#Accidently Undercover fanwork
anechomirrored · 2 years
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Agent Dusk - Accidently Undercover
Part 2 of The Trio
Part 1 here
Part 3 here
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heizuhaevents · 3 months
HeiZuha-Week 2024
August 5th until August 11th!
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Welcome to this year’s HeiZuha-Week, where we want to come together and create one or more special pieces about our favorite (to-be) couple!
You like the couple Kazuha and Heiji? Then you're at the right place!
As every year, the HeiZuha-Week will again include the Hattori-Day (August 10th)!
Around that time, our beloved Osakan Couple will return with a new case in the Japanese Manga-Series, so I decided on the theme
Reunion / Return
To give you some prompts, here’s the daily list!
Case Closure: Heiji returns to Osaka, after successfully solving a case in another city. Kazuha, who was worried during his abscence, waits for him. Ideas: dangerous case, lost case, dispute, argument, long-distance relationship
School Commitments: Because of commitments at school, Kazuha and Heiji haven’t had much time with each other. Finally, all commitments are over and they find a quiet moment. Ideas: school festival, tournaments, exams
Lost: Kazuha and/or Heiji get lost on a trip. After hours of searching, they find each other again. Ideas: Woods/Forest, dangerous case, big city, crowded place, snowstorm, school trip
Dangerous Situation: Kazuha/Heiji gets kidnapped/trapped in a dangerous situation (can be also funny dangerous, like accidentally trapped in the girl's changing room?) and the other has to come to the rescue! Will they be there in time? Ideas: kidnapping, accident, crash, trapped, captious situation
Old Friends: Years have passed and still no couple – even worse! They have lost sight of each other over the years (or maybe have fallen out?) ! Are they worried, the other half might have found a love? Ideas: Study abroad, working abroad, new old love, undercover mission, unsent letters, old memories, long-distance relationship
Another Life: In another life they find/found each other again. Will they recognize each other? Will things be different? Ideas: Isekai, Afterlife, Reincarnation, Past Lifes, Alternate Universes, timetravel/changing past
Returning Memories: May it be because of years passed or lost memory.. They remember old times and relive old feelings. What might their older self think about themselves? Ideas: Photos, lost memory, nostalgia
You can stick to the daily prompts or do an overall work for the whole week by using just the theme or combine different prompts as you like 🙂
It’s free for your interpretation but you can send an ask if you need some inspirational hints (^_^)
I hope for a lot of enjoyable creations!
More Info below the cut!
Some Guidelines
Use tag #HeiZuhaWeek2024 and/or #HeiZuhaWeek and tag this blog by using @heizuhaevents so I can find your entry(s)!
Post your work to the Ao3-Collection (if uploaded to Ao3)
You don't need to participate daily, just choose the topics you like or only use the overall theme to create a piece!
You're free to choose what you want to create! All kind of fanwork is appreciated, open to all creators of all skills! (^_^)
Follow this blog to not miss any of the creations or infos and updates on the event!
Spread the Word! (e.g. by reblogging this post) So we can gather a lot of participants to make this event a great experience! (^o^)/)
Have fun!
I'll reblog on this blog all creations. (^_~) Also after the event week.
(I'll reblog this announcement over the next weeks again as a reminder, but wanted to give enough time for everyone who's short on it!)
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years
She-Ra S5 E07 - Perils of Peekablue
There might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post!
I’ll start by saying upfront that I pretty much consider this to be the weakest episode of season 5 (or at least one of the weaker ones), even though it does move the plot along significantly. The main reason is that, as I said before, I don’t care about the group on Etheria as much as the group in space (with the exception of Scorpia and possibly Spinnetossa), so an episode like this - even though I get why it’s important - just won’t interest me as much as what the gang in space is up to.
That said, it’s not a *bad* episode or anything. Let’s get into it:
- The entire beginning scene where Adora tries to transform into She-Ra and the others keep interrupting her is absolute gold and I love everything about it. Especially Catra, OMG! The way she shows up and actually asks “Are we messing with Adora?” - She’s not even pretending to be helpful and I love that she’s bonding with Glimmer and Bow over “messing with Adora”. And how she then just flings herself onto Adora’s lap and brushes Adora’s face with her tail while cheekily saying “Yeah Adora, concentrate!” - brilliant, absolutely brilliant 🤣. And I also love how Adora doesn’t even try to push her off and actually holds her. These two are too cute.
- I also wonder if the “You can’t let distractions keep you from transforming” line was intentional foreshadowing for Shadow Weaver telling Adora that Catra’s a distraction.
- I like Catra’s new outfit! Well, it’s pretty much just her old outfit with a few adjustments. But still, nice! And she looks really cute with short hair.
- I feel like this beginning scene is pretty much here for two reasons: It sets up that Entrapta is trying to reach the rebellion on Etheria, which will be relevant at the very end of the episode, AND it shows Catra’s new outfit, so we can have a new opening now.
- Changes in the opening: Time for some really exciting mid-season opening changes! Catra’s missing from the villains’ card for the first time ever. Instead, Horde Prime’s hands are now closing around a glowing orb (I assume that’s meant to be the heart of Etheria). At the part where Catra and She-Ra fight, Catra now has short hair, She-Ra is in her new form, and instead of a snarl the fight ends with a soft smile between them (I’m not crying, you’re crying. Best opening glow-up ever! 😭). In the final heroes’ shot, Adora back to being She-Ra instead of Adora, but this time in her new form. And Catra is *finally* in the heroes’ shot as well. GOOD STUFF. (In general, I just LOVE that they actually kept updating the opening in the middle of the season. That is SO cool. But the change that really gets me is how they updated Catra and Adora’s fight, because that’s been the same since the beginning of the show and now it’s SO SWEET.)
- Okay, so my biggest problem with this episode is that the plan to find Prince Peekablue seems... kinda dumb? So they’re planning to sneak into an underwater soiree undercover and abandon everyone else at the camp to find a “hermit” no one has seen in ages because he might know where Adora and the others are? As a plan it just seems far-fetched. I get that they want to warn Adora and company that Prime is chipping people (they don’t know that Adora’s group already knows that), but how would finding Peekablue even help them achieve that? He could tell them where Adora and the others are, but... that’s it. It’s not like he can also magically communicate with Adora or anyone else. And didn’t Swift Wind tell the others last episode that Adora’s coming home and that he can feel her coming closer? So shouldn’t they already know that the group in space are on their way home? (Granted, Swift Wind told that to Micah, Frosta, Spinnerella and Netossa - but I’m assuming the rebels communicate with each other and Micah would have also told Mermista and the others?) I mean, idk how much time supposedly passed between these two episodes, so maybe it’s been a while since Elberon? Also, when did they even figure out that Horde Prime is chipping people? Last episode, Micah still said they had to “figure out what that was”. And if they know about the chips now, it might have been a good idea to check the necks of everyone at camp right away - though to be fair, they maybe didn’t realize how the chips work yet. And yeah, I am nitpicking here (and obviously the rebels have to mess up so things can go south this episode, so I guess they have to make some bad decisions.)
- That said, I love all of their outfits! And I like that Scorpia’s alias “Lynda D’Ream” is a reference to the 80s cartoon.
- Netossa’s lucky that she wears an outfit with such a high collar - makes it hard to put a chip on her neck. (Also, idk if I’ve said this before, but I love Spinnerella and Netossa’s character designs and outfits. They’re both fashion queens.)
- Just the fact that it really is Spinnetossa’s anniversary and Netossa thinks that’s why Spinnerella is acting strange - I mean, what are the odds?
- “They are my people! Which means that most of them have sworn revenge against me at some point.” Okay, that is pretty funny. And getting to meet all of Sea-Hawk’s exes was pretty funny, too. (Yeah, officially they’re not his exes but just people whose ships he set on fire... but come on, the subtext isn’t really subtle here.) And I love the whole running gag of him and Mermista fighting all of them behind the bar counter with Mermista doing most of the work and getting more and more annoyed with it - but when they’re finally done, it turns out there’s also someone there that *she* doesn’t want to see, because she set their ship on fire. Comedy gold.
- Scorpia is me at a party :( I also find it super hard to socialize and get into conversations with strangers. Very relatable there.
- I also love how the sweet flowergirl Perfuma has absolutely no problem blending in with a bunch of criminals.
- “You’re amazing. You have the biggest heart and you could do whatever you put your mind to.” Aww. I’m glad someone told Scorpia that!
- “You should do things not because you’re good at them, but because they make you happy.” That actually is some really good life advice. People should keep that mind in general.
- (I love how Sea-Hawk and Mermista are carrying Admiral Scurvy away in the background while Scorpia and Perfuma are having their heartfelt talk 🤣.)
- “Repeat after me: I can do this. I can do this.” “Perfuma can do this.” 🤦 I feel bad for laughing, but... gosh, Scorpia has some serious self-esteem issues.
- Okay, time for an unpopular opinion: I’m... not that into Scorfuma. There’s nothing wrong with it and I’m not against it or anything, but it just doesn’t particularly grab my interest. That excited feeling you get when you ship something just... isn’t there for me with them, sorry.
(I kinda felt like I had to explain/justify myself, so I started to write a small essay on my ships here that doesn’t really have anything to do with the episode. Feel free to just skip this part.)
I consider myself a multishipper and while my #1 OTP is definitely without a doubt Catradora, I also really have a soft spot for Scorptra (to the point where I’d say it’s probably my #2 after Catradora). And, to make it short, Scorptra vs. Scorfuma is one of those “fanon vs. canon” things for me, where what you want to see happen in canon isn’t necessarily what you find exciting or interesting to explore in fanworks. Obviously Scorptra was never going to be canon because Catradora is a thing, and I’m perfectly okay with that. And in canon, Scorpia getting out of a toxic friendship, moving on from her unrequited feelings, and finding love with someone else (who treats her right) is the right message to send, so I’m glad that’s where the show went. But when it comes to enjoying a ship in fanon (which is what I consider “shipping” to be), then I don’t pick my ships based on how healthy they are in canon, but on how much their dynamic fascinates me and just on whether that certain spark that makes me like a ship is there or not. And in that sense, Scorpia’s dynamic with Catra, which was explored over the course of 4 seasons, is just infinitely more fascinating and spark-inducing to me that her relationship with Perfuma.
And even beyond Scorptra - if I had to ship Scorpia with someone other than Catra, my first pick would be Entrapta. (Yes, I do ship Entrapdak, but like I said - multishipper here. Also, Entrapta has two hands!) And my first pick for who to ship Perfuma with would be Mermista because I like their bickering and I have a thing for opposites attracting.
Anyway, I’ve been rambling about ships for too long now. The bottom line is: I’m fine with Scorfuma being canon and it makes sense that they fit together since they’re very similar people. I don’t dislike it, I’m just not as hyped about it as many people seem to be. On with the episode now, please!
- “I guess I don’t know what a hermit is after all.” Yeah, Peekablue was giving off Double Trouble vibes from the beginning, tbh.
- I love how Netossa is competitive even at planning anniversary surprises.
- Perfuma loudly supporting Scorpia when she ends up on stage is a super nice moment, though. And Scorpia’s performance? Amazing!
- I wonder if Double Trouble made up that whole “She-Ra in space” vision because they were pretending to be Peekablue and just got it right by accident, or if they actually knew that much from their time pretending to be a clone. I wonder how much time they spent as a clone and what exactly they saw.
- Scorpia realizing it’s Double Trouble and then tricking and unmasking them was an amazing moment. So much for Scorpia not being smart!
- I was so excited to see Double Trouble again! Tough it makes me a bit said that they refered to Catra as their “cash kitten”. While they never made a secret out of being in it for the money, I kind of like the idea that they did care for Catra after all. (Do I just ship everyone with Catra? The answer is yes.)
DT: “I know where your friends are. And I’ll tell you - for a price, of course.”
Perfuma: *grows flower arm canon*
DT: “... Fine.”
😂😂😂 Love that.
- “It makes for a very dull audience when everyone’s mind-controlled.” Okay, but that really is a good reason for Double Trouble to help the heroes out without really changing their motivation. They’re still a Chaotic Neutral who doesn’t particularly care about morals - but it would make for a very dull audience if everyone was mind-controlled.
- “Prime is angry. She-Ra showed up and stole his little kitten away.” Like I said before, I LOVE that that’s the reason why Prime’s so pissed in the first place.
- The confrontation between Netossa and Spinnerella is so heartbreaking, but when she said “show me your neck” it again made me wonder why they didn’t check everyone’s neck at camp before.
- “What a shame we can’t be together... in Horde Prime’s light!” Ooohhh, it’s so creepy and angsty, I love it!
- And Mermista’s chipped as well because obviously things have to go south here.
- The parallel confrontations at camp and at the soiree are really cool scenes. I especially like the Spinnerella vs. Netossa fight. And Micah’s chipped as well, because things have to go wrong and Glimmer mentioned being “a day away from meeting her dad” - so obviously that has to be ruined now, too.
- “A little help? I need to lift my hand to the heavens.” Gosh, I love DT.
- Scorpia’s sacrifice made me tear up 😭. (When I first watched it, I was scared she was actually going to die and not just get chipped - I’d never have forgiven the show for that.)
- Can we talk about how strong Netossa actually is? She fought off both Spinnerella and Micah by herself, made a big enough net to cover all the chipped people, and got herself and Frosta out of there safely - I don’t want to hear anything about her powers not being strong again.
- “Happy anniversary.” Noooo, now I’m crying again... 😭😭😭 It’s so sad, but so romantic... (I really love that this season gave Spinnerella and Netossa more screentime. And I’m always here for some angst!)
- And finally, Perfuma is able to contact the group in space and warn them about the blockade. I really like that scene. I like that Perfuma specifically says “You need to stay away”, since we know what happened last time someone told Adora that. And the whole grim mood of Perfuma apologizing and saying the rebellion is compromised, the shaky pictures, the connection cutting off, and then the shot of the ship all alone in space and the silence - amazing. Basically, this episode was “things go very wrong on Etheria, and now the group in space has a serious problem”.
This was a good episode, overall. Like I said, the main reason I consider it weaker is because I care more about the group in space, and they were only here for one scene in the beginning and one in the end. But this was still pretty solid. It had some funny and sweet moments, and then some really cool and dramatic scenes in the end. And of course, it was a very important episode for the plot because things are now really not looking good on Etheria. My favourite moment was Catra sitting on Adora’s lap in the opening scene, though.
[Previous episode]   [Next episode]
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peachchanvidel · 3 years
Tumblr is back on showing me Kyaliners to follow. NO. Leave. Me. Alone. So I go back to blocking them.
I don't want to see these shippers, esp. as so many are constantly screaming about 'being canon' (no, Kya is canonly gay, THAT'S IT) 'make them canon' (you have no idea what you are whining about, how restrictive it will become, what canon DOES to your ship to make it suddenly less appealing... stop crying for it. Bryke WILL fuck it up badly) 'they are wifes' (=________=" I'm too old for this shit) and then even mistagging whatever post possible (leave my Lin art alone, there is no Kya, even less Kyalin, so stop tagging it like that).
HERE is Linzin area. NO Kyalin, NO Pemzin.
Area FOR young Linzin, middle-aged Linzin, old Linzin. With kids, without kids. - They don't break up, they break up but get back together, whatever, I don't care, I ship them. Drama, no drama, floof, angst with happy ending, tropes, ALL THE TROPES.
I'm not sorry for not caring how Pema ends up 'dumped'; the kids will be fine; let Pemzin divorce properly. Why is it always Pema being tired of Tenzin first anyway or Pema dying. Imo Tenzin needed AIRBENDING kids and still had feelings for Lin and had to push them to the back for his duties against his actual wishes. Pema can find ways to handle her life afterwards just fine as well and they can co-parent and still be on good terms. I don't need her to be miserable, but her soulmate crap and in general how she was written was just so... ugh. Damn, I love housewife/mom characters, but they did her dirty and so no.. I can't ship that. That chemistry I see for Linzin I don't see for Pemzin and while I just go 'whatever' while rewatching canon... for fanworks I want smth else.
And does it always have to be back-up wife Lin for Tenzin as Pema wants smth new? Lin deserves better. So I rather ship Tenzin chosing Lin first. Pema can find her way after being dumped. Tenzin knows how to dump his women. Canon showed. I rather go with stories without Pema at all anyway.
That's it, that's the post.
In AtlA I multiship to hell and back when I see cute posts, but for LoK I'm so tired. At this point I think I only need the canon ships so Linzin can exist, for the rest I don't even care anymore.
I even hit the point to think what if Tenzin was Zuko's kid so there was no airbender mumbo jumbo trouble and he and Lin could just be together without the damn breeding issue. There are pros and cons about it and in general it's just a dumb idea. I feel like in FE•A and 'if' where the kids depend on one parent and change a small bit depending on the other one.
And some of my 'but this is not Linzin, WTH' ideas when my Linzin feels are a bit low because I saw too many miserable Lin contents (What is the appeal in her getting tortured like that all the time.. canon already sucks...?! Don't you want to fix things, why make it always WORSE, esp. with no happy end or one that's... not really happy at all... YOU JUST LOVE PAIN, DON'T YOU)
- Lin got dumped, says 'FUCK RC, I have nobody left here, Mom doesn't care about me being in the police either anyway', and joins the UF and ends up in Bumi's unit and also with him at some point. Whatever. And they end up getting married on the ship, and they have a (accident) kid before Tenzin and the kid will be an airbender. IN YOUR FACE TENZIN. (Bumi still has to suffer a lot for 'doing THAT to her' but they are... not.. unhappy... at all uwu)
- Or how the Krew timetravels back in time and to get back to the future via the portals they have to leave one of them behind. Mako stays, as he is the least attached to anybody and promises to find a way back (WELL.... they also can try the other way around)... and he stays undercover but joins the RCPD again.. and he ends up in Lin's team and has to watch her relationship with Tenzin and knows what will happen and he really wants save her from the heartbreak in a few years, also falling for her etc. He kind of manages that Lin realizes that it's either her ending it or Tenzin, so this time Lin ends it first. And she can move on a whole lot better. Also Mako has to realize.. he can safe his parents.. and Asami's mom.. but has no idea about consequences. Doesn't even know about THIS consequence with Linzin etc. But yeah.. pretty much Linko and once Lin is happy and could move on first. (If they get together and Mako starts revealing who he is, how his timeline was, what changed, depending on how much he could share... they could also have kids - and they just would have kids because Lin also WANTS kids, no pressure, no neglect, no worry about the wrong kind of bender etc etc. - the firebender and earth bender kombo would totally make Mako cry, because damn, he really misses his brother and nope, he hasn't found a way back. the past has no damn PORTAL YET)
Really, I multiship and I'm dumb and I hope you are all happy i'm not a writer, but I don't want to deal with annoying crap over and over in my TL. And I don't want to deal with negativity and feel the need to vent this often. I just want the positive input so I can draw my fanart and share it with the 5 people who like it.
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Jaydick Exchange: August 27, 2020
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[ ❤ Works posted so far! ❤ ]
Here are today’s fanworks! Please leave a comment and kudos for the author if you enjoy their work. Authors/artists will be revealed August 31st!  September 3rd!
Circling, Circling by Anonymous for Cryzice [Jaydick, Teen, No warnings, Fic]
Additional Tags: Child Death, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Background Character Death, Space Accident, Self-Esteem Issues, Unreliable Narrator, Trauma, Hopeful Ending 
Summary: It’s about a set of tangled complications and thoughts that spin, spin, and spin in his head. It’s about unsaid assumptions and unsalvageable situations., And maybe, at the end of it all, it’s about finding peace together underneath an unfamiliar, darkening sky.
Who caught whom? by Anonymous for Jakowic  [Jaydick, Teen, Chose not to warn, Fic]
Additional tags: FBI Agent Dick Grayson, Criminal Jason Todd, Undercover, Pre-Slash
Summary: Dick stopped to make sure the street was empty before crossing it when he spotted him. He spent enough time chasing the man, he would recognize him anywhere. Even on the barely lit street at night.
(another) batfam ice cream drawing by Anonymous for Nightwhelmed [Dick & Jason, G, No warnings, Art]
Additional tags: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Fanart
Summary: they paid with bat-credit card
JayDick Summer exchange 2020 by Anonymous for CaramelMachete [Jason & Dick, G, No warnings, Art]
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Magic, Wings, Fanart, Sorcerer
Summary: Fanart for the JayDick Summer 2020 Exchange
My Neighbors in B18 by Anonymous for CinnaTwist [Jaydick, G, Chose not to warn, Fic]
Additional tags: Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, EMT! Dick, Alpha Dick Grayson, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha Tim Drake, Slow Burn, Pining, Blind Character
Summary: Thus, Dick resigned himself to his silent (agonizing) pining after the omega in B18. No amount of Arabic that he picked up could possibly impress the omega and pup because they weren’t talking to him. When they spoke in their native tongue it was supposed to be hushed and to each other, acknowledging that he knew something of their language was admitting that he listened in on them - meant that he was being creepy and learning this entire language in hope that he could catch their attention. It wasn’t going anywhere. They were never going to get anywhere. Jason was far too busy between raising his son and working the night-shift at the diner just down the road. He was too busy fussing over hiring a new babysitter to be worried about the increasingly pathetic alpha across the hallway. 
Dick is in love with his neighbor, he just doesn't know how to get his attention.
Damages by Anonymous for robinlikeitshot [Jaydick, G, No warnings, Fic]
Additional tags: Pre-Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, tied-up, Confrontations, Panic Attacks, Emotional Manipulation, Angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Summary: Three confrontations between Dick Grayson and Jason Todd; Dick finds out his little brother is still alive and they proceeds to have a tough talks while tied together.
When is a Cat not a Cat? by Anonymous for LullabyDance [Jaydick, Teen, No warnings, Fic]
Additional tags: Animal Transformation, Non-Graphic Violence, Gang Violence, Humor, Light Angst, Allergies, death anniversary, not who you think, Romani Dick Grayson, Getting Together, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: When a sorcerer gets involved during a gang war in Gotham, Jason ends up paying for it. Somehow that’s linked to Dick’s kid neighbour asking him if his cat would eat him if he dies.
knock the ice from my bones by Anonymous for SindyRa [Jaydick, Explicit, No warnings, Fic]
Additional tags: Teen Titans (DCU), Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Human/Monster Society, Full Shift Werewolves, Pack Dynamics, Arranged Marriage, Werewolf Courting, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, True Mates, Werewolf Culture, Pack Politics, Strangers to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Dick Grayson, Alpha Jason Todd, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Jason Todd is an Al Ghul, Dick Grayson's Unrelenting Stubbornness, 
Summary: Richard Grayson Wayne hasn't felt warm since his parents fell and he was taken in as a prince of Gotham., As heir to the throne and the kingdom's most prized omega, Dick's spent his every waking breath fighting against everything that made Gotham's stagnant culture in regards to dynamics and shifters. However, between being shunted into a rushed political marriage to avoid an impending war and having his entire life tossed into turmoil as a result—Dick quickly finds that his future husband-to-be may be just the flame he's always been longing for. 
(It's a real shame how determined Prince Richard is to fight the draw of his mysterious betrothed every step of the way.)
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deancasfix · 6 years
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We are incredibly lucky to belong to a fandom that is constantly producing a high volume of fanworks-- but sometimes, it can be a bit overwhelming. To that end, DeanCasFix proudly presents a new feature: Challenge Highlights, a selection of our favourite stories and artwork from recent Dean/Cas fests and challenges. 
Here are some of our top picks from the 2018 round of the DeanCas Reverse Bang. 
Adrift by A_Diamond, art by starmouse123
Wordcount: 6140
Rating: T
Summary: Dean Winchester left Earth with his parents twenty-five years ago aboard the colony ship St. Louis. Three years into the five-year journey, a freak energy wave decimated the ship’s inhabitants, cut off their communication with Earth, and destroyed their navigation system. Now, Dean and his best friend Jimmy are one of the teams who fly out to survey potential planets for habitability.
Dean’s pretty sure they’re not going to find one in his lifetime.
When something goes wrong on what should be a routine survey mission, Dean has to face Jimmy’s death, the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the truth about what killed his parents—all while trapped in a broken shuttle with an alien life form that’s taken over his friend’s corpse.
Blond Ambition by zaphodsgirl, art by dmsilvisart
Wordcount: 8264
Rating: T
Summary: An offhand remark by Sam leads to Cas getting involved in the latest prank war, but it also leads Dean to to an unexpected confession.
By the flowers in his eyes by remmyme, art by migglangelus
Wordcount: 3522
Rating: M
Summary: Dean is blind and (mostly) fine with it. He still managed to bag the hottest boyfriend in town.
Growing Pains by surlybobbies, art by boopliette
Wordcount: 12,884
Rating: G
Summary: “Cas could hardly believe that less than a month prior he’d been in court pleading hoarsely through a stream of tears for permanent guardianship of Jack, the child that his closest friend Kelly hadn’t expected but had still loved with all of her heart.“
When Kelly Kline passes away in a car accident, leaving her infant son Jack orphaned, her best friend Cas petitions the courts for guardianship. Thus with one bang of a gavel, Cas becomes, for all intents and purposes, a father. Fatherhood, however, is more than a little challenging for a single man who has no experience with children. Enter Dean Winchester, the neighbor from across the hall, who proves himself good with Jack (and might be even better with Cas.)
Partnered by K_K_TiBal, art by vyxon7
Wordcount: 28,112
Rating: T
Summary: Dean didn't think that his life as a detective could get much worse after Castiel was promoted to lieutenant.
Castiel was a stickler for the rules, had no sense of humour, and never seemed to give Dean a break, even though they used to be partners.
But then, despite all of their questionable history, the two are asked to go undercover on a case in the wealthy suburbs of California. . . as a married couple.
Right By Your Side by sconesandtextingandmurder, art by dragonpressgraphics
Wordcount: 12,692
Rating: T
Summary: Dean Winchester knows he's supposed to stay away from the river that serves as an enchanted barrier to the forbidden forest where the monsters live. After a fight with his father, he finds himself there anyhow, and discovers some new and unexpected friends.
The muse by d_claiborne, art by busy squirrel
Wordcount: 30,259
Rating: E
Summary: At the dawn of 1884, Castiel decides to leave New York and pursue his dream of becoming an artist. At the dawn of 1884, the night before he is to board the ship that will carry him across the ocean from America to England, Castiel meets Dean Winchester. At the dawn of 1884, Castiel falls in love for the first time.
The Spoils of War by jhoom, art by theaeronaut
Wordcount: 3683
Rating: T
Summary: Dean enjoys being a prominent God of War… up until another god starts to usurp his authority.
The Starting Place by daydreamdestiel, art by deancebra
Wordcount: 40,725
Rating: E
Summary: Going back to Lawrence was on Dean's list of things to never, ever do. Unfortunately, life—or in this case, death—made a mockery of even the best laid plans. Still, when he went home for his dad's funeral with Sam, Dean had no idea who would be waiting there to turn his entire world upside down.
Cas had spent so many of his teenage years in love with his best friend Sam’s big brother that he was half-convinced he’d embellished Dean's attributes in his memory. Too bad for his heart that when Dean came back, he'd only gotten more attractive with age. He was still the best looking omega Cas’d ever known. Even worse was that Dean was attracted to him too because no matter how much Cas wanted him, Dean was only there until he fixed up John's house, then he was headed back to California.
So the question was, could they keep their hearts from breaking when he did?
Time Still Exists by starespressos, art by usarechan
Wordcount: 32,217
Rating: E
Summary: Castiel Novak has dreamed of participating in a theater dancing project forever. When a spot opens at Rowena MacLeod's theater, he jumps right in -- even though it means taking over from someone who has recently passed away. Soon enough, he meets Dean, who spends almost as much time at the theater as Castiel does but refuses to share any details about himself. Castiel is intrigued by him, and not only because Dean is the first person in a long time to treat him with anything less than admiration. As their friendship and the mystery around Dean deepen over time, Castiel’s perception of both himself and the universe is changed forever.
Unholy Ground by teacass, art by ricketyjukeboxer
Wordcount: 15,054
Rating: T
Summary: “And I’m not a vandal,” the man shoots back. “My name’s Dean. And I think there’s been a misunderstanding—” “No,” Castiel hisses. “I have watched you. I have seen you creep around with your shovel and your gun and I have seen you trying to desecrate the graves, my graves, so do not talk to me about a misunderstanding—” Dean holds his hands up and shakes his head. “Shit, man, I swear I’m not trying to—” Castiel has had enough, though, so he flicks his wrist and pushes Dean over one of the tombstones and down to the ground. Dean falls with a grunt and tries to stand up quickly, but Castiel keeps him pinned to the ground with a raise of his eyebrow. “I am the guardian of this cemetery,” he states when he stops and looks down on the struggling man. “I will not be made a fool of, especially not by someone like you.”
We encourage you to check out all the other works produced for this challenge by visiting the official AO3 collection or exploring the challenge masterpost here on tumblr. 
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johnsonandcoulson · 7 years
Cousy RomCom Week
Hello, Cousy peeps. Anyone up for a fun fandom event? Since canon is kind of a loss cause right now I thought we could use some upbeat fanwork challenge. The idea is to throw some romcom magic into the mix. Think pining, think mutual pining, think obliviousness, think misunderstandings and accidental confessions, shippers on deck and romance tropes.
The idea is to write fic (or make fanvids, gifsets, edits, etc - though most prompts are fic-focused) that is lighter and cornier than usual. Make Daisy and Coulson do ridiculous things for love! Some angst is okay but we’d prefer the focus of the fic be the romance and the happy ending. It doesn’t need to be a long fic eaither, drabbles and “teasers” are encouraged.
Here are some prompts to get you going:
1. romcom tropes:
one of them has an accident and gets amnesia
a third person (ie Piper, Elena) helps Daisy win Coulson over
Coulson is ~inexplicably~ unhappy when Daisy decides to try dating someone
“only one room/bed in this hotel” trope (bonus points for a jacuzzi in the room too)
new SHIELD recruits keep mistaking Daisy and Coulson for a couple
an ex (Miles, Audrey, an original character) makes an appearance and clears things up for the babes
Daisy accidentally blurts out her true feelings
undercover dinner/date while on a mission
Daisy has a definitely non-platonic dream about Coulson and can’t behave normally around him afterwards
trip in Lola for a break from their tension-filled lives
Daisy has to go pick up a drunk Coulson and get him back home (or viceversa - bonus points if Mack is also there and drunk for extra adventure)
flirting during a dangerous mission cause they think they’re going to die
an Inhuman with empathic/telepathic powers gives the babes a push
Daisy adopts an Inhuman kid and Coulson is enthusiastic about babysitting/helping her
handcuffed together
Daisy and Coulson are dating but their attempts at telling the team become increasingly ridiculous
pick one of the wonderful “incorrect quotes” gifsets by @hamsterfactor​ and write a fic based on it
2. AUs 
(you can write a complete fic or a drabble set in that universe if you don’t want to do something long):
take any classic romcom and make it Cousy (example: a Cousy AU of Green Card where Inhumans can’t keep working at SHIELD unless they are married to a human *wink wink*) - bonus points for a genderswapped Lana In Love au where Daisy goes to Coulson’s house to fix his computer and he assumes she’s his blind date :)
boxing au
coffeeshop au
soulmates au (in any form)
time-travel (they both time travel, one of them sees the other at some other moment in their lives and they get An Epiphany, etc) 
community college au
famous chef/food blogger au
episode au (ie take any past episode of the show and write an au where the babes confess/hook up during that episode)
Daisy has grown up in Afterlife with her parents and she falls for the dashing SHIELD guy who comes to try to start an alliance between humans and Inhumans (Jiaying and Cal do not approve)
3. corny songs
you can use the song in whatever way you like - Daisy or Coulson get drunk at the karaoke and serenade the other, they hear it on Lola’s radio while on a roadtrip and it makes them rethink stuff, Daisy finds something embarrassing in Coulson’s record collection, Coulson finds Daisy constantly listening to sad songs about unrequited love and wonders what’s up. You can also make a fanvid with the song, or a gifset with the lyrics, it’s not just for fic! Here are some examples (feel free to use your own pick of corny song):
“More Than This” by Roxy Music
“You Don’t Know Me” by Jann Arden
“Lovesong” by The Cure
“Kiss Me” by Sixpence None The Richer
“Love You More” by The Buzzcocks
“One Way or Another” by Blondie
“I Want You To Want Me” by Letter To Cleo
“But Not For Me” by Chet Baker
“I’ll Stand By You” by The Pretenders
“You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate
“I Want To Know What Love Is” by Foreigner
“Head Over Feet” by Alanis Morisette
“Let My Love Open the Door” by Sondre Lerche
Tag your posts with #cousyromcom and post the fanworks starting this week (12-19 March), but feel free to use these prompts later than that, whenever, we’re not fussy, just create some content for the babes.
Have fun!
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anechomirrored · 2 years
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Agent Dawn - Accidently Undercover
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
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anechomirrored · 2 years
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DJ Seen - Under the Eaves and Moving to Beats
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anechomirrored · 2 years
So I finished the first chapter of a little story taking place in the Accidently Undercover AU created by @lavenoon
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anechomirrored · 2 years
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Life under the Sun - Missions under the Sun
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anechomirrored · 2 years
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Reverb - Under the Eaves and Moving to Beats
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anechomirrored · 2 years
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Agent Crosshair - My Sights Are Set
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anechomirrored · 10 months
Prompt: "What if we're wrong?"
Fandom: Fnaf Security Breach, Accidently Undercover
Rating: G
Warnings: mild anxiety
You took a steadying breath and stepped off the elevator. The top floor was much different from the bustling floors you had just left behind. People were always coming and going from the lower lobbies and varying facilities this complex offered; however, up here the corridors spoke of refinement and only people who were meant to be here walked them.
You were not one of those people meant to be here.
Adjusting your portable vac pack on theatrically sagging shoulders you walked calmly forward. A small cleaning caddy full of various small job supplies swung gently in hand as you move.
A group of suits and blazers suddenly exited a door a ways ahead of you. Their speech spilling from the doorway echoed down the empty hall towards you. They were talking idly about where the best spot for lunch would be.
Nothing important to your purpose here.
You resisted the urge to speed up, maintaining your casual and tired demeanor as you passed each other in the pristine hallway.
They didn't give you a second glance entering the elevator and letting the door close behind them.
You continued your ambling walk stopping only when you reached your target destination. It was a large room set up specifically for board meetings. Producing a swipe card you'd found in the left drawer of an unattended security desk you breathe a silent sigh of relief when the door opens.
Outside of your current soundtrack, you are met with the welcome silence of an empty room.
Time to get cleaning.
You started up the industrial vaccum, turning up your music as you attended to the already immaculate carpet. While doing this, you stooped under the table, making sure to linger around the large meeting table. Fighting with imaginary tough spots, at one point you placed a small electronic mic on the underside of the table top next to the inner most side of one of the legs.
In about an hour this room was booked for an outwardly dry meeting about annuals and next years projections. That wasn't all that was being discussed, though.
There were discussions planned to go down at this meeting with persons in attendance that the agency had a particular interest in at this time.
You continued to clean the rest of the room putting on a show for any eyes that may be drawn to you by the sound.
Thankfully, you were left undisturbed.
Giving the table a wipe with a cloth and whatever cleaning solution you'd jacked from that one janitors' closet you collected you things and headed for the door.
You staggered back as a shirt and tie ran headlong into you. Papers went flying and you tumbled backwards as papers fluttered to the floor.
You weren't much of a reader but the now half empty file folder in the other person's arms sported an all to commonly seen word.
The shirt and tie was still standing in the doorway, a stunned expression on his face. You recognized this guy from your mission briefing.
A rookie that had been making a name for himself with the opposition.
You widened your eyes. Apologies tumbled from your lips, as you began gathering up the papers that had fallen around you.
As you fluttered about, back half turned and gathering papers your enemy agent seemed to come to his senses.
"Don't touch those!"
With all the startle of a humble cleaner in a tv drama you drop the papers to the floor and wheel about, apologies beginning once again.
The suit waves you off and clutching your cleaning caddy you make a speedy exit.
He would count the papers and find them accounted for. What he wouldn't find was the bug now carefully secured to his person. You really had to shake the hand of the lab tech who managed to make one so unobtrusive and easy to deploy.
It was genius.
The folks in Comms would likely have their hands full for the next few hours.
Ditching your caddy back in the closet you were out the doors and three blocks away before the meeting was due to begin.
A new message.
Your earbuds chimed and with a tap to the right, you had the little automated voice rattling off the text.
It was from DJ.
You had been surprised when he'd asked for your number. Sure you had stuck around after close for a few nights now but the novelty of having someone ask you about your day had yet to wear off. You hadn't had anyone that close since...
"Agent Reverb, do you copy?" With a quick tap of your earbuds you respond to the comms channel.
No Sunflower today. The tired voice on the other end made you smile though.
"Agent Reverb, checking in. Good afternoon, Agent Puck."
"Hey, did you find the board room?" Puck asked.
Her and Sunflower were the two agents you spoke to most. You were still warming up to the idea of socializing at work but the last encounter with Puck in the break room had gone well. You smile and nod, even though Puck couldn't see the gesture.
"Mission accomplished. Your intel was good, as always. I even bumped into the rookie. Left a little bug for him too."
"That's great! I have some new songs for you, by the way." Puck added.
"Oh?" Your stride stuttered and you made a show of pulling out your phone as you stepped to the side of the walkway, looking at it. "Thanks, I'll...I'll send you a few back."
When the call ended you didn't start walking again right away. Instead, staring at the blank phone screen. Your reflection looking back at you, conflicted.
First DJ, then Puck. It felt nice to be able to talk, to have a connection with people beyond professional obligations. This city was different. Maybe you could afford to make a few friends.
"What if we're wrong?" Your reflection asked, brow furrowed.
Then the screen lit up.
Puck had sent the songs and just below it was DJ's message inviting you out to tonight's gig.
You started up the first song and took a breath.
"Won't know unless we try, Revee."
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anechomirrored · 2 years
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Agent Reverb - Under the Eaves and Moving to Beats
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anechomirrored · 2 years
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Agent Valentine - My Sights are Set
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