#About Alexois
cadrenebula · 16 days
Prompt #7: Morsel
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Even out with his wife, Alex never seemed to relax. Not with other people around. He'd never trust strangers. With everything he'd been through over his life, trust was never easily given to anyone by him.
He'd already picked out the ingredients he wanted to use for cooking. Now he was letting Sana shop for what she needed during their outing. The cats were close by but also curious about the various sounds and scents of the market. Especially Shadow who always seemed to be hungry despite Alex making sure the cats were well fed.
His wary gaze paused at the sound his elezen ears picked up from the crowd around them. A pair of troublemakers in his opinion. Wary changed to scowling as he looked their way. He set his bag down as he released the catch holding the daggers at his wrists under the coat sleeves.
Someone talking about his wife like she was some morsel? Oh hells no. That was not something he was going to tolerate.
Only a hand on his arm stopped him. A glare in the direction of the owner of that hand. Only to find it was his wife and she was shaking her head at him and giving a little smile.
"They're not worth ruining our shopping trip over."
Giving a huff of annoyance as he tucks the daggers back into their hidden spot at his wrists. "Fine..."
Instead he glared daggers at the fools that dare tempt his ire as he picked up his bag again. He'd remember their faces. If he ever saw them again when Sana wasn't around? He'd make them regret being so crass about his wife. They'd regret ever meeting the Jackal. This time there were fortunate that his wife was kinder than he was.
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chicinlicin · 1 year
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marksman + alchemist = cowboy witch(???)
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alexoisxiv · 1 year
A Stranger
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Merewina quickly glanced at the stranger. “Do you see that Elezen over there? Who is walking toward us? I don’t recognise him and what if I embarrass you?”
Frine couldn’t help smiling at her daughter’s distress. Merewina had a clever mind and she was a quick learner. But remembering names was one of her weaknesses. Nonetheless, Frine enjoyed all these new experiences she encountered with her daughter. 
“Well well well, we will soon know who this stranger might be. Perhaps your first suitor has entered the stage?” she chuckled.
“Wha—! N-No, you must be joking," Merewina blurted. “And why would anyone be interested… Oh Fury, he is almost here! Please tell me who he is?!”
“Calm down, my love. In Ishgard ladies don’t panic, it’s the opposite. You make others tremble instead.”
Merewina’s eyes zigzagged in panic. “What do you—!”
Frine’s lesson about trembling would have to wait for another time because the stranger was within their range. Merewina’a mind buzzed like a hornet's nest while she tried to desperately remember Ishagard’s highborn family trees. Yet Frine was adamant not to help her. Because she knew the person who was approaching them. 
“It’s been awhile, ladies. I hope you both forgive me for my long absence,” he apologized in a soft tone while respectfully greeting both of them with a bow. 
And that’s when Merewina’s worrying face changed to pure fluster. Her eyes widened with surprise when she finally recognized the stranger who had the hair of a lion's mane and the Seigneur’s Jerkin.
“Yes, lady?” He smiled with his usual gentle smile that could melt the snow from all around Coerthas. Or that was what Merewina believed to be true. 
This was what Frine loved the most. To see people connect. To see how they start working their ways together. It was like Mephina had cast a spell on them. Frine knew that Merewina had shown some light affection to Alexois but the young woman had a long way to overcome her shyness. 
Alexois on the other hand was a professional on this matter. He wouldn’t cross the line, even if he wanted to. And Frine saw how delicately the butler maneuvered around Merewina.
You son of dhalmel! You indeed know how to be a gentleman but you don’t fool me, boy. The way you look at her. It all gave it away.
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esto-perpetua · 2 years
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What are they talking about?
(alexois belongs to @losstvrot )
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Grumpy Wizard But this Time With A Sword
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candycryptids · 2 years
Hey!! Same hat with having a robot body double for their character, my mechanist boy Alexois has one too, named Neo Proxima. Basically Automaton Queen but a handsome, long-haired robot man. Because screw it, why not. We need more robos.
OOOOOOOOOHHHH !!!! hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah you get it, we always need more fun robots to attach emotional weight and care to I love that sm
Tuesday was originally just Chuu wanting something to cook/clean for her but it got out of hand (as projects tend to) lmao
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mythriteshah · 2 years
Pg. 4 - Gelmorrian Nights
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“A Thousand and One Gelmorrian Nights, or simply 'Gelmorrian Nights' for short - an alluring play on Gelmorra and Thavnair, and a testament to the hidden beauty of Duskwight aesthetic.”  -Telphie Higuri
Duskwight fashion has been wanting for quite some time now.  The Bandee Pakshee’s HR Lead has something to say about that!  Reneeia Belloq brings forth a spicy addition to the PiB Catalogue that will surely rival certain other items (regulars will know which ones)!
 The “Gown of Gelmorrian Nights” takes a stroll down the risqué, presenting a sleek dress with great décolleté made from a dark black leather made, patterned to resemble snake scales.  The top portion of this piece is trimmed with the softest of furs and studded with white gems for a sparkling finish, adding style and comfort.
 The violet sash of silver bells is a personal touch of Reneeia’s – a small accoutrement that was her own personal means of showing her clients’ affection; were someone to gain her favor, she would detach one of the bells and bestow it upon them.  On the contrary, should they earn her ire… you will have to find out for yourself.
 Thavnair and Gelmorra.  Two city-states blend as one with the creation of this moss seductive dress.  Surely to be a hot ticket for the women, the Gown of Gelmorrian Nights stands out in the fashion realm with its dark allure. 
Notable Owners:
Goddess Lyris Nightsong
Reneeia Belloq
Alexois Delacroix
Ruriri Ruri
Makoto Mifune
Deila Stormsong
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geirskogull · 4 years
The Gods, However, Remain Silent.
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+ Notes: A First Person Look at Alexois post Vault, That I started last year and finished uhhh today. Angst with some weird comfort because hes not good at being a person.
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The Gods are silent today. They are silent as I watch them carry the body of a Good Man from the Vault. He’s still bleeding, just the smallest bit, as they try to cover his face. His arm falls limp off the edge of the stretcher they carry his shell in, and leave tiny droplets of blood upon the cold stone. They will wash that at dawn. None shall remember it having ever been there. Save perhaps me, and even it will fade from my mind given time. Hopefully. 
They are silent as I watch my Mirror walk from the Vaults Holy Halls, well worn spear in a white knuckled grip. Eyes glazed over and red with anguish. Hands coated in the same red essence of life that was slowly turning brown upon the cobbles. His perhaps? Was she so truly of House Dzemael that such an evil would befit her. 
No. For she is a Good Woman. Maybe not in the eyes of the Fury, whose cruel gaze was blind to so much, if she watched at all, but she was a Good Woman all the same. Better than I. Both of them far far better than I. She turns towards the Foundation, the body that was once a Good Man turns towards further in the Pillars, and her myriad of traveling companions go various ways that I quickly lose count of. And I too soon move from the spectacle that’s gathered a crowd of gossiping men and women towards what at first I think is home. 
My library would have been a keen comfort. None enter there unless they wish something of me, and its desk is situated just so that I can prepare for any request with an impassive face that displays nothing save that I am listening. Nothing that can be used against me. Nothing I can be blamed for. Nothing that my Father's constant hypocritical sermons upon the various tenants of the Halonic Orthodox Church can reach. But yet I do not find myself at its familiar door, with its faint light and warm carpets. I find myself at the far far too loud, far far too bright door of the Forgotten Knight.
It seems more silent than I remember it from my few times here with cousin Grinnaux.
I know that won’t last long. 
The doors are still the old splintered well worn wood that they were last time. The stairs still creaky with the years of usage they had seen. The murmur, muffled by the buffering winds of outside, grew louder as I descended them - almost of my legs' own volition - and took a seat at the bar.  
Danica was here. Had I followed her? I don’t know, even now. She sat far across the bar from me with a bottle of something left by her hand and eyes tracing the woodgrain upon the counter. She looked... hollow. The Bravado and brightness normally found in the mirror of my eyes was gone, and their luster dulled.  If anything, she’d become more of a mirror of myself and...
I sat next to her before I realized I had moved. She looked up at me, and where I expected to be admonished, to be yelled at and pushed away, instead I was greeted by a silence and a weak smile that brought a frown to my own face.
When we had first met in Coerthas, during that debacle with the imposter inquisitor, I treated her and her ilk with the disdain expected of me. I was cruel, and cold, the pointed politeness that tells people they are not wanted there. Yet despite that, still she and her compatriots fought forward. Cleared Francel, Found the truth. Brought the Heretic Inquisitor to justice.
“He brought so many Heretics to their rightful ends.” The Faithful had said at first. “He is a good and righteous man, blessed by Halone.” They praised him even as he sent innocent people, hells even innocent children to their death at witchdrop. To prove their innocence in death. 
How quickly they turned on each other, on their neighbor, at the simplest sign of “heresy” and then as soon as his farce was revealed, prayed for those lost like they hadn’t been cheering for their deaths. 
“Justice” was brought, yes, but Justice wouldn’t bring those sacrificed back. Won't mend their bones as they lay abandoned upon Witchdrops floor. 
And sitting there, in the Forgotten Knight, I was uniquely reminded of that. What would they say about him, Lord Haurchefant, in the days to come? How would he be remembered, in a land that hated him simply for the circumstances of his birth. Bastard. Greystone. 
Danica turned from me to her drink, and I felt a sadness well in me I thought I had long since learned to quell. The kind that Father would inspire when I was young. The Kind that on occasion, I could feel trying to tear to the surface of my heart when Father spoke, and then Trell spoke. But no, I would never allow it would I. One of House Dzemael does not concern themselves with the simple matter of Love. 
“Did you love him?” I ask before I even realize that I have spoken, and when she looked at me next at least her eyes were not empty. There was sadness, and rage, and something I think akin to shame. 
“Of course I do, He is my best friend.” She responded, words a hoarse whisper that betrayed that she must have been crying earlier. Present tense still soaking her words, as if he was merely sleeping. I barely knew this man, but I felt my heart break for her all the same. She really was my mirror after all. Where I barely reacted, I was a stone faced mirror of indifference. She felt everything with the intensity of a thousand calamities. It was a wonder, to me at least, that she was still standing.
“Then what do you plan to do about it?” I asked, leaning forward upon the uncomfortable bar stool that I never understood how Cousin Grinnaux could stand. Had he been here lately? He’d been so... different in his brutality of late. Focused. Unlike the wild storm that was himself. I shook my head, attempting to focus my thoughts but no doubt looking like a cruel judge upon her, or the Good Man’s character.
“The one thing I’m good at.” She hissed, a hollow laugh following, echoing through the Knight like she was screaming into the void. Lunging forward on her own stool, near falling off of it onto the ground she grabbed my collar and I full expected for her to slam my head upon the table. I’d have deserved it with my inconsiderate questions, as I always do, but she didn’t. Merely dropping her hands and head to the table and letting out a strangled cry. 
“Rhaglr please, wake me up from this nightmare.”
A plea to an unfamiliar god, but one I was sure would remain as unanswered as all of mine were. Bile rose at the back of my throat and rage sang in my gut. How dare they? How dare they remain silent over this cruelty spilled from by others in their name. In the name of a stupid holy war. In spite of this suffering, or perhaps because of it. Their silence rang loud like screams of the damned.
But I decided then, as my mirror, my cousin, the family my father would have me forget, sat in the Forgotten Knight staining the wood with her tears, that I would not do the same. I would remain silent no longer as these fools I called country men slew the few damn Good Men we have, and break the hearts of those who try to save us. I would be the prayers that were not answered for me, or for her, or for that Good Man whose body I watched be carried away to where most would never recall his name. 
I gingerly put my hand upon her shoulder, fearful of what angry reaction I might provoke from my cruel question. But my worry was for naught, save that she continued to mourn. Perhaps I would have preferred she got angry at me. I at least know how to handle that.
“When you’ve decided, let me know.” I started, causing her to slowly turn her head and raise a brow at me, confusion joining the tears in her eyes. “Because I’m going with you, I may not be an Azure Dragoon or an acclaimed scion and God Killer but I fought in this war all the same. I know how to handle myself and my magic is at your disposal.”
For once, I found I didn’t mind the idea of my skills being at someone else’s command. My Mirror, she is a Good Woman, she will... she won’t ask what they asked of me. 
“I’ve decided I need a hug.” Her words, a whisper, snapped me from my thoughts of my blood stained, terribly burnt hands to confirm I was right. A small smile cracked upon my face without a seconds restraint, no worry about who of my fathers men might see me. 
I held my Dear Cousin close and let her cry. 
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vizsca · 5 years
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When the party at the palace is about to end, the guests start heading out of the gardens to pick up the belongings they left inside the ballroom and the light of dawn is lurking just around the corner.
I already miss summer and waking up early by golden sun rays peeking through the horizon :((
But hey at least I finally had a chance to do full colour of Vizsca’s formal outfit.
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adrasthee · 4 years
Truth serum for Alexois, how do you feel about your father?
Alexios: I... He’s my father. I don’t have much to say on it... He’s not like... Zeus. He really loved my mom... it just... didn’t work out. Mom saw this as a fling and... gods aren’t meant to stay to raise their mortal children anyways... I... I just wish he was a little more there sometimes but... I’m trying to not think too much about it.
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cadrenebula · 1 year
Prompt #20: Hamper
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Alex was bent over the cutting board of his kitchen. Yes he considered it his kitchen even if he accepted Sanagi's help from time to time. Mostly because he'd taken the hobby of cooking because it helped. Especially with there being no Gin Mill matches in this past year. It was better than being agitated or pacing. Fishing was okay but it was far too idle for him to do for long. Cooking was more active and required more effort and attention.
He'd have to remember to send a letter to Ren an make sure the idiot was still alive. But that was for another day as he kept cutting the sandwiches down into more manageable bites. Carefully packing them into the basket for the picnic he was going to surprise Sanagi with.
Next came finishing the dessert. Finding the bowl of icing he'd set aside earlier so he could finish icing the cake now that it was cool enough. He was still working on his baking skills. Still best with anything that involved a knife or cutting. Slicing the cake would wait till they got to where they would eat. Just so things didn't go everywhere in the meantime.
Carefully stuffing the drinks and other odds and ends into the basket. Finding the utensils and napkins. Debated skipping the cups but grabbed at least one for Sanagi in case she wanted it. He preferred to drink from the bottle.
Checking the time as he shut the lid on the container. Sana should be just finishing up work as he reached the free company house. Then they could go on a picnic. Of course he'd debated having it in the company yard or their own yard. But that seemed a little weak of an attempt. He'd decided on a little spot out in La Noscea cause he still liked being near the sea. An this spot definitely had a nice view of the water while still being a grassy spot.
Right... The blanket for them to sit on. He'd almost forgotten it. Searching for where it was left since their last picnic. Finding it before he was off to meet Sana before she could escape work an get into anything else. Not much of a surprise if he missed catching her.
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0bsidian5ire · 5 years
Prompt #5: Reforge a Life Worth Living
Prompt: Vault from @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast's #ffxivwrite2019
Set later the same day as The Missing Status Quo
The night of their flight from the Waking Sands was spent camping out in the Sagolii Desert. Kharagal made up the fire, Osric decided it was his supplies they were eating from first and Alex and Carmen rolled out everyone's bedding. Then they huddled around the fire and ate Osric's cooking together. Through it all, Alex remained even quieter then usual.
It was only once they were on their second helping of stew that Alex spoke up. "I think... it's time I told you all something. Specifically about where I'm from and why I... left there."
Kharagal stared at him, spoon stuck in her mouth. Alex's past was something he never talked about. She knew there had to be something to it as well. There simply wasn't that many Wildwood Elezen with Hyur names in Limsa Lominsa. Or with the kinds of ear piercings that made Kharagal wince whenever a magnet was pulled out. "I'm assuming Carmen already know all this?" Because if Carmen's boyfriend didn't trust her with his own past... Kharagal was seriously going to lay into Alex later. Preferably with Ifrit-Egi.
"Oh don' worry, I know all this already. Verified it myself even." Carmen saw Kharagal's look. "It's nothing bad."
"Please tell me it's be more interesting then a Wildwood that got sick of the Green Pact and moved out of Gridania." Osric snickered to himself.
Alex smiled mirthlessly. "Not Gridania, but you're not that far off either..." He trailed off and gazed into the fire. "Before the Calamity, I was a member of the Temple Knights of Ishgard. I was from a minor noble family that was regarded as having a very... down-to-earth faith in Halone. When we weren't joining the Temple Knights or the Knights Dragoon, we were joining the lower levels of the clergy as that was where we felt the most tangible good was being done. We weren't regarded as having as... fine a breeding as some of the nobles did, but no one ever doubted our skill at killing dragons or our devotion to Halone's teachings.
"Which may have been why I came to the attention of the Heavensward the year the Calamity threatened..."
Alexois de Urleaux looked at the door to Ser Aymeric's office and tried not to be nervous. He had received a missive that mourning to report here and could not think of any reason his commander would have to summon him. But orders were orders. He knocked on the door.
"Come in," said the familiar voice of Aymeric de Borel. Alexois did so and saluted.
Aymeric returned the salute before getting right to business. "Alexois de Urleaux. I thought it prudent to inform you it has come to my attention that Ser Zephirin of the Heavensward has been looking into your records. Given your particular talents, there is only one reason I can think of for him to be doing that."
Alexois caught his breath. "You think he means to recruit me."
Aymeric inclined his head. "Just so. Your swordsmanship is some of the finest I have ever seen and your reputation is impeccable." He smiled warmly. "The Heavensward will be fortunate to have you."
Alexois looked down, suddenly bashful. "Thank you, my lord. But, why would you tell me this?" He met Aymeric's eyes again.
"I supposed you would prefer to be shocked away from the eyes of your new commander. And have the luxury of coming up with a response to his offer before he needs one."
"I do welcome that." Alxois straighted up and saluted his commander. It might be the last time he did this. "It was an honor serving under you."
Aymeric saluted back. "The honor was all mine."
The two of them shook hands and Alexois left Aymeric's office. He did his best to be surprised when a courier caught up with him at the Arc of Worthy with a missive to report to the Vault.
At the Vault, a member of the inquisitors lead him through a dizzying set of corridors to an ornate wooden door. "The commander will see you now," she said, and held the door open for Alexois.
Alexois walked through the door nearly caught his breath when he saw not just Ser Zephirin, but also Ser Vellguine there. The door to the office shut behind him, leaving him alone with both of them. Alex didn't know why, but he felt trapped.
"So you are the latest Urleaux to excel in the Temple Knights," Ser Zephirin started with. He gave Alexois an appraising look. "You will work very well for our purposes."
"What purposes would that be?" Ser Zephirin's statement sounded wrong.
"Ending the Dravanian threat, restoring man to their rightful place, making it so everyone can live in peace." Ser Zephirin smiled a smile that could not have been more different then Ser Aymeric's.
"By which Ser Zephirin means it would do us a great honor to have you join us," Ser Vallguine said from behind Alexois. "The Archbishop is always in need of more people to help him with his endeavors. And you have skills we need to do that."
"I thought the purpose of the Heavensward was to guard the Archbishop," said Alexois before he could stop himself. Something odd was going on here, but he could not put his finger on it.
"What does he need guarding from in the middle of Ishgard?" Ser Zephirin snorted. "No, we may do that when the need is called for, but far more often we are carrying out his will for us. Think of it! To have the Archbishop's authority to do what you know you must!"
Alexois suppressed a shudder. What they were talking about was not known to the rank and file of the Temple Knights and he doubted Aymeric would stand for something like this. Ser Zephirin had all but admitted to working on unknown projects for the Archbishop with no oversight. And everyone knew the Heavensward had an in with the Inquisition. If he declined Ser Zephirin's offer, it was highly likely he would not make it out of the Vault alive. "That is appealing," he made himself say. "You honor me and my house with your offer."
Ser Zephirin smiled. "Of course. We will see you tomorrow for your initiation then. Ser Vallguine if you would?"
The door opened behind Alexois and he knew he had been dismissed. The inquisitor lead him back through the maze-like hallways until he was outside the Vault. Alexois waited until she had gone before walking away at what he hoped was a normal pace.
He didn't start thinking about what he was going to do until he got to the Last Vigil. The Heavensward were expecting him tomorrow, but there was something wrong with them and, more importantly, their relationship with the Archbishop. It sounded like either the Heavensward or the Archbishop was taking advantage of the other and no one knew about it. But now Alexois did and he could not in good conscious work with them. He also could not tell anyone about it as far as he could tell. The Heavensward and the Inquisition worked too closely together for them not to have some way to go after him, or worse, his family.
I need to leave, he realized. And the only way to leave Ishgard without the Heavensward finding out about it too quickly would be... he eyed the Brume below him. One of the consequences of having clergy for relatives who actually tried to genuinely help their congregations was that his family knew all sorts of gossip from the Brume. Including the rumors that said the Brume was built over older parts of Ishgard and how if you knew where to go, you could exit Ishgard via the older routes.
Without stopping to think too much about what he was doing, Alexois made his way through Ishgard from the Last Vigil to the entrance to the Brume. He would not see the upper part of Ishgard again, except from across the Sea of Clouds.
"It was in the Brume I found my Soul Stone," said Alex. As he had told his story, his eyes had slowly turned from their usual sea green to the glowing scarlet they were often in battle. "It was also there I learned that once Thordan had become the current Archbishop, the nature of the Heavensward had changed. All of them were some of the best fighters in Ishgard while their moral character was often... lacking. The general consensus was that the Heavensward's priorities had changed and not for the better.
"I managed to finally get out Ishgard for good in the confusion following the Calamity. I changed my name and made my way to the city that was the furthest away from Ishgard when it came to both politics and geography." Alex smiled to himself. "I never left."
Carmen laughed. "You mean you ran into me an' for some reason decided my 'sisters'" she airquoted, "had a solid sense of morals you could live with."
Alex grinned. "What else am I supposed to think? You make it rather clear what is and isn't allowed in Limsa and actually bother enforcing it. And you can't be bribed."
Carmen put her face in her hands and laughed at that. Khargal and Alex joined in with her. Kharagal noticed Alex's eyes were back to normal now.
"So, you're an ex-Ishgardian," Osric drawled over them. "I get why you wouldn't mention it; we never get word out of there." He shrugged, sending his shoulder-length pale blond hair shimmer in the firelight. "Might as well save yourself the attention. But why mention it now?" He rested his chin on his knees and peered at Alex over the fire. His blue eyes glittered at the promise of knowledge. Osric had always had a trader's inclination for gossip.
Alex grew quiet. "The Garlean's attack made me think," he said. "There's not a lot of things I would regret if I was to die, but..." he looked at Carmen. "One of them would be not getting married to you."
Carmen grinned. "An' the firs' an' only time you asked me to marry you, I told you I would if you finally started talkin' about your past. I assume this means you'll be telling the rest o' us when we get back together?"
"Naturally. They deserve to know." Kharagal was pretty sure she had never seen Alex smile that much before.
Hearing that, Carmen leaned over and kissed Alex full on the lips. She pulled away laughing. Kharagal and Osric joined in. It was nice to remember that even with the horrible events that took place earlier that day, it was still possible to enjoy living.
Author's Notes: Thordan's plan in Heavensward isn't the kind of plan you can just come up with on a whim. So in this 'verse, he's at least been planing something that involves the Heavensward since before the Calamity even happened.
Due to the nature of the Dark Knight quests, they are a tad AU in this 'verse to keep the timing right and Alex's motivations and relationship with Fray are a smidge different. All the major events in the DRK quests happen though.
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placesyoucallhome · 2 years
Lark kinda reminds me of my own FFXIV robo.. Neo Proxima, who’s gist is “What if the automaton queen was a king/prince and also a long-haired handsome man”. He’s much more visibly robotic, but he’s a bodyguard and assistant to my mechanist Elezen dumbass Alexois and his defected Garlean boyfriend Nerva.
So, uh, yea. Robo squad
I’m actually a little sad there’s not more magitek/mammet characters out there, there doesn’t seem to be many around! Something about it seems to be too far over the line of reasonably plausible in eorzea, but all manners of voidsent and were-dragons and aliens (who are also dragons) and all that is fine lmao.
Though technically, Lark pilots a chimerically constructed body that’s about 70-80% flesh and blood (or will as the body is being constructed right now) so they look quite eorzean, they will still be able to retreat to the house’s servers when needed. For now anyways. They also very much wanted to be a miqo’te and used Ruhka’s genetic data to do so.
Are they still considered a cyborg if it’s a machine intelligence with organic parts rather than a organic being with mechanical parts? Or are they still considered an android? Though as a node, they are of course 100% robo still!
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alexoisxiv · 1 year
About Mr A's lore ramblings
I'm thinking of making some tiny adjustments to Alexois' lore. Very minor ones, so no worries because Alexois will still stay the way he is.
Back then when I picked Jehantel for the house hold name (for Frine and Merewina) I chose it only because it rolled out of the tongue quite easily. I wasn't familiar with the Bard job questline and soon learned that there is a character called Jehantel. This might just be me thing but it feels slightly awkward.
So the last name will be change to something but I'm not sure to what. I might go with an Ishgard theme in the end, yet I want it to be something familiar with the Jehantel. Maybe surname could start with J-letter?
Another thing which I found to be not Alexois's style is his patron deity. Back when I chose Thaliak for Alexois, I didn't think about it that much. Maybe I tried to go with the theme of knowledge? But now that I've experienced the latest raid... Thaliak didn't click for me. It felt like quite random and forced decision. Alexois isn't a book nerd and he is rather fond of learning from experience than from tomes. Being hungry for knowledge isn't his thing.
Thaliak says in the battle something along the way "Ignorance must be cleansed." And this stings a little for me, because I've never been good at being academics. Alexois is still my comfort character and I want to feel super comfy when create stories about him.
I might change the patron deity to either to Halone or Oschon because they feel much closer to Alexois. Other is the image of faithful and other is a seeker of adventures. And these qualities are more close the Alexois than a knowledge. I need to mull over this but I'll surely tell how it will go in the end.
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Get to Know the Character - Rheytin’a Hadrami
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► Name ➔   Rheytin’a Hadrami ► Are you single ➔ “Happily so.” ► Are you happy ➔   “Happy is a strong word. Content is more my speed at the moment.” ► Are you angry? ➔   “Well that’s a strange question. No, and I don’t think I’d be speaking right now if I were.” ► Are your parents still married ➔   “Not anymore.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Limsa Lominsa, jewel of the sea. I could never tire of that city.” ► Hair Color ➔ Jet Black ► Eye Color ➔ Emerald ► Birthday ➔ “That’s a bit personal, let’s move on.”
► Mood ➔ “I’m... anxious, I suppose.”  ► Gender ➔ Male ► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer, though it’s more of a toss up than you’d think.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “I’m tempted to respond with secret answer number 3, night time, but I simply can’t resist an afternoon stroll along the coast.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Not presently.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Not at all.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I suppose my line of work was probably an obstacle.”  ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Undoubtedly.” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I’m already committed to many things, so it’s a tad late to be afraid of it.” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “A few.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “If I did, they wouldn’t be secret for long.” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I’ve had it broken. Not by me, however.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Lust. Love is dangerous.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Iced tea.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Cats. Though I suppose I’m biased.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Few friends.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Wild nights. Costa del Sol is amazing for those.” ► Day or night ➔ “Absolutely night.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “A few times as a child.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I’m sure I’ve done both, of which I don’t remember.” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Yes.” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Yes, and I -have- disappeared on a number of occasions.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Taller.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Intelligence.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Hook-ups. One time affairs work best for me.” 
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “The ones that aren’t dead generally don’t get along well with me, so no.” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “That about sums it up, I think.” ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No.” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I was forced out, yes, though not by my parents.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Not anyone that I genuinely consider a friend.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Most are friends of convenience, but I have a select few confidants.” ► Who is your best friend ➔ “Alexois Lusonne, most definitely.” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Must I repeat myself?”
Tagged by:  @fortysanthus
Tagging:  Anyone that wants to! 
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I have no excuse beyond it was three am and i wanted to see how well i could alter poses
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