#Accounting Company near Me in Columbus
wyattjohnston · 7 months
need a little company - nick blankenburg
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summary: morgan hasn't seen nick in years and her strongest memories of him are the crush he had on her in college. when he gets signed to columbus after years apart, morgan realises that maybe she should have given him a chance.
chapter word count: 700
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Living and working in Downtown Columbus hadn’t been Morgan’s goal as a kid growing up in Commercial Point, Ohio. She didn’t think she ever had much of a goal besides ‘Get Out of Commercial Point’, so at least she could tick that off her list.
Deciding to go out for dinner was an unwise decision for her bank account but not for her mental well-being, so she detoured on the way home from work—so much later than she should have been finishing—to her favourite Italian restaurant.
It had been a long time since Morgan felt embarrassed about dining alone, and the restaurant had come to expect it of her. She sat at a private little table at the back of the restaurant, ordered crab linguini, put in her earphones and opened up TikTok. It was the same as any other time before.
Except for what happened when she was walking out of the restaurant, and a hand wrapped around her wrist as she passed a table. She flinched, pulling her arm back to herself as she spun around, taking out an earphone as did.
“Morgan. Hey,” the guy who grabbed her wrist said, looking at least a little apologetic for having caught her attention in the way he had.
Morgan nodded and greeted him as she had done for the two years they’d run in similar circles: “Freshman.”
The guy he was with snorted out a laugh and earned himself a glare.
“I graduate in a couple weeks, you know,” ‘Freshman’ retorted, amused but happy. “You can probably call me something else by now. Blanks. Nick.”
The other guy at the table, who Morgan knew as Kent Johnson only because she was into hockey, excused himself, telling Morgan she could have the seat for a minute if she wanted—she stayed standing even if it meant having to step closer to the table every so often so that somebody could pass.
“So,” she said slowly to Nick, “did you follow me or the sick looking kid to Columbus?”
He looked back towards where Kent had disappeared to and laughed, before saying, “Neither. I got scouted.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, lowered her head and her voice so she could say, “Sorry it was to the shithole that is Ohio.”
“It’s not that bad,” he said, an all too familiar quirk at the corner of his mouth.
Morgan straightened up, uncrossed her arms and shrugged, “I suppose it might be okay if you live in the rich parts.”
Nick’s brow pulled together in confusion, and he played with his hands on top of the table before gesturing vaguely out the door to say, “I’m staying in a hotel near the arena.”
She wasn’t all that surprised. He’d be in Columbus for about two minutes before the season ended.
Kent re-joined them, his eyes flickering between the two of them as if he hadn’t expected Morgan to still be standing at the table.
“It was good to see you again, Freshman,” Morgan said to Nick before speaking to Kent, “and actual freshman. Maybe we’ll run into each other again.”
She was halfway to putting her earphone back in her ear when she saw Nick’s mouth open, so she kept it out to wait for him to speak.
“Do you want—” he cleared his throat. “We can hang out?”
It was easy to wish he hadn’t said anything at all. The hopeful look on his face made it difficult to even think about what she would say next. She just knew she had to say it.
“I don’t think so.” When his hopeful expression immediately disappeared, she tacked on, “Sorry. It’s not personal. I just—I can’t—It’s not a good time to let new people into my life.”
“I’m not new,” he argued, his laugh much sadder than she’d been expecting.
“Fresh—Nick—not right now.”
He nodded silently. Morgan nearly changed her mind right then and there but she held strong, putting her earphone back in her ear and finally getting out of the restaurant. On her way out, she tried not to kick out the stiffness in her knee until she was well out the door.
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cpataxbh · 7 months
Step-by-Step Guide for Ecommerce Business Accounting and Bookkeeping
In the age of digitalization, the business world has undergone a dramatic transformation due to the rise of ecommerce. If you're an ecommerce-based business owner, you're likely aware of the many possibilities and challenges of operating in this booming business. When you're building and expanding the online shop, it's essential to pay attention to the financial aspects that your company operates on. Proper Financial Management and Bookkeeping are essential to ensure the financial stability of your ecommerce company. In this complete guide, we'll take you through how to manage your ecommerce company's bookkeeping and bookkeeping efficiently.
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1. Find a Certified Tax Accountant near Me
One of the most essential steps to manage your ecommerce business's financials is to locate a qualified tax accountant close to your location. If you're located in Columbus, you can look to find Tax Bookkeeping near Me in Columbus or Accountant near Me for Taxes in Columbus. A Qualified Tax Accountant in Columbus has the knowledge and experience to help you navigate the maze of tax laws and offer you important information to maximize your tax return.
2. Choose a Tax Accountant in Columbus
After you've identified candidates, you must assess their credentials and experiences. Choose a Tax Professional in Columbus that specializes in working with businesses that sell products online. They must be knowledgeable about the tax laws for ecommerce businesses, which are often complex due to the wide variety of tax rules and transactions that apply to online companies.
3. Tax Specialists near Me in Chicago
If you're in Chicago and searching for tax experts, doing an online search for Tax Specialists near Me in Chicago will lead you to experts who know the specific tax issues faced by companies that operate online in Chicago.
4. Business Tax Service in Chicago
Assessing the offerings of tax experts and Accounting Firms in Chicago is vital. Look for professionals who offer complete Business Tax Solutions to simplify the process and assure your business is tax-compliant.
5. Premier Tax Service in Phoenix
In Phoenix, searching for high-quality tax services will make a massive difference to your ecommerce’s financial management. A Professional Tax Service That Is Top of the Line Located in Phoenix has the expertise and experience needed to ensure that your business grows and maintains excellent financial condition.
6. Tax Bookkeeping Services in Phoenix
The financial success of your ecommerce business is directly linked to effective bookkeeping. Look up Tax Bookkeeping Services in Phoenix to locate professionals who can assist you with maintaining accurate financial records and ensure that you're prepared for tax time.
Critical Steps in Ecommerce Business Accounting and Bookkeeping
Once you've found the right experts to assist you, let's look at the most important steps for implementing effective online company bookkeeping as well as bookkeeping:
1. Set up a Separate Business Bank Account
The separation of your business and personal financials is crucial to ensure financial clearness. Create a business bank account to support your company's ecommerce. This will make it easier to track income expenses, as well as any other transactions in financial terms, which makes it simpler to determine the tax liabilities of your business.
2. Track All Income and Expenses
A consistent and precise recording of your income and expenses is vital. This is not just about the sales but also charges, shipping costs, advertising costs, and other costs that are associated with running an online business. Make use of An Accounting System or employ a professional to make sure that nothing falls between the gaps.
3. Monitor Sales Tax
Ecommerce businesses usually have complicated sales tax requirements. Local and state governments have tax rates that differ and regulations. A Certified Tax Accountant in Columbus or Chicago can help you navigate the rules to avoid penalties.
4. Inventory Management
For ecommerce companies, managing inventory is vital. Keep precise inventory records comprising quantities, values, and prices. This will enable you to make educated decisions regarding the timing of restocking pricing and identify any issues that could arise from spoilage or theft.
5. Reconcile Bank Statements
Make sure you regularly reconcile your business bank account to make sure that each transaction is recorded accurately. This helps you identify any irregularities and helps ensure that there are no gaps in your revenue or expenses.
6. Financial Reports
Create financial reports to give your insight into your company's economic well-being. These reports contain Profits and Losses, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements. These reports are helpful to help make better business decision-making.
7. Budgeting
Make a budget for your financial tasks. A budget can help you allocate resources effectively, establish financial goals, and monitor performance. Re-evaluate and modify your budget regularly to adjust to the changing needs of your business.
8. Tax Preparation
In the area of tax preparation, an accountant or tax specialist to prepare tax returns in Columbus, Chicago, or Phoenix is a must. They'll help you get all deductions and credits while reducing your tax liabilities.
9. Record Retention
Make sure you are following the correct record-keeping guidelines because this is essential to tax compliance and audits of financial statements. Documents and financial information should be kept for the minimum amount of time by the regulations applicable.
10. Seek Professional Guidance
When you expand, your Company's Ecommerce Operation expands, and your need for financial assistance becomes more complex. Do not hesitate to seek out professional advice. If you need help structuring your company, Tax Planning, Or Financial Strategies, having a team of knowledgeable tax experts nearby will ensure the growth and growth of your online business.
The management of bookkeeping, as well as the accounting for your company's ecommerce, is an essential aspect of ensuring financial health and success. Locating an accredited tax accountant close to your location, regardless of whether you live in Columbus, Chicago, or Phoenix, can be the first thing you do to get the support you require. Keep track of all expenditures and income, keep track of your stock, and stay current with your sales tax obligations. Utilize budgeting and financial reports to make educated decisions and prepare for tax time. With Expert Guidance and Proper Financial Management, you can ensure that your Ecommerce Company can flourish in the current competitive online marketplace.
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veinsandknuckles · 5 years
It's a bad life if you don't weaken, pt 4 (Tallahassee/Reader)
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A jolt of movement woke you up and your startled brain tried to compensate for its confusion by running through a few scattered facts that you could cling to. Like your name and age, and that you were alive, and that you weren’t sure if it was still worth the effort, and that you felt absolutely sick to your stomach. Unlike the rest of your new motley crew, you had a good reason to keep track of, if not dates, then at least the number of days crawling past, so you also knew you’d been traveling in their company for at least two weeks. But you didn’t know where you were and you couldn't remember why you'd been unconscious. When you tried to sit up to check whether you needed to run or fight, your head forced you back down by giving your brain a good, hard squeeze.
“Aahh!” You would have complained more but somehow you couldn’t muster up the strength to form words. Tallahassee came into view above you. Things were real bad when that was the most reassuring thing you could have hoped for.
“Don’t move,” he said, too late.
“You took a pretty bad tumble. We’re safe for now, just holed up in here until the other two bring the car over.” He was sitting by your side with his gun resting by his chair, breathing hard, sweat glittering on his forehead. The movement you’d felt must have been him laying you down... where? By gingerly running your hands down your sides you found you were propped up on some old blankets on top of wooden crates. Tallahassee must have been stuck for choices because it was not a comfortable surface.
Now he got up again, secured the door and picked up a first aid kit on his way over to his seat.
Boxes and debris took up most of the small room and the only light came from two small, dingy windows high on the wall and a flash light pointed towards the ceiling - it looked like the back rooms of shops everywhere, which was strange because the last thing you could remember was... running from a horde and finding yourself trapped against a fence cutting off the alley.
The wire at the top of the fence had been torn. As soon as that image entered your head, the sharp, hot pain from your leg made itself known and you squealed and drew your knee up as if you could protect yourself against it by shielding the area.
“Was wondering when you’d notice that,” Tallahassee said unsympathetically and pushed you gently down onto your back, not before you’d seen the gash running up from your knee and the blood drying into your jeans. “Gimme a minute to recover and we’ll get you cleaned up. You’re heavier than you look.”
“Oh, fuck,” you whined and saw the light begin to fracture and spread from tears.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Tallahassee drew his chair closer and leaned towards you, squeezed your shoulder, put his knuckles to your jaw to make you look at him. “Shh. You’re gonna be alright, come on now. Need some water?”
You reached out to take the proffered bottle but you shook so violently that he sighed and very gently slipped a warm, wide hand under your neck and helped you sit up to drink. His expression had softened now and that made it even harder for you to keep it together. When you’d finished, he poured some of the water onto his hands to get the worst of the red off of them, pulled the first aid kit onto his lap and zipped it open.
“Alright then. This ain’t gonna be pretty.”
He picked up the flash light and turned it on your leg and you pushed yourself up onto your elbows to see what he saw. With all that dried blood and fabric it was hard to tell how bad it was, but Tallahassee didn’t seem worried. The pain was intense but after the moment of surprise, it was beginning to be manageable. Was that a good sign? Or were you going numb?
“It ain’t deep but you’ll definitely need stitches...” He put a hand on your leg to pull the cloth a little out of the way and no, you weren’t numb because his touch instantly made you tense and grow hot. Tallahassee must have taken your sharp breath as a complaint, because he shot you an apologetic look. “Sorry, darlin. I’m sure I’m the last person you’d pick to play doctor, but it has to be done.”
After rummaging, he got out a pair of scissors and now the heat was climbing up your chest towards your face. He spotted your discomfort.
“Promise I won’t look more’n I have to.” As careful as he was, it still hurt like hell when he pulled the fabric away from your skin and slipped in one of the blades to start cutting. You licked your lips. If he was going to have enough room to work, you’d end up wearing something very similar to daisy dukes on that one side.
“Oh, it’s fine... you deserve some perks for getting me out of there.”
“Sweetheart...” Tallahassee chuckled. “I was just lying about that to make you feel better.”
“Right. Silly of me to expect anything else.”
If he was trying to distract you from the pain, it was definitely working - now you could add BO, pose and choice of underwear to your list of urgent worries.
His work was awkward going, especially when you had to spread your legs to give him room and try to make it look casual, but he quickly had at least the front of the pants leg cut free and peeled off of you, careful not to worry the cut.
“Do you even know what you’re doing?”
Tallahassee looked miffed. “Course I do. You think I run crying to the nurse over every little scrape?”
How the hell should you know? He never talked about his life before all of this. Ten to one but he’d been an insecure office worker who’d seen the end of the world as the perfect opportunity to reinvent himself... but then that wouldn’t inspire much confidence in his surgical skills and no one else was queuing up behind him. Besides, you liked your romantic images of him, alligator wrestling, glassing bikers, chopping wood with his shirt off and whatever else it was that bad ass rednecks got up to.
You watched him as he did his best to wash his hands, pulled on some gloves, lined up his tools and patted his pockets for his flask. Before he could waste all of it on your leg you snatched it from him and took a swig. Vodka. He must be getting desperate.
“I’ll overlook that transgression, but only this once.”
With you sitting up and pointing the flash light as steadily as you could, Tallahassee cleaned the cut, first with more water, then with liquor and then, when you’d stopped complaining, with disinfectant from a nearly empty bottle. He must have noticed how you stopped squirming when he rested a hand on your bare leg and you could only guess at how he interpreted this. It was hot in here even though by now the blankets and the remains of your pants were soaking with water and sweat. When you shut your eyes you could still feel how near he was and the competing agonies of the pain and of wanting him even closer were neck and neck.
“There’s no dirt or fabric in there that I can see... better to stitch it up now and hope we can find some antibiotics than try to get it perfect later.”
“Is it going to scar?”
“Oh yeah.”
Tallahassee peered up from threading the needle, questioning this. You licked your lips and pressed on, determined to have anything else to think about apart from what was about to happen. “I mean, it’s officially the post apocalypse. I was starting to worry I wouldn’t blend in without some scars.”
“Quit talking like a damned geek. You sound like Columbus.”
“Well, he doesn’t exactly look the part, either.”
“He looks like an accountant fucked a ball of yarn.”
You laughed and Tallahassee held onto your leg tighter and pushed the needle in. You’d been gearing up for this. All you did was tense and hiss and keep your curses to yourself. The impressed-despite-himself look he shot you was all the reward you needed and that strengthened your resolve when he pressed on.
“That’s too mean,” you replied once you were sure your voice would come out steady-ish.
“By all means, chalk it up to jealousy of his youthful good looks if it makes you feel better.”
“Why would you be jealous of that?” You were trembling. Because of blood loss and shock and pain. “You’ve got your own.” No other reason.
Now it was his turn to laugh and he looked smug and preening, if not convinced. Preening suited him. “What can I say? Clean living and a clean conscience.”
“Fine then, keep your secrets.”
Silence crept back in and he focused on his task. The prick of the needle hurt, but it was the sickening feel and sound of the flesh being basically skewered onto it and then tugged along weirdly by the thread that was really unsettling. The mood in the room was heavy and tense and Tallahassee frowned even deeper each time he had to inch his hands a little higher.
“You know,” you said at last because saying anything, no matter how awful, was better than nothing. “When I pictured you poking around in my gash, this wasn’t what I had in mind.”
Tallahassee turned a dumbfounded look on you and you practically giggled with nerves. He snorted, shook his head, grinning as if he couldn’t believe what his ears had passed on from you. “Terrible. You’re starting to get worse than me.”
“It had to be said,” you lied.
“Well.” Tallahassee took this opportunity to get liberal with the disinfectant, maybe in the hopes that the stinging would shut you up. “Guess that goes to show you should be careful what you wish for.”
He thought you were joking, not just because you were joking but because for the first time you were actually straight up hitting on him instead of stealing glances here and there and hoping he’d press the issue himself. Of course, he had reason not to believe you - you were delirious and lost and trying not to think about how close you’d come to dying.
Those excuses made excellent shields for you to tell him what you thought and still play it all off as nonsense springing from the heat of the moment. Still, the tension built and now the awkward question wasn’t something only you had to wrestle with. He looked at you less but when he did, his eyes were quick and sharp with meaning and uncertainty.
You had run out things to say because the stitches climbed with agonising slowness and the first manic rush of adrenaline was fading fast. If he wanted to break the silence, it was definitely his turn and a few sly glances from him finally convinced him that the ball was in his court. “By rights, it really ought to be the other way around.”
“You lying on your back?”
“Well, yeah. With my shirt off, all heroic-like, and you fussing over me.”
“Oh, you’d love that.”
“Seems more in keeping with your feminine nature.”
That was bait, and you ignored it. “Are you saying I’d have to injure you to get your shirt off? Because I might.”
Perhaps Tallahassee hadn’t picked this topic as an invitation for you to keep flirting, but he didn’t look at all as if he minded. This time his smile bordered on predatory. “Darlin’, all you have to do is ask.” When his voice dropped low like that it became a low, rich rumble, difficult to handle even when you were at your best.
Now you felt faint, and you sighed and shook so hard that he could see it. Whatever reaction he’d expected, that hadn’t been it. Tallahassee’s grin faded, slowly replaced by something dark and hungry, his body held still in a way that suggested it took some considerable willpower for him to keep himself in check. But the uncertainty hadn’t left. He broke eye contact, just a moment too late to leave any doubt of what he’d been thinking, swallowed and brought his shield back up. You had pushed him as far as you dared. Whatever held him back was beyond you, especially now, and everything else was crashing.
Tallahassee dispelled the mood in the room with casual body language and all business attitude. He kept working, ignored your shallow, quick breathing and your fingernails digging into his shoulder for support and finished sewing after what felt like a life time.
The rest was easy. He cleaned the cut one last time, neatly covered it with squares of compress and lifted up your knee so he could wrap it all in a tight bandage. By now you shook uncontrollably, your limbs felt cold and your skin clammy and blocked. He drew you close to help you test your leg and you almost wished you hadn’t teased him so that he could hold you as a friend and think nothing of it. He’d held you before. His gruff manners now suggested he wouldn’t do that again.
You were so tired now, your head spun when you moved, the pain was hot and crawling, less urgent but more difficult to ignore. It had all gone wrong. Familiar voices drew near beyond the door and Tallahassee wouldn’t risk tenderness with an audience; he looked down at you with an impersonal, encouraging smile, took some of your weight and steadied you with his arm around you without it ever feeling as if he’d come any closer.
“In here,” he called out and helped you hop and shuffle your way towards freedom. Whatever this moment had been, it was over and when the door swung open and Columbus stretched out his arms to catch you, Tallahassee killed it for good by pressing the back of his hand to your forehead and looking grim and satisfied to find you had a temperature.
The light and noise past that left you delirious. By the time you reached the truck they’d parked right outside the shop’s front doors you’d cried yourself to sleep without a sound.
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blackkudos · 4 years
Ma Rainey
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"Ma" Rainey (born Gertrude Pridgett, September 1882 or April 26, 1886 – December 22, 1939) was one of the earliest African-American professional blues singers and one of the first generation of blues singers to record. She was billed as the "Mother of the Blues".
She began performing as a teenager and became known as Ma Rainey after her marriage to Will Rainey, in 1904. They toured with the Rabbit Foot Minstrels and later formed their own group, Rainey and Rainey, Assassinators of the Blues. Her first recording was made in 1923. In the next five years, she made over 100 recordings, including "Bo-Weevil Blues" (1923), "Moonshine Blues" (1923), "See See Rider Blues" (1924), "Black Bottom" (1927), and "Soon This Morning" (1927).
Rainey was known for her powerful vocal abilities, energetic disposition, majestic phrasing, and a "moaning" style of singing. Her qualities are present and most evident in her early recordings "Bo-Weevil Blues" and "Moonshine Blues".
Rainey recorded with Louis Armstrong, and she toured and recorded with the Georgia Jazz Band. She continued to tour until 1935, when she retired and went to live in her hometown.
Life and career
Pridgett claimed to have been born on April 26, 1886 (beginning with the 1910 census, taken April 25, 1910), in Columbus, Georgia. However, the 1900 census indicates she was born in September 1882 in Alabama, and researchers Bob Eagle and Eric LeBlanc suggest that her birthplace was in Russell County, Alabama. She was the second of five children of Thomas and Ella (née Allen) Pridgett, from Alabama. She had at least two brothers and a sister, Malissa, with whom Gertrude was later confused by some writers.
She began her career as a performer at a talent show in Columbus, Georgia, when she was about 12 to 14 years old. A member of the First African Baptist Church, she began performing in black minstrel shows. She later claimed that she was first exposed to blues music around 1902. She formed the Alabama Fun Makers Company with her husband, Will Rainey, but in 1906 they both joined Pat Chappelle's much larger and more popular Rabbit's Foot Company, in which they were billed together as "Black Face Song and Dance Comedians, Jubilee Singers [and] Cake Walkers". In 1910, she was described as "Mrs. Gertrude Rainey, our coon shouter". She continued with the Rabbit's Foot Company after it was taken over by a new owner, F. S. Wolcott, in 1912.
Beginning in 1914, the Raineys were billed as Rainey and Rainey, Assassinators of the Blues. Wintering in New Orleans, she met numerous musicians, including Joe "King" Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and Pops Foster. As the popularity of blues music increased, she became well known. Around this time, she met Bessie Smith, a young blues singer who was also making a name for herself. A story later developed that Rainey kidnapped Smith, forced her to join the Rabbit's Foot Minstrels, and taught her to sing the blues; the story was disputed by Smith's sister-in-law Maud Smith.
From the late 1910s, there was an increasing demand for recordings by black musicians. In 1920, Mamie Smith was the first black woman to be recorded. In 1923, Rainey was discovered by Paramount Records producer J. Mayo Williams. She signed a recording contract with Paramount, and in December she made her first eight recordings in Chicago, including "Bad Luck Blues", "Bo-Weevil Blues" and "Moonshine Blues". She made more than 100 other recordings over the next five years, which brought her fame beyond the South. Paramount marketed her extensively, calling her the "Mother of the Blues", the "Songbird of the South", the "Gold-Neck Woman of the Blues" and the "Paramount Wildcat".
In 1924 she made some recordings with Louis Armstrong, including "Jelly Bean Blues", "Countin' the Blues" and "See, See Rider". In the same year she embarked on a tour of the Theater Owners Booking Association (TOBA) in the South and Midwest of the United States, singing for black and white audiences. She was accompanied by the bandleader and pianist Thomas Dorsey and the band he assembled, the Wildcats Jazz Band. They began their tour with an appearance in Chicago in April 1924 and continued, on and off, until 1928. Dorsey left the group in 1926 because of ill health and was replaced as pianist by Lillian Hardaway Henderson, the wife of Rainey's cornetist Fuller Henderson, who became the band's leader.
Although most of Rainey's songs that mention sexuality refer to love affairs with men, some of her lyrics contain references to lesbianism or bisexuality, such as the 1928 song "Prove It on Me":
They said I do it, ain't nobody caught me. Sure got to prove it on me. Went out last night with a crowd of my friends. They must've been women, 'cause I don't like no men.
According to the website queerculturalcenter.org, the lyrics refer to an incident in 1925 in which Rainey was "arrested for taking part in an orgy at [her] home involving women in her chorus." The political activist and scholar Angela Y. Davis noted that "'Prove It on Me' is a cultural precursor to the lesbian cultural movement of the 1970s, which began to crystallize around the performance and recording of lesbian-affirming songs."
Towards the end of the 1920s, live vaudeville went into decline, being replaced by radio and recordings. Rainey's career was not immediately affected; she continued recording for Paramount and earned enough money from touring to buy a bus with her name on it. In 1928, she worked with Dorsey again and recorded 20 songs, before Paramount terminated her contract. Her style of blues was no longer considered fashionable by the label.
In 1935, Rainey returned to her hometown, Columbus, Georgia, where she ran three theatres, the Lyric, the Airdrome, and the Liberty Theatre until her death. She died of a heart attack in 1939, at the age of 53 (or 57, according to the research of Bob Eagle), in Rome, Georgia.
Honours and awards
Rainey was inducted into the Blues Foundation's Hall of Fame in 1983 and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990.
In 1994, the U.S. Post Office issued a 29-cent commemorative postage stamp honoring her.
In 2004, "See See Rider Blues" (performed in 1924) was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame and was added to the National Recording Registry by the National Recording Preservation Board of the Library of Congress.
The first annual Ma Rainey International Blues Festival was held in April 2016 in Columbus, Georgia, near the home that Rainey owned and lived in at the time of her death.
In 2017, the Rainey-McCullers School of the Arts opened in Columbus, Georgia, named in honor of Rainey and author Carson McCullers.
References and portrayals
In 1981 Sandra Lieb wrote the first full-length book about Rainey, Mother of the Blues: A Study of Ma Rainey.
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, a 1982 play by August Wilson, is a fictionalized account of the recording of her song of the same title in December 1927. Viola Davis will portray Rainey in a film adaption of the play, set to be distributed by Netflix.
Sterling A. Brown wrote a poem, "Ma Rainey", in 1932, about how "When Ma Rainey / comes to town" people everywhere would hear her sing.
Comedienne Mo'Nique played Rainey in the 2015 film Bessie.
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Victoria's Secret has long lived by the business mantra sex sells. But its corporate parent's connections to Jeffrey Epstein, the financier arrested and charged Monday with the sex trafficking of underage women, could further sink the fortunes of the ailing lingerie retailer, damaging a brand that already had seemed out of touch in the #MeToo era.
L Brands shares are down 10% this week, to around $25, near the lowest they've been since 2010, after news accounts detailed the decades-old dealings between Epstein and L Brands CEO Les Wexner, the 81-year-old corporate legend who built his family's single clothing store outside Columbus, Ohio, into a global retail empire.
Epstein's New York City mansion, where prosecutors say they found a trove of naked pictures of underage girls last weekend, was once owned by Wexner. He reportedly transferred the home for as little as a dollar to Epstein, his onetime financial adviser.
Perhaps all investors need to know about how Victoria's Secret has adapted to the marketing realities of today's Me Too movement is this: The investor relations page for corporate parent L Brands is headed by a picture of eight young, lingerie-clad women. At the center of the image is model Taylor Hill, who began posing for Victoria's Secret at 18. She is now 23. The picture was taken in early 2015.
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nationalcarts-blog · 5 years
National Carts
National Carts in Longwood, FL is your go-to, one-stop dealer for golf cart sales, rentals, and service for individuals and commercial accounts in Seminole County and Orange County, Florida. We are the premier golf cart sales and rentals company in the nation providing our customers with exceptional customer service and certified technicians. We perform all golf cart repairs in our state-of-the-art facilities and can customize your golf cart into the cart of your dreams. National Carts (formerly Mid Florida Golf Cars) started in 1988 with 10 golf carts. And we’ve grown into the largest fleet in North America, thanks to a dedicated team committed to making the buying, renting and servicing experience easier for our customers. In 2017, Mid Florida Golf Cars and Virginia Golf Cars joined forces to become National Carts. 
We then added the Golf Car Company from Columbus, Ohio to the team, giving us offices in Orlando, Fl., Jacksonville, Fl., DeLand, Fl., Harrisonburg, VA., and Columbus, OH. Today, National Carts has the largest rental fleet in the nation. We can manage and provide golf cart rentals for special events both large and small.From local weddings to large national NASCAR races, there is no event we assist you with. You can rely on National Carts to provide you with the very best rental golf cart experience. For 30 years our team has been dedicated to creating an effortless experience for every customer interested in renting, buying and servicing a golf cart. We never forget what it feels like the first time you hop in your cart and experience that cool rush of wind in your face. For us, it’s more than just a journey. It’s a joyride. Call National Carts today or visit our web site for more information on our special sales, rentals and expert repair service.
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auskultu · 6 years
Warhol Gravely Wounded In Studio; Actress Is Held
Richard F. Shepard, The New York Times, 4 June 1968
Andy Warhol, the artist who brought a bewildering new dimension to American pop culture through his films, sculptures and paintings, was shot and critically wounded in his film studio yesterday afternoon.
Less than four hours later a 28-year-old actress, Valeria Solanas, who appeared in the Warhol film I, a Man, surrendered to a policeman in Times Square and told the police that she had shot Mr. Warhol.
Dr. Massimo Bazzini, medical director of Columbus Hospital, said Mr. Warhol had a 50-50 chance for survival. At 2:30 this morning the artist was still in critical condition.
The artist, whose literal reproductions of Campbell Soup cans, typewriters and telephones and boxes of Brillo that sold for $1,300 each caused an art upheaval, was shot in his “factory” on the sixth floor of the building at 33 Union Square West.
Mr. Warhol, who was talking on the telephone to an actress, was in the large, rather bare I studio with Mario Amayo, a writer. The elevator door opened, a woman entered the room, and, after a brief conversation, pulled out a gun and opened fire. Mr. Warhol fell, badly wounded. Mr. Amayo was hit in the back, but was less seriously hurt and later was released from the hospital.
At 8 P.M. Miss Solanas is walked up to Patrolman William Schemalix at 42nd Street and Seventh Avenue and told him, “The police are looking for me and want me.” The police said that she had admitted the shooting and that Mr. Warhol had had “too much control of my life.”
She wore a trench-coat, with a pistol in each side pocket the police said a .32-caliber automatic she was carrying had been fired.
After questioning by Rodrick Lankier, an assistant district attorney, and Inspector Thomas McGuire, commanding officer of the first detective division, she was booked on charges of felonious assault and possession of a deadly weapon.
Dressed in khaki jeans, a blue turtleneck sweater, a yellow knit sweatshirt and torn blue sneakers, the dark-haired Miss Solanas gave no address, saying, “I live nowhere.” Asked if she was an actress, she said, “No, I'm really a writer.”
She was taken to the West 30th Street police station last night and will be arraigned today in Criminal Court She said that she had written a manifesto “telling what I’m all about” She said that she was a 1960 graduate of the University of Maryland.
The police said they knew of no motive for the shooting, but acquaintances of Mr. Warhol and Miss Solanas said that she had wanted him to film a script that she had written.
Dr. Bazzini said that Mr. Warhol had been shot in the left abdomen and in the left and right side. A four-man medical team operated on him for more than four hours. It was believed that the artist had been hit by at least two bullets. His mother, Mrs. Julia Warhol, was placed under sedation at the hospital and then taken home by two of her son’s associates. She and her son live at 1342 Lexington Avenue, near 89th Street Mrs. Warhol was accompanied by Gerald Malagna, who works with Mr. Warhol, and by Viva, his latest star. Viva, who uses only a single name, said that she had been speaking to Mr. Warhol on the telephone at the time of the shooting. She said she heard “five shots and a lot of screaming.”
At the hospital, more than a dozen friends of Mr. Warhol, many clad in hippie fashions, waited in the emergency room for word of his condition.
The shooting, as reconstructed from accounts by witnesses and the police, took place at about 4:20 P.M. Shortly before then a young woman, who had visited the studio at 2:30 P.M. and left when she learned that Mr. Warhol was out, emerged from the self-service elevator.
She found Mr. Warhol and Mr. Amaya in a large room, onto which the elevator door opens. Mr. Amaya, an editor of Arts and Artists, a London publication that recently ran an article on Mr. Warhol, said that after the woman entered the room he turned away and then heard the gunfire.
“I thought it was coming through the window,” he said. “Then I noticed a revolver like one of those guns you see in Dick Tracy in her hand.”
He said that Mr. Warhol, clad in a brown leather jacket, trousers and boots, shouted “Oh, no!” as she fired. She then turned to Mr. Amaya and fired as he ducked.
The police and an ambulance were called. On the basis of description of the woman, the police began searching for Miss Solanas.
About a year ago Miss Solanas placed an advertisement in The Village Voice, a Greenwich Village weekly, announcing the formation of an organization called S.C.U.M., the Society for Cutting Up Men.
At the office of The Voice last night a spokesman said that the ad had been accepted as a humorous concoction.
Until last October she lived at the Chelsea Hotel, famous for its literary and artistic clientele, and the locale for a Warhol movie Chelsea Girls
Tess Jennings, the night telephone operator, said, “She’d stand by the wall and buttonhole people. On the telephone, she’d like to announce who she was calling—maybe a famous actress—and tell you to stay on the line, so that she wouldn't be charged for the call if the actress didn’t answer.
“She wore men’s clothes, slacks and jackets and hats. She had long hair, but she wore it tied up short because she said it was 'to feminine’ when it hung down.”
The girl who was talking with Mr. Warhol on the telephone, Viva, was born Susan Hoffmann. She identified herself in a recent article in New York magazine as one of nine children of a Syracuse lawyer. The 25-year-old blonde said she lived in a brownstone on East 83d Street
In the article she was quoted as having said: “I've got to call Andy to pay my Con Edison bill. Andy gives me a hundred dollars here and a hundred dollars there, whenever I need money. I never ask for much. We’re all supposed to go regular salary soon, but Andy says the company is bankrupt.”
Viva starred last year as “The Waitres" in Mr. Warhol’s film The Nude Restaurant. Some 40 minutes of the first part of the film was made in a bathroom used by Viva, who was described by a critic for The New York Times as a “lanky, dreaming, extremely loquacious type who is quite nude throughout the formless proceedings.”
In the casual Warhol production style, Viva remarks to a young man who joins her in a bathtub, "You know Churchill spent eight hours a day in his bath?”
Mr. Warhol, the son of Czechoslovak immigrants, was born in McKeesport, Pa., either in 1927 or 1929—there is some doubt about which year it was.
His talent for drawing notice to himself has tended to obscure some of his accomplishments as an artist and as a film-maker. His work has stirred controversy in the art world where some critics saw in it a refutation of abstract expressionism. Three years ago he described himself as a “retired artist” who would now make only films.
In 1964, Mr. Warhol’s cinematography won him the Independent Film Award, presented by Film Culture Magazine.
He has made more than 150 films since he began his career in the movie business. In 1966, he made The Chelsea Girls, a 4-hour film depicting life among a group of homosexuals, lesbians and dope addicts. It was actually two films, shown side by side on twin screens.
The film set new precedents in displaying male nudity and in presenting dialogue liberally sprinkled with four-letter words. It earned more than $500,000 on a cost of less than $1,500.
Mr. Warhol has developed his own stable of stars, who go by names such as Mario Montez, Ingrid Superstar, National Velvet and Viva.
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jesawyer · 7 years
Building a Randonneuse
If you are friends with me on Facebook or follow my Instagram account, you have probably figured out that I like bicycles.  Quite a bit.  For one reason or another, I am especially drawn to steel bicycles with aesthetics that were common in the mid- to late-60s and early 70s.  I have collected more than a few bikes over the past few years but I did not have a randonneuse, the very specific high-falutin’ term used to refer to bicycles made for randonneuring.
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In 2015, I decided to take a class at the United Bicycle Institute in Portland, Oregon to learn how to build a brazed steel bicycle frame.  The class was excellent.  The instructors were fantastic, the facilities were terrific, and I was in Portland in mid-September, which, as every Portlander has told me, is a deceptively perfect time to be there.
Things started out pretty rough.  I chose to build a lugged frame instead of a fillet-brazed frame. I picked very pretty lugs that looked like they came from an elven land, but instead they came from a dude in Connecticut named Richard Sachs.  I also chose to use a bunch of braze-ons, little bits that are useful for randonneuring bikes but take time to add.  Like these:
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I probably spent a full work day just filing lugs to get them to fit with my tubes.  Here’s my first attempt at lug brazing.  The gold material is brass.  I was more than a little sloppy.
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Here are the actual lugs I used, Richard Sachs “Newvex”.  They’re sitting on top of the full-scale drawing we had to make of our frame.  You can see how the head tube, top tube, and down tube all fit into the lugs.
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Raking the fork (i.e., bending the legs of the fork to a specific point) was nerve-wracking because you’re literally just pulling down on the blade and trying to get it to just the right bend.  Twice.  I stuck with a conservative rake of 45mm -- used for many road bikes -- but later changed my mind because I wanted to put a rack on the front of my bike.  The rake wouldn’t be changed until after the frame was painted, because I am stupid.
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I used a Pacenti fork crown and did only a slightly awful job on the brazes here.
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Here are the lugs from before brazed to the head tube, top tube, and down tube.
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Pacenti bottom bracket shell. I picked it for being similarly elven.
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Long story slightly shorter... here’s the (sort of) finished frame and fork:
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After the class ended, I went back to California and the frame sat around, taunting me.  I messed around with some logo ideas but realized they wouldn’t work on the thin downtube.  My inspiration was initially from the Columbine company’s head badge and late 19th century lettering styles.
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Later, inspired by some old pictures of Jacques Anquetil, I came up with a basic paint scheme:
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And then elaborated on it.
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I worked out the details with Cyclart in Vista and sent my frame to them for cleanup and paint.  Cyclart has a great staff and they were able to address my various minor mistakes like excessive brass on the fork dropouts and an ill-placed pump peg.  I gave them an old Silca Impero pump to match to the top tube color.  It took a while to get the frame back, but this was the result:
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At this point, I had to decide on components.  I wanted a traditional-looking build, but I also made a few concessions for convenience.  I wouldn’t use integrated shifters, but instead would use Gevenalle Audax brake levers with Silver shifters mounted at the end.  I had been saving a pair of Dia Compe 610 centerpull brakes for a couple of years to use on a bike like this.  For the drivetrain, I decided on a Campagnolo Veloce 10-speed rear derailleur with a 10-speed Centaur cassette.  I went with a reproduction René Herse crankset from Compass Bicycles with a 46/30t double chainring.  For the hubs, I used a White Industries rear hub and a SONdelux generator front hub.  The frame was drilled for internal electrical wiring so I could run lights front and back without having exposed wires. 
Here’s the frame with a Stronglight A9 headset, Dia Compe quick release brake hanger, crankset installed, and the H+Son TB14 rims built up.  The tires are 28mm Compass Chinook Pass Extralights.
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I tried to fit a Velo Orange randonneur rack to the frame with Honjo fenders and ran into a ton of problems.  The randonneur rack was beautiful, but ultimately I couldn’t make it work; the front fender kept running into the bottom of the rack and the rack kept interfering with the brake arms.
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In the back, I was alarmed to find that the cassette didn’t have enough room near the dropout for the chain to run on the smallest cog.  This was later solved with a 1mm spacer on the end of the hub.
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Around this time, I also had the good folks at The Bicycle Stand in Long Beach re-rake the fork from 45mm to 60mm.  The change was visually subtle, but should translate into a more stable front end when the bike is carrying a randonneur bag.  I also had them handle all of the internal wiring and install a different front rack that wouldn’t interfere with the brake or fender (a Nitto M18).
Once I got the bike back, I assembled all of the remaining components as quickly as possible.  After a few test rides and adjustments, I feel comfortable saying the bike is finished... for now.  The only things I’d like to add at this point are a randonneur bag, a headbadge, and decals for the Newvex lugs (Mr. Sachs was kind enough to mail me one) and Columbus Zona tubing I used.
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Thanks to Dan and Ron at UBI; my classmates who inspired me; the painters at Cyclart; Evan, Nicole, Mac, Josh, and Dave at The Bicycle Stand; and all of the frame builders who do this for a living.  It was an eye-opening experience and I’m tremendously grateful that I was fortunate enough to have it.
If you are interested in classes at UBI, I can’t recommend them enough.  The classes can be expensive, but there are various scholarships that may be available through UBI partners.  It’s worth asking to see if you qualify for any.
Full build info:
Frame: Sawyer Cycles Randonneuse (59cm ST c-c, 57.5cm TT) Tubing: Columbus Zona and Nova Lugs: Richard Sachs Newvex, Pacenti Artisan Crown, Pacenti BB Shell, Paragon Dropouts Crank: Compass/René Herse 46/30t Bottom Bracket: Phil Wood Stainless Pedals: Time ATAC Cassette: Campagnolo Centaur 10-speed 12-30t Derailleurs: Camapgnolo Veloce 10-speed (medium-cage rear) Brakes: Dia Compe 610 Rims: 700c H+Son TB14 (32h) Hubs: SONdelux, White Industries T11 Tires: Compass Chinook Pass Extralight 28mm Headset: Stronglight A9 Stem: Nitto NP Handlebars: Compass/Nitto Randonneur Decaleur: Compass/C.S. Hirose Brake Levers: Gevenalle Audax Shift Levers: Silver Seat Post: SimWorks Beatnik Saddle: Brooks Cambium C15 Carved Rack: Nitto M18 Fenders: Honjo Smooth Lights: SON Edelux II, B&M Lumotec Secula Plus Bottle Cages: King Cage Stainless Pump: Silca Impero
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blackkudos · 7 years
Ma Rainey
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"Ma" Rainey (born Gertrude Malissa Nix Pridgett, September 1882 or April 26, 1886 – December 22, 1939) was one of the earliest African American professional blues singers and one of the first generation of blues singers to record. She was billed as the Mother of the Blues.
She began performing as a young teenager and became known as Ma Rainey after her marriage to Will Rainey, in 1904. They toured with the Rabbit Foot Minstrels and later formed their own group, Rainey and Rainey, Assassinators of the Blues. Her first recording was made in 1923. In the next five years, she made over 100 recordings, including "Bo-Weevil Blues" (1923), "Moonshine Blues" (1923), "See See Rider Blues" (1924), "Black Bottom" (1927), and "Soon This Morning" (1927).
Rainey was known for her powerful vocal abilities, energetic disposition, majestic phrasing, and a "moaning" style of singing. Her powerful voice was never adequately captured on her records, because she recorded exclusively for Paramount, which was known for its below-average recording techniques and poor shellac quality. However, her other qualities are present and most evident in her early recordings "Bo-Weevil Blues" and "Moonshine Blues".
Rainey recorded with Louis Armstrong, and she toured and recorded with the Georgia Jazz Band. She continued to tour until 1935, when she retired and went to live in her hometown.
Life and career
Gertrude Pridgett claimed to have been born on April 26, 1886 (beginning with the 1910 census, taken April 25, 1910), in Columbus, Georgia. However, the 1900 census indicates she was born in September 1882 in Alabama, and researchers Bob Eagle and Eric LeBlanc suggest her birthplace as being in Russell County. She was the second of five children of Thomas and Ella (née Allen) Pridgett, from Alabama. She had at least two brothers and a sister, Malissa, with whom Gertrude was later confused by some writers.
She began her career as a performer at a talent show in Columbus, Georgia, when she was about 12 to 14 years old. A member of the First African Baptist Church, she began performing in black minstrel shows. She later claimed that she was first exposed to blues music around 1902. She formed the Alabama Fun Makers Company with her husband, Will Rainey, but in 1906 they both joined Pat Chappelle's much larger and more popular Rabbit's Foot Company, in which they were billed together as "Black Face Song and Dance Comedians, Jubilee Singers [and] Cake Walkers". In 1910, she was described as "Mrs. Gertrude Rainey, our coon shouter". She continued with the Rabbit's Foot Company after it was taken over by a new owner, F. S. Wolcott, in 1912.
Beginning in 1914, the Raineys were billed as Rainey and Rainey, Assassinators of the Blues. Wintering in New Orleans, she met numerous musicians, including Joe "King" Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and Pops Foster. As the popularity of blues music increased, she became well known. Around this time, she met Bessie Smith, a young blues singer who was also making a name for herself. A story later developed that Rainey kidnapped Smith, forced her join the Rabbit's Foot Minstrels, and taught her to sing the blues; the story was disputed by Smith's sister-in-law Maud Smith.
From the late 1910s, there was an increasing demand for recordings by black musicians. In 1920, Mamie Smith was the first black woman to be recorded. In 1923, Rainey was discovered by Paramount Records producer J. Mayo Williams. She signed a recording contract with Paramount, and in December she made her first eight recordings in Chicago, including "Bad Luck Blues", "Bo-Weevil Blues" and "Moonshine Blues". She made more than 100 other recordings over the next five years, which brought her fame beyond the South. Paramount marketed her extensively, calling her the "Mother of the Blues", the "Songbird of the South", the "Gold-Neck Woman of the Blues" and the "Paramount Wildcat".
In 1924 she made some recordings with Louis Armstrong, including "Jelly Bean Blues", "Countin' the Blues" and "See, See Rider". In the same year she embarked on a tour of the Theater Owners Booking Association (TOBA) in the South and Midwest of the United States, singing for black and white audiences. She was accompanied by the bandleader and pianist Thomas Dorsey and the band he assembled, the Wildcats Jazz Band. They began their tour with an appearance in Chicago in April 1924 and continued, on and off, until 1928. Dorsey left the group in 1926 because of ill health and was replaced as pianist by Lillian Hardaway Henderson, the wife of Rainey's cornetist Fuller Henderson, who became the band's leader.
Some of Rainey's lyrics contain references to lesbianism or bisexuality, such as the 1928 song "Prove It on Me":
They said I do it, ain't nobody caught me. Sure got to prove it on me. Went out last night with a crowd of my friends. They must've been women, cause I don't like no men.
According to the website queerculturalcenter.org, the lyrics refer to an incident in 1925 in which Rainey was "arrested for taking part in an orgy at [her] home involving women in her chorus." "Prove It on Me" further alludes to presumed lesbian behavior: "It's true I wear a collar and a tie... Talk to the gals just like any old man."
The political activist and scholar Angela Y. Davis noted that "'Prove It on Me' is a cultural precursor to the lesbian cultural movement of the 1970s, which began to crystallize around the performance and recording of lesbian-affirming songs." Towards the end of the 1920s, live vaudeville went into decline, being replaced by radio and recordings. Rainey's career was not immediately affected; she continued recording for Paramount and earned enough money from touring to buy a bus with her name on it. In 1928, she worked with Dorsey again and recorded 20 songs, before Paramount terminated her contract. Her style of blues was no longer considered fashionable by the label.
In 1935, Rainey returned to her hometown, Columbus, Georgia, where she ran three theatres, the Lyric the Airdrome, and The Liberty Theatre until her death. She died of a heart attack in 1939, at the age of 53, in Rome, Georgia.
Rainey was inducted into the Blues Foundation's Hall of Fame in 1983 and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990.
Bob Dylan referred to Rainey in the song "Tombstone Blues" on his 1965 album Highway 61 Revisited, pairing her with Beethoven, perhaps as symbols of great art, a compliment to Rainey's stature as an artist ("where Ma Rainey and Beethoven once unwrapped their bedroll").
In 1981 Sandra Lieb wrote the first full-length book about Rainey, Mother of the Blues: A Study of Ma Rainey.
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, a 1982 play by August Wilson, is a fictionalized account of the recording of her song of the same title in December 1927.
Sterling A. Brown wrote a poem, "Ma Rainey", in 1932, about how "When Ma Rainey / comes to town" people everywhere would hear her sing.
In 1994, the U.S. Post Office issued a 29-cent commemorative postage stamp honoring her.
In 2004, "See See Rider Blues" (written in 1925) was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame and was added to the National Recording Registry by the National Recording Preservation Board of the Library of Congress.
Academy Award winner Mo'Nique played Rainey in the 2015 film Bessie.
The first annual Ma Rainey Blues Festival will be held in April 2016 in Columbus, Georgia, near the home that Rainey owned and lived in at the time of her death.
This sortable table presents all 94 titles recorded by Rainey.
The recording dates are approximate.
The classification by Sandra Lieb is almost entirely by form. Blues songs which are only partly of twelve-bar structure are classified as mixtures of blues and popular song forms. Blues songs without any twelve-bar or eight-bar structure are classified as non-blues.
The JSP and DOCD columns refer to the two complete CD reissues.
Click any label to sort. To return to chronological order, click #.
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Princess Dating Orange City Florida
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There are lots of single women in Orange City, Florida and surrounding areas. Sign Up Now With LetsHangOut.com and start chatting with single girls. Use the categories to browse profiles and personals for Christian women, black women, white women, latina females, Asian women, Republican ladies, Democrat women, tall women, gamer girls, older/mature women, pet lover gals, blondes, brunettes, red heads and many more single women in Orange City, FL. There are even more single ladies available for dating throughout the entire site. Everything is free, so there is nothing to lose!
Princess Dating Orange City Florida Map
Profiles of Orange City dating singles found in the following zip/postal code areas of: 32763, 32774 The city of Orange City, FL is located the following counties or area within Florida, United States: Volusia County
Princess Dating Orange City Florida Facebook
1. Las Vegas, NV
2. Houston, TX
3. San Antonio, TX
4. Indianapolis, IN
5. Fort Worth, TX
6. Jacksonville, FL
7. Portland, OR
8. New York City, NY
9. Phoenix, AZ
10. Chicago, IL
11. Stockton, CA
12. Dallas, TX
13. Fayetteville, NC
14. Cincinnati, OH
15. Buffalo, NY
16. Bakersfield, CA
17. Denver, CO
18. Los Angeles, CA
19. Philadelphia, PA
20. San Bernardino, CA
21. Sacramento, CA
22. Norfolk, VA
23. Spokane, WA
24. Tacoma, WA
25. San Jose, CA
26. Des Moines, IA
27. Madison, AL
28. Louisville, KY
29. Colorado Springs, CO
30. Pittsburgh, PA
31. Charlotte, NC
32. Dayton, OH
33. Nashville, TN
34. San Francisco, CA
35. Milwaukee, WI
36. Lubbock, TX
37. Ocala, FL
38. Salem, OR
39. Columbus, OH
40. Anaheim, CA
41. San Diego, CA
42. Marysville, WA
43. Lancaster, OH
44. Minneapolis, MN
45. Boise, ID
46. Detroit Lakes, MN
47. Hemet, CA
48. Jacksonville, TX
49. Roseville, MI
50. Springdale, AR
51. Austin, TX
52. Longview, WA
53. Wichita, KS
54. Charleston, WV
55. The Bronx, NY
56. Lawrenceburg, TN
57. Fort Lauderdale, FL
58. Lufkin, TX
59. El Cajon, CA
60. North Portland, OR
61. Springfield, MO
62. Vancouver, WA
63. Paducah, KY
64. Hollywood, FL
65. Tyler, TX
66. Marietta, GA
67. Seattle, WA
68. Tallahassee, FL
69. Fargo, ND
70. Kansas City, MO
71. Tucson, AZ
72. Baltimore, MD
73. Dalton, GA
74. Hudson, FL
75. Atlanta, GA
76. Greenville, SC
77. Vallejo, CA
78. Visalia, CA
79. Merrill, WI
80. Pittsburg, CA
81. Oklahoma City, OK
82. Mesa, AZ
83. Poplar Bluff, MO
84. Marion, OH
85. Bristol, TN
86. San Marcos, TX
87. Detroit, MI
88. Everett, WA
89. Winter Haven, FL
90. Panama City, FL
91. Naples, FL
92. West Allis, WI
93. Knoxville, TN
94. Bay City, MI
95. Bullhead City, AZ
96. Redding, CA
97. Birmingham, AL
98. Clarksville, TN
99. Jonesboro, AR
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agplus3 · 4 years
Job Openings! 1-30-2020
If you see a job you are interested in or may be qualified for and want more details on that job, message me with the Job Title, City and State of that job and I can get you all the information needed!
 Also, like and follow my page AG Plus 3 Recruiting to stay up to date with the most recent job openings!! You can find me on Instagram, Liknedin, FB Page and Twitter!
 Just because you don’t see a job listing in your city or state, doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t one. It might just mean I didn’t get to that one today. You can always message me and ask what it is you’re looking for and I will be happy to take a look 😊
Morrisonville, WI
$1 - $76,000 / yr
Jan 19, 2020
This full-time, permanent Electrical Mechanical Controls Engineer career opportunity is at a growing, custom part manufacturer that is diverse across a variety of industries. The company promotes a work-life balance and a family-friendly environment. Employee tenure is ten years as employees like working here. This flat structured organization is free of bureaucracy and politics. The successful candidate's duties and responsibilities should include the following:
Learning the software to schedule the machines, preventative maintenance and so on
Gathering information from equipment
Coordinating the system to collect real-time data
Some domestic traveling (mostly in Wisconsin)
The background of the successful candidate should include the following:
A solid job history
Someone that wants to grow with the company
Two or more years of PLC automation experience
Two or more years of mechanical experience
A desire to learn and grow into management
Greenville, NC
Jan 21, 2020
Join a global leader as the Plant Process Engineer to be involved in continuous improvement and process support for the continuous process production units. Offers excellent benefits including salary, bonus, and relocation package.
--- Supports Manufacturing Excellence initiatives.
--- Monitors and analyzes daily production for at least one product area. Analyzes data generated by the laboratory and identifies trends. Recognizes production problems, investigates and recommends solutions to correct them.
--- Involved in facilities, procedural and process improvements to maintain and improve production quality, safety, cost and efficiency.  Lead related projects for plant expansions or improvements.
--- Participates in quality investigations as directed.
--- Prepares, reviews, and approves production records including operating procedures, recipes, JSA’s, and change requests.
--- Interacts with Technicians on production and compliance related changes in procedures. Conducts formalized training for operative personnel as necessary.
--- Investigates and prepares reports related to production problems, customer complaints/inquiries, material reconciliation, process deviations, and efficiency and schedule variances.
--- Assists with plans to reduce COGS by continuously improving efficiencies, processing times, reducing labor and material costs, reducing maintenance costs and controlling expense budgets.
--- Conducts trials to ensure continuous improvement of the manufacturing process and to develop or validate new products at the site.
--- BS Chemical or Mechanical Engineering with 5+ years Process/ Production experience in a process plant with problem solving and troubleshooting skills.
--- Industry background should include chemicals, pharmaceuticals, textiles, plastics, or other process manufacturing operations.
--- Familiar with heat/ mass transfer, fluid dynamics, kinetics, and multiple unit operations.
--- Knowledge of Six Sigma; Lean: SAP; RCA; EHS; ISO; SPC
--- Requires US Citizenship or Green Card
Greenville, NC
$85,000 - $115,000 / yr
Jan 21, 2020
Great opportunity to join a global leader as the Maintenance/ Reliability Engineer, accountable for the performance of mechanical & structural equipment such as pipes, valves, pumps, conveyors, and rotating & fixed equipment for the material processing and chemical plants. Participate in Plant Continuous Improvement projects/ efforts by supporting Best Practice Maintenance and Reliability initiatives.  Client offers excellent compensation, benefits, and relocation options.
--- Establish/ improve site-wide Mechanical Integrity initiatives and defining MI responsibilities for area maintenance personnel (Superintendents/General Supervisors/Planners/Maintenance
 --- Coordinate site-wide PM program which includes vibration monitoring and oil analysis
 --- Provide maintenance engineering/reliability engineering support for multiple plant operations
 --- Site-wide MI implementation includes storage tank mechanical integrity, pressure vessel and relief valve inspection and repair, maintenance procedure development, maintenance personnel training, critical spare identification/inspection/testing, and repair quality assurance/documentation
 --- Coordinate the Reliability Technician program which includes thickness testing, alloy analysis, failure analysis, generation of condition reports, and fabrication quality assurance
 --- Identify and manage asset reliability risks that could adversely affect plant or business operations
 --- Participate in and conduct internal PSM Audits to verify processes
 --- Participate in the Corporate Manufacturing Reliability Council which identifies, develops, and shares best practices among all sites
 --- Support the Reliability Enhancement Process by serving on PM and Spare Parts Review Teams and implementing a root cause failure analysis and corrective action process
 --- Perform Safety initiatives and Safety Audits
 --- BS in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with 5+ years maintenance/ reliability engineering experience in PSM compliant plants including chemical, pulp & paper, refinery, or related industries
 --- Experience with reliability improvement processes: planning/scheduling, root cause failure analysis, PM Improvement, key performance indicators, and reliability engineering
 --- Knowledge and technical expertise in the Mechanical Integrity portion of Process Safety Management
 --- Familiar with OSHA, MSHA, RCA, ASME, CMMS, RCM
 --- US Citizen or Permanent Resident (green card) required
Columbus, OH
$80,000 - $90,000 / yr
Jan 21, 2020
Under supervision of the General Manager and/or Pre-Construction Manager/Construction Manager, performs administrative and professional architectural work by managing projects from pre-construction through completion of each project. Provides leadership to the project and coordinate with the internal and external project design team in the design of construction projects. Serves as the liaison between the design team and the construction personnel.
Duties/Examples of Work
The following is a list of representative duties. Other duties may be assigned that may reasonably follow and relate to essential tasks.
1. Plans and prepares construction drawings of project for bids
2. Manages projects at all phases: design development, bidding and contract development, construction phase and follow-up to the completion
3. Oversees the productions of consultants (outside engineers and architects if applicable) for accuracy and assurance of compliance to our client standards
4. Maintain an up-to-date file or library of sample materials and catalogues
5. Attend project meetings
6. Accountable for receiving approved submittals from Architect or Engineer and notifying Project Management of potential schedule impact
7. Submit building permit application, follow-up on review progress and receive upon approval. Submit Check Request (Urgent Pay Request) to Accounting for associated fees according to Urgent Pay Request procedures
8. Prepares as-built drawing at the completion of project
Knowledge and Abilities
1. Knowledge of all applicable codes and regulatory agency guidelines
2. Considerable knowledge of the modern principles and practices of architecture
3. Familiar with standard concepts, practices and procedures within the construction field
4. Ability to review, analyze, and make recommendations regarding designs, plans, and specifications
5. Ability to coordinate and plan the work of technical and professional personnel both internally and externally
6. Ability to interpret and carry out complex oral and written instructions including the reading and interpretation of blueprints and specifications
7. Strong and effective communicator, both verbally and written, who can interface cooperatively with various departments of the company, as well as clients and subcontractors
8. Possess good organizational, analytical and problem solving ability
9. Detail oriented with the ability to multi-task
10. Proficient in use of AutoCAD and Microsoft Project software; have working knowledge of calculator, personal computer and other miscellaneous office machines
11. Represent the company at all times with high moral and ethical conduct
12. Willingness to provide leadership and management
13. Ability to travel as needed
Environmental and Physical Demands of the Position
1. Typical office and construction site environment
2. Physically fit to walk in the construction site from one end to the other, ability to climb up to the roof, stairs, etc. to monitor construction activities
3. Bending/twisting and reaching
4. Far vision at 20 feet or further; near vision at 20 inches or less
5. Lifting and carrying 50 pounds or less
6. Sitting, standing, walking, climbing and stooping
7. Talking and hearing; use of the phone
8. Hold a valid US driver’s license
Equipment Used
Standard office equipment such as calculator, fax machine, photocopier, electric paper punch, computer workstation, and telephone.
Education and Experience
Graduation from an accredited college or university with a degree in Architecture with 10 years of experience (post-degree minimum) in commercial and industrial architecture with 5+ years managing sizeable projects. Registration as an Architect is required. US NCARB certification is required. Architecture or equivalent degree
Denver, CO
$150,000 - $185,000 / yr
Jan 21, 2020
Job Description for:                        Vice President, Pre-Construction
FLSA Classification:                         EXEMPT
Summary of Duties:
Develop, improve and maintain relations between client and their respective customers, vendors and subcontractors. Provide executive leadership, planning and mentorship for all client companies. Provide management, mentorship, training and leadership for the estimating and engineering departments.
Primary Responsibilities:
 Develop and maintain an overall sense of the construction market.
Review, analyze and incorporate preconstruction and operations data into future estimates/budgets/proposals.
Provide leadership, guidance and assistance in the closing of bids, budgets and proposals.
Define, review, modify and manage to the overall preconstruction budget.
Liaison between the preconstruction department and the rest of the client Departments.
Provide consistent products, services and solutions for internal and external customers.
Relay and enforce client’s safety, quality, vision and other core values throughout all of the client companies.
Review and approve estimating and engineering manpower and salary adjustments.
Provide leadership for the executive assistant, chief estimator, engineering manager and conceptual senior estimators, preconstruction managers, and preconstruction coordinators.
Provide leadership and direction for all preconstruction employees.
Define, review and modify estimating & engineering guidelines/standards.
Develop solutions for internal and external issues as they relate to the preconstruction department.
Assist in the development of solutions for internal and external issues as they relate to other client departments.
Determine control margins for client bids.
Manage, create and submit status change forms for all estimating and engineering personnel.
Effectively manage time and able to delegate tasks/responsibilities to direct reports.
Drive accountability through the preconstruction department.
Develop and maintain the department budget.
Develops cross training opportunities across departments and clear paths for the long-term development and advancement of our employees leading to increased performance and retention.
Measures and maximizes ROI.
Ultimate accountability for performance results of the organization.
Selects, guides, and leads sales team and staff to maximize effectiveness.
Develop annual sales plans based on annual goals, commission process oversight.
Develop mechanical targeted projects and strategy as well as accurate mechanical preconstruction projects
Provide overall insight on all proposals
Customer peer growth in Estimating, final review of high-profile estimates. Final decision on cost related items and margin
Develops communication strategies and a common language to streamline internal and external communication.
Participates in contract negotiations to mitigate risk and maximize opportunity.
Attend weekly preconstruction meetings and run weekly sales meetings.
Customer service, customer meetings
Comply with all company policies and procedures.
All employees are accountable for safety and health and are empowered to stop work if an unsafe condition is present. Employees should immediately notify their supervisor so that the hazard is corrected.
Client employees and subcontractors are required to implement and maintain all safety and health systems practices including the training requirements of client Orientation and CPR/First Aid/AED/Blood borne Pathogens.
Prompt, punctual, and regular attendance during core business hours, in an office environment (not a telecommuting position), currently located in the Stapleton area of Denver, including a reliable means of transport to and from work. Ability to occasionally to travel between corporate offices and jobsites within the Denver Metro Area, during work hours.
Executive Career Level:
15+ years of experience in commercial preconstruction planning and operations project leadership experience, including leadership of a team.
University degree in Engineering, Architecture, and Construction Management or with equivalent combination of skills and experience preferred.
Top level of leadership for major corporate function or strategic business group.
Denver, CO
$55,000 - $70,000 / yr
Jan 21, 2020
Brick Staffing has an excellent opportunity for an Estimator with a great client in the Detailed Description:
• Ability to work autonomously to perform all essential duties to produce accurate and complete estimates and proposals for restoration and reconstruction projects
• Prepare subcontractor bid lists and bid packages
• Foster and maintain relationships with engineers, architect's, subcontractors and clients • Produce accurate quality take-offs • Attend on-site pre-bid/proposal conferences and site visits
• Develop and review subcontractor scopes of work and accept, review, and analyze subcontractor quotes for best value
• Prepare project bid status reports and ensure compliance with all specifications and Engineer Scopes of Work and Bid Invitations.
• Present cost estimates to meet customer proposals, providing consideration for general and special conditions.
• Prepare scope specifications and requirements, prepare and inputs project schedules, perform quantity takeoffs, prepare cost summary sheets, and input quantities into estimating software
• Review Company jobs and compare on a timely basis to as-sold estimates to confirm accuracy of estimate
• Understanding of construction means and methods to ensure all scopes of work are covered.
Experience: 3-4 years’ experience in estimating residential and or commercial restoration / remodeling
Education: Bachelor’s degree preferably in Construction Management or 5 years employment experience in residential or commercial remodeling
Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Excel and quantity take off software such as OST, Plan Swift, Blue Beam or similar
Smyrna, GA
$58,000 - $64,000 / yr
Jan 21, 2020
Top tier distribution company is looking for a Distribution/Warehouse Supervisor with a global organization. They offer an excellent compensation and benefits package.
 This is the second shift in a fast paced DC.
Must Have:
Bachelor’s degree a plus
3+ years of supervisory or management experience in a distribution center;
Warehouse management systems experience
Excel, AS-400, ERP System experience;
Lean certifications a plus
Experience in E-Commence shipping
Key Responsibilities:
Assist the Logistics Manager in oversite of all warehouse operations including inventory, order fulfillment and the movement of goods out of the warehouse/distribution center;
Management of the warehouse/distribution center including interviewing, hiring, training, coaching and development of employees;
Establish and lead operational procedures for shipments, materials and inventory;
Consult with others to ensure the coordination of other warehouse activities including customer service, sales and maintenance;
Ensure safe operation of the warehouse such as sanitation, maintenance, safety, and security;
Lead efficient operations while partnering with Managers/Supervisors across the entire facility;
Monitor and ensure that KPIs are met in a timely and efficient manner;
Severna Park, MD
$90,000 - $125,000 / yr
Jan 21, 2020
Our client is a highly respected and regarded company that provides industry-leading data, as well as research, analytics and events to operators and investors.
The Client Account Manager is responsible for managing and growing an existing account base, through contract renewal, cross-sell and up-sell activities, while building strong client relationships with existing clients of the Data Service, comprised of capital providers, operators, developers and investors.  The successful candidate will have a proven track record of consistently meeting or exceeding sales targets, performance measures and client satisfaction standards and has a passion for delivering an exceptional client experience.
To perform this job successfully an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Incumbents will be evaluated, in part, based on performance of each essential function.  Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential functions.
 Directly responsible for managing renewal sales of an existing $6+MM book of business, surpassing 200+ accounts.
Meet or exceed quarterly and annual renewal sales and retention goals.
Conduct contract reviews with clients and negotiate annual and multi-year subscription contract terms and pricing.
Actively identify and close upsell opportunities.
Deliver high quality client services and client retention through proactive account management, training and relationship management of clients.
Understand the value of the Data Service products and pricing, as well as competitive offerings, with the ability to articulate value in a meaningful way to clients.
Maintain subject-matter proficiency of all data product offerings and associated value propositions.
Provide product development recommendations based on direct experience with clients.
Limited, at most four times per year in conjunction with corporate sponsored and industry events.
Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent experience.
3+ years in a high-touch client services, account management or sales role, preferably from a leading SaaS, business intelligence, financial services or technology-based company.
Documented history exceeding quarterly and annual renewal sales and retention targets in a metrics-based selling environment.
Prior contract negotiation experience required.
Prior experience working with data and product solutions focused on analytical data sets.
Excellent time management and organizational skills, with proven ability to multitask within a fast-paced environment, with exceptional attention to detail.
Solutions focused, with the ability to creatively conceptualize new ideas and drive strategy.
Excellent written/verbal communication skills.
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and Salesforce (or comparable CRM systems).
Covington, TN
Jan 21, 2020
I am recruiting for a well established manufacturer in the Memphis area that has an immediate need for a Warehouse Manager-.
Summary:Responsible for managing all aspects of the  warehouse operations including order pulling, replenishment, staging, shipping/receiving, and employee recruitment and evaluations in a timely and cost-effective manner to meet company strategic and profit objectives.
Primary functions (must do):Develop, implement and continuously improve the warehouse operations. Active replenishment, order pulling wave sequence to meet or exceed all customer expectations, productivity and quality management, staging strategy, house keeping, warehouse layout improvements, inventory management, truck load management, receiving strategy, and order/picking accuracy.
Exercise leadership in organizing the efforts of the warehouse to focus on the achievement of objectives. Control labor expenses by flexing staffing and responding to changing sales volume levels to achieve budgeted plan (cost per pound). Conduct cycle counts and annual physical inventories and strive to maintain ongoing finished goods accuracy. Perform audits and ensure all quality, safety, and environmental standards are fulfilled. Issues work schedule, reviews employee time records for accuracy and approves/controls any overtime. Counsel employees about work performance and attendance. Issue personnel action notices to document both positive and negative situations. Maintain a safe, clean work environment for all employees. Ensures that all employees are following proper company policies and procedures. Other duties may be assigned.
Education and/or Experience:
· 5+ Years experience in warehousing or manufacturing for a high volume multi product manufacture.
· BS degree in business or logistics or equivalent supervisory experience.
Must have: Reading skills enough to understand complex documents. Writing skills enough to explain complex information. Verbal skills enough to explain complex information. And must be proficient in all company computer programs and systems provided to meet departmental objectives. Must have skills enough to analyze and interpret data and statistics compiled or presented to the department for use in performing the essential functions of the position. Must be able to take complex and diverse information or situations which have several probable correct paths and compile information in a manner that allows problems to be solved in a reasonable fashion.
Brookfield, WI
Jan 21, 2020
Hospice RN for on-call team Greater Milwaukee area
Become the 5th RN on the team (3rd FT) to care for hospice patients and families after hours.
2 weeknights and every other weekend
Locally owed well rated company with continuous growth due to quality of care and compassion of staff.
Great support upline.
Excellent salary and benefits
Night owl
Previous hospice experience
Current non-restricted WI RN License
Sound reasoning and analytical thinker
Decision maker
Ability to think on your feet
Supportive and compassionate work style
Team player
Large service area but you're never alone. 2 on-call RN's EVERY shift!
Queens, NY
Jan 21, 2020
Steel Shop Estimator
Our client, a family business in a New York Borough, is looking for an experienced Estimator to analyze blueprints, specifications, proposals, and other documentation to prepare time, cost, and labor estimates for products, projects, or services
Job Duties:
Prepares an itemized list to review data to determine material and labor requirements
Computes cost factors and prepares estimates used for management purposes such as planning, organizing, and scheduling work
Preparing bids and selecting vendors or subcontractors to determine cost effectiveness
Conducts special studies to develop and establish standard hour and related cost data or effect cost reductions
Consults with clients, vendors, or other individuals to discuss and formulate estimates and resolve issues
Interfaces with other individuals in the organization to obtain support and commitment to the cost estimates
Organizes and manages a centralized cost estimating database and a formal process to support cost estimating to ensure historical data is utilized
Analyzes completed projects to compare estimated costs to actual costs and determine the reason for any discrepancies.
Experience producing CAD shop drawings
 Synthesizes complex or diverse information and presents collected and analyzed data effectively to collect and research data
Uses intuition and experience to complement data
Strives to continuously build knowledge and skills while keeping abreast of current developments
Demonstrates attention to detail
Gathers and analyzes information skillfully
Communicates changes and progress and completes projects on time within a reasonable budget
Develops and implements cost saving measures
Monitors own work to ensure quality
Able to read architectural and structural plans and develop cost estimates
 Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Applied Science, Civil Engineering or related field or equal work experience
 English required
Recruiters Take:
“What I saw when I visited the company was a great team that has years of experience and is very dedicated to the art of steel.  The company is well attuned to the challenges in this ever changing market place, and because management has decades of experience in working well with both customers and employees the business is well run and lacks the chaos seen in other shop
If the stars were made to worship, so will I.
John 16:33
0 notes
savannahsgolfclub · 5 years
Stewart’s son Aaron carries his legacy
20 years after golfer Payne Stewart’s tragic death, son Aaron carries his legacy
Aaron Stewart spent his summers on the road as a PGA Tour kid. The behind-the-scenes visits at the Columbus Zoo during the Memorial Tournament stand out among his favorite memories as well as the “music man” under the big tree on Hilton Head Island.
He grew up on tournament golf.
It’s not surprising that Stewart would want to follow in the footsteps of his father, Payne, a three-time major winner and sporting icon. A humble Aaron calls it more of a blessing than an expectation that he’s now back in golf. The former SMU player (just like dad) was recently named vice president of sports marketing for Diamond Resorts and executive director of the LPGA’s Diamond Resorts Tournament of Champions.
Oct. 25 marks the 20th anniversary of the day Payne’s tragic death played out on television screens across the country. Four months after Payne won the U.S. Open at Pinehurst, a private Learjet carrying the golfer and five others crashed near Aberdeen, South Dakota, after flying on autopilot for several hours.
“The fact that this is 20 years is pretty crazy to me,” said Aaron. “To think that amount of time has gone by.”
Aaron said he recently did an interview for PGA Tour radio with his sister Chelsea, who works for AT&T, and they talked about how their dad would’ve gotten along in today’s PC society. Imagine trying to control him on Twitter, Chelsea said.
“It never came from a mean-spirited place,” said Aaron of his father’s jokes. “Everybody knew that’s Payne having a good time. He was able to get away with it.”
Aaron, 30, looks a lot like Payne. People tell him that all the time. They also tell stories, and Aaron never tires of hearing them. The Stewart family still keeps in touch with many of the PGA Tour families Aaron and Chelsea grew up with.
After completing the program, Stewart landed a job that had over 400 employees reporting to him.
“He was special,” said Flaskey of Stewart taking on such a hefty role at a young age.He grew up on tournament golf.
After several years as National OPC Program Manager and Regional Marketing Director, Stewart and his wife, Naiara, took a break from work to travel the world, an adventure that had long been in the making.
They visited 40 countries that year, spending the most time visiting family from their mom, Tracey’s, native Australia.
One of the reasons Flaskey created the Diamond Resorts TOC was to focus on a younger demographic. Millennials account for 12 percent of Diamond’s total membership.
  “We know millennials want to travel,” said Flaskey. “They want to get out there and go.”
When Aaron and his wife returned to the U.S., they decided to move back to Orlando, Florida. He returned to the company in March as Director of National Partnerships.
The 2020 Diamond Resorts TOC takes place Jan. 16-19 on Tranquilo Golf Course at Four Seasons Golf and Sports Club Orlando. Winners from the last two seasons are invited to play alongside sports stars and celebrities. Eun-Hee Ji won the 2019 edition along with former Atlanta Braves pitcher John Smoltz.
The tournament, which averaged 15,000 fans over the weekend in its debut, aims to be the biggest party on tour. To that end, there will be three concerts in 2020. While LPGA pros compete for $1.2 million over 72 holes, the celebrities vie for their own $500,000 purse using a modified Stableford format. The event has raised $3.5 million for children’s healthcare.
With the LPGA adding a second stop in south Florida after the TOC – the Gainbridge LPGA at Boca Rio – the field at Tranquilo might be stronger in 2020. Michelle Wie’s victory at the 2018 HSBC Women’s World Championship makes her eligible for the season-opener should be healthy enough to compete.
Part of what attracted Flaskey to bring back a TOC format to the LPGA was the fact that it’s an earned event. In Stewart, he has found a man who is uniquely qualified to lead it.
“We just think that growing up in a lifetime of golf brings credibility to our event,” said Flaskey of Payne’s only son. “It helps us really take it to the next level.”
The post Stewart’s son Aaron carries his legacy appeared first on Savannahs Golf Club.
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ellsworthmeadowsgc · 5 years
He grew up on tournament golf.
20 years after golfer Payne Stewart’s tragic death, son Aaron carries his legacy
Aaron Stewart spent his summers on the road as a PGA Tour kid. The behind-the-scenes visits at the Columbus Zoo during the Memorial Tournament stand out among his favorite memories as well as the “music man” under the big tree on Hilton Head Island.
He grew up on tournament golf.
It’s not surprising that Stewart would want to follow in the footsteps of his father, Payne, a three-time major winner and sporting icon. A humble Aaron calls it more of a blessing than an expectation that he’s now back in golf. The former SMU player (just like dad) was recently named vice president of sports marketing for Diamond Resorts and executive director of the LPGA’s Diamond Resorts Tournament of Champions.
Oct. 25 marks the 20th anniversary of the day Payne’s tragic death played out on television screens across the country. Four months after Payne won the U.S. Open at Pinehurst, a private Learjet carrying the golfer and five others crashed near Aberdeen, South Dakota, after flying on autopilot for several hours.
“The fact that this is 20 years is pretty crazy to me,” said Aaron. “To think that amount of time has gone by.”
Aaron said he recently did an interview for PGA Tour radio with his sister Chelsea, who works for AT&T, and they talked about how their dad would’ve gotten along in today’s PC society. Imagine trying to control him on Twitter, Chelsea said.
“It never came from a mean-spirited place,” said Aaron of his father’s jokes. “Everybody knew that’s Payne having a good time. He was able to get away with it.”
Aaron, 30, looks a lot like Payne. People tell him that all the time. They also tell stories, and Aaron never tires of hearing them. The Stewart family still keeps in touch with many of the PGA Tour families Aaron and Chelsea grew up with.
After completing the program, Stewart landed a job that had over 400 employees reporting to him.
“He was special,” said Flaskey of Stewart taking on such a hefty role at a young age.He grew up on tournament golf.
After several years as National OPC Program Manager and Regional Marketing Director, Stewart and his wife, Naiara, took a break from work to travel the world, an adventure that had long been in the making.
They visited 40 countries that year, spending the most time visiting family from their mom, Tracey’s, native Australia.
One of the reasons Flaskey created the Diamond Resorts TOC was to focus on a younger demographic. Millennials account for 12 percent of Diamond’s total membership.
  “We know millennials want to travel,” said Flaskey. “They want to get out there and go.”
When Aaron and his wife returned to the U.S., they decided to move back to Orlando, Florida. He returned to the company in March as Director of National Partnerships.
The 2020 Diamond Resorts TOC takes place Jan. 16-19 on Tranquilo Golf Course at Four Seasons Golf and Sports Club Orlando. Winners from the last two seasons are invited to play alongside sports stars and celebrities. Eun-Hee Ji won the 2019 edition along with former Atlanta Braves pitcher John Smoltz.
The tournament, which averaged 15,000 fans over the weekend in its debut, aims to be the biggest party on tour. To that end, there will be three concerts in 2020. While LPGA pros compete for $1.2 million over 72 holes, the celebrities vie for their own $500,000 purse using a modified Stableford format. The event has raised $3.5 million for children’s healthcare.
With the LPGA adding a second stop in south Florida after the TOC – the Gainbridge LPGA at Boca Rio – the field at Tranquilo might be stronger in 2020. Michelle Wie’s victory at the 2018 HSBC Women’s World Championship makes her eligible for the season-opener should be healthy enough to compete.
Part of what attracted Flaskey to bring back a TOC format to the LPGA was the fact that it’s an earned event. In Stewart, he has found a man who is uniquely qualified to lead it.
“We just think that growing up in a lifetime of golf brings credibility to our event,” said Flaskey of Payne’s only son. “It helps us really take it to the next level.”
The post He grew up on tournament golf. appeared first on Ellsworth Meadows.
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