#Abby x Mel
punkrockmads · 1 year
Abby Anderson x Mel
Written for @melstanaccount
Summary: Mel comforts Abby as she grieves the loss of her father
An: In this Au, Mel and Abby are dating, and they don't leave the hospital to join the WLF, they all stay there. The beginning starts off with younger Abby and Mel, and skips forward to them as adults.
"She hasn't left her room in weeks." Nora whispered to Mel. "I don't think she's been eating enough, either. I found the food I left for her yesterday in the same spot this morning. She barely touched it."
Mel nodded, a concerned frown on her face. She knew Abby was in pain, grieving the loss of her dad. Since the day he was killed, she hadn't left her room. She barely spoke to anyone, but people could hear her quietly crying if they walked past her room. After about a week, the crying had stopped, replaced with a sickening silence. Mel's daily check-ins were the only way anyone knew she was alive. Mel wished with everything she had that she could take her girlfriend's pain away, but she knew all too well that she couldn't. All she could do was be there for her. "I'll talk to her." She said softly. "She just needs time."
Mel knocked on Abby's bedroom door softly. "Abby? It's me." She said, listening for an answer. When she didn't get one, she opened the door a crack. "I'm coming in, okay?" She stepped inside, immediately finding Abby curled up in her bed, facing the back wall. Mel closed the door, sitting on Abby's bed slowly. She gently reached out, tracing her finger over Abby's puffy, tear-stained cheek. "Hey." She whispered.
Abby's eyes fluttered open, her watery gaze on the wall in front of her. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with Mel just yet. Her body ached, and she was pale. Her usually bright eyes were dull and cold, an icy atmosphere around her. She felt numb at times.
"Nora says you're not eating much." Mel brought up softly. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind Abby's ear. "I know you're hurting, and I know it's really hard to think about taking care of yourself right now, but... I'm scared." She whispered the last part. "I don't wanna lose you. I hate seeing you so heartbroken." Abby closed her eyes, allowing Mel to continue tracing her fingertips along her cheekbone. "You always take care of everyone else. Let me take care of you now, okay?"
Abby hesitated for a moment. But something in her made her nod, turning to look at Mel for the first time in weeks. She was beautiful. She was light. Abby felt bad for not seeing her for so long. They both knew it wouldn't be easy, but Abby saw a glint of hope in Mel's eyes, and that was enough for her to try. For her? Anything.
Mel smiled softly, something she hadn't been able to do in days. "Okay." She whispered, squeezing Abby's shoulder gently. "How about you take a nice warm shower, and I'll run to the cafeteria and bring you something good to eat after?" She suggested.
Abby nodded, sitting up slowly. She needed this; needed Mel's soft, caring nature to guide her to the start of her healing. "Eat with me?" She asked. Her voice was raspy and quiet, her throat dry from not speaking for so long.
"I'd love to." Mel nodded, smiling softly. She kissed Abby's forehead, taking her hands and helping her out of bed. "Want me to start the water for you?" She asked. Abby nodded, lacing her fingers with Mel's.
Mel got Abby set up in her bathroom, making sure she was safe and comfortable before leaving to get them food. When she made it back to the room, she could hear Abby sobbing. She opened the door quickly, setting the tray down as soon as she saw Abby sitting on her bed with hot, frustrated tears pouring down her face. Her hair was out of its usual braid, still damp from finally being washed. "Hey, hey... what's the matter?" She whispered, sitting beside Abby and rubbing her back.
"I can't do it!" Abby sobbed. Mel frowned, confused for a moment until she spotted the brush by Abby's pillow. "I tried to braid my hair." Abby sniffled, wiping her face in a poor attempt to dry the tears. "My dad showed me a million times... and I never listened. I thought- I thought he'd always be here to show me again!" Abby wrapped her arms around herself tightly, more tears falling as breathless sobs escaped her.
Mel's heart broke. She pulled Abby into her arms gently, running her fingers through her soft, damp hair. "It's okay." She whispered. "I know it hurts." Abby nodded, clinging to the back of Mel's shirt as she cried into her shoulder. Mel held Abby in her arms for what felt like hours, gently rocking the two of them side to side as she rubbed her back and whispered soothing words.
Eventually, Abby's sobs grew quiet, replaced with quiet sniffles. Mel moved to sit behind her, turning her gently. "Can I see your brush?" She asked with a voice so gentle Abby felt it wash a bit of the pain away. She handed her the brush, letting out a deep breath as she felt her carefully brushing the little knots and tangles out of her hair.
In the quiet solace of Abby's room, Mel braided her hair. She was careful, making sure she didn't pull her hair or snag one of the many knots that seemed to reappear immediately no matter the circumstances. She poured love into each strand she touched, a gentleness only Mel possessed making Abby finally relax. The tension in her shoulders dropped, the tight frown on her face relaxed, and she let herself breath. The moment wouldn't last, but there would be more to come. More hope, more reasons pushing her to get out of bed.
"There." Mel smiled, kissing the back of Abby's head softly. "All done." Her hands dropped to Abby's shoulders, squeezing them softly.
Abby turned around to face Mel slowly, wrapping her arms around her waist. "Thank you." She whispered, closing her eyes as she pressed her cheek against her shoulder.
Mel rubbed Abby's back, hugging her tightly. "You hungry?" She asked. Abby nodded, making relief flood through Mel. "Okay." She smiled.
"So every time you pass one under, you add a little bit of hair." Mel instructed. "Just like that." She smiled, looking in the bathroom mirror as Abby watched. Abby held a smaller mirror in her hand, using it to watch Mel's instructions. Abby's hair had grown quite a bit since they were kids, and maintaining it was something important to her. It was a reminder of her dad; a way to keep him with her. So, she asked Mel to teach her how to braid it properly.
"I think my hands are too fat." Abby chuckled. "I can't keep a grip on the strands."
"You don't have to hold them tight." Mel laughed. "You just separate them with your fingers. Like when you run them through my hair. Try it." Mel took the mirror from Abby's hands, guiding them to her hair. Abby carefully copied Mel's instructions, braiding her hair slowly. "There you go!" Mel smiled, kissing Abby's cheek. "That's my girl."
Abby smiled with pride. "Thank you." She said. She let Mel help her, feeling her soft hands following along with hers. Not long after, Mel secured the braid with a hair tie, kissing the back of Abby's neck. Abby turned to face her, hugging her tightly. "I miss him." She sighed into her hair.
"I know." Mel nodded, wrapping her arms around Abby's waist. "I do too. But I know he's very proud of you."
"For braiding my hair?" Abby joked, smiling softly.
"Sure." Mel chuckled. "But also for being so strong, and courageous, and smart." She added. "I'm proud of you too."
Abby's face heated up, her cheeks and ears turning red. She felt happy knowing Mel was proud of her, and so was her dad. "Shut up." She smiled.
Renders made by the incredible @melstanaccount GO SHOW HIM SOME LOVE OR I'LL BE VIOLENT
Younger Abby and Mel:
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Older Abby and Mel:
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luvbunxz · 1 year
Hiii ! i’m looking for tlou roleplayers :]]! i’m currently really interested in doing some abby ships ! more specifically mel x abby and or abby x nora !
my brain has been rotted out by both pairings and i’d be up to do one of em !! i have an idea for mel and abby! i can kinda semi think of something for abby and nora but generally don’t have much though we can talk things out :]] i prefer to play mel if we do abby and mel and abby if we do nora and abby !!
read my rules and let me know if you’re interested! discord tag down below, pls add me. I only rp on there
Disc : bonnie#9147
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mellowumbra · 1 year
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~Beautiful edges~
An alpha!Abbywerewolf! x afab!omega!reader
will have smut, like prolly gon be nasty need holy water smut. plot! slowish burn. alpha, only female alpha you've ever met. Smut is not under the cut but will be expressed!
⚠️ warnings: porn with plot!! dom!sub dynamic, breeding(r!receiving), vulgar words, VULGARITY, descriptions of genitalia, breeding kink, werewolfheat/rut! overstimulation (r!receiving) power and strength kink
Shummary: meeting an alpha was easy. Trying not to fall in love with one? Harder than it looks.
Here is to ALL YALL freaky sob's that just want to see Abby as a werewolf,,,, I love y'all so much
Relocating to the WLF had taken some time to feel somewhat normal and you owed your life to them. You were accepted as one of them, when you were first alone and near death. Omega's in the wilderness alone was a death sentence, but you managed to make your life here wonderfully enjoyable. As close as normal got, it all flew straight out the window when you met Abby Anderson.
Was it strange to meet a female alpha with unbridled power, skill, and rage? Absolutely. Did she scare the ever loving shit out of you? Absolutely. But that didn't stop you from perking your ears to listen every time her name was mentioned.
Abby was a force of nature, she commanded respect without needing to utter a single word. Six feet of muscle and piercing blue eyes that glowed gold and opulent when her wolf appeared. Everyone in the WLF knew about Abby, and were either terrified, infatuated, or a little bit of both. She worked for Isaac, as she was trained and worked like a dog in combat. She led the most dangerous of patrols under Isaac, the man who allowed the WLF to keep you safe, who sent her out to do his worst work.
Being an unmated alpha made it even more..interesting...
As soon as her name entered your airspace, words passed around about the alpha's skills during her rut. You could not stop the onslaught of other companions dishing tidbits during these conversations. Hell you couldn't go anywhere in the past two weeks and not hear about Abby Anderson, the most "skilled" alpha in the entire WLF. You were even more curious to why a female inherited an alpha title. You wondered why you hadn't heard her name sooner, and you soon figured out why. Abby had been in a relationship, and a serious one at that. But, that was over, from what the other omegas in your rounds gossiped about. You were surprised to hear that Abby had been dating a male, a one of almost equal rank as her. Her most recent "pursuits" were women.
You rolled your eyes at Arya's gossip and finished suturing a deep abdomen wound from your most recent patient. The man smiled at you, thanking you for the dressings and ointment. "Hey y/n," Arya says, your other medical assistant and friend catches your attention.
"Yeah? Whatcha need," you ask, wiping down your med tray and discarding a dirty needle.
Arya then asks you if you need to stay longer or if you need to head out. You reply no, you've got nowhere to be. Arya quickly discards her medical garb and ducks out, the sun already set. You sigh and work on seeing if anyone other WLF member needs to be attended to.
Something overpowering and strange enters your sense just after. It makes you stop, startled by the sudden thick air. A strong scent, almost hypnotizing. Abby Anderson is sitting on the bed across from you, blue eyes fixed on your figure. You start, now taken aback at how she appeared almost soundlessly.
"Jesus Anderson you scared the shit out of me," you swore, walking over to inspect a large shoulder wound running from her shoulder to mid bicep. Her muscles glisten with sweat, a now failing stitch job visible against her skin. Her honey hair in a signature loose braid, freckles dotting her neck and shoulders, clad in a gray tank top that exposes her skin to the blistering sun. "Sorry, is' just a habit," she breathes, "I didn't mean to startle you."
Her smile is dizzying but wanton, skin too white. She's in pain.
"It's alright, what are we looking at huh? A mighty alpha needing some help?" You tease, lifting her arm to assess her shitty patch job. Abby hissing at the pain or the figurative jab, you weren't sure.
You smile quietly, adding in a few words of "Alright gimme a second, I can fix you up."
"Thank you y/n, if I tell Manny that his stitch job was shit he'd take it personally," she chuckles dryly to avoid the grimace of you cleaning her wound with alcohol.
The stench almost clears your nostrils of her overpowering scent, almost. With a steady hand, you begin to swiftly move a needle through her flesh. The skin gave way easy to the needle, signalling she must've avoided coming here for a few hours, at least.
"You avoided coming in here, at least since before dinner," you say brazenly.
Abby puffs a quick breath through her nose, unhappy with the answer you've settled on.
"Maybe I did."
You can feel her eyes on you, this whole time. She follows the movements of your fingers, you can hear her nose purposefully inhale quickly at least once, and your cheeks heat at the sudden interest she's taken in you. Her scent is making your mind do flips, alphaalphaalphaalpha repeating in your head by your unhelpful wolf. Your hands almost shaky by the end, Abby rolls her shoulder with the new bandage applied.
"Keep that one for at least the next 2 days, or until you've noticed its leaked through your bandage. Keep it as dry and clean as possible," you instruct.
Abby just flashes you a blinding smile. "You do a good job, I feel better already. Thanks doll," she flashes a wink at you, smirk in her eyes.
That wink makes your ears turn red, palms suddenly sweaty. You roll your eyes to act nonchalant, placing a narcotic in her hand.
"Take these no less than 12 hours apart with food, and I mean it Anderson, with food," you say, fingers brushing one another's as you close her fingers around the pills. A resounding shock zaps through your fingers as fast as lightning, snapping her head up at you. Her eyes flash red just as fast, replaced by their usual blue.
Your eyes are wide, hand zinging from some unseen energy. Abby thanks you silently with a nod, hands stuffed in her pockets, and rushes off.
Ever since that day in the infirmary, Abby is never out of your sight. During inventory rounds with your other med students, led my Abby's surgeon father, Dr. Anderson. She's always just looming. Your friends start to ask questions when the blonde walks into the infirmary one day, looking as healthy as ever.
You stare curiously as catch her eye, when she throws another wink at you. All your other friends blush and try to look busy.
"You don't look in pain Anderson?" You question, raising an eyebrow.
"No," she chuckles, "but I do want to ask if you had any extra isopropyl alcohol on you? One of my buddies managed to get blood all over a cell, and we need a cleanup," she says, so casually.
You start, but manage to stutter out a response.
"Um y-yeah we have some but it's not here yet, I can bring it to you in an hour or so?" You question, to which she just nods and winks at you.
"Find me in the FOB on the first floor sugar!" She calls out, leaving you a blushing mess.
Some time later, alcohol in hand, you make your way to the FOB, when a sharp pain in your abdomen makes you lean against a wall in a back hallway. You shake your head, trying to clear your head as your wolf has taken over, screaming for help. Panic ensues. You know any willing male werewolf will hear you, and you sink into a corner.
Someone rounds the corner, and you can't see who it is as your vision is blurry with tears. You turn your head away to ease the embarrassment. The same overpowering scent you remember from two weeks ago invades your mind, and your wolf goes nuts. It's Abby, and she knows exactly what's happening.
"I'm so sorry please don't come closer pleaseAbby," you beg through near tears, your heat blinding and painful. Quick breaths through your nose accompanied with full body shakes makes Abby growl lowly. She knew you needed to be claimed, the pain unbearable for her future mate to endure. A rumble in her throat makes you tilt your head towards the ceiling, breaths coming in faster. That growl is pure power, pure dominance. The fear in your heart of her power comes through your eyes and Abby realizes your fear, and it hurts. Your intoxicating scent fills her nose like a fog, your fight against a need to be taken care of slowly failing. Your heat and scent flies down to Abby's pelvis, unable to stop the whirlwind of arousal she feels.
"Hey, hey look at me," she commands, power still in her voice. She's knelt to your eye level. Don't be sorry baby. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise y/n, I promise. Please, let me take you somewhere safer," Abby begs. Alphas don't beg, they command. Her beg, plea has you staring in her eyes, desperate to believe her.
You pant, fear still swirling in your eyes. Abby just offers her hands, warm and calloused. After not saying anything, she slowly lifts you into her arms. Eyes lidded, mouth slightly parted, your heat addled brain screams at the feeling of power and protection. You can't help but inhale deeply at her scent, your core aching for more. Abby slips you into her room.
"Y/n, please," Abby begs. "I want to help you." Her eyes are a tinge of gold, showing her alpha side. She puts her forehead gently to yours. "I know you have feelings for me," she breathes. "But I won't do a thing unless you say it's okay."
Tears streaming down your cheeks, your eyes widen in surprise. You're lucid for just a second. "Oh god Abby, I-I don't know what to say," you groan, embarrassed. Your heat is blinding, a near total body and mind need to just be taken care of.
"I won't do anything you don't want baby," she cooes, her pet name undoing your resolve.
You take a deep breath and swallow, knowing that all you've wanted is for Abby to make you hers. And only hers.
"I want to be yours. I want to be only yours," you admit, cheeks darkening. "Please tell me you feel this as strongly as I do," you rush out, fully vulnerable.
Abby's turn to be wide eyed is short lived before she lands her lips on yours, desperate and hungry. "I want nothing more then to make you my mate. I- want- nothing more -than to fuck you into -this bed- for hours," she groans as you moan into her mouth. Her lips are warm, your arms reaching out to tangle in her blond hair. Your heat is begging, burning like a fire under your skin. You whine pitifully, Abby now fully aware of your need.
"I know darling, I know," she whispers. Abby lays you down on her bed, kissing you with a new ferocity that made you tug at her clothes. Feeling her strong abs run over your now bare chest made you bite her lip, a low growl coming from Abby's throat. Her mouth kisses down your neck and reaches the softness of your chest. With lips and tongue, she sucks your nipple between her teeth, licking it as it grows in need. Moaning at this was music to your alpha's ears. Your breasts are damp with spit and raised pink nipples fall in her mouth as she attends to one after the other.
She pulls your pants off, letting your heat racked body shiver at the sudden coolness. Her eyes flash a deep gold now, looking you over, a wanting moan leaving her lips.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to see you like this, how long I've been wanting to do this with you," she groans, the obvious bulge in her cargo pants making your mouth water and brain go fuzzy at her words. Her hands sink into your skin, pulling the flesh as she drags her hands down your stomach and over your thighs. Your cunt is wet, glazed over with slick and need. Pink lips swollen at the want of satiation. She kisses you, hand reaching down to palm you, gathering your wetness along her fingers. Your pants have turned into whimpers, into breathy moans.
"You're so wet for me, my precious mate," she cooes, dominance leaking through her words. "I wonder how wet you'll be when I sink my cock into your wanting pussy," you moan at her words, pulling off her pants. A small gasp leaves your lips as her member springs out of her boxers.
"That is a dick of an alpha for sure," you breathe out, hearing Abby chuckle darkly at your surprise. Its shaft covered in small veins, her pink head leaking precum at the sight of your naked body. Abby leans forward on her elbows, soaking up more of your slick on her cockhead, her kisses to your lips bruising. Your scent is making her drunk, the end goal of this mating lost. Ignoring her own desperation, Abby sinks below your waist and licks a long slow strip up your center, capturing your clit in her mouth to softly suck.
"I'm not fucking you stupid until your come all over my face, my pretty mate" Abby groans.
Her name leaves your lips in a yelp, unfettered moans follow. Her tongue is masterful, her lips covered in your shiny arousal. Up and down she moves her tongue, taking time to let herself tongue fuck you, dipping into your wetness. Latching onto your clit, she sucks soft pressure and swirls her tongue. With nothing to grab onto, you resign to tugging at your alpha's long blonde locks, legs high above your head, resting on her shoulders. The muscles in her back flex and stretch as she fucks you.
"Abby, o-o-oh fuck Abby baby pleaseplease alpha please," you moan and moan, dragging your hands through her hair.
At the mention of her title, Abby growls and picks up her pace. You feel the band in your belly tighten and snap within seconds as your orgasm washes over you in a blissful wave. Your toes curl and back arches off the bed, head thrown back in a long and loud moan. Abby continues to fuck your aching cunt into overstimulation, your legs shaking and breath uneven.
"Baby, baby I can't-can't take it anymore," you whine and moan. Abby doesn't stop but unlatches herself and slaps your pussy lightly with her palm.
"You're going to take what i give you angel, and you're gonna say thank you alpha," she hums and holds your jaw with her hand. "Okay baby?" She asks.
"Yes baby," you say softly, lips puffy as Abby captures them in a deep kiss.
"Thank you alpha," you admit shyly, peeking at her reaction through your lashes. Her breathing is ragged, hair undone and messy. Her eyes are a fierce gold, desire evident.
It didn't even take a minute before she slowly sinks herself into you, squelching sounds accompanied. Snapping up her head to you, she examines your features for any sign of pain. Your eyes are half open, lips parted in an O.
"Are you hurt?" She questions, stilling inside. You slowly shake your head, gripping her shoulders and wrapping your legs around her waist. With that, Abby slowly moves through your now sopping cunt. Her breath is short, focusing on not coming too early. You wrap around her like a vice.
"Fuck-fuck fuck baby you're so wet, so tight so warm you're so perfectfuck you are soperfect," Abby moans.
You moan at her praise, tangling your fingers in her hair, reveling in the closeness of your skin. Held up by her strong arms, the muscles in her biceps flex by your head.
"Hold on tight princes," Abby whispers into your ear, nipping at the skin.
Her thrusts start slow and languid, drawing out loud moans at each bury inside you. Your moans only get louder as her Hips snap back into yours at a near brutal pace, relishing in the wet sound of skin on skin. Abby examines your fucked out state of bouncing breasts, loud breathy moans and profanity.
"Fuck Abby fuck ABBY fuckfuckfuck my alpha fuck my alpha," you moan out, whining at the feeling of her cock stretching your walls to a beautiful feeling.
"Markmemarkmeplease baby breed me please baby please," you whine out, surprising Abby at your vulgar confession.
"Yeah baby? Fuck you'resofuckingwet, you take my cock so good baby you want my pups baby? Want me to breed you like a good puppy?" Abby moans, as the slap of wet skin fills the room.
"I bet you'd like me to breed you, huh baby?" Your fucked out smile gives her the answer she needs. "Yes abby please baby breed me please don't stop," you whine.
"Dirty girl, I knew you'd like that," Abby seethes as she bites your neck, sweat on her brow.
"You wanna be all round and fuckin full for me?"
"please Abby please baby yes yes yes!" you exhale a loud moan from your chest, as she leans forward to kiss you hungrily.
In a fast motion, she flips you on your belly, arching your back and pressing your cheek into the soft mattress. Your ass on display as she spreads you to see the slick drip down your thighs. You shake your ass slowly, all shame gone, wanting to be bred like a bitch in heat.
Her hands find your hips again, fucking into your cunt immediately like the world was ending. Muffled moans and screams come from your lips, Abby moaning at your soaking pussy sucking her in and milking her cock for all it was worth. Listening to your moans go up in pitch and your cunt get tighter and tighter told Abby you were so close to coming.
"You'gon come for me baby? Come all over my cock baby, c'mon you can do it. Cream all over my cock my good puppy," she rushes out, hands pulling you back to bounce on her dick.
"Fuck-ff-fuckfuck Abby I'm gon come 'my god I'm gonna come," your legs shake and let your orgasm push Abby into hers. Abby grabs your stretched out hand and squeezes it, to ground you. White hot pleasure consumes you and the heartbeat between your legs races.
You yell her name and moan a loud FUCK, drool sticking to the side of your cheek.
But abby wasn't done yet, your pleasure just comes first.
Abby's groans grow higher and higher, as your pussy pulses around her. As she feels you completely tighten around her, Abby's orgasm explodes. She feels her cock swell and a euphoric feeling washes over at the feeling of her breeding you completely full.
"Fuck baby, fuck baby ohgod," Abby moans as she collapses against your sweat drenched skin. You moan back weakly, shivering at her slow kisses up your back.
"You're so beautiful baby, gonna be so beautiful for me," Abby whispers, pulling out slowly to your disappointment.
"Fuck princess look at you," the alpha groaned, skilled fingers pulling your puffy pink lips apart to watch her cum drip out of your overstimulated pussy. You whine again, sensitive to her touch.
She coos, kissing the swell of your ass cheek.
"Come here princess let me hold you," Abby coaxes, slowing moving your body to lay between her legs. She softly kneads your back as you lay, breathing in her scent. Soft kisses to your forehead manage to lull you into a dreamlike state.
"Rest my precious mate, I've got you baby," Abby breathes, wrapping her strong arms around your figure.
Maybe falling in love with an alpha isn't hard after all.
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tlouonmedia · 7 months
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Abby, Mel & (unfortunately) Owen
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pawnshopbleus · 2 months
These Are the Days Six - Friends
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader High School AU
For the summary, warnings, and more please visit here.
Previous Chapter.
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Rain in California was scarce. No matter how much you prayed for the water droplets to fall from the sky, your prayers were never answered. In Washington, the rain never stopped. 
The grey clouds should have been a sign that it would rain, but you weren’t looking at the sky. The whiteboard in front of you displayed some boring war movie. One thing about Mr. Miller is that he thinks a movie will help the class more than a textbook ever could. Last week, he had you watch some Clint Eastwood film about cowboys that went into space. 
In other words, Mr. Miller is an extraordinary teacher. 
Twenty minutes before the class ends, Mr. Miller pauses the movie and turns on the lights. The entire class groans as their eyes get adjusted to the white lights. 
Mr. Miller reaches into his bag and brings out a stack of white papers. One by one, he hands out the last test you all took. It wasn’t about space cowboys (although you wouldn’t have minded that). It was about the three branches of government. 
When he gets to your table, he slides your test to you and does the same to Abby. Meet me after class , is written on the front in red letters next to your perfect score. You hear Abby sigh in frustration. You know that this is hard for her, especially with the softball season coming up and their field is still in shambles. There’s so much pressure on her shoulders and no one is cutting her any slack. 
The bell rings and students jump at the opportunity to leave the classroom. Abby and you stay behind, slowly packing your things into your bag. 
Mr. Miller pulls up a chair in front of you both. 
“Now, I know you two have been studying together and I can see Abby trying in class but it’s not transferring to the test. That’s what I need you two to focus on. I want you to succeed, Abby. I really do but you need to practice a little bit more,” Mr. Miller says before pushing off his chair and returning to his desk. 
You and Abby make your way to the door. 
“Wait,” Mr Miller holds his hand up. “If it helps, you two should go to each other’s houses. Maybe being in a familiar environment could help you focus better.” 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Your bike is still missing. The posters that Dina and Jesse helped you put up are slowly starting to bleed as raindrops fall on them. 
You pull your hood over your head and your headphones in your ears. You curse yourself for wearing canvas shoes on a rainy day and get to walking. The cold air nips at your face and the wind ruffles your clothes. 
Most days, the roads are clear but that’s not the case today. Cars are bumper to bumper and their horns are blaring. It must be true that people can’t drive when it rains. There are multiple people from your school that you recognize. None of them even bat an eye at you until you see the familiar truck that carries the unmistakable scent of dirt. This time, it doesn’t just smell like dirt and must, but there’s a flowery scent that carries through the chilly air. 
Their arguing is muffled due to the windows being rolled up, but you’re almost certain that you heard the words “pregnant” and “cheating.” You aren’t much for gossip but you really wish you could be a taco wrapper tossed in the back seat right now. You want to know what’s going on because by the looks of Abby’s tear-stained face, it isn’t good. 
Abby gets out of the car and slams the door. Owen’s protests are muffled by the sound of rain hitting the concrete sidewalk. 
“Abby, are you okay?” you ask.
She turns and looks at you in surprise and then, as if she doesn’t know who you are, turns and walks away.
The rest of the walk home is spent thinking about what you just saw. You’ve never seen Abby and Owen fight but that didn’t seem like just fighting. Over the past few weeks, Abby has been a different person when Owen is around. She never smiles or talks like she used to. The girl she once was is gone and she’s been replaced by this stoic robot. 
When you get home, you take a warm shower and get changed into some different clothes. After the day you’ve had all you want to do is relax and watch TV but your phone rings as soon as you sit down on the couch. 
Dina’s voice nearly causes your heart to fall out of your chest. 
“Have you heard?”
“Heard what?” “Owen got Mel, the captain of the cheerleading team pregnant. Everyone is talking about it!” 
“Are you serious?” “Yeah. Poor Abby. She suspected that Owen was cheating on her for a while but she never had any proof until now.” 
Dina loves gossip but she has a way of handling the information so delicately. It makes one think why they are vainly talking about another human. But this isn’t gossip. This is simply one friend passing on information about another friend. Regardless, you care about Abby and it seems like she needs someone that she can trust right now. 
Dina wishes you a good night and you hang up. Your house is silent which only serves as another confirmation. You need to call Abby. 
The phone rings a total of five times before she answers. 
“Hello,” she says and it’s obvious that she’s been crying. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I-” she sighs. “I’m fine. Look, I’m sorry for what you saw today. Owen and I are having some…problems right now.”
“Abby, I know what’s going on. If you ever need anything just know that I’ll be here for you.” 
You don’t know if she’s grateful or not because you can hear her sniffle and then cry as the emotions get to her. 
“You're a really good friend,” she says through tears. 
Something about the word ‘friend’ gets to you. It makes you swallow your words and smile through gritted teeth.
“Yeah, friends.”
The phone is silent for a while. The only thing you can hear is Abby's sniffles and the sound of crickets chirping outside. And that’s how you fall asleep. On the couch while on the phone with your friend.
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Next Chapter.
Taglist: @soupycloud
Thank you for reading!
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ps5captures7 · 6 months
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ELLIE WILLIAMS and ABBY ANDERSON in The Last Of Us Part II (remastered) [2024]
Captured On PS5, By Me
Capture dates - ??
Post date - Saturday, March 16 2024
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated<3
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bluecanvasshoe · 8 months
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ABBY!!!!! (and mel!!!)
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camillecrellin · 10 months
Crystal Clear — Prologue: Meet the Cast
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Series Masterlist and Last Hope Album
Next Chapter
A/N: Hi and welcome to this chaos hope you enojy! Just a heads up there will be a few playlists for this fic, I'll link them. This first one is your first album called Last Hope.
Warnings: swearing, the use of "y/n" (a lot) if your put off by that I'm sorry :(
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Taglist: @mcqueeferson @ellieschair
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abbyandercel · 11 months
ok but i don't think we've really dissected just how messy the salt lake crew, minus nora, is.
ok so boom, abby and mel are, like besties/homegirls, right? and what is an unspoken rule within girl friendships? girl fuckin code. GIRL CODE! DON'T DATE YOUR BEST FRIEND'S EX! that should just be friend code imo but whatever. anyways, abby and owen break up or whatever and mel goes right behind and GETS WITH OWEN. not only has a romantic relationship BUT GETS PREGNANT BY HIM. THATS SO FUCKIN MESSY!
now, we don't know how abby felt about that forreal forreal but I doubt she was 100% ok with it. like, i used to have a best friend who went for my ex-boyfriend months after we ended things, but at the time we were talking and were this close to getting back together. i was gonna full-on clobber her. shes lucky covid saved her ass. like it was hot gossip at our school and his school for two good years. but i digress.
AND THEN ABBY SPINS THE BLOCK AND HOOKS BACK UP WITH OWEN KNOWIN FULL WELL HE GOT A BABY ON THE WAY AND IS STILL WITH MEL I think! if I was mel.. well, I wouldn't have fought abby cuz one punch from her would have me seeing god... but shes not bullet proof. but whatever. but mel kinda did her big one telling abby she was a p.o.s, so imma give her her flowers for that. but I don't even think mel laid into Owen. like bro, I'm carrying your whole ass kid AND IM ABOUT TO POP AT ANY MOMENT AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET? buutttt mel in the wrong too! why are you boomp-a-doomp-a-doompin' with your best friend's ex???
whatever. correct me if im wrong, but yall really let a man come between the sisterhood? tragic.
edit: i just revisited the boat scene. abby really let the girls out and he didn't so much as suck on them... there was no foreplay, mans just slipped it in and gave 5 pumps in 30 seconds. like... and that was worth ending an entire friendship?
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ellabsprincess · 1 year
so, i'm almost through all of the requests in my inbox, and i just finished arcane, so i thought it is an appropriate time to open up requests again!
here is an updated list of all characters and people i am willing to write for! send me any drabble, oneshot, or series idea you have for these characters!
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-> bella ramsey (fluff only!)
-> ellie williams
-> abby anderson
-> marlene
-> tess
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-> vi
-> caitlyn
-> sevika
-> mel
-> grayson
-> ambessa
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-> wanda maximoff
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punkrockmads · 1 year
I have not been doing very great the past few weeks. I feel like my writing isn't as good as it could be, and it's making it really hard to keep going. I want to be able to create things that make people happy, but I don't feel like I've been accomplishing that goal.
I have an Abby x Mel fic queued and ready for either this week or next week. After it's posted, I will not be writing for a week. Thank you for your support💗
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terapsina · 1 year
glimpse of a lifetime - abimel fic
“She's kicking,” Mel let out a stunned smile and grabbed Maggie's hand. “Do you want to feel it?”
“I thought you hated people touching your stomach?"
“Random people who treat my stomach like it's a dog they want to pet," Mel said, voice filling with the irritation of one too many strangers on the street baby-talking over her baby-bump, oblivious to their brush with a near-death experience "you're my sister and I'm giving you permission."
Maggie let Mel guide her hand to her pregnant stomach, her curiosity momentarily overcoming the lingering weirdness of her sister’s temporally-displaced pregnancy. For a fraction of a second she felt nothing except the fullness of Mel’s belly, but then -- even as there was the tiny, precious movement of something beneath her touch -- the world whited out, replaced by the familiar sensation of an oncoming vision.
Maggie had time only to gulp in a deep breath of air before she was pulled under its wave.
Mel, dressed in black, dirt and sweat covering her from head to toe as she and someone else hid in an alley. Their face was concealed from sight by a side-sweep of straight, light brown hair and the shadows cast by the wall of the dank alley wall sheltering them. They were throwing a careful look around the corner.
“They’re coming,” the person whispered at a volume so low it wasn't identifiable, despite something familiar raising up a flashing light.
“We can make it,” Mel pleaded.
The other person’s shoulders tightened as they- as she whirled around and pulled Mel toward her into a short, desperate kiss.
Mel let out a torn sob against the lips kissing her own.
“I love you,” the woman said pulling back, finally revealing her face and its uncharacteristically vulnerable expression while keeping one hand on Mel’s cheek and the other over the swell of her stomach “I love you both. You know what you need to do, I’ll lead the Infected away.”
Maggie‘s eyes snapped open and she was left staring at Mel, feeling her jaw drop as the sensation of the vision drained into the present and she realized exactly what she’d just seen.
“What? Is something wrong? Did you see something?” Mel's brows furrowed in worry, her arms already protectively encircling her middle.
“No!” Maggie threw out with a pitched laugh, swallowing down the hysteria before Mel could notice it “I- I was just startled by the kick. I didn’t see anything.”
Right. Except for the person who was maybe- probably -- it was hard to misinterpret that agony she'd seen on future Mel's face -- the other mother to Mel’s future baby; and who looked suspiciously like the dethroned Demon Overlord whose future version had apparently lied to Maggie and Macy's faces -- just a part of Mel's Resistance her ass -- and had, not that long ago confessed her feelings for Maggie’s sister under the influence of a truth serum.
Oh god, Maggie was going to have to hear herself get called the Prancing Princess for the rest of her life.
"Macy?" she asked, feeling near ready to bite her nails -- which would be a crime against the perfect manicure she'd gotten done last week.
"Yeah? What's up?" Macy threw over her shoulder, busy going through pages of graphs containing science Maggie didn't even attempt to identify.
"What would you do if you knew something? Something that someone would probably really want to know, but you're not sure if it would be better to let them find out on their own. Or to not find out about it at all. Except they'd probably find out anyway because if it happened once it will probably happen anyway, even though you kinda find it a little insane. Though maybe not as insane as you would have once. And anyway, it's not like you want them not to know, because they definitely deserve to-"
"Maggie!" Macy interrupted her, her full attention on the conversation now. "Take a breath and tell me what's going on."
"IhadavisionandIthinkAbbyistheotherfuturebabymama." The information exploded from Maggie in one babbled breath of probably incoherent information.
"Sorry, run that by me one more time?"
"I had a vision, Mace. I'm pretty sure Abigael's the one who future Mel was going to have that baby with," she repeated herself, paraphrasing to sound a bit less like a crazy person.
"Oh," Macy blinked. "Well, she definitely left some stuff out when we asked her about Mel."
"Right?! That's what I was thinking. You'd think 'I'm your future sister-in-law' would be relevant information."
"I mean... she probably didn't want to accidentally erase that part of the future," Macy allowed with a slight shrug.
"But Mace, Abby's in London. And I think Mel's still sort of dating Ruby. What am I supposed to do with this information?"
"You had the vision for a reason."
"I know, it's just... it feels like I'd be putting my nose into Mel's personal, romantic business. I haven't really done that since I was like thirteen." Maggie threw herself dramatically into the armchair cushions, groaning into the hands now pressing against her closed eyelids. "And it's Abigael."
"You know she's changed, Mags." There was something nearly defensive in Macy's voice, something that Maggie had noticed had been revived after Abby returned Macy's fire magic. "And anyway, even from London she's been sending Mel whole mountain-loads of stuffed animals, and baby clothes for the past two months."
Neither one of them chose to mention the one time the gifts included a box of lingerie, that had promptly gotten slammed back shut and had made Mel's face turn into a very deep sort of red. Maggie knew they were both thinking about it though.
They shared a slight smirk.
"And she's been calling her like once a week," Maggie finally sighed instead, she'd also seen Mel's face light up whenever Abby's name lit up the screen of her cell. The telling look then always replaced with put-upon exasperation, and compressed amusement during the few times Maggie'd been around to listen to her sister’s half of those phone conversations. But Maggie knew what it looked like when her sister was fighting off feelings.
But this brought them back to how Mel was only sort of dating Ruby by now, and how even that was rapidly shrinking into an oncoming split that Maggie would be surprised to see last past the birth of the baby.
Even more so now.
She and Macy shared a look.
"We could probably have guessed where that's been heading," Macy admitted.
"I mean yeah, but I thought she'd at some point put the Demonic Drama Queen out of her misery and sleep with her, not magic up a daughter with her." Some of the initial hysteria reared up again.
Macy's face filled up with scientific curiosity. "Do you think that's what happened- will happen?"
"You think they used magic?"
"Well, not on purpose?" Maggie scrunched up her nose in thought. "Honestly, I've been thinking Mel probably came across some totem from one kind of fertility goddess or another and activated it on accident. Mel's too level-headed to try to get pregnant during a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Also, I don't think there were any convenient clinics open for artificial insemination."
"That's... a good point," Macy said and then looked at Maggie more pointedly. "You know you need to tell Mels what you saw."
Maggie groaned. "I know."
"So what did you want to talk to me about, Maggie?" Mel asked her.
"I know who the other mother to your baby is gonna be," Maggie said.
"I knew it," Mel exclaimed, eyes narrowing. "You did have a vision. Why didn't you say anything?"
Maggie opened her mouth. She closed it.
Macy poked her sharply on her side and thus left Maggie no choice except to poke Macy in retaliation, ignoring the judgemental stare from Mel, who had clearly been born to give out unimpressed Mom Stares. Mel was going to be a wonderful mother to their niece.
"It's Abigael," she said, finally.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh," Mel blinked, clearly trying to process, her face flushing and filling up with something Maggie found uncomfortably soft. The expression stayed for a lingering moment to be eclipsed by pained horror. "Oh, no."
"What?" Maggie worried suddenly about the likelihood of Abby having turned evil again somewhere within the past two days, since the last time Mel had needed her sisters' help to drag into the house and up the steps to the nursery one of the mailed gifts sent by the former Demon Overlord, this time the giant stuffed unicorn.
"She's going to be insufferable."
There was a whine in Mel's voice but Maggie didn’t miss the way her sister’s eyes seemed to gain a spark of something that was suspiciously very sappy and joyful.
Yeah, Maggie was going to have to resign herself to a lifetime of Perky Peanuts and Pushy Pistachios as her nicknames.
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mellowumbra · 1 year
anyone wanna read my smutty ass werewolf abby story?
She's almost doneeeeeeee
also hi ive been lurkin and workin,,,, writers block is a bitch
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kinardsevan · 2 months
several sentence (sunday) Monday
(I've been going through it the past few days, hence nothing getting updated. Also in a funk today, which is what is leading to this oneshot).
spinning bottles (i ain't got a guy for that)
He tilts up the bottle of Jack to his lips and takes another long sip from it, staring emotionlessly at the beige walls inside his bathroom. 
“You gonna pop the question soon, kid,” his dad had commented, the last time they’d talked on the phone. Tommy never called the man out of interest to have a real conversation, but anytime his father called, he still felt some ridiculous need to fulfill a sanctimonious duty of being a good son to the man who couldn’t give two fucks that he’d made it back from Iraq alive. Robert Kinard hadn’t ever been the kind of parent that gave a damn about his kid. He called when he had something to brag about, or worse, when he wanted Tommy to give him the details on a publicized save he’d been a part of so that he could use it as watercooler talk. His father didn’t give a damn that coming home from Iraq came with demons. He didn’t care that fighting fires for a living came with scars and loss. He didn’t care that Tommy wasn’t a machine that could just turn everything off, regardless of the fact that he’d raised him to be exactly that way. 
Tommy Kinard had been the equivalent of a wildflower growing out of concrete from day one. He’d never fit into the mold of what three generations of Kinard military men expected him to be. He was too soft, too friendly, too giving. And certainly, the military, Captain Gerrard, and his own mother had managed to pick away at the pieces of those parts of his personality. But it never took too long for people to get to the core of who he’d always been if they were willing to try. Howie had been proof of that. 
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iniqiiiluvs · 8 months
Tlou character fav black hairstyles
Ellie: Locs
Abby: Box Braids
Dina: afro
Jesse: cornrows or locs
Joel: afro or locs
Mel: locs
Nora: afro
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urmomssidehoe69 · 1 year
What do y’all think Mel and Owen would have named their baby?
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