again?,” Abby asked.
“You will,” Marcus replied. “We all do meet again.” 
Abby was quiet.
“Why?,” Abby wondered. “Why we were gifted this, Marcus?” She didn’t have to live years without him, she didn’t have to suffer anymore. He was here. Did they deserve this?
“We did terrible things, Marcus…and this is,” she paused, looking up into his eyes, relishing in their warmth. His absolute and total devotion so clearly displayed across his features. "A blessing."
“I don’t know, Abby,” Marcus replied. “But I like to think this is a chance to be who we were supposed to be…Maybe we’re forgiven?”
“I wonder if my death was so close to yours because…,” Abby said. “Because the universe wanted us to finally have peace?”
Marcus nodded.
“Is that what this place is, then? A place to have peace?,” Abby asked. But standing there, being held by the man she never wanted to part from, she already knew the answer.
“Yes. And love,” Marcus said. 
“And happiness,” Abby added.
He leaned in and kissed her again. Deeply, passionately. Reverently. This was salvation, he knew. Salvation at last.
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jmreyes9 · 1 year
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By Jesse Reyes
As the waning moments of 2014 come to an end, like the dying embers in a fireplace, and the promise of a bright and prosperous New Year looms in the horizon, my thoughts wander back to the beginning of this year.  It started out as being uneventful in the first four months but then it gathered steam, as a locomotive engine would, after that and ended with a loud bang near its end.
Two beautiful garden weddings, where my wife and I were sponsors, transpired this year—the first in May, where Alfredo Esguerra and Mariezel Lorenzo exchanged wedding vows beneath two large oak trees, surrounded by lush vegetation, sun shining brightly at Orchard Ridge Farms near Rockford, IL, a two-hour drive from Chicago; the other garden wedding in July, that of Ryan Baluyot and Kristen Damron’s, who “tied the knot” under a large oak tree with grapevines all around, hills and mountains in a distance, sun almost setting in the west, near the Damron residence in Sta. Rosa, CA near San Francisco.  The latter wedding allowed us to go for a one-day visit to the Castello di Amorosa Winery in Napa Valley after the wedding.
My son Mark and Elaine Abasolo had an unforgettable destination wedding in Maui, Hawaii, in the island they call “Paradise” at the end of August.  It was a romantic setting where they were joined in wedlock--in Haiku Mill, one of the most unique and sought-after wedding and private event venues in the world.  Steeped in history, it was a processing factory for sugarcane from 1861 to 1879.  The front part of the venue had the appearance of the ruins of an old cathedral with vines growing on its walls.  
Many friends and relatives from the US and the Philippines graced the occasion with their presence.  My wife’s sister Becky, and her husband Raffy Castillo, and their daughter, Shelly, all three of them doctors from the Philippines, and Jun, my wife’s brother from Texas as well as my two sisters, Adel and daughter Raenelle and husband Kris, and Gwen and her daughter Jenny from California, came.  Relatives of the Abasolos were also present.  We stayed for about 8 days in Hawaii, allowing us to “go on vacation” and enjoy the beauty of Maui after the wedding.
On October 6, my twin grandchildren, Colin and Brianna (they had names picked out even before their birth!) “first saw the light of day” at Central Dupage Hospital in Winfield, IL.  They have been the object of much attention by both relatives and friends, to the detriment of their older brother, Devon, who saw and felt his popularity declining! We assured him, however, that he would always remain number one in our book.
My daughter Michelle and Brian Kelley promised to love each other “till death do us part” on Dec. 14 in a wedding ceremony held at Salvage One in Chicago on a relatively “warm” day, the temperatures in the low 50’s with lots of sun to boot.  The venue was replete with Greek or Romanesque pillars and several chandeliers, the backdrop of the altar made up of four Corinthian style pillars and chandeliers hanging in front.  Everything worked out perfectly, and there was a lot of fun and laughter, especially during the reception.
It turned out to be a family reunion of sorts for my wife’s siblings—Becky Castillo and her daughter, Shelly, from the Philippines, and her other daughter, Abbie and her husband, Glenn Orion from Maryland, David Lorenzo and his family from Virginia and Jun Lorenzo from Texas and also for me--my two sisters, Adel Tauro, and daughter Raenelle and her husband Kris Ramirez, and Gwen Odell, all from California flew to Chicago for the grand occasion. Many of Brian and Michelle’s relatives and friends came from far and near to witness the nuptials.
These jubilant events, along with Mother Nature’s majestic displays, gave me adequate material for my essays and photos, to be posted on Facebook.
I thank God, who in His infinite wisdom and limitless grace allowed all the above happy and memorable events to transpire this year.  All the glory and honor belongs to Him.  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Rom. 8:28 NIV.
Written in Burr Ridge, IL on Dec. 31, 2014. Posted in FB in 2014 and reposted in 2023.
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doomtwinkie · 7 years
(A brief prequel to The Force Between Us, based on this prompt. Mildly NSFW behind the cut.) Two hours before the ill-fated mission on Orto Plutonia...
The laundry droid had destroyed her clothes.
Abbie sighed, eyeing her shredded outfit that laid on a bench outside of the refresher. The note attached had been an apology of sorts, that the droid had malfunctioned, that the Republic would compensate her for the loss of her clothing, blah, blah, blah. It was all very official. It was also quite unhelpful, seeing as how her quarters - where the rest of her clothing was stored - was on the Witness, docked a full two decks below her. That was a problem, considering the only thing that she had to cover herself with was a plain, gray towel.
She plopped down on the bench and groaned. It was morning, and the corridors of the ship would no doubt be filled with people. There was little hope of her making it back to the Witness unseen. She considered sending a droid to fetch something, but... it was a droid that had gotten her into this mess in the first place...
Abbie furrowed her brow. “No, it was actually Crane,” she muttered to herself, thinking back. Crane and two of his clone trooper buddies, who had all discovered a baby dianoga living in one of the nearby toilets. Crane, who, along with his buddies, had tried to feed the baby dianoga. Crane, who, along with his buddies, had overfed the baby dianoga, causing the poor thing to barf up the foul contents of its stomach all over the room and everyone in it - including her own unlucky self, who had just walked in to check and see what in the hell was taking Crane so freaking long.
Thank the Force the refresher never ran out of hot water, she thought. Vomit was harsh and smelly as it was, but it was something else entirely when it came from a creature that made its home in the ship’s septic system.
Abbie once again considered sending a droid for her clothes, until she spied Crane’s laundered clothes folded neatly in a pile next to hers. His clothes had survived the malfunctioning droid, apparently. Either that, or they were new clothes. She reached over and grabbed up the beige-colored undershirt sitting on top of the pile. There was a tiny, silver tag attached to the collar, stating Crane’s usual size. Yep, new, Abbie thought, shaking her head. Of course the Jedi would make sure he had new stuff. Of course they would.
Without a second thought, she ripped the silver tag off the collar and tossed it. She then stripped her towel and threw the billowy undershirt on over her head.
The shirt actually fit her... sort of. Abbie smoothed it down at the sides, and then stared at her reflection in a nearby mirror. It may have been a shirt on her tall, lanky partner; but, it was quite clearly a dress on her. It fell nearly to her knees, in fact. The deep v-neck with the ties, though... they left little to the imagination. In fact, certain parts of her anatomy could easily slip out of the shirt if the ties were left untied - possibly even if they were tied. She was confident that the Jedi would not approve of such attire, something that made her grin from ear to ear.
She heard the refresher door whoosh open and then closed. Crane cleared his throat behind her. She turned and smirked at him, as he stood there, dripping wet, with nothing more than a gray towel wrapped around his lower half.
“Is... is that my shirt?” he asked, pushing a long strand of wet hair out of his face.
“No,” Abbie replied, first staring him in the eyes, then at his glistening chest, and then back to his eyes. She grinned innocently.
Crane raised an eyebrow.
“I am fairly certain that is my shirt,” he said with a smirk of his own.
Abbie walked over to him confidently, the v-neck of the shirt widening as she did. Crane peeked at her chest. She noticed, and smiled coyly.
“Oh really?” She teased, putting her hand directly on the scar across his chest and pushing him backwards; back into the door of the refresher. She pressed herself close to him, breathing in a mix of soap and earthiness, “then I suppose you’ll have to take it off of me, won’t you?”
Crane chuckled, and then took a deep breath. He closed his eyes, and raised his hand. The air around them became charged, and the bottom of the shirt she wore began to float upwards. First one thigh was exposed, then then other, then her bottom. Abbie scoffed, grabbing onto the shirt and pushing it back down.
“Not with the Force,” she chided as he opened his eyes, “that’s too easy. That’s... cheating.”
Crane nodded, grinning.
“So, I would need to use my hands, then,” he said, wrapping his long arms around her, his hands and lanky fingers finding her bottom. He grabbed a hold of her cheeks playfully, squeezing at first; and then lifting her up all the way to his midsection. Abbie snaked her own arms up around his neck, bringing her almost to eye level with him.
“Hands seem fair. So do fingers.” She said, staring him directly into the eyes, “especially fingers.”
He wiggled his fingers enthusiastically, squeezing her bum as he did. He then kissed her gently on the lips, causing her to moan sensually.
“Mouth?” He asked breathlessly. “Please?” She mumbled, returning a passionate kiss of her own, “er, I mean, obviously." “And tongue?”
Abbie twisted her legs around him, knocking the towel that was wrapped around his lower half to the floor. Crane barely noticed his complete and utter nakedness; or that he was starting to flush everywhere. Instead, he pecked at her, each kiss tickling her with his beard, all the way down her neck. She gasped contentedly with each peck. With barely a thought, she slid her foot along the door frame, triggering the refresher door and causing it to slide open. Crane stepped backwards into the refresher, still holding her.
“I have no idea how you’re going to remove this shirt with your tongue, Crane,” she told him, moaning as he sucked at her neck, “but I welcome the attempts.”
“Even the failed attempts?” He asked between kisses, offering a playful wink.
Abbie chuckled, before reaching down to kiss him intensely.
“Especially the failed attempts,” she said, as the refresher door closed behind them...
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iammisstt · 7 years
Abbie Mills Shines
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For some canon ended at S2 Premier, for others it ended at S2 Finale. But for All of us who love Abbie Mills She lives on as the bad ass, beauty that captured our hearts and imagination.
So today we celebrate One of the best female heroines to ever grace our TV screens (The best IMO), The Heart of TeamW, And the incredible Duo which can never be duplicated!
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shollowsource · 7 years
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Abbie (in b&w)
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like-bunnies · 7 years
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Abbie Mills being absolutely perfect as always -- even if her fellow Witness is doing dumb things. As always. 
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youwerenevermine · 7 years
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Ichabbie | “Easter Egg Hunt” Moodboard
Abbie and Crane decide to  host the Annual Easter Egg Hunt in their backyard for Benji and Gracie
Happy Easter!🐣
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darlablovesichabbie · 7 years
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She made broken look beautiful and the strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.
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talea456 · 7 years
A one-shot set in an alternate season 3.
Stretching out her arms as the morning sunlight shone through her window, Abbie bolted upright as her hand brushed the empty pillow beside her. A sudden twinge of sadness threatened to erase the smile she woke up with, but then smile swiftly recovered. The smell of pancakes was in the air. As if she couldn’t possibly love this man anymore, he was making her favorite breakfast.
 As she hurriedly searched through the clothing flung on the floor around her bedroom, memories of the night before flashed in her mind. The volcanic kiss following the final battle. Driving home afterwards in complete silence—hands entwining over and over again. Her feet sweeping into the air when they reached the entryway. The feel of being carried up the stairs. A thousand thousand breathless kisses as the world fell away… 
As she moved down the stairs, his old shirt hung off her tiny frame like a dress. The open neck, usually exposing his chest, gently slid off her right shoulder. Abbie quickly and quietly went downstairs and leaned suggestively on the kitchen entryway whereupon she immediately exploded in laughter. 
 There he was: Crane, her Crane standing over the griddle in his 18th century breeches with her silk negligée on top. 
 Crane smirked in satisfaction and looked up at her through arched eyebrows. “You better not be stretching that out,” Abbie said, attempting to catch her breath. She was still giggling as she walked around him and smacked his double jug on her way to the counter beside the stove. “I simply wanted to make the point that I need not ‘lay off the flapjacks,’ as you so kindly reminded me, to fit into this one.” He removed the griddle of half-cooked pancakes from the heat as she hoisted herself up to sit on the counter top. 
He slowly approached and hovered over her. “Yeah, well, I might want to take it back…just in case,” she said as she pulled him even closer, licking her lips; her eyes locking on his. “By all means, Miss Mills. Please do.” He raised his long arms overhead as she slowly pulled the negligée up and over. As her arms dropped back down, his shirt slid further off her shoulder—revealing her naked right breast. “It seems I am more generous and willing to share than you,” he said as he slipped the right sleeve down as she pulled out her arm. 
 “Your generosity and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated, Captain Crane,” Abbie whispered into his ear as he bent down to kiss her revealed neck. She removed her left arm from the shirt as he kissed along her collarbone. A gentle moan escaped her lips. As he lifted his head, their eyes locked once again. Hands slowly caressed faces as breaths deepened. Fingers combed through hair and began re-exploring bodies. Pulses raced in unison as hungry mouths devoured one another yet again and the world fell away. Just as it had the night before.
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castleriggcircle · 7 years
For Abbie Mills Shines/Ichabbie Spring...
At the moment I don’t have anything new on the fanfic front (though maybe inspiration will strike at some point this week). But I love that the fandom is doing this, so I decide to reblog some of my older stuff.
I’ll start with my longest work, and my personal headcanon for What REALLY happened, Trust and Love, which picks up in the immediate aftermath of S2.
What happens in 1781 doesn’t stay in 1781...
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alecorason · 7 years
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<<No darkness, no fear, just brightness for me. I’m whole, I’m free, completely healed. Just need my light, my love, my being, just need my shine, my shine to be.>> 
Oh, an ad hoc song that comes to mind...
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shippersdream85 · 7 years
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Happy Ichabbie-Easter! Final day of IchabbieSpring
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
Olivia Gets Bold...Kind Of
Based on this post from @incorrectcabensonquotes 
At 12-years-old, Olivia’s mom had considered her far too young to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but Olivia had found a loophole in the form of asking Alex to the Spring Fling dance. Asking a girl to a dance wasn’t the same as asking her to be her girlfriend, so Olivia figured she’d ask Alex to attend every social event with her for the remainder of their middle school years and then as soon as they started high school she’d ask Alex to be her girlfriend. Olivia considered it a foolproof plan or at least it would be if she only had the nerve to take that first step.
Although they had most of their classes together, their relationship had never progressed beyond small talk and the occasional quip related to something that had happened in class, but in Olivia’s daydreams they were practically married and had a vacation home near Disneyland. Olivia thought Alex was smart and beautiful and what first attracted her to Alex was her smile and the way only she could make the combination of glasses and braces look so glamorous. She noticed every time Alex got the bands changed in her braces-glow in the dark for Halloween, red and green for Christmas, and red and pink for Valentine’s Day were some of Olivia’s favorites and she made sure to compliment Alex each time she had them changed. Alex would smile and give her a compliment in return and, although Olivia received compliments from her friends and her mom, when Alex complimented her she truly felt it.
According to the social norms of their middle school, the window of opportunity to ask a girl to a school dance was between one and two weeks before the big night. Three weeks before was outside of the norm, but Olivia didn’t want to risk the possibility of someone else having the same thought process as her and asking Alex before she did. It was the first warm day of spring and Alex was wearing a baby blue dress with a hem that hit a couple of inches above her knees. When Olivia caught a boy in their fourth period class looking at Alex’s legs, she gave him a dirty look and made sure he knew that she was watching him. That’s it. I have to ask her before this creep does.
...but fourth period ended and then fifth, sixth, and seventh, and she still hadn’t asked Alex. Instead the two of them said goodbye to each other at the end of their seventh period class and went their separate ways-Olivia to basketball practice and Alex to her debate competition in the auditorium.
After she had changed into her typical practice attire of basketball shorts and her lucky New York Liberty t-shirt, she exited the locker room and noticed Alex sitting outside with her best friend Serena. As soon as Alex saw her, she waved her over and, although Olivia had a feeling she was motioning to her, she still turned her head to see if anyone was behind her. The sight of her turning around and then pointing to herself made Alex and Serena laugh.
“Yes, you,” Alex insisted.
Olivia nervously passed the basketball back and forth between her hands, not quite sure what to say as she stood in front of Alex and Serena.
“Do you have a game today or practice?” Serena asked, sensing that Alex and Olivia were too nervous to talk to each other.
“Just practice,” Olivia responded, grateful that Serena was there to get the conversation started. “Our last game is next week.”
“Do you know Abbie Carmichael?” Serena asked, her eyes growing wide. “She’s on your team.”
“...yeah…” Olivia responded, not quite sure what Serena was getting at.
“She’s my girlfriend as of ten minutes ago,” Serena beamed. “I wish I could watch her practice, but our competition starts soon. At least I get to see her last game. I know Alex wishes she could watch you practice.”
“Serena, stop,” Alex glared at her.
Olivia noticed Alex’s demeanor had changed as if she was trying to be happy for her friend and hide her jealousy at the same time. This is it. I have to ask her.
Olivia gently bit her lower lip. “Alex, can we talk?”
Alex straightened out her dress and ran her fingers over her hair to make sure every strand was in place. Olivia wanted to tell her that she looked perfect already and didn’t need a little touch up just to talk to her, but the words failed to come out of her mouth. 
“What did you want to talk about?” Alex asked her as soon as they were far enough away for Serena to hear them.
“It was kinda sorta just something I wanted to ask you,” Olivia responded nervously. Why does she have to be wearing a blue dress right now as the sun shines on her hair? She looks like a Disney Princess. Be her Prince Charming or at least her knight in shining basketball shorts.
“You can ask me anything.”
Seeing the baby blue bands on Alex’s braces made Olivia smile. She didn’t know if she should bare her soul or play it cool and she no longer had time to think about it, so she blurted out the question, “So...when are you going to go out with me?”
Alex smirked as she reached out to touch Olivia’s hand. “I don’t know. When are you going to ask me out?”
Olivia had expected a simple “never” or maybe even a “not in a million years and not even for a million dollars.” She was prepared for rejection or even an “I don’t know.” What she wasn’t prepared for was for Alex to flirt back.
“Uhhh...I have to go,” Olivia said as she took a step back. “I have to get to class.”
“Don’t you mean practice?” Alex asked but the discombobulated Olivia had already taken off and was too far gone to hear her.
Her discombobulated state lasted throughout her practice and, as a result, she probably wasn’t going to be a starter in the next game, but she didn’t care. It was a Friday afternoon and she was going to spend the rest of the weekend trying to forget her conversation with Alex and she hoped that nearly 72 hours apart would help Alex forget as well.
She hurriedly changed out of her practice clothes and shoved them into a gym bag. Her regular clothes didn’t look that different from her practice clothes, but at least they smelled better and Olivia knew that had to count for something. 
“Where are you going?” her best friend Elliot asked as soon as she exited the locker room. So much for making a quick escape. She had hoped to leave before the boys basketball team finished practicing and before the middle school rumor mill had caught up to her.
“My mom is expecting me home early,” Olivia said nervously.
“BS,” Elliot laughed. “Your mom isn’t expecting you home until the streetlights go on. That’s been the rule since last summer. I think you’re trying to avoid me because of what happened with Alex.”
“What happened with Alex?”
“You and I don’t gossip, so what I’m doing is just trying to confirm the truth,” Elliot began. “But Alex told Serena who then told Abbie who told Casey who then told Kathy and Kathy told me.”
“How?” Olivia asked in disbelief. “We were at practice. Kathy isn’t even on the team and neither is Casey and you’re on the boys team. How did this-you know what...nevermind. I’ll accept my fate.”
“So you just, ran away?” Elliot tried in vain not to laugh.
Olivia pressed her head against the wall of the gym. “I didn’t expect her to flirt back!”
“What did you expect? Isn’t the point of flirting with a girl for her to flirt back?”
“I’m new to this!” Olivia snapped at him. “Do you think I could just stuff myself into my locker and hide there until Monday? Where’s a bully when you need one?”
“That’s not going to solve anything,” Elliot responded. “When we take you out on Monday, everyone will just make fun of you for being stuffed in a locker instead of what happened with Alex. You’re screwed either way.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be my best friend?”
“I’m just saying…”
“Maybe she already forgot about it,” Olivia said as they left the gym, but as soon as she saw Alex sitting outside with Abbie and Serena, she realized she’d have no such luck.
“Her friends are looking this way and laughing,” Elliot brought to her attention. “She definitely hasn’t forgotten about it.”
She noticed Alex give Serena a piece of paper. Serena crossed her fingers before hugging Alex and Olivia was suddenly struck by a sense of fear. Is she going to laugh at me on paper too?
Serena had a bounce in her step when she walked over to them, which scared Olivia even more. 
“This is from Alex,” she smiled as she handed Olivia a piece of folded up paper and a pen. “She wants an answer now. You don’t have to say your answer out loud. Just write it on the note. Alex wanted to be the one to ask you out. She thinks if she doesn’t do it, it’ll never get done”
“Will you go out with me?” Olivia read to herself. Without hesitation, she wrote “Yes!” and handed the note back to Serena. 
Serena gingerly folded up the piece of paper into a perfect square. “You’re officially going out with Alex now.”
It had all happened so fast and Olivia felt more like she had signed a legal document than been asked out by the girl of her dreams, but in the end she didn’t care how it happened as long as she was now officially going out with Alex; however, there were still two problems. She was now too nervous to even make small talk with the girl she was going out with and she had no idea what going out meant.
When she saw Alex and her friends walking toward the designated area for parents to pick up their kids, she knew it was now too late to ask.
She had intended on asking Alex to the dance. It would have been direct with no room for a misunderstanding, but going out was vague and left 12-year-old Olivia more confused than she had ever been in her entire life.
“El, what does going out mean?” she asked as they walked to Elliot’s house. “Are we just going to the dance? Is she my girlfriend? I’m not even allowed to have a girlfriend yet. Am I supposed to walk her to class and carry her books? What does any of this mean? I don’t want her to expect something and I don’t deliver because I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
“I don’t know,” Elliot shrugged. “Just talk to her and ask her. She already seems like she’s in charge in this relationship.”
Olivia covered her face with her hands. “I don’t have her phone number or any of her social media. She’s my girlfriend or the girl I’m going out with and I don’t even know how to contact her.”
“I know what you can do and it’ll score you some points,” Elliot began. “I know where Alex lives. I did a group science project at her house last year. Just buy her some flowers or something and surprise her at her house. She’ll think you’re the best girlfriend or whatever you are and brag to her friends and you can talk to her about what going out means.”
“Buy her flowers with the five dollars I have stuffed inside my dirty gym bag?” Olivia asked. “And, no way am I gonna randomly just show up at her house.”
Elliot started to walk backwards so he could face her. “Liv, her dad has an 85-inch TV. It was the coolest thing I ever saw and he can stream any sport from anywhere in the world. You have to see it to believe it.”
Olivia was intrigued. “Any sport in the world? Wait, no, I’m still not just showing up at her house. I’ll do things the old fashioned way, get invited, and then watch sports on her dad’s 85-inch TV.”
“You’re more interested in sports than your girlfriend?” Elliot laughed.
“...no…” Olivia hesitated. I have so much to learn and unless I get her phone number I won’t learn any of it until Monday.
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doomtwinkie · 7 years
Abbie, while waiting on Crane to recover from his injuries, is triggered by memories of her Jedi past; before experiencing a vision of a horrifying future at the hands of the Empire... Chapter 2 and 3 are now up, and this fic is now complete. WOOT! Sorry it took so long, but some of this was a challenge to write, tbh. Thanks again to @thymelady for being my lovely beta! <3
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iammisstt · 7 years
Celebrating Abbie Mills & IchabbieSpring Fling
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APRIL 8th -16th
Twitter, AO3, Tumblr & FFnet
It’s time to Celebrate Abbie Mills and Ichabbie. For many of us Abbie Mills lives on and Canon (from that show which shall not be named) does not exist.
So let’s Celebrate our Beautiful Amazing Hero with your art, stories and videos using #AbbieMillsShines & #IchabbieSpring. This way everyone can easily find and share contributions.
Remember you are welcome to use both or either tag. But if your content has Ichabbie (IC) please tag with #IchabbieSpring or both tags.
This is not a fan event for ‘That Show’ so please do not tag that show or use #Ich*bbie alone or IC. Let’s have FUN!
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confetti-cupcake · 2 years
1 and 18? ❤️❤️
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
1) What made you start the show?
Honestly? My mom 🤣 She was (and still is) a really big fan of the show, and I remember coming home one day back when season 1 was airing to find her watching it on TV. It was the Creepy AF episode and I was really interested, until that scene where the old lady calls up 9-1-1 and you can see the guy outside in all black, staring into her house 😬 That was just way too creepy for me, so I didn't really watch anymore. The next time I caught her watching it was 3x04, specifically the scene where Christopher has the nightmare about Shannon drowning. I asked my mom what was going on, and she told me about the tsunami, and that made me really interested because I have a morbid fascination with natural disasters. Then I think a little later on, news that a spinoff would be airing came out and it sounded interesting, so I decided to start bingeing the show and got up to date in like a week 😂 And the rest is history!
18) Favorite rescue?
My favorite rescue is hands-down the burglary in the pilot episode. I know, I know, it happened so early on and there have been so many good rescues that have come after it, but that one just stuck with me. The other rescues in that episode were interesting, but felt like at times were played for laughs, but I'll never forget the chill that went down my spine when Abby asks Lily how old she is and she just says, "I'm 9." Even though Abby is far from my favorite character and I absolutely crack up when she's like "Petey! Petey! Peter! Petey!" and everyone in dispatch is just staring at her, she really shined in that moment. I feel like that rescue was perfect for the pilot because it showed fire, police and the dispatchers all working together on one case, which I feel like we don't get to see much anymore. I think the show tries to outdo itself with increasingly ridiculous emergencies, but I think it says a lot that arguably one of the most suspenseful ones was a regular, run-of-the-mill break-in. Getting a little on my soapbox here, but I think the show could afford to keep things a little more simple and still be really good.
Send me another ask from this list!
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